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11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を研究せよ。
For the Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of Nov. look back on Perfume’s 10 year.

A:はぁ~い、今週も来ましたぁ~! 11/3 のぉ~東京ドームライブに向けてぇ~、Perfume
の 10 年間をぉ~1週ずつ振り返っていまぁ~す!
A: Okaaay! Leet’s get started on this week as weeell!
A: Fooor the Tokyo Dome concert on Nov. 3rrrrd!
A: We’re loooooking baaaack our 10 years ooone by ooone!!
N,K: LOL!!

2009 年の Perfume を研究せよ。
Look back Perfume in 2009.

K:もう去年ですね。1 年前ですよ。
K: Today, it’s about last year. Just 1 year ago.
N: Wow! We’ve reached last year!
K:2009 年です。
K: Yes, 2009.
K: Wow, it’s already about last year.
A: Yeah, time flies.

K:2009 年はシングル「ワンルームディスコ」をリリースして、アルバム「⊿」をリリースしま
した。そして代々木 2 days の Disco, Disco, Disco」
                  「                    を開催し、そして過去最長の全国ツアー、
K: On 2009, we released a single “One Room Disco” and an album “⊿”
K: We held 2 days live concert “Disco, Disco, Disco” at Yoyogi.
K: And we also held a tour concert “Isosceles Right Triangle Tour”
K: The longest national tour concert in our history.
N: The hall & arena tour.
K:そうですよ!11 都市 19 公演もしました。
K: That’s right! We held 19 concerts in 11 cities.
A: Amazing!
N: 11 都市 19 公演!
N: 19 concerts in 11 cities!
K: There were a lot of events.
N: Yes, there were.

K:て言うか、代々木の「Disco, Disco, Disco」が去年だったことにビックリ。
K: Well, I’m kind of surprised to know that “Disco, Disco, Disco” was held in last year.
N:そうだね。「ワンルームディスコ」を出してから、「Disco, Disco, Disco」
N: Yeah, it was after releasing “One Room Disco” that we held “Disco, Disco, Disco”
K: Oh! I see!
A: “Chocolate Disco”, “One Room Disco” and・・・
K: “Disco” with everyone.
A:これね、DVD 化してないけんね。
A: A DVD of this show hasn’t been produced yet.
N: NO!
K: You’re perfectly correct!
A: Well, we would love to release it, you know?
A: But without your needs, it’s quite difficult to use those “Mr. Big’s Power”, you know?
A: After all we don’t have any authorities for releases, you know?
N, K: Yeah. LOL!!
N:校長は褒めてくれたよね。「Disco, Disco, Disco」
N: The principal (*1) told us “Disco, Disco, Disco” was great.
K: Yes, he did!
A: So, please give us your support, like the principal, you know?
K: If you do so, it might be・・・, you know?
A: We might be able to release it, you know?
A: We’ve been wishing to release it for long time, you know?
A: So, you know? For those stuffs, you know・・・?
N: LOL! What’s wrong with you today?
K: So many characters appear! LOL!
A: We haven’t been able to release it, you know?
K: LOL! So everyone, please give us your support.
A: Please, you know?

A:ほいでほいで。ライブはそんな風に、こういう代々木で 2days とかね、ちょっと大きいと
A: So like this, we held shows at big venue like Yoyogi for 2 days,
A: we also held a hall & arena tour.
A: Our activities in live concerts were very fulfilling.
N: Yes.
K: That’s true.
ムリリースが 7 月でしたっけ?
A: However, we released a single and an album.
A: Was it on July we released the album?
N:7 月ですね。
N: Yes, it was.
K:7 月 8 日ですね。
K: On the 8th of July.
A: Yeah.
N: We released the album.
K: Yes, we did.
A: I was so happy for that release.
N, K: Yeah. Me, too.

