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1. SUBS class related to pharmacology----(2) 200 word replies
1a. ED 200 word reply (HEADER)
This paper briefly highlights the author’s background. It
exposes the stance the author’s community holds on certain
drugs. It covers the mechanisms of pharmacology and the
numerous routes of absorption. It unveils the impact these
trajectories possess on the desired effect. It reveals the
influence this week’s reading has on the author’s
comprehension and empathy for those who abuse chemicals and
for those who suffer from Substance Use Disorder. It depicts the
author’s thoughts from his faith and Scripture standpoint.
Keywords: chemicals, components, pharmacology, substances,
method, trajectory, mechanism
The author was exposed to peers, who constantly defended
marijuana use as something that was not harmful while living in
the inner City (Newark, New Jersey). Many adolescents and
some adults within that community recognized this substance as
a natural plant, an agriculture. As a result, these people
believed that this substance has zero negative side effects.
Additionally, in an effort to further support their beliefs, they
considered it to be placed on this earth by God for human
consumption. Due to this misconception and the message that
was pumped through the media, smoking marijuana was the
norm and believed to be unique from other pharmaceutical
agents (Doweiko, 2015). However, Doweiko (2015) emphasizes
that it is nearly impossible to develop a mind-altering substance
without any undesired side effects. Because the brain is
integrated, it is impossible to restrict mental functions without
damaging a variety of other functions (Doweiko, 2015).
The Components of Pharmacology
The human digestive tract is designed to deny any compound
that is absorbed to pass directly into the circulation, without
filtering first through the liver (Doweiko, 2015). This process is
known as the first-pass metabolism effect (Doweiko,
2015). Doweiko (2015) asserts that a compound needs to enter
the body in an adequate strength in order to reach the desired
effect. The desirable effects (primary side effects) can be
achieved through chemical use as well as the unwanted side
effects (secondary side effects). The unattractive side effects
can range from the feeling of discomfort to life threatening
(Doweiko, 2015). The level of intensity from the use of
substances is based on the manner in which it was consumed.
The way the substance is introduced to the body will have a key
impact on the amount of time it will take to deliver the desired
effects. Additionally, it will determine the level experienced
(Doweiko, 2015).
The term biotransformation is compatible with the term
metabolism. However, the term metabolism is usually used in
regards to food. These [biotransformation] components
developed over millions of years to assist the body in handling
potentially hazardous chemicals (Doweiko, 2015). As a result of
this evolvement, these mechanisms eliminate poisons found in
spoiled foods and in drug particles (Doweiko, 2015). This do so
by altering compounds until they become eradicated from the
body via kidneys, lungs, sweat glands, and biliary tract
(Doweiko, 2015). The zero-order biotransformation process and
the first-order biotransformation process are the two types
of biotransformation (Doweiko, 2015). Both processes can only
eliminate a set percentage of compounds hourly, or days for
methadone, based on the consumer’s genetic inheritance
(Doweiko, 2015). Additionally, both processes are exercised by
four mechanisms: oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, and
conjugation (Doweiko, 2015). If large amounts of a compound
is consumed, the zero-order biotransformation process becomes
saturated, stopping this process from eliminating the compounds
in a timely manner.
The Effects the Different Routes of Absorption have on the
Substances can be introduced to the body in two
ways: enteral or parenteral (Doweiko, 2015). The enteral route
can be accessed via oral or rectal, but the oral form is the most
common practice. The different types of enteral drug
administrations are tablet and capsule, with the tablet being the
most common. Usually the tablet is meant to be ingested whole,
but it can be divided into smaller pieces to allow individuals to
consume a smaller dose of medication if desired (Doweiko,
2015). Upon entering the gastrointestinal tract, the tablet would
dissolve and separate from the binding agent and thereafter be
absorbed (Doweiko, 2015). The capsule is intended to be
consumed as whole (Doweiko, 2015). After reaching the
gastrointestinal tract, the capsule tends to break down, allowing
the desired compound to be absorbed (Doweiko, 2015).
