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Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice.
Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with
ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.
© 1997-2018 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.
Become a Leader in the Loop
A transition to an outcome-based organization
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
In 2019 and beyond the CIO will be asked to deliver much more: as a business partner, a trusted
technology advisor and a key driving force in the present and future relevance of their organization. The
pressure is on to become more a than a supplier of services and executor of projects.
As the business’s technological steward, the CIO must help their organization adopt emerging
technologies with an eye to their long-term impact. The CIO must educate their organization about new
ways to deploy existing technology, enabled by changes in the technology landscape. Finally, the CIO
must help their organization grow, not just operationally, but as a service provider that puts customers
at the forefront.
Accomplish this by becoming a leader in the loop. Use Info-Tech’s approach to emerging technology
to take a strategic position when it comes to trend adoption.
What is the loop?
Digital Twin
User-Facing AI
Blockchain 2.0
“The loop” describes the steps for getting from a starting point to a
result. Throughout human history, objectives and operations follow
“the loop.” The loop consists of four parts: input, process, control,
and output. Each of these components is connected to a technology
from the 2019 CIO Trend Report.
Input: The materials, commands, and data
that will be used to derive a finished
User-Facing AI: The automation of user
and/or customer-facing tasks to decrease
the burden on human support service
providers while increasing user
Process: The steps taken to study, synthesize,
break down and reconstruct the inputs into a
finished product.
Robotics: Encompasses robotic process automation
(RPA), the automation of virtual or clerical
processes with software “taskbots” and robotic
automation of physical tasks by machines.
Output: The result of the previous three
stages presented in a way that is
actionable to the stakeholder.
Digital Twin: The creation of digital
models of real-life objects using data from
sensors on the objects themselves.
Control: Ensures the right information is
transferred to the right stakeholders in relation to
the finished product.
Blockchain 2.0: A “distributed ledger” that
removes reliance on a single master copy of a
digital record by storing multiple duplications of
the record on different devices.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group 4
The increased proliferation and sophistication of technology means
there are more choices than ever for your business. Leadership in
the loop is about providing stewardship in the learning and
adoption of new technologies.
Providing leadership in the loop is not easy for an IT leader. To
become a leader in the loop, the CIO must learn about changes in
the technology environmental, adopt emerging technology
strategically, and grow by delivering on outcomes – both business
and human.
What is leadership in
the loop?
How do you become a leader in the
Focus technology adoption efforts on technologies that can stack together. Throughout history, technologies have stacked together to create new
use cases that multiplied the benefits of the individual technologies. This report explores how technologies from Info-Tech’s trend report last year
have combined to create new use cases.
Adopt emerging technology
Learn about technologies that will impact the business and social environment. These are shifts that change the way we deploy and
use other technologies. A leader in the loop must learn about them and foresee the impact they will have. This report explores three
technologies that will have profound impact on the business and social environment in the next several years.
Learn about changes in the technology environment
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
The cost of technology has exceeded its benefit when it begins to harm resilience, experience & trust for the use. A leader in the loop
adopts new technologies based on their impact not just on business outcomes, but human outcomes as well. This report examines
business and human outcomes and how they shape technological adoption.
Grow by delivering on outcomes
Digital Ethics
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Learn about changes in the technology
Digital ethics concerns the social impact of digital data
collection and analysis. Although regulation of consumer
data is not a new concept, recent years have seen a
proliferation of unprecedented use cases, which have
pushed the boundaries of both existing legislation and
customer expectations.
5G is the name for the latest generation of mobile communication
technology, offering improved speeds, reliability and connectivity
over its predecessor, 4G. The promise of 5G is a gateway into a fully
interconnected world. No more buffering before a video loads;
instantaneous sync of large volumes of data; the ability to connect
hundreds of thousands of users simultaneously and have them
interact, in a virtual environment, with minimal latency.
Dapps (Pronounced "DEE-Apps") is an application running its
back-end on a decentralized peer-to-peer network. In a
traditional app, the app calls an API to grab your data from a
database and display them. In a Dapp, there is no central
database. Instead data are stored on a decentralized network of
peers - such as a blockchain. On the front-end, a Dapp is no
different than any application that you can download right now.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Adopt emerging technology
A trend towards secure tracking of data generated in
the physical world using decentralized ledgers. By
adding blockchain technology to a digital twin or
sensor on a physical world object, careful and
secure tracking is enabled.
By combining the accessibility of user-facing AI and
digital twin technology, this trend will allow users to peer
into the details of an IoT object. Imagine looking at an
airplane engine with your AR goggles and seeing the
last date of maintenance, the mileage, the serial number
– all available at a glance.
Autonomous swarms comprise many robots that together
accomplish a task each individual robot cannot. Robot swarms
can exist without blockchain. However, adding blockchain
pushes the technology past a critical threshold of security and
reliability, which makes it suitable for deployment in many of the
currently hypothetical use cases
Digitized Serialization The
Digital World
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
These trends have impacts on
business outcomes. They have
the potential to change internal
processes and external
positioning within industry.
The ability of the technology to use fewer resources to
accomplish the same amount of output or more.
The ability of the technology to leverage organizational outputs
to make processes smarter and more efficient.
The ability of the technology to quickly increase capacity.
Outcomes Trust
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
The extent to which the technology improves trust between
The extent to which the technology improves user experience
by making something easier, simpler, more fun or faster.
The extent to which the technology helps people and
organization quickly recover when a negative event has
occurred, or prevent negative events altogether.
It is not enough to think about
business outcomes. Leaders in
the loop must also consider
human outcomes: how
technologies will impact the
humans and societies they
interact with.
How to read this report
Emerging Technologies
Changes in Technology Environment
A description of the different technology environment shifts
and what they entail.
Signals and
A summary of events, observed behaviors, and underlying
forces that are driving these shifts.
A description of the key unknowns that will shape the impact of
these technological shifts.
An analysis of the possible outcomes of these technological
changes based on the critical uncertainties.
ITRG Resources
A list of ITRG resources that will assist your organization in
understanding these environmental changes and what they
mean for your business.
Description A description of the technologies and what they can achieve.
A summary of the benefits that could be achieved from a
business and human perspective from the successful adoption
of these technologies.
A summary of the technological pre-requisites needed to make
adoption of the technologies more widespread.
Case Study
A real-life example of how the technology is currently being
applied in industry.
A collection of Info-Tech material that will assist your
organization with understanding, and adopting the emerging
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Changes in Technology Environment
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Digital Ethics
The Future of Data
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice.
Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with
ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.
© 1997-2018 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.
Digital Ethics
Digital ethics concerns the social impact of digitization driven by emerging technology. It covers
questions from digital data collection and analysis to consumer information privacy and algorithmic
bias in artificial intelligence. Although regulation of consumer data is not a new concept, recent years
have seen a proliferation of unprecedented use cases that have pushed the boundaries of both
existing legislation and customer expectations.
In response to increasing consumer awareness, businesses have shifted from a reactive approach to
digital ethics, driven by emerging legislation, to a proactive stance aimed at addressing customer
concerns directly.
Businesses are doing 3 things:
• Finding the ethical boundary of sufficient data mining without overstepping privacy boundaries
• Establishing a viewpoint on digital ethics and making it public to consumers
• Ensuring compliance with existing and anticipated regulations and concerns
As ethical considerations increasingly shape consumer spending habits, taking a stance on data ethics
and privacy is shifting from a logistical consideration to a key facet of an organization's business
model. IT's role in enabling the business's digital ethics strategy thus shift from supportive to
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
The value of the European data aconomy by
Source: European Commission
(European Data Market Study 2017)
The Future of Data
Signals and
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Increasing digitization is making the use of
digital services increasingly necessary. In
2005 Facebook was only for college
students. As we enter 2019, it has become
the only way many of us keep in touch with
distant friends and relatives.
Live chat is coming to the forefront as the
communication channel driving the most
customer satisfaction (at 73%), followed by
email (61%). Non-digital media trails far
behind with the phone (41%)1.
As avoiding a digital footprint has become
increasingly inconvenient for the consumer,
awareness is rising about the fate of our
digital data.
We generate more data than ever, and it is an invaluable resource for businesses. This has given rise to
the data economy faster than regulation has been able to keep with it. This unregulated, high-risk high-
reward scenario of data capture has created a volatile field of consumer awareness.
Consumers appreciate the benefits data mining affords them, such as personalized product
recommendations, but are often unaware of the true privacy costs, or the extent to which their data are
collected. When this comes to their attention, as, for example, with the Cambridge Analytica scandal or the
Equifax data breach, the reaction can be explosive, with serious consequences for the businesses involved.
This has made it impossible for businesses to remain complacent, continuing existing data handling
practices until regulation demands change. Customer backlash can create serious repercussions even
before any regulation is passed, and industry leaders are taking a proactive stance on digital ethics.
Number of users whose data
is held by Facebook
Source: Cracked Labs
Number of people whose data is
held by Equifax
Number of mobile users with
data held by Oracle
1 Source: eDigitalResearch
Critical Uncertainties
The advent of GDPR demonstrates the trajectory of the data economy towards stricter regulation. The outstanding question is how regulated
it will become. Several aspects of data privacy regulation need to be considered. These unresolved questions will affect how future
regulations mirror or differ from GDPR:
• Degree to which customer consent is needed to repurpose data
• Restrictions on how data will be stored (impacts blockchain, re right to be forgotten)
• Restrictions on how data can be used (impacts AI, re right to explanation, repurposing of data)
• Degree of compliance of subcontracted vendors/degree of expectation of responsibility for their data handling
• Geographical extent re globalization
• Customers' willingness to trade privacy for service - since regulation follows consumer sentiment, the degree to which consumers are
willing to trade in privacy will have a big hand in shaping future regulation. This is an unknown because digital privacy concerns are only
beginning enter widespread awareness, and public opinion has not yet had a chance to crystallize.
Restrictiveness of Data Regulations
The way in which the above regulations will impact your business directly depends on the degree to which you deal - or may deal in the
future - with customer data. Exponential growth in the artificial intelligence and machine learning sectors, as well as the growing availability of
these powerful data mining tools to non-experts, means that your business's data collection strategy today could expand exponentially
tomorrow, changing the way you relate to data privacy regulation.
Degree of Data Collection for Your Use Case
"We can achieve both
great artificial
intelligence and great
privacy standards. It is
not only a possibility
— it is a
- Tim Cook
(MacRumors, 2018)
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Opportunity: Collecting minimal customer data is itself an asset in an age
of concern over privacy and digital ethics. Businesses should not miss the
opportunity to leverage their position with customers by making their limited data
usage transparent.
Risk: With advances in AI and the advent of the data economy, businesses
who stop looking for opportunities to leverage customer data in ethical and
regulation-compliant ways risk falling behind the competition.
Data Collection:
Data Collection:
Opportunity: Permissive regulation allows businesses to get maximum
value from customer data, and businesses who are able to collect such data at
scale will be the best positioned to benefit from permissive regulation.
Risk: Regulation follows consumer sentiment, and businesses pushing the
edges of existing regulation risk becoming the example that tips customer
concerns over the edge, risking reputation in the process.
Scenario Analysis
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Opportunity: Businesses who collect minimal data can leverage their de
facto privacy orientation to build consumer relationships even (and especially)
when such restrictiveness is not legally mandated. This is an opportunity for
businesses to position themselves as being customer-centric by going above and
beyond regulatory demands.
Risk: In an unregulated data economy, competitors will be making every
possible use of customer data, and decisions to forego this should be made
mindfully with an eye toward the gain to customer relationships. Keeping an eye
on consumer sentiment would allow businesses to continue developing their data
strategy in an ethical way, staying prepared in case of regulatory changes down
the road.
Opportunity: Businesses who are at the forefront of handling customer
data in an age of high regulation will be in a position to become leaders in the
privacy movement and leverage regulation compliance to cement customer
Risk: Compliance with regulation becomes more difficult and expensive
with increasing potential for data collection, and the opportunity for failure is
high. With more restrictive regulation, the costs of failure rise as well, and
businesses will be looking at investing considerable resources into regulation
compliance, or risk high fines both financially and socially.
Businesses who are currently not making data privacy and ethics a priority should shift orientation to do so.
Digital ethics is a rising concern in the eyes of consumers and regulators alike, and the worst position to be in
is to be caught unawares when regulations change.
Businesses who are well within current and future regulations, either through strict compliance or a lack of
invasive data collection should not miss the opportunity to leverage this with their customers, positioning
themselves as customer-centric in the data economy.
Businesses on the cutting edge of the data economy have the most vested interest in the development of
digital privacy regulations, and should therefore not miss the opportunity to get involved in the conversation.
Keep up to date with national and international regulations, attend conferences and keep an eye on
recommendations put forth by future-thinking organizations such as the Institute For The Future.
Making adjustments to data practices today puts businesses in a position to become thought leaders in the
field, leverage their ethical practices to build customer relationships, and be prepared for upcoming regulatory
Existing Research:
• Get up to speed with current privacy regulation by Fast Tracking Your GDPR Compliance Efforts
• Discover and Classify Your Data to understand the risks surrounding your customer data
• Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives to get ahead of the game on transparency
and public trust
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
5G Networks
Unprecedented Connectivity
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice.
Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with
ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.
© 1997-2018 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.
5G is the name for the latest generation of mobile communication technology, offering improved
speeds, reliability and connectivity over its predecessor, 4G. The promise of 5G is a gateway into a
fully interconnected world. No more buffering before a video loads; instantaneous sync of large
volumes of data; the ability to connect hundreds of thousands of users simultaneously and have them
interact, in a virtual environment, with minimal latency.
5G will act as an enabling technology for any application that relies on the remote transfer of data,
such as cloud computing. One of the key innovations 5G will bring is unprecedented connectivity with
the cloud. With the ability to transfer huge volumes of data in an instant, users will be able to augment
devices with limited computing power, such as cell phones, with computing performed in the cloud, in
real time.
Beyond physical connections: 5G will also transform infrastructure. As wireless communication
reaches the speeds offered by wired connectivity, the reliance on a physical connection between
devices or users will decrease. This will pave the way to truly global connectivity.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
By 2025, 5G infrastructure spend is expected to
Source: Moor Insights & Strategy
Unprecedented Connectivity
Signals and
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Major mobile manufacturers are gearing up to
capitalize on the 5G rollout. US
telecommunications providers have started
building the necessary infrastructure and
announced planned deployment of 5G in
select cities. And in the US, regulation is
starting to be put in place around 5G
infrastructure and costs.
Expanding IoT and Cloud drive the need for a faster mobile network. The growing adoption of mobile broadband services
has created a need for an expanded network capable of supporting the massive amounts of data put into motion by
business-to-consumer and business-to-business applications. Further, with the increasing expansion of the Cloud and
cloud-based computing, there is a rapidly growing need for data virtualization, as well as IoT and machine-to-machine
wireless communication.
These needs are rapidly outpacing the capabilities of current LTE speeds, creating an opportunity for 5G to enable faster
innovation and more widespread adoption of new technologies that rely on wireless communication.
Source: Cisco
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Total Mobile Data Traffic
Critical Uncertainties
5G brings with it an unprecedented degree of interconnectivity, meaning that more services than ever will be sharing the same wireless
network. While this can open opportunities in the IoT space, it also necessitates regulation around prioritizing critical services such as
medicine, public services such as self-driving taxis, and other business services. It is not yet known how this balance will be achieved, and
will vary depending on your use case.
This uncertainty hinges on several considerations: the actual technology used to enable 5G speeds, and the speed and degree to which
critical services come to rely on mobile communications.
5G speeds can be achieved through a number of technological means, some relying purely on existing infrastructure and some requiring
the deployment of new technologies that take advantage of new spectrum bands. Depending on the route taken in your geographic
location, this will result in different competition for bandwidth between public and private, as well as essential and discretionary, services.
The faster essential services like remote surgery develop, the faster the 5G bandwidth will reach capacity, necessitating prioritization of
services. This competition, in turn, will drive legislative considerations and may limit the kind or extent of deployment private businesses
can make.
Restrictiveness of Regulation on Bandwidth Sharing
Current LTE infrastructure is not yet at its capacity for providing mobile speeds, and therefore represents the first step in a gradual 5G
rollout. In most areas, this gradual rollout will pave the way to eventual infrastructure overhauls needed to take advantage of emerging
mobile technology that will expand 5G capacity. The speed of this changeover for your use case will influence your degree of greenfield or
brownfield development, which in turn influences the resources you need to invest in development, interoperability with other providers'
solutions and speed of adoption by consumers.
Brownfield vs Greenfield Development for Your Use Case
“Not all traffic is created equal.
In the 5G future, mission-
critical apps such as remote
surgery will have to take
priority over other traffic. There
will need to be a regulatory
regime that allows the service
provider to create services that
are differentiated based on
user experiences.”
- Börje Ekholm, CEO, Ericsson
(PCMag, 2018)
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Opportunity: Building on existing infrastructure can save on resources. A
highly regulated environment means that competitors are limited in their ability to
get an edge by offering vastly broader functionality.
Risk: Legislation can impose significant limits on your use of 5G, limiting the
services or technology you are able to provide. Being further constrained by slow
rollout of new infrastructure can further reduce the speed of development or
adoption, delaying the maximum benefit of 5G for your use case.
Opportunity: With low restrictions from both regulation and technology,
you are in a position to make transformative use of 5G, developing solutions
highly customized to your use case.
Risk: Greenfield development can lead to fragmented technologies that don't
integrate well into a wider IoT network. This can create hurdles in developing or
complying with a common technological standard and can slow adoption by
Scenario Analysis
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Opportunity: Your solutions can be highly targeted to meet your use
case needs while complying with legislative restrictions.
Risk: Typical greenfield issues like technological fragmentation apply.
Additionally, regulations are likely to evolve over time, so not only can they
limit what you are able to accomplish, this constraint can change over time,
necessitating more custom developments to meet the changing regulations.
Opportunity: Making use of existing technology and infrastructure can
save on costs and speed up adoption by consumers. Building on existing
common standards can also facilitate interoperability, which increases the power
of IoT networks.
Risk: Existing infrastructure can impose constraints that limit the technology's
applications even when permitted by legislation. This is particularly problematic if
competitors are able to develop greenfield solutions in a low-regulation
Since the benefits of 5G can be readily anticipated even before the technology is fully adopted, take this
opportunity to clearly define your use case and determine where it falls in the opportunity/risk quadrants.
Being aware of possible limitations in advance, such as needing to integrate legacy technology, can help you
budget both resources and time more accurately.
When determining the impact of 5G speeds on your business case, consider:
• The processes and services most likely to benefit from increased speed and connectivity
• The steps and resources required to update and expand these processes
• Possible obstacles and potential solutions for overcoming them
Existing Research:
• Future-proof your business by Modernizing Your Data Center
• Learn about 5G Networks and their applications in Energy and other industries through our Premium
Industry Coverage research notes
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Decentralized Applications
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice.
Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with
ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns.
© 1997-2018 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.
Dapps (Pronounced "DEE-Apps") is an application running its back-end on a decentralized peer-to-
peer network. In a traditional app, the app will call an API to grab data from a data base and display
them. In a Dapp, a smart contract connects the front-end to a blockchain. On the front-end, a Dapp is
no different than any application that you can download from the app store.
Additionally, a Dapp must have all four of the following properties:
• Open source: The source code is open to the public. It operates autonomously, no entity controls
it. Consensus of its users decides proposed improvements.
• Decentralized storage: The application's data and records of operation must be cryptographically
stored in a public, decentralized blockchain.
• Token use: Tokens provide access to the application and provide a reward to validators of the
• Consensus mechanism: The application must follow a cryptographic algorithm acting as a proof
of value (e.g. Proof of Work). Any and every decision within the Dapp is subject to this
cryptographic algorithm, which safeguards against bad actors.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Growth in the number of Dapps built since June
Source: “StateoftheDapps” (2018)
Decentralized Applications
Signals and
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
The main driver for Dapps is platform
centralization. In software, the best indicator
of the success of a platform is the number of
developers that support it. The platform with
the most and best developers will always win.
In the case of Dapps, Ethereum has a
significant lead on every platform in terms of
developers and developer tools.
Ethereum now has an estimated developer
community of ~250,000. 94 of the top 100
blockchain projects were launched on the
Ethereum blockchain.
Similar to the competition between IoS and Android in the late 2000s, a larger developer base will
influence the rate that which apps are developed and published. In 2018 there are 724,000 Google Play
developers vs. 494,000 iOS developers. This growth in google play developers is also reflected in the
number of apps produced.
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
New Apps released each year
iOS Google Play
Critical Uncertainties
“It doesn’t matter if a blockchain
can do a thousand transactions
per second or a million
transactions per second – no
single blockchain will be fast
enough to handle all the world’s
decentralized applications on the
same chain.”
- James Martin Duffy (“Ethereum
Will Be the Backbone of the New
Another platform may become a hub for blockchain developers in the near future. Ethereum has competition. It's competitors are known as
"Ethereum-Killers," and strive to address issues with the Ethereum platform. Currently, EOS, Cardano, and NEO are some of the platforms
positioning to challenge Ethereum.
In the future, there is uncertainty as to how much platform centralization will occur. A supermajority of development could occur on one of the
platforms listed above. As well, development can also become more decentralized and be spread amongst the platforms.
Platform Centralization
No matter how scalable a platform is, it will not be able to run all of the Dapps that will be created. Based on the current capabilities of
platforms there will be a threshold for Dapp activity before the platform becomes overloaded. Successfully scaling Dapps transactions will
require sidechains. Sidechains are an emerging mechanism that allows tokens and other digital assets from one blockchain to be securely
used in a separate blockchain. The asset can be transferred back if needed. A sidechain will use a consensus mechanism that will support
a high number of transactions per second (TPS) and low latency. This side chain can process the "day-to-day" transactions that occur on the
Dapp, whereas the main chain can store core user information and tokens of value.
For example, in a Dapp video game, the "main chain" will store important character data and account balances. Whereas the side chain will
record the smaller transactions that occur day-to-day in the game. The critical uncertainty remains in the number of Dapps that will populate
a platform. The number of Dapps will dictate the level of scalability required to operate the Dapp on the platform and the requisite work
needed to build sidechains.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Opportunity: This allows for organization to build their solutions onto the
platform without the use of sidechains. If the correct platform is selected, this is
the shortest route for the organization to create a usable Dapp that meets
scalability standards.
Risk: Picking the right platform in which to invest development resources will
be paramount. Furthermore, scalability may increase in the future. The
organization may be caught flat-footed trying to ramp up side chain capability if
this were to occur.
Opportunity: Ample investments will guarantee strong applications
across multiple platforms. Providing users with a wide array of possible options
for which platforms to choose.
Risk: Dilution of resources can easily occur. Development needs to happen
on multiple chains and "layer 2" content will have to be built for multiple chains.
Development on different chains will require different programming skills.
Maintaining the quality of the end product would be difficult.
Scenario Analysis
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Opportunity: Picking the right blockchain platform ("main chain") will
allow the organization to get a head start on the competition. The organization
can focus on building "layer 2" content on top of the blockchain platform such
as interfaces and sidechains.
Risk: Picking the right main blockchain is paramount to success. If a chain
is picked and a supermajority of development is occurring on another platform
then "layer 2" development may be stunted by lack of developer talent.
Opportunity: Opportunity to develop on multiple "main chains" and store
most of the key data on those main chains guarantees a heighted level of
Risk: Low data quality can also be an issue if there is a lack of viable "join"
chain vendors (e.g. Polkadot, Cosmos). These "join" chain vendors are similar to
TCP/IP, which connected the different pieces of the internet together. Blockchain
platforms today are not connected. Without this integration, building Dapps on
multiple platforms will result in disjointed and low quality data.
Info-Tech recommends to consistently monitor the state of each platform in the space. Key platforms for
building Dapps include Ethereum, EOS, Cardano, and NEO. This is not an exhaustive list of platforms, but a
highlight of some of the top platforms that are competing for developers and market share. Info-Tech
recommends your organization to perform additional research on each of these platforms to understand their
unique value propositions.
The blockchain technology space is fast-moving. Info-Tech recommends to first develop use cases for Dapps
within your organization. This means your organization should assess if a blockchain or peer-to-peer back-
end would be beneficial for existing applications in the organization. Leverage Info-Tech's research on
Blockchain to assess its applicability in your organization and to assist your team with developing use cases.
Existing Research:
• Read the blueprint Demystify Blockchain: How Can It Bring Value to Your Organization? to understand
blockchain technology, its benefits, and whether the technology is a good fit for your organization.
• Grasp how blockchain ecosystems currently operate with The Backend of Blockchain.
• Go the Extra Mile with Blockchain to explore its disruptive potential in the transportation and logistics
• Identify security and regulation issues with Understanding Regulation with Blockchain Technology.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Emerging Technologies
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Secure Data Tracking
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Digitized Serialization is a trend toward careful, secure tracking of data generated in the physical world.
It goes beyond simply recording and analyzing the data. By adding blockchain technology to the
process, careful and secure tracking is enabled. Who has accessed the data, who has changed the
data and who has added data can all be discerned. This tracking capability breaks down organizational
walls. Before, data could only be securely shared within organizational boundaries. With blockchain
technology, data generated in the physical world can be shared with anyone that is part of the
business network, without relying on high levels of pre-established trust between the parties.
Each organization may be apprehensive to sharing that data fearing a myriad of risks. By being part of
the blockchain network, each organization can take comfort in the fact that any digital twin data they
share will be enhanced by blockchain technology. Blockchain technology provides additional security,
immutability, and transparency, to all data shared on the network.
Digitized Serialization is the combination of two trends previously discussed by Info-Tech. Digital twin
and Blockchain. Digital twin refers to the creation of digital models of real-life objects using data from
sensors on the objects themselves. Blockchain is a distributed computing principles that removes
reliance on a single master copy of digital record by keeping a "Distributed ledger."
“Security and trust are essential
to building an ecosystem and
attracting stakeholders who are
set to interact with each other
on a common platform.”
