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善行 無轍跡。 A good traveler leaves no tracks
Cel ce ştie să meargă bine nu lasă urme;
There’s deep mystery here. Think about this
Cel ce acţionează (mijlocit) lasă urme, fiindcă finanţează reacţiunile (
acţiunile contrare )
Caracteristicile actiunii nemijlocite sau ale actiunii paradoxale
Caracteristici paradoxale ale Puterii Perfecte /Paradoxical features of Perfect Power
Les Caractéristiques paradoxales de la Puissance parfaite/ Caratteristiche
paradossale della Perfetta Potenza / Paradoxe Funktionen von Perfekte Kraft
Características paradójicas del Poder Perfecta
Lao Zi / Lao Tzu/ Lao Tseu 老子 道 德 經 Tao Te Ching
Capitolul 27 / Chapter 27 第二十七章 dì èr shí qī zhāng
articol de Mirahorian
1. Titlu /Title /Titre /Titel/ Título /Titolo : Cel ce ştie să meargă bine nu lasă urme; cel ce
acţionează (mijlocit) lasă urme fiindcă finanţează reacţiunile ( acţiunile contrare )
2. Variante antice /Ancient Versions/ Les versions antiques /Antiguo versiones /Alte Versionen/ Le
antiche versioni
3. Traducerea capitolului 27 din Lao Tzu / Translation /Traduction/ Übersetzung / Traducción
3.1. Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Analytical (convergent) translation/ Traduction
analytique (convergente)/ Analytische (konvergenten) Übersetzung / Traducción analítica
(convergente) /Traduzione analitici (convergente)/ the left brain/cerebral hemisphere is verbal
linear and processes information in an analytical and sequential way
Note / Notes/ Noten
Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Traducerea analogică (divergentă)
3.2.Traducerea analogică (divergentă) / Analogic (divergent) Translation/La traduction
analogique (divergente)/ Analogisch (divergent)Übersetzung/Traducción analógica (divergente)
/Traduzione analogico (divergente)/the right brain/right-hemisphere is analogic, non-linear,
creative, simultaneous and intuitive;
Note / Notes/Noten
4. Variante de traducere ale acestui capitol in lb. romana, engleza, franceza, italiana, spaniola si
germana / Translations versions in Romanian language, in English, French, Italian, Spanish &
German / Versions de traduction dans langue roumaine, en anglais, français, espagnol , italien et
en allemand / Versionen Übersetzungen in Rumänischer Sprache, in Englisch, Französisch,
Italienisch, Spanisch, und Deutsch / Versiones de las traducciones en lengua Española, en
Rumano, Inglés, Francés, Italiano y Alemán /Traduzione versioni in lingua rumena, in inglese,
francese, italiano, spagnolo e tedesco
5. Comentariu / Commentary / Commentaire /Kommentar /Comentario /Commento
6. Conexiuni / Connections / Connexions/ Verbindungen/ Conexiones/Connessioni
7. Dictionar / Dictionary/ Dictionnaire/ Wörterbuch /Diccionario/Dizionario
8. Bibliografie / Bibliography Bibliography/ Bibliographie/ Bibliografía/
Anexa 1 :
Acest capitol se refera la maiestrie, la excelenta sau perfectiune, care apartin manifestarii lui Tao,
care este puterea sa (德 Te) ce se manifesta sub forma capacitatilor directe de cunoastere si de
actiune, in diferite domenii ( actiuni, operatii ) . Te (德 pinyin: dé, Wade–Giles: te; tê; teh; EFEO: tö)
este un concept cheie in filosofia chineza tradus de obicei in taoism prin: " virtute; caracter inerent,
puterea interioară, integritate, puterea, efectul sau manifestarea lui Tao", in confucianism drept:
"caracter moral; virtute morala; moralitate", in buddhismul chinez drept: "merit", fapte virtuoase"
(punya), iar in alte contexte drept "putere", "viaţă", "carismă", "bunătate", "calitate" (in sanskrita:
guna) . Cu alte cuvinte acest capitol se refera la caracteristicile paradoxale ale puterii perfecte (德
pinyin: dé, te), asa ca diversi traducatori redau caracterul 善shàn (bun) prin termeni precum:
putere (virtute), "cel bun la"( o anumita actiune: mers, vorbit, divinatie, ajutorare, salvare,
vindecare), "cel ce ştie bine" ( sa mearga, să vorbească, sa calculeze, sa inchida, sa lege ), "cel
iscusit in/ la", perfect, "cel care exceleaza in" , "cel ce este adept al unei anumite discipline ( mers,
vorbit, calcul, divinatie, inchidere, securizare, legare ). Exista conceptia ca pentru a excela intr-un
domeniu ( pentru a realizeza maiestria, iscusinta) este nevoie sa investim timp pt a deveni experti
in acel domeniu . Un expert in domeniul legarii este inteles apoi ca un adept al acelui domeniu (
mers, legare, inchidere). Lao Tzu infirma aceasta eroare fiindca un adept al inchiderii sau legarii
nu se apropie niciodata de perfectiunea la care se refera textul si care este datorata trecerii la
regimul direct de functionare, iar nu unui proces de perfectionare sau de specializare a unei
anumite deprinderi ramanand prizonieri in regimul mijlocit de functionare. Solutia data de Lao Tzu
nu este perfectionarea in timp, ci iesirea din timp (dualitate, minte). Astfel perfectiunea in
inchidere nu este mijlocita si nu se bazeaza pe usi, bare, lacate si zavoare (27.4-5); perfectiunea
in legare nu se intemeiaza si nu se obtine cu ajutorul sforii, funiei si a nodurilor(27.6-7); si este
imposibil de deschis de catre experti in noduri..
Traducerea termenului 善shàn prin "bun" ( este o influenta confucianista) a fost evitata de multi
din cei care s-au aplecat asupra acestui text , folosindu-se termeni sau expresii precum ( virtutea,
perfectiunea, iscusinta, cel care exceleaza...) pentru a nu intra in contradictie cu afirmatiile din
capitolul 2 [ cine defineste sau introduce un termen al cuplului de contrarii (omul bun) introduce
automat si contrariul sau ( omul rau; introducerea modelului de bun, frumos, face ca tot ce este
diferit de acest model sa fie perceput ca rau, urat )]. Cu alte cuvinte toate actiunile si operatiile
sunt ale virtutii (puterii directe ), care se manifesta in cazul lui Tao si a omului care a devenit una
cu el. Dualitatea bun- rau este introdusa de minte si poate fi evitata prin redarea termenului
善 shàn prin perfect/perfectiune ( a virtutii). Aceasta inlocuire ne permite sa intelegem faptul ca
Lao Tzu si Chuang Tzu se refera la altceva decat la un mesaj confucianist in cazul propozitiilor
(27.14-15) :
27.14: De aceea, omul bun este pentru cel rău invatator / Therefore: good men are not good
men's teacher,
27.15: (iar) cel rău este in a celui bun sarcina ( datorie; lectie; invatatura; sprijin; folos; avere;
unealta ) / and the bad people are good people’s task.
vedeti variante de traducere a caracterului 善 shàn in cele peste 100 de variate de traducere ale
propozitiilor din acest capitol ( in limba romana, engleza, franceza , germana si italiana )
Capitolul 27 / Chapter 27 第二十七章 dì èr shí qī zhāng
1. Titlu/Title /Titre /Titel/ Título /Titolo: Cel ce ştie să meargă bine nu lasă urme; cel ce acţionează
(mijlocit) lasă urme fiindcă finanţează reacţiunile ( acţiunile contrare )
Titlul chinezesc/Titlul lui Legge /Titlul lui Susuki /Titlul lui Goddard/
Chinese Title/ Legge's Title/ Susuki's Title/ Goddard's Title/
巧用 qiǎo yòng Dexterity in Using the Dao/ The Function of Skill / The Function of Skill
巧 qiǎo ch'iao k'iao R: maiestrie, dexteritate; opportunely / coincidentally / as it happens / skillful /
timely; 巧妙 qiǎo miào: ingenious / clever / ingenuity / artifice ; 巧合qiǎo hé: coincidence /
coincidental / to coincide ; 巧手qiǎo shǒu: skillful hands / dexterous / a dab hand ; 巧匠 qiǎo
jiàng; skilled workman; 巧計 qiǎo jì: maneuver / scheme; 巧幹 qiǎo gàn: to work resourcefully /
to apply intelligence ; 巧辯 qiǎo biàn: to argue skillfully or plausibly / rhetoric (alte semnificatii
dupa dictionar )
用 yòng yong4 yung : R: utilizare, nevoie; a folosi; uz; folos; avantaje; a cheltui; vedeţi: 4.4;
Titluri date de alţi traducători şi comentatori :
Cultivarea iscusinţei ( talentului, abilitaţilor) / Cultivating Skill
Iscusinţa( talentul) / Skill (Ursula K. Le Guin)
Cultivarea perfectiunii/ Cultivating Perfection ( Edward Brennan)
Adevărata măiestrie/ True Mastership / Wahre Meisterschaft (Hilmar Klaus)
Un bun calator nu lasa urme / A Good Walker Leaves no Tracks,
Obtinerea iluminarii / Procuring Enlightenment (Shi Fu Hwang)
Urmarea lui Tao /Following the Tao ( Stan Rosenthal, 1984)
Despre furtul luminii /On Stealing the Light (Lin Yutang)
The use of skill (Walter Gorn Old),
Skill in the Method (Aleister Crowley )
Paradoxes of the Greatest Skill (Chad Hansen)
The Function of Skill (D.T. Suzuki & Paul Carus, 1913)
The function of skill (Dwight Goddard, 1919)
Natural Abilities ( Nina Correa )
L'uso dell'abilità (Luciano Parinetto)
Attention (Bram den Hond)
Niciun talent nu este irosit/ No Talents are Wasted,
Caracteristicile si functiile talentului / The Features and Functions of Skill,
This is a Great Paradox,
Dexterity in Using the Tao, 巧用 ch'iao yung (Legge)
Skillful application 巧用ch'iao yung (Henry Wei)
Conexiuni: 22 (goleşte-te şi vei fi plin; coboară şi vei urca); 26 (Greul este temelia uşorului)
36 (contractă pt a dilata; urcă pt a cobori)
2. Variante antice / Ancient Versions / Les versions antiques / Antiguo versiones / Alte Versionen/
Le antiche versioni
2.1. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea lui Wang Bi (王弼) (226 – 249 e.n) :
W: 善行無轍跡。善言無瑕謫。善數不用籌策。善閉無關楗而不可開。善結無繩約而不可解。是以聖
2.2. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea lui Heshang Gong (河上公) (202-157 i.e.n.):
不善人者,善人之資。不貴其師,獨無輔也。不愛其資 雖智大迷,是謂要妙。
2.3. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Fu Yi (傅奕) (555 - 639 e.n.)
2.4. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Ma Wang Tui (馬王堆 Mǎwángduī ) din anul 168 i.e.n..
MWD A 馬王堆 Mǎwángduī version A (= "Jiaben" 甲本)
A: 善行者無徹跡□言者無瑕適善數者不以檮策善閉者無關籥而不可啟也善結者□□約∠而不可解也∠是
MWD B 馬王堆 Mǎwángduī version B (= "Yiben" 已本)
B: 善行者無達跡善言者無瑕適善數者不用篿策善○閉者無關籥而不可啟也善結者無纆約而不可解也
2.5. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Kuo Tian (郭店 Guodian) datat inainte de 300 i.e.n.
Capitolul 27 nu există in versiunea pe fâşii de bambus descoperită la Guodian / Chapter 27 is not
present in the bamboo slips version discoveded at Guodian/ Le chapitre 27 n'est pas présent
dans la version sur les fiches lamelles de bambou découvertes à Guodian / Kapitel nicht
vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note
Format audio : Videoclipul 老子 21-30章
Puteti asculta pronuntarea in lb. chineza 《 道德經 》(第21-30章)
3. Traducere/ Translation /Traduction/ Übersetzung / Traducción /Traduzione
3.1. Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Analytical (convergent) translation/ Traduction analytique
(convergente)/ Analytische (konvergenten) Übersetzung / Traducción analítica (convergente)
/Traduzione analitici (convergente)/ the left brain/cerebral hemisphere is verbal linear and
processes information in an analytical and sequential way
a 01-07 Good Wayfarers, Speakers, Reckoners, Closers and Binders
Gute Wanderer, Sprecher, Rechner, Schließer und Knüpfer
27.01. 善行 無轍跡。shàn xíng wú zhē jì.
Perfecţiunea 1 in mişcare [ cel ce excelează in deplasare, faptă, acţiune] nu lasă ( nu crează in
urmă sau in spate-trecut şi in faţă- viitor) dâre şi urme [ semne; urmări; reacţiuni, planuri, intenţii,
expectaţi ] vedeti decodificarea in Note si Comentaiu
The Good at walking [ one who excels in travelling; movement; deed; action] doesn't leave
(doesn't create behind-in the past and in front- in the future ) tracks or traces ( signs, reactions,
plans, intents, expectations).
Tüchtige Wanderer sind ohne Spur und Fährte.
vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul de termeni
27.02. 善言 無瑕謫。shàn yán wú xiá zhé.
Perfecţiunea la vorbe [cel ce excelează in comunicare verbala, oratorie] este fără cusururi (greseli;
erori, gafe) si fără reproşuri ( nu lasa indoieli; invinuiri, critici, defaimare) [ nu are ce explica/
discuta după aceea; grăieşte fără cusur, nu răneşte şi nu comite greşeli]
A good speaker is without flaws (faults) or reproach (blame) .
Tüchtige Redner sind ohne Fehl und Tadel.
27.03. 善數 不用籌策。 shàn shǔ bù yòng chóu cè.
Perfecţiunea la socotit ( divinatie, decizie, strategie) nu foloseste instrumente de calcul [ abac;
bete; tablete, mijloace auxiliare exterioare].
Good at calculation [counting; reckoners ] don't use arithmetic sticks [ tallies; tablets].
Tüchtige Rechner brauchen nicht Zählmarken und Schreibtäfelchen.
27.04. 善閉 無關楗 shàn bì wú guān jiàn
Perfecţiunea la încuiat (închis) uşi nu foloseşte nici bare şi nici zăvor ( broască, lacăt; incuietori)
Good door closers use neither bar [lock] nor bolt,
Tüchtige Türschließer benutzen weder Schloss noch Riegel,
27.05. 而不可開。 ér bù kě kāi.
Şi totuşi (nimeni ) nu poate să deschidă [ uşa; poarta ].
and yet (one) cannot open [ the door ].
und doch kann man nicht öffnen.
27.06. 善結 無繩約 shàn jié wú shéng yuē
Perfecţiunea la legat nu utilizează nici sfoara ( funia) si nici noduri ;
Good binder ( the competent one at tying and fastening) don't use string and knots ,
Tüchtige knüpfen ohne Schnur und Knoten,
27.07. 而不可解。ér bù kě jiě.
Şi totuşi (nimeni) nu poate dezlega (desface; elibera, deznoda legatura).
and yet one cannot unbound.
und doch kann man nicht auflösen.
b 08-13 Saving Men, Saving Things: Following the Enlightenment
Menschen behüten, Dinge bewahren: der Erleuchtung folgen
27.08. 是以聖人 shì yǐ shèng rén
De aceea (prin urmare) omul sfânt (înţeleptul) [după modelul lui Tao (care ştie să meargă, să
actioneze, să făptuiască, să se exprime, să socotească, să închidă şi să lege perfect)]
Therefore: wise men
Darum: weise Menschen sind
27.09. 常善救人, cháng shàn jiù rén,
mereu (intotdeauna) este perfect (iscusit; eficient) in salvarea ( sprijinirea, protectia) oamenilor
are always good at saving(protecting) people
stets gut im Behüten der Menschen,
27.10. 故無棄人。gù wú qì rén.
(şi ) de aceea nu paraseste (abandoneaza; respinge) oamenii ;
hence without abandoning (ive up) anyone;
daher ohne Menschen je aufzugeben;
27.11. 常善救物, cháng shàn jiù wù,
mereu (intotdeauna) este perfect (iscusit; eficient) in salvarea (sprijinirea; pazirea) lucrurilor [ gata
să utilizeze eficient resursele, clipa, ocazia, momentul prielnic].
always good at saving(guarding) things
stets gut im Bewahren der Dinge,
27.12. 故無棄物。gù wú qì wù.
(şi ) de aceea nu paraseste (abandoneaza; respinge; dispretuieşte; risipeşte) lucrurile (pe niciun
lucru; nicio ocazie).
hence without wasting anything.
daher ohne Verschwendung der Dinge.
27.13. 是謂 襲明。 shì wèi xí míng.
Aceasta se cheama a urma (a poseda; pastra; moşteni; a transmite; a dubla) iluminarea (Lumina)
[a poseda de două ori lumina cunoaşterii ].
This is called: "following the enlightenment".
Dies heißt: "man folgt der Erleuchtung".
c 14-18 An Essential Secret: to Value the Teachers, to Love the Tasks
Ein wesentliches Geheimnis: die Lehrer schätzen, die Aufgaben lieben
27.14. 故善人者 不善人之師。gù shàn rén zhě bù shàn rén zhī shī.
Astfel, omul superior [ perfect, in care se manifestă puterea lui Tao: virtutea (Te) ] este pentru cel
ce incă nu este om perfect (orb), invăţător [ indrumător, maestru]
Therefore: good men are not good men's teacher,
Darum: gute Menschen sind der Nicht-Guten Lehrer,
27.15. 不善人者 善人之資。 bù shàn rén zhě shàn rén zhī zī.
(iar) cel contrar celui perfect ( orb; obişnuit ) este a celui perfect sarcină ( datorie; lecţie; invăţătură;
sprijin; folos; avere) [ Iar ceea ce este contrar este folosit pentru înaintare, ca şi vântul din faţă;
chiar şi cei orbi vin în sprijinul lui ; lucrurile contrare devin lecţii, invăţături; sprijin; ajutor; uneltele
not good people are good people’s task.
Nicht-Gute Menschen sind der guten Menschen Aufgabe.
27.16. 不貴其師 不愛其資, bù guì qí shī bù ài qí zī,
A nu-şi preţui maestrul [ invaţatorul; inclusiv pe marele maestru al tuturor maeştrilor:Tao], şi a nu-
şi iubi ( 愛 ài) sprijinul [ temelia, datoria, Tao, lecţia, discipolul; poporul; capitalul; averea ],
Not to value the teacher, not to love his task ( base, capital, Tao, lesson):
Nicht zu schätzen die Lehrer, nicht zu lieben diese Aufgabe:
27.17. 雖智 大迷 ; suī zhì dà mí;
Deşi par învăţaţi (cunoscători, ştiutori, deştepţi, inţelepţi ), sunt intr-o mare rătăcire [ pierduţi in
minte; greşală; eroare, amăgire; beznă, orbire, ignoranţa]
although learned ( knowledgeable; clever ) greatly confused (deluded; gone astray, lost in mind)
trotz aller Gescheitheit eine große Verblendung;
27.18. 是謂要妙 shì wèi yào miào.
Aceasta se cheamă "esenţiala minune/mister" (insemnata subtilitate)
this is called: "essential mystery" (essential wonder)
dies heißt "bedeutsames Geheimnis".
Note / Notes / Noten ( dupa traducerea divergenta )
vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note
27.01-3. Oricine poate inţelege că dacă omenirea trece la propulsia holografică sau directă, care
este delocalizată, sincronica, ca si gravitaţia ori timpul, iar nu localizată la o suprafaţă de contact
ori progresiva ( diacronica), atunci nu mai apare inerţie si reacţiune. In mod similar cel ce practică
acţiunea paradoxală ( holografică) sau nemijlocită (wu-wei) nu produce reacţiuni (urme) şi nu se
foloseşte de mijloace externe pentru a lega, incuia, decide (socoti). El merge fără să lase urme, ca
păsările în văzduh şi peştii în apă (vedeţi şi comentariul capitolului 14).
O veche zicală coreană afirmă "Cel ce ştie să urmărească (să găsească urmele), ştie şi să fugă
(fără să lase urme)". Accesul la acţiunea paradoxală sau nemijlocita ( la regimul direct de
funcţionare) este legat insă şi de eliminarea identificării cu mintea şi cu falsul său centru (ego),
care vin cu intenţii, aşteptări, planuri ( cu programarea şi inchiderea viitorului ) .
Vedeţi detalii in . Comentariu
27.3. Referirea la instrumente auxiliare de calcul si de divinaţie 籌策 chóu cè , in care se folosesc
beţe de bambus cu o lungime de aproximativ 10 cm, pe o tablă cu careuri / On effectuait les
calculs en manipulant des baguettes de bambou d'une longueur d'environ 10 cm, sur une planche
quadrillée .
27.04-7. A inchide si a lega fara mijloace externe (zavor, sfoara, funie) este o referire la
programare, dresare, conditionare. Foarte putini traducatori au remarcat acest lucru.
vedeti variante de traducere a acestei propozitii in limba romana, engleza, franceza , germana si
Tan Han Hiong: A good leader does not confine his men to ensure that they stay.
a good employer does not need rope to bind his men to their jobs.
A perfect closing/shutting makes no use of bolt and bar, and yet nobody can open it.
A perfect binding makes no use of rope and knot, And yet nobody can untie it
Mears Isabella (1922): The good man has power to close the inner door and no one can open it.
The good man has power to tie the inner knot and no one can untie it.
Ni Hua-Ching: One who is good at shutting things makes no use of bolt and bar, yet no one can
open what he has shut. One who is good at tying makes no use of cords and knots, yet no one can
untie what he has fastened.
Kwok Man-Ho , Palmer, Ramsay, (1993): He keeps out thieves with wisdom! He'snever robbed -
He makes sure the rules are binding, then no one can undo them
Balfour, Frederic H. (1884): When the virtuous are obstructed [in their policy], though there be no
bolt to the door which shuts them in, it yet cannot be opened. When the virtuous enter into
relations with others, though they be not bound by the ties of contract, they yet may not release
themselves [from their obligations].
