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Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting
Vol. 2, No. 1 June 2008
Pp. 104-130

    Corporate Social Performance, Financial
      Performance for Firms that Restate
                                           Lois Mahoney
                                        College of Business
                                 Eastern Michigan University, USA

                                         William LaGore
                                        College of Business
                                 Eastern Michigan University, USA

                                       Joseph A. Scazzero
                                        College of Business
                                 Eastern Michigan University, USA


This study examines corporate social performance (CSP) in firms that restate their financial
statements and, using a match pair design, compares their performance to firms that do not
restate their financial statements. Utilizing a randomized block design (two years prior to the
restatement and two years after the restatement) for a sample of 44 U.S. firms, we found that
CSP Strengths, CSP Weaknesses, CSP People Strengths, and CSP People Weaknesses all in-
creased after restatement though weaknesses increased at a greater rate than strengths. Addi-
tionally, using panel data and a match pair design we found, we found that restating firms had
a greater increase in CSP Strengths, CSP Weaknesses, CSP Product Strengths, CSP People
Strengths and a greater decrease in Total CSP People than non-restating firms after the restate-
ment period. When comparing the relationships between CSP and financial performance (FP),
we found that the positive relationship between ROA and CSP Strengths is greater for restate-
ment firms than non-restating firms. In particular, we find that this positive relationship is a
result of the People dimension of CSP, in particular CSP People Strengths.

Key Words: financial restatements, corporate social performance, financial performance,

Lois Mahoney is Associate Professor of Accounting in the Department of Accounting and Finance College of Busi-
ness Eastern Michigan University, USA, email: William LaGore is assistant professor,
accounting and finance in the Department of Accounting and Finance College of Business Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity, USA, email: Joseph A. Scazzeroa Professor of Decision Sciences in the Department
of Accounting and Finance at Eastern Michigan University College of Business, USA, email:
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130   105

CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORM-                                 of stakeholder confidence in financial
ANCE AND THE ISSUE OF FINAN-                              markets (Donoher et al., 2007) as well as
CIAL RESTATEMENTS                                         a firm’s corporate social performance
                                                          (CSP). According to Carroll (1979),
The quality of financial reporting has                    CSP considers a variety of factors, in-
come under increased scrutiny in recent                   cluding discretionary responsibility to
years because of high-profile financial                   the community, economic responsibility
reporting failures, such as Enron and                     to investors and consumers, ethical re-
WorldCom, and the significant increase                    sponsibilities to society and legal re-
in the number of financial restatements.                  sponsibility to the government or the
An October 2002 General Accounting                        law. In this turbulent environment, these
Office (GAO) report documents that the                    firms need to devise strategies that will
number of financial restatements has                      enable them to survive and prosper in
increased 145 percent from 1997 to 2001                   this environment in which stakeholders
and that publicly traded companies lost                   demand both financial performance (FP)
billions in market capitalization in the                  and effective stakeholder responsiveness
days and months following a restatement                   (Johnson and Greening, 1999). These
announcement. The GAO report further                      firms may need to keep in mind CSP as
concludes that the increase in restate-                   they pursue superior performance
ments has negatively impacted investor                    through being responsive to the environ-
confidence. For example, the GAO’s                        ment, maintaining product quality and
October 4, 2002 letter to Senator Paul                    being responsive to the communities in
Sarbanes states the following:                            which it operates and the people it em-
                                                          ploys (Turban and Greening, 1997).
       “The growing number of restate-
       ments and mounting questions                       Though research concerning the nature
       about certain corporate account-                   of the relationship between CSP and FP
       ing practices appear to have                       continues to be mixed (See Griffin and
       shaken investors’ confidence in                    Mahon, 1997; Roman et al., 1999), a
       our financial reporting system...                  number of findings indicate a positive
       empirical research studies and                     association (Worrell et al., 1991; Preston
       academic experts generally sug-                    and O’Bannon, 1997; Frooman, 1997;
       gest accounting issues have nega-                  Roman et al., 1999; Orlitzky and Benja-
       tively affected overall investor                   min, 2001; Murphy, 2002; Simpson and
       confidence and raised questions                    Kohers, 2002). Furthermore, most of
       about the integrity of U.S. mar-                   these findings are derived from compa-
       kets.”                                             nies that are not experiencing financial
                                                          reporting failures. The objectives of this
                                                          paper are twofold: First, we address the
Lawsuits against firms resulted in nearly
                                                          question of whether firms that restate
a 1% loss in market value (Bhagat et al.,
                                                          financial statements have different levels
1998), in which an estimated one-third
                                                          of CSP than non-restating firms. Sec-
of this loss is attributed to harmed firm
                                                          ond, we address the questions on
reputation (Karpoff and Lott, 1993).
                                                          whether the relationship between CSP
The problem does not end with the pas-
                                                          and FP is different between restating
sage of Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) but
                                                          firms and non-restating firms. This re-
its continuation has implication for lack
106   L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130

search study will contribute to the ac-                  to financial reporting failures. Palmrose
counting research stream investigating                   et al. (2004) find a mean abnormal re-
financial restatements, as well as the                   turn of -9.2% in the two-day window
ethics research of CSP, and extends the                  (day 0, 1) around a restatement an-
debate on the link between CSP and FP.                   nouncement, with more negative returns
The remainder of the paper is organized                  for restatements involving fraud (-20%).
as follows. First, we examine the back-                  Palmrose and Scholz (2004) find the
ground, theory and hypotheses. Second,                   negative market reaction is greater for
we explain our research methods and                      restatements of core earnings (i.e. pre-
third, we present the results. The final                 tax earnings from primary operations)
section includes our summary, discus-                    than for non-core earnings (i.e. all other
sion and conclusions.                                    earnings). Anderson and Yohn (2002)
                                                         document the long-term economic con-
                                                         sequences of restatements by finding
BACKGROUND, THEORY AND                                   average cumulative abnormal returns of
HYPOTHESES                                               -7.97% for the period from three days
                                                         before the restatement announcement
Financial Reporting Failures                             through three days after the restatement
                                                         filing with the SEC.
Financial reporting failures include both
frauds and restatements. During the pe-                  There are also legal consequences to a
riod of 1987-1996, the SEC found that a                  financial reporting failure. In the Palm-
majority of frauds involved financial                    rose and Scholz (2004) study, 38 percent
statement fraud (Beasley et al., 1999).                  of the companies in their restatement
These frauds included sham sales, re-                    sample subsequently faced civil litiga-
cording conditional sales as finalized                   tion. They found that companies with
and recording revenues early. Thus, for                  restatements of core earnings (primarily
the purpose of this study, we examine                    revenue restatements) and pervasive re-
only accounting restatements. Restate-                   statements (i.e. more than one account-
ments are an admission that previously                   ing item restated) are more likely to be
issued financial statements were not in                  subject to litigation.
accordance with GAAP (Palmrose and
Scholz, 2004). Early research focused                    A financial reporting failure also dam-
on characteristics of restating firms. For               ages the reputation of the firm, auditors,
example, Kinney and McDaniel (1989)                      management, and the board of directors.
find restatement firms are smaller, less                 For example, Srinivasan (2005) found
profitable, have higher debt, and are                    that outside board members experience
slower growing. DeFond and Jiambalvo                     significant reputational costs following
(1991) find earnings overstatements are                  accounting restatements.       Srinivasan
more likely for firms with diffuse own-                  finds significant turnover of board mem-
ership and lower growth in earnings, and                 bers in the three years following the re-
less likely for firms with audit commit-                 statement, including director turnover
tees.                                                    for 48 percent of firms that restate earn-
                                                         ings downward. The likelihood of direc-
Recent studies document significant                      tor turnover increases if the board mem-
negative economic consequences related                   ber is also on the audit committee. The
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130   107

study also finds outside directors lose                   reliable accounting numbers following a
positions on other boards following a                     financial reporting failure.
restatement.                                              As for debt contracts, Sengupta (1998)
                                                          suggests that quality of financial report-
Another study, Desai et al. (2006), ex-                   ing is likely used by lenders in calculat-
amined the reputational penalties to                      ing default risk. Sengupta (1998) found
managers of restating firms and found                     that firms with high disclosure quality
that 60% of restating firms experience                    ratings from financial analysts are
management turnover in the two years                      charged a lower cost of debt, and the
following a restatement as compared                       importance of disclosure is greater when
with 35 percent for a control sample.                     there is greater market uncertainty as
An audit firm’s reputation can be dam-                    measured by the variance of stock re-
aged by a financial reporting failure, as                 turns. Thus, lenders likely demand a
evidenced by the demise of Arthur An-                     higher risk premium following a report-
dersen. Barton (2005) examines the de-                    ing failure in part due to the perceived
mand for auditor reputation by examin-                    decrease in quality of the accounting
ing the client defections from Arthur                     reports.
Andersen. Barton (2005) finds firms
that are more visible in the capital mar-                 The risk premium demanded by share-
kets switched sooner to another Big 5                     holders and debt holders also increases
auditor, as they were concerned about                     following a reporting failure because of
their auditor’s reputation and the credi-                 the increased uncertainty about the fu-
bility of their financial reporting.                      ture profitability and economic prospects
                                                          of restatement firms. Palmrose et al.
Accounting numbers used in contracts                      (2004) found a significant downward
(e.g. compensation and debt contracts)                    revision in earnings forecasts following
must be verifiable for the contract to be                 restatements and a significant increase in
enforceable in court (Watts, 2003).                       analyst forecast dispersion (a proxy for
Based on prior literature, it is reasonable               uncertainty). Hribar and Jenkins (2004)
to assume that a financial reporting fail-                found accounting restatements lead to
ure leads to greater uncertainty about the                decreases in expected future earnings.
reliability and verifiability of the ac-
counting numbers used in contracts. As                    In summary, restatements can have nu-
a restatement casts doubt on the quality                  merous negative effects. These include
of the financial reports and increases the                economic losses to investors; damage to
risk to the contracting parties, sharehold-               the reputations of the firm, auditors,
ers and lenders will demand an increased                  management, and the board of directors;
risk premium following a reporting fail-                  an increase in the cost of capital; and a
ure. For example, empirical studies find                  negative impact on future earnings
that frauds and accounting restatements                   power.
lead to an increased cost of capital (e.g.,
Dechow et al., 1996; Hribar and Jenkins,                  CSP and FP
2004). Investors demand a higher rate
of return to compensate for the per-                      Research on the relationship between
ceived riskiness of the firm due to less                  CSP and FP has resulted in positive
                                                          (Wokutch and Spencer, 1987; McGuire
108   L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130

et al., 1988, 1990; Waddock and Graves,                  employee relations, environment, human
1997; Simpson and Kohers, 2002; Or-                      rights, and product. The KLD index
litzky and Benjamin, 2001; Mahoney                       ratings are based upon data gathered
and Roberts, 2007; Hill et al., 2007),                   from a broad range of sources; both in-
negative (Waddock and Graves, 1997,                      ternal and external to the firm (see Wad-
Preston and O’Bannon, 1997; Patten,                      dock and Graves, 1995 for further de-
2002) and neutral results (Alexander and                 tails). Subsequently, this multidimen-
Buchholz, 1978; Aupperle et al., 1985;                   sional index has been regarded as one of
Ullman, 1985; Cochran and Wood,                          the best information sources available to
1984; Shane and Spicer, 1983; Fauzi,                     researchers studying CSP (Hillman and
forthcoming; Moore, 2001; Fauzi et al.,                  Keim, 2001) and has been used in many
2007). The negative view on the rela-                    subsequent studies (McGuire et al.,
tionship between CSP and FP argues                       2003; Hillman and Keim, 2001; Albin-
that firms incur costs to improve social                 ger and Freeman, 2000, Greening and
performance and by doing so, they re-                    Turban, 2000; Mahoney and Roberts,
duce profits and shareholder wealth.                     2007; Mahoney et al., 2008; Johnson
The positive view argues that better CSP                 and Greening, 1999).
is viewed as positive by various stake-
holders, leading to improved FP (Jones,                  Research Questions
1995; Jones and Wicks, 1999). Those
who support the neutral relationship ar-                 CSP: As discussed previously, there are
gue that the direct relationship between                 significant negative economic, legal,
CSP and FP does not exists due to the                    reputational, and contractual conse-
complexity of the environment in which                   quences to a financial reporting failure.
firms and society operate in (Mahoney                    A financial reporting failure is evidence
and Roberts, 2007)                                       that previously issued accounting reports
                                                         were incorrect, thus creating uncertainty
The problem of measuring CSP is ar-                      about the credibility and verifiability of
gued by Waddock and Graves (1997) as                     financial reports after the reporting fail-
the primary reason for the conflicting                   ure. In response to financial reporting
results found regarding the relationship                 failures, studies find firms take steps to
between CSP and FP. Waddock and                          improve corporate governance mecha-
Graves (1997) found a positive relation-                 nisms following a fraud or restatement
ship between CSP and FP when using an                    in order to restore credibility and trans-
improved measurement of CSP, the                         parency in their financial reporting. For
KLD index. The KLD index provides                        example, Farber (2005) finds fraud firms
access to a wide range of independent,                   increase the number of audit committee
consistently applied ratings of U.S. firms               meetings and the number and percentage
across a number of important social per-                 of outside board members in the three-
formance attributes that were determined                 year period following the fraud. LaGore
by a knowledgeable group of individuals                  (2008) finds restating firms significantly
not connected with the firms (Waddock                    increase the number of outside directors
and Graves, 1997). KLD evaluates each                    on the board, the number of audit com-
company traded on the U. S. stock ex-                    mittee meetings, and the number of out-
change over the dimensions of commu-                     side directors and financial experts on
nity, corporate governance, diversity,                   the audit committee in the three-year
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130   109

