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 A Call to Action

                    Lauren Tratar
Undoubtedly, you have heard much about 2012, cataclysm and ‗end
 times.‘ However, one crucial piece of this story has been omitted:
    Ancient secret knowledge was destined to be unveiled at this
precarious point in our evolution so that we, as humankind, had the
  tools to resolve the myriad challenges we are now facing and to
                      create a promising future.
 However, even though this knowledge is being revealed right now,
  an unsuspecting insidious power seeks to block our progress and
derail our efforts: our own resistance to explore what lies outside of
                          our comfort zones.
Past civilizations also reached the same evolutionary crossroads
        we find ourselves at today but ended in cataclysm.
  Seeking to alert our civilization to the deeper meaning behind
this galactic juncture, they left countless monuments, manuscripts
  and essential advanced knowledge so that we could utilize this
           unprecedented opportunity as it was intended:
              to move into the next stage of evolution.
   The task of resolving our issues and creating a hopeful future
      may seem Herculean, yet it is indeed within our reach.
               To learn more, view this presentation.
Our mission is to inspire and empower others to live life as a
magical experience. By simplifying ageless wisdom into practical
   tools and techniques, we (An Alliance of Angels) intend to
   improve the quality of life, alleviate unnecessary pain and
              simultaneously, recreate our world!”
                                           From my heart to yours,
―Evolution made civilization steward of this planet. One hundred
   thousand years later, the steward stood before evolution, not
 healer, but parasite — a gifted society in so many ways, trapped
   at last by greed and lack of vision. It ravaged the forests into
   desert, consumed the soul of the land in mine-pits and waste,
      smothered its air and its oceans, sterilized the earth with
     radiation and poisons. A million million chances it had to
  change, but it would not. From the ground it dug luxury for a
  few, jobs for the rest, and graves for the children of all. In the
end, the children didn‘t agree, but the children had come too late.
           How could a civilization have been so blind?‖
That, friends, is an excerpt from
a novel entitled ‗One‘ by Richard
 Bach. It describes one possible
  future for mankind — a future
   some believe to be the most
          probable future.

    But I am about to present
   compelling evidence which
 proclaims that you and I have
      both the power and
  responsibility to change that
Thousands of years ago numerous ancient civilizations all over
 this planet — not geographically close to one another — took
 great pains to communicate what they deemed to be essential
       information for those of us living from 1987-2012.
They spoke of this 25 year period as a
major milestone in the evolution of mankind –
a time where we would have the opportunity
     to birth the next stage of evolution.
However, unlike milestones of the
  past that occurred subtly and
 gradually beneath the surface of
everyday life, this one is different.
To gain admittance into this next stage,
      we first must pass a test…
a test of consciousness.
During this era, crises, conflicts, and great upheavals were
destined to occur. As we attempted to resolve these crises using
 our current methods — predominantly power and force — we
 would ultimately hit a brick wall for those methods would no
                       longer be effective.
At that point we, as
   humankind, would
stand at a crossroads,
  where we would be
  called upon to alter
the course we are now
 on, resolve our issues
 in a different manner
    and consciously
   choose our future.
―For millennia, humankind has wandered in darkness… but now
  there is a change coming. After hurtling blindly through history,
mankind has reached a crossroads. This moment was predicted long
 ago, prophesied by ancient texts, medieval calendars, by the stars
     themselves. The date was specific, its arrival imminent, and
preceded by a brilliant explosion of knowledge, a flash of clarity to
  illuminate the darkness and give mankind a final chance to veer
          away from the abyss and take the path of wisdom.
             Our destiny is to light this torch of wisdom.‖
                   — Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol
―‗Open your eyes,‘ they were saying, ‗there is more.‘ More depth,
      height, dimension, perspectives, choices than we have ever
imagined... Throughout history there were lone individuals here and
    there, or small bands at the fringes of science or religion, who,
      based on their own experiences, believed that people might
 someday transcend narrow ‗normal‘ consciousness and reverse the
brutality and alienation of the human condition. They celebrated the
  freedom found in the larger context and warned of the dangerous
blindness of the prevailing view. Long before global war, ecological
    stress, and nuclear crisis struck, they feared for the future of a
  people without a context. Although they themselves moved beyond
       the dominant ideas of their day, they carried few of their
   contemporaries with them. Most often they were misunderstood,
  lonely, even ostracized.... Their ideas, however, served as fuel for
                         future generations.‖
                                               — Marilyn Ferguson
                                                 The Aquarian Conspiracy
What are we opening our eyes to?
How might we light this torch of wisdom and create our future?
Well, that‘s the objective of this presentation which I have
                  divided into 6 sections:

       The Ancient Prophecies:
The Importance of the Time We Are Now

       The Bigger Picture:
The Process of Evolution and How it
Section 3

The Most Formidable and Unsuspecting
     Threat Now Facing Humanity
Section 4

    The Ancient
‗Mystery of Mysteries‘
Section 5

The Obstacles We Must Remove From our
  Path Before We Can Progress into the
         Next Stage of Evolution
Section 6

What You Can Do at This Critical
 Moment in History to Ensure a
       Promising Future
―This knowledge
    is poised to open
    a new door of
    and once the
    door is cracked,
    it is only a
    matter of time
    before everything

    The Lost Symbol

The information I am about to reveal is going to challenge what you
thought you understood about the world and life itself. This will then
   trigger a natural instinctive response within you to reject what
               contradicts what you have been taught.

What you have been taught has created your belief system which has,
in turn, created your comfort zone, and your mind/ego has the job of
 guarding that comfort zone. In fact, your ego is so protective, it has
    built a fortress around it complete with soldiers ready to shoot
              anyone who dares to approach the front gate.
But the purpose of this presentation is to provide you with new
information which calls into question what you have been taught.
 Therefore, in order to evolve, you must be willing to step outside
your comfort zone, which means you must set aside your political
 and religious beliefs and focus on the bigger picture: the human
                race and our beloved home: Earth.
    Bear in mind that regardless of what you now believe, the
      moment you close your mind, you are not growing and
               expanding, but withering and dying.
―Grasshopper, look beyond the game, as you look beneath the
          surface of the pool to see its depths.‖
                       — Master Po
―The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It
is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion
is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt
         in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed.‖
                        — Albert Einstein
―Do not believe what you have heard. Do not believe in tradition
 because it is handed down many generations. Do not believe in
  anything that has been spoken of many times. Do not believe
because the written statements come from some old sage. Do not
 believe in conjecture. Do not believe in authority or teachers or
elders. But after careful observation and analysis, when it agrees
with reason and it will benefit one and all, then accept it and live
                              by it.‖
                                                    — The Buddha
―To shape your future, you have to be ready and
       able to change your paradigms.‖
                                          — Joel Barker
              Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future
―Throughout history, humankind has been resistant to change
and to the acceptance of new ideas. Historical lore is replete with
  examples. When Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter, the
 astronomers of that time refused to accept or even look at these
  satellites because the existence of these moons conflicted with
                      their accepted beliefs.‖
                                                — Dr. Brian Weiss
                                              Many Lives, Many Masters
―The philosophies of one age have
 become the absurdities of the next,
and the foolishness of yesterday will
 become the wisdom of tomorrow.‖
                    — William Osler
―There is no absolute knowledge and those who claim it, whether
 they are scientists or dogmatists, open the door to tragedy. All
   information is imperfect. We have to treat it with humility.‖
                                             — JOSEPH BRONOWSKI
Because of this natural
      tendency to resist
information which doesn‘t
   currently exist in your
comfort zone, I‘m going to
ask that you suspend your
 judgment for the duration
  of this presentation and
  meet me in a place that
Rumi, a Sufi poet who lived
   in the 1200's spoke of.
           He said:
“There is a place beyond right and wrong.
         I will meet you there.‖

                                            — Rumi
I ask that you meet me there and allow me to present a case for
   your consideration, for I have amassed a compelling body of
evidence which supports this thesis. And after hearing my case, it
   will then be up to you to weigh this evidence and arrive at a

This presentation is a synthesis of knowledge from many diverse
 sources, each contributing a piece to the puzzle of life, which
    when connected, provides a startling new worldview – a
 worldview that has the power to change the world as we now
           know it – just as the Ancients prophesied!

 This presentation is not the ‗be all end all.‘ I do not profess to
 have all the answers. My goal is to inspire you to look further
 and deeper if your curiosity becomes as piqued as mine was.
―This information opens the floodgates of a new
thinking and has the power to usher in a fundamental
 shift in the consciousness of man thus changing the
            course of human development.‖
                                      — DAN BROWN
                                       The Lost Symbol
―This era is the result of a climax of human self-reflective
thought resulting in an exponential change in consciousness in
           which all becomes revealed and known."
                                       — Vladimir Vernadsky
But before we go any further, I‘ve got to ask you a really
                    important question…

and this is the same question that Morpheus posed to Neo in the
                         ―The Matrix:‖
Are you ready for the red pill?
Which means:
―Are you ready to explore what lies beneath the surface of life

Because once you learn the secrets, you cannot unlearn them.

                       Are you ready?
What qualifies me to be the messenger of this information?

   I have spent the better part of my life exploring this subject-
The ‗dog-eat-dog‘ world we live in just never made sense to me. I
 believed that we, as humanity, must have missed something; we
     must have taken a wrong turn somewhere and so I began
 searching for truth. And the truth I discovered was so amazing,
          so life-changing, I had to share it with others,
            so I wrote my first book which is entitled:
The subtitle of this book is: The
Secret To Life Unveiled: Who You
   Really Are, How Life Really
 Operates, And How To Unleash
  The Incredible Power Within!
In a nutshell, this book is about a
premise you may be familiar with:
your thoughts
 create your
And though many are familiar with this premise, the process of
   using our thoughts to create our realities can be challenging.

And in fact, the Ancients knew just how challenging it would be and
             referred to those of us living in this era as:
               ―Those who walk between the worlds.‖

 To make this transition into the next world a bit easier for myself
and others, I created ―Life‖ as a workbook and guide that takes the
      ―power of thought‖ out of the realm of the esoteric and
                philosophical, and into everyday life.
After ―Life‖ was released in January of 2001, I began speaking
    at various book stores and was scheduled to deliver a final
  lecture in a series of lectures I was giving at my local Borders
                book store on September 11, 2001.
   But when the horrific tragedies occurred that day, I canceled
  that talk, as I, and most everyone else in the country, was in a
     state of shock and extremely distraught over these events.
    Nonetheless, my phone began to ring. Some, attending this
lecture series longed for another perspective that might help them
                make sense of what had just occurred.
They wanted to know if I could shed any light on these tragedies
     as I was teaching that nothing in life is an accident.

                    And I believed I could.

 While conducting my research I had discovered much about the
  significance of the time we are now living. But I didn‘t include
that information because ―Life‖ was already 632 pages long and
                      I had to stop somewhere.

 But when the tragic events of September 11 unfolded, I now felt
this information was important which inspired my second book…
And were I to release that book today, I would change that title
                  to the title of this presentation:
                  ―Humankind at a Crossroads,‖
 for I have learned that it is not only the events of September 11
   that had a higher purpose, but also the numerous alarming
events that have transpired over the past few years. These events
  are not only continuing, but intensifying today - touching the
      lives of almost every person on the face of this planet.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
Asian Tsunami
Hurricane Katrina
 AUGUST 2005
We are now juggling a host of overwhelmingly enormous and
                      complex issues;

most notably the debilitating effects of the economic crisis which
         is restructuring the very fabric of our society.

 Our middle class is undergoing a massive exodus into a newly
     created poverty class through no fault of their own.
Economic Crisis
More and more people
 are suffering: unable
   to find a job, losing
      their homes to
    foreclosure, going
   bankrupt in record
numbers, and watching
 their retirement funds
  diminish before their
 very eyes. Businesses
 are failing, banks are
   closing, real estate
prices plummeting and
    ghost towns being
   created as a result.
At the same time, we are discovering that our government has been
bought out by lobbyists and the banking industry, those who represent
 the richest corporations rather than what our forefathers intended:
    a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
We are fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and paying their
  ever-increasing price in terms of money and human life.
To make matters worse, on
  January 17, 2007, the minute
  hand of the Doomsday Clock
was moved two minutes closer to
   midnight; now standing at 5
  minutes before midnight. This
 clock was created to warn how
 close we, as Humankind, are to
 catastrophic destruction — the
     means by which we can
obliterate ourselves, represented
    by the figurative midnight.
The Doomsday Clock has been
   maintained since 1947 at the
   University of Chicago by the
   Bulletin of Atomic Scientists,
   among them, 18 Nobel-prize
winning Laureates. The Scientists
 focused on two major means of
 1) The threat created by 27,000
nuclear weapons — 2,000 of them
 ready to launch within minutes;
  and 2) Climate change — the
  destruction of human habitats
    upon which we depend for
―We stand at the brink of a second nuclear age. Not since the
 first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
has the world faced such perilous choices. North Korea‘s recent
 test of a nuclear weapon, Iran‘s nuclear ambitions, a renewed
emphasis on the military utility of nuclear weapons, the failure to
adequately secure nuclear materials, and the continued presence
 of 26,000 nuclear weapons in the United States and Russia are
  symptomatic of the failure to solve the problems posed by the
              most destructive technology on earth.‖
                             — The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
"As scientists, we understand the dangers of nuclear weapons and
 their devastating effects, and we are learning how human activities
   and technologies are affecting climate systems in ways that may
forever change life on Earth. As citizens of the world, we have a duty
  to alert the public to the unnecessary risks that we live with every
day, and to the perils we foresee if governments and societies do not
 take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent
                        further climate change.‖
                                                 — stephen hawking
"Nuclear weapons still pose the most catastrophic and immediate
      threat to humanity, but climate change and emerging
  technologies in the life sciences also have the potential to end
                    civilization as we know it.‖
                                               — sir martin rees
―In these dangerous times, scientists have the responsibility to
  speak truth to power especially if it might provoke actions to
   reduce threats from the preventable technological dangers
    currently facing humanity. To do anything else would be
   ―Global warming poses a dire threat to human civilization.
 Through flooding and desertification, climate change threatens
  the habitats and agricultural resources that societies depend
   upon for survival. As such, climate change is also likely to
contribute to mass migrations and even to wars over arable land,
               water and other natural resources.‖
                                               — Lawrence Krauss
                                 bulletin member & professor of Physics
                       and Astronomy at Case Western Reserve University
And what are we doing?
Very little. These
problems are indeed
 inconvenient truths.
  We have abdicated
  our power to those
   we believe to be
 more powerful than
  us and assigned to
       them the
overwhelming task of
―fixing‖ our world…
we simply cannot handle any more;
we are being pushed beyond our limits…
However, denying these issues may be
  unwise, because at this critical
     evolutionary juncture…
alarming events will not only continue,
          but will intensify.
The Ancients explain that discomfort, pain, conflict, and struggle
                    have a higher purpose.
They are catalysts for evolution…
signals to awaken us to the beginning of a new evolutionary
“Crises and conflict serve as a catalyst calling you
to transcend the beliefs around you. You must look
  within and ask if you are ready to be sovereign
             and claim your power.‖
                                   — PATRICIA CORI
                           No More Secrets, No More Lies
Now that you are aware of the enormity of the challenges we are
    facing, are you ready to begin building a foundation of
 knowledge and understanding? Are you ready to learn how we
    can create our future? For the Ancients have left us the
knowledge we need to navigate these challenges with hope and a
                    sense of empowerment.