N:なんかね、2008 年が凄い忙しかったじゃん。それであの~、だから 2009 年はちょっとこ
N: Well, as 2008 was very busy year, so we said things like
N: “In 2009, we’d like to get a foothold or we’d like to slow down a bit” didn’t we?
N: Like “Isn’t it nice to settle down a bit?” and things like that.
N: But when we tried to slow down and walk, we just couldn’t.
N: We always felt like that we were dashing.
N: We felt like・・・, um, “We have to do something!”
N: For example, after releasing the album, “We’ve got to hold a tour!” and so on.
N: So as the result, we didn’t have time to slow down and rest at all.
A: Yeah.
K: That’s right.
N: We were on the run after all. As the result, this year became a year we dashed, I
A: That’s right.
A:・・・すごい、結構考えた年だな、って思ったんですけど。 色んな人に、
                             で、     二十歳になって色
んな人に会うようになって、2009 年は特に、色んな外の人と会うことが増えて。 二十歳に
A: ・・・Hmm, for me, it was a year we thought.
A: As we all became 20 years old, we had more opportunities to meet various people.
A: Especially in 2009, we had a lot of opportunities to meet people outside of us.
A: And it’s also because we became 20 years old,
A: we could attend our staff ’s meeting and listen to their in-depth discussions.
て、Perfume っていうのが凄く、ちょっと一歩上に上がれたっていうか、大人になれたって
A: We had always been curious about those stuffs,
A: but at the same time, we had thought like “We’re too young to join these meetings”
A: But we determined that we should know about those stuffs so we asked.
A: I feel that at that point, Perfume could take one step ahead.
A: I mean Perfume became mature and・・・
K: This year, we would rather have made our inner side strong and fulfilling than
doing outside activities.
K: We became more self-motivated and had more chances to do things at our own
A: Yeah, that’s right. Hmm・・・.
N: That might be true. We actually had a lot of activities,
N: but in our minds, we stopped once. And that stop gave us motivations to move
N: This might be what this year meant to us.
A: That’s absolutely true.
その時に、カエラさんとお話があってさ、 月くらいに。
                   7      それであの~、リハーサルが終わっ
た後に、チョコレイト・ディスコとか練習した後にさ、4 人でご飯食べにいったじゃん?
N: Yeah, what I remember is, we performed “Kaela Kimura ∞ Perfume” with Kaela-san.
N: It was on July I think, we were offered to form the group.
N: And when the rehearsal was over, after practicing “Chocolate Disco” and so on,
N: we went out for dinner, didn’t we?
K: Yeah.
A: Yes, we did.
N:隣の隣ぐらいの部屋にはスタッフさん達がいて、 そこは女子 3 人、 人で、
                        で、         4   あの~色々
N: In the 2 rooms next to ours, there were our staffs.
N: But in our room, there were only 4 of us.
N: We talked about various stuffs and she told us a lot of valuable stories.
N: We often mentioned about her in this looking back project,
N: and this also became great relief for us.
A, K: Yes.
N: This year really was a fulfilling year. We could appear on Kou-Haku(*2) on this year,
K: Yeah, that’s true.
N: Music Japan も始まったしね。
N: Music Japan had started on this year.
A: Yes.
N: Our regular weekly program.
A: Music Japan もね、本当に勉強になるね。
A: Yes, Music Japan. We’re learning a lot from it.
N: Yes.
A: We’re the MCs of the music program!
N, K: Yeah!
A: That’s really something.
K: Thank goodness.
A, N, K: Yes.
A: We’ve got to work harder for it!
N: LOL! Yes, sir!