period following a restatement an-                        H1: CSP (Total, Product and People)
nouncement. These changes in corpo-                       before restatement is different than CSP
rate governance may be mechanisms                         after restatement.
that constrain management’s opportunis-
tic behavior and lead to more transparent                 CSP and FP: As discussed before, em-
reporting. However, it is unclear how                     pirical results concerning the nature of
this improvement in corporate govern-                     the relationship, if any, between CSP
ance following a fraud or restatement                     and FP, continues to be mixed (See Grif-
affects a firm’s CSP.                                     fin and Mahon, 1997; Roman et al.,
                                                          1999). Researchers have hypothesized
Prior research finds a positive relation-                 and have given rational theoretical justi-
ship between disclosure level and CSP                     fication for negative, positive, and neu-
(Gelb and Strawser, 2001). Mahoney et                     tral links between CSP and FP. Wad-
al. (2008) examine CSP and executive                      dock and Graves (1997) argue that the
compensation before and after the Sar-                    fundamental reason for the uncertainty
banes-Oxley Act (SOX) and find that the                   between the CSP and FP relationship is
improvements in corporate governance                      the problem of measuring CSP. Hence,
required by SOX may be resulting in                       Waddock and Graves (1997) used the
increased transparency regarding the                      KLD database as an improved measure
measurement of CSP and an increase in                     of CSP and found a significant relation-
accountability, as firms appear to be                     ship. Orlitzky (2008) found that there is
structuring compensation to promote                       an overall positive, but highly variable
CSP. Gelb and Strawser (2001) also                        relationship between CSP and FP and
find that more extensive disclosures are                  noted that the large variability of find-
provided by firms with higher CSP rat-                    ings in previous research is party due to
ings. Given that measures of CSP tend                     primary study artifacts. As studies find
to rely on publicly available information,                financial restatements negatively affect
it may be that firms before the restate-                  firm performance and lead to increased
ment would have been reluctant to make                    uncertainty about the future profitability
factors that are encapsulated in CSP                      and economic prospects of restatement
weaknesses (bad news) available to the                    firms, it would be interesting to compare
public. It follows that if improvements                   the association between CSP and FP
in corporate governance following a re-                   between restating firms and non-
statement encourage revelation and                        restating firms. Based upon these incon-
transparency, the resulting increase in                   sistencies in prior research, it is unclear
information available may influence                       how the negative effects of restatements
CSP in a negative direction. Further-                     on firm performance will impact CSP.
more, following the restatement period,                   Thus, since we are unable to predict a
firms may feel need to be more account-                   directional effect, the second research
able, thus influencing CSP in a positive                  question tested is as follows:
direction. However, it would be difficult
to theoretically determine the net direc-                 H2: The relationship between CSP and
tional change in CSP as a result of re-                   FP is different for restating firms than
statement. Therefore, the first research                  non-restating firms.
question tested is:
110   L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130

METHODS                                                  earnings data are considered outliers
                                                         with studentized residuals greater than
Sample Selections                                        the absolute value of three. Outliers are
                                                         observations that are extreme or appear
Data on restating firms was obtained                     inconsistent with the remaining data.
from the GAO-03-395R Financial State-                    This resulted in a final sample of 196
ment Restatement Database for the pe-                    firms that had restated their financial
riod of January 1, 1996 to June 30, 2002.                statements. Missing CSP data for two
Of the initial sample of 919 restating                   years prior and two years after the re-
firms, 40 firms were eliminated because                  statements reduced the final sample size
no ticker symbol or CNUM could be                        to 44 firms. These 44 firms were
found. Ninety-three firms were deleted                   matched based upon SIC code to firms
because of multiple restatements. The                    that had not restated their financial state-
initial collection of financial data found               ments.     Thirty-one companies were
that 153 firms were missing the required                 matched based upon the four-digit SIC
financial data. Furthermore, 174 firms                   code, five companies were matched
were missing financial data in the post-                 based upon the last 3 digits of the SIC
restatement period only, 200 firms were                  code and eight companies were matched
missing financial data in the pre-                       based upon the last two digits of the SIC
restatement period only, and 48 firms                    code. The final sample consisted four
were missing financial data in both the                  years of data for 44 restating firms and
pre- and post-restatement periods. The                   44 non-restating firms, for a total num-
missing data does not appear to be clus-                 ber of 88 firms with 352 observations.
tered in either the pre- or post-
restatement period. The number of                        The Model
firms with missing Compustat data in
the pre-restatement period is comparable                 To test hypotheses 1, a randomized
to the post-restatement period, with 200                 block design was used to determine the
and 174 firms, respectively. Therefore,                  effect, if any, of restatement on the CSP.
approximately 63 percent (575 firms) of                  To test hypotheses 2, panel data analysis
the initial restatement sample of 919                    was used to examine the impact of re-
firms did not have sufficient financial                  statement firms on the association be-
data from Compustat to be included in                    tween the dependent variable CSP and
the final sample. This study requires                    the independent variable FP (ROA) with
financial data for the two years prior to                firm size, firm leverage and firm indus-
and the two years following the restate-                 try as control variables. In order to cap-
ment announcement year. A likely ex-                     ture omitted factors that may lead to a
planation for the loss of these firms is                 difference in CSP levels between the
due to the fact that many restating firms                prestatement years and the postatement
declare bankruptcy or are delisted fol-                  years, the indicator variable (as denoted
lowing the restatements. This could po-                  by Post) is included as a separate inde-
tentially lead to a survivorship bias,                   pendent control. Additionally, in order
which may prevent the results from gen-                  to capture the difference between restat-
eralizing to the overall set of publicly                 ing firms and non-restating firms, the
traded firms. Finally, 15 firms were                     indicator variable (as denoted by Match)
eliminated because their returns and                     is also included as a separate independ-
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130   111

ent variable. Two-factor interaction                      the prestatement years and the postate-
terms are added to the model to allow                     ment years. The three-factor interaction
the effect of an independent variable on                  term ROA*Post*Match is added to the
the dependent variable to vary by the                     model to allow the ROA*Post interac-
level of another independent variable.                    tion to differ between restating and non-
For example, the interaction term                         restating firms. Hypotheses two is tested
ROA*Post allows the effect of ROA on                      through the following regression equa-
the dependent variable CSP to differ for                  tion:

CSPi,t+1 =                  b0 +b1ROAit + b2Matchit + b3Postit + b4ROA*Matchit +
                            b5ROA*Postit + b6Match*Postsit + b7ROA*Post*Matchit (1)
                            + b8Debt-to-Equityit + b9Assetsit + b10Industrykit

                                                          results found regarding the characteris-
 i: firm                                                  tics of reporting firms, the quality of
 t: year                                                  their reporting, and the relationship be-
 k: 1-7 (number of SIC codes minus                        tween social performance and economic
    one)                                                  performance (Roberts, 1992; Gray et al.,
 CSP      = Corporate Social Perform-                     1995).
          ance Score Value for Total,
          People, Product, Strengths and                  Shane and Spicer (1983) was one of the
          Weaknesses                                      first published empirical studies to rely
Post      = 1 if one or two years after                   on externally produced ratings of CSP,
          restatement, 0 if otherwise                     using data developed by the U.S. Coun-
Match = 0 if restatement firm, 1 oth-                     cil on Economic Priorities (CEP). They
          erwise                                          argued that externally produced data was
ROA       =Return on Assets                               superior to voluntary disclosure when
Debt-to-Equity = Total Debt/Total Eq-                     performing cross-sectional studies, stat-
          uity                                            ing:
Industryk = 1 if industry k, 0 otherwise                         In the absence of mandated dis-
                                                                 closure and reporting standards,
                                                                 voluntary disclosures tend to be
Measures                                                         inconsistent and non-comparable
Dependent Variables                                              from firm to firm, even in the
Measurement of CSP                                               same industry. On the other hand,
                                                                 externally produced data (at least
As prior research points out, there is no                        as produced by the CEP) was
history of systematic social reporting                           gathered using consistent proce-
(Gray et al., 1995) and there are no gen-                        dures for collection and reporting
erally accepted social reporting stan-                           across firms. Comparisons across
dards (Wallage, 2000). Because of this,                          firms are thereby possible and
data for empirical research on CSP origi-                        potentially meaningful (p. 523).
nates from voluntary disclosures by
firms or from external monitors. The
                                                          Subsequent accounting studies also
absence of standardized reporting is at
                                                          made use of CEP ratings (e.g., Cowen et
least partially responsible for the mixed
                                                          al., 1987; Roberts, 1992).
112   L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130

In 1994, several U.S. researchers began                  et al., 2001). The KLD database has
to address the major problems in CSP                     been recognized as the best information
measurement by using the Kinder,                         available for researchers studying CSP
Lydenberg, Domini (KLD) database as a                    in the U.S. (Hillman and Keim, 2001).
measurement of CSP. KLD rates over                       Therefore, we use KLD’s ratings of so-
650 corporations traded on the U.S.                      cial performance to measure CSP.
stock exchanges on various dimensions
considered important to social perform-                  Following previous research (Johnson
ance. Because the KLD database was                       and Greening, 1999; Mahoney and
developed and maintained by an inde-                     Thorne, 2005), we use several different
pendent rating service that assessed CSP                 measurements of CSP that consider To-
across a range of dimensions related to                  tal CSP, Total CSP Product, and Total
stakeholder concerns, researchers argued                 CSP People across the dimensions of
that the KLD database brought a new                      strengths and weakness. CSP Strengths
and improved consistent measurement of                   are positive aspects of CSP; examples
CSP for United States companies                          include positive union relations, strong
(Waddock and Graves, 1997). U.S. re-                     community giving, and environmental
search flourished with this new measure-                 planning. CSP Weaknesses are negative
ment assessment (Graves and Waddock,                     aspects of CSP; examples include safety
1994; Waddock and Graves, 1997; Grif-                    problems, human rights violations, and
fin and Mahon, 1997; Bendheim et al.,                    environment fines. Figure 1 summarizes
1998; Berman et al., 1999; Johnson and                   the different measures of CSP employed
Greening, 1999; Greening and Turban,                     in this study.
2000; Albinger and Freeman, 2000; Ruf

                                          Figure 1
                                   Summary of CSP Measures

                                    Total CSP Variable         CSP Strengths              CSP Weaknesses
                                                               Variable                      Variable
Total CSP                                 Total CSP            Total CSP Product         Total CSP People
(Community, Diversity, Em-
ployee Relations, Environ-
ment, International, Product
and Business Practices and
Product Dimension (Product           Total CSP Product             CSP Product              CSP Product
 and Business Practices and                                         Strengths               Weaknesses
People Dimension                    Total CSP People               CSP People                CSP People
 (Community, Diversity and                                          Strengths                Weaknesses
    Employee Relations

*Per Mahoney and Thorne (2005)
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130   113