Numerous substances can be absorbed sublingually. This
method is exercised when substances are administered under the
tongue in effort for it to be absorbed through the blood-rich
tissues, avoiding the hazard of first-pass metabolism (Doweiko,
The parenteral technique presents multiple threats to the user
depending on the substance. It produces a rapid start of desired
effects to the body (Doweiko, 2015). It can be administered via
injection of a compound straight into the body (Doweiko, 2015).
The advantages of using this method precludes people from not
being exposed to stomach juices. It prevents persons from
experiencing postponements produced by the stomach-emptying
process (Doweiko, 2015). Lastly, it stops individuals from
facing the danger of being mixed with food in the
gastrointestinal tract (Doweiko, 2015).
There are three forms of parenteral drug administration
(Doweiko, 2015). The first form is subcutaneous administration,
which is known as skin popping by injection drug addicts
(Doweiko, 2015). This form is administered via under skin and
is the slowest of the three to be absorbed. The second one is
injection of a compound(s) into the muscle tissue (intra-
muscular or IM injection) (Doweiko, 2015). Although not all
compounds can be absorbed through this route, this method can
be used for pharmaceuticals in medical practice and by anabolic
steroid abusers (Doweiko, 2015). The third one is intravenous
(or IV) injection, which is administered via injection directly
into the vein (Doweiko, 2015). This method denies the body
adequate time to adapt to the foreign chemicals (Doweiko,
2015). As a result, the body can encounter serious adverse
reaction to the substance within seconds of administration
(Doweiko, 2015).
Other forms of drug administration are transdermal, intranasal
and inhalation (snorting, inhale). The transdermal process
includes a compound being gradually absorbed through the skin
(Doweiko, 2015). The intranasal method of administration
involves the compound being snorted. This method allows the
substance to be deposited on to the blood-rich tissues in the
sinuses (Doweiko, 2015). This method is commonly used in
medical settings as well as in illicit drug use (Doweiko, 2015).
This technique is parallel to the inhalation method, because the
cardiovascular system is divided by a tissue less than
1/100,00ths of an inch thick from direct exposure to the air
(Doweiko, 2015).
Compassion for those who Struggle
This week’s reading material further enhanced the author’s
understanding for people who suffer from Substance Use
Disorder (SUD). It enlightens the author’s view on the
dangerous path people who suffer from SUD tend to travel in an
effort to obtain the desired effect. It changes the
author’s worldview from considering abusers as being mentally
disoriented to mentally ill. 2 Corinthians 4:17 states, “For this
light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight
of glory beyond all comparison.” Due to this week’s reading,
the author now believes that no one in a sound mind would
constantly and slowly harm themselves for the acquirement of a
temporary joy or a high. Therefore, the author views drug abuse
similar to playing Russian roulette, because users/abusers can
go overboard in pursuit of achieving a high, leading to their
Thoughts in Light of Faith and Scripture
Based on the authors’ religious faith, he believes that humans
have been longing for the Garden of Eden ever since the exile
of Adam and Eve. As a result, he believes that humans desire to
achieve their happy place in the form of substance abuse and
other types of addictions. Because of sin, Entwislte (2010)
hypothesizes that humans inherently own a cultured outlook.
This outlook limits our understanding of the world and our
positions in it. Therefore, author believes without the
involvement of God in our lives, we tend to resort to finding our
own piece of paradise through the use of substances and other
forms of dangerous pleasure. As the high wears off, we tend to
build tolerance using more substances and or indulging in more
self-destructive activities in an effort to numb the physical and
mental agony. These woes are believed to be casted upon us as a
result of our sins and disobedience.
Doweiko, H. E. (2015). Concept of chemical dependency (9th
edition). Cengage Learning
Entwistle, D. N., (2010). Integrative approach of psychology
and Christianity, an introduction to worldview issues,
philosophical foundations, and models of integration.
