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President Barak Obama: “We are
imposing sanctions on Russia for its
military takeover in Crimea and for
stealing the assets of the Ukrainian
people. The Russian takeover is
unconstitutional. We demand
Russian forces to return to their
bases in Russia.”
President: Vladimir Putin: “It seems
like the Americans are in a lab and
they’re running all sorts of
experiments on the rats without
understanding consequences of
what they’re doing. While Europe
and the United States criticized
Russia for its actions, I want to
remind them of military
interventions in Iraq, Libya and
Guernica – Pablo Picasso
- What has triggered (started) this crisis between Russia and Ukraine?
- What has Russia done so far?
- Why is the European Union involved? What has it done so far.
- Why is the U.S.A. interested in the conflict? What has it done so far?
- How is Crimea involved? What has happened in Crimea so far?
- In your opinion, what results is this crisis going to present?
WRITE: (your own ideas, not copies or translators)
a paragraph (30-60 words) SUMMARIZING and EXPLAINING the conflict
and ESTIMATE the possible outcome (result).
Homework due to 17/03 [9oB] 19/03 [9oA]
em folha de redação para entregar (não aceito folha de caderno)
CHECK Homework
Workbook p. 52, 53
2 Present Perfect –
(2) has ever gone
(3) Have you ever imagined
(4) have never wanted
(5) Have you ever thought
(6) have never heard
(7) have never felt
(8) have never enjoyed
3 Present Perfect – Simple Past
(2) Has Stella ever won a prize? Yes, she has.
She won one last month.
(3) Has Darren ever flown a plane? Yes, he has.
He flew one two years ago.
(4) Have Josh and Laura ever performed their
songs on TV? Yes, they have. They performed
last night.
(5) Has Anna ever played soccer? Yes, she has.
She played it a week ago.
(6) Have Emily and Jack ever tried salsa
dancing? Yes, they have. They have tried it last
5 Vocabulary
(1) float (2) imagine (3) wonder (4) push (5) roll (6) contain ( 7) steer (8) speed
1. COMPLETE the text with the verbs in parenthesis in the Present Perfect or Simple Past tense:
Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change)
__________________ a great deal. The first computers (be) ___________________ simple machines
designed for basic tasks. They (have, not) _____________________ much memory and they
(be, not) ___________________ very powerful. Early computers (be) __________________ often
quite expensive and customers often (pay) __________________ thousands of dollars for machines
which actually (do) __________________ very little. Most computers
(be) ___________________separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for
playing games.
Times (change) ___________________. Computers (become) ____________________ powerful
machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create) ___________________a large
selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping.
We are still playing video games, but today's games (become) ____________________ faster, more
exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users (get, also) _____________________ on the
Internet and (begin) __________________ communicating with other computer users around the
world. We (start) ___________________ to create international communities online. In short, the
simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) ___________________ into an international World
Wide Web of knowledge.
Handout: Present Perfect x Simple Past
2. FILL IN the blanks with the verbs in the box in the Present Perfect or Simple Past tense:
walk - lose (2x) - arrive - refuse - snow - have (3x) - miss - do - be - call - go - leave - give - promise
I ____________________ (not) a very good week this week. On Monday I ____________________ my
purse. There ____________________ not a lot of money in it, but it had a sentimental value for me. It’s
the first time I _____________________ anything.
On Tuesday, I ____________________ the bus. That’s something I ____________________ (not)
since last winter, when _____________________ a lot. Of course, when I ____________________ in
late, my boss ____________________ me a good telling off.
Which brings me to today: for a start, I ___________________ a headache all day, and I still have – it
____________________ (not) away. At 9.05 my word processor ___________________ to work. I
____________________ the technicians, and they ___________________ me a new one, but it
____________________ (not) yet.
So now it’s 5.25 on Wednesday evening and I’m feeling rather nervous – I
_____________________ enough trouble already this week, and I don’t need any more! I
_____________________ (not) the office yet – I hope nothing else happens in the last five minutes!
Handout: Present Perfect x Simple Past
I. READ the text and COMPLETE it with the verbs in parenthesis in the Present Perfect or Simple Past:
The World Cup of football – that’s soccer to the Americans, Canadians, Irish, and Aussies – has been held every four
years since 1930, with the exception of two years during World War II, and from relatively humble beginnings, it
______________________ (turn) into the most-watched sporting event in the world.
Because the World Cup is held only every four years, ______________________ (there be) only 19 tournaments since it
_______________________ (begin) in 1930. It’s an exclusive club of countries that ______________________
(complete) in any World Cup, and an even more exclusive club of countries that ________________________ (win) it.