A: So, for the next week・・・
N:はい。2010 年!
N: Yes, we reached 2010!
A, K: Wow!
K: That means・・・?
A: Yeah, this year!
N:今です。なんかね~、 「行きますよ!」
            もう       っていう風に書き込んでくれてる子がいるらし
N: Yeah, it’ll be about now.
N: And I heard there are a lot of people who posted messages on our forum like “I’m
going to Dome concert!”
A: Yes.
K:愛知からは、友達 2 人で来るラジオネーム「ネプチューン」君。
K: From Aichi PREF., radio name “Neptune”-kun(*3) coming to Dome with his friend.
N: Hi, Neptune-kun!
K: From Tokyo, “Macaroon”-chan(*4).
N: Macaroon-chan. Wow, that’s sweet.
K: From Osaka, “Nabesuke”-kun.
N:ナベ助君。そして、神奈川県「雷神」 茨城県
                   君、  「けっぴ」ちゃん、長崎から友達と一緒に来る
「カレーパンダ」君、14 歳!
N: Yeah, Nabesuke-kun.
N: And From Kanagawa PREF., “Raijin (Thunder God)”-kun,
N: From Ibaraki PREF., “Keppi”-chan,
N: and “Curry Panda”-kun who’s coming to Dome with his friend all the way from
Nagasaki PREF.
N: And he’s 14 years old!
A: Wow, Really?
K:14 歳、長崎から!?
K: He’s only 14 years old and he’s coming here from Nagasaki?
A: Amazing, he’s so young!
N: Yes. Each of them has their own dramas.
A:はい、岡山県 16 年」 福島県
        「     君、  「ムーニー」 曲順を想像して楽しみにしてくれている、
                        君、                  千
A: Yeah, from Okayama PREF., “Sixteen years”-kun,
A: From Fukushima PREF., “Moonie”-kun
A: And from Chiba PREF., “Maki”-chan who’s looking forward to it imagining the set
N: Wow! I’m looking forward to it, too!
A:他、沢山の生徒のみんなも、Perfume 掲示板に「東京ドームライブ行くよ」って書き込みを
A: And there’s a lot more students who sent messages on our forum that they’re coming
to Tokyo Dome concert.
A: I really would like to thank every one of them.
N: Thank you!
K: Thank you very much.
K:え~、 週に渡って送る Perfume の 10 年間研究も、
     10                          いよいよ来週の研究でラストですよ。
K: So, the looking back Perfume’s 10 years project we presented you for 10 weeks,
K: will come to its end on next week.
N: Wow! Finally!
K:また来週ね、結果 10 年もう一回振り返っちゃいそうだよね?色々思い起こして。
K: We might be looking back our whole 10 years again on next week, though.
K: As we have a lot more things to cast back.
N: Yeah, we might be.
N: But how are you going to look back 2010? It’s still ・・・
A: Yeah, 2010 hasn’t ended yet, but it’ll end soon.
N: That’s true. It hasn’t ended yet, but it’s almost over.
K:まだ言うて、もう 10 月じゃもん。
K: Yeah, it’s already October, you know?
N: That’s right.
A:次 11 月だから・・・
A: November is coming, so・・・
K: That means this year has only 2 months left.
N: Wow, too true.
K: When this season comes, you always wonder what you have done in this year, don’t
N: Yeah.
A:イヤ、そんなこと無いよ。だって今年はシングル 3 枚ですよ!
A: But you shouldn’t. Because we released 3 singles this year!
N: LOL!!
K: S, sorry Senpai!(*5) LOL!!
A:2008 年と同じ訳ですよ!
A: That means we have same release record as 2008!
N: That’s right.
A: We wanna move forward as fast and furious as we did in 2008!
K: Yes.
A: Right?
K:10 年になった年に、攻めの年にしたいって言ってたもんね?
K: As it is our 10th anniversary, we said we want to make it an aggressive year, the year
of offence, didn’t we?
A: That’s right.
A: The year of SemeⅡ! (OffenceⅡ)
K: OffenceⅡ!
N: LOL!!
A, N, K: OffenceⅡ! LOL!!
N: Sounds like SutoⅡ (Street FighterⅡ(*6))
K: OffenceⅡ
N: Okay, Let’s go with offenceⅡ!
A:行きたいと思います。2010 年の Perfume、いよいよ東京ドームライブへと向かいます!
A: Yeah, we will!
A: Perfume in 2010, finally we’re heading for Tokyo Dome Concert!
A: To Be Continued!

(*1)The principal
Because School of Lock is the radio program for teenage students, the main
personalities of the program are called as the Principal.
The Principal・・・Daisuke Tohyama, comedian.

Kou-haku Uta-gassen. An annual music show on New Year's Eve produced by Japanese
public broadcaster, NHK

suffix for familiar person. Usually used for young male.
Ex) Nocchi-kun.

suffix for familiar person. Usually used for young female.
Ex) A-chan.

