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Narcissism- a personality trait encompassing grandiosity, arrogance, self-absorption, entitlement,
fragile self-esteem, and hostility- is an attribute of many powerful leaders. Narcissistic leaders
have grandiose belief systems and leadership styles, and are generally motivated by their needs
for power and admiration rather than empathetic concern for the constituents and institutions they
lead. However, narcissists also possess the charisma and grand vision that are vital to effective
leadership. We should also critically review the traits of Narcissists Leadership, productive
Narcissism, Unproductive Narcissism, it’s pros & cons, behavior of Narcissists leaders in crisis
management & organizational recommendations. We can say that no leadership style is pure &
have side effects of each other in small proportions among themselves, predominant constituent
will be the main style & others will also be in small fractions. So, there is a little bit of narcissism
in every individual.

Narcissism is a term used to describe a focus on the self and self-admiration that is taken to an
extreme. The word "narcissism" comes from a Greek myth in which a handsome young man
named Narcissus sees his reflection in a pool of water and falls in love with it.

Narcissistic personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called dramatic personality
disorders. People with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions and a distorted self-
image. Narcissistic personality disorder is further characterized by an abnormal love of self, an
exaggerated sense of superiority and importance, and a preoccupation with success and power.
However, these attitudes and behaviors do not reflect true self-confidence. Instead, the attitudes
conceal a deep sense of insecurity and a fragile self-esteem.

Normally narcissists are self-centered and boastful and seek constant attention and admiration.
They consider themselves better than others and exaggerate their talents and achievements.
They consider that they are entitled to special treatment & are easily hurt but may not show it.
They set unrealistic goals & may take advantage of others to achieve their goals. They expect
that that others will automatically go along with what he or she wants. They are preoccupied with
fantasies that focus on unlimited success, power, intelligence, beauty, or love. They have
inability to recognize or identify with the feelings, needs, and viewpoints of others & envy of
others or a belief that others are envious of him or her. They have arrogant in behavior &
hypersensitive to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage,
shame and humiliation.
Exact reasons of development of this personality trait in individual is not known but it may cause
due to extreme rearing of child like excessive pampering & making the child to achieve the higher
goals initially to satisfy their own self esteem Opposite to this like abuse or trauma inflicted by
parents or other authority figures during childhood. The disorder usually is evident by early

"The study of human nature may be thought of as an art with many tools at its disposal,
an art closely related to all the other arts, and relevant to them all. In literature and poetry,
particularly, this is especially significant. Its primary aim must be to broaden our
knowledge of human beings, that is to say, it must enable us all to become better, fuller,
and finer people." -- Alfred Adler

Sigmund Freud dubbed narcissistic. “People of this type impress others as being ‘personalities,’”
he wrote, describing one of the psychological types that clearly fall within the range of normality.
“They are especially suited to act as a support for others, to take on the role of leaders, and to
give a fresh stimulus to cultural development or damage the established state of affairs.”
Narcissists are exactly not completely negative people but if we see the history this type of
personality has contributed immensely to the society. Apart from positive there are numerous
examples of negative influences on society. Throughout history, narcissists have always emerged
to inspire people and to shape the future. When military, religious, and political arenas dominated
society, it was figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Mahatma Ghandi, JL Nehru or Franklin
Delano Roosevelt who determined the social agenda. On the other hand we had leaders like
Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Husain, Gaddafi, Khomeini, Osama Bin laden who have caused
the irreparable damage to society. Freud thought narcissists were the hardest personality types to
analyze. Consider how an executive at Oracle described his narcissistic CEO Larry Ellison: “The
difference between God and Larry is that God does not believe he is Larry.” That observation is
amusing, but it is also troubling. Not surprisingly, most people still think of narcissists in a
primarily negative way. After all, Freud named the type after the mythical figure Narcissus, who
died because of his pathological preoccupation with himself.

Maccoby redefines the productive narcissist as the personality type who is best suited to lead
during times of rapid social and economic change. At the same time, he makes clear that
narcissistic leadership doesn't always mean successful leadership and that narcissists lacking
strategic intelligence are fated to crash and burn. After close examination it is found that
personality plays the crucial role in the workplace it is found how narcissism has been
misunderstood and how throughout history narcissists have always emerged to inspire people
and to shape the future. While narcissism can be extraordinarily useful-even necessary-for
effective leadership, it also indicates how it also has a distinct downside when narcissists become
unrealistic dreamers and harbor the illusion that only circumstances or enemies block their
success. Strategic intelligence is the hallmark of the productive narcissist, and by elucidating its
key qualities - and how they can be developed - Maccoby illuminates both what it takes for
narcissists to truly succeed and how to work with them most effectively.