(2nd edition). Eugene, OR: Cascade books.
1b. EV 200 word replay (HEADER)
Different classes of drugs
In this week’s reading we have learned about many different
kind of drugs. I will mention and talk about a few. The first one
is Topiramate. This medication is usually used to treat people
with epilepsy. Now this medication can enhance the effect of
GABA in the brain which blocks the rewarding effect of
alcohol. ( Doweiko, p. 472). Now it is not only used to treat
adult and children with epilepsy but psychiatrist also have used
this medication. One of the reasons in which they have used it
was to treat people with bipolar disorder. Now this medication
is taking orally by mouth. Now one of the effects that this
medication does is that it lowers the level of enzymes in the
liver. Now another medication is Modafinil. This medication is
used to control the symptoms of ADHD. Now it does not only
use to treat this but also to normalize sleep patterns.
Now these drugs that are mention some of them are absorbed
the same but they all have different form of administrating
them. Now ill go head and mention couple of different ways of
administrating. The first way one can absorb is gastrointestinal
or GI. Now the way that this is absorbed is by a can
either be a tablet or capsule and it is taking orally by mouth,
(Doweiko, 2015, p. 17). Now it does not only need to be in a
capsula but in form of liquid as well. When this method is used
it is absoered threw the body very slowly. Now another form of
administrating is by injection. Now when this method is used it
has a very fast effect. There is different methods of doing IM,
that is subcutaneous when this method is used it is
administrated right under the skin layer and this method is a bit
more slow effect then the others. The next one is intra-muscular
which this method is administrated right in to the muscle. And
lastly it is intravenous, this is administrated right in to the veins
which this give a very high effect rapidly. Now another very
popular method that is also used is intranasal, which is mostly
know for snorting, which is absorbed by sniffing threw the
nose, “blood rich tissues in the sinuses”. (Doweiko, 2015, p.
Now as we learned about these different kinds of drugs and
their ways of administrating it is important to also learn the
effect of them. Now they all have different kind of effects
especially the way that they are administrated or absorb. For
example, as mention above if a drug is administrated orally by
mouth then the effect is not as high, it is very slow. But if the
drug is administrated via injection or if it goes directly into the
veins or the blood stream the high is more rapid. Now in our
textbook we learned that Injecting intravenously will instead
directly place the drug into the circulatory system and will
allow for a quick high. (Doweiko, 2015, p. 18). Now the effect
also has another important factor. One of the factors in how it
affects the person is if the person has eaten something when
they aboard or take the drug. Another key factor also is the
blood flow (Doweiko, 2015. P 3-4)
Over all I think that it is very important to not only learn about
the different kind of drugs but as well the different kind of
effect they all have. If someone know the different effect that
these drugs have then it makes it a little easier for someone to
help a person if in any case it is needed. All drugs no matter
what kind it is it affects the body but some affect the body more
than other especially the way in which the drug is
administrated. Over all this week we have learned a lot in
regards to many different kind of drugs.
Doweiko, H. E. (2015). Concepts of Chemical Dependency.
Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.
2. COUN class related to the video about Helen----(2) 100 word
2a. SR 100 word reply (HEADER)
Question 2: ”Helen identifies the automatic thought “he will
resent me,” and Dr. Lundgren extends this thought to include
“and it will be horrible if he resented you.” What other
automatic thoughts can you identify? Explain which of the 3
automatic thought types each thought relates to. How would you
work with these thoughts?”
Helen’s first automatic thought she had was, “he would be more
resentful if it was a waste of time”, to which Dr. Lundgren at
first assumed verbally that she had meant to say or been saying
“he will resent me”, which Helen confirmed was a real feeling
she was having internally and automatically. Helen mentioned
within the analysis of that automatic thought, “he is a jerk” to
the question of “what evidence exists of his resentfulness”. Dr.