(*5) Senpai
senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate; progenitor; old-timer

a competitive fighting game originally released for the arcades in 1991. Often
shortened as Suto-Ⅱ

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Perfume 2009

  • 1. 11 月 3 日の東京ドームライブに向けて、Perfume の 10 年間を研究せよ。 For the Tokyo Dome concert on 3rd of Nov. look back on Perfume’s 10 year. A:はぁ~い、今週も来ましたぁ~! 11/3 のぉ~東京ドームライブに向けてぇ~、Perfume の 10 年間をぉ~1週ずつ振り返っていまぁ~す! A: Okaaay! Leet’s get started on this week as weeell! A: Fooor the Tokyo Dome concert on Nov. 3rrrrd! A: We’re loooooking baaaack our 10 years ooone by ooone!! N,K:(笑) N,K: LOL!! 2009 年の Perfume を研究せよ。 Look back Perfume in 2009. K:もう去年ですね。1 年前ですよ。 K: Today, it’s about last year. Just 1 year ago. N:おぉ~、去年ですね。 N: Wow! We’ve reached last year! K:2009 年です。 K: Yes, 2009. K:去年か~。 K: Wow, it’s already about last year. A:そうじゃね~。早いなぁ~。 A: Yeah, time flies. K:2009 年はシングル「ワンルームディスコ」をリリースして、アルバム「⊿」をリリースしま した。そして代々木 2 days の Disco, Disco, Disco」 「 を開催し、そして過去最長の全国ツアー、 直角二等辺三角形ツアー開催。 K: On 2009, we released a single “One Room Disco” and an album “⊿” K: We held 2 days live concert “Disco, Disco, Disco” at Yoyogi. K: And we also held a tour concert “Isosceles Right Triangle Tour” K: The longest national tour concert in our history. N:ホール&アリーナツアーですね。 N: The hall & arena tour. K:そうですよ!11 都市 19 公演もしました。 K: That’s right! We held 19 concerts in 11 cities.
  • 2. A:は~! A: Amazing! N: 11 都市 19 公演! N: 19 concerts in 11 cities! K:色んな事ありましたね~。 K: There were a lot of events. N:ありましたね。 N: Yes, there were. K:て言うか、代々木の「Disco, Disco, Disco」が去年だったことにビックリ。 K: Well, I’m kind of surprised to know that “Disco, Disco, Disco” was held in last year. N:そうだね。「ワンルームディスコ」を出してから、「Disco, Disco, Disco」 N: Yeah, it was after releasing “One Room Disco” that we held “Disco, Disco, Disco” K:なるほどね! K: Oh! I see! A:「チョコレイト・ディスコ」と「ワンルームディスコ」と、 A: “Chocolate Disco”, “One Room Disco” and・・・ K:みんなでディスコ。 K: “Disco” with everyone. A:これね、DVD 化してないけんね。 A: A DVD of this show hasn’t been produced yet. N:ね~! N: NO! K:そうそう! K: You’re perfectly correct! A:いつか出したいけどぉ、要望とかがないとやっぱりぃ、そういう大人の力ってやっぱり使 えないっていうかぁ。なんていうかウチらには権限が全然ないからぁ。 A: Well, we would love to release it, you know? A: But without your needs, it’s quite difficult to use those “Mr. Big’s Power”, you know? A: After all we don’t have any authorities for releases, you know? N,K:そうだね(笑) N, K: Yeah. LOL!! N:校長は褒めてくれたよね。「Disco, Disco, Disco」 N: The principal (*1) told us “Disco, Disco, Disco” was great. K:そうだね~。 K: Yes, he did!
  • 3. A:校長みたいなね、お気持ちを。皆さんが、下さい。 A: So, please give us your support, like the principal, you know? K:伝えてくれたら、もしかしたら。 K: If you do so, it might be・・・, you know? A:もしかしたら出来るかもしれないしぃ、出したいっていう気持ちはあってぇ。ずっとそう いうのとかぁ~。 A: We might be able to release it, you know? A: We’ve been wishing to release it for long time, you know? A: So, you know? For those stuffs, you know・・・? N:(笑)今日どしたん? N: LOL! What’s wrong with you today? K:色んな人が出てくる(笑) K: So many characters appear! LOL! A:出せなかったっていうかぁ~。 A: We haven’t been able to release it, you know? K:(笑)皆さんよろしくお願いします。 