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Mariechen Puchert 2010
Gynaecology Notes
Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis reduces vaginal epithelial resistance to infection.
• Burning
• Itching
• Dyspareunia
• Vaginal discharge
Emphysematous vaginitis: gas-filled blisters in vagina
Toxic Shock Syndrome
• High fever
• Vomiting
• Diarrhoea
• Headache
• Irritability and confusion
• Muscle and abdominal pain
• Erythematous rash
• Hypotension
Epidermal cysts: small epithelial fragments bury underneath surface
epithelium and lead to cyst formation
CIN: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
VAIN: vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia
FIGO Classification of Vaginal Carcinoma
Stage I Carcinoma limited to vaginal wall
Stage II Involvement of subvaginal tissues, NOT pelvic wall
Stage III Extension to pelvic wall
Stage IV Extension beyond true pelvis e.g. into bladder or rectum
Dermatological Conditions of Vulva
Dermatitis: Common dermal irritation, atopy
Lichen planus: Multiple white epithelial discolourations on vulva, non-neoplastic
Psoriasis: Scaly red plaques
Bartholin’s duct cyst
• Duct opens between hymen and labia minora
• Duct situated in bulbocavernous sinus
• Marsupialisation: dissect cyst walls and suture to vaginal walls
Differential diagnosis for ulcerative genital lesion
• Herpes genitals
• Chancroid – haemophilus ducreyi
• Lymphogranuloma venereum
• Granuloma inguinale
• Syphilis
Mariechen Puchert 2010
Leukoplakia White spot on ectocervix or vaginal wall, hyper or parakeratosis
Adenosis Presence of columnar epithelium on the ectocervix
Menorrhagia Excessive menstrual bleeding
Polymenorrhoea Cycle shorter than 21 days
Oligomenorrhoea Scanty bleeding or cycle longer than 35 days
Metrorrhagia Irregular bleeding at any time between periods
Adenomyosis Endometrial glands and stroma within the myometrium (>3mm)
Mariechen Puchert 2010
Treponema Pallidum
o 3 motions: corkscrew motion, contracting and expanding, kinking motion
o cultured from: chancres, skin lesions, blood, urine, condylomata lata, lymph
nodes, CSF, semen, breast milk
o can infect foetus at 8 weeks, but can cause abortion at 16 weeks
Dark field microscopy
Non-specific: VDRL if negative no syphilis, if positive further tests
Specific: TPHA if positive syphilis, if negative further tests
FTA-Abs if positive syphilis, if negative no syphilis
ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosrbent Assay Technology
I. Primary Syphilis Chancre
II. Secondary Syphilis Condylomata Lata
III. Early and late latent phases
IV. Tertiary Syphilis Systematic involvement
Neisseria Gonorrhoea
o Urethritis
o Cervicitis
o Proctitis
o Pharyngitis
o Bartholin’s duct abscess
o Salpingitis
o Gonococcal septicaemia
PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
Gram’s Stain
Culture (Thayer-Martin agar)
Haemophilus Ducreyi
o Multiple painful small erythematous papules
o Form pustules which become bleeding ulcers
o Soft chancre, sloughy and purulent base
o Painless ulcers do occur
Clinical signs
Laboratory tests – bacteriological identification
Exclusion of other ulcer-forming disease
Mariechen Puchert 2010
Granuloma Inguinale
Calymmatobacterium Granulomatis
o Small painless papules
o Multiple or single
o Papule forms round, indurated, velvety granulomatous ulcer
o Beefy-red colour