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Source: Deloitte, IoT Powered by
Blockchain (2018)
Secure Data Tracking
Removal of
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Faster Transactions
Digitized Serialization – Business Benefits
Lower Cost of Trade
Intermediaries within a process add cost, processing time
and potential for error. By allowing the secure automation
of many of these steps, blockchain leads to a great gain in
Digitization of assets introduces the possibility of robotic automation, greatly
increasing the speed of processing. By securing this automation on the
blockchain, Digitized Serialization makes it suitable for a greater range of
Secure, digital automation saves on costs. By
removing costly intermediaries, reducing the
potential for error and the need for time consuming
verification steps, and upping the volume of
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Digitized Serialization – Human Benefits
By encoding data captured by the digital twin onto the
blockchain, the physical world object can be monitored
and it can be guaranteed that the all the data captured are
verifiable. This is especially important for predictive
maintenance modelling.
Blockchain technology provides a 'certificate of trusted origin'
for physical world goods that is moved around the business
network. Crypto tags can be attached to goods to provide an
immutable serialization for that specific asset. When they tags
are tampered with or removed and the asset can be seen as
spoiled or invalid.
A mechanism that allows two or more network participants in a
decentralized platform to interact with each other directly. P2P trading of
digital twin data improves the communication between parties in a
business network. Transmitting production, consumption, and storage
availability data directly from the digital twin removes human errors. P2P
trading is a significant improvement on data sharing because of the
increased trustworthiness of data from digital twin and blockchain
Digitized serialization can only be adopted if there is a willing business network, i.e. a group of
businesses that would benefit from sharing their Digital Twin data in a more secure manner.
Furthermore, to truly harness the benefit of the underlying technology in this trend, the trust in the
business work must be limited. If there is already full trust, there is no compelling need to utilize
blockchain technology.
In the business network, the chosen blockchain platform will need to be integrated into business
processes. Furthermore, employees and/or customers will also have to be prepared for the changes
the platform will usher in. Every member of the network will have to train its employees and customers
on the specifics of the chosen platform. Only when every member pulls their weigh will the platform
yield equal information from everyone, incentivizing each member to continue to contribute.
Business network creation
Blockchain platform integration
Platform protocol selection
The right choice of platform protocol (e.g. Ethereum, EOS, NEO, Hyperledger, etc.) will be important for
the partners of the network. Currently, the sharing of data works only when all of the partners are on
the same platform. Furthermore, scalability will also be a major factor into selecting the right platform.
Business networks should monitor updates from each protocol to keep up to date on scalability
For Digitized Serialization to be
successfully adopted into a business
network requires a tight match between
the business process to be digitized, the
platform it will be moved to, and the
current users’ transition to the new format.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
• Healthcare information is typically stored in a
variety of disparate locations. A complete
record of a patient is often spread across
multiple systems.
• This results in no one party having a complete
picture of the patient, creating inefficiencies in
the system. Issues include care providers not
having the correct information when diagnosing
patients and increased waiting times for both
patients and staff.
Case Study
Healthcare, Technology
Helix3 Technologies Inc. is a healthcare technology company focused on giving consumer health,
clinical, and genomic data meaningful use.
Helix3 accomplishes this mission by leveraging blockchain and digital twin technology.
User data is uploaded onto Helix3's blockchain, creating a digital twin of the user. This digital twin is
referred to as a Helix Twin. The Helix Twin's consolidated user data allows the user to share
personalized medical information with healthcare professionals. Each party in the network (patients,
medical processionals etc.) has a unique identity on the Helix3 platform.
As members connect to the network, this allows the Helix Twin to gather all the disparate pieces of
patient data into a single, comprehensive digital twin. These pieces include medical records,
genome data, health insurance information, fitness tracking, etc.
User data is secured with blockchain technology. This enhances the ability of the data to be shared
throughout the business network. Additionally, this blockchain provides a history of access and
modification to patient data, enhancing security.
Helix3 outlines numerous use cases. One example involves longitudinal records. A longitudinal
record is a patient's history of treatment and/or illnesses. Currently, 54% patients go to their primary
health clinician when there is an issue. This results in other physicians not having a complete
record of patient treatment history, which slows down the treatment process. With the Helix3 app,
patient longitudinal data is uploaded and added to the Helix Twin, controlled by the patient, and
accessible to healthcare providers in a timely manner.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Source: Belleville & White
Various blockchain organizations (e.g. AION, Cosmos, Polkadot) offer solutions to merge data from different
blockchain platforms together. Similar to what the TCP/IP protocol did for the internet, these blockchain
organizations are looking to connect the separate platforms together. Business networks should continue to
monitor developments in this area. Adoption of these solutions could allow different partners in the network to
use different platforms, enhancing adoption by allowing organizations to work on platforms where they have
the most familiarity. Platform differentiation, therefore, will be a great advantage to organizations that are able
to harness it first.
Existing Research:
• Review the CIO Trend Report 2018 to get an overview Digital Twin and Blockchain trends.
• Read the blueprint Double Your Organization's Effectiveness With a Digital Twin to gain additional
background knowledge on digital twin technology.
• Read the blueprint Demystify Blockchain: How Can It Bring Value to Your Organization? to understand
blockchain technology, its benefits, and whether the technology is a good fit for your organization.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Digital World
Immersive Analytics
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Digital World
Imagine a world where it is commonplace to put on your augmented reality (AR) and/or mixed reality
(MR) goggles and watch the room come to life with information. Imagine an environment where every
IoT object has its most relevant details selected and displayed for you using artificial intelligence.
When a mechanic looks at an airplane engine with AR goggles, imagine having the last date of
maintenance, the mileage, the serial number all available at a glance.
Digital World is a trend which combines two previous trends discussed by Info-Tech: User-Facing
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twin.
User-Facing Artificial Intelligence is the simplification and/or removal of user interfaces. Think of how
Siri and AR goggles remove traditional interfaces such as a screen, keyboard, and mouse. Digital Twin
is the creation of digital models of real-life objects using data from sensors on the real-life objects
By combining User-Facing AI and Digital Twin technology, this trend will allow users to peer into the
data collected from sensors on physical objects just as easily as they are seeing the world around
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
“Having the opportunity to do
video calls and share the visual
data among workers reduces
the error factor by 200%.”
- Apiumhub
Immersive Analytics
Intuitive Data
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Faster Decision Making
Digital World – Business Benefits
Prescriptive Analytics
VR/AR provides a digital overlay that can be
adjusted to pair with the physical asset. Imagine
looking at a physical asset and having its KPIs show
up in front of your eyes. Presenting data intuitively
means is it more readily used for the analytics that
power your business.
Insights reach you within your workflow, which speeds
up decision making. Access to data directly, with
minimal need for intermediate steps, further reduces the
potential for error and improves the quality of the
An augmented reality headset is not just another set
of gauges. Powered by artificial intelligence, it has
the power not just to show, but to alert. The “AI” in
“user-facing AI” adds value by highlighting
anomalous data and strategically prompting action
where it is needed first.
Removal of Barriers
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
User Mobility
Digital World – Human Benefits
Synced Visualization
Presenting data intuitively means data can be
accessed faster, more easily and by more people.
Having data digitally accessible within a virtual world
makes it available for tele-collaboration.
Mobility provides the user with the freedom of their
hands and the ability to move freely. The user is not
tethered to computer screens. They are unencumbered
and can perform a wider array of actions while still
majority receiving critical data.
The concept of "You see what I see“ becomes a
reality. It enhances the user's ability to describe
situations and issues with the physical asset to
anyone they are collaborating with.
Too much information on a visual interface (e.g. a computer screen) can obstruct important data. The
same will apply on a VR/AR screen. The organization must decide what information will be prioritized
when the AR/VR sightline is placed over a physical world object.
Currently, there are multiple interfaces through which users can access IoT and Digital Twin data. An
individual may use a fitness tracker, a smart car, a smart thermostat, and a computer screen. Each
type of information is presented in a tailored medium. Even as an AR interface seeks to integrate
multiple kinds of information in a single presentation, we must identify the best way to handle the
variety of information. The benefits of the intuitive interfaces offered by Digital World technology can
only be realized when the method of presentation matches the information identified as most important.
Visual clutter
Suitability of interfaces
Integration with existing
Today, users have to interface with Digital Twin data mostly through a laptop or desktop. Constructing
APIs and customized applications between the new mobile medium and the existing IoT sensors of the
physical asset will be paramount to adoption. Likewise, current and future connectivity capabilities
must be considered, as we increase our reliance on the fast transfer of massive amounts of data.
The three major dependencies underlying
the mainstream adoption of Digital World
concern improving the human-computer
interactions associated with attaining a
truly seamless augmented reality
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
• The maintenance and preparation of racing
bikes is a complex process. There are many
components to check and monitor.
• Mechanics have to manually check a list of
components in preparation for the race and
during the race.
• A misstep could cost the race or endanger the
Case Study
Motorsport, Technology
Source: GE Predix TechnologyBrief
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Aprilia Racing, an Italian motorcycle company, has commissioned Realmore, a vendor of
augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) related content, to develop a software that can
connect the DAQRI Smart Helmet to sensor data in their motorcycles. This capability assists the
mechanics and engineers that maintain the Aprilia motorcycles in the middle of races.
The DAQRI Smart Helmet is an AR helmet. When content enters into the helmet's camera, the
previously designed AR renderings will appear. By looking at a motorcycle with the DAQRI smart
helmet, the mechanic will be able to visualize real-time KPIs regarding the bike. KPIs such as water
temperature, oil, and tire pressure can all be visualized through the smart helmet. By relaying these
data to the mechanic and engineer in an intuitive, simple and hands-off way, the technology
provides them with the tools and mobility to quickly make adjustments to the bike.
Furthermore, the software developed by Realmore provides a 3D rendering of the bike. Through
this 3D rendering, mechanics are able to visualize wear and tear on critical parts. This allows them
to make fast adjustments based on real-time data.
Much of what has been done with augmented reality applications is currently in the proof of concept stage.
Much of what is seen in demos only works under limited conditions. There are currently a few players on the
hardware side (e.g. Daqri, Vuzix, RealWear, Hololens, and Magic Leap), and organizations looking to
capitalize on Digital World technology should consider keeping up with the developments and up and coming
players in this space.
What organizations can do now to familiarize their workforce with A/R content would be using A/R to provide
training and instructional content. Short, instructional visual overlays can be rendered on A/R hardware with a
higher degree of stability compared to other use cases.
Existing Research:
• Learn more about Immersive UX such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the CIO 2017 Trend
• Review the CIO Trend Report 2018 to get an overview Digital Twin and User-Facing AI trends.
• Read the blueprint Double Your Organization's Effectiveness With a Digital Twin to gain additional
background knowledge on digital twin technology.
• Understand how A/R technology will bring value to your organization with Activate Your Augmented
Reality Initiative
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Group Robotics
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Flocks of birds, schools of fish, swarms of insects, and now... swarms of robots. Inspired by their
biological counterparts, robot swarms comprise many individuals that together accomplish a task each
individual robot alone cannot. Not to be confused with collaborative robotics (several robots working
together towards a common goal), swarm robotics is characterized by several additional properties:
• They are homogenous - made up of multiple copies of the same type of robot
• Each robot is governed by simple rules in relation to the complexity of the end goal
• They work together in parallel - all robots are simultaneously and independently working towards
the end goal, rather than working as an assembly line where some robots wait for others to finish
Robot swarms can exist without blockchain. But combining blockchain technology with swarm robotics
pushes autonomous swarms past a critical threshold of security and reliability, which makes them
suitable for deployment in many of the currently hypothetical use cases.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
By 2025, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
market is expected to reach
Source: MarketsandMarkets
with highest CAGR in the civil and
commercial segment.
Group Robotics
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Decentralized Decision-
Autonomous Swarms – Business Benefits
Every agent within a robotic swarm is designed to act
autonomously, with the overall swarm behavior emerging
organically as a consequence of these individual tasks.
This makes it simple to increase or decrease swarm size
simply by adding or removing agents: because each
agent’s low-level tasks don’t change, there is no need for
Blockchain technology provides a mechanism for multiple
robotic agents to reach consensus without the need for a
central authority. By providing a way to engage in a "voting"
decision-making process, the blockchain enables the robots
to reach consensus without putting their trust in any single
party. This makes the swarm more resilient and simplifies the
job of a human controller.
The blockchain enables swarms to perform their jobs
more robustly, with less potential for error and
malicious interference. This leads to more consistent
and dependable results for businesses.
Dangerous Situation
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Resistance to
Autonomous Swarms – Human Benefits
Robot swarms and very well suited to take over
dangerous or undesirable jobs. Landmine detection,
dangerous machinery maintenance, city cleanup – these
are just some examples of jobs whose automation can
greatly improve the quality of life of the people currently
performing them.
In applications where robots are in close proximity to
humans, and the potential for data collection is high, data
security becomes especially important. The resistance to
malicious attacks afforded by blockchain means greater
security for the people whose data robotic swarms may be
Consistency and dependability are the natural
benefits that arise from the decision-making and
auditability possibilities blockchain opens for robotic
swarms. For humans, this means less worry about
errors in handling tasks such as pesticide use in
As swarms grow larger, the question of how to monitor and control so many agents becomes more
pressing. As we entrust more of the robots’ operation to algorithmic decision-making, we must be clear
on the underlying safety and privacy assumptions, definitions of “harm,” and the robots’ role in
protecting human interests.
