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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Shravan Vasishth
Department of Linguistics
University of Potsdam, Germany
October 9, 2014
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some important concepts from lecture 1
The bivariate distribution
Independent (normal) random variables
If we have two random variables U0, U1, and we examine their
joint distribution, we can plot a 3-d plot which shows, u0, u1, and
f(u0,u1). E.g., f (u0,u1) ⇠ (N(0,1)), with two independent
random variables:
2 3
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some important concepts from lecture 1
The bivariate distribution
Correlated random variables (r = 0.6)
The random variables U, W could be correlated positively. . .
2 3
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some important concepts from lecture 1
The bivariate distribution
Correlated random variables (r = 0.6)
. . . or negatively:
2 3
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some important concepts from lecture 1
Bivariate distributions
This is why, when talking about two normal random variables U0
and U1, we have to talk about
1 U0’s mean and variance
2 U1’s mean and variance
3 the correlation r between them
A mathematically convenient way to talk about it is in terms of the
variance-covariance matrix we saw in lecture 1:
⌃u =
u0 ru su0su1
ru su0su1 s2
0.612 .51⇥0.61⇥0.23
.51⇥0.61⇥0.23 0.232
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Today’s goals
In this second lecture, my goals are to
1 Give you a feeling for how Bayesian analysis works using two
simple examples that need only basic mathematical operations
(addition, subtraction, division, multiplication).
2 Start thinking about priors for parameters in preparation for
fitting linear mixed models.
3 Start fitting linear regression models in JAGS.
I will assign some homework which is designed to help you
understand these concepts. Solutions will be discussed next week.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Random variables
A random variable X is a function X : S ! R that associates to
each outcome w 2 S exactly one number X(w) = x.
SX is all the x’s (all the possible values of X, the support of X).
I.e., x 2 SX .
Good example: number of coin tosses till H
X : w ! x
w: H, TH, TTH,. . . (infinite)
x = 0,1,2,...;x 2 SX
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Random variables
Every discrete (continuous) random variable X has associated with
it a probability mass (distribution) function (pmf, pdf).
PMF is used for discrete distributions and PDF for continuous.
pX : SX ! [0,1] (2)
defined by
pX (x) = P(X(w) = x),x 2 SX (3)
[Note: Books sometimes abuse notation by overloading the
meaning of X. They usually have: pX (x) = P(X = x),x 2 SX ]
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Random variables
Probability density functions (continuous case) or probability mass
functions (discrete case) are functions that assign probabilities or
relative frequencies to all events in a sample space.
The expression
X ⇠ f (·) (4)
means that the random variable X has pdf/pmf f (·). For example,
if we say that X ⇠ Normal(µ,s2), we are assuming that the pdf is
f (x) =
(x µ)2
] (5)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Random variables
We also need a cumulative distribution function or cdf because,
in the continuous case, P(X=some point value) is zero and we
therefore need a way to talk about P(X in a specific range). cdfs
serve that purpose.
In the continuous case, the cdf or distribution function is defined
P(x < k) = F(x < k) = The area under the curve to the left of k
For example, suppose X ⇠ Normal(600,50).
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Random variables
We can ask for Prob(X < 600):
> pnorm(600,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))
[1] 0.5
We can ask for the quantile that has 50% of the probability to the left of
> qnorm(0.5,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))
[1] 600
. . . or to the right of it:
> qnorm(0.5,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50),lower.tail=FALSE)
[1] 600
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Random variables
We can also calculate the probability that X lies between 590 and 610:
Prob(590 < X < 610):
> pnorm(610,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))-pnorm(490,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))
[1] 0.9213504
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Random variables
Another way to compute area under the curve is by simulation:
> x<-rnorm(10000,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))
> ## proportion of cases where
> ## x is less than 500:
> mean(x<590)
[1] 0.0776
> ## theoretical value:
> pnorm(590,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))
[1] 0.0786496
We will be doing this a lot.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Random variables
E.g., in linguistics we take as continous random variables:
1 reading time: Here the random variable (RV) X has possible
values w ranging from 0 ms to some upper bound b ms (or
maybe unbounded?), and the RV X maps each possible value
w to the corresponding number (0 to 0 ms, 1 to 1 ms, etc.).
2 acceptability ratings (technically not correct; but people
generally treat ratings as continuous, at least in
3 EEG signals
In this course, due to time constraints, we will focus almost
exclusively on reading time data (eye-tracking and self-paced
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Normal random variables
We will also focus mostly on the normal distribution.
fX (x) =
(x µ)2
, • < x < •. (7)
It is conventional to write X ⇠ N(µ,s2).
Important note: The normal distribution is represented di↵erently
in di↵erent programming languages:
1 R: dnorm(mean,sigma)
2 JAGS: dnorm(mean,precision) where
precision = 1/variance
3 Stan: normal(mean,sigma)
I apologize in advance for all the confusion this will cause.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Normal random variables
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6
Normal density N(0,1)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Normal random variables
Standard or unit normal random variable:
If X is normally distributed with parameters µ and s2, then
Z = (X µ)/s is normally distributed with parameters 0,1.
We conventionally write (x) for the CDF:
(x) =
ˆ x
2 dy where y = (x µ)/s (8)
In R, we can type pnorm(x), to find out (x). Suppose x = 2:
> pnorm(-2)
[1] 0.02275013
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Normal random variables
If Z is a standard normal random variable (SNRV) then
p{Z  x} = p{Z > x}, • < x < • (9)
We can check this with R:
> ##P(Z < -x):
> pnorm(-2)
[1] 0.02275013
> ##P(Z > x):
> pnorm(2,lower.tail=FALSE)
[1] 0.02275013
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Normal random variables
Although the following expression looks scary:
(x) =
ˆ x
2 dy where y = (x µ)/s (10)
all it is saying is“find the area under the normal curve, ranging -
Infinity to x. Always visualize! ( 2):
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
Standard Normal
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Normal random variables
Since Z = ((X µ)/s) is an SNRV whenever X is normally
distributed with parameters µ and s2, then the CDF of X can be
expressed as:
FX (a) = P{X  a} = P
X µ
a µ
a µ
Practical application: Suppose you know that X ⇠ N(µ,s2), and you
know µ but not s. If you know that a 95% confidence interval is [-q,+q],
then you can work out s by
a. computing the Z ⇠ N(0,1) that has 2.5% of the area to its right:
> round(qnorm(0.025,lower.tail=FALSE),digits=2)
[1] 1.96
b. Solve for s in Z = q µ
s .
We will use this fact in Homework 0.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Normal random variables
Summary of useful commands:
## pdf of normal:
dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1)
## compute area under the curve:
pnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1)
## find out the quantile that has
## area (probability) p under the curve:
qnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 1)
## generate normally distributed data of size n:
rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Likelihood function (Normal distribution)
Let’s assume that we have generated a data point from a particular
normal distribution:
x ⇠ N(µ = 600,s2 = 50).
> x<-rnorm(1,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))
Given x, and di↵erent values of µ, we can determine which µ is
most likely to have generated x. You can eyeball the result:
400 500 600 700 800
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Likelihood function
Suppose that we had generated 10 independent values of x:
> x<-rnorm(10,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))
We can plot the likelihood of each of the x’s that the mean of the
Normal distribution that generated the data is µ, for di↵erent
values of µ:
> ## mu = 500
> dnorm(x,mean=500,sd=sqrt(50))
[1] 2.000887e-48 6.542576e-43 3.383346e-31 1.423345e-46 7.
[6] 1.686776e-41 3.214674e-39 2.604492e-40 6.892547e-50 1.
Since each of the x’s are independently generated, the total
likelihood of the 10 x’s is:
f (x1)⇥f (x2)⇥···⇥f (x10) (12)
for some µ in f (·) = Normal(µ,50).
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Likelihood function
It’s computationally easier to just take logs and sum them up (log
logf (x1)+logf (x2)⇥···⇥logf (x10) (13)
> ## mu = 500
> sum(dnorm(x,mean=500,sd=sqrt(50),log=TRUE))
[1] -986.1017
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
(Log) likelihood function
We can now plot, for di↵erent values of µ, the likelihood that each
of the µ generated the 10 data points:
> mu<-seq(400,800,by=0.1)
> liks<-rep(NA,length(mu))
> for(i in 1:length(mu)){
+ liks[i]<-sum(dnorm(x,mean=mu[i],sd=sqrt(50),log=TRUE))
+ }
> plot(mu,liks,type="l")
400 500 600 700 800
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
(Log) likelihood function
1 It’s intuitively clear that we’d probably want to declare the
value of µ that brings us to the“highest”point in this figure.
