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Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
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Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................0
1.1 COMMUNICATION .........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 FORMSOF COMMUNICATION..........................................................................................................................2
1.3 THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS..............................................................................................................3
1.4 BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION...............................................................................................................4
1.5 ADVERTISING ........................................................................................................................................5
1.6 FEATURESOF ADVERTISING ....................................................................................................................6
1.7 ADVERTISING IN THE PRE-INDUSTRIAL ERA ..............................................................................................6
1.8 PRESENT SCENARIO OFADVERTISING.......................................................................................................7
1.9 MEDIA ..................................................................................................................................................8
1.10 INDIAN MEDIA ....................................................................................................................................8
1.11 ADVERTISING THEORIES.......................................................................................................................9
1.11.1 AIDA.................................................................................................................................................9
1.11.2 DAGMAR........................................................................................................................................10
1.11.3 HIERARCHY OF EFFECTS ..............................................................................................................12
2.0 REVIEW OF LITERATURE..................................................................................................................15
2.1 CELEBRITY..........................................................................................................................................15
2.2 HISTORY OF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS................................................................................................16
2.3 CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS IN INDIA.....................................................................................................17
2.4 EFFECTIVENESS OF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS......................................................................................18
2.5 RESULTSOF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS................................................................................................21
2.6 TYPESOF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS...................................................................................................22
2.7 COMPETITION IN THE MARKET FOR CELEBRITIES.....................................................................................22
3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLGY.......................................................................................................................24
3.1 PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................24
3.2 DEFINITIONS OF RESEARCH ...................................................................................................................25
3.3 AREA OF STUDY...................................................................................................................................26
3.4 LOCALE OF STUDY ...............................................................................................................................26
3.5 RATIONALE OF STUDY ..........................................................................................................................27
3.6 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................................27
3.7 RESEARCH QUESTIONS..........................................................................................................................28
3.8 NATURE OF STUDY...............................................................................................................................29
3.9 RESEARCH APPROACH ..........................................................................................................................29
3.10 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION/ CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................30
3.11 DATA COLLECTION METHOD ..............................................................................................................31
3.12 DATA COLLECTION TOOL – QUESTIONNAIRE........................................................................................31
3.13 PRE-TESTING.....................................................................................................................................32
3.14 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE..........................................................................................................32
3.15 VARIABLES USED IN THE STUDY..........................................................................................................32
3.16 SAMPLING METHOD...........................................................................................................................33
3.17 DATA ANALYSISPROCEDURE .............................................................................................................34
4.0 DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................35
5.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................48
5.1 DEMOGRAPHIC DETAILS.......................................................................................................................49
5.2 DISCUSSION.........................................................................................................................................50
5.3 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................53
5.4 FINDINGS............................................................................................................................................54
5.5 LIMITATIONS.......................................................................................................................................54
5.6 SCOPE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH.............................................................................................................54
6.0 SUMMARY...................................................................................................................................................56
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
1.1 Communication
Communication is like a double-acting hinge, swinging outward to release your
own ideas and swinging inward to receive the worthy thoughts of others. –
Stacey Huish
The root of the word “communication” in Latin is communicare, which means to
share, or to make common. Communication is defined as the process of
understanding and sharing meaning. (McLean) Communication is simply the act
of transferring information from one place to another. (Communication, 2011)
Communication is sending and receiving information between two or more
people. The person sending the message is referred to as the sender, while the
person receiving the information is called the receiver. The information conveyed
can include facts, ideas, concepts, opinions, beliefs, attitudes, instructions and
even emotions. (Grimsley, 2007) Effective communication occurs only if the
receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to
transmit. (Mistry, et al., 2008)
Mass communication is one topic among many for the social sciences and only
one part of a wider field of enquiry into human communication. Under the name
‘communication science’, the field has been defined by Berger and Chaffee
(1987:17) as a science which ‘seeks to understand the production, processing and
effects of symbol and signal systems by developing testable theories, containing
lawful generalizations, that explain phenomena associated with production,
processing and effects’. (McQuail, p. 22)
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1.2 Forms of Communication
Verbal Communication: Verbal communication includes sounds, words,
language and speaking. Language is said to have originated from sounds and
gestures. There are many languages spoken in the world. The bases of language
formation are: gender, class, profession, geographical area, age group and other
social elements.
Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal communication involves
physical ways of communication, like, tone of the voice, touch, smell and body
motion. Creative and aesthetic non-verbal communication includes singing,
music, dancing and sculpturing. Symbols and sign language are also included in
non-verbal communication. Body language is a non-verbal way of
communication. Body posture and physical contact convey a lot of information.
Body posture matters a lot when you are communicating verbally to someone.
Folded arms and crossed legs are some of the signals conveyed by a body posture.
Physical contact, like, shaking hands, pushing, patting and touching expresses the
feeling of intimacy.
Written Communication: Written communication is writing the words,
which you want to communicate. Good written communication is essential for
business purposes. Written communication is practiced in many different
languages. E-mails, reports, articles and memos are some of the ways of using
written communication in business. The written communication can be edited and
amended many times before it is communicated to the second party to whom the
communication is intended.
Visual communication: The last type of communication is visual
communication. Visual communication is visual display of information, like
topography, photography, signs, symbols and designs. Television and video clips
are the electronic form of visual communication. (Heather, 2013)
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1.3 The Communication Process
Communicating with others involves three primary steps:
o Thought: First, information exists in the mind of the sender. This can be a
concept, idea, information, or feelings.
o Encoding: Next, a message is sent to a receiver in words or other symbols.
o Decoding: Lastly, the receiver translates the words or symbols into a concept or
information that he or she can understand. (Clark, 1997)
The goal of communication is to convey information—and the understanding of
that information—from one person or group to another person or group. This
communication process is divided into three basic components:
A sender transmits a message through a channel to the receiver. The sender first
develops an idea, which is composed into a message and then transmitted to the
other party, who interprets the message and receives meaning. Information
theorists have added somewhat more complicated language. Developing a
message is known as encoding. Interpreting the message is referred to
as decoding. (Lord Harold)
A customer usually starts its buying process by processing the information sent
out by different organisations as mass communications, for example TV
advertisement or outdoor advertisements. They then build up a brand knowledge
and creates a stronger need for the product in question. When the customer later
on feels like they have a need for more information they reach out to the
organisation, usually a sales representative, to find out more about the offer. The
organisation then has their chance to convince the customer by relationship
communications. (Linde, 2002)
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1.4 Barriers to Communication
Anything that prevents understanding of the message is a barrier to
communication. Many physical and psychological barriers exist:
o Culture, background, and bias — We allow our past experiences to change the
meaning of the message. Our culture, background, and bias can be good as they
allow us to use our past experiences to understand something new, it is when they
change the meaning of the message that they interfere with the communication
o Noise — Equipment or environmental noise impedes clear communication. The
sender and the receiver must both be able to concentrate on the messages being
sent to each other.
o Perception — If we feel the person is talking too fast, not fluently, does not
articulate clearly, etc., we may dismiss the person. Also our preconceived
attitudes affect our ability to listen. We may listen uncritically to persons of high
status and dismiss those of low status.
o Message — Distractions happen when we focus on the facts rather than the idea
being communicated. Our educational institutions reinforce this with tests and
questions. Semantic distractions occur when a word is used differently than you
prefer. For example, the word chairman instead of chairperson, may cause you to
focus on the word rather than the message.
o Environmental — Bright lights, an attractive person, unusual sights, or any other
stimulus provides a potential distraction.
o Smothering — We take it for granted that the impulse to send useful information
is automatic. Not true! Too often we believe that certain information has no value
to others or they are already aware of the facts.
o Stress — People do not see things the same way when under stress. What we see
and believe at a given moment is influenced by our psychological frames of
references — our beliefs, values, knowledge, experiences, and goals. (Titlow)
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1.5 Advertising
Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for
and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified
sponsors through the various media. (Bovee, 1992, p. 7)
According to American Marketing Association "Advertising is any paid form of
non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an
identified sponsor". Advertising is one of the key elements in building a brand,
which is equally important to the marketer and consumers. Brand personality acts
as a potent brand differentiator and offers sustainable competitive advantage.
Advertising is primarily mass media content intended to persuade consumers into
associating themselves with a particular product or service. Any form of mass
media can advertise a product or a service. An advertisement has the power to use
a message and transform it in a manner that affects the consumer in many ways.
Their main aim is to increase consumption of that particular product. They are
mostly paid for by sponsors. They produce the advertisement and buy space for
them in the various mediums through which they can be delivered.
Advertisements do the general job of a product to get noticed in the market
otherwise it will not sell. They draw special attention to the product and this helps
the product to sell to the consumers. It is a persuasion tool to draw attention. It
informs the potential customers about the product features and benefits. If an
advertisement is good, it creates a demand for the product. It even creates an
identity for the brand to which the product belongs. (Cheggs, 2008)
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1.6 Features of Advertising
1. Communication: Advertising is means of mass communication reaching the
masses. It is a non-personal communication because it is addressed to masses.
2. Information: Advertising informs the buyers about the benefits they would get
when they purchase a particular product. However, the information given should
be complete and true.
3. Persuasion: The advertiser expects to create a favorable attitude, which will lead
to favorable actions. It is thus an indirect salesmanship and essentially a
persuasion technique.
4. Consumer Choice: Advertising facilitates consumer choice. It enables consumers
to purchase goods as per their budget requirement and choice. Right choice makes
consumer happy and satisfied.
5. Element of Marking Mix: Advertising is an important element of promotion mix.
Advertising has proved to be of great utility to sell goods and services. Large
manufactures spend crores of rupees on advertising.
6. Element of Creativity: A good advertising campaign involves lot of creativity and
imagination. When the message of the advertiser matches the expectations of
consumers, such creativity makes way for successful campaign. (Advertising)
1.7 Advertising in the Pre-Industrial Era
During the preindustrial age, advertising was reaching far beyond the simple
signage and word of mouth of local merchants. Handbill, posters, and signs
became popular formats for advertising. The printing press was one of the most
important developments in the history and evolution of advertising. By the
middle of the 1600s, the printing press was enjoying the bicentennial of its
introduction by Johannes Gutenberg. Gutenberg’s invention was one of three
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major developments that can be attributed to the birth of modern
advertising (Arens, Schaefer, & Weigold, 2009).
During the middle of the nineteenth century, the nature of the American business
market began to change in dramatic ways. Earlier in the century, the steady rise of
industry and the formulation of a market economy - fueled by wage labor instead
of the traditional system of apprenticeship - as well as the formulation of national
banking standards created a sound, firm base for modern, capitalist
economics. From the increasingly industrialized and urbanized American
landscape, a unique phenomenon in marketing was born, and sometime around
the 1840s, the concept of modern advertising emerged in American society.
(Maryland State Archives, 2006)
1.8 Present Scenario of Advertising
The postindustrial age of the 1980s through 1990s faced the challenges of
marketing to an environmentally sensitive society. Demarketing techniques were
used in advertising in an attempt to make consumers aware of a company’s
environmentally responsible manufacturing and supply-chain methods. (Hopkins,
Consumers today are not only better informed about products and services, but
also the companies that produce them. The modern consumer will research a
company and absorb feedback from word-of-mouse channels such as blogs and
forums to offset the positive-only hype from advertising. The green movement is
represents a marketing potential of 500 billion dollars (Hopkins, 2009)
Modern advertising trends are constantly changing. Mostly driven by advances in
technology, advertising media is becoming broader reaching and less expensive to
leverage. The Internet has evolved into an advertisers low-cost playground. Email
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campaigns are less expensive to produce than traditional print campaigns. The
Internet also allows a more strategic direct and targeted approach to advertising.
Email is a less formal and more personalized alternative to traditional direct mail
campaigns. (Dean, 2010)
1.9 Media
Media (the plural of medium) are the collective communication outlets or tools
that are used to store and deliver information or data. It is either associated with
communication media, or the specialized communication businesses such as: print
media and the press, photography, advertising, cinema, broadcasting (radio and
television), and/or publishing. (Indiaactive, 2014)
Media has been around ever since the evolution of mankind and technology.
Media has helped the development of various ways of communication during the
conglomeration of tribes and the nation. Media is the tool that people use to
communicate messages to each other. Most people get their information from the
various forms of media technologies. The existence of the various forms of media
has given the world a simple solution to receive and share information across the
globe. (Stephenson)
1.10 Indian Media
Indian media consists of different forms of communication, namely: television,
radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines and new age media such as websites and
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portals. It has been active since the late 18th
century. It began with print media in
the year 1780. Radio broadcasting was initiated in 1927. Auguste and Louis
Luniniere were the first moving motion films that were screened in Mumbai (then
Bombay) in the year 1895. Indian media is the oldest and largest media of the
world. Media in India has been free and independent throughout most of its
history, even before establishment of Indian empire by Ashoka the Great on the
foundation of righteousness, openness, morality and spirituality. The period of
emergency (1975–1977), declared by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, was the brief
period when India's media was faced with potential government retribution.
(NIMC, 2013)
1.11 Advertising Theories
1.11.1 AIDA
AIDA was created by Strong in 1925 and is a behavioral model that has as
purpose to make sure that an advertisement raise awareness, stimulate interest,
and leads the customer to desire and eventually action (Hackley, 2005)
The model is seen as a highly persuasive and is said to often unconsciously affect
our thinking (Butterfield, 1997)
 Attention: Attention is usually grabbed by the use of image, color, layout,
typography, size, celebrity, model etc
 Interest: Once attention is grabbed, it’s necessary to create interest in the viewers
mind so that they will read more about the brand being advertised. By the use of
an attractive sub head, interest can be invoked
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 Desire: The element of desire is usually created by the use of body copy where
you write in detail about the necessity of buying the brand, thereby explaining the
features of the brand, facts and figures
 Action: Towards the end, the contact information of the brand will be given
where they expects the viewers to take action immediately. It can be in the form
of shop address, toll free numbers or website address. (AIDA Model, 2010)
In the given ad, the Headline “Marriage does come with its rewards” and the
image of the car attracts the viewers attention. The subhead “The New Beetle,
Best Gifted” creates interest in the viewers to know more about the product. The
Body copy & the slogan given in the ad create desire in the viewers mind. The
contact information given towards the end makes the viewers take an action.
(AIDA Model, 2010)
1.11.2 DAGMAR
Dagmar Approach is the task of measuring ad effectiveness will not be daunting
if we clearly spell out the advertising goals. Russel H. Colley (1961) pioneered an
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approach known by the acronym DAGMAR – Defining Advertising Goals for
Measured Advertising Results, where to establish an explicit link between ad
goals and ad results, Colley distinguished 52 advertising goals that might be used
with respect to a single advertisement, a year’s campaign for a product or a
company’s entire advertising philosophy.
These goals may pertain to sales, image, attitude, and awareness.
Some of the goals are:
• Persuade a prospect to visit a show room and ask for a demonstration.
• Build up the morale of the company’s sales force.
• Facilitate sales by correcting false impression, misinformation and other
• Announce a special reason for buying now’s (price, discount, premium and so
• Make the brand identity known and easily recognizable.
• Provide information or implant attitude regarding benefits and superior features
of brand. (Puri, 2012)
The model aims to increase awareness of the firm's product and is based on
FIVE key stages. (Gregglee, p. 194)
Stage Consumer Promotion
Unaware Doesn't know
Use the media to
Aware Knows
something of us
Build the media
Comprehension Recognizes us Introduce product
Conviction Prefers us Reinforce via
Action Purchases Personal selling
The DAGMAR approach has had a huge influence on the how to set objectives in
the advertising planning process and many planners use this model as their base.