Each company is given a Total CSP rat-                    ple. Total CSP People captures the con-
ing by KLD along seven dimensions:                        tributions firms make to communities
community, diversity, employee rela-                      through their hiring of women and mi-
tions, environment, `international, prod-                 norities and their treatment of employ-
uct and business practices, and other [].                 ees. Executives may interpret the costs
Each of these dimensions is given a                       of hiring minorities as unnecessary
strength rating and a weakness rating on                  short-term expenses; however, they may
a scale of zero to two. A rating of 0 indi-               recognize the long-term benefits of pro-
cates no strengths or no weaknesses                       active employment policies when con-
while a rating of 2 represents a major                    sidering the long-term avoidance of
strength or a major weakness. CSP                         costly fines (Mahapatra, 1984). Further-
Strengths are calculated by summing the                   more, signaling theory suggests that hir-
strength ratings across all seven dimen-                  ing underrepresented groups sends a
sions for each company while CSP                          positive signal regarding a firm’s reputa-
Weaknesses are calculated by summing                      tion and legitimacy (Turban and Green-
the weakness ratings across all seven                     ing, 1997). Total CSP People is com-
dimensions. Finally, Total CSP is calcu-                  posed of KLD’s dimensions of commu-
lated by taking CSP Strengths and sub-                    nity, employee relations, and diversity.
tracting CSP Weaknesses.
                                                          Corporate governance would be ex-
Our second measure of CSP is a sub-                       pected to have bearing and an associa-
dimension of Total CSP: Total CSP                         tion on aspects or sub-dimensions of
Product. Total CSP Product attempts to                    CSP that could be directly impacted by
capture the extent to which a firm is                     executives’ decisions while other sub-
committed to quality products and prac-                   dimensions may be more impacted by
tices sound environmental policies. For                   the general business or cultural context
example, executives concerned with                        in which a firm operates. For example, a
consistent returns over time may likely                   firm’s diversity may be primarily im-
avoid the imposition of costly environ-                   pacted by the labor pool that is available,
mental fines (Johnson and Greening,                       while its product dimensions may be
1999; Silverstein, 1994). Total CSP                       more easily impacted by executive’s
Product is comprised of KLD’s product                     attention to control and safety aspects in
and business practices and environment                    product development. In fact, previous
dimensions that relate to product and                     research has found differential associa-
service quality and to the firm’s stance                  tions between some aspects of corporate
toward the natural environment. This                      governance and the people/product as-
classification is consistent with ISO                     pects of CSP. For example, a positive
standards that require firms to establish a               relationship for U.S. firms between top
series of management subsystems, stan-                    executive equity and the total product
dards, and guidelines to ensure product                   dimension of CSP has been found
quality as well as safe and environmen-                   (Johnson and Greening, 1999), without
tally responsible practices (Uzumeri,                     comparable associations on the people
1997).                                                    aspect of CSP.

Our third measure of CSP is a sub-                        As discussed before, firms take steps to
dimension of Total CSP: Total CSP Peo-                    improve corporate governance mecha-
114   L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130

nisms following a fraud or restatement                   base. Industries are represented by
in order to restore the credibility of their             dummy variables and were broken down
financial reports. In addition, it is ex-                by four-digit Standard Industrial Classi-
pected that corporate governance would                   fication (SIC) code per Graves and Wad-
have bearing and an association on as-                   dock (1994).
pects or sub-dimensions of CSP that
could be directly impacted by execu-                     Panel Data Models
tives’ decisions. Thus it follows that
improvements in corporate governance                     In summary, we investigate the behavior
following a financial restatement may                    of CSP and its relation to FP by running
affect certain aspects or sub-dimensions                 nine separate regressions using panel
of CSP, particularly those that could be                 data—three regressions using CSP as
directly affected by executive decisions.                our dependent variable measure for To-
                                                         tal CSP, Total CSP Product, and Total
Independent Variables for Panel Data                     CSP People; three regressions using
Analysis                                                 CSP Strengths for Total CSP Strengths,
                                                         CSP Product Strengths, and CSP People
Following previous research, return on                   Strengths and three regressions using
assets (ROA) was used to measure a                       CSP Weaknesses for Total CSP Weak-
firm’s FP (Waddock and Graves, 1997,                     nesses, CSP Product Weaknesses, and
Roman et al., 1999, Mahoney and Rob-                     CSP Weaknesses, all with ROA as the
erts, 2007; Fauzi, et al., 2007). Follow-                independent variable.
ing the works of prior research
(Waddock and Graves, 1997; Mahoney
and Roberts, 2007), data on CSP was                      RESULTS
collected for the year following the year
ROA was reported to provide an oppor-                    Descriptive Statistics and Correlation
tunity for capturing a lag between CSP                   Analysis
and FP. Information on ROA was ob-
tained from the Compustat database.                       Table 1 shows the means, standard de-
                                                         viations, and correlations for our inde-
Control Variables. Consistent with prior                 pendent, dependent, and control vari-
research, we control for firm size, debt                 ables for the entire sample consisting of
level and industry as previous research                  non-restating and restatement firms.
noted that they may cause differences in                 The means for Total CSP, CSP
FP (Waddock and Graves, 1997; Graves                     Strengths, and CSP Weaknesses are .15,
and Waddock, 1994; Mahoney and Rob-                      2.99, and 2.84 respectively. The means
erts, 2007). Consistent with prior re-                   for Total CSP Product, CSP Product
search, total assets is used as a proxy for              Strengths, and CSP Product Weaknesses
size of the firm (Mahoney and Roberts,                   are -.61, .50, and 1.11 respectively. The
2007; Graves and Waddock, 1994; Wad-                     means for Total CSP People, CSP Peo-
dock and Graves, 1997) and debt-to-                      ple Strengths, and CSP People Weak-
equity (Mahoney and Thorne, 2006) is                     nesses are 1.53, 2.39, and .86 respec-
used to represent debt level. Informa-                   tively. The mean ROA is 6.07% and is
tion on total assets and debt-to-equity                  significantly positively correlated with
are obtained from the Compustat data-                    Total CSP, Total CSP Product, and Total
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130                          115

                                                            Table 1
           All Firms Pearson Correlation Matrix: Correlations with ROA, Control Financial Variables and Lagged CSP

Variable                     Mean        SD        1          2         3          4          5          6          7          8        9         10        11

 1. Total CSP                .15       3.132
 2. CSP Strengths            2.99      2.537       .622**

 3. CSP Weaknesses           2.84      2.523       -.616**    .234**
 4. Total CSP Product        -.61      1.686       .707**     .095      -.782**
 5. CSP Product Strengths    .50       .724        .378**     .665**    .200**     .203**
 6. CSP Product Weaknesses   1.11      1.694       -.542**    .190**    .863**     -.908**    .225**
 7. Total CSP People         1.53      2.121       .762**     .844**    -.097      .155**     .358**     -.001
 8. CSP People Strengths     2.39      2.010       .609**     .952**    .201**     .050       .429**     .134*      .897**

 9. CSP People Weaknesses    .86       .944        -.415**    .130*     .646**     -.241**    .108*      .286**     -.338**    .113**
10. ROA                      6.07%     6.78%       .199**     .074      -.173**    .183**     -.012      -.187**    .189**     .099     -.212**
11. Debt-to-Equity           58.05%    18.86%      -.148**    .152**    .336**     -.361**    .010       .363**     .097       .193**   .193**    -.323**
12. Assets                   $12,357   $16,104     -.120*     .445**    .596**     -.410**    .243**     .512**     .253**     .441**   .372**    -.077     .241**
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130                              116

                                                       Table 2
   Restatement Firms Pearson Correlation Matrix: Correlations with ROA, Control Financial Variables and Lagged CSP

Variable                    Mean       SD         1         2          3          4          5         6           7           8        9        10      11

 1 Total CSP                .27        3.065

 2. CSP Strengths           3.11       2.837      .612**

 3. CSP Weaknesses          2.84       2.607      -.509**   .368**

 4. Total CSP Product       -.68       1.737      .696**    .028       -.789**

 5. CSP Product Strengths   .49        .786       .315**    .717**     .410**     .056

 6. CSP Product Weak-       1.18       1.866      -.516**   .276**     .907**     -.907**    .369**
 7. Total CSP People        1.69       2.130      .741**    .859**     .063       .100       .397**    .074

 8. CSP People Strengths    2.49       2.201      .633**    .959**     .298**     .020       .511**    .196**      .921***

 9. CSP People Weaknesses   .80        .862       -.213**   .327**     .606**     -.194**    .323**    .317**      -.118       .277**

10. ROA                     5.48%      6.59%      .151*     .034       -.140      .188*      -.017     -.182*      .108        .058     -.118

11. Debt-to-Equity          59.70%     18.60%     -.040     .236**     .304**     -.363**    .048      .358**      .244***     .282**   .120     -.145

12. Assets                  $11,000    $11,401    -.058     .509**     .623**     -.511**    .361**    .628***     .398**      .487**   .260**   -.139   .329**
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130   117

CSP People and significantly negatively                   Weaknesses.        Unlike non-restating
correlated with CSP Weaknesses, CSP                       firms, ROA for restatement firms is also
Product Weaknesses, and CSP People                        significantly positively related to Total
Weaknesses. The means for debt-to-                        CSP People and CSP People Strengths
equity is 58.05% and for assets are                       along with being significantly negatively
$12,357 million.                                          related to CSP Weaknesses and CSP
                                                          People Weaknesses. Additionally, the
Table 2 shows the means, standard de-                     mean debt-to-equity is 56.4 % and the
viations, and correlations for our inde-                  mean assets are $13,713 million for non-
pendent, dependent, and control vari-                     restating firms. Overall, restatement
ables for restatement firms only. The                     firms tend to have a higher level of Total
means for Total CSP, CSP Strengths,                       CSP, CSP Strengths, and CSP People
and CSP Weaknesses are .27, 3.11, and                     Strengths and CSP Weaknesses while
2.84 respectively. The means for Total                    non-restatement firms have a higher
CSP Product, CSP Product Strengths,                       level of CSP People Strengths and CSP
and CSP Product Weaknesses are -.68,                      Product Weaknesses.
.49, and 1.18 respectively. The means
for Total CSP People, CSP People                          Hypothesis 1
Strengths, and CSP People Weaknesses
are 1.69, 2.49, and .80 respectively. The                 To test hypothesis 1 a randomized block
mean ROA is 5.48% and is significantly                    design, equivalent to a paired t-test, was
positively correlated with Total CSP and                  used to determine the effect, if any, of a
Total CSP Product and significantly                       restatement on Total CSP, CSP
negatively correlated with CSP Product                    Strengths, and CSP Weaknesses; Total
Weaknesses. The mean debt-to-equity is                    CSP Product, CSP Product Strengths,
59.7% and the mean assets are $11,000                     and CSP Product Weaknesses; and Total
million.                                                  CSP People, CSP People Strengths, and
                                                          CSP People Weaknesses. The depend-
Table 3 shows the means, standard de-                     ent variable consisted of CSP scores
viations, and correlations for our inde-                  which were compared at different time
pendent, dependent, and control vari-                     periods, i.e., one year before and after
ables for non-restating firms only. The                   restatement and two years before and
means for Total CSP, CSP Strengths,                       after restatement. Table 4 summarizes
and CSP Weaknesses are .03, 2.87, and                     the average Total, Strengths, and Weak-
2.84 respectively. The means for Total                    nesses CSP scores for these time periods
CSP Product, CSP Product Strengths,                       and indicates which differences are sta-
and CSP Product Weaknesses are -.55,                      tistically significant. Note that the aver-
.51, and 1.05 respectively. The means                     age total for a score is equal to the dif-
for Total CSP People, CSP People                          ference between the corresponding aver-
Strengths, and CSP People Weaknesses                      age strength and average weakness.
are 1.37, 2.28, and .91 respectively. The
mean ROA is 6.64%. Similar to non-                        Most of the significant differences are
restating firms, ROA is significantly                     found by looking at two years before
positively correlated with Total CSP and                  and two years after restatement. CSP
Total CSP Product and significantly                       Strengths and CSP Weaknesses signifi-
negatively correlated with CSP Product                    cantly increased at p<.01 in the period
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130                            118

                                                      Table 3
  Non-Restating Firms Pearson Correlation Matrix: Correlations with ROA, Control Financial Variables and Lagged CSP
Variable                    Mean          SD         1          2          3          4          5          6         7          8          9         10        11
 1. Total CSP               .03           3.201

 2. CSP Strengths           2.87          2.199      .647**

 3. CSP Weaknesses          2.84          2.444      -.728**    .052

 4. Total CSP Product       -.55          1.635      .725**     .193*      -.776**

 5. CSP Product Strengths   .51           .659       .456**     .590**     -.067      .390**

 6. CSP Product Weak-       1.05          1.505      -.587**    .049       .813**     -.915**    .014
 7. Total CSP People        1.37          2.107      .782**     .839**     -.269**    .221**     .317**     -.101