2 This is the maximum likelihood estimate, MLE.
3 Practical implication: In frequentist statistics, our data
vector x is assumed to be X ⇠ N(µ,s2), and we attempt to
figure out the MLE, i.e., the estimates of µ and s2 that
would maximize the likelihood.
4 In Bayesian models, when we assume a uniform prior, we will
get an estimate of the parameters which coincides with the
MLE (examples coming soon).
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Some preliminaries: Probability distributions
Bayesian modeling examples
Next, I will work through five relatively simple examples that use
Bayes’ Theorem.
1 Example 1: Proportions
2 Example 2: Normal distribution
3 Example 3: Linear regression with one predictor
4 Example 4: Linear regression with multiple predictors
5 Example 5: Generalized linear models example (binomial link).
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
1 Recall the binomial distribution: Let X: no. successes in n
trials. We generally assume that
X ⇠ Binomial(n,q), q unknown.
2 Suppose we have 46 successes out of 100. We generally use
the empirically observed proportion 46/100 as our estimate of
q. I.e., we assume that the generating distribution is
X ⇠ Binomial(n = 100,q = .46).
3 This is because, for all possible values of q, going from 0 to 1,
0.46 has the highest likelihood.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
> dbinom(x=46,size=100,0.4)
[1] 0.03811036
> dbinom(x=46,size=100,0.46)
[1] 0.07984344
> dbinom(x=46,size=100,0.5)
[1] 0.0579584
> dbinom(x=46,size=100,0.6)
[1] 0.001487007
Actually, we could take a whole range of values of q from 0 to 1
and plot the resulting probabilities.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
> theta<-seq(0,1,by=0.01)
> plot(theta,dbinom(x=46,size=100,theta),
+ xlab=expression(theta),type="l")
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
This is the likelihood function for the binomial distribution, and
we will write it as f (data | q). It is a function of q.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
Since Binomial(x,n,q) = n
x qx qn x , we can see that:
f (data | q) µ q46
(1 q)54
We are now going to use Bayes’ theorem to work out the posterior
distribution of q given the data:
f (q | data)
µ f (data | q)
f (q)
All that’s missing here is the prior distribution f (q). So let’s try to
define a prior for q.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
To define a prior for q, we will use a distribution called the Beta
distribution, which takes two parameters, a and b.
We can plot some Beta distributions to get a feel for what these
parameters do.
We are going to plot
1 Beta(a=2,b=2)
2 Beta(a=3,b=3)
3 Beta(a=6,b=6)
4 Beta(a=10,b=10)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Beta density
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
Each successive density expresses increasing certainty about q
being centered around 0.5; notice that the spread about 0.5 is
decreasing as a and b increase.
1 Beta(a=2,b=2)
2 Beta(a=3,b=3)
3 Beta(a=6,b=6)
4 Beta(a=10,b=10)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
1 If we don’t have much prior information, we could use
a=b=2; this gives us a uniform prior; this is called an
uninformative prior or non-informative prior.
2 If we have a lot of prior knowledge and/or a strong belief that
q has a particular value, we can use a larger a,b to reflect our
greater certainty about the parameter.
3 You can think of the parameter referring to the number of
successes, and the parameter b to the number of failures.
So the beta distribution can be used to define the prior distribution
of q.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
Just for the sake of illustration, let’s take four di↵erent beta priors,
each reflecting increasing certainty.
1 Beta(a=2,b=2)
2 Beta(a=3,b=3)
3 Beta(a=6,b=6)
4 Beta(a=21,b=21)
Each (except perhaps the first) reflects a belief that q = 0.5, with
varying degrees of uncertainty.
Note an important fact: Beta(q | a,b) µ qa 1(1 q)b 1.
This is because the Beta distribution is:
f (q | a,b) = (a,b)
(a) (b) qa 1(1 q)b 1
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
Now we just need to plug in the likelihood and the prior to get the
f (q | data) µ f (data | q)f (q) (16)
The four corresponding posterior distributions would be as follows
(I hope I got the sums right!).
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
f (q | data) µ [q46
(1 q)54
][q2 1
(1 q)2 1
] = q47
(1 q)55
f (q | data) µ [q46
(1 q)54
][q3 1
(1 q)3 1
] = q48
(1 q)56
f (q | data) µ [q46
(1 q)54
][q6 1
(1 q)6 1
] = q51
(1 q)59
f (q | data) µ [q46
(1 q)54
][q21 1
(1 q)21 1
] = q66
(1 q)74
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
1 We can now visualize each of these triplets of priors,
likelihoods and posteriors.
2 Note that I use the beta to model the likelihood because this
allows me to visualize all three (prior, lik., posterior) in the
same plot.
3 I first show the plot just for the prior
q ⇠ Beta(a = 2,a = 2)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
Beta(2,2) prior: posterior is shifted just a bit to the right compared to the likelihood
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
Beta(6,6) prior: Posterior shifts even more towards the prior
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
Beta(21,21) prior: Posterior shifts even more towards the prior
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
Basically, the posterior is a compromise between the prior and the
1 When the prior has high uncertainty or we have a lot of data,
the likelihood will dominate.
2 When the prior has high certainty (like the Beta(21,21) case),
and we have very little data, then the prior will dominate.
So, Bayesian methods are particularly important when you have
little data but a whole lot of expert knowledge.
But they are also useful for standard psycholinguistic research, as I
hope to demonstrate.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
An example application
(This exercise is from a Copenhagen course I took in 2012. I quote it
almost verbatim).
“The French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827) was the
first person to show definitively that the proportion of female births in
the French population was less then 0.5, in the late 18th century, using a
Bayesian analysis based on a uniform prior distribution. Suppose you
were doing a similar analysis but you had more definite prior beliefs about
the ratio of male to female births. In particular, if q represents the
proportion of female births in a given population, you are willing to place
a Beta(100,100) prior distribution on q.
1 Show that this means you are more than 95% sure that q is
between 0.4 and 0.6, although you are ambivalent as to whether it
is greater or less than 0.5.
2 Now you observe that out of a random sample of 1,000 births, 511
are boys. What is your posterior probability that q > 0.5?”
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
An example application
Show that this means you are more than 95% sure that q is
between 0.4 and 0.6, although you are ambivalent as to whether it
is greater or less than 0.5.
Prior: Beta(a=100,b=100)
> round(qbeta(0.025,shape1=100,shape2=100),digits=1)
[1] 0.4
> round(qbeta(0.975,shape1=100,shape2=100),digits=1)
[1] 0.6
> ## ambivalent as to whether theta <0.5 or not:
> round(pbeta(0.5,shape1=100,shape2=100),digits=1)
[1] 0.5
[Exercise: Draw the prior distribution]
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 1: Proportions
An example application
Now you observe that out of a random sample of 1,000 births, 511
are boys. What is your posterior probability that q > 0.5?
Prior: Beta(a=100,b=100)
Data: 489 girls out of 1000.
f (q | data) µ [q489
(1 q)511
][q100 1
(1 q)100 1
] = q588
(1 q)610
Since Beta(q | a,b) µ qa 1(1 q)b 1, the posterior is
Therefore the posterior probability of q > 0.5 is:
> qbeta(0.5,shape1=589,shape2=611,lower.tail=FALSE)
[1] 0.4908282
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 2: Normal distribution
Normal distribution
The normal distribution is the most frequently used probability
model in psycholinguistics.
If ¯x is sample mean, sample size is n and sample variance is known
to be s2, and if the prior on the mean µ is Normal(m,v), then:
It is pretty easy to derive (see Lynch textbook) the posterior mean
m⇤ and variance v⇤ analytically:
v + n
= v⇤
E[q | x] = m⇥
+ ¯x ⇥
w1 = v 1
,w2 = (s2
/n) 1
So: the posterior mean is a weighted mean of the prior and
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 2: Normal distribution
Normal distribution
1 The weight w1 is determined by the inverse of the prior
2 The weight w2 is determined by the inverse of the sample
standard error.