However, just as the other approaches within advertising, DAGMAR has been
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met with critique. One of the major criticisms towards DAGMAR is on its
reliance on the hierarchy-of-effects theory, just as with AIDA. Customers do not
always pass through the stages in a linear way. Another criticism made towards
the DAGMAR approach is that it focuses too much on strategies. Many creative
people within advertising are looking for the great unique idea that can result in a
successful campaign and feels that the DAGMAR approach is too concerned with
quantitative measurements on the campaign. (Belch, 1995)
According to this model customers do not switch from being completely
uninterested to become convinced to buy the product in one step. Lavidge and
Steiners Hierarchy-of-effects model is created to show the process, or steps, that
an advertiser assumes that customers pass through in the actual purchase process
(Barry & Howard, 1990, p. 14)
The customer becomes aware of the product through advertising. This is a
challenging step as there is no guarantee that the customer will be aware of the
product brand after they view the advert. Customers see many adverts each day
but will only remember the brand of a tiny fraction of products.
The customer begins to gain knowledge about the product for example through
the Internet, retail advisors and product packaging. In today's digital world this
step has become more important as consumers expect to gather product
knowledge at the click of a button. Consumers will quickly move to competitor
brands if they do not get the information they want. The advertiser's job is to
ensure product information is easily available.
This step is about ensuring that the customer likes your product. As an advertiser
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what features can you promote to encourage the customer to like your product?
(Hierarchy of Effects model)
Consumers may like more than one product brand and could end up buying any
one of them. At this stage advertisers will want the consumer to disconnect from
rival products and focus on their particular product. Advertisers will want to
highlight their brand's benefits and unique selling points so that the consumer can
differentiate it from competitor brands.
This stage is about creating the customer's desire to purchase the product.
Advertisers may encourage conviction by allowing consumers to test or sample
the product. Examples of this are inviting consumers to take a car for a test drive
or offering consumers a free sample of a food product. This reassures consumers
that the purchase will be a safe one.
Having proceeded through the above stages, the advertiser wants the customer to
purchase their product. This stage needs to be simple and easy, otherwise the
customer will get fed up and walk away without a purchase. For example a variety
of payment options encourages purchase whilst a complicated and slow website
discourages purchases. (Hierarchy of Effects model)
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
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Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
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2.1 Celebrity
“They’re humans. When you sign on to a celebrity, you sign on to the whole
package – the good, the bad, and the ugly” (Altena, 2010).
“Celebrity” refers to an individual who is known to the public, such as actors,
sport figures, entertainers‟ and others of the like for his or her achievement in
areas other than that of the product class endorsed (Friedman, ANJUM,
SUMEET, & SUKHWINDER , 1979). There are a number of researches that
investigated the effects of celerity endorsement on consumers’ purchase intention.
Therefore, this research is to investigate effects on celebrity endorsement on
consumers’ purchase intention of apparel product (Au-Yeung Pui Yi, 2012).
Celebrity sources may enhance attitude change for a variety of reasons. They may
attract more attention to the advertisement than would non-celebrities or in many
cases, they may be viewed as more credible than non-celebrities. Third,
consumers may identify with or desire to emulate the celebrity. Finally, consumer
may associate known characteristics of the celebrity with attributes of the product
that coincide with their own needs or desire. (Gupta, 2007). Celebrities from the
field of sports and movies have a string of endorsements under their belt. Thus
celebrity endorsements become a relevant field of research in India. However, this
aspect of the effect of celebrity personality on Brand Personality has not been
studied yet in consumer research (Roy, 2009).
Endorsing brands of any products through a well-known personality has become
very prominent these days as they sort out the problem of over communication,
provides instant recognition and transfers their goodwill to the brand. Earlier this
exercise was exclusively performed within the domain of models but with the
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advent of celebrities in Hindi movies and of Sports since the late nineteenth
century they ventured out into their bastion.
The brand is projected to be living and credible with the presence of celebrities.
Analysts believe that famous celebrities are more capable catching the attention of
consumers. In addition to that, brands being established by celebrities are more
likely to retain longer on consumer’s memory. Conversely, the brands are easily
recalled with a mere mention of a product. (Godbout)
2.2 History of Celebrity Endorsements
The first endorsement was made by the then cricketer named Farokh Engineer
who worked as a model for Brylcream (Padhy, 2012). Questions of why are the
celebrities roped in always from the mass media i.e. film industry, and sports, why
not the leading personalities from Neros, politics corporate world? Would not the
companies be able to gain the mind share of potential consumer’s by using these
personalities. The answer to the question is both yes and no few personalities like
Narayana Murthy of Infosys endorsed Windows XP and Rajeev Bakshi, CEO of
Pepse featured in its company’s ad by offering testimony of the quality of its
products. Meanwhile, Pepsi’s rival Coca-cola, in its commercials, used film
personalities Aamir Khan and Radhika to prove its products hygienic condition. It
shows that the celebrities could even be used to repair the damage of the
company’s reputation (Rengarajan & R. Sathya, 2014).
The late '80s saw the beginning of celebrity endorsements in advertising in India.
Hindi film and TV stars as well as sportspersons began encroaching on a territory
that was, until then, the exclusive domain of models. There was a spurt of
advertising, featuring stars like Tabassum (Prestige pressure cookers), Jalal Agha
(Pan Parag), Kapil Dev (Palmolive Shaving Cream) and Sunil Gavaskar (Dinesh
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Suitings) (GiridharK.V, 2012). According to Agrawal and Kamakura (1995),
when a celebrity is paired with a brand, her image helps shape the image of that
brand in minds of the consumer.
Global media can make global stars, but it does not mean they translate into
universal marketing assets that can transform any brand’s value and market share
in any country anywhere. Worldwide, people are becoming more sophisticated
consumers who are less ready to accept simple, uniform marketing messages.
Very strong indifference to the power of the Celebrity in some western markets
may even point to how overt Celebrity endorsement may be working in the
reverse, turning consumers away from the very products being endorsed and so
having a negative impact.
2.3 Celebrity Endorsements in India
India is a land of three C’s – Cinema, Cricket and Curry. The citizens just love
their film and sports stars and would go to any extent to show their support for
their favourite celebrity. India is amongst the biggest producers of films in the
world and many superstars like Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Kareena
Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai and many more are the heart-throbs of many a Indian.
Film actors and actresses have always held the majority share of celebrity
endorsements on TV. (Rai & Sharma, TRENDS IN CELEBRITY BRAND
another big group of endorsers on Indian TV. This group mainly comprises of
Indian cricket team members who have proved their mettle on the global
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cricketing scene. The top cricket stars who have got a huge fan following are
Sachin Tendulkar, M. S. Dhoni, Virat Kohli and others. Other games like tennis
(Sania Mirza), badminton (Saina Nehwal) and chess (Viswanathan Anand) also
feature in some TV advertisements promoting some or the other brand (Rai &
According to the research by TAM Media, Adex India Analysis 2010, for the first
half of 2010, lists Kareena Kapoor as the leading female endorser possessing 45%
of Bollywood’s most sought after. Whereas Mahendra Singh Dhoni is declared as
the leading male endorser in the first half of 2010.Ahead of a difference of 8 ads
from Shahrukh Khan and 3 ads from Sachin Tendulkar. According to Adex India
Analysis, Bollywood celebrities accounted for 80% celebrity endorsement TV ad
volumes in 2009, TV actresses -2%; TV actors-2%; Sports-15%; Film Actresses-
43%; Film Actors-37%. According to an IPAN-IMRB Research (2008), 86%-
Remember celebrity ads; 3%-Feel celebrities effect buying decision; 84%-Believe
quality and price is the input factor; 2%-Consider celebrity importance; 5%-
Believe stars endorse brand for money 22%-Believe celebrities use products they
endorse. (Suhalka, pp. 4-5)
2.4 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsements
The celebrity’s role is the most explicit and profound in incarnating user
associations among the above-mentioned points. To comprehend this, let us
analyze the multiplier effect formula for a successful brand:
Successful brand ambassador formula
S is a successful brand
P is an effective product
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D is Distinctive Identity
and AV is Added values.
(Figure 2.4.1)
Celebrity endorsements cannot replace the comprehensive brand building
processes. As branding evolves as a discipline companies must be extra cautious
to utilize every possible channel of communication rather than just a celebrity
endorsement (Mukherjee, 2009). To anybody interested in sports and marketing,
the concept of celebrity endorsement is not a new concept. In recent decades,
sport marketing has emerged as an independent area where companies separate
themselves from their competitors by developing associations with the sporting
heroes. In this study, the dynamics as have emerged in the recent past will be
analyzed and implications for both sports and marketing evaluated (Siddiqui,
As a celebrity, if you sign on to endorse a beverage, you better drink that beverage
and none of its competitors. Because access to images of you carrying that drink,
consuming that drink and buying that drink is photographed and available
immediately on the internet, the consumer will call you out in a split second for
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not being authentic. Blogs & editorial follow suit, and quickly the story changes
(Salup, 2014). Everything said and done, one have to weigh the potential risks vs.
the potential rewards as celebrity endorsements are always a high-risk, high-
reward situation and there is always a human element that you might not know
about (Surana, 2008). Celebrity endorsement has been applied for many years.
Already in 1979 one in every six commercials used a celebrity and in 2001 that
percentage grew to 25% (Erdogan et al, 2001). The usage of celebrity
endorsements has increased in the last decades and at the same time also the
corresponding cash flows grew. In the year 1996 US companies paid more than 1
billion dollar to celebrity endorsers for endorsement deals and licensing rights
(Lane, 1996) (Hoekman & Dr.A.M.M.Bosmans). Position of a brand in the mind
of the customer is always relative. When a brand’s name is recalled before others
it is called top of the mind positioning of that brand. Advertising also helps in
creating Top of the Mind Awareness of a brand and aims at facilitating brand
recall. The focus of this paper is to understand if TV Advertisements have an
impact of youth purchase decisions (Bisht, 2013). Various companies are signing
deals with celebrities in the hope that by using celebrities they can accomplish a
unique and relevant position in the minds of the consumers. Choice of the
celebrity, hence, is of utmost importance and is usually done based on many
different parameters - appeal, looks, popularity or even just a fantasy figure to
endorse a brand (Pughazhendi & Ravindran, 2012). In India, television is the most
popular and effective means of the mass communication. There are over three
million television commercials being aired every year. However, the people forget
80 percent of them in a day or two. So, it is imperative for the marketers to ensure
that their ad campaign stands out amongst the crowd. Since advertising is a highly
critical tool for luring customers to make purchases, Indian firms are investing
millions of rupees on celebrity advertising (Goyal, 2012).
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2.5 Results of Celebrity Endorsements
According to Hondebrink (2006) the results on the attractiveness of elements used
in adverts are humor (88.6%), celebrity effect (78.8%), special effect (76.6%), use
of slang (68.3%), bright colors (50%), animation/cartoons (24.6), animals
(19.6%), fairy tales/nursery rhymes (10.3%) and puppets (5.5%). Hondebrink
(2006) concluded that respondents in the study conducted preferred most the
element of humor. The other elements are fun/good times and dancing/ partying/
celebrating. (Mensah, Asuamah, & Amankwah, 2013)
The cost benefit analysis of using celebrity in marketing communications is bit
tricky. But the general belief is that using celebrity is a lot cheaper in building a
brand. For example, S.Kumar’s built the brand "Reid & Taylor’s" as a premier
suiting material by having Amitabh Bachchan in its advertisements. To achieve
the same without a celebrity would have taken longer time & more money. In a
span of less than two years after launch, the brand Reid & Taylor has become the
second largest seller of cloth for men’s suits in India. Now, despite the potential
benefits derived from celebrity endorsements, a marketer’s risk manifolds and
should be treated with full attention and aptitude. A brand should be cautious
when employing celebrities to ensure promise believability and delivery of the
intended effect (Bocheer & Dr H. Nanjegowda, 2013). Over the past decade, the
use of athlete endorsement has emerged as a significant marketing strategy within
the sport marketplace. Essential to the success of this strategy is the on-going
examination of the sport hero figure and what this image represents to a
constantly changing consumer demographic (Stevens, Lathrop, & Bradish, 2003).
Celebrity Endorsements act as a credible means of “money burning”. This is
because this is a world of products for which the value a consumer obtains from
purchasing any given variety. This could be for reasons of social standing-People
want to wear the “right” clothes, drink the “right” beverages and use the “right”
fragrances. Belk (1988) pointed out that consumer view the products they
purchase as much more than just “bundles of utility” as economists proclaim, but
also as “bundles of meaning” or attributes like sophistication, courageousness,
frugality, and honesty, with which to fashion their self-identity. Companies
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attempt to label their products with different meanings by linking their products
with celebrities who carry the meanings they desire. During celebrity
endorsement, consumers have a perceived image about any celebrity endorser,
and this image affect is transferred to the endorsed brand (Atkin & Block, 2013, p.
8) Specifically a consumer that observes messages for two different firm’s
products, one product’s message containing a celebrity endorsed and the other not
believes the celebrity endorsed product will have more purchases and so be of
higher value (Khatri, 2006).
2.6 Types of Celebrity Endorsements
1. There are various types Of Celebrity Endorsements:
2. Testimonial: Celebrity acts as a spokesperson for the brand
3. Imported: Celebrity performs a role known to the audience
4. Invented: Celebrity plays an original, new role
5. Observer: Celebrity assumes the role of an observer commenting on the brand
6. Harnessed: Celebrity’s image is integrated with the ad’s storyline. (Suhalka, p. 3)
2.7 Competition in the Market for Celebrities
According to an estimate, the celebrity endorsement market is considered to be
worth more than Rs. 10000 million ($ 200 million) business.
There are many examples where companies in India have used celebrities to
overcome the crisis related with their brands. Cadbury faced a major
embarrassment in 2004 when worms were found in some of its packages in India.
Cadbury tried to overcome the worm infestation controversy by vouching for its
quality and safety standards. However as the public was not convinced by
company’s assurances, Cadbury turned to Amitabh Bachchan to bail it out.
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Amitabh Bachchan, with assuring personality and a pan-India appeal, salvaged
Cadbury's reputation by reinforcing the point that Cadbury had made substantial
changes in packaging and was paying attention towards its storage conditions in
retail outlets. (Sahay, 2013, p. 24)
A simple way to beat the over-communicated atmosphere is to have a Celebrity
endorse the brand i.e. the Celebrity appears in the advertisement featuring a
particular branded product/service, saying that he/she uses and likes that
product/service. Famous people are utilised by marketers for their communication
messages. The endorsers can be from different fields, with fame as the only
criterion. Most of the Celebrities are from the film and sports arena, as their
popularity extends to relatively wider segments of the population. Celebrity
endorsement serves the dual purpose of creating interest in the advertisements and
overcoming the advertising clutter. (Suresh, 2009).
India, with an approximate 10% growth, will certainly be in the top 10 advertising
markets in absolute dollar terms by 2015 (Sharma, 2009). In India, celebrity
endorsements are believed to be particularly useful as the average consumer
reportedly identifies more strongly with celebrities than in other countries. Film
stars and sports personalities (especially cricket players) are immensely popular
among the masses. This has encouraged the widespread use of celebrities in
advertisements over the decades. And Television (TV) is the best vehicle to show
such advertisements. (Sharma, 2009)
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3.1 Preface
From the Review of Literature, the researcher can conclude the following. From
the literature review on celebrity endorsements, it is obvious that researchers have
not yet looked into the effects of the celebrity personality on the brand
personality. However, given the context of incremental use of celebrities to
promote brands, this becomes very important. Both the congruence studies in
celebrity endorsements and the meaning transfer studies have hinted on the
congruence or transfer of attributes from the celebrity to the brand endorsed.