Human cognitive processing limits, coupled with the large number of agents in typical robotic swarms,
necessitate some degree of algorithmic automation. The key consideration becomes: which aspects of
the swarm’s operation to leave up to the algorithm, and which key factors to keep under human
surveillance. Define the rules the govern autonomous behaviour with an eye to difficult cases.
Autonomy’s guiding principles
Readiness for automation
Regulation of collected data
With increasing automation comes the collection of staggering amounts of data. Most of the civilian use
cases, such as robotic food delivery, or even street cleanup, has the potential to collect human data,
either through necessity, such as recording a delivery address, or by accident, such as by capturing a
passer-by in a robot’s vision. The potential for privacy violations and their prevention must be a key
consideration in the development of any swarm robotics strategy.
Autonomous Swarms raise new
considerations for businesses looking to
capitalize on the technology.
Increasing autonomy and ballooning data
collection mean businesses must clearly
define the rules guiding robotic decision-
making regarding data privacy and human
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
• Traditional farming automation strategies take a
sweeping approach. Large machines prune,
harvest and fertilize large areas of crop at a
• Precision farming is an emerging movement in
agriculture that aims to reduce cost and
improve efficacy by targeting treatments such
as pesticide administration only to the plants
that need them.
• Autonomous swarm robotics is enabling this
shift by deploying a larger number of smaller
robots to perform a series of targeted tasks in
place of a single overall approach.
Case Study
In Australia, a company is developing a farming approach using swarm robotics that is targeted
rather than sweeping: using multiple autonomous machines, much smaller than traditional farming
machinery, to perform targeted actions, such as administering pesticides only where they are
needed. Where the old approach was to take a large tractor, capable of spraying several rows of
crops with pesticide simultaneously, the smaller robots use artificial intelligence to roam the field,
identify weeds, and spray only them, leaving crops intact. This has resulted in gains in efficiency
and consistency that exceed those of the traditional approach.
SwarmFarm’s robots have been adapted to other applications, including irrigation, planting,
weeding and harvesting. In all cases, a more targeted approach means greater precision and
economy of resources. Pesticide and fertilizer can be applied more sparingly, and planting and
harvesting can be done with individual attention to each plant, an impossible task with large-scale
machinery. The new approach is aimed to translate to producing greater yields at reduced cost
while raising the quality of the crop.
Several robots have been under development and testing on SwarmFarm land. SwarmFarm has
garnered support through government funding, and partnered with PWC Australia, Adama
Australia, Bosch and other sponsors to bring the robots to market.
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Consider: do you have a use case? Autonomous swarm robotics is a powerful solution primarily for problems
that are amenable to a distributed approach. If you have a use case, how important are the dependencies to
it? Because swarm robotics applies to a wide variety of use cases, the key considerations will be different for
each. For example, data privacy may not be as important for farming as for city surveillance.
Identify the critical uncertainties for your industry and learn about the current cutting edge solutions. Look for
opportunities to partner with technology developers as early adopters, in order to have a hand in shaping the
development of the technology for your use case.
Existing Research:
• Read the CIO Trend Report 2018 to get an overview of the Robotics and Blockchain trends.
• Read the blueprint Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Manufacturing Operations to understand how
AI can be applied to real-world business cases
• Read the blueprint Demystify Blockchain: How Can It Bring Value to Your Organization? to understand
blockchain technology and the benefits it brings
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Technological stewardship is an ever-evolving task, but you don't
have to stand alone. Follow Info-Tech's Learn-Adopt-Grow
framework to confidently tackle this new challenge in technological
Establish a solid foundational understanding to adopt the current
most impactful technologies; learn about changes in the
technological environment to innovate thoughtfully; and grow in your
capacity as business partner by balancing the business and human
impacts of new technologies.
Become a
leader in the loop
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Establish a set of dedicated programs based on emerging
technology use cases
• Analyze shifts in the technology landscape with Strategic Foresight
• Read Info-Tech’s Trends and Predictions to keep up to date with new technological
• Leverage our emerging technology blueprints for executive presentations, use cases,
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• Make better IT decisions with comprehensive Software Reviews
• Access industry research notes, business reference architectures and benchmarking data
as part of our Premium Industry Coverage
Lead the discussion on human benefits by first
demonstrating deep business and industry expertise
Analyze emerging changes in the technology environment
and Grow
Use Info-Tech's resources to
support you on your journey
to becoming a leader in the
Research Contributors
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Iyke Aru, Crypto Educator and Project Advisor
Iyke is a leading crypto educator and project advisor based in Africa.
Burkhard is a business consulting leader with a track record in initiating and leading global Business, Digital and IT Strategy,
Transformation and Innovation programs, mostly for leading Fortune 500 Firms. Since 2015, Burkhard has been focusing on
Blockchain Innovation primarily in the manufacturing, consumer products, telco and logistics sectors with a specific focus on
the digital twin on Blockchain. He has authored multiple publications on digital transformation and Blockchain innovation, is a
frequent speaker on these subjects and an expert advisor on Blockchain to the European Commission, for which he supported
a project to develop a speculative prototype for a digital twin on blockchain in advanced manufacturing.
Burkhard Blechschmidt, Head of Digital Strategy
Cognizant Consulting
Research Contributors
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Eduardo Castello Ferrer, Postdoctoral Fellow
MIT Media Lab
Eduardo is an MIT Postdoctoral researcher specialized in robotics. He is currently conducting research and
participating in projects on Swarm Robotics and Blockchain technologies.
Francesco Corea, Tech Investor and Complexity Scientist
Francesco is a post-doc educated professional with expertise in AI and Complexity science, now turned
tech investor looking at deep technology companies. Author of dozens of academic papers and four books,
he writes in publications such as Medium and Forbes on how AI interacts with other technologies or could
be applied to specific industries. A fellow in Big data and high-performance computing at UCLA and former
Anthemis fellow, he often speaks at international events and advises early-stage AI companies.
Research Contributors
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Horizon Communications is an internet service provider in the Caribbean.
Gilbert A. Darrell, Founder
Horizon Communications
Tannya is a techno-optimist who is passionate about carving out an exciting future based on advances in
exponential technologies. She has lived and worked with a variety of organizations in Boston,
Washington D.C. and Dubai. Currently, she is an Associate Project Manager at VMware, a marker
leader in cloud infrastructure and digital workspace technology.
Tannya Jajal, Associate Project Manager
Research Contributors
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Chris Kalle, a software engineer of over 15 years, first started studying autonomous systems in 2012. He
then graduated from the world's first autonomous vehicle engineer program in 2017, and later studied aerial
robotics and autonomous flight. Since then he launched R4 Robotics, which is now developing advanced
autonomous systems, using swarm technology, for use in agriculture and other scalable domains. R4
Robotics is an Australian end-to-end AI and robotics company creating innovative robotic solutions, that
solves real-world challenges.
Chris Kalle, CEO and Founder
R4 Robotics Pty Ltd
Dr. MacCready combines a background of innovative engineering (including several years working at
AeroVironment, Inc.) with an eye for Earth Science (PhD in Geology) as he designs swarming robotic
systems to gather synoptic ocean data.
Tyler MacCready, PhD, CEO
Apium, Inc.
Research Contributors
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Shane is a prolific writer on technology and frequently gives talks on Design Thinking, robotics, AI, IoT,
and the future of technology in society. He is a Vanier scholar pursuing a PhD in Robotics at the
University of Toronto, holds an MBA in Technology and Innovation from Ryerson University and a B.
Eng. from McGill University
Shane Saunderson
PhD student, Human-robot interaction, University of Toronto
Dr. Carsten Stöcker is co-founder of the “Interlinked Protocol”. Interlinked Protocol is an interoperable
identity and digital twinning solution for the 4th Industrial Revolution bridging the human, machine and
digital spheres. He is a physicist by training with a Ph.D. from the University of Aachen. He also serves as
a Council Member of Global Future Network for the World Economic Forum. Prior to co-founding Interlinked
Protocol, Carsten founded Spherity GmbH and worked for several renowned companies as German
Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR).
Carsten Stöcker
Founder Interlinked Protocol, CEO Spherity GmbH
Research Contributors
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Toby Tremayne is a cross-disciplinary Technical Futurist, Hacker, Developer and all round Troublemaker with over
20 years in enterprise development. His consulting company Magic Industries focuses on Web 3.0 or the Spatial
Web, working across blockchain, AI, Machine Learning, VR/AR/MR, IoT, Self Sovereign Identity and more. MI
strives to bring these technologies together to create a new decentralized, user controlled Internet that reaches
into and enhances work and everyday life consulting with businesses and startups world wide on future tech,
architecture and development.
Toby Tremayne, Technical Futurist, Founder
Magic Industries
Dr. Vergne's research focuses on organization theory and strategy, with expertise in cryptocurrency, blockchain,
and FinTech. He is the founding coordinator of the Crypto Capitalism Center, the co-Director of the Scotiabank
Digital Banking Lab at Ivey Business School and the director of the Crypto Economics Lab. He has co-authored a
book entitled The Pirate Organization: Lessons from the Fringes of Capitalism, published with Harvard Business
Review Press, and regularly speaks at major conferences, including Google Zeitgeist, TEDx, and South by
Southwest Interactive. You can find him on Twitter @PirateOrg.
Jean-Philippe Vergne, Associate Professor of Strategy
Ivey Business School, Western University
Research Contributors
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group is an analytics platform for digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain.
Jonathan Wooddin, Head of Information
We thank industry experts who chose to keep their contributions anonymous.
Anonymous Contributors
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Ackerman, Evan. “Designing Customizable Self-Folding Swarm Robots.” IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News, 18 Jan. 2018,
Aggarwal, Manuj. “Blockchain In Robotics — A Sneak Peek Into The Future.” Medium, 18 Mar. 2018,
Albani, D., et al. “Monitoring and Mapping with Robot Swarms for Agricultural Applications.” 2017 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance
(AVSS), 2017, pp. 1–6. IEEE Xplore, doi:10.1109/AVSS.2017.8078478.
Alcazar, Vince. “Enabling Device Swarms: Blockchain & Lightning.” Coinmonks, 19 Dec. 2017,
Anil, H., et al. “Revolutionizing Farming Using Swarm Robotics.” 2015 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modelling and Simulation, IEEE, 2015, pp. 141–47. Crossref,
Apiumhub. “Daqri Smart Helmet — VR & AR for 4.0 Industry.” Apiumhub, 13 Apr. 2018,
Aprilia Introduce Augmented Reality to the Paddock at Misano | MotoGPTM. 8 Sept. 2017,
“Aprilia Racing.” Realmore, Accessed 19 Nov. 2018.
Augmented Reality for CAD and PLM Assets | Digital Realities. Accessed 19 Nov. 2018.
Automation, Rockwell. Unlocking the Value of Your Connected Enterprise. July 2017, p. 12.
Belleville, Ray, and Nicholas White. Creating a Value-Base Healthcare System through Goal Achieve- Ment, Transparency, Security & Automation. Aug. 2018, p. 54.
Blechschmidt, Burkhard. Blockchain in Europe: Closing the Strategy Gap. Cognizant, Jan. 2018, p. 28.
---. Digital Twin on Blockchain. Cognizant Business Consulting, June 2017.
“Blockchain and Space-Based ‘Digital Twin’ of Earth.” Bitcoin Magazine, 10 Apr. 2017,
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Blockchain Could Boost Aerospace and Defence Digital Thread Performance. 23 July 2018,
Blockchain: The Missing Link Between Security and the IoT? - Security News - Trend Micro PH. 17 May 2018,
Bollapragada, Sairam. Swarm Robotics: 2 Potential Use Cases (Precision Farming & Rescue Missions) | LinkedIn. 28 Jan. 2018,
Boulton, Ian. AUGMENTED REALITY AND THE DIGITAL TWIN IN S1000D. June 2017, p. 14.
Bright, Peter. Google Backtracks—a Bit—on Controversial Chrome Sign-in Feature | Ars Technica. 27 Sept. 2018,
Brodie, Mark. Using Turtles For Robot Inspiration. 1 June 2017,
Brodkin, Jon. “Ajit Pai Slams Cities and Towns as FCC Erases $2 Billion in Local Fees.” Ars Technica, 26 Sept. 2018,
Castillo, Michelle. What Is 5G? 13 Mar. 2018,
Cearley, David W., et al. Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2018. Gartner, 3 Oct. 2017, p. 34.