Out of 19 tournaments, only one country __________________________ (win) five times (Brazil), one has four titles
(Italy), and one has three (Germany). Brazil has the added honor of being the only country to ______________________
(participate) in every single World Cup.
Hosting the World Cup is a major source of national pride for any country, both because it has the history of giving the
home team a bit of an advantage and because the influx of footy fans can mean a corresponding influx of money. So
we thought we’d take a walk down World Cup memory lane and look at the countries that _____________________
(hold) the World Cup.
Although Brazil has the most World Cup wins of any country, they ______________________ (only host) the
tournament once – in 1950. (That will change in 2014, when the World Cup returns to Brazil.) This ________________
(be) the first World Cup after the 12-year hiatus during World War II, and the structure of the tournament was different.
_____________________ (there be) no final match in 1950 to determine the winner – only a series of games between
four teams, and the last game between Uruguay and Brazil ________________________ (end) up being the one that
______________________ (decide) the winner. Uruguay ______________________ (beat) the host nation 2-1, winning
their second World Cup – this despite how well Brazil had played that year. Uruguay’s game-winning goal
_________________________ (silence) the Brazilian crowd.
II. On your notebook, WRITE down the meaning of the eight (8) underlined words in the text.
1. What is the main purpose of the text?
a.( ) advertise the 2014 World Cup; b.( ) explain the World Cup importance; c.( ) show the event's history.
2. GIVE two (2) reasons why Brazil is special in the World Cup history.
3. POINT OUT the two (2) advantages a country gets by hosting a World Cup event.
4. GIVE your opinion on the sentence: "Hosting the World Cup is a major source of national
pride for any country". (min. 20 words)
IV. ANAYZE the cartoon and ANSWER:
1. EXPLAIN the idea in the last box.
2. Is it a positive or negative point of view? EXPLAIN.
3. Do you agree? JUSTIFY.
1. During the football game, Ben injured
a) his left leg. b) his ankle. c) his hand.
2. Because he was injured he didn't
a) play football ever again.
b) go to the hospital.
c) play for more than 3 months.
1. Dina was crossing the field
a) alone. b) running. c) with her sister.
2. Dina knows animals can
a) sense fear. b) run fast. c) run away.
- Have you ever gotten injured while you were
playing a sport?
- Yes, I have. I was playing football and it was
just after kickoff. I was jumping up to catch the
ball when a player from the other team knocked
me over. Then I fell heavily on my left leg.
- Oh, no! Were you badly hurt?
- Ah… yes. I twisted my ankle and couldn’t play
football for more than three months.
- Have you ever been in a dangerous situation?
- Yes, I have. I was walking my dog one day with
my sister and we were crossing this field. There
was a horse in the field and it suddenly started
running toward us looking really angry.
- What did you do?
- Well, I know you are not supposed to run away
from animals because they can sense your fear
but we ran away as fast as we could.
1. On the first time Frank broke his nose
a) a person pushed him.
b) a person kicked him.
c) the ball hit him.
2. On the second time, during a tennis match
a) he missed the ball.
b) a player hit him in the face.
c) he fell on the floor.
1. Paula almost crashed her car when she
a) turned off on a highway.
b) slammed on her brakes.
c) was close to exit on a highway.
2. She didn't crash because
a) she slowed down.
b) the other car stopped.
c) the other car pulled in front of her.
- Have you ever broken a bone?
- Yes, I’ve broken my nose twice. The first
time I was playing soccer when one of the
other players kicked me in the face. The
second time I was playing tennis. I missed
the ball and it hit me right on the nose.
- Have you ever been really frightened?
- Yes, I have. Last summer I was driving on
a highway in Mexico and we were getting
closer to my exit so I got into the right
hand lane, ready to turn off when this car
screeched up next to me, pulled in front of
me and slammed on his brakes. I don’t
know how I was able to slow down fast
enough to avoid him. I’ve never been so
frightened in my life!