o Destructive scarring and fibrosis
o Stenosis and pseudobubos
DONOVAN BODIES closed safety pins within large mononuclear cells
Biopsy/scraping from base of ulcer
Giemsa, Wright or Papanicolaou Stain
Bacterial Vaginosis
Gardnerella Vaginalis
o Itching, burning
o Discharge, malodorous
o Pregnancy-related morbidity
• Typical vaginal discharge
• Vaginal pH greater than 4.5
• Positive Amine Test
• Presence of “Clue Cells”
CLUE CELLS superficial or intermediate vaginal epithelia with granulated
salt-and-pepper appearance
Mycoplasma Hominis
o Salpingitis
o Tubo-ovarian abscess
o Miscarriage
o Chorioamnionitis
o Infertility
Lymphogranuloma Venereum
Chlamydia Trachomatis
o Painless herpes-like lesion
o Not indurated
o Painful inguinal/femoral lymphadenopathy
• Serology (micro-IF)
• Culture (of cells, not of discharge)
Mariechen Puchert 2010
• Antibody staining/ ELISA
Herpes Genitalis
Herpes Simplex
o Multiple red papules
o Papules become watery vesicles
o Watery vesicles turn yellow
o Vesicles rupture to form ulcers
• Cytology
• Electronmicroscopy
• Immunofluorescence
• Serology
• Culture (Human Fibroblast Cells)
Human Papilloma Virus Types 6 and 11
Condylomata Acuminata
o Small red, pink or brown swellings
o Become pedunculated
o HPV 16: squamous and adenocarcinoma
o HPV 18: adenocarcinoma
Colposcopy (Acetic acid solution, Iodine solution)
Cervical cytology
RNA testing
• Topical ointment
• Electrocauterisation
• Laser therapy
• Cryotherapy
• Surgery
Trichomonas Vaginalis
o Protozoon
o Burning discharge, dysuria, polyuria
o Dyspareunia and post-coital bleeding
Smears: Wetmount, Cytological
Mariechen Puchert 2010
Candida Albicans
o Discharge white, watery and thin OR cheese-like and thick
o Vulva normal OR red and oedematous
o Petechial bleeding
Promoting factors
Broad spectrum antibiotic therapy
Chlorine in swimming pools
Contraceptive pill with high oestrogen content
Diabetes mellitus
Tight, insulating underwear
Traumatic coitus
Wetmount smear with KOH
Imidazole derivatives
Pediculosis Pubis
Phthirus Pubis
o Pubic lice
o Gama benzene hexachloride lotion
o Benzyl benzoate lotion
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Neisseria Gonorrhoea
Chlamydia Trachomatis
Gardnerella Vaginalis
Genital tract infection above the level of the cervical os
Risk Factors
Early sexual debut
Women <25 years
Sexual promiscuity
Low parity
Previous PID or STD
Low socio-economic status
Mariechen Puchert 2010
Protective factors
Oral contraceptives
Barrier contraception
Tubal ligation
Diagnostic triad
1. Lower abdominal tenderness
2. Cervical excitation tenderness
3. Adnexal tenderness
AS WELL AS one of:
o Pyrexia
o Leukocytosis
o Mucopurulent cervical discharge
o Gonorrhoea or Chlamydia
Gainessville PID Classification
Investigations in PID
• Pregnancy test
• Blood panel
• Urine dipstick
• HIV and Syphilis screening
• Pap smear
• Pelvic imaging
o Recurrence
o Infertility
Stage I Early salpingitis
Adnexal tenderness
Eliminate symptoms and infectivity
Stage II Late salpingitis
Pelvic peritonitis
Preserve fallopian tube function
Tubo-ovarian mass
Tubal occlusion
ESR >60ml/hour
Preserve ovarian function
Ruptured tubo-ovarian complex
Generalised peritonitis
Preserve patient’s life
Mariechen Puchert 2010
o Ectopic pregnancy
o Chronic pain
o Psychological
o Mortality
Tumour of Müllerian duct origin, composed of smooth muscle and fibrous strands.
