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Protocol of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy(BSE)-RelatedMeasuresfor the
Importation of Beefand BeefProductsfor Human Consumptionfrom the Territory
    of the Authorities Represented the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)

                                                             October 22, 2009

Recognizingtheobligationsof all WTO Membersunderthe WTO Agreement the
Applicationof SanitaryandPhytosanitary

Recognizingtheanimalquarantine relevantsanitaryrequirements the
                             and                          of
authorities          by                                            Office in
           represented the Taipei Economicand CulturalRepresentative
the United States(TECRO);

The following import healthrequirementsrelatedto BSE shallbe appliedto beefand
                                                       represented AIT into
beefproductsexportedfrom the tenitory of the authorities          by
                               represented TECRO.
the territory of the authorities         by


l. Definitionsfor the purpose thesehealthrequirements as follows:
                             of                     are

    ( 1 ) "Beefor beefproducts"  include ediblepartsof cattleandproducts
          derivedfrom all ediblepartsof cattle. However,"beefor beefproducts"
                specified materials
         excludes       risk                                    meat
                                  (SRMs);all mechanically
                          separated                    meatrecovery
                                  meat(MSM); andadvanced
         product(AMR) from the skull andvertebralcolumnof cattle30 monthsof
         ageandover at the time of slaughter. AMR that is free of SRMsand
         centralnervoussystem tissues (CNS) is allowed.Groundmeat,processed
         productsandbeefextractsmay containAMR but excludesspecifiedrisk
         materials(SRMs)andall MRMA4SM.

     (2) "BSE" meansBovine SpongiformEncephalopathy.

                                 bovineanimals(Bostaurus andBos indicus)
     (3) "Cattle"meansdomesticated
                                                         represented AIT, legally
         born and raisedin the tenitory of the authorities         by
importedinto the tenitory of the authorities
                                                     represented AIT from a
          countrydeemedeligibleby TECRO'sdesignated
                                                  representatives export
          beef or beefproducts the territory of the authorities
                              to                              represented
          TECROI, or raisedin the territory of the authorities
                                                             represented AIT for
          at least100daysprior to slaughter.

     (4) "Food-safety
                    hazard"meansany biological,chemical,or physicalproperty
          that may causefood to be unsafefor humanconsumption.

     (5) "Lot" means quantityof beefor beefproductsidentifiedon a singleexport
          certificatefrom onemeatestablishment, consists
                                             and       entirelyof the same
                categoryand productstandard
                                          ofidentity (sub-category).

     (6) "Meatestablishment"
                          include                 processing
                                 any slaughterhouse,       plant,and
          storagefacility for beefor beefproductsthat operates
                                                             underthe inspection
                            representative, U.S.Department Agriculture
          of AIT's designated            the             of
                       means inconsistency this protocol
     (7) "Non-compliance"  an            with          that doesnot
          constitute food-safety
                    a          hazard.

     (8) "Seriousnon-compliance"
                               means food-safety
                                    a          hazardin a shippedproduct
          or a food-safetyhazardfound during a scheduled

     (9) "Specified materials
                  risk      (SRMs)"means:

          (a) The distal ileum of the small intestine the tonsilsfrom cattleof all

          (b) The brain,skull, eyes,trigeminalganglia,spinalcord,vertebralcolumn
               (excluding vertebrae
                        the                               processes
                                  ofthe tail, thetransverse       ofthe
              thoracicand lumbarvertebrae, the wings of the sacrum), dorsal
                                         and                       and
              root gangliafrom cattle30 monthsof ageandolder.

     (10) The tenitory of the authoritiesrepresented
                                                   byAIT means fifty states
                                                              the          of
          the United States the District of Columbia.