1. Glen started to drown when she
a) the waver pulled heris farther away from the beach.
b) didn't feel the bottom of the sea.
c) couldn't swim.
2. She felt calm when
a) someone pulled heim out of water.
b) she was floating away,
c) she was drowning.
- Have you ever thought you were going to die?
- Yeah, it was when I was eight or nine and I was at the beach with my parents. I was
playing in the ocean but on the edge because I couldn’t swim. Suddenly I realized that I
couldn’t feel the bottom and the waves were pulling me farther away from the beach.
For a few seconds I panicked and I started swallowing a lot of water. Then I felt really
calm as if I were floating away. I was drowning! Fortunately someone saw me and pulled
me out on time.
51% believe climate change is caused by human
29% believe it's occurring naturally
15% believe climate change needs to be proven
scientifically either way
3% believe climate change doesn’t exist.
Climate change
Scientists agree that the world's climate has become warmer over the past 50 years. Some
believe that human activities have caused climate change. Others believe that they are not
responsible for global warming.
Scientists say before 1850, when records began, warm or cold periods always occurred.
However, since the Industrial Revolution, the CO2 in the atmosphere has increased 31%
contributing to the greenhouse effect.
Other scientists point out that volcanos and other natural processes have always released
CO2 into the atmosphere, and that human activity has contributed a rise in CO2 of only
three per cent (3%).
In 1999, 156 countries signed the Kyoto protocol, a UNO agreement on climate change to
reduce greenhouse gases emission, although, countries such as the USA and Australia have
not taken any action.
1. Check the best option according to the text: "Scientists agree that the world's climate has become
warmer over the past 50 years. Some believe that human activities have caused climate change. Others
believe that they are not responsible for global warming."
a) Scientists disagree the climate has changed over time.
b) Scientists disagree on the causes of climate change.
c) Scientists disagree on the consequences of global warming.
2. Check the best option according to the text: "Scientists say before 1850, when records began, warm or
cold periods always occurred. However, since the Industrial Revolution, the CO2 in the atmosphere has
increased 31% contributing to the greenhouse effect."
a) Scientists studied the climate warm and cold periods before 1850.
b) Some scientists believe the industry has contributed with the climate change.
c) Some scientists believe the industry contributed with the greenhouse effect.
3. Check the best option according to the text: "Other scientists point out that volcanos and other natural
processes have always released CO2 into the atmosphere, and that human activity has contributed a rise in
CO2 of only three per cent (3%)."
a) Other scientists disagree there is more CO2 in the atmosphere today.
b) Other scientists agree that CO2 emission started with the Industrial Revolution.
c) Other scientists believe human activity was not enough to change the climate.
4. Check the best option according to the text: "In 1999, 156 countries signed the Kyoto protocol, a UNO
agreement on climate change to reduce greenhouse gases emission, although, countries such as the USA
and Australia have not taken any action."
a) Since 1999, 156 have worked to reduce greenhouse gases emission.
b) The Kyoto protocol agrees with scientists' both explanations about climate change.
c) UNO agrees human activity has influenced on climate change.
5. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "She has already called him today." because:
a) the time is not finished yet.
b) the action is more important than when it happened.
c) the action has happened repeatedly in her life.
6. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "They have never seen the sea." because:
a) the situation has changed over time.
b) the action is more important than when it happened.
c) it is part of their life experience.
7. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "You have missed 7 classes." because:
a) the action has happened repeatedly in your life.
b) the situation has changed over time.
c) the action is more important than when it happened.
8. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "The world temperature has increased." because:
a) the time is not finished yet.
b) the situation has changed over time.
c) the action has happened repeatedly over time.
9. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "My mother has bought me a cell phone." because:
a) the time is not finished yet.
b) the action is more important than when it happened.
c) the situation has changed over time.