I. Submucous
II. Intramural
III. Subserous
Complications in pregnancy
• Necrobiosis with localised pain
• Recurrent miscarriage
• Premature rupture of membranes and premature labour
• Placenta Abruptio
• Intrauterine growth retardation
• Fetal malpresentation and obstruction
• Uterine inertia
• Postpartum haemorrhage
Complications in non-pregnant women
o Anaemia
o Infection
o Torsion
o Ascites
Clinical features
Age (35-45)
Abnormal vaginal bleeding
Abdominal mass
Vaginal discharge
Uterine inversion
Pressure effects
1. General (conservative)
2. Medical (GnRH)
3. Non-invasive surgery
4. Surgery
Indications for Surgery
o Leiomyoma larger than uterus
o Leiomyoma distorts uterine cavity
o Leiomyoma in lower part of uterus
Mariechen Puchert 2010
o Doubt in nature of leiomyoma
o Complications present
o Sudden enlargement of leiomyoma
Painful menstrual cramps of uterine origin
Risk factors of Primary Dysmenorrhoea
Heavy menstrual flow
Young age (<20)
Early menarche
Family history
Stress, anxiety, depression
I. Pharmacological
II. Non-pharmacological
III. Surgical
Pharmacological treatment
o NSAIDs (first line treatment)
o COCs
o Levonorgestrel IUD
o Vitamin supplements (B6, E, B1, Magnesium, omega-3, glyceryl trinitrate)
Non-pharmacological agents
• Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
• Acupuncture
• Heat therapy
• Lifestyle modification
• Aerobic exercise
• Psychological therapy
Surgical treatment
1. LUNA (Laparoscopic Uterosacral Nerve Ablation)
2. Dilatation of Cervix
3. Hysterectomy
Causes of Secondary Dysmenorrhoea
Pelvic congestion syndrome
Ovarian cyst
Leimyomata or polyps
Mariechen Puchert 2010
Orthopaedic conditions
Premenstrual Tension
Disorder of nonspecific somatic, psychological or behavioural symptoms recurring in
the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle.
Major symptoms
• Irritability
• Bloating
• Headache
• Fatigue
• Food cravings
• Depression
Laboratory investigations
II. Blood chemistry
III. Serum prolactin
Treatment of PMS
1. Education, support and stress reduction
2. Dietary modification
3. Nutritional supplements
4. Medical management – of physical or emotional symptoms
5. Surgical management
• Pregnancy
• Pseudocyesis
• Lactation
• Perimenarchal and perimenopausal
• Stress
• Undernutrition
• Anorexia Nervosa or weight loss
• Exercise
• GnRH deficiency
• Hyperprolactinaemia
• Hypopituitarism or compression of hypothalamus
• Ovarian failure
Mariechen Puchert 2010
• Ovarian tumours
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
• Iatrogenic
• End-organ defects
Biological period of permanent cessation of menses resulting from loss of ovarian
follicular function.
o Vasomotor instability
o Urinary Tract – vaginitis, UTIs, incontinence
o Weight gain – shift to android distribution
o Skin and teeth – thinner, weaker
o Dry eye syndrome
o Osteoporosis
o Atherosclerosis
Adverse effects of oestrogen replacement
• Liver globulins
• Increased BP
• Venous thrombosis
• Glucose metabolism
• Cholelithiasis
• Cancer: breast, endometrial, ovarian, colon, rectal
Routes of therapy administration
1. Oral
2. Percutaneous
3. Transdermal
4. Subcutaneous
5. Vaginal
6. Nasal spray
Presence of endometrial tissue at sites outside the uterine cavity
1. Endometrial glands
2. Stroma
3. Haemosiderin pigment
Clinical presentation
o Dysmenorrhoea
o Pelvic pain
o Infertility
o Dyspareunia
Mariechen Puchert 2010
o Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea
Extrapelvic sites
Intestinal tract
Urinary tract
Pulmonary and thoracic
1. Medical
2. Surgical – conservative
3. Surgical – extensive
4. Surgical – adjunctive
Medical treatment
• COCs
• Progestogens
• Danazol
• GnRHa
Genital Prolapse
i. Childbirth
ii. Tissue defects
iii. Iatrogenic
iv. Conditions causing raised intra-abdominal pressures
Urethrocele prolapse of urethra and underlying anterior vaginal wall
Cystocele prolapse of bladder and underlying anterior vaginal wall
Uterine prolapse prolapse of uterus and cervix
Vault prolapse
Rectocele prolapse of lower part of anterior rectal wall
Enterocele herniation of small bowel and/or omentum
Procidentia uterus and cervix appear in entirety outside introitus
Elongation colli fundus remains in position but cervix elongates
Grading of prolapse
I. Descent within vagina, but not to the introitus
II. Descent down to, but not through the introitus
III. Descent through the introitus
Aims of management
1. Eliminate symptoms
2. Restore anatomy
3. Restore function
4. Improve quality of life
Mariechen Puchert 2010
Trauma and Sexual Assault
RAPE: intentional and unlawful carnal knowledge of a female, by a male, without her
consent. Minimal penetration of female sexual organs by that of a male.