   So let‘s begin with the ancient prophecies and learn of the
            importance of the time we are now living.
Section 1

The Ancient Prophecies:
 The Importance of the
Time We are Now Living
Some allege that the ancient prophecies are simply myth.
  However, there is a common thread that runs through these
       prophecies which makes them difficult to dismiss.
In fact, Albert Einstein actually felt the ancient prophecies were
                 a source of knowledge. He said:
―The Ancients knew something which
    we seem to have forgotten.‖
        — albert Einstein
What is the common thread in the ancient
They indicate that from 1987-2012, mankind would undergo the
most radical transformation of consciousness ever experienced
                         on this planet.
“Prophecy of a coming enlightenment,
a transformation of our human minds
 into their true potentiality, is echoed
 in virtually every faith, culture, era,
 philosophical tradition, and in every
         corner of the world.”
            — Dan Brown
            The Lost Symbol
The Ancients spoke of this time as:
―The Time of Trial on Earth‖
  ―The Shift of the Ages‖
  ―The Great Awakening‖
   ―The Apocalypse…‖
which in Greek means: the ―lifting of the veil,‖
the Ancients explain is the veil of incomplete understanding
              that now pervades life on earth.
―This is the time of the Great
Initiation, Global Awakening.
All is to be revealed now. The
 veil is lifting. Apocalypse is
            upon us.‖
       — Patricia Cori
 No More Secrets, No More Lies
What were the Ancients trying to convey to those of us in the future?
Many ancient civilizations were highly evolved and possessed
knowledge those of us living today can only understand with the
    assistance of computers and satellite probes. They built
  observatories, charted the movement of the stars through the
heavens and discovered that just as a cycle of seasons exists on a
 planetary level, there is also a cycle of seasons that exists on a
                            cosmic level.
The Ancients learned that our solar system travels around the
Milky Way galaxy in an elliptic pattern whose far end carries us
              to the most distant point from its core.
 This long cosmic cycle occurs every 25,920 years and is called
   ―The Precession of the Equinoxes,‖ as it also relates to the
 Earth‘s wobbling on its axis. The Ancients created a calendar
detailing the movement of the stars during this cycle as they orbit
                through each house of the zodiac.
Mayan expert John Major Jenkins tells us that ancient
civilizations all over the world were aware of this 25,920 year
“The Sumerians, Tibetans, Egyptians, Cherokee, Hopi, Maya,
  Kabbalists, Essenes, Navajo, Apache, Iroquois, Dogons,
Greeks, and Aborigines all had knowledge of the 25,920 year
      Precession and developed calendars based on it.”
                    John Major Jenkins
These calendars indicate
       that we are now
approaching the end of this
25,920 year cycle which will
  culminate at noon on the
       winter solstice:
    December 21, 2012 .
On that heralded day, a rare
 celestial conjunction in our
solar system will occur: the
  Earth and sun will align
   with the equator of our
     Milky Way galaxy.
The Ancients communicated
these important dates with great intention by whatever means
they could think of: stone monuments, pyramids, temples and
  tombs all over the world, many having precise calendrical
Why did the Ancients take such great pains to communicate this
           knowledge to those living in the future?
this rare celestial conjunction has implications:
As the Earth draws nearer and nearer to the
    Milky Way‘s equator, the energy at its core
      affects the energy on Earth, triggering
   geophysical changes in weather patterns, an
increase in solar flares, and the magnetic north of
  Earth shifting a few degrees. These events have
         the potential to cause cataclysms.
The Ancients wanted to make sure that we were aware of these
 potentials so that we would know what to expect and could
                   prepare for these events.
Could this Ancient knowledge be accurate?
Recent data from ocean
 sediment and polar ice
  cores confirm that the
    Earth has indeed
   undergone cycles of
     cataclysm which
correspond with the cycle
    dates the Ancients
Furthermore, the Ancients tell us
 that specific events will occur
       during this cycle:
1) The magnetic fields on Earth will decline.

Fact: Scientists have traced the magnetic fields of Earth since
 1837, when Carl Friedrich Gauss invented the first device for
 measuring the field. Data now shows a ten percent decline in
 Earth's magnetic field —twenty times faster than the natural
 decline rate would have been if the power source creating the
Earth's magnetic field had completely stopped. At this rate, the
    magnetic field could virtually disappear in 2000 years.
2) There will be a sharp increase in the amount
      of the sun’s energy reaching Earth.

 Fact: NASA predicts an unusually powerful ―Solar Maximum‖
sunspot season for 2012 though it may peak as early as late 2011.
  This intense solar activity occurs roughly every 11 years due to
   cyclic changes to the Sun's magnetic field. Regions on the sun
continue to generate extremely energetic solar flare activity which
    send charged particles crashing into the outer fringes of the
  Earth's atmosphere at a high velocity, generating auroras and
     geomagnetic storms thereby disrupting satellite and other
                 electromagnetic communications.
3) Global temperatures will increase.
4) Polar ice sheets will melt and collapse.
5) Global sea levels will rise.
Paleoclimatic evidence
 shows that whenever
this 25,920 year cycle
  has occurred in the
    past, it has been
    accompanied by
 climate change, mass
    extinctions and
 evolutionary change.
Fact: Scientists agree that we have entered an unprecedented
period of mass extinction not seen since the age of the dinosaurs.
   While estimates vary, extinction is occurring at a pace 100 to
    1,000 times greater today than natural extinction with ever-
    increasing intensity. According to a United Nations report,
  almost a quarter of the world's mammals face extinction within
   30 years, among them; lions, wild dogs, cheetahs, elephants,
gorillas, Siberian tigers, and the black rhinoceros. The UN report
  has identified more than 11,000 endangered animal and plant
 species — including more than 1,000 mammals and one in eight
                            bird species.
Mass extinctions
Is there anything we can do about this?
   The Ancients say yes, if we utilize the ―secret wisdom‖ —
   information prophesied to be revealed during this era —
      information I will reveal later in this presentation.

Knowing that a cycle is about to take place allows us to prepare
 for the general conditions created within that cycle. However,
how that cycle ultimately plays out, is determined solely by the
                        choices we make.
 are simply
 warning us
 of the need
   to take
steps so that
   we can
What specific steps do we need to take now?

The Ancients explained that the issues we need to resolve would
 automatically be illuminated during the end of this cycle in a
                 process they referred to as:
             ―The Purification‖ or ―Cleansing.‖
As we approach the equator of the Milky Way, the energy at its core
accelerates the energy on Earth which amplifies and illuminates both
  that which is good and that which is bad. This creates greater and
     greater polarity, separating the ―wheat from the chaff,‖ thus
 distinguishing the valuable from the valueless. This ―Purification‖
exposes that which does not serve humanity which then allows us the
   opportunity to resolve these issues and evolve to the next stage of
For example: The recent financial meltdown has revealed aspects of
 the banking industry which do not serve humanity. What has been
 exposed through this process is that this industry is self-serving. It
  preys upon the helpless and lacks both conscience and integrity.
How we treat the weakest members
of our civilization is our litmus test:
 a test of consciousness echoed by
            many leaders.
―The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest
                                                    — Gandhi
―The moral test of government is how that government treats
those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in
 the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of
          life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped."
                                           — hubert H. Humphrey
―The test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless
                                                    — Pearl S. Buck
―You can judge a nation by the way it treats its most vulnerable
                                                   — Aristotle
The Maya speak of the 25 years preceding 2012 as the ―Great
Hall of Mirrors,‖ for not only will we, as Humankind, be forced
to face those mirrors and examine our behavior, but each of us
individually will be called upon to do so as well with ourselves,
                       others and nature.

   They explain that the cycles of the universe generate these
processes so that a civilization can evolve its understanding and
       fundamental integrity with everything that exists.
During this period of Purification, the circumstances of this test
of consciousness will be set up and life will resemble a famous
             excerpt from ―A Tale of Two Cities:‖
―It was the best of times and it was
 the worst of times; it was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of incredulity;
 it was the season of light, it was the
season of darkness‘ it was the spring
    of hope, it was the darkness of
despair; we had everything before us,
we had nothing before us; we were all
 going direct to Heaven, we were all
    going direct the other way…‖
                  — Charles Dickens
How we respond to this ―test‖ will be
    one measure of our level of
To tackle these specific
  issues, we must first ask
ourselves what Dr. Phil has
       made so clear:
 ―Is what you are currently
 doing working for ―you‖?
 ―You‖ being Humankind.
   And the answer to that
question is an emphatic NO!
We also need to listen to what others are saying; those who are
  examining and learning from the mistakes, we in the United
States have made; those who can assess from a distance how we
       have gotten ourselves into the mess we are now in.

 In a rare interview, CNN‘s highly esteemed journalist, Fareed
Zecharia, asked Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao his view on
governing. And in my estimation his reply was very wise indeed.
―We had one important thought: that socialism can practice market
     economy. Give full play to the basic role of market forces in
    allocating resources under the macro-economic guidance and
 regulation of the government. Ensure that both the visible hand and
                 the invisible hand are given full play.‖
  Prime Minister Wen Jiabao citied two books, circa 1776, by Adam
   Smith which inspired him: First, "The Wealth of Nations" which
    deals with the invisible hand: market forces. And second, ―The
   Theory of Moral Sentiment,‖ which deals with social equity and
justice stressing the importance of the regulatory role of government.
  The prime minister agreed with Mr. Smiths premise, for he stated:
―If most of the wealth in a country is concentrated in the hands of the
       few, the country can hardly have harmony and stability.‖
Although the mere word ―socialism‖ will incite many, we must
transcend the rhetoric and work on behalf of Humanity. We must
recognize that the wealth of our country has shifted dramatically
              to a few at the expense of the majority.
     Keep in mind: this is a test, a set-up in the Divine Plan to
                       measure consciousness.
  To pass this test, our representatives in government must have
 the courage to look beyond the next election and work on behalf
      of the people, the majority of people, not the lobbyists.
I personally know many people impacted by the Economic crisis:
       Upstanding citizens who worked hard all of their lives to
establish a business, buy a home within their means and pay their
taxes. Those same people now are losing their businesses or jobs,
   their homes to foreclosure. Their credit scores, the measure of
 who you are in our society, have plummeted to the degree that it
    will be years before they will ever be able to get credit again.
They have literally been stripped bare and now face an uncertain
     future, perhaps even homelessness. And how are they being
   treated by those who perpetrated these conditions? The banks
and credit card companies are carrying on as though nothing has
   happened; for them it is ‗business as usual.‘ They are treating
    these people like sub-standard citizens, raising interest rates,
    cutting available credit, demanding payment and threatening
 litigation to people who did nothing to create the conditions they
are now caught up in. Can you see how this exposes their level of
How long will average people
  tolerate not being able to feed
their families or send their kids to
college while a wealthy few at the
       top enjoy conspicuous

Just take a look at history and you
 will discover how this imbalance
ultimately ends, for energy always
   seeks balance; it is a tenet of
After studying the
   monuments of many
  ancient civilizations,
author Graham Hancock
  concluded that within
    these records and
 monuments there is an
 important message for
those of us living today:
To paraphrase: Humanity has arrived at this critical evolutionary
point before without successfully balancing the material and spiritual
 aspects of our lives. As a result, Earth went through drastic physical
 changes to rid herself of those who had the potential to destroy her,
  and Humankind had to begin this journey again at a lower level of
  consciousness. In our distant past, civilizations existed which were
  advanced technologically but not spiritually. This imbalance led to
their demise. And so, our ancestors left information for us to discover
      and contemplate which warn of terrible Earth changes that
    periodically afflict our planetary home. Around the year 2012 ,
   however, there appears to be a fork in the road of human destiny.
  Which path opens for us is determined by the choices we make and
   quality of life we lead. The die has been cast and each soul has a
         choice to make: to turn toward the light or the dark.
                                                — Graham Hancock
                                                  Fingerprints of the Gods
―Astrological mapping of the years up to 2012 provide valuable
 insights into the nature of the coming changes upon the planet.
The way in which we respond to the released celestial energies is
crucial, because the upside of desperate circumstances will be an
accelerated flowering of the spirit amongst people who can relate
 positively to what is happening. From the perspective of events
   working themselves out as part of an intense global healing
 crisis, this is an initiation process for the whole of humanity. An
 astrological natal chart for December 21, 2012 says with great
                     deliberation: ―This is a test.‖

                                                      – moira timms
                                       Beyond Prophecies And Predictions
With this information in mind,
let‘s now examine the prophecies from
        different civilizations:
ancient Mayans

We are exiting the Fifth Age of Man –
     the ―Age of the Intellect‖
And entering the Sixth Age of Man —
       the ―Age of the Gods‖
The Classic Maya were extremely intelligent, possessing advanced
 knowledge of the written language, mathematics and astronomy,
       referred to by science as ‗The Maya Phenomenon.‘
The Classic Maya believed that their civilization existed in the fifth
great solar cycle. They described four different ages that existed in
   the past, each ending in cataclysm created by mankind. They
   explain that when a civilization arrives at the end of a ―great
cycle,‖ humanity is given the opportunity to evolve, but if it fails the
       ‗test,‘ the evolution of man must start all over again.
According to the Maya, December 21, 2012 is the beginning of
"a new world age" — "a new creation.‖ The world we create will
depend upon the choices we make now. They understood that the
    cyclical nature of the galaxy never changes, that it is only
      ―Man‘s process toward Perfection‖ which changes.
―We are now in a transition period called the
          ―Cycle of the Merge of the Dark and the Light.‖
  The cycle of the light will come in full force on 12/21/2012.
    The world will not end; it will be transformed. Earth will
  transcend to a new level of consciousness where everything
   will change. Change is accelerating now and will continue
to accelerate. We will rise to a new higher level but to get there
   we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to
  block the way. Earth can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the
        time to awaken and take action. This is a crucially
          important moment for humanity and for Earth.‖
                                                — Carlos Barrios
―During the last few years preceding 2012, we are told that we
  must disintegrate the corruption within the traditional world
 order. For those who choose the old ways, it will be the end of
their world. For those who pledged allegiance to the sacredness
of life and the planet, the sound the old makes as it crumbles will
                be the sound of one egg cracking.‖
                                               — Carlos Barrios
Hopi prophecies

     We are exiting the
―Fourth World of Destruction‖
      and entering the
   ―Fifth World of Peace‖
The Hopi, whose name means "people of peace," have sacred
traditions that go back thousands of years. Their prophecies state
 that a great purification would take place on Earth; a time when
 the world would shudder and tremble causing much destruction
  in order to cleanse the planet of the karmic negativity we have
              created while serving as its caretakers.
The Hopi warn that humankind now stands at a critical point of
    decision where we must choose everlasting life or total
Hopi wisdom

 ―We now face the
final test of human
  we must restore
 our oneness with
 creation. We are
going home. It is a
 process. It is like
the seed becoming
  the green shoot
    and then the
―The key to going through these changes lies in meditation and
prayer and giving love to all things: people, animals, plants and
  mountains for the spirit is one of the cantinas (expressions of
                    spirit) which are many.‖
                                                 — Hopi wisdom
Lakota Sioux prophecies

We are exiting a period of chaos and destruction
 And entering a period of harmony and unity
The Lakota prophecies are quite interesting for they tell us that
the transition into this new era would begin when a rare white
                        buffalo was born.
 The father of this buffalo was to die shortly after its birth and
           then something extraordinary would occur,
      for this buffalo was to change its color four times —
each color representing one of the root races in our world and
         symbolizing the coming together of humanity.

 And guess what? In August of 1994, an extremely rare white
 buffalo, named ―Miracle‖ was born in Janesville, Wisconsin.
    As prophesied, Miracle‘s father died ten days later and
amazingly her coat indeed changed color over the next 3 years:
             from white to black to red to yellow.
color changes 1994-1997
The Lakota prophecies also present us with a caveat:
If we fail to achieve harmony at this evolutionary juncture…
life as we now know it will end.
Hindu prophecies
      We are exiting the Kali Yuga,
        ―The Age of Ignorance‖
      And entering the Satya Yuga,
―The Golden Age of Truth and Knowledge‖
The Hindu separated the great
25,920 year cycle into periods
 known as Yugas. They tell us
 that we are now living at the
    close of the Kali Yuga:
    an era characterized by
  darkness, suffering, greed,
and violence — an age where
the helpless become targets to
       be preyed upon.
But in the near future, we will
  transition into the ―Satya‖
Yuga — an era characterized
 by virtue and wisdom where
misery, hatred, and illness no
          longer exist.
Kali Yuga   Satya Yuga
The Hindu tell us that we would know
when the transition into the next yuga was imminent
  when problems became amplified and hypocrisy
reached its zenith, for in that discomfort, Humankind
 would be compelled to seek solutions which would
   then usher us into the next stage of evolution.

We are exiting the ―Piscean Age‖
and entering the ―Aquarian Age‖
The ancient Egyptians were an incredibly sophisticated culture
possessing advanced abilities in design, architecture, engineering
 and construction incapable of being replicated today. The Giza
complex of ancient Egypt is the last of the seven ancient wonders
  of the world. The great pyramid is considered one of the most
  mysterious enigmas which exists today and is the largest and
            most massive stone structure in the world.