10. Check the correct option to complete the sentence: "I've never ____ so sad."
a) fell
b) fallen
c) felt
11. "She has ____ her bag with her."
a) took
b) taken
c) taked
12. "My dad has ____ me some money."
a) left
b) leaved
c) leaven
15. Check the option that best completes the text: "She hasn't driven since the accident. She was
very ____ when the car suddenly ____ on the brakes and came ____ her. She got ____ and broke a
a) scared - slamed - for - hurt - bone
b) frightened - slamed - toward - injured - bone
c) far - came - toward - injured - nose
13. "Have you ____ told your parents?"
a) yet
b) already
c) have
14. "My mail hasn't come ____. "
a) already
b) ever
c) yet
16. Check the option that best completes the text: "____ many other companies, Google likes its
workers to think "outside the box". It is a company known ____ for its creativity and ____ the desks
you won't find formal people working ____ normal office hours.
a) unlike - worldwide - behind - through
b) contrary to - around the world - between - along
c) differently - in the world - beside - through
17. Check the correct sentence:
a) I have gone to California. It's beautiful.
b) They have been to the movies. Can I take your message?
c) Karen has never been there, she doesn't know the way.
18. Check the correct sentence:
a) Her boyfriend has come last night.
b) Two years ago Mike has lost his cat.
c) They have brought their uniforms.
19. Check the correct sentence:
a) In the last 5 years she wrote many books.
b) Since 2004 she has grown a lot.
c) I already went to India twice.
20. Check the correct sentence:
a) Have they found a new place to live yet?
b) Have you ever fallen in love when you were a child?
c) How long are you a secretary for?
PHRASAL VERBS: verbs + preposition
1. the novelty WEARS OFF ( ) END UP WITH = finish
2. FALLING OUT with him ( ) RELY ON = trust, depend on
3. HIT IT OFF straight away ( ) AVOID = refuse, keep distance
4. someone I can TURN TO ( ) DISSAPEAR = finish, stop
5. CUT OUT the habit ( ) QUARREL, FIGHT = disagree
6. STAY AWAY from them ( ) GET ALONG WITH = establish a
I just GO OUT there
STUDENT’S BOOK p. 66, 67
What has Usain Bolt done so far?
He has won hundreds of medals.
Present Perfect
have/has + participle
General rule: Actions started in the past and
continue or have some kind of result in the
I've lived here FOR 10 years.
We haven't done much SINCE yesterday.
What has Usain been doing lately?
He has been practicing for the Olympics in Rio.
Present Perfect Progressive
have/has + been + verb-gerund
General rule: Actions in progress from the
past up to the present.
I've been working here FOR 10 years!
She has been doing that SINCE yesterday!
Present Perfect Progressive
activity: I've been fixing my bike. (that's why I have been so busy lately)
result: I've fixed my bike. (now I can ride)
When the focus is on duration or situation, there is very little difference in meaning:
How long have you worked/been working here?
7 mins
Present Perfect Progressive
1. The action may be recently finished or
continuing with present results:
Look at you! What have you been doing?
2. To emphasize an action repeated many
times or the length of an action:
I have been taking the garbage out for a week.
1. When the result is how much/many
I've saved 100 dollars so far.
I've been saving.
She has bought 6 bags.
She's been buying 6 bags.
2.verbs which refer to state (be, want, have)
She's had a cold this week.
She's been having a cold this week.
You've been depressed since Christmas.
You've been being depressed since Xmas.
5 mins
1 Reading
(1) has become
(2) have reached
(3) have given up
(4) has replaced
(5) has climbed
(6) has been
(7) has now
(8) has gone back
(9) Has already
Homework checking
Workbook p. 50, 51
2 Present Perfect - already/yet
(2) She hasn’t prepared the food
(3) She hasn’t blown up the
balloons yet.
(4) She has already downloaded
music onto her MP3 player
(5) She hasn’t changed into new
clothes yet.
(6) She has already moved the
(7) She hasn’t put out plates and
glasses yet.
(8) She hasn’t open her gifts yet.
5 Vocabulary
camping, home, wrong
shopping, skiing, to
sleep, on vacation,
an accident, fun, an idea, a
meal, a party, a picnic
6 Pronunciation
/a/ star
army, calm, charm, heart,
party, start
/o/ wars
board, law, quarter, towar
d, wall, warm
Your name: __________ e ___________ (both students)
(Add First letter of Surname if necessary)
Passcode: csmtest1
At the end press SUBMIT and check your answers
I’ll receive a report with your performance [desempenho]
DICTIONARIES YOU CAN USE: Translators are not allowed!!! (bilingue) (monolingue)
Surprise Test

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10 02 9o ano

  • 1.
