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Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Analog and Digital Electronics
Q P Code: 60302
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module – 1
1 a Explain the working of Photodiodes. 7 marks
b Describe the working of Linear Voltage Regulator. 6 marks
c Write a short note on the Liquid Crystal Displays. 7 marks
2 a Derive the equation for Non-inverting amplifier. 8 marks
b Design a inverting amplifier to obtain the following output voltage using OPAMP
Vo = -(0.5V1+0.7V2 + 0.8V3 )
6 marks
c Explain the working of Relaxation Oscillator using OPAMP 6 marks
Module – 2
3 a Simplify the following using K-Map
i) Y=Σ(0,4,5,7,9,12,15) + d(3,10)
i) Y=π(1,4,6,10,13,15) + d(7,9)
10 marks
b Simplify the following using Quine-McCluskyMethod
Y=Σ(0,1,2,4,5,6,8,9,12,13,14) + d(3,10)
10 marks
4 a Write a VHDL/Verilog code for the Full Adder.Draw the wave forms obtained after simulation. 10 marks
b Simplify the following using Quine-McCluskyMethod
Y=Σ(1,4,7,9,12,15) + d(0,7)
10 marks
Module – 3
5 a Explain the working of 8:1 MUX. Write the circuit for the same using basic gates 7 marks
b Implement the following using 3:8 decoder and using OR gates
6 marks
c Explain 7 segment decoder. 7 marks
6 a Realize a 8:1 MUX using 2:1 MUX. 7 marks
b Explain the working of Priority Encoder 7 marks
c Write a short note on Programmable Logical Devices 6 marks
Module – 4
7 a Explain the SR Flip-Flops using NAND gate. 6 marks
b What is an edge triggerd Flip-Flop. 6 marks
c Write a HDL code for JK Flip Flop. Draw the simulated waveform also. 8 marks
8 a Write the working of 4 bit Serial In Serial Out Shift Register using D flip Flop. 7 marks
b Explain the working of Universal Shift Register. 8 marks
c Draw a 4 bit Ring Counter using D Flip Flop. 5 marks
Module – 5
9 a Explain the working of Asynchronous UP-DOWN counter. 10 marks
b Design a counter using JK Flip Flop to count 7 to 0 10 marks
10 a Explain the working of Binary Ladder for converting 4 bit data to its analog equivalent using
10 marks
b Describe the working of Analog-to-Digital converters. 10 marks
1 | P a g e
Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Data Structures using C
Q P Code: 60303
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module – 1
1 a Define Pointer. With examples, explain pointer declaration, pointer initialization and use of
the pointer in allocating a block of memory dynamically.
6 marks
b Explain structure and Union with suitable example. 6 marks
c Write a program to implementing binary search to find an element in an array. 8 marks
2 a Write a C program for pattern matching using pointers. 8 marks
b Write a program using structures with following fields NAME, ROLL NO, Marks in M1,
M2, M3 and find total and average. Read any N records and print all the records and also
print the record who is having second highest total with all the fields.
10 marks
c Write a short note on string operations. 4 marks
Module – 2
3 a Define Queue. Write a function for both INSERT ( ) and DELETE ( ) functions. 8 marks
b Write the postfix form of the following expression.
i. ( a + b ) * d + e / ( f + a * d ) + c
ii. ( ( a / ( b – c + d ) ) * ( e – a ) * c )
iii. a / b – c + d * e – a * c
6 marks
c Differentiate between Iteration and Recursion. 6 marks
4 a Write an algorithm to convert infix to postfix expression and apply the same to convert
following expressions from infix to postfix.
i. a / b – c – d * c – a * c
ii. ( a – b ) – c / d $ n e
12 marks
b Define Stack. Give the C implementation of PUSH and POP operation using array. 8 marks
Module – 3
5 a
1) Write a program in C to implement insert front, delete front and display functions using
circular double linked list?
10 marks
2 | P a g e
b Explain the following:
i. Doubly linked list.
ii. Linked representation of sparse matrix.
10 marks
6 a Write a C program to implement STACK operations using single linked list. 10 marks
b What is a linked list? Explain the types of linked list with diagram. 10 marks
Module – 4
7 a
2) What is a Tree? Explain these terms by taking an example.
3) i. Root node
4) ii. Leaf node
5) iii. Degree
6) iv. Siblings
7) v. Depth of a tree
10 marks
b Write a function to insert an item into a binary search tree based on direction. 6 marks
c Construct a binary search tree having the following sequences.
i. Preorder seq ABCDEFGHI
ii. Inorder seq BCAEDGHFI
4 marks
8 a What is binary search tree? Draw the binary search tree for the following list 14, 5, 6, 2,
18, 20, 15, 19, 3, 16.
10 marks
b Explain the following with suitable example:
i. Strictly binary tree.
ii. Complete binary tree.
iii. Expression tree.
iv. Almost complete binary search tree.
v. Skewed tree.
10 marks
Module – 5
9 a What is Hashing function and what are its types explain with example. 10 marks
b Define Files and explain the following:
i. Opening and Closing of files.
ii. Input and Output operations of files.
10 marks
10 a Explain the following with example.
i. Directed graph
ii. Multi graph
iii. Complete graph
iv. Cyclic graph and Acyclic graph
8 marks
b Differentiate between Static and Dynamic hashing. 6 marks
c What is BFS? Briefly explain the traversal of BFS with example. 6 marks
1 | P a g e
Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Discrete Mathematical Structures
Q P Code: 60304
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module – 1
1 a Find the possible truth values for p, q and r if
i) p→(q ˅ r) - FALSE
ii) p ˄ (q → r) - TRUE
5 marks
b Establish the validity of the following argument
∀x, [p(x) ˅ q(x)]
Ǝx, ¬p(x)
∀x, [¬q(x) ˅ r(x)]
∀x, [s(x) → ¬r(x)]
∴ Ǝx ¬s(x)
6 marks
c Negate and simplify:
i) ∀x [ p(x) ˄ ¬q(x)] ii) Ǝx [ (p(x) ˅ q(x)) → r(x)]
4 marks
d Prove the following logical equivalence using the laws of logic.