Leaders such as Jack Welch or George Soros are examples of productive narcissists. They are
gifted and creative strategists who see the big picture and find meaning in the risky proposition of
changing the world and leaving behind a legacy. So, why we look to productive narcissists in
times of great transition is that they have the audacity to push through the massive
transformations that society periodically undertakes. Productive narcissists are not only risk
takers willing to get the job done but also charmers who can convert the masses with their
rhetoric. The danger is that narcissism can turn unproductive when, lacking self-knowledge and
restraining anchors, narcissists become unrealistic dreamers. They nurture grand schemes and
harbor the illusion that only circumstances or enemies block their success. This tendency toward
grandiosity and distrust is the Achilles’ heel of narcissism. Because of it, even brilliant narcissists
can come under suspicion for self-involvement, unpredictability and in extreme cases paranoia.

A large number of narcissists at the helm of corporations today, the challenge facing
organizations is to ensure that such leaders do not self-destruct or lead the company to disaster.
That can take some doing because it is very hard for narcissists to work through their issues and
virtually impossible for them to do it alone. Narcissists need colleagues and even therapists if
they hope to break free from their limitations. But because of their extreme independence and
self-protectiveness, it is very difficult to get near them. For their part, employees must learn how
to recognize and work around narcissistic bosses.

As far as leadership is concerned it can be instructive type, erotic type that makes poor managers
who need approval at every step. Those leaders who are obsessed with their profession are
better operational leaders who are critical and cautious. If we analyze narcissist they are closest
to our collective image of great leaders. The main reason for this is that they have compelling,
even gripping, visions for companies and they have an ability to attract followers.

Often we hear a great leader be called as a person of great vision. Productive narcissists
understand the vision thing particularly well, largely because they are by nature people who see
the big picture. They are not analyzers who can break up big questions into manageable
problems; they aren’t number crunchers either. Nor do they try to extrapolate to understand the
future they attempt to create it.
Napoleon a classic narcissist once remarked, “Revolutions are ideal times for soldiers with a
lot of wit and the courage to act. ”

Narcissist take advantage of unfavorable conditions & come out as winners as they have ability to
influence other people by showing them a big dream & compelling others to follow them through
their imposing personality. This makes them successful. The success does not mean that it is
always good for society; many times the narcissists put others at peril to fulfill their dreams. Adolf
Hitler is a classical example of this. To fulfill his desire & ego he engulfed the whole world into
World War II & later it proved demise for him & his country. But we will all agree that all these
people whether productive or unproductive have a great vision.

If we take the simplest definition of a leader is someone whom other people will follow.
Narcissists are especially gifted in attracting followers, and more often than not, they do so
through language. Narcissists believe that words can move mountains and that inspiring
speeches can change people. Narcissistic leaders are often skillful orators, and this is one of the
talents that make them so charismatic. Indeed, anyone who has seen narcissists perform can
attest to their personal magnetism and their ability to stir enthusiasm among audiences.
Obama became the president of United States as he could manage to have millions of followers
& inspiring the common public by jargons like “YES,WE CAN” & John F Kennedy’s wartime
broadcast, “Ask not what your country can do for you”.

Even when people respond positively to a narcissist, there are dangers. That’s because charisma
is a double-edged sword-it fosters both closeness and isolation. As he becomes increasingly self-
assured, the narcissist becomes more spontaneous. He feels free of constraints. Ideas flow. He
thinks he’s invincible. This energy and confidence further inspires his followers. But the very
adulation that narcissist demands can have a corrosive effect. As he expands, he listens even
less to words of caution and advice. After all, he has been right before, when others had their
doubts. Rather than try to persuade those who disagree with him, he feels justified in ignoring
them-further creating a sense of isolation.

Despite the warm feelings that charisma can evoke, narcissists are typically not comfortable with
their own emotions. They listen only for the kind of information they seek. They don’t learn easily
from others. They don’t like to teach but prefer to indoctrinate and make speeches. They
dominate meetings with subordinates. The result for the organization is greater internal
competitiveness at a time when everyone is already under as much pressure as they can
possibly stand. Perhaps the main problem is that the narcissist’s faults tend to become even
more pronounced as he becomes more successful.