Lundgren laughed in a friendly matter, letting Helen know that
would not be evidence, but “Labeling”, which Helen recognized
and seemed to dismiss as if she were kidding and not serious
about the thought, but it was a real thought. Another automatic
thought Helen had was that the classes would be a waste of
time, which she then said was linked to her feeling that if they
were it would increase the amount of her husband’s resentment
toward her.
Of the three automatic thought types discussed in our text
(Murdock, p. 322, 2013), the automatic thought of Helen’s
husband being resentful would fall in the category of “accurate,
but the conclusion drawn is distorted” because Helen is
thinking, “if I take these classes and ask my husband to watch
the kids, he will resent me”. The automatic thought Helen has
that her husband is a jerk, would be a “distorted thought that
(is) contrary to available objective evidence”. This is because,
what makes someone a jerk is subjective and labeling and there
can be no evidence for, psychologically and definitively
speaking because this automatic thought is expressing an
emotion of her dislike for the attitude of her husband causing
her vocabulary to express her dislike of who her husband is as a
person. The third automatic thought discussed of Helen thinking
the class could be a waste of time would be a thought that is
“accurate, but dysfunctional”, the thought could be true, but it
may decrease her motivation (Murdock, p. 322, 2013) to go or
distract from what is important about the class which is getting
out and meeting people and fulfilling the purpose Helen feels
she has and gifts that she has.
2b. SE 100 word reply(HEADER)
Automatic thoughts are normal and depending on content, they
can either be functional or dysfunctional (Murdock,
2013). Content of belief appears to be highly influential in the
relationship between automatic thoughts (AT) and irrational
beliefs (IB). Meta-analysis results indicate a relatively strong
relationship between irrational beliefs and the functionality of
automatic thoughts, higher levels of IBs being associated with
more dysfunctional ATs (Şoflău & David, 2017). In the
Cognitive Therapy session, Dr. Lundgren mentions that with
automatic thought, there is often as physiological sensation or
intense emotional response (Pearson, n.d.). Murdock (2013),
explains ATs to be a sort of “short hand,” or swift, evaluative
stamen of thought that exists alongside conscious thought.
Three general types of ATs are distorted thoughts without
objective, supportive evidence, accurate thoughts with distorted
conclusions, and accurate but dysfunctional thoughts. The first
example is the most common and the last type tend to contribute
to reluctance and/or anxiety in completing tasks (Murdock,
Aside from the given example of, “he will resent me,” there
were a few other instances of dysfunctional ATs in the video
(Pearson, n.d.). Helen responded with an AT when Dr.
Lundgren gave an example of what Automatic thoughts are. Dr.
Lundgren used the example of a friend not responding to a
greeting. Helen said that she would think the friend was made
at her and wondered if she should call. This is an example of
the first type of AT, in that there appears to be no objective and
supportive evidence as to why the friend would be mad at
her. Helen’s comment that her husband would be mad at her for
asking to help with the kids while she took the class also falls
into this first type. This example fits the third type of AT as
well as Helen saying that watching the kids was an imposition
on her husband. These ATs make Helen feel anxious and
reluctant to ask her husband. She has another AT couple with
IB when roleplaying how she would ask her husband for
help. She starts by saying, “I know you probably don’t want to
do this…” There is some evidence that watching the kids has
been problematic for him in the past but as Helen came to
realize, he may truly have work he must complete. By default,
this example would fall into type one. Another example of AT
is when Helen said taking the weekend class would be
dumb. Her reasoning was that she had already received her
Master’s degree in Fine Arts. She also noted that the class
would help her get the ball rolling to begin work again. I would
classify this as the second type of AT. While there is some
truth to her not needing the class for educational purposes, her
conclusion of it being dumb is distorted.
Murdock, N.L. (2013). Theories of counseling and
psychotherapy: A case approach (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle
Creek, NJ: Pearson
Pearson Learning
s. (Producer), & Lundgren, J.D. (Presenter). (n.d.). Cognitive
Therapy Session. Retrieved
Şoflău, R. & David, D.O. (2017). A Meta-Analytical Approach
of the Relationships Between the Irrationality of Beliefs and the
Functionality of Automatic Thoughts 41: 2:178.
