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Hol i s t i c


 Globa l
Rece s s i o n

  Dr . Shr i n iwa s
   Kasha l i k a r
The roo t cau s e of g l oba l
rec e s s i o n i s the ind i v i d u a l i s t i c
and tubu l a r per sp e c t i v e in
di f f e r e n t f i e l d s , which l e ad s to
se c t a r i a n and mutua l l y
antagon i s t i c “deve l o pmen t ” . Thi s
“deve l o pmen t ” embod i e s ;
ac t ua l l y ; mul t i p l i c a t i o n and
canc e r ou s growth of ve s t e d
in t e r e s t s , pe t t y pursu i t s and
re t r o g r e s s i v e des t r u c t i v e fo r c e s
in po l i t i c s , economi c s ,
env i r o nmen t e t c . I t canc e r ou s
becau s e i t behave s ju s t l i k e
canc e r , which grows at the co s t
of t r i l l i o n s of normal body
ce l l s !

In pre s e n t cond i t i o n s ; the
produc t i o n and the cap i t a l
inv e s tmen t requ i r e d ; revo l v e s
around unproduc t i v e g l amour ,
was t e f u l g l i t t e r , pe t t y
luxu r i o u s n e s s , cheap
en t e r t a i nmen t and mean
ach i e v emen t s ; born out of pe t t y
per sp e c t i v e . As a re su l t of
pe t t y per sp e c t i v e th ey are
g l o r i f i e d by most major play e r s
of mass communica t i o n !

Thi s i s fo l l o w ed by th e
marke t i n g of coun t e r p r odu c t i v e
commodi t i e s and se r v i c e s ,
promot ed through mutua l l y
exp l o i t a t i v e marke t i n g ; most l y
oppos i n g in t e r e s t s of even one
ano th e r ! Hence the indu s t r i a l
growth ra th e r be i n g conduc i v e to
ho l i s t i c hea l t h , rac e s toward s
mutua l decay and soon s l ow s
down . To pro t e c t the ves t e d
in t e r e s t s of the smal l se c t i o n
f r om th i s proc e s s pub l i c fund s
are pumped in and th e pot en t i a l
cus t omer s are fu r t h e r
re s t r i c t e d !

Everyone of us ; be i n g vu ln e r a b l e
and weak ; due to the s t up e f y i n g
in f l u e n c e of to t a l l y decep t i v e
g l o r i f i c a t i o n of pe t t y and
supe r f i c i a l g l amour and g l i t t e r ;
ge t s t empt ed and dr i v e n by the
lu s t fo r mere per s ona l f i n a n c i a l
pro f i t s ( ob l i v i o u s to th e fa c t
tha t such pro f i t s tu rn aga i n s t
th e i r own sub l ime natu r e ) ! Hence
th e economy booms fo r some t ime
due to f r an t i c inv e s tmen t s and
beg i n s to co l l a p s e as th e number
of con sumer s keep s reduc i n g to
due to depr i v a t i o n of bi l l i o n s ,
whose buy ing power ge t s
des i c c a t e d / a t r o p h i e d ! Thi s i s
why th e shar e pr i c e s beg i n to
dwind l e .

Sin c e th e money pumped in th e s e
bus i n e s s e s , whethe r by
gove rnmen t s or inv e s t o r s ’ , i s
es s e n t i a l l y peop l e s ’ money
[wh i ch would have been
pot en t i a l l y be use f u l fo r th e
g l oba l deve l o pmen t ] th e common
peop l e a l l over th e wor ld su f f e r
maximum , the inv e s t o r s su f f e r to
some ex t e n t ; becau s e they s t i l l
have buf f e r i n g power and the
bus i n e s s hous e s wi th much
grea t e r buf f e r i n g power ; su f f e r
leas t !
Hence to manage g l oba l
rec e s s i o n ;
 1.  The ch i l d r e n have to be
     in t r o du c ed to th e measure s
     of inn e r blo s s om in g , such as
     hymns , praye r s and
     NAMASMARAN r i g h t f r om th e
     beg i nn i n g .
 2.  The produc t i v e domain must
     be nur tu r e d and th e ep i d em i c
     of dread f u l di s e a s e of
     was t e f u l l e a r n i n g of
     unproduc t i v e ac t i v i t i e s must
     be check ed on war foo t i n g
     urgen t l y and se r i o u s l y .

 3.   The agr i c u l t u r a l ,
      hor t i c u l t u r a l and medi c i n a l
      herb produc t i o n must be
      endowed wi th prope r
      in c en t i v e .
4.   The produc t i o n of gas ,
     pe t r o l and di e s e l dr i v e n
     pr i v a t e veh i c l e s must be
     dras t i c a l l y reduc ed . The
     produc t i o n of number of
     t r a i n s and buse s has to be
     in c r e a s e d acco rd i n g to the
     need s .
5.   These are broad outlines and directions.
     The details can be worked out by
     experts in the different fields; with
     global perspective.