 8. CSP People Strengths    2.28          1.798      .589**     .943**     .077       .094       .312**     .035      .876**

 9. CSP People Weak-        .91           1.019      -.577**    -.071      .692**     -.292**    -.106      .271**    -.523**    -.046
10. ROA                     6.64%         6.93%      .252**     .135       -.208**    .173*      -.008      -.192*    .281**     .160*      -.300**

11. Debt-to-Equity          56.40%        19.04%     -.256**    .043       .374**     -.355**    -.033      .371**    -.060      .081       .266**    -.479**
12. Assets                  $13,713       $19,659    -.155*     .470**     .626**     -.386**    .189*      .502**    .195*      .473**     .431**    -.059     .219**
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130     119

                                   Table 4
        Restating Firms Average CSP, Product, and People Scores for One
                          and Two Year Time Periods
Dependent                                  One Year                                  Two Years
Variable                      Before       After    Difference         Before        After    Difference

Total CSP                      0.523      -0.136         0.659**        0.545       0.136          0.409
CSP Strengths                  3.068       3.114        -0.045          2.773       3.477         -0.705**
CSP Weaknesses                 2.545       3.250        -0.705**        2.227       3.341          -1.114**

Total CSP Product            -0.614       -0.841          0.227*       -0.591       -0.682           0.091
CSP Product                    0.500       0.477          0.023         0.477        0.523         -0.046
CSP Product Weak-              1.114       1.318        -0.205          1.068        1.205         -0.136

Total CSP People               1.773       1.636         0.136          1.705        1.636          0.068
CSP People Strengths           2.455       2.523        -0.068          2.205        2.773         -0.568**

CSP People Weak-               0.682       0.886        -0.205          0.500        1.136         -0.636**
following restatement though CSP                          change in CSP and test hypothesis two.
Weaknesses increased by a greater                         In all equations, size, debt-to-equity ra-
amount than CSP Strengths. This sig-                      tio, and industry were included as con-
nificance appears to be driven by the                     trol variables. Consistent with prior lit-
People dimensions of CSP as both CSP                      erature, a one-year lag between the FP
People Strengths and CSP People Weak-                     variable and the dependent and control
nesses significantly increased at p<.01.                  variables was used.
Also, CSP People Weaknesses increased
by a greater amount than CSP People                       Table 5 presents the results of our three
Strengths. When looking at one year                       panel data regressions that include Total
before and one year after restatement,                    CSP, CSP Strengths, and CSP Weakness
we do find that Total CSP significantly                   as our dependent variable and ROA as
decreased and CSP Weaknesses signifi-                     our independent variable. For Total
cantly increased at p<.01. Additionally,                  CSP, similar to the results found in the
Total CSP Product significantly de-                       randomized block design, the Post vari-
creased at p<.05.                                         able was significantly negatively related
                                                          at p<.05, indicating that CSP signifi-
Hypothesis 2                                              cantly declined for all firms in the two
                                                          years following the restatement period.
Because we have cross-sectional and                       For the regression with CSP Strengths as
time series data, we used panel data                      the independent variable, we found that
analyses to further investigate the                       the Post variable was significantly posi-
120   L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130

tively related at p<.05 indicating that                  p<.01 indicating that the effect of ROA
CSP Strengths are higher after the re-                   on CSP Strengths also varies in the peri-
statement period for all firms, which is                 ods prior and after restatement. For the
consistent with our results found in the                 regression using CSP Weaknesses as the
randomized block design. Additionally,                   dependent variable, we found the Post
we found the interaction term of                         variable was significantly positively re-
Match*Post was significantly negatively                  lated at p<.01, indicating that for all
at p< .01. As shown in Figure 2, though                  firms the average CSP Weakness in-
CSP Strengths increased for all firms                    creased in the period following the re-
after the restatement period the increase                statement. These results are also consis-
was higher for restatement firms than                    tent with our findings in the randomized
non-restatement firms, suggesting that                   block design. Also the interaction term
restatement firms may be more account-                   of Match*Post was significantly nega-
able after the period of restatement by                  tively related at p<.05. As shown in Fig-
managing their CSP Strengths. The in-                    ure 3, restatement firms had a greater
teraction term of ROA*Match is signifi-                  increase in CSP Weaknesses than non-
cantly negatively related at p<.01 indi-                 restatement firms. This is consistent
cating that the effect of ROA on CSP                     with increased transparency following
Strengths is greater for restatement firms               the restatement period as more negative
than non-restating firms, supporting hy-                 information concerning the firm is made
pothesis 2. The interaction term of                      available.
ROA*Post*Match was significantly
positively related to CSP Strengths at                   Table 6 presents the results of our three
                                    Table 5
 Coefficient (Standard Error) of Panel Data Analysis for CSP Using a One Year
        Lag between the Dependent Variable and Independent Variables
Dependent                          Total CSP               CSP Strengths                CSP Weakness

 ROA                             -.015    .025             .009     .016                  .025    .018
 Match                            .293    .669             .483     .498                  .184    .431
 Post                            -.653    .272*            .396     .180*                1.053    .195**
 ROA*Match                       -.074    .039            -.084     .026**               -.009    .028
 ROA*Post                         .024    .034            -.012     .023                 -.038    .025
 Match*Post                      -.426    .400           -1.124     .266**               -.732    .286*
 ROA*Post*Match                   .073    .046             .103     .031**                .032    .033
  Debt-to-Equity                 -.184    1.169             .609    .804                 1.009    .802
  Assets                         -.001    .000              .001    .000**                .001    .000**
R2                                        .151                      .284                          .464
Wald chi-square                           40.3**                    66.8**                        133.46**
Panel data model type
Number of Firms                           88                        88                            88
Number of Observations                    352                       352                           352
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130   121

                                             Figure 2
                                           CSP Strengths

    CSP Strengths

                      3.1                                                             Firms
                      2.9                                                             Non-
                      2.8                                                             Restatement
                              Prior to              After
                            Restatement          Restatement
                                     Time Period

                                             Figure 3
                                          CSP Weaknesses

C S P W eakn esses

                     3.0                                                        Restatement Firms
                     2.6                                                        Non-Restatement
                     2.4                                                        Firms
                              Prior to     After Restatement
                                    Time Period
122   L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130

panel data regressions that include Total                Product Strengths as the dependent vari-
CSP Product, CSP Product Strengths,                      able, we found that the interaction term
and CSP Product Weakness as our de-                      of Match*Post was significantly nega-
pendent variable and ROA as our inde-                    tively related at p<.05. As shown in Fig-
pendent variable. For Total CSP Prod-                    ure 4, restatement firms showed a slight
uct, we found no significant relation-                   increase in CSP Product Strengths in the
ships. For the regression with CSP                       period following restatement while non-

                                    Table 6
 Coefficient (Standard Error) of Panel Data Analysis for CSP Using a One Year
        Lag between the Dependent Variable and Independent Variables
Dependent                      Total CSP Product              CSP Product             CSP Product Weak-
                                                               Strengths                    ness

 ROA                             -.009    .011              -.004    .005               .005    .009
 Match                            .219    .319               .066    .152              -.155    .297
 Post                            -.181    .118               .026    .057               .206    .104*
 ROA*Match                       -.003    .017              -.000    .008               .004    .015
 ROA*Post                         .010    .015              -.005    .007              -.015    .013
 Match*Post                       .057    .174              -.168    .083*             -.218    .153
 ROA*Post*Match                  -.004    .020               .009    .010               .013    .018
  Debt-to-Equity                 -.306    .522              -.132    .250               .124    .467
  Assets                         -.001    .000**             .001    .000               .001    .000**
R2                                        .3363                      .177                       .407
Wald chi-square                           62.72**                    26.26**                    74.52**
Panel data model type
Number of Firms                           88                         88                         88
Number of Observations                    352                        352                        352

restatement firms showed a decrease.                     CSP People, CSP People Strengths, and
Again, suggesting that restatement firms                 CSP People Weakness as our dependent
may be more accountable after the pe-                    variable and ROA as our independent
riod of restatement and managing their                   variable. For our regression with Total
CSP Product Strengths. For the regres-                   CSP People, the interaction term of
sion using CSP Product Weaknesses as                     ROA*Match is significantly negatively
the dependent variable, only the Post                    related at p<.01 indicating that the effect
term was significantly positively related                of ROA on Total CSP People is greater
at p<.05 indicating that CSP Product                     for restatement firms than non-restating
Weaknesses increased for all firms in the                firms, supporting hypothesis 2. The in-
period following the restatement.                        teraction term of ROA*Post*Match is
                                                         also significantly positively related to
Table 7 presents the results of our three                Total CSP People at p<.01 indicating
panel data regressions that include Total                that the effect of ROA on CSP Strengths
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130     123

                                                                Figure 4
                                                          CSP Product Strengths
   C SP P ro d u c t Stre n g th s

                                     0.50                                               Restatement Firms
                                              Prior to       After Restatement
                                                   Time Period

also varies in the periods prior and after                            Strengths also varies in the periods prior
restatement. The interaction term of                                  and after restatement. The interaction
Match*Post is significantly negatively                                term of Match*Post is significantly
related at p<.05. Per figure 5, restate-                              negatively related at p<.05. Per figure 6,
ment firms had a bigger decrease in To-                               restatement firms had a bigger increase
tal CSP People after restatement than                                 in CSP People Strengths after restate-
non-restatement firms. For the regres-                                ment than non-restatement firms, again
sion using CSP People Strengths as the                                suggesting the restatement firms may be
dependent variable, we found that the                                 more accountable in the period follow-
Post variable is significantly positively                             ing restatement by focusing in on CSP
related at p>.05 indicating that for all                              strengths. For our CSP People Weak-
firms CSP People Strengths significantly                              nesses regression, the only significant
increased in the two years following the                              variable that we found was the Post vari-
restatement period. We also found that                                able at p<.01, indicating that for all
the interaction term of ROA*Match is                                  firms CSP People Weaknesses signifi-
significantly negatively related at p<.01,                            cantly increased in the two years follow-
indicating that the effect of ROA on                                  ing the restatement period.
CSP People Strengths is greater for re-
statement firms than non-restating firms,
supporting hypothesis 2. The interaction                              SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION
term of ROA*Post*Match is also sig-
nificantly positively related to CSP Peo-                             This study was undertaken to investigate
ple Strengths at p<.01, indicating that                               CSP in restatement firms along with in-
the effect of ROA on CSP People                                       vestigating the relationship of CSP to FP
124   L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130

                                    Table 7
 Coefficient (Standard Error) of Panel Data Analysis for CSP Using a One Year
        Lag between the Dependent Variable and Independent Variables
Dependent                    Total CSP People           CSP People                   CSP People Weak-
                                                        Strengths                    ness

 ROA                         .021        .018           .015         .014            -.006        .011
 Match                       .268        .446           .431         .394            .214         .202
 Post                        -.042       .197           .324         .153*           .378         .128**
 ROA*Match                   -.093       .028**         -.084        .022**          .001         .018
 ROA*Post                    -.015       .025           -.007        .019            .005         .016
 Match*Post                  -.715       .290*          -.881        .225**          -.212        .188
 OA*Post*Match               .107        .034**         .093         .026**          -.010        .022
  Debt-to-Equity             .213        .821           .793         .668            .576         .419
  Assets                     .001        .000*          .001         .000**          .001         .000**
R                                        .166                        .283                         .203
Wald chi-square                          41.06**                     80.66*                       54.03**
Panel data model type
Number of Firms                          88                          88                           88
Number of Observa-
tions                                    352                         352                          352

for these same firms. Consistent with                    We also compared restatement firms
prior research on accountability and dis-                with matched non-restating firms in our
closure (Mahoney et al., 2008), we                       panel data analysis. We found that CSP
found Total CSP after restatement of                     Strengths, CSP Weaknesses, and CSP
earnings was significantly lower than the                People Strengths for restatement firms
average Total CSP before restatement.                    showed a greater increase than non-
In particular, even though CSP Strengths                 restatement firms. For Total CSP Peo-
increased, it was offset by a greater in-                ple, we found that restatement firms
crease in CSP Weaknesses. This in-                       showed a greater decrease than non-
crease in strengths may be due to the                    restatement firms. For CSP Product
efforts by the firms to be accountable                   Strengths, we found that while restate-
and improve the reputation of the firm.                  ment firms increased slightly, non-
However, this may have been offset by                    restating firms showed a significant de-
the negative impact of transparency sur-                 crease. These findings are consistent
rounding financial restatement. These                    with prior research on reporting failure
findings support hypothesis 1 for Total                  that show that restating firms take steps
CSP which differs before and after re-                   to improve corporate governance mecha-
statement.                                               nisms following restatement in order to
                                                         restore credibility and transparency
L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130   125