Since narcissists are extraordinarily sensitive they shun emotion as a whole. It’s one of the
greatest paradoxes in this age of teamwork and partnering is that the best corporate leader in the
contemporary world is the type of person who is emotionally isolated. Narcissistic leaders
typically keep others at arm’s length. They have difficulty with knowing or acknowledging their
own feelings, they are uncomfortable with other people expressing theirs-especially their negative
feelings. Indeed, even productive narcissists are extremely sensitive to criticism, which feel to
them like knives threatening their self-image and their confidence in their visions.

One serious consequence of this oversensitivity to criticism is that narcissistic leaders often do
not listen when they feel threatened or attacked. Some narcissists are so defensive that they go
so far as to make a virtue of the fact that they don’t listen. The normal response of such
managers is that the subordinates are paid to listen & they are paid to speak. This is detrimental
for any organization as the leaders decision is final & nobody can analyze that. The out come of
such decisions is highly risky. Moreover fresh ideas are also suppressed. Nevertheless, success
is no excuse for narcissistic leaders not to listen.

Today in the corporate world “emotional competencies” have become a key ingredient of
successful leadership & requires a strongly developed sense of empathy. But although they crave
empathy from others, productive narcissists are not noted for being particularly empathetic
themselves. Of course leaders do need to communicate persuasively. But a lack of empathy did
not prevent some of history’s greatest narcissistic leaders from knowing how to communicate-and
inspire. Neither Churchill, Stalin, nor Mao Tse-tung were empathetic. And yet they inspired people
because of their passion and their conviction at a time when people longed for certainty. In fact, in
times of radical change, lack of empathy can actually be strength. A narcissist finds it easier than
other personality types to buy and sell companies, to close and move facilities, and to lay off
employees decisions that inevitably make many people angry and sad. But narcissistic leaders
typically have few regrets. As one CEO said, “If I listened to my employees‘ needs and demands,
they would eat me alive.”
Given this lack of empathy, it’s hardly surprising that narcissistic leaders don’t score particularly
well on evaluations of their interpersonal style. Narcissists don’t want to change and as long as
they are successful, they don’t think they have to.
Lack of empathy and extreme independence make it difficult for narcissists to mentor and be
mentored. They seldom mentor others, and when they do they typically want their protégés to be
pale reflections of themselves. Even those narcissists like Jack Welch who are held up as strong
mentors are usually more interested in instructing than in coaching. Although narcissistic leaders
appear to be at ease with others, they find intimacy-which is a prerequisite for mentoring be
difficult. Younger narcissists will establish peer relations with authority rather than seek a parent
like mentoring relationship. They want results and are willing to take chances arguing with

Narcissistic leaders are relentless and ruthless in their pursuit of victory. Games are not games to
them but tests of their survival skills. Of course, all successful managers want to win, but
narcissists are not restrained by conscience. Organizations led by narcissists are generally
characterized by intense internal competition. Their passion to win is marked by both the promise
of glory and the primitive danger of extinction. It is a potent brew that energizes organizations,
creating a sense of urgency and competitiveness. But it can also be dangerous. These leaders
see everything as a threat.

         Effective crisis management has become paramount for organizations operating in
today’s global market. The media is a constant reminder that organizations are not immune to
crises. On any given day, we can either hear or read about organizations facing lawsuits, layoffs,
bankruptcy, violence, and so forth. In the event of a crisis, effective leadership becomes central to
the operation of the organization. The crisis leader must be able to communicate accurate and
prompt information to numerous constituencies, both internal and external to the organization. In
a sense, the crisis leader becomes the organization’s public face; that is, providing and explaining
the crisis, responding to accusations of wrongdoing, justifying and explaining choices, and
offering assurances the problem has been resolved. The crisis leader also establishes an overall
tone for the crisis by remaining calm, personifying authority and control, and reinforcing the
organization’s core values. In the event of a crisis, a charismatic style of leadership may enhance
an organization’s response to return to a state of normal operation. Yet, on the other hand, a
charismatic style of leadership can also produce disastrous outcomes for both employees and the
organization in the event of a crisis. Charismatic leaders can be prone to extreme narcissism,
which can lead them to promote highly self-serving and grandiose aims. “The leader’s
behaviors can become exaggerated, lose touch with reality, or become vehicles for pure
personal gain”. Narcissistic leaders, who have an overpowering sense of self-importance,
coupled with the need to be the center of attention, will often ignore the viewpoints of others
within the organization, as well as the development of leadership abilities in their followers. Such
behaviors may not only harm the leader, but also potential followers, company employees, as
well as the organization.