1. SUBS class related to pharmacology----(2) 200 word replies 1a.docx

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1. SUBS class related to pharmacology----(2) 200 word replies 1a.docx

  • 1. 1. SUBS class related to pharmacology----(2) 200 word replies 1a. ED 200 word reply (HEADER) Abstract This paper briefly highlights the author’s background. It exposes the stance the author’s community holds on certain drugs. It covers the mechanisms of pharmacology and the numerous routes of absorption. It unveils the impact these trajectories possess on the desired effect. It reveals the influence this week’s reading has on the author’s comprehension and empathy for those who abuse chemicals and for those who suffer from Substance Use Disorder. It depicts the author’s thoughts from his faith and Scripture standpoint. Keywords: chemicals, components, pharmacology, substances, method, trajectory, mechanism Introduction The author was exposed to peers, who constantly defended marijuana use as something that was not harmful while living in the inner City (Newark, New Jersey). Many adolescents and some adults within that community recognized this substance as a natural plant, an agriculture. As a result, these people believed that this substance has zero negative side effects. Additionally, in an effort to further support their beliefs, they considered it to be placed on this earth by God for human consumption. Due to this misconception and the message that was pumped through the media, smoking marijuana was the norm and believed to be unique from other pharmaceutical agents (Doweiko, 2015). However, Doweiko (2015) emphasizes that it is nearly impossible to develop a mind-altering substance without any undesired side effects. Because the brain is integrated, it is impossible to restrict mental functions without damaging a variety of other functions (Doweiko, 2015). The Components of Pharmacology The human digestive tract is designed to deny any compound that is absorbed to pass directly into the circulation, without
  • 2. filtering first through the liver (Doweiko, 2015). This process is known as the first-pass metabolism effect (Doweiko, 2015). Doweiko (2015) asserts that a compound needs to enter the body in an adequate strength in order to reach the desired effect. The desirable effects (primary side effects) can be achieved through chemical use as well as the unwanted side effects (secondary side effects). The unattractive side effects can range from the feeling of discomfort to life threatening (Doweiko, 2015). The level of intensity from the use of substances is based on the manner in which it was consumed. The way the substance is introduced to the body will have a key impact on the amount of time it will take to deliver the desired effects. Additionally, it will determine the level experienced (Doweiko, 2015). The term biotransformation is compatible with the term metabolism. However, the term metabolism is usually used in regards to food. These [biotransformation] components developed over millions of years to assist the body in handling potentially hazardous chemicals (Doweiko, 2015). As a result of this evolvement, these mechanisms eliminate poisons found in spoiled foods and in drug particles (Doweiko, 2015). This do so by altering compounds until they become eradicated from the body via kidneys, lungs, sweat glands, and biliary tract (Doweiko, 2015). The zero-order biotransformation process and the first-order biotransformation process are the two types of biotransformation (Doweiko, 2015). Both processes can only eliminate a set percentage of compounds hourly, or days for methadone, based on the consumer’s genetic inheritance (Doweiko, 2015). Additionally, both processes are exercised by four mechanisms: oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, and conjugation (Doweiko, 2015). If large amounts of a compound is consumed, the zero-order biotransformation process becomes saturated, stopping this process from eliminating the compounds in a timely manner. The Effects the Different Routes of Absorption have on the High