(Farber, 2005; LaGore, 2008) and pro-                     tiques of KLD’s perspective on CSP
vide addition support for hypothesis 1.                   would aid in the development of this
                                                          research stream.
We also find support for hypothesis 2,
since a stronger positive relationship                    The sample selection bias is also a po-
exists between ROA on CSP Strengths                       tential alternative explanation of the re-
for restatement firms than non-restating                  sults. There are some possible selection
firms. In particular, we find that this                   biases in our final sample of restatement
effect is a result of the People dimension                firms since the research design requires
of CSP with significant relationships for                 each sample firm to have data for a con-
Total CSP People and CSP People                           secutive 5-year period, the two years
Strengths while no relationship was                       before and after the restatement an-
found for any dimension of CSP Prod-                      nouncement. Thus, the final sample
uct. These results provide further sup-                   tends to include surviving and larger
port for the previous literature on the                   firms that may be perceived as more re-
positive relationship between CSP and                     liable. Therefore, the external validity
FP and that CSP and FP may be mutu-                       of the study may be in question as the
ally reinforcing organizational activities                results may not generalize to the overall
(Orlitzky, 2008).                                         population of publicly traded companies.
                                                          On the other hand, larger firms receive
Like all research, ours has limitations                   more media coverage and regulatory
associated with the measures, methodol-                   attention than smaller firms and there-
ogy and sample size. The use of KLD                       fore may be under more pressure to
ratings to measure CSP are questionable                   change financial reporting and corporate
(Chatterji and Levine, 2006; Chatterji, et                social performance following a restate-
al., forthcoming; Orlitzky and Swanson,                   ment in order to restore the public’s trust
2008; Porter and Kramer, 2006) since                      in their financial reporting. The results
they are determined by an independent                     of this analysis are encouraging because
firm and are the result of Kinder, Lyden-                 the prospect of a positive CSP and FP
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definition and evaluations of CSP. Pre-                   ment firms can be socially responsible
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  • 1. Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting Vol. 2, No. 1 June 2008 Pp. 104-130 Corporate Social Performance, Financial Performance for Firms that Restate Earnings Lois Mahoney College of Business Eastern Michigan University, USA William LaGore College of Business Eastern Michigan University, USA Joseph A. Scazzero College of Business Eastern Michigan University, USA Abstract This study examines corporate social performance (CSP) in firms that restate their financial statements and, using a match pair design, compares their performance to firms that do not restate their financial statements. Utilizing a randomized block design (two years prior to the restatement and two years after the restatement) for a sample of 44 U.S. firms, we found that CSP Strengths, CSP Weaknesses, CSP People Strengths, and CSP People Weaknesses all in- creased after restatement though weaknesses increased at a greater rate than strengths. Addi- tionally, using panel data and a match pair design we found, we found that restating firms had a greater increase in CSP Strengths, CSP Weaknesses, CSP Product Strengths, CSP People Strengths and a greater decrease in Total CSP People than non-restating firms after the restate- ment period. When comparing the relationships between CSP and financial performance (FP), we found that the positive relationship between ROA and CSP Strengths is greater for restate- ment firms than non-restating firms. In particular, we find that this positive relationship is a result of the People dimension of CSP, in particular CSP People Strengths. Key Words: financial restatements, corporate social performance, financial performance, Lois Mahoney is Associate Professor of Accounting in the Department of Accounting and Finance College of Busi- ness Eastern Michigan University, USA, email: William LaGore is assistant professor, accounting and finance in the Department of Accounting and Finance College of Business Eastern Michigan Univer- sity, USA, email: Joseph A. Scazzeroa Professor of Decision Sciences in the Department of Accounting and Finance at Eastern Michigan University College of Business, USA, email:
  • 2. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 105 CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORM- of stakeholder confidence in financial ANCE AND THE ISSUE OF FINAN- markets (Donoher et al., 2007) as well as CIAL RESTATEMENTS a firm’s corporate social performance (CSP). According to Carroll (1979), The quality of financial reporting has CSP considers a variety of factors, in- come under increased scrutiny in recent cluding discretionary responsibility to years because of high-profile financial the community, economic responsibility reporting failures, such as Enron and to investors and consumers, ethical re- WorldCom, and the significant increase sponsibilities to society and legal re- in the number of financial restatements. sponsibility to the government or the An October 2002 General Accounting law. In this turbulent environment, these Office (GAO) report documents that the firms need to devise strategies that will number of financial restatements has enable them to survive and prosper in increased 145 percent from 1997 to 2001 this environment in which stakeholders and that publicly traded companies lost demand both financial performance (FP) billions in market capitalization in the and effective stakeholder responsiveness days and months following a restatement (Johnson and Greening, 1999). These announcement. The GAO report further firms may need to keep in mind CSP as concludes that the increase in restate- they pursue superior performance ments has negatively impacted investor through being responsive to the environ- confidence. For example, the GAO’s ment, maintaining product quality and October 4, 2002 letter to Senator Paul being responsive to the communities in Sarbanes states the following: which it operates and the people it em- ploys (Turban and Greening, 1997). “The growing number of restate- ments and mounting questions Though research concerning the nature about certain corporate account- of the relationship between CSP and FP ing practices appear to have continues to be mixed (See Griffin and shaken investors’ confidence in Mahon, 1997; Roman et al., 1999), a our financial reporting system... number of findings indicate a positive empirical research studies and association (Worrell et al., 1991; Preston academic experts generally sug- and O’Bannon, 1997; Frooman, 1997; gest accounting issues have nega- Roman et al., 1999; Orlitzky and Benja- tively affected overall investor min, 2001; Murphy, 2002; Simpson and confidence and raised questions Kohers, 2002). Furthermore, most of about the integrity of U.S. mar- these findings are derived from compa- kets.” nies that are not experiencing financial reporting failures. The objectives of this paper are twofold: First, we address the Lawsuits against firms resulted in nearly question of whether firms that restate a 1% loss in market value (Bhagat et al., financial statements have different levels 1998), in which an estimated one-third of CSP than non-restating firms. Sec- of this loss is attributed to harmed firm ond, we address the questions on reputation (Karpoff and Lott, 1993). whether the relationship between CSP The problem does not end with the pas- and FP is different between restating sage of Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) but firms and non-restating firms. This re- its continuation has implication for lack
  • 3. 106 L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 search study will contribute to the ac- to financial reporting failures. Palmrose counting research stream investigating et al. (2004) find a mean abnormal re- financial restatements, as well as the turn of -9.2% in the two-day window ethics research of CSP, and extends the (day 0, 1) around a restatement an- debate on the link between CSP and FP. nouncement, with more negative returns The remainder of the paper is organized for restatements involving fraud (-20%). as follows. First, we examine the back- Palmrose and Scholz (2004) find the ground, theory and hypotheses. Second, negative market reaction is greater for we explain our research methods and restatements of core earnings (i.e. pre- third, we present the results. The final tax earnings from primary operations) section includes our summary, discus- than for non-core earnings (i.e. all other sion and conclusions. earnings). Anderson and Yohn (2002) document the long-term economic con- sequences of restatements by finding BACKGROUND, THEORY AND average cumulative abnormal returns of HYPOTHESES -7.97% for the period from three days before the restatement announcement Financial Reporting Failures through three days after the restatement filing with the SEC. Financial reporting failures include both frauds and restatements. During the pe- There are also legal consequences to a riod of 1987-1996, the SEC found that a financial reporting failure. In the Palm- majority of frauds involved financial rose and Scholz (2004) study, 38 percent statement fraud (Beasley et al., 1999). of the companies in their restatement These frauds included sham sales, re- sample subsequently faced civil litiga- cording conditional sales as finalized tion. They found that companies with and recording revenues early. Thus, for restatements of core earnings (primarily the purpose of this study, we examine revenue restatements) and pervasive re- only accounting restatements. Restate- statements (i.e. more than one account- ments are an admission that previously ing item restated) are more likely to be issued financial statements were not in subject to litigation. accordance with GAAP (Palmrose and Scholz, 2004). Early research focused A financial reporting failure also dam- on characteristics of restating firms. For ages the reputation of the firm, auditors, example, Kinney and McDaniel (1989) management, and the board of directors. find restatement firms are smaller, less For example, Srinivasan (2005) found profitable, have higher debt, and are that outside board members experience slower growing. DeFond and Jiambalvo significant reputational costs following (1991) find earnings overstatements are accounting restatements. Srinivasan more likely for firms with diffuse own- finds significant turnover of board mem- ership and lower growth in earnings, and bers in the three years following the re- less likely for firms with audit commit- statement, including director turnover tees. for 48 percent of firms that restate earn- ings downward. The likelihood of direc- Recent studies document significant tor turnover increases if the board mem- negative economic consequences related ber is also on the audit committee. The
  • 4. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 107 study also finds outside directors lose reliable accounting numbers following a positions on other boards following a financial reporting failure. restatement. As for debt contracts, Sengupta (1998) suggests that quality of financial report- Another study, Desai et al. (2006), ex- ing is likely used by lenders in calculat- amined the reputational penalties to ing default risk. Sengupta (1998) found managers of restating firms and found that firms with high disclosure quality that 60% of restating firms experience ratings from financial analysts are management turnover in the two years charged a lower cost of debt, and the following a restatement as compared importance of disclosure is greater when with 35 percent for a control sample. there is greater market uncertainty as An audit firm’s reputation can be dam- measured by the variance of stock re- aged by a financial reporting failure, as turns. Thus, lenders likely demand a evidenced by the demise of Arthur An- higher risk premium following a report- dersen. Barton (2005) examines the de- ing failure in part due to the perceived mand for auditor reputation by examin- decrease in quality of the accounting ing the client defections from Arthur reports. Andersen. Barton (2005) finds firms that are more visible in the capital mar- The risk premium demanded by share- kets switched sooner to another Big 5 holders and debt holders also increases auditor, as they were concerned about following a reporting failure because of their auditor’s reputation and the credi- the increased uncertainty about the fu- bility of their financial reporting. ture profitability and economic prospects of restatement firms. Palmrose et al. Accounting numbers used in contracts (2004) found a significant downward (e.g. compensation and debt contracts) revision in earnings forecasts following must be verifiable for the contract to be restatements and a significant increase in enforceable in court (Watts, 2003). analyst forecast dispersion (a proxy for Based on prior literature, it is reasonable uncertainty). Hribar and Jenkins (2004) to assume that a financial reporting fail- found accounting restatements lead to ure leads to greater uncertainty about the decreases in expected future earnings. reliability and verifiability of the ac- counting numbers used in contracts. As In summary, restatements can have nu- a restatement casts doubt on the quality merous negative effects. These include of the financial reports and increases the economic losses to investors; damage to risk to the contracting parties, sharehold- the reputations of the firm, auditors, ers and lenders will demand an increased management, and the board of directors; risk premium following a reporting fail- an increase in the cost of capital; and a ure. For example, empirical studies find negative impact on future earnings that frauds and accounting restatements power. lead to an increased cost of capital (e.g., Dechow et al., 1996; Hribar and Jenkins, CSP and FP 2004). Investors demand a higher rate of return to compensate for the per- Research on the relationship between ceived riskiness of the firm due to less CSP and FP has resulted in positive (Wokutch and Spencer, 1987; McGuire