3 It is common in Bayesian statistics to talk about
precision = 1
variance , so that
1 w1 = v 1 = precisionprior
2 w2 = (s2/n) 1 = precisiondata
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 2: Normal distribution
Normal distribution
If w1 is very large compared to w2, then the posterior mean will be
determined mainly by the prior mean m:
E[q | x] = m⇥
+ ¯x ⇥
w1 = v 1
,w2 = (s2
/n) 1
If w2 is very large compared to w1, then the posterior mean will be
determined mainly by the sample mean ¯x:
E[q | x] = m⇥
+ ¯x ⇥
w1 = v 1
,w2 = (s2
/n) 1
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 2: Normal distribution
An example application
[This is an old exam problem from She eld University]
Let’s say there is a hormone measurement test that yields a
numerical value that can be positive or negative. We know the
The doctor’s prior: 75% interval (“patient healthy”) is
Data from patient: x = 0.2, known s = 0.15.
Compute posterior N(m*,v*).
I’ll leave this as Homework 0 (solution next week). Hint: see
slide 20.
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Simple linear regression
We begin with a simple example. Let the response variable be
yi ,i = 1,...,n, and let there be p predictors, x1i ,...,xpi . Also, let
yi ⇠ N(µi ,s2
), µi = b0 +Âbxki (26)
(the summation is over the p predictors, i.e., k = 1,...,p).
We need to specify a prior distribution for the parameters:
bk ⇠ Normal(0,1002
) logs ⇠ Unif ( 100,100) (27)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
Source: Gelman and Hill 2007
> beautydata<-read.table("data/beauty.txt",header=T)
> ## Note: beauty level is centered.
> head(beautydata)
beauty evaluation
1 0.2015666 4.3
2 -0.8260813 4.5
3 -0.6603327 3.7
4 -0.7663125 4.3
5 1.4214450 4.4
6 0.5002196 4.2
> ## restate the data as a list for JAGS:
> data<-list(x=beautydata$beauty,
+ y=beautydata$evaluation)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
We literally follow the specification of the linear model given
above. We specify the model for the data frame row by row, using
a for loop, so that for each dependent variable value yi (the
evaluation score) we specify how we believe it was generated.
yi ⇠ Normal(µ[i],s2
) i = 1,...,463 (28)
µ[i] ⇠ b0 +b1xi Note: predictor is centered (29)
Define priors on the b and on s:
b0 ⇠ Uniform( 10,10) b0 ⇠ Uniform( 10,10) (30)
s ⇠ Uniform(0,100) (31)
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
> library(rjags)
> cat("
+ model
+ {
+ ## specify model for data:
+ for(i in 1:463){
+ y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau)
+ mu[i] <- beta0 + beta1 * (x[i])
+ }
+ # priors:
+ beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10)
+ beta1 ~ dunif(-10,10)
+ sigma ~ dunif(0,100)
+ sigma2 <- pow(sigma,2)
+ tau <- 1/sigma2
+ }",
+ file="JAGSmodels/beautyexample1.jag" )
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
Data from Gelman and Hill, 2007
Some things to note in JAGS syntax:
1 The normal distribution is defined in terms of precision, not
2 ⇠ means“is generated by”
3 <-
is a deterministic assignment, like = in mathematics.
4 The model specification is declarative, order does not matter.
For example, we would have written the following in any order:
sigma ~ dunif(0,100)
sigma2 <- pow(sigma,2)
tau <- 1/sigma2
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Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
> ## specify which variables you want to examine
> ## the posterior distribution of:
> track.variables<-c("beta0","beta1","sigma")
> ## define model:
> beauty.mod <- jags.model(
+ file = "JAGSmodels/beautyexample1.jag",
+ data=data,
+ n.chains = 1,
+ n.adapt =2000,
+ quiet=T)
> ## sample from posterior:
> beauty.res <- coda.samples(beauty.mod,
+ var = track.variables,
+ n.iter = 2000,
+ thin = 1 )
56 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
> round(summary(beauty.res)$statistics[,1:2],digits=2)
Mean SD
beta0 4.01 0.03
beta1 0.13 0.03
sigma 0.55 0.02
> round(summary(beauty.res)$quantiles[,c(1,3,5)],digits=2)
2.5% 50% 97.5%
beta0 3.96 4.01 4.06
beta1 0.07 0.13 0.19
sigma 0.51 0.55 0.58
57 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
Compare with standard lm fit:
> lm_summary<-summary(lm(evaluation~beauty,
+ beautydata))
> round(lm_summary$coef,digits=2)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 4.01 0.03 157.21 0
beauty 0.13 0.03 4.13 0
> round(lm_summary$sigma,digits=2)
[1] 0.55
Note that: (a) with uniform priors, we get a Bayesian estimate
equal to the MLE, (b) we get uncertainty estimates for s in the
Bayesian model.
58 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
Posterior distributions of parameters
> densityplot(beauty.res)
3.95 4.00 4.05 4.10
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
0.50 0.55 0.60
59 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
Posterior distributions of parameters
> op<-par(mfrow=c(1,3),pty="s")
> traceplot(beauty.res)
2000 3000 4000
Trace of beta0
2000 3000 4000
Trace of beta1
2000 3000 4000
Trace of sigma
60 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations
Posterior distributions of parameters
> MCMCsamp<-as.matrix(beauty.res)
> op<-par(mfrow=c(1,3),pty="s")
> hist(MCMCsamp[,1],main=expression(beta[0]),
+ xlab="",freq=FALSE)
> hist(MCMCsamp[,2],main=expression(beta[1]),
+ xlab="",freq=FALSE)
> hist(MCMCsamp[,3],main=expression(sigma),
+ xlab="",freq=FALSE)
β0 β1 σ 61 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Homework 1: Rats’ weights
Source: Lunn et al 2012
Five measurements of a rat’s weight, in grams, as a function of
some x (say some nutrition-based variable). Note that here we will
center the predictor in the model code.
First we load/enter the data:
> data<-list(x=c(8,15,22,29,36),
+ y=c(177,236,285,350,376))
Then we fit the linear model using lm, for comparison with the
Bayesian model:
> lm_summary_rats<-summary(fm<-lm(y~x,data))
> round(lm_summary_rats$coef,digits=3)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 123.886 11.879 10.429 0.002
x 7.314 0.492 14.855 0.001
62 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 3: Linear regression
Homework 2: Rats’ weights (solution in next class)
Fit the following model in JAGS:
> cat("
+ model
+ {
+ ## specify model for data:
+ for(i in 1:5){
+ y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau)
+ mu[i] <- beta0 + beta1 * (x[i]-mean(x[]))
+ }
+ # priors:
+ beta0 ~ dunif(-500,500)
+ beta1 ~ dunif(-500,500)
+ tau <- 1/sigma2
+ sigma2 <-pow(sigma,2)
+ sigma ~ dunif(0,200)
+ }",
+ file="JAGSmodels/ratsexample2.jag" )
63 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 4: Multiple regression
Multiple predictors
Source: Baayen’s book
We fit log reading time to Trial id (centered), Native Language, and Sex.
The categorical variables are centered as well.