The pre-crisis stage of crisis management focuses upon the organization being able to detect
potential crises, address methods of prevention, and being prepared in the event of a crisis.
Although no organization can be fully prepared for every crisis, an organization can be prepared
for many crises especially those that may be imminent or probable, due to the nature of the
organization’s operation. After the warning signs have been detected, the organization must
decide upon specific courses of action, in order to eliminate the possibility of a crisis. Narcissism
may affect the pre-crisis stage of crisis management. A majority of the pre-crisis stage focuses
upon planning, implementing, and advocating programs in the event of a crisis. A crisis leader
must be able to effectively construct and design programs that will ensure the organization will be
able to respond proactively during a crisis. Narcissists, however, may have problems working
within the pre-crisis stage. According to Lubit (2002)-

“Their desire for excitement to fill their sense of boredom and emptiness, along with their
lack of attachment to a set of values, leads to rapid changes in interests. As a result,
[narcissists] tend to make sudden and repeated changes in organizational plans, never
finishing the process of building needed core competencies or finishing projects.
Moreover, [narcissists) may fail to pay attention to details, being interested primarily in the
grand plans”.

Following are the response of Narcissists in Crisis-

    •   Narcissists may affect an organization’s proper preparation for a crisis.
    •   Narcissists may affect an organization’s initial response to a crisis.
    •   Narcissists may be more committed to effective crisis management if positive feedback
        regarding task ability is made public.
    •   Narcissists may be less committed to effective crisis management if negative feedback
        regarding task ability is made public.
    •   Narcissists are less likely to take the blame for adverse events that occurred during a
    •   Narcissists are less likely to be critical of their leadership role during a crisis.
    •   Narcissists may affect an organization’s opportunity to learn from the

Organizations threatened with narcissism have various options that may be employed in the
event of a crisis. First, an organization may encourage the use of a trusted sidekick to work along
with the narcissistic leader. According to Maccoby (2004), many narcissists often develop a close
relationship with one person, a trusted sidekick, who acts as an anchor in keeping their behavior
grounded. During a crisis, the trusted sidekick could inform the narcissists when she or he has
overstepped and placed the organization’s reputation in danger. Furthermore, the trusted
sidekick could assist the leader in addressing sensitive issues that may have developed as a
result of the crisis. In both situations, the trusted sidekick must get the narcissists to believe the
ideas forwarded do coincide with his or her views (of the narcissists) and general interests.

Another option available to organizations is to consider reducing the degree of power of the
narcissists. A number of structural devices could be implemented to accomplish this task. For
example, an organization might consider redistributing the power within the organization, so that
more than one person is involved in making strategic decisions, which may affect the entire
organization. “Cross-functional committees, task forces, and executive committees can provide a
useful forum in which a multitude of managers can express their viewpoints, providing
opportunities for the narcissistic leaders to learn from and have their influence mitigated by
others”. From a crisis management perspective, the narcissistic leader would not have complete
control over situations that may be potentially threatening to the organization. Other leaders
within the organization, who have a vested interest in the organization’s survival, could inform the
narcissist’s how best to handle a particular situation.
Organizations might also consider implementing a 360-degree feedback survey to employees
within the company. Narcissists are unlikely to contain their problematic behaviors when
communicating with employees within the organization, especially in the event of a crisis.
Surveys could be administered to employees after each rehearsal and actual crisis. All members
would be expected to provide anonymous, confidential information on their superiors’
performance. Information collected from the survey may be shared with the crisis leader, and
assist upper-management in reexamining their choice as the crisis management leader. Finally,
organizations interested in retaining narcissists, but are also concerned with their behavior, might
consider implementing some form of in-house counseling service. Counseling or professional
service would send a strong signal that senior officials are concerned with the welfare of their
employees, the organization, as well as the narcissist’s. Furthermore, counseling or professional
service would allow the narcissist’s the opportunity to acknowledge and possibly reform his or her
behavior, before being permanently removed from the organization.

There is a little bit of narcissism in every personality but what differentiates Narcissists with others
is degree of narcissism. As per our conclusion a small fraction of this trait is good for any leader
but when he or she enters in the zone of extreme narcissism it becomes self-annihilating. So, the
question is to quantify that degree of Narcissism. One dimension may be that it should be present
in that proportion which is just enough to boost ones confidence & maintain self-esteem. So, we
can conclude that productive narcissism contributes positively to the society & organization &
unproductive narcissism is a curse.

The group members of IIM Lucknow- NOIDA Campus WMP-13 Section A have produced this article after research from various sources & self-contribution as
project work. This for the academic purpose only.