[¬p ˄ (¬q ˄ r)] ˅ (q ˄ r) ˅ (p ˄ r)  r
5 marks
2 a Prove that for any three propositions p,q,r [p → (q ˄ r)]  [(p → q) ˄ (p → r)] 5 marks
b Prove the following logical equivalence using the laws of logic.
(p →q) ˄ [¬ q ˄ (r ˅ ¬q)]  ¬ (q˅p)
5 marks
c Determine the truth value of the following statements if the universe comprises all non- zero
i) Ǝx, Ǝy [ xy = 1]
ii) Ǝx, ∀y [ xy = 1]
iii) ∀x, Ǝy [ xy = 1]
iv) Ǝx, Ǝy [(2x + y = 5) ˄ (x - 3y = -8)]
v) Ǝx, Ǝy [(3x – y = 17) ˄ (2x + 4y = 3)]
5 marks
d Find whether the following argument is valid or not:
No Engineering student of 1st
or 2nd
semester studies logic
Anil is an Engineering student who studies logic
∴ Anil is not in second semester
5 marks
2 | P a g e
Module – 2
3 a By Mathematical induction. Prove that for every positive integer n, the number
An = 5n
+ 2.3n-1
+ 1 is a multiple of 8.
5 marks
b A certain question paper contains 3 parts A,B,C with 4 questions in part A, 5 questions in
part B and 6 questions in part C. It is required to answer 7 questions selecting atleast 2
questions from each part. In how many ways can a student select his 7 questions for
5 marks
c Find the co-efficient of a2
in the expansion of (a+2b-3c+2d+5)16
5 marks
d Find the number of integer solutions of x1+x2+x3+x4+x5 = 30 where x1≥ 2, x2 ≥3,
x3 ≥ 4, x4 ≥ 2, x5 ≥ 0.
5 marks
4 a Prove by mathematical induction that,
1 . 2+2 . 3+3 . 4+....+n(n+1) = 1/3 n(n+1)(n+2)
5 marks
b How many arrangements are there for all letters in the word SOCIOLOGICAL. In how many
of these arrangements i) A and G are adjacent? ii) all the vowels are adjacent?
5 marks
c Find the co-efficient of
i) x9
in the expansion of (2x-3y)12
ii) x12
in the expansion of x3
5 marks
d A sequence {an} is defined recursively as a1=7 and an=2an-1 + 1 for n ≥2. Find an in explicit
5 marks
Module – 3
5 a Let f: R→R be defined by f(x)= 3x-5 for x>0
-3x+1 for x≤0
Determine f(-1),f(5/3),f-1
5 marks
b State pigeon hole principle. Prove that if 30 dictionaries contain a total of 61,327 pages, then
at least one of the dictionary must have at least 2045 pages.
4 marks
c For A={1,2,3,4,5} and B={w,x,y,z}, let a function f : A→B be given by
f={(1,w),(2,x),(3,x),(4,y)}. Find the images of the subsets A1={1}, A2={2,3},
A3={1,2,3} under f.
3 marks
d Let A={1,2,3,4} and B={1,2,3,4,5,6}
i) Find how many functions are there from A to B. How many of these are one-to-one
and onto?
ii) ii) find how many functions are there from B to A. How many of these are one-to-one
and onto?
8 marks
6 a Let f and g be functions from R to R defined by f(x)=ax+b and g(x)=1-x+x2
. If
-9x+3, determine a,b.
5 marks
b Let A={1,2,3,4,6,12} On A define the relation R by aRb if and only if “a divides b” Draw
the digraph.
4 marks
c Verify the following function is one-to-one or onto. f(a)=a2
, a is any real number. 3 marks
d Let A= {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 4, 5}. Determine the following: i) Number of binary relations
on A. ii) Number of relations from A to B iii) Number of relations from A to B that
contain (1,2) and (1,5). iv) Number of relations from A, B that contain exactly 5 ordered
pairs. v) Number of binary relations on A that contain at least 7 ordered pairs.
8 marks
3 | P a g e
Module – 4
7 a Using expansion formula, find the rook polynomial for the board shown below. 6 marks
b Show that the set of positive divisors of 36 is a POSET and draw its Hasse diagram. Hence
find its i) least element ii) greatest element.
7 marks
c In how many ways can one arrange the letters in the word CORRESPONDENTS so that
i) There is no pair of consecutive identical letters?
ii) There are exactly two pairs of consecutive identical letters?
7 marks
8 a In how many ways can the 26 letters of the alphabet be permuted so that none of the patterns
spin, game, path or net occurs.
6 marks
b Let A={1,2,3,4,5} Define a relation R on AxA by (x1,y1)R(x2, y2) if and only if
x1+y1= x2+y2. i) Verify that R is an equivalence relation on AxA.
ii) Determine the equivalence classes [(1,3)],[(2,4)],[(1,1)].
7 marks
c Four persons P1,P2,P3,P4 who arrive late for a dinner party find that only one chair at each
of five tables T1,T2,T3,T4 and T5 is vacant. P1 will not sit at T1 or T2, P2 will not sit at T2,
P3 will not sit at T3 or T4, and P4 will not sit at T4 or T5. Find the number of ways they can
occupy the vacant chairs.
7 marks
Module – 5
9 a Construct an optimal prefix code for the symbols a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j that occur with respective
frequencies 78,16,30,35,125,31,20,50,80,3
6 marks
b Show that the below graphs are isomorphic. 6 marks
c Suppose that a tree T has two vertices of degree 2, four vertices of degree 3 and three vertices
of degree 4. Find the number of pendant vertices in T.
4 marks
d Define the following with example. i) Spanning subgraph ii) Induced subgraph 4 marks
10 a Obtain an optimal prefix code for the message “LETTER RECEIVED”. Indicate the code. 6 marks
b Determine the order |V| of the graph G = (V, E) in the following cases.
i) G is a cubic graph with 9 edges.
ii) G is regular with 15 edges.
iii) G has 10 edges with 2 vertices of degree 4 and all other vertices of degree 3.