Cheung, Natalie. Technology Behind the Intel Drone Light Shows | RoboticsTomorrow. 9 May 2017,
Christl, Wolfie. Corporate Surveillance In Everyday Life. How Companies Collect, Combine, Analyze, Trade, and Use Personal Data on Billions. June 2017.,
Cisco Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, 2016–2021 White Paper. Cisco, 28 Mar. 2017,
“Could Swarm Robotics Be Used to Solve Real-World Problems?” Richard van Hooijdonk, 11 Nov. 2016,
2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
Cunningham, Aaron. “Blockchain Industry Growth Exceeding Expectations, Said TES Panel.” Coinsquare News, 24 Feb. 2018,
DACONOMY. “The Data Economy.” DACONOMY, 10 Aug. 2018,
Dale, Brady. “Aion Is Launching a ‘Token Bridge’ to Connect Blockchains.” CoinDesk, 14 May 2018,
Daniels, Jeff. Wave of Agriculture Robotics Holds Potential to Ease Farm Labor Crunch. 8 Mar. 2018,
Dans, Enrique. “China, the United States… and the War to Control 5G.” Medium, 29 Jan. 2018,
DAQRI - Press. Accessed 19 Nov. 2018.
Deloitte. IoT Powered by Blockchain. Blockchain Institute, May 2018,
Djukic, Bogdan. “Do Robots Dream of Crypto?” AnyLedger | Http://Anyledger.Io, 8 May 2018,
Domingos, Pedro. “How Not to Regulate the Data Economy.” Pedro Domingos, 20 May 2018,
Duffy, James Martin. “Ethereum Will Be the Backbone of the New Internet.” Loom Network, 4 June 2018,
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2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
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  • 1. Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © 1997-2018 Info-Tech Research Group Inc. Become a Leader in the Loop REPORT 2019 CIO TREND A transition to an outcome-based organization
  • 2. Introduction EXECUTIVE BRIEF 2 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group In 2019 and beyond the CIO will be asked to deliver much more: as a business partner, a trusted technology advisor and a key driving force in the present and future relevance of their organization. The pressure is on to become more a than a supplier of services and executor of projects. As the business’s technological steward, the CIO must help their organization adopt emerging technologies with an eye to their long-term impact. The CIO must educate their organization about new ways to deploy existing technology, enabled by changes in the technology landscape. Finally, the CIO must help their organization grow, not just operationally, but as a service provider that puts customers at the forefront. Accomplish this by becoming a leader in the loop. Use Info-Tech’s approach to emerging technology to take a strategic position when it comes to trend adoption.
  • 3. What is the loop? EXECUTIVE BRIEF 31 Output Digital Twin Input User-Facing AI Control Blockchain 2.0 Process Robotics “The loop” describes the steps for getting from a starting point to a result. Throughout human history, objectives and operations follow “the loop.” The loop consists of four parts: input, process, control, and output. Each of these components is connected to a technology from the 2019 CIO Trend Report. Input: The materials, commands, and data that will be used to derive a finished product. User-Facing AI: The automation of user and/or customer-facing tasks to decrease the burden on human support service providers while increasing user satisfaction. Process: The steps taken to study, synthesize, break down and reconstruct the inputs into a finished product. Robotics: Encompasses robotic process automation (RPA), the automation of virtual or clerical processes with software “taskbots” and robotic automation of physical tasks by machines. Output: The result of the previous three stages presented in a way that is actionable to the stakeholder. Digital Twin: The creation of digital models of real-life objects using data from sensors on the objects themselves. Control: Ensures the right information is transferred to the right stakeholders in relation to the finished product. Blockchain 2.0: A “distributed ledger” that removes reliance on a single master copy of a digital record by storing multiple duplications of the record on different devices. 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 4. EXECUTIVE BRIEF 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group 4 The increased proliferation and sophistication of technology means there are more choices than ever for your business. Leadership in the loop is about providing stewardship in the learning and adoption of new technologies. Providing leadership in the loop is not easy for an IT leader. To become a leader in the loop, the CIO must learn about changes in the technology environmental, adopt emerging technology strategically, and grow by delivering on outcomes – both business and human. What is leadership in the loop?
  • 5. How do you become a leader in the loop? Focus technology adoption efforts on technologies that can stack together. Throughout history, technologies have stacked together to create new use cases that multiplied the benefits of the individual technologies. This report explores how technologies from Info-Tech’s trend report last year have combined to create new use cases. Adopt emerging technology Learn about technologies that will impact the business and social environment. These are shifts that change the way we deploy and use other technologies. A leader in the loop must learn about them and foresee the impact they will have. This report explores three technologies that will have profound impact on the business and social environment in the next several years. Learn about changes in the technology environment EXECUTIVE BRIEF 5 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group The cost of technology has exceeded its benefit when it begins to harm resilience, experience & trust for the use. A leader in the loop adopts new technologies based on their impact not just on business outcomes, but human outcomes as well. This report examines business and human outcomes and how they shape technological adoption. Grow by delivering on outcomes
  • 6. Digital Ethics 6 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group 5G Learn about changes in the technology environment Dapps Digital ethics concerns the social impact of digital data collection and analysis. Although regulation of consumer data is not a new concept, recent years have seen a proliferation of unprecedented use cases, which have pushed the boundaries of both existing legislation and customer expectations. 5G is the name for the latest generation of mobile communication technology, offering improved speeds, reliability and connectivity over its predecessor, 4G. The promise of 5G is a gateway into a fully interconnected world. No more buffering before a video loads; instantaneous sync of large volumes of data; the ability to connect hundreds of thousands of users simultaneously and have them interact, in a virtual environment, with minimal latency. Dapps (Pronounced "DEE-Apps") is an application running its back-end on a decentralized peer-to-peer network. In a traditional app, the app calls an API to grab your data from a database and display them. In a Dapp, there is no central database. Instead data are stored on a decentralized network of peers - such as a blockchain. On the front-end, a Dapp is no different than any application that you can download right now. EXECUTIVE BRIEF
  • 7. 7 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Adopt emerging technology A trend towards secure tracking of data generated in the physical world using decentralized ledgers. By adding blockchain technology to a digital twin or sensor on a physical world object, careful and secure tracking is enabled. By combining the accessibility of user-facing AI and digital twin technology, this trend will allow users to peer into the details of an IoT object. Imagine looking at an airplane engine with your AR goggles and seeing the last date of maintenance, the mileage, the serial number – all available at a glance. Autonomous swarms comprise many robots that together accomplish a task each individual robot cannot. Robot swarms can exist without blockchain. However, adding blockchain pushes the technology past a critical threshold of security and reliability, which makes it suitable for deployment in many of the currently hypothetical use cases Digitized Serialization The Digital World Autonomous Swarms EXECUTIVE BRIEF
  • 8. 8 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Key Business Outcomes These trends have impacts on business outcomes. They have the potential to change internal processes and external positioning within industry. Efficiency Intelligence Scale The ability of the technology to use fewer resources to accomplish the same amount of output or more. The ability of the technology to leverage organizational outputs to make processes smarter and more efficient. The ability of the technology to quickly increase capacity. EXECUTIVE BRIEF
  • 9. Key Human Outcomes Trust Experience Resilience 9 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group The extent to which the technology improves trust between parties. The extent to which the technology improves user experience by making something easier, simpler, more fun or faster. The extent to which the technology helps people and organization quickly recover when a negative event has occurred, or prevent negative events altogether. It is not enough to think about business outcomes. Leaders in the loop must also consider human outcomes: how technologies will impact the humans and societies they interact with. EXECUTIVE BRIEF
  • 10. 10 How to read this report ADOPT Emerging Technologies LEARN Changes in Technology Environment Description A description of the different technology environment shifts and what they entail. Signals and Drivers A summary of events, observed behaviors, and underlying forces that are driving these shifts. Critical Uncertainties A description of the key unknowns that will shape the impact of these technological shifts. Scenario Analysis An analysis of the possible outcomes of these technological changes based on the critical uncertainties. ITRG Resources A list of ITRG resources that will assist your organization in understanding these environmental changes and what they mean for your business. Description A description of the technologies and what they can achieve. Benefits A summary of the benefits that could be achieved from a business and human perspective from the successful adoption of these technologies. Dependencies A summary of the technological pre-requisites needed to make adoption of the technologies more widespread. Case Study A real-life example of how the technology is currently being applied in industry. Info-Tech Resources A collection of Info-Tech material that will assist your organization with understanding, and adopting the emerging technologies. 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group EXECUTIVE BRIEF
  • 11. Learn Changes in Technology Environment 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 12. Digital Ethics The Future of Data 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © 1997-2018 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.
  • 13. Digital Ethics Digital ethics concerns the social impact of digitization driven by emerging technology. It covers questions from digital data collection and analysis to consumer information privacy and algorithmic bias in artificial intelligence. Although regulation of consumer data is not a new concept, recent years have seen a proliferation of unprecedented use cases that have pushed the boundaries of both existing legislation and customer expectations. In response to increasing consumer awareness, businesses have shifted from a reactive approach to digital ethics, driven by emerging legislation, to a proactive stance aimed at addressing customer concerns directly. Businesses are doing 3 things: • Finding the ethical boundary of sufficient data mining without overstepping privacy boundaries • Establishing a viewpoint on digital ethics and making it public to consumers • Ensuring compliance with existing and anticipated regulations and concerns As ethical considerations increasingly shape consumer spending habits, taking a stance on data ethics and privacy is shifting from a logistical consideration to a key facet of an organization's business model. IT's role in enabling the business's digital ethics strategy thus shift from supportive to transformative. DIGITAL ETHICS 31 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group €739 billion The value of the European data aconomy by 2020. Source: European Commission (European Data Market Study 2017) The Future of Data
  • 14. Signals and Drivers DIGITAL ETHICS 14 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Increasing digitization is making the use of digital services increasingly necessary. In 2005 Facebook was only for college students. As we enter 2019, it has become the only way many of us keep in touch with distant friends and relatives. Live chat is coming to the forefront as the communication channel driving the most customer satisfaction (at 73%), followed by email (61%). Non-digital media trails far behind with the phone (41%)1. As avoiding a digital footprint has become increasingly inconvenient for the consumer, awareness is rising about the fate of our digital data. We generate more data than ever, and it is an invaluable resource for businesses. This has given rise to the data economy faster than regulation has been able to keep with it. This unregulated, high-risk high- reward scenario of data capture has created a volatile field of consumer awareness. Consumers appreciate the benefits data mining affords them, such as personalized product recommendations, but are often unaware of the true privacy costs, or the extent to which their data are collected. When this comes to their attention, as, for example, with the Cambridge Analytica scandal or the Equifax data breach, the reaction can be explosive, with serious consequences for the businesses involved. This has made it impossible for businesses to remain complacent, continuing existing data handling practices until regulation demands change. Customer backlash can create serious repercussions even before any regulation is passed, and industry leaders are taking a proactive stance on digital ethics. 1.9 billion Number of users whose data is held by Facebook Source: Cracked Labs 820 million Number of people whose data is held by Equifax 1 billion Number of mobile users with data held by Oracle 1 Source: eDigitalResearch
  • 15. Critical Uncertainties DIGITAL ETHICS 30 The advent of GDPR demonstrates the trajectory of the data economy towards stricter regulation. The outstanding question is how regulated it will become. Several aspects of data privacy regulation need to be considered. These unresolved questions will affect how future regulations mirror or differ from GDPR: • Degree to which customer consent is needed to repurpose data • Restrictions on how data will be stored (impacts blockchain, re right to be forgotten) • Restrictions on how data can be used (impacts AI, re right to explanation, repurposing of data) • Degree of compliance of subcontracted vendors/degree of expectation of responsibility for their data handling • Geographical extent re globalization • Customers' willingness to trade privacy for service - since regulation follows consumer sentiment, the degree to which consumers are willing to trade in privacy will have a big hand in shaping future regulation. This is an unknown because digital privacy concerns are only beginning enter widespread awareness, and public opinion has not yet had a chance to crystallize. Restrictiveness of Data Regulations The way in which the above regulations will impact your business directly depends on the degree to which you deal - or may deal in the future - with customer data. Exponential growth in the artificial intelligence and machine learning sectors, as well as the growing availability of these powerful data mining tools to non-experts, means that your business's data collection strategy today could expand exponentially tomorrow, changing the way you relate to data privacy regulation. Degree of Data Collection for Your Use Case "We can achieve both great artificial intelligence and great privacy standards. It is not only a possibility — it is a responsibility.” - Tim Cook (MacRumors, 2018) 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 16. Opportunity: Collecting minimal customer data is itself an asset in an age of concern over privacy and digital ethics. Businesses should not miss the opportunity to leverage their position with customers by making their limited data usage transparent. Risk: With advances in AI and the advent of the data economy, businesses who stop looking for opportunities to leverage customer data in ethical and regulation-compliant ways risk falling behind the competition. Regulation Restrictiveness: High Data Collection: Low Data Collection: High Regulation Restrictiveness: Low Opportunity: Permissive regulation allows businesses to get maximum value from customer data, and businesses who are able to collect such data at scale will be the best positioned to benefit from permissive regulation. Risk: Regulation follows consumer sentiment, and businesses pushing the edges of existing regulation risk becoming the example that tips customer concerns over the edge, risking reputation in the process. Scenario Analysis DIGITAL ETHICS 35 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Opportunity: Businesses who collect minimal data can leverage their de facto privacy orientation to build consumer relationships even (and especially) when such restrictiveness is not legally mandated. This is an opportunity for businesses to position themselves as being customer-centric by going above and beyond regulatory demands. Risk: In an unregulated data economy, competitors will be making every possible use of customer data, and decisions to forego this should be made mindfully with an eye toward the gain to customer relationships. Keeping an eye on consumer sentiment would allow businesses to continue developing their data strategy in an ethical way, staying prepared in case of regulatory changes down the road. Opportunity: Businesses who are at the forefront of handling customer data in an age of high regulation will be in a position to become leaders in the privacy movement and leverage regulation compliance to cement customer relationships. Risk: Compliance with regulation becomes more difficult and expensive with increasing potential for data collection, and the opportunity for failure is high. With more restrictive regulation, the costs of failure rise as well, and businesses will be looking at investing considerable resources into regulation compliance, or risk high fines both financially and socially.