Kunesh Tom : the safest places have no bolts or locks, the best friendships have no need of vows
or promises, yet they cannot be broken
27.08-13. Din cauza atitudinilor eronate (problema de programare) civilizatia umana pierde pe
banda rulanta genii, talente, resurse umane imense, considerandu-le rebuturi, fiindca nu intra in
tiparele (asteptarile) si locurile fixe ocupate de piesele masinii sociale. O cauza a inchiderii si
pierderii potentialului creativ este faptul ca fiintele umane nu sunt iubite si acceptate, pentru ceea
ce sunt din nastere, ci sunt doar pretuite, ca intr-o piata ( revenim la civilizatia de negustori care
se ocupa de spiritualitate si cu alte ocazii ) pentru ceea ce stiu, pentru talentele ( deprinderile) de
care sunt capabile . Doar oamenii care au trecut la regimul direct de functionare ( care s-au trezit )
sunt capabili sa elimine ideile preconcepute (revedeti: 27.1), planificarea si instruirea uniformizata (
nu instruim un bou sa prinda soareci, in locul unei pisici, al celor inzestrati natural pt acest lucru),
sa actioneze fara expectatii distructive( care solicita urmarea unor modele de reusita, care
alieneaza sau instraineaza oamenii de izvorul lor de viata), sa nu inhibe inflorirea potentialului din
fiecare fiinta umana, sa foloseasca ocaziile sau oportunitatile si sa nu risipeasca resursele
naturale. In paragraful Conexiuni exista un text din Chang Tzu (Zhuang zi ) intitulat: "Nu exista
nici oameni inutili si nici materiale inutile / Neither Useless People Nor Useless Materials
The Sage is always good in using people and materials (Lao Tzu Ch. 27)
27.13. Atitudinea de prezenta impartiala a sfantului si a realitatii sursa (Tao) a fost sesizata de
toti misticii. Prezenta impartiala si ajutorul egal apare in cazul soarelui , care lumineaza in mod
egal toate fiintele si in cazul ploii ( care uda in mod egal florile si buruienile; Anthony de Mello in
cartea sa "Constienta/Awareness" citeaza proverbul arab: "Natura ploii este aceeasi, dar ea face
sa creasca si spini in mlastini si flori in gradini"/ "The nature of rain is the same, but it makes thorns
grow in the marshes and flowers in the gardens" ). Kohn Livia (The Taoist experience: an
anthology ,1993) foloseste metafora soarelui atunci cand afirma ca sfantul devine una cu lumina
universala, care este de ajutor tuturor fiintelor si nu respinge pe niciuna (" Is always there to help
all beings — He rejects no creature. Thus it is said: He is at-one with universal light" )
27.57: 襲[袭] xí xi² hsi si R: a moşteni, ereditar, moştenitor, a primi, a urma (Chuang Tzu,
capitolul 2: "a lasa Natura sa-si urmeze cursul - a urma natura"); a practica ( dupa Ma Hsu Lun,
Lao Tzu chiao-ku, cap. 52) ; costum; a te imbraca; îmbracaminte la curte; veşmânt de palat; haina
captuşită; a dubla; repetat;
27.58: 明 míng ming2 ming: R: strălucitor; iluminat; luminos; lumină; vedeţi: 10.42;
vedeti alte semnificatii ale celor doua caractere in Dictionar
vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note
襲明 xí míng ( "a urma lumina"; "following the light"; Chan Wing-Tsit ). Acest cuplu de termeni a
fost tradus: "mintea lui e de doua ori luminata" ( observati eroarea "iluminarii mintii", din editia
intitulata: Lao-Tze , TAO TE KING sau CARTEA CARARII SUPREMULUI ADEVAR, de Gregorian
Bivolaru, care reprezinta o copiere "imbunatatita si corectata" a editiei Editura Ram, Aninoasa-
Gorj,1932), "cultură adâncă" ( in traducerea in limba romana a lui Ian Hin-Shun), "inţelepciune
adâncă" ("deep wisdom"; in editia in limba rusa: "глубокой мудростью" Ян Хин-Шун), "păstrarea
Luminii "(Luca Dinu 1993); "a mosteni lumina si a o da mai departe"(Su Yan 2009),
"intelepciunea nerevelata" ("unrevealed wisdom"; Li David H.); "iluminarea mostenita"("inherited
enlightenment"; Lin Paul J) , "iluminarea inerenta "("inherent enlightenment" Yi Wu), "Fiind în
lumina nimic nu se pierde" (Sarbatoare, 2000); utilizarea luminii ("using the Light"; Beck
Sanderson, 1996 ); "luciditatea inascuta" (Klarheit erben; lucidité innée; Wilhelm Richard ) "dubla
stralucire" ("Doubly bright"; Bram den Hond); "a fi dublu iluminat" ("being doubly enlightened";
Balfour, Frederic H. 1884); "a fi imbracat in lumina"('being clothed in Clarity"; LaFargue Michael );
"a practica lumina directa" ( care permite accesul la clarvedere; "pratiquer la claire lumière"; Ma
Kou ); "a intrupa lumina"( a fi vehicul pentru realitatea sursa; "a fi flautul in care canta divinitatea";
"incarner la lumière;"embodying the light"; Mitchell ); "a fi una cu lumina universala" ("to be at-one
with universal light"; Kohn Livia),
27.14-15. Diferentierile bine- rau sunt facute de oameni ( prizonieri in minte). In realitate nu exista
decat inchis ( orb, prizonier in realitatea secunda) si deschis ( vindecat de orbire: vazator, eliberat)
curgerii lui Tao. Comentatorii cred ca textele de la Mawangdui redau eronat acest pasaj. " cel bun
este invatatorul celui bun". In realitate chiar asa stau lucrurile fiindca To este maestrul tuturor
maestrilor ( Lao Tzu , capitolul 4)
Henricks, Lau etc., more sense in Wáng Bì! / mehr Sinn in Wáng Bì! (HK):
MWD A: 故善□□□之師 → 故善□ □□之師
MWD B: 故善﹦人﹦之師 → 故善人 善人之師
WB: 故善人者不善人之師 → 故善人者不善人之師
27.16. 資 (zī) identificarea ( averea, temelia) taoistului este Tao; termenul 資 (zī) tradus prin
baza, temelie , sprijin, are mai multe semnificatii: datorie, slujba, afacere, treaba, munca, lectie;
lucrul din care se poate trage un profit sau care poate fi de ajutor, cum ar fi invatatura, resurse,
materie prima, care poate fi prelucrata, material, avere, capital, etc. / better "task" than job,
business, (raw) material, treasure, belongings, ... (all these are used in other translations!) / besser
„Aufgabe" als Job, Geschäft, (Roh-)Material, Schatz, Hab und Gut, ... (all diese werden in anderen
Übersetzungen verwendet!).
27.17. 迷mí : greşit, amăgit; rătăcit/ lost; misguided; deluded / fehlgeleitet, irregeführt.
27.18. Când cineva nu reuşeşte să-şi preţuiasca profesorul, iar altcineva nu-şi iubeşte lecţia,
fiecare se află intr-o mare iluzie, deşi fiecare poate poseda erudiţie. Aceasta se numeşte concepţie
obscură. / When one fails to esteem his teacher, or the other fails to value his lesson, each is
under a great illusion, though each may possess erudition. This is called obscure conception. (
Cheng Lin)
27.90: 要 yāo yao4 yao R: esenţial, important; necesar, indispensabil; principal; insemnat,
crucial; punct cheie; /significant, essential, crucial / maßgeblich, wesentlich, entscheidend.
27.91: 妙 miào miao4 miao R: secret; misterios; minunat; esenţă; cauză; subtil; vedeţi: 1.32;
vedeti alte semnificatii ale celor doua caractere in Dictionar
vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note
要妙 yào miào : "mister esential"; "essential mystery"; Chan Wing-Tsit; Hinton David; Beck
Sanderson-1996; Kohn Livia-1993 ) : acest cuplu de termeni a fost tradus in diferite moduri:
"Acest adevar este tot atat de insemnat pe cat este de subtil" (Editura Ram, Aninoasa-Gorj,1932),
"insemnat si mai adanc"("the most important and deeply"; in editia in limba rusa: "наиболее
важно и глубоко" Ян Хин-Шун). "taina cea mai adanca" (Su Yan 2009); "esenta ascunsului" (Luca
Dinu 1993); "Inteleptul e subtil în tot ce face" (Sarbatoare, 2000); "mister profund"("deep mystery";
Ursula K. Le Guin); "esentialul sublimului" ("the essential of the sublime"; Henricks Robert G.);
"misterioasa esenta" ( "subtle mystery"; Mabry ); "mister capital"; "important secret"( LaFargue
Michael ),"fundamental secret"( Kim Ha Poong); "secretul esential"("essential secret"; Chen Chao-
Hsiu; Hilmar Klaus); "esentialul si secretul"( "the essential and the secret"; DC Lau), "essential
subtlety"( Cleary); ''The utmost degree of mystery"(Legge James); "subtilitate cruciala"( "crux of
mystery"; Gia-fu Feng and Jane English); "concepţie obscură" ( obscure conception"; Cheng Lin);
"cerinţă paradoxală/ năucitoare/enigmatică"( "baffling requirement"; Correa Nina); "esentiala
subtilitate" ("essential subtlety"; Yi Wu); "important si sublim"( "important and sublime"; Balfour,
Frederic H. 1884); "subtila esenta" ("subtle essence"; Huang Chichung); "a great paradox, It is the
subtle principle" (Huang Tao); "misterul tactic"("tactical mystery”; Hatcher); "misterul crucial"( in
dezvoltarea talentului oamenilor) [the crux of mystery (of developing people's talent); Gong
Tienzen; Gia-Fu Feng ]; "un punct cheie care adesea nu este inteles" ("a key point that is often
not understood"; Ho Lok Sang); "cheia predarii/invatarii"("the key is such teaching/learning";
Qixuan Liu); "misterul necesar" ("the necessary mystery."Gorn-Old Walter; Hansen Chad) ;
"indispensabila minune/uimire"("indispensable wonder"; Chang Chung-Yuan ); "coroana misterului
"("Crown of Mystery"; Crowley ); "importanta subtilitate" ("important subtlety"; Cheng Hong David );
"partea centrala a principiului secret"("main principle of the secret"; Chou-Wing Chohan) ; "lumina
interioara ("Inner Light"; Wu John C. H); "adevar esential" ("vérité essentielle"; Leon Wieger ),
"intuitie" ( "insight"; Bynner ); "inteligenta aplicata" ("applied intelligence"; Blackney)
3.2.Traducerea analogică ( divergentă) - oamenii nu au doar procesare analitica a informatiilor , in
emisfera cerebrala stanga, ci si o procesare analogica, magica, in emisfera cerebrala dreapta /
Analogic (divergent) Translation- the right brain/right-hemisphere is analogic, non-linear, creative,
simultaneous and intuitive / La traduction analogique (divergente) / Analogisch (divergent)
Übersetzung /Traducción analógica (divergente) /Traduzione analogico (divergente)/
27.01. 善行 無轍跡。shàn xíng wú zhē jì.
Cel bun la mers [ cel ce exceleaza in mişcare, fapta, acţiune] nu lasă (si nu are nevoie de) dâre si
urme [ semne; urmări; reacţiuni ]
The Good at walking [ One who excels in travelling; movement; deeds; actions] don't leave ( and
don't need ) tracks or traces (signs).
Tüchtige Wanderer sind ohne Spur und Fährte.
vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note
27.02. 善言 無瑕謫。shàn yán wú xiá zhé.
Cel bun la vorbe [ vorbitor; orator] este fără cusururi (greseli; erori) si fără reproşuri (invinuiri) [ nu
are ce explica/ discuta după aceea; grăieşte fără cusur, nu răneşte şi nu comite greşeli]
A good speaker is without flaws (faults]) or reproach (blame) .
Tüchtige Redner sind ohne Fehl und Tadel.
Skillful talking contains no blunders, ofense, erori ; gafe
a superior talk (speech) nu raneste, ofenseaza , nu lasa loc indoielilor, erorilor, reprosurilor,
criticilor si acuzatiilor;
27.03. 善數 不用籌策。 shàn shǔ bù yòng chóu cè.
Cel bun la socotit nu foloseste instrumente de calcul [ abac; bete; tablete, mijloace auxiliare
Good at calculation [counting; reckoners ] don't use arithmetic sticks [ tallies; tablets].
Tüchtige Rechner brauchen nicht Zählmarken und Schreibtäfelchen.
an efficient strategy does not involve ostentatious planning;
27.04. 善閉 無關楗 shàn bì wú guān jiàn
Cel bun la încuiat (închis) uşi nu foloseşte nici bare şi nici zăvor ( broască, lacăt; incuietori)
Good door closers use neither bar [lock] nor bolt,
Tüchtige Türschließer benutzen weder Schloss noch Riegel,
27.05. 而不可開。 ér bù kě kāi.
Şi totuşi (nimeni ) nu poate să deschidă [ uşa; poarta ].
and yet (one) cannot open [ the door ].
und doch kann man nicht öffnen.
27.06. 善結 無繩約 shàn jié wú shéng yuē
Cel bun la legat nu utilizează nici sfoara ( funia) si nici noduri ;
Good binder ( the competent one at tying and fastening) don't use string and knots ,
Tüchtige knüpfen ohne Schnur und Knoten,
27.07. 而不可解。ér bù kě jiě.
Şi totuşi (nimeni) nu poate dezlega (desface; elibera, deznoda legatura).
and yet one cannot unbound.
und doch kann man nicht auflösen.
b 08-13 Saving Men, Saving Things: Following the Enlightenment
Menschen behüten, Dinge bewahren: der Erleuchtung folgen
27.08. 是以聖人 shì yǐ shèng rén
De aceea (prin urmare) omul sfânt (înţeleptul) [după modelul lui Tao (care ştie să meargă, să
actioneze, să făptuiască, să se exprime, să socotească, să închidă şi să lege perfect)]
Therefore: wise men
Darum: weise Menschen sind
27.09. 常善救人, cháng shàn jiù rén,
mereu (intotdeauna) este bun in salvarea( sprijinirea, protectia) oamenilor
are always good at saving(protecting) people
stets gut im Behüten der Menschen,
27.10. 故無棄人。gù wú qì rén.
(şi ) de aceea nu paraseste (abandoneaza; respinge) oamenii ;
hence without abandoning (ive up) anyone;
daher ohne Menschen je aufzugeben;
27.11. 常善救物, cháng shàn jiù wù,
mereu (intotdeauna) este bun in salvarea (sprijinirea; pazirea) lucrurilor [ gata să utilizeze bine
clipa, momentul prielnic].
always good at saving(guarding) things
stets gut im Bewahren der Dinge,
27.12. 故無棄物。gù wú qì wù.
(şi ) de aceea nu paraseste (abandoneaza; respinge; dispretuieşte; risipeşte) lucrurile (pe niciun
lucru; nicio ocazie).
hence without wasting anything.
daher ohne Verschwendung der Dinge.
27.13. 是謂 襲明。 shì wèi xí míng.
Aceasta se cheama a urma (a poseda; pastra; mosteni; a transmite; a dubla) iluminarea (Lumina)
[a poseda de două ori lumina cunoaşterii ].
This is called: "following the enlightenment".
Dies heißt: "man folgt der Erleuchtung".
27.14. 故善人者 不善人之師。gù shàn rén zhě bù shàn rén zhī shī.
Astfel, omul superior [bun; perfect; virtuos ] este pentru cel ce incă nu este om bun, invatator
[ indrumător, maestru]
Therefore: good men are not good men's teacher,
Darum: gute Menschen sind der Nicht-Guten Lehrer,
27.15. 不善人者 善人之資。 bù shàn rén zhě shàn rén zhī zī.
(iar) cel contrar celui bun (rau; obisnuit ) este a celui bun sarcina ( datorie; lectie; invatatura;
sprijin; folos; avere; unealta ) [ Iar ceea ce este contrar este folosit pentru înaintare; chiar şi cei răi
vin în sprijinul lui ; vântul contrar este folosit pentru înaintare; lucrurile contrare devin lectii,
invataturi; sprijin; ajutor; uneltele înţeleptului].
not good people are good people’s task.
Nicht-Gute Menschen sind der guten Menschen Aufgabe.
27.16. 不貴其師 不愛其資, bù guì qí shī bù ài qí zī,
A nu-şi preţui maestrul [ invaţatorul; inclusiv pe marele maestru al tuturor maeştrilor:Tao], şi a nu-
şi iubi ( 愛 ài) sprijinul [ temelia, datoria, Tao, lecţia, poporul; capitalul; averea; uneltele ],
Not to value the teacher, not to love his task ( base, capital, Tao, lesson):
Nicht zu schätzen die Lehrer, nicht zu lieben diese Aufgabe:
27.17. 雖智 大迷 ; suī zhì dà mí;
Deşi par învăţaţi (cunoscători, ştiutori, deştepţi, inţelepţi ), sunt intr-o mare rătăcire [ pierduţi in
minte; greşală; eroare, amăgire; beznă, orbire, ignoranţa]
although learned ( knowledgeable; clever ) greatly confused (deluded; gone astray, lost in mind)
trotz aller Gescheitheit eine große Verblendung;
27.18. 是謂要妙 shì wèi yào miào.
Aceasta se cheama "esenţiala minune/mister" (insemnata subtilitate)
this is called: "essential mystery" (essential wonder)
dies heißt "bedeutsames Geheimnis".
Note / Notes/Noten
4. Variante de traducere ale acestui capitol in lb. romana, engleza, franceza, italiana, spaniola si
germana / Translations versions in Romanian language, in English, French, Italian, Spanish &
German / Versions de traduction dans langue roumaine, en anglais, français, espagnol , italien et
en allemand / Versionen Übersetzungen in Rumänischer Sprache, in Englisch, Französisch,
Italienisch, Spanisch, und Deutsch / Versiones de las traducciones en lengua Española, en
Rumano, Inglés, Francés, Italiano y Alemán /Traduzione versioni in lingua rumena, in inglese,
francese, italiano, spagnolo e tedesco
Vedeti in Bibliografie prescurtarile utilizate pt autori/See in Bibliography the abreviation fot the
Capitolul 4 are 11 propozitii si a fost impartit in 5 fraze
Fraza 1 ( propozitiile 1-3 ) Sentence 1 ( 1-3)
Fraza 2 ( propozitiile 4-7 ) Sentence 2 ( 4-7)
Fraza 3 ( propozitiile 8-13 ) Sentence 3 ( 8-13)
Fraza 4 ( propozitiile 14-15 ) Sentence 1 ( 8-9)
Fraza 5 ( propozitiile 10-11 ) Sentence 2 ( 10-11)
5. Comentariu / Commentary / Commentaire /Kommentar /Comentario /Commento
Capitolul 27 Fraza 1 ( alcatuita din propozitiile 1-3) / Chapter 27 Sentence 1(1-3)
27.01. 善行 無轍跡。shàn xíng wú zhē jì.
Cel ce ştie să meargă bine nu lasă în urma sa semne [urme; cărare].*
Good wayfarers don't need track or trace.
Tüchtige Wanderer sind ohne Spur und Fährte.
Nota DM: Păsările în văzduh şi peştii în apă nu lasă urme (vedeti comentariul capitolului 14); "Cel
ce ştie să urmărească (să găsească urmele), ştie să şi fugă (sa nu las urme)", afirmă o zicală
vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note
27.02. 善言 無瑕謫。shàn yán wú xiá zhé.
Cel ce ştie să vorbească bine nu are ce explica [după aceea; nu are ce discuta] şi nici nu răneşte
[nu comite greşeli; nu atrage repoşuri],
Good speakers are without blemish or blame.
Tüchtige Redner sind ohne Fehl und Tadel.
27.03. 善數 不用籌策。 shàn shǔ bù yòng chóu cè.
Cel ce ştie să socotească bine, nu recurge nici la bete şi nici la abac [tablete, mijloace; auxiliare
Good reckoners don't use tallies or tablets.
Tüchtige Rechner brauchen nicht Zählmarken und Schreibtäfelchen.
Ram (1932) Bunul călător nu lasă urme. Bunul orator nu are a discuta. Calculatorul bun nu se slujeste de
instrument de calcul.
Ian Hin-Shun (1952): Cel care stie sa mearga nu lasa urme. Cel care stie sa vorbeasca nu face
greseli. Cine stie sa socoteasca nu foloseste uneltele de calculat./ Ян Хин-Шун: умеющий
шагать не оставляет следов. умеющий говорить не допускает ошибок. кто умеет считать,
тот не пользуется инструментом для счета./Who knows how to walk does not leave traces.
Who knows how to speak does not make mistakes. Who knows how to count, that does not use
tools for counting.
Mirahorian (1992) Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Traducerea analogică (divergentă)
Luca Dinu (1993): Cine se pricepe sa mearga in tarana urme nu lasa; cine se pricepe la vorbe
graieste fara cusur; cine se pricepe la socotele de abac nu are nevoie; ( vedeti lucrarea citata in
Sarbatoare (2000): Bunul calator nu lasa urme. Bunul orator nu se pierde în discutii. Cel ce evalueaza
lucrurile nu se pierde în calcule. / A good traveler doesn't leave any trace, A good speaker is not lost in idle
talk, A good estimator isn't lost in calculations,
Su Yan (2009): Cel ce stie sa mearga nu lasa urme ; Celui ce stie sa vorbeasca cu rost nimeni nu-i
afla cusururi; Cine stie sa socoteasca nu foloseste unelte de socotit. ( vedeti lucrarea citata in
Antonov Vladimir : He who knows the Path can find the right direction even if there are no traces. He who
can speak does not make mistakes. He who can count does not miscount.
Bahm Archie J. : The wise traveler has no need to retrace his steps. The effective speaker does not need to
repeat himself. The generous trader needs no scales.
Balfour, Frederic H. (1884): The conduct of the virtuous leaves neither trace nor clue. The words of the
virtuous afford no ground for fault-finding. The projects of the virtuous require no intrigue.
Beck A good traveler leaves no trace. A good speaker makes no slips. A good accountant uses no
Blackney A good runner leaves no tracks. A good speech has no flaws to censure. A good
computer uses no tallies.
Bram den Hond: A good walker leaves no track behind; A good speaker makes no slips; A good reckoner
needs no tally.
Brennan Edward: see/vedeti:: Huang Tao:
Bullen David: The master travels the natural path, which has no destination, and on which no tracks can be
left. A good trader follows the market wherever it goes. A good teacher lets the students guide him.
Bynner One may move so well that a footprint never shows, Speak so well that the tongue never
slips, Reckon so well that no counter is needed,
Byrn A good traveller leaves no tracks, and a skilful speaker is well rehearsed. A good
bookkeeper has an excellent memory,
Chan Wing-Tsit: A good traveler leaves no track or trace. A good speech leaves no flaws. A good
reckoner uses no counters.
Chang Chung-Yuan : The best action is free from marks [either good or evil]. The best words are
free from stains [either good or bad]. The best calculator is free from calculation and measure.
Chen Chao-Hsiu: He who knows how to travel does not leave any trace.
He who knows how to use words does not make any errors.
He who knows stratagems needs not any plans.
Chen Ellen M.: Good (shan) running leaves no tracks, good speech has no flaws,
good counting uses no counters,
Cheng Lin: Good conduct leaves behind no traces. Good words afford no room for criticism.
Good mathematicians require no calculating apparatus.
Cheng Hong David An excellent walker leaves no track; An excellent speech contains no flaw;
An excellent reckoner uses no counter;
Chou-Wing Chohan: The good traveler leaves no tracks, The good speaker leaves no doubt, The
good accountant needs no abacus,
Cleary Good works are trackless, good words are flawless, good planning isn't calculating.
Correa Nina : A good traveler is without tracks or footprints. A good speaker is without discernable flaws.
A good mathematician doesn't use tallies or chips.
Cronk George: Following the Tao, the Tao–Master leaves no tracks,
speaks without error, counts without markers.
Crowley The experienced traveler conceals his tracks; the clever speaker gives no chance to the
critic; the skilled mathematician uses no abacus;
Derek Lin : Good traveling does not leave tracks
Good speech does not seek faults
Good reckoning does not use counters
Dicus : The sage follows the natural way. Like an experienced tracker...he himself leaves no tracks.
Like a good speaker...his language lacks flaws and rebuke. Like an experienced counter he needs no
Duyvendak J. J.-L.: For a skilful traveller there are neither tracks nor traces. For a skilful speaker there is
neither blame nor praise. A skilful reckoner used no counting-tallies./ Pour le bon voyageur, il n’y a ni traces
ni vestiges. Pour le bon orateur, il n’y a ni blâme ni louange. Bon calculateur n’a besoin de fiches ni de
tablettes. [ vedeti note in Comentariu]
Evola Julius :
Gong Tienzen : A good traveler leaves no tracks. A good speaker makes no slips.
A good reckoner needs no tally.
Gia-Fu Feng: A good walker leaves no tracks; a good speaker makes no slips;
a good reckoner needs no tally.
Goddard Dwight and Henri Borel, (1919): Good walkers leave no tracks, good speakers make no
errors, good counters need no abacus, good wardens have no need for bolts and locks for no one
can get by them.