Consent is not valid when...
In state of fear
Under influence of drugs, alcohol,sedatives, narcotic agents or hypnosis
Impersonation or fraud occurs
Either party is under 16 years of age
Certified under the Mental Health Care Act (17 of 2002)
Specimens taken
o STI-testing
o Semen
o Saliva
o Blood
o Fingernail scrapings/clippings
o Foreign matter
Clinical treatments
• Prophylactic antibiotics for STDs
• PEP for HIV
• Hepatitis B vaccination
• Pregnancy prevention
• Gynaecological and surgical treatment
• Psychological and emotional services and counselling
Sexual Dysfunction
Phases of sexual response
I. Transition
II. Desire
III. Arousal
IV. Orgasmic
V. Resolution
VI. [Refractory]
Mariechen Puchert 2010

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  • 1. Mariechen Puchert 2010 Gynaecology Notes Postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis reduces vaginal epithelial resistance to infection. • Burning • Itching • Dyspareunia • Vaginal discharge Emphysematous vaginitis: gas-filled blisters in vagina Toxic Shock Syndrome • High fever • Vomiting • Diarrhoea • Headache • Irritability and confusion • Muscle and abdominal pain • Erythematous rash • Hypotension Epidermal cysts: small epithelial fragments bury underneath surface epithelium and lead to cyst formation CIN: cervical intraepithelial neoplasia VAIN: vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia FIGO Classification of Vaginal Carcinoma Stage I Carcinoma limited to vaginal wall Stage II Involvement of subvaginal tissues, NOT pelvic wall Stage III Extension to pelvic wall Stage IV Extension beyond true pelvis e.g. into bladder or rectum Dermatological Conditions of Vulva Dermatitis: Common dermal irritation, atopy Lichen planus: Multiple white epithelial discolourations on vulva, non-neoplastic Psoriasis: Scaly red plaques Bartholin’s duct cyst • Duct opens between hymen and labia minora • Duct situated in bulbocavernous sinus • Marsupialisation: dissect cyst walls and suture to vaginal walls Differential diagnosis for ulcerative genital lesion • Herpes genitals • Chancroid – haemophilus ducreyi • Lymphogranuloma venereum • Granuloma inguinale • Syphilis
  • 2. Mariechen Puchert 2010 Leukoplakia White spot on ectocervix or vaginal wall, hyper or parakeratosis Adenosis Presence of columnar epithelium on the ectocervix Menorrhagia Excessive menstrual bleeding Polymenorrhoea Cycle shorter than 21 days Oligomenorrhoea Scanty bleeding or cycle longer than 35 days Metrorrhagia Irregular bleeding at any time between periods Adenomyosis Endometrial glands and stroma within the myometrium (>3mm)
  • 3. Mariechen Puchert 2010 Syphilis Treponema Pallidum o 3 motions: corkscrew motion, contracting and expanding, kinking motion o cultured from: chancres, skin lesions, blood, urine, condylomata lata, lymph nodes, CSF, semen, breast milk o can infect foetus at 8 weeks, but can cause abortion at 16 weeks Diagnosis Dark field microscopy Serology Non-specific: VDRL if negative no syphilis, if positive further tests RPR Specific: TPHA if positive syphilis, if negative further tests FTA-Abs if positive syphilis, if negative no syphilis ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosrbent Assay Technology I. Primary Syphilis Chancre II. Secondary Syphilis Condylomata Lata III. Early and late latent phases IV. Tertiary Syphilis Systematic involvement ___________________________________________________________________ Gonorrhoea Neisseria Gonorrhoea o Urethritis o Cervicitis o Proctitis o Pharyngitis o Bartholin’s duct abscess o Salpingitis o Gonococcal septicaemia Diagnosis PCR (polymerase chain reaction) Gram’s Stain Culture (Thayer-Martin agar) ___________________________________________________________________ Chancroid Haemophilus Ducreyi o Multiple painful small erythematous papules o Form pustules which become bleeding ulcers o Soft chancre, sloughy and purulent base o Painless ulcers do occur Diagnosis Clinical signs Laboratory tests – bacteriological identification Exclusion of other ulcer-forming disease ___________________________________________________________________