6 marks
c Is there a simple graph with 1,1,3,3,3,4,6,7 as the degrees of its vertices. 4 marks
d Define a tree. Prove that a tree with two or more vertices contains at least two leaves. 4 marks
4 | P a g e
1 | P a g e
Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Unix and Shell Programming
Q P Code: 60305
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module – 1
1 a Describe the role played by the kernel and shell in the UNIX architecture. 10 marks
b Explain the following with suitable examples:
i. Internal and External commands.
ii. Command arguments and options.
10 marks
2 a With the help of examples, explain the following commands.
i. Printf ii. Passwd iii. Who iv. Echo
10 marks
b Explain the significance of the man with keyword option and whatsi. 10 marks
Module – 2
3 a What is FILE? List and explain the categories of files. 10 marks
b List and explain the directory commands used in the UNIX. 10 marks
4 a Explain the following with suitable examples:
i. absolute and relative paths ii. Absolute and relative permissions.
10 marks
b Which of the command is used to listing directory contents? Explain its options. 10 marks
Module – 3
5 a With a neat diagram, explain the different modes of vi editor. 10 marks
b What are the 3 standard files supported by UNIX and also give the suitable Illustration how
Input and output redirection works in UNIX.
10 marks
6 a Describe the concepts of shell interpretive cycle in UNIX. 10 marks
b Explain the features of the grep command and its options. 10 marks
Module – 4
7 a What is shell script? Explain the shell feature of test command and its shortcut. 10 marks
b With the help of example, explain the here(<<) document, trap and filters command. 10 marks
2 | P a g e
8 a Explain the following commands.
i) Exit ii. umask iii. Head iv. tail
10 marks
b Describe the significance of the file inodes and inode structure in UNIX. 10 marks
Module – 5
9 a Explain the mechanism of process creation and also given the details about process states. 10 marks
b List and explain any three string handling function in perl. 10 marks
10 a Explain the following perl script functions with suitable examples:
i. chop ( ) and chomp ( )
ii. split ( ) and join ( )
10 marks
b Briefly explain the file handles and handling file in perl. 10 marks
Page 1 of 2
Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Additional Mathematics I
Q P Code: 60306
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module – 1
1 a Express 1-i√3 in the polar form and hence find its modulus and amplitude. 6 marks
Find the real part of .
 6 marks
c Define dot product between two vectors A and B Find the angle between the vectors
5 k
A 
8 marks
2 a If   ).
2 B
A 
 are orthogonal. 6 marks
b Show that the position vectors of the vertices of a triangle
i 4
2 
 , form a right angle triangle.
6 marks
c If
2 b
8 marks
Module – 2
3 a
With usual notation, prove that 
6 marks
b Find the pedal equation of the curve : rm
cosm𝛉. 6 marks
Prove that 
 
xu y
sin , using Euler’s theorem,
8 marks
4 a Find nth
derivative of sinx sin2x sin3x 6 marks
u xy
8 marks
If 
6 marks
Page 2 of 2
Module – 3
5 a
Evaluate i) dx
x 5
 
 
6 marks
b Evaluate
6 marks
c Obtain the reduction formula for ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑛
𝑥𝑑𝑥 8 marks
6 a
Evaluate ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛10
𝑥 𝑑𝑥
6 marks
b Evaluate ∫ ∫ 𝑥𝑦 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦
over the region bounded by x=0, y=0 and x+y=1 6 marks
c Evaluate ∫ ∫ 𝑥𝑦. 𝑑𝑦. 𝑑𝑥
8 marks
Module – 4
7 a A particle moves along a curve vector r = cos2t i+sin2t j+t k, where t is time .Find the
velocity and acceleration at time t=π/8 along √2i+√2j+k
6 marks
b If 𝐹
⃗ = 2𝑥2
𝑖 + 3𝑦𝑧𝑗 + 𝑧𝑥2
𝑘 then find i) ∇𝑋(∇𝐹
⃗) ii) ∇(∇𝑋𝐹
⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗) 8 marks
c Show that the vector
6 marks
8 a Find the velocity and acceleration of a particle moves along the curve
3 3
 t
6 marks
b i. if )
x 
 
 6 marks
c Show that 𝐹
⃗(𝑦 + 𝑧)𝑖 + (𝑧 + 𝑥)𝑗 + (𝑥 + 𝑦)𝑘 is irrotational. 8 marks
Module – 5
9 a Solve 𝑦(2𝑥 − 𝑦 + 1)𝑑𝑥 + 𝑥(3𝑥 − 4𝑦 + 3)𝑑𝑦 = 0 6 marks
b Solve 𝑦(2𝑥𝑦 + 1)𝑑𝑥 − 𝑥 𝑑𝑦 = 0 6 marks
solve x
tan 2
8 marks
10 a 0
( 3
 dy
Solve 7 marks
b Solve (4𝑥𝑦 + 3𝑦2
− 𝑥) 𝑑𝑥 + 𝑥(𝑥 + 2𝑦)𝑑𝑦 = 0 6 marks
c Solve (2𝑥 + 𝑦 + 1)𝑑𝑥 + (𝑥 + 2𝑦 + 1)𝑑𝑦 = 0 7 marks
1 | P a g e
Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Computer Organization and Architecture
Q P Code: 62303
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module – 1
1 a With help of a block diagram Explain functional units of a Digital Computer 10 marks
b What is a bus? Explain Single Bus structure 10 marks
2 a Perform addition and subtraction on the following pairs of numbers represented in
2’s complement format. In each case, verify whether overflow has occurred or not. The
numbers are represented using 7-bits including the sign bit.
i) +25 and +38 iv) +33 and+51
ii) –24 and +63
iii)–12 and –40
10 marks
b Write a note on IEEE standard for floating point numbers 10 marks
Module – 2
3 a Define addressing modes? Explain any five addressing modes with an example for each. 10 marks
b Explain interfacing of Keyboard and Display using program controlled I/O 10 marks
4 a Explain how data is exchanged between a calling program and a subroutine 10 marks
b With the help of examples explain i) logical instructions ii) Shift and Rotate instructions 10 marks
Module – 3
5 a Discuss the sequence of steps involved in handling an interrupt from a single device 10 marks
b Explain briefly about Nesting Interrupts, Vectored interrupts and Simultaneous request
10 marks
6 a Write a note on bus arbitration 10 marks
b Write a note on working of 2 channel DMA controller 10 marks
Module – 4
7 a Explain the Read/Write operation of an SRAM cell designed using CMOS with the help of
a neat diagram
10 marks
2 | P a g e
b Write a note on ROM and its various types 10 marks
8 a With a neat block diagram explain Virtual Memory Organization 10 marks
b With a neat diagram explain Magnetic Disk Principles 10 marks
Module – 5
9 a Discuss the need for gating signals with an example 10 marks
b With the help of a neat sketch, explain three-bus organization of the processor 10 marks
10 a Explain in detail and with necessary step involved in execution of instruction Add(R3), R1 10 marks
b Explain the hardwired control unit organization 10 marks
Page 1 of 2
Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020
(CBCS Scheme)
Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks
Sub: Engineering Mathematics - III
Q P Code: 60301
Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions.