Egyptologists claim that the Pyramids were built by pharaohs as
tombs, however, the Great Pyramid did not contain a pharaoh's
  body, a treasure chamber, nor treasures. What then was its
                    claims that encoded
              in its architecture is a proph-
          etic message containing the past and
         future history of our planet. If this was
   indeed the intent of the Egyptians, they had a tall
order, for they had to construct a monument that would
not only endure for eons, but be understood by a future
The word
                   pyramid perhaps sheds
               light on its meaning. In Greek,
           the word "pyra" means light or visible,
       and the word "midos," means measures. Hence,
    the Great Pyramid of Giza has been called "the center
of measurement and enlightenment (knowledge)" for centuries.
Scientist and mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton was mesmerized by
     both the legend of the Pyramid and its incredible accuracy of
   construction. After studying the measurements made by numerous
 investigators before him, Newton recognized that key measurements
 would produce round numbers if he utilized the Sacred Jewish Inch,
    a unit of measure said to have been used in ancient times. The
  sacred Jewish inch is 1/25 of a sacred cubit, or 1/1,000 inch larger
than the British inch, and has a meaning beyond measurement for the
       Bible often employs substitutions such as days for years.
  Using one pyramid inch to represent one year, the pyramid reveals
                 unmistakable geometrical relationships.
          So, let‘s take a look at some of those measurements:
*The relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the
fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid.
*The length of a base is 9,131 Pyramid Inches from corner to corner
in a straight line.
*The length of a base side at the base socket level is 9,131 Pyramid
Inches or 365.24 Pyramid Cubits.
*The length of a base side at sidereal socket level is 9,131.4 Pyramid
Inches or 365.256 Pyramid Cubits.
*The length of the perimeter at the sidereal socket level is
36,525.63629 Pyramid Inches.
*The perfect formula height of the pyramid including the missing
apex is 5813.2355653763 Pyramid Inches, calculated from perimeter
of base divided by 2 Pyramid Inches.
*The height to the missing apex is 5,812.98 Pyramid Inches.
*The volume of the pyramid is: V = 1/3 base area x height =
161,559,817,000 cubic Pyramid Inches = 10,339,828.3 cubic
Pyramid Cubits. [(5,813.2355653 Pyramid Inches)/3 x 9 131
Pyramid Inches x 9 131 Pyramid Inches]
*The sum of the pyramid's two base diagonals in Pyramid Inches =
length of the Precession of the Equinoxes (25,827 years)
* The distance from the ceiling of the King's Chamber to the apex of
the pyramid = 4,110.5 Pyramid Inches, the radius of a circle whose
circumference = the precession of the equinoxes. [4,110.5 * 2 *
Pyramid Inches = 25,827]
*The perimeter of the 35th course of blocks, thicker than any of the
other courses, reveals a figure for the precession of the equinoxes.
*The outside surface stones are cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of
perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides,
and placed together with a gap between them of 0.02 inch designed
to allow space for glue to seal and hold the stones together.
*A white cement that connected the casing stones and made them
watertight is still intact and stronger than the blocks that it joins.
*The Ascending Passage rises at the same angle, 26.3 degrees, as the
angle of decline of the Descending Passage.
*The Descending Passage lines up with the Pole Star. With the
length of the passage 334 feet long, the angle of view is only + or -
1/3 of a degree. Because of the slow motion of the stars, the passage
lines up precisely to a Pole Star only once every several thousand
years. Stars move, and the Pole Star, Alpha Draconis has not been in
direct alignment with the Descending Passage for thousands of
years. However, a new Pole Star, known as the North Star, or
"Polaris,‖ will align within the next few years.
*Each year the North Star shines further down the Descending
Passage thus illuminating the entrance to the Well Shaft in 1997.
*The North Star illuminated the floor of the Subterranean Passage in
*The Pyramid's immense weight is supported by a flat solid
granite mountain directly under the Pyramid.
*The great pyramid was built to face true North.
*The Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth's land
mass. Its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel
across the Earth and the longest land meridian on Earth passes
right through the Pyramid.
*The Pyramid's cornerstones have balls and sockets built into
them. After 4,600 year, this structure would have been
significantly damaged without such construction.
* A universal relationship exists between the diameter of a circle
and its circumference. The height of the Pyramid's apex is
5,812.98 inches, and each side is 9,131 inches from corner to
corner (in a straight line). If the circumference of the Pyramid is
divided by twice its height (the diameter of a circle is twice the
radius), the result is 3.14159 – pi — demonstrated many times in
the pyramids precise construction.
*Each of the Pyramids four walls, when measured as a straight
line, are 9,131 inches, for a total of 36,524 inches — moving the
decimal point over = 365.24 — the exact length of the solar year.
*The average height of land above sea level (Miami being low
and the Himalayas being high), as can be measured only by
modern-day satellites and computers is 5,449 inches — the exact
height of the Pyramid.
*The four sides of the Pyramid are very slightly and evenly
bowed in exactly replicating the curvature of the earth;
the radius of this concave bow is equal to the radius of the Earth.
 When years are substituted for inches, the Great Pyramid becomes a
prophetic calendar. Dates shown include the alignment of the last Pole
 Star Draconis in 2141 B.C., the start of the Pyramid's construction in
  2623 B.C., the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt in 1453 B.C., the
    death of Christ in 33 A.D., and the start of World War I in 1914
I believe the Egyptians were trying to convey something to us in
        geometry, said to be the language of the Universe.

  In addition to the incredible stone monuments the Egyptians
constructed, they also possessed an astonishingly accurate zodiac
              calendar which spanned 40,000 years.
This calendar ended on September 17, 2001;
  six short days after the tragedies of September 11 –
  a day that changed the course of history and forced
many choices which would impact the future of Humanity.
Some say that September 2001 marked the most intensive
        end phase of our ―test‖ where the level
  of our collective consciousness would be revealed..
This calendar is called the Dendera disk, a ancient celestial
   zodiac clock ticking away Earth‘s journey through time. It is
 embedded into the stone ceiling of the Dendera temple complex
  in Egypt and clearly marks the shift from one world age to the
   next. In addition, it contains all of the information needed to
calculate Earth‘s journey from one zodiac sign to the next. What
 makes it interesting though, is that each zodiac sign is close to
one another with the exception of Pisces and Aquarius. Between
     these two signs is a symbol referred to as ―the Square of
Pegasus‖ – a tablet that holds the ‗programs of destiny;‘ telling
    us that during the cycle we are now in, there is a window of
               opportunity for Humankind to evolve.
―Historical records contain
   indisputable evidence that secret
 wisdom came out of ancient mystery
schools in Egypt. They taught that the
Pyramid represents enlightenment: An
architectural symbol of ancient mans
 ability to break free from the earthly
  plane and ascend toward Heaven —
 the supreme source of illumination.‖
                      — DAN BROWn
                        The Lost Symbol
In addition to the prophecies of the ancient civilizations, there
are other sources which have attempted to communicate critical
      knowledge to those of us living in this historic cycle ,
                       ―if we can ‗read.‘‖

  And one of those sources is the highly controversial ―Bible
Code,‖ considered by some to be the most compelling enigma in

The Bible Code not only corroborates the Ancient wisdom, but
warns that during the narrow window of time we are now living
  in, we must open our minds, learn the ancient wisdom and
           consciously utilize it to create our future.
What is the Bible Code?
For more than 3,000 years
  it has been alleged that a
    code existed within the
Torah; the original first five
      books of the Bible.
  Dating back to medieval
 times, rabbinical scholars
     first wrote about the
   discovery of meaningful
     words hidden in this
          Hebrew text.
―The rule is that all that was,
is, and will be unto the end of
time, is included in the Torah,
 from the first word to the last
   word. And not merely in a
  general sense, but as to the
  details of every species and
   each one individually, and
details of details of everything
that happened to him from the
day of his birth until his end.‖
        — The Genius of Vilna
              an 18th Century Sage
Even the Biblical book
  of Daniel speaks of
‗sealing the book‘ until
   ‗the end of time.‘
―Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed
until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves and make
    themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act
wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who
                    are wise shall understand.‖
                                         — The Bible Daniel 12: 9, 10
―But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the
time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall
                                             — The Bible Daniel 12:4
Sir Isaac Newton was
among those who believed
that the Bible contained a
hidden prophecy of human
history. He was convinced
    that the Bible was a
  ―cryptogram set by the
  Almighty‖ and wanted
  very much to ―read the
riddle of the Godhead, the
 riddle of past and future
       events divinely
The entire notion of a
Bible Code was myth
    until 1994…
when two scientists, world-
 renowned mathematician,
Eliyahu Rips, and computer
   expert Doron Witztum,
stunned the world for they
had succeeded in breaking
          the code!
They published their findings in a
journal called ―Statistical Science,
however, because this topic was so
 controversial these findings were
  subjected to intense scrutiny. A
 panel of referees were appointed
   to verify the findings and they
 determined that the math used to
  ascertain them was ironclad. In
    fact, it exceeded the criteria
  typically used as a benchmark.
―Our referees were baffled. Their prior beliefs made them think
   the Book of Genesis could not possibly contain meaningful
   references to modern day individuals, yet when the authors
carried out additional analyses and checks, the effects persisted.
  The paper is thus offered to ‗Statistical Science‘ readers as a
                      challenging puzzle.‖
                                                   — Robert Kass
In addition, the Bible code was proven
 infallible by a number of other credible
        scientific sources. Famous
     mathematicians, the highest level
    Pentagon code-breakers, as well as
  esteemed professors at Harvard, Yale,
  and Hebrew University all agree that,
   although incomprehensible from our
current knowledge base, the Bible Code is
This mystery was
  unraveled by
 eliminating the
    spaces and
 between words,
    turning the
 original Torah
  into one long
strand of letters
     — a clue
   intimated in
The Bible code appears to foretell every major event in history:
 current, future, and past, including the Kennedy assassinations, the
Rabin assassination, World Wars I and II, the Shoemaker-Levy comet
striking Jupiter, the Gulf War, and the September 11 tragedies. Some
            also suggest that it foretells the future of man…
Investigative writer Michael Drosnin
     authored ―Bible Code II: The
   Countdown‖ where he reveals an
  unsettling message regarding 2012.
 Intersecting the word ‗comet,‘ are the
   words: ―Earth annihilated.‖ More
 important, there is a second message
     which also appears:―It will be
crumbled, driven out;‖ ―I will tear it to
pieces.‖ In the second scenario it is not
Earth which is destroyed, but the threat.
  More interesting though, a haunting
third phrase appears – a phrase which
  appears throughout the Bible Code
 when specific scenarios are identified:
―Will you change it?‖

The Bible Code appears to present various potential futures which
 exist concurrently — a premise more fully understood with the
   advent of Quantum Physics, because it says the same thing.
In his closing remarks in ―Bible Code: The Countdown,‖ author
                   Michael Drosnin explains:
     ―...the Bible Code is more than a warning. It may be the
information we need to prevent the predicted disaster. ‗Code will
  save‘ appears right above ‗Atomic Holocaust,‘ just below ‗the
 End of Days.‘ It is not a promise of divine salvation nor a threat
of inevitable doom. The message of the Bible Code is that we can
save ourselves. In the end, what we do determines the outcome.‖
The Bible Code appears to provide yet further
validation that we, as humankind, have arrived at a
 point in our evolution where we must choose our

 There is yet another controversial book which
 corroborates the Ancient Prophecies entitled:
―The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch.‖ ®
This book challenges us to go beyond
our rational intellect; telling us that we
  are all experiential beings with free
   will. By integrating our Higher Self
with the Divine in conjunction with the
   energy field, we will bring forth the
  knowledge of the true science of Life
enabling us to make a quantum leap in
our consciousness. The Keys teach that
     we must unite the scientific and
  spiritual realms in order to solve the
problems of Earth. Its ultimate purpose
 is to advance humanity so that we are
prepared to make a quantum shift that
  will move both us and Earth into the
       next phase of our evolution.
The original Book of Enoch, said to
   contain the Ancient secrets, was
   banned from the Bible by early
religious leaders but in the 1800‘s a
  copy was discovered in Ethiopia.
What knowledge did the church wish
               to ban?
  The powerful Ancient knowledge
  which was relegated to only a few
             high priests.
 Enoch was the great-grandfather of
Noah. In this book it was explained:
 ―My great-grandfather Enoch gave
  me all the secrets in the book and
  parables which had been given to
him, and he put them together for me
    in the words of the book of the
The Book of Enoch was also found
    intact in the Dead Sea Scrolls and
describes a wondrous civilization which
existed in the past – a civilization which
  misused the keys of higher knowledge
   and were unable to save themselves
 from cataclysm. Yet Enoch promises a
 return of this knowledge at the ―end of
This knowledge suggests that ―Regular
      cataclysmic changes act as an
    evolutionary agent provocateur to
  quicken the resident life forms to the
        next evolutionary phase.‖
I‟m now going to present a provocative excerpt from a
metaphysical source — the best-selling series of books entitled
“Conversations With God,” by Neale Walsch. For in this book
there is an account of the advanced Atlantean civilization and
  how it failed to pass the same test we are now undergoing:

           And just in case you are uncomfortable
        with anything categorized as “Metaphysical,”
            or that which is beyond the physical,
               it was Albert Einstein who said:
―The more I study
 Physics, the more I am
drawn to Metaphysics.‖
  — Albert Einstein
―Once before on your planet you had reached the heights —
beyond the heights, really, to which you now are slowly climbing.
You had a civilization on Earth more advanced than the one now
 existing. And it destroyed itself. Not only did it destroy itself, it
nearly destroyed everything else as well. It did this because it did
not know how to deal with the very technologies it had developed.
   Its technological evolution was so far ahead of its spiritual
      evolution that it wound up making technology its god.
     Walsch: Are you talking about the Lost City of Atlantis?
              God: Some of you have called it that.
   Walsch: So then it is true? We did get to that place before?
          God: Oh beyond it, My Friend. Way beyond it.
              Walsch: And we destroyed ourselves?
God: Why are you surprised? You're doing the same thing now.‖
                                          — Neale Donald Walsch
                                               Conversations with God Book 3
Another reason
the Ancients took
  great pains to
 forewarn of the
   changes that
 were to occur?
They wanted to make sure we were aware of
  the reason for the crises occurring in our
 world so that we could transcend the chaos
and utilize this unprecedented opportunity in
    history as it was intended: to evolve.
The Ancient documents agree:

We have now arrived at a critical juncture in our evolution where
    we must apply the ancient wisdom to create our future.
―The knowledge to unlock the ancient mysteries was to be
 revealed at a pivotal moment in history where mankind could no
longer survive without the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients.
 At this dark crossroads, mankind will herald in a wondrous new
                         age of enlightenment.
                That moment is fast approaching —
                 it is always darkest before dawn.‖
                                                 — dan brown
                                                   The Lost Symbol
Have we now arrived at the point where we can no longer
           survive without the ancient knowledge?
                       Many believe so.
 The ancient prophecies indicate that around the year 2000, we
would arrive at a precarious point in our evolution. By that time,
   we would have acquired vast technological and scientific
    capabilities, but at the same time, we would lack critical
 knowledge to use that power wisely which would threaten both
                  the planet and the human race.
And interestingly, it is not only the Ancients that
 speak of this threat, for many contemporary
     visionaries have recognized it as well.
  The following is an excerpt from The Earth
Charter, a vision statement created by numerous
           worldwide organizations:
―We stand at a critical moment in Earth‘s history, a time when
     humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes
   increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once
    holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we
  must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of
    cultures and life forms, we are one human family and one
           Earth community with a common destiny.‖
                                         — the Earth Charter
―Humankind is standing precariously on the edge of its destiny. It
  will either rise to a paradigm change or experience decline or
   possible destruction. This is an unavoidable confrontation.”
                                                — Glenda Green
                                                   Love Without End
―Within the next ten years, America will have a catastrophe or a
  renaissance. Something is going to happen to take us back to
                            who we are.”
                                       — Marianne Williamson
                                        1997-The Healing of America
―The age of nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not
    perish, is to shake off our ancient prejudices, and to build the
          Earth… The future of the world is in our hands.‖
                                      — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
―We are the ones who have the most profound task in
                    human history:
    The task of deciding whether we grow or die.‖
                                    — JEAN HOUSTON
So, how do we grow?
What are we now supposed to do?
I‘m now going to share a rather strange prophetic message I received 24
years ago which provides a clue.
Again I ask that you refrain from throwing the baby out with the bath water
until you have heard the entirety of this presentation...
Late one evening a friend of mine called and asked if I would accompany her
the following day to an appointment she had made with a psychic. Although
she planned to go with another friend, that friend had just canceled and she
was a bit apprehensive about going alone.
Well, to tell you the truth, I wasn‘t too keen about seeing a psychic, but she
begged and pleaded and I finally conceded thinking, ‖What the heck, life is
an adventure,‖ right?
And indeed this meeting was an adventure, for in the midst of our session this
man stopped abruptly and told me that he was receiving an urgent message
for me from a group of teachers…
Now, this was a bit weird in my book, but he distracted me and told me to
hurry up and write down what he was receiving before he lost it.
This is the message I received on that day:
―Things only happen when you make them happen. To let go and
             surrender is to let things happen to you.
You have free will and must set things in motion. Planet Earth is
on the verge of destructive power in the wrong hands. Things will
  only change when people change. To raise people‘s spiritual
 consciousness is the task at hand. It can only begin there and be
    demonstrated as such. There is much work to do. Begin by
 helping others become aware. You have the gift. Use it or it will
                            be wasted.
D.M.A. is your first step...
[DMA, or Dimensional Mind Approach was a course I was then
    taking that dealt with the multi-dimensions of the mind]
  …Every person‘s ―Universal truth‖ they espouse is holy unto
them. Formulate your own truth, live by it, share it, and teach it.
 That is your mission. To blend the psychological awareness of
 your past with the awareness of the reality of the future is key.
 While men are building new and beautiful skyscrapers, energy
     should be channeled into consciousness in this world.
They are blind. Make them see. Various civilizations that were
    highly technical, fell. When there is technology without the
    awareness of God, it cannot work. God, or Spirit is before
 technology and channeling the power properly will benefit and
evolve mankind. It must be harnessed or all will be lost. Mankind
   on Earth will have to begin again. All progress made by the
   various souls will be lost. It is time, the time is now for these
events to happen. They only happen with individual people. That
                        is the task at hand.‖
What‘s the clue in this
―Various civilizations that were highly technical fell. When there
     is technology without the awareness of God, or Spirit, it
                           cannot work.‖
What does that mean?
Without the integration of science and spirit, or achieving
balance in all aspects of who we are — body, mind & spirit —
stagnation occurs, evolution comes to an abrupt halt, and our
                 civilization begins to decline.
And English historian,
   Arnold Toynbee,
    agreed with that
premise. After studying
 the fall of 26 ancient
    civilizations, he
 concluded that these
    civilizations all
      perished for
   the same reason:
They refused to
These civilizations had become so blinded by
  their power, so convinced of their utter
   brilliance, so unwilling to examine the
    incongruities in their belief systems,
           they unwittingly created
              their own demise.
precisely where we find
   ourselves today…
How can we avoid the same fate?
Albert Einstein provides
    two more clues.
 In the first he tells us:
―Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that
                        created them.‖
                                             — ALBERT EINSTEIN
So, it appears that the
    solutions to our
problems lie at the next
  level of awareness,
which just so happens to
impel our evolution into
     that next level.

 In the second clue he
―We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if
                   mankind is to survive.‖
                                            — ALBERT EINSTEIN
So, our manner of thinking seems to
be key to our evolution, and as you
 learned earlier, the knowledge we
 need to advance our thinking – the
   ancient mystery of mysteries –
 was destined to be revealed today.
 But think about it... How would this
―secret‖ knowledge be conveyed and
  received in today‘s day and age?
Was someone to appear on CNN and
  reveal the secret? And if they did,
   how do you think they might be
What would it take to capture the attention of the world to
   the degree that our prevailing beliefs would change
What would it take to force us to look at the bigger picture;
                  the path we are now on?
Events of Magnitude…
Cataclysmic Events
Crises, conflicts, upheavals…
events so riveting they would shake us to our core and kick us out
                        of our comfort zones.
Remember, there a higher purpose to adversity,
         crisis and catastrophe…
these events act
 as catalysts to
they provide
   for an
―The only thing that can possibly save humanity is for God to
      rise up within the human soul in the midst of great

                                            — Lewis Mumford
                                           The Pentagon of Power
―There are some things you learn best in calm,
             and some in storm.‖
                                       — Willa Cather
―Conflict, pain, tension, fear, paradox.... these are
transformations trying to happen. Once we confront them, the
               transformative process begins.‖
                                        — Marilyn Ferguson
                                          The Aquarian Conspiracy
―Only that which is deeply felt can change us. Rational
 arguments alone cannot penetrate the layers of fear and
conditioning that comprise our crippling belief systems.‖
                                     — Marilyn Ferguson
                                      The Aquarian Conspiracy
“Struggle creates discord and disruption which pulls and pushes
 consciousness forcing it to examine itself, choose its path, and
                          thus evolve.‖
                                                 — PATRICIA CORI
                                            No More Secrets, No More Lies
―Pain exists to promote evolution; its cumulative effect finally
                  forces us in a new direction.‖
                                          — Dr. David Hawkins
                                                   Power Versus Force
―Tolerance for pain may be high, but it is not without limit.
Eventually everyone begins to recognize, however dimly, that
there must be a better way. As this recognition becomes more
       firmly established, it becomes a turning point.‖
                                — A Course in Miracles®
―Change will not occur
    unless there is
   discomfort in the
  current paradigm.‖
         — JOEL BARKER
     Paradigms: The Business of
         Discovering the Future
As you can see,
     events of
magnitude provide
 a wake-up call
which challenges
     us to ask
―What are we doing,‖
 and more important,
―Where are we heading?‖
Consider the path Ebenezer
Scrooge was on in Dickens classic,
     ―A Christmas Carol:‖
Only until Mr. Scrooge was
     able to experience
  the repercussions of his
  tyrannical ways from a
 place of discomfort, was
he able to awaken and alter
    the course of his life.
Where was he, and where was he
 going before discomfort came
     knocking at his door?
Now that you are aware of the importance of the time we are now
              living, we will move onto Section 2
                and examine the bigger picture:

The Process of Evolution and How it
for unless you have a more
expanded view of life, nothing can
   or will make sense. And that
premise was illustrated beautifully
  in a song written by the gifted
 songwriter Steven Schwartz, for
             the movie
      ―The Prince of Egypt.‖

     And I‘d like to share the
    incredible lyrics with you.
A single thread in a tapestry though its color brightly shines,
   can never see its purpose in the pattern of the grand design.
           And the stone that sits at the very top of the
                      mountain‘s mighty face,
         does it think it‘s more important than the stones
                         that form the base?
          So how can you see what your life is worth or
                      where your value lies?
           You can never see through the eyes of man.
           You must look at life through Heaven‘ eyes.
A lake of gold in the desert sand is less than a cool fresh spring?
             And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy is
                   greater than the richest king.
 If a man loses everything he owns, has he truly lost his worth?
       Or is it the beginning of a new and brighter birth?
So how do you measure the worth of a man,
             in wealth or strength or size?
    In how much he gained or how much he gave?
   The answer will come to him who tries to look at
            his life through Heaven‘s eyes.
 And that‘s why we share all we have with you though
                there‘s little to be found.
When all you‘ve got is nothing, there‘s a lot to go around
     No life can escape being blown about by the
              winds of change or chance.
       And though you never know all the steps,
           you must learn to join the dance.
     So how can you judge what a man is worth?
              By what he builds or buys?
      You can never see with your eyes on Earth.
          Look at life through Heaven‘s eyes!
To look at life through Heavens eyes, we must begin with the
                     perennial questions:
―What are we doing here‖,
 ―Why is life so difficult?‖
Throughout the ages, spiritual teachers have taught that life is a
 course of experience we must go through in this schoolroom
                     called planet Earth,
      before we can graduate to higher levels of being.
If that‘s the case,
    what‘s the
the evolution of consciousness…
the expansion or advancement of our souls
           through experience.
Whether you know it or not, evolution is
  occurring in your every moment.

Think about it. Do you know more today
      than you did ten years ago?


         But more important:
Have you grown wiser as a result of those experiences?
―There are no
    mistakes, no
   All events are
 blessings given to
 us to learn from.‖
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
―Evolution, innate to the overall field of consciousness,
guarantees the salvation of mankind, and with it, all of life.‖
                                          — Dr. david Hawkins
                                                Power Versus Force
So, if evolution is the
  name of the game,
is there an organizing
process to evolution?
I believe the answer to that question is:
and it is best explained by a scientific theory called:
Spiral Dynamics is an
       offshoot of
  Psychology which
studies the growth and
  development of the
 with Spiral Dynamics
    focusing on the
      dynamics of
What is consciousness?
The dictionary defines it as:
 awareness; wakefulness;
   the executive control
    system of the mind.
I discovered the premise of
  Spiral Dynamics in a book
  ―A Theory Of Everything‖
       by Dr. Ken Wilber.
And I just loved that title for I
    thought ―this dude has a
 theory of everything,‖ and I
was curious to learn what his
      theory was all about.
Fundamental to Dr. Wilber‘s
  theory, is the premise of
  Spiral Dynamics. For he
    believes that without
    an understanding of
 Spiral Dynamics, it would
 be difficult to understand
      anything in life.

    And after reading his
   book and experiencing
  a number of epiphanies,
         I agreed.
What does Spiral
Dynamics say?

More than one hundred different research studies conducted
across the globe which tested more than fifty thousand people,
                     agreed on one item:
Humanity is divided into 8 distinct levels of consciousness –
         each representing a stage of evolution.
The development of consciousness occurs as one progresses
through these stages, referred to as memes, and every person on
   the face of this planet happens to be in one of those memes.
Just as our schools are separated into various grade
 levels, the schoolroom called planet Earth is also
             divided into different levels.
Each meme has a specific set of beliefs and attributes that operate
unconsciously but significantly influence a person‘s behavior. These
 beliefs are so deeply ingrained within one‘s psyche, that he or she
believes that their meme is the only legitimate meme and as a result,
                   they adopt the following stance:
―My beliefs are right, yours are wrong, and if I can‘t convince
                    you of the err of your ways,
I had better rid the world of your kind or else the world will go to
                      hell in a hand basket!‖
This is the old ‗save the world from evil‘ story that has been told,
                retold, and embellished upon for ages.
  And if we take a closer look at those who hate or have disdain for
 the United States, or for that matter, western civilization, what we
     see is a contemporary version of this story being played out.
         From their perspective, their level of consciousness,
    they have concluded that westerners are a decadent, corrupt,
unspiritual bunch of folks who will ultimately infect and destroy the
 human race if they don‘t eliminate us from the face of this planet.
        A noble premise, and that‘s why they‘re able to recruit
and incite so many followers; they believe they are saving the world
                 from evil. Only in this case, we‘re the
                         ones perceived as evil.
You may be thinking that we would
be better off if those at more primary
 levels of consciousness just didn‘t
        live on this planet…
It would certainly
 eliminate a lot of
    issues, right?
        But think
       about it…
What would life be
like if we lived in a
     place where
  everyone looked
     similar, held
   similar beliefs,
   and behaved in
   similar ways?
   In other words,
Would you want to live in a world populated by
             7 Billion of you?
I don‘t think so... I think you might become a bit bored with
                 yourself after a few weeks...

           But let‘s take that idea even further:
The different memes, or levels of consciousness, provide
contrast — variety and diversity, which in turn, provides a
     context from which to define and experience life.
And what is the purpose of life?
The expansion of consciousness through experience.
How could you define
if ‗cold‘ didn‘t exist?
How could you
    appreciate the
euphoric experience
of love if its opposite
    did not exist?
You couldn‘t.
For there would be no
context from which to
 define, compare or
    experience it.
Furthermore, in order for evolution to occur, there must be
something higher to evolve to and something lower to evolve
                     from. Therefore:
We live in a world of duality, of opposites –
and these opposites have a higher purpose.
They provide a context and contrast which in turn, creates
       an environment where we can make choices
           and then experience those choices.
And if we discover that we have made a bad choice,
                we can choose again —
                   and thus evolve.
    Can you see how valuable this information is?
     For it enables us to understand why people
      think, believe and behave the way they do.
And interestingly, the premise of ever-evolving stages of
           development was also found in a
     2,500 year old Essene document which states:
―What is Truth? For the same things appear different to different
  minds, and even to the same mind at different times. What then
      is Truth?... To men Truth is revealed according to their
   capacity to understand and receive. The one truth hath many
  sides, and one seeth one side only, another another, and some
   see more than others, according as it is given to them.... That
  which appeareth true to some, seemeth not true to others. They
    who are in the valley see not as they who are on the hilltop.
   But to each, it is the truth as the one mind seeth, and for that
     time, till a higher truth shall be revealed unto the same.‖
                                — The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
In another excerpt
from the Essenes we
      are told:
―God giveth you all Truth as a ladder with many steps for
   the salvation and perfection of the soul, and the truth
 which seemeth today, ye will abandon for the higher truth
  of the morrow.... As I have received the Truth, so I have
 given it to you. Let each receive it according to their light
  and ability to understand, and persecute not those who
          receive it after a different interpretation.‖
                           — The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
                                       The Essene New Testament
As you can see, the ever-expanding nature of truth,
or the evolution of consciousness, has been around for a long
 long time. So, now that you have an idea of how evolution
 unfolds on an individual basis, let‘s explore how it unfolds
Just as you and I progress through the various memes in
  our personal evolution, the same is true of humanity.
         However, our collective evolution differs
             in one way for there is always…
one dominant meme which holds the seat of power.
This meme is at the helm of mankind‘s
 evolution and will remain in power
until we have completed our lessons in
              that meme.
How do we know when we have completed our lessons?
When we are able to acknowledge the incongruities that exist within
our current dominant meme: when we can recognize that solutions
 touted by this meme are ineffective and those in power are willing
 to compromise their integrity in order to preserve their power, we
            are then ready to graduate to the next meme.
To illustrate how Humankind transitions from one meme to the
                next, let‘s take a look at history.
Religion was the
 dominant meme
  for hundreds of
 But when people
  discovered that
―express tickets to
   heaven‖ were
 being sold to the
  highest bidder,
and that the church was taking a strong stance on scientifically
  invalid ―facts,‖ such as the sun revolves around the Earth,
        incongruities were illuminated within religion.
At that point in the 17th century, people became rather
uncomfortable and began looking for another source from which
  to understand life; a source which would provide meaningful
 solutions to life‘s problems. And the baton of power was then
                             passed to…
Science and
 which has reigned
ever since that time.
The next requirement for graduating to the next
              stage of evolution?
All aspects of our being: body, mind, and spirit,
                must be balanced.
Therefore, if we‘re evolving more rapidly in the technological
                 and scientific arena, the mind,
               and lagging in our spiritual growth,
                    an imbalance will result.