Gorn-Old Walter : The good walker makes no dust after him. The good speaker incurs no
discussion. The good reckoner needs no arithmetic.
Hansen Chad: Worthy travel lacks ruts and footprints. Worthy language lacks flaws and reproach.
Worthy tallying doesn't use algorithms..
Hatcher: The able wanderer leaves no trail (or) trace
The able speaker is without fallacy (or) error
The able reckoner does not use counting devices
Henricks Robert G.: MWD: The good traveler leaves no track behind; the good speaker [speaks]
without blemish or flaw; the good counter doesn't use tallies or chips;
Hilmar Klaus : A good traveller leaves no traces. A good speaker makes no faults. A good
calculator needs no arithmetic sticks.
Hinton David: Perfect travels leave no tracks. Perfect words leave no doubts. Perfect accounts
need no counting.
Ho Lok Sang: Perfect deeds leave no tracks behind it. Perfect speech leaves no flaws to find fault
with. Those adept in counting do not require counting chips.
Holly Roberts (2005):
Huang Chichung: A good traveler leaves neither ruts nor footprints;
A good speaker makes neither slips nor errors;
A good calculator uses neither wooden chips nor bamboo chips;
Huang Tao : A good traveler leaves no tracks. A good speaker is without flaw. A good planner
does not calculate.
Hwang Shi Fu: Lao Tze says, The skillful traveller leaves no wheel track; the skillful speaker
makes no slip of the tongue; the skillful reckoner uses no tallies;
Jiyu Ren: One who is skilled at travelling leaves no traces of his wheels or footsteps;
One who is skilled at speaking says nothing that can be found fault with;
one who is skilled at counting uses no tallies;
Kari Hohne (2009):
Kim Ha Poong: Perfect going leaves no tracks. Perfect speech has no flaws. Perfect counting
uses no counters.
Kimura Yasuhiko Genku : The master in his action is so complete that he leaves no trace behind.
the master in his conversation is so balanced that he leaves no discord behind.
the master in his thinking is so original that he depends on no external authority.
Kiyoashi ( vedeti : Mitchell Stephen)_
Kohn Livia (1993): Good traveling leaves not track nor trace.
Good speaking has not flow nor bent.
Good reckoning uses not counters nor devices.
Kunesh Tom : The best walkers leave no trail; the best speakers neither slip nor offend; the best
accountants need no calculator
Kwok Man-Ho , Palmer, Ramsay, (1993): The sage who goes by the way leaves no traces. The sage who
speaks the true law never slips up -He never calculates what profit he can make from what he does.
LaFargue Excellent traveling: no tracks or traces Excellent speaking: no blemish or blame.
Excellent counting does not use counting slips.
Larre :
Lau, D.C. (1963): One who excels in travelling leaves no wheel tracks;
One who excels in speech makes no slips;
One who excels in reckoning uses no counting rods;
Lauer Conradin Von : Celui qui sait marcher ne laisse pas de traces.
Celui qui sait parler garde ses paroles.
Celui qui sait compter n'a pas de boulier.
Legge : The skillful traveler leaves no traces of his wheels or footsteps; the skillful speaker says
nothing that can be found fault with or blamed; the skillful reckoner uses no tallies;
Li David H. : A good traveler leaves no trails;
a good speaker allows no slips;
a good planner needs no tallies;
Lin Paul J.: A good walker leaves no trail. A good speaker leaves no grounds for blame.
A good counter needs no calculator.
Liou Kia-hwai: Bien marcher, c’est marcher sans laisser Ni ornière, ni trace.
Bien parler, c’est parler sans commettre De fautes et sans encourir de reproches.
Bien calculer, c’est calculer sans avoir Recours ni aux baguettes, ni aux tablettes.
Lindauer Valuing going is absent of trace Valuing words are absent of flaw or censure With valuing
reckoning, counters or policies are not used.
Lynn Richard John : One good at traveling leaves no tracks or prints. One good at words says
nothing flawed or blameworthy. One good at reckoning does not use bamboo tallies.
Mair Victor H. : He who is skilled at traveling leaves neither tracks nor traces;
he who is skilled at speaking is flawless in his delivery;
he who is skilled in computation uses neither tallies nor counters;
Ma Kou : Celui qui sait voyager ne laisse pas de traces. Celui qui sait parler ne fait pas de fautes.
Celui qui sait compter n’a pas besoin de boulier.
Mabry A skillful walker leaves no tracks. A skillful speaker makes no mistakes. A skillful
accountant needs no counting-devices.
McCarroll Tolbert : A skillful traveler leaves no track. a skillful speaker makes no slip.
a skillful reckoner needs no counting rod.
McDonald J. H. (1996): A good traveller leaves no track or trace behind, nor does fit activity. So a
good runner leaves no track. Perfect speech is like a jade-worker whose tool leaves no mark.
Good speech leaves no flaws. The perfect reckoner needs no counting-slips; the good reckoner
uses no counters.
Mears Isabella (1922): He who walks in goodness leaves his trace in the Inner Life. He who speaks in
goodness carries no blame to the Inner Life. He who reckons in goodness does not need to use a tally.
Merel The perfect traveler leaves no trail to be followed; The perfect speaker leaves no
question to be answered; The perfect accountant leaves no working to be completed;
Mitchell "Un călător bun nu are planuri fixe şi nu are intenţii către/la sosire ( nu are centrul in
rezultat, efect, ajungerea la destinaţie). Un artist bun permite intuiţiei să-l ducă oriunde vrea ea.
Un bun om de stiinţă se eliberează de concepte şi işi păstrează mintea deschisă la ceea ce este."
(traducere de Mirahorian). / A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving. A
good artist lets his intuition lead him wherever it wants. A good scientist has freed himself of
concepts and keeps his mind open to what is../ Un bon voyageur n’a pas de plans fixes et n’est
pas tendu vers l’arrivée. Un bon artiste laisse son intuition le mener là où elle le souhaite. Un bon
scientifique s’est libéré des concepts et garde l’esprit ouvert à ce qui est. (traduction Benoit
Labayle )
Moss Roberts: Expert marching leaves no trails; Expert wording has no flaws;
Expert reckoning needs no tallies.
Muller A good traveler leaves no tracks. Good speech lacks fault finding. A good counter needs no
Ni Hua-Ching : One who is good at running leaves no tracks. One who is good at talking has no
flaws in his speech. One who is good at calculating makes no use of counting tools.
Nyssen Olivier : Bien marcher, sans ornières et sans traces. Bien parler, sans erreurs et sans blâmes.
Bien calculer ne nécessite ni baguettes, ni planche.
Org Lee Sun Chen : A carriage which rides excellently does not leave any trace of wheel tracks;
a superior talk (speech) leaves no room for fault finding and accusation; an efficient strategy does
not involve ostentatious planning;
Parinetto Luciano : Chi ben viaggia non lascia solchi né impronte, chi ben parlanon ha pecche né
biasimi, chi ben conta non adopra bastoncelli nélistelle,
Pouvourville: Qui marche bien ne laisse pas de traces; qui parle bien ne commet pas de fautes;
qui calcule bien n'a pas besoin de boulier;
Qixuan Liu: A good walker leaves no trace. A good speaker uses no blasphemy. A good calculator
uses no counting aids.
Red Pine Good walking leaves no tracks good talking reveals no flaws good counting counts no
Rosenthal S.: The sage follows the natural way, doing what is required of him.
Like an experienced tracker, he leaves no tracks; like a good speaker, his speech is fluent;
He makes no error, so needs no tally;
Stanislas Julien (1842): Celui qui sait marcher (dans le Tao) ne laisse pas de traces; celui qui sait parler ne
commet point de fautes; celui qui sait compter ne se sert point d'instruments de calcul;
Suzuki D.T. & Paul Carus: "Good travelers leave no trace nor track,
Good speakers, in logic show no lack, Good counters need no counting rack.
Ta-Kao Ch’u : A good traveler leaves no track; A good speaker leaves no error; A good reckoner needs no
Tan Han Hiong: A good traveller leaves no tracks. A good debater never makes a slip.
a good strategist does not require chips to formulate a plan.
Tran Cong Tien : Good walking leaves no track behind it. Good speech leaves no mark to be
picked at. Good calculation makes no use of counting-slips.
Ursula K. Le Guin:
Waley Arthur (1934): Perfect activity leaves no track behind it; perfect speech is like a jade-worker whose
tool leaves no mark. The perfect reckoner needs no counting-slips;
Walker A good runner leaves no tracks; A good speaker makes no slips; A good planner doesn't
have to scheme.
Wei Henry: A good walker leaves no traces behind; a good speaker leaves no blemishes for
criticism; a good counter does not use counting chips;
Wieger 27.1 A good walker leaves no trace, a good speaker offends no one, a good reckoner needs no
tally, / L’habile marcheur ne laisse pas de traces, l’ha­bile parleur ne blesse personne, l’habile
calculateur ne se sert pas de fiches,
Wilhelm Richard: Ein guter Wanderer läßt keine Spur zurück.
Ein guter Redner braucht nichts zu widerlegen.
Ein guter Rechner braucht keine Rechenstäbchen.
Richard Wilhelm / Étienne Perrot : Un bon marcheur ne laisse derrière lui nulle trace. Un bon
orateur n'a rien à réfuter. Un bon calculateur n'a pas besoin de bâtonnets.
Ursula K. Le Guin: : Good walkers leave no track. Good talkers don't stammer.
Good counters don't use their fingers.
Wing R.L : A good path has no ruts. A good speech has no flaws. A good analysis uses no
World A proficient traveler leaves no evidence of his journey. A proficient speaker is impeccable in
his presentation. A proficient accountant needs no tally sheet.
Wu John C. H.: Good walking leaves no track behind it; Good speech leaves no mark to be picked
at; Good calculation makes no use of counting-slips;
Wu Yi : Good walkers leave no track. Good speakers leave no opening for criticism.
Good counters use no calculators.
Yang Xiaolin: Skillful driving leaves no tracks. Skillful talking contains no blunders.
Skillful calculating needs no instruments.
Yutang Lin : A good runner leaves no track. A good speech leaves no flaws for attack. A good
reckoner makes use of no counters.
Zhang Z. Thomas : An able driver leaves no ruts and tracks. An eloquent speaking is flawlessly
fluent. A smart counter uses no tools.
Zhengkun Gu : He who is good at walking leaves no traces; He who is good at speaking leaves no
slips; He who is good at counting uses no counting tools;
Zi-chang Tang : The perfect traveler does not need a trail. The perfect speaker does not leave
any argument. The perfect planner does not need a sketch.
Capitolul 27 Fraza 2 ( propozitiile 4-7 ) Chapter 27 Sentence 2 ( 4-7)
27.04. 善閉 無關楗 shàn bì wú guān jiàn
Cel ce ştie să închidă bine nu se foloseşte de bare şi zăvor;
Good door closers use neither bar nor bolt,
Tüchtige Türschließer benutzen weder Schloss noch Riegel,
27.05. 而不可開。 ér bù kě kāi.
Şi totuşi nimeni nu poate să deschidă.
and yet one cannot open.
und doch kann man nicht öffnen.
27.06. 善結 無繩約 shàn jié wú shéng yuē
Cel ce ştie să lege bine nu utilizează coarda sau sfoara;
Good binders don't use band or bond,
Tüchtige knüpfen ohne Schnur und Knoten,
27.07. 而不可解。ér bù kě jiě.
Şi totuşi leagă atât de trainic, că este cu neputintă să desfacă altcineva.
and yet one cannot unbound.
und doch kann man nicht auflösen.
Ram : Paznicul bun nu se foloseste de incuietori si totusi nu se poate deschide ceea ce el a inchis. Cel ce
stie să lege nu foloseste funii, si nu se poate desface ceea ce a legat.
Mirahorian (1992) Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Traducerea analogică (divergentă)
Ian Hin-Shun : Cine stie sa inchida usa nu foloseste zavorul, si inchide usa atât de puternic, incât
este cu neputinta sa o deschizi. Cine stie sa faca legaturi nu foloseste sfoara si le leaga atât de
trainic, incât e cu neputinta sa le desfaci./ Ян Хин-Шун: кто умеет закрывать двери, не
употребляет затвор и закрывает их так крепко, что открыть их невозможно. кто умеет
завязывать узлы, не употребляет веревку, [но завязывает так прочно], что развязать
невозможно./Who knows how to close the door, do not consume the shutter and close them so
tightly that they can not open. Who knows how to tie knots, does not use a rope, [but so firmly ties]
that impossible to undo.
Luca Dinu: Cine se pricepe sa incuie nu are nici broasca, nici lacat , dar poarta n-o poate nimeni
deschide; cine se pricepe sa lege nu are nici sfoara nici noduri, dar legatura n-o poate nimeni
desface 1
Sarbatoare: Usii încuiate bine nu-i trebuiesc mai multe încuietori. Legând ceva bine cu o funie,
Alte funii nu mai sunt necesare. / A door having a good locker doesn't need for another one,
Something tightened up by a good rope, doesn't need for another rope.
Su Yan: Cine stie sa inchida usa, nu foloseste zavorul si o inchide atat de strasnic, incat ti-este cu
neputinta s-o deschizi; Cine stie sa lege nu foloseste funia, ci leaga atat de trainic, , incat ti-este cu
neputinta sa desfaci ce a legat.
Antonov Vladimir : The best treasury has no lock, yet no one can open it. The best fetters are those which
bind by nothing material yet cannot be broken.
Bahm Archie J. : The self-closing door needs no bolt, for it will not open itself even though it is not forced to
stay shut. Things which go together naturally do not have to be tied; for they will not separate even without
Balfour, Frederic H. (1884): When the virtuous are obstructed [in their policy], though there be no bolt to the
door which shuts them in, it yet cannot be opened. When the virtuous enter into relations with others,
though they be not bound by the ties of contract, they yet may not release themselves [from their
Beck A good door needs no bolts to remain shut. A good fastener needs no rope to hold its bond.
Blackney A good door is well shut without bolts and cannot be opened. A good knot is tied without rope
and cannot be loosed.
Bram den Hond: A good closer of doors needs no bolt or lock, And yet no one can open it.
Good binding of knots requires no rope or cord, Yet no one can loosen it.
Bynner Seal an entrance so tight, though using no lock, That it cannot be opened, Bind a hold so firm,
though using no cord, That it cannot be untied.
Byrn and a well made door is easy to open and needs no locks. A good knot needs no rope and it can not
come undone. Translator: T. Byrn (1997)
Chalmers John (1868):
Chan Wing-Tsit : A well-shut door needs no bolts, and yet it cannot be opened. A well-tied knot needs no
rope and yet none can untie it.
Chang Chung-Yuan : The best closure has no bolts, yet it cannot be opened.
the best knot has no cord, yet it cannot be untied.
Chen Chao-Hsiu: He who knows how to lock uses no bolts, yet what has been locked cannot be
opened. He who knows how to tie uses no rope, yet what has been tied cannot be released.
Chen Ellen M.: A good lock uses no bolts yet cannot be opened,a good knot uses no rope yet
cannot be untied.
Cheng Hong David A well-shut door uses no mechanism, yet none can open it;
A well-tied know uses no rope, yet none can untie it.
Cheng Lin: Good lids need no bolts, and they cannot be opened.
Good fasteners need no cords, and they cannot be released.
Chou-Wing Chohan: the good builder needs no lock and bolt, And the door he closes will not open
behind him. The good fastener needs no ropes or knots, And it is still impossible to untie after him.
Cleary What is well closed has no bolt locking it, but cannot be opened. What is well bound has no
rope confining it, but cannot be untied.
Correa Nina: A well-built door, without locks or bars, will remain closed.
A well-tied knot, without additional rope to secure it, cannot be untied.
Cronk George: No locks on his door, and yet no one can open it.
No rope used, and yet his knots cannot be untied.
Crowley the ingenious safesmith baffleth the burglar without the use of bolts, and the cunning binder
without ropes and knots. (The reference is to certain'puzzles,' as we should call them, common in China.)
Derek Lin : Good closure needs no bar and yet cannot be opened
Good knot needs no rope and yet cannot be untied
Dicus: He is like a well-made door, which needs no lock.
He is the perfect knot, leaving no end to be unraveled. He attends to every detail.
Duyvendak J. J.-L.: A skilful 'closer' does not bar or bolt; yet to open (what he has shut) would be
impossible. A skilful binder does not twine or know; yet to loosen (what he has bound) would be impossible.
Bon fermeur n’a ni barres ni verrous, et pourtant (la porte) ne peut être ouverte. Bon lieur n’a ni cordes ni
nœuds, et pourtant rien ne peut être défait. [ vedeti note in Comentariu]
Evola Julius :
Gong Tienzen : A good door (tightly fit) needs no lock, yet no one can open it.
Good tie requires no knots, yet no one can loosen it.
Gia-Fu Feng: A good door needs no lock, yet no one can open it. Good binding requires no knots,
yet no one can loosen it.
Goddard Dwight and Henri Borel, (1919): Good binders can dispense with rope and cord, yet none
can unloose their hold.
Gorn-Old Walter : The good keeper needs no bolts or bars, and none can open after him.
The good binder needs no rope, and none can loose after him.
Hansen Chad Worthy closing lacks bars and bolts and still can't be opened. Worthy securing lacks rope or
restraint and still can't be loosed.
Hatcher: The best closure uses no barrier (or) bar And yet is not easily opened
The best binding uses no cord (or) knot And yet is not easily loosened
Henricks Robert G.: MWD: the good closer of doors does so without bolt or lock, and yet the door
cannot be opened; the good tier of knots ties without rope or cord, yet his knots can't be undone.
Hilmar Klaus : A good locksmith needs neither lock nor bolt and nevertheless, nobody can open
the door. The competent one is able to tie and fasten – without string and knots – and yet nobody
can undo it.
Hinton David : Perfect gates close without locks and so cannot be opened. Perfect knots bind
without rope and so cannot be loosened.
Ho Lok Sang: Those adept in sealing require no door latches, yet what is sealed cannot be
opened. Those adept in tying need produce no knots, yet the strings cannot be untied.
Holly Roberts (2005):
Huang Chichung: A good door-shutter has neither latch nor lock, yet, the door he shuts cannot be
opened; A good knot-tier has neither rope nor string, yet, the knot he ties cannot be untied.
Huang Tao: A good doorkeeper does not lock, yet it cannot be opened. A good knotter does not
use binding, yet it cannot be undone.
Hwang Shi Fu: the skillful closer needs no bolts, while it is impossible to open what he has shut;
the skillful binder uses no strings or knots, while it is impossible to loosen what he has bound.
Jiyu Ren: One who is skilled at closing needs no bolts, while it is impossible to open what he has
shut; One who is skilled at binding has no strings, while it is impossible to undo what he has
Kim Ha Poong: The perfect lock uses no bolt; it is impossible to open. The perfect knot uses no
rope; it is impossible to untie.
Kimura Yasuhiko Genku : The master in protecting people is so skillful that, without any visible
means, he renders all attempts for invasion ineffectual.
the master in uniting people is so adept that, without any visible means, he renders all
efforts for disunity ineffectual.
Kiyoashi : vedeti Mitchell Stephen
Kohn Livia (1993): A door well shut needs no bolts, and yet cannot be opened.
A knot well tied no extra rope, yet cannot be undone.
Kunesh Tom : the safest places have no bolts or locks, the best friendships have no need of vows or
promises, yet they cannot be broken
Kwok Man-Ho , Palmer, Ramsay, (1993): He keeps out thieves with wisdom! He's never robbed -He makes
sure the rules are binding, then no one can undo them:
LaFargue Michael: Excellent locking: no bolt or bar, but the door cannot be opened. Excellent
tying: no cord or rope, but the knots cannot be undone.
Larre :
Lau, D.C. (1963): One who excels in shutting uses no bolts yet what he has shut cannot be opened;
One who excels in tying uses no cords yet what he has tied cannot be undone.
Lauer Conradin Von: Celui qui sait garder n'a que faire de verrous et de clefs.
Celui qui sait lier n'a pas besoin de liens et nul ne peut défaire les noeuds qu'il a serrés.
Legge James: the skillful closer needs no bolts or bars, while to open what he has shut will be
impossible; the skillful binder uses no strings or knots, while to unloose what he has bound will be
Li David H. : A good carpenter needs no bolts in securing a door from opening;
a good packager needs no strings in preventing a knot from untying.
Lin Paul J.: A well-closed door needs no bolt and still cannot be opened.
A well-tied knot needs no binding and still cannot be untied.
Liou Kia-hwai: Bien fermer, c’est fermer sans barres, Ni verrous et pourtant sans que personne
Puisse ouvrir. Bien lier, c’est lier sans corde ni ficelle Et pourtant sans que personne puisse délier.
Lindauer What is valuably shut Is absent of a barrier yet cannot be opened. What is valuably tied Is absent
of restraint or restriction yet cannot be untied.
Lynn Richard John : one good at locking up has no lock yet what is locked cannot be opened.
one good at tying up has no cord yet what is tied cannot be untied.
Mair Victor H. : He who is skilled at closing things tightly has neither lock nor key, but what he closes
cannot be opened; he who is good at binding has neither cord nor string, but what he binds cannot be
Ma Kou Celui qui sait garder n’a nul besoin de serrures Pour fermer, ni de clés pour ouvrir.
Celui qui sait lié n’utilise pas de cordes Pour nouer.
Mabry A well-made door needs no lock, yet cannot be opened. A well-made binding uses no rope, yet will
not be undone.
McCarroll Tolbert : A skillfully made door requires no bolts, yet it cannot be opened.
a skillful binding has no cords or knots, yet it cannot be untied.
McDonald J. H. (1996): The perfect, shut door is without bolt nor bar and can't be opened. The perfect knot
needs neither rope nor twine, yet can't be untied. No one can untie it.
Mears Isabella (1922): The good man has power to close the inner door and no one can open it.
The good man has power to tie the inner knot and no one can untie it.
Merel The perfect container leaves no lock to be closed; The perfect knot leaves no end to be
Mitchell ./ Stephen Mitchell traduction Benoit Labayle:
Moss Roberts: Well-sealed doors have no crossbar Yet cannot be opened.
Well-tied knots employ no cord, Yet cannot be loosened.
Muller A well-shut door will stay closed without a latch. Skillful fastening will stay tied without knots.
Ni Hua-Ching: One who is good at shutting things makes no use of bolt and bar, yet no one can
open what he has shut. One who is good at tying makes no use of cords and knots, yet no one
can untie what he has fastened.
Nyssen Olivier : Bien fermer sans barrière, mais le verrou ne peut être ouvert.
Bien lier sans corde, mais l'accord ne peut être délié.
Org Lee Sun Chen : A marvelously closed door, which though was not bolted, yet cannot be
opened; splendidly fastened together ropes, with which though no knot was tied, yet cannot be
Parinetto Luciano : chi ben chiude non usa sbarre né paletti eppure non sipuò aprire, chi ben lega
non usa corde né vincoli eppurenon si può sciogliere.
Pouvourville: qui sait bien garder ferme sans verrou, et personne ne peut ouvrir; qui sait bien lier
ne se sert pas de liens, et personne ne peut délier.
Qixuan Liu: A good door-keeper needs no bars. A good knot uses no strings.
Red Pine good closing locks no locks and yet it can't be opened good tying ties no knots and yet it
can't be undone
Rosenthal S. : like a good door, which needs no lock, he is open when it is required of him, and closed at
other times; like a good binding, he is secure, without the need of borders.
Stanislas Julien (1842): celui qui sait fermer (quelque chose) ne se sert point de verrou, et il est impossible
de l'ouvrir; celui qui sait lier (quelque chose) ne se sert point de cordes, et il est impossible de le délier.