2. Choose one full question from each module.
3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked.
4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper.
5. Write Legibly
Module – 1
1 a
Find the Laplace transform of
7 marks
b A periodic function f(t) of period a , a > 0 is defined by
f(t) = {
E 0 < t < a/2
< t < a
Show that L[f(t)] =
) .
6 marks
c Solve the differential equation
dt2 + 4
+ 4 y = e−t
with y ( 0 ) = 0 = y′
( 0 ) by using Laplace
7 marks
2 a Find L−1 [ cot−1
s ]. 7 marks
Express f(t) = {
sint, 0 < 𝑡 < π
sin2t, π < 𝑡 < 𝜋
sin3t , t > 2π
in terms of unit step function and hence find their Laplace transform f (t).
6 marks
c Using Convolution theorem obtain inverse transformation of
(s2+ a2)(s2+ b2)
. 7 marks
Module – 2
3 a Find the Fourier series for the function
in 0 < x < 2π .
Hence deduce that
= 1 −
+ ……
7 marks
Find half range sine series for f(x) = {
− x 0 < x < 1/2
x −
1/2 < x < 1
7 marks
c Express y as a Fourier series upto the first harmonic given.
x 0 π/3 2π/3 π 4π/3 5 π/3 2π
y 1.98 1.30 1.05 1.30 - 0.88 - 0.25 1.98
6 marks
4 a Obtain Fourier series for the function f(x)=│x│ in –π ≤ x ≤ π
hence deduce that
n=1 .
7 marks
b Expand f ( x ) = 2x -1 as a cosine half range Fourier series in 0 < x < 1. 6 marks
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c Obtain constant term and the coefficients of the first sine and cosine terms in the Fourier expansion
of y from the table.
x 0 1 2 3 4 5
f(x) 9 18 24 28 26 20
7 marks
Module – 3
5 a Find the Fourier sine transforms of f(x) =
. 7 marks
b Find the Fourier cosine transform of f(x) =
1+x2. 6 marks
c Solve the difference equation yn+2 + 6yn+1 + 9yn = 2n
, with yo = y1 = 0 by using z transform. 7 marks
6 a Find the Fourier sine transform of e−|x|
Hence show that ∫
dx =
, m > 0 . 7 marks
b Obtain the Z-transform of 2n + sin ( nπ / 4 ) + 1. 6 marks
c Obtain the inverse Z-transform of
. 7 marks
Module – 4
7 a Employ Taylor’s method to find y at x=0.1 and 0.2 correct to four places of decimal in step size of 0.1
given the linear differential equation
- 2y = 3ex
whose solution pasess through the origin.
7 marks
b Using fourth order Runge – Kutta method to find y at x = 0.1 given that
= 3ex
+ 2y , y( 0 ) = 0 ,
taking h = 0.1.
7 marks
c Given that
= x – y2
and the data y(0) = 0, y(0.2) = 0.02, y(0.4) = 0.0795 , Y(0.6) = 0.1762 ,find
y(0.8) by using Adam- Bashforth method.
6 marks
8 a Using modified Euler’s method find y(20.2) and y(20.4) given that
= log10(
) with y(20) = 5
taking h=0.2.
7 marks
b Solve : ( y2
− x2
)dx = (y2
+ x2
)dy for x = 0 (0.2) 0.4 given that y = 1 at x = 0 initially, by
applying Runge-Kutta Method of order 4.
7 marks
c Apply Milne’s Predictor and Corrector formulae to compute y(1.4) correct to four decimal places.
= x2
x 1 1.1 1.2 1.3
y 2 2.2156 2.4649 2.7514
6 marks
Module – 5
9 a
By Runge-Kutta method, solve
dx2 = x (
− y2
for x=0.2 correct to four decimal places, using the
initial conditions y=1 and y′ = 0 when x=0.
7 marks
b Solve the variational problem ∫ (12𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦′2
under the conditions 𝑦(0) = 3 and 𝑦(1) = 6. 7 marks
c A heavy cable hangs freely under gravity between two fixed points. Show that the shape of the cable
is a catenary.
6 marks
10 a Apply Milne’s method to solve
dx2 = 1+
given the following table of initial values.
Compute y (0.4) numerically.