  • 5. 108 L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 et al., 1988, 1990; Waddock and Graves, employee relations, environment, human 1997; Simpson and Kohers, 2002; Or- rights, and product. The KLD index litzky and Benjamin, 2001; Mahoney ratings are based upon data gathered and Roberts, 2007; Hill et al., 2007), from a broad range of sources; both in- negative (Waddock and Graves, 1997, ternal and external to the firm (see Wad- Preston and O’Bannon, 1997; Patten, dock and Graves, 1995 for further de- 2002) and neutral results (Alexander and tails). Subsequently, this multidimen- Buchholz, 1978; Aupperle et al., 1985; sional index has been regarded as one of Ullman, 1985; Cochran and Wood, the best information sources available to 1984; Shane and Spicer, 1983; Fauzi, researchers studying CSP (Hillman and forthcoming; Moore, 2001; Fauzi et al., Keim, 2001) and has been used in many 2007). The negative view on the rela- subsequent studies (McGuire et al., tionship between CSP and FP argues 2003; Hillman and Keim, 2001; Albin- that firms incur costs to improve social ger and Freeman, 2000, Greening and performance and by doing so, they re- Turban, 2000; Mahoney and Roberts, duce profits and shareholder wealth. 2007; Mahoney et al., 2008; Johnson The positive view argues that better CSP and Greening, 1999). is viewed as positive by various stake- holders, leading to improved FP (Jones, Research Questions 1995; Jones and Wicks, 1999). Those who support the neutral relationship ar- CSP: As discussed previously, there are gue that the direct relationship between significant negative economic, legal, CSP and FP does not exists due to the reputational, and contractual conse- complexity of the environment in which quences to a financial reporting failure. firms and society operate in (Mahoney A financial reporting failure is evidence and Roberts, 2007) that previously issued accounting reports were incorrect, thus creating uncertainty The problem of measuring CSP is ar- about the credibility and verifiability of gued by Waddock and Graves (1997) as financial reports after the reporting fail- the primary reason for the conflicting ure. In response to financial reporting results found regarding the relationship failures, studies find firms take steps to between CSP and FP. Waddock and improve corporate governance mecha- Graves (1997) found a positive relation- nisms following a fraud or restatement ship between CSP and FP when using an in order to restore credibility and trans- improved measurement of CSP, the parency in their financial reporting. For KLD index. The KLD index provides example, Farber (2005) finds fraud firms access to a wide range of independent, increase the number of audit committee consistently applied ratings of U.S. firms meetings and the number and percentage across a number of important social per- of outside board members in the three- formance attributes that were determined year period following the fraud. LaGore by a knowledgeable group of individuals (2008) finds restating firms significantly not connected with the firms (Waddock increase the number of outside directors and Graves, 1997). KLD evaluates each on the board, the number of audit com- company traded on the U. S. stock ex- mittee meetings, and the number of out- change over the dimensions of commu- side directors and financial experts on nity, corporate governance, diversity, the audit committee in the three-year
  • 6. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 109 period following a restatement an- H1: CSP (Total, Product and People) nouncement. These changes in corpo- before restatement is different than CSP rate governance may be mechanisms after restatement. that constrain management’s opportunis- tic behavior and lead to more transparent CSP and FP: As discussed before, em- reporting. However, it is unclear how pirical results concerning the nature of this improvement in corporate govern- the relationship, if any, between CSP ance following a fraud or restatement and FP, continues to be mixed (See Grif- affects a firm’s CSP. fin and Mahon, 1997; Roman et al., 1999). Researchers have hypothesized Prior research finds a positive relation- and have given rational theoretical justi- ship between disclosure level and CSP fication for negative, positive, and neu- (Gelb and Strawser, 2001). Mahoney et tral links between CSP and FP. Wad- al. (2008) examine CSP and executive dock and Graves (1997) argue that the compensation before and after the Sar- fundamental reason for the uncertainty banes-Oxley Act (SOX) and find that the between the CSP and FP relationship is improvements in corporate governance the problem of measuring CSP. Hence, required by SOX may be resulting in Waddock and Graves (1997) used the increased transparency regarding the KLD database as an improved measure measurement of CSP and an increase in of CSP and found a significant relation- accountability, as firms appear to be ship. Orlitzky (2008) found that there is structuring compensation to promote an overall positive, but highly variable CSP. Gelb and Strawser (2001) also relationship between CSP and FP and find that more extensive disclosures are noted that the large variability of find- provided by firms with higher CSP rat- ings in previous research is party due to ings. Given that measures of CSP tend primary study artifacts. As studies find to rely on publicly available information, financial restatements negatively affect it may be that firms before the restate- firm performance and lead to increased ment would have been reluctant to make uncertainty about the future profitability factors that are encapsulated in CSP and economic prospects of restatement weaknesses (bad news) available to the firms, it would be interesting to compare public. It follows that if improvements the association between CSP and FP in corporate governance following a re- between restating firms and non- statement encourage revelation and restating firms. Based upon these incon- transparency, the resulting increase in sistencies in prior research, it is unclear information available may influence how the negative effects of restatements CSP in a negative direction. Further- on firm performance will impact CSP. more, following the restatement period, Thus, since we are unable to predict a firms may feel need to be more account- directional effect, the second research able, thus influencing CSP in a positive question tested is as follows: direction. However, it would be difficult to theoretically determine the net direc- H2: The relationship between CSP and tional change in CSP as a result of re- FP is different for restating firms than statement. Therefore, the first research non-restating firms. question tested is:
  • 7. 110 L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 METHODS earnings data are considered outliers with studentized residuals greater than Sample Selections the absolute value of three. Outliers are observations that are extreme or appear Data on restating firms was obtained inconsistent with the remaining data. from the GAO-03-395R Financial State- This resulted in a final sample of 196 ment Restatement Database for the pe- firms that had restated their financial riod of January 1, 1996 to June 30, 2002. statements. Missing CSP data for two Of the initial sample of 919 restating years prior and two years after the re- firms, 40 firms were eliminated because statements reduced the final sample size no ticker symbol or CNUM could be to 44 firms. These 44 firms were found. Ninety-three firms were deleted matched based upon SIC code to firms because of multiple restatements. The that had not restated their financial state- initial collection of financial data found ments. Thirty-one companies were that 153 firms were missing the required matched based upon the four-digit SIC financial data. Furthermore, 174 firms code, five companies were matched were missing financial data in the post- based upon the last 3 digits of the SIC restatement period only, 200 firms were code and eight companies were matched missing financial data in the pre- based upon the last two digits of the SIC restatement period only, and 48 firms code. The final sample consisted four were missing financial data in both the years of data for 44 restating firms and pre- and post-restatement periods. The 44 non-restating firms, for a total num- missing data does not appear to be clus- ber of 88 firms with 352 observations. tered in either the pre- or post- restatement period. The number of The Model firms with missing Compustat data in the pre-restatement period is comparable To test hypotheses 1, a randomized to the post-restatement period, with 200 block design was used to determine the and 174 firms, respectively. Therefore, effect, if any, of restatement on the CSP. approximately 63 percent (575 firms) of To test hypotheses 2, panel data analysis the initial restatement sample of 919 was used to examine the impact of re- firms did not have sufficient financial statement firms on the association be- data from Compustat to be included in tween the dependent variable CSP and the final sample. This study requires the independent variable FP (ROA) with financial data for the two years prior to firm size, firm leverage and firm indus- and the two years following the restate- try as control variables. In order to cap- ment announcement year. A likely ex- ture omitted factors that may lead to a planation for the loss of these firms is difference in CSP levels between the due to the fact that many restating firms prestatement years and the postatement declare bankruptcy or are delisted fol- years, the indicator variable (as denoted lowing the restatements. This could po- by Post) is included as a separate inde- tentially lead to a survivorship bias, pendent control. Additionally, in order which may prevent the results from gen- to capture the difference between restat- eralizing to the overall set of publicly ing firms and non-restating firms, the traded firms. Finally, 15 firms were indicator variable (as denoted by Match) eliminated because their returns and is also included as a separate independ-
  • 8. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 111 ent variable. Two-factor interaction the prestatement years and the postate- terms are added to the model to allow ment years. The three-factor interaction the effect of an independent variable on term ROA*Post*Match is added to the the dependent variable to vary by the model to allow the ROA*Post interac- level of another independent variable. tion to differ between restating and non- For example, the interaction term restating firms. Hypotheses two is tested ROA*Post allows the effect of ROA on through the following regression equa- the dependent variable CSP to differ for tion: CSPi,t+1 = b0 +b1ROAit + b2Matchit + b3Postit + b4ROA*Matchit + b5ROA*Postit + b6Match*Postsit + b7ROA*Post*Matchit (1) + b8Debt-to-Equityit + b9Assetsit + b10Industrykit results found regarding the characteris- i: firm tics of reporting firms, the quality of t: year their reporting, and the relationship be- k: 1-7 (number of SIC codes minus tween social performance and economic one) performance (Roberts, 1992; Gray et al., CSP = Corporate Social Perform- 1995). ance Score Value for Total, People, Product, Strengths and Shane and Spicer (1983) was one of the Weaknesses first published empirical studies to rely Post = 1 if one or two years after on externally produced ratings of CSP, restatement, 0 if otherwise using data developed by the U.S. Coun- Match = 0 if restatement firm, 1 oth- cil on Economic Priorities (CEP). They erwise argued that externally produced data was ROA =Return on Assets superior to voluntary disclosure when Debt-to-Equity = Total Debt/Total Eq- performing cross-sectional studies, stat- uity ing: Industryk = 1 if industry k, 0 otherwise In the absence of mandated dis- closure and reporting standards, voluntary disclosures tend to be Measures inconsistent and non-comparable Dependent Variables from firm to firm, even in the Measurement of CSP same industry. On the other hand, externally produced data (at least As prior research points out, there is no as produced by the CEP) was history of systematic social reporting gathered using consistent proce- (Gray et al., 1995) and there are no gen- dures for collection and reporting erally accepted social reporting stan- across firms. Comparisons across dards (Wallage, 2000). Because of this, firms are thereby possible and data for empirical research on CSP origi- potentially meaningful (p. 523). nates from voluntary disclosures by firms or from external monitors. The Subsequent accounting studies also absence of standardized reporting is at made use of CEP ratings (e.g., Cowen et least partially responsible for the mixed al., 1987; Roberts, 1992).
  • 9. 112 L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 In 1994, several U.S. researchers began et al., 2001). The KLD database has to address the major problems in CSP been recognized as the best information measurement by using the Kinder, available for researchers studying CSP Lydenberg, Domini (KLD) database as a in the U.S. (Hillman and Keim, 2001). measurement of CSP. KLD rates over Therefore, we use KLD’s ratings of so- 650 corporations traded on the U.S. cial performance to measure CSP. stock exchanges on various dimensions considered important to social perform- Following previous research (Johnson ance. Because the KLD database was and Greening, 1999; Mahoney and developed and maintained by an inde- Thorne, 2005), we use several different pendent rating service that assessed CSP measurements of CSP that consider To- across a range of dimensions related to tal CSP, Total CSP Product, and Total stakeholder concerns, researchers argued CSP People across the dimensions of that the KLD database brought a new strengths and weakness. CSP Strengths and improved consistent measurement of are positive aspects of CSP; examples CSP for United States companies include positive union relations, strong (Waddock and Graves, 1997). U.S. re- community giving, and environmental search flourished with this new measure- planning. CSP Weaknesses are negative ment assessment (Graves and Waddock, aspects of CSP; examples include safety 1994; Waddock and Graves, 1997; Grif- problems, human rights violations, and fin and Mahon, 1997; Bendheim et al., environment fines. Figure 1 summarizes 1998; Berman et al., 1999; Johnson and the different measures of CSP employed Greening, 1999; Greening and Turban, in this study. 2000; Albinger and Freeman, 2000; Ruf Figure 1 Summary of CSP Measures Total CSP Variable CSP Strengths CSP Weaknesses Variable Variable Total CSP Total CSP Total CSP Product Total CSP People (Community, Diversity, Em- ployee Relations, Environ- ment, International, Product and Business Practices and Other) Product Dimension (Product Total CSP Product CSP Product CSP Product and Business Practices and Strengths Weaknesses Environment) People Dimension Total CSP People CSP People CSP People (Community, Diversity and Strengths Weaknesses Employee Relations *Per Mahoney and Thorne (2005)