And that‘s where we find ourselves today, for we currently have a
          number of imbalances in our collective being.
How do we identify an imbalance?
An imbalance first appears as a
         small problem. If that problem
 is not resolved, it becomes a bigger problem.
    And if the problem is still not resolved,
it eventually becomes a catastrophe where we
         are then forced to deal with it.
Therefore, before any large-scale tragedy
       occurs, less critical events
             will precede it.
These events have a higher purpose…
they are warnings, alerting us of an imbalance
           which must be resolved.
In the case of the tragedies of September 11, the bombing of the
  SS Cole as well as the embassy bombings in Africa preceded
                    these events, did they not?
However, because we are currently unaware of the higher
          purpose of these less critical events,
 we typically don‘t take decisive action until something
                  catastrophic occurs.
And this poses a serious problem today. For during the process
     of ―Purification,‖ smaller critical events are inevitable.
 They serve to illuminate the imbalances in our collective being –
issues that must be resolved. Therefore, if we ignore these events,
regardless of where they are occurring in our world, the potential
   for catastrophe grows greater and greater. The bottom line?
Until we recognize the higher purpose of adverse experiences,
           we will continue to experience tragedy.
From our current state of consciousness…
Critical events provide
the discomfort necessary to promote evolution.
“Accelerated evolution is made possible by exaggerated polarity
– an opportunity for humankind to explore a new understanding
                  of the nature of all reality.‖
                                               — PATRICIA CORI
                                       No More Secrets, No More Lies
Now that you are aware of the significance of the time we are
now living and have a greater awareness of the bigger picture —
the process of evolution and how it unfolds — and understand the
   importance of addressing smaller critical events before they
                       become catastrophes,
          we will now move onto Section 3 and explore:

   The Most Formidable
     and Unsuspecting
Threat Now Facing Humanity
Where is this
threat coming
Science and
And though that may
sound preposterous to
      some, many
  individuals who we
    deem as credible
 have recognized this
    threat, but their
 warnings have, thus
   far, been ignored.
―I believe that human survival in the face of the threat of
    nuclear holocaust and the devastation of our natural
    environment, will be possible only if we are able to
 radically change the methods and values underlying our
                  science and technology.‖
                                       — DR. Fritjof Capra
                                            The Tao of Physics
―As we stand at the brink of a second nuclear age and at the
 onset of unprecedented climate change, our way of thinking
  about the uses and control of technologies must change to
prevent unspeakable destruction and future human suffering.‖
                                          — Kennette Benedict
                                     Atomic Scientist executive director
―We‘ve arranged a global
civilization in which most crucial
  elements profoundly depend on
  science and technology. We‘ve
    also arranged things so that
     almost no one understands
 science or technology. We might
 get away with it for a while, but
 sooner or later, this combustible
 mixture of ignorance and power
is going to blow up in our faces.‖
         — Carl sagaN
―One of humanity‘s constant nightmares has been that
technological growth...has always run ahead of...growth in
wisdom, care, and compassionate use of that technology. In
other words, exterior development has run ahead of interior
                                          — Dr. Ken Wilber
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2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
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2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
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2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
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2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
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2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads
2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads

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2012 Human Kind at a Crossroads