X 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Y 1 1.1103 1.2427 1.399
y′ 1 1.2103 1.4427 1.699
7 marks
b Derive Euler’s equation in the Standard form
) = 0 7 marks
c Prove that the shortest distance between two points in a plane is a straight line joining them. 6 marks
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  • 1. 18CS32 Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Analog and Digital Electronics Q P Code: 60302 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module – 1 1 a Explain the working of Photodiodes. 7 marks b Describe the working of Linear Voltage Regulator. 6 marks c Write a short note on the Liquid Crystal Displays. 7 marks Or 2 a Derive the equation for Non-inverting amplifier. 8 marks b Design a inverting amplifier to obtain the following output voltage using OPAMP Vo = -(0.5V1+0.7V2 + 0.8V3 ) 6 marks c Explain the working of Relaxation Oscillator using OPAMP 6 marks Module – 2 3 a Simplify the following using K-Map i) Y=Σ(0,4,5,7,9,12,15) + d(3,10) i) Y=π(1,4,6,10,13,15) + d(7,9) 10 marks b Simplify the following using Quine-McCluskyMethod Y=Σ(0,1,2,4,5,6,8,9,12,13,14) + d(3,10) 10 marks Or 4 a Write a VHDL/Verilog code for the Full Adder.Draw the wave forms obtained after simulation. 10 marks b Simplify the following using Quine-McCluskyMethod Y=Σ(1,4,7,9,12,15) + d(0,7) 10 marks Module – 3 5 a Explain the working of 8:1 MUX. Write the circuit for the same using basic gates 7 marks b Implement the following using 3:8 decoder and using OR gates F1=Σ(0,1,5) F2=Σ(4,5,7) F3=Σ(2,4,6) 6 marks c Explain 7 segment decoder. 7 marks PTO
  • 2. Or 6 a Realize a 8:1 MUX using 2:1 MUX. 7 marks b Explain the working of Priority Encoder 7 marks c Write a short note on Programmable Logical Devices 6 marks Module – 4 7 a Explain the SR Flip-Flops using NAND gate. 6 marks b What is an edge triggerd Flip-Flop. 6 marks c Write a HDL code for JK Flip Flop. Draw the simulated waveform also. 8 marks Or 8 a Write the working of 4 bit Serial In Serial Out Shift Register using D flip Flop. 7 marks b Explain the working of Universal Shift Register. 8 marks c Draw a 4 bit Ring Counter using D Flip Flop. 5 marks Module – 5 9 a Explain the working of Asynchronous UP-DOWN counter. 10 marks b Design a counter using JK Flip Flop to count 7 to 0 10 marks Or 10 a Explain the working of Binary Ladder for converting 4 bit data to its analog equivalent using OPAMP. 10 marks b Describe the working of Analog-to-Digital converters. 10 marks *****
  • 3. 1 | P a g e 18CS33 Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Data Structures using C Q P Code: 60303 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module – 1 1 a Define Pointer. With examples, explain pointer declaration, pointer initialization and use of the pointer in allocating a block of memory dynamically. 6 marks b Explain structure and Union with suitable example. 6 marks c Write a program to implementing binary search to find an element in an array. 8 marks Or 2 a Write a C program for pattern matching using pointers. 8 marks b Write a program using structures with following fields NAME, ROLL NO, Marks in M1, M2, M3 and find total and average. Read any N records and print all the records and also print the record who is having second highest total with all the fields. 10 marks c Write a short note on string operations. 4 marks Module – 2 3 a Define Queue. Write a function for both INSERT ( ) and DELETE ( ) functions. 8 marks b Write the postfix form of the following expression. i. ( a + b ) * d + e / ( f + a * d ) + c ii. ( ( a / ( b – c + d ) ) * ( e – a ) * c ) iii. a / b – c + d * e – a * c 6 marks c Differentiate between Iteration and Recursion. 6 marks Or 4 a Write an algorithm to convert infix to postfix expression and apply the same to convert following expressions from infix to postfix. i. a / b – c – d * c – a * c ii. ( a – b ) – c / d $ n e 12 marks b Define Stack. Give the C implementation of PUSH and POP operation using array. 8 marks Module – 3 5 a 1) Write a program in C to implement insert front, delete front and display functions using circular double linked list? 10 marks PTO
  • 4. 2 | P a g e b Explain the following: i. Doubly linked list. ii. Linked representation of sparse matrix. 10 marks Or 6 a Write a C program to implement STACK operations using single linked list. 10 marks b What is a linked list? Explain the types of linked list with diagram. 10 marks Module – 4 7 a 2) What is a Tree? Explain these terms by taking an example. 3) i. Root node 4) ii. Leaf node 5) iii. Degree 6) iv. Siblings 7) v. Depth of a tree 10 marks b Write a function to insert an item into a binary search tree based on direction. 6 marks c Construct a binary search tree having the following sequences. i. Preorder seq ABCDEFGHI ii. Inorder seq BCAEDGHFI 4 marks Or 8 a What is binary search tree? Draw the binary search tree for the following list 14, 5, 6, 2, 18, 20, 15, 19, 3, 16. 10 marks b Explain the following with suitable example: i. Strictly binary tree. ii. Complete binary tree. iii. Expression tree. iv. Almost complete binary search tree. v. Skewed tree. 10 marks Module – 5 9 a What is Hashing function and what are its types explain with example. 10 marks b Define Files and explain the following: i. Opening and Closing of files. ii. Input and Output operations of files. 10 marks Or 10 a Explain the following with example. i. Directed graph ii. Multi graph iii. Complete graph iv. Cyclic graph and Acyclic graph 8 marks b Differentiate between Static and Dynamic hashing. 6 marks c What is BFS? Briefly explain the traversal of BFS with example. 6 marks *****