> lexdec<-read.table("data/lexdec.txt",header=TRUE)
> data<-lexdec[,c(1,2,3,4,5)]
> contrasts(data$NativeLanguage)<-contr.sum(2)
> contrasts(data$Sex)<-contr.sum(2)
> lm_summary_lexdec<-summary(fm<-lm(RT~scale(Trial,scale=F)+
+ NativeLanguage+Sex,data))
> round(lm_summary_lexdec$coef,digits=2)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 6.41 0.01 1061.53 0.00
scale(Trial, scale = F) 0.00 0.00 -2.39 0.02
NativeLanguage1 -0.08 0.01 -14.56 0.00
Sex1 -0.03 0.01 -5.09 0.00
64 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 4: Multiple regression
Multiple predictors
Preparing the data for JAGS:
> dat<-list(y=data$RT,
+ Trial=(data$Trial-mean(data$Trial)),
+ Lang=data$NativeLanguage,
+ Sex=data$Sex)
65 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 4: Multiple regression
Multiple predictors
The JAGS model:
> cat("
+ model
+ {
+ ## specify model for data:
+ for(i in 1:1659){
+ y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau)
+ mu[i] <- beta0 +
+ beta1 * Trial[i]+
+ beta2 * Lang[i] + beta3 * Sex[i]
+ }
+ # priors:
+ beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10)
+ beta1 ~ dunif(-5,5)
+ beta2 ~ dunif(-5,5)
+ beta3 ~ dunif(-5,5)
+ tau <- 1/sigma2
+ sigma2 <-pow(sigma,2)
+ sigma ~ dunif(0,200)
+ }",
+ file="JAGSmodels/multregexample1.jag" )
66 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 4: Multiple regression
Multiple predictors
> track.variables<-c("beta0","beta1",
+ "beta2","beta3","sigma")
> library(rjags)
> lexdec.mod <- jags.model(
+ file = "JAGSmodels/multregexample1.jag",
+ data=dat,
+ n.chains = 1,
+ n.adapt =2000,
+ quiet=T)
> lexdec.res <- coda.samples( lexdec.mod,
+ var = track.variables,
+ n.iter = 3000)
67 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 4: Multiple regression
Multiple predictors
> round(summary(lexdec.res)$statistics[,1:2],
+ digits=2)
Mean SD
beta0 6.06 0.03
beta1 0.00 0.00
beta2 0.17 0.01
beta3 0.06 0.01
sigma 0.23 0.00
> round(summary(lexdec.res)$quantiles[,c(1,3,5)],
+ digits=2)
2.5% 50% 97.5%
beta0 6.01 6.06 6.12
beta1 0.00 0.00 0.00
beta2 0.14 0.17 0.19
beta3 0.04 0.06 0.09
sigma 0.22 0.23 0.23 68 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 4: Multiple regression
Multiple predictors
Here is the lm fit for comparison (I center all predictors):
> lm_summary_lexdec<-summary(
+ fm<-lm(RT~scale(Trial,scale=F)
+ +NativeLanguage+Sex,
+ lexdec))
> round(lm_summary_lexdec$coef,digits=2)[,1:2]
Estimate Std. Error
(Intercept) 6.29 0.01
scale(Trial, scale = F) 0.00 0.00
NativeLanguageOther 0.17 0.01
SexM 0.06 0.01
Note: We should have fit a linear mixed model here; I will
return to this later.
69 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 5: Generalized linear models
We consider the model
yi ⇠ Binomial(pi ,ni ) logit(pi ) = b0 +b1(xi ¯x) (32)
A simple example is beetle data from Dobson et al 2010:
> beetledata<-read.table("data/beetle.txt",header=T)
> head(beetledata)
dose number killed
1 1.6907 59 6
2 1.7242 60 13
3 1.7552 62 18
4 1.7842 56 28
5 1.8113 63 52
6 1.8369 59 53
70 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 5: Generalized linear models
Prepare data for JAGS:
> dat<-list(x=beetledata$dose-mean(beetledata$dose),
+ n=beetledata$number,
+ y=beetledata$killed)
71 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 5: Generalized linear models
> cat("
+ model
+ {
+ for(i in 1:8){
+ y[i] ~ dbin(p[i],n[i])
+ logit(p[i]) <- beta0 + beta1 * x[i]
+ }
+ # priors:
+ beta0 ~ dunif(0,pow(100,2))
+ beta1 ~ dunif(0,pow(100,2))
+ }",
+ file="JAGSmodels/glmexample1.jag" )
72 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 5: Generalized linear models
Notice use of initial values:
> track.variables<-c("beta0","beta1")
> ## new:
> inits <- list (list(beta0=0,
+ beta1=0))
> glm.mod <- jags.model(
+ file = "JAGSmodels/glmexample1.jag",
+ data=dat,
+ ## new:
+ inits=inits,
+ n.chains = 1,
+ n.adapt =2000, quiet=T)
> glm.res <- coda.samples( glm.mod,
+ var = track.variables,
+ n.iter = 2000)
73 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 5: Generalized linear models
> round(summary(glm.res)$statistics[,1:2],
+ digits=2)
Mean SD
beta0 0.75 0.13
beta1 34.53 2.84
> round(summary(glm.res)$quantiles[,c(1,3,5)],
+ digits=2)
2.5% 50% 97.5%
beta0 0.49 0.75 1.03
beta1 29.12 34.51 40.12
74 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 5: Generalized linear models
The values match up with glm output:
> round(coef(glm(killed/number~scale(dose,scale=F),
+ weights=number,
+ family=binomial(),beetledata)),
+ digits=2)
(Intercept) scale(dose, scale = F)
0.74 34.27
75 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 5: Generalized linear models
> plot(glm.res)
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Trace of beta0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Density of beta0
N = 2000 Bandwidth = 0.03123
2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Trace of beta1
25 30 35 40 45
Density of beta1
N = 2000 Bandwidth = 0.6572 76 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Example 5: Generalized linear models
Homework 3: GLMs
We fit uniform priors to the coe cients b:
# priors:
beta0 ~ dunif(0,pow(100,2))
beta1 ~ dunif(0,pow(100,2))
Fit the beetle data again, using suitable normal distribution priors
for the coe cients beta0 and beta1. Does the posterior
distribution depend on the prior?
77 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
GLMs: Predicting future/missing data
One important thing we can do is to predict the posterior
distribution of future or missing data.
One easy to way to do this is to define how we expect the
predicted data to be generated.
This example revisits the earlier toy example from Lunn et al. on
rat data (slide 62).
> data<-list(x=c(8,15,22,29,36),
+ y=c(177,236,285,350,376))
78 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
GLMs: Predicting future/missing data
> cat("
+ model
+ {
+ ## specify model for data:
+ for(i in 1:5){
+ y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau)
+ mu[i] <- beta0 + beta1 * (x[i]-mean(x[]))
+ }
+ ## prediction
+ mu45 <- beta0+beta1 * (45-mean(x[]))
+ y45 ~ dnorm(mu45,tau)
+ # priors:
+ beta0 ~ dunif(-500,500)
+ beta1 ~ dunif(-500,500)
+ tau <- 1/sigma2
+ sigma2 <-pow(sigma,2)
+ sigma ~ dunif(0,200)
79 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
GLMs: Predicting future/missing data
> track.variables<-c("beta0","beta1","sigma","y45")
> rats.mod <- jags.model(
+ file = "JAGSmodels/ratsexample2pred.jag",
+ data=data,
+ n.chains = 1,
+ n.adapt =2000, quiet=T)
> rats.res <- coda.samples( rats.mod,
+ var = track.variables,
+ n.iter = 2000,
+ thin = 1)
80 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
GLMs: Predicting future/missing data
> round(summary(rats.res)$statistics[,1:2],
+ digits=2)
Mean SD
beta0 284.99 11.72
beta1 7.34 1.26
sigma 20.92 16.46
y45 453.87 37.37
81 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
GLMs: Predicting future/missing data
200 250 300 350 400
0 5 10 15
0 50 100 150
300 400 500 600 700 800
82 / 83
Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling
Concluding remarks
Summing up
1 In some cases Bayes’ Theorem can be used analytically
(Examples 1, 2)
2 It is relatively easy to define di↵erent kinds of Bayesian
models using programming languages like JAGS.
