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14 RESEARCH HEALTHCARE Counselling and
Psychotherapy Journal October 2018
For many therapists with no specialised
training in psychosexual therapy or
addiction treatment, a client’s
pronouncement that they are a sex addict
might cause alarm bells to ring. A number
of questions are likely to spring to mind:
does such a diagnosis actually exist? If it
does exist, how do we recognise it? And,
what is the most effective way of treating it?
The jury is still out on whether sex
addiction can be seen as a true addiction
or even mental disorder. The World
Health Organisation recently included
‘compulsive sexual behaviour disorder’
as an impulse-control disorder in the
International Classification of Diseases
(ICD-11),1 but the American Psychiatric
Association failed to recognise sex
addiction in the latest version of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM-5).2 There was
disappointment among many sex addiction
therapists at this omission from the DSM-5
as, on a daily basis, they come face to face
with individuals who suffer greatly as
a result of their out-of-control sexual
behaviour. For some clients, this might take
the form of prolific pornography use, while
for others, it might be weekly visits to
escorts or a never-ending stream of
one-night stands. It is not the behaviour
per se that is the marker of sex addiction,
but rather the negative impact that it has
on the individual’s life. For these clients,
rather than being a pleasurable experience,
sex is used compulsively to relieve
negative emotional states and, as a result,
often causes significant distress.3 Despite
this distress, they feel unable to stop the
behaviour. Clients usually only walk into
the therapist’s consulting room once the
addiction has become completely
unmanageable, for example because it
has resulted in loss of employment due
to pornography use on work computers,
financial ruin due to numerous escort
visits or marriage breakdown due to
multiple affairs.
Whether or not we wish to use the term
‘sex addiction’, or prefer to refer to this
as out-of-control sexual behaviour,
hypersexuality or sexual compulsivity,
what is clear is that it poses a significant
problem for an ever-growing number
of people. The availability of free online
pornography and ‘hook-up’ apps has
done nothing to alleviate the problem.
We are likely, therefore, to see an
increasing number of clients walking
through our doors for whom out-of-control
sexual behaviour causes mental and
emotional distress.
Most sex addiction treatment strategies
are based on a cognitive-behavioural
approach.4 Sex addiction therapists will
typically work with clients to help them
to identify their addiction cycle, recognise
the triggers for acting out, understand the
harmful consequences for them and those
around them, uncover the core beliefs that
fuel the behaviours, and put in place a plan
for sobriety, eventually resulting in the
development of a healthy relationship
with sex. This approach has proven very
effective. However, it may be that it
overlooks a particularly important aspect
of sex addition.
Increasingly, addictions are being
recognised as attachment disorders.5
Studies across a range of different substance
and behavioural addictions have shown
addicts to be more likely to have an insecure
attachment style than non-addicts.5 A small
number of studies have focused specifically
on the relationship between insecure
attachment and sex addiction.6–8 In these
studies, over 90 per cent of sex addicts
My study, which has been published in full
in the Journal of Sexual Addiction and
Compulsivity,15 identified three common
overarching attachment themes in the
therapists’ work: (i) regulating closeness
and distance in the therapy room; (ii) affect
regulation; (iii) risking connection in the
outside world. The remainder of this article
explores how each of these themes might be
addressed when working with sexually
addicted clients. I also provide a clinical
vignette to demonstrate how I have
integrated these findings into my own work.
As a result of their insecure attachment
style, sex addicts generally lack the ability to
enter into close, intimate relationships with
other people. Due to their attachment
history, such relationships seem fraught
with danger and the addict therefore
keeps people at arm’s length. While these
individuals may seem to have close family
and friends, their addiction prevents true
intimacy, as it is kept hidden through
continual lies and deception. At the same
time, these clients may engage in intense
sexual relationships with people with whom
they have no real attachment, allowing them
a brief semblance of connection without the
attendant danger of real intimacy.
Bearing this in mind, the idea of entering
into an intimate therapeutic relationship
can seem overwhelming and dangerous for
the sex addict. They may well have come to
therapy as a result of an ultimatum from a
distraught partner who has discovered the
addiction. It may, therefore, prove very
difficult to create a therapeutic alliance with
them. These clients are likely to shrink away
from all attempts at truly getting to know
them; they may end therapy prematurely
or miss sessions without warning. It is
important to remember that they are often
caught in a paradox: they are longing to get
close, in order to have their pain soothed
by another, and yet closeness feels so
dangerous that they dare not approach.
The therapist, in turn, is faced with a
conundrum; they need to be able to draw
close to their client in order for the real work
to begin, and yet in doing so, they may scare
the client away.
The therapist must therefore attempt to
meet the client where they are, rather than
where the therapist may want them to be.
In order to do this, they will need to work
sensitively in the here and now of the
therapeutic relationship, looking out for
any openings for connection, however
miniscule these may be. This may be slow,
painstaking work.
One of the most important advances in
attachment theory over the past few
decades has been the understanding that it
is a theory not only about relationships but
also about affect regulation.16 We develop
our models for affect regulation at a very
early age, with infants programmed to seek
out attachment to their primary caregivers.
The caregiver’s role is to soothe the infant’s
emotions and help them to self-soothe. If
they fail in this task, the individual does
not learn how to adequately regulate their
own emotions and also cannot turn to
others for emotional regulation. Instead,
they look outside themselves to control
their emotional state, and drugs, alcohol,
food, gambling and sex can all step in to
fill this void.
The role of the therapist is, therefore, to
help the client to understand that they are
capable of experiencing and regulating their
emotions, rather than acting out in order
to escape them. The first challenge for the
therapist in this process is that sex addicts
often suffer from alexithymia and are
unable to identify their emotions, having
cut themselves off from them at an early
age. Somatic awareness is a key route to
reconnecting the client with their emotional
state, helping them to focus on what they
feel in their body. The therapist will need to
pay close attention to the client’s somatic
cues and draw attention to them, helping
them to move firstly towards self-awareness
and then to self-regulation, for example
through breathing and relaxation exercises.
Affect regulation has two complementary
parts: self-regulation and co-regulation.
In order to help the client experience
co-regulation, the therapist will need to be
attuned to their own thoughts, feelings and
bodily sensations, using them as a compass
for how the client might be feeling. For
example, if the client is in an anxious state,
breathing shallowly, the therapist can adjust
‘The jury is still out on whether sex
addiction can be seen as a true
addiction or even mental disorder’
displayed an insecure attachment style.7,8
This is in marked contrast to the population
at large, where under 45 per cent of
individuals are insecurely attached.9,10
If addiction is viewed as an attachment
disorder, then perhaps there is some merit
in considering the place of attachment in the
treatment of addiction. Some researchers
have certainly recognised the value of such
an approach, arguing for attachment-based
treatment approaches to substance abuse,11
alcohol abuse12 and gambling disorder.13
However, to date, very little work has been
done on the relevance of an