  • 2. President Barak Obama: “We are imposing sanctions on Russia for its military takeover in Crimea and for stealing the assets of the Ukrainian people. The Russian takeover is unconstitutional. We demand Russian forces to return to their bases in Russia.” President: Vladimir Putin: “It seems like the Americans are in a lab and they’re running all sorts of experiments on the rats without understanding consequences of what they’re doing. While Europe and the United States criticized Russia for its actions, I want to remind them of military interventions in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan.”
  • 3.
  • 5. RESEARCH: - What has triggered (started) this crisis between Russia and Ukraine? - What has Russia done so far? - Why is the European Union involved? What has it done so far. - Why is the U.S.A. interested in the conflict? What has it done so far? - How is Crimea involved? What has happened in Crimea so far? - In your opinion, what results is this crisis going to present? WRITE: (your own ideas, not copies or translators) a paragraph (30-60 words) SUMMARIZING and EXPLAINING the conflict and ESTIMATE the possible outcome (result). Homework due to 17/03 [9oB] 19/03 [9oA] em folha de redação para entregar (não aceito folha de caderno)
  • 6. CHECK Homework Workbook p. 52, 53 2 Present Perfect – ever/never (2) has ever gone (3) Have you ever imagined (4) have never wanted (5) Have you ever thought (6) have never heard (7) have never felt (8) have never enjoyed 3 Present Perfect – Simple Past (2) Has Stella ever won a prize? Yes, she has. She won one last month. (3) Has Darren ever flown a plane? Yes, he has. He flew one two years ago. (4) Have Josh and Laura ever performed their songs on TV? Yes, they have. They performed last night. (5) Has Anna ever played soccer? Yes, she has. She played it a week ago. (6) Have Emily and Jack ever tried salsa dancing? Yes, they have. They have tried it last weekend. 5 Vocabulary (1) float (2) imagine (3) wonder (4) push (5) roll (6) contain ( 7) steer (8) speed
  • 7. 1. COMPLETE the text with the verbs in parenthesis in the Present Perfect or Simple Past tense: Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change) __________________ a great deal. The first computers (be) ___________________ simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not) _____________________ much memory and they (be, not) ___________________ very powerful. Early computers (be) __________________ often quite expensive and customers often (pay) __________________ thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do) __________________ very little. Most computers (be) ___________________separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games. Times (change) ___________________. Computers (become) ____________________ powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers (create) ___________________a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's games (become) ____________________ faster, more exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users (get, also) _____________________ on the Internet and (begin) __________________ communicating with other computer users around the world. We (start) ___________________ to create international communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) ___________________ into an international World Wide Web of knowledge. Source: Handout: Present Perfect x Simple Past
  • 8. 2. FILL IN the blanks with the verbs in the box in the Present Perfect or Simple Past tense: walk - lose (2x) - arrive - refuse - snow - have (3x) - miss - do - be - call - go - leave - give - promise I ____________________ (not) a very good week this week. On Monday I ____________________ my purse. There ____________________ not a lot of money in it, but it had a sentimental value for me. It’s the first time I _____________________ anything. On Tuesday, I ____________________ the bus. That’s something I ____________________ (not) since last winter, when _____________________ a lot. Of course, when I ____________________ in late, my boss ____________________ me a good telling off. Which brings me to today: for a start, I ___________________ a headache all day, and I still have – it ____________________ (not) away. At 9.05 my word processor ___________________ to work. I ____________________ the technicians, and they ___________________ me a new one, but it ____________________ (not) yet. So now it’s 5.25 on Wednesday evening and I’m feeling rather nervous – I _____________________ enough trouble already this week, and I don’t need any more! I _____________________ (not) the office yet – I hope nothing else happens in the last five minutes! Source: Handout: Present Perfect x Simple Past