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Narcissism a personality disorder or efficient leadership style

  • 1. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR ASSIGNMENT (WMP13- SECTION-A) TOPIC: NARCISSISM A PERSONALITY DISORDER OR EFFICIENT LEADERSHIP STYLE GROUP MEMBERS: MAHENDRA PRATAP SINGH ABSTRACT: Narcissism- a personality trait encompassing grandiosity, arrogance, self-absorption, entitlement, fragile self-esteem, and hostility- is an attribute of many powerful leaders. Narcissistic leaders have grandiose belief systems and leadership styles, and are generally motivated by their needs for power and admiration rather than empathetic concern for the constituents and institutions they lead. However, narcissists also possess the charisma and grand vision that are vital to effective leadership. We should also critically review the traits of Narcissists Leadership, productive Narcissism, Unproductive Narcissism, it’s pros & cons, behavior of Narcissists leaders in crisis management & organizational recommendations. We can say that no leadership style is pure & have side effects of each other in small proportions among themselves, predominant constituent will be the main style & others will also be in small fractions. So, there is a little bit of narcissism in every individual. NARCISSISTIC LEADERSHIP AN ASSESSMENT Narcissism is a term used to describe a focus on the self and self-admiration that is taken to an extreme. The word "narcissism" comes from a Greek myth in which a handsome young man named Narcissus sees his reflection in a pool of water and falls in love with it. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of a group of conditions called dramatic personality disorders. People with these disorders have intense, unstable emotions and a distorted self- image. Narcissistic personality disorder is further characterized by an abnormal love of self, an exaggerated sense of superiority and importance, and a preoccupation with success and power. However, these attitudes and behaviors do not reflect true self-confidence. Instead, the attitudes conceal a deep sense of insecurity and a fragile self-esteem. Normally narcissists are self-centered and boastful and seek constant attention and admiration. They consider themselves better than others and exaggerate their talents and achievements. They consider that they are entitled to special treatment & are easily hurt but may not show it. They set unrealistic goals & may take advantage of others to achieve their goals. They expect that that others will automatically go along with what he or she wants. They are preoccupied with fantasies that focus on unlimited success, power, intelligence, beauty, or love. They have inability to recognize or identify with the feelings, needs, and viewpoints of others & envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him or her. They have arrogant in behavior & hypersensitive to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage, shame and humiliation.
  • 2. Exact reasons of development of this personality trait in individual is not known but it may cause due to extreme rearing of child like excessive pampering & making the child to achieve the higher goals initially to satisfy their own self esteem Opposite to this like abuse or trauma inflicted by parents or other authority figures during childhood. The disorder usually is evident by early adulthood. "The study of human nature may be thought of as an art with many tools at its disposal, an art closely related to all the other arts, and relevant to them all. In literature and poetry, particularly, this is especially significant. Its primary aim must be to broaden our knowledge of human beings, that is to say, it must enable us all to become better, fuller, and finer people." -- Alfred Adler NARCISSISM & LEADERSHIP: Sigmund Freud dubbed narcissistic. “People of this type impress others as being ‘personalities,’” he wrote, describing one of the psychological types that clearly fall within the range of normality. “They are especially suited to act as a support for others, to take on the role of leaders, and to give a fresh stimulus to cultural development or damage the established state of affairs.” Narcissists are exactly not completely negative people but if we see the history this type of personality has contributed immensely to the society. Apart from positive there are numerous examples of negative influences on society. Throughout history, narcissists have always emerged to inspire people and to shape the future. When military, religious, and political arenas dominated society, it was figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte, Mahatma Ghandi, JL Nehru or Franklin Delano Roosevelt who determined the social agenda. On the other hand we had leaders like Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Husain, Gaddafi, Khomeini, Osama Bin laden who have caused the irreparable damage to society. Freud thought narcissists were the hardest personality types to analyze. Consider how an executive at Oracle described his narcissistic CEO Larry Ellison: “The difference between God and Larry is that God does not believe he is Larry.” That observation is amusing, but it is also troubling. Not surprisingly, most people still think of narcissists in a primarily negative way. After all, Freud named the type after the mythical figure Narcissus, who died because of his pathological preoccupation with himself. Maccoby redefines the productive narcissist as the personality type who is best suited to lead during times of rapid social and economic change. At the same time, he makes clear that narcissistic leadership doesn't always mean successful leadership and that narcissists lacking strategic intelligence are fated to crash and burn. After close examination it is found that personality plays the crucial role in the workplace it is found how narcissism has been misunderstood and how throughout history narcissists have always emerged to inspire people and to shape the future. While narcissism