  • 3. Substances can be introduced to the body in two ways: enteral or parenteral (Doweiko, 2015). The enteral route can be accessed via oral or rectal, but the oral form is the most common practice. The different types of enteral drug administrations are tablet and capsule, with the tablet being the most common. Usually the tablet is meant to be ingested whole, but it can be divided into smaller pieces to allow individuals to consume a smaller dose of medication if desired (Doweiko, 2015). Upon entering the gastrointestinal tract, the tablet would dissolve and separate from the binding agent and thereafter be absorbed (Doweiko, 2015). The capsule is intended to be consumed as whole (Doweiko, 2015). After reaching the gastrointestinal tract, the capsule tends to break down, allowing the desired compound to be absorbed (Doweiko, 2015). Numerous substances can be absorbed sublingually. This method is exercised when substances are administered under the tongue in effort for it to be absorbed through the blood-rich tissues, avoiding the hazard of first-pass metabolism (Doweiko, 2015). The parenteral technique presents multiple threats to the user depending on the substance. It produces a rapid start of desired effects to the body (Doweiko, 2015). It can be administered via injection of a compound straight into the body (Doweiko, 2015). The advantages of using this method precludes people from not being exposed to stomach juices. It prevents persons from experiencing postponements produced by the stomach-emptying process (Doweiko, 2015). Lastly, it stops individuals from facing the danger of being mixed with food in the gastrointestinal tract (Doweiko, 2015). There are three forms of parenteral drug administration (Doweiko, 2015). The first form is subcutaneous administration, which is known as skin popping by injection drug addicts (Doweiko, 2015). This form is administered via under skin and is the slowest of the three to be absorbed. The second one is injection of a compound(s) into the muscle tissue (intra- muscular or IM injection) (Doweiko, 2015). Although not all
  • 4. compounds can be absorbed through this route, this method can be used for pharmaceuticals in medical practice and by anabolic steroid abusers (Doweiko, 2015). The third one is intravenous (or IV) injection, which is administered via injection directly into the vein (Doweiko, 2015). This method denies the body adequate time to adapt to the foreign chemicals (Doweiko, 2015). As a result, the body can encounter serious adverse reaction to the substance within seconds of administration (Doweiko, 2015). Other forms of drug administration are transdermal, intranasal and inhalation (snorting, inhale). The transdermal process includes a compound being gradually absorbed through the skin (Doweiko, 2015). The intranasal method of administration involves the compound being snorted. This method allows the substance to be deposited on to the blood-rich tissues in the sinuses (Doweiko, 2015). This method is commonly used in medical settings as well as in illicit drug use (Doweiko, 2015). This technique is parallel to the inhalation method, because the cardiovascular system is divided by a tissue less than 1/100,00ths of an inch thick from direct exposure to the air (Doweiko, 2015). Compassion for those who Struggle This week’s reading material further enhanced the author’s understanding for people who suffer from Substance Use Disorder (SUD). It enlightens the author’s view on the dangerous path people who suffer from SUD tend to travel in an effort to obtain the desired effect. It changes the author’s worldview from considering abusers as being mentally disoriented to mentally ill. 2 Corinthians 4:17 states, “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.” Due to this week’s reading, the author now believes that no one in a sound mind would constantly and slowly harm themselves for the acquirement of a temporary joy or a high. Therefore, the author views drug abuse similar to playing Russian roulette, because users/abusers can go overboard in pursuit of achieving a high, leading to their
  • 5. demise. Thoughts in Light of Faith and Scripture Based on the authors’ religious faith, he believes that humans have been longing for the Garden of Eden ever since the exile of Adam and Eve. As a result, he believes that humans desire to achieve their happy place in the form of substance abuse and other types of addictions. Because of sin, Entwislte (2010) hypothesizes that humans inherently own a cultured outlook. This outlook limits our understanding of the world and our positions in it. Therefore, author believes without the involvement of God in our lives, we tend to resort to finding our own piece of paradise through the use of substances and other forms of dangerous pleasure. As the high wears off, we tend to build tolerance using more substances and or indulging in more self-destructive activities in an effort to numb the physical and mental agony. These woes are believed to be casted upon us as a result of our sins and disobedience. References Doweiko, H. E. (2015). Concept of chemical dependency (9th edition). Cengage Learning Entwistle, D. N., (2010). Integrative approach of psychology and Christianity, an introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration. (2nd edition). Eugene, OR: Cascade books. 1b. EV 200 word replay (HEADER) Different classes of drugs In this week’s reading we have learned about many different kind of drugs. I will mention and talk about a few. The first one is Topiramate. This medication is usually used to treat people with epilepsy. Now this medication can enhance the effect of GABA in the brain which blocks the rewarding effect of alcohol. ( Doweiko, p. 472). Now it is not only used to treat adult and children with epilepsy but psychiatrist also have used this medication. One of the reasons in which they have used it was to treat people with bipolar disorder. Now this medication