I Beefand beefproductsofcattle from Canada lessthan 100daysin the territory ofthe authorities
           by                                                with respect productscopeas if
represented AIT shall be subjectto the sameimport restrictions          to
shippeddirectly from Canada.
General Requirements

2.   AIT throughits designated
                                          USDA, in accordance
                                                            with the
     regulations the authorities
               of               represented AIT continuously
                                          by               maintains
     measures meetor exceed
            that                            forAnimal Health(OIE)
                           World Organization
     guidelines controlled-risk
               for             status effectivelydetectandpreventthe
     introductionand spread BSE. AIT throughits designated
                           of                            representative,
     USDA, will providenoticeto the World TradeOrganization
     to the WTO commitments the authorities
                          of               represented
                                                     byAIT-and inform
     TECRO regarding repealor amendment any BSE-related
                    the               of              measures.

3.                           case cases BSE occurin thetenitory of the
     In the eventan additional   or   of
     authoritiesrepresented AIT, AIT throughits designated
                          by                             representative,
     shall immediatelyconducta thoroughepidemiological
                                                     investigation inform
                                representatives, Department Health (DOH)
     TECRO,through its designated             the         of
     andthe CouncilofAgriculture(COA),of the results the investigation.
                                                   of                AIT
     throughits designated            USDA, will consultwith TECRO,through
     its designated
                                DOH andCOA, aboutthe findingsof the
                  TECRO,throughits designated
                                                         DOH, will suspend
     the importationof beefand beefproductsif the additionalcase(s)
                                                                  resultsin the
     OIE recognizing adverse
                    an     change the classification the BSE status the
                                 in                of              of
     tenitory of the authoritiesrepresented AIT.

Requirements Meat Establishments

4.                       in                               represented AIT that
     Any meatestablishment the territory of the authorities         by
     operates              canied out by AIT's designated
     is eligible to producebeefor beefproductsfor the tenitory of the authorities
     represented TECRO.The establishment
               by                      shouldbe notified to TECRO in
           throughits designated
5.                                         representative,
     AIT throughthe effortsof its designated            USDA, will maintaina
     regularmonitoringandauditingprogramfor meatestablishments produce
     beefor beefproductsfor exportto the territory ofthe authorities
     TECRO to ensurethey complywith the relevantprovisionsof thesehealth
                and         of              represented AIT. In the event
     requirements regulations the authorities         by
     of a serious                    ofAIT's designated
     USDA, would issue Noncompliance
                      a                  (FSISForm 5400-4) would
                                       product.If the process resultedin the
     immediatelycontrolthe non-compliant                    that
                 productis on-going,this designated
     non-compliant                                representative
     immediatelystopthe process
                              until it determines appropriate
                                                that        correctiveand
     preventative      havebeentaken.Only whenthis designated
                measures                                    representative,
     USDA, determines correctiveactionsareadequate productionbe
                    that                         will
     allowedto resume. throughits designated
                     AIT                                USDA, will
     inform TECRO throughits designated            DOH, if an establishment
     is suspended whencorrective

6.                   representatives, andCOA, may conduct
     TECRO'sdesignated             DOH                  on-site
                             sampleof the meatestablishments exportbeefor
     auditsof a representative                            that
     beefproductsto the tenitory of the authoritiesrepresented TECRO.Whena
                         with thesehealthrequirements beenfound as a result
     seriousnon-compliance                          has
     of the on-siteaudit,TECROthroughits designated            DOH or COA,
     will informAIT's designated            USDA, of the results AIT's
                               representative,                 and
                                                     measures inform
                           USDA, shalltake appropriate
     designated                                             and
                                  DOH or COA, of the measures
     TECRO'sdesignated                                      taken.

7.   AIT throughits designated            USDA, shallverifr that a suspended
     meatestablishment determined implemented
                     has        and         appropriate
     preventative                                 described item 5, item 6,
                       beforelifting the suspension
                measures                                  in
     and item 17.AIT throughits designated            USDA, shall inform
                                  DOH, of the correctiveactionthe meat
     establishment takenandof the datethe meatestablishment's
                 has                                                 is
Requirementsfor Beef and Beef Products

8.   The beef or beefproductswere derivedfrom cattleborn andraisedin the
                                         byAIT, from cattlelegally importedinto
     tenitory of the authorities
     the tenitory of the authorities         byAIT from a countrydeemedeligible
     by TECRO to exportbeefor beefproducts the tenitory of the authorities
     represented TECRO2, from cattleraisedin the tenitory of the authorities
               by      or
     represented AIT for at least100daysprior to slaughter.