Suzuki D.T. & Paul Carus: "Good lockers bolting bars need not, Yet none their locks can loose.
Good binders need no string nor knot, Yet none unties their noose."
Ta-Kao Ch’u: A good closer needs no bars or bolts, And yet it is impossible to open after him. A good
fastener needs no cords or knots, And yet it is impossible to untie after him.
Tan Han Hiong: A good leader does not confine his men to ensure that they stay.
a good employer does not need rope to bind his men to their jobs.
Tran Cong Tien : Good shutting makes no use of bolt and bar, and yet nobody can undo it.
Good tying makes no use of cord, and yet nobody can untie it.
Ursula K. Le Guin: The best door's unlocked and unopened.
The best knot's not in a rope and can't be untied.
Waley Arthur : The perfect door has neither bolt nor bar, yet cannot be opened.
The perfect knot needs neither rope nor twine, yet cannot be untied.
Walker The best lock has no bolt, and no one can open it. The best knot uses no rope, and no one can
untie it.
Wei Henry : A good lock has no bolt, yet cannot be opened; a good knot has no string, yet cannot
be untied.
Wieger 27.2 an expert locksmith can make one that no one can open, an expert on knots can make them
so that no one can untie them. (all specialists have their speciality, which makes their fame, from which
they take their profit). / l’expert en serrures en fabrique que personne ne peut ouvrir, l’expert en
nœuds en noue que personne ne peut dénouer. (Tous les spécialistes ont ainsi leur spécialité, qui
fait leur gloire, dont ils tirent profit.)
Wilhelm Richard : Ein guter Schließer braucht nicht Schloß noch Schlüssel, und doch kann niemand
auftun. Ein guter Binder braucht nicht Strick noch Bänder, und doch kann niemand lösen. / Richard Wilhelm
/ Étienne Perrot : A bon gardien, ni serrure ni clé, et pourtant personne ne saurait ouvrir. A bon lieur,
ni corde ni noeuds, et pourtant personne ne saurait délier
Wing R.L : A good lock has no bar or bolt, and yet it cannot be opened. A good knot does not
restrain, and yet it cannot be unfastened.
World A functional door has no lock but can only opened by the owner. A perfect binding has no knots yet
only the binder can loosen it
Wu John C. H.: Good shutting makes no use of bolt and bar, And yet nobody can undo it; Good tying
makes no use of rope and knot, And yet nobody can untie it.
Wu Yi : Good closers use no bolts, but the doors cannot be opened.
Good tiers use no rope, but their knots cannot be untied.
Yang Xiaolin: Skillful securing requires no lock, but cannot be opened. Skillful tying uses no knots,
but cannot be untied.
Yutang Lin : A well-shut door makes use of no bolts, And yet cannot be opened. A well-tied knot
makes use of no rope, And yet cannot be untied.
Zhang Z. Thomas : A superb lock cannot be opened, yet it has not bolts.
A good tie cannot get loose, yet there is no rope used.
Zhengkun Gu: He who is good at shutting renders all efforts of opening in vain though he uses no
bolts; He who is good at tying renders all efforts of untying in vain though he uses no ropes.
Zi-chang Tang : The perfect door does not need a latch. The perfect binder does not need string.
Capitolul 3 Fraza 3 ( propozitiile 8-13) Chapter 27 Sentence 3 ( 8-13)
27.08. 是以聖人 shì yǐ shèng rén
De aceea sfântul (înţeleptul) [după modelul lui Tao (care ştie să meargă, să vorbească, să
socotească, să închidă şi să lege bine)]
Therefore: wise men
Darum: weise Menschen sind
27.09. 常善救人, cháng shàn jiù rén,
este mereu bun in salvarea/sprijinirea oamenilor
are always good at saving men
stets gut im Behüten der Menschen,
27.10. 故無棄人。gù wú qì rén.
fără să abandoneze/ să respingă pe nimeni;
hence without abandoning anyone;
daher ohne Menschen je aufzugeben;
27.11. 常善救物, cháng shàn jiù wù,
El este totdeauna gata să utilizeze bine clipa [momentul prielnic].
always good at saving things
stets gut im Bewahren der Dinge,
27.12. 故無棄物。gù wú qì wù.
de aceea nu dispretuieşte/risipeşte nici o ocazie/lucru.
hence without wasting anything.
daher ohne Verschwendung der Dinge.
27.13. 是謂 襲明。 shì wèi xí* míng**.
Aceasta se numeste a urma/ a poseda de două ori lumina [cunoaşterii].
This is called: "following the enlightenment".
Dies heißt: „man folgt der Erleuchtung".
Ram (1932) In felul acesta inteleptul e ajutor si sprijin pentru toti oamenii, fără a respinge pe nimeni. El
este ajutor si sprijin pt. toate lucrurile si nu dispetuieste pe niciunul. [Se poate spune că mintea lui e de
două ori luminată. ]
Ian Hin-Shun(1952) : De aceea omul inţelept ii salvează mereu cu pricepere pe oameni şi nu-i
părăseşte. El ştie totdeauna să salveze fiinţele, de aceea el nu le părăseşte. Acesta se cheamă o
cultură adâncă. ( in lb. rusă este "мудростью", adică "inţelepciune")/ Ян Хин-Шун: поэтому
совершенномудрый постоянно умело спасает людей и не покидает их. он всегда умеет
спасать существа, поэтому он не покидает их. это называется глубокой мудростью. / So
constantly the wiseman skillfully saves people and not leave them. He always manages to save
the creature, so he do not leave them .. This is called deep wisdom.
Mirahorian (1992) Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Traducerea analogică (divergentă)
Luca Dinu (1993): Prin urmare inţeleptul se pricepe mereu să-i salveze pe oameni şi niciodată nu-i
părăseşte, se pricepe mereu să salveze lucrurile şi niciodată nu le paraseşte
Aceasta se cheamă "păstrarea Luminii "
Sarbatoare (2000): Înteleptul îi ajuta pe toti prin prezenta sa.Toate lucrurile din jurul sau sunt la locul lor.
Fiind în lumina nimic nu se pierde./ The Wise Person helps everybody by his presence,
Everything around him is in the right place, Being in the Light nothing is lost.
Su Yan (2009): De aceea, intotdeauna Omul Sfant ştie sa-i salveze pe oameni şi nu-i părăseşte,
intotdeauna ştie să salveze lucrurile şi nu le părăseşte.
Aceasta se cheamă a mosteni lumina si a o da mai departe.
Antonov Vladimir : The wise can save people, and he saves them constantly. He can help and does not
leave anyone in trouble without help. Thus acts the deep wisdom!
Bahm Archie J. : Therefore the intelligent man expresses his beneficence to other men by accepting each
man's own way as best for himself. And he performs the same service for all other beings, for he willingly
recognizes that, by following its own nature, each thing does the best that can be done for it.
This may be called the two-pronged lesson:
Balfour, Frederic H. (1884): Thus the Sage ever uses his goodness in saving others; and therefore there
are none who are abandoned. He ever uses his goodness in saving the inanimate creation; and therefore
there are none of these who are abandoned. This is called being doubly enlightened.
Beck Therefore the wise are good at helping people, and consequently no one is rejected. They are good
at saving things, and consequently nothing is wasted. This is called using the Light.
Blackney The Wise Man is always good at helping people, so that none are cast out; he is always
good at saving things, so that none are thrown away. This is called applied intelligence.
Bram den Hond: Therefore the sage is constantly good In taking care of all men And never rejects anyone;
Constantly good in taking care of things; And never rejects useful goods;
This is called "Doubly bright".
Bullen David: A master is present for all, both saints and sinners. All situations are used and nothing is
dismissed. This is called spreading the light.
Bynner All these are traits not only of a sound man But of many a man thought to be unsound. A sound
man is good at salvage, At seeing than nothing is lost. Having what is called insight,
Byrn Thus the Master is willing to help everyone, and doesn't know the meaning of rejection. She is there
to help all of creation, and doesn't abandon even the smallest creature. This is called embracing the light.
Translator: T. Byrn (1997)
Chalmers John (1868):
Chan Wing-Tsit : Therefore the sage is always good in saving men and consequently no man is rejected.
He is always good in saving things and consequently nothing is rejected. This is called following the light (of
Chang Chung-Yuan : Thus, the wise knows how to rescue men; hence, no one is excluded.
he also knows how to rescue things; hence, nothing is excluded.
this is called penetration to illumination.
Chen Chao-Hsiu: Therefore the sage always knows how to take care of people, and so no one is
abandoned. He knows how to take care of all things, and so no thing is abandoned.
This is what is called following discernment.
Chen Ellen M.: Hence the sage is always good at saving people, therefore no one is rejected.
he is always good at saving things, therefore nothing is rejected.
this is called following the light (ming).
Cheng Hong David Similarly, The sage always excels in saving people, thus there is no useless
people. The sage always excels in saving things, thus there is no abandoned thing.
This is called the innate enlightenment.
Cheng Lin: The Sage, by his abiding goodness, saves mankind because he spurns no one.
He, by his abiding goodness, saves the inanimate creation because he spurns nothing.
This is called mutual understanding.
Chou-Wing Chohan: Even if people are bad, why should they be rejected? Therefore the sage is
always the good savior of the people, And nobody will reject him. He is good to all creatures, He
spurns nothing. This state is called "to see and to come to the light."
Cleary Therefore sages always consider it good to save people, so that there are no wasted humans; they
always consider it good to save beings, so that there are no wasted beings.
Correa Nina: It's natural for a wise person to be good at rescuing others, but without abandoning character,
without abandoning what is of true value. This is called stretching the brightness.
Cronk George: Thus, the Tao–Master cares for all beings and neglects none.
Thus, he follows the light.
Crowley So also the sage, skilled in man-emancipation-craft, useth all men; understanding the value of
everything, he rejecteth nothing. This is called the Occult Regimen.
Derek Lin : Therefore sages often save others And so do not abandon anyone They often save things And
so do not abandon anything. This is called following enlightenment
Dicus: It is in this way that the sage is skilful at saving men, and so he does not cast away any man.
He is always skilful at saving things, and so he does not cast away anything.
This is called embodying the light.
Duyvendak J. J.-L.: Thus the Saint is constantly good at saving men. Even of the not-good, who will be
rejected? He is constantly good at saving things: for he acts without rejecting things. This is called a twofold
understanding. / Ainsi le Saint est constamment bon sauveur d’hommes, car il l’est sans rejeter nul homme.
Même de ceux qui ne sont pas bons, lequel est'il rejeté ? Il est constamment bon sauveur des choses, car il
l’est sans rejeter nulle chose. C’est ce qu’on appelle une illumination ambivalente.
Evola Julius :
Gong Tienzen : Thus, the sages value all men, no one abandoned, value all things, nothing
abandoned. This is called "following the wisdom light."
Gia-Fu Feng: Therefore the sage takes care of all men and abandons no one.
He takes care of all things and abandons nothing. This is called "following the light."
Goddard Dwight and Henri Borel, (1919): Therefore the wise man trusting in goodness always saves
men, for there is no outcast to him. Trusting in goodness he saves all things for there is nothing
valueless to him. This is recognizing concealed values.
Gorn-Old Walter: The wise man is a constant and good helper of his fellows. He rejects none.
He is a continual good preserver of things. He disdains nothing.
His intelligence is all-embracing.
Hansen Chad: Using this: Sages take saving humanity as a constant hence don't abandon humans take
saving thing-kinds as a constant, therefore don't abandon thing-kinds. Call this 'bushwhacking discernment.'
Hatcher: And so it is that wise ones Are ever so skilled at making the most of others That no
person is forsaken Are ever so skilled at making the most of situations That no situation is wasted
This may be called “practical wisdom”
Henricks Robert G.: MWD: therefore the sage is constantly good at saving men and never rejects
and with things, he never rejects useful goods. This is called doubly bright.
Hilmar Klaus : Therefore, wise people are always good protectors for other people, because they
never give others up. They are always good guardians of all things, because they never waste
anything. This is meant by “following the enlightenment”.
Hinton David: A sage is always perfect in rescuing people and so abandons no one,
Always perfect in rescuing things and so abandons nothing. This is called the bequest of
Ho Lok Sang: The sage who is adept in saving people will abandon no one.
He is adept in saving creatures and will abandon no creature.
This is known as the tradition of the light.
Holly Roberts (2005):
Huang Chichung: Hence, the sage man was constantly good at rescuing men so that there were
no cast-off men; as for things, there were no cast-off goods. This is called surpassing insight.
Huang Tao : Therefore, the sage is good at his earnest demands upon people. So no one is left
out. No talent is wasted. This is called being in the tow of enlightenment,
Hwang Shi Fu: In the same way the sage is always skillful at saving men, and there is no rejected
person; he is always skillful at saving things, and there is no rejected thing.
This is called 'procuring enlightenment.'
Jiyu Ren: Therefore the sage is always skillful at saving men, and so no man is uselessly cast
away. (The sage) is always skillful at saving things, and so nothing is uselessly cast away.
This is called the hidden wisdom.
Kim Ha Poong: Therefore the sage is always perfect in delivering people from distress. Thus he
abandons no one. He is always perfect in delivering creatures from distress. Thus he abandons no
creature. This is called following the light.
Kimura Yasuhiko Genku: Thus, the master, without abandoning anyone, is always good at
empowering people and, without abandoning anything, is always good at utilizing things.
This is the all-embracing wisdom of the tao.
Kiyoashi : vedeti / see: Mitchell
Kohn Livia (1993): Therefore the sage Is always to help the people-
He rejects no person. Is always there to help all beings-
He rejects no creature. Thus it is said: He is at-one with universal light.
Kunesh Tom : the best theology has no god or heaven yet everyone is saved. Thus the wise person helps
people, never becoming callous; helps all living things, never becoming superior.
No one refused, no thing abandoned, following an inner self-knowledge.
Kwok Man-Ho , Palmer, Ramsay, (1993): He is aware of everyone, leaving noone uncounted;
He cares like a parent, and wastes nothing. This is the essence of harmony.
LaFargue Michael : And so the Wise Person: Always Excels at rescuing people and so does not
turn anyone away. Always Excels at resolving things and so does not turn away from anything.
This is called 'being clothed in Clarity.'
Père Claude Larre:
Lau, D.C. (1963): Therefore the sage always excels in saving people, and so abandons no one;
Always excels in saving things, and so abandons nothing.
This is called following one's discernment.
Lauer Conradin Von: Ainsi le Sage se dédie au secours des hommes. Il n'en rejette aucun.
Il veille à préserver les êtres, sans en excepter aucun.
Il est dans la lumière. Tout plein de soleil.
Legge James: In the same way the sage is always skillful at saving men, and so he does not cast
away any man; he is always skillful at saving things, and so he does not cast away anything. This
is called 'Hiding the light of his procedure.'
Li David H. : Thus, the sage cares for everyone and abandons no one, cares for everything and
abandons nothing. This is unrevealed wisdom.
Lin Paul J.: Therefore the Sage is always able to save his people and there is no one forsaken.
He is able to save all things and there is nothing wasted.
This is called inherited enlightenment.
Liou Kia-hwai:. Ainsi le saint est toujours apte A sauver les hommes et il n’en omet aucun.1
Il est toujours apte à épargner les choses Et n’en ajoute aucune.
C’est là ce que l’on appelle « suivre la lumière ».
Lindauer Appropriately it happens that sages Entirely valuing help others, so others are not thrown away
Entirely valuing help things, so things are not thrown away. Appropriately called following the luminance.
Lynn Richard John : this is how the sage is always good at saving people, so no one is discarded,
always good at saving things, and so nothing is discarded. This is what is known as maintaining
the light.
Mair Victor H. : For these reasons, the sage is always skilled at saving others and does not abandon them,
nor does he abandon resources. This is called "inner intelligence."
Ma Kou Ainsi le sage se consacre A sauver les êtres humains Sans rejeter personne.
Il se consacre à préserver les choses Sans rien abandonner. C’est là pratiquer la claire lumière.
Mabry Therefore, the Sage is always there to help people So that no one is forsaken. She is always there
to see to things So that nothing is lost. This is called being clothed in light.
Maclagan P. J. (1898-99):
McCarroll Tolbert : Therefore, the true person is skillful in assisting people, and abandons nobody;
is skillful in assisting things, and abandons nothing. This is called "following the inner light."
McDonald John H.: In it all sharpness is blunted, all tangles untied, all glare tempered, all turmoil smoothed.
McDonald J. H. (1996): So the wise man is good at helping men, always good in saving men: the
wise man is all the time helping men in the most perfect way - he certainly doesn't turn his back on
men; is all the time in the most perfect way helping creatures. He certainly doesn't turn his back on
creatures, and consequently no man is rejected. For that reason there's no useless person. And
he is always good in saving. So nothing is rejected. This is called following the light (of nature) - is
called resorting to the light, nay, stealing some divine light.
Mears Isabella (1922): That is why the self-controlled man always uses goodness in helping men, thus
he draws them to the Inner Life. He always uses goodness in helping creatures, thus he draws them to the
Inner Life. This is called being doubly illuminated.
Merel So the sage nurtures all men And abandons no one. He accepts everything And rejects
nothing. He attends to the smallest details.
Mitchell Thus the Master is available to all people and doesn't reject anyone. He is ready to use all
situations and doesn't waste anything. This is called embodying the light./ Ainsi le Maître est
disponible pour tous et ne rejette personne. Il est prêt à tirer parti de toutes les situations et ne
gâche rien. Cela s’appelle incarner la lumière.
Moss Roberts: Accordingly, the wise know how to salvage men And make sure none go to waste;
They know how to salvage things And make sure none go to waste;
This is called far-reaching insight.
Muller It is in this manner that the sage is always skillful in elevating people. Therefore she does
not discard anybody. She is always skillful in helping things Therefore she does not discard
anything. This is called "the actualization of her luminosity."
Ni Hua-Ching: One of natural, integral virtue is good at helping all people impartially. Thus, no one
is abandoned. Because he is good at protecting and preserving all things nothing is ever thrown
away. This is called "embodying the light of the subtle truth."
Nyssen Olivier : C'est pourquoi l'homme sacré est toujours un bon homme de sauvetage,
ainsi l'homme n'est pas abandonné. Il est toujours un bon être de sauvetage, ainsi l'être n'est pas
abandonné. On dit justement qu'il a hérité la luminosité.
Org Lee Sun Chen: For this reason; a sage is so proficient at saving people that he abandons
nobody; he is so efficient at saving creatures and things that he forsakes no one;
this is called "to glow with the brilliance" [of tao].
Parinetto Luciano : Per questo il santo sempre ben soccorre gliuomini e perciò non vi sono uomini
respinti, sempre bene soccorrele creature e perciò non vi sono creature respinte: ciò sichiama
trasfondere l'illuminazione.
Pouvourville: C'est pourquoi le Saint-Homme excelle constamment à secourir les hommes, et ne
repousse personne. Il aide tous les êtres et n'en délaisse aucun.. En quoi il est doublement
Qixuan Liu: Similarly, A wise saver will part with no one. A wise user will waste nothing.
It is the subtle insight that gives such abilities.
Red Pine thus the sage is good at saving and yet abandons no one nor anything of use this is called
cloaking the light
Roger T. Ames and David L. Hall : It blunts the sharp edges And untangles the knots; It softens the glare
And brings things together on the same track.
Rosenthal S.: Knowing that virtue may grow from example, this is the way in which the sage teaches,
abandoning no one who stops to listen.
Stanislas Julien (1842): De là vient que le Saint excelle constamment à sauver les hommes; c'est pourquoi
il n'abandonne pas les hommes.
Il excelle constamment à sauver les êtres; c'est pourquoi il n'abandonne pas les êtres.
Cela s'appelle être doublement éclairé.
Suzuki D.T. & Paul Carus: Therefore the holy man is always a good saviour of men, for there are no
outcast people. He is always a good saviour of things, for there are no outcast things. This is called applied
Ta-Kao Even if men be bad, why should they be rejected? Therefore the Sage is always a good saviour of
men, And no man is rejected; He is a good saviour of things, And nothing is rejected: This is called double
Tan Han Hiong: Therefore, the sage always assists but never abandons people.
he always aids all creatures and he never forsakes them.
this is called "covert enlightenment".
Tran Cong Tien : Hence, the sage is always good at saving men, and therefore nobody is forgotten;
always good at saving things, and therefore nothing is wasted. This is called illumination.
Ursula K. Le Guin: So wise souls are good at caring for people,
never turning their back on anyone. They’re good at looking after things,
never turning their back on anything. There’s a light hidden here.
Waley Arthur : Therefore the sage is all the time in the most perfect way helping men,
he certainly does not turn his back on men; is all the time in the most perfect way helping
creatures, he certainly does not turn his back on creatures. This is called resorting to the light.
Walker Thus the master is always good at saving people, and doesn't abandon anyone; Always good at
saving things, and doesn't waste anything. This is known as "Following the light."
Wei Henry: Thus the sage (in his silent and subtle way) is always good in saving people, thereby
leaving no people unsaved; and always good in saving things, thereby leaving nothing unsaved.
This is called "passing the light."
Wieger 27.3 Likewise the Sage (Confucian politician), the professional saviour of men and things, has his
own procedures. / De même le Sage (politicien confucéen), le sauveur professionnel des hommes
et des choses, a ses procédés à lui.
Wilhelm Richard : Der Berufene versteht es immer gut, die Menschen zu retten; darum gibt es für ihn
keine verworfenen Menschen. Er versteht es immer gut, die Dinge zu retten; darum gibt es für ihn keine
verworfenen Dinge. Das heißt die Klarheit erben. Richard Wilhelm / Étienne Perrot : Le Sage s'entend
toujours bien à sauver les hommes; c'est pourquoi nul n'est pour lui à rejeter. Il s'entend toujours
bien à sauver les choses; rien n'est par lui rejeté. C'est là ce qu'on appelle la lucidité innée.
Wing R.L : Thus evolved individuals are always good at saving others; hence no one is wasted.
They are always good at saving things; hence nothing is wasted. This is called doubling the light.
World The sage is the light of all human beings and rejects no one. She efficiently uses all things and
discards nothing. This is called manifesting Infinity
Wu John C. H.: Hence, the Sage is always good at saving men, And therefore nobody is abandoned;
Always good at saving things, And therefore nothing is wasted. This is called "following the guidance of the
Inner Light."
Wu Yi : Therefore, the sage is constantly good at saving people; no one is forsaken.
He is constantly good at saving things; nothing is abandoned.
This is called inherent enlightenment.
Yang Xiaolin: Therefore, the great men were always good at making all people useful, so no one
was left out; they were very good at making all other things useful, so nothing was wasted.
This is why they were considered to be genuinely wise.
Yutang Lin: Therefore the Sage is good at helping men; For that reason there is no rejected
(useless) person. He is good at saving things; For that reason there is nothing rejected. - This is
called stealing the Light.
Zhang Z. Thomas : The sage constantly saves people, so nobody is abandoned; and constantly
saves things, so nothing is wasted. This is intelligent.
Zhengkun Gu: That is why the sage Is always good at saving people And abandoning no one;
That is why the sage is always good at saving things And abandoning nothing.
This is called the intrinsic wisdom.
Zi-chang Tang : Hence sage rulers always perfectly saved people, thus nobody was abandoned;
and always perfectly saved things, thus nothing was wasted.
This is called "blocking enlightenment".
Fraza 4 ( propozitiile 14-15 ) Sentence 4 ( 14-15)
Capitolul 27 Fraza 4 ( alcatuita din propozitiile 14-15)
Chapter 27 Sentence 4 (14-15)
27.14. 故善人者 不善人之師。gù shàn rén zhě * bù shàn rén zhī shī.