3 Today we saw some examples from linear models (Examples
4 Next week: Linear mixed models.
83 / 83

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Lecture 2

  • 1. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Shravan Vasishth Department of Linguistics University of Potsdam, Germany October 9, 2014 1 / 83
  • 2. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some important concepts from lecture 1 The bivariate distribution Independent (normal) random variables If we have two random variables U0, U1, and we examine their joint distribution, we can plot a 3-d plot which shows, u0, u1, and f(u0,u1). E.g., f (u0,u1) ⇠ (N(0,1)), with two independent random variables: u0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 u1 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 z 0.05 0.10 0.15 2 / 83
  • 3. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some important concepts from lecture 1 The bivariate distribution Correlated random variables (r = 0.6) The random variables U, W could be correlated positively. . . u0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 u1 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 z 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 3 / 83
  • 4. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some important concepts from lecture 1 The bivariate distribution Correlated random variables (r = 0.6) . . . or negatively: u0 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 u1 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 z 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 4 / 83
  • 5. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some important concepts from lecture 1 Bivariate distributions This is why, when talking about two normal random variables U0 and U1, we have to talk about 1 U0’s mean and variance 2 U1’s mean and variance 3 the correlation r between them A mathematically convenient way to talk about it is in terms of the variance-covariance matrix we saw in lecture 1: ⌃u =  s2 u0 ru su0su1 ru su0su1 s2 u1 =  0.612 .51⇥0.61⇥0.23 .51⇥0.61⇥0.23 0.232 (1) 5 / 83
  • 6. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Introduction Today’s goals In this second lecture, my goals are to 1 Give you a feeling for how Bayesian analysis works using two simple examples that need only basic mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication). 2 Start thinking about priors for parameters in preparation for fitting linear mixed models. 3 Start fitting linear regression models in JAGS. I will assign some homework which is designed to help you understand these concepts. Solutions will be discussed next week. 6 / 83
  • 7. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Random variables A random variable X is a function X : S ! R that associates to each outcome w 2 S exactly one number X(w) = x. SX is all the x’s (all the possible values of X, the support of X). I.e., x 2 SX . Good example: number of coin tosses till H X : w ! x w: H, TH, TTH,. . . (infinite) x = 0,1,2,...;x 2 SX 7 / 83
  • 8. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Random variables Every discrete (continuous) random variable X has associated with it a probability mass (distribution) function (pmf, pdf). PMF is used for discrete distributions and PDF for continuous. pX : SX ! [0,1] (2) defined by pX (x) = P(X(w) = x),x 2 SX (3) [Note: Books sometimes abuse notation by overloading the meaning of X. They usually have: pX (x) = P(X = x),x 2 SX ] 8 / 83
  • 9. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Random variables Probability density functions (continuous case) or probability mass functions (discrete case) are functions that assign probabilities or relative frequencies to all events in a sample space. The expression X ⇠ f (·) (4) means that the random variable X has pdf/pmf f (·). For example, if we say that X ⇠ Normal(µ,s2), we are assuming that the pdf is f (x) = 1 p 2ps2 exp[ (x µ)2 2s2 ] (5) 9 / 83
  • 10. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Random variables We also need a cumulative distribution function or cdf because, in the continuous case, P(X=some point value) is zero and we therefore need a way to talk about P(X in a specific range). cdfs serve that purpose. In the continuous case, the cdf or distribution function is defined as: P(x < k) = F(x < k) = The area under the curve to the left of k (6) For example, suppose X ⇠ Normal(600,50). 10 / 83
  • 11. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Random variables We can ask for Prob(X < 600): > pnorm(600,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50)) [1] 0.5 We can ask for the quantile that has 50% of the probability to the left of it: > qnorm(0.5,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50)) [1] 600 . . . or to the right of it: > qnorm(0.5,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50),lower.tail=FALSE) [1] 600 11 / 83
  • 12. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Random variables We can also calculate the probability that X lies between 590 and 610: Prob(590 < X < 610): > pnorm(610,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50))-pnorm(490,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50)) [1] 0.9213504 12 / 83
  • 13. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Random variables Another way to compute area under the curve is by simulation: > x<-rnorm(10000,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50)) > ## proportion of cases where > ## x is less than 500: > mean(x<590) [1] 0.0776 > ## theoretical value: > pnorm(590,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50)) [1] 0.0786496 We will be doing this a lot. 13 / 83
  • 14. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Random variables E.g., in linguistics we take as continous random variables: 1 reading time: Here the random variable (RV) X has possible values w ranging from 0 ms to some upper bound b ms (or maybe unbounded?), and the RV X maps each possible value w to the corresponding number (0 to 0 ms, 1 to 1 ms, etc.). 2 acceptability ratings (technically not correct; but people generally treat ratings as continuous, at least in psycholinguistics) 3 EEG signals In this course, due to time constraints, we will focus almost exclusively on reading time data (eye-tracking and self-paced reading). 14 / 83
  • 15. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Normal random variables We will also focus mostly on the normal distribution. fX (x) = 1 s p 2p e (x µ)2 2s2 , • < x < •. (7) It is conventional to write X ⇠ N(µ,s2). Important note: The normal distribution is represented di↵erently in di↵erent programming languages: 1 R: dnorm(mean,sigma) 2 JAGS: dnorm(mean,precision) where precision = 1/variance 3 Stan: normal(mean,sigma) I apologize in advance for all the confusion this will cause. 15 / 83
  • 16. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Normal random variables −6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 Normal density N(0,1) X density 16 / 83
  • 17. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Normal random variables Standard or unit normal random variable: If X is normally distributed with parameters µ and s2, then Z = (X µ)/s is normally distributed with parameters 0,1. We conventionally write (x) for the CDF: (x) = 1 p 2p ˆ x • e y2 2 dy where y = (x µ)/s (8) In R, we can type pnorm(x), to find out (x). Suppose x = 2: > pnorm(-2) [1] 0.02275013 17 / 83
  • 18. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Normal random variables If Z is a standard normal random variable (SNRV) then p{Z  x} = p{Z > x}, • < x < • (9) We can check this with R: > ##P(Z < -x): > pnorm(-2) [1] 0.02275013 > ##P(Z > x): > pnorm(2,lower.tail=FALSE) [1] 0.02275013 18 / 83
  • 19. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Normal random variables Although the following expression looks scary: (x) = 1 p 2p ˆ x • e y2 2 dy where y = (x µ)/s (10) all it is saying is“find the area under the normal curve, ranging - Infinity to x. Always visualize! ( 2): −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 Standard Normal x dnorm(x,0,1) φ(−2) 19 / 83
  • 20. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Normal random variables Since Z = ((X µ)/s) is an SNRV whenever X is normally distributed with parameters µ and s2, then the CDF of X can be expressed as: FX (a) = P{X  a} = P ✓ X µ s  a µ s ◆ = ✓ a µ s ◆ (11) Practical application: Suppose you know that X ⇠ N(µ,s2), and you know µ but not s. If you know that a 95% confidence interval is [-q,+q], then you can work out s by a. computing the Z ⇠ N(0,1) that has 2.5% of the area to its right: > round(qnorm(0.025,lower.tail=FALSE),digits=2) [1] 1.96 b. Solve for s in Z = q µ s . We will use this fact in Homework 0. 20 / 83