K: LOL! So everyone, please give us your support. A:お願ぁい。 A: Please, you know? A:ほいでほいで。ライブはそんな風に、こういう代々木で 2days とかね、ちょっと大きいと ころでやってみたり。ホールとアリーナツアーをやってみたりと、ライブはとても充実して いる訳ですよ。 A: So like this, we held shows at big venue like Yoyogi for 2 days, A: we also held a hall & arena tour. A: Our activities in live concerts were very fulfilling. N:はい。 N: Yes. K:そうですね。 K: That’s true. A:うん。ですがね、ちょっとこうシングルをリリースして、アルバムをリリースして。アルバ ムリリースが 7 月でしたっけ? A: However, we released a single and an album. A: Was it on July we released the album? N:7 月ですね。 N: Yes, it was.
  • 4. K:7 月 8 日ですね。 K: On the 8th of July. A:ね。 A: Yeah. N:アルバムですね。 N: We released the album. K:そうだね。 K: Yes, we did. A:アルバムも嬉しかったね~。 A: I was so happy for that release. N,K:うん。 N, K: Yeah. Me, too. N:なんかね、2008 年が凄い忙しかったじゃん。それであの~、だから 2009 年はちょっとこ う何か、地を固めるじゃないけど、歩けるような活動がしたいみたいな、事を言ってたでし ょ?落ち着くみたいな、ちょっと落ち着きたいよね、みたいな。言ってたんだけど、なんか歩 こうとしてたら、全然こう、歩けなくて。ダッシュしてるというか。気持ち的にもなんかさ、 あの~、なんかしなきゃ!とか。アルバム出したら、まぁツアーもしなきゃいけないし、とか そういうので全然こう、休むっていうのはなかったよね。 N: Well, as 2008 was very busy year, so we said things like N: “In 2009, we’d like to get a foothold or we’d like to slow down a bit” didn’t we? N: Like “Isn’t it nice to settle down a bit?” and things like that. N: But when we tried to slow down and walk, we just couldn’t. N: We always felt like that we were dashing. N: We felt like・・・, um, “We have to do something!” N: For example, after releasing the album, “We’ve got to hold a tour!” and so on. N: So as the result, we didn’t have time to slow down and rest at all. A:うん。 A: Yeah. K:そうだね。 K: That’s right. N:結果走ってた、みたいな。結果ダッシュの年になってた気がするな。 N: We were on the run after all. As the result, this year became a year we dashed, I think. A:そうだね~。 A: That’s right.
  • 5. A:・・・すごい、結構考えた年だな、って思ったんですけど。 色んな人に、 で、 二十歳になって色 んな人に会うようになって、2009 年は特に、色んな外の人と会うことが増えて。 二十歳に で、 なったからちょっと、スタッフさんのその話とかも、結構奥まで聞かせて貰ったりとか。 A: ・・・Hmm, for me, it was a year we thought. A: As we all became 20 years old, we had more opportunities to meet various people. A: Especially in 2009, we had a lot of opportunities to meet people outside of us. A: And it’s also because we became 20 years old, A: we could attend our staff ’s meeting and listen to their in-depth discussions. A:やっぱり気になってたけど、そういうところはちょっとウチらは入っちゃいけんのんか な?みたいな。あったけど、そこもやっぱり聞いてみよう、疑問だし聞いてみよ!って言っ て、Perfume っていうのが凄く、ちょっと一歩上に上がれたっていうか、大人になれたって いうか、何かその・・・。 A: We had always been curious about those stuffs, A: but at the same time, we had thought like “We’re too young to join these meetings” A: But we determined that we should know about those stuffs so we asked. A: I feel that at that point, Perfume could take one step ahead. A: I mean Perfume became mature and・・・ K:外の活動じゃなくて、中味をね、すごく固めていったりとか、充実したり、自分達から動い ていこう!っていうのが凄く多くなった年だよね。 K: This year, we would rather have made our inner side strong and fulfilling than doing outside activities. K: We became more self-motivated and had more chances to do things at our own initiatives. A:そうだね。う~ん。 A: Yeah, that’s right. Hmm・・・. N:何かそうかもね。活動的には凄い動いてたけど、気持ち的には一旦止まって、止まること で、もうちょっと進もうっていう意欲が沸いてくるとか、なんかそういう意味のある年だっ た、っていうか。 N: That might be true. We actually had a lot of activities, N: but in our minds, we stopped once. And that stop gave us motivations to move forward. N: This might be what this year meant to us. A:滅茶苦茶、そうだったと思います。 A: That’s absolutely true.