  • 6. is taking orally by mouth. Now one of the effects that this medication does is that it lowers the level of enzymes in the liver. Now another medication is Modafinil. This medication is used to control the symptoms of ADHD. Now it does not only use to treat this but also to normalize sleep patterns. Absorb Now these drugs that are mention some of them are absorbed the same but they all have different form of administrating them. Now ill go head and mention couple of different ways of administrating. The first way one can absorb is gastrointestinal or GI. Now the way that this is absorbed is by a can either be a tablet or capsule and it is taking orally by mouth, (Doweiko, 2015, p. 17). Now it does not only need to be in a capsula but in form of liquid as well. When this method is used it is absoered threw the body very slowly. Now another form of administrating is by injection. Now when this method is used it has a very fast effect. There is different methods of doing IM, that is subcutaneous when this method is used it is administrated right under the skin layer and this method is a bit more slow effect then the others. The next one is intra-muscular which this method is administrated right in to the muscle. And lastly it is intravenous, this is administrated right in to the veins which this give a very high effect rapidly. Now another very popular method that is also used is intranasal, which is mostly know for snorting, which is absorbed by sniffing threw the nose, “blood rich tissues in the sinuses”. (Doweiko, 2015, p. 18). Effect Now as we learned about these different kinds of drugs and their ways of administrating it is important to also learn the effect of them. Now they all have different kind of effects especially the way that they are administrated or absorb. For example, as mention above if a drug is administrated orally by mouth then the effect is not as high, it is very slow. But if the drug is administrated via injection or if it goes directly into the veins or the blood stream the high is more rapid. Now in our
  • 7. textbook we learned that Injecting intravenously will instead directly place the drug into the circulatory system and will allow for a quick high. (Doweiko, 2015, p. 18). Now the effect also has another important factor. One of the factors in how it affects the person is if the person has eaten something when they aboard or take the drug. Another key factor also is the blood flow (Doweiko, 2015. P 3-4) Over all I think that it is very important to not only learn about the different kind of drugs but as well the different kind of effect they all have. If someone know the different effect that these drugs have then it makes it a little easier for someone to help a person if in any case it is needed. All drugs no matter what kind it is it affects the body but some affect the body more than other especially the way in which the drug is administrated. Over all this week we have learned a lot in regards to many different kind of drugs. Reference Doweiko, H. E. (2015). Concepts of Chemical Dependency. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning. 2. COUN class related to the video about Helen----(2) 100 word replies 2a. SR 100 word reply (HEADER) Question 2: ”Helen identifies the automatic thought “he will resent me,” and Dr. Lundgren extends this thought to include “and it will be horrible if he resented you.” What other automatic thoughts can you identify? Explain which of the 3 automatic thought types each thought relates to. How would you work with these thoughts?” Helen’s first automatic thought she had was, “he would be more resentful if it was a waste of time”, to which Dr. Lundgren at first assumed verbally that she had meant to say or been saying “he will resent me”, which Helen confirmed was a real feeling