  • 21. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Normal random variables Summary of useful commands: ## pdf of normal: dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = 1) ## compute area under the curve: pnorm(q, mean = 0, sd = 1) ## find out the quantile that has ## area (probability) p under the curve: qnorm(p, mean = 0, sd = 1) ## generate normally distributed data of size n: rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1) 21 / 83
  • 22. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Likelihood function (Normal distribution) Let’s assume that we have generated a data point from a particular normal distribution: x ⇠ N(µ = 600,s2 = 50). > x<-rnorm(1,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50)) Given x, and di↵erent values of µ, we can determine which µ is most likely to have generated x. You can eyeball the result: 400 500 600 700 800 0.000.03 mu dnorm(x,mean=mu,sd=sqrt(50)) 22 / 83
  • 23. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Likelihood function Suppose that we had generated 10 independent values of x: > x<-rnorm(10,mean=600,sd=sqrt(50)) We can plot the likelihood of each of the x’s that the mean of the Normal distribution that generated the data is µ, for di↵erent values of µ: > ## mu = 500 > dnorm(x,mean=500,sd=sqrt(50)) [1] 2.000887e-48 6.542576e-43 3.383346e-31 1.423345e-46 7. [6] 1.686776e-41 3.214674e-39 2.604492e-40 6.892547e-50 1. Since each of the x’s are independently generated, the total likelihood of the 10 x’s is: f (x1)⇥f (x2)⇥···⇥f (x10) (12) for some µ in f (·) = Normal(µ,50). 23 / 83
  • 24. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Likelihood function It’s computationally easier to just take logs and sum them up (log likelihood): logf (x1)+logf (x2)⇥···⇥logf (x10) (13) > ## mu = 500 > sum(dnorm(x,mean=500,sd=sqrt(50),log=TRUE)) [1] -986.1017 24 / 83
  • 25. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions (Log) likelihood function We can now plot, for di↵erent values of µ, the likelihood that each of the µ generated the 10 data points: > mu<-seq(400,800,by=0.1) > liks<-rep(NA,length(mu)) > for(i in 1:length(mu)){ + liks[i]<-sum(dnorm(x,mean=mu[i],sd=sqrt(50),log=TRUE)) + } > plot(mu,liks,type="l") 400 500 600 700 800 −4000−1000 liks 25 / 83
  • 26. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions (Log) likelihood function 1 It’s intuitively clear that we’d probably want to declare the value of µ that brings us to the“highest”point in this figure. 2 This is the maximum likelihood estimate, MLE. 3 Practical implication: In frequentist statistics, our data vector x is assumed to be X ⇠ N(µ,s2), and we attempt to figure out the MLE, i.e., the estimates of µ and s2 that would maximize the likelihood. 4 In Bayesian models, when we assume a uniform prior, we will get an estimate of the parameters which coincides with the MLE (examples coming soon). 26 / 83
  • 27. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Some preliminaries: Probability distributions Bayesian modeling examples Next, I will work through five relatively simple examples that use Bayes’ Theorem. 1 Example 1: Proportions 2 Example 2: Normal distribution 3 Example 3: Linear regression with one predictor 4 Example 4: Linear regression with multiple predictors 5 Example 5: Generalized linear models example (binomial link). 27 / 83
  • 28. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions 1 Recall the binomial distribution: Let X: no. successes in n trials. We generally assume that X ⇠ Binomial(n,q), q unknown. 2 Suppose we have 46 successes out of 100. We generally use the empirically observed proportion 46/100 as our estimate of q. I.e., we assume that the generating distribution is X ⇠ Binomial(n = 100,q = .46). 3 This is because, for all possible values of q, going from 0 to 1, 0.46 has the highest likelihood. 28 / 83
  • 29. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions > dbinom(x=46,size=100,0.4) [1] 0.03811036 > dbinom(x=46,size=100,0.46) [1] 0.07984344 > dbinom(x=46,size=100,0.5) [1] 0.0579584 > dbinom(x=46,size=100,0.6) [1] 0.001487007 Actually, we could take a whole range of values of q from 0 to 1 and plot the resulting probabilities. 29 / 83
  • 30. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions > theta<-seq(0,1,by=0.01) > plot(theta,dbinom(x=46,size=100,theta), + xlab=expression(theta),type="l") 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 θ dbinom(x=46,size=100,theta) This is the likelihood function for the binomial distribution, and we will write it as f (data | q). It is a function of q. 30 / 83
  • 31. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions Since Binomial(x,n,q) = n x qx qn x , we can see that: f (data | q) µ q46 (1 q)54 (14) We are now going to use Bayes’ theorem to work out the posterior distribution of q given the data: f (q | data) " posterior µ f (data | q) " likelihood f (q) " prior (15) All that’s missing here is the prior distribution f (q). So let’s try to define a prior for q. 31 / 83
  • 32. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions To define a prior for q, we will use a distribution called the Beta distribution, which takes two parameters, a and b. We can plot some Beta distributions to get a feel for what these parameters do. We are going to plot 1 Beta(a=2,b=2) 2 Beta(a=3,b=3) 3 Beta(a=6,b=6) 4 Beta(a=10,b=10) 32 / 83
  • 33. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 01234 Beta density density a=2,b=2 a=3,b=3 a=6,b=6 a=60,b=60 33 / 83
  • 34. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions Each successive density expresses increasing certainty about q being centered around 0.5; notice that the spread about 0.5 is decreasing as a and b increase. 1 Beta(a=2,b=2) 2 Beta(a=3,b=3) 3 Beta(a=6,b=6) 4 Beta(a=10,b=10) 34 / 83
  • 35. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions 1 If we don’t have much prior information, we could use a=b=2; this gives us a uniform prior; this is called an uninformative prior or non-informative prior. 2 If we have a lot of prior knowledge and/or a strong belief that q has a particular value, we can use a larger a,b to reflect our greater certainty about the parameter. 3 You can think of the parameter referring to the number of successes, and the parameter b to the number of failures. So the beta distribution can be used to define the prior distribution of q. 35 / 83
  • 36. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions Just for the sake of illustration, let’s take four di↵erent beta priors, each reflecting increasing certainty. 1 Beta(a=2,b=2) 2 Beta(a=3,b=3) 3 Beta(a=6,b=6) 4 Beta(a=21,b=21) Each (except perhaps the first) reflects a belief that q = 0.5, with varying degrees of uncertainty. Note an important fact: Beta(q | a,b) µ qa 1(1 q)b 1. This is because the Beta distribution is: f (q | a,b) = (a,b) (a) (b) qa 1(1 q)b 1 36 / 83
  • 37. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions Now we just need to plug in the likelihood and the prior to get the posterior: f (q | data) µ f (data | q)f (q) (16) The four corresponding posterior distributions would be as follows (I hope I got the sums right!). 37 / 83
  • 38. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions f (q | data) µ [q46 (1 q)54 ][q2 1 (1 q)2 1 ] = q47 (1 q)55 (17) f (q | data) µ [q46 (1 q)54 ][q3 1 (1 q)3 1 ] = q48 (1 q)56 (18) f (q | data) µ [q46 (1 q)54 ][q6 1 (1 q)6 1 ] = q51 (1 q)59 (19) f (q | data) µ [q46 (1 q)54 ][q21 1 (1 q)21 1 ] = q66 (1 q)74 (20) 38 / 83
  • 39. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions 1 We can now visualize each of these triplets of priors, likelihoods and posteriors. 2 Note that I use the beta to model the likelihood because this allows me to visualize all three (prior, lik., posterior) in the same plot. 3 I first show the plot just for the prior q ⇠ Beta(a = 2,a = 2) 39 / 83
  • 40. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions Beta(2,2) prior: posterior is shifted just a bit to the right compared to the likelihood 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0246810 X post lik prior 40 / 83
  • 41. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions Beta(6,6) prior: Posterior shifts even more towards the prior 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0246810 X post lik prior 41 / 83
  • 42. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions Beta(21,21) prior: Posterior shifts even more towards the prior 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0246810 X post lik prior 42 / 83
  • 43. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions Proportions Basically, the posterior is a compromise between the prior and the likelihood. 1 When the prior has high uncertainty or we have a lot of data, the likelihood will dominate. 2 When the prior has high certainty (like the Beta(21,21) case), and we have very little data, then the prior will dominate. So, Bayesian methods are particularly important when you have little data but a whole lot of expert knowledge. But they are also useful for standard psycholinguistic research, as I hope to demonstrate. 43 / 83