  • 5. 1 | P a g e 18CS34 Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Discrete Mathematical Structures Q P Code: 60304 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module – 1 1 a Find the possible truth values for p, q and r if i) p→(q ˅ r) - FALSE ii) p ˄ (q → r) - TRUE 5 marks b Establish the validity of the following argument ∀x, [p(x) ˅ q(x)] Ǝx, ¬p(x) ∀x, [¬q(x) ˅ r(x)] ∀x, [s(x) → ¬r(x)] ∴ Ǝx ¬s(x) 6 marks c Negate and simplify: i) ∀x [ p(x) ˄ ¬q(x)] ii) Ǝx [ (p(x) ˅ q(x)) → r(x)] 4 marks d Prove the following logical equivalence using the laws of logic. [¬p ˄ (¬q ˄ r)] ˅ (q ˄ r) ˅ (p ˄ r)  r 5 marks Or 2 a Prove that for any three propositions p,q,r [p → (q ˄ r)]  [(p → q) ˄ (p → r)] 5 marks b Prove the following logical equivalence using the laws of logic. (p →q) ˄ [¬ q ˄ (r ˅ ¬q)]  ¬ (q˅p) 5 marks c Determine the truth value of the following statements if the universe comprises all non- zero integers: i) Ǝx, Ǝy [ xy = 1] ii) Ǝx, ∀y [ xy = 1] iii) ∀x, Ǝy [ xy = 1] iv) Ǝx, Ǝy [(2x + y = 5) ˄ (x - 3y = -8)] v) Ǝx, Ǝy [(3x – y = 17) ˄ (2x + 4y = 3)] 5 marks d Find whether the following argument is valid or not: No Engineering student of 1st or 2nd semester studies logic Anil is an Engineering student who studies logic ∴ Anil is not in second semester 5 marks PTO
  • 6. 2 | P a g e Module – 2 3 a By Mathematical induction. Prove that for every positive integer n, the number An = 5n + 2.3n-1 + 1 is a multiple of 8. 5 marks b A certain question paper contains 3 parts A,B,C with 4 questions in part A, 5 questions in part B and 6 questions in part C. It is required to answer 7 questions selecting atleast 2 questions from each part. In how many ways can a student select his 7 questions for answering. 5 marks c Find the co-efficient of a2 b3 c2 d5 in the expansion of (a+2b-3c+2d+5)16 5 marks d Find the number of integer solutions of x1+x2+x3+x4+x5 = 30 where x1≥ 2, x2 ≥3, x3 ≥ 4, x4 ≥ 2, x5 ≥ 0. 5 marks Or 4 a Prove by mathematical induction that, 1 . 2+2 . 3+3 . 4+....+n(n+1) = 1/3 n(n+1)(n+2) 5 marks b How many arrangements are there for all letters in the word SOCIOLOGICAL. In how many of these arrangements i) A and G are adjacent? ii) all the vowels are adjacent? 5 marks c Find the co-efficient of i) x9 y3 in the expansion of (2x-3y)12 ii) x12 in the expansion of x3 (1-2x)10 5 marks d A sequence {an} is defined recursively as a1=7 and an=2an-1 + 1 for n ≥2. Find an in explicit form. 5 marks Module – 3 5 a Let f: R→R be defined by f(x)= 3x-5 for x>0 -3x+1 for x≤0 Determine f(-1),f(5/3),f-1 (1),f-1 (-3),f-1 (3) 5 marks b State pigeon hole principle. Prove that if 30 dictionaries contain a total of 61,327 pages, then at least one of the dictionary must have at least 2045 pages. 4 marks c For A={1,2,3,4,5} and B={w,x,y,z}, let a function f : A→B be given by f={(1,w),(2,x),(3,x),(4,y)}. Find the images of the subsets A1={1}, A2={2,3}, A3={1,2,3} under f. 3 marks d Let A={1,2,3,4} and B={1,2,3,4,5,6} i) Find how many functions are there from A to B. How many of these are one-to-one and onto? ii) ii) find how many functions are there from B to A. How many of these are one-to-one and onto? 8 marks Or 6 a Let f and g be functions from R to R defined by f(x)=ax+b and g(x)=1-x+x2 . If (gof)(x)=9x2 -9x+3, determine a,b. 5 marks b Let A={1,2,3,4,6,12} On A define the relation R by aRb if and only if “a divides b” Draw the digraph. 4 marks c Verify the following function is one-to-one or onto. f(a)=a2 , a is any real number. 3 marks d Let A= {1, 2, 3} and B = {2, 4, 5}. Determine the following: i) Number of binary relations on A. ii) Number of relations from A to B iii) Number of relations from A to B that contain (1,2) and (1,5). iv) Number of relations from A, B that contain exactly 5 ordered pairs. v) Number of binary relations on A that contain at least 7 ordered pairs. 8 marks
  • 7. 3 | P a g e Module – 4 7 a Using expansion formula, find the rook polynomial for the board shown below. 6 marks b Show that the set of positive divisors of 36 is a POSET and draw its Hasse diagram. Hence find its i) least element ii) greatest element. 7 marks c In how many ways can one arrange the letters in the word CORRESPONDENTS so that i) There is no pair of consecutive identical letters? ii) There are exactly two pairs of consecutive identical letters? 7 marks Or 8 a In how many ways can the 26 letters of the alphabet be permuted so that none of the patterns spin, game, path or net occurs. 6 marks b Let A={1,2,3,4,5} Define a relation R on AxA by (x1,y1)R(x2, y2) if and only if x1+y1= x2+y2. i) Verify that R is an equivalence relation on AxA. ii) Determine the equivalence classes [(1,3)],[(2,4)],[(1,1)]. 7 marks c Four persons P1,P2,P3,P4 who arrive late for a dinner party find that only one chair at each of five tables T1,T2,T3,T4 and T5 is vacant. P1 will not sit at T1 or T2, P2 will not sit at T2, P3 will not sit at T3 or T4, and P4 will not sit at T4 or T5. Find the number of ways they can occupy the vacant chairs. 7 marks Module – 5 9 a Construct an optimal prefix code for the symbols a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j that occur with respective frequencies 78,16,30,35,125,31,20,50,80,3 6 marks b Show that the below graphs are isomorphic. 6 marks c Suppose that a tree T has two vertices of degree 2, four vertices of degree 3 and three vertices of degree 4. Find the number of pendant vertices in T. 4 marks d Define the following with example. i) Spanning subgraph ii) Induced subgraph 4 marks Or 10 a Obtain an optimal prefix code for the message “LETTER RECEIVED”. Indicate the code. 6 marks b Determine the order |V| of the graph G = (V, E) in the following cases. i) G is a cubic graph with 9 edges. ii) G is regular with 15 edges. iii) G has 10 edges with 2 vertices of degree 4 and all other vertices of degree 3. 6 marks c Is there a simple graph with 1,1,3,3,3,4,6,7 as the degrees of its vertices. 4 marks d Define a tree. Prove that a tree with two or more vertices contains at least two leaves. 4 marks *****