  • 10. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 113 Each company is given a Total CSP rat- ple. Total CSP People captures the con- ing by KLD along seven dimensions: tributions firms make to communities community, diversity, employee rela- through their hiring of women and mi- tions, environment, `international, prod- norities and their treatment of employ- uct and business practices, and other []. ees. Executives may interpret the costs Each of these dimensions is given a of hiring minorities as unnecessary strength rating and a weakness rating on short-term expenses; however, they may a scale of zero to two. A rating of 0 indi- recognize the long-term benefits of pro- cates no strengths or no weaknesses active employment policies when con- while a rating of 2 represents a major sidering the long-term avoidance of strength or a major weakness. CSP costly fines (Mahapatra, 1984). Further- Strengths are calculated by summing the more, signaling theory suggests that hir- strength ratings across all seven dimen- ing underrepresented groups sends a sions for each company while CSP positive signal regarding a firm’s reputa- Weaknesses are calculated by summing tion and legitimacy (Turban and Green- the weakness ratings across all seven ing, 1997). Total CSP People is com- dimensions. Finally, Total CSP is calcu- posed of KLD’s dimensions of commu- lated by taking CSP Strengths and sub- nity, employee relations, and diversity. tracting CSP Weaknesses. Corporate governance would be ex- Our second measure of CSP is a sub- pected to have bearing and an associa- dimension of Total CSP: Total CSP tion on aspects or sub-dimensions of Product. Total CSP Product attempts to CSP that could be directly impacted by capture the extent to which a firm is executives’ decisions while other sub- committed to quality products and prac- dimensions may be more impacted by tices sound environmental policies. For the general business or cultural context example, executives concerned with in which a firm operates. For example, a consistent returns over time may likely firm’s diversity may be primarily im- avoid the imposition of costly environ- pacted by the labor pool that is available, mental fines (Johnson and Greening, while its product dimensions may be 1999; Silverstein, 1994). Total CSP more easily impacted by executive’s Product is comprised of KLD’s product attention to control and safety aspects in and business practices and environment product development. In fact, previous dimensions that relate to product and research has found differential associa- service quality and to the firm’s stance tions between some aspects of corporate toward the natural environment. This governance and the people/product as- classification is consistent with ISO pects of CSP. For example, a positive standards that require firms to establish a relationship for U.S. firms between top series of management subsystems, stan- executive equity and the total product dards, and guidelines to ensure product dimension of CSP has been found quality as well as safe and environmen- (Johnson and Greening, 1999), without tally responsible practices (Uzumeri, comparable associations on the people 1997). aspect of CSP. Our third measure of CSP is a sub- As discussed before, firms take steps to dimension of Total CSP: Total CSP Peo- improve corporate governance mecha-
  • 11. 114 L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 nisms following a fraud or restatement base. Industries are represented by in order to restore the credibility of their dummy variables and were broken down financial reports. In addition, it is ex- by four-digit Standard Industrial Classi- pected that corporate governance would fication (SIC) code per Graves and Wad- have bearing and an association on as- dock (1994). pects or sub-dimensions of CSP that could be directly impacted by execu- Panel Data Models tives’ decisions. Thus it follows that improvements in corporate governance In summary, we investigate the behavior following a financial restatement may of CSP and its relation to FP by running affect certain aspects or sub-dimensions nine separate regressions using panel of CSP, particularly those that could be data—three regressions using CSP as directly affected by executive decisions. our dependent variable measure for To- tal CSP, Total CSP Product, and Total Independent Variables for Panel Data CSP People; three regressions using Analysis CSP Strengths for Total CSP Strengths, CSP Product Strengths, and CSP People Following previous research, return on Strengths and three regressions using assets (ROA) was used to measure a CSP Weaknesses for Total CSP Weak- firm’s FP (Waddock and Graves, 1997, nesses, CSP Product Weaknesses, and Roman et al., 1999, Mahoney and Rob- CSP Weaknesses, all with ROA as the erts, 2007; Fauzi, et al., 2007). Follow- independent variable. ing the works of prior research (Waddock and Graves, 1997; Mahoney and Roberts, 2007), data on CSP was RESULTS collected for the year following the year ROA was reported to provide an oppor- Descriptive Statistics and Correlation tunity for capturing a lag between CSP Analysis and FP. Information on ROA was ob- tained from the Compustat database. Table 1 shows the means, standard de- viations, and correlations for our inde- Control Variables. Consistent with prior pendent, dependent, and control vari- research, we control for firm size, debt ables for the entire sample consisting of level and industry as previous research non-restating and restatement firms. noted that they may cause differences in The means for Total CSP, CSP FP (Waddock and Graves, 1997; Graves Strengths, and CSP Weaknesses are .15, and Waddock, 1994; Mahoney and Rob- 2.99, and 2.84 respectively. The means erts, 2007). Consistent with prior re- for Total CSP Product, CSP Product search, total assets is used as a proxy for Strengths, and CSP Product Weaknesses size of the firm (Mahoney and Roberts, are -.61, .50, and 1.11 respectively. The 2007; Graves and Waddock, 1994; Wad- means for Total CSP People, CSP Peo- dock and Graves, 1997) and debt-to- ple Strengths, and CSP People Weak- equity (Mahoney and Thorne, 2006) is nesses are 1.53, 2.39, and .86 respec- used to represent debt level. Informa- tively. The mean ROA is 6.07% and is tion on total assets and debt-to-equity significantly positively correlated with are obtained from the Compustat data- Total CSP, Total CSP Product, and Total
  • 12. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 115 Table 1 All Firms Pearson Correlation Matrix: Correlations with ROA, Control Financial Variables and Lagged CSP Variable Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. Total CSP .15 3.132 2. CSP Strengths 2.99 2.537 .622** 3. CSP Weaknesses 2.84 2.523 -.616** .234** 4. Total CSP Product -.61 1.686 .707** .095 -.782** 5. CSP Product Strengths .50 .724 .378** .665** .200** .203** 6. CSP Product Weaknesses 1.11 1.694 -.542** .190** .863** -.908** .225** 7. Total CSP People 1.53 2.121 .762** .844** -.097 .155** .358** -.001 8. CSP People Strengths 2.39 2.010 .609** .952** .201** .050 .429** .134* .897** 9. CSP People Weaknesses .86 .944 -.415** .130* .646** -.241** .108* .286** -.338** .113** 10. ROA 6.07% 6.78% .199** .074 -.173** .183** -.012 -.187** .189** .099 -.212** 11. Debt-to-Equity 58.05% 18.86% -.148** .152** .336** -.361** .010 .363** .097 .193** .193** -.323** 12. Assets $12,357 $16,104 -.120* .445** .596** -.410** .243** .512** .253** .441** .372** -.077 .241**
  • 13. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 116 Table 2 Restatement Firms Pearson Correlation Matrix: Correlations with ROA, Control Financial Variables and Lagged CSP Variable Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 Total CSP .27 3.065 2. CSP Strengths 3.11 2.837 .612** 3. CSP Weaknesses 2.84 2.607 -.509** .368** 4. Total CSP Product -.68 1.737 .696** .028 -.789** 5. CSP Product Strengths .49 .786 .315** .717** .410** .056 6. CSP Product Weak- 1.18 1.866 -.516** .276** .907** -.907** .369** nesses 7. Total CSP People 1.69 2.130 .741** .859** .063 .100 .397** .074 8. CSP People Strengths 2.49 2.201 .633** .959** .298** .020 .511** .196** .921*** 9. CSP People Weaknesses .80 .862 -.213** .327** .606** -.194** .323** .317** -.118 .277** 10. ROA 5.48% 6.59% .151* .034 -.140 .188* -.017 -.182* .108 .058 -.118 11. Debt-to-Equity 59.70% 18.60% -.040 .236** .304** -.363** .048 .358** .244*** .282** .120 -.145 12. Assets $11,000 $11,401 -.058 .509** .623** -.511** .361** .628*** .398** .487** .260** -.139 .329**
  • 14. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 117 CSP People and significantly negatively Weaknesses. Unlike non-restating correlated with CSP Weaknesses, CSP firms, ROA for restatement firms is also Product Weaknesses, and CSP People significantly positively related to Total Weaknesses. The means for debt-to- CSP People and CSP People Strengths equity is 58.05% and for assets are along with being significantly negatively $12,357 million. related to CSP Weaknesses and CSP People Weaknesses. Additionally, the Table 2 shows the means, standard de- mean debt-to-equity is 56.4 % and the viations, and correlations for our inde- mean assets are $13,713 million for non- pendent, dependent, and control vari- restating firms. Overall, restatement ables for restatement firms only. The firms tend to have a higher level of Total means for Total CSP, CSP Strengths, CSP, CSP Strengths, and CSP People and CSP Weaknesses are .27, 3.11, and Strengths and CSP Weaknesses while 2.84 respectively. The means for Total non-restatement firms have a higher CSP Product, CSP Product Strengths, level of CSP People Strengths and CSP and CSP Product Weaknesses are -.68, Product Weaknesses. .49, and 1.18 respectively. The means for Total CSP People, CSP People Hypothesis 1 Strengths, and CSP People Weaknesses are 1.69, 2.49, and .80 respectively. The To test hypothesis 1 a randomized block mean ROA is 5.48% and is significantly design, equivalent to a paired t-test, was positively correlated with Total CSP and used to determine the effect, if any, of a Total CSP Product and significantly restatement on Total CSP, CSP negatively correlated with CSP Product Strengths, and CSP Weaknesses; Total Weaknesses. The mean debt-to-equity is CSP Product, CSP Product Strengths, 59.7% and the mean assets are $11,000 and CSP Product Weaknesses; and Total million. CSP People, CSP People Strengths, and CSP People Weaknesses. The depend- Table 3 shows the means, standard de- ent variable consisted of CSP scores viations, and correlations for our inde- which were compared at different time pendent, dependent, and control vari- periods, i.e., one year before and after ables for non-restating firms only. The restatement and two years before and means for Total CSP, CSP Strengths, after restatement. Table 4 summarizes and CSP Weaknesses are .03, 2.87, and the average Total, Strengths, and Weak- 2.84 respectively. The means for Total nesses CSP scores for these time periods CSP Product, CSP Product Strengths, and indicates which differences are sta- and CSP Product Weaknesses are -.55, tistically significant. Note that the aver- .51, and 1.05 respectively. The means age total for a score is equal to the dif- for Total CSP People, CSP People ference between the corresponding aver- Strengths, and CSP People Weaknesses age strength and average weakness. are 1.37, 2.28, and .91 respectively. The mean ROA is 6.64%. Similar to non- Most of the significant differences are restating firms, ROA is significantly found by looking at two years before positively correlated with Total CSP and and two years after restatement. CSP Total CSP Product and significantly Strengths and CSP Weaknesses signifi- negatively correlated with CSP Product cantly increased at p<.01 in the period
  • 15. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 118 Table 3 Non-Restating Firms Pearson Correlation Matrix: Correlations with ROA, Control Financial Variables and Lagged CSP Variable Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. Total CSP .03 3.201 2. CSP Strengths 2.87 2.199 .647** 3. CSP Weaknesses 2.84 2.444 -.728** .052 4. Total CSP Product -.55 1.635 .725** .193* -.776** 5. CSP Product Strengths .51 .659 .456** .590** -.067 .390** 6. CSP Product Weak- 1.05 1.505 -.587** .049 .813** -.915** .014 nesses 7. Total CSP People 1.37 2.107 .782** .839** -.269** .221** .317** -.101 8. CSP People Strengths 2.28 1.798 .589** .943** .077 .094 .312** .035 .876** 9. CSP People Weak- .91 1.019 -.577** -.071 .692** -.292** -.106 .271** -.523** -.046 nesses 10. ROA 6.64% 6.93% .252** .135 -.208** .173* -.008 -.192* .281** .160* -.300** 11. Debt-to-Equity 56.40% 19.04% -.256** .043 .374** -.355** -.033 .371** -.060 .081 .266** -.479** 12. Assets $13,713 $19,659 -.155* .470** .626** -.386** .189* .502** .195* .473** .431** -.059 .219**