În felul acesta, omul virtuos îndrumă [sprijină] pe ceilalti
Mirahorian, dan   cel ce stie sa mearga bine nu lasa urme - v.0.9
Mirahorian, dan   cel ce stie sa mearga bine nu lasa urme - v.0.9
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Mirahorian, dan   cel ce stie sa mearga bine nu lasa urme - v.0.9

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Mirahorian, dan cel ce stie sa mearga bine nu lasa urme - v.0.9

  • 1. 善行 無轍跡。 A good traveler leaves no tracks Cel ce ştie să meargă bine nu lasă urme; There’s deep mystery here. Think about this Cel ce acţionează (mijlocit) lasă urme, fiindcă finanţează reacţiunile ( acţiunile contrare ) Caracteristicile actiunii nemijlocite sau ale actiunii paradoxale Caracteristici paradoxale ale Puterii Perfecte /Paradoxical features of Perfect Power Les Caractéristiques paradoxales de la Puissance parfaite/ Caratteristiche paradossale della Perfetta Potenza / Paradoxe Funktionen von Perfekte Kraft Características paradójicas del Poder Perfecta Lao Zi / Lao Tzu/ Lao Tseu 老子 道 德 經 Tao Te Ching Capitolul 27 / Chapter 27 第二十七章 dì èr shí qī zhāng articol de Mirahorian Introducere 1. Titlu /Title /Titre /Titel/ Título /Titolo : Cel ce ştie să meargă bine nu lasă urme; cel ce acţionează (mijlocit) lasă urme fiindcă finanţează reacţiunile ( acţiunile contrare ) 2. Variante antice /Ancient Versions/ Les versions antiques /Antiguo versiones /Alte Versionen/ Le antiche versioni
  • 2. 3. Traducerea capitolului 27 din Lao Tzu / Translation /Traduction/ Übersetzung / Traducción /Traduzione 3.1. Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Analytical (convergent) translation/ Traduction analytique (convergente)/ Analytische (konvergenten) Übersetzung / Traducción analítica (convergente) /Traduzione analitici (convergente)/ the left brain/cerebral hemisphere is verbal linear and processes information in an analytical and sequential way Note / Notes/ Noten Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Traducerea analogică (divergentă) 3.2.Traducerea analogică (divergentă) / Analogic (divergent) Translation/La traduction analogique (divergente)/ Analogisch (divergent)Übersetzung/Traducción analógica (divergente) /Traduzione analogico (divergente)/the right brain/right-hemisphere is analogic, non-linear, creative, simultaneous and intuitive; Note / Notes/Noten 4. Variante de traducere ale acestui capitol in lb. romana, engleza, franceza, italiana, spaniola si germana / Translations versions in Romanian language, in English, French, Italian, Spanish & German / Versions de traduction dans langue roumaine, en anglais, français, espagnol , italien et en allemand / Versionen Übersetzungen in Rumänischer Sprache, in Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, und Deutsch / Versiones de las traducciones en lengua Española, en Rumano, Inglés, Francés, Italiano y Alemán /Traduzione versioni in lingua rumena, in inglese, francese, italiano, spagnolo e tedesco 5. Comentariu / Commentary / Commentaire /Kommentar /Comentario /Commento 6. Conexiuni / Connections / Connexions/ Verbindungen/ Conexiones/Connessioni 7. Dictionar / Dictionary/ Dictionnaire/ Wörterbuch /Diccionario/Dizionario 8. Bibliografie / Bibliography Bibliography/ Bibliographie/ Bibliografía/ Anexa 1 : Introducere Acest capitol se refera la maiestrie, la excelenta sau perfectiune, care apartin manifestarii lui Tao, care este puterea sa (德 Te) ce se manifesta sub forma capacitatilor directe de cunoastere si de actiune, in diferite domenii ( actiuni, operatii ) . Te (德 pinyin: dé, Wade–Giles: te; tê; teh; EFEO: tö) este un concept cheie in filosofia chineza tradus de obicei in taoism prin: " virtute; caracter inerent, puterea interioară, integritate, puterea, efectul sau manifestarea lui Tao", in confucianism drept: "caracter moral; virtute morala; moralitate", in buddhismul chinez drept: "merit", fapte virtuoase" (punya), iar in alte contexte drept "putere", "viaţă", "carismă", "bunătate", "calitate" (in sanskrita: guna) . Cu alte cuvinte acest capitol se refera la caracteristicile paradoxale ale puterii perfecte (德 pinyin: dé, te), asa ca diversi traducatori redau caracterul 善shàn (bun) prin termeni precum: putere (virtute), "cel bun la"( o anumita actiune: mers, vorbit, divinatie, ajutorare, salvare, vindecare), "cel ce ştie bine" ( sa mearga, să vorbească, sa calculeze, sa inchida, sa lege ), "cel iscusit in/ la", perfect, "cel care exceleaza in" , "cel ce este adept al unei anumite discipline ( mers, vorbit, calcul, divinatie, inchidere, securizare, legare ). Exista conceptia ca pentru a excela intr-un domeniu ( pentru a realizeza maiestria, iscusinta) este nevoie sa investim timp pt a deveni experti in acel domeniu . Un expert in domeniul legarii este inteles apoi ca un adept al acelui domeniu ( mers, legare, inchidere). Lao Tzu infirma aceasta eroare fiindca un adept al inchiderii sau legarii nu se apropie niciodata de perfectiunea la care se refera textul si care este datorata trecerii la regimul direct de functionare, iar nu unui proces de perfectionare sau de specializare a unei anumite deprinderi ramanand prizonieri in regimul mijlocit de functionare. Solutia data de Lao Tzu nu este perfectionarea in timp, ci iesirea din timp (dualitate, minte). Astfel perfectiunea in inchidere nu este mijlocita si nu se bazeaza pe usi, bare, lacate si zavoare (27.4-5); perfectiunea in legare nu se intemeiaza si nu se obtine cu ajutorul sforii, funiei si a nodurilor(27.6-7); si este imposibil de deschis de catre experti in noduri.. Traducerea termenului 善shàn prin "bun" ( este o influenta confucianista) a fost evitata de multi din cei care s-au aplecat asupra acestui text , folosindu-se termeni sau expresii precum ( virtutea, perfectiunea, iscusinta, cel care exceleaza...) pentru a nu intra in contradictie cu afirmatiile din capitolul 2 [ cine defineste sau introduce un termen al cuplului de contrarii (omul bun) introduce automat si contrariul sau ( omul rau; introducerea modelului de bun, frumos, face ca tot ce este diferit de acest model sa fie perceput ca rau, urat )]. Cu alte cuvinte toate actiunile si operatiile sunt ale virtutii (puterii directe ), care se manifesta in cazul lui Tao si a omului care a devenit una cu el. Dualitatea bun- rau este introdusa de minte si poate fi evitata prin redarea termenului
  • 3. 善 shàn prin perfect/perfectiune ( a virtutii). Aceasta inlocuire ne permite sa intelegem faptul ca Lao Tzu si Chuang Tzu se refera la altceva decat la un mesaj confucianist in cazul propozitiilor (27.14-15) : 27.14: De aceea, omul bun este pentru cel rău invatator / Therefore: good men are not good men's teacher, 27.15: (iar) cel rău este in a celui bun sarcina ( datorie; lectie; invatatura; sprijin; folos; avere; unealta ) / and the bad people are good people’s task. vedeti variante de traducere a caracterului 善 shàn in cele peste 100 de variate de traducere ale propozitiilor din acest capitol ( in limba romana, engleza, franceza , germana si italiana ) Capitolul 27 / Chapter 27 第二十七章 dì èr shí qī zhāng 1. Titlu/Title /Titre /Titel/ Título /Titolo: Cel ce ştie să meargă bine nu lasă urme; cel ce acţionează (mijlocit) lasă urme fiindcă finanţează reacţiunile ( acţiunile contrare ) Titlul chinezesc/Titlul lui Legge /Titlul lui Susuki /Titlul lui Goddard/ Chinese Title/ Legge's Title/ Susuki's Title/ Goddard's Title/ 巧用 qiǎo yòng Dexterity in Using the Dao/ The Function of Skill / The Function of Skill 巧 qiǎo ch'iao k'iao R: maiestrie, dexteritate; opportunely / coincidentally / as it happens / skillful / timely; 巧妙 qiǎo miào: ingenious / clever / ingenuity / artifice ; 巧合qiǎo hé: coincidence / coincidental / to coincide ; 巧手qiǎo shǒu: skillful hands / dexterous / a dab hand ; 巧匠 qiǎo jiàng; skilled workman; 巧計 qiǎo jì: maneuver / scheme; 巧幹 qiǎo gàn: to work resourcefully / to apply intelligence ; 巧辯 qiǎo biàn: to argue skillfully or plausibly / rhetoric (alte semnificatii dupa dictionar ) 用 yòng yong4 yung : R: utilizare, nevoie; a folosi; uz; folos; avantaje; a cheltui; vedeţi: 4.4; Titluri date de alţi traducători şi comentatori : Cultivarea iscusinţei ( talentului, abilitaţilor) / Cultivating Skill Iscusinţa( talentul) / Skill (Ursula K. Le Guin) Cultivarea perfectiunii/ Cultivating Perfection ( Edward Brennan) Adevărata măiestrie/ True Mastership / Wahre Meisterschaft (Hilmar Klaus) Un bun calator nu lasa urme / A Good Walker Leaves no Tracks, Obtinerea iluminarii / Procuring Enlightenment (Shi Fu Hwang) Urmarea lui Tao /Following the Tao ( Stan Rosenthal, 1984) Despre furtul luminii /On Stealing the Light (Lin Yutang) The use of skill (Walter Gorn Old), Skill in the Method (Aleister Crowley ) Paradoxes of the Greatest Skill (Chad Hansen) The Function of Skill (D.T. Suzuki & Paul Carus, 1913) The function of skill (Dwight Goddard, 1919) Natural Abilities ( Nina Correa ) L'uso dell'abilità (Luciano Parinetto) Attention (Bram den Hond) Niciun talent nu este irosit/ No Talents are Wasted, Caracteristicile si functiile talentului / The Features and Functions of Skill, This is a Great Paradox, Dexterity in Using the Tao, 巧用 ch'iao yung (Legge) Skillful application 巧用ch'iao yung (Henry Wei) Conexiuni: 22 (goleşte-te şi vei fi plin; coboară şi vei urca); 26 (Greul este temelia uşorului) 36 (contractă pt a dilata; urcă pt a cobori) 2. Variante antice / Ancient Versions / Les versions antiques / Antiguo versiones / Alte Versionen/ Le antiche versioni 2.1. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea lui Wang Bi (王弼) (226 – 249 e.n) : W: 善行無轍跡。善言無瑕謫。善數不用籌策。善閉無關楗而不可開。善結無繩約而不可解。是以聖
  • 4. 人常善救人,故無棄人。常善救物,故無棄物。是謂襲明。故善人者不善人之師。不善人者善人之 資。不貴其師、不愛其資,雖智大迷,是謂要妙。 2.2. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea lui Heshang Gong (河上公) (202-157 i.e.n.): 善行無轍跡,善行道者求之於身,不下堂,不出門,故無轍跡。善言無瑕謫, 善數不用籌策,善閉無關楗而不可開,善結無繩約而不可解。是以聖人常善救人, 故無棄人;常善救物,故無棄物。是謂襲明。故善人者,不善人之師; 不善人者,善人之資。不貴其師,獨無輔也。不愛其資 雖智大迷,是謂要妙。 2.3. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Fu Yi (傅奕) (555 - 639 e.n.) 善行者無徹迹。善言者無瑕謫。善數者不籌策。善閉者無關鍵而不可開。 善結者無繩約而不可解。是以聖人常善救人,故人無棄人。常善救物, 故物無棄物。是謂襲明。故善人者,不善人之師。不善人者, 善人之資。不貴其師,不愛其資,雖知大迷,此謂要妙。 2.4. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Ma Wang Tui (馬王堆 Mǎwángduī ) din anul 168 i.e.n.. MWD A 馬王堆 Mǎwángduī version A (= "Jiaben" 甲本) A: 善行者無徹跡□言者無瑕適善數者不以檮策善閉者無關籥而不可啟也善結者□□約∠而不可解也∠是 以聲人恆善救人而無棄人物無棄財∠是胃申明故善□□□之師不善人善人之齎也‧不貴其師不愛其齎唯知 乎大眯是胃眇要 MWD B 馬王堆 Mǎwángduī version B (= "Yiben" 已本) B: 善行者無達跡善言者無瑕適善數者不用篿策善○閉者無關籥而不可啟也善結者無纆約而不可解也 是以聖人恆善救人而無棄人物無棄財是胃曳明故善﹦人﹦之師不善人善人之資也不貴亓師不愛亓資雖 知乎大迷是胃眇要 2.5. Textul in lb. chineza in versiunea Kuo Tian (郭店 Guodian) datat inainte de 300 i.e.n. Capitolul 27 nu există in versiunea pe fâşii de bambus descoperită la Guodian / Chapter 27 is not present in the bamboo slips version discoveded at Guodian/ Le chapitre 27 n'est pas présent dans la version sur les fiches lamelles de bambou découvertes à Guodian / Kapitel nicht vorhanden vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note Format audio : Videoclipul 老子 21-30章 Puteti asculta pronuntarea in lb. chineza 《 道德經 》(第21-30章) 3. Traducere/ Translation /Traduction/ Übersetzung / Traducción /Traduzione 3.1. Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Analytical (convergent) translation/ Traduction analytique (convergente)/ Analytische (konvergenten) Übersetzung / Traducción analítica (convergente) /Traduzione analitici (convergente)/ the left brain/cerebral hemisphere is verbal linear and processes information in an analytical and sequential way a 01-07 Good Wayfarers, Speakers, Reckoners, Closers and Binders Gute Wanderer, Sprecher, Rechner, Schließer und Knüpfer 27.01. 善行 無轍跡。shàn xíng wú zhē jì. Perfecţiunea 1 in mişcare [ cel ce excelează in deplasare, faptă, acţiune] nu lasă ( nu crează in urmă sau in spate-trecut şi in faţă- viitor) dâre şi urme [ semne; urmări; reacţiuni, planuri, intenţii, expectaţi ] vedeti decodificarea in Note si Comentaiu The Good at walking [ one who excels in travelling; movement; deed; action] doesn't leave (doesn't create behind-in the past and in front- in the future ) tracks or traces ( signs, reactions, plans, intents, expectations). Tüchtige Wanderer sind ohne Spur und Fährte. vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul de termeni 27.02. 善言 無瑕謫。shàn yán wú xiá zhé. Perfecţiunea la vorbe [cel ce excelează in comunicare verbala, oratorie] este fără cusururi (greseli; erori, gafe) si fără reproşuri ( nu lasa indoieli; invinuiri, critici, defaimare) [ nu are ce explica/ discuta după aceea; grăieşte fără cusur, nu răneşte şi nu comite greşeli] A good speaker is without flaws (faults) or reproach (blame) . Tüchtige Redner sind ohne Fehl und Tadel. 27.03. 善數 不用籌策。 shàn shǔ bù yòng chóu cè. Perfecţiunea la socotit ( divinatie, decizie, strategie) nu foloseste instrumente de calcul [ abac; bete; tablete, mijloace auxiliare exterioare]. Good at calculation [counting; reckoners ] don't use arithmetic sticks [ tallies; tablets].
  • 5. Tüchtige Rechner brauchen nicht Zählmarken und Schreibtäfelchen. 27.04. 善閉 無關楗 shàn bì wú guān jiàn Perfecţiunea la încuiat (închis) uşi nu foloseşte nici bare şi nici zăvor ( broască, lacăt; incuietori) Good door closers use neither bar [lock] nor bolt, Tüchtige Türschließer benutzen weder Schloss noch Riegel, 27.05. 而不可開。 ér bù kě kāi. Şi totuşi (nimeni ) nu poate să deschidă [ uşa; poarta ]. and yet (one) cannot open [ the door ]. und doch kann man nicht öffnen. 27.06. 善結 無繩約 shàn jié wú shéng yuē Perfecţiunea la legat nu utilizează nici sfoara ( funia) si nici noduri ; Good binder ( the competent one at tying and fastening) don't use string and knots , Tüchtige knüpfen ohne Schnur und Knoten, 27.07. 而不可解。ér bù kě jiě. Şi totuşi (nimeni) nu poate dezlega (desface; elibera, deznoda legatura). and yet one cannot unbound. und doch kann man nicht auflösen. b 08-13 Saving Men, Saving Things: Following the Enlightenment Menschen behüten, Dinge bewahren: der Erleuchtung folgen 27.08. 是以聖人 shì yǐ shèng rén De aceea (prin urmare) omul sfânt (înţeleptul) [după modelul lui Tao (care ştie să meargă, să actioneze, să făptuiască, să se exprime, să socotească, să închidă şi să lege perfect)] Therefore: wise men Darum: weise Menschen sind 27.09. 常善救人, cháng shàn jiù rén, mereu (intotdeauna) este perfect (iscusit; eficient) in salvarea ( sprijinirea, protectia) oamenilor are always good at saving(protecting) people stets gut im Behüten der Menschen, 27.10. 故無棄人。gù wú qì rén. (şi ) de aceea nu paraseste (abandoneaza; respinge) oamenii ; hence without abandoning (ive up) anyone; daher ohne Menschen je aufzugeben; 27.11. 常善救物, cháng shàn jiù wù, mereu (intotdeauna) este perfect (iscusit; eficient) in salvarea (sprijinirea; pazirea) lucrurilor [ gata să utilizeze eficient resursele, clipa, ocazia, momentul prielnic]. always good at saving(guarding) things stets gut im Bewahren der Dinge, 27.12. 故無棄物。gù wú qì wù. (şi ) de aceea nu paraseste (abandoneaza; respinge; dispretuieşte; risipeşte) lucrurile (pe niciun lucru; nicio ocazie). hence without wasting anything. daher ohne Verschwendung der Dinge. 27.13. 是謂 襲明。 shì wèi xí míng. Aceasta se cheama a urma (a poseda; pastra; moşteni; a transmite; a dubla) iluminarea (Lumina) [a poseda de două ori lumina cunoaşterii ]. This is called: "following the enlightenment". Dies heißt: "man folgt der Erleuchtung". c 14-18 An Essential Secret: to Value the Teachers, to Love the Tasks Ein wesentliches Geheimnis: die Lehrer schätzen, die Aufgaben lieben 27.14. 故善人者 不善人之師。gù shàn rén zhě bù shàn rén zhī shī. Astfel, omul superior [ perfect, in care se manifestă puterea lui Tao: virtutea (Te) ] este pentru cel ce incă nu este om perfect (orb), invăţător [ indrumător, maestru]
  • 6. Therefore: good men are not good men's teacher, Darum: gute Menschen sind der Nicht-Guten Lehrer, 27.15. 不善人者 善人之資。 bù shàn rén zhě shàn rén zhī zī. (iar) cel contrar celui perfect ( orb; obişnuit ) este a celui perfect sarcină ( datorie; lecţie; invăţătură; sprijin; folos; avere) [ Iar ceea ce este contrar este folosit pentru înaintare, ca şi vântul din faţă; chiar şi cei orbi vin în sprijinul lui ; lucrurile contrare devin lecţii, invăţături; sprijin; ajutor; uneltele înţeleptului]. not good people are good people’s task. Nicht-Gute Menschen sind der guten Menschen Aufgabe. 27.16. 不貴其師 不愛其資, bù guì qí shī bù ài qí zī, A nu-şi preţui maestrul [ invaţatorul; inclusiv pe marele maestru al tuturor maeştrilor:Tao], şi a nu- şi iubi ( 愛 ài) sprijinul [ temelia, datoria, Tao, lecţia, discipolul; poporul; capitalul; averea ], Not to value the teacher, not to love his task ( base, capital, Tao, lesson): Nicht zu schätzen die Lehrer, nicht zu lieben diese Aufgabe: 27.17. 雖智 大迷 ; suī zhì dà mí; Deşi par învăţaţi (cunoscători, ştiutori, deştepţi, inţelepţi ), sunt intr-o mare rătăcire [ pierduţi in minte; greşală; eroare, amăgire; beznă, orbire, ignoranţa] although learned ( knowledgeable; clever ) greatly confused (deluded; gone astray, lost in mind) trotz aller Gescheitheit eine große Verblendung; 27.18. 是謂要妙 shì wèi yào miào. Aceasta se cheamă "esenţiala minune/mister" (insemnata subtilitate) this is called: "essential mystery" (essential wonder) dies heißt "bedeutsames Geheimnis". Note / Notes / Noten ( dupa traducerea divergenta ) vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note 27.01-3. Oricine poate inţelege că dacă omenirea trece la propulsia holografică sau directă, care este delocalizată, sincronica, ca si gravitaţia ori timpul, iar nu localizată la o suprafaţă de contact ori progresiva ( diacronica), atunci nu mai apare inerţie si reacţiune. In mod similar cel ce practică acţiunea paradoxală ( holografică) sau nemijlocită (wu-wei) nu produce reacţiuni (urme) şi nu se foloseşte de mijloace externe pentru a lega, incuia, decide (socoti). El merge fără să lase urme, ca păsările în văzduh şi peştii în apă (vedeţi şi comentariul capitolului 14). O veche zicală coreană afirmă "Cel ce ştie să urmărească (să găsească urmele), ştie şi să fugă (fără să lase urme)". Accesul la acţiunea paradoxală sau nemijlocita ( la regimul direct de funcţionare) este legat insă şi de eliminarea identificării cu mintea şi cu falsul său centru (ego), care vin cu intenţii, aşteptări, planuri ( cu programarea şi inchiderea viitorului ) . Vedeţi detalii in . Comentariu 27.3. Referirea la instrumente auxiliare de calcul si de divinaţie 籌策 chóu cè , in care se folosesc beţe de bambus cu o lungime de aproximativ 10 cm, pe o tablă cu careuri / On effectuait les calculs en manipulant des baguettes de bambou d'une longueur d'environ 10 cm, sur une planche quadrillée . 27.04-7. A inchide si a lega fara mijloace externe (zavor, sfoara, funie) este o referire la programare, dresare, conditionare. Foarte putini traducatori au remarcat acest lucru. vedeti variante de traducere a acestei propozitii in limba romana, engleza, franceza , germana si italiana Tan Han Hiong: A good leader does not confine his men to ensure that they stay. a good employer does not need rope to bind his men to their jobs. A perfect closing/shutting makes no use of bolt and bar, and yet nobody can open it. A perfect binding makes no use of rope and knot, And yet nobody can untie it Mears Isabella (1922): The good man has power to close the inner door and no one can open it. The good man has power to tie the inner knot and no one can untie it. Ni Hua-Ching: One who is good at shutting things makes no use of bolt and bar, yet no one can open what he has shut. One who is good at tying makes no use of cords and knots, yet no one can untie what he has fastened. Kwok Man-Ho , Palmer, Ramsay, (1993): He keeps out thieves with wisdom! He'snever robbed - He makes sure the rules are binding, then no one can undo them