  • 17. HOW WE HELP 17 Recommendation: Businesses who are currently not making data privacy and ethics a priority should shift orientation to do so. Digital ethics is a rising concern in the eyes of consumers and regulators alike, and the worst position to be in is to be caught unawares when regulations change. Businesses who are well within current and future regulations, either through strict compliance or a lack of invasive data collection should not miss the opportunity to leverage this with their customers, positioning themselves as customer-centric in the data economy. Businesses on the cutting edge of the data economy have the most vested interest in the development of digital privacy regulations, and should therefore not miss the opportunity to get involved in the conversation. Keep up to date with national and international regulations, attend conferences and keep an eye on recommendations put forth by future-thinking organizations such as the Institute For The Future. Making adjustments to data practices today puts businesses in a position to become thought leaders in the field, leverage their ethical practices to build customer relationships, and be prepared for upcoming regulatory restrictions. Existing Research: • Get up to speed with current privacy regulation by Fast Tracking Your GDPR Compliance Efforts • Discover and Classify Your Data to understand the risks surrounding your customer data • Position IT to Support and Be a Leader in Open Data Initiatives to get ahead of the game on transparency and public trust DIGITAL ETHICS 28 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Info-Tech Resources
  • 18. 5G Networks Unprecedented Connectivity 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © 1997-2018 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.
  • 19. 5G Networks 5G is the name for the latest generation of mobile communication technology, offering improved speeds, reliability and connectivity over its predecessor, 4G. The promise of 5G is a gateway into a fully interconnected world. No more buffering before a video loads; instantaneous sync of large volumes of data; the ability to connect hundreds of thousands of users simultaneously and have them interact, in a virtual environment, with minimal latency. 5G will act as an enabling technology for any application that relies on the remote transfer of data, such as cloud computing. One of the key innovations 5G will bring is unprecedented connectivity with the cloud. With the ability to transfer huge volumes of data in an instant, users will be able to augment devices with limited computing power, such as cell phones, with computing performed in the cloud, in real time. Beyond physical connections: 5G will also transform infrastructure. As wireless communication reaches the speeds offered by wired connectivity, the reliance on a physical connection between devices or users will decrease. This will pave the way to truly global connectivity. 5G 31 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group $326 billion By 2025, 5G infrastructure spend is expected to exceed Source: Moor Insights & Strategy Unprecedented Connectivity
  • 20. Signals and Drivers 5G 20 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Major mobile manufacturers are gearing up to capitalize on the 5G rollout. US telecommunications providers have started building the necessary infrastructure and announced planned deployment of 5G in select cities. And in the US, regulation is starting to be put in place around 5G infrastructure and costs. Expanding IoT and Cloud drive the need for a faster mobile network. The growing adoption of mobile broadband services has created a need for an expanded network capable of supporting the massive amounts of data put into motion by business-to-consumer and business-to-business applications. Further, with the increasing expansion of the Cloud and cloud-based computing, there is a rapidly growing need for data virtualization, as well as IoT and machine-to-machine wireless communication. These needs are rapidly outpacing the capabilities of current LTE speeds, creating an opportunity for 5G to enable faster innovation and more widespread adoption of new technologies that rely on wireless communication. Source: Cisco 0 10,000,000 20,000,000 30,000,000 40,000,000 50,000,000 60,000,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Mobile Data Traffic (TB per month) Total Mobile Data Traffic
  • 21. Critical Uncertainties 5G 30 5G brings with it an unprecedented degree of interconnectivity, meaning that more services than ever will be sharing the same wireless network. While this can open opportunities in the IoT space, it also necessitates regulation around prioritizing critical services such as medicine, public services such as self-driving taxis, and other business services. It is not yet known how this balance will be achieved, and will vary depending on your use case. This uncertainty hinges on several considerations: the actual technology used to enable 5G speeds, and the speed and degree to which critical services come to rely on mobile communications. 5G speeds can be achieved through a number of technological means, some relying purely on existing infrastructure and some requiring the deployment of new technologies that take advantage of new spectrum bands. Depending on the route taken in your geographic location, this will result in different competition for bandwidth between public and private, as well as essential and discretionary, services. The faster essential services like remote surgery develop, the faster the 5G bandwidth will reach capacity, necessitating prioritization of services. This competition, in turn, will drive legislative considerations and may limit the kind or extent of deployment private businesses can make. Restrictiveness of Regulation on Bandwidth Sharing Current LTE infrastructure is not yet at its capacity for providing mobile speeds, and therefore represents the first step in a gradual 5G rollout. In most areas, this gradual rollout will pave the way to eventual infrastructure overhauls needed to take advantage of emerging mobile technology that will expand 5G capacity. The speed of this changeover for your use case will influence your degree of greenfield or brownfield development, which in turn influences the resources you need to invest in development, interoperability with other providers' solutions and speed of adoption by consumers. Brownfield vs Greenfield Development for Your Use Case “Not all traffic is created equal. In the 5G future, mission- critical apps such as remote surgery will have to take priority over other traffic. There will need to be a regulatory regime that allows the service provider to create services that are differentiated based on user experiences.” - Börje Ekholm, CEO, Ericsson (PCMag, 2018) 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 22. Opportunity: Building on existing infrastructure can save on resources. A highly regulated environment means that competitors are limited in their ability to get an edge by offering vastly broader functionality. Risk: Legislation can impose significant limits on your use of 5G, limiting the services or technology you are able to provide. Being further constrained by slow rollout of new infrastructure can further reduce the speed of development or adoption, delaying the maximum benefit of 5G for your use case. Legislative Limits: High Technological Development: Brownfield Technological Development: Greenfield Legislative Limits: Low Opportunity: With low restrictions from both regulation and technology, you are in a position to make transformative use of 5G, developing solutions highly customized to your use case. Risk: Greenfield development can lead to fragmented technologies that don't integrate well into a wider IoT network. This can create hurdles in developing or complying with a common technological standard and can slow adoption by consumers. Scenario Analysis 5G 35 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Opportunity: Your solutions can be highly targeted to meet your use case needs while complying with legislative restrictions. Risk: Typical greenfield issues like technological fragmentation apply. Additionally, regulations are likely to evolve over time, so not only can they limit what you are able to accomplish, this constraint can change over time, necessitating more custom developments to meet the changing regulations. Opportunity: Making use of existing technology and infrastructure can save on costs and speed up adoption by consumers. Building on existing common standards can also facilitate interoperability, which increases the power of IoT networks. Risk: Existing infrastructure can impose constraints that limit the technology's applications even when permitted by legislation. This is particularly problematic if competitors are able to develop greenfield solutions in a low-regulation environment.
  • 23. 23 Recommendation: Since the benefits of 5G can be readily anticipated even before the technology is fully adopted, take this opportunity to clearly define your use case and determine where it falls in the opportunity/risk quadrants. Being aware of possible limitations in advance, such as needing to integrate legacy technology, can help you budget both resources and time more accurately. When determining the impact of 5G speeds on your business case, consider: • The processes and services most likely to benefit from increased speed and connectivity • The steps and resources required to update and expand these processes • Possible obstacles and potential solutions for overcoming them Existing Research: • Future-proof your business by Modernizing Your Data Center • Learn about 5G Networks and their applications in Energy and other industries through our Premium Industry Coverage research notes Info-Tech Resources 5G 28 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 24. Dapps Decentralized Applications 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Info-Tech Research Group, Inc. is a global leader in providing IT research and advice. Info-Tech’s products and services combine actionable insight and relevant advice with ready-to-use tools and templates that cover the full spectrum of IT concerns. © 1997-2018 Info-Tech Research Group Inc.
  • 25. Dapps Dapps (Pronounced "DEE-Apps") is an application running its back-end on a decentralized peer-to- peer network. In a traditional app, the app will call an API to grab data from a data base and display them. In a Dapp, a smart contract connects the front-end to a blockchain. On the front-end, a Dapp is no different than any application that you can download from the app store. Additionally, a Dapp must have all four of the following properties: • Open source: The source code is open to the public. It operates autonomously, no entity controls it. Consensus of its users decides proposed improvements. • Decentralized storage: The application's data and records of operation must be cryptographically stored in a public, decentralized blockchain. • Token use: Tokens provide access to the application and provide a reward to validators of the transactions. • Consensus mechanism: The application must follow a cryptographic algorithm acting as a proof of value (e.g. Proof of Work). Any and every decision within the Dapp is subject to this cryptographic algorithm, which safeguards against bad actors. DAPPS 31 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group 475% Growth in the number of Dapps built since June 2017 Source: “StateoftheDapps” (2018) Decentralized Applications
  • 26. Signals and Drivers DAPPS 26 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group The main driver for Dapps is platform centralization. In software, the best indicator of the success of a platform is the number of developers that support it. The platform with the most and best developers will always win. In the case of Dapps, Ethereum has a significant lead on every platform in terms of developers and developer tools. Ethereum now has an estimated developer community of ~250,000. 94 of the top 100 blockchain projects were launched on the Ethereum blockchain. Similar to the competition between IoS and Android in the late 2000s, a larger developer base will influence the rate that which apps are developed and published. In 2018 there are 724,000 Google Play developers vs. 494,000 iOS developers. This growth in google play developers is also reflected in the number of apps produced. 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 New Apps released each year iOS Google Play
  • 27. Critical Uncertainties “It doesn’t matter if a blockchain can do a thousand transactions per second or a million transactions per second – no single blockchain will be fast enough to handle all the world’s decentralized applications on the same chain.” - James Martin Duffy (“Ethereum Will Be the Backbone of the New Internet”) DAPPS 30 Another platform may become a hub for blockchain developers in the near future. Ethereum has competition. It's competitors are known as "Ethereum-Killers," and strive to address issues with the Ethereum platform. Currently, EOS, Cardano, and NEO are some of the platforms positioning to challenge Ethereum. In the future, there is uncertainty as to how much platform centralization will occur. A supermajority of development could occur on one of the platforms listed above. As well, development can also become more decentralized and be spread amongst the platforms. Platform Centralization No matter how scalable a platform is, it will not be able to run all of the Dapps that will be created. Based on the current capabilities of platforms there will be a threshold for Dapp activity before the platform becomes overloaded. Successfully scaling Dapps transactions will require sidechains. Sidechains are an emerging mechanism that allows tokens and other digital assets from one blockchain to be securely used in a separate blockchain. The asset can be transferred back if needed. A sidechain will use a consensus mechanism that will support a high number of transactions per second (TPS) and low latency. This side chain can process the "day-to-day" transactions that occur on the Dapp, whereas the main chain can store core user information and tokens of value. For example, in a Dapp video game, the "main chain" will store important character data and account balances. Whereas the side chain will record the smaller transactions that occur day-to-day in the game. The critical uncertainty remains in the number of Dapps that will populate a platform. The number of Dapps will dictate the level of scalability required to operate the Dapp on the platform and the requisite work needed to build sidechains. Scalability 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 28. Opportunity: This allows for organization to build their solutions onto the platform without the use of sidechains. If the correct platform is selected, this is the shortest route for the organization to create a usable Dapp that meets scalability standards. Risk: Picking the right platform in which to invest development resources will be paramount. Furthermore, scalability may increase in the future. The organization may be caught flat-footed trying to ramp up side chain capability if this were to occur. Platform Centralization: Centralized Scalability Requirement: Low Scalability Requirement: High Platform Centralization: Decentralized Opportunity: Ample investments will guarantee strong applications across multiple platforms. Providing users with a wide array of possible options for which platforms to choose. Risk: Dilution of resources can easily occur. Development needs to happen on multiple chains and "layer 2" content will have to be built for multiple chains. Development on different chains will require different programming skills. Maintaining the quality of the end product would be difficult. Scenario Analysis DAPPS 35 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Opportunity: Picking the right blockchain platform ("main chain") will allow the organization to get a head start on the competition. The organization can focus on building "layer 2" content on top of the blockchain platform such as interfaces and sidechains. Risk: Picking the right main blockchain is paramount to success. If a chain is picked and a supermajority of development is occurring on another platform then "layer 2" development may be stunted by lack of developer talent. Opportunity: Opportunity to develop on multiple "main chains" and store most of the key data on those main chains guarantees a heighted level of security. Risk: Low data quality can also be an issue if there is a lack of viable "join" chain vendors (e.g. Polkadot, Cosmos). These "join" chain vendors are similar to TCP/IP, which connected the different pieces of the internet together. Blockchain platforms today are not connected. Without this integration, building Dapps on multiple platforms will result in disjointed and low quality data.