It can be determined from the study that celebrities play an important role in the
sales of a product. However, it doesn’t always mean that hiring a celebrity would
give profits. The brand also needs to keep in mind that the celebrity endorsement
strategy is high-risk and given that a company wishes to engage in this strategy,
the company would have to consider the cost to bring in the celebrity, the personal
life of the celebrity endorser and the match with the brand’s attributes.
Celebrities endorsing fairness creams have received varied criticism from the
Indian society. A lot of people are against the use of fairness creams in general as
they discriminate the fair looking from the one who are dark or tanned. Thus,
using celebrities in fairness cream ads has always been a throw of the dice for
brands across India and across the world as well. A brand cannot predict the
outcome of a certain fairness cream advertisement that has been endorsed by a
celebrity – be it a cricketer or a film star.
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3.2 Definitions of Research
For many years, research was not widely used in advertising and decisions were
made on an intuitive basis. However, with increased competition, mass markets
and mounting costs, more and more advertisements have come to rely on research
as a basic management tool. (Haskins and Kendrick, 1993)
Much of the research in advertising is applied research, which attempts to solve a
specific problem and is not concerned with theorizing or generalizing to other
situations. Advertising researchers want to answer all the questions which revolve
around the curiosity which builds up behind a product or a service be its
packaging, its colour or its shape and size. Research helps to adapt the existing
product or develop a new product according to the wants and needs of the
The three primary areas of research in advertising are copy research, media
research and campaign assessment research.
Many dictionaries and scholars in various ways define the concept ‘Research’.
Following are some of the definitions of ‘research’.
i. Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new
facts in any branch of knowledge. (Hornby, 2000)
ii. Research is defined as a systematized effort to gain new knowledge.
iii. Research methodology can be defined as a "systematic inquiry aimed at providing
information to solve problems.” (Emory, 1995)
iv. Research is, thus an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge
making for its advancement (Stephenson)
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3.3 Area of Study
Thematic Area: The topic deals with Media Studies, advertising, branding and
brand image, psychology, culture and behavioral effects.
Subject Area: The impact of a fairness cream ad endorsed by a celebrity on young
adolescents/men of Pune
Geographical Area: Municipal corporation area limit within Pune city.
3.4 Locale of Study
The present study was carried out in Pune city. It is the headquarters of Pune
district and is located in the Western part of the State of Maharashtra, forming a
part of the Pune Division. Pune is the ninth largest metropolis in India and second
largest city in Maharashtra. As one of the largest cities in India, and as a result of
its many colleges and universities, Pune is emerging as a prominent location for
IT (Information Technology Industry) and manufacturing companies to expand.
Pune has the seventh largest metropolitan economy and the sixth highest per
capita income in the country.
Pune is ninth largest metropolis in India and hence has a lot of young couples.
Pune is known for its high educational facilities and relative prosperity. It has a
growing industrial hinterland, with information technology and automotive
companies setting up factories in the district. Pune has now emerged as ‘Mini
India’. Therefore it is perfect as the locale of study as it can provide the best cross
section of India for sample design.
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Also, the research scholar is studying in Pune city and is able to display diverse
social, occupational, cultural and geographical backgrounds of respondents.
Hence, the locale of study is selected as Pune city. (Map of Pune in Annexure)
3.5 Rationale of Study
This topic was undertaken, as recently the advertisement industry has seen a boom
in advertisements with a lot of celebrities endorsing fairness creams for men as
well as women. Knowing the impact of the same on young adolescents of Pune is
extremely important, as it would help in understanding the things that should be
kept in these advertisements and what should not be kept.
Pune houses a diverse student population along with a lot of working
professionals as well. Therefore, the research scholar chose Pune as the area of the
study for this topic.
Young adolescents of Pune are addicted to watching television. In recent times,
the number of fairness creams being endorsed and showcased on television has
grown a lot. So, it is obvious that these adolescents of Pune are exposed to it.
This study is being conducted to find out to what extent have these people been
exposed and how much is the recall they can generate from them. Mensah,
Asuamah and Amankwah have stated in their research paper that almost 78% of
adolescents prefer to have celebrities in the endorsements.
3.6 Research Objectives
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For the purpose of this study the researcher has set the following general as well
as specific objectives:
General Objective:
To understand the impact of celebrities endorsing fairness creams on television on
middle adolescents of Pune
Specific Objectives:
i. To understand the television viewing patterns of young adolescents of Pune
ii. To understand the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity
endorsements on television
iii. To understand the decision making process to buy the products followed by the
adolescents after they see these advertisements
iv. To understand the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness
cream advertisements
v. To compare the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star
3.7 Research Questions
The study is based on the following research questions:
i. What are the television viewing patterns of young adolescents of Pune?
ii. What is the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on
iii. What is the decision making process to buy the products followed by the
adolescents after they see these advertisements?
iv. What is the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
v. What is the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star?’
3.8 Nature of Study
This study was ex- facto and descriptive in nature. The ex-post-facto method is
appropriate in circumstances when the more powerful experimental method is not
possible. It is not always possible to select, control, and manipulate the factors
necessary to study cause and effect relations directly. (Lord Harold). It was ex-
post-facto also, because the researcher had no direct control over the independent
variables, because their manifestations had already occurred. They were
inherently not manipulated. Secondly, inferences about relations among variables
are made, without direct intervention. There was absolute zero possibility of
controlling the changes in behavioral pattern of independent variables – young
adolescents of Pune. It was descriptive because it essentially aimed at finding the
facts related largely to the present, and abstracting generalizations by the cross
sectional study of the current situation. The researcher found the impact of
celebrities endorsing on young adolescents of Pune without conducting previous
3.9 Research Approach
Quantitative approach was employed to arrive at the conclusions. The quantitative
method was used to measure the impact of sexually explicit advertisements on
primary children. The quantitative method was used to measure the nature of
impact of sexually explicit content in advertisements and the negative influence it
has on the psychological and behavioral patterns of primary children and the
perception of parents on this. This was researched and reported with greater
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3.10 Operational Definition/ Conceptual Framework
Following are the basic concepts used in this study:
Impact: Impact for the present study means tangible effects and consequences of
celebrity fairness cream advertisements on young adolescents of Pune.
Advertisement: Advertising is the non-personal communication of information
usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas
by identified sponsors through the various media. (Taflinger, 1996)
Television: A television set was a very particular type of device, which served as
the hub of audio-visual entertainment in a given household. To take Wikipedia's
description, it's a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving
moving images that can be monochrome (black-and-white) or colored, with or
without accompanying sound. (Titlow)
Adolescents: Adolescence describes the teenage years between 13 and 19 and can
be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence can
be a time of both disorientation and discovery. The transitional period can bring
up issues of independence and self-identity; many adolescents and their peers face
tough choices regarding schoolwork, sexuality, drugs, alcohol, and their social
life. Peer groups, romantic interests and external appearance tend to naturally
increase in importance for some time during a teen's journey toward adulthood.
Impact of television advertisements: Impact of celebrity fairness cream
advertisements on young adolescents of Pune.
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Perception: The way in which something (information or otherwise) is regarded,
understood, or interpreted.
Pune: The term refers to the geographical area under the jurisdiction of Pune
Municipal Corporation.
3.11 Data Collection Method
The method used for data collection was the survey method.
3.12 Data Collection Tool – Questionnaire
The questionnaire design was the most crucial stage because the total process of
quantitative data collection through Survey Method was based on this tool.
Following were the considerations kept in mind while designing the
i. It must be simple and must be self-explanatory.
ii. It must procure all the required data, which would be useful to meet the
general as well as specific objectives of this study.
iii. It must be able to relate to all adolescents taking the survey
iv. The language of the questionnaire must be simple.
v. It must maintain accuracy and flow to facilitate the respondent to answer
vi. It must be eco-friendly i.e. it will be using less paper as compared to the
usual questionnaires.
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The questionnaire consisted of 5 pages and had a total of 11 questions.
3.13 Pre-testing
The pre testing of the questionnaire was conducted between the 15th and 18th of
March, 2014. They were asked to fill up the questionnaire. After they submitted
the forms, the researcher had an in depth interview with each of the respondents to
understand their views and opinions and their perceptions. The suggestions from
the respondents were important to rectify the mistakes and incorporate the
changes in the final changes in the questionnaire. A modified questionnaire was
then prepared for the final research.
3.14 Data Collection Procedure
The researcher collected and digitized the data. The list of buildings mentioned in
Table was used for research. The researcher took a set of 100 copies of
questionnaires for the various places to get them filled.
The data collected by the researcher was again scrutinized. The respondents who
had completed the entire questionnaire were considered. Finally, a total of 100
middle adolescents were taken as sample for the survey.
3.15 Variables used in the Study
Since the nature of the study is descriptive, the researcher has identified the
important dependent and independent variables. Independent variables are those
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over which we cannot exercise any control and the dependent variables depend on
the independent variables.
The following are the variables:
i. Independent Variable: Brands chosen – Nivea and Garnier
ii. Dependent Variable: The influence that the brand ambassadors of the mentioned
brands have on the young adolescents and men of Pune.
3.16 Sampling Method
Sampling methods are used to select a sample from within a general population.
Proper sampling methods are important for eliminating bias in the selection
process. They can also allow for the reduction of cost or effort in gathering
samples. Common methods of sampling include simple random sampling
(completely random selection from the population), systematic sampling (ordering
the population and selecting at regular intervals), stratified sampling (splitting the
population into categories and randomly selecting from within each category),
matched random sampling (population is divided into pairs based on a criterion
and then randomly assigned to groups), and panel sampling (applying the same
test over time to randomly selected groups). (Campbell, 2008)
i. The Universe/ Population
The universe/ population of this study is the total number of middle adolescents in
Pune city. The total population is infinite.
ii. Sampling Procedure
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
The sampling method used for the study was purposive sampling. The reason
being the study was to access the perception of men about the celebrity
endorsement for fairness creams. The researcher has chosen Viman Nagar as the
primary area within which to conduct the research as it houses a high population
of young and late adolescents and men courtesy the various colleges located
within the vicinity.
iii. Characteristicsofthe sample
The assumptions made were that the populations are residents of Pune and is
either pursuing their studies in Pune or doing a job.
Selective sampling was done of adolescents who are in the age bracket of 18-25.
3.17 Data Analysis Procedure
Data was collected by circulating questionnaires among middle adolescents of
Viman Nagar, Pune. After getting the questionnaires filled, the data was digitized
on 17th March 2015 by using Microsoft Excel and put into tabular form. The
tabular form and the frequency distribution were calculated. The frequency
distribution was then converted into percentile and represented in the graphical
The data so analyzed was then described in Chapter 4.
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The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine
each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is just one of the
many steps that must be completed when conducting a research experiment. Data
from various sources is gathered, reviewed, and then analyzed to form some sort
of finding or conclusion. There are a variety of specific data analysis method,
some of which include data mining, text analytics, business intelligence, and data
visualizations. (Business Dictionary). It is the process of systematically applying
statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap,
and evaluate data. According to Shamoo and Resnik (2003) various analytic
procedures “provide a way of drawing inductive inferences from data and
distinguishing the signal (the phenomenon of interest) from the noise (statistical
fluctuations) present in the data”.
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1. Time spent per day watching TV:
(Figure 4.1.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
It is important to understand the amount of time a person spends watching TV in a
day as once that is determined, the process of understanding the amount of
exposure he/she has to the advertisements in question.
The graph shows that from the research conducted on the target group, 25% of
them watch television for less than half an hour everyday. The majority (51%) of
the population watches TV for half an hour to one hour. 14% of the population
watches TV for a timespan of around 1-2 hours whereas only 10% claim to be
watching TV for 2 or more hours everyday.
From the graph given above, it can be conferred that people usually watch TV for
about one hour everyday. So, it becomes imperative for the fairness cream brands
to catch the attention of the people in that timespan.
Less than half an hour Half Hour - One Hour One Hour - Two
More than two Hours
Amount of TV seen in a day
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
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2. How are you informed about new products?
(Figure 4.2.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
In the earlier graph, we found out as to how much television the population
watches. Now it is important to find out as to how they receive information about
new products.
As seen in the graph, 15% of the population says they receive information about
new products through friends or family whereas the a major part of the population
(63%) claim that they receive information through advertisements. This is an
important statistic, as this would help the advertisers in understanding the psyche
of the consumers. Around 20% of the population has claimed that they usually
receive such information through experts like dermatologists. Around 2% has said
that they receive the information through other sources like magazines,
newspapers etc.
Friends or Family Advertisements Experts Others
Information source for new products
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3. The factors that trigger me to buy a product are:
(Figure 4.3.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
It is important for an advertiser to know as to what entices the consumers to buy a
certain product, in this case, a fairness cream. The reason the research scholar has
decided to put this question is to understand the thinking of the target group and
as to what is it that they are looking for in a fairness cream.
The graph clearly shows that Price/Discount offer with 35% is what the
population majorly thinks of while buying fairness cream. The other thing that is
important for the target population is the packaging of the product (29%), then is
Utility (19%), Colour (12%) and Fragrance (5%). However, some consumers look
for other things or are buying the product due to other reasons such as opinions of
others or due to their favorite celebrity endorsing it.
Packaging Price/
Colour Fragrance Utility
Factors that trigger to buy a product
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4. I use cosmetic creams for the following reasons
(Multiple options can be ticked):
(Figure 4.1.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
This question is important to understand the reasons as to why young adolescents
use cosmetic creams.
From the graph, the researcher has found out that most of the young and late
adolescents of Pune use cosmetic creams for fairness (46%). Most of the
advertisements show a certain type of ads where one becomes successful if and
only if are fair. Around 45% of adolescents use creams as moisturizers. A huge
percentage (61%) use cosmetic creams for pimple control or removal whereas
22% and 35% use it for sunscreen protection and blackhead removal respectively.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Pimple control
Blackhead removal
Reasons to use cosmetic creams
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5. I observed fairness cream ads use color of the skin to
represent success:
(Figure 5.1.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
All fairness creams concentrate on the fairness part of it, which leaves an
unanswered question. Is fairness the only way to getting ahead in life? All the ads
endorsed by celebrities show that to get love, to get a job, to get married etc. you
need to use a fairness cream for all of this. Thus, this question is important to
know the perception of the people who use it. This question is asked specifically
to know if fairness cream ads can cause self-esteem issues to people who use such
creams and to people who are black or tanned etc.
The graph suggests that almost 63% of the TA accepted that due to fairness cream
ads, their self-esteem has lowered. Only 12% are neutral in this matter. 15% of the
TA disagrees with the fact that it causes self-esteem issues and around 10% of the
TA completely disagrees with the issue at hand.
6. I believe skin complexion has got nothing to do with
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Color of the skin represents success
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(Figure 6.1.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
Fairness cream advertisements endorsed by celebrities show that the confidence of
the person using it is increased manifold. So this question aims at knowing
whether it actually boosts the confidence of the person applying it.
The researcher can easily conclude that the respondents believe whatever the
celebrity endorses and they themselves feel as if they are looking fairer and it
gives a boost to their confidence. So, it can be concluded that celebrity
endorsements are effective.
The respondents replied in their questionnaires saying skin complexion does
increase their confidence but it doesn’t play a very pivotal role in determining
their success.
Strongly agree: 35% Agree: 21%
Neutral: 17% Disagree: 9%
Strongly Disagree: 18%
7. I prefer buying products endorsed by celebrities to
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Skin complexion does't impact
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the products without celebrity endorsement:
(Figure 7.1.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
This question is a very direct question aiming to find out whether celebrity
endorsements help in boosting sales.
