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“The hospital used to be
where you went to get well”
Now it's where people go, rightfully
fearing they will get sick from Covid-19
Here's a new way to protect yourself:
It's the most sacred vow of medicine:
"First, do no harm"
And for the most part, doctors do a good job of keeping it.
But recently, it's become harder and harder for health workers to
uphold their Hippocratic oath.
And as thousands of doctors and nurses fall prey to the vicious
Covid-19... while countless infected people are flocking into
infested hospitals... lots of seniors are wondering: "am I pushing
my luck?"
It's something that prompted even the CDC, at the height of the
first wave, to advise older folks with chronic conditions to "stay at
home as much as possible".
It seems as though millions of Americans with diabetes, heart
disease or any other chronic health problems are now between a
rock and a hard place. It's a deadly dilemma: If you're not feeling
well, you need immediate medical help, or risk getting sicker. But
if you do go to the hospital, you face the risk of getting Covid-19
from another patient who doesn't even know they have it... or
worse, from the very doctor or nurse who is supposed to take
care of you.
If this scenario frightens you sounds like you, don't worry - you're
no coward. It just means you're smart enough to understand the
risks. And these risks are real:
In fact, the CDC reported that
... over 62,000 health professionals
got infected until May 26...
and numbers only went up from there. We know for a fact that
hospitals are a major source of Covid-19 infection. In the UK, up
to 20% of all infections happened in hospital, while people were
getting treated for something else. And even though the US
authorities haven't been too transparent with these numbers... we
know that at least 9000 Americans came back home from
hospitals with the bug. The real numbers are likely much higher.
But amid this unmitigated disaster, there's a ray of hope. And it's
coming from the same place that made this country the best in the
world: American self reliance. Because while the most dangerous
pandemic in over a century is raging on, tens of thousands of
patriots have started taking matters into their own hands. And
they're staying healthy and safe even when there's no doctor... or
at least until they can safely go to a hospital.
Hi, my name is George- and on this page that I might be forced to
pull from the Internet soon, I am going to show you why, if you've
been postponing going to the hospital for anything non-essential,
you might be right... and why soon enough there might not be a
doctor available, even if you need one.
I'll explain exactly what medicine this "battle-hardened" surgeon
from Europe recommends you stockpile now... to prepare for the
looming drug shortages...
I'll show you how to get a list of all the natural remedies you need
to hoard for long-term survival. And what are the simple yet
essential medical techniques and procedures you need to know in
a medical emergency.. so that even if there's no doctor, or you
can't visit one, you can still manage your chronic conditions,
reduce your pain, and even restore your health until the doctor
can see you.
This is especially important if you or a family member are at risk:
According to the CDC, 8 out of 10
COVID-19 deaths were from people over 65!
No wonder I'm taking this more seriously than anything.
Like I said, my name is George and I am from -
one of the leading survival websites on the Internet. Odds are,
you don't know about us. Many people don't. In good times,
people hate us for "being wrong" and for somehow "spreading
fear". In bad times like these, we are hated for being right. You
just can't win with these guys.
I've heard it all - that I'm a conspiracy theorist, a tinfoil hat, crazy
prepper - you name it.
But over time, I learned to stop paying attention to the trolls and
internet idiots. And I realized that we were not alone. When we
published Backyard Liberty and showed people how to prepare
for a food crisis, more than 140.000 Americans heeded our calls.
Even more were interested in our EMP preparedness course. We
help patriots prepare for unlikely but devastating events - like the
current pandemic.
And this time it's more personal than ever. Because you see... I'm
one of those "seniors with underlying conditions" you keep
hearing about. My health, maybe like yours, is far from perfect,
but I manage. I used to do many stupid things when I was young.
We all did. But it doesn't mean we deserve to die. No one does.
And frankly, ...
I won't go gently into that good night!
Not if I can do something about it.
That's why, in the early days of the pandemic, I put my nose to the
grindstone... and spent hundreds of hours researching this novel
threat. And what I discovered shocked me to the core: hard
evidence that we're about to witness a healthcare apocalypse of
biblical proportions. And NOT directly from Covid-19... but from its
Big words, I know... and I double checked the evidence in hope I
was mistaken. But I'll show you all my proof here and so you can
either prove me wrong... or realize that the time to prepare is now,
while there's still time.
The numbers don't lie: millions of Americans have already "opted
out" of the healthcare system. Hospital visits were down nearly
55% in March and April, in an analysis by Strata Decision
People are getting it: in the middle of a pandemic,
the last place where you want to be is a
building where all the sick people go!
Because frankly, it doesn't take much to get infected in a hospital.
Hospitals are notorious for making people sick - even without a
pandemic. The CDC estimates roughly 1.7 million hospital
associated infections... that cause or contribute to 99.000 deaths
each year! And that's BEFORE the coronavirus.
Covid-19 makes this worse. People don't realize just how easy it
is for a nosocomial outbreak to happen - that is, for your hospital
to infect you. A recent Harvard Medical School study puts it this
"To cause a nosocomial outbreak, it will take just 1 patient with
occult COVID-19 who is hospitalized, tests negative for influenza
virus, and is taken off precautions despite persistent respiratory
symptoms. Or just 1 visitor with COVID-19 and mild respiratory
symptoms who is permitted free access to the hospital because it
does not have an active screening and exclusion policy for visitors
with respiratory tract symptoms. Or just 1 infected health care
worker who decides to soldier through a shift despite a sore throat
and runny nose"
But there's another side to this story that should give you the
... soon, you may discover that you
can't go to your hospital... because it
doesn't exist anymore!!
This might sound crazy but it's 100% true. As expensive as
healthcare is in the US... people don't realize just how fragile
hospitals are. And many of them are laying off personnel at an
unprecedented scale... or they're even going bankrupt.
You see, during the pandemic, hospitals were forced to halt
elective surgery - which accounts for a big chunk of their
revenues. With elective surgery gone, their revenues dried up.
How much? A whopping $200 Billion with a capital B, and these
are June numbers.
It's enough to send many hospitals to the brink of financial ruin -
and beyond.
We've already had 29 hospital bankruptcies in 2020. But that's
just the tip of the iceberg - especially for rural hospitals. Michael
Topchik, executive director of the Chartis Center for Rural Health,
says that 453 of the country's 2000 rural hospitals... close to 1 in
4... are in danger of closing... while 216 are most vulnerable.
Not even the giants are faring better:
Mayo Clinic is expected to lose at
least $3 billion in revenue this year...
...and has already undergone pay cuts and layoffs. If Mayo Clinic
is in bad shape... you can imagine just how much worse the
smaller hospitals are doing.
But wait, there's more:
Because simply avoiding doctors and hospitals is not going to cut
it. In fact, it might make things worse!
In fact, if that's your plan, maybe you're better of playing the
COVID-19 lottery, and just going to the hospital. Because "doing
nothing" is not much of a strategy... and people have started
paying with their lives.
It's true:
stats are showing a sharp increase
in heart attacks and stroke...
with at least 35% of the excess deaths NOT caused by the
coronavirus. Take D.C. for example: according to the DC Health
director, excess deaths in the state were 40% higher from
January to May than they were just one year before. And almost
half of those were not attributed to the novel virus - instead, to
conditions like pneumonia, flu, diabetes, cancer and overdoses.
And this begs the question:
How will Americans deal with chronic conditions when it's not safe
to visit a doctor?
How will the millions that suffer from heart conditions... diabetes...
kidney disease... or COPD... where will they go when their
hospital is closed? What will they do if - or when there isn't
enough medical personnel to take care of them?
It's the deadly dilemma: Go to the hospital and risk getting sick, or
stay home and risk getting sicker.
There is a third way - the very thing that helped make America the
greatest country in the world. Self sufficiency. And I'll show you
how becoming medically self sufficient will help you slash your
risks of getting sick... and keep your health in the best shape you
could hope for... even if the pandemic decides to stay with us for a
long time.
So what can you start doing right away
to become medically self reliant?
There are two simple steps:
Step 1 is to start stockpiling essential medicine, that might be
gone in a crisis. Studies have shown that there are 153 critical
drugs that people with chronic disease need right now - or else
they with die. Many of them are made in China or in India. We
were already experiencing shortages even without a pandemic.