  • 9. I. READ the text and COMPLETE it with the verbs in parenthesis in the Present Perfect or Simple Past: The World Cup of football – that’s soccer to the Americans, Canadians, Irish, and Aussies – has been held every four years since 1930, with the exception of two years during World War II, and from relatively humble beginnings, it ______________________ (turn) into the most-watched sporting event in the world. Because the World Cup is held only every four years, ______________________ (there be) only 19 tournaments since it _______________________ (begin) in 1930. It’s an exclusive club of countries that ______________________ (complete) in any World Cup, and an even more exclusive club of countries that ________________________ (win) it. Out of 19 tournaments, only one country __________________________ (win) five times (Brazil), one has four titles (Italy), and one has three (Germany). Brazil has the added honor of being the only country to ______________________ (participate) in every single World Cup. Hosting the World Cup is a major source of national pride for any country, both because it has the history of giving the home team a bit of an advantage and because the influx of footy fans can mean a corresponding influx of money. So we thought we’d take a walk down World Cup memory lane and look at the countries that _____________________ (hold) the World Cup. Although Brazil has the most World Cup wins of any country, they ______________________ (only host) the tournament once – in 1950. (That will change in 2014, when the World Cup returns to Brazil.) This ________________ (be) the first World Cup after the 12-year hiatus during World War II, and the structure of the tournament was different. _____________________ (there be) no final match in 1950 to determine the winner – only a series of games between four teams, and the last game between Uruguay and Brazil ________________________ (end) up being the one that ______________________ (decide) the winner. Uruguay ______________________ (beat) the host nation 2-1, winning their second World Cup – this despite how well Brazil had played that year. Uruguay’s game-winning goal _________________________ (silence) the Brazilian crowd. II. On your notebook, WRITE down the meaning of the eight (8) underlined words in the text. 1. What is the main purpose of the text? a.( ) advertise the 2014 World Cup; b.( ) explain the World Cup importance; c.( ) show the event's history. 2. GIVE two (2) reasons why Brazil is special in the World Cup history. 3. POINT OUT the two (2) advantages a country gets by hosting a World Cup event.
  • 10. 4. GIVE your opinion on the sentence: "Hosting the World Cup is a major source of national pride for any country". (min. 20 words) IV. ANAYZE the cartoon and ANSWER: 1. EXPLAIN the idea in the last box. 2. Is it a positive or negative point of view? EXPLAIN. 3. Do you agree? JUSTIFY.
  • 11. Ben 1. During the football game, Ben injured a) his left leg. b) his ankle. c) his hand. 2. Because he was injured he didn't a) play football ever again. b) go to the hospital. c) play for more than 3 months. Dina 1. Dina was crossing the field a) alone. b) running. c) with her sister. 2. Dina knows animals can a) sense fear. b) run fast. c) run away. LISTENING COMPREHENSION CHECKING - Have you ever gotten injured while you were playing a sport? - Yes, I have. I was playing football and it was just after kickoff. I was jumping up to catch the ball when a player from the other team knocked me over. Then I fell heavily on my left leg. - Oh, no! Were you badly hurt? - Ah… yes. I twisted my ankle and couldn’t play football for more than three months. - Have you ever been in a dangerous situation? - Yes, I have. I was walking my dog one day with my sister and we were crossing this field. There was a horse in the field and it suddenly started running toward us looking really angry. - What did you do? - Well, I know you are not supposed to run away from animals because they can sense your fear but we ran away as fast as we could.
  • 12. Frank 1. On the first time Frank broke his nose a) a person pushed him. b) a person kicked him. c) the ball hit him. 2. On the second time, during a tennis match a) he missed the ball. b) a player hit him in the face. c) he fell on the floor. Paula 1. Paula almost crashed her car when she a) turned off on a highway. b) slammed on her brakes. c) was close to exit on a highway. 2. She didn't crash because a) she slowed down. b) the other car stopped. c) the other car pulled in front of her. - Have you ever broken a bone? - Yes, I’ve broken my nose twice. The first time I was playing soccer when one of the other players kicked me in the face. The second time I was playing tennis. I missed the ball and it hit me right on the nose. - Have you ever been really frightened? - Yes, I have. Last summer I was driving on a highway in Mexico and we were getting closer to my exit so I got into the right hand lane, ready to turn off when this car screeched up next to me, pulled in front of me and slammed on his brakes. I don’t know how I was able to slow down fast enough to avoid him. I’ve never been so frightened in my life!