The results also aren’t deviating from the expected results. Most of the
respondents agree that they would go to a market or shop to buy fairness creams if
their favourite celebrity were endorsing it.
Strongly Agree: 47%
Agree: 19%
Neutral: 11%
Disagree: 18%
Strongly Disagree: 5%
8. Choose from the following benefits that I seek from
a fairness cream (Multiple options can be ticked)
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Likelihood of buying product due to
favourite celebrity endorsing it
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
(Figure 8.1.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
Now that we know that celebrities help in boosting sales, it is important to know
what aspects of the fairness cream entice them to buy it. All individuals use
fairness creams for different reasons, which can be seen from the graph above.
83 out of 100 respondents say they use fairness creams to get an oil free look on
their faces. 79 respondents said they use it to attain fairness and look good. 63
claim to use it for dark spots removal whereas 61 and 49 respondents out of 100
use it for SPF and Glow respectively.
Thus, we can conclude that the respondents buying the fairness creams are using it
for Oil Free Look and Fairness and not for Glow that it gives.
9. When I see a fairness cream advertisement on TV, I
Dark Spot
Oil Free Look
Benefits sought from fairness cream
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
am reminded of:
(Figure 9.1.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
Understanding the top of mind recall that people have is important to know the
success of an advertising campaign. Through this question, the researcher wants
to find out what is it that comes to the respondents mind when they hear about a
certain fairness cream brand or advertisement.
We can find out from this graph given above that the advertisement itself is what
the respondents remember. Over and above the content and story of the ad, the
respondents are able to remember the brand name as well.
However, most of them said they couldn’t place the brand along with the brand
ambassador for the same. Some said they remember the jingle of the
advertisement, which helped them recollecting the brand whereas some said they
remember it due to the product benefits.
10. I prefer a fairness cream being endorsed by:
Brand Ambassador
Product Benefits
Top of mind recall on seeing a fairness
cream advertisement
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
(Figure 10.1.1)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
This question is put in the questionnaire to find out as to how often fairness cream
ads are exposed to the TA.
Through the results obtained above, we can find out that almost all respondents
can recollect or remember fairness creams.
This goes on to prove that the boost in the number of fairness cream ads has been
exponential in the last couple of years and the ads involving celebrities has been
even more.
Thus, by using celebrities for endorsement, the brands can know for sure that their
product is being known in the market. It is extremely important to use celebrities
to endorse products – especially fairness cream products.
11. Who according to you is the perfect brand
ambassador for the following fairness creams?
10 8
Film star Cricketer Politician Comedian
Kind of celebrity endorsing the
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
(Multiple options can be ticked)
(Figure 11.1.1)
(Figure 11.1.2)
Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire:
This question is used to find out what type of celebrities the respondents prefer in
their fairness cream ads.
Virat Kohli
Arjun Rampal
Ranbir Kapoor
Siddharth Malhotra
John Abraham
M S Dhoni
Virat Kohli
Arjun Rampal
Ranbir Kapoor
Siddharth Malhotra
John Abraham
M S Dhoni
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
From the results, the researcher can figure out that actors are preferred over
cricketers, as they believe actors need to be fairer than cricketers as their
profession demands looking good and up to date.
The results tally with the fact that the respondents prefer actors to cricketers as
they have given the maximum votes or points to Siddharth Malhotra, who is
considered as a female heartthrob. By seeing him endorse a fairness cream, the
respondents are also given hopes of attaining the same popularity as him. The
second highest voted person in this is Virat Kohli because of his looks and
personality and not because of his cricketing skills and prowess.
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
The research in question was directed on the topic, ‘Comparative and critical
study of a brand endorsed by a film star and by a cricketer (Arjun Rampal- Nivea
and Virat Kohli - Fair and Handsome) and its influence on adolescents/men of
While doing the research, the research scholar has kept in mind the following
General Objective:
To understand the impact of celebrities endorsing fairness creams on television on
middle adolescents of Pune
Specific Objectives:
vi. To understand the television viewing patterns of young adolescents of Pune
vii. To understand the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity
endorsements on television
viii. To understand the decision making process to buy the products followed by the
adolescents after they see these advertisements
ix. To understand the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness
cream advertisements
x. To compare the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
Research Questions
The study is based on the following research questions:
vi. What are the television viewing patterns of middle adolescents of Pune?
vii. What is the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on
viii. What is the decision making process to buy the products followed by the
adolescents after they see these advertisements?
ix. What is the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream
x. What is the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star?
5.1 Demographic Details
The respondents that formed the sample size for the research were all late
adolescents, individual between the age of 18 and 25.
Majority of the respondents were students pursuing their under-graduation from
Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC-UG).
The area from which the respondents have been chosen were predominantly from
Viman Nagar, Pune.
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
5.2 Discussion
The hypothesis set for this research as per the researcher was that celebrities do
have a positive impact on the sales of a fairness cream. The same has been proved
right through the research carried out by the researcher.
On analyzing the results obtained by surveying around 100 respondents from
SIMC-UG, the researcher came to the conclusion that the celebrity plays an
important role in forming a brand personality which directly or indirectly converts
in to sales for the brand and also helps it retain its consumers for a longer period
of time.
The researcher also came to the conclusion that the brand ambassador should be
chosen carefully as the attributes of the brand ambassador get transferred onto the
brand, which not may be favorable in all cases. Through this, the researcher tries
to prove that the credibility of the celebrity is also important. For example, a
celebrity like Salman Khan would be difficult to use for a fairness cream
advertisement as he has a bad boy image, which doesn’t go well with the
consumers. Also, he comes across as a person who doesn’t really focus too much
on his fairness and other such attributes.
The fact that fairness cream advertisements hit Indian television and other
mediums around 3-4 years ago and their growth is just reiteration of the fact that
they are extremely successful. With brand ambassadors like Shahrukh Khan
endorsing Fair & Handsome, fairness creams advertisements are on the rise in
India as more and more celebrities endorse fairness creams, thereby somehow
trying to earn credibility for themselves and for the brand they are endorsing as
Thus, in effect, the study done by the researcher contributes both to the celebrity
endorsement and brand personality and calls for more research in this area.
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
1) What are the television viewing patterns of middle adolescents of Pune?
Through the study conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded that the
middle adolescents in Viman Nagar, Pune watch television for around 30 minutes
to 1-hour everyday.
Due to high quality material generated on TV, adolescents are addicted to
watching TV for longer and longer period of hours, which gives the advertisers a
chance to catch their attention. Over 51% have said that they receive information
about new products through advertisements seen on TV. Thus, it becomes
imperative for them to advertise their products properly during this time frame.
2) What is the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity
endorsements on television?
Adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television have a
perception that the advertisements work much better when the products get certain
credibility by the celebrity endorsing it.
Celebrity endorsements have increased in the last few years. Due to that, the
audience has started believing that all endorsements are bogus and that celebrities
don’t actually use those products. So, celebrities need to be chosen carefully as
only when they have credibility will they be able to help the brand convert their
product ad into sales.
3) What is the decision making process to buy the products followed by the
adolescents after they see these advertisements?
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
Middle adolescents usually end up buying the product that their favorite celebrity
has endorsed. So this means that celebrity endorsements are successful and can
give a good Return on Investment.
On seeing the products endorsed by their favorite celebrities, they are enticed into
buying the product. The credibility is already attained as the celebrity is well
known and is a favorite amongst a major part of the adolescents. Therefore,
celebrity endorsements help in boosting sales as it leads to the adolescents going
to the market and buying the product.
4) What is the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all
fairness cream advertisements?
There is a growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements as
celebrities endorsing a product have worked, which has also been proved in the
study done by the researcher. So, the marketers and producers of the product have
decided to cash in on this particular insight and use it to their advantage.
Also, the numbers of television subscriptions have increased and the numbers of
viewers have increased as well. So the people who would go buy a product
endorsed by a celebrity are high. Therefore, celebrities are being used to endorse
fairness creams in all advertisements.
5) What is the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film
Middle adolescents in Pune prefer a film star endorsing a fairness cream product
as they believe that fairness is more important in a field like acting and not so
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
much in a sport like cricket. The actor Siddharth Malhotra got the maximum
preference as he has recently been the female heartthrob and all adolescents wish
or dream to be like him and not only become successful, but be well known and
admired in the female community as well.
With more than a quarter of the population choosing a certain celebrity to endorse
a fairness cream, it is certain that film stars are doing really well in marketing
them. Thus, they have a huge impact on the sales generated by fairness creams
through celebrity endorsements.
5.3 Conclusion
The study was conducted mostly on student samples. So, it doesn’t give a
comprehensive answer to all the questions that it aims to answer. However,
through the study, the researcher such as found out some major findings:
1. Celebrity endorsements have an impact on sales directly or indirectly.
2. Celebrities’ impact sales, but they should not always used to endorse
brands or products as credibility of the celebrity rubs onto the brand as well,
which may or may not be beneficial to the brand.
3. Although our study has a positive inclination towards the belief that
people are motivated to buy products as a result of celebrity endorsement.
4. Moreover, the respondents also strongly agree that celebrities bring brand
equity to the products.
5. The research also indicates that celebrity endorsements help in brand
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
5.4 Findings
The researcher has discovered the following findings:
1. Most of the respondents are motivated to purchase fairness cream due to
television media
2. Most of the respondents prefer to use fairness cream to achieve brighter
skin, as they believe it gives them a boost in confidence, which eventually leads to
them being popular amongst the opposite gender.
5.5 Limitations
The limitations incurred during the research were as follows:
1. The respondents’ bias are involved in the research
2. Limited number of respondents has been chosen due to time constraint and
it might have affected the accuracy of the result to a certain extent
3. All fairness cream brands have not been included in the research. Future
research could have multiple celebrities and multiple brands
4. Other researches could look into other possibilities like multiple
endorsements and multiple celebrities.
5.6 Scope for further research
The study focuses on middle adolescents and their preference level towards
fairness and the factors influencing them in the purchase of fairness cream. The
study also determines the various pros and cons. Study was conducted on 100
respondents in the city of Pune.
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
Through this study, the researcher was able to find insights about the preferences
and impact of celebrity endorsements on middle adolescents of Pune. This study
can be further used and tweaked to find deeper insights about the impact of
celebrity endorsements.
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
Research Objectives
For the purpose of this study the researcher has set the following general as well
as specific objectives:
General Objective:
To understand the impact of celebrities endorsing fairness creams on television on
middle adolescents of Pune
Specific Objectives:
xi. To understand the television viewing patterns of middle adolescents of
xii. To understand the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity
endorsements on television
xiii. To understand the decision making process to buy the products followed
by the adolescents after they see these advertisements
xiv. To understand the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all
fairness cream advertisements
xv. To compare the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
Research Questions
The study is based on the following research questions:
xi. What are the television viewing patterns of middle adolescents of Pune?
xii. What is the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity
endorsements on television?
xiii. What is the decision making process to buy the products followed by the
adolescents after they see these advertisements?
xiv. What is the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all
fairness cream advertisements?
xv. What is the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star?
Nature of Study
This study was ex-facto and descriptive in nature. The ex-post-facto method is
appropriate in circumstances when the more powerful experimental method is not
possible. It is not always possible to select, control, and manipulate the factors
necessary to study cause and effect relations directly. (Lord Harold)
It was ex-post-facto also, because the researcher had no direct control over the
independent variables, because their manifestations had already occurred. They
were inherently not manipulated. Secondly, inferences about relations among
variables are made, without direct intervention. There was absolute zero
possibility of controlling the changes in behavioral pattern of independent
variables – young adolescents of Pune.
It was descriptive because it essentially aimed at finding the facts related largely
to the present, and abstracting generalizations by the cross sectional study of the
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
current situation. The researcher found the impact of celebrities endorsing on
young adolescents of Pune without conducting previous hypothesis.
Research Approach
Quantitative approach was employed to arrive at the conclusions. The quantitative
method was used to measure the impact of sexually explicit advertisements on
primary children. The quantitative method was used to measure the nature of
impact of sexually explicit content in advertisements and the negative influence it
has on the psychological and behavioral patterns of primary children and the
perception of parents on this. This was researched and reported with greater
Data Collection Method
The method used for data collection was the survey method.
Data Collection Procedure
The researcher collected and digitized the data. The list of buildings mentioned in
Table was used for research. The researcher took a set of 100 copies of
questionnaires for the various places to get them filled.
The researcher did the data collection from 4th March 2015 to 9th March 2015.
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
The data collected by the researcher was again scrutinized. The respondents who
had completed the entire questionnaire were considered. Finally, a total of 100
young adolescents/ men were taken as sample for the survey.
Variables used in the Study
Since the nature of the study is descriptive, the researcher has identified the
important dependent and independent variables. Independent variables are those
over which we cannot exercise any control and the dependent variables depend on
the independent variables.
The following are the variables:
iii. Independent Variable: Brands chosen – Nivea and Garnier
iv. Dependent Variable: The influence that the brand ambassadors of the
mentioned brands have on the young adolescents and men of Pune.
Sampling Method
Sampling methods are used to select a sample from within a general population.
Proper sampling methods are important for eliminating bias in the selection
process. They can also allow for the reduction of cost or effort in gathering
samples. Common methods of sampling include simple random sampling
(completely random selection from the population), systematic sampling (ordering
the population and selecting at regular intervals), stratified sampling (splitting the
population into categories and randomly selecting from within each category),
matched random sampling (population is divided into pairs based on a criterion
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
and then randomly assigned to groups), and panel sampling (applying the same
test over time to randomly selected groups). (Campbell, 2008)
iv. The Universe/ Population
The universe/ Population of this study are the total number of young adolescents
and men in Pune city. The total population is infinite.
v. Sampling Procedure
The researcher has chosen Viman Nagar as the primary area within which to
conduct the research as it houses a high population of young and late adolescents
and men courtesy the various colleges located within the vicinity.
vi. Assumptions
The assumptions made were that the populations are residents of Pune and are
either pursuing their studies in Pune or doing a job.
Selective sampling was done of adolescents who are in the age bracket of 18 – 25
Data Analysis
The hypothesis set for this research as per the researcher was that celebrities do
have a positive impact on the sales of a fairness cream. The same has been proved
right through the research carried out by the researcher.
Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis
cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair &
On analyzing the results obtained by surveying around 100 respondents from
SIMC-UG, the researcher came to the conclusion that the celebrity plays an
important role in forming a brand personality which directly or indirectly converts
in to sales for the brand and also helps it retain its consumers for a longer period
of time.
The researcher also came to the conclusion that the brand ambassador should be
chosen carefully as the attributes of the brand ambassador get transferred onto the
brand, which not may be favorable in all cases. Through this, the researcher tries
to prove that the credibility of the celebrity is also important. For example, a
celebrity like Salman Khan would be difficult to use for a fairness cream
advertisement as he has a bad boy image, which doesn’t go well with the
consumers. Also, he comes across as a person who doesn’t really focus too much
on his fairness and other such attributes.
The fact that fairness cream advertisements hit Indian television and other
mediums around 3-4 years ago and their growth is just reiteration of the fact that
they are extremely successful. With brand ambassadors like Shahrukh Khan
endorsing Fair & Handsome, fairness creams advertisements are on the rise in
India as more and more celebrities endorse fairness creams, thereby somehow
trying to earn credibility for themselves and for the brand they are endorsing as
Thus, in effect, the study done by the researcher contributes both to the celebrity
endorsement and brand personality and calls for more research in this area.