  • 4. Mariechen Puchert 2010 Granuloma Inguinale Calymmatobacterium Granulomatis o Small painless papules o Multiple or single o Papule forms round, indurated, velvety granulomatous ulcer o Beefy-red colour o Destructive scarring and fibrosis o Stenosis and pseudobubos Diagnosis DONOVAN BODIES closed safety pins within large mononuclear cells Biopsy/scraping from base of ulcer Giemsa, Wright or Papanicolaou Stain ___________________________________________________________________ Bacterial Vaginosis Gardnerella Vaginalis o Itching, burning o Discharge, malodorous o Pregnancy-related morbidity Diagnosis • Typical vaginal discharge • Vaginal pH greater than 4.5 • Positive Amine Test • Presence of “Clue Cells” CLUE CELLS superficial or intermediate vaginal epithelia with granulated salt-and-pepper appearance ___________________________________________________________________ Mycoplasma Mycoplasma Hominis o Salpingitis o Tubo-ovarian abscess o Miscarriage o Chorioamnionitis o Infertility ___________________________________________________________________ Lymphogranuloma Venereum Chlamydia Trachomatis o Painless herpes-like lesion o Not indurated o Painful inguinal/femoral lymphadenopathy Diagnosis • Serology (micro-IF) • PCR • Culture (of cells, not of discharge)
  • 5. Mariechen Puchert 2010 • Antibody staining/ ELISA ___________________________________________________________________ Herpes Genitalis Herpes Simplex o Multiple red papules o Papules become watery vesicles o Watery vesicles turn yellow o Vesicles rupture to form ulcers Diagnosis • Cytology • Electronmicroscopy • Immunofluorescence • Serology • Culture (Human Fibroblast Cells) ___________________________________________________________________ Human Papilloma Virus Types 6 and 11 Condylomata Acuminata o Small red, pink or brown swellings o Become pedunculated o HPV 16: squamous and adenocarcinoma o HPV 18: adenocarcinoma Diagnosis Colposcopy (Acetic acid solution, Iodine solution) Cervical cytology RNA testing Treatment • Topical ointment • Electrocauterisation • Laser therapy • Cryotherapy • Surgery ___________________________________________________________________ Trichomoniasis Trichomonas Vaginalis o Protozoon o Burning discharge, dysuria, polyuria o Dyspareunia and post-coital bleeding Diagnosis Smears: Wetmount, Cytological Cultures ___________________________________________________________________
  • 6. Mariechen Puchert 2010 Candidiasis Candida Albicans o Discharge white, watery and thin OR cheese-like and thick o Vulva normal OR red and oedematous o Petechial bleeding Promoting factors HIV/AIDS Anaemia Broad spectrum antibiotic therapy Cancer Chlorine in swimming pools Contraceptive pill with high oestrogen content Diabetes mellitus Pregnancy Tight, insulating underwear Traumatic coitus Diagnosis Wetmount smear with KOH Culture Treatment Imidazole derivatives ___________________________________________________________________ Pediculosis Pubis Phthirus Pubis o Pubic lice o Gama benzene hexachloride lotion o Benzyl benzoate lotion ___________________________________________________________________ Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Neisseria Gonorrhoea Chlamydia Trachomatis Gardnerella Vaginalis Genital tract infection above the level of the cervical os Risk Factors Early sexual debut Women <25 years Sexual promiscuity Low parity Previous PID or STD Low socio-economic status