  • 7. Balfour, Frederic H. (1884): When the virtuous are obstructed [in their policy], though there be no bolt to the door which shuts them in, it yet cannot be opened. When the virtuous enter into relations with others, though they be not bound by the ties of contract, they yet may not release themselves [from their obligations]. Kunesh Tom : the safest places have no bolts or locks, the best friendships have no need of vows or promises, yet they cannot be broken 27.08-13. Din cauza atitudinilor eronate (problema de programare) civilizatia umana pierde pe banda rulanta genii, talente, resurse umane imense, considerandu-le rebuturi, fiindca nu intra in tiparele (asteptarile) si locurile fixe ocupate de piesele masinii sociale. O cauza a inchiderii si pierderii potentialului creativ este faptul ca fiintele umane nu sunt iubite si acceptate, pentru ceea ce sunt din nastere, ci sunt doar pretuite, ca intr-o piata ( revenim la civilizatia de negustori care se ocupa de spiritualitate si cu alte ocazii ) pentru ceea ce stiu, pentru talentele ( deprinderile) de care sunt capabile . Doar oamenii care au trecut la regimul direct de functionare ( care s-au trezit ) sunt capabili sa elimine ideile preconcepute (revedeti: 27.1), planificarea si instruirea uniformizata ( nu instruim un bou sa prinda soareci, in locul unei pisici, al celor inzestrati natural pt acest lucru), sa actioneze fara expectatii distructive( care solicita urmarea unor modele de reusita, care alieneaza sau instraineaza oamenii de izvorul lor de viata), sa nu inhibe inflorirea potentialului din fiecare fiinta umana, sa foloseasca ocaziile sau oportunitatile si sa nu risipeasca resursele naturale. In paragraful Conexiuni exista un text din Chang Tzu (Zhuang zi ) intitulat: "Nu exista nici oameni inutili si nici materiale inutile / Neither Useless People Nor Useless Materials The Sage is always good in using people and materials (Lao Tzu Ch. 27) 27.13. Atitudinea de prezenta impartiala a sfantului si a realitatii sursa (Tao) a fost sesizata de toti misticii. Prezenta impartiala si ajutorul egal apare in cazul soarelui , care lumineaza in mod egal toate fiintele si in cazul ploii ( care uda in mod egal florile si buruienile; Anthony de Mello in cartea sa "Constienta/Awareness" citeaza proverbul arab: "Natura ploii este aceeasi, dar ea face sa creasca si spini in mlastini si flori in gradini"/ "The nature of rain is the same, but it makes thorns grow in the marshes and flowers in the gardens" ). Kohn Livia (The Taoist experience: an anthology ,1993) foloseste metafora soarelui atunci cand afirma ca sfantul devine una cu lumina universala, care este de ajutor tuturor fiintelor si nu respinge pe niciuna (" Is always there to help all beings — He rejects no creature. Thus it is said: He is at-one with universal light" ) 27.57: 襲[袭] xí xi² hsi si R: a moşteni, ereditar, moştenitor, a primi, a urma (Chuang Tzu, capitolul 2: "a lasa Natura sa-si urmeze cursul - a urma natura"); a practica ( dupa Ma Hsu Lun, Lao Tzu chiao-ku, cap. 52) ; costum; a te imbraca; îmbracaminte la curte; veşmânt de palat; haina captuşită; a dubla; repetat; 27.58: 明 míng ming2 ming: R: strălucitor; iluminat; luminos; lumină; vedeţi: 10.42; vedeti alte semnificatii ale celor doua caractere in Dictionar vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note 襲明 xí míng ( "a urma lumina"; "following the light"; Chan Wing-Tsit ). Acest cuplu de termeni a fost tradus: "mintea lui e de doua ori luminata" ( observati eroarea "iluminarii mintii", din editia intitulata: Lao-Tze , TAO TE KING sau CARTEA CARARII SUPREMULUI ADEVAR, de Gregorian Bivolaru, care reprezinta o copiere "imbunatatita si corectata" a editiei Editura Ram, Aninoasa- Gorj,1932), "cultură adâncă" ( in traducerea in limba romana a lui Ian Hin-Shun), "inţelepciune adâncă" ("deep wisdom"; in editia in limba rusa: "глубокой мудростью" Ян Хин-Шун), "păstrarea Luminii "(Luca Dinu 1993); "a mosteni lumina si a o da mai departe"(Su Yan 2009), "intelepciunea nerevelata" ("unrevealed wisdom"; Li David H.); "iluminarea mostenita"("inherited enlightenment"; Lin Paul J) , "iluminarea inerenta "("inherent enlightenment" Yi Wu), "Fiind în lumina nimic nu se pierde" (Sarbatoare, 2000); utilizarea luminii ("using the Light"; Beck Sanderson, 1996 ); "luciditatea inascuta" (Klarheit erben; lucidité innée; Wilhelm Richard ) "dubla stralucire" ("Doubly bright"; Bram den Hond); "a fi dublu iluminat" ("being doubly enlightened"; Balfour, Frederic H. 1884); "a fi imbracat in lumina"('being clothed in Clarity"; LaFargue Michael ); "a practica lumina directa" ( care permite accesul la clarvedere; "pratiquer la claire lumière"; Ma Kou ); "a intrupa lumina"( a fi vehicul pentru realitatea sursa; "a fi flautul in care canta divinitatea"; "incarner la lumière;"embodying the light"; Mitchell ); "a fi una cu lumina universala" ("to be at-one with universal light"; Kohn Livia), 27.14-15. Diferentierile bine- rau sunt facute de oameni ( prizonieri in minte). In realitate nu exista decat inchis ( orb, prizonier in realitatea secunda) si deschis ( vindecat de orbire: vazator, eliberat) curgerii lui Tao. Comentatorii cred ca textele de la Mawangdui redau eronat acest pasaj. " cel bun
  • 8. este invatatorul celui bun". In realitate chiar asa stau lucrurile fiindca To este maestrul tuturor maestrilor ( Lao Tzu , capitolul 4) Henricks, Lau etc., more sense in Wáng Bì! / mehr Sinn in Wáng Bì! (HK): MWD A: 故善□□□之師 → 故善□ □□之師 MWD B: 故善﹦人﹦之師 → 故善人 善人之師 WB: 故善人者不善人之師 → 故善人者不善人之師 27.16. 資 (zī) identificarea ( averea, temelia) taoistului este Tao; termenul 資 (zī) tradus prin baza, temelie , sprijin, are mai multe semnificatii: datorie, slujba, afacere, treaba, munca, lectie; lucrul din care se poate trage un profit sau care poate fi de ajutor, cum ar fi invatatura, resurse, materie prima, care poate fi prelucrata, material, avere, capital, etc. / better "task" than job, business, (raw) material, treasure, belongings, ... (all these are used in other translations!) / besser „Aufgabe" als Job, Geschäft, (Roh-)Material, Schatz, Hab und Gut, ... (all diese werden in anderen Übersetzungen verwendet!). 27.17. 迷mí : greşit, amăgit; rătăcit/ lost; misguided; deluded / fehlgeleitet, irregeführt. 27.18. Când cineva nu reuşeşte să-şi preţuiasca profesorul, iar altcineva nu-şi iubeşte lecţia, fiecare se află intr-o mare iluzie, deşi fiecare poate poseda erudiţie. Aceasta se numeşte concepţie obscură. / When one fails to esteem his teacher, or the other fails to value his lesson, each is under a great illusion, though each may possess erudition. This is called obscure conception. ( Cheng Lin) 27.90: 要 yāo yao4 yao R: esenţial, important; necesar, indispensabil; principal; insemnat, crucial; punct cheie; /significant, essential, crucial / maßgeblich, wesentlich, entscheidend. 27.91: 妙 miào miao4 miao R: secret; misterios; minunat; esenţă; cauză; subtil; vedeţi: 1.32; vedeti alte semnificatii ale celor doua caractere in Dictionar vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note 要妙 yào miào : "mister esential"; "essential mystery"; Chan Wing-Tsit; Hinton David; Beck Sanderson-1996; Kohn Livia-1993 ) : acest cuplu de termeni a fost tradus in diferite moduri: "Acest adevar este tot atat de insemnat pe cat este de subtil" (Editura Ram, Aninoasa-Gorj,1932), "insemnat si mai adanc"("the most important and deeply"; in editia in limba rusa: "наиболее важно и глубоко" Ян Хин-Шун). "taina cea mai adanca" (Su Yan 2009); "esenta ascunsului" (Luca Dinu 1993); "Inteleptul e subtil în tot ce face" (Sarbatoare, 2000); "mister profund"("deep mystery"; Ursula K. Le Guin); "esentialul sublimului" ("the essential of the sublime"; Henricks Robert G.); "misterioasa esenta" ( "subtle mystery"; Mabry ); "mister capital"; "important secret"( LaFargue Michael ),"fundamental secret"( Kim Ha Poong); "secretul esential"("essential secret"; Chen Chao- Hsiu; Hilmar Klaus); "esentialul si secretul"( "the essential and the secret"; DC Lau), "essential subtlety"( Cleary); ''The utmost degree of mystery"(Legge James); "subtilitate cruciala"( "crux of mystery"; Gia-fu Feng and Jane English); "concepţie obscură" ( obscure conception"; Cheng Lin); "cerinţă paradoxală/ năucitoare/enigmatică"( "baffling requirement"; Correa Nina); "esentiala subtilitate" ("essential subtlety"; Yi Wu); "important si sublim"( "important and sublime"; Balfour, Frederic H. 1884); "subtila esenta" ("subtle essence"; Huang Chichung); "a great paradox, It is the subtle principle" (Huang Tao); "misterul tactic"("tactical mystery”; Hatcher); "misterul crucial"( in dezvoltarea talentului oamenilor) [the crux of mystery (of developing people's talent); Gong Tienzen; Gia-Fu Feng ]; "un punct cheie care adesea nu este inteles" ("a key point that is often not understood"; Ho Lok Sang); "cheia predarii/invatarii"("the key is such teaching/learning"; Qixuan Liu); "misterul necesar" ("the necessary mystery."Gorn-Old Walter; Hansen Chad) ; "indispensabila minune/uimire"("indispensable wonder"; Chang Chung-Yuan ); "coroana misterului "("Crown of Mystery"; Crowley ); "importanta subtilitate" ("important subtlety"; Cheng Hong David ); "partea centrala a principiului secret"("main principle of the secret"; Chou-Wing Chohan) ; "lumina interioara ("Inner Light"; Wu John C. H); "adevar esential" ("vérité essentielle"; Leon Wieger ), "intuitie" ( "insight"; Bynner ); "inteligenta aplicata" ("applied intelligence"; Blackney) 3.2.Traducerea analogică ( divergentă) - oamenii nu au doar procesare analitica a informatiilor , in emisfera cerebrala stanga, ci si o procesare analogica, magica, in emisfera cerebrala dreapta / Analogic (divergent) Translation- the right brain/right-hemisphere is analogic, non-linear, creative, simultaneous and intuitive / La traduction analogique (divergente) / Analogisch (divergent) Übersetzung /Traducción analógica (divergente) /Traduzione analogico (divergente)/ 27.01. 善行 無轍跡。shàn xíng wú zhē jì.
  • 9. Cel bun la mers [ cel ce exceleaza in mişcare, fapta, acţiune] nu lasă (si nu are nevoie de) dâre si urme [ semne; urmări; reacţiuni ] The Good at walking [ One who excels in travelling; movement; deeds; actions] don't leave ( and don't need ) tracks or traces (signs). Tüchtige Wanderer sind ohne Spur und Fährte. vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note 27.02. 善言 無瑕謫。shàn yán wú xiá zhé. Cel bun la vorbe [ vorbitor; orator] este fără cusururi (greseli; erori) si fără reproşuri (invinuiri) [ nu are ce explica/ discuta după aceea; grăieşte fără cusur, nu răneşte şi nu comite greşeli] A good speaker is without flaws (faults]) or reproach (blame) . Tüchtige Redner sind ohne Fehl und Tadel. Skillful talking contains no blunders, ofense, erori ; gafe a superior talk (speech) nu raneste, ofenseaza , nu lasa loc indoielilor, erorilor, reprosurilor, criticilor si acuzatiilor; 27.03. 善數 不用籌策。 shàn shǔ bù yòng chóu cè. Cel bun la socotit nu foloseste instrumente de calcul [ abac; bete; tablete, mijloace auxiliare exterioare]. Good at calculation [counting; reckoners ] don't use arithmetic sticks [ tallies; tablets]. Tüchtige Rechner brauchen nicht Zählmarken und Schreibtäfelchen. an efficient strategy does not involve ostentatious planning; 27.04. 善閉 無關楗 shàn bì wú guān jiàn Cel bun la încuiat (închis) uşi nu foloseşte nici bare şi nici zăvor ( broască, lacăt; incuietori) Good door closers use neither bar [lock] nor bolt, Tüchtige Türschließer benutzen weder Schloss noch Riegel, 27.05. 而不可開。 ér bù kě kāi. Şi totuşi (nimeni ) nu poate să deschidă [ uşa; poarta ]. and yet (one) cannot open [ the door ]. und doch kann man nicht öffnen. 27.06. 善結 無繩約 shàn jié wú shéng yuē Cel bun la legat nu utilizează nici sfoara ( funia) si nici noduri ; Good binder ( the competent one at tying and fastening) don't use string and knots , Tüchtige knüpfen ohne Schnur und Knoten, 27.07. 而不可解。ér bù kě jiě. Şi totuşi (nimeni) nu poate dezlega (desface; elibera, deznoda legatura). and yet one cannot unbound. und doch kann man nicht auflösen. b 08-13 Saving Men, Saving Things: Following the Enlightenment Menschen behüten, Dinge bewahren: der Erleuchtung folgen 27.08. 是以聖人 shì yǐ shèng rén De aceea (prin urmare) omul sfânt (înţeleptul) [după modelul lui Tao (care ştie să meargă, să actioneze, să făptuiască, să se exprime, să socotească, să închidă şi să lege perfect)] Therefore: wise men Darum: weise Menschen sind 27.09. 常善救人, cháng shàn jiù rén, mereu (intotdeauna) este bun in salvarea( sprijinirea, protectia) oamenilor are always good at saving(protecting) people stets gut im Behüten der Menschen, 27.10. 故無棄人。gù wú qì rén. (şi ) de aceea nu paraseste (abandoneaza; respinge) oamenii ; hence without abandoning (ive up) anyone; daher ohne Menschen je aufzugeben;
  • 10. 27.11. 常善救物, cháng shàn jiù wù, mereu (intotdeauna) este bun in salvarea (sprijinirea; pazirea) lucrurilor [ gata să utilizeze bine clipa, momentul prielnic]. always good at saving(guarding) things stets gut im Bewahren der Dinge, 27.12. 故無棄物。gù wú qì wù. (şi ) de aceea nu paraseste (abandoneaza; respinge; dispretuieşte; risipeşte) lucrurile (pe niciun lucru; nicio ocazie). hence without wasting anything. daher ohne Verschwendung der Dinge. 27.13. 是謂 襲明。 shì wèi xí míng. Aceasta se cheama a urma (a poseda; pastra; mosteni; a transmite; a dubla) iluminarea (Lumina) [a poseda de două ori lumina cunoaşterii ]. This is called: "following the enlightenment". Dies heißt: "man folgt der Erleuchtung". 27.14. 故善人者 不善人之師。gù shàn rén zhě bù shàn rén zhī shī. Astfel, omul superior [bun; perfect; virtuos ] este pentru cel ce incă nu este om bun, invatator [ indrumător, maestru] Therefore: good men are not good men's teacher, Darum: gute Menschen sind der Nicht-Guten Lehrer, 27.15. 不善人者 善人之資。 bù shàn rén zhě shàn rén zhī zī. (iar) cel contrar celui bun (rau; obisnuit ) este a celui bun sarcina ( datorie; lectie; invatatura; sprijin; folos; avere; unealta ) [ Iar ceea ce este contrar este folosit pentru înaintare; chiar şi cei răi vin în sprijinul lui ; vântul contrar este folosit pentru înaintare; lucrurile contrare devin lectii, invataturi; sprijin; ajutor; uneltele înţeleptului]. not good people are good people’s task. Nicht-Gute Menschen sind der guten Menschen Aufgabe. 27.16. 不貴其師 不愛其資, bù guì qí shī bù ài qí zī, A nu-şi preţui maestrul [ invaţatorul; inclusiv pe marele maestru al tuturor maeştrilor:Tao], şi a nu- şi iubi ( 愛 ài) sprijinul [ temelia, datoria, Tao, lecţia, poporul; capitalul; averea; uneltele ], Not to value the teacher, not to love his task ( base, capital, Tao, lesson): Nicht zu schätzen die Lehrer, nicht zu lieben diese Aufgabe: 27.17. 雖智 大迷 ; suī zhì dà mí; Deşi par învăţaţi (cunoscători, ştiutori, deştepţi, inţelepţi ), sunt intr-o mare rătăcire [ pierduţi in minte; greşală; eroare, amăgire; beznă, orbire, ignoranţa] although learned ( knowledgeable; clever ) greatly confused (deluded; gone astray, lost in mind) trotz aller Gescheitheit eine große Verblendung; 27.18. 是謂要妙 shì wèi yào miào. Aceasta se cheama "esenţiala minune/mister" (insemnata subtilitate) this is called: "essential mystery" (essential wonder) dies heißt "bedeutsames Geheimnis". Note / Notes/Noten 4. Variante de traducere ale acestui capitol in lb. romana, engleza, franceza, italiana, spaniola si germana / Translations versions in Romanian language, in English, French, Italian, Spanish & German / Versions de traduction dans langue roumaine, en anglais, français, espagnol , italien et en allemand / Versionen Übersetzungen in Rumänischer Sprache, in Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, und Deutsch / Versiones de las traducciones en lengua Española, en Rumano, Inglés, Francés, Italiano y Alemán /Traduzione versioni in lingua rumena, in inglese, francese, italiano, spagnolo e tedesco
  • 11. Vedeti in Bibliografie prescurtarile utilizate pt autori/See in Bibliography the abreviation fot the authors/ Capitolul 4 are 11 propozitii si a fost impartit in 5 fraze Fraza 1 ( propozitiile 1-3 ) Sentence 1 ( 1-3) Fraza 2 ( propozitiile 4-7 ) Sentence 2 ( 4-7) Fraza 3 ( propozitiile 8-13 ) Sentence 3 ( 8-13) Fraza 4 ( propozitiile 14-15 ) Sentence 1 ( 8-9) Fraza 5 ( propozitiile 10-11 ) Sentence 2 ( 10-11) 5. Comentariu / Commentary / Commentaire /Kommentar /Comentario /Commento Capitolul 27 Fraza 1 ( alcatuita din propozitiile 1-3) / Chapter 27 Sentence 1(1-3) 27.01. 善行 無轍跡。shàn xíng wú zhē jì. Cel ce ştie să meargă bine nu lasă în urma sa semne [urme; cărare].* Good wayfarers don't need track or trace. Tüchtige Wanderer sind ohne Spur und Fährte. Nota DM: Păsările în văzduh şi peştii în apă nu lasă urme (vedeti comentariul capitolului 14); "Cel ce ştie să urmărească (să găsească urmele), ştie să şi fugă (sa nu las urme)", afirmă o zicală coreană. vedeţi semnificaţia fiecărui caracter in dicţionarul situat după note 27.02. 善言 無瑕謫。shàn yán wú xiá zhé. Cel ce ştie să vorbească bine nu are ce explica [după aceea; nu are ce discuta] şi nici nu răneşte [nu comite greşeli; nu atrage repoşuri], Good speakers are without blemish or blame. Tüchtige Redner sind ohne Fehl und Tadel. 27.03. 善數 不用籌策。 shàn shǔ bù yòng chóu cè. Cel ce ştie să socotească bine, nu recurge nici la bete şi nici la abac [tablete, mijloace; auxiliare exterioare]. Good reckoners don't use tallies or tablets. Tüchtige Rechner brauchen nicht Zählmarken und Schreibtäfelchen. Ram (1932) Bunul călător nu lasă urme. Bunul orator nu are a discuta. Calculatorul bun nu se slujeste de instrument de calcul. Ian Hin-Shun (1952): Cel care stie sa mearga nu lasa urme. Cel care stie sa vorbeasca nu face greseli. Cine stie sa socoteasca nu foloseste uneltele de calculat./ Ян Хин-Шун: умеющий шагать не оставляет следов. умеющий говорить не допускает ошибок. кто умеет считать, тот не пользуется инструментом для счета./Who knows how to walk does not leave traces. Who knows how to speak does not make mistakes. Who knows how to count, that does not use tools for counting. Mirahorian (1992) Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Traducerea analogică (divergentă) Luca Dinu (1993): Cine se pricepe sa mearga in tarana urme nu lasa; cine se pricepe la vorbe graieste fara cusur; cine se pricepe la socotele de abac nu are nevoie; ( vedeti lucrarea citata in Bibliografie). Sarbatoare (2000): Bunul calator nu lasa urme. Bunul orator nu se pierde în discutii. Cel ce evalueaza lucrurile nu se pierde în calcule. / A good traveler doesn't leave any trace, A good speaker is not lost in idle talk, A good estimator isn't lost in calculations, Su Yan (2009): Cel ce stie sa mearga nu lasa urme ; Celui ce stie sa vorbeasca cu rost nimeni nu-i afla cusururi; Cine stie sa socoteasca nu foloseste unelte de socotit. ( vedeti lucrarea citata in Bibliografie). Antonov Vladimir : He who knows the Path can find the right direction even if there are no traces. He who can speak does not make mistakes. He who can count does not miscount. Bahm Archie J. : The wise traveler has no need to retrace his steps. The effective speaker does not need to repeat himself. The generous trader needs no scales. Balfour, Frederic H. (1884): The conduct of the virtuous leaves neither trace nor clue. The words of the virtuous afford no ground for fault-finding. The projects of the virtuous require no intrigue. Beck A good traveler leaves no trace. A good speaker makes no slips. A good accountant uses no devices.
  • 12. Blackney A good runner leaves no tracks. A good speech has no flaws to censure. A good computer uses no tallies. Bram den Hond: A good walker leaves no track behind; A good speaker makes no slips; A good reckoner needs no tally. Brennan Edward: see/vedeti:: Huang Tao: Bullen David: The master travels the natural path, which has no destination, and on which no tracks can be left. A good trader follows the market wherever it goes. A good teacher lets the students guide him. Bynner One may move so well that a footprint never shows, Speak so well that the tongue never slips, Reckon so well that no counter is needed, Byrn A good traveller leaves no tracks, and a skilful speaker is well rehearsed. A good bookkeeper has an excellent memory, Chan Wing-Tsit: A good traveler leaves no track or trace. A good speech leaves no flaws. A good reckoner uses no counters. Chang Chung-Yuan : The best action is free from marks [either good or evil]. The best words are free from stains [either good or bad]. The best calculator is free from calculation and measure. Chen Chao-Hsiu: He who knows how to travel does not leave any trace. He who knows how to use words does not make any errors. He who knows stratagems needs not any plans. Chen Ellen M.: Good (shan) running leaves no tracks, good speech has no flaws, good counting uses no counters, Cheng Lin: Good conduct leaves behind no traces. Good words afford no room for criticism. Good mathematicians require no calculating apparatus. Cheng Hong David An excellent walker leaves no track; An excellent speech contains no flaw; An excellent reckoner uses no counter; Chou-Wing Chohan: The good traveler leaves no tracks, The good speaker leaves no doubt, The good accountant needs no abacus, Cleary Good works are trackless, good words are flawless, good planning isn't calculating. Correa Nina : A good traveler is without tracks or footprints. A good speaker is without discernable flaws. A good mathematician doesn't use tallies or chips. Cronk George: Following the Tao, the Tao–Master leaves no tracks, speaks without error, counts without markers. Crowley The experienced traveler conceals his tracks; the clever speaker gives no chance to the critic; the skilled mathematician uses no abacus; Derek Lin : Good traveling does not leave tracks Good speech does not seek faults Good reckoning does not use counters Dicus : The sage follows the natural way. Like an experienced tracker...he himself leaves no tracks. Like a good speaker...his language lacks flaws and rebuke. Like an experienced counter he needs no calculator. Duyvendak J. J.-L.: For a skilful traveller there are neither tracks nor traces. For a skilful speaker there is neither blame nor praise. A skilful reckoner used no counting-tallies./ Pour le bon voyageur, il n’y a ni traces ni vestiges. Pour le bon orateur, il n’y a ni blâme ni louange. Bon calculateur n’a besoin de fiches ni de tablettes. [ vedeti note in Comentariu] Evola Julius : Gong Tienzen : A good traveler leaves no tracks. A good speaker makes no slips. A good reckoner needs no tally. Gia-Fu Feng: A good walker leaves no tracks; a good speaker makes no slips; a good reckoner needs no tally. Goddard Dwight and Henri Borel, (1919): Good walkers leave no tracks, good speakers make no errors, good counters need no abacus, good wardens have no need for bolts and locks for no one can get by them. Gorn-Old Walter : The good walker makes no dust after him. The good speaker incurs no discussion. The good reckoner needs no arithmetic. Hansen Chad: Worthy travel lacks ruts and footprints. Worthy language lacks flaws and reproach. Worthy tallying doesn't use algorithms.. Hatcher: The able wanderer leaves no trail (or) trace The able speaker is without fallacy (or) error The able reckoner does not use counting devices Henricks Robert G.: MWD: The good traveler leaves no track behind; the good speaker [speaks] without blemish or flaw; the good counter doesn't use tallies or chips; Hilmar Klaus : A good traveller leaves no traces. A good speaker makes no faults. A good calculator needs no arithmetic sticks.