Questions and the data analysis:
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
16 Complete dissertation 809
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16 Complete dissertation 809

  • 1. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 0 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................................0 1.1 COMMUNICATION .........................................................................................................................................1 1.2 FORMSOF COMMUNICATION..........................................................................................................................2 1.3 THE COMMUNICATION PROCESS..............................................................................................................3 1.4 BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION...............................................................................................................4 1.5 ADVERTISING ........................................................................................................................................5 1.6 FEATURESOF ADVERTISING ....................................................................................................................6 1.7 ADVERTISING IN THE PRE-INDUSTRIAL ERA ..............................................................................................6 1.8 PRESENT SCENARIO OFADVERTISING.......................................................................................................7 1.9 MEDIA ..................................................................................................................................................8 1.10 INDIAN MEDIA ....................................................................................................................................8 1.11 ADVERTISING THEORIES.......................................................................................................................9 1.11.1 AIDA.................................................................................................................................................9 1.11.2 DAGMAR........................................................................................................................................10 1.11.3 HIERARCHY OF EFFECTS ..............................................................................................................12 2.0 REVIEW OF LITERATURE..................................................................................................................15 2.1 CELEBRITY..........................................................................................................................................15 2.2 HISTORY OF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS................................................................................................16 2.3 CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS IN INDIA.....................................................................................................17 2.4 EFFECTIVENESS OF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS......................................................................................18 2.5 RESULTSOF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS................................................................................................21 2.6 TYPESOF CELEBRITY ENDORSEMENTS...................................................................................................22 2.7 COMPETITION IN THE MARKET FOR CELEBRITIES.....................................................................................22 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLGY.......................................................................................................................24 3.1 PREFACE .............................................................................................................................................24 3.2 DEFINITIONS OF RESEARCH ...................................................................................................................25 3.3 AREA OF STUDY...................................................................................................................................26 3.4 LOCALE OF STUDY ...............................................................................................................................26 3.5 RATIONALE OF STUDY ..........................................................................................................................27 3.6 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES.........................................................................................................................27 3.7 RESEARCH QUESTIONS..........................................................................................................................28 3.8 NATURE OF STUDY...............................................................................................................................29 3.9 RESEARCH APPROACH ..........................................................................................................................29 3.10 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION/ CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK ........................................................................30 3.11 DATA COLLECTION METHOD ..............................................................................................................31 3.12 DATA COLLECTION TOOL – QUESTIONNAIRE........................................................................................31 3.13 PRE-TESTING.....................................................................................................................................32 3.14 DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURE..........................................................................................................32 3.15 VARIABLES USED IN THE STUDY..........................................................................................................32 3.16 SAMPLING METHOD...........................................................................................................................33 3.17 DATA ANALYSISPROCEDURE .............................................................................................................34 4.0 DATA ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................................35 5.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................48 5.1 DEMOGRAPHIC DETAILS.......................................................................................................................49 5.2 DISCUSSION.........................................................................................................................................50 5.3 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................53 5.4 FINDINGS............................................................................................................................................54 5.5 LIMITATIONS.......................................................................................................................................54 5.6 SCOPE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH.............................................................................................................54 6.0 SUMMARY...................................................................................................................................................56
  • 2. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Communication Communication is like a double-acting hinge, swinging outward to release your own ideas and swinging inward to receive the worthy thoughts of others. – Stacey Huish The root of the word “communication” in Latin is communicare, which means to share, or to make common. Communication is defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning. (McLean) Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. (Communication, 2011) Communication is sending and receiving information between two or more people. The person sending the message is referred to as the sender, while the person receiving the information is called the receiver. The information conveyed can include facts, ideas, concepts, opinions, beliefs, attitudes, instructions and even emotions. (Grimsley, 2007) Effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit. (Mistry, et al., 2008) Mass communication is one topic among many for the social sciences and only one part of a wider field of enquiry into human communication. Under the name ‘communication science’, the field has been defined by Berger and Chaffee (1987:17) as a science which ‘seeks to understand the production, processing and effects of symbol and signal systems by developing testable theories, containing lawful generalizations, that explain phenomena associated with production, processing and effects’. (McQuail, p. 22)
  • 3. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 2 1.2 Forms of Communication Verbal Communication: Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language and speaking. Language is said to have originated from sounds and gestures. There are many languages spoken in the world. The bases of language formation are: gender, class, profession, geographical area, age group and other social elements. Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal communication involves physical ways of communication, like, tone of the voice, touch, smell and body motion. Creative and aesthetic non-verbal communication includes singing, music, dancing and sculpturing. Symbols and sign language are also included in non-verbal communication. Body language is a non-verbal way of communication. Body posture and physical contact convey a lot of information. Body posture matters a lot when you are communicating verbally to someone. Folded arms and crossed legs are some of the signals conveyed by a body posture. Physical contact, like, shaking hands, pushing, patting and touching expresses the feeling of intimacy. Written Communication: Written communication is writing the words, which you want to communicate. Good written communication is essential for business purposes. Written communication is practiced in many different languages. E-mails, reports, articles and memos are some of the ways of using written communication in business. The written communication can be edited and amended many times before it is communicated to the second party to whom the communication is intended. Visual communication: The last type of communication is visual communication. Visual communication is visual display of information, like topography, photography, signs, symbols and designs. Television and video clips are the electronic form of visual communication. (Heather, 2013)
  • 4. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 3 1.3 The Communication Process Communicating with others involves three primary steps: o Thought: First, information exists in the mind of the sender. This can be a concept, idea, information, or feelings. o Encoding: Next, a message is sent to a receiver in words or other symbols. o Decoding: Lastly, the receiver translates the words or symbols into a concept or information that he or she can understand. (Clark, 1997) The goal of communication is to convey information—and the understanding of that information—from one person or group to another person or group. This communication process is divided into three basic components: A sender transmits a message through a channel to the receiver. The sender first develops an idea, which is composed into a message and then transmitted to the other party, who interprets the message and receives meaning. Information theorists have added somewhat more complicated language. Developing a message is known as encoding. Interpreting the message is referred to as decoding. (Lord Harold) A customer usually starts its buying process by processing the information sent out by different organisations as mass communications, for example TV advertisement or outdoor advertisements. They then build up a brand knowledge and creates a stronger need for the product in question. When the customer later on feels like they have a need for more information they reach out to the organisation, usually a sales representative, to find out more about the offer. The organisation then has their chance to convince the customer by relationship communications. (Linde, 2002)
  • 5. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 4 1.4 Barriers to Communication Anything that prevents understanding of the message is a barrier to communication. Many physical and psychological barriers exist: o Culture, background, and bias — We allow our past experiences to change the meaning of the message. Our culture, background, and bias can be good as they allow us to use our past experiences to understand something new, it is when they change the meaning of the message that they interfere with the communication process. o Noise — Equipment or environmental noise impedes clear communication. The sender and the receiver must both be able to concentrate on the messages being sent to each other. o Perception — If we feel the person is talking too fast, not fluently, does not articulate clearly, etc., we may dismiss the person. Also our preconceived attitudes affect our ability to listen. We may listen uncritically to persons of high status and dismiss those of low status. o Message — Distractions happen when we focus on the facts rather than the idea being communicated. Our educational institutions reinforce this with tests and questions. Semantic distractions occur when a word is used differently than you prefer. For example, the word chairman instead of chairperson, may cause you to focus on the word rather than the message. o Environmental — Bright lights, an attractive person, unusual sights, or any other stimulus provides a potential distraction. o Smothering — We take it for granted that the impulse to send useful information is automatic. Not true! Too often we believe that certain information has no value to others or they are already aware of the facts. o Stress — People do not see things the same way when under stress. What we see and believe at a given moment is influenced by our psychological frames of references — our beliefs, values, knowledge, experiences, and goals. (Titlow)
  • 6. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 5 1.5 Advertising Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. (Bovee, 1992, p. 7) According to American Marketing Association "Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and services by an identified sponsor". Advertising is one of the key elements in building a brand, which is equally important to the marketer and consumers. Brand personality acts as a potent brand differentiator and offers sustainable competitive advantage. (Advertising) Advertising is primarily mass media content intended to persuade consumers into associating themselves with a particular product or service. Any form of mass media can advertise a product or a service. An advertisement has the power to use a message and transform it in a manner that affects the consumer in many ways. Their main aim is to increase consumption of that particular product. They are mostly paid for by sponsors. They produce the advertisement and buy space for them in the various mediums through which they can be delivered. Advertisements do the general job of a product to get noticed in the market otherwise it will not sell. They draw special attention to the product and this helps the product to sell to the consumers. It is a persuasion tool to draw attention. It informs the potential customers about the product features and benefits. If an advertisement is good, it creates a demand for the product. It even creates an identity for the brand to which the product belongs. (Cheggs, 2008)
  • 7. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 6 1.6 Features of Advertising 1. Communication: Advertising is means of mass communication reaching the masses. It is a non-personal communication because it is addressed to masses. 2. Information: Advertising informs the buyers about the benefits they would get when they purchase a particular product. However, the information given should be complete and true. 3. Persuasion: The advertiser expects to create a favorable attitude, which will lead to favorable actions. It is thus an indirect salesmanship and essentially a persuasion technique. 4. Consumer Choice: Advertising facilitates consumer choice. It enables consumers to purchase goods as per their budget requirement and choice. Right choice makes consumer happy and satisfied. 5. Element of Marking Mix: Advertising is an important element of promotion mix. Advertising has proved to be of great utility to sell goods and services. Large manufactures spend crores of rupees on advertising. 6. Element of Creativity: A good advertising campaign involves lot of creativity and imagination. When the message of the advertiser matches the expectations of consumers, such creativity makes way for successful campaign. (Advertising) 1.7 Advertising in the Pre-Industrial Era During the preindustrial age, advertising was reaching far beyond the simple signage and word of mouth of local merchants. Handbill, posters, and signs became popular formats for advertising. The printing press was one of the most important developments in the history and evolution of advertising. By the middle of the 1600s, the printing press was enjoying the bicentennial of its introduction by Johannes Gutenberg. Gutenberg’s invention was one of three
  • 8. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 7 major developments that can be attributed to the birth of modern advertising (Arens, Schaefer, & Weigold, 2009). During the middle of the nineteenth century, the nature of the American business market began to change in dramatic ways. Earlier in the century, the steady rise of industry and the formulation of a market economy - fueled by wage labor instead of the traditional system of apprenticeship - as well as the formulation of national banking standards created a sound, firm base for modern, capitalist economics. From the increasingly industrialized and urbanized American landscape, a unique phenomenon in marketing was born, and sometime around the 1840s, the concept of modern advertising emerged in American society. (Maryland State Archives, 2006) 1.8 Present Scenario of Advertising The postindustrial age of the 1980s through 1990s faced the challenges of marketing to an environmentally sensitive society. Demarketing techniques were used in advertising in an attempt to make consumers aware of a company’s environmentally responsible manufacturing and supply-chain methods. (Hopkins, 2009) Consumers today are not only better informed about products and services, but also the companies that produce them. The modern consumer will research a company and absorb feedback from word-of-mouse channels such as blogs and forums to offset the positive-only hype from advertising. The green movement is represents a marketing potential of 500 billion dollars (Hopkins, 2009) Modern advertising trends are constantly changing. Mostly driven by advances in technology, advertising media is becoming broader reaching and less expensive to leverage. The Internet has evolved into an advertisers low-cost playground. Email
  • 9. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 8 campaigns are less expensive to produce than traditional print campaigns. The Internet also allows a more strategic direct and targeted approach to advertising. Email is a less formal and more personalized alternative to traditional direct mail campaigns. (Dean, 2010) 1.9 Media Media (the plural of medium) are the collective communication outlets or tools that are used to store and deliver information or data. It is either associated with communication media, or the specialized communication businesses such as: print media and the press, photography, advertising, cinema, broadcasting (radio and television), and/or publishing. (Indiaactive, 2014) Media has been around ever since the evolution of mankind and technology. Media has helped the development of various ways of communication during the conglomeration of tribes and the nation. Media is the tool that people use to communicate messages to each other. Most people get their information from the various forms of media technologies. The existence of the various forms of media has given the world a simple solution to receive and share information across the globe. (Stephenson) 1.10 Indian Media Indian media consists of different forms of communication, namely: television, radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines and new age media such as websites and
  • 10. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 9 portals. It has been active since the late 18th century. It began with print media in the year 1780. Radio broadcasting was initiated in 1927. Auguste and Louis Luniniere were the first moving motion films that were screened in Mumbai (then Bombay) in the year 1895. Indian media is the oldest and largest media of the world. Media in India has been free and independent throughout most of its history, even before establishment of Indian empire by Ashoka the Great on the foundation of righteousness, openness, morality and spirituality. The period of emergency (1975–1977), declared by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, was the brief period when India's media was faced with potential government retribution. (NIMC, 2013) 1.11 Advertising Theories 1.11.1 AIDA AIDA was created by Strong in 1925 and is a behavioral model that has as purpose to make sure that an advertisement raise awareness, stimulate interest, and leads the customer to desire and eventually action (Hackley, 2005) The model is seen as a highly persuasive and is said to often unconsciously affect our thinking (Butterfield, 1997) THE PROCESS OF AIDA  Attention: Attention is usually grabbed by the use of image, color, layout, typography, size, celebrity, model etc  Interest: Once attention is grabbed, it’s necessary to create interest in the viewers mind so that they will read more about the brand being advertised. By the use of an attractive sub head, interest can be invoked