9.   Cattlefor producingbeefor beefproductsfor exportwerenot suspect
     confirmedBSE cases;
                       confirmedprogenies BSE cases; confirmed
                                        of         or         cohorts
     of BSE cases, definedin the Terrestrial
                 as                        Animal HealthCodeadopted the

10. Meat establishments producebeefor beefproducts
                     that                         maintaina programfor
     the hygienicremovalof SRMs.

11. For the purpose SRM removal, ageof cattleat thetime of slaughter
                  of           the                                 is
                              which identifiesthe age,or by dentition.
     verified by documentation,

12. The beef or beefproductswere derivedfrom cattlethat were slaughtered meat
                 certifiedby AIT's designated
     establishments                         representative,
                                                         USDA, aseligibleto
     exportbeef or beefproducts the tenitory of the authorities
                               to                              represented
                        ante-mortem post-mortem
     TECRO andthat passed          and         inspectionconducted
     personnel AIT's designated
             of               representative,
                                           USDA, underthe supervision
     the residentdesignated         representative.

2 Beefand
          beefproductsofcattle from Canada lessthan 100daysin the territory ofthe authorities
represented AIT shall be subjectto the sameimport restrictions
           by                                                 with respect productscopeas if
shippeddirectly from Canada.
13. The beef or beefproductswere derivedfrom cattlethat were not subjected a
                   prior to slaughter,
                                     with a deviceinjectingcompressed or gas
    into the cranialcaviry or to a pithing process.

14. The beefor beefproductswereprocessed a mannerasto prevent
                from SRMsor from mechanically
    contamination                                   meatfrom the skull
    and vertebralcolumnof cattle30 monthsof ageandover,in accordance
    regulations AIT's designated
              of               representative,

Export Certificate

15. Importof beefandbeefproducts
                               shallbe accompanied certificates
                                                 with         issued
    by the veterinaryauthorityofAIT's designated
                                                            USDA, which
    includethe following informationto be submitted the authorities
                                                   to              represented
    by TECRO:

    (l)   Informationspecified items8 and12-14
                             in               above;

                                             numberof packages weight
    (2) Name of the product(includingspecies),               and
          (net weight) listedby eachfinal processing

    (3) Names,addresses, establishment
                      and            numbers the slaughterhouse,
                                            of                meat
                   plant,or storagefacility;

    (4) Slaughtering                    period(dd/mm/yy-dd/mm/yy);

    (5) Namesandaddresses the consignor the consignee;
                        of            and           and

    (6) Dateon which, district in which, andauthorityby which the export
          certificatewas issued the nameand sisnature the veterinarvofficer:
                               and                   of

    (7) Container
                numberand sealnumber.

Import Inspectionand RegulatoryAction

16. If TECRO'sdesignated            DOH, detects food-safety
                       representative,         a           hazardina
        lot duringthe port of entry inspectionprocess, may rejectthe lot. TECRO's
        designated            shallnotifz andconsultwith AIT's designated
                     USDA, regarding matterandmay request
                                    the                 correctiveactionif
        appropriate. an SRM is found,AIT's designated
                   If                               representative conductan
        investigation determine cause the problem.Productproduced the
                    to        the    of                          by
                                 shallcontinueto be eligible for import; however,
                        representative increase rateof inspection
                                     will     the                of
        subsequent and beefproductsfrom the meatestablishment.
                 beef                                       After TECRO's
                              inspects lots totaling 3 times or greater
        designated                   5                                quantityof
        the sameproductfrom the samemeatestablishment
                                                    without finding a
                                                     shall apply its standard
        inspectionprocedures rates.