  • 29. HOW WE HELP 29 Recommendation: Info-Tech recommends to consistently monitor the state of each platform in the space. Key platforms for building Dapps include Ethereum, EOS, Cardano, and NEO. This is not an exhaustive list of platforms, but a highlight of some of the top platforms that are competing for developers and market share. Info-Tech recommends your organization to perform additional research on each of these platforms to understand their unique value propositions. The blockchain technology space is fast-moving. Info-Tech recommends to first develop use cases for Dapps within your organization. This means your organization should assess if a blockchain or peer-to-peer back- end would be beneficial for existing applications in the organization. Leverage Info-Tech's research on Blockchain to assess its applicability in your organization and to assist your team with developing use cases. Existing Research: • Read the blueprint Demystify Blockchain: How Can It Bring Value to Your Organization? to understand blockchain technology, its benefits, and whether the technology is a good fit for your organization. • Grasp how blockchain ecosystems currently operate with The Backend of Blockchain. • Go the Extra Mile with Blockchain to explore its disruptive potential in the transportation and logistics industry. • Identify security and regulation issues with Understanding Regulation with Blockchain Technology. Info-Tech Resources DAPPS 28 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 30. Adopt Emerging Technologies 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 31. Digitized Serialization Secure Data Tracking 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 32. Digitized Serialization Digitized Serialization is a trend toward careful, secure tracking of data generated in the physical world. It goes beyond simply recording and analyzing the data. By adding blockchain technology to the process, careful and secure tracking is enabled. Who has accessed the data, who has changed the data and who has added data can all be discerned. This tracking capability breaks down organizational walls. Before, data could only be securely shared within organizational boundaries. With blockchain technology, data generated in the physical world can be shared with anyone that is part of the business network, without relying on high levels of pre-established trust between the parties. Each organization may be apprehensive to sharing that data fearing a myriad of risks. By being part of the blockchain network, each organization can take comfort in the fact that any digital twin data they share will be enhanced by blockchain technology. Blockchain technology provides additional security, immutability, and transparency, to all data shared on the network. Digitized Serialization is the combination of two trends previously discussed by Info-Tech. Digital twin and Blockchain. Digital twin refers to the creation of digital models of real-life objects using data from sensors on the objects themselves. Blockchain is a distributed computing principles that removes reliance on a single master copy of digital record by keeping a "Distributed ledger." “Security and trust are essential to building an ecosystem and attracting stakeholders who are set to interact with each other on a common platform.” 31 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group DIGITIZED SERIALIZATION Source: Deloitte, IoT Powered by Blockchain (2018) Secure Data Tracking
  • 33. Removal of Intermediaries 33 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Faster Transactions Digitized Serialization – Business Benefits Lower Cost of Trade Intermediaries within a process add cost, processing time and potential for error. By allowing the secure automation of many of these steps, blockchain leads to a great gain in efficiency. Digitization of assets introduces the possibility of robotic automation, greatly increasing the speed of processing. By securing this automation on the blockchain, Digitized Serialization makes it suitable for a greater range of processes. Secure, digital automation saves on costs. By removing costly intermediaries, reducing the potential for error and the need for time consuming verification steps, and upping the volume of transactions. DIGITIZED SERIALIZATION
  • 34. Data Integrity 34 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Record Auditability Digitized Serialization – Human Benefits Peer-to-peer Collaboration By encoding data captured by the digital twin onto the blockchain, the physical world object can be monitored and it can be guaranteed that the all the data captured are verifiable. This is especially important for predictive maintenance modelling. Blockchain technology provides a 'certificate of trusted origin' for physical world goods that is moved around the business network. Crypto tags can be attached to goods to provide an immutable serialization for that specific asset. When they tags are tampered with or removed and the asset can be seen as spoiled or invalid. A mechanism that allows two or more network participants in a decentralized platform to interact with each other directly. P2P trading of digital twin data improves the communication between parties in a business network. Transmitting production, consumption, and storage availability data directly from the digital twin removes human errors. P2P trading is a significant improvement on data sharing because of the increased trustworthiness of data from digital twin and blockchain technology. DIGITIZED SERIALIZATION
  • 35. Digitized serialization can only be adopted if there is a willing business network, i.e. a group of businesses that would benefit from sharing their Digital Twin data in a more secure manner. Furthermore, to truly harness the benefit of the underlying technology in this trend, the trust in the business work must be limited. If there is already full trust, there is no compelling need to utilize blockchain technology. In the business network, the chosen blockchain platform will need to be integrated into business processes. Furthermore, employees and/or customers will also have to be prepared for the changes the platform will usher in. Every member of the network will have to train its employees and customers on the specifics of the chosen platform. Only when every member pulls their weigh will the platform yield equal information from everyone, incentivizing each member to continue to contribute. Business network creation Blockchain platform integration Platform protocol selection The right choice of platform protocol (e.g. Ethereum, EOS, NEO, Hyperledger, etc.) will be important for the partners of the network. Currently, the sharing of data works only when all of the partners are on the same platform. Furthermore, scalability will also be a major factor into selecting the right platform. Business networks should monitor updates from each protocol to keep up to date on scalability changes. DIGITIZED SERIALIZATION Key Dependencies For Digitized Serialization to be successfully adopted into a business network requires a tight match between the business process to be digitized, the platform it will be moved to, and the current users’ transition to the new format. 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 36. Situation • Healthcare information is typically stored in a variety of disparate locations. A complete record of a patient is often spread across multiple systems. • This results in no one party having a complete picture of the patient, creating inefficiencies in the system. Issues include care providers not having the correct information when diagnosing patients and increased waiting times for both patients and staff. Case Study Industry: Healthcare, Technology 36 Context Helix3 Technologies Inc. is a healthcare technology company focused on giving consumer health, clinical, and genomic data meaningful use. Helix3 accomplishes this mission by leveraging blockchain and digital twin technology. User data is uploaded onto Helix3's blockchain, creating a digital twin of the user. This digital twin is referred to as a Helix Twin. The Helix Twin's consolidated user data allows the user to share personalized medical information with healthcare professionals. Each party in the network (patients, medical processionals etc.) has a unique identity on the Helix3 platform. As members connect to the network, this allows the Helix Twin to gather all the disparate pieces of patient data into a single, comprehensive digital twin. These pieces include medical records, genome data, health insurance information, fitness tracking, etc. User data is secured with blockchain technology. This enhances the ability of the data to be shared throughout the business network. Additionally, this blockchain provides a history of access and modification to patient data, enhancing security. Helix3 outlines numerous use cases. One example involves longitudinal records. A longitudinal record is a patient's history of treatment and/or illnesses. Currently, 54% patients go to their primary health clinician when there is an issue. This results in other physicians not having a complete record of patient treatment history, which slows down the treatment process. With the Helix3 app, patient longitudinal data is uploaded and added to the Helix Twin, controlled by the patient, and accessible to healthcare providers in a timely manner. 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group DIGITIZED SERIALIZATION Source: Belleville & White
  • 37. HOW WE HELP 37 Recommendation: Various blockchain organizations (e.g. AION, Cosmos, Polkadot) offer solutions to merge data from different blockchain platforms together. Similar to what the TCP/IP protocol did for the internet, these blockchain organizations are looking to connect the separate platforms together. Business networks should continue to monitor developments in this area. Adoption of these solutions could allow different partners in the network to use different platforms, enhancing adoption by allowing organizations to work on platforms where they have the most familiarity. Platform differentiation, therefore, will be a great advantage to organizations that are able to harness it first. Existing Research: • Review the CIO Trend Report 2018 to get an overview Digital Twin and Blockchain trends. • Read the blueprint Double Your Organization's Effectiveness With a Digital Twin to gain additional background knowledge on digital twin technology. • Read the blueprint Demystify Blockchain: How Can It Bring Value to Your Organization? to understand blockchain technology, its benefits, and whether the technology is a good fit for your organization. Info-Tech Resources 28 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group DIGITIZED SERIALIZATION
  • 38. Digital World Immersive Analytics 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 39. Digital World Imagine a world where it is commonplace to put on your augmented reality (AR) and/or mixed reality (MR) goggles and watch the room come to life with information. Imagine an environment where every IoT object has its most relevant details selected and displayed for you using artificial intelligence. When a mechanic looks at an airplane engine with AR goggles, imagine having the last date of maintenance, the mileage, the serial number all available at a glance. Digital World is a trend which combines two previous trends discussed by Info-Tech: User-Facing Artificial Intelligence and Digital Twin. User-Facing Artificial Intelligence is the simplification and/or removal of user interfaces. Think of how Siri and AR goggles remove traditional interfaces such as a screen, keyboard, and mouse. Digital Twin is the creation of digital models of real-life objects using data from sensors on the real-life objects themselves. By combining User-Facing AI and Digital Twin technology, this trend will allow users to peer into the data collected from sensors on physical objects just as easily as they are seeing the world around them. DIGITAL WORLD 31 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group “Having the opportunity to do video calls and share the visual data among workers reduces the error factor by 200%.” - Apiumhub Immersive Analytics
  • 40. Intuitive Data 40 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Faster Decision Making Digital World – Business Benefits Prescriptive Analytics VR/AR provides a digital overlay that can be adjusted to pair with the physical asset. Imagine looking at a physical asset and having its KPIs show up in front of your eyes. Presenting data intuitively means is it more readily used for the analytics that power your business. Insights reach you within your workflow, which speeds up decision making. Access to data directly, with minimal need for intermediate steps, further reduces the potential for error and improves the quality of the analysis. An augmented reality headset is not just another set of gauges. Powered by artificial intelligence, it has the power not just to show, but to alert. The “AI” in “user-facing AI” adds value by highlighting anomalous data and strategically prompting action where it is needed first. DIGITAL WORLD
  • 41. Removal of Barriers 41 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group User Mobility Digital World – Human Benefits Synced Visualization Presenting data intuitively means data can be accessed faster, more easily and by more people. Having data digitally accessible within a virtual world makes it available for tele-collaboration. Mobility provides the user with the freedom of their hands and the ability to move freely. The user is not tethered to computer screens. They are unencumbered and can perform a wider array of actions while still majority receiving critical data. The concept of "You see what I see“ becomes a reality. It enhances the user's ability to describe situations and issues with the physical asset to anyone they are collaborating with. DIGITAL WORLD
  • 42. DIGITAL WORLD Too much information on a visual interface (e.g. a computer screen) can obstruct important data. The same will apply on a VR/AR screen. The organization must decide what information will be prioritized when the AR/VR sightline is placed over a physical world object. Currently, there are multiple interfaces through which users can access IoT and Digital Twin data. An individual may use a fitness tracker, a smart car, a smart thermostat, and a computer screen. Each type of information is presented in a tailored medium. Even as an AR interface seeks to integrate multiple kinds of information in a single presentation, we must identify the best way to handle the variety of information. The benefits of the intuitive interfaces offered by Digital World technology can only be realized when the method of presentation matches the information identified as most important. Visual clutter Suitability of interfaces Integration with existing infrastructure Today, users have to interface with Digital Twin data mostly through a laptop or desktop. Constructing APIs and customized applications between the new mobile medium and the existing IoT sensors of the physical asset will be paramount to adoption. Likewise, current and future connectivity capabilities must be considered, as we increase our reliance on the fast transfer of massive amounts of data. Key Dependencies The three major dependencies underlying the mainstream adoption of Digital World concern improving the human-computer interactions associated with attaining a truly seamless augmented reality experience. 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 43. Situation • The maintenance and preparation of racing bikes is a complex process. There are many components to check and monitor. • Mechanics have to manually check a list of components in preparation for the race and during the race. • A misstep could cost the race or endanger the racer. Case Study Industry: Motorsport, Technology DIGITAL WORLD 43 Source: GE Predix TechnologyBrief 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Context Aprilia Racing, an Italian motorcycle company, has commissioned Realmore, a vendor of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) related content, to develop a software that can connect the DAQRI Smart Helmet to sensor data in their motorcycles. This capability assists the mechanics and engineers that maintain the Aprilia motorcycles in the middle of races. The DAQRI Smart Helmet is an AR helmet. When content enters into the helmet's camera, the previously designed AR renderings will appear. By looking at a motorcycle with the DAQRI smart helmet, the mechanic will be able to visualize real-time KPIs regarding the bike. KPIs such as water temperature, oil, and tire pressure can all be visualized through the smart helmet. By relaying these data to the mechanic and engineer in an intuitive, simple and hands-off way, the technology provides them with the tools and mobility to quickly make adjustments to the bike. Furthermore, the software developed by Realmore provides a 3D rendering of the bike. Through this 3D rendering, mechanics are able to visualize wear and tear on critical parts. This allows them to make fast adjustments based on real-time data.