  • 11. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 10  Desire: The element of desire is usually created by the use of body copy where you write in detail about the necessity of buying the brand, thereby explaining the features of the brand, facts and figures  Action: Towards the end, the contact information of the brand will be given where they expects the viewers to take action immediately. It can be in the form of shop address, toll free numbers or website address. (AIDA Model, 2010) In the given ad, the Headline “Marriage does come with its rewards” and the image of the car attracts the viewers attention. The subhead “The New Beetle, Best Gifted” creates interest in the viewers to know more about the product. The Body copy & the slogan given in the ad create desire in the viewers mind. The contact information given towards the end makes the viewers take an action. (AIDA Model, 2010) (Figure 1.11.2 DAGMAR Dagmar Approach is the task of measuring ad effectiveness will not be daunting if we clearly spell out the advertising goals. Russel H. Colley (1961) pioneered an
  • 12. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 11 approach known by the acronym DAGMAR – Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results, where to establish an explicit link between ad goals and ad results, Colley distinguished 52 advertising goals that might be used with respect to a single advertisement, a year’s campaign for a product or a company’s entire advertising philosophy. These goals may pertain to sales, image, attitude, and awareness. Some of the goals are: • Persuade a prospect to visit a show room and ask for a demonstration. • Build up the morale of the company’s sales force. • Facilitate sales by correcting false impression, misinformation and other obstacles. • Announce a special reason for buying now’s (price, discount, premium and so on). • Make the brand identity known and easily recognizable. • Provide information or implant attitude regarding benefits and superior features of brand. (Puri, 2012) The model aims to increase awareness of the firm's product and is based on FIVE key stages. (Gregglee, p. 194) Stage Consumer Promotion Unaware Doesn't know us Use the media to inform Aware Knows something of us Build the media presence Comprehension Recognizes us Introduce product information Conviction Prefers us Reinforce via advertising Action Purchases Personal selling The DAGMAR approach has had a huge influence on the how to set objectives in the advertising planning process and many planners use this model as their base. However, just as the other approaches within advertising, DAGMAR has been
  • 13. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 12 met with critique. One of the major criticisms towards DAGMAR is on its reliance on the hierarchy-of-effects theory, just as with AIDA. Customers do not always pass through the stages in a linear way. Another criticism made towards the DAGMAR approach is that it focuses too much on strategies. Many creative people within advertising are looking for the great unique idea that can result in a successful campaign and feels that the DAGMAR approach is too concerned with quantitative measurements on the campaign. (Belch, 1995) 1.11.3 HIERARCHYOF EFFECTS According to this model customers do not switch from being completely uninterested to become convinced to buy the product in one step. Lavidge and Steiners Hierarchy-of-effects model is created to show the process, or steps, that an advertiser assumes that customers pass through in the actual purchase process (Barry & Howard, 1990, p. 14) Awareness The customer becomes aware of the product through advertising. This is a challenging step as there is no guarantee that the customer will be aware of the product brand after they view the advert. Customers see many adverts each day but will only remember the brand of a tiny fraction of products. Knowledge The customer begins to gain knowledge about the product for example through the Internet, retail advisors and product packaging. In today's digital world this step has become more important as consumers expect to gather product knowledge at the click of a button. Consumers will quickly move to competitor brands if they do not get the information they want. The advertiser's job is to ensure product information is easily available. Liking This step is about ensuring that the customer likes your product. As an advertiser
  • 14. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 13 what features can you promote to encourage the customer to like your product? (Hierarchy of Effects model) Preference Consumers may like more than one product brand and could end up buying any one of them. At this stage advertisers will want the consumer to disconnect from rival products and focus on their particular product. Advertisers will want to highlight their brand's benefits and unique selling points so that the consumer can differentiate it from competitor brands. Conviction This stage is about creating the customer's desire to purchase the product. Advertisers may encourage conviction by allowing consumers to test or sample the product. Examples of this are inviting consumers to take a car for a test drive or offering consumers a free sample of a food product. This reassures consumers that the purchase will be a safe one. Purchase Having proceeded through the above stages, the advertiser wants the customer to purchase their product. This stage needs to be simple and easy, otherwise the customer will get fed up and walk away without a purchase. For example a variety of payment options encourages purchase whilst a complicated and slow website discourages purchases. (Hierarchy of Effects model) (Figure
  • 15. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 14
  • 16. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 15 2.0 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Celebrity “They’re humans. When you sign on to a celebrity, you sign on to the whole package – the good, the bad, and the ugly” (Altena, 2010). “Celebrity” refers to an individual who is known to the public, such as actors, sport figures, entertainers‟ and others of the like for his or her achievement in areas other than that of the product class endorsed (Friedman, ANJUM, SUMEET, & SUKHWINDER , 1979). There are a number of researches that investigated the effects of celerity endorsement on consumers’ purchase intention. Therefore, this research is to investigate effects on celebrity endorsement on consumers’ purchase intention of apparel product (Au-Yeung Pui Yi, 2012). Celebrity sources may enhance attitude change for a variety of reasons. They may attract more attention to the advertisement than would non-celebrities or in many cases, they may be viewed as more credible than non-celebrities. Third, consumers may identify with or desire to emulate the celebrity. Finally, consumer may associate known characteristics of the celebrity with attributes of the product that coincide with their own needs or desire. (Gupta, 2007). Celebrities from the field of sports and movies have a string of endorsements under their belt. Thus celebrity endorsements become a relevant field of research in India. However, this aspect of the effect of celebrity personality on Brand Personality has not been studied yet in consumer research (Roy, 2009). Endorsing brands of any products through a well-known personality has become very prominent these days as they sort out the problem of over communication, provides instant recognition and transfers their goodwill to the brand. Earlier this exercise was exclusively performed within the domain of models but with the
  • 17. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 16 advent of celebrities in Hindi movies and of Sports since the late nineteenth century they ventured out into their bastion. The brand is projected to be living and credible with the presence of celebrities. Analysts believe that famous celebrities are more capable catching the attention of consumers. In addition to that, brands being established by celebrities are more likely to retain longer on consumer’s memory. Conversely, the brands are easily recalled with a mere mention of a product. (Godbout) 2.2 History of Celebrity Endorsements The first endorsement was made by the then cricketer named Farokh Engineer who worked as a model for Brylcream (Padhy, 2012). Questions of why are the celebrities roped in always from the mass media i.e. film industry, and sports, why not the leading personalities from Neros, politics corporate world? Would not the companies be able to gain the mind share of potential consumer’s by using these personalities. The answer to the question is both yes and no few personalities like Narayana Murthy of Infosys endorsed Windows XP and Rajeev Bakshi, CEO of Pepse featured in its company’s ad by offering testimony of the quality of its products. Meanwhile, Pepsi’s rival Coca-cola, in its commercials, used film personalities Aamir Khan and Radhika to prove its products hygienic condition. It shows that the celebrities could even be used to repair the damage of the company’s reputation (Rengarajan & R. Sathya, 2014). The late '80s saw the beginning of celebrity endorsements in advertising in India. Hindi film and TV stars as well as sportspersons began encroaching on a territory that was, until then, the exclusive domain of models. There was a spurt of advertising, featuring stars like Tabassum (Prestige pressure cookers), Jalal Agha (Pan Parag), Kapil Dev (Palmolive Shaving Cream) and Sunil Gavaskar (Dinesh
  • 18. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 17 Suitings) (GiridharK.V, 2012). According to Agrawal and Kamakura (1995), when a celebrity is paired with a brand, her image helps shape the image of that brand in minds of the consumer. Global media can make global stars, but it does not mean they translate into universal marketing assets that can transform any brand’s value and market share in any country anywhere. Worldwide, people are becoming more sophisticated consumers who are less ready to accept simple, uniform marketing messages. Very strong indifference to the power of the Celebrity in some western markets may even point to how overt Celebrity endorsement may be working in the reverse, turning consumers away from the very products being endorsed and so having a negative impact. 2.3 Celebrity Endorsements in India India is a land of three C’s – Cinema, Cricket and Curry. The citizens just love their film and sports stars and would go to any extent to show their support for their favourite celebrity. India is amongst the biggest producers of films in the world and many superstars like Amitabh Bachchan, Shahrukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Aishwarya Rai and many more are the heart-throbs of many a Indian. Film actors and actresses have always held the majority share of celebrity endorsements on TV. (Rai & Sharma, TRENDS IN CELEBRITY BRAND ENDORSEMENTS ON INDIAN TELEVISION, 2013) Sports persons are another big group of endorsers on Indian TV. This group mainly comprises of Indian cricket team members who have proved their mettle on the global
  • 19. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 18 cricketing scene. The top cricket stars who have got a huge fan following are Sachin Tendulkar, M. S. Dhoni, Virat Kohli and others. Other games like tennis (Sania Mirza), badminton (Saina Nehwal) and chess (Viswanathan Anand) also feature in some TV advertisements promoting some or the other brand (Rai & Sharma, TRENDS IN CELEBRITY BRAND ENDORSEMENTS , 2013). According to the research by TAM Media, Adex India Analysis 2010, for the first half of 2010, lists Kareena Kapoor as the leading female endorser possessing 45% of Bollywood’s most sought after. Whereas Mahendra Singh Dhoni is declared as the leading male endorser in the first half of 2010.Ahead of a difference of 8 ads from Shahrukh Khan and 3 ads from Sachin Tendulkar. According to Adex India Analysis, Bollywood celebrities accounted for 80% celebrity endorsement TV ad volumes in 2009, TV actresses -2%; TV actors-2%; Sports-15%; Film Actresses- 43%; Film Actors-37%. According to an IPAN-IMRB Research (2008), 86%- Remember celebrity ads; 3%-Feel celebrities effect buying decision; 84%-Believe quality and price is the input factor; 2%-Consider celebrity importance; 5%- Believe stars endorse brand for money 22%-Believe celebrities use products they endorse. (Suhalka, pp. 4-5) 2.4 Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsements The celebrity’s role is the most explicit and profound in incarnating user associations among the above-mentioned points. To comprehend this, let us analyze the multiplier effect formula for a successful brand: Successful brand ambassador formula S=P* D*AV S is a successful brand P is an effective product
  • 20. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 19 D is Distinctive Identity and AV is Added values. (Figure 2.4.1) Celebrity endorsements cannot replace the comprehensive brand building processes. As branding evolves as a discipline companies must be extra cautious to utilize every possible channel of communication rather than just a celebrity endorsement (Mukherjee, 2009). To anybody interested in sports and marketing, the concept of celebrity endorsement is not a new concept. In recent decades, sport marketing has emerged as an independent area where companies separate themselves from their competitors by developing associations with the sporting heroes. In this study, the dynamics as have emerged in the recent past will be analyzed and implications for both sports and marketing evaluated (Siddiqui, 2009). As a celebrity, if you sign on to endorse a beverage, you better drink that beverage and none of its competitors. Because access to images of you carrying that drink, consuming that drink and buying that drink is photographed and available immediately on the internet, the consumer will call you out in a split second for
  • 21. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 20 not being authentic. Blogs & editorial follow suit, and quickly the story changes (Salup, 2014). Everything said and done, one have to weigh the potential risks vs. the potential rewards as celebrity endorsements are always a high-risk, high- reward situation and there is always a human element that you might not know about (Surana, 2008). Celebrity endorsement has been applied for many years. Already in 1979 one in every six commercials used a celebrity and in 2001 that percentage grew to 25% (Erdogan et al, 2001). The usage of celebrity endorsements has increased in the last decades and at the same time also the corresponding cash flows grew. In the year 1996 US companies paid more than 1 billion dollar to celebrity endorsers for endorsement deals and licensing rights (Lane, 1996) (Hoekman & Dr.A.M.M.Bosmans). Position of a brand in the mind of the customer is always relative. When a brand’s name is recalled before others it is called top of the mind positioning of that brand. Advertising also helps in creating Top of the Mind Awareness of a brand and aims at facilitating brand recall. The focus of this paper is to understand if TV Advertisements have an impact of youth purchase decisions (Bisht, 2013). Various companies are signing deals with celebrities in the hope that by using celebrities they can accomplish a unique and relevant position in the minds of the consumers. Choice of the celebrity, hence, is of utmost importance and is usually done based on many different parameters - appeal, looks, popularity or even just a fantasy figure to endorse a brand (Pughazhendi & Ravindran, 2012). In India, television is the most popular and effective means of the mass communication. There are over three million television commercials being aired every year. However, the people forget 80 percent of them in a day or two. So, it is imperative for the marketers to ensure that their ad campaign stands out amongst the crowd. Since advertising is a highly critical tool for luring customers to make purchases, Indian firms are investing millions of rupees on celebrity advertising (Goyal, 2012).
  • 22. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 21 2.5 Results of Celebrity Endorsements According to Hondebrink (2006) the results on the attractiveness of elements used in adverts are humor (88.6%), celebrity effect (78.8%), special effect (76.6%), use of slang (68.3%), bright colors (50%), animation/cartoons (24.6), animals (19.6%), fairy tales/nursery rhymes (10.3%) and puppets (5.5%). Hondebrink (2006) concluded that respondents in the study conducted preferred most the element of humor. The other elements are fun/good times and dancing/ partying/ celebrating. (Mensah, Asuamah, & Amankwah, 2013) The cost benefit analysis of using celebrity in marketing communications is bit tricky. But the general belief is that using celebrity is a lot cheaper in building a brand. For example, S.Kumar’s built the brand "Reid & Taylor’s" as a premier suiting material by having Amitabh Bachchan in its advertisements. To achieve the same without a celebrity would have taken longer time & more money. In a span of less than two years after launch, the brand Reid & Taylor has become the second largest seller of cloth for men’s suits in India. Now, despite the potential benefits derived from celebrity endorsements, a marketer’s risk manifolds and should be treated with full attention and aptitude. A brand should be cautious when employing celebrities to ensure promise believability and delivery of the intended effect (Bocheer & Dr H. Nanjegowda, 2013). Over the past decade, the use of athlete endorsement has emerged as a significant marketing strategy within the sport marketplace. Essential to the success of this strategy is the on-going examination of the sport hero figure and what this image represents to a constantly changing consumer demographic (Stevens, Lathrop, & Bradish, 2003). Celebrity Endorsements act as a credible means of “money burning”. This is because this is a world of products for which the value a consumer obtains from purchasing any given variety. This could be for reasons of social standing-People want to wear the “right” clothes, drink the “right” beverages and use the “right” fragrances. Belk (1988) pointed out that consumer view the products they purchase as much more than just “bundles of utility” as economists proclaim, but also as “bundles of meaning” or attributes like sophistication, courageousness, frugality, and honesty, with which to fashion their self-identity. Companies
  • 23. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 22 attempt to label their products with different meanings by linking their products with celebrities who carry the meanings they desire. During celebrity endorsement, consumers have a perceived image about any celebrity endorser, and this image affect is transferred to the endorsed brand (Atkin & Block, 2013, p. 8) Specifically a consumer that observes messages for two different firm’s products, one product’s message containing a celebrity endorsed and the other not believes the celebrity endorsed product will have more purchases and so be of higher value (Khatri, 2006). 2.6 Types of Celebrity Endorsements 1. There are various types Of Celebrity Endorsements: 2. Testimonial: Celebrity acts as a spokesperson for the brand 3. Imported: Celebrity performs a role known to the audience 4. Invented: Celebrity plays an original, new role 5. Observer: Celebrity assumes the role of an observer commenting on the brand 6. Harnessed: Celebrity’s image is integrated with the ad’s storyline. (Suhalka, p. 3) 2.7 Competition in the Market for Celebrities According to an estimate, the celebrity endorsement market is considered to be worth more than Rs. 10000 million ($ 200 million) business. There are many examples where companies in India have used celebrities to overcome the crisis related with their brands. Cadbury faced a major embarrassment in 2004 when worms were found in some of its packages in India. Cadbury tried to overcome the worm infestation controversy by vouching for its quality and safety standards. However as the public was not convinced by company’s assurances, Cadbury turned to Amitabh Bachchan to bail it out.
  • 24. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 23 Amitabh Bachchan, with assuring personality and a pan-India appeal, salvaged Cadbury's reputation by reinforcing the point that Cadbury had made substantial changes in packaging and was paying attention towards its storage conditions in retail outlets. (Sahay, 2013, p. 24) A simple way to beat the over-communicated atmosphere is to have a Celebrity endorse the brand i.e. the Celebrity appears in the advertisement featuring a particular branded product/service, saying that he/she uses and likes that product/service. Famous people are utilised by marketers for their communication messages. The endorsers can be from different fields, with fame as the only criterion. Most of the Celebrities are from the film and sports arena, as their popularity extends to relatively wider segments of the population. Celebrity endorsement serves the dual purpose of creating interest in the advertisements and overcoming the advertising clutter. (Suresh, 2009). India, with an approximate 10% growth, will certainly be in the top 10 advertising markets in absolute dollar terms by 2015 (Sharma, 2009). In India, celebrity endorsements are believed to be particularly useful as the average consumer reportedly identifies more strongly with celebrities than in other countries. Film stars and sports personalities (especially cricket players) are immensely popular among the masses. This has encouraged the widespread use of celebrities in advertisements over the decades. And Television (TV) is the best vehicle to show such advertisements. (Sharma, 2009)
  • 25. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 24 3.0 RESEARCH METHODOLGY 3.1 Preface From the Review of Literature, the researcher can conclude the following. From the literature review on celebrity endorsements, it is obvious that researchers have not yet looked into the effects of the celebrity personality on the brand personality. However, given the context of incremental use of celebrities to promote brands, this becomes very important. Both the congruence studies in celebrity endorsements and the meaning transfer studies have hinted on the congruence or transfer of attributes from the celebrity to the brand endorsed. It can be determined from the study that celebrities play an important role in the sales of a product. However, it doesn’t always mean that hiring a celebrity would give profits. The brand also needs to keep in mind that the celebrity endorsement strategy is high-risk and given that a company wishes to engage in this strategy, the company would have to consider the cost to bring in the celebrity, the personal life of the celebrity endorser and the match with the brand’s attributes. Celebrities endorsing fairness creams have received varied criticism from the Indian society. A lot of people are against the use of fairness creams in general as they discriminate the fair looking from the one who are dark or tanned. Thus, using celebrities in fairness cream ads has always been a throw of the dice for brands across India and across the world as well. A brand cannot predict the outcome of a certain fairness cream advertisement that has been endorsed by a celebrity – be it a cricketer or a film star.