    17. If TECRO'sdesignated
                                        DOH, observes least
                                                    at    two incidents
                         involving separate from the samemeatestablishment,
                                          lots                           it
        may request
                  AIT's designated
                                              USDA, to suspend relevant
                    Upon receivingthe request,
                                             AIT's designated
        USDA, shallsuspend establishment. or beefproducts the meat
                         the           Beef             of
        establishment were certifiedprior to the dateof suspension
                    that                                         shallcontinueto
        be eligible for import inspection. establishment
                                         An            shallremainsuspended
        AIT's designated
                                    verifiesto TECRO'sdesignated
        that correctiveactionshavebeencompleted.
                                               AIT's designated
        shall inform TECRO'sdesignated
                                     representative the meatestablishment's
        correctiveactionand of the datethe meatestablishment's
                                                             suspension lifted.
                        representative includean on-siteaudit of the
        TECRO'sdesignated            may
                    during its next system
        establishment                                           in
                                          audit of establishments the tenitory of
        the authoritiesrepresented AIT.

    18. Brain,eyes,
                  skull,or spinalcordfrom cattlelessthan30 months agearenot
        SRMsor food-safetyhazards.
                                 Nevertheless, long as importersto the tenitory
        of the authoritiesrepresented TECRO do not placeordersfor theseproducts,
        if theseitemsaredetected
                               duringthe import inspectionprocess the territory of
        the authoritiesrepresented TECRO,TECRO'sdesignated
                                 by                      representative,
DOH, may returnthe relevantbox or boxesto its owner.

19. For problemsthat do not involve food-safety      TECRO'sdesignated
                  DOH, may seekclarificationthroughthe importerwith a view
     towardallowing the productto enterwhen an appropriate
     correcteddocumentation accepted.


20. EitherTECRO orAIT, actingthroughtheir designated
    request           concerning matterregarding interpretation
          consultations        any              the           or
    applicationof theseimport healthrequirements.              agreed,
                shallbe held within 7 working daysof the request.
    consultations                                               Unless
                                 shall,in the caseof a request TECRO,be
    otherwiseagreed, consultations
                   the                                       by
                                           represented AII and in the caseof a
    held in the territory of the authorities         by
          byAIT, be held in the tenitory of the authorities
    request                                                represented TECRO.
    Notwithstanding above,TECRO andAIT, actingthroughtheir designated
                                      within 180daysof the effectivedateof
    representatives, hold consultations
    the protocolto review its implementation.


This noticewill eo into effecton the dateof its notification.

                                     22,2009in the Englishlanguage.
                            on October

TaipeiEconomicand Cultural              AmericanInstitutein Taiwan
in the United States