  • 13. Glen 1. Glen started to drown when she a) the waver pulled heris farther away from the beach. b) didn't feel the bottom of the sea. c) couldn't swim. 2. She felt calm when a) someone pulled heim out of water. b) she was floating away, c) she was drowning. - Have you ever thought you were going to die? - Yeah, it was when I was eight or nine and I was at the beach with my parents. I was playing in the ocean but on the edge because I couldn’t swim. Suddenly I realized that I couldn’t feel the bottom and the waves were pulling me farther away from the beach. For a few seconds I panicked and I started swallowing a lot of water. Then I felt really calm as if I were floating away. I was drowning! Fortunately someone saw me and pulled me out on time.
  • 14. 51% believe climate change is caused by human activities 29% believe it's occurring naturally 15% believe climate change needs to be proven scientifically either way 3% believe climate change doesn’t exist. Climate change Scientists agree that the world's climate has become warmer over the past 50 years. Some believe that human activities have caused climate change. Others believe that they are not responsible for global warming. Scientists say before 1850, when records began, warm or cold periods always occurred. However, since the Industrial Revolution, the CO2 in the atmosphere has increased 31% contributing to the greenhouse effect. Other scientists point out that volcanos and other natural processes have always released CO2 into the atmosphere, and that human activity has contributed a rise in CO2 of only three per cent (3%). In 1999, 156 countries signed the Kyoto protocol, a UNO agreement on climate change to reduce greenhouse gases emission, although, countries such as the USA and Australia have not taken any action.
  • 15. 1. Check the best option according to the text: "Scientists agree that the world's climate has become warmer over the past 50 years. Some believe that human activities have caused climate change. Others believe that they are not responsible for global warming." a) Scientists disagree the climate has changed over time. b) Scientists disagree on the causes of climate change. c) Scientists disagree on the consequences of global warming. 2. Check the best option according to the text: "Scientists say before 1850, when records began, warm or cold periods always occurred. However, since the Industrial Revolution, the CO2 in the atmosphere has increased 31% contributing to the greenhouse effect." a) Scientists studied the climate warm and cold periods before 1850. b) Some scientists believe the industry has contributed with the climate change. c) Some scientists believe the industry contributed with the greenhouse effect. 3. Check the best option according to the text: "Other scientists point out that volcanos and other natural processes have always released CO2 into the atmosphere, and that human activity has contributed a rise in CO2 of only three per cent (3%)." a) Other scientists disagree there is more CO2 in the atmosphere today. b) Other scientists agree that CO2 emission started with the Industrial Revolution. c) Other scientists believe human activity was not enough to change the climate. 4. Check the best option according to the text: "In 1999, 156 countries signed the Kyoto protocol, a UNO agreement on climate change to reduce greenhouse gases emission, although, countries such as the USA and Australia have not taken any action." a) Since 1999, 156 have worked to reduce greenhouse gases emission. b) The Kyoto protocol agrees with scientists' both explanations about climate change. c) UNO agrees human activity has influenced on climate change.
  • 16. 5. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "She has already called him today." because: a) the time is not finished yet. b) the action is more important than when it happened. c) the action has happened repeatedly in her life. 6. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "They have never seen the sea." because: a) the situation has changed over time. b) the action is more important than when it happened. c) it is part of their life experience. 7. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "You have missed 7 classes." because: a) the action has happened repeatedly in your life. b) the situation has changed over time. c) the action is more important than when it happened. 8. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "The world temperature has increased." because: a) the time is not finished yet. b) the situation has changed over time. c) the action has happened repeatedly over time. 9. The Present Perfect is used in the sentence: "My mother has bought me a cell phone." because: a) the time is not finished yet. b) the action is more important than when it happened. c) the situation has changed over time.