  • 8. she was having internally and automatically. Helen mentioned within the analysis of that automatic thought, “he is a jerk” to the question of “what evidence exists of his resentfulness”. Dr. Lundgren laughed in a friendly matter, letting Helen know that would not be evidence, but “Labeling”, which Helen recognized and seemed to dismiss as if she were kidding and not serious about the thought, but it was a real thought. Another automatic thought Helen had was that the classes would be a waste of time, which she then said was linked to her feeling that if they were it would increase the amount of her husband’s resentment toward her. Of the three automatic thought types discussed in our text (Murdock, p. 322, 2013), the automatic thought of Helen’s husband being resentful would fall in the category of “accurate, but the conclusion drawn is distorted” because Helen is thinking, “if I take these classes and ask my husband to watch the kids, he will resent me”. The automatic thought Helen has that her husband is a jerk, would be a “distorted thought that (is) contrary to available objective evidence”. This is because, what makes someone a jerk is subjective and labeling and there can be no evidence for, psychologically and definitively speaking because this automatic thought is expressing an emotion of her dislike for the attitude of her husband causing her vocabulary to express her dislike of who her husband is as a person. The third automatic thought discussed of Helen thinking the class could be a waste of time would be a thought that is “accurate, but dysfunctional”, the thought could be true, but it may decrease her motivation (Murdock, p. 322, 2013) to go or distract from what is important about the class which is getting out and meeting people and fulfilling the purpose Helen feels she has and gifts that she has. 2b. SE 100 word reply(HEADER) Automatic thoughts are normal and depending on content, they can either be functional or dysfunctional (Murdock, 2013). Content of belief appears to be highly influential in the relationship between automatic thoughts (AT) and irrational
  • 9. beliefs (IB). Meta-analysis results indicate a relatively strong relationship between irrational beliefs and the functionality of automatic thoughts, higher levels of IBs being associated with more dysfunctional ATs (Şoflău & David, 2017). In the Cognitive Therapy session, Dr. Lundgren mentions that with automatic thought, there is often as physiological sensation or intense emotional response (Pearson, n.d.). Murdock (2013), explains ATs to be a sort of “short hand,” or swift, evaluative stamen of thought that exists alongside conscious thought. Three general types of ATs are distorted thoughts without objective, supportive evidence, accurate thoughts with distorted conclusions, and accurate but dysfunctional thoughts. The first example is the most common and the last type tend to contribute to reluctance and/or anxiety in completing tasks (Murdock, 2013). Aside from the given example of, “he will resent me,” there were a few other instances of dysfunctional ATs in the video (Pearson, n.d.). Helen responded with an AT when Dr. Lundgren gave an example of what Automatic thoughts are. Dr. Lundgren used the example of a friend not responding to a greeting. Helen said that she would think the friend was made at her and wondered if she should call. This is an example of the first type of AT, in that there appears to be no objective and supportive evidence as to why the friend would be mad at her. Helen’s comment that her husband would be mad at her for asking to help with the kids while she took the class also falls into this first type. This example fits the third type of AT as well as Helen saying that watching the kids was an imposition on her husband. These ATs make Helen feel anxious and reluctant to ask her husband. She has another AT couple with IB when roleplaying how she would ask her husband for help. She starts by saying, “I know you probably don’t want to do this…” There is some evidence that watching the kids has been problematic for him in the past but as Helen came to realize, he may truly have work he must complete. By default, this example would fall into type one. Another example of AT
  • 10. is when Helen said taking the weekend class would be dumb. Her reasoning was that she had already received her Master’s degree in Fine Arts. She also noted that the class would help her get the ball rolling to begin work again. I would classify this as the second type of AT. While there is some truth to her not needing the class for educational purposes, her conclusion of it being dumb is distorted. Murdock, N.L. (2013). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: A case approach (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle Creek, NJ: Pearson Pearson Learning Solution s. (Producer), & Lundgren, J.D. (Presenter). (n.d.). Cognitive Therapy Session. Retrieved from ?wf=1&item=3 Şoflău, R. & David, D.O. (2017). A Meta-Analytical Approach of the Relationships Between the Irrationality of Beliefs and the Functionality of Automatic Thoughts 41: 2:178. doi:10.1007/s10608-016-9812-y