6.   For having global perspective and
     overcoming sectarian bias; practice of
     measures to grow and blossom from
     within i.e. a mega process of spiritual
     renaissance i.e. NAMSMARAN by
     billions of people all over the world; is
     urgently required.
Namasmaran means; remembering the name
of God, Guru, great souls; such as prophets
and holy objects such as planets and stars. It
may be remembered silently, loudly, along
with music, dance, along with breathing, in
group or alone, either with counting by
rosary (called SMARANI or JAPAMALA)
or without counting. The traditions vary
from region to region and from religion to

However the universal principle underlying
NAMASMARAN is to reorient your
physiological being with your true self. In
fact while reorienting with true self you aim
to establish and strengthen the bond or
connection; between; your physiological
being; with your true self. You aim at
reunification with yourself!

Since remembering your true self is the
pinnacle of or culmination of individual
consciousness, and individual consciousness
is the culmination of every activity in life,
remembering any name of God or Guru (any
symbol of your true self) is equivalent to
opening the final common pathway for the
individual consciousness associated with
every possible activity to get funneled into or
unified with objective or cosmic

Thus NAMASMARAN is in fact the
YOGA of YOGA in the sense that it is the
culmination of consciousness associated with
every possible procedure and technique in
the yoga that you are familiar with. It is the
YOGA of YOGA because it is the
culmination of consciousness associated with
all the activities in the universe, which it
encompasses as well! It is YOGA of YOGA
because everybody in the world irrespective
of his/her tradition and the beliefs; would
eventually, ultimately and naturally reach it
it; in the process of liberation. Even so called
non believers also would not “miss” the
“benefit of remembering the true self
through one symbol or another”!

it is meditation of meditation also! It is the
natural and ultimate climax of every form of

These facts however have to be realized with
persistent practice of NAMSMARAN and
not blindly believed or blindly disbelieved
with casual approach!
In short NAMSMARAN is super-bounty of
cosmic consciousness for every individual to
realize it (cosmic consciousness)! This is truly
a super-bounty because a person who
experiences it, rises above mercenary,
commercial and even professional and
charity planes and manifest super-
transactions in his or her life!

These are just few observations to give rough
idea about what is NAMASMARAN.
NAMASMARAN is an ocean of bliss. Its true
meaning is beyond description in words and
has to b experienced, most preferably, by

Namasmaran: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
Sahasranetra: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
Holistic Medicine: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
Stress: Understanding and Management: Dr.
 Shriniwas Kashalikar
 Conceptual Stress: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
 All available for free download on

Dr . Shr i n iwa s
Kasha l i k a r

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Holisticmanagement Of Global Recession Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