can be extraordinarily useful-even necessary-for effective leadership, it also indicates how it also has a distinct downside when narcissists become unrealistic dreamers and harbor the illusion that only circumstances or enemies block their success. Strategic intelligence is the hallmark of the productive narcissist, and by elucidating its key qualities - and how they can be developed - Maccoby illuminates both what it takes for narcissists to truly succeed and how to work with them most effectively. PRODUCTIV E NARCISSISM: Leaders such as Jack Welch or George Soros are examples of productive narcissists. They are gifted and creative strategists who see the big picture and find meaning in the risky proposition of changing the world and leaving behind a legacy. So, why we look to productive narcissists in times of great transition is that they have the audacity to push through the massive transformations that society periodically undertakes. Productive narcissists are not only risk takers willing to get the job done but also charmers who can convert the masses with their rhetoric. The danger is that narcissism can turn unproductive when, lacking self-knowledge and restraining anchors, narcissists become unrealistic dreamers. They nurture grand schemes and
  • 3. harbor the illusion that only circumstances or enemies block their success. This tendency toward grandiosity and distrust is the Achilles’ heel of narcissism. Because of it, even brilliant narcissists can come under suspicion for self-involvement, unpredictability and in extreme cases paranoia. UNPRODUCTIVE NARCISSISM: A large number of narcissists at the helm of corporations today, the challenge facing organizations is to ensure that such leaders do not self-destruct or lead the company to disaster. That can take some doing because it is very hard for narcissists to work through their issues and virtually impossible for them to do it alone. Narcissists need colleagues and even therapists if they hope to break free from their limitations. But because of their extreme independence and self-protectiveness, it is very difficult to get near them. For their part, employees must learn how to recognize and work around narcissistic bosses. STRENGTHS OF NARCISSIST LEADER: As far as leadership is concerned it can be instructive type, erotic type that makes poor managers who need approval at every step. Those leaders who are obsessed with their profession are better operational leaders who are critical and cautious. If we analyze narcissist they are closest to our collective image of great leaders. The main reason for this is that they have compelling, even gripping, visions for companies and they have an ability to attract followers. GREAT VISION: Often we hear a great leader be called as a person of great vision. Productive narcissists understand the vision thing particularly well, largely because they are by nature people who see the big picture. They are not analyzers who can break up big questions into manageable problems; they aren’t number crunchers either. Nor do they try to extrapolate to understand the future they attempt to create it. Napoleon a classic narcissist once remarked, “Revolutions are ideal times for soldiers with a lot of wit and the courage to act. ” Narcissist take advantage of unfavorable conditions & come out as winners as they have ability to influence other people by showing them a big dream & compelling others to follow them through their imposing personality. This makes them successful. The success does not mean that it is always good for society; many times the narcissists put others at peril to fulfill their dreams. Adolf Hitler is a classical example of this. To fulfill his desire & ego he engulfed the whole world into World War II & later it proved demise for him & his country. But we will all agree that all these people whether productive or unproductive have a great vision. SCORES OF FOLLOWERS: If we take the simplest definition of a leader is someone whom other people will follow. Narcissists are especially gifted in attracting followers, and more often than not, they do so through language. Narcissists believe that words can move mountains and that inspiring speeches can change people. Narcissistic leaders are often skillful orators, and this is one of the talents that make them so charismatic. Indeed, anyone who has seen narcissists perform can attest to their personal magnetism and their ability to stir enthusiasm among audiences. Obama became the president of United States as he could manage to have millions of followers & inspiring the common public by jargons like “YES,WE CAN” & John F Kennedy’s wartime broadcast, “Ask not what your country can do for you”. Even when people respond positively to a narcissist, there are dangers. That’s because charisma is a double-edged sword-it fosters both closeness and isolation. As he becomes increasingly self-
  • 4. assured, the narcissist becomes more spontaneous. He feels free of constraints. Ideas flow. He thinks he’s invincible. This energy and confidence further inspires his followers. But the very adulation that narcissist demands can have a corrosive effect. As he expands, he listens even less to words of caution and advice. After all, he has been right before, when others had their doubts. Rather than try to persuade those who disagree with him, he feels justified in ignoring them-further creating a sense of isolation. WEAKNESSES OF THE NARCISSISTIC LEADER Despite the warm feelings that charisma can evoke, narcissists are typically not comfortable with their own emotions. They listen only for the kind of information they seek. They don’t learn easily from others. They don’t like to teach but prefer to indoctrinate and make speeches. They dominate meetings with subordinates. The result for the organization is greater internal competitiveness at a time when everyone is already under as much pressure as they can possibly stand. Perhaps the main problem is that the narcissist’s faults tend to become even more pronounced as he becomes