  • 44. HOW WE HELP 44 Recommendation: Much of what has been done with augmented reality applications is currently in the proof of concept stage. Much of what is seen in demos only works under limited conditions. There are currently a few players on the hardware side (e.g. Daqri, Vuzix, RealWear, Hololens, and Magic Leap), and organizations looking to capitalize on Digital World technology should consider keeping up with the developments and up and coming players in this space. What organizations can do now to familiarize their workforce with A/R content would be using A/R to provide training and instructional content. Short, instructional visual overlays can be rendered on A/R hardware with a higher degree of stability compared to other use cases. Existing Research: • Learn more about Immersive UX such as Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in the CIO 2017 Trend report. • Review the CIO Trend Report 2018 to get an overview Digital Twin and User-Facing AI trends. • Read the blueprint Double Your Organization's Effectiveness With a Digital Twin to gain additional background knowledge on digital twin technology. • Understand how A/R technology will bring value to your organization with Activate Your Augmented Reality Initiative Info-Tech Resources DIGITAL WORLD 28 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 45. Autonomous Swarms Group Robotics 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 46. Autonomous Swarms Flocks of birds, schools of fish, swarms of insects, and now... swarms of robots. Inspired by their biological counterparts, robot swarms comprise many individuals that together accomplish a task each individual robot alone cannot. Not to be confused with collaborative robotics (several robots working together towards a common goal), swarm robotics is characterized by several additional properties: • They are homogenous - made up of multiple copies of the same type of robot • Each robot is governed by simple rules in relation to the complexity of the end goal • They work together in parallel - all robots are simultaneously and independently working towards the end goal, rather than working as an assembly line where some robots wait for others to finish Robot swarms can exist without blockchain. But combining blockchain technology with swarm robotics pushes autonomous swarms past a critical threshold of security and reliability, which makes them suitable for deployment in many of the currently hypothetical use cases. 31 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group $52.3 billion By 2025, the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle market is expected to reach Source: MarketsandMarkets with highest CAGR in the civil and commercial segment. AUTONOMOUS SWARMS Group Robotics
  • 47. Scale 47 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Decentralized Decision- Making Autonomous Swarms – Business Benefits Consistent Results Every agent within a robotic swarm is designed to act autonomously, with the overall swarm behavior emerging organically as a consequence of these individual tasks. This makes it simple to increase or decrease swarm size simply by adding or removing agents: because each agent’s low-level tasks don’t change, there is no need for reprogramming. Blockchain technology provides a mechanism for multiple robotic agents to reach consensus without the need for a central authority. By providing a way to engage in a "voting" decision-making process, the blockchain enables the robots to reach consensus without putting their trust in any single party. This makes the swarm more resilient and simplifies the job of a human controller. The blockchain enables swarms to perform their jobs more robustly, with less potential for error and malicious interference. This leads to more consistent and dependable results for businesses. AUTONOMOUS SWARMS
  • 48. Dangerous Situation Avoidance 48 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Resistance to Hacking Autonomous Swarms – Human Benefits Error Avoidance Robot swarms and very well suited to take over dangerous or undesirable jobs. Landmine detection, dangerous machinery maintenance, city cleanup – these are just some examples of jobs whose automation can greatly improve the quality of life of the people currently performing them. In applications where robots are in close proximity to humans, and the potential for data collection is high, data security becomes especially important. The resistance to malicious attacks afforded by blockchain means greater security for the people whose data robotic swarms may be handling. Consistency and dependability are the natural benefits that arise from the decision-making and auditability possibilities blockchain opens for robotic swarms. For humans, this means less worry about errors in handling tasks such as pesticide use in crops. AUTONOMOUS SWARMS
  • 49. AUTONOMOUS SWARMS As swarms grow larger, the question of how to monitor and control so many agents becomes more pressing. As we entrust more of the robots’ operation to algorithmic decision-making, we must be clear on the underlying safety and privacy assumptions, definitions of “harm,” and the robots’ role in protecting human interests. Human cognitive processing limits, coupled with the large number of agents in typical robotic swarms, necessitate some degree of algorithmic automation. The key consideration becomes: which aspects of the swarm’s operation to leave up to the algorithm, and which key factors to keep under human surveillance. Define the rules the govern autonomous behaviour with an eye to difficult cases. Autonomy’s guiding principles Readiness for automation Regulation of collected data With increasing automation comes the collection of staggering amounts of data. Most of the civilian use cases, such as robotic food delivery, or even street cleanup, has the potential to collect human data, either through necessity, such as recording a delivery address, or by accident, such as by capturing a passer-by in a robot’s vision. The potential for privacy violations and their prevention must be a key consideration in the development of any swarm robotics strategy. Key Dependencies Autonomous Swarms raise new considerations for businesses looking to capitalize on the technology. Increasing autonomy and ballooning data collection mean businesses must clearly define the rules guiding robotic decision- making regarding data privacy and human safety. 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 50. Situation • Traditional farming automation strategies take a sweeping approach. Large machines prune, harvest and fertilize large areas of crop at a time. • Precision farming is an emerging movement in agriculture that aims to reduce cost and improve efficacy by targeting treatments such as pesticide administration only to the plants that need them. • Autonomous swarm robotics is enabling this shift by deploying a larger number of smaller robots to perform a series of targeted tasks in place of a single overall approach. Case Study Industry: Agriculture AUTONOMOUS SWARMS 50 Sources:, Context In Australia, a company is developing a farming approach using swarm robotics that is targeted rather than sweeping: using multiple autonomous machines, much smaller than traditional farming machinery, to perform targeted actions, such as administering pesticides only where they are needed. Where the old approach was to take a large tractor, capable of spraying several rows of crops with pesticide simultaneously, the smaller robots use artificial intelligence to roam the field, identify weeds, and spray only them, leaving crops intact. This has resulted in gains in efficiency and consistency that exceed those of the traditional approach. SwarmFarm’s robots have been adapted to other applications, including irrigation, planting, weeding and harvesting. In all cases, a more targeted approach means greater precision and economy of resources. Pesticide and fertilizer can be applied more sparingly, and planting and harvesting can be done with individual attention to each plant, an impossible task with large-scale machinery. The new approach is aimed to translate to producing greater yields at reduced cost while raising the quality of the crop. Several robots have been under development and testing on SwarmFarm land. SwarmFarm has garnered support through government funding, and partnered with PWC Australia, Adama Australia, Bosch and other sponsors to bring the robots to market. 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 51. HOW WE HELP 51 Recommendation: Consider: do you have a use case? Autonomous swarm robotics is a powerful solution primarily for problems that are amenable to a distributed approach. If you have a use case, how important are the dependencies to it? Because swarm robotics applies to a wide variety of use cases, the key considerations will be different for each. For example, data privacy may not be as important for farming as for city surveillance. Identify the critical uncertainties for your industry and learn about the current cutting edge solutions. Look for opportunities to partner with technology developers as early adopters, in order to have a hand in shaping the development of the technology for your use case. Existing Research: • Read the CIO Trend Report 2018 to get an overview of the Robotics and Blockchain trends. • Read the blueprint Integrate Artificial Intelligence Into Your Manufacturing Operations to understand how AI can be applied to real-world business cases • Read the blueprint Demystify Blockchain: How Can It Bring Value to Your Organization? to understand blockchain technology and the benefits it brings Info-Tech Resources AUTONOMOUS SWARMS 28 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group
  • 52. 52 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Technological stewardship is an ever-evolving task, but you don't have to stand alone. Follow Info-Tech's Learn-Adopt-Grow framework to confidently tackle this new challenge in technological leadership. Establish a solid foundational understanding to adopt the current most impactful technologies; learn about changes in the technological environment to innovate thoughtfully; and grow in your capacity as business partner by balancing the business and human impacts of new technologies. Become a leader in the loop HOW WE HELP
  • 53. 53 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Learn Establish a set of dedicated programs based on emerging technology use cases Adopt Grow • Analyze shifts in the technology landscape with Strategic Foresight • Read Info-Tech’s Trends and Predictions to keep up to date with new technological developments • Leverage our emerging technology blueprints for executive presentations, use cases, vendor analysis and recommendations for AI, Blockchain, Digital Twin, RPA, IoT & AR/VR • Make better IT decisions with comprehensive Software Reviews • Access industry research notes, business reference architectures and benchmarking data as part of our Premium Industry Coverage Lead the discussion on human benefits by first demonstrating deep business and industry expertise Analyze emerging changes in the technology environment Learn, Adopt, and Grow Use Info-Tech's resources to support you on your journey to becoming a leader in the loop. HOW WE HELP
  • 54. Research Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 54 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Iyke Aru, Crypto Educator and Project Advisor Iyke is a leading crypto educator and project advisor based in Africa. Burkhard is a business consulting leader with a track record in initiating and leading global Business, Digital and IT Strategy, Transformation and Innovation programs, mostly for leading Fortune 500 Firms. Since 2015, Burkhard has been focusing on Blockchain Innovation primarily in the manufacturing, consumer products, telco and logistics sectors with a specific focus on the digital twin on Blockchain. He has authored multiple publications on digital transformation and Blockchain innovation, is a frequent speaker on these subjects and an expert advisor on Blockchain to the European Commission, for which he supported a project to develop a speculative prototype for a digital twin on blockchain in advanced manufacturing. Burkhard Blechschmidt, Head of Digital Strategy Cognizant Consulting
  • 55. Research Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 55 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Eduardo Castello Ferrer, Postdoctoral Fellow MIT Media Lab Eduardo is an MIT Postdoctoral researcher specialized in robotics. He is currently conducting research and participating in projects on Swarm Robotics and Blockchain technologies. Francesco Corea, Tech Investor and Complexity Scientist Francesco is a post-doc educated professional with expertise in AI and Complexity science, now turned tech investor looking at deep technology companies. Author of dozens of academic papers and four books, he writes in publications such as Medium and Forbes on how AI interacts with other technologies or could be applied to specific industries. A fellow in Big data and high-performance computing at UCLA and former Anthemis fellow, he often speaks at international events and advises early-stage AI companies.
  • 56. Research Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 56 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Horizon Communications is an internet service provider in the Caribbean. Gilbert A. Darrell, Founder Horizon Communications Tannya is a techno-optimist who is passionate about carving out an exciting future based on advances in exponential technologies. She has lived and worked with a variety of organizations in Boston, Washington D.C. and Dubai. Currently, she is an Associate Project Manager at VMware, a marker leader in cloud infrastructure and digital workspace technology. Tannya Jajal, Associate Project Manager VMware
  • 57. Research Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 57 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Chris Kalle, a software engineer of over 15 years, first started studying autonomous systems in 2012. He then graduated from the world's first autonomous vehicle engineer program in 2017, and later studied aerial robotics and autonomous flight. Since then he launched R4 Robotics, which is now developing advanced autonomous systems, using swarm technology, for use in agriculture and other scalable domains. R4 Robotics is an Australian end-to-end AI and robotics company creating innovative robotic solutions, that solves real-world challenges. Chris Kalle, CEO and Founder R4 Robotics Pty Ltd Dr. MacCready combines a background of innovative engineering (including several years working at AeroVironment, Inc.) with an eye for Earth Science (PhD in Geology) as he designs swarming robotic systems to gather synoptic ocean data. Tyler MacCready, PhD, CEO Apium, Inc.
  • 58. Research Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 58 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Shane is a prolific writer on technology and frequently gives talks on Design Thinking, robotics, AI, IoT, and the future of technology in society. He is a Vanier scholar pursuing a PhD in Robotics at the University of Toronto, holds an MBA in Technology and Innovation from Ryerson University and a B. Eng. from McGill University Shane Saunderson PhD student, Human-robot interaction, University of Toronto Dr. Carsten Stöcker is co-founder of the “Interlinked Protocol”. Interlinked Protocol is an interoperable identity and digital twinning solution for the 4th Industrial Revolution bridging the human, machine and digital spheres. He is a physicist by training with a Ph.D. from the University of Aachen. He also serves as a Council Member of Global Future Network for the World Economic Forum. Prior to co-founding Interlinked Protocol, Carsten founded Spherity GmbH and worked for several renowned companies as German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR). Carsten Stöcker Founder Interlinked Protocol, CEO Spherity GmbH
  • 59. Research Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 59 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group Toby Tremayne is a cross-disciplinary Technical Futurist, Hacker, Developer and all round Troublemaker with over 20 years in enterprise development. His consulting company Magic Industries focuses on Web 3.0 or the Spatial Web, working across blockchain, AI, Machine Learning, VR/AR/MR, IoT, Self Sovereign Identity and more. MI strives to bring these technologies together to create a new decentralized, user controlled Internet that reaches into and enhances work and everyday life consulting with businesses and startups world wide on future tech, architecture and development. Toby Tremayne, Technical Futurist, Founder Magic Industries Dr. Vergne's research focuses on organization theory and strategy, with expertise in cryptocurrency, blockchain, and FinTech. He is the founding coordinator of the Crypto Capitalism Center, the co-Director of the Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab at Ivey Business School and the director of the Crypto Economics Lab. He has co-authored a book entitled The Pirate Organization: Lessons from the Fringes of Capitalism, published with Harvard Business Review Press, and regularly speaks at major conferences, including Google Zeitgeist, TEDx, and South by Southwest Interactive. You can find him on Twitter @PirateOrg. Jean-Philippe Vergne, Associate Professor of Strategy Ivey Business School, Western University
  • 60. Research Contributors CONTRIBUTORS 60 2019 CIO TRENDS / Info-Tech Research Group is an analytics platform for digital assets on the Ethereum blockchain. Jonathan Wooddin, Head of Information We thank industry experts who chose to keep their contributions anonymous. Anonymous Contributors
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