  • 7. Mariechen Puchert 2010 Protective factors Oral contraceptives Barrier contraception Tubal ligation Pregnancy Diagnostic triad 1. Lower abdominal tenderness 2. Cervical excitation tenderness 3. Adnexal tenderness AS WELL AS one of: o Pyrexia o Leukocytosis o Mucopurulent cervical discharge o Gonorrhoea or Chlamydia Gainessville PID Classification Investigations in PID • Pregnancy test • ESR • Blood panel • Urine dipstick • HIV and Syphilis screening • Pap smear • Pelvic imaging Sequelae o Recurrence o Infertility Stage I Early salpingitis Adnexal tenderness Eliminate symptoms and infectivity Stage II Late salpingitis Pelvic peritonitis Preserve fallopian tube function Stage III Pyosalpinx Tubo-ovarian mass Tubal occlusion ESR >60ml/hour Preserve ovarian function Stage IV Ruptured tubo-ovarian complex Generalised peritonitis Septicaemia Preserve patient’s life Stage V ADRS
  • 8. Mariechen Puchert 2010 o Ectopic pregnancy o Chronic pain o Psychological o Mortality ___________________________________________________________________ Leiomyoma Tumour of Müllerian duct origin, composed of smooth muscle and fibrous strands. I. Submucous II. Intramural III. Subserous Complications in pregnancy • Necrobiosis with localised pain • Recurrent miscarriage • Premature rupture of membranes and premature labour • Placenta Abruptio • Intrauterine growth retardation • Fetal malpresentation and obstruction • Uterine inertia • Postpartum haemorrhage Complications in non-pregnant women o Anaemia o Infection o Torsion o Ascites Clinical features Age (35-45) Infertility Abnormal vaginal bleeding Abdominal mass Pain Vaginal discharge Uterine inversion Pressure effects Treatment 1. General (conservative) 2. Medical (GnRH) 3. Non-invasive surgery 4. Surgery Indications for Surgery o Leiomyoma larger than uterus o Leiomyoma distorts uterine cavity o Leiomyoma in lower part of uterus
  • 9. Mariechen Puchert 2010 o Doubt in nature of leiomyoma o Complications present o Sudden enlargement of leiomyoma ___________________________________________________________________ Dysmenorrhoea Painful menstrual cramps of uterine origin Risk factors of Primary Dysmenorrhoea Heavy menstrual flow Young age (<20) Nulliparity Early menarche Smoking Obesity Family history Stress, anxiety, depression Management I. Pharmacological II. Non-pharmacological III. Surgical Pharmacological treatment o NSAIDs (first line treatment) o COCs o Levonorgestrel IUD o Vitamin supplements (B6, E, B1, Magnesium, omega-3, glyceryl trinitrate) Non-pharmacological agents • Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation • Acupuncture • Heat therapy • Lifestyle modification • Aerobic exercise • Psychological therapy Surgical treatment 1. LUNA (Laparoscopic Uterosacral Nerve Ablation) 2. Dilatation of Cervix 3. Hysterectomy Causes of Secondary Dysmenorrhoea Endometriosis PID Pelvic congestion syndrome Ovarian cyst Leimyomata or polyps
  • 10. Mariechen Puchert 2010 Orthopaedic conditions ___________________________________________________________________ Premenstrual Tension Disorder of nonspecific somatic, psychological or behavioural symptoms recurring in the premenstrual phase of the menstrual cycle. Major symptoms • Irritability • Bloating • Headache • Fatigue • Food cravings • Depression Laboratory investigations I. FBC II. Blood chemistry III. Serum prolactin IV. TSH Treatment of PMS 1. Education, support and stress reduction 2. Dietary modification 3. Nutritional supplements 4. Medical management – of physical or emotional symptoms 5. Surgical management ___________________________________________________________________ Amenorrhoea Aetiology • Pregnancy • Pseudocyesis • Lactation • Perimenarchal and perimenopausal • Stress • Undernutrition • Anorexia Nervosa or weight loss • Exercise • GnRH deficiency • Hyperprolactinaemia • Hypopituitarism or compression of hypothalamus • Ovarian failure