With so many factories closed, and governments limiting exports,
you need to brace yourself for possible worldwide disruptions.
So what medicine to stockpile? I have a special list from a top
survival doctor, and I'll share it with you here on this page in a
But that's just the beginning. Step #2, and probably THE most
important thing, is...
... you have to internalize some basic
medical skills that could save your life in a
"no doctor" scenario
Look: knowledge is power, and even the most basic medical
knowledge will give you the power to save lives - yours, or a
family member's.
In case you're thinking I'm nuts for even considering that you
learn basic medical procedures... I know how it sounds. What am
I saying here, that you'll perform your own surgery? That you'll
treat some serious health problems, like a stroke or heart attack?
No. If any of that happens AND there is no doctor, I hope you
scored good points with God - because you're going to need all of
HIS good will. But...
...just because you won't
perform your own brain surgery, doesn't mean
there aren't things you can do
Quite a lot, actually!
You can learn to prepare for nervous, respiratory, circulatory,
digestive and urinary system diseases.
You can manage superficial wounds and even fractures.
You can give first aid.
You can learn to self diagnose a medical problem (with some
help). Perform CPR. Stop bleeding. Deal with trauma. Deal with
hypothermia and hyperthermia. Fight infection. And so much
more - all in a few hours of casual reading.
How do I know this? Years ago, when the Ebola pandemic
happened, I was afraid that it was going to be "the one". Luckily,
that wasn't the case. But while I was reading every available
source, and doing my research, talking to doctors, etc... it
occurred to me. Not all doctors are alike in a "no healthcare"
As I was doing my Ebola research, it struck me that the best
doctor for a medical crisis will probably not be some "silk
underwear", Porsche-driving doctor from a billion dollar hospital.
My best bet was someone from the trenches. A doctor who is
forced to perform miracles with no expensive, state of the art
technology. And while facing severe drug shortages. In short, ...
... I needed a 3rd World Doctor
If I wanted to learn from the best... I knew that the best crisis
doctor would be someone who fights crisis on a day to day basis.
And after a few months of research, I found my guy-in one of the
poorest countries of the European Union-Romania.
His name is Dr. Radu Scurtu-and he's a rather unusual surgeon.
While he's working within the state-of-the-art French healthcare
system... he earned his stripes in the terrible healthcare system
that Romania had in the early 2000's.
The doctor had seen it all. No electricity. No proper disinfectants.
Having to seat 2 patients in the same hospital bed, because of
shortages. Rats and cockroaches. Things that would make your
stomach churn-and that you'd never see in the US under normal
Dr. Scurtu managed to get out of that system-first, working for a
few years in Germany, before moving to France. But he took with
him a wealth of information on how to deal with a collapsed
system. What's more, moving from "stone-age" to "state of the
art" meant he could get the best of both worlds. Romania had
taught him self reliance and ingenuity. Western Europe provided
the expensive toys.
It reminded me of a lesson I learned from my grandpa-a self
made multi-millionaire, but who had weathered two wars and the
Great Depression. While Grandpa was happy to enjoy a life of
luxury, he always liked to remind us that it can and it will all go
away. He had lost it all multiple times-and had made it all back in
multiples, with the help of God and of his own good attitude.
Grandpa was fond of saying:
"There is no education like adversity"
When you think about it, it makes sense. Should the healthcare
system collapse, most of our fancy pants doctors will be screwed.
They have no idea what it's like to operate with a flashlight. Or
what to do with a patient when basic medicine is out of stock, and
the fancy equipment is hogged by thousands upon thousands of
sick people.
They will be overwhelmed. And WE are going to be the ones who
will suffer the most.
When I met Dr. Scurtu, one of my first questions was "what can I
do to fend for myself in a medical crisis?". I was expecting the
same run of the mill response I had gotten tens of times from
other doctors-that you shouldn't try to play doctor, that I should go
to the hospital, yada yada yada. I knew that, I'm not an idiot. But
what if there IS no doctor, and no hospital?
Dr. Scurtu was more than happy to take my question. And he
gave me an earful. Turns out, short of surgeries and complex
medical procedures, there is quite a lot of stuff you can do! Here's
some of it. But first, a disclaimer:
Don't try any of it without talking to
your doctor first!
I'm giving this for information purposes only. If you have a doctor
you can access, call him. If you can go to a clinic, do it. That's the
safest course of action, and it would be irresponsible of me to
suggest otherwise.
Below you'll discover what a doctor does when they can't go to a
hospital. Use your own discretion.
Here's what I learned from Dr. Scurtu: that if you want a good
chance of being to treat something properly, you first want to
know you diagnosed it right. He taught me the simple TeCaMoLo
principle. These are the core questions you need to ask, to clarify
the circumstances in which the injury happened:
TEmporal-when did the injury occur?
CAuse-why did it happen?
MOdal-how did it occur?
LOcation-where did it happen?
Ask these 4 questions and you'll have a proper baseline for
healing the patient.
Beyond that, the Dr. showed me ...
... how to recognize the signs of
medical distress
Is the patient pale? Does he or she have a too weak or too rapid
pulse? Are they confused? Are there any obvious signs of injury?
The doctor then showed me how to perform a body check (more
about this later). And hundreds of little tidbits that could save your
life. For instance, do you know why it's a good idea to have an
old-school glass syringe in your house? It's because you can
sterilize and safely reuse glass... unlike the disposable syringes.
In fact, it's probably a good idea to buy some medical pliers and
pincers, to have just in case.
I asked Dr. Scurtu what medicine to stockpile - in the event that
you won't be able to find them in a crisis. This is particularly
important now-with global supply chains falling like dominos. He
gave me more than a handful.
Let's start with the obvious.
What should you have on hand, in
case of pneumonia?
Try to have some Cipro around the house. For kids, Bactrim or
Suprax suspension will help, or Avelox.
For asthma and breathing problems, see if you can get your
hands on prednisone taper, Albuterol, or Primatene Mist.
For shortness of breath or chest pain, stock up on nitroglycerin
0.4 mg tablets, as well as anticoagulants.
For non-infectious Diarrhea, Imodium-AD will help. In case of a
urinary tract infection, make sure you have Bactrim or Macrobid.
Other things you MUST have in your stockpile include: aspirin as
a blood thinner; atherosclerosis medication, like Mevacor or
Zocor; Coumadin as a blood thinner for stroke; Aleve for arthritis;
Zantac for heart burn; Lisinopril or Tenormin for high blood
And in general, you should make sure you can get your hands
● Fiber laxative
● Aspirin as a blood thinner
● Atherosclerosis medication. Mevacor (lovastatin); Zocor
● Blood thinners for stroke Coumadin (warfarin)
● Medications for arthritis Aleve (naproxen)
● Heart burn medications. Zantac (ranitidine).
● High blood pressure medication. (Lisinopril); Tenormin
He told me exactly what medicine to stockpile for: cold and flu,
allergies or pain. For breathing problems, gastrointestinal issues,
or skin conditions. What antibiotics to get, what birth control to
take; and if you have kids or grandkids, 6 drugs you absolutely
need to have in your cabinet. Too many things to mention
here-but I'll show you how you can get all of the exact same
And as I was talking to the doctor, I realized I had stumbled on a
treasure trove. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Or better: like a
starving survivor in a zombie apocalypse, who just discovered a
hidden stockpile.
So I knew I had to persuade Dr. Scurtu
to share his wisdom with our community
Extracting practical wisdom from survival experts was, after all,
our specialty.
But the good Dr. wasn't interested. He liked his privacy. He didn't
like fame of any kind. And for sure he didn't want any of the
negative attention that tends to come with being any kind of
survival expert.
It wasn't about the money. The French healthcare system pays
doctors handsomely. But I was determined to win this
one-because I knew this wasn't about our egos. There was much
more at stake-the lives of thousands of Americans who would be
left helpless in a medical crisis.
After a lot of cajoling and maybe a little bit of emotional blackmail,
I succeeded. And boy oh boy did we deliver.
We interviewed the doctor for two weeks straight. What's more...
... I was too paranoid to let the good
doctor write it all by himself
Truth is, as much as I loved his expertise, I was afraid we will end
up with a course written for other doctors. Too often, experts
suffer from the "curse of knowledge". They know the stuff so well,
that they forget what it was like to not know. So they tend to give
really complicated explanations that no one really understands.