  • 6. N:このさ、覚えてるのがさ、あの、カエラさんとさ、 「木村カエラ∞Perfume」やったじゃん。で、 その時に、カエラさんとお話があってさ、 月くらいに。 7 それであの~、リハーサルが終わっ た後に、チョコレイト・ディスコとか練習した後にさ、4 人でご飯食べにいったじゃん? N: Yeah, what I remember is, we performed “Kaela Kimura ∞ Perfume” with Kaela-san. N: It was on July I think, we were offered to form the group. N: And when the rehearsal was over, after practicing “Chocolate Disco” and so on, N: we went out for dinner, didn’t we? K:うん。 K: Yeah. A:行ったね~。 A: Yes, we did. N:隣の隣ぐらいの部屋にはスタッフさん達がいて、 そこは女子 3 人、 人で、 で、 4 あの~色々 話して、それでこう、色んな、ためになる話をしてくれて。カエラさんの話はよく出てくるけ ど、この振り返りで。凄いなんか、助かった覚えがある。 N: In the 2 rooms next to ours, there were our staffs. N: But in our room, there were only 4 of us. N: We talked about various stuffs and she told us a lot of valuable stories. N: We often mentioned about her in this looking back project, N: and this also became great relief for us. A,K:うん。 A, K: Yes. N:でもホントに充実してたと思う。この年も紅白さん出させて貰えたし、 N: This year really was a fulfilling year. We could appear on Kou-Haku(*2) on this year, too. K:そうだね。 K: Yeah, that’s true. N: Music Japan も始まったしね。 N: Music Japan had started on this year. A:はい。 A: Yes. N:毎週の。 N: Our regular weekly program. A: Music Japan もね、本当に勉強になるね。 A: Yes, Music Japan. We’re learning a lot from it. N:うん。
  • 7. N: Yes. A:音楽番組の司会だからね? A: We’re the MCs of the music program! N,K:ね~! N, K: Yeah! A:凄いよ。 A: That’s really something. K:ありがたいよね。 K: Thank goodness. A,N,K:う~ん。 A, N, K: Yes. A:もっと頑張らにゃいけん! A: We’ve got to work harder for it! N:はい(笑) N: LOL! Yes, sir! A:いよいよ次回は・・・ A: So, for the next week・・・ N:はい。2010 年! N: Yes, we reached 2010! A,K:うわ~! A, K: Wow! K:つまりは・・・? K: That means・・・? N:今年ですね! N: THIS YEAR! A:今年~! A: Yeah, this year! N:今です。なんかね~、 「行きますよ!」 もう っていう風に書き込んでくれてる子がいるらし いですよ。 N: Yeah, it’ll be about now. N: And I heard there are a lot of people who posted messages on our forum like “I’m going to Dome concert!” A:はい。 A: Yes. K:愛知からは、友達 2 人で来るラジオネーム「ネプチューン」君。
  • 8. K: From Aichi PREF., radio name “Neptune”-kun(*3) coming to Dome with his friend. N:ネプチューン君! N: Hi, Neptune-kun! K:東京都「マカロン」ちゃん。 K: From Tokyo, “Macaroon”-chan(*4). N:マカロンちゃん。かわいい。 N: Macaroon-chan. Wow, that’s sweet. K:大阪府「ナベ助」くん。 K: From Osaka, “Nabesuke”-kun. N:ナベ助君。そして、神奈川県「雷神」 茨城県 君、 「けっぴ」ちゃん、長崎から友達と一緒に来る 「カレーパンダ」君、14 歳! N: Yeah, Nabesuke-kun. N: And From Kanagawa PREF., “Raijin (Thunder God)”-kun, N: From Ibaraki PREF., “Keppi”-chan, N: and “Curry Panda”-kun who’s coming to Dome with his friend all the way from Nagasaki PREF. N: And he’s 14 years old! A:え~! A: Wow, Really? K:14 歳、長崎から!? K: He’s only 14 years old and he’s coming here from Nagasaki? A:若い! A: Amazing, he’s so young! N:ね~、色んなドラマがありますよ、一人一人。 N: Yes. Each of them has their own dramas. A:はい、岡山県 16 年」 福島県 「 君、 「ムーニー」 曲順を想像して楽しみにしてくれている、 君、 千 葉県の「マキ」ちゃん。 A: Yeah, from Okayama PREF., “Sixteen years”-kun, A: From Fukushima PREF., “Moonie”-kun A: And from Chiba PREF., “Maki”-chan who’s looking forward to it imagining the set list. N:あ~、楽しみ! N: Wow! I’m looking forward to it, too! A:他、沢山の生徒のみんなも、Perfume 掲示板に「東京ドームライブ行くよ」って書き込みを してくれているみたいで、ホントにありがとうございます。 A: And there’s a lot more students who sent messages on our forum that they’re coming