  • 44. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions An example application (This exercise is from a Copenhagen course I took in 2012. I quote it almost verbatim). “The French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace (1749-1827) was the first person to show definitively that the proportion of female births in the French population was less then 0.5, in the late 18th century, using a Bayesian analysis based on a uniform prior distribution. Suppose you were doing a similar analysis but you had more definite prior beliefs about the ratio of male to female births. In particular, if q represents the proportion of female births in a given population, you are willing to place a Beta(100,100) prior distribution on q. 1 Show that this means you are more than 95% sure that q is between 0.4 and 0.6, although you are ambivalent as to whether it is greater or less than 0.5. 2 Now you observe that out of a random sample of 1,000 births, 511 are boys. What is your posterior probability that q > 0.5?” 44 / 83
  • 45. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions An example application Show that this means you are more than 95% sure that q is between 0.4 and 0.6, although you are ambivalent as to whether it is greater or less than 0.5. Prior: Beta(a=100,b=100) > round(qbeta(0.025,shape1=100,shape2=100),digits=1) [1] 0.4 > round(qbeta(0.975,shape1=100,shape2=100),digits=1) [1] 0.6 > ## ambivalent as to whether theta <0.5 or not: > round(pbeta(0.5,shape1=100,shape2=100),digits=1) [1] 0.5 [Exercise: Draw the prior distribution] 45 / 83
  • 46. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 1: Proportions An example application Now you observe that out of a random sample of 1,000 births, 511 are boys. What is your posterior probability that q > 0.5? Prior: Beta(a=100,b=100) Data: 489 girls out of 1000. Posterior: f (q | data) µ [q489 (1 q)511 ][q100 1 (1 q)100 1 ] = q588 (1 q)610 (21) Since Beta(q | a,b) µ qa 1(1 q)b 1, the posterior is Beta(a=589,b=611). Therefore the posterior probability of q > 0.5 is: > qbeta(0.5,shape1=589,shape2=611,lower.tail=FALSE) [1] 0.4908282 46 / 83
  • 47. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 2: Normal distribution Normal distribution The normal distribution is the most frequently used probability model in psycholinguistics. If ¯x is sample mean, sample size is n and sample variance is known to be s2, and if the prior on the mean µ is Normal(m,v), then: It is pretty easy to derive (see Lynch textbook) the posterior mean m⇤ and variance v⇤ analytically: v⇤ = 1 1 v + n s2 m⇤ = v⇤ ✓ m v + n¯x s2 ◆ (22) E[q | x] = m⇥ w1 w1+w2 + ¯x ⇥ w2 w1+w2 w1 = v 1 ,w2 = (s2 /n) 1 (23) So: the posterior mean is a weighted mean of the prior and likelihood. 47 / 83
  • 48. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 2: Normal distribution Normal distribution 1 The weight w1 is determined by the inverse of the prior variance. 2 The weight w2 is determined by the inverse of the sample standard error. 3 It is common in Bayesian statistics to talk about precision = 1 variance , so that 1 w1 = v 1 = precisionprior 2 w2 = (s2/n) 1 = precisiondata 48 / 83
  • 49. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 2: Normal distribution Normal distribution If w1 is very large compared to w2, then the posterior mean will be determined mainly by the prior mean m: E[q | x] = m⇥ w1 w1+w2 + ¯x ⇥ w2 w1+w2 w1 = v 1 ,w2 = (s2 /n) 1 (24) If w2 is very large compared to w1, then the posterior mean will be determined mainly by the sample mean ¯x: E[q | x] = m⇥ w1 w1+w2 + ¯x ⇥ w2 w1+w2 w1 = v 1 ,w2 = (s2 /n) 1 (25) 49 / 83
  • 50. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 2: Normal distribution An example application [This is an old exam problem from She eld University] Let’s say there is a hormone measurement test that yields a numerical value that can be positive or negative. We know the following: The doctor’s prior: 75% interval (“patient healthy”) is [-0.3,0.3]. Data from patient: x = 0.2, known s = 0.15. Compute posterior N(m*,v*). I’ll leave this as Homework 0 (solution next week). Hint: see slide 20. 50 / 83
  • 51. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Simple linear regression We begin with a simple example. Let the response variable be yi ,i = 1,...,n, and let there be p predictors, x1i ,...,xpi . Also, let yi ⇠ N(µi ,s2 ), µi = b0 +Âbxki (26) (the summation is over the p predictors, i.e., k = 1,...,p). We need to specify a prior distribution for the parameters: bk ⇠ Normal(0,1002 ) logs ⇠ Unif ( 100,100) (27) 51 / 83
  • 52. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations Source: Gelman and Hill 2007 > beautydata<-read.table("data/beauty.txt",header=T) > ## Note: beauty level is centered. > head(beautydata) beauty evaluation 1 0.2015666 4.3 2 -0.8260813 4.5 3 -0.6603327 3.7 4 -0.7663125 4.3 5 1.4214450 4.4 6 0.5002196 4.2 > ## restate the data as a list for JAGS: > data<-list(x=beautydata$beauty, + y=beautydata$evaluation) 52 / 83
  • 53. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations We literally follow the specification of the linear model given above. We specify the model for the data frame row by row, using a for loop, so that for each dependent variable value yi (the evaluation score) we specify how we believe it was generated. yi ⇠ Normal(µ[i],s2 ) i = 1,...,463 (28) µ[i] ⇠ b0 +b1xi Note: predictor is centered (29) Define priors on the b and on s: b0 ⇠ Uniform( 10,10) b0 ⇠ Uniform( 10,10) (30) s ⇠ Uniform(0,100) (31) 53 / 83
  • 54. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations > library(rjags) > cat(" + model + { + ## specify model for data: + for(i in 1:463){ + y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau) + mu[i] <- beta0 + beta1 * (x[i]) + } + # priors: + beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10) + beta1 ~ dunif(-10,10) + sigma ~ dunif(0,100) + sigma2 <- pow(sigma,2) + tau <- 1/sigma2 + }", + file="JAGSmodels/beautyexample1.jag" ) 54 / 83
  • 55. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations Data from Gelman and Hill, 2007 Some things to note in JAGS syntax: 1 The normal distribution is defined in terms of precision, not variance. 2 ⇠ means“is generated by” 3 <- is a deterministic assignment, like = in mathematics. 4 The model specification is declarative, order does not matter. For example, we would have written the following in any order: sigma ~ dunif(0,100) sigma2 <- pow(sigma,2) tau <- 1/sigma2 55 / 83
  • 56. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations > ## specify which variables you want to examine > ## the posterior distribution of: > track.variables<-c("beta0","beta1","sigma") > ## define model: > beauty.mod <- jags.model( + file = "JAGSmodels/beautyexample1.jag", + data=data, + n.chains = 1, + n.adapt =2000, + quiet=T) > ## sample from posterior: > beauty.res <- coda.samples(beauty.mod, + var = track.variables, + n.iter = 2000, + thin = 1 ) 56 / 83
  • 57. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations > round(summary(beauty.res)$statistics[,1:2],digits=2) Mean SD beta0 4.01 0.03 beta1 0.13 0.03 sigma 0.55 0.02 > round(summary(beauty.res)$quantiles[,c(1,3,5)],digits=2) 2.5% 50% 97.5% beta0 3.96 4.01 4.06 beta1 0.07 0.13 0.19 sigma 0.51 0.55 0.58 57 / 83
  • 58. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations Compare with standard lm fit: > lm_summary<-summary(lm(evaluation~beauty, + beautydata)) > round(lm_summary$coef,digits=2) Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 4.01 0.03 157.21 0 beauty 0.13 0.03 4.13 0 > round(lm_summary$sigma,digits=2) [1] 0.55 Note that: (a) with uniform priors, we get a Bayesian estimate equal to the MLE, (b) we get uncertainty estimates for s in the Bayesian model. 58 / 83
  • 59. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations Posterior distributions of parameters > densityplot(beauty.res) Density 051015 3.95 4.00 4.05 4.10 beta0 0246812 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 beta1 051020 0.50 0.55 0.60 sigma 59 / 83
  • 60. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations Posterior distributions of parameters > op<-par(mfrow=c(1,3),pty="s") > traceplot(beauty.res) 2000 3000 4000 3.954.05 Iterations Trace of beta0 2000 3000 4000 0.050.15 Iterations Trace of beta1 2000 3000 4000 0.500.56 Iterations Trace of sigma 60 / 83
  • 61. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Better looking professors get better teaching evaluations Posterior distributions of parameters > MCMCsamp<-as.matrix(beauty.res) > op<-par(mfrow=c(1,3),pty="s") > hist(MCMCsamp[,1],main=expression(beta[0]), + xlab="",freq=FALSE) > hist(MCMCsamp[,2],main=expression(beta[1]), + xlab="",freq=FALSE) > hist(MCMCsamp[,3],main=expression(sigma), + xlab="",freq=FALSE) β0 β1 σ 61 / 83