  • 8. 4 | P a g e
  • 9. 1 | P a g e 18CS35 Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Unix and Shell Programming Q P Code: 60305 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module – 1 1 a Describe the role played by the kernel and shell in the UNIX architecture. 10 marks b Explain the following with suitable examples: i. Internal and External commands. ii. Command arguments and options. 10 marks Or 2 a With the help of examples, explain the following commands. i. Printf ii. Passwd iii. Who iv. Echo 10 marks b Explain the significance of the man with keyword option and whatsi. 10 marks Module – 2 3 a What is FILE? List and explain the categories of files. 10 marks b List and explain the directory commands used in the UNIX. 10 marks Or 4 a Explain the following with suitable examples: i. absolute and relative paths ii. Absolute and relative permissions. 10 marks b Which of the command is used to listing directory contents? Explain its options. 10 marks Module – 3 5 a With a neat diagram, explain the different modes of vi editor. 10 marks b What are the 3 standard files supported by UNIX and also give the suitable Illustration how Input and output redirection works in UNIX. 10 marks Or 6 a Describe the concepts of shell interpretive cycle in UNIX. 10 marks b Explain the features of the grep command and its options. 10 marks Module – 4 7 a What is shell script? Explain the shell feature of test command and its shortcut. 10 marks b With the help of example, explain the here(<<) document, trap and filters command. 10 marks PTO
  • 10. 2 | P a g e Or 8 a Explain the following commands. i) Exit ii. umask iii. Head iv. tail 10 marks b Describe the significance of the file inodes and inode structure in UNIX. 10 marks Module – 5 9 a Explain the mechanism of process creation and also given the details about process states. 10 marks b List and explain any three string handling function in perl. 10 marks Or 10 a Explain the following perl script functions with suitable examples: i. chop ( ) and chomp ( ) ii. split ( ) and join ( ) 10 marks b Briefly explain the file handles and handling file in perl. 10 marks *****
  • 11. Page 1 of 2 18DIPMAT-301 Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Additional Mathematics I Q P Code: 60306 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. Write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module – 1 1 a Express 1-i√3 in the polar form and hence find its modulus and amplitude. 6 marks b Find the real part of . sin 1 sin 1   i i   6 marks c Define dot product between two vectors A and B Find the angle between the vectors . 6 3 2 , 5 k j i B k j i A       8 marks Or 2 a If   ). ( , 2 3 , 3 2 B A and B A that show k j i B k j i A         are orthogonal. 6 marks b Show that the position vectors of the vertices of a triangle k j i and k j i k j i 4 4 3 5 3 , 2       , form a right angle triangle. 6 marks c If . , . 4 8 , 4 3 2 b a find also b to lar perpendicu is a that prove then k j i B k j i A             8 marks Module – 2 3 a With usual notation, prove that        dr d r   tan 6 marks b Find the pedal equation of the curve : rm =am cosm𝛉. 6 marks c Prove that               y x y x u where u yu xu y x 3 3 1 tan , 2 sin , using Euler’s theorem, 8 marks Or 4 a Find nth derivative of sinx sin2x sin3x 6 marks b if                                     2 2 2 2 2 2 1 y u x u u y u x u that show e u xy 8 marks c If               ) , , ( ) , , ( . , , w v u z y x J find uvw z z y v z y x u 6 marks PTO
  • 12. Page 2 of 2 Module – 3 5 a Evaluate i) dx x x ii dx x 5 2 0 2 0 3 6 cos sin . cos     6 marks b Evaluate ay x parabola the and a x ordinate the axis x by bounded gion the is R where dx dy xy A 4 2 , Re , 2     6 marks c Obtain the reduction formula for ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑛 𝑥𝑑𝑥 8 marks Or 6 a Evaluate ∫ 𝑠𝑖𝑛10 𝜋 2 0 𝑥 𝑑𝑥 6 marks b Evaluate ∫ ∫ 𝑥𝑦 𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑦 𝑅 over the region bounded by x=0, y=0 and x+y=1 6 marks c Evaluate ∫ ∫ 𝑥𝑦. 𝑑𝑦. 𝑑𝑥 √𝑥 𝑥 1 0 8 marks Module – 4 7 a A particle moves along a curve vector r = cos2t i+sin2t j+t k, where t is time .Find the velocity and acceleration at time t=π/8 along √2i+√2j+k 6 marks b If 𝐹 ⃗ = 2𝑥2 𝑖 + 3𝑦𝑧𝑗 + 𝑧𝑥2 𝑘 then find i) ∇𝑋(∇𝐹 ⃗) ii) ∇(∇𝑋𝐹 ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗) 8 marks c Show that the vector . , 2 2 2 al irrotation is G F that show xyk zxj yzi G k z j y i x F            6 marks Or 8 a Find the velocity and acceleration of a particle moves along the curve . 2 ) 4 3 ( ) 4 ( 3 3 2       t time at k t j t t i t r  6 marks b i. if ) 1 , 1 , 1 ( , 2 2 2 2 2 2 at find x z z y y x       6 marks c Show that 𝐹 ⃗(𝑦 + 𝑧)𝑖 + (𝑧 + 𝑥)𝑗 + (𝑥 + 𝑦)𝑘 is irrotational. 8 marks Module – 5 9 a Solve 𝑦(2𝑥 − 𝑦 + 1)𝑑𝑥 + 𝑥(3𝑥 − 4𝑦 + 3)𝑑𝑦 = 0 6 marks b Solve 𝑦(2𝑥𝑦 + 1)𝑑𝑥 − 𝑥 𝑑𝑦 = 0 6 marks c solve x y x y dx dy sec tan 2   8 marks Or 10 a 0 ) ( ) ( 3 2     dy x y dx y x Solve 7 marks b Solve (4𝑥𝑦 + 3𝑦2 − 𝑥) 𝑑𝑥 + 𝑥(𝑥 + 2𝑦)𝑑𝑦 = 0 6 marks c Solve (2𝑥 + 𝑦 + 1)𝑑𝑥 + (𝑥 + 2𝑦 + 1)𝑑𝑦 = 0 7 marks *****