  • 9. to Tokyo Dome concert. A: I really would like to thank every one of them. N:ありがとう! N: Thank you! K:ありがとうございます。 K: Thank you very much. K:え~、 週に渡って送る Perfume の 10 年間研究も、 10 いよいよ来週の研究でラストですよ。 K: So, the looking back Perfume’s 10 years project we presented you for 10 weeks, K: will come to its end on next week. N:わ~! N: Wow! Finally! K:また来週ね、結果 10 年もう一回振り返っちゃいそうだよね?色々思い起こして。 K: We might be looking back our whole 10 years again on next week, though. K: As we have a lot more things to cast back. N:そうだね! N: Yeah, we might be. N:今年ってでもまださぁ・・・。 N: But how are you going to look back 2010? It’s still ・・・ A:まだ言うてももうよ。もう終わるよ。 A: Yeah, 2010 hasn’t ended yet, but it’ll end soon. N:まだだけどもうだね~。 N: That’s true. It hasn’t ended yet, but it’s almost over. K:まだ言うて、もう 10 月じゃもん。 K: Yeah, it’s already October, you know? N:そうだ。 N: That’s right. A:次 11 月だから・・・ A: November is coming, so・・・ K:あと二ヶ月で終わるんよ、今年って。 K: That means this year has only 2 months left. N:ホンマですね。 N: Wow, too true. K:いつもこのぐらいになるとさ、今年って何しとったんじゃろ?って思っちゃうよね。 K: When this season comes, you always wonder what you have done in this year, don’t you? N:うん。
  • 10. N: Yeah. A:イヤ、そんなこと無いよ。だって今年はシングル 3 枚ですよ! A: But you shouldn’t. Because we released 3 singles this year! N:(笑) N: LOL!! K:スイマセン、先輩(笑) K: S, sorry Senpai!(*5) LOL!! A:2008 年と同じ訳ですよ! A: That means we have same release record as 2008! N:ホントですよ。 N: That’s right. A:あの時ぐらいの勢いで行きたい! A: We wanna move forward as fast and furious as we did in 2008! K:そうね。 K: Yes. A:ね!? A: Right? K:10 年になった年に、攻めの年にしたいって言ってたもんね? K: As it is our 10th anniversary, we said we want to make it an aggressive year, the year of offence, didn’t we? A:そうです。攻めⅡです! A: That’s right. A: The year of SemeⅡ! (OffenceⅡ) K:攻めⅡ! K: OffenceⅡ! N:(笑) N: LOL!! A,N,K:攻めⅡ!(笑) A, N, K: OffenceⅡ! LOL!! N:ストⅡみたいな。 N: Sounds like SutoⅡ (Street FighterⅡ(*6)) K:攻めⅡ K: OffenceⅡ N:攻めⅡで行こう! N: Okay, Let’s go with offenceⅡ! A:行きたいと思います。2010 年の Perfume、いよいよ東京ドームライブへと向かいます!
  • 11. 続く! A: Yeah, we will! A: Perfume in 2010, finally we’re heading for Tokyo Dome Concert! A: To Be Continued! (*1)The principal Because School of Lock is the radio program for teenage students, the main personalities of the program are called as the Principal. The Principal・・・Daisuke Tohyama, comedian. (*2)Kou-Haku Kou-haku Uta-gassen. An annual music show on New Year's Eve produced by Japanese public broadcaster, NHK (*3)-kun suffix for familiar person. Usually used for young male. Ex) Nocchi-kun. (*4)-chan suffix for familiar person. Usually used for young female. Ex) A-chan. (*5) Senpai senior (at work or school); superior; elder; older graduate; progenitor; old-timer (*6) a competitive fighting game originally released for the arcades in 1991. Often shortened as Suto-Ⅱ