But that was fine. I knew NOTHING about how to be your own
doctor in a crisis. So I asked all the dumb questions (so you won't
have to). When I didn't understand something, I asked the doc to
rephrase it in plain English. And when we put it all together, it
turned out to be the most practical course on medical
preparedness you'll ever find. We called it Survival MD-What to
Do When There's No Doctor
"This book is a must-read for disaster preparedness. It is clearly
written, easy to understand, and extremely informative. I highly
recommend Survival MD!" - Zabian Crosby
"I think that everyone in the U.S. should have this manual. Could
save your life!" - Mike Kirsch
Before I go on and explain what's inside, I want to set the record
Here's what Survival MD is NOT:
First of all - This is NOT a medical tome. If you're planning on
becoming a doctor or a registered nurse, this is NOT for you. This
is a practical, down to Earth, plain-English course on how a
layman can "replace the doctor"-when there is no doctor available
and you're in a life and death situation.
Second of all - It's NOT a book on how to treat yourself when you
can easily go to your doctor. That would be plain stupid-and it
would be irresponsible for me to suggest otherwise. If you're
looking for a way to stop going to the doctor when there's nothing
wrong with the healthcare system... it's my duty to tell you that
you might put your life in great danger.
Third (and frankly I don't care if this hurts our sales)-this is one
book I hope you will never need. Just like I hope you never have
to shoot your gun in self defense-but it's wise to protect yourself.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum"
This is a Latin quote I hold dearly. It means that "If you want
peace, prepare for war". It's why we keep a big army even though
we're not fighting the Nazis anymore. It's why you keep a fire
extinguisher in the house. This course is a fire extinguisher. It will
not prevent fires-but it might help you put them out.
Now that I got all this out of the way, let me tell you why I'm so
excited about Survival MD. There's no other "medical survival"
course like it on the planet. And I'm not using these words lightly.
As far as I know, this is the only course of its kind. Something that
will allow you to weather out a medical emergency where there is
no doctor. It doesn't matter if it's a pandemic, a grid-down
scenario, or a Katrina-like event that clogged hospitals for weeks.
Rave Reviews for Survival MD:
"I've found your book to be very informative and especially
appreciate the lists of supplies suggested." - Tammie Barletta
"SurvivalMD is easy to understand and uses items you should
have available. Also contains good ideas on what you need to
stock up on." - Sarah
Very detailed but easy to understand. The way it is shown and
explained it makes my comfort level very high in performing what
is necessary to address various situations." "- Rusty Coleman
An 80/20 approach to survival medicine
Maybe you're familiar with the 80/20 principle. If not, here's a
refresher: 80% of all our problems come from just 20% of causes.
You learn 80% of any topic in about 20% of the time you study.
You spend 80% of your time with less than 20% of your friends.
Once you understand this universal principle, you'll start seeing it
It's the same in medicine. Sure, you can go to medical school,
pay a quarter million dollars, and sink 4 years or more into this. Or
you can take a shortcut: learn the 20% of medical knowledge that
will help you in 80% of the situations. And this is exactly what
Survival MD is about: a "layman's shortcut" to developing life
saving skills for a crisis.
Survival MD has one purpose, and one purpose only: to keep
you and your loved ones alive until a qualified specialist can see
you. And in order to do this, we pulled out all the stops.
Here's a glimpse of what you'll find inside:
Got asthma or COPD? Dr. Scurtu will show you how
people with respiratory disease need to prepare (one of
the things you absolutely need around the house is an
oxymeter. And 4 other things you need to order online
right away)
Planning for long term medical survival? Take care of
this first-even if there's nothing wrong with your health
(NASA does it to all their astronauts)
4 items to stockpile (not medicine!) for someone who
is wheelchair bound. Plus: what you should do if your
MS is exacerbated and there's no doctor.
What if you have cardiovascular disease, or
peripheral vascular disease? And the dangerous
warning signal that comes from your toes.
The two fruits people with kidney failure must absolutely
avoid... at least until a dialysis machine is available.
Page 29
Rub clove oil on a sore tooth for relief…
=... and 7 other things you can do to prevent getting a
deadly infection, when there's no dentist;
=What to do when there are no antibiotics available.
Yes, veterinary antibiotics can help-but how do you know
the right dosage? Page 44
=Why Augmentin may be the best antibiotic to
stockpile (if you can still find it). And 6 other antibiotics
that may save your life from a deadly infection (#2 is the
best for pneumonia)
=Does your medical go-bag have a fully stocked
"hygiene kit"? 19 things you should hoard. Page 55.
=How to make your own toilet paper using, if you run
out. (this recipe uses baby oil or lotion-and will give you
a good alternative when panic buying emptied all store
How to build the ultimate medical go-bag…
=This includes cheap alternatives if stores and
pharmacies run out of the essentials. Plus: 8 medical
instruments you didn't know you needed (but
surgeons keep them in their homes for an
emergency). Also included: 9 things to stockpile in your
bug out vehicle
=Simple and effective first aid techniques you need to
learn now (including how to treat a bullet wound). This
might come in handy if there's an economic collapse and
mass social breakdown. Page 81.
=What to do if garbage disposal services stop
working. Full list of supplies you need for emergency
sanitation. And how to deal with human waste so that it
doesn't become a hazard. Page 84.
Quick recipe for home-made hand sanitizer:
=Did you know you can make your own hand sanitizer
that doesn't dry your hands, AND costs a lot less than
the price-gouged versions you can find in stores? It's
easy: all you need is some aloe vera gel and 99%
isopropyl alcohol. You can still buy both online, in bulk.
Take 1 part aloe vera gel and mix it thoroughly with 2
parts alcohol and you're set-for a fraction of what you'd
have paid even before the pandemic!
=4 essential medical skills for the lay person. You'll
learn how to treat mild to moderate burns; how to
straighten and splint fractures; how to stop moderate
bleeding; and how to take care of complex lacerations.
=The right (and simple) way to give CPR. It's an easy
but effective system called CAB, that stands for
Circulation, Airway and Breathing. You'll also learn basic
life support-like rescue breathing, chest compressions
and basic first aid (you won't be able to give advanced
life support... but basic life support might save a life)
=How to know within minutes whether your patient is in
severe condition or it's only something mild using the
Glasgow coma score
What people are saying about SurvivalMD:
"My dream was to be a Dr. I have read many books. This one is,
by far , the best, and has the most information I have ever read. I
feel, when used with common sense, it can be a wonderful
resource to have until trained help arrives." - LARK LEWIS
"There is always something unexpected, which you haven't
planned. Twenty four years in the service, nine years of it in
Special Ops proved it to me. 5 stars for Survival MD" - Kenneth
"The book will become a necessity to have close at hand in just
about any circumstance thank you" - Kathy Smith
"Well put together and I need a lot of things to complete my
prepping and I have only read one third the book!!!" - Karen
We've also included lots of information that we hope you never
need-but that might become handy in a crisis situation. Things like
how to use a defibrilator-and read an ECG. How to perform an
emergency amputation. How to stop a bleeding in seconds. 5
ways to suture skin so it will heal faster. And so much more.
Even if there's a complete shutdown of conventional healthcare...
there's still hope. Because there are plenty of herbal remedies
that will keep you healthier until there's a doctor. For fever, you'll
get a doctor's recipe for a mixture of yarrow, peppermint and
elderberry flowers. For pain, you'll get 7 powerful reliefs. And
lots of proven remedies for cold and sniffing, sore throat, diarrhea
and constipation, and lots and lots of other health problems.
=You'll discover the top 5 most likely causes of death
you'll be faced with in the aftermath of a crisis. It may
sound weird... But focusing on these, means you'll ward
off up to 80% of the illnesses! So there's no need to fill
your brain with medical problems that have a 1 in a
million chance of happening.
=And that's not all...Inside "Survival MD." you'll find the
worst medical mistakes you can do in a crisis. Like...
=Do you know what you should never do if you're
stabbed? People in third world countries struggle with
this horrifying scenarios every day because of the high
crime rate. There are two key procedures to avoid
bleeding to death or even getting an infection.
And do you know why you should never use a plastic
bag or wet bandage to cover up a wound? In fact,
doing it increases your risk of infection and even death!
=You'll learn how to put a dislocated shoulder back in
its place just like professionals do. And it's easier than
you think!
=You'll also find out how and where to get a few months'
worth of prescription drugs. A little known secret for
getting behind the counter drugs without a prescription.
=And life-saving advice for dealing with a whole range
of conditions-like heart burn and gastritis; Crohn's
disease; ulcerative colitis, IBS, kidney stones... an more.
And that's just a taste of what's inside!
We worked hard to bring you the ultimate medical crisis survival
manual. And folks loved it. Just look at what people are saying
about Survival MD:
"Just the information I have been looking for. How to stay healthy
without Doctors or Hospitals. Thank You" - Joe Paulauskas
"This is a thoroughly readable reference. It's not med schools
thorough text, but it is clear and is a good guide to save lives." -
Jim Loyd
"very good book of medical knowledge. [Offers] options my
Doctor does not talk about" - Walter
"Lots of good info in there. Not something you can find at Barnes
N Nobles". Tonya Sei
"It's a wonderful book. Everything is clearly written. Five star is not
enough." - Tonie King
" ...every subject explained in detail" - William Walker
"I found it to be simple, straightforward, and well illustrated, easy
to understand and well organized. Best such "guide book" I have
found yet." - Terry Ross
"I am not a doctor. But I do try to manage my own health, in view
of how big pharma controls a lot of what doctors do and prescribe.
I need to learn what I can, and now try to do without doctors as
much as I can. So survival md is huge help in my view. thank you"
- Ronald Carrier
"I thought the manual is easy to reference information needed
especially in a crises. Very broad coverage of many situational
occurrences. I'm glad I made the purchase. I have lifesaving & C
P R training." - Phil
"Survival M.D., is GREAT. 5 Stars all the way. Thank you so
much. It is organized so that the average JOE BLOW can be
ready to take care of self and family if needed. The book is well
organized and written in simply everyday language without
loosing the importance of medical education. thank You again. By
the way, I'm a retired R.N. and eye specialty tech." - Lottie Lee
"This will be my main reference and Goes in with my survival
gear. It guides a person on how to handle many medical
emergencies. I am retired nurse and taught first aide to scouts
over the years but being less involved, I have forgotten some
skills. I'm traveling now but will be sure to have my "crash cart" up
to date when I return home." - Johanne Cooper
"Practical and informative. Covers a lot of topics. Begin to realize
what a SHTF event would do to our lives. Enjoy reading. Pretty
fast read with a lot of detail."- Jim Costigan
But wait... there's more:
It's essential that you get access to Survival MD right away. We
don't know what the future may hold for us. But you need to
prepare-and you need to do it now.
This is why, when you're getting Survival MD today, I want to send
you two special reports to help you through these hard times.
The first one is called...
BONUS #1: "The doctor's best practices for preventing a
coronavirus infection"
Look - even if there's no cure or vaccine for COVID-19 yet, it
doesn't mean there isn't a lot you can do to protect yourself from
We wanted to dispel some of the misinformation
surrounding face masks
Or why washing your hands is not enough (there's one thing
most people do that renders even the most disciplined hand
washing useless).
We show you how to practice food safety - so that you don't
get infected when you shop for food, or when you cook it. And
how to travel if you absolutely must.
We also included two essential things doctors do to boost
their immunity for the flu season. (#2 slashed people's risk of
getting the flu by 5 times. While the coronavirus is NOT the flu,
it's been theorized that it will lower your odds of getting an
The second bonus I'd like to send you is something I hope will
never happen to you-but if it does, you will need this. It's called...
BONUS #2: "How to survive isolation and quarantine".
I did this research for myself-and I believe it will help all of us.
Soon enough, you might find yourself in quarantine or some form
of social isolation-either mandatory, or self-imposed. So how do
you survive 30 days or more of isolation?
Quarantining alone is a different deal than quarantining with
others. At the same time, if one family member is sick but the
others aren't, it's going to be really tricky to isolate just the sick
All these things bring up some interesting issues - like...
■ How do you resupply while in quarantine?
■ How do you avoid infecting others?
■ How do you take out the garbage and make sure it
doesn't pile up?
■ And many simple things like that that most people
probably never thought about.
You'll get this special report on isolation and quarantine for free,
when you get the Survival MD manual today.
OK, how much will this cost?
Look, I won't hide it. This training is one of a kind, from one of the
only "survival doctors" in the world. You're not going to find
something like this anywhere else.
I can't stress how much I want for things to change - for this
information to be something you will never need. But if you've
read this much, you probably want to prepare for the unthinkable.
The only thing that comes close to this are medical textbooks.
They will give you a world-class training - that is, if you can
understand all the scientific jargon and are ready to spend up to
$1400 for a year's manuals. Or you can get SurvivalMD, the
crash-course... the "express" version for laypeople - and pay a
fraction of that. You won't become a doctor. But you will be better
prepared for a situation where there's no doctor.
You can think of this as a form of life insurance. For me, the best
life insurance you can get is self reliance.
And I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to become
more self reliant in this crisis.
This is why this is not going to cost a fortune.
Plus, I want you to start reading this NOW, not a week from
now. This is why you can...
Get it in print...
AND start reading immediately!
Look: This is not some quickly slapped together "e-book" or some
other junk like the stuff ruthless marketers are peddling on the
I think that when it hits the fan, it's important to have a hard copy
in your hands. Something you can use as a reference manual
every time you need to.
Plus, in a "power out" situation, a hard copy might be the only way
to use this knowledge.
But at the same time, I don't want to rely on the USPS these
days. They can take a week to ship the book to you, and I believe
you deserve this information NOW.
So here's the deal: for people who are in a hurry and want the
information NOW, we typically sell a $39 "digital only" version of
Survival MD. For those who want it in print (and can wait up to a
week for delivery), we add an extra $8.99 for shipping and
handling. But today, I want you to get both the physical AND the
digital and you only pay for the printed version.This way you can
start reading immediately... and still have a hard copy for
reference in your library.
And frankly, the price doesn't even matter. That's because you're
covered by...
Our 60 - day ironclad money back
Here's how it works: There's so much chaos and uncertainty
these days, that I want to help you get some peace of mind.
You'll get Survival MD and all the bonuses right away-so you can
study it and use its wisdom immediately, without wasting precious
I hope it will ease your anxiety and help you feel like you're
gaining control over your health and your life. Preparing for a
medical emergency is one of the most important things you did
in your entire life-and I want you to feel there's no risk.
I believe so much in Survival MD, that if you think it's not worth
10 times what you paid, you owe us nothing. Just send it back
and we'll reverse the transaction instantly so you'll get every
penny back.
On top of that, (and maybe I shouldn't say this), since this is a
digital download, you can keep all of it just for giving it a try.
Even if you decide it was not for you, and you want your money
back. Scout's honor.
Now it's time to make a decision
that will influence the rest of your life
On this page [in this video], I've shown you why millions of
Americans are right to avoid non-urgent hospital visits in the
middle of an outbreak. People can, and have gotten infected in
hospital. But I've also shown you that avoiding the doctor only
sweeps under the rug... delaying and sometimes increasing your
You've seen how there's another way for patriots to stay healthy,
when there's no doctor.
And hopefully I've made a good enough case for why you need to
learn some basic-but essential-medical skills, to save you in a
potentially life threatening situation when there's no doctor
I don't think there's a better teacher
for all of this than Dr. Radu Scurtu
He's proven his resilience in the "trenches" of one of the least
funded European healthcare systems... and he's had his fair
share of modern healthcare. He's the only "survival doctor" that I
would trust my life with.
Now it's up to you. And frankly, time may wait for others, but it
may not wait for this pandemic. I hope there will be a vaccine
soon - but I'm not counting on it. Remember how the war in
Afghanistan was supposed to last less than a year? Well, my
hopes aren't high with the pandemic either. And the truth is, we're
not more prepared than we were when this started. I fully expect
to see more hospitals shutting down... more people getting sick
from hospital acquired infections... and even more people
deciding it's not worth playing the odds, and going to the doctor.
This is why getting Survival MD might just be the best investment
you make this year. Remember - we'll also send you the two
special reports, "The doctor's best practices for preventing a
coronavirus infection" and "How to survive isolation and
quarantine" free of charge.
So I urge you to click the "Buy now" button now and thank
yourself later-after all this is over-for making one of the best
decisions in your lifetime. Remember, you risk nothing-you're
backed by our 60 day no questions asked guarantee.
Thank you!
Watch the video presentation by Dr. Radu Scurtu: Click Here

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Survival MD: what to do when there's no doctor

  • 1. “The hospital used to be where you went to get well” Now it's where people go, rightfully fearing they will get sick from Covid-19 Here's a new way to protect yourself:
  • 2. It's the most sacred vow of medicine: "First, do no harm" And for the most part, doctors do a good job of keeping it. But recently, it's become harder and harder for health workers to uphold their Hippocratic oath. And as thousands of doctors and nurses fall prey to the vicious Covid-19... while countless infected people are flocking into infested hospitals... lots of seniors are wondering: "am I pushing my luck?" It's something that prompted even the CDC, at the height of the first wave, to advise older folks with chronic conditions to "stay at home as much as possible". It seems as though millions of Americans with diabetes, heart disease or any other chronic health problems are now between a rock and a hard place. It's a deadly dilemma: If you're not feeling well, you need immediate medical help, or risk getting sicker. But if you do go to the hospital, you face the risk of getting Covid-19 from another patient who doesn't even know they have it... or
  • 3. worse, from the very doctor or nurse who is supposed to take care of you. If this scenario frightens you sounds like you, don't worry - you're no coward. It just means you're smart enough to understand the risks. And these risks are real: In fact, the CDC reported that ... over 62,000 health professionals got infected until May 26...
  • 4. and numbers only went up from there. We know for a fact that hospitals are a major source of Covid-19 infection. In the UK, up to 20% of all infections happened in hospital, while people were getting treated for something else. And even though the US authorities haven't been too transparent with these numbers... we know that at least 9000 Americans came back home from hospitals with the bug. The real numbers are likely much higher. But amid this unmitigated disaster, there's a ray of hope. And it's coming from the same place that made this country the best in the world: American self reliance. Because while the most dangerous pandemic in over a century is raging on, tens of thousands of patriots have started taking matters into their own hands. And they're staying healthy and safe even when there's no doctor... or at least until they can safely go to a hospital. Hi, my name is George- and on this page that I might be forced to pull from the Internet soon, I am going to show you why, if you've been postponing going to the hospital for anything non-essential, you might be right... and why soon enough there might not be a doctor available, even if you need one.
  • 5. I'll explain exactly what medicine this "battle-hardened" surgeon from Europe recommends you stockpile now... to prepare for the looming drug shortages... I'll show you how to get a list of all the natural remedies you need to hoard for long-term survival. And what are the simple yet essential medical techniques and procedures you need to know in a medical emergency.. so that even if there's no doctor, or you can't visit one, you can still manage your chronic conditions,
  • 6. reduce your pain, and even restore your health until the doctor can see you. This is especially important if you or a family member are at risk: According to the CDC, 8 out of 10 COVID-19 deaths were from people over 65! No wonder I'm taking this more seriously than anything.
  • 7. Like I said, my name is George and I am from - one of the leading survival websites on the Internet. Odds are, you don't know about us. Many people don't. In good times, people hate us for "being wrong" and for somehow "spreading fear". In bad times like these, we are hated for being right. You just can't win with these guys. I've heard it all - that I'm a conspiracy theorist, a tinfoil hat, crazy prepper - you name it. But over time, I learned to stop paying attention to the trolls and internet idiots. And I realized that we were not alone. When we published Backyard Liberty and showed people how to prepare for a food crisis, more than 140.000 Americans heeded our calls. Even more were interested in our EMP preparedness course. We help patriots prepare for unlikely but devastating events - like the current pandemic. And this time it's more personal than ever. Because you see... I'm one of those "seniors with underlying conditions" you keep hearing about. My health, maybe like yours, is far from perfect, but I manage. I used to do many stupid things when I was young. We all did. But it doesn't mean we deserve to die. No one does. And frankly, ...
  • 8. I won't go gently into that good night! Not if I can do something about it. That's why, in the early days of the pandemic, I put my nose to the grindstone... and spent hundreds of hours researching this novel threat. And what I discovered shocked me to the core: hard evidence that we're about to witness a healthcare apocalypse of biblical proportions. And NOT directly from Covid-19... but from its consequences. Big words, I know... and I double checked the evidence in hope I was mistaken. But I'll show you all my proof here and so you can either prove me wrong... or realize that the time to prepare is now, while there's still time.
  • 9. The numbers don't lie: millions of Americans have already "opted out" of the healthcare system. Hospital visits were down nearly 55% in March and April, in an analysis by Strata Decision Technology. People are getting it: in the middle of a pandemic, the last place where you want to be is a building where all the sick people go! Because frankly, it doesn't take much to get infected in a hospital. Hospitals are notorious for making people sick - even without a pandemic. The CDC estimates roughly 1.7 million hospital associated infections... that cause or contribute to 99.000 deaths each year! And that's BEFORE the coronavirus. Covid-19 makes this worse. People don't realize just how easy it is for a nosocomial outbreak to happen - that is, for your hospital to infect you. A recent Harvard Medical School study puts it this way: "To cause a nosocomial outbreak, it will take just 1 patient with occult COVID-19 who is hospitalized, tests negative for influenza virus, and is taken off precautions despite persistent respiratory
  • 10. symptoms. Or just 1 visitor with COVID-19 and mild respiratory symptoms who is permitted free access to the hospital because it does not have an active screening and exclusion policy for visitors with respiratory tract symptoms. Or just 1 infected health care worker who decides to soldier through a shift despite a sore throat and runny nose" But there's another side to this story that should give you the jitters. Because... ... soon, you may discover that you can't go to your hospital... because it doesn't exist anymore!! This might sound crazy but it's 100% true. As expensive as healthcare is in the US... people don't realize just how fragile hospitals are. And many of them are laying off personnel at an unprecedented scale... or they're even going bankrupt.
  • 11. You see, during the pandemic, hospitals were forced to halt elective surgery - which accounts for a big chunk of their revenues. With elective surgery gone, their revenues dried up. How much? A whopping $200 Billion with a capital B, and these are June numbers. It's enough to send many hospitals to the brink of financial ruin - and beyond. We've already had 29 hospital bankruptcies in 2020. But that's just the tip of the iceberg - especially for rural hospitals. Michael Topchik, executive director of the Chartis Center for Rural Health,
  • 12. says that 453 of the country's 2000 rural hospitals... close to 1 in 4... are in danger of closing... while 216 are most vulnerable. Not even the giants are faring better: Mayo Clinic is expected to lose at least $3 billion in revenue this year... ...and has already undergone pay cuts and layoffs. If Mayo Clinic is in bad shape... you can imagine just how much worse the smaller hospitals are doing.
  • 13. But wait, there's more: Because simply avoiding doctors and hospitals is not going to cut it. In fact, it might make things worse! In fact, if that's your plan, maybe you're better of playing the COVID-19 lottery, and just going to the hospital. Because "doing nothing" is not much of a strategy... and people have started paying with their lives. It's true: stats are showing a sharp increase in heart attacks and stroke... with at least 35% of the excess deaths NOT caused by the coronavirus. Take D.C. for example: according to the DC Health director, excess deaths in the state were 40% higher from January to May than they were just one year before. And almost half of those were not attributed to the novel virus - instead, to conditions like pneumonia, flu, diabetes, cancer and overdoses. And this begs the question:
  • 14. How will Americans deal with chronic conditions when it's not safe to visit a doctor? How will the millions that suffer from heart conditions... diabetes... kidney disease... or COPD... where will they go when their hospital is closed? What will they do if - or when there isn't enough medical personnel to take care of them? It's the deadly dilemma: Go to the hospital and risk getting sick, or stay home and risk getting sicker. There is a third way - the very thing that helped make America the greatest country in the world. Self sufficiency. And I'll show you how becoming medically self sufficient will help you slash your risks of getting sick... and keep your health in the best shape you could hope for... even if the pandemic decides to stay with us for a long time. So what can you start doing right away to become medically self reliant? There are two simple steps:
  • 15. Step 1 is to start stockpiling essential medicine, that might be gone in a crisis. Studies have shown that there are 153 critical drugs that people with chronic disease need right now - or else they with die. Many of them are made in China or in India. We were already experiencing shortages even without a pandemic. With so many factories closed, and governments limiting exports, you need to brace yourself for possible worldwide disruptions. So what medicine to stockpile? I have a special list from a top survival doctor, and I'll share it with you here on this page in a moment. But that's just the beginning. Step #2, and probably THE most important thing, is... ... you have to internalize some basic medical skills that could save your life in a "no doctor" scenario Look: knowledge is power, and even the most basic medical knowledge will give you the power to save lives - yours, or a family member's.
  • 16. In case you're thinking I'm nuts for even considering that you learn basic medical procedures... I know how it sounds. What am I saying here, that you'll perform your own surgery? That you'll treat some serious health problems, like a stroke or heart attack? No. If any of that happens AND there is no doctor, I hope you scored good points with God - because you're going to need all of HIS good will. But... ...just because you won't perform your own brain surgery, doesn't mean there aren't things you can do Quite a lot, actually! You can learn to prepare for nervous, respiratory, circulatory, digestive and urinary system diseases. You can manage superficial wounds and even fractures. You can give first aid.
  • 17. You can learn to self diagnose a medical problem (with some help). Perform CPR. Stop bleeding. Deal with trauma. Deal with hypothermia and hyperthermia. Fight infection. And so much more - all in a few hours of casual reading. How do I know this? Years ago, when the Ebola pandemic happened, I was afraid that it was going to be "the one". Luckily, that wasn't the case. But while I was reading every available source, and doing my research, talking to doctors, etc... it occurred to me. Not all doctors are alike in a "no healthcare" situation. As I was doing my Ebola research, it struck me that the best doctor for a medical crisis will probably not be some "silk underwear", Porsche-driving doctor from a billion dollar hospital. My best bet was someone from the trenches. A doctor who is forced to perform miracles with no expensive, state of the art technology. And while facing severe drug shortages. In short, ... ... I needed a 3rd World Doctor If I wanted to learn from the best... I knew that the best crisis doctor would be someone who fights crisis on a day to day basis.
  • 18. And after a few months of research, I found my guy-in one of the poorest countries of the European Union-Romania. His name is Dr. Radu Scurtu-and he's a rather unusual surgeon. While he's working within the state-of-the-art French healthcare system... he earned his stripes in the terrible healthcare system that Romania had in the early 2000's. The doctor had seen it all. No electricity. No proper disinfectants. Having to seat 2 patients in the same hospital bed, because of shortages. Rats and cockroaches. Things that would make your
  • 19. stomach churn-and that you'd never see in the US under normal circumstances. Dr. Scurtu managed to get out of that system-first, working for a few years in Germany, before moving to France. But he took with him a wealth of information on how to deal with a collapsed system. What's more, moving from "stone-age" to "state of the art" meant he could get the best of both worlds. Romania had taught him self reliance and ingenuity. Western Europe provided the expensive toys. It reminded me of a lesson I learned from my grandpa-a self made multi-millionaire, but who had weathered two wars and the Great Depression. While Grandpa was happy to enjoy a life of luxury, he always liked to remind us that it can and it will all go away. He had lost it all multiple times-and had made it all back in multiples, with the help of God and of his own good attitude. Grandpa was fond of saying: "There is no education like adversity" When you think about it, it makes sense. Should the healthcare system collapse, most of our fancy pants doctors will be screwed. They have no idea what it's like to operate with a flashlight. Or
  • 20. what to do with a patient when basic medicine is out of stock, and the fancy equipment is hogged by thousands upon thousands of sick people. They will be overwhelmed. And WE are going to be the ones who will suffer the most. When I met Dr. Scurtu, one of my first questions was "what can I do to fend for myself in a medical crisis?". I was expecting the same run of the mill response I had gotten tens of times from other doctors-that you shouldn't try to play doctor, that I should go to the hospital, yada yada yada. I knew that, I'm not an idiot. But what if there IS no doctor, and no hospital? Dr. Scurtu was more than happy to take my question. And he gave me an earful. Turns out, short of surgeries and complex medical procedures, there is quite a lot of stuff you can do! Here's some of it. But first, a disclaimer: Don't try any of it without talking to your doctor first! I'm giving this for information purposes only. If you have a doctor you can access, call him. If you can go to a clinic, do it. That's the
  • 21. safest course of action, and it would be irresponsible of me to suggest otherwise. Below you'll discover what a doctor does when they can't go to a hospital. Use your own discretion. Here's what I learned from Dr. Scurtu: that if you want a good chance of being to treat something properly, you first want to know you diagnosed it right. He taught me the simple TeCaMoLo principle. These are the core questions you need to ask, to clarify the circumstances in which the injury happened: TeCaMoLo: TEmporal-when did the injury occur? CAuse-why did it happen? MOdal-how did it occur? LOcation-where did it happen?
  • 22. Ask these 4 questions and you'll have a proper baseline for healing the patient. Beyond that, the Dr. showed me ... ... how to recognize the signs of medical distress Is the patient pale? Does he or she have a too weak or too rapid pulse? Are they confused? Are there any obvious signs of injury? The doctor then showed me how to perform a body check (more about this later). And hundreds of little tidbits that could save your life. For instance, do you know why it's a good idea to have an old-school glass syringe in your house? It's because you can sterilize and safely reuse glass... unlike the disposable syringes. In fact, it's probably a good idea to buy some medical pliers and pincers, to have just in case. I asked Dr. Scurtu what medicine to stockpile - in the event that you won't be able to find them in a crisis. This is particularly important now-with global supply chains falling like dominos. He gave me more than a handful.
  • 23. Let's start with the obvious. What should you have on hand, in case of pneumonia? Try to have some Cipro around the house. For kids, Bactrim or Suprax suspension will help, or Avelox. For asthma and breathing problems, see if you can get your hands on prednisone taper, Albuterol, or Primatene Mist. For shortness of breath or chest pain, stock up on nitroglycerin 0.4 mg tablets, as well as anticoagulants. For non-infectious Diarrhea, Imodium-AD will help. In case of a urinary tract infection, make sure you have Bactrim or Macrobid. Other things you MUST have in your stockpile include: aspirin as a blood thinner; atherosclerosis medication, like Mevacor or Zocor; Coumadin as a blood thinner for stroke; Aleve for arthritis; Zantac for heart burn; Lisinopril or Tenormin for high blood pressure.
  • 24. And in general, you should make sure you can get your hands on... ● Fiber laxative ● Aspirin as a blood thinner ● Atherosclerosis medication. Mevacor (lovastatin); Zocor (simvastatin) ● Blood thinners for stroke Coumadin (warfarin) ● Medications for arthritis Aleve (naproxen) ● Heart burn medications. Zantac (ranitidine). ● High blood pressure medication. (Lisinopril); Tenormin (atenolol). He told me exactly what medicine to stockpile for: cold and flu, allergies or pain. For breathing problems, gastrointestinal issues, or skin conditions. What antibiotics to get, what birth control to take; and if you have kids or grandkids, 6 drugs you absolutely need to have in your cabinet. Too many things to mention here-but I'll show you how you can get all of the exact same information. And as I was talking to the doctor, I realized I had stumbled on a treasure trove. I felt like a kid in a candy store. Or better: like a
  • 25. starving survivor in a zombie apocalypse, who just discovered a hidden stockpile. So I knew I had to persuade Dr. Scurtu to share his wisdom with our community Extracting practical wisdom from survival experts was, after all, our specialty. But the good Dr. wasn't interested. He liked his privacy. He didn't like fame of any kind. And for sure he didn't want any of the negative attention that tends to come with being any kind of survival expert. It wasn't about the money. The French healthcare system pays doctors handsomely. But I was determined to win this one-because I knew this wasn't about our egos. There was much more at stake-the lives of thousands of Americans who would be left helpless in a medical crisis. After a lot of cajoling and maybe a little bit of emotional blackmail, I succeeded. And boy oh boy did we deliver.
  • 26. We interviewed the doctor for two weeks straight. What's more... ... I was too paranoid to let the good doctor write it all by himself Truth is, as much as I loved his expertise, I was afraid we will end up with a course written for other doctors. Too often, experts suffer from the "curse of knowledge". They know the stuff so well, that they forget what it was like to not know. So they tend to give really complicated explanations that no one really understands. But that was fine. I knew NOTHING about how to be your own doctor in a crisis. So I asked all the dumb questions (so you won't have to). When I didn't understand something, I asked the doc to rephrase it in plain English. And when we put it all together, it turned out to be the most practical course on medical preparedness you'll ever find. We called it Survival MD-What to Do When There's No Doctor
  • 27. "This book is a must-read for disaster preparedness. It is clearly written, easy to understand, and extremely informative. I highly recommend Survival MD!" - Zabian Crosby
  • 28. "I think that everyone in the U.S. should have this manual. Could save your life!" - Mike Kirsch Before I go on and explain what's inside, I want to set the record straight. Here's what Survival MD is NOT: First of all - This is NOT a medical tome. If you're planning on becoming a doctor or a registered nurse, this is NOT for you. This is a practical, down to Earth, plain-English course on how a layman can "replace the doctor"-when there is no doctor available and you're in a life and death situation. Second of all - It's NOT a book on how to treat yourself when you can easily go to your doctor. That would be plain stupid-and it would be irresponsible for me to suggest otherwise. If you're looking for a way to stop going to the doctor when there's nothing wrong with the healthcare system... it's my duty to tell you that you might put your life in great danger. Third (and frankly I don't care if this hurts our sales)-this is one book I hope you will never need. Just like I hope you never have to shoot your gun in self defense-but it's wise to protect yourself.
  • 29. "Si vis pacem, para bellum" This is a Latin quote I hold dearly. It means that "If you want peace, prepare for war". It's why we keep a big army even though we're not fighting the Nazis anymore. It's why you keep a fire extinguisher in the house. This course is a fire extinguisher. It will not prevent fires-but it might help you put them out. Now that I got all this out of the way, let me tell you why I'm so excited about Survival MD. There's no other "medical survival" course like it on the planet. And I'm not using these words lightly. As far as I know, this is the only course of its kind. Something that will allow you to weather out a medical emergency where there is no doctor. It doesn't matter if it's a pandemic, a grid-down scenario, or a Katrina-like event that clogged hospitals for weeks. Rave Reviews for Survival MD: "I've found your book to be very informative and especially appreciate the lists of supplies suggested." - Tammie Barletta
  • 30. "SurvivalMD is easy to understand and uses items you should have available. Also contains good ideas on what you need to stock up on." - Sarah Very detailed but easy to understand. The way it is shown and explained it makes my comfort level very high in performing what is necessary to address various situations." "- Rusty Coleman An 80/20 approach to survival medicine Maybe you're familiar with the 80/20 principle. If not, here's a refresher: 80% of all our problems come from just 20% of causes. You learn 80% of any topic in about 20% of the time you study. You spend 80% of your time with less than 20% of your friends. Once you understand this universal principle, you'll start seeing it everywhere. It's the same in medicine. Sure, you can go to medical school, pay a quarter million dollars, and sink 4 years or more into this. Or you can take a shortcut: learn the 20% of medical knowledge that will help you in 80% of the situations. And this is exactly what Survival MD is about: a "layman's shortcut" to developing life saving skills for a crisis.
  • 31. Survival MD has one purpose, and one purpose only: to keep you and your loved ones alive until a qualified specialist can see you. And in order to do this, we pulled out all the stops. Here's a glimpse of what you'll find inside: Got asthma or COPD? Dr. Scurtu will show you how people with respiratory disease need to prepare (one of the things you absolutely need around the house is an oxymeter. And 4 other things you need to order online right away) Planning for long term medical survival? Take care of this first-even if there's nothing wrong with your health (NASA does it to all their astronauts) 4 items to stockpile (not medicine!) for someone who is wheelchair bound. Plus: what you should do if your MS is exacerbated and there's no doctor. What if you have cardiovascular disease, or peripheral vascular disease? And the dangerous warning signal that comes from your toes. The two fruits people with kidney failure must absolutely avoid... at least until a dialysis machine is available. Page 29 Rub clove oil on a sore tooth for relief…
  • 32. =... and 7 other things you can do to prevent getting a deadly infection, when there's no dentist; =What to do when there are no antibiotics available. Yes, veterinary antibiotics can help-but how do you know the right dosage? Page 44 =Why Augmentin may be the best antibiotic to stockpile (if you can still find it). And 6 other antibiotics that may save your life from a deadly infection (#2 is the best for pneumonia) =Does your medical go-bag have a fully stocked "hygiene kit"? 19 things you should hoard. Page 55. =How to make your own toilet paper using, if you run out. (this recipe uses baby oil or lotion-and will give you a good alternative when panic buying emptied all store shelves) How to build the ultimate medical go-bag…
  • 33. =This includes cheap alternatives if stores and pharmacies run out of the essentials. Plus: 8 medical instruments you didn't know you needed (but surgeons keep them in their homes for an emergency). Also included: 9 things to stockpile in your bug out vehicle =Simple and effective first aid techniques you need to learn now (including how to treat a bullet wound). This might come in handy if there's an economic collapse and mass social breakdown. Page 81. =What to do if garbage disposal services stop working. Full list of supplies you need for emergency sanitation. And how to deal with human waste so that it doesn't become a hazard. Page 84. Quick recipe for home-made hand sanitizer: =Did you know you can make your own hand sanitizer that doesn't dry your hands, AND costs a lot less than the price-gouged versions you can find in stores? It's easy: all you need is some aloe vera gel and 99% isopropyl alcohol. You can still buy both online, in bulk. Take 1 part aloe vera gel and mix it thoroughly with 2
  • 34. parts alcohol and you're set-for a fraction of what you'd have paid even before the pandemic! =4 essential medical skills for the lay person. You'll learn how to treat mild to moderate burns; how to straighten and splint fractures; how to stop moderate bleeding; and how to take care of complex lacerations. =The right (and simple) way to give CPR. It's an easy but effective system called CAB, that stands for Circulation, Airway and Breathing. You'll also learn basic life support-like rescue breathing, chest compressions and basic first aid (you won't be able to give advanced life support... but basic life support might save a life) =How to know within minutes whether your patient is in severe condition or it's only something mild using the Glasgow coma score What people are saying about SurvivalMD: "My dream was to be a Dr. I have read many books. This one is, by far , the best, and has the most information I have ever read. I
  • 35. feel, when used with common sense, it can be a wonderful resource to have until trained help arrives." - LARK LEWIS "There is always something unexpected, which you haven't planned. Twenty four years in the service, nine years of it in Special Ops proved it to me. 5 stars for Survival MD" - Kenneth Rothwell "The book will become a necessity to have close at hand in just about any circumstance thank you" - Kathy Smith "Well put together and I need a lot of things to complete my prepping and I have only read one third the book!!!" - Karen Moeller We've also included lots of information that we hope you never need-but that might become handy in a crisis situation. Things like how to use a defibrilator-and read an ECG. How to perform an emergency amputation. How to stop a bleeding in seconds. 5 ways to suture skin so it will heal faster. And so much more. Even if there's a complete shutdown of conventional healthcare... there's still hope. Because there are plenty of herbal remedies that will keep you healthier until there's a doctor. For fever, you'll
  • 36. get a doctor's recipe for a mixture of yarrow, peppermint and elderberry flowers. For pain, you'll get 7 powerful reliefs. And lots of proven remedies for cold and sniffing, sore throat, diarrhea and constipation, and lots and lots of other health problems. =You'll discover the top 5 most likely causes of death you'll be faced with in the aftermath of a crisis. It may sound weird... But focusing on these, means you'll ward off up to 80% of the illnesses! So there's no need to fill your brain with medical problems that have a 1 in a million chance of happening. =And that's not all...Inside "Survival MD." you'll find the worst medical mistakes you can do in a crisis. Like... =Do you know what you should never do if you're stabbed? People in third world countries struggle with this horrifying scenarios every day because of the high crime rate. There are two key procedures to avoid bleeding to death or even getting an infection. And do you know why you should never use a plastic bag or wet bandage to cover up a wound? In fact, doing it increases your risk of infection and even death!
  • 37. =You'll learn how to put a dislocated shoulder back in its place just like professionals do. And it's easier than you think! =You'll also find out how and where to get a few months' worth of prescription drugs. A little known secret for getting behind the counter drugs without a prescription. =And life-saving advice for dealing with a whole range of conditions-like heart burn and gastritis; Crohn's disease; ulcerative colitis, IBS, kidney stones... an more. And that's just a taste of what's inside! We worked hard to bring you the ultimate medical crisis survival manual. And folks loved it. Just look at what people are saying about Survival MD: "Just the information I have been looking for. How to stay healthy without Doctors or Hospitals. Thank You" - Joe Paulauskas "This is a thoroughly readable reference. It's not med schools thorough text, but it is clear and is a good guide to save lives." - Jim Loyd
  • 38. "very good book of medical knowledge. [Offers] options my Doctor does not talk about" - Walter "Lots of good info in there. Not something you can find at Barnes N Nobles". Tonya Sei "It's a wonderful book. Everything is clearly written. Five star is not enough." - Tonie King " ...every subject explained in detail" - William Walker "I found it to be simple, straightforward, and well illustrated, easy to understand and well organized. Best such "guide book" I have found yet." - Terry Ross "I am not a doctor. But I do try to manage my own health, in view of how big pharma controls a lot of what doctors do and prescribe. I need to learn what I can, and now try to do without doctors as much as I can. So survival md is huge help in my view. thank you" - Ronald Carrier "I thought the manual is easy to reference information needed especially in a crises. Very broad coverage of many situational occurrences. I'm glad I made the purchase. I have lifesaving & C P R training." - Phil
  • 39. "Survival M.D., is GREAT. 5 Stars all the way. Thank you so much. It is organized so that the average JOE BLOW can be ready to take care of self and family if needed. The book is well organized and written in simply everyday language without loosing the importance of medical education. thank You again. By the way, I'm a retired R.N. and eye specialty tech." - Lottie Lee hall "This will be my main reference and Goes in with my survival gear. It guides a person on how to handle many medical emergencies. I am retired nurse and taught first aide to scouts over the years but being less involved, I have forgotten some skills. I'm traveling now but will be sure to have my "crash cart" up to date when I return home." - Johanne Cooper "Practical and informative. Covers a lot of topics. Begin to realize what a SHTF event would do to our lives. Enjoy reading. Pretty fast read with a lot of detail."- Jim Costigan But wait... there's more:
  • 40. It's essential that you get access to Survival MD right away. We don't know what the future may hold for us. But you need to prepare-and you need to do it now. This is why, when you're getting Survival MD today, I want to send you two special reports to help you through these hard times. The first one is called... BONUS #1: "The doctor's best practices for preventing a coronavirus infection" Look - even if there's no cure or vaccine for COVID-19 yet, it doesn't mean there isn't a lot you can do to protect yourself from it. We wanted to dispel some of the misinformation surrounding face masks Or why washing your hands is not enough (there's one thing most people do that renders even the most disciplined hand washing useless).
  • 41.
  • 42. We show you how to practice food safety - so that you don't get infected when you shop for food, or when you cook it. And how to travel if you absolutely must. We also included two essential things doctors do to boost their immunity for the flu season. (#2 slashed people's risk of getting the flu by 5 times. While the coronavirus is NOT the flu, it's been theorized that it will lower your odds of getting an infection). The second bonus I'd like to send you is something I hope will never happen to you-but if it does, you will need this. It's called... BONUS #2: "How to survive isolation and quarantine". I did this research for myself-and I believe it will help all of us. Soon enough, you might find yourself in quarantine or some form of social isolation-either mandatory, or self-imposed. So how do you survive 30 days or more of isolation? Quarantining alone is a different deal than quarantining with others. At the same time, if one family member is sick but the
  • 43. others aren't, it's going to be really tricky to isolate just the sick person. All these things bring up some interesting issues - like...
  • 44. ■ How do you resupply while in quarantine? ■ How do you avoid infecting others? ■ How do you take out the garbage and make sure it doesn't pile up? ■ And many simple things like that that most people probably never thought about. You'll get this special report on isolation and quarantine for free, when you get the Survival MD manual today. OK, how much will this cost? Look, I won't hide it. This training is one of a kind, from one of the only "survival doctors" in the world. You're not going to find something like this anywhere else. I can't stress how much I want for things to change - for this information to be something you will never need. But if you've read this much, you probably want to prepare for the unthinkable. The only thing that comes close to this are medical textbooks. They will give you a world-class training - that is, if you can understand all the scientific jargon and are ready to spend up to
  • 45. $1400 for a year's manuals. Or you can get SurvivalMD, the crash-course... the "express" version for laypeople - and pay a fraction of that. You won't become a doctor. But you will be better prepared for a situation where there's no doctor. You can think of this as a form of life insurance. For me, the best life insurance you can get is self reliance. And I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to become more self reliant in this crisis. This is why this is not going to cost a fortune. Plus, I want you to start reading this NOW, not a week from now. This is why you can... Get it in print... AND start reading immediately! Look: This is not some quickly slapped together "e-book" or some other junk like the stuff ruthless marketers are peddling on the internet.
  • 46. I think that when it hits the fan, it's important to have a hard copy in your hands. Something you can use as a reference manual every time you need to. Plus, in a "power out" situation, a hard copy might be the only way to use this knowledge. But at the same time, I don't want to rely on the USPS these days. They can take a week to ship the book to you, and I believe you deserve this information NOW. So here's the deal: for people who are in a hurry and want the information NOW, we typically sell a $39 "digital only" version of Survival MD. For those who want it in print (and can wait up to a week for delivery), we add an extra $8.99 for shipping and handling. But today, I want you to get both the physical AND the digital and you only pay for the printed version.This way you can start reading immediately... and still have a hard copy for reference in your library.
  • 47. And frankly, the price doesn't even matter. That's because you're covered by... Our 60 - day ironclad money back guaranteed Here's how it works: There's so much chaos and uncertainty these days, that I want to help you get some peace of mind. You'll get Survival MD and all the bonuses right away-so you can study it and use its wisdom immediately, without wasting precious time.
  • 48. I hope it will ease your anxiety and help you feel like you're gaining control over your health and your life. Preparing for a medical emergency is one of the most important things you did in your entire life-and I want you to feel there's no risk. I believe so much in Survival MD, that if you think it's not worth 10 times what you paid, you owe us nothing. Just send it back and we'll reverse the transaction instantly so you'll get every penny back. On top of that, (and maybe I shouldn't say this), since this is a digital download, you can keep all of it just for giving it a try. Even if you decide it was not for you, and you want your money back. Scout's honor.
  • 49. Now it's time to make a decision that will influence the rest of your life On this page [in this video], I've shown you why millions of Americans are right to avoid non-urgent hospital visits in the middle of an outbreak. People can, and have gotten infected in hospital. But I've also shown you that avoiding the doctor only sweeps under the rug... delaying and sometimes increasing your risks. You've seen how there's another way for patriots to stay healthy, when there's no doctor. And hopefully I've made a good enough case for why you need to learn some basic-but essential-medical skills, to save you in a potentially life threatening situation when there's no doctor around. I don't think there's a better teacher for all of this than Dr. Radu Scurtu
  • 50. He's proven his resilience in the "trenches" of one of the least funded European healthcare systems... and he's had his fair share of modern healthcare. He's the only "survival doctor" that I would trust my life with. Now it's up to you. And frankly, time may wait for others, but it may not wait for this pandemic. I hope there will be a vaccine soon - but I'm not counting on it. Remember how the war in Afghanistan was supposed to last less than a year? Well, my hopes aren't high with the pandemic either. And the truth is, we're not more prepared than we were when this started. I fully expect to see more hospitals shutting down... more people getting sick from hospital acquired infections... and even more people deciding it's not worth playing the odds, and going to the doctor. This is why getting Survival MD might just be the best investment you make this year. Remember - we'll also send you the two special reports, "The doctor's best practices for preventing a coronavirus infection" and "How to survive isolation and quarantine" free of charge. So I urge you to click the "Buy now" button now and thank yourself later-after all this is over-for making one of the best
  • 51. decisions in your lifetime. Remember, you risk nothing-you're backed by our 60 day no questions asked guarantee. Thank you! Watch the video presentation by Dr. Radu Scurtu: Click Here