more successful. SENSITIVE TO CRITICISM Since narcissists are extraordinarily sensitive they shun emotion as a whole. It’s one of the greatest paradoxes in this age of teamwork and partnering is that the best corporate leader in the contemporary world is the type of person who is emotionally isolated. Narcissistic leaders typically keep others at arm’s length. They have difficulty with knowing or acknowledging their own feelings, they are uncomfortable with other people expressing theirs-especially their negative feelings. Indeed, even productive narcissists are extremely sensitive to criticism, which feel to them like knives threatening their self-image and their confidence in their visions. POOR LISTENERS: One serious consequence of this oversensitivity to criticism is that narcissistic leaders often do not listen when they feel threatened or attacked. Some narcissists are so defensive that they go so far as to make a virtue of the fact that they don’t listen. The normal response of such managers is that the subordinates are paid to listen & they are paid to speak. This is detrimental for any organization as the leaders decision is final & nobody can analyze that. The out come of such decisions is highly risky. Moreover fresh ideas are also suppressed. Nevertheless, success is no excuse for narcissistic leaders not to listen. LACK OF EMPATHY Today in the corporate world “emotional competencies” have become a key ingredient of successful leadership & requires a strongly developed sense of empathy. But although they crave empathy from others, productive narcissists are not noted for being particularly empathetic themselves. Of course leaders do need to communicate persuasively. But a lack of empathy did not prevent some of history’s greatest narcissistic leaders from knowing how to communicate-and inspire. Neither Churchill, Stalin, nor Mao Tse-tung were empathetic. And yet they inspired people because of their passion and their conviction at a time when people longed for certainty. In fact, in times of radical change, lack of empathy can actually be strength. A narcissist finds it easier than other personality types to buy and sell companies, to close and move facilities, and to lay off employees decisions that inevitably make many people angry and sad. But narcissistic leaders typically have few regrets. As one CEO said, “If I listened to my employees‘ needs and demands, they would eat me alive.” Given this lack of empathy, it’s hardly surprising that narcissistic leaders don’t score particularly well on evaluations of their interpersonal style. Narcissists don’t want to change and as long as they are successful, they don’t think they have to.
  • 5. DISTASTE FOR MENTORING Lack of empathy and extreme independence make it difficult for narcissists to mentor and be mentored. They seldom mentor others, and when they do they typically want their protégés to be pale reflections of themselves. Even those narcissists like Jack Welch who are held up as strong mentors are usually more interested in instructing than in coaching. Although narcissistic leaders appear to be at ease with others, they find intimacy-which is a prerequisite for mentoring be difficult. Younger narcissists will establish peer relations with authority rather than seek a parent like mentoring relationship. They want results and are willing to take chances arguing with authority. AN INTENSE DESIRE TO COMPETE Narcissistic leaders are relentless and ruthless in their pursuit of victory. Games are not games to them but tests of their survival skills. Of course, all successful managers want to win, but narcissists are not restrained by conscience. Organizations led by narcissists are generally characterized by intense internal competition. Their passion to win is marked by both the promise of glory and the primitive danger of extinction. It is a potent brew that energizes organizations, creating a sense of urgency and competitiveness. But it can also be dangerous. These leaders see everything as a threat. NARCIST LEADERS & CRISIS MANAGEMENT Effective crisis management has become paramount for organizations operating in today’s global market. The media is a constant reminder that organizations are not immune to crises. On any given day, we can either hear or read about organizations facing lawsuits, layoffs, bankruptcy, violence, and so forth. In the event of a crisis, effective leadership becomes central to the operation of the organization. The crisis leader must be able to communicate accurate and prompt information to numerous constituencies, both internal and external to the organization. In a sense, the crisis leader becomes the organization’s public face; that is, providing and explaining the crisis, responding to accusations of wrongdoing, justifying and explaining choices, and offering assurances the problem has been resolved. The crisis leader also establishes an overall tone for the crisis by remaining calm, personifying authority and control, and reinforcing the organization’s core values. In the event of a crisis, a charismatic style of leadership may enhance an organization’s response to return to a state of normal operation. Yet, on the other hand, a charismatic style of leadership can also produce disastrous outcomes for both employees and the organization in the event of a crisis. Charismatic leaders can be prone to extreme narcissism, which can lead them to promote highly self-serving and grandiose aims. “The leader’s behaviors can become exaggerated, lose touch with reality, or become vehicles for pure personal gain”. Narcissistic leaders, who have an overpowering sense of self-importance, coupled with the need to be the center of attention, will often ignore the viewpoints of others within the organization, as well as the development of leadership abilities in their followers. Such behaviors may not only harm the leader, but also potential followers, company employees, as well as the organization. PRE-CRISIS The pre-crisis stage of crisis management focuses upon the organization being able to detect potential crises, address methods of prevention, and being prepared in the event of a crisis. Although no organization can be fully prepared for every crisis, an organization can be prepared