  • 17. 10. Check the correct option to complete the sentence: "I've never ____ so sad." a) fell b) fallen c) felt 11. "She has ____ her bag with her." a) took b) taken c) taked 12. "My dad has ____ me some money." a) left b) leaved c) leaven 15. Check the option that best completes the text: "She hasn't driven since the accident. She was very ____ when the car suddenly ____ on the brakes and came ____ her. She got ____ and broke a ____." a) scared - slamed - for - hurt - bone b) frightened - slamed - toward - injured - bone c) far - came - toward - injured - nose 13. "Have you ____ told your parents?" a) yet b) already c) have 14. "My mail hasn't come ____. " a) already b) ever c) yet
  • 18. 16. Check the option that best completes the text: "____ many other companies, Google likes its workers to think "outside the box". It is a company known ____ for its creativity and ____ the desks you won't find formal people working ____ normal office hours. a) unlike - worldwide - behind - through b) contrary to - around the world - between - along c) differently - in the world - beside - through 17. Check the correct sentence: a) I have gone to California. It's beautiful. b) They have been to the movies. Can I take your message? c) Karen has never been there, she doesn't know the way. 18. Check the correct sentence: a) Her boyfriend has come last night. b) Two years ago Mike has lost his cat. c) They have brought their uniforms. 19. Check the correct sentence: a) In the last 5 years she wrote many books. b) Since 2004 she has grown a lot. c) I already went to India twice. 20. Check the correct sentence: a) Have they found a new place to live yet? b) Have you ever fallen in love when you were a child? c) How long are you a secretary for?
  • 19. PHRASAL VERBS: verbs + preposition 1. the novelty WEARS OFF ( ) END UP WITH = finish 2. FALLING OUT with him ( ) RELY ON = trust, depend on 3. HIT IT OFF straight away ( ) AVOID = refuse, keep distance 4. someone I can TURN TO ( ) DISSAPEAR = finish, stop 5. CUT OUT the habit ( ) QUARREL, FIGHT = disagree 6. STAY AWAY from them ( ) GET ALONG WITH = establish a relantionship I just GO OUT there CHECK HOMEWORK STUDENT’S BOOK p. 66, 67
  • 20. What has Usain Bolt done so far? He has won hundreds of medals. Present Perfect have/has + participle General rule: Actions started in the past and continue or have some kind of result in the present I've lived here FOR 10 years. We haven't done much SINCE yesterday. What has Usain been doing lately? He has been practicing for the Olympics in Rio. Present Perfect Progressive have/has + been + verb-gerund General rule: Actions in progress from the past up to the present. I've been working here FOR 10 years! She has been doing that SINCE yesterday! Present Perfect Progressive DIFFERENCE in FOCUS: activity: I've been fixing my bike. (that's why I have been so busy lately) result: I've fixed my bike. (now I can ride) When the focus is on duration or situation, there is very little difference in meaning: How long have you worked/been working here? 7 mins
  • 21. Present Perfect Progressive USE: 1. The action may be recently finished or continuing with present results: Look at you! What have you been doing? 2. To emphasize an action repeated many times or the length of an action: I have been taking the garbage out for a week. DO NOT USE: 1. When the result is how much/many I've saved 100 dollars so far. I've been saving. She has bought 6 bags. She's been buying 6 bags. 2.verbs which refer to state (be, want, have) She's had a cold this week. She's been having a cold this week. You've been depressed since Christmas. You've been being depressed since Xmas. 5 mins
  • 22. 1 Reading (1) has become (2) have reached (3) have given up (4) has replaced (5) has climbed (6) has been (7) has now returned (8) has gone back (9) Has already started Homework checking Workbook p. 50, 51 2 Present Perfect - already/yet (2) She hasn’t prepared the food yet. (3) She hasn’t blown up the balloons yet. (4) She has already downloaded music onto her MP3 player (5) She hasn’t changed into new clothes yet. (6) She has already moved the furniture. (7) She hasn’t put out plates and glasses yet. (8) She hasn’t open her gifts yet. 5 Vocabulary GO camping, home, wrong shopping, skiing, to sleep, on vacation, HAVE an accident, fun, an idea, a meal, a party, a picnic 6 Pronunciation /a/ star army, calm, charm, heart, party, start /o/ wars board, law, quarter, towar d, wall, warm
  • 23. Your name: __________ e ___________ (both students) (Add First letter of Surname if necessary) Passcode: csmtest1 At the end press SUBMIT and check your answers I’ll receive a report with your performance [desempenho] DICTIONARIES YOU CAN USE: Translators are not allowed!!! (bilingue) (monolingue) Surprise Test