  • 16. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 119 Table 4 Restating Firms Average CSP, Product, and People Scores for One and Two Year Time Periods Dependent One Year Two Years Variable Before After Difference Before After Difference Total CSP 0.523 -0.136 0.659** 0.545 0.136 0.409 CSP Strengths 3.068 3.114 -0.045 2.773 3.477 -0.705** CSP Weaknesses 2.545 3.250 -0.705** 2.227 3.341 -1.114** Total CSP Product -0.614 -0.841 0.227* -0.591 -0.682 0.091 CSP Product 0.500 0.477 0.023 0.477 0.523 -0.046 Strengths CSP Product Weak- 1.114 1.318 -0.205 1.068 1.205 -0.136 nesses Total CSP People 1.773 1.636 0.136 1.705 1.636 0.068 CSP People Strengths 2.455 2.523 -0.068 2.205 2.773 -0.568** CSP People Weak- 0.682 0.886 -0.205 0.500 1.136 -0.636** nesses *p<.05 **p<.01 following restatement though CSP change in CSP and test hypothesis two. Weaknesses increased by a greater In all equations, size, debt-to-equity ra- amount than CSP Strengths. This sig- tio, and industry were included as con- nificance appears to be driven by the trol variables. Consistent with prior lit- People dimensions of CSP as both CSP erature, a one-year lag between the FP People Strengths and CSP People Weak- variable and the dependent and control nesses significantly increased at p<.01. variables was used. Also, CSP People Weaknesses increased by a greater amount than CSP People Table 5 presents the results of our three Strengths. When looking at one year panel data regressions that include Total before and one year after restatement, CSP, CSP Strengths, and CSP Weakness we do find that Total CSP significantly as our dependent variable and ROA as decreased and CSP Weaknesses signifi- our independent variable. For Total cantly increased at p<.01. Additionally, CSP, similar to the results found in the Total CSP Product significantly de- randomized block design, the Post vari- creased at p<.05. able was significantly negatively related at p<.05, indicating that CSP signifi- Hypothesis 2 cantly declined for all firms in the two years following the restatement period. Because we have cross-sectional and For the regression with CSP Strengths as time series data, we used panel data the independent variable, we found that analyses to further investigate the the Post variable was significantly posi-
  • 17. 120 L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 tively related at p<.05 indicating that p<.01 indicating that the effect of ROA CSP Strengths are higher after the re- on CSP Strengths also varies in the peri- statement period for all firms, which is ods prior and after restatement. For the consistent with our results found in the regression using CSP Weaknesses as the randomized block design. Additionally, dependent variable, we found the Post we found the interaction term of variable was significantly positively re- Match*Post was significantly negatively lated at p<.01, indicating that for all at p< .01. As shown in Figure 2, though firms the average CSP Weakness in- CSP Strengths increased for all firms creased in the period following the re- after the restatement period the increase statement. These results are also consis- was higher for restatement firms than tent with our findings in the randomized non-restatement firms, suggesting that block design. Also the interaction term restatement firms may be more account- of Match*Post was significantly nega- able after the period of restatement by tively related at p<.05. As shown in Fig- managing their CSP Strengths. The in- ure 3, restatement firms had a greater teraction term of ROA*Match is signifi- increase in CSP Weaknesses than non- cantly negatively related at p<.01 indi- restatement firms. This is consistent cating that the effect of ROA on CSP with increased transparency following Strengths is greater for restatement firms the restatement period as more negative than non-restating firms, supporting hy- information concerning the firm is made pothesis 2. The interaction term of available. ROA*Post*Match was significantly positively related to CSP Strengths at Table 6 presents the results of our three Table 5 Coefficient (Standard Error) of Panel Data Analysis for CSP Using a One Year Lag between the Dependent Variable and Independent Variables Dependent Total CSP CSP Strengths CSP Weakness Independent ROA -.015 .025 .009 .016 .025 .018 Match .293 .669 .483 .498 .184 .431 Post -.653 .272* .396 .180* 1.053 .195** ROA*Match -.074 .039 -.084 .026** -.009 .028 ROA*Post .024 .034 -.012 .023 -.038 .025 Match*Post -.426 .400 -1.124 .266** -.732 .286* ROA*Post*Match .073 .046 .103 .031** .032 .033 Control Debt-to-Equity -.184 1.169 .609 .804 1.009 .802 Assets -.001 .000 .001 .000** .001 .000** R2 .151 .284 .464 Wald chi-square 40.3** 66.8** 133.46** Panel data model type Number of Firms 88 88 88 Number of Observations 352 352 352 *p<.05 **p<.01
  • 18. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 121 Figure 2 CSP Strengths 3.4 3.3 Restatement CSP Strengths 3.2 3.1 Firms 3.0 2.9 Non- 2.8 Restatement 2.7 Firms 2.6 2.5 Prior to After Restatement Restatement Time Period Figure 3 CSP Weaknesses 3.4 C S P W eakn esses 3.2 3.0 Restatement Firms 2.8 2.6 Non-Restatement 2.4 Firms 2.2 2.0 Prior to After Restatement Restatement Time Period
  • 19. 122 L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 panel data regressions that include Total Product Strengths as the dependent vari- CSP Product, CSP Product Strengths, able, we found that the interaction term and CSP Product Weakness as our de- of Match*Post was significantly nega- pendent variable and ROA as our inde- tively related at p<.05. As shown in Fig- pendent variable. For Total CSP Prod- ure 4, restatement firms showed a slight uct, we found no significant relation- increase in CSP Product Strengths in the ships. For the regression with CSP period following restatement while non- Table 6 Coefficient (Standard Error) of Panel Data Analysis for CSP Using a One Year Lag between the Dependent Variable and Independent Variables Dependent Total CSP Product CSP Product CSP Product Weak- Strengths ness Independent ROA -.009 .011 -.004 .005 .005 .009 Match .219 .319 .066 .152 -.155 .297 Post -.181 .118 .026 .057 .206 .104* ROA*Match -.003 .017 -.000 .008 .004 .015 ROA*Post .010 .015 -.005 .007 -.015 .013 Match*Post .057 .174 -.168 .083* -.218 .153 ROA*Post*Match -.004 .020 .009 .010 .013 .018 Control Debt-to-Equity -.306 .522 -.132 .250 .124 .467 Assets -.001 .000** .001 .000 .001 .000** R2 .3363 .177 .407 Wald chi-square 62.72** 26.26** 74.52** Panel data model type Number of Firms 88 88 88 Number of Observations 352 352 352 *p<.05 **p<.01 restatement firms showed a decrease. CSP People, CSP People Strengths, and Again, suggesting that restatement firms CSP People Weakness as our dependent may be more accountable after the pe- variable and ROA as our independent riod of restatement and managing their variable. For our regression with Total CSP Product Strengths. For the regres- CSP People, the interaction term of sion using CSP Product Weaknesses as ROA*Match is significantly negatively the dependent variable, only the Post related at p<.01 indicating that the effect term was significantly positively related of ROA on Total CSP People is greater at p<.05 indicating that CSP Product for restatement firms than non-restating Weaknesses increased for all firms in the firms, supporting hypothesis 2. The in- period following the restatement. teraction term of ROA*Post*Match is also significantly positively related to Table 7 presents the results of our three Total CSP People at p<.01 indicating panel data regressions that include Total that the effect of ROA on CSP Strengths
  • 20. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 123 Figure 4 CSP Product Strengths C SP P ro d u c t Stre n g th s 0.60 0.55 0.50 Restatement Firms 0.45 Non-Restatement 0.40 Firms 0.35 0.30 Prior to After Restatement Restatement Time Period also varies in the periods prior and after Strengths also varies in the periods prior restatement. The interaction term of and after restatement. The interaction Match*Post is significantly negatively term of Match*Post is significantly related at p<.05. Per figure 5, restate- negatively related at p<.05. Per figure 6, ment firms had a bigger decrease in To- restatement firms had a bigger increase tal CSP People after restatement than in CSP People Strengths after restate- non-restatement firms. For the regres- ment than non-restatement firms, again sion using CSP People Strengths as the suggesting the restatement firms may be dependent variable, we found that the more accountable in the period follow- Post variable is significantly positively ing restatement by focusing in on CSP related at p>.05 indicating that for all strengths. For our CSP People Weak- firms CSP People Strengths significantly nesses regression, the only significant increased in the two years following the variable that we found was the Post vari- restatement period. We also found that able at p<.01, indicating that for all the interaction term of ROA*Match is firms CSP People Weaknesses signifi- significantly negatively related at p<.01, cantly increased in the two years follow- indicating that the effect of ROA on ing the restatement period. CSP People Strengths is greater for re- statement firms than non-restating firms, supporting hypothesis 2. The interaction SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION term of ROA*Post*Match is also sig- nificantly positively related to CSP Peo- This study was undertaken to investigate ple Strengths at p<.01, indicating that CSP in restatement firms along with in- the effect of ROA on CSP People vestigating the relationship of CSP to FP
  • 21. 124 L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 Table 7 Coefficient (Standard Error) of Panel Data Analysis for CSP Using a One Year Lag between the Dependent Variable and Independent Variables Dependent Total CSP People CSP People CSP People Weak- Strengths ness Independent ROA .021 .018 .015 .014 -.006 .011 Match .268 .446 .431 .394 .214 .202 Post -.042 .197 .324 .153* .378 .128** ROA*Match -.093 .028** -.084 .022** .001 .018 ROA*Post -.015 .025 -.007 .019 .005 .016 Match*Post -.715 .290* -.881 .225** -.212 .188 OA*Post*Match .107 .034** .093 .026** -.010 .022 Control Debt-to-Equity .213 .821 .793 .668 .576 .419 Assets .001 .000* .001 .000** .001 .000** 2 R .166 .283 .203 Wald chi-square 41.06** 80.66* 54.03** Panel data model type Number of Firms 88 88 88 Number of Observa- tions 352 352 352 *p<.05 **p<.01 for these same firms. Consistent with We also compared restatement firms prior research on accountability and dis- with matched non-restating firms in our closure (Mahoney et al., 2008), we panel data analysis. We found that CSP found Total CSP after restatement of Strengths, CSP Weaknesses, and CSP earnings was significantly lower than the People Strengths for restatement firms average Total CSP before restatement. showed a greater increase than non- In particular, even though CSP Strengths restatement firms. For Total CSP Peo- increased, it was offset by a greater in- ple, we found that restatement firms crease in CSP Weaknesses. This in- showed a greater decrease than non- crease in strengths may be due to the restatement firms. For CSP Product efforts by the firms to be accountable Strengths, we found that while restate- and improve the reputation of the firm. ment firms increased slightly, non- However, this may have been offset by restating firms showed a significant de- the negative impact of transparency sur- crease. These findings are consistent rounding financial restatement. These with prior research on reporting failure findings support hypothesis 1 for Total that show that restating firms take steps CSP which differs before and after re- to improve corporate governance mecha- statement. nisms following restatement in order to restore credibility and transparency
  • 22. L. Mahoney, W. LaGore, J. A. Scazzaro / Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (2008) 104-130 125 (Farber, 2005; LaGore, 2008) and pro- tiques of KLD’s perspective on CSP vide addition support for hypothesis 1. would aid in the development of this research stream. We also find support for hypothesis 2, since a stronger positive relationship The sample selection bias is also a po- exists between ROA on CSP Strengths tential alternative explanation of the re- for restatement firms than non-restating sults. There are some possible selection firms. In particular, we find that this biases in our final sample of restatement effect is a result of the People dimension firms since the research design requires of CSP with significant relationships for each sample firm to have data for a con- Total CSP People and CSP People secutive 5-year period, the two years Strengths while no relationship was before and after the restatement an- found for any dimension of CSP Prod- nouncement. Thus, the final sample uct. These results provide further sup- tends to include surviving and larger port for the previous literature on the firms that may be perceived as more re- positive relationship between CSP and liable. Therefore, the external validity FP and that CSP and FP may be mutu- of the study may be in question as the ally reinforcing organizational activities results may not generalize to the overall (Orlitzky, 2008). population of publicly traded companies. On the other hand, larger firms receive Like all research, ours has limitations more media coverage and regulatory associated with the measures, methodol- attention than smaller firms and there- ogy and sample size. The use of KLD fore may be under more pressure to ratings to measure CSP are questionable change financial reporting and corporate (Chatterji and Levine, 2006; Chatterji, et social performance following a restate- al., forthcoming; Orlitzky and Swanson, ment in order to restore the public’s trust 2008; Porter and Kramer, 2006) since in their financial reporting. The results they are determined by an independent of this analysis are encouraging because firm and are the result of Kinder, Lyden- the prospect of a positive CSP and FP berg, Domini Research & Analytics’ ownership links means that even restate- definition and evaluations of CSP. Pre- ment firms can be socially responsible vious research has found that while KLD and financially successful following the weakness ratings are a good summary of period of restatement. past environmental performance, KLD strengths do not accurately predict pollu- tion levels or compliance violations REFERENCES (Chatterji et al., forthcoming). Research has also found that KLD is not optimally Albinger, H. S. & Freeman, S. J. (2000) using publicly available data (Chatterji “Corporate Social Performance et al., forthcoming). Furthermore, the and Attractiveness as an Em- equal weighting and content of each di- ployer to different job seeking mension of CSP is another limitation populations”, Journal of Business (Chatterji and Levine, 2006). Future Ethics, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 243- research on the investigation of the con- 253. struction validity of KLD, the impact of Alexander, G. & Buchholz, R. (1978) equal weighting of dimension and cri- “Corporate Social Responsibility
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