  • 6. for many crises especially those that may be imminent or probable, due to the nature of the organization’s operation. After the warning signs have been detected, the organization must decide upon specific courses of action, in order to eliminate the possibility of a crisis. Narcissism may affect the pre-crisis stage of crisis management. A majority of the pre-crisis stage focuses upon planning, implementing, and advocating programs in the event of a crisis. A crisis leader must be able to effectively construct and design programs that will ensure the organization will be able to respond proactively during a crisis. Narcissists, however, may have problems working within the pre-crisis stage. According to Lubit (2002)- “Their desire for excitement to fill their sense of boredom and emptiness, along with their lack of attachment to a set of values, leads to rapid changes in interests. As a result, [narcissists] tend to make sudden and repeated changes in organizational plans, never finishing the process of building needed core competencies or finishing projects. Moreover, [narcissists) may fail to pay attention to details, being interested primarily in the grand plans”. Following are the response of Narcissists in Crisis- • Narcissists may affect an organization’s proper preparation for a crisis. • Narcissists may affect an organization’s initial response to a crisis. • Narcissists may be more committed to effective crisis management if positive feedback regarding task ability is made public. • Narcissists may be less committed to effective crisis management if negative feedback regarding task ability is made public. • Narcissists are less likely to take the blame for adverse events that occurred during a crisis. • Narcissists are less likely to be critical of their leadership role during a crisis. • Narcissists may affect an organization’s opportunity to learn from the crisis. ORGANIZATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS Organizations threatened with narcissism have various options that may be employed in the event of a crisis. First, an organization may encourage the use of a trusted sidekick to work along with the narcissistic leader. According to Maccoby (2004), many narcissists often develop a close relationship with one person, a trusted sidekick, who acts as an anchor in keeping their behavior grounded. During a crisis, the trusted sidekick could inform the narcissists when she or he has overstepped and placed the organization’s reputation in danger. Furthermore, the trusted sidekick could assist the leader in addressing sensitive issues that may have developed as a result of the crisis. In both situations, the trusted sidekick must get the narcissists to believe the ideas forwarded do coincide with his or her views (of the narcissists) and general interests. Another option available to organizations is to consider reducing the degree of power of the narcissists. A number of structural devices could be implemented to accomplish this task. For example, an organization might consider redistributing the power within the organization, so that more than one person is involved in making strategic decisions, which may affect the entire organization. “Cross-functional committees, task forces, and executive committees can provide a useful forum in which a multitude of managers can express their viewpoints, providing opportunities for the narcissistic leaders to learn from and have their influence mitigated by others”. From a crisis management perspective, the narcissistic leader would not have complete control over situations that may be potentially threatening to the organization. Other leaders within the organization, who have a vested interest in the organization’s survival, could inform the narcissist’s how best to handle a particular situation.
  • 7. Organizations might also consider implementing a 360-degree feedback survey to employees within the company. Narcissists are unlikely to contain their problematic behaviors when communicating with employees within the organization, especially in the event of a crisis. Surveys could be administered to employees after each rehearsal and actual crisis. All members would be expected to provide anonymous, confidential information on their superiors’ performance. Information collected from the survey may be shared with the crisis leader, and assist upper-management in reexamining their choice as the crisis management leader. Finally, organizations interested in retaining narcissists, but are also concerned with their behavior, might consider implementing some form of in-house counseling service. Counseling or professional service would send a strong signal that senior officials are concerned with the welfare of their employees, the organization, as well as the narcissist’s. Furthermore, counseling or professional service would allow the narcissist’s the opportunity to acknowledge and possibly reform his or her behavior, before being permanently removed from the organization. CONCLUSION: There is a little bit of narcissism in every personality but what differentiates Narcissists with others is degree of narcissism. As per our conclusion a small fraction of this trait is good for any leader but when he or she enters in the zone of extreme narcissism it becomes self-annihilating. So, the question is to quantify that degree of Narcissism. One dimension may be that it should be present in that proportion which is just enough to boost ones confidence & maintain self-esteem. So, we can conclude that productive narcissism contributes positively to the society & organization & unproductive narcissism is a curse. The group members of IIM Lucknow- NOIDA Campus WMP-13 Section A have produced this article after research from various sources & self-contribution as project work. This for the academic purpose only.