  • 13. Hinton David: Perfect travels leave no tracks. Perfect words leave no doubts. Perfect accounts need no counting. Ho Lok Sang: Perfect deeds leave no tracks behind it. Perfect speech leaves no flaws to find fault with. Those adept in counting do not require counting chips. Holly Roberts (2005): Huang Chichung: A good traveler leaves neither ruts nor footprints; A good speaker makes neither slips nor errors; A good calculator uses neither wooden chips nor bamboo chips; Huang Tao : A good traveler leaves no tracks. A good speaker is without flaw. A good planner does not calculate. Hwang Shi Fu: Lao Tze says, The skillful traveller leaves no wheel track; the skillful speaker makes no slip of the tongue; the skillful reckoner uses no tallies; Jiyu Ren: One who is skilled at travelling leaves no traces of his wheels or footsteps; One who is skilled at speaking says nothing that can be found fault with; one who is skilled at counting uses no tallies; Kari Hohne (2009): Kim Ha Poong: Perfect going leaves no tracks. Perfect speech has no flaws. Perfect counting uses no counters. Kimura Yasuhiko Genku : The master in his action is so complete that he leaves no trace behind. the master in his conversation is so balanced that he leaves no discord behind. the master in his thinking is so original that he depends on no external authority. Kiyoashi ( vedeti : Mitchell Stephen)_ Kohn Livia (1993): Good traveling leaves not track nor trace. Good speaking has not flow nor bent. Good reckoning uses not counters nor devices. Kunesh Tom : The best walkers leave no trail; the best speakers neither slip nor offend; the best accountants need no calculator Kwok Man-Ho , Palmer, Ramsay, (1993): The sage who goes by the way leaves no traces. The sage who speaks the true law never slips up -He never calculates what profit he can make from what he does. LaFargue Excellent traveling: no tracks or traces Excellent speaking: no blemish or blame. Excellent counting does not use counting slips. Larre : Lau, D.C. (1963): One who excels in travelling leaves no wheel tracks; One who excels in speech makes no slips; One who excels in reckoning uses no counting rods; Lauer Conradin Von : Celui qui sait marcher ne laisse pas de traces. Celui qui sait parler garde ses paroles. Celui qui sait compter n'a pas de boulier. Legge : The skillful traveler leaves no traces of his wheels or footsteps; the skillful speaker says nothing that can be found fault with or blamed; the skillful reckoner uses no tallies; Li David H. : A good traveler leaves no trails; a good speaker allows no slips; a good planner needs no tallies; Lin Paul J.: A good walker leaves no trail. A good speaker leaves no grounds for blame. A good counter needs no calculator. Liou Kia-hwai: Bien marcher, c’est marcher sans laisser Ni ornière, ni trace. Bien parler, c’est parler sans commettre De fautes et sans encourir de reproches. Bien calculer, c’est calculer sans avoir Recours ni aux baguettes, ni aux tablettes. Lindauer Valuing going is absent of trace Valuing words are absent of flaw or censure With valuing reckoning, counters or policies are not used. Lynn Richard John : One good at traveling leaves no tracks or prints. One good at words says nothing flawed or blameworthy. One good at reckoning does not use bamboo tallies. Mair Victor H. : He who is skilled at traveling leaves neither tracks nor traces; he who is skilled at speaking is flawless in his delivery; he who is skilled in computation uses neither tallies nor counters; Ma Kou : Celui qui sait voyager ne laisse pas de traces. Celui qui sait parler ne fait pas de fautes. Celui qui sait compter n’a pas besoin de boulier. Mabry A skillful walker leaves no tracks. A skillful speaker makes no mistakes. A skillful accountant needs no counting-devices. McCarroll Tolbert : A skillful traveler leaves no track. a skillful speaker makes no slip. a skillful reckoner needs no counting rod. McDonald J. H. (1996): A good traveller leaves no track or trace behind, nor does fit activity. So a good runner leaves no track. Perfect speech is like a jade-worker whose tool leaves no mark. Good speech leaves no flaws. The perfect reckoner needs no counting-slips; the good reckoner uses no counters.
  • 14. Mears Isabella (1922): He who walks in goodness leaves his trace in the Inner Life. He who speaks in goodness carries no blame to the Inner Life. He who reckons in goodness does not need to use a tally. Merel The perfect traveler leaves no trail to be followed; The perfect speaker leaves no question to be answered; The perfect accountant leaves no working to be completed; Mitchell "Un călător bun nu are planuri fixe şi nu are intenţii către/la sosire ( nu are centrul in rezultat, efect, ajungerea la destinaţie). Un artist bun permite intuiţiei să-l ducă oriunde vrea ea. Un bun om de stiinţă se eliberează de concepte şi işi păstrează mintea deschisă la ceea ce este." (traducere de Mirahorian). / A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent upon arriving. A good artist lets his intuition lead him wherever it wants. A good scientist has freed himself of concepts and keeps his mind open to what is../ Un bon voyageur n’a pas de plans fixes et n’est pas tendu vers l’arrivée. Un bon artiste laisse son intuition le mener là où elle le souhaite. Un bon scientifique s’est libéré des concepts et garde l’esprit ouvert à ce qui est. (traduction Benoit Labayle ) Moss Roberts: Expert marching leaves no trails; Expert wording has no flaws; Expert reckoning needs no tallies. Muller A good traveler leaves no tracks. Good speech lacks fault finding. A good counter needs no calculator. Ni Hua-Ching : One who is good at running leaves no tracks. One who is good at talking has no flaws in his speech. One who is good at calculating makes no use of counting tools. Nyssen Olivier : Bien marcher, sans ornières et sans traces. Bien parler, sans erreurs et sans blâmes. Bien calculer ne nécessite ni baguettes, ni planche. Org Lee Sun Chen : A carriage which rides excellently does not leave any trace of wheel tracks; a superior talk (speech) leaves no room for fault finding and accusation; an efficient strategy does not involve ostentatious planning; Parinetto Luciano : Chi ben viaggia non lascia solchi né impronte, chi ben parlanon ha pecche né biasimi, chi ben conta non adopra bastoncelli nélistelle, Pouvourville: Qui marche bien ne laisse pas de traces; qui parle bien ne commet pas de fautes; qui calcule bien n'a pas besoin de boulier; Qixuan Liu: A good walker leaves no trace. A good speaker uses no blasphemy. A good calculator uses no counting aids. Red Pine Good walking leaves no tracks good talking reveals no flaws good counting counts no beads Rosenthal S.: The sage follows the natural way, doing what is required of him. Like an experienced tracker, he leaves no tracks; like a good speaker, his speech is fluent; He makes no error, so needs no tally; Stanislas Julien (1842): Celui qui sait marcher (dans le Tao) ne laisse pas de traces; celui qui sait parler ne commet point de fautes; celui qui sait compter ne se sert point d'instruments de calcul; Suzuki D.T. & Paul Carus: "Good travelers leave no trace nor track, Good speakers, in logic show no lack, Good counters need no counting rack. Ta-Kao Ch’u : A good traveler leaves no track; A good speaker leaves no error; A good reckoner needs no counter; Tan Han Hiong: A good traveller leaves no tracks. A good debater never makes a slip. a good strategist does not require chips to formulate a plan. Tran Cong Tien : Good walking leaves no track behind it. Good speech leaves no mark to be picked at. Good calculation makes no use of counting-slips. Ursula K. Le Guin: Waley Arthur (1934): Perfect activity leaves no track behind it; perfect speech is like a jade-worker whose tool leaves no mark. The perfect reckoner needs no counting-slips; Walker A good runner leaves no tracks; A good speaker makes no slips; A good planner doesn't have to scheme. Wayism Wei Henry: A good walker leaves no traces behind; a good speaker leaves no blemishes for criticism; a good counter does not use counting chips; Wieger 27.1 A good walker leaves no trace, a good speaker offends no one, a good reckoner needs no tally, / L’habile marcheur ne laisse pas de traces, l’ha­bile parleur ne blesse personne, l’habile calculateur ne se sert pas de fiches, Wilhelm Richard: Ein guter Wanderer läßt keine Spur zurück. Ein guter Redner braucht nichts zu widerlegen. Ein guter Rechner braucht keine Rechenstäbchen. Richard Wilhelm / Étienne Perrot : Un bon marcheur ne laisse derrière lui nulle trace. Un bon orateur n'a rien à réfuter. Un bon calculateur n'a pas besoin de bâtonnets. Ursula K. Le Guin: : Good walkers leave no track. Good talkers don't stammer. Good counters don't use their fingers. Wing R.L : A good path has no ruts. A good speech has no flaws. A good analysis uses no schemes.
  • 15. World A proficient traveler leaves no evidence of his journey. A proficient speaker is impeccable in his presentation. A proficient accountant needs no tally sheet. Wu John C. H.: Good walking leaves no track behind it; Good speech leaves no mark to be picked at; Good calculation makes no use of counting-slips; Wu Yi : Good walkers leave no track. Good speakers leave no opening for criticism. Good counters use no calculators. Yang Xiaolin: Skillful driving leaves no tracks. Skillful talking contains no blunders. Skillful calculating needs no instruments. Yutang Lin : A good runner leaves no track. A good speech leaves no flaws for attack. A good reckoner makes use of no counters. Zhang Z. Thomas : An able driver leaves no ruts and tracks. An eloquent speaking is flawlessly fluent. A smart counter uses no tools. Zhengkun Gu : He who is good at walking leaves no traces; He who is good at speaking leaves no slips; He who is good at counting uses no counting tools; Zi-chang Tang : The perfect traveler does not need a trail. The perfect speaker does not leave any argument. The perfect planner does not need a sketch. Capitolul 27 Fraza 2 ( propozitiile 4-7 ) Chapter 27 Sentence 2 ( 4-7) 27.04. 善閉 無關楗 shàn bì wú guān jiàn Cel ce ştie să închidă bine nu se foloseşte de bare şi zăvor; Good door closers use neither bar nor bolt, Tüchtige Türschließer benutzen weder Schloss noch Riegel, 27.05. 而不可開。 ér bù kě kāi. Şi totuşi nimeni nu poate să deschidă. and yet one cannot open. und doch kann man nicht öffnen. 27.06. 善結 無繩約 shàn jié wú shéng yuē Cel ce ştie să lege bine nu utilizează coarda sau sfoara; Good binders don't use band or bond, Tüchtige knüpfen ohne Schnur und Knoten, 27.07. 而不可解。ér bù kě jiě. Şi totuşi leagă atât de trainic, că este cu neputintă să desfacă altcineva. and yet one cannot unbound. und doch kann man nicht auflösen. Ram : Paznicul bun nu se foloseste de incuietori si totusi nu se poate deschide ceea ce el a inchis. Cel ce stie să lege nu foloseste funii, si nu se poate desface ceea ce a legat. Mirahorian (1992) Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Traducerea analogică (divergentă) Ian Hin-Shun : Cine stie sa inchida usa nu foloseste zavorul, si inchide usa atât de puternic, incât este cu neputinta sa o deschizi. Cine stie sa faca legaturi nu foloseste sfoara si le leaga atât de trainic, incât e cu neputinta sa le desfaci./ Ян Хин-Шун: кто умеет закрывать двери, не употребляет затвор и закрывает их так крепко, что открыть их невозможно. кто умеет завязывать узлы, не употребляет веревку, [но завязывает так прочно], что развязать невозможно./Who knows how to close the door, do not consume the shutter and close them so tightly that they can not open. Who knows how to tie knots, does not use a rope, [but so firmly ties] that impossible to undo. Luca Dinu: Cine se pricepe sa incuie nu are nici broasca, nici lacat , dar poarta n-o poate nimeni deschide; cine se pricepe sa lege nu are nici sfoara nici noduri, dar legatura n-o poate nimeni desface 1 Sarbatoare: Usii încuiate bine nu-i trebuiesc mai multe încuietori. Legând ceva bine cu o funie, Alte funii nu mai sunt necesare. / A door having a good locker doesn't need for another one, Something tightened up by a good rope, doesn't need for another rope. Su Yan: Cine stie sa inchida usa, nu foloseste zavorul si o inchide atat de strasnic, incat ti-este cu neputinta s-o deschizi; Cine stie sa lege nu foloseste funia, ci leaga atat de trainic, , incat ti-este cu neputinta sa desfaci ce a legat. Antonov Vladimir : The best treasury has no lock, yet no one can open it. The best fetters are those which bind by nothing material yet cannot be broken. Bahm Archie J. : The self-closing door needs no bolt, for it will not open itself even though it is not forced to stay shut. Things which go together naturally do not have to be tied; for they will not separate even without bonds.
  • 16. Balfour, Frederic H. (1884): When the virtuous are obstructed [in their policy], though there be no bolt to the door which shuts them in, it yet cannot be opened. When the virtuous enter into relations with others, though they be not bound by the ties of contract, they yet may not release themselves [from their obligations]. Beck A good door needs no bolts to remain shut. A good fastener needs no rope to hold its bond. Blackney A good door is well shut without bolts and cannot be opened. A good knot is tied without rope and cannot be loosed. Bram den Hond: A good closer of doors needs no bolt or lock, And yet no one can open it. Good binding of knots requires no rope or cord, Yet no one can loosen it. Bynner Seal an entrance so tight, though using no lock, That it cannot be opened, Bind a hold so firm, though using no cord, That it cannot be untied. Byrn and a well made door is easy to open and needs no locks. A good knot needs no rope and it can not come undone. Translator: T. Byrn (1997) Chalmers John (1868): Chan Wing-Tsit : A well-shut door needs no bolts, and yet it cannot be opened. A well-tied knot needs no rope and yet none can untie it. Chang Chung-Yuan : The best closure has no bolts, yet it cannot be opened. the best knot has no cord, yet it cannot be untied. Chen Chao-Hsiu: He who knows how to lock uses no bolts, yet what has been locked cannot be opened. He who knows how to tie uses no rope, yet what has been tied cannot be released. Chen Ellen M.: A good lock uses no bolts yet cannot be opened,a good knot uses no rope yet cannot be untied. Cheng Hong David A well-shut door uses no mechanism, yet none can open it; A well-tied know uses no rope, yet none can untie it. Cheng Lin: Good lids need no bolts, and they cannot be opened. Good fasteners need no cords, and they cannot be released. Chou-Wing Chohan: the good builder needs no lock and bolt, And the door he closes will not open behind him. The good fastener needs no ropes or knots, And it is still impossible to untie after him. Cleary What is well closed has no bolt locking it, but cannot be opened. What is well bound has no rope confining it, but cannot be untied. Correa Nina: A well-built door, without locks or bars, will remain closed. A well-tied knot, without additional rope to secure it, cannot be untied. Cronk George: No locks on his door, and yet no one can open it. No rope used, and yet his knots cannot be untied. Crowley the ingenious safesmith baffleth the burglar without the use of bolts, and the cunning binder without ropes and knots. (The reference is to certain'puzzles,' as we should call them, common in China.) Derek Lin : Good closure needs no bar and yet cannot be opened Good knot needs no rope and yet cannot be untied Dicus: He is like a well-made door, which needs no lock. He is the perfect knot, leaving no end to be unraveled. He attends to every detail. Duyvendak J. J.-L.: A skilful 'closer' does not bar or bolt; yet to open (what he has shut) would be impossible. A skilful binder does not twine or know; yet to loosen (what he has bound) would be impossible. Bon fermeur n’a ni barres ni verrous, et pourtant (la porte) ne peut être ouverte. Bon lieur n’a ni cordes ni nœuds, et pourtant rien ne peut être défait. [ vedeti note in Comentariu] Evola Julius : Gong Tienzen : A good door (tightly fit) needs no lock, yet no one can open it. Good tie requires no knots, yet no one can loosen it. Gia-Fu Feng: A good door needs no lock, yet no one can open it. Good binding requires no knots, yet no one can loosen it. Goddard Dwight and Henri Borel, (1919): Good binders can dispense with rope and cord, yet none can unloose their hold. Gorn-Old Walter : The good keeper needs no bolts or bars, and none can open after him. The good binder needs no rope, and none can loose after him. Hansen Chad Worthy closing lacks bars and bolts and still can't be opened. Worthy securing lacks rope or restraint and still can't be loosed. Hatcher: The best closure uses no barrier (or) bar And yet is not easily opened The best binding uses no cord (or) knot And yet is not easily loosened Henricks Robert G.: MWD: the good closer of doors does so without bolt or lock, and yet the door cannot be opened; the good tier of knots ties without rope or cord, yet his knots can't be undone. Hilmar Klaus : A good locksmith needs neither lock nor bolt and nevertheless, nobody can open the door. The competent one is able to tie and fasten – without string and knots – and yet nobody can undo it.
  • 17. Hinton David : Perfect gates close without locks and so cannot be opened. Perfect knots bind without rope and so cannot be loosened. Ho Lok Sang: Those adept in sealing require no door latches, yet what is sealed cannot be opened. Those adept in tying need produce no knots, yet the strings cannot be untied. Holly Roberts (2005): Huang Chichung: A good door-shutter has neither latch nor lock, yet, the door he shuts cannot be opened; A good knot-tier has neither rope nor string, yet, the knot he ties cannot be untied. Huang Tao: A good doorkeeper does not lock, yet it cannot be opened. A good knotter does not use binding, yet it cannot be undone. Hwang Shi Fu: the skillful closer needs no bolts, while it is impossible to open what he has shut; the skillful binder uses no strings or knots, while it is impossible to loosen what he has bound. Jiyu Ren: One who is skilled at closing needs no bolts, while it is impossible to open what he has shut; One who is skilled at binding has no strings, while it is impossible to undo what he has bound. Kim Ha Poong: The perfect lock uses no bolt; it is impossible to open. The perfect knot uses no rope; it is impossible to untie. Kimura Yasuhiko Genku : The master in protecting people is so skillful that, without any visible means, he renders all attempts for invasion ineffectual. the master in uniting people is so adept that, without any visible means, he renders all efforts for disunity ineffectual. Kiyoashi : vedeti Mitchell Stephen Kohn Livia (1993): A door well shut needs no bolts, and yet cannot be opened. A knot well tied no extra rope, yet cannot be undone. Kunesh Tom : the safest places have no bolts or locks, the best friendships have no need of vows or promises, yet they cannot be broken Kwok Man-Ho , Palmer, Ramsay, (1993): He keeps out thieves with wisdom! He's never robbed -He makes sure the rules are binding, then no one can undo them: LaFargue Michael: Excellent locking: no bolt or bar, but the door cannot be opened. Excellent tying: no cord or rope, but the knots cannot be undone. Larre : Lau, D.C. (1963): One who excels in shutting uses no bolts yet what he has shut cannot be opened; One who excels in tying uses no cords yet what he has tied cannot be undone. Lauer Conradin Von: Celui qui sait garder n'a que faire de verrous et de clefs. Celui qui sait lier n'a pas besoin de liens et nul ne peut défaire les noeuds qu'il a serrés. Legge James: the skillful closer needs no bolts or bars, while to open what he has shut will be impossible; the skillful binder uses no strings or knots, while to unloose what he has bound will be impossible. Li David H. : A good carpenter needs no bolts in securing a door from opening; a good packager needs no strings in preventing a knot from untying. Lin Paul J.: A well-closed door needs no bolt and still cannot be opened. A well-tied knot needs no binding and still cannot be untied. Liou Kia-hwai: Bien fermer, c’est fermer sans barres, Ni verrous et pourtant sans que personne Puisse ouvrir. Bien lier, c’est lier sans corde ni ficelle Et pourtant sans que personne puisse délier. Lindauer What is valuably shut Is absent of a barrier yet cannot be opened. What is valuably tied Is absent of restraint or restriction yet cannot be untied. Lynn Richard John : one good at locking up has no lock yet what is locked cannot be opened. one good at tying up has no cord yet what is tied cannot be untied. Mair Victor H. : He who is skilled at closing things tightly has neither lock nor key, but what he closes cannot be opened; he who is good at binding has neither cord nor string, but what he binds cannot be untied. Ma Kou Celui qui sait garder n’a nul besoin de serrures Pour fermer, ni de clés pour ouvrir. Celui qui sait lié n’utilise pas de cordes Pour nouer. Mabry A well-made door needs no lock, yet cannot be opened. A well-made binding uses no rope, yet will not be undone. McCarroll Tolbert : A skillfully made door requires no bolts, yet it cannot be opened. a skillful binding has no cords or knots, yet it cannot be untied. McDonald J. H. (1996): The perfect, shut door is without bolt nor bar and can't be opened. The perfect knot needs neither rope nor twine, yet can't be untied. No one can untie it. Mears Isabella (1922): The good man has power to close the inner door and no one can open it. The good man has power to tie the inner knot and no one can untie it. Merel The perfect container leaves no lock to be closed; The perfect knot leaves no end to be traveled. Mitchell ./ Stephen Mitchell traduction Benoit Labayle: Moss Roberts: Well-sealed doors have no crossbar Yet cannot be opened. Well-tied knots employ no cord, Yet cannot be loosened.