  • 26. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 25 3.2 Definitions of Research For many years, research was not widely used in advertising and decisions were made on an intuitive basis. However, with increased competition, mass markets and mounting costs, more and more advertisements have come to rely on research as a basic management tool. (Haskins and Kendrick, 1993) Much of the research in advertising is applied research, which attempts to solve a specific problem and is not concerned with theorizing or generalizing to other situations. Advertising researchers want to answer all the questions which revolve around the curiosity which builds up behind a product or a service be its packaging, its colour or its shape and size. Research helps to adapt the existing product or develop a new product according to the wants and needs of the consumers. The three primary areas of research in advertising are copy research, media research and campaign assessment research. Many dictionaries and scholars in various ways define the concept ‘Research’. Following are some of the definitions of ‘research’. i. Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge. (Hornby, 2000) ii. Research is defined as a systematized effort to gain new knowledge. iii. Research methodology can be defined as a "systematic inquiry aimed at providing information to solve problems.” (Emory, 1995) iv. Research is, thus an original contribution to the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement (Stephenson)
  • 27. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 26 3.3 Area of Study Thematic Area: The topic deals with Media Studies, advertising, branding and brand image, psychology, culture and behavioral effects. Subject Area: The impact of a fairness cream ad endorsed by a celebrity on young adolescents/men of Pune Geographical Area: Municipal corporation area limit within Pune city. 3.4 Locale of Study The present study was carried out in Pune city. It is the headquarters of Pune district and is located in the Western part of the State of Maharashtra, forming a part of the Pune Division. Pune is the ninth largest metropolis in India and second largest city in Maharashtra. As one of the largest cities in India, and as a result of its many colleges and universities, Pune is emerging as a prominent location for IT (Information Technology Industry) and manufacturing companies to expand. Pune has the seventh largest metropolitan economy and the sixth highest per capita income in the country. Pune is ninth largest metropolis in India and hence has a lot of young couples. Pune is known for its high educational facilities and relative prosperity. It has a growing industrial hinterland, with information technology and automotive companies setting up factories in the district. Pune has now emerged as ‘Mini India’. Therefore it is perfect as the locale of study as it can provide the best cross section of India for sample design.
  • 28. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 27 Also, the research scholar is studying in Pune city and is able to display diverse social, occupational, cultural and geographical backgrounds of respondents. Hence, the locale of study is selected as Pune city. (Map of Pune in Annexure) 3.5 Rationale of Study This topic was undertaken, as recently the advertisement industry has seen a boom in advertisements with a lot of celebrities endorsing fairness creams for men as well as women. Knowing the impact of the same on young adolescents of Pune is extremely important, as it would help in understanding the things that should be kept in these advertisements and what should not be kept. Pune houses a diverse student population along with a lot of working professionals as well. Therefore, the research scholar chose Pune as the area of the study for this topic. Young adolescents of Pune are addicted to watching television. In recent times, the number of fairness creams being endorsed and showcased on television has grown a lot. So, it is obvious that these adolescents of Pune are exposed to it. This study is being conducted to find out to what extent have these people been exposed and how much is the recall they can generate from them. Mensah, Asuamah and Amankwah have stated in their research paper that almost 78% of adolescents prefer to have celebrities in the endorsements. 3.6 Research Objectives
  • 29. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 28 For the purpose of this study the researcher has set the following general as well as specific objectives: General Objective: To understand the impact of celebrities endorsing fairness creams on television on middle adolescents of Pune Specific Objectives: i. To understand the television viewing patterns of young adolescents of Pune ii. To understand the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television iii. To understand the decision making process to buy the products followed by the adolescents after they see these advertisements iv. To understand the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements v. To compare the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star 3.7 Research Questions The study is based on the following research questions: i. What are the television viewing patterns of young adolescents of Pune? ii. What is the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television? iii. What is the decision making process to buy the products followed by the adolescents after they see these advertisements? iv. What is the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements?
  • 30. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 29 v. What is the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star?’ 3.8 Nature of Study This study was ex- facto and descriptive in nature. The ex-post-facto method is appropriate in circumstances when the more powerful experimental method is not possible. It is not always possible to select, control, and manipulate the factors necessary to study cause and effect relations directly. (Lord Harold). It was ex- post-facto also, because the researcher had no direct control over the independent variables, because their manifestations had already occurred. They were inherently not manipulated. Secondly, inferences about relations among variables are made, without direct intervention. There was absolute zero possibility of controlling the changes in behavioral pattern of independent variables – young adolescents of Pune. It was descriptive because it essentially aimed at finding the facts related largely to the present, and abstracting generalizations by the cross sectional study of the current situation. The researcher found the impact of celebrities endorsing on young adolescents of Pune without conducting previous hypothesis. 3.9 Research Approach Quantitative approach was employed to arrive at the conclusions. The quantitative method was used to measure the impact of sexually explicit advertisements on primary children. The quantitative method was used to measure the nature of impact of sexually explicit content in advertisements and the negative influence it has on the psychological and behavioral patterns of primary children and the perception of parents on this. This was researched and reported with greater precision.
  • 31. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 30 3.10 Operational Definition/ Conceptual Framework Following are the basic concepts used in this study: Impact: Impact for the present study means tangible effects and consequences of celebrity fairness cream advertisements on young adolescents of Pune. Advertisement: Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. (Taflinger, 1996) Television: A television set was a very particular type of device, which served as the hub of audio-visual entertainment in a given household. To take Wikipedia's description, it's a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving images that can be monochrome (black-and-white) or colored, with or without accompanying sound. (Titlow) Adolescents: Adolescence describes the teenage years between 13 and 19 and can be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood. Adolescence can be a time of both disorientation and discovery. The transitional period can bring up issues of independence and self-identity; many adolescents and their peers face tough choices regarding schoolwork, sexuality, drugs, alcohol, and their social life. Peer groups, romantic interests and external appearance tend to naturally increase in importance for some time during a teen's journey toward adulthood. Impact of television advertisements: Impact of celebrity fairness cream advertisements on young adolescents of Pune.
  • 32. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 31 Perception: The way in which something (information or otherwise) is regarded, understood, or interpreted. Pune: The term refers to the geographical area under the jurisdiction of Pune Municipal Corporation. 3.11 Data Collection Method The method used for data collection was the survey method. 3.12 Data Collection Tool – Questionnaire The questionnaire design was the most crucial stage because the total process of quantitative data collection through Survey Method was based on this tool. Following were the considerations kept in mind while designing the questionnaire. i. It must be simple and must be self-explanatory. ii. It must procure all the required data, which would be useful to meet the general as well as specific objectives of this study. iii. It must be able to relate to all adolescents taking the survey iv. The language of the questionnaire must be simple. v. It must maintain accuracy and flow to facilitate the respondent to answer quickly. vi. It must be eco-friendly i.e. it will be using less paper as compared to the usual questionnaires.
  • 33. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 32 The questionnaire consisted of 5 pages and had a total of 11 questions. 3.13 Pre-testing The pre testing of the questionnaire was conducted between the 15th and 18th of March, 2014. They were asked to fill up the questionnaire. After they submitted the forms, the researcher had an in depth interview with each of the respondents to understand their views and opinions and their perceptions. The suggestions from the respondents were important to rectify the mistakes and incorporate the changes in the final changes in the questionnaire. A modified questionnaire was then prepared for the final research. 3.14 Data Collection Procedure The researcher collected and digitized the data. The list of buildings mentioned in Table was used for research. The researcher took a set of 100 copies of questionnaires for the various places to get them filled. The data collected by the researcher was again scrutinized. The respondents who had completed the entire questionnaire were considered. Finally, a total of 100 middle adolescents were taken as sample for the survey. 3.15 Variables used in the Study Since the nature of the study is descriptive, the researcher has identified the important dependent and independent variables. Independent variables are those
  • 34. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 33 over which we cannot exercise any control and the dependent variables depend on the independent variables. The following are the variables: i. Independent Variable: Brands chosen – Nivea and Garnier ii. Dependent Variable: The influence that the brand ambassadors of the mentioned brands have on the young adolescents and men of Pune. 3.16 Sampling Method Sampling methods are used to select a sample from within a general population. Proper sampling methods are important for eliminating bias in the selection process. They can also allow for the reduction of cost or effort in gathering samples. Common methods of sampling include simple random sampling (completely random selection from the population), systematic sampling (ordering the population and selecting at regular intervals), stratified sampling (splitting the population into categories and randomly selecting from within each category), matched random sampling (population is divided into pairs based on a criterion and then randomly assigned to groups), and panel sampling (applying the same test over time to randomly selected groups). (Campbell, 2008) i. The Universe/ Population The universe/ population of this study is the total number of middle adolescents in Pune city. The total population is infinite. ii. Sampling Procedure
  • 35. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 34 The sampling method used for the study was purposive sampling. The reason being the study was to access the perception of men about the celebrity endorsement for fairness creams. The researcher has chosen Viman Nagar as the primary area within which to conduct the research as it houses a high population of young and late adolescents and men courtesy the various colleges located within the vicinity. iii. Characteristicsofthe sample The assumptions made were that the populations are residents of Pune and is either pursuing their studies in Pune or doing a job. Selective sampling was done of adolescents who are in the age bracket of 18-25. 3.17 Data Analysis Procedure Data was collected by circulating questionnaires among middle adolescents of Viman Nagar, Pune. After getting the questionnaires filled, the data was digitized on 17th March 2015 by using Microsoft Excel and put into tabular form. The tabular form and the frequency distribution were calculated. The frequency distribution was then converted into percentile and represented in the graphical form. The data so analyzed was then described in Chapter 4.
  • 36. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 35 4.0 DATA ANALYSIS The process of evaluating data using analytical and logical reasoning to examine each component of the data provided. This form of analysis is just one of the many steps that must be completed when conducting a research experiment. Data from various sources is gathered, reviewed, and then analyzed to form some sort of finding or conclusion. There are a variety of specific data analysis method, some of which include data mining, text analytics, business intelligence, and data visualizations. (Business Dictionary). It is the process of systematically applying statistical and/or logical techniques to describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data. According to Shamoo and Resnik (2003) various analytic procedures “provide a way of drawing inductive inferences from data and distinguishing the signal (the phenomenon of interest) from the noise (statistical fluctuations) present in the data”.
  • 37. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 36 1. Time spent per day watching TV: (Figure 4.1.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: It is important to understand the amount of time a person spends watching TV in a day as once that is determined, the process of understanding the amount of exposure he/she has to the advertisements in question. The graph shows that from the research conducted on the target group, 25% of them watch television for less than half an hour everyday. The majority (51%) of the population watches TV for half an hour to one hour. 14% of the population watches TV for a timespan of around 1-2 hours whereas only 10% claim to be watching TV for 2 or more hours everyday. From the graph given above, it can be conferred that people usually watch TV for about one hour everyday. So, it becomes imperative for the fairness cream brands to catch the attention of the people in that timespan. 25 51 14 10 Less than half an hour Half Hour - One Hour One Hour - Two Hours More than two Hours Amount of TV seen in a day
  • 38. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 37 2. How are you informed about new products? (Figure 4.2.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: In the earlier graph, we found out as to how much television the population watches. Now it is important to find out as to how they receive information about new products. As seen in the graph, 15% of the population says they receive information about new products through friends or family whereas the a major part of the population (63%) claim that they receive information through advertisements. This is an important statistic, as this would help the advertisers in understanding the psyche of the consumers. Around 20% of the population has claimed that they usually receive such information through experts like dermatologists. Around 2% has said that they receive the information through other sources like magazines, newspapers etc. 15 63 20 2 Friends or Family Advertisements Experts Others Information source for new products
  • 39. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 38 3. The factors that trigger me to buy a product are: (Figure 4.3.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: It is important for an advertiser to know as to what entices the consumers to buy a certain product, in this case, a fairness cream. The reason the research scholar has decided to put this question is to understand the thinking of the target group and as to what is it that they are looking for in a fairness cream. The graph clearly shows that Price/Discount offer with 35% is what the population majorly thinks of while buying fairness cream. The other thing that is important for the target population is the packaging of the product (29%), then is Utility (19%), Colour (12%) and Fragrance (5%). However, some consumers look for other things or are buying the product due to other reasons such as opinions of others or due to their favorite celebrity endorsing it. 29 35 12 5 19 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Packaging Price/ Discount Offer Colour Fragrance Utility Factors that trigger to buy a product
  • 40. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 39 4. I use cosmetic creams for the following reasons (Multiple options can be ticked): (Figure 4.1.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: This question is important to understand the reasons as to why young adolescents use cosmetic creams. From the graph, the researcher has found out that most of the young and late adolescents of Pune use cosmetic creams for fairness (46%). Most of the advertisements show a certain type of ads where one becomes successful if and only if are fair. Around 45% of adolescents use creams as moisturizers. A huge percentage (61%) use cosmetic creams for pimple control or removal whereas 22% and 35% use it for sunscreen protection and blackhead removal respectively. 46 45 61 22 35 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Fairness Moisturizer Pimple control Sunscreen Blackhead removal Reasons to use cosmetic creams
  • 41. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 40 5. I observed fairness cream ads use color of the skin to represent success: (Figure 5.1.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: All fairness creams concentrate on the fairness part of it, which leaves an unanswered question. Is fairness the only way to getting ahead in life? All the ads endorsed by celebrities show that to get love, to get a job, to get married etc. you need to use a fairness cream for all of this. Thus, this question is important to know the perception of the people who use it. This question is asked specifically to know if fairness cream ads can cause self-esteem issues to people who use such creams and to people who are black or tanned etc. The graph suggests that almost 63% of the TA accepted that due to fairness cream ads, their self-esteem has lowered. Only 12% are neutral in this matter. 15% of the TA disagrees with the fact that it causes self-esteem issues and around 10% of the TA completely disagrees with the issue at hand. 6. I believe skin complexion has got nothing to do with success: 42 21 12 15 10 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Color of the skin represents success
  • 42. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 41 (Figure 6.1.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: Fairness cream advertisements endorsed by celebrities show that the confidence of the person using it is increased manifold. So this question aims at knowing whether it actually boosts the confidence of the person applying it. The researcher can easily conclude that the respondents believe whatever the celebrity endorses and they themselves feel as if they are looking fairer and it gives a boost to their confidence. So, it can be concluded that celebrity endorsements are effective. The respondents replied in their questionnaires saying skin complexion does increase their confidence but it doesn’t play a very pivotal role in determining their success. Strongly agree: 35% Agree: 21% Neutral: 17% Disagree: 9% Strongly Disagree: 18% 7. I prefer buying products endorsed by celebrities to 35 21 17 9 18 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Skin complexion does't impact success
  • 43. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 42 the products without celebrity endorsement: (Figure 7.1.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: This question is a very direct question aiming to find out whether celebrity endorsements help in boosting sales. The results also aren’t deviating from the expected results. Most of the respondents agree that they would go to a market or shop to buy fairness creams if their favourite celebrity were endorsing it. Strongly Agree: 47% Agree: 19% Neutral: 11% Disagree: 18% Strongly Disagree: 5% 8. Choose from the following benefits that I seek from a fairness cream (Multiple options can be ticked) 47 19 11 18 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Likelihood of buying product due to favourite celebrity endorsing it
  • 44. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 43 (Figure 8.1.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: Now that we know that celebrities help in boosting sales, it is important to know what aspects of the fairness cream entice them to buy it. All individuals use fairness creams for different reasons, which can be seen from the graph above. 83 out of 100 respondents say they use fairness creams to get an oil free look on their faces. 79 respondents said they use it to attain fairness and look good. 63 claim to use it for dark spots removal whereas 61 and 49 respondents out of 100 use it for SPF and Glow respectively. Thus, we can conclude that the respondents buying the fairness creams are using it for Oil Free Look and Fairness and not for Glow that it gives. 9. When I see a fairness cream advertisement on TV, I Fairness 21% Dark Spot Removal 17% Glow 13% SPF 16% Oil Free Look 22% Black heads 11% Benefits sought from fairness cream
  • 45. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 44 am reminded of: (Figure 9.1.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: Understanding the top of mind recall that people have is important to know the success of an advertising campaign. Through this question, the researcher wants to find out what is it that comes to the respondents mind when they hear about a certain fairness cream brand or advertisement. We can find out from this graph given above that the advertisement itself is what the respondents remember. Over and above the content and story of the ad, the respondents are able to remember the brand name as well. However, most of them said they couldn’t place the brand along with the brand ambassador for the same. Some said they remember the jingle of the advertisement, which helped them recollecting the brand whereas some said they remember it due to the product benefits. 10. I prefer a fairness cream being endorsed by: 63 18 3 16 Advertisement Brand Ambassador Jingle Product Benefits Top of mind recall on seeing a fairness cream advertisement
  • 46. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 45 (Figure 10.1.1) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: This question is put in the questionnaire to find out as to how often fairness cream ads are exposed to the TA. Through the results obtained above, we can find out that almost all respondents can recollect or remember fairness creams. This goes on to prove that the boost in the number of fairness cream ads has been exponential in the last couple of years and the ads involving celebrities has been even more. Thus, by using celebrities for endorsement, the brands can know for sure that their product is being known in the market. It is extremely important to use celebrities to endorse products – especially fairness cream products. 11. Who according to you is the perfect brand ambassador for the following fairness creams? 55 27 10 8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Film star Cricketer Politician Comedian Kind of celebrity endorsing the product
  • 47. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 46 (Multiple options can be ticked) (Figure 11.1.1) (Figure 11.1.2) Reasonfor choosing this question as a part of the questionnaire: This question is used to find out what type of celebrities the respondents prefer in their fairness cream ads. 21 9 17 39 11 3 Virat Kohli Arjun Rampal Ranbir Kapoor Siddharth Malhotra John Abraham M S Dhoni GARNIER 24 7 20 33 9 7 Virat Kohli Arjun Rampal Ranbir Kapoor Siddharth Malhotra John Abraham M S Dhoni NIVEA
  • 48. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 47 From the results, the researcher can figure out that actors are preferred over cricketers, as they believe actors need to be fairer than cricketers as their profession demands looking good and up to date. The results tally with the fact that the respondents prefer actors to cricketers as they have given the maximum votes or points to Siddharth Malhotra, who is considered as a female heartthrob. By seeing him endorse a fairness cream, the respondents are also given hopes of attaining the same popularity as him. The second highest voted person in this is Virat Kohli because of his looks and personality and not because of his cricketing skills and prowess.