  • 62. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Homework 1: Rats’ weights Source: Lunn et al 2012 Five measurements of a rat’s weight, in grams, as a function of some x (say some nutrition-based variable). Note that here we will center the predictor in the model code. First we load/enter the data: > data<-list(x=c(8,15,22,29,36), + y=c(177,236,285,350,376)) Then we fit the linear model using lm, for comparison with the Bayesian model: > lm_summary_rats<-summary(fm<-lm(y~x,data)) > round(lm_summary_rats$coef,digits=3) Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 123.886 11.879 10.429 0.002 x 7.314 0.492 14.855 0.001 62 / 83
  • 63. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 3: Linear regression Homework 2: Rats’ weights (solution in next class) Fit the following model in JAGS: > cat(" + model + { + ## specify model for data: + for(i in 1:5){ + y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau) + mu[i] <- beta0 + beta1 * (x[i]-mean(x[])) + } + # priors: + beta0 ~ dunif(-500,500) + beta1 ~ dunif(-500,500) + tau <- 1/sigma2 + sigma2 <-pow(sigma,2) + sigma ~ dunif(0,200) + }", + file="JAGSmodels/ratsexample2.jag" ) 63 / 83
  • 64. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 4: Multiple regression Multiple predictors Source: Baayen’s book We fit log reading time to Trial id (centered), Native Language, and Sex. The categorical variables are centered as well. > lexdec<-read.table("data/lexdec.txt",header=TRUE) > data<-lexdec[,c(1,2,3,4,5)] > contrasts(data$NativeLanguage)<-contr.sum(2) > contrasts(data$Sex)<-contr.sum(2) > lm_summary_lexdec<-summary(fm<-lm(RT~scale(Trial,scale=F)+ + NativeLanguage+Sex,data)) > round(lm_summary_lexdec$coef,digits=2) Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 6.41 0.01 1061.53 0.00 scale(Trial, scale = F) 0.00 0.00 -2.39 0.02 NativeLanguage1 -0.08 0.01 -14.56 0.00 Sex1 -0.03 0.01 -5.09 0.00 64 / 83
  • 65. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 4: Multiple regression Multiple predictors Preparing the data for JAGS: > dat<-list(y=data$RT, + Trial=(data$Trial-mean(data$Trial)), + Lang=data$NativeLanguage, + Sex=data$Sex) 65 / 83
  • 66. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 4: Multiple regression Multiple predictors The JAGS model: > cat(" + model + { + ## specify model for data: + for(i in 1:1659){ + y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau) + mu[i] <- beta0 + + beta1 * Trial[i]+ + beta2 * Lang[i] + beta3 * Sex[i] + } + # priors: + beta0 ~ dunif(-10,10) + beta1 ~ dunif(-5,5) + beta2 ~ dunif(-5,5) + beta3 ~ dunif(-5,5) + tau <- 1/sigma2 + sigma2 <-pow(sigma,2) + sigma ~ dunif(0,200) + }", + file="JAGSmodels/multregexample1.jag" ) 66 / 83
  • 67. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 4: Multiple regression Multiple predictors > track.variables<-c("beta0","beta1", + "beta2","beta3","sigma") > library(rjags) > lexdec.mod <- jags.model( + file = "JAGSmodels/multregexample1.jag", + data=dat, + n.chains = 1, + n.adapt =2000, + quiet=T) > lexdec.res <- coda.samples( lexdec.mod, + var = track.variables, + n.iter = 3000) 67 / 83
  • 68. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 4: Multiple regression Multiple predictors > round(summary(lexdec.res)$statistics[,1:2], + digits=2) Mean SD beta0 6.06 0.03 beta1 0.00 0.00 beta2 0.17 0.01 beta3 0.06 0.01 sigma 0.23 0.00 > round(summary(lexdec.res)$quantiles[,c(1,3,5)], + digits=2) 2.5% 50% 97.5% beta0 6.01 6.06 6.12 beta1 0.00 0.00 0.00 beta2 0.14 0.17 0.19 beta3 0.04 0.06 0.09 sigma 0.22 0.23 0.23 68 / 83
  • 69. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 4: Multiple regression Multiple predictors Here is the lm fit for comparison (I center all predictors): > lm_summary_lexdec<-summary( + fm<-lm(RT~scale(Trial,scale=F) + +NativeLanguage+Sex, + lexdec)) > round(lm_summary_lexdec$coef,digits=2)[,1:2] Estimate Std. Error (Intercept) 6.29 0.01 scale(Trial, scale = F) 0.00 0.00 NativeLanguageOther 0.17 0.01 SexM 0.06 0.01 Note: We should have fit a linear mixed model here; I will return to this later. 69 / 83
  • 70. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 5: Generalized linear models GLMs We consider the model yi ⇠ Binomial(pi ,ni ) logit(pi ) = b0 +b1(xi ¯x) (32) A simple example is beetle data from Dobson et al 2010: > beetledata<-read.table("data/beetle.txt",header=T) > head(beetledata) dose number killed 1 1.6907 59 6 2 1.7242 60 13 3 1.7552 62 18 4 1.7842 56 28 5 1.8113 63 52 6 1.8369 59 53 70 / 83
  • 71. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 5: Generalized linear models GLMs Prepare data for JAGS: > dat<-list(x=beetledata$dose-mean(beetledata$dose), + n=beetledata$number, + y=beetledata$killed) 71 / 83
  • 72. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 5: Generalized linear models GLMs > cat(" + model + { + for(i in 1:8){ + y[i] ~ dbin(p[i],n[i]) + logit(p[i]) <- beta0 + beta1 * x[i] + } + # priors: + beta0 ~ dunif(0,pow(100,2)) + beta1 ~ dunif(0,pow(100,2)) + }", + file="JAGSmodels/glmexample1.jag" ) 72 / 83
  • 73. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 5: Generalized linear models GLMs Notice use of initial values: > track.variables<-c("beta0","beta1") > ## new: > inits <- list (list(beta0=0, + beta1=0)) > glm.mod <- jags.model( + file = "JAGSmodels/glmexample1.jag", + data=dat, + ## new: + inits=inits, + n.chains = 1, + n.adapt =2000, quiet=T) > glm.res <- coda.samples( glm.mod, + var = track.variables, + n.iter = 2000) 73 / 83
  • 74. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 5: Generalized linear models GLMs > round(summary(glm.res)$statistics[,1:2], + digits=2) Mean SD beta0 0.75 0.13 beta1 34.53 2.84 > round(summary(glm.res)$quantiles[,c(1,3,5)], + digits=2) 2.5% 50% 97.5% beta0 0.49 0.75 1.03 beta1 29.12 34.51 40.12 74 / 83
  • 75. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 5: Generalized linear models GLMs The values match up with glm output: > round(coef(glm(killed/number~scale(dose,scale=F), + weights=number, + family=binomial(),beetledata)), + digits=2) (Intercept) scale(dose, scale = F) 0.74 34.27 75 / 83
  • 76. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 5: Generalized linear models GLMs > plot(glm.res) 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Iterations Trace of beta0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Density of beta0 N = 2000 Bandwidth = 0.03123 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 253545 Iterations Trace of beta1 25 30 35 40 45 Density of beta1 N = 2000 Bandwidth = 0.6572 76 / 83
  • 77. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Example 5: Generalized linear models Homework 3: GLMs We fit uniform priors to the coe cients b: # priors: beta0 ~ dunif(0,pow(100,2)) beta1 ~ dunif(0,pow(100,2)) Fit the beetle data again, using suitable normal distribution priors for the coe cients beta0 and beta1. Does the posterior distribution depend on the prior? 77 / 83
  • 78. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Prediction GLMs: Predicting future/missing data One important thing we can do is to predict the posterior distribution of future or missing data. One easy to way to do this is to define how we expect the predicted data to be generated. This example revisits the earlier toy example from Lunn et al. on rat data (slide 62). > data<-list(x=c(8,15,22,29,36), + y=c(177,236,285,350,376)) 78 / 83
  • 79. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Prediction GLMs: Predicting future/missing data > cat(" + model + { + ## specify model for data: + for(i in 1:5){ + y[i] ~ dnorm(mu[i],tau) + mu[i] <- beta0 + beta1 * (x[i]-mean(x[])) + } + ## prediction + mu45 <- beta0+beta1 * (45-mean(x[])) + y45 ~ dnorm(mu45,tau) + # priors: + beta0 ~ dunif(-500,500) + beta1 ~ dunif(-500,500) + tau <- 1/sigma2 + sigma2 <-pow(sigma,2) + sigma ~ dunif(0,200) 79 / 83
  • 80. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Prediction GLMs: Predicting future/missing data > track.variables<-c("beta0","beta1","sigma","y45") > rats.mod <- jags.model( + file = "JAGSmodels/ratsexample2pred.jag", + data=data, + n.chains = 1, + n.adapt =2000, quiet=T) > rats.res <- coda.samples( rats.mod, + var = track.variables, + n.iter = 2000, + thin = 1) 80 / 83
  • 81. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Prediction GLMs: Predicting future/missing data > round(summary(rats.res)$statistics[,1:2], + digits=2) Mean SD beta0 284.99 11.72 beta1 7.34 1.26 sigma 20.92 16.46 y45 453.87 37.37 81 / 83
  • 82. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Prediction GLMs: Predicting future/missing data Density 0.000.05 200 250 300 350 400 beta0 0.00.4 0 5 10 15 beta1 0.000.05 0 50 100 150 sigma 0.000 300 400 500 600 700 800 y45 82 / 83
  • 83. Lecture 2: Basics of Bayesian modeling Concluding remarks Summing up 1 In some cases Bayes’ Theorem can be used analytically (Examples 1, 2) 2 It is relatively easy to define di↵erent kinds of Bayesian models using programming languages like JAGS. 3 Today we saw some examples from linear models (Examples 3-5). 4 Next week: Linear mixed models. 83 / 83