  • 1. Hol i s t i c Management Of Globa l Rece s s i o n Dr . Shr i n iwa s Kasha l i k a r
  • 2. The roo t cau s e of g l oba l rec e s s i o n i s the ind i v i d u a l i s t i c and tubu l a r per sp e c t i v e in di f f e r e n t f i e l d s , which l e ad s to se c t a r i a n and mutua l l y antagon i s t i c “deve l o pmen t ” . Thi s “deve l o pmen t ” embod i e s ; ac t ua l l y ; mul t i p l i c a t i o n and canc e r ou s growth of ve s t e d in t e r e s t s , pe t t y pursu i t s and re t r o g r e s s i v e des t r u c t i v e fo r c e s in po l i t i c s , economi c s , env i r o nmen t e t c . I t canc e r ou s becau s e i t behave s ju s t l i k e canc e r , which grows at the co s t of t r i l l i o n s of normal body ce l l s ! In pre s e n t cond i t i o n s ; the produc t i o n and the cap i t a l
  • 3. inv e s tmen t requ i r e d ; revo l v e s around unproduc t i v e g l amour , was t e f u l g l i t t e r , pe t t y luxu r i o u s n e s s , cheap en t e r t a i nmen t and mean ach i e v emen t s ; born out of pe t t y per sp e c t i v e . As a re su l t of pe t t y per sp e c t i v e th ey are g l o r i f i e d by most major play e r s of mass communica t i o n ! Thi s i s fo l l o w ed by th e marke t i n g of coun t e r p r odu c t i v e commodi t i e s and se r v i c e s , promot ed through mutua l l y exp l o i t a t i v e marke t i n g ; most l y oppos i n g in t e r e s t s of even one ano th e r ! Hence the indu s t r i a l growth ra th e r be i n g conduc i v e to ho l i s t i c hea l t h , rac e s toward s mutua l decay and soon s l ow s
  • 4. down . To pro t e c t the ves t e d in t e r e s t s of the smal l se c t i o n f r om th i s proc e s s pub l i c fund s are pumped in and th e pot en t i a l cus t omer s are fu r t h e r re s t r i c t e d ! Everyone of us ; be i n g vu ln e r a b l e and weak ; due to the s t up e f y i n g in f l u e n c e of to t a l l y decep t i v e g l o r i f i c a t i o n of pe t t y and supe r f i c i a l g l amour and g l i t t e r ; ge t s t empt ed and dr i v e n by the lu s t fo r mere per s ona l f i n a n c i a l pro f i t s ( ob l i v i o u s to th e fa c t tha t such pro f i t s tu rn aga i n s t th e i r own sub l ime natu r e ) ! Hence th e economy booms fo r some t ime due to f r an t i c inv e s tmen t s and beg i n s to co l l a p s e as th e number of con sumer s keep s reduc i n g to
  • 5. due to depr i v a t i o n of bi l l i o n s , whose buy ing power ge t s des i c c a t e d / a t r o p h i e d ! Thi s i s why th e shar e pr i c e s beg i n to dwind l e . Sin c e th e money pumped in th e s e bus i n e s s e s , whethe r by gove rnmen t s or inv e s t o r s ’ , i s es s e n t i a l l y peop l e s ’ money [wh i ch would have been pot en t i a l l y be use f u l fo r th e g l oba l deve l o pmen t ] th e common peop l e a l l over th e wor ld su f f e r maximum , the inv e s t o r s su f f e r to some ex t e n t ; becau s e they s t i l l have buf f e r i n g power and the bus i n e s s hous e s wi th much grea t e r buf f e r i n g power ; su f f e r leas t !
  • 6. Hence to manage g l oba l rec e s s i o n ; 1. The ch i l d r e n have to be in t r o du c ed to th e measure s of inn e r blo s s om in g , such as hymns , praye r s and NAMASMARAN r i g h t f r om th e beg i nn i n g . 2. The produc t i v e domain must be nur tu r e d and th e ep i d em i c of dread f u l di s e a s e of was t e f u l l e a r n i n g of unproduc t i v e ac t i v i t i e s must be check ed on war foo t i n g urgen t l y and se r i o u s l y . 3. The agr i c u l t u r a l , hor t i c u l t u r a l and medi c i n a l herb produc t i o n must be endowed wi th prope r in c en t i v e .
  • 7. 4. The produc t i o n of gas , pe t r o l and di e s e l dr i v e n pr i v a t e veh i c l e s must be dras t i c a l l y reduc ed . The produc t i o n of number of t r a i n s and buse s has to be in c r e a s e d acco rd i n g to the need s . 5. These are broad outlines and directions. The details can be worked out by experts in the different fields; with global perspective. 6. For having global perspective and overcoming sectarian bias; practice of measures to grow and blossom from within i.e. a mega process of spiritual renaissance i.e. NAMSMARAN by billions of people all over the world; is urgently required.
  • 8. BUT WHAT IS NAMASMARAN? Namasmaran means; remembering the name of God, Guru, great souls; such as prophets and holy objects such as planets and stars. It may be remembered silently, loudly, along with music, dance, along with breathing, in group or alone, either with counting by rosary (called SMARANI or JAPAMALA) or without counting. The traditions vary from region to region and from religion to religion. However the universal principle underlying NAMASMARAN is to reorient your physiological being with your true self. In fact while reorienting with true self you aim to establish and strengthen the bond or connection; between; your physiological being; with your true self. You aim at
  • 9. reunification with yourself! Since remembering your true self is the pinnacle of or culmination of individual consciousness, and individual consciousness is the culmination of every activity in life, remembering any name of God or Guru (any symbol of your true self) is equivalent to opening the final common pathway for the individual consciousness associated with every possible activity to get funneled into or unified with objective or cosmic consciousness. Thus NAMASMARAN is in fact the YOGA of YOGA in the sense that it is the culmination of consciousness associated with every possible procedure and technique in the yoga that you are familiar with. It is the YOGA of YOGA because it is the culmination of consciousness associated with
  • 10. all the activities in the universe, which it encompasses as well! It is YOGA of YOGA because everybody in the world irrespective of his/her tradition and the beliefs; would eventually, ultimately and naturally reach it it; in the process of liberation. Even so called non believers also would not “miss” the “benefit of remembering the true self through one symbol or another”! Just as NAMASMARAN is YOGA of YOGA it is meditation of meditation also! It is the natural and ultimate climax of every form of meditation. These facts however have to be realized with persistent practice of NAMSMARAN and not blindly believed or blindly disbelieved with casual approach!
  • 11. In short NAMSMARAN is super-bounty of cosmic consciousness for every individual to realize it (cosmic consciousness)! This is truly a super-bounty because a person who experiences it, rises above mercenary, commercial and even professional and charity planes and manifest super- transactions in his or her life! These are just few observations to give rough idea about what is NAMASMARAN. NAMASMARAN is an ocean of bliss. Its true meaning is beyond description in words and has to b experienced, most preferably, by billions! References: Namasmaran: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar Sahasranetra: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar Holistic Medicine: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar
  • 12. Stress: Understanding and Management: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar Conceptual Stress: Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar All available for free download on Dr . Shr i n iwa s Kasha l i k a r