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  • 1. Protocol of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy(BSE)-RelatedMeasuresfor the Importation of Beefand BeefProductsfor Human Consumptionfrom the Territory of the Authorities Represented the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) by October 22, 2009 Recognizingtheobligationsof all WTO Membersunderthe WTO Agreement the on Measures; Applicationof SanitaryandPhytosanitary Recognizingtheanimalquarantine relevantsanitaryrequirements the and of authorities by Office in represented the Taipei Economicand CulturalRepresentative the United States(TECRO); The following import healthrequirementsrelatedto BSE shallbe appliedto beefand represented AIT into beefproductsexportedfrom the tenitory of the authorities by represented TECRO. the territory of the authorities by Definitions l. Definitionsfor the purpose thesehealthrequirements as follows: of are ( 1 ) "Beefor beefproducts" include ediblepartsof cattleandproducts all derivedfrom all ediblepartsof cattle. However,"beefor beefproducts" specified materials excludes risk meat recovered (SRMs);all mechanically (MRM)/mechanically separated meatrecovery meat(MSM); andadvanced product(AMR) from the skull andvertebralcolumnof cattle30 monthsof ageandover at the time of slaughter. AMR that is free of SRMsand centralnervoussystem tissues (CNS) is allowed.Groundmeat,processed productsandbeefextractsmay containAMR but excludesspecifiedrisk materials(SRMs)andall MRMA4SM. (2) "BSE" meansBovine SpongiformEncephalopathy. bovineanimals(Bostaurus andBos indicus) (3) "Cattle"meansdomesticated represented AIT, legally born and raisedin the tenitory of the authorities by
  • 2. importedinto the tenitory of the authorities represented AIT from a by countrydeemedeligibleby TECRO'sdesignated representatives export to beef or beefproducts the territory of the authorities to represented by TECROI, or raisedin the territory of the authorities represented AIT for by at least100daysprior to slaughter. (4) "Food-safety hazard"meansany biological,chemical,or physicalproperty that may causefood to be unsafefor humanconsumption. (5) "Lot" means quantityof beefor beefproductsidentifiedon a singleexport a certificatefrom onemeatestablishment, consists and entirelyof the same process categoryand productstandard ofidentity (sub-category). (6) "Meatestablishment" include processing any slaughterhouse, plant,and storagefacility for beefor beefproductsthat operates underthe inspection representative, U.S.Department Agriculture of AIT's designated the of (usDA). means inconsistency this protocol (7) "Non-compliance" an with that doesnot constitute food-safety a hazard. (8) "Seriousnon-compliance" means food-safety a hazardin a shippedproduct or a food-safetyhazardfound during a scheduled systemaudit. (9) "Specified materials risk (SRMs)"means: (a) The distal ileum of the small intestine the tonsilsfrom cattleof all and ages; and (b) The brain,skull, eyes,trigeminalganglia,spinalcord,vertebralcolumn (excluding vertebrae the processes ofthe tail, thetransverse ofthe thoracicand lumbarvertebrae, the wings of the sacrum), dorsal and and root gangliafrom cattle30 monthsof ageandolder. (10) The tenitory of the authoritiesrepresented byAIT means fifty states the of the United States the District of Columbia. and I Beefand beefproductsofcattle from Canada lessthan 100daysin the territory ofthe authorities fed by with respect productscopeas if represented AIT shall be subjectto the sameimport restrictions to shippeddirectly from Canada.
  • 3. General Requirements 2. AIT throughits designated representative, USDA, in accordance with the regulations the authorities of represented AIT continuously by maintains measures meetor exceed that forAnimal Health(OIE) World Organization guidelines controlled-risk for status effectivelydetectandpreventthe to introductionand spread BSE. AIT throughits designated of representative, USDA, will providenoticeto the World TradeOrganization (WTO)-according to the WTO commitments the authorities of represented byAIT-and inform TECRO regarding repealor amendment any BSE-related the of measures. 3. case cases BSE occurin thetenitory of the In the eventan additional or of authoritiesrepresented AIT, AIT throughits designated by representative, USDA, shall immediatelyconducta thoroughepidemiological investigation inform and representatives, Department Health (DOH) TECRO,through its designated the of andthe CouncilofAgriculture(COA),of the results the investigation. of AIT representative, throughits designated USDA, will consultwith TECRO,through its designated representatives, DOH andCOA, aboutthe findingsof the investigation. TECRO,throughits designated representative, DOH, will suspend the importationof beefand beefproductsif the additionalcase(s) resultsin the OIE recognizing adverse an change the classification the BSE status the in of of tenitory of the authoritiesrepresented AIT. by Requirements Meat Establishments for 4. in represented AIT that Any meatestablishment the territory of the authorities by underinspection operates canied out by AIT's designated representative, USDA, is eligible to producebeefor beefproductsfor the tenitory of the authorities represented TECRO.The establishment by shouldbe notified to TECRO in advance throughits designated representative DOH.
  • 4. 5. representative, AIT throughthe effortsof its designated USDA, will maintaina regularmonitoringandauditingprogramfor meatestablishments produce that beefor beefproductsfor exportto the territory ofthe authorities represented by TECRO to ensurethey complywith the relevantprovisionsof thesehealth and of represented AIT. In the event requirements regulations the authorities by personnel non-compliance, of a serious ofAIT's designated representative, Record USDA, would issue Noncompliance a (FSISForm 5400-4) would and product.If the process resultedin the immediatelycontrolthe non-compliant that productis on-going,this designated non-compliant representative would immediatelystopthe process until it determines appropriate that correctiveand preventative havebeentaken.Only whenthis designated measures representative, USDA, determines correctiveactionsareadequate productionbe that will allowedto resume. throughits designated AIT USDA, will representative, inform TECRO throughits designated DOH, if an establishment representative, actionhasbeentaken. is suspended whencorrective and 6. representatives, andCOA, may conduct TECRO'sdesignated DOH on-site sampleof the meatestablishments exportbeefor auditsof a representative that beefproductsto the tenitory of the authoritiesrepresented TECRO.Whena by with thesehealthrequirements beenfound as a result seriousnon-compliance has representative, of the on-siteaudit,TECROthroughits designated DOH or COA, will informAIT's designated USDA, of the results AIT's representative, and measures inform USDA, shalltake appropriate representative, designated and DOH or COA, of the measures representative, TECRO'sdesignated taken. 7. AIT throughits designated USDA, shallverifr that a suspended representative, meatestablishment determined implemented has and appropriate correctiveand preventative described item 5, item 6, beforelifting the suspension measures in and item 17.AIT throughits designated USDA, shall inform representative, DOH, of the correctiveactionthe meat representative, TECRO'sdesignated establishment takenandof the datethe meatestablishment's has is suspension lifted.
  • 5. Requirementsfor Beef and Beef Products 8. The beef or beefproductswere derivedfrom cattleborn andraisedin the byAIT, from cattlelegally importedinto represented tenitory of the authorities represented the tenitory of the authorities byAIT from a countrydeemedeligible by TECRO to exportbeefor beefproducts the tenitory of the authorities to represented TECRO2, from cattleraisedin the tenitory of the authorities by or represented AIT for at least100daysprior to slaughter. by 9. Cattlefor producingbeefor beefproductsfor exportwerenot suspect or confirmedBSE cases; confirmedprogenies BSE cases; confirmed of or cohorts of BSE cases, definedin the Terrestrial as Animal HealthCodeadopted the by OIE. 10. Meat establishments producebeefor beefproducts that maintaina programfor the hygienicremovalof SRMs. 11. For the purpose SRM removal, ageof cattleat thetime of slaughter of the is which identifiesthe age,or by dentition. verified by documentation, 12. The beef or beefproductswere derivedfrom cattlethat were slaughtered meat in certifiedby AIT's designated establishments representative, USDA, aseligibleto exportbeef or beefproducts the tenitory of the authorities to represented by ante-mortem post-mortem TECRO andthat passed and inspectionconducted by personnel AIT's designated of representative, USDA, underthe supervision of veterinary the residentdesignated representative. 2 Beefand beefproductsofcattle from Canada lessthan 100daysin the territory ofthe authorities fed represented AIT shall be subjectto the sameimport restrictions by with respect productscopeas if to shippeddirectly from Canada.
  • 6. 13. The beef or beefproductswere derivedfrom cattlethat were not subjected a to stunningprocess, prior to slaughter, with a deviceinjectingcompressed or gas air into the cranialcaviry or to a pithing process. 14. The beefor beefproductswereprocessed a mannerasto prevent in from SRMsor from mechanically contamination meatfrom the skull separated and vertebralcolumnof cattle30 monthsof ageandover,in accordance with regulations AIT's designated of representative, USDA. Export Certificate 15. Importof beefandbeefproducts shallbe accompanied certificates with issued by the veterinaryauthorityofAIT's designated representative, USDA, which includethe following informationto be submitted the authorities to represented by TECRO: (l) Informationspecified items8 and12-14 in above; numberof packages weight (2) Name of the product(includingspecies), and (net weight) listedby eachfinal processing plant; (3) Names,addresses, establishment and numbers the slaughterhouse, of meat processing plant,or storagefacility; periodand/orprocessing (4) Slaughtering period(dd/mm/yy-dd/mm/yy); (5) Namesandaddresses the consignor the consignee; of and and (6) Dateon which, district in which, andauthorityby which the export certificatewas issued the nameand sisnature the veterinarvofficer: and of and (7) Container numberand sealnumber. Import Inspectionand RegulatoryAction 16. If TECRO'sdesignated DOH, detects food-safety representative, a hazardina
  • 7. r I lot duringthe port of entry inspectionprocess, may rejectthe lot. TECRO's it designated shallnotifz andconsultwith AIT's designated representative representative, USDA, regarding matterandmay request the correctiveactionif appropriate. an SRM is found,AIT's designated If representative conductan will investigation determine cause the problem.Productproduced the to the of by pertinentmeatestablishment shallcontinueto be eligible for import; however, TECRO'sdesignated representative increase rateof inspection will the of subsequent and beefproductsfrom the meatestablishment. beef After TECRO's inspects lots totaling 3 times or greater representative designated 5 quantityof the sameproductfrom the samemeatestablishment without finding a food-safety hazard, TECRO'sdesignated representative shall apply its standard inspectionprocedures rates. and 17. If TECRO'sdesignated representative, DOH, observes least at two incidents of food-safetyhazards involving separate from the samemeatestablishment, lots it may request AIT's designated representative, USDA, to suspend relevant the establishment. Upon receivingthe request, AIT's designated representative, USDA, shallsuspend establishment. or beefproducts the meat the Beef of establishment were certifiedprior to the dateof suspension that shallcontinueto be eligible for import inspection. establishment An shallremainsuspended until AIT's designated representative verifiesto TECRO'sdesignated representative that correctiveactionshavebeencompleted. AIT's designated representative shall inform TECRO'sdesignated representative the meatestablishment's of correctiveactionand of the datethe meatestablishment's suspension lifted. is representative includean on-siteaudit of the TECRO'sdesignated may during its next system establishment in audit of establishments the tenitory of the authoritiesrepresented AIT. by 18. Brain,eyes, skull,or spinalcordfrom cattlelessthan30 months agearenot of SRMsor food-safetyhazards. Nevertheless, long as importersto the tenitory as of the authoritiesrepresented TECRO do not placeordersfor theseproducts, by if theseitemsaredetected duringthe import inspectionprocess the territory of in the authoritiesrepresented TECRO,TECRO'sdesignated by representative,
  • 8. DOH, may returnthe relevantbox or boxesto its owner. 19. For problemsthat do not involve food-safety TECRO'sdesignated hazards, DOH, may seekclarificationthroughthe importerwith a view representative, towardallowing the productto enterwhen an appropriate explanationand/or correcteddocumentation accepted. is Consultations may representatives, 20. EitherTECRO orAIT, actingthroughtheir designated request concerning matterregarding interpretation consultations any the or Unlessotherwise applicationof theseimport healthrequirements. agreed, the shallbe held within 7 working daysof the request. consultations Unless shall,in the caseof a request TECRO,be otherwiseagreed, consultations the by represented AII and in the caseof a held in the territory of the authorities by byAIT, be held in the tenitory of the authorities request represented TECRO. by Notwithstanding above,TECRO andAIT, actingthroughtheir designated the within 180daysof the effectivedateof representatives, hold consultations shall the protocolto review its implementation. Addendum This noticewill eo into effecton the dateof its notification. 22,2009in the Englishlanguage. on October ManagingDirector TaipeiEconomicand Cultural AmericanInstitutein Taiwan Office Representative in the United States