  • 11. Mariechen Puchert 2010 • Ovarian tumours • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome • Iatrogenic • End-organ defects ___________________________________________________________________ Menopause Biological period of permanent cessation of menses resulting from loss of ovarian follicular function. Consequences o Vasomotor instability o Urinary Tract – vaginitis, UTIs, incontinence o Weight gain – shift to android distribution o Skin and teeth – thinner, weaker o Dry eye syndrome o Osteoporosis o Atherosclerosis Adverse effects of oestrogen replacement • Liver globulins • Increased BP • Venous thrombosis • Glucose metabolism • Cholelithiasis • Cancer: breast, endometrial, ovarian, colon, rectal Routes of therapy administration 1. Oral 2. Percutaneous 3. Transdermal 4. Subcutaneous 5. Vaginal 6. Nasal spray ___________________________________________________________________ Endometriosis Presence of endometrial tissue at sites outside the uterine cavity 1. Endometrial glands 2. Stroma 3. Haemosiderin pigment Clinical presentation o Dysmenorrhoea o Pelvic pain o Infertility o Dyspareunia
  • 12. Mariechen Puchert 2010 o Menorrhagia and polymenorrhoea Extrapelvic sites Intestinal tract Urinary tract Pulmonary and thoracic Management 1. Medical 2. Surgical – conservative 3. Surgical – extensive 4. Surgical – adjunctive Medical treatment • NSAIDs • COCs • Progestogens • Danazol • GnRHa ___________________________________________________________________ Genital Prolapse Causes i. Childbirth ii. Tissue defects iii. Iatrogenic iv. Conditions causing raised intra-abdominal pressures Urethrocele prolapse of urethra and underlying anterior vaginal wall Cystocele prolapse of bladder and underlying anterior vaginal wall Uterine prolapse prolapse of uterus and cervix Vault prolapse Rectocele prolapse of lower part of anterior rectal wall Enterocele herniation of small bowel and/or omentum Procidentia uterus and cervix appear in entirety outside introitus Elongation colli fundus remains in position but cervix elongates Grading of prolapse I. Descent within vagina, but not to the introitus II. Descent down to, but not through the introitus III. Descent through the introitus Aims of management 1. Eliminate symptoms 2. Restore anatomy 3. Restore function 4. Improve quality of life
  • 13. Mariechen Puchert 2010 ___________________________________________________________________ Trauma and Sexual Assault RAPE: intentional and unlawful carnal knowledge of a female, by a male, without her consent. Minimal penetration of female sexual organs by that of a male. Consent is not valid when... In state of fear Asleep Under influence of drugs, alcohol,sedatives, narcotic agents or hypnosis Impersonation or fraud occurs Either party is under 16 years of age Certified under the Mental Health Care Act (17 of 2002) Specimens taken o STI-testing o Semen o Saliva o Blood o Fingernail scrapings/clippings o Foreign matter Clinical treatments • Prophylactic antibiotics for STDs • PEP for HIV • Hepatitis B vaccination • Pregnancy prevention • Gynaecological and surgical treatment • Psychological and emotional services and counselling ___________________________________________________________________ Sexual Dysfunction Phases of sexual response I. Transition II. Desire III. Arousal IV. Orgasmic V. Resolution VI. [Refractory]