  • 49. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 48 5.0 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The research in question was directed on the topic, ‘Comparative and critical study of a brand endorsed by a film star and by a cricketer (Arjun Rampal- Nivea and Virat Kohli - Fair and Handsome) and its influence on adolescents/men of Pune. While doing the research, the research scholar has kept in mind the following objectives: General Objective: To understand the impact of celebrities endorsing fairness creams on television on middle adolescents of Pune Specific Objectives: vi. To understand the television viewing patterns of young adolescents of Pune vii. To understand the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television viii. To understand the decision making process to buy the products followed by the adolescents after they see these advertisements ix. To understand the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements x. To compare the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star
  • 50. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 49 Research Questions The study is based on the following research questions: vi. What are the television viewing patterns of middle adolescents of Pune? vii. What is the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television? viii. What is the decision making process to buy the products followed by the adolescents after they see these advertisements? ix. What is the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements? x. What is the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star? 5.1 Demographic Details The respondents that formed the sample size for the research were all late adolescents, individual between the age of 18 and 25. Majority of the respondents were students pursuing their under-graduation from Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC-UG). The area from which the respondents have been chosen were predominantly from Viman Nagar, Pune.
  • 51. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 50 5.2 Discussion The hypothesis set for this research as per the researcher was that celebrities do have a positive impact on the sales of a fairness cream. The same has been proved right through the research carried out by the researcher. On analyzing the results obtained by surveying around 100 respondents from SIMC-UG, the researcher came to the conclusion that the celebrity plays an important role in forming a brand personality which directly or indirectly converts in to sales for the brand and also helps it retain its consumers for a longer period of time. The researcher also came to the conclusion that the brand ambassador should be chosen carefully as the attributes of the brand ambassador get transferred onto the brand, which not may be favorable in all cases. Through this, the researcher tries to prove that the credibility of the celebrity is also important. For example, a celebrity like Salman Khan would be difficult to use for a fairness cream advertisement as he has a bad boy image, which doesn’t go well with the consumers. Also, he comes across as a person who doesn’t really focus too much on his fairness and other such attributes. The fact that fairness cream advertisements hit Indian television and other mediums around 3-4 years ago and their growth is just reiteration of the fact that they are extremely successful. With brand ambassadors like Shahrukh Khan endorsing Fair & Handsome, fairness creams advertisements are on the rise in India as more and more celebrities endorse fairness creams, thereby somehow trying to earn credibility for themselves and for the brand they are endorsing as well. Thus, in effect, the study done by the researcher contributes both to the celebrity endorsement and brand personality and calls for more research in this area.
  • 52. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 51 1) What are the television viewing patterns of middle adolescents of Pune? Through the study conducted by the researcher, it can be concluded that the middle adolescents in Viman Nagar, Pune watch television for around 30 minutes to 1-hour everyday. Due to high quality material generated on TV, adolescents are addicted to watching TV for longer and longer period of hours, which gives the advertisers a chance to catch their attention. Over 51% have said that they receive information about new products through advertisements seen on TV. Thus, it becomes imperative for them to advertise their products properly during this time frame. 2) What is the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television? Adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television have a perception that the advertisements work much better when the products get certain credibility by the celebrity endorsing it. Celebrity endorsements have increased in the last few years. Due to that, the audience has started believing that all endorsements are bogus and that celebrities don’t actually use those products. So, celebrities need to be chosen carefully as only when they have credibility will they be able to help the brand convert their product ad into sales. 3) What is the decision making process to buy the products followed by the adolescents after they see these advertisements?
  • 53. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 52 Middle adolescents usually end up buying the product that their favorite celebrity has endorsed. So this means that celebrity endorsements are successful and can give a good Return on Investment. On seeing the products endorsed by their favorite celebrities, they are enticed into buying the product. The credibility is already attained as the celebrity is well known and is a favorite amongst a major part of the adolescents. Therefore, celebrity endorsements help in boosting sales as it leads to the adolescents going to the market and buying the product. 4) What is the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements? There is a growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements as celebrities endorsing a product have worked, which has also been proved in the study done by the researcher. So, the marketers and producers of the product have decided to cash in on this particular insight and use it to their advantage. Also, the numbers of television subscriptions have increased and the numbers of viewers have increased as well. So the people who would go buy a product endorsed by a celebrity are high. Therefore, celebrities are being used to endorse fairness creams in all advertisements. 5) What is the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star? Middle adolescents in Pune prefer a film star endorsing a fairness cream product as they believe that fairness is more important in a field like acting and not so
  • 54. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 53 much in a sport like cricket. The actor Siddharth Malhotra got the maximum preference as he has recently been the female heartthrob and all adolescents wish or dream to be like him and not only become successful, but be well known and admired in the female community as well. With more than a quarter of the population choosing a certain celebrity to endorse a fairness cream, it is certain that film stars are doing really well in marketing them. Thus, they have a huge impact on the sales generated by fairness creams through celebrity endorsements. 5.3 Conclusion The study was conducted mostly on student samples. So, it doesn’t give a comprehensive answer to all the questions that it aims to answer. However, through the study, the researcher such as found out some major findings: 1. Celebrity endorsements have an impact on sales directly or indirectly. 2. Celebrities’ impact sales, but they should not always used to endorse brands or products as credibility of the celebrity rubs onto the brand as well, which may or may not be beneficial to the brand. 3. Although our study has a positive inclination towards the belief that people are motivated to buy products as a result of celebrity endorsement. 4. Moreover, the respondents also strongly agree that celebrities bring brand equity to the products. 5. The research also indicates that celebrity endorsements help in brand promotion.
  • 55. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 54 5.4 Findings The researcher has discovered the following findings: 1. Most of the respondents are motivated to purchase fairness cream due to television media 2. Most of the respondents prefer to use fairness cream to achieve brighter skin, as they believe it gives them a boost in confidence, which eventually leads to them being popular amongst the opposite gender. 5.5 Limitations The limitations incurred during the research were as follows: 1. The respondents’ bias are involved in the research 2. Limited number of respondents has been chosen due to time constraint and it might have affected the accuracy of the result to a certain extent 3. All fairness cream brands have not been included in the research. Future research could have multiple celebrities and multiple brands 4. Other researches could look into other possibilities like multiple endorsements and multiple celebrities. 5.6 Scope for further research The study focuses on middle adolescents and their preference level towards fairness and the factors influencing them in the purchase of fairness cream. The study also determines the various pros and cons. Study was conducted on 100 respondents in the city of Pune.
  • 56. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 55 Through this study, the researcher was able to find insights about the preferences and impact of celebrity endorsements on middle adolescents of Pune. This study can be further used and tweaked to find deeper insights about the impact of celebrity endorsements.
  • 57. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 56 6.0 SUMMARY Research Objectives For the purpose of this study the researcher has set the following general as well as specific objectives: General Objective: To understand the impact of celebrities endorsing fairness creams on television on middle adolescents of Pune Specific Objectives: xi. To understand the television viewing patterns of middle adolescents of Pune xii. To understand the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television xiii. To understand the decision making process to buy the products followed by the adolescents after they see these advertisements xiv. To understand the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements xv. To compare the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star
  • 58. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 57 Research Questions The study is based on the following research questions: xi. What are the television viewing patterns of middle adolescents of Pune? xii. What is the perception of adolescents being exposed to celebrity endorsements on television? xiii. What is the decision making process to buy the products followed by the adolescents after they see these advertisements? xiv. What is the reason behind the growing need to use celebrities in all fairness cream advertisements? xv. What is the impact of brand endorsement by a cricketer vis-à-vis film star? Nature of Study This study was ex-facto and descriptive in nature. The ex-post-facto method is appropriate in circumstances when the more powerful experimental method is not possible. It is not always possible to select, control, and manipulate the factors necessary to study cause and effect relations directly. (Lord Harold) It was ex-post-facto also, because the researcher had no direct control over the independent variables, because their manifestations had already occurred. They were inherently not manipulated. Secondly, inferences about relations among variables are made, without direct intervention. There was absolute zero possibility of controlling the changes in behavioral pattern of independent variables – young adolescents of Pune. It was descriptive because it essentially aimed at finding the facts related largely to the present, and abstracting generalizations by the cross sectional study of the
  • 59. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 58 current situation. The researcher found the impact of celebrities endorsing on young adolescents of Pune without conducting previous hypothesis. Research Approach Quantitative approach was employed to arrive at the conclusions. The quantitative method was used to measure the impact of sexually explicit advertisements on primary children. The quantitative method was used to measure the nature of impact of sexually explicit content in advertisements and the negative influence it has on the psychological and behavioral patterns of primary children and the perception of parents on this. This was researched and reported with greater precision. Data Collection Method The method used for data collection was the survey method. Data Collection Procedure The researcher collected and digitized the data. The list of buildings mentioned in Table was used for research. The researcher took a set of 100 copies of questionnaires for the various places to get them filled. The researcher did the data collection from 4th March 2015 to 9th March 2015.
  • 60. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 59 The data collected by the researcher was again scrutinized. The respondents who had completed the entire questionnaire were considered. Finally, a total of 100 young adolescents/ men were taken as sample for the survey. Variables used in the Study Since the nature of the study is descriptive, the researcher has identified the important dependent and independent variables. Independent variables are those over which we cannot exercise any control and the dependent variables depend on the independent variables. The following are the variables: iii. Independent Variable: Brands chosen – Nivea and Garnier iv. Dependent Variable: The influence that the brand ambassadors of the mentioned brands have on the young adolescents and men of Pune. Sampling Method Sampling methods are used to select a sample from within a general population. Proper sampling methods are important for eliminating bias in the selection process. They can also allow for the reduction of cost or effort in gathering samples. Common methods of sampling include simple random sampling (completely random selection from the population), systematic sampling (ordering the population and selecting at regular intervals), stratified sampling (splitting the population into categories and randomly selecting from within each category), matched random sampling (population is divided into pairs based on a criterion
  • 61. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 60 and then randomly assigned to groups), and panel sampling (applying the same test over time to randomly selected groups). (Campbell, 2008) iv. The Universe/ Population The universe/ Population of this study are the total number of young adolescents and men in Pune city. The total population is infinite. v. Sampling Procedure The researcher has chosen Viman Nagar as the primary area within which to conduct the research as it houses a high population of young and late adolescents and men courtesy the various colleges located within the vicinity. vi. Assumptions The assumptions made were that the populations are residents of Pune and are either pursuing their studies in Pune or doing a job. Selective sampling was done of adolescents who are in the age bracket of 18 – 25 Data Analysis The hypothesis set for this research as per the researcher was that celebrities do have a positive impact on the sales of a fairness cream. The same has been proved right through the research carried out by the researcher.
  • 62. Comparativeand critical analysisof the impactof brand endorsed by a filmstar vis-à-vis cricketer on middleadolescentboys in Pune with special reference to Nivea and Fair & Handsome 61 On analyzing the results obtained by surveying around 100 respondents from SIMC-UG, the researcher came to the conclusion that the celebrity plays an important role in forming a brand personality which directly or indirectly converts in to sales for the brand and also helps it retain its consumers for a longer period of time. The researcher also came to the conclusion that the brand ambassador should be chosen carefully as the attributes of the brand ambassador get transferred onto the brand, which not may be favorable in all cases. Through this, the researcher tries to prove that the credibility of the celebrity is also important. For example, a celebrity like Salman Khan would be difficult to use for a fairness cream advertisement as he has a bad boy image, which doesn’t go well with the consumers. Also, he comes across as a person who doesn’t really focus too much on his fairness and other such attributes. The fact that fairness cream advertisements hit Indian television and other mediums around 3-4 years ago and their growth is just reiteration of the fact that they are extremely successful. With brand ambassadors like Shahrukh Khan endorsing Fair & Handsome, fairness creams advertisements are on the rise in India as more and more celebrities endorse fairness creams, thereby somehow trying to earn credibility for themselves and for the brand they are endorsing as well. Thus, in effect, the study done by the researcher contributes both to the celebrity endorsement and brand personality and calls for more research in this area. Questions and the data analysis: