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(during rest) Non-
Smokers Research}

By/ DR. Z.
 Since 1965, and the Scientists and Doctors In clinics
  thinking and observing the variation of the heart
 Until early sixties the clinicians was ignoring the
  variation in heart rhythm in practical cardiology. It was
  even believed that heart rhythm variation is a negative
  prognosis .
 The first appreciation of variation in heart rhythm was in
  1965, It was noted that there were changes in interbeat
  intervals in fetal distress, in utero, before any
  considerable change occurred in heart rate itself. The
  Scientists and Doctors tried more experiments In 1970,
  short term HRV measurments used on a Diabetic
  Autonomic Neuropathy.
 Late 1980, it was Cofirmed that HRV is a firm reliable
  and independent predictor of death after an acute
  myocardial infarction. The Clinical importance of HRV
  then was appreciated (Nakagawa, et al. 1994, sited in
  Task Force, 1996).
o We were able to quantify the vagal withdrawal (reflected
  in the high frequency component of the time-dependent
  spectrum of Heart Rate fluctuations) in the immediate
  response to Changing position from supine to standing
  and the more slowly following sympathetic increase
  (reflected in the low frequency component of Arterial
  Blood Pressure). (Akselrod S, et al. 1997).
o A postural change from supine to standing, the low to
  high frequency power ratio was significantly increased,
  indicating the augmentation of sympathetic activity or
  the reduction of parasympathetic activity, or both. Thus,
  It was suggested that a postural change from supine to
  standing causes the predominance of sympathetic
  activity. (OsakaM, et al. 1993).
o Our Results showed reproducibiliby of HRV parameters
  when recorded in the same individual with a short time
  between two exams, The increase sympathetic activity
  occurring in the orthostatic position probably facilitates
  reproducibility of the HRV indexes. (Andreao, et al.
Heart rate variability is the oscillation in the
interval between consecutive heart beats as well as
the oscillations between consecutive instantaneous
heart rates (sited in Task Force, 1996). It could
also be defined as the degree of fluctuation in the
length of intervals between heart beats (Callahan,
2001). Another definition is the amount of heart
rate fluctuations around the mean heart rate
(Conny, et al. 1993). It is a simple, reliable,
sensitive , non-invasive method that can assess the
autonomic supply to the heart. Terms like: cycle
length variability, heart period variability, R-R
variability and R-R interval tachogram have been
used, emphasizing more on the fact that it is the
interval between consecutive beats that is being
analyzed rather than the heart rate per se.
However, these terms have not gained as wide
acceptance as HRV. The field of HRV includes
aspects of mathematics, biomedical engineering,
physiology and clinical medicine (Conny, et al.
1993, Malik and Camm, 1995).
Subjects & Methods
o 21 healthy volunteers were used for this
  study, most of the volunteers are medical
  students from (2nd and 3rd medical year).
o All subjects were consented, and did
  questionnaire to confirm their healthy status.
o Each participant was familiarized with the
  testing equipment and procedures used in the
o The study was approved by the institutional
  human ethics research committee.
o All volunteers were subjected to measure their
  physical parameters (Sex, Age, Weight,
  Height, BMI, Heart Rate, Systolic pressure,
  Diastolic pressure, pulse pressure, Mean
  Arterial pressure and cardiac work).
o All volunteers subjected to measurment heart
  rate variability.
o During Recumbent position recorded for 3 min.
o Then, they were asked to be stand for 5 min.
  without recording to allow the gravity effect on
  the human blood circulation.
o After that they been 2nd recording of heart
  rate variability for another 3 min. during
  standing position.
Power Lab output during
Recumbent Position
Power Lab output during
Standing Position
The Report
The Results
Physical parameters
No. Name                               Age (Year)   W. (Kg)   H. (Meter)   BMI (Kg/(M)2)   H.R. (Bpm)   S.P. (mmHg)   D.P. (mmHg)   P.P. (mmHg)   M.P. (mmHg)    C.W.
1    Azzam AL-Khodaidy.                   33        96.600      1.765          31.0           88            135           90           45.0         105.00      9240.00

2    Abdullah AL-Qasmi.                   27        93.400      1.795          29.0           76            120           80           40.0          93.33      7093.33

3    Abdullaziz Ashoiaiby.                19        52.500      1.580          21.0           63            115           95           20.0         101.67      6405.00

4    Ali AL-Marhoon.                      19        69.000      1.655          25.2           80            120           80           40.0          93.33      7466.67

5    Muhammad AL-Garesh.                  21        52.000      1.720          17.6           80            120           80           40.0          93.33      7466.67

6    Wael Mahdali.                        26        74.000      1.660          26.9           68            110           90           20.0          96.67      6573.33

7    Anas Bin Salmin.                     20        99.500      1.685          35.0           72            135           90           45.0         105.00      7560.00

8    Kanagarathnam Supakaran.             24        66.500      1.565          27.2           80            135           80           55.0          98.33      7866.67

9    Muhammad Hariri.                     24        97.000      1.750          31.7           82            130           80           50.0          96.67      7926.67

10   Hassan Ghanan.                       20        64.000      1.790          20.0           84            100           80           20.0          86.67      7280.00

11   Bader AL-Dahlawi.                    20        81.000      1.650          29.8           68            125           80           45.0          95.00      6460.00

12   Liqat Khan.                          38        62.500      1.570          25.4           66            120           80           40.0          93.33      6160.00

13   Dr.Muhamadamin Zahir.                31        71.500      1.740          23.6           60            125           80           45.0          95.00      5700.00

14   Moiyad Al-Kayal.                     23        82.000      1.790          25.6           72            110           65           45.0          80.00      5760.00

15   Abdulaziz shaibi                     20        69.000      1.740          22.8           68            100           70           30.0          80.00      5440.00

16   majed Abonab                         19        73.500      1.710          25.1           68            110           80           30.0          90.00      6120.00

17   Ahmed Tashkandi                      20        117.500     1.800          36.3           82            100           70           30.0          80.00      6560.00

18   Muhammed Alem                        20        125.000     1.700          43.3           64            110           80           30.0          90.00      5760.00

19   Ebaa Reza                            19        75.500      1.710          25.8           86            120           80           40.0          93.33      8026.67

20   Tareq Qari                           20        63.000      1.670          22.6           56            100           70           30.0          80.00      4480.00

21   Abdulrahman Atibi                    21        94.000      1.655          34.3           72            120           100          20.0         106.67      7680.00

                                Mean     23.05       79.95       1.70          27.57         73.10        117.00         80.90         36.10         92.94      6810.71

                                SEM       1.15       4.29        0.02          1.33           1.97         2.52          1.84          2.29          1.79       240.43

                                  SD      5.25       19.68       0.07          6.12           9.01         11.55         8.41          10.49         8.20       1101.78
Parameter of all        Mean value +,– SD
Parameter of all                          volunteers                (N=21).

                                   Age (Year).                     23.05 +,- 5.25

- N: is the number of              Weight (Kg).                   79.95 +,- 19.68
- All the volunteers are male In   Height (meter).                 1.70 +,- 0.07
                                   Body Mass Index [BMI]           27.57 +,- 6.12

                                   Heart Rate (bpm).               73.10 +,- 9.01

                                   Systolic pressure (mmHg).      117.00 +,- 11.55

                                   Diastolic pressure (mmHg).      80.90 +,- 8.41

                                   Pulse Pressure (mmHg).         36.10 +,- 10.49

                                   Mean Blood Pressure             92.94 +,- 8.20

                                   Cardiac work (bpm.mmHg).     6810.71 +,- 1101.78
Time Domain Parameters
Sample No.                Average Heart Rate (BMP)                            Mean NN (MS)                                    SDNN (MS)                                            RMSSD

                 Recumbent              Standing     Difference   Recumbent       Standing   Difference     Recumbent            Standing            Difference       Recumbent   Standing   Difference

             1    72.5258                100.946     -28.4202      827.292        594.378    232.914      Error (Extrinsic)   Error (Extrinsic)   Error (Extrinsic)    58.1653    189.554    -131.3887

             2    65.0926                85.0636      -19.971      921.763        705.355    216.408          25.2559             74.5182            -49.2623          21.5765    101.311    -79.7345

             3    95.7963                104.253      -8.4567      626.329        575.523     50.806          67.5972             75.5093             -7.9121          68.1143    92.8281    -24.7138

             4    79.9174                87.1064      -7.189       750.775        688.813     61.962      Error (Extrinsic)   Error (Extrinsic)   Error (Extrinsic)    52.9455    206.41     -153.4645

             5    67.5509                84.8328     -17.2819      888.219        707.273    180.946          68.8211             33.9408             34.8803          90.7794     26.74     64.0394

             6    94.7335                106.035     -11.3015      633.356        565.848     67.508      Error (Extrinsic)   Error (Extrinsic)   Error (Extrinsic)    17.5955    125.431    -107.8355

             7    67.0028                83.3532     -16.3504      895.486        719.829    175.657          63.7966             48.8182             14.9784          76.6952    27.4895    49.2057

             8    89.5516                81.6508      7.9008       670.005        734.837     -64.832         51.0476             86.6572            -35.6096          61.2514    118.909    -57.6576

             9    67.9569                80.4644     -12.5075      882.912        745.671    137.241          65.8199             150.387            -84.5671          52.3762    176.52     -124.1438

          10      85.3413                104.213     -18.8717      703.059        575.746    127.313          80.8573             60.094              20.7633          81.9894    77.4225     4.5669

          11      60.8841                66.1249      -5.2408      985.48         907.374     78.106          89.4898             66.619              22.8708          68.5552    48.6918    19.8634

          12      72.6415                72.2619      0.3796       825.974        830.313     -4.339          30.3797             32.3018             -1.9221          21.8493    16.5816     5.2677

          13      59.8392                 67.37       -7.5308      1002.69        890.604    112.086          32.3455             41.2704             -8.9249          31.1959    24.198      6.9979
          14                             83.9368      -16.543      890.289        714.824    175.465          37.9712             32.052              5.9192           40.469     19.4698    20.9992

          15      67.4167                77.4677      -10.051      889.987        774.516    115.471          84.323              167.633             -83.31           102.094    230.054     -127.96

          16      59.6397                76.1857      -16.546      1006.04        787.549    218.491          84.4789             65.6095             18.8694          109.014    40.1428    68.8712

          17      74.9834                75.6343      -0.6509      800.177        793.291      6.886          42.2123             34.7796             7.4327           50.7771    27.936     22.8411

          18      69.6924                88.3103     -18.6179      860.926        679.422    181.504          78.9105             101.391            -22.4805          79.2026    128.448    -49.2454

          19      74.7231                89.5353     -14.8122      802.965        670.127    132.838          44.0245             85.2396            -41.2151          49.3856    80.3669    -30.9813

          20      54.8597                59.9946      -5.1349      1093.7         1000.09      93.61          85.5877             90.706              -5.1183          100.157    83.4048    16.7522

          21      71.9314                80.0258      -8.0944      834.128        749.758      84.37          97.4773             78.3124             19.1649          77.0817    56.5142    20.5675

Mean               72.36                  83.56       (11.20)      847.22          733.86     113.35           60.19               82.46              (22.27)           62.44      90.40      (27.96)

SEM                2.45                   2.75         1.80         26.96          24.50       17.05            4.96                9.08                9.50            5.86       14.34       15.03

P-Value                                                <0.05                                   <0.05                                                     NS                                     NS
Time         Recumbent            Standing          P-Value
Time                                Parameters         (N=21)              (N=21)

                                   Average HR       72.36 +,- 11.23     83.56 +,- 12.58      -6.242
N: is the number of volunteers.    (bpm).                                                  Significant

P: Level of Significant is >1.95
as calculated [T-Value] for
paired data.
                                   Mean NN (ms).   847.22 +,- 123.53   733.86 +,- 112.30     6.647

                                   SDNN (ms).       60.19 +,- 22.74     82.46 +,- 41.62       -2.3

                                   RMSSD (ms).      62.44 +,- 26.85     90.40 +,- 65.70       -1.9
Frequency Domain Parameters
No.                       Total Power (MS)2                            VLF (MS)2                            LF (MS)2                             HF (MS)2                              LF/HF

               Recumbent        Standing      Difference   Recumbent   Standing    Difference   Recumbent    Standing   Difference   Recumbent   Standing   Difference   Recumbent   Standing   Difference

           1    2370.16          21549.8      -19179.64     854.198    1560.64      -706.442     818.281     2168.42    -1350.139     489.509    6750.05    -6260.541     1.67164    0.321245   1.350395

           2    729.316          4714.34      -3985.024     370.821    387.629      -16.808      167.692     663.573    -495.881      166.239    1478.57    -1312.331     1.00874    0.448795   0.559945
           3    6045.09          3763.29       2281.8       1035.98    396.534      639.446      1781.12      1176.6     604.52       1778.25    914.526     863.724      1.00161    1.28657    -0.28496

           4    2455.49          16914.3      -14458.81     775.306    910.656      -135.35      351.626      3055.1    -2703.474     1050.6     4732.96    -3682.36     0.334691    0.645495   -0.310804
           5    4769.5           1027.49       3742.01      879.425    448.463      430.962      751.474     284.548    466.926       2904.3     229.839    2674.461     0.258745    1.23803    -0.979285

           6    731.921          14162.1      -13430.179    72.6924    2511.13     -2438.4376    409.644     2791.91    -2382.266     220.182    4571.44    -4351.258     1.86048    0.610728   1.249752
           7    4734.06          1242.1        3491.96      1132.26     392.84       739.42      1448.34     558.181    890.159       1001.47    206.129     795.341      1.44621    2.70791     -1.2617

           8    2554.43          7304.14       -4749.71     545.118    792.396      -247.278     516.499     1176.03    -659.531      657.882    2431.51    -1773.628    0.785094    0.483665   0.301429

           9    3884.65          25072.3      -21187.65     1600.72    1943.32       -342.6      1365.45     7785.07    -6419.62      744.95     9272.33    -8527.38      1.83295    0.839603   0.993347

          10    5514.39          3115.32       2399.07      3446.86    814.913     2631.947      418.355     518.186     -99.831      1152.2     544.654     607.546     0.363093    0.951403   -0.58831
          11    8231.41          4049.71       4181.7       2460.86    1452.21      1008.65      3730.91     1607.38    2123.53       1931.43    922.518    1008.912      1.93169    1.74238    0.18931
          12    999.311          1158.14       -158.829     292.497    529.962      -237.465     540.656      506.66     33.996       152.307    111.029     41.278       3.54978     4.5633    -1.01352
          13    976.496          1769.71       -793.214     251.117    1245.38      -994.263     416.144     293.767    122.377       291.61     205.721     85.889       1.42706    1.42799    -0.00093
          14    1570.93          1000.43        570.5       619.577    647.319      -27.742      270.387      203.28     67.107       621.146    84.6196    536.5264     0.435304    2.40229    -1.966986

          15    6932.03          31916.3      -24984.27     2364.79    4474.07      -2109.28     1044.55     4951.23    -3906.68      1966.43    10352.6    -8386.17     0.531194    0.478258   0.052936
          16    6404.95          3748.18       2656.77      798.163    719.317       78.846      1398.79     2519.81    -1121.02      3896.36    387.688    3508.672       0.359     6.49957    -6.14057

          17    1546.48          1220.89       325.59       384.838    522.855      -138.017     221.462     328.543    -107.081      613.086    332.156     280.93      0.361225    0.989123   -0.627898

          18    5668.11          8368.25       -2700.14     1134.12    1100.93       33.19       2498.2      1962.92     535.28       1347.09    2159.85     -812.76      1.85451    0.908821   0.945689
          19    1527.83          7485.16       -5957.33     224.778     1770.3     -1545.522     475.43      2848.33     -2372.9      550.99     1831.57    -1280.58     0.862865    1.55513    -0.692265
          20    8383.13          9627.25       -1244.12     2631.59    1999.65       631.94      3751.77      5019      -1267.23      1831.78    2083.39     -251.61      2.04815    2.40906    -0.36091

          21    7955.17          5284.88       2670.29      3396.69    2516.75       879.94      2311.4       1185.9     1125.5       1593.92    1238.7      355.22       1.45013    0.957368   0.492762

Mean           3,999.28         8,309.24      (4,309.96)   1,203.45    1,292.25     (88.80)     1,175.63     1,981.16   (805.54)     1,188.65    2,421.04   (1,232.39)     1.21        1.59      (0.39)

SEM             581.93          1,911.45       1,947.53     227.27      218.66       242.24      236.78       426.46     420.62       208.89     660.66      711.81        0.18        0.33       0.34
P-Value                                         <0.05                                 NS                                  <0.05                                NS                                  NS
Frequency     Recumbent           Standing       P-Value
Frequency                           Parameters       (N=21)            (N=21)

                                   Total Power     3,999.28 +,-      8,309.24 +,-       -2.2
                                   (ms)2.            2,666.74          8,759.38      Significant

N: is the number of volunteers.
NS: Not Significant.
                                   VLF (ms)2.      1,203.45 +,-      1,292.25 +,-       NS
P: Level of Significant is >1.95                     1,041.48          1,002.01
as calculated [T-Value] for
paired data.

                                   LF (ms)2.       1,175.63 +,-      1,981.16 +,-       -1.9
                                                     1,085.05          1,954.28      Significant

                                   HF (ms)2.     1,188.65 +,-      2,421.04 +,-         NS
                                                 957.26            3,027.53

                                   LF/HF           1.21 +,- 0.82     1.59 +,- 1.50      NS
Time Domain Parameters:
Average Heart Rate
Figure 1: Graph showing the mean
changes in average heart rate in
Recumbent position compared to the
Standing position of all studied subjects.
*P <0.05 which is Significant.
Mean NN
Figure 2: Graph showing the mean
changes in Mean NN in Recumbent
position compared to the Standing
position of all studied subjects.
*P <0.05 which is Significant.
Figure 3: Graph showing the mean
changes in SDNN in Recumbent position
compared to the Standing position of all
studied subjects.
- No. of N = 18, due to 3N = Error
Figure 4: Graph showing the mean
changes in RMSSD in Recumbent position
compared to the Standing position of all
studied subjects.
Frequency Domain Parameters:
Total Power.
Figure 5: Graph showing the mean
changes in Total Power in Recumbent
position compared to the Standing
position of all studied subjects.
*P <0.05 which is Significant.
Very Low Frequency.
Figure 6: Graph showing the mean
changes in Very Low Frequency in
Recumbent position compared to the
Standing position of all studied subjects.
Low Frequency.
Figure 7: Graph showing the mean
changes in Low Frequency in Recumbent
position compared to the Standing
position of all studied subjects.
*P <0.05 which is Significant.
High Frequency.
Figure 8: Graph showing the mean
changes in High Frequency in Recumbent
position compared to the Standing
position of all studied subjects.
LF/HF Ratio.
Figure 9: Graph showing the mean
changes in LF/HF Ratio in Recumbent
position compared to the Standing
position of all studied subjects.
The Correlations
Between Recumbent positions & Standing positions.
Matrix Recumbent correlation
Matrix Standing correlation
Correlation during
Recumbent Position
The correlates between the Average Heart
Rate Recumbent and SDNN Recumbent is
–ve relationship.
- N = 18, due to (Extrinsic).
Correlation during
Standing Position
The correlates between the Average heart
rate Standing and SDNN Standing
changed to be slightly +ve (horizontal)
- N = 18, due to (Extrinsic).
Correlation during
Recumbent Position
The correlates between the Average Heart
Rate Recumbent and RMSSD Recumbent
is –ve relationship.
Correlation during
Standing Position
The correlates between the Average heart
rate Standing and RMSSD Standing
changed to be +ve Relationship.
Correlation during
Recumbent Position
The correlates between the Average Heart
Rate Recumbent and High Frequency
Recumbent is –ve relationship.
Correlation during
Standing Position
The correlates between the Average heart
rate Standing and High Frequency
Standing changed to be +ve Relationship.
Correlation during
Recumbent Position
The correlates between the Low Frequency
Recumbent and High Frequency
Recumbent is +ve relationship.
Correlation during
Standing Position
The correlates between the Low Frequency
Standing and High Frequency Standing
become more +vity relationship.
The Conclusion
 o We hypothesized that, the sympathovagal activity
   is changing by changing the humans biological
   organisms its position on the Earth planet’s gravity,
   mainly and not only the Sympathetic tone is
   increasing in the alert position [the positions other
   than the flatting (180 Degree position)] such as
   starting form the head up tilted to the standing
   Vertical position (+90 Degree position) until (+179
   Degree), where here I’d like to mentioned that the
   standing position (+90 Degree) is the most Alert
   position in the Anatomy of the human’s skeleton,
   (when the human skeleton making INTERSECTS
   CROSS shape (+), with landed earth).
 o Where as Inverse relationship mainly and not only
   the parasympathetic tone is increasing in the Non-
   Alert position proportionally to the degree of the
   position until it reach the most Relaxing position of
   the human's skeleton anatomy the flattened

 We recommends the people, to do their active works in
  the active positions the Standing or Upright position but
  not for long period of time to avoid the stress.
 Also we recommend the people to have relaxing and
  sleeping in the flattened or recumbent position.
Thank you very
much for listening

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Dr. Zs Research Presentation

  • 2. Introduction  Since 1965, and the Scientists and Doctors In clinics thinking and observing the variation of the heart rhythm.  Until early sixties the clinicians was ignoring the variation in heart rhythm in practical cardiology. It was even believed that heart rhythm variation is a negative prognosis .  The first appreciation of variation in heart rhythm was in 1965, It was noted that there were changes in interbeat intervals in fetal distress, in utero, before any considerable change occurred in heart rate itself. The Scientists and Doctors tried more experiments In 1970, short term HRV measurments used on a Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy.  Late 1980, it was Cofirmed that HRV is a firm reliable and independent predictor of death after an acute myocardial infarction. The Clinical importance of HRV then was appreciated (Nakagawa, et al. 1994, sited in Task Force, 1996).
  • 3. o We were able to quantify the vagal withdrawal (reflected in the high frequency component of the time-dependent spectrum of Heart Rate fluctuations) in the immediate response to Changing position from supine to standing and the more slowly following sympathetic increase (reflected in the low frequency component of Arterial Blood Pressure). (Akselrod S, et al. 1997). o A postural change from supine to standing, the low to high frequency power ratio was significantly increased, indicating the augmentation of sympathetic activity or the reduction of parasympathetic activity, or both. Thus, It was suggested that a postural change from supine to standing causes the predominance of sympathetic activity. (OsakaM, et al. 1993). o Our Results showed reproducibiliby of HRV parameters when recorded in the same individual with a short time between two exams, The increase sympathetic activity occurring in the orthostatic position probably facilitates reproducibility of the HRV indexes. (Andreao, et al. 2010).
  • 4. Heart rate variability is the oscillation in the interval between consecutive heart beats as well as the oscillations between consecutive instantaneous heart rates (sited in Task Force, 1996). It could also be defined as the degree of fluctuation in the length of intervals between heart beats (Callahan, 2001). Another definition is the amount of heart rate fluctuations around the mean heart rate (Conny, et al. 1993). It is a simple, reliable, sensitive , non-invasive method that can assess the autonomic supply to the heart. Terms like: cycle length variability, heart period variability, R-R variability and R-R interval tachogram have been used, emphasizing more on the fact that it is the interval between consecutive beats that is being analyzed rather than the heart rate per se. However, these terms have not gained as wide acceptance as HRV. The field of HRV includes aspects of mathematics, biomedical engineering, physiology and clinical medicine (Conny, et al. 1993, Malik and Camm, 1995).
  • 5. Subjects & Methods o 21 healthy volunteers were used for this study, most of the volunteers are medical students from (2nd and 3rd medical year). o All subjects were consented, and did questionnaire to confirm their healthy status. o Each participant was familiarized with the testing equipment and procedures used in the laboratory. o The study was approved by the institutional human ethics research committee. o All volunteers were subjected to measure their physical parameters (Sex, Age, Weight, Height, BMI, Heart Rate, Systolic pressure, Diastolic pressure, pulse pressure, Mean Arterial pressure and cardiac work). o All volunteers subjected to measurment heart rate variability.
  • 6. o During Recumbent position recorded for 3 min. o Then, they were asked to be stand for 5 min. without recording to allow the gravity effect on the human blood circulation. o After that they been 2nd recording of heart rate variability for another 3 min. during standing position.
  • 7. Power Lab output during Recumbent Position
  • 8. Power Lab output during Standing Position
  • 11. Physical parameters No. Name Age (Year) W. (Kg) H. (Meter) BMI (Kg/(M)2) H.R. (Bpm) S.P. (mmHg) D.P. (mmHg) P.P. (mmHg) M.P. (mmHg) C.W. 1 Azzam AL-Khodaidy. 33 96.600 1.765 31.0 88 135 90 45.0 105.00 9240.00 2 Abdullah AL-Qasmi. 27 93.400 1.795 29.0 76 120 80 40.0 93.33 7093.33 3 Abdullaziz Ashoiaiby. 19 52.500 1.580 21.0 63 115 95 20.0 101.67 6405.00 4 Ali AL-Marhoon. 19 69.000 1.655 25.2 80 120 80 40.0 93.33 7466.67 5 Muhammad AL-Garesh. 21 52.000 1.720 17.6 80 120 80 40.0 93.33 7466.67 6 Wael Mahdali. 26 74.000 1.660 26.9 68 110 90 20.0 96.67 6573.33 7 Anas Bin Salmin. 20 99.500 1.685 35.0 72 135 90 45.0 105.00 7560.00 8 Kanagarathnam Supakaran. 24 66.500 1.565 27.2 80 135 80 55.0 98.33 7866.67 9 Muhammad Hariri. 24 97.000 1.750 31.7 82 130 80 50.0 96.67 7926.67 10 Hassan Ghanan. 20 64.000 1.790 20.0 84 100 80 20.0 86.67 7280.00 11 Bader AL-Dahlawi. 20 81.000 1.650 29.8 68 125 80 45.0 95.00 6460.00 12 Liqat Khan. 38 62.500 1.570 25.4 66 120 80 40.0 93.33 6160.00 13 Dr.Muhamadamin Zahir. 31 71.500 1.740 23.6 60 125 80 45.0 95.00 5700.00 14 Moiyad Al-Kayal. 23 82.000 1.790 25.6 72 110 65 45.0 80.00 5760.00 15 Abdulaziz shaibi 20 69.000 1.740 22.8 68 100 70 30.0 80.00 5440.00 16 majed Abonab 19 73.500 1.710 25.1 68 110 80 30.0 90.00 6120.00 17 Ahmed Tashkandi 20 117.500 1.800 36.3 82 100 70 30.0 80.00 6560.00 18 Muhammed Alem 20 125.000 1.700 43.3 64 110 80 30.0 90.00 5760.00 19 Ebaa Reza 19 75.500 1.710 25.8 86 120 80 40.0 93.33 8026.67 20 Tareq Qari 20 63.000 1.670 22.6 56 100 70 30.0 80.00 4480.00 21 Abdulrahman Atibi 21 94.000 1.655 34.3 72 120 100 20.0 106.67 7680.00 Mean 23.05 79.95 1.70 27.57 73.10 117.00 80.90 36.10 92.94 6810.71 SEM 1.15 4.29 0.02 1.33 1.97 2.52 1.84 2.29 1.79 240.43 SD 5.25 19.68 0.07 6.12 9.01 11.55 8.41 10.49 8.20 1101.78
  • 12. Parameter of all Mean value +,– SD Parameter of all volunteers (N=21). volunteers Age (Year). 23.05 +,- 5.25 - N: is the number of Weight (Kg). 79.95 +,- 19.68 volunteers. - All the volunteers are male In Height (meter). 1.70 +,- 0.07 SEX. Body Mass Index [BMI] 27.57 +,- 6.12 (Kg/(m)2) Heart Rate (bpm). 73.10 +,- 9.01 Systolic pressure (mmHg). 117.00 +,- 11.55 Diastolic pressure (mmHg). 80.90 +,- 8.41 Pulse Pressure (mmHg). 36.10 +,- 10.49 Mean Blood Pressure 92.94 +,- 8.20 (mmHg). Cardiac work (bpm.mmHg). 6810.71 +,- 1101.78
  • 13. Time Domain Parameters Sample No. Average Heart Rate (BMP) Mean NN (MS) SDNN (MS) RMSSD Recumbent Standing Difference Recumbent Standing Difference Recumbent Standing Difference Recumbent Standing Difference 1 72.5258 100.946 -28.4202 827.292 594.378 232.914 Error (Extrinsic) Error (Extrinsic) Error (Extrinsic) 58.1653 189.554 -131.3887 2 65.0926 85.0636 -19.971 921.763 705.355 216.408 25.2559 74.5182 -49.2623 21.5765 101.311 -79.7345 3 95.7963 104.253 -8.4567 626.329 575.523 50.806 67.5972 75.5093 -7.9121 68.1143 92.8281 -24.7138 4 79.9174 87.1064 -7.189 750.775 688.813 61.962 Error (Extrinsic) Error (Extrinsic) Error (Extrinsic) 52.9455 206.41 -153.4645 5 67.5509 84.8328 -17.2819 888.219 707.273 180.946 68.8211 33.9408 34.8803 90.7794 26.74 64.0394 6 94.7335 106.035 -11.3015 633.356 565.848 67.508 Error (Extrinsic) Error (Extrinsic) Error (Extrinsic) 17.5955 125.431 -107.8355 7 67.0028 83.3532 -16.3504 895.486 719.829 175.657 63.7966 48.8182 14.9784 76.6952 27.4895 49.2057 8 89.5516 81.6508 7.9008 670.005 734.837 -64.832 51.0476 86.6572 -35.6096 61.2514 118.909 -57.6576 9 67.9569 80.4644 -12.5075 882.912 745.671 137.241 65.8199 150.387 -84.5671 52.3762 176.52 -124.1438 10 85.3413 104.213 -18.8717 703.059 575.746 127.313 80.8573 60.094 20.7633 81.9894 77.4225 4.5669 11 60.8841 66.1249 -5.2408 985.48 907.374 78.106 89.4898 66.619 22.8708 68.5552 48.6918 19.8634 12 72.6415 72.2619 0.3796 825.974 830.313 -4.339 30.3797 32.3018 -1.9221 21.8493 16.5816 5.2677 13 59.8392 67.37 -7.5308 1002.69 890.604 112.086 32.3455 41.2704 -8.9249 31.1959 24.198 6.9979 67.3938 14 83.9368 -16.543 890.289 714.824 175.465 37.9712 32.052 5.9192 40.469 19.4698 20.9992 15 67.4167 77.4677 -10.051 889.987 774.516 115.471 84.323 167.633 -83.31 102.094 230.054 -127.96 16 59.6397 76.1857 -16.546 1006.04 787.549 218.491 84.4789 65.6095 18.8694 109.014 40.1428 68.8712 17 74.9834 75.6343 -0.6509 800.177 793.291 6.886 42.2123 34.7796 7.4327 50.7771 27.936 22.8411 18 69.6924 88.3103 -18.6179 860.926 679.422 181.504 78.9105 101.391 -22.4805 79.2026 128.448 -49.2454 19 74.7231 89.5353 -14.8122 802.965 670.127 132.838 44.0245 85.2396 -41.2151 49.3856 80.3669 -30.9813 20 54.8597 59.9946 -5.1349 1093.7 1000.09 93.61 85.5877 90.706 -5.1183 100.157 83.4048 16.7522 21 71.9314 80.0258 -8.0944 834.128 749.758 84.37 97.4773 78.3124 19.1649 77.0817 56.5142 20.5675 Mean 72.36 83.56 (11.20) 847.22 733.86 113.35 60.19 82.46 (22.27) 62.44 90.40 (27.96) SEM 2.45 2.75 1.80 26.96 24.50 17.05 4.96 9.08 9.50 5.86 14.34 15.03 P-Value <0.05 <0.05 NS NS
  • 14. Time Recumbent Standing P-Value Time Parameters (N=21) (N=21) Parameters Average HR 72.36 +,- 11.23 83.56 +,- 12.58 -6.242 N: is the number of volunteers. (bpm). Significant P: Level of Significant is >1.95 as calculated [T-Value] for paired data. Mean NN (ms). 847.22 +,- 123.53 733.86 +,- 112.30 6.647 Significant SDNN (ms). 60.19 +,- 22.74 82.46 +,- 41.62 -2.3 Significant RMSSD (ms). 62.44 +,- 26.85 90.40 +,- 65.70 -1.9 Significant
  • 15. Frequency Domain Parameters Sample No. Total Power (MS)2 VLF (MS)2 LF (MS)2 HF (MS)2 LF/HF Recumbent Standing Difference Recumbent Standing Difference Recumbent Standing Difference Recumbent Standing Difference Recumbent Standing Difference 1 2370.16 21549.8 -19179.64 854.198 1560.64 -706.442 818.281 2168.42 -1350.139 489.509 6750.05 -6260.541 1.67164 0.321245 1.350395 2 729.316 4714.34 -3985.024 370.821 387.629 -16.808 167.692 663.573 -495.881 166.239 1478.57 -1312.331 1.00874 0.448795 0.559945 3 6045.09 3763.29 2281.8 1035.98 396.534 639.446 1781.12 1176.6 604.52 1778.25 914.526 863.724 1.00161 1.28657 -0.28496 4 2455.49 16914.3 -14458.81 775.306 910.656 -135.35 351.626 3055.1 -2703.474 1050.6 4732.96 -3682.36 0.334691 0.645495 -0.310804 5 4769.5 1027.49 3742.01 879.425 448.463 430.962 751.474 284.548 466.926 2904.3 229.839 2674.461 0.258745 1.23803 -0.979285 6 731.921 14162.1 -13430.179 72.6924 2511.13 -2438.4376 409.644 2791.91 -2382.266 220.182 4571.44 -4351.258 1.86048 0.610728 1.249752 7 4734.06 1242.1 3491.96 1132.26 392.84 739.42 1448.34 558.181 890.159 1001.47 206.129 795.341 1.44621 2.70791 -1.2617 8 2554.43 7304.14 -4749.71 545.118 792.396 -247.278 516.499 1176.03 -659.531 657.882 2431.51 -1773.628 0.785094 0.483665 0.301429 9 3884.65 25072.3 -21187.65 1600.72 1943.32 -342.6 1365.45 7785.07 -6419.62 744.95 9272.33 -8527.38 1.83295 0.839603 0.993347 10 5514.39 3115.32 2399.07 3446.86 814.913 2631.947 418.355 518.186 -99.831 1152.2 544.654 607.546 0.363093 0.951403 -0.58831 11 8231.41 4049.71 4181.7 2460.86 1452.21 1008.65 3730.91 1607.38 2123.53 1931.43 922.518 1008.912 1.93169 1.74238 0.18931 12 999.311 1158.14 -158.829 292.497 529.962 -237.465 540.656 506.66 33.996 152.307 111.029 41.278 3.54978 4.5633 -1.01352 13 976.496 1769.71 -793.214 251.117 1245.38 -994.263 416.144 293.767 122.377 291.61 205.721 85.889 1.42706 1.42799 -0.00093 14 1570.93 1000.43 570.5 619.577 647.319 -27.742 270.387 203.28 67.107 621.146 84.6196 536.5264 0.435304 2.40229 -1.966986 15 6932.03 31916.3 -24984.27 2364.79 4474.07 -2109.28 1044.55 4951.23 -3906.68 1966.43 10352.6 -8386.17 0.531194 0.478258 0.052936 16 6404.95 3748.18 2656.77 798.163 719.317 78.846 1398.79 2519.81 -1121.02 3896.36 387.688 3508.672 0.359 6.49957 -6.14057 17 1546.48 1220.89 325.59 384.838 522.855 -138.017 221.462 328.543 -107.081 613.086 332.156 280.93 0.361225 0.989123 -0.627898 18 5668.11 8368.25 -2700.14 1134.12 1100.93 33.19 2498.2 1962.92 535.28 1347.09 2159.85 -812.76 1.85451 0.908821 0.945689 19 1527.83 7485.16 -5957.33 224.778 1770.3 -1545.522 475.43 2848.33 -2372.9 550.99 1831.57 -1280.58 0.862865 1.55513 -0.692265 20 8383.13 9627.25 -1244.12 2631.59 1999.65 631.94 3751.77 5019 -1267.23 1831.78 2083.39 -251.61 2.04815 2.40906 -0.36091 21 7955.17 5284.88 2670.29 3396.69 2516.75 879.94 2311.4 1185.9 1125.5 1593.92 1238.7 355.22 1.45013 0.957368 0.492762 Mean 3,999.28 8,309.24 (4,309.96) 1,203.45 1,292.25 (88.80) 1,175.63 1,981.16 (805.54) 1,188.65 2,421.04 (1,232.39) 1.21 1.59 (0.39) SEM 581.93 1,911.45 1,947.53 227.27 218.66 242.24 236.78 426.46 420.62 208.89 660.66 711.81 0.18 0.33 0.34 P-Value <0.05 NS <0.05 NS NS