  • 18. Muller A well-shut door will stay closed without a latch. Skillful fastening will stay tied without knots. Ni Hua-Ching: One who is good at shutting things makes no use of bolt and bar, yet no one can open what he has shut. One who is good at tying makes no use of cords and knots, yet no one can untie what he has fastened. Nyssen Olivier : Bien fermer sans barrière, mais le verrou ne peut être ouvert. Bien lier sans corde, mais l'accord ne peut être délié. Org Lee Sun Chen : A marvelously closed door, which though was not bolted, yet cannot be opened; splendidly fastened together ropes, with which though no knot was tied, yet cannot be disconnected. Parinetto Luciano : chi ben chiude non usa sbarre né paletti eppure non sipuò aprire, chi ben lega non usa corde né vincoli eppurenon si può sciogliere. Pouvourville: qui sait bien garder ferme sans verrou, et personne ne peut ouvrir; qui sait bien lier ne se sert pas de liens, et personne ne peut délier. Qixuan Liu: A good door-keeper needs no bars. A good knot uses no strings. Red Pine good closing locks no locks and yet it can't be opened good tying ties no knots and yet it can't be undone Rosenthal S. : like a good door, which needs no lock, he is open when it is required of him, and closed at other times; like a good binding, he is secure, without the need of borders. Stanislas Julien (1842): celui qui sait fermer (quelque chose) ne se sert point de verrou, et il est impossible de l'ouvrir; celui qui sait lier (quelque chose) ne se sert point de cordes, et il est impossible de le délier. Suzuki D.T. & Paul Carus: "Good lockers bolting bars need not, Yet none their locks can loose. Good binders need no string nor knot, Yet none unties their noose." Ta-Kao Ch’u: A good closer needs no bars or bolts, And yet it is impossible to open after him. A good fastener needs no cords or knots, And yet it is impossible to untie after him. Tan Han Hiong: A good leader does not confine his men to ensure that they stay. a good employer does not need rope to bind his men to their jobs. Tran Cong Tien : Good shutting makes no use of bolt and bar, and yet nobody can undo it. Good tying makes no use of cord, and yet nobody can untie it. Ursula K. Le Guin: The best door's unlocked and unopened. The best knot's not in a rope and can't be untied. Waley Arthur : The perfect door has neither bolt nor bar, yet cannot be opened. The perfect knot needs neither rope nor twine, yet cannot be untied. Walker The best lock has no bolt, and no one can open it. The best knot uses no rope, and no one can untie it. Wayism. Wei Henry : A good lock has no bolt, yet cannot be opened; a good knot has no string, yet cannot be untied. Wieger 27.2 an expert locksmith can make one that no one can open, an expert on knots can make them so that no one can untie them. (all specialists have their speciality, which makes their fame, from which they take their profit). / l’expert en serrures en fabrique que personne ne peut ouvrir, l’expert en nœuds en noue que personne ne peut dénouer. (Tous les spécialistes ont ainsi leur spécialité, qui fait leur gloire, dont ils tirent profit.) Wilhelm Richard : Ein guter Schließer braucht nicht Schloß noch Schlüssel, und doch kann niemand auftun. Ein guter Binder braucht nicht Strick noch Bänder, und doch kann niemand lösen. / Richard Wilhelm / Étienne Perrot : A bon gardien, ni serrure ni clé, et pourtant personne ne saurait ouvrir. A bon lieur, ni corde ni noeuds, et pourtant personne ne saurait délier Wing R.L : A good lock has no bar or bolt, and yet it cannot be opened. A good knot does not restrain, and yet it cannot be unfastened. World A functional door has no lock but can only opened by the owner. A perfect binding has no knots yet only the binder can loosen it Wu John C. H.: Good shutting makes no use of bolt and bar, And yet nobody can undo it; Good tying makes no use of rope and knot, And yet nobody can untie it. Wu Yi : Good closers use no bolts, but the doors cannot be opened. Good tiers use no rope, but their knots cannot be untied. Yang Xiaolin: Skillful securing requires no lock, but cannot be opened. Skillful tying uses no knots, but cannot be untied. Yutang Lin : A well-shut door makes use of no bolts, And yet cannot be opened. A well-tied knot makes use of no rope, And yet cannot be untied. Zhang Z. Thomas : A superb lock cannot be opened, yet it has not bolts. A good tie cannot get loose, yet there is no rope used.
  • 19. Zhengkun Gu: He who is good at shutting renders all efforts of opening in vain though he uses no bolts; He who is good at tying renders all efforts of untying in vain though he uses no ropes. Zi-chang Tang : The perfect door does not need a latch. The perfect binder does not need string. Capitolul 3 Fraza 3 ( propozitiile 8-13) Chapter 27 Sentence 3 ( 8-13) 27.08. 是以聖人 shì yǐ shèng rén De aceea sfântul (înţeleptul) [după modelul lui Tao (care ştie să meargă, să vorbească, să socotească, să închidă şi să lege bine)] Therefore: wise men Darum: weise Menschen sind 27.09. 常善救人, cháng shàn jiù rén, este mereu bun in salvarea/sprijinirea oamenilor are always good at saving men stets gut im Behüten der Menschen, 27.10. 故無棄人。gù wú qì rén. fără să abandoneze/ să respingă pe nimeni; hence without abandoning anyone; daher ohne Menschen je aufzugeben; 27.11. 常善救物, cháng shàn jiù wù, El este totdeauna gata să utilizeze bine clipa [momentul prielnic]. always good at saving things stets gut im Bewahren der Dinge, 27.12. 故無棄物。gù wú qì wù. de aceea nu dispretuieşte/risipeşte nici o ocazie/lucru. hence without wasting anything. daher ohne Verschwendung der Dinge. 27.13. 是謂 襲明。 shì wèi xí* míng**. Aceasta se numeste a urma/ a poseda de două ori lumina [cunoaşterii]. This is called: "following the enlightenment". Dies heißt: „man folgt der Erleuchtung". Ram (1932) In felul acesta inteleptul e ajutor si sprijin pentru toti oamenii, fără a respinge pe nimeni. El este ajutor si sprijin pt. toate lucrurile si nu dispetuieste pe niciunul. [Se poate spune că mintea lui e de două ori luminată. ] Ian Hin-Shun(1952) : De aceea omul inţelept ii salvează mereu cu pricepere pe oameni şi nu-i părăseşte. El ştie totdeauna să salveze fiinţele, de aceea el nu le părăseşte. Acesta se cheamă o cultură adâncă. ( in lb. rusă este "мудростью", adică "inţelepciune")/ Ян Хин-Шун: поэтому совершенномудрый постоянно умело спасает людей и не покидает их. он всегда умеет спасать существа, поэтому он не покидает их. это называется глубокой мудростью. / So constantly the wiseman skillfully saves people and not leave them. He always manages to save the creature, so he do not leave them .. This is called deep wisdom. Mirahorian (1992) Traducerea analitică (convergentă) /Traducerea analogică (divergentă) Luca Dinu (1993): Prin urmare inţeleptul se pricepe mereu să-i salveze pe oameni şi niciodată nu-i părăseşte, se pricepe mereu să salveze lucrurile şi niciodată nu le paraseşte Aceasta se cheamă "păstrarea Luminii " Sarbatoare (2000): Înteleptul îi ajuta pe toti prin prezenta sa.Toate lucrurile din jurul sau sunt la locul lor. Fiind în lumina nimic nu se pierde./ The Wise Person helps everybody by his presence, Everything around him is in the right place, Being in the Light nothing is lost. Su Yan (2009): De aceea, intotdeauna Omul Sfant ştie sa-i salveze pe oameni şi nu-i părăseşte, intotdeauna ştie să salveze lucrurile şi nu le părăseşte. Aceasta se cheamă a mosteni lumina si a o da mai departe. Antonov Vladimir : The wise can save people, and he saves them constantly. He can help and does not leave anyone in trouble without help. Thus acts the deep wisdom! Bahm Archie J. : Therefore the intelligent man expresses his beneficence to other men by accepting each man's own way as best for himself. And he performs the same service for all other beings, for he willingly recognizes that, by following its own nature, each thing does the best that can be done for it. This may be called the two-pronged lesson:
  • 20. Balfour, Frederic H. (1884): Thus the Sage ever uses his goodness in saving others; and therefore there are none who are abandoned. He ever uses his goodness in saving the inanimate creation; and therefore there are none of these who are abandoned. This is called being doubly enlightened. Beck Therefore the wise are good at helping people, and consequently no one is rejected. They are good at saving things, and consequently nothing is wasted. This is called using the Light. Blackney The Wise Man is always good at helping people, so that none are cast out; he is always good at saving things, so that none are thrown away. This is called applied intelligence. Bram den Hond: Therefore the sage is constantly good In taking care of all men And never rejects anyone; Constantly good in taking care of things; And never rejects useful goods; This is called "Doubly bright". Bullen David: A master is present for all, both saints and sinners. All situations are used and nothing is dismissed. This is called spreading the light. Bynner All these are traits not only of a sound man But of many a man thought to be unsound. A sound man is good at salvage, At seeing than nothing is lost. Having what is called insight, Byrn Thus the Master is willing to help everyone, and doesn't know the meaning of rejection. She is there to help all of creation, and doesn't abandon even the smallest creature. This is called embracing the light. Translator: T. Byrn (1997) Chalmers John (1868): Chan Wing-Tsit : Therefore the sage is always good in saving men and consequently no man is rejected. He is always good in saving things and consequently nothing is rejected. This is called following the light (of Nature). Chang Chung-Yuan : Thus, the wise knows how to rescue men; hence, no one is excluded. he also knows how to rescue things; hence, nothing is excluded. this is called penetration to illumination. Chen Chao-Hsiu: Therefore the sage always knows how to take care of people, and so no one is abandoned. He knows how to take care of all things, and so no thing is abandoned. This is what is called following discernment. Chen Ellen M.: Hence the sage is always good at saving people, therefore no one is rejected. he is always good at saving things, therefore nothing is rejected. this is called following the light (ming). Cheng Hong David Similarly, The sage always excels in saving people, thus there is no useless people. The sage always excels in saving things, thus there is no abandoned thing. This is called the innate enlightenment. Cheng Lin: The Sage, by his abiding goodness, saves mankind because he spurns no one. He, by his abiding goodness, saves the inanimate creation because he spurns nothing. This is called mutual understanding. Chou-Wing Chohan: Even if people are bad, why should they be rejected? Therefore the sage is always the good savior of the people, And nobody will reject him. He is good to all creatures, He spurns nothing. This state is called "to see and to come to the light." Cleary Therefore sages always consider it good to save people, so that there are no wasted humans; they always consider it good to save beings, so that there are no wasted beings. Correa Nina: It's natural for a wise person to be good at rescuing others, but without abandoning character, without abandoning what is of true value. This is called stretching the brightness. Cronk George: Thus, the Tao–Master cares for all beings and neglects none. Thus, he follows the light. Crowley So also the sage, skilled in man-emancipation-craft, useth all men; understanding the value of everything, he rejecteth nothing. This is called the Occult Regimen. Derek Lin : Therefore sages often save others And so do not abandon anyone They often save things And so do not abandon anything. This is called following enlightenment Dicus: It is in this way that the sage is skilful at saving men, and so he does not cast away any man. He is always skilful at saving things, and so he does not cast away anything. This is called embodying the light. Duyvendak J. J.-L.: Thus the Saint is constantly good at saving men. Even of the not-good, who will be rejected? He is constantly good at saving things: for he acts without rejecting things. This is called a twofold understanding. / Ainsi le Saint est constamment bon sauveur d’hommes, car il l’est sans rejeter nul homme. Même de ceux qui ne sont pas bons, lequel est'il rejeté ? Il est constamment bon sauveur des choses, car il l’est sans rejeter nulle chose. C’est ce qu’on appelle une illumination ambivalente. Evola Julius : Gong Tienzen : Thus, the sages value all men, no one abandoned, value all things, nothing abandoned. This is called "following the wisdom light." Gia-Fu Feng: Therefore the sage takes care of all men and abandons no one. He takes care of all things and abandons nothing. This is called "following the light." Goddard Dwight and Henri Borel, (1919): Therefore the wise man trusting in goodness always saves men, for there is no outcast to him. Trusting in goodness he saves all things for there is nothing valueless to him. This is recognizing concealed values.
  • 21. Gorn-Old Walter: The wise man is a constant and good helper of his fellows. He rejects none. He is a continual good preserver of things. He disdains nothing. His intelligence is all-embracing. Hansen Chad: Using this: Sages take saving humanity as a constant hence don't abandon humans take saving thing-kinds as a constant, therefore don't abandon thing-kinds. Call this 'bushwhacking discernment.' Hatcher: And so it is that wise ones Are ever so skilled at making the most of others That no person is forsaken Are ever so skilled at making the most of situations That no situation is wasted This may be called “practical wisdom” Henricks Robert G.: MWD: therefore the sage is constantly good at saving men and never rejects anyone; and with things, he never rejects useful goods. This is called doubly bright. Hilmar Klaus : Therefore, wise people are always good protectors for other people, because they never give others up. They are always good guardians of all things, because they never waste anything. This is meant by “following the enlightenment”. Hinton David: A sage is always perfect in rescuing people and so abandons no one, Always perfect in rescuing things and so abandons nothing. This is called the bequest of enlightenment, Ho Lok Sang: The sage who is adept in saving people will abandon no one. He is adept in saving creatures and will abandon no creature. This is known as the tradition of the light. Holly Roberts (2005): Huang Chichung: Hence, the sage man was constantly good at rescuing men so that there were no cast-off men; as for things, there were no cast-off goods. This is called surpassing insight. Huang Tao : Therefore, the sage is good at his earnest demands upon people. So no one is left out. No talent is wasted. This is called being in the tow of enlightenment, Hwang Shi Fu: In the same way the sage is always skillful at saving men, and there is no rejected person; he is always skillful at saving things, and there is no rejected thing. This is called 'procuring enlightenment.' Jiyu Ren: Therefore the sage is always skillful at saving men, and so no man is uselessly cast away. (The sage) is always skillful at saving things, and so nothing is uselessly cast away. This is called the hidden wisdom. Kim Ha Poong: Therefore the sage is always perfect in delivering people from distress. Thus he abandons no one. He is always perfect in delivering creatures from distress. Thus he abandons no creature. This is called following the light. Kimura Yasuhiko Genku: Thus, the master, without abandoning anyone, is always good at empowering people and, without abandoning anything, is always good at utilizing things. This is the all-embracing wisdom of the tao. Kiyoashi : vedeti / see: Mitchell Kohn Livia (1993): Therefore the sage Is always to help the people- He rejects no person. Is always there to help all beings- He rejects no creature. Thus it is said: He is at-one with universal light. Kunesh Tom : the best theology has no god or heaven yet everyone is saved. Thus the wise person helps people, never becoming callous; helps all living things, never becoming superior. No one refused, no thing abandoned, following an inner self-knowledge. Kwok Man-Ho , Palmer, Ramsay, (1993): He is aware of everyone, leaving noone uncounted; He cares like a parent, and wastes nothing. This is the essence of harmony. LaFargue Michael : And so the Wise Person: Always Excels at rescuing people and so does not turn anyone away. Always Excels at resolving things and so does not turn away from anything. This is called 'being clothed in Clarity.' Père Claude Larre: Lau, D.C. (1963): Therefore the sage always excels in saving people, and so abandons no one; Always excels in saving things, and so abandons nothing. This is called following one's discernment. Lauer Conradin Von: Ainsi le Sage se dédie au secours des hommes. Il n'en rejette aucun. Il veille à préserver les êtres, sans en excepter aucun. Il est dans la lumière. Tout plein de soleil. Legge James: In the same way the sage is always skillful at saving men, and so he does not cast away any man; he is always skillful at saving things, and so he does not cast away anything. This is called 'Hiding the light of his procedure.' Li David H. : Thus, the sage cares for everyone and abandons no one, cares for everything and abandons nothing. This is unrevealed wisdom. Lin Paul J.: Therefore the Sage is always able to save his people and there is no one forsaken. He is able to save all things and there is nothing wasted. This is called inherited enlightenment. Liou Kia-hwai:. Ainsi le saint est toujours apte A sauver les hommes et il n’en omet aucun.1
  • 22. Il est toujours apte à épargner les choses Et n’en ajoute aucune. C’est là ce que l’on appelle « suivre la lumière ». Lindauer Appropriately it happens that sages Entirely valuing help others, so others are not thrown away Entirely valuing help things, so things are not thrown away. Appropriately called following the luminance. Lynn Richard John : this is how the sage is always good at saving people, so no one is discarded, always good at saving things, and so nothing is discarded. This is what is known as maintaining the light. Mair Victor H. : For these reasons, the sage is always skilled at saving others and does not abandon them, nor does he abandon resources. This is called "inner intelligence." Ma Kou Ainsi le sage se consacre A sauver les êtres humains Sans rejeter personne. Il se consacre à préserver les choses Sans rien abandonner. C’est là pratiquer la claire lumière. Mabry Therefore, the Sage is always there to help people So that no one is forsaken. She is always there to see to things So that nothing is lost. This is called being clothed in light. Maclagan P. J. (1898-99): McCarroll Tolbert : Therefore, the true person is skillful in assisting people, and abandons nobody; is skillful in assisting things, and abandons nothing. This is called "following the inner light." McDonald John H.: In it all sharpness is blunted, all tangles untied, all glare tempered, all turmoil smoothed. McDonald J. H. (1996): So the wise man is good at helping men, always good in saving men: the wise man is all the time helping men in the most perfect way - he certainly doesn't turn his back on men; is all the time in the most perfect way helping creatures. He certainly doesn't turn his back on creatures, and consequently no man is rejected. For that reason there's no useless person. And he is always good in saving. So nothing is rejected. This is called following the light (of nature) - is called resorting to the light, nay, stealing some divine light. Mears Isabella (1922): That is why the self-controlled man always uses goodness in helping men, thus he draws them to the Inner Life. He always uses goodness in helping creatures, thus he draws them to the Inner Life. This is called being doubly illuminated. Merel So the sage nurtures all men And abandons no one. He accepts everything And rejects nothing. He attends to the smallest details. Mitchell Thus the Master is available to all people and doesn't reject anyone. He is ready to use all situations and doesn't waste anything. This is called embodying the light./ Ainsi le Maître est disponible pour tous et ne rejette personne. Il est prêt à tirer parti de toutes les situations et ne gâche rien. Cela s’appelle incarner la lumière. Moss Roberts: Accordingly, the wise know how to salvage men And make sure none go to waste; They know how to salvage things And make sure none go to waste; This is called far-reaching insight. Muller It is in this manner that the sage is always skillful in elevating people. Therefore she does not discard anybody. She is always skillful in helping things Therefore she does not discard anything. This is called "the actualization of her luminosity." Ni Hua-Ching: One of natural, integral virtue is good at helping all people impartially. Thus, no one is abandoned. Because he is good at protecting and preserving all things nothing is ever thrown away. This is called "embodying the light of the subtle truth." Nyssen Olivier : C'est pourquoi l'homme sacré est toujours un bon homme de sauvetage, ainsi l'homme n'est pas abandonné. Il est toujours un bon être de sauvetage, ainsi l'être n'est pas abandonné. On dit justement qu'il a hérité la luminosité. Org Lee Sun Chen: For this reason; a sage is so proficient at saving people that he abandons nobody; he is so efficient at saving creatures and things that he forsakes no one; this is called "to glow with the brilliance" [of tao]. Parinetto Luciano : Per questo il santo sempre ben soccorre gliuomini e perciò non vi sono uomini respinti, sempre bene soccorrele creature e perciò non vi sono creature respinte: ciò sichiama trasfondere l'illuminazione. Pouvourville: C'est pourquoi le Saint-Homme excelle constamment à secourir les hommes, et ne repousse personne. Il aide tous les êtres et n'en délaisse aucun.. En quoi il est doublement éclairé. Qixuan Liu: Similarly, A wise saver will part with no one. A wise user will waste nothing. It is the subtle insight that gives such abilities. Red Pine thus the sage is good at saving and yet abandons no one nor anything of use this is called cloaking the light Roger T. Ames and David L. Hall : It blunts the sharp edges And untangles the knots; It softens the glare And brings things together on the same track. Rosenthal S.: Knowing that virtue may grow from example, this is the way in which the sage teaches, abandoning no one who stops to listen. Stanislas Julien (1842): De là vient que le Saint excelle constamment à sauver les hommes; c'est pourquoi il n'abandonne pas les hommes. Il excelle constamment à sauver les êtres; c'est pourquoi il n'abandonne pas les êtres. Cela s'appelle être doublement éclairé.
  • 23. Suzuki D.T. & Paul Carus: Therefore the holy man is always a good saviour of men, for there are no outcast people. He is always a good saviour of things, for there are no outcast things. This is called applied enlightenment. Ta-Kao Even if men be bad, why should they be rejected? Therefore the Sage is always a good saviour of men, And no man is rejected; He is a good saviour of things, And nothing is rejected: This is called double enlightenment Tan Han Hiong: Therefore, the sage always assists but never abandons people. he always aids all creatures and he never forsakes them. this is called "covert enlightenment". Tran Cong Tien : Hence, the sage is always good at saving men, and therefore nobody is forgotten; always good at saving things, and therefore nothing is wasted. This is called illumination. Ursula K. Le Guin: So wise souls are good at caring for people, never turning their back on anyone. They’re good at looking after things, never turning their back on anything. There’s a light hidden here. Waley Arthur : Therefore the sage is all the time in the most perfect way helping men, he certainly does not turn his back on men; is all the time in the most perfect way helping creatures, he certainly does not turn his back on creatures. This is called resorting to the light. Walker Thus the master is always good at saving people, and doesn't abandon anyone; Always good at saving things, and doesn't waste anything. This is known as "Following the light." Wei Henry: Thus the sage (in his silent and subtle way) is always good in saving people, thereby leaving no people unsaved; and always good in saving things, thereby leaving nothing unsaved. This is called "passing the light." Wieger 27.3 Likewise the Sage (Confucian politician), the professional saviour of men and things, has his own procedures. / De même le Sage (politicien confucéen), le sauveur professionnel des hommes et des choses, a ses procédés à lui. Wilhelm Richard : Der Berufene versteht es immer gut, die Menschen zu retten; darum gibt es für ihn keine verworfenen Menschen. Er versteht es immer gut, die Dinge zu retten; darum gibt es für ihn keine verworfenen Dinge. Das heißt die Klarheit erben. Richard Wilhelm / Étienne Perrot : Le Sage s'entend toujours bien à sauver les hommes; c'est pourquoi nul n'est pour lui à rejeter. Il s'entend toujours bien à sauver les choses; rien n'est par lui rejeté. C'est là ce qu'on appelle la lucidité innée. Wing R.L : Thus evolved individuals are always good at saving others; hence no one is wasted. They are always good at saving things; hence nothing is wasted. This is called doubling the light. World The sage is the light of all human beings and rejects no one. She efficiently uses all things and discards nothing. This is called manifesting Infinity Wu John C. H.: Hence, the Sage is always good at saving men, And therefore nobody is abandoned; Always good at saving things, And therefore nothing is wasted. This is called "following the guidance of the Inner Light." Wu Yi : Therefore, the sage is constantly good at saving people; no one is forsaken. He is constantly good at saving things; nothing is abandoned. This is called inherent enlightenment. Yang Xiaolin: Therefore, the great men were always good at making all people useful, so no one was left out; they were very good at making all other things useful, so nothing was wasted. This is why they were considered to be genuinely wise. Yutang Lin: Therefore the Sage is good at helping men; For that reason there is no rejected (useless) person. He is good at saving things; For that reason there is nothing rejected. - This is called stealing the Light. Zhang Z. Thomas : The sage constantly saves people, so nobody is abandoned; and constantly saves things, so nothing is wasted. This is intelligent. Zhengkun Gu: That is why the sage Is always good at saving people And abandoning no one; That is why the sage is always good at saving things And abandoning nothing. This is called the intrinsic wisdom. Zi-chang Tang : Hence sage rulers always perfectly saved people, thus nobody was abandoned; and always perfectly saved things, thus nothing was wasted. This is called "blocking enlightenment". Fraza 4 ( propozitiile 14-15 ) Sentence 4 ( 14-15) Capitolul 27 Fraza 4 ( alcatuita din propozitiile 14-15) Chapter 27 Sentence 4 (14-15) 27.14. 故善人者 不善人之師。gù shàn rén zhě * bù shàn rén zhī shī. În felul acesta, omul virtuos îndrumă [sprijină] pe ceilalti