  • 13. 1 | P a g e 18EC33 Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Computer Organization and Architecture Q P Code: 62303 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module – 1 1 a With help of a block diagram Explain functional units of a Digital Computer 10 marks b What is a bus? Explain Single Bus structure 10 marks Or 2 a Perform addition and subtraction on the following pairs of numbers represented in 2’s complement format. In each case, verify whether overflow has occurred or not. The numbers are represented using 7-bits including the sign bit. i) +25 and +38 iv) +33 and+51 ii) –24 and +63 iii)–12 and –40 10 marks b Write a note on IEEE standard for floating point numbers 10 marks Module – 2 3 a Define addressing modes? Explain any five addressing modes with an example for each. 10 marks b Explain interfacing of Keyboard and Display using program controlled I/O 10 marks Or 4 a Explain how data is exchanged between a calling program and a subroutine 10 marks b With the help of examples explain i) logical instructions ii) Shift and Rotate instructions 10 marks Module – 3 5 a Discuss the sequence of steps involved in handling an interrupt from a single device 10 marks b Explain briefly about Nesting Interrupts, Vectored interrupts and Simultaneous request handling 10 marks Or 6 a Write a note on bus arbitration 10 marks b Write a note on working of 2 channel DMA controller 10 marks Module – 4 7 a Explain the Read/Write operation of an SRAM cell designed using CMOS with the help of a neat diagram 10 marks PTO
  • 14. 2 | P a g e b Write a note on ROM and its various types 10 marks Or 8 a With a neat block diagram explain Virtual Memory Organization 10 marks b With a neat diagram explain Magnetic Disk Principles 10 marks Module – 5 9 a Discuss the need for gating signals with an example 10 marks b With the help of a neat sketch, explain three-bus organization of the processor 10 marks Or 10 a Explain in detail and with necessary step involved in execution of instruction Add(R3), R1 10 marks b Explain the hardwired control unit organization 10 marks *****
  • 15. Page 1 of 2 18MAT31 Third Semester BE Degree Examination January 2020 (CBCS Scheme) Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 100 marks Sub: Engineering Mathematics - III Q P Code: 60301 Instructions: 1. Answer five full questions. 2. Choose one full question from each module. 3. Your answer should be specific to the questions asked. 4. write the same question numbers as they appear in this question paper. 5. Write Legibly Module – 1 1 a Find the Laplace transform of cosat−cosbt t . 7 marks b A periodic function f(t) of period a , a > 0 is defined by f(t) = { E 0 < t < a/2 −E a 2 < t < a Show that L[f(t)] = E s tanh( as 4 ) . 6 marks c Solve the differential equation d2y dt2 + 4 dy dt + 4 y = e−t with y ( 0 ) = 0 = y′ ( 0 ) by using Laplace transforms. 7 marks Or 2 a Find L−1 [ cot−1 s ]. 7 marks b Express f(t) = { sint, 0 < 𝑡 < π sin2t, π < 𝑡 < 𝜋 sin3t , t > 2π . in terms of unit step function and hence find their Laplace transform f (t). 6 marks c Using Convolution theorem obtain inverse transformation of s2 (s2+ a2)(s2+ b2) . 7 marks Module – 2 3 a Find the Fourier series for the function π−x 2 in 0 < x < 2π . Hence deduce that π 4 = 1 − 1 3 + 1 5 - 1 7 + …… 7 marks b Find half range sine series for f(x) = { 1 4 − x 0 < x < 1/2 x − 3 4 1/2 < x < 1 . 7 marks c Express y as a Fourier series upto the first harmonic given. x 0 π/3 2π/3 π 4π/3 5 π/3 2π y 1.98 1.30 1.05 1.30 - 0.88 - 0.25 1.98 6 marks Or 4 a Obtain Fourier series for the function f(x)=│x│ in –π ≤ x ≤ π hence deduce that π 8 2 =∑ 1 (2n−1)2 ∞ n=1 . 7 marks b Expand f ( x ) = 2x -1 as a cosine half range Fourier series in 0 < x < 1. 6 marks PTO
  • 16. Page 2 of 2 c Obtain constant term and the coefficients of the first sine and cosine terms in the Fourier expansion of y from the table. x 0 1 2 3 4 5 f(x) 9 18 24 28 26 20 7 marks Module – 3 5 a Find the Fourier sine transforms of f(x) = 1 x(1+x2) . 7 marks b Find the Fourier cosine transform of f(x) = 1 1+x2. 6 marks c Solve the difference equation yn+2 + 6yn+1 + 9yn = 2n , with yo = y1 = 0 by using z transform. 7 marks Or 6 a Find the Fourier sine transform of e−|x| Hence show that ∫ xsinmx 1+x2 ∞ 0 dx = π 2 e−m , m > 0 . 7 marks b Obtain the Z-transform of 2n + sin ( nπ / 4 ) + 1. 6 marks c Obtain the inverse Z-transform of 2z2+3z (z+2)(z−4) . 7 marks Module – 4 7 a Employ Taylor’s method to find y at x=0.1 and 0.2 correct to four places of decimal in step size of 0.1 given the linear differential equation dy dx - 2y = 3ex whose solution pasess through the origin. 7 marks b Using fourth order Runge – Kutta method to find y at x = 0.1 given that dy dx = 3ex + 2y , y( 0 ) = 0 , taking h = 0.1. 7 marks c Given that dy dx = x – y2 and the data y(0) = 0, y(0.2) = 0.02, y(0.4) = 0.0795 , Y(0.6) = 0.1762 ,find y(0.8) by using Adam- Bashforth method. 6 marks Or 8 a Using modified Euler’s method find y(20.2) and y(20.4) given that dy dx = log10( x y ) with y(20) = 5 taking h=0.2. 7 marks b Solve : ( y2 − x2 )dx = (y2 + x2 )dy for x = 0 (0.2) 0.4 given that y = 1 at x = 0 initially, by applying Runge-Kutta Method of order 4. 7 marks c Apply Milne’s Predictor and Corrector formulae to compute y(1.4) correct to four decimal places. given dy dx = x2 + y 2 with x 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 y 2 2.2156 2.4649 2.7514 6 marks Module – 5 9 a By Runge-Kutta method, solve d2y dx2 = x ( dy dx ) 2 − y2 for x=0.2 correct to four decimal places, using the initial conditions y=1 and y′ = 0 when x=0. 7 marks b Solve the variational problem ∫ (12𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦′2 )𝑑𝑥 1 0 under the conditions 𝑦(0) = 3 and 𝑦(1) = 6. 7 marks c A heavy cable hangs freely under gravity between two fixed points. Show that the shape of the cable is a catenary. 6 marks Or 10 a Apply Milne’s method to solve d2y dx2 = 1+ dy dx given the following table of initial values. Compute y (0.4) numerically. X 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Y 1 1.1103 1.2427 1.399 y′ 1 1.2103 1.4427 1.699 7 marks b Derive Euler’s equation in the Standard form ∂f ∂y - d dx ( ∂f ∂y′ ) = 0 7 marks c Prove that the shortest distance between two points in a plane is a straight line joining them. 6 marks *****