  • 16. Frequency Recumbent Standing P-Value Frequency Parameters (N=21) (N=21) Parameters Total Power 3,999.28 +,- 8,309.24 +,- -2.2 (ms)2. 2,666.74 8,759.38 Significant N: is the number of volunteers. NS: Not Significant. VLF (ms)2. 1,203.45 +,- 1,292.25 +,- NS P: Level of Significant is >1.95 1,041.48 1,002.01 as calculated [T-Value] for paired data. LF (ms)2. 1,175.63 +,- 1,981.16 +,- -1.9 1,085.05 1,954.28 Significant HF (ms)2. 1,188.65 +,- 2,421.04 +,- NS 957.26 3,027.53 LF/HF 1.21 +,- 0.82 1.59 +,- 1.50 NS
  • 18. Average Heart Rate Figure 1: Graph showing the mean changes in average heart rate in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects. *P <0.05 which is Significant.
  • 19. Mean NN Figure 2: Graph showing the mean changes in Mean NN in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects. *P <0.05 which is Significant.
  • 20. SDNN Figure 3: Graph showing the mean changes in SDNN in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects. - No. of N = 18, due to 3N = Error (Extrinsic).
  • 21. RMSSD Figure 4: Graph showing the mean changes in RMSSD in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects.
  • 23. Total Power. Figure 5: Graph showing the mean changes in Total Power in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects. *P <0.05 which is Significant.
  • 24. Very Low Frequency. Figure 6: Graph showing the mean changes in Very Low Frequency in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects.
  • 25. Low Frequency. Figure 7: Graph showing the mean changes in Low Frequency in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects. *P <0.05 which is Significant.
  • 26. High Frequency. Figure 8: Graph showing the mean changes in High Frequency in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects.
  • 27. LF/HF Ratio. Figure 9: Graph showing the mean changes in LF/HF Ratio in Recumbent position compared to the Standing position of all studied subjects.
  • 28. The Correlations Between Recumbent positions & Standing positions.
  • 31. Correlation during Recumbent Position The correlates between the Average Heart Rate Recumbent and SDNN Recumbent is –ve relationship. - N = 18, due to (Extrinsic).
  • 32. Correlation during Standing Position The correlates between the Average heart rate Standing and SDNN Standing changed to be slightly +ve (horizontal) Relationship. - N = 18, due to (Extrinsic).
  • 33. Correlation during Recumbent Position The correlates between the Average Heart Rate Recumbent and RMSSD Recumbent is –ve relationship.
  • 34. Correlation during Standing Position The correlates between the Average heart rate Standing and RMSSD Standing changed to be +ve Relationship.
  • 35. Correlation during Recumbent Position The correlates between the Average Heart Rate Recumbent and High Frequency Recumbent is –ve relationship.
  • 36. Correlation during Standing Position The correlates between the Average heart rate Standing and High Frequency Standing changed to be +ve Relationship.
  • 37. Correlation during Recumbent Position The correlates between the Low Frequency Recumbent and High Frequency Recumbent is +ve relationship.
  • 38. Correlation during Standing Position The correlates between the Low Frequency Standing and High Frequency Standing become more +vity relationship.
  • 39. The Conclusion o We hypothesized that, the sympathovagal activity is changing by changing the humans biological organisms its position on the Earth planet’s gravity, mainly and not only the Sympathetic tone is increasing in the alert position [the positions other than the flatting (180 Degree position)] such as starting form the head up tilted to the standing Vertical position (+90 Degree position) until (+179 Degree), where here I’d like to mentioned that the standing position (+90 Degree) is the most Alert position in the Anatomy of the human’s skeleton, (when the human skeleton making INTERSECTS CROSS shape (+), with landed earth). o Where as Inverse relationship mainly and not only the parasympathetic tone is increasing in the Non- Alert position proportionally to the degree of the position until it reach the most Relaxing position of the human's skeleton anatomy the flattened position.
  • 40. Recommendation  We recommends the people, to do their active works in the active positions the Standing or Upright position but not for long period of time to avoid the stress.  Also we recommend the people to have relaxing and sleeping in the flattened or recumbent position.
  • 41. Thank you very much for listening