  • 1. 2012: HUMANKIND AT A CROSSROADS A Call to Action Lauren Tratar
  • 2. Undoubtedly, you have heard much about 2012, cataclysm and ‗end times.‘ However, one crucial piece of this story has been omitted: Ancient secret knowledge was destined to be unveiled at this precarious point in our evolution so that we, as humankind, had the tools to resolve the myriad challenges we are now facing and to create a promising future. However, even though this knowledge is being revealed right now, an unsuspecting insidious power seeks to block our progress and derail our efforts: our own resistance to explore what lies outside of our comfort zones.
  • 3. Past civilizations also reached the same evolutionary crossroads we find ourselves at today but ended in cataclysm. Seeking to alert our civilization to the deeper meaning behind this galactic juncture, they left countless monuments, manuscripts and essential advanced knowledge so that we could utilize this unprecedented opportunity as it was intended: to move into the next stage of evolution. The task of resolving our issues and creating a hopeful future may seem Herculean, yet it is indeed within our reach. To learn more, view this presentation.
  • 4. Our mission is to inspire and empower others to live life as a magical experience. By simplifying ageless wisdom into practical tools and techniques, we (An Alliance of Angels) intend to improve the quality of life, alleviate unnecessary pain and simultaneously, recreate our world!” From my heart to yours, Lauren
  • 6. ―Evolution made civilization steward of this planet. One hundred thousand years later, the steward stood before evolution, not healer, but parasite — a gifted society in so many ways, trapped at last by greed and lack of vision. It ravaged the forests into desert, consumed the soul of the land in mine-pits and waste, smothered its air and its oceans, sterilized the earth with radiation and poisons. A million million chances it had to change, but it would not. From the ground it dug luxury for a few, jobs for the rest, and graves for the children of all. In the end, the children didn‘t agree, but the children had come too late. How could a civilization have been so blind?‖
  • 7. That, friends, is an excerpt from a novel entitled ‗One‘ by Richard Bach. It describes one possible future for mankind — a future some believe to be the most probable future. But I am about to present compelling evidence which proclaims that you and I have both the power and responsibility to change that future.
  • 8. Thousands of years ago numerous ancient civilizations all over this planet — not geographically close to one another — took great pains to communicate what they deemed to be essential information for those of us living from 1987-2012.
  • 9. They spoke of this 25 year period as a major milestone in the evolution of mankind – a time where we would have the opportunity to birth the next stage of evolution.
  • 10. However, unlike milestones of the past that occurred subtly and gradually beneath the surface of everyday life, this one is different.
  • 11. To gain admittance into this next stage, we first must pass a test…
  • 12. a test of consciousness.
  • 13. During this era, crises, conflicts, and great upheavals were destined to occur. As we attempted to resolve these crises using our current methods — predominantly power and force — we would ultimately hit a brick wall for those methods would no longer be effective.
  • 14. At that point we, as humankind, would stand at a crossroads, where we would be called upon to alter the course we are now on, resolve our issues in a different manner and consciously choose our future.
  • 15. ―For millennia, humankind has wandered in darkness… but now there is a change coming. After hurtling blindly through history, mankind has reached a crossroads. This moment was predicted long ago, prophesied by ancient texts, medieval calendars, by the stars themselves. The date was specific, its arrival imminent, and preceded by a brilliant explosion of knowledge, a flash of clarity to illuminate the darkness and give mankind a final chance to veer away from the abyss and take the path of wisdom. Our destiny is to light this torch of wisdom.‖ — Dan Brown - The Lost Symbol
  • 16. ―‗Open your eyes,‘ they were saying, ‗there is more.‘ More depth, height, dimension, perspectives, choices than we have ever imagined... Throughout history there were lone individuals here and there, or small bands at the fringes of science or religion, who, based on their own experiences, believed that people might someday transcend narrow ‗normal‘ consciousness and reverse the brutality and alienation of the human condition. They celebrated the freedom found in the larger context and warned of the dangerous blindness of the prevailing view. Long before global war, ecological stress, and nuclear crisis struck, they feared for the future of a people without a context. Although they themselves moved beyond the dominant ideas of their day, they carried few of their contemporaries with them. Most often they were misunderstood, lonely, even ostracized.... Their ideas, however, served as fuel for future generations.‖ — Marilyn Ferguson The Aquarian Conspiracy
  • 17. What are we opening our eyes to? How might we light this torch of wisdom and create our future?
  • 18. Well, that‘s the objective of this presentation which I have divided into 6 sections:
  • 19. SECTION 1 The Ancient Prophecies: The Importance of the Time We Are Now Living
  • 20. SECTION 2 The Bigger Picture: The Process of Evolution and How it Unfolds
  • 21. Section 3 The Most Formidable and Unsuspecting Threat Now Facing Humanity
  • 22. Section 4 The Ancient ‗Mystery of Mysteries‘
  • 23. Section 5 The Obstacles We Must Remove From our Path Before We Can Progress into the Next Stage of Evolution
  • 24. Section 6 What You Can Do at This Critical Moment in History to Ensure a Promising Future
  • 25. ―This knowledge is poised to open a new door of understanding and once the door is cracked, it is only a matter of time before everything changes.” — DAN BROWN The Lost Symbol •
  • 26. The information I am about to reveal is going to challenge what you thought you understood about the world and life itself. This will then trigger a natural instinctive response within you to reject what contradicts what you have been taught. What you have been taught has created your belief system which has, in turn, created your comfort zone, and your mind/ego has the job of guarding that comfort zone. In fact, your ego is so protective, it has built a fortress around it complete with soldiers ready to shoot anyone who dares to approach the front gate.
  • 27. But the purpose of this presentation is to provide you with new information which calls into question what you have been taught. Therefore, in order to evolve, you must be willing to step outside your comfort zone, which means you must set aside your political and religious beliefs and focus on the bigger picture: the human race and our beloved home: Earth. Bear in mind that regardless of what you now believe, the moment you close your mind, you are not growing and expanding, but withering and dying.
  • 28. ―Grasshopper, look beyond the game, as you look beneath the surface of the pool to see its depths.‖ — Master Po
  • 29. ―The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: His eyes are closed.‖ — Albert Einstein
  • 30. ―Do not believe what you have heard. Do not believe in tradition because it is handed down many generations. Do not believe in anything that has been spoken of many times. Do not believe because the written statements come from some old sage. Do not believe in conjecture. Do not believe in authority or teachers or elders. But after careful observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and it will benefit one and all, then accept it and live by it.‖ — The Buddha
  • 31. ―To shape your future, you have to be ready and able to change your paradigms.‖ — Joel Barker Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future
  • 32. ―Throughout history, humankind has been resistant to change and to the acceptance of new ideas. Historical lore is replete with examples. When Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter, the astronomers of that time refused to accept or even look at these satellites because the existence of these moons conflicted with their accepted beliefs.‖ — Dr. Brian Weiss Many Lives, Many Masters
  • 33. ―The philosophies of one age have become the absurdities of the next, and the foolishness of yesterday will become the wisdom of tomorrow.‖ — William Osler
  • 34. ―There is no absolute knowledge and those who claim it, whether they are scientists or dogmatists, open the door to tragedy. All information is imperfect. We have to treat it with humility.‖ — JOSEPH BRONOWSKI
  • 35. Because of this natural tendency to resist information which doesn‘t currently exist in your comfort zone, I‘m going to ask that you suspend your judgment for the duration of this presentation and meet me in a place that Rumi, a Sufi poet who lived in the 1200's spoke of. He said:
  • 36. “There is a place beyond right and wrong. I will meet you there.‖ — Rumi
  • 37. I ask that you meet me there and allow me to present a case for your consideration, for I have amassed a compelling body of evidence which supports this thesis. And after hearing my case, it will then be up to you to weigh this evidence and arrive at a verdict. This presentation is a synthesis of knowledge from many diverse sources, each contributing a piece to the puzzle of life, which when connected, provides a startling new worldview – a worldview that has the power to change the world as we now know it – just as the Ancients prophesied! This presentation is not the ‗be all end all.‘ I do not profess to have all the answers. My goal is to inspire you to look further and deeper if your curiosity becomes as piqued as mine was.
  • 38. ―This information opens the floodgates of a new thinking and has the power to usher in a fundamental shift in the consciousness of man thus changing the course of human development.‖ — DAN BROWN The Lost Symbol
  • 39. ―This era is the result of a climax of human self-reflective thought resulting in an exponential change in consciousness in which all becomes revealed and known." — Vladimir Vernadsky
  • 40. But before we go any further, I‘ve got to ask you a really important question… and this is the same question that Morpheus posed to Neo in the movie ―The Matrix:‖
  • 41. Are you ready for the red pill?
  • 42. Which means: ―Are you ready to explore what lies beneath the surface of life experience?‖ Because once you learn the secrets, you cannot unlearn them. Are you ready?
  • 43. What qualifies me to be the messenger of this information? I have spent the better part of my life exploring this subject- matter. The ‗dog-eat-dog‘ world we live in just never made sense to me. I believed that we, as humanity, must have missed something; we must have taken a wrong turn somewhere and so I began searching for truth. And the truth I discovered was so amazing, so life-changing, I had to share it with others, so I wrote my first book which is entitled:
  • 44.
  • 45. The subtitle of this book is: The Secret To Life Unveiled: Who You Really Are, How Life Really Operates, And How To Unleash The Incredible Power Within! In a nutshell, this book is about a premise you may be familiar with:
  • 46. your thoughts create your reality
  • 47. And though many are familiar with this premise, the process of using our thoughts to create our realities can be challenging. And in fact, the Ancients knew just how challenging it would be and referred to those of us living in this era as: ―Those who walk between the worlds.‖ To make this transition into the next world a bit easier for myself and others, I created ―Life‖ as a workbook and guide that takes the ―power of thought‖ out of the realm of the esoteric and philosophical, and into everyday life.
  • 48. After ―Life‖ was released in January of 2001, I began speaking at various book stores and was scheduled to deliver a final lecture in a series of lectures I was giving at my local Borders book store on September 11, 2001. But when the horrific tragedies occurred that day, I canceled that talk, as I, and most everyone else in the country, was in a state of shock and extremely distraught over these events. Nonetheless, my phone began to ring. Some, attending this lecture series longed for another perspective that might help them make sense of what had just occurred.
  • 49. They wanted to know if I could shed any light on these tragedies as I was teaching that nothing in life is an accident. And I believed I could. While conducting my research I had discovered much about the significance of the time we are now living. But I didn‘t include that information because ―Life‖ was already 632 pages long and I had to stop somewhere. But when the tragic events of September 11 unfolded, I now felt this information was important which inspired my second book…
  • 50.
  • 51. And were I to release that book today, I would change that title to the title of this presentation: ―Humankind at a Crossroads,‖ for I have learned that it is not only the events of September 11 that had a higher purpose, but also the numerous alarming events that have transpired over the past few years. These events are not only continuing, but intensifying today - touching the lives of almost every person on the face of this planet.
  • 55. We are now juggling a host of overwhelmingly enormous and complex issues; most notably the debilitating effects of the economic crisis which is restructuring the very fabric of our society. Our middle class is undergoing a massive exodus into a newly created poverty class through no fault of their own.
  • 57. More and more people are suffering: unable to find a job, losing their homes to foreclosure, going bankrupt in record numbers, and watching their retirement funds diminish before their very eyes. Businesses are failing, banks are closing, real estate prices plummeting and ghost towns being created as a result.
  • 58.
  • 59. At the same time, we are discovering that our government has been bought out by lobbyists and the banking industry, those who represent the richest corporations rather than what our forefathers intended: a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.
  • 60. We are fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and paying their ever-increasing price in terms of money and human life.
  • 61.
  • 62. To make matters worse, on January 17, 2007, the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock was moved two minutes closer to midnight; now standing at 5 minutes before midnight. This clock was created to warn how close we, as Humankind, are to catastrophic destruction — the means by which we can obliterate ourselves, represented by the figurative midnight.
  • 63. The Doomsday Clock has been maintained since 1947 at the University of Chicago by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, among them, 18 Nobel-prize winning Laureates. The Scientists focused on two major means of catastrophe: 1) The threat created by 27,000 nuclear weapons — 2,000 of them ready to launch within minutes; and 2) Climate change — the destruction of human habitats upon which we depend for survival.
  • 64. ―We stand at the brink of a second nuclear age. Not since the first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki has the world faced such perilous choices. North Korea‘s recent test of a nuclear weapon, Iran‘s nuclear ambitions, a renewed emphasis on the military utility of nuclear weapons, the failure to adequately secure nuclear materials, and the continued presence of 26,000 nuclear weapons in the United States and Russia are symptomatic of the failure to solve the problems posed by the most destructive technology on earth.‖ — The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists
  • 65. "As scientists, we understand the dangers of nuclear weapons and their devastating effects, and we are learning how human activities and technologies are affecting climate systems in ways that may forever change life on Earth. As citizens of the world, we have a duty to alert the public to the unnecessary risks that we live with every day, and to the perils we foresee if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change.‖ — stephen hawking
  • 66. "Nuclear weapons still pose the most catastrophic and immediate threat to humanity, but climate change and emerging technologies in the life sciences also have the potential to end civilization as we know it.‖ — sir martin rees
  • 67.
  • 68. ―In these dangerous times, scientists have the responsibility to speak truth to power especially if it might provoke actions to reduce threats from the preventable technological dangers currently facing humanity. To do anything else would be negligent.‖ ―Global warming poses a dire threat to human civilization. Through flooding and desertification, climate change threatens the habitats and agricultural resources that societies depend upon for survival. As such, climate change is also likely to contribute to mass migrations and even to wars over arable land, water and other natural resources.‖ — Lawrence Krauss bulletin member & professor of Physics and Astronomy at Case Western Reserve University
  • 69.
  • 70. And what are we doing?
  • 71. Very little. These problems are indeed inconvenient truths. We have abdicated our power to those we believe to be more powerful than us and assigned to them the overwhelming task of ―fixing‖ our world…
  • 72. we simply cannot handle any more; we are being pushed beyond our limits…
  • 73. However, denying these issues may be unwise, because at this critical evolutionary juncture…
  • 74. alarming events will not only continue, but will intensify.
  • 75. Why?
  • 76. The Ancients explain that discomfort, pain, conflict, and struggle have a higher purpose.
  • 77. They are catalysts for evolution…
  • 78. signals to awaken us to the beginning of a new evolutionary cycle.
  • 79. “Crises and conflict serve as a catalyst calling you to transcend the beliefs around you. You must look within and ask if you are ready to be sovereign and claim your power.‖ — PATRICIA CORI No More Secrets, No More Lies
  • 80. Now that you are aware of the enormity of the challenges we are facing, are you ready to begin building a foundation of knowledge and understanding? Are you ready to learn how we can create our future? For the Ancients have left us the knowledge we need to navigate these challenges with hope and a sense of empowerment. So let‘s begin with the ancient prophecies and learn of the importance of the time we are now living.
  • 81. Section 1 The Ancient Prophecies: The Importance of the Time We are Now Living
  • 82. Some allege that the ancient prophecies are simply myth. However, there is a common thread that runs through these prophecies which makes them difficult to dismiss. In fact, Albert Einstein actually felt the ancient prophecies were a source of knowledge. He said:
  • 83. ―The Ancients knew something which we seem to have forgotten.‖ — albert Einstein
  • 84. What is the common thread in the ancient documents?
  • 85. They indicate that from 1987-2012, mankind would undergo the most radical transformation of consciousness ever experienced on this planet.
  • 86. “Prophecy of a coming enlightenment, a transformation of our human minds into their true potentiality, is echoed in virtually every faith, culture, era, philosophical tradition, and in every corner of the world.” — Dan Brown The Lost Symbol
  • 87. The Ancients spoke of this time as:
  • 88. ―The Time of Trial on Earth‖ ―The Shift of the Ages‖ ―The Great Awakening‖ ―The Apocalypse…‖
  • 89. which in Greek means: the ―lifting of the veil,‖ the Ancients explain is the veil of incomplete understanding that now pervades life on earth.
  • 90. ―This is the time of the Great Initiation, Global Awakening. All is to be revealed now. The veil is lifting. Apocalypse is upon us.‖ — Patricia Cori No More Secrets, No More Lies
  • 91. What were the Ancients trying to convey to those of us in the future?
  • 92. Many ancient civilizations were highly evolved and possessed knowledge those of us living today can only understand with the assistance of computers and satellite probes. They built observatories, charted the movement of the stars through the heavens and discovered that just as a cycle of seasons exists on a planetary level, there is also a cycle of seasons that exists on a cosmic level.
  • 93. The Ancients learned that our solar system travels around the Milky Way galaxy in an elliptic pattern whose far end carries us to the most distant point from its core. This long cosmic cycle occurs every 25,920 years and is called ―The Precession of the Equinoxes,‖ as it also relates to the Earth‘s wobbling on its axis. The Ancients created a calendar detailing the movement of the stars during this cycle as they orbit through each house of the zodiac.
  • 94. 2012
  • 95. Mayan expert John Major Jenkins tells us that ancient civilizations all over the world were aware of this 25,920 year precession.
  • 96. “The Sumerians, Tibetans, Egyptians, Cherokee, Hopi, Maya, Kabbalists, Essenes, Navajo, Apache, Iroquois, Dogons, Greeks, and Aborigines all had knowledge of the 25,920 year Precession and developed calendars based on it.” John Major Jenkins
  • 97. These calendars indicate that we are now approaching the end of this 25,920 year cycle which will culminate at noon on the winter solstice: December 21, 2012 . On that heralded day, a rare celestial conjunction in our solar system will occur: the Earth and sun will align with the equator of our Milky Way galaxy.
  • 98. The Ancients communicated these important dates with great intention by whatever means they could think of: stone monuments, pyramids, temples and tombs all over the world, many having precise calendrical computations.
  • 99. Why did the Ancients take such great pains to communicate this knowledge to those living in the future?
  • 100. this rare celestial conjunction has implications:
  • 101. As the Earth draws nearer and nearer to the Milky Way‘s equator, the energy at its core affects the energy on Earth, triggering geophysical changes in weather patterns, an increase in solar flares, and the magnetic north of Earth shifting a few degrees. These events have the potential to cause cataclysms.
  • 102. The Ancients wanted to make sure that we were aware of these potentials so that we would know what to expect and could prepare for these events.
  • 103. Could this Ancient knowledge be accurate?
  • 104. Recent data from ocean sediment and polar ice cores confirm that the Earth has indeed undergone cycles of cataclysm which correspond with the cycle dates the Ancients recorded.
  • 105. Furthermore, the Ancients tell us that specific events will occur during this cycle:
  • 106. 1) The magnetic fields on Earth will decline. Fact: Scientists have traced the magnetic fields of Earth since 1837, when Carl Friedrich Gauss invented the first device for measuring the field. Data now shows a ten percent decline in Earth's magnetic field —twenty times faster than the natural decline rate would have been if the power source creating the Earth's magnetic field had completely stopped. At this rate, the magnetic field could virtually disappear in 2000 years.
  • 107. 2) There will be a sharp increase in the amount of the sun’s energy reaching Earth. Fact: NASA predicts an unusually powerful ―Solar Maximum‖ sunspot season for 2012 though it may peak as early as late 2011. This intense solar activity occurs roughly every 11 years due to cyclic changes to the Sun's magnetic field. Regions on the sun continue to generate extremely energetic solar flare activity which send charged particles crashing into the outer fringes of the Earth's atmosphere at a high velocity, generating auroras and geomagnetic storms thereby disrupting satellite and other electromagnetic communications.
  • 108. 3) Global temperatures will increase.
  • 109.
  • 110. 4) Polar ice sheets will melt and collapse.
  • 111. 5) Global sea levels will rise.
  • 112. Paleoclimatic evidence shows that whenever this 25,920 year cycle has occurred in the past, it has been accompanied by climate change, mass extinctions and evolutionary change.
  • 113. Fact: Scientists agree that we have entered an unprecedented period of mass extinction not seen since the age of the dinosaurs. While estimates vary, extinction is occurring at a pace 100 to 1,000 times greater today than natural extinction with ever- increasing intensity. According to a United Nations report, almost a quarter of the world's mammals face extinction within 30 years, among them; lions, wild dogs, cheetahs, elephants, gorillas, Siberian tigers, and the black rhinoceros. The UN report has identified more than 11,000 endangered animal and plant species — including more than 1,000 mammals and one in eight bird species.
  • 114.
  • 116. Is there anything we can do about this? The Ancients say yes, if we utilize the ―secret wisdom‖ — information prophesied to be revealed during this era — information I will reveal later in this presentation. Knowing that a cycle is about to take place allows us to prepare for the general conditions created within that cycle. However, how that cycle ultimately plays out, is determined solely by the choices we make.
  • 117. The prophecies are simply warning us of the need to take necessary steps so that we can avoid cataclysm.
  • 118. What specific steps do we need to take now? The Ancients explained that the issues we need to resolve would automatically be illuminated during the end of this cycle in a process they referred to as: ―The Purification‖ or ―Cleansing.‖
  • 119. As we approach the equator of the Milky Way, the energy at its core accelerates the energy on Earth which amplifies and illuminates both that which is good and that which is bad. This creates greater and greater polarity, separating the ―wheat from the chaff,‖ thus distinguishing the valuable from the valueless. This ―Purification‖ exposes that which does not serve humanity which then allows us the opportunity to resolve these issues and evolve to the next stage of evolution.
  • 120. For example: The recent financial meltdown has revealed aspects of the banking industry which do not serve humanity. What has been exposed through this process is that this industry is self-serving. It preys upon the helpless and lacks both conscience and integrity.
  • 121. How we treat the weakest members of our civilization is our litmus test: a test of consciousness echoed by many leaders.
  • 122. ―The measure of a civilization is how it treats its weakest members.‖ — Gandhi
  • 123. ―The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life; the sick, the needy and the handicapped." — hubert H. Humphrey
  • 124. ―The test of a civilization is the way that it cares for its helpless members.‖ — Pearl S. Buck
  • 125. ―You can judge a nation by the way it treats its most vulnerable citizens.‖ — Aristotle
  • 126. The Maya speak of the 25 years preceding 2012 as the ―Great Hall of Mirrors,‖ for not only will we, as Humankind, be forced to face those mirrors and examine our behavior, but each of us individually will be called upon to do so as well with ourselves, others and nature. They explain that the cycles of the universe generate these processes so that a civilization can evolve its understanding and fundamental integrity with everything that exists.
  • 127. During this period of Purification, the circumstances of this test of consciousness will be set up and life will resemble a famous excerpt from ―A Tale of Two Cities:‖
  • 128. ―It was the best of times and it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of incredulity; it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness‘ it was the spring of hope, it was the darkness of despair; we had everything before us, we had nothing before us; we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way…‖ — Charles Dickens
  • 129. How we respond to this ―test‖ will be one measure of our level of consciousness.
  • 130. To tackle these specific issues, we must first ask ourselves what Dr. Phil has made so clear: ―Is what you are currently doing working for ―you‖? ―You‖ being Humankind. And the answer to that question is an emphatic NO!
  • 131. We also need to listen to what others are saying; those who are examining and learning from the mistakes, we in the United States have made; those who can assess from a distance how we have gotten ourselves into the mess we are now in. In a rare interview, CNN‘s highly esteemed journalist, Fareed Zecharia, asked Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao his view on governing. And in my estimation his reply was very wise indeed.
  • 132. ―We had one important thought: that socialism can practice market economy. Give full play to the basic role of market forces in allocating resources under the macro-economic guidance and regulation of the government. Ensure that both the visible hand and the invisible hand are given full play.‖ Prime Minister Wen Jiabao citied two books, circa 1776, by Adam Smith which inspired him: First, "The Wealth of Nations" which deals with the invisible hand: market forces. And second, ―The Theory of Moral Sentiment,‖ which deals with social equity and justice stressing the importance of the regulatory role of government. The prime minister agreed with Mr. Smiths premise, for he stated: ―If most of the wealth in a country is concentrated in the hands of the few, the country can hardly have harmony and stability.‖
  • 133. Although the mere word ―socialism‖ will incite many, we must transcend the rhetoric and work on behalf of Humanity. We must recognize that the wealth of our country has shifted dramatically to a few at the expense of the majority. Keep in mind: this is a test, a set-up in the Divine Plan to measure consciousness. To pass this test, our representatives in government must have the courage to look beyond the next election and work on behalf of the people, the majority of people, not the lobbyists.
  • 134. I personally know many people impacted by the Economic crisis: Upstanding citizens who worked hard all of their lives to establish a business, buy a home within their means and pay their taxes. Those same people now are losing their businesses or jobs, their homes to foreclosure. Their credit scores, the measure of who you are in our society, have plummeted to the degree that it will be years before they will ever be able to get credit again. They have literally been stripped bare and now face an uncertain future, perhaps even homelessness. And how are they being treated by those who perpetrated these conditions? The banks and credit card companies are carrying on as though nothing has happened; for them it is ‗business as usual.‘ They are treating these people like sub-standard citizens, raising interest rates, cutting available credit, demanding payment and threatening litigation to people who did nothing to create the conditions they are now caught up in. Can you see how this exposes their level of consciousness?
  • 135. How long will average people tolerate not being able to feed their families or send their kids to college while a wealthy few at the top enjoy conspicuous consumption? Just take a look at history and you will discover how this imbalance ultimately ends, for energy always seeks balance; it is a tenet of physics.
  • 136. After studying the monuments of many ancient civilizations, author Graham Hancock concluded that within these records and monuments there is an important message for those of us living today:
  • 137. To paraphrase: Humanity has arrived at this critical evolutionary point before without successfully balancing the material and spiritual aspects of our lives. As a result, Earth went through drastic physical changes to rid herself of those who had the potential to destroy her, and Humankind had to begin this journey again at a lower level of consciousness. In our distant past, civilizations existed which were advanced technologically but not spiritually. This imbalance led to their demise. And so, our ancestors left information for us to discover and contemplate which warn of terrible Earth changes that periodically afflict our planetary home. Around the year 2012 , however, there appears to be a fork in the road of human destiny. Which path opens for us is determined by the choices we make and quality of life we lead. The die has been cast and each soul has a choice to make: to turn toward the light or the dark. — Graham Hancock Fingerprints of the Gods
  • 138. ―Astrological mapping of the years up to 2012 provide valuable insights into the nature of the coming changes upon the planet. The way in which we respond to the released celestial energies is crucial, because the upside of desperate circumstances will be an accelerated flowering of the spirit amongst people who can relate positively to what is happening. From the perspective of events working themselves out as part of an intense global healing crisis, this is an initiation process for the whole of humanity. An astrological natal chart for December 21, 2012 says with great deliberation: ―This is a test.‖ – moira timms Beyond Prophecies And Predictions
  • 139. With this information in mind, let‘s now examine the prophecies from different civilizations:
  • 140. ancient Mayans We are exiting the Fifth Age of Man – the ―Age of the Intellect‖ And entering the Sixth Age of Man — the ―Age of the Gods‖
  • 141. The Classic Maya were extremely intelligent, possessing advanced knowledge of the written language, mathematics and astronomy, referred to by science as ‗The Maya Phenomenon.‘
  • 142. The Classic Maya believed that their civilization existed in the fifth great solar cycle. They described four different ages that existed in the past, each ending in cataclysm created by mankind. They explain that when a civilization arrives at the end of a ―great cycle,‖ humanity is given the opportunity to evolve, but if it fails the ‗test,‘ the evolution of man must start all over again.
  • 143. According to the Maya, December 21, 2012 is the beginning of "a new world age" — "a new creation.‖ The world we create will depend upon the choices we make now. They understood that the cyclical nature of the galaxy never changes, that it is only ―Man‘s process toward Perfection‖ which changes.
  • 144. ―We are now in a transition period called the ―Cycle of the Merge of the Dark and the Light.‖ The cycle of the light will come in full force on 12/21/2012. The world will not end; it will be transformed. Earth will transcend to a new level of consciousness where everything will change. Change is accelerating now and will continue to accelerate. We will rise to a new higher level but to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way. Earth can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. This is a crucially important moment for humanity and for Earth.‖ — Carlos Barrios
  • 145. ―During the last few years preceding 2012, we are told that we must disintegrate the corruption within the traditional world order. For those who choose the old ways, it will be the end of their world. For those who pledged allegiance to the sacredness of life and the planet, the sound the old makes as it crumbles will be the sound of one egg cracking.‖ — Carlos Barrios
  • 146. Hopi prophecies We are exiting the ―Fourth World of Destruction‖ and entering the ―Fifth World of Peace‖
  • 147. The Hopi, whose name means "people of peace," have sacred traditions that go back thousands of years. Their prophecies state that a great purification would take place on Earth; a time when the world would shudder and tremble causing much destruction in order to cleanse the planet of the karmic negativity we have created while serving as its caretakers.
  • 148. The Hopi warn that humankind now stands at a critical point of decision where we must choose everlasting life or total destruction.
  • 149. Hopi wisdom explains: ―We now face the final test of human consciousness: we must restore our oneness with creation. We are going home. It is a process. It is like the seed becoming the green shoot and then the flower.‖
  • 150. ―The key to going through these changes lies in meditation and prayer and giving love to all things: people, animals, plants and mountains for the spirit is one of the cantinas (expressions of spirit) which are many.‖ — Hopi wisdom
  • 151. Lakota Sioux prophecies We are exiting a period of chaos and destruction And entering a period of harmony and unity
  • 152. The Lakota prophecies are quite interesting for they tell us that the transition into this new era would begin when a rare white buffalo was born. The father of this buffalo was to die shortly after its birth and then something extraordinary would occur, for this buffalo was to change its color four times — each color representing one of the root races in our world and symbolizing the coming together of humanity. And guess what? In August of 1994, an extremely rare white buffalo, named ―Miracle‖ was born in Janesville, Wisconsin. As prophesied, Miracle‘s father died ten days later and amazingly her coat indeed changed color over the next 3 years: from white to black to red to yellow.
  • 154. The Lakota prophecies also present us with a caveat: If we fail to achieve harmony at this evolutionary juncture…
  • 155. life as we now know it will end.
  • 156. Hindu prophecies We are exiting the Kali Yuga, ―The Age of Ignorance‖ And entering the Satya Yuga, ―The Golden Age of Truth and Knowledge‖
  • 157. The Hindu separated the great 25,920 year cycle into periods known as Yugas. They tell us that we are now living at the close of the Kali Yuga: an era characterized by darkness, suffering, greed, and violence — an age where the helpless become targets to be preyed upon. But in the near future, we will transition into the ―Satya‖ Yuga — an era characterized by virtue and wisdom where misery, hatred, and illness no longer exist.
  • 158. Kali Yuga Satya Yuga
  • 159.
  • 160. The Hindu tell us that we would know when the transition into the next yuga was imminent when problems became amplified and hypocrisy reached its zenith, for in that discomfort, Humankind would be compelled to seek solutions which would then usher us into the next stage of evolution.
  • 161. ancient EGYPTIANS We are exiting the ―Piscean Age‖ and entering the ―Aquarian Age‖
  • 162. The ancient Egyptians were an incredibly sophisticated culture possessing advanced abilities in design, architecture, engineering and construction incapable of being replicated today. The Giza complex of ancient Egypt is the last of the seven ancient wonders of the world. The great pyramid is considered one of the most mysterious enigmas which exists today and is the largest and most massive stone structure in the world. Egyptologists claim that the Pyramids were built by pharaohs as tombs, however, the Great Pyramid did not contain a pharaoh's body, a treasure chamber, nor treasures. What then was its purpose?
  • 163. Legend claims that encoded in its architecture is a proph- etic message containing the past and future history of our planet. If this was indeed the intent of the Egyptians, they had a tall order, for they had to construct a monument that would not only endure for eons, but be understood by a future civilization.
  • 164. The word pyramid perhaps sheds light on its meaning. In Greek, the word "pyra" means light or visible, and the word "midos," means measures. Hence, the Great Pyramid of Giza has been called "the center of measurement and enlightenment (knowledge)" for centuries.
  • 165. Scientist and mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton was mesmerized by both the legend of the Pyramid and its incredible accuracy of construction. After studying the measurements made by numerous investigators before him, Newton recognized that key measurements would produce round numbers if he utilized the Sacred Jewish Inch, a unit of measure said to have been used in ancient times. The sacred Jewish inch is 1/25 of a sacred cubit, or 1/1,000 inch larger than the British inch, and has a meaning beyond measurement for the Bible often employs substitutions such as days for years. Using one pyramid inch to represent one year, the pyramid reveals unmistakable geometrical relationships. So, let‘s take a look at some of those measurements:
  • 166. *The relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid. *The length of a base is 9,131 Pyramid Inches from corner to corner in a straight line. *The length of a base side at the base socket level is 9,131 Pyramid Inches or 365.24 Pyramid Cubits. *The length of a base side at sidereal socket level is 9,131.4 Pyramid Inches or 365.256 Pyramid Cubits. *The length of the perimeter at the sidereal socket level is 36,525.63629 Pyramid Inches. *The perfect formula height of the pyramid including the missing apex is 5813.2355653763 Pyramid Inches, calculated from perimeter of base divided by 2 Pyramid Inches. *The height to the missing apex is 5,812.98 Pyramid Inches.
  • 167. *The volume of the pyramid is: V = 1/3 base area x height = 161,559,817,000 cubic Pyramid Inches = 10,339,828.3 cubic Pyramid Cubits. [(5,813.2355653 Pyramid Inches)/3 x 9 131 Pyramid Inches x 9 131 Pyramid Inches] *The sum of the pyramid's two base diagonals in Pyramid Inches = length of the Precession of the Equinoxes (25,827 years) * The distance from the ceiling of the King's Chamber to the apex of the pyramid = 4,110.5 Pyramid Inches, the radius of a circle whose circumference = the precession of the equinoxes. [4,110.5 * 2 * Pyramid Inches = 25,827] *The perimeter of the 35th course of blocks, thicker than any of the other courses, reveals a figure for the precession of the equinoxes. *The outside surface stones are cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides, and placed together with a gap between them of 0.02 inch designed to allow space for glue to seal and hold the stones together.
  • 168. *A white cement that connected the casing stones and made them watertight is still intact and stronger than the blocks that it joins. *The Ascending Passage rises at the same angle, 26.3 degrees, as the angle of decline of the Descending Passage. *The Descending Passage lines up with the Pole Star. With the length of the passage 334 feet long, the angle of view is only + or - 1/3 of a degree. Because of the slow motion of the stars, the passage lines up precisely to a Pole Star only once every several thousand years. Stars move, and the Pole Star, Alpha Draconis has not been in direct alignment with the Descending Passage for thousands of years. However, a new Pole Star, known as the North Star, or "Polaris,‖ will align within the next few years. *Each year the North Star shines further down the Descending Passage thus illuminating the entrance to the Well Shaft in 1997. *The North Star illuminated the floor of the Subterranean Passage in 2004.
  • 169. *The Pyramid's immense weight is supported by a flat solid granite mountain directly under the Pyramid. *The great pyramid was built to face true North. *The Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. Its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the Earth and the longest land meridian on Earth passes right through the Pyramid. *The Pyramid's cornerstones have balls and sockets built into them. After 4,600 year, this structure would have been significantly damaged without such construction. * A universal relationship exists between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. The height of the Pyramid's apex is 5,812.98 inches, and each side is 9,131 inches from corner to corner (in a straight line). If the circumference of the Pyramid is divided by twice its height (the diameter of a circle is twice the radius), the result is 3.14159 – pi — demonstrated many times in the pyramids precise construction.
  • 170. *Each of the Pyramids four walls, when measured as a straight line, are 9,131 inches, for a total of 36,524 inches — moving the decimal point over = 365.24 — the exact length of the solar year. *The average height of land above sea level (Miami being low and the Himalayas being high), as can be measured only by modern-day satellites and computers is 5,449 inches — the exact height of the Pyramid. *The four sides of the Pyramid are very slightly and evenly bowed in exactly replicating the curvature of the earth; the radius of this concave bow is equal to the radius of the Earth.
  • 171. CHRONOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS? When years are substituted for inches, the Great Pyramid becomes a prophetic calendar. Dates shown include the alignment of the last Pole Star Draconis in 2141 B.C., the start of the Pyramid's construction in 2623 B.C., the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt in 1453 B.C., the death of Christ in 33 A.D., and the start of World War I in 1914
  • 172. I believe the Egyptians were trying to convey something to us in geometry, said to be the language of the Universe. In addition to the incredible stone monuments the Egyptians constructed, they also possessed an astonishingly accurate zodiac calendar which spanned 40,000 years.
  • 173. This calendar ended on September 17, 2001; six short days after the tragedies of September 11 – a day that changed the course of history and forced many choices which would impact the future of Humanity. Some say that September 2001 marked the most intensive end phase of our ―test‖ where the level of our collective consciousness would be revealed..
  • 174. This calendar is called the Dendera disk, a ancient celestial zodiac clock ticking away Earth‘s journey through time. It is embedded into the stone ceiling of the Dendera temple complex in Egypt and clearly marks the shift from one world age to the next. In addition, it contains all of the information needed to calculate Earth‘s journey from one zodiac sign to the next. What makes it interesting though, is that each zodiac sign is close to one another with the exception of Pisces and Aquarius. Between these two signs is a symbol referred to as ―the Square of Pegasus‖ – a tablet that holds the ‗programs of destiny;‘ telling us that during the cycle we are now in, there is a window of opportunity for Humankind to evolve.
  • 175.
  • 176. ―Historical records contain indisputable evidence that secret wisdom came out of ancient mystery schools in Egypt. They taught that the Pyramid represents enlightenment: An architectural symbol of ancient mans ability to break free from the earthly plane and ascend toward Heaven — the supreme source of illumination.‖ — DAN BROWn The Lost Symbol
  • 177. In addition to the prophecies of the ancient civilizations, there are other sources which have attempted to communicate critical knowledge to those of us living in this historic cycle , ―if we can ‗read.‘‖ And one of those sources is the highly controversial ―Bible Code,‖ considered by some to be the most compelling enigma in history. The Bible Code not only corroborates the Ancient wisdom, but warns that during the narrow window of time we are now living in, we must open our minds, learn the ancient wisdom and consciously utilize it to create our future.
  • 178. What is the Bible Code?
  • 179. For more than 3,000 years it has been alleged that a code existed within the Torah; the original first five books of the Bible. Dating back to medieval times, rabbinical scholars first wrote about the discovery of meaningful words hidden in this Hebrew text.
  • 180. ―The rule is that all that was, is, and will be unto the end of time, is included in the Torah, from the first word to the last word. And not merely in a general sense, but as to the details of every species and each one individually, and details of details of everything that happened to him from the day of his birth until his end.‖ — The Genius of Vilna an 18th Century Sage
  • 181. Even the Biblical book of Daniel speaks of ‗sealing the book‘ until ‗the end of time.‘
  • 182. ―Go your way, Daniel, for the words are shut up and sealed until the time of the end. Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be refined, but the wicked shall act wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but those who are wise shall understand.‖ — The Bible Daniel 12: 9, 10
  • 183. ―But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.‖ — The Bible Daniel 12:4
  • 184. Sir Isaac Newton was among those who believed that the Bible contained a hidden prophecy of human history. He was convinced that the Bible was a ―cryptogram set by the Almighty‖ and wanted very much to ―read the riddle of the Godhead, the riddle of past and future events divinely foreordained.‖
  • 185. The entire notion of a Bible Code was myth until 1994…
  • 186. when two scientists, world- renowned mathematician, Eliyahu Rips, and computer expert Doron Witztum, stunned the world for they had succeeded in breaking the code!
  • 187. They published their findings in a journal called ―Statistical Science, however, because this topic was so controversial these findings were subjected to intense scrutiny. A panel of referees were appointed to verify the findings and they determined that the math used to ascertain them was ironclad. In fact, it exceeded the criteria typically used as a benchmark.
  • 188. ―Our referees were baffled. Their prior beliefs made them think the Book of Genesis could not possibly contain meaningful references to modern day individuals, yet when the authors carried out additional analyses and checks, the effects persisted. The paper is thus offered to ‗Statistical Science‘ readers as a challenging puzzle.‖ — Robert Kass Editor
  • 189. In addition, the Bible code was proven infallible by a number of other credible scientific sources. Famous mathematicians, the highest level Pentagon code-breakers, as well as esteemed professors at Harvard, Yale, and Hebrew University all agree that, although incomprehensible from our current knowledge base, the Bible Code is valid.
  • 190. This mystery was unraveled by eliminating the spaces and punctuation between words, essentially turning the original Torah into one long strand of letters — a clue intimated in folklore.
  • 191. The Bible code appears to foretell every major event in history: current, future, and past, including the Kennedy assassinations, the Rabin assassination, World Wars I and II, the Shoemaker-Levy comet striking Jupiter, the Gulf War, and the September 11 tragedies. Some also suggest that it foretells the future of man…
  • 192.
  • 193. Investigative writer Michael Drosnin authored ―Bible Code II: The Countdown‖ where he reveals an unsettling message regarding 2012. Intersecting the word ‗comet,‘ are the words: ―Earth annihilated.‖ More important, there is a second message which also appears:―It will be crumbled, driven out;‖ ―I will tear it to pieces.‖ In the second scenario it is not Earth which is destroyed, but the threat. More interesting though, a haunting third phrase appears – a phrase which appears throughout the Bible Code when specific scenarios are identified:
  • 194. ―Will you change it?‖ The Bible Code appears to present various potential futures which exist concurrently — a premise more fully understood with the advent of Quantum Physics, because it says the same thing.
  • 195. In his closing remarks in ―Bible Code: The Countdown,‖ author Michael Drosnin explains: ―...the Bible Code is more than a warning. It may be the information we need to prevent the predicted disaster. ‗Code will save‘ appears right above ‗Atomic Holocaust,‘ just below ‗the End of Days.‘ It is not a promise of divine salvation nor a threat of inevitable doom. The message of the Bible Code is that we can save ourselves. In the end, what we do determines the outcome.‖
  • 196. The Bible Code appears to provide yet further validation that we, as humankind, have arrived at a point in our evolution where we must choose our future. There is yet another controversial book which corroborates the Ancient Prophecies entitled: ―The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch.‖ ®
  • 197. This book challenges us to go beyond our rational intellect; telling us that we are all experiential beings with free will. By integrating our Higher Self with the Divine in conjunction with the energy field, we will bring forth the knowledge of the true science of Life enabling us to make a quantum leap in our consciousness. The Keys teach that we must unite the scientific and spiritual realms in order to solve the problems of Earth. Its ultimate purpose is to advance humanity so that we are prepared to make a quantum shift that will move both us and Earth into the next phase of our evolution.
  • 198. The original Book of Enoch, said to contain the Ancient secrets, was banned from the Bible by early religious leaders but in the 1800‘s a copy was discovered in Ethiopia. What knowledge did the church wish to ban? The powerful Ancient knowledge which was relegated to only a few high priests. Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah. In this book it was explained: ―My great-grandfather Enoch gave me all the secrets in the book and parables which had been given to him, and he put them together for me in the words of the book of the parables.―
  • 199. The Book of Enoch was also found intact in the Dead Sea Scrolls and describes a wondrous civilization which existed in the past – a civilization which misused the keys of higher knowledge and were unable to save themselves from cataclysm. Yet Enoch promises a return of this knowledge at the ―end of time.‖ This knowledge suggests that ―Regular cataclysmic changes act as an evolutionary agent provocateur to quicken the resident life forms to the next evolutionary phase.‖
  • 200. I‟m now going to present a provocative excerpt from a metaphysical source — the best-selling series of books entitled “Conversations With God,” by Neale Walsch. For in this book there is an account of the advanced Atlantean civilization and how it failed to pass the same test we are now undergoing: And just in case you are uncomfortable with anything categorized as “Metaphysical,” or that which is beyond the physical, it was Albert Einstein who said:
  • 201. ―The more I study Physics, the more I am drawn to Metaphysics.‖ — Albert Einstein
  • 202. ―Once before on your planet you had reached the heights — beyond the heights, really, to which you now are slowly climbing. You had a civilization on Earth more advanced than the one now existing. And it destroyed itself. Not only did it destroy itself, it nearly destroyed everything else as well. It did this because it did not know how to deal with the very technologies it had developed. Its technological evolution was so far ahead of its spiritual evolution that it wound up making technology its god. Walsch: Are you talking about the Lost City of Atlantis? God: Some of you have called it that. Walsch: So then it is true? We did get to that place before? God: Oh beyond it, My Friend. Way beyond it. Walsch: And we destroyed ourselves? God: Why are you surprised? You're doing the same thing now.‖ — Neale Donald Walsch Conversations with God Book 3
  • 203. Another reason the Ancients took great pains to forewarn of the changes that were to occur?
  • 204. They wanted to make sure we were aware of the reason for the crises occurring in our world so that we could transcend the chaos and utilize this unprecedented opportunity in history as it was intended: to evolve.
  • 205. The Ancient documents agree: We have now arrived at a critical juncture in our evolution where we must apply the ancient wisdom to create our future.
  • 206. ―The knowledge to unlock the ancient mysteries was to be revealed at a pivotal moment in history where mankind could no longer survive without the knowledge and wisdom of the ancients. At this dark crossroads, mankind will herald in a wondrous new age of enlightenment. That moment is fast approaching — it is always darkest before dawn.‖ — dan brown The Lost Symbol
  • 207. Have we now arrived at the point where we can no longer survive without the ancient knowledge? Many believe so. The ancient prophecies indicate that around the year 2000, we would arrive at a precarious point in our evolution. By that time, we would have acquired vast technological and scientific capabilities, but at the same time, we would lack critical knowledge to use that power wisely which would threaten both the planet and the human race.
  • 208. And interestingly, it is not only the Ancients that speak of this threat, for many contemporary visionaries have recognized it as well. The following is an excerpt from The Earth Charter, a vision statement created by numerous worldwide organizations:
  • 209. ―We stand at a critical moment in Earth‘s history, a time when humanity must choose its future. As the world becomes increasingly interdependent and fragile, the future at once holds great peril and great promise. To move forward we must recognize that in the midst of a magnificent diversity of cultures and life forms, we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny.‖ — the Earth Charter
  • 210. ―Humankind is standing precariously on the edge of its destiny. It will either rise to a paradigm change or experience decline or possible destruction. This is an unavoidable confrontation.” — Glenda Green Love Without End
  • 211. ―Within the next ten years, America will have a catastrophe or a renaissance. Something is going to happen to take us back to who we are.” — Marianne Williamson 1997-The Healing of America
  • 212. ―The age of nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to shake off our ancient prejudices, and to build the Earth… The future of the world is in our hands.‖ — Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
  • 213. ―We are the ones who have the most profound task in human history: The task of deciding whether we grow or die.‖ — JEAN HOUSTON
  • 214. So, how do we grow? What are we now supposed to do?
  • 215. I‘m now going to share a rather strange prophetic message I received 24 years ago which provides a clue. Again I ask that you refrain from throwing the baby out with the bath water until you have heard the entirety of this presentation... Late one evening a friend of mine called and asked if I would accompany her the following day to an appointment she had made with a psychic. Although she planned to go with another friend, that friend had just canceled and she was a bit apprehensive about going alone. Well, to tell you the truth, I wasn‘t too keen about seeing a psychic, but she begged and pleaded and I finally conceded thinking, ‖What the heck, life is an adventure,‖ right? And indeed this meeting was an adventure, for in the midst of our session this man stopped abruptly and told me that he was receiving an urgent message for me from a group of teachers… Now, this was a bit weird in my book, but he distracted me and told me to hurry up and write down what he was receiving before he lost it. This is the message I received on that day:
  • 216. ―Things only happen when you make them happen. To let go and surrender is to let things happen to you. You have free will and must set things in motion. Planet Earth is on the verge of destructive power in the wrong hands. Things will only change when people change. To raise people‘s spiritual consciousness is the task at hand. It can only begin there and be demonstrated as such. There is much work to do. Begin by helping others become aware. You have the gift. Use it or it will be wasted.
  • 217. D.M.A. is your first step... [DMA, or Dimensional Mind Approach was a course I was then taking that dealt with the multi-dimensions of the mind] …Every person‘s ―Universal truth‖ they espouse is holy unto them. Formulate your own truth, live by it, share it, and teach it. That is your mission. To blend the psychological awareness of your past with the awareness of the reality of the future is key. While men are building new and beautiful skyscrapers, energy should be channeled into consciousness in this world.
  • 218. They are blind. Make them see. Various civilizations that were highly technical, fell. When there is technology without the awareness of God, it cannot work. God, or Spirit is before technology and channeling the power properly will benefit and evolve mankind. It must be harnessed or all will be lost. Mankind on Earth will have to begin again. All progress made by the various souls will be lost. It is time, the time is now for these events to happen. They only happen with individual people. That is the task at hand.‖
  • 219. What‘s the clue in this message?
  • 220. ―Various civilizations that were highly technical fell. When there is technology without the awareness of God, or Spirit, it cannot work.‖
  • 221. What does that mean?
  • 222. Without the integration of science and spirit, or achieving balance in all aspects of who we are — body, mind & spirit — stagnation occurs, evolution comes to an abrupt halt, and our civilization begins to decline.
  • 223. And English historian, Arnold Toynbee, agreed with that premise. After studying the fall of 26 ancient civilizations, he concluded that these civilizations all perished for the same reason:
  • 224. They refused to evolve.
  • 225. These civilizations had become so blinded by their power, so convinced of their utter brilliance, so unwilling to examine the incongruities in their belief systems, they unwittingly created their own demise.
  • 226. precisely where we find ourselves today…
  • 227. How can we avoid the same fate?
  • 228. Albert Einstein provides two more clues. In the first he tells us:
  • 229. ―Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.‖ — ALBERT EINSTEIN
  • 230. So, it appears that the solutions to our problems lie at the next level of awareness, which just so happens to impel our evolution into that next level. In the second clue he warns:
  • 231. ―We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.‖ — ALBERT EINSTEIN
  • 232. So, our manner of thinking seems to be key to our evolution, and as you learned earlier, the knowledge we need to advance our thinking – the ancient mystery of mysteries – was destined to be revealed today. But think about it... How would this ―secret‖ knowledge be conveyed and received in today‘s day and age? Was someone to appear on CNN and reveal the secret? And if they did, how do you think they might be perceived?…
  • 233. What would it take to capture the attention of the world to the degree that our prevailing beliefs would change dramatically?
  • 234. What would it take to force us to look at the bigger picture; the path we are now on?
  • 237. Crises, conflicts, upheavals… events so riveting they would shake us to our core and kick us out of our comfort zones.
  • 238. Remember, there a higher purpose to adversity, crisis and catastrophe…
  • 239. these events act as catalysts to trigger evolution…
  • 240. they provide an opportunity for an evolutionary quantum leap.
  • 241. ―The only thing that can possibly save humanity is for God to rise up within the human soul in the midst of great catastrophe.‖ — Lewis Mumford The Pentagon of Power
  • 242. ―There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in storm.‖ — Willa Cather
  • 243. ―Conflict, pain, tension, fear, paradox.... these are transformations trying to happen. Once we confront them, the transformative process begins.‖ — Marilyn Ferguson The Aquarian Conspiracy
  • 244. ―Only that which is deeply felt can change us. Rational arguments alone cannot penetrate the layers of fear and conditioning that comprise our crippling belief systems.‖ — Marilyn Ferguson The Aquarian Conspiracy
  • 245. “Struggle creates discord and disruption which pulls and pushes consciousness forcing it to examine itself, choose its path, and thus evolve.‖ — PATRICIA CORI No More Secrets, No More Lies
  • 246. ―Pain exists to promote evolution; its cumulative effect finally forces us in a new direction.‖ — Dr. David Hawkins Power Versus Force
  • 247. ―Tolerance for pain may be high, but it is not without limit. Eventually everyone begins to recognize, however dimly, that there must be a better way. As this recognition becomes more firmly established, it becomes a turning point.‖ — A Course in Miracles®
  • 248. ―Change will not occur unless there is discomfort in the current paradigm.‖ — JOEL BARKER Paradigms: The Business of Discovering the Future
  • 249. As you can see, events of magnitude provide a wake-up call which challenges us to ask penetrating questions:
  • 250. ―What are we doing,‖ and more important,
  • 251. ―Where are we heading?‖
  • 252. Consider the path Ebenezer Scrooge was on in Dickens classic, ―A Christmas Carol:‖
  • 253. Only until Mr. Scrooge was able to experience the repercussions of his tyrannical ways from a place of discomfort, was he able to awaken and alter the course of his life.
  • 254. Where was he, and where was he going before discomfort came knocking at his door?
  • 255. Now that you are aware of the importance of the time we are now living, we will move onto Section 2 and examine the bigger picture:
  • 256. SECTION 2 The Process of Evolution and How it Unfolds
  • 257. for unless you have a more expanded view of life, nothing can or will make sense. And that premise was illustrated beautifully in a song written by the gifted songwriter Steven Schwartz, for the movie ―The Prince of Egypt.‖ And I‘d like to share the incredible lyrics with you.
  • 258. A single thread in a tapestry though its color brightly shines, can never see its purpose in the pattern of the grand design. And the stone that sits at the very top of the mountain‘s mighty face, does it think it‘s more important than the stones that form the base? So how can you see what your life is worth or where your value lies? You can never see through the eyes of man. You must look at life through Heaven‘ eyes. A lake of gold in the desert sand is less than a cool fresh spring? And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy is greater than the richest king. If a man loses everything he owns, has he truly lost his worth? Or is it the beginning of a new and brighter birth?
  • 259. So how do you measure the worth of a man, in wealth or strength or size? In how much he gained or how much he gave? The answer will come to him who tries to look at his life through Heaven‘s eyes. And that‘s why we share all we have with you though there‘s little to be found. When all you‘ve got is nothing, there‘s a lot to go around No life can escape being blown about by the winds of change or chance. And though you never know all the steps, you must learn to join the dance. So how can you judge what a man is worth? By what he builds or buys? You can never see with your eyes on Earth. Look at life through Heaven‘s eyes!
  • 260. To look at life through Heavens eyes, we must begin with the perennial questions:
  • 261. ―What are we doing here‖, and ―Why is life so difficult?‖
  • 262. Throughout the ages, spiritual teachers have taught that life is a course of experience we must go through in this schoolroom called planet Earth, before we can graduate to higher levels of being.
  • 263. If that‘s the case, what‘s the curriculum?
  • 264. the evolution of consciousness…
  • 265. the expansion or advancement of our souls through experience.
  • 266. Whether you know it or not, evolution is occurring in your every moment. Think about it. Do you know more today than you did ten years ago? Probably. But more important:
  • 267. Have you grown wiser as a result of those experiences?
  • 269. ―There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.‖ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
  • 270. ―Evolution, innate to the overall field of consciousness, guarantees the salvation of mankind, and with it, all of life.‖ — Dr. david Hawkins Power Versus Force
  • 271. So, if evolution is the name of the game, is there an organizing process to evolution?
  • 272. I believe the answer to that question is: yes, and it is best explained by a scientific theory called:
  • 274. Spiral Dynamics is an offshoot of Developmental Psychology which studies the growth and development of the mind, with Spiral Dynamics focusing on the dynamics of consciousness..
  • 276. The dictionary defines it as: awareness; wakefulness; the executive control system of the mind.
  • 277. I discovered the premise of Spiral Dynamics in a book entitled: ―A Theory Of Everything‖ by Dr. Ken Wilber. And I just loved that title for I thought ―this dude has a theory of everything,‖ and I was curious to learn what his theory was all about.
  • 278. Fundamental to Dr. Wilber‘s theory, is the premise of Spiral Dynamics. For he believes that without an understanding of Spiral Dynamics, it would be difficult to understand anything in life. And after reading his book and experiencing a number of epiphanies, I agreed.
  • 280. More than one hundred different research studies conducted across the globe which tested more than fifty thousand people, agreed on one item:
  • 281. Humanity is divided into 8 distinct levels of consciousness – each representing a stage of evolution.
  • 282. The development of consciousness occurs as one progresses through these stages, referred to as memes, and every person on the face of this planet happens to be in one of those memes.
  • 283. Just as our schools are separated into various grade levels, the schoolroom called planet Earth is also divided into different levels.
  • 284. Each meme has a specific set of beliefs and attributes that operate unconsciously but significantly influence a person‘s behavior. These beliefs are so deeply ingrained within one‘s psyche, that he or she believes that their meme is the only legitimate meme and as a result, they adopt the following stance:
  • 285. ―My beliefs are right, yours are wrong, and if I can‘t convince you of the err of your ways, I had better rid the world of your kind or else the world will go to hell in a hand basket!‖
  • 286. This is the old ‗save the world from evil‘ story that has been told, retold, and embellished upon for ages. And if we take a closer look at those who hate or have disdain for the United States, or for that matter, western civilization, what we see is a contemporary version of this story being played out. From their perspective, their level of consciousness, they have concluded that westerners are a decadent, corrupt, unspiritual bunch of folks who will ultimately infect and destroy the human race if they don‘t eliminate us from the face of this planet. A noble premise, and that‘s why they‘re able to recruit and incite so many followers; they believe they are saving the world from evil. Only in this case, we‘re the ones perceived as evil.
  • 287. You may be thinking that we would be better off if those at more primary levels of consciousness just didn‘t live on this planet…
  • 288. It would certainly eliminate a lot of issues, right? But think about it… What would life be like if we lived in a place where everyone looked similar, held similar beliefs, and behaved in similar ways? In other words,
  • 289. Would you want to live in a world populated by 7 Billion of you?
  • 290. I don‘t think so... I think you might become a bit bored with yourself after a few weeks... But let‘s take that idea even further:
  • 291. The different memes, or levels of consciousness, provide contrast — variety and diversity, which in turn, provides a context from which to define and experience life.
  • 292. And what is the purpose of life?
  • 293. The expansion of consciousness through experience.
  • 294. How could you define ‗hot‘ if ‗cold‘ didn‘t exist?
  • 295. How could you appreciate the euphoric experience of love if its opposite did not exist?
  • 296. You couldn‘t. For there would be no context from which to define, compare or experience it.
  • 297. Furthermore, in order for evolution to occur, there must be something higher to evolve to and something lower to evolve from. Therefore:
  • 298. We live in a world of duality, of opposites – and these opposites have a higher purpose.
  • 299. They provide a context and contrast which in turn, creates an environment where we can make choices and then experience those choices.
  • 300. And if we discover that we have made a bad choice, we can choose again — and thus evolve. Can you see how valuable this information is? For it enables us to understand why people think, believe and behave the way they do. And interestingly, the premise of ever-evolving stages of development was also found in a 2,500 year old Essene document which states:
  • 301. ―What is Truth? For the same things appear different to different minds, and even to the same mind at different times. What then is Truth?... To men Truth is revealed according to their capacity to understand and receive. The one truth hath many sides, and one seeth one side only, another another, and some see more than others, according as it is given to them.... That which appeareth true to some, seemeth not true to others. They who are in the valley see not as they who are on the hilltop. But to each, it is the truth as the one mind seeth, and for that time, till a higher truth shall be revealed unto the same.‖ — The Gospel of the Holy Twelve
  • 302. In another excerpt from the Essenes we are told:
  • 303. ―God giveth you all Truth as a ladder with many steps for the salvation and perfection of the soul, and the truth which seemeth today, ye will abandon for the higher truth of the morrow.... As I have received the Truth, so I have given it to you. Let each receive it according to their light and ability to understand, and persecute not those who receive it after a different interpretation.‖ — The Gospel of the Holy Twelve The Essene New Testament
  • 304. As you can see, the ever-expanding nature of truth, or the evolution of consciousness, has been around for a long long time. So, now that you have an idea of how evolution unfolds on an individual basis, let‘s explore how it unfolds collectively:
  • 305. Just as you and I progress through the various memes in our personal evolution, the same is true of humanity. However, our collective evolution differs in one way for there is always…
  • 306. one dominant meme which holds the seat of power.
  • 307. This meme is at the helm of mankind‘s evolution and will remain in power until we have completed our lessons in that meme.
  • 308. How do we know when we have completed our lessons?
  • 309. When we are able to acknowledge the incongruities that exist within our current dominant meme: when we can recognize that solutions touted by this meme are ineffective and those in power are willing to compromise their integrity in order to preserve their power, we are then ready to graduate to the next meme.
  • 310. To illustrate how Humankind transitions from one meme to the next, let‘s take a look at history.
  • 311. Religion was the dominant meme for hundreds of years. But when people discovered that ―express tickets to heaven‖ were being sold to the highest bidder,
  • 312. and that the church was taking a strong stance on scientifically invalid ―facts,‖ such as the sun revolves around the Earth, incongruities were illuminated within religion.
  • 313. At that point in the 17th century, people became rather uncomfortable and began looking for another source from which to understand life; a source which would provide meaningful solutions to life‘s problems. And the baton of power was then passed to…
  • 314. Science and Technology… which has reigned ever since that time.
  • 315. The next requirement for graduating to the next stage of evolution?
  • 316. All aspects of our being: body, mind, and spirit, must be balanced.
  • 317. Therefore, if we‘re evolving more rapidly in the technological and scientific arena, the mind, and lagging in our spiritual growth, an imbalance will result. And that‘s where we find ourselves today, for we currently have a number of imbalances in our collective being.
  • 318. How do we identify an imbalance?
  • 319. An imbalance first appears as a small problem. If that problem is not resolved, it becomes a bigger problem. And if the problem is still not resolved, it eventually becomes a catastrophe where we are then forced to deal with it.
  • 320. Therefore, before any large-scale tragedy occurs, less critical events will precede it.
  • 321. These events have a higher purpose…
  • 322. they are warnings, alerting us of an imbalance which must be resolved.
  • 323. In the case of the tragedies of September 11, the bombing of the SS Cole as well as the embassy bombings in Africa preceded these events, did they not?
  • 324. However, because we are currently unaware of the higher purpose of these less critical events, we typically don‘t take decisive action until something catastrophic occurs.
  • 325. And this poses a serious problem today. For during the process of ―Purification,‖ smaller critical events are inevitable. They serve to illuminate the imbalances in our collective being – issues that must be resolved. Therefore, if we ignore these events, regardless of where they are occurring in our world, the potential for catastrophe grows greater and greater. The bottom line?
  • 326. Until we recognize the higher purpose of adverse experiences, we will continue to experience tragedy.
  • 327. Why? From our current state of consciousness…
  • 328. Critical events provide the discomfort necessary to promote evolution.
  • 329. “Accelerated evolution is made possible by exaggerated polarity – an opportunity for humankind to explore a new understanding of the nature of all reality.‖ — PATRICIA CORI No More Secrets, No More Lies
  • 330. Now that you are aware of the significance of the time we are now living and have a greater awareness of the bigger picture — the process of evolution and how it unfolds — and understand the importance of addressing smaller critical events before they become catastrophes, we will now move onto Section 3 and explore:
  • 331. SECTION 3 The Most Formidable and Unsuspecting Threat Now Facing Humanity
  • 332. Where is this threat coming from?
  • 334. And though that may sound preposterous to some, many individuals who we deem as credible have recognized this threat, but their warnings have, thus far, been ignored.
  • 335. ―I believe that human survival in the face of the threat of nuclear holocaust and the devastation of our natural environment, will be possible only if we are able to radically change the methods and values underlying our science and technology.‖ — DR. Fritjof Capra The Tao of Physics
  • 336. ―As we stand at the brink of a second nuclear age and at the onset of unprecedented climate change, our way of thinking about the uses and control of technologies must change to prevent unspeakable destruction and future human suffering.‖ — Kennette Benedict Atomic Scientist executive director
  • 337. ―We‘ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We‘ve also arranged things so that almost no one understands science or technology. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later, this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.‖ — Carl sagaN
  • 338. ―One of humanity‘s constant nightmares has been that technological growth...has always run ahead of...growth in wisdom, care, and compassionate use of that technology. In other words, exterior development has run ahead of interior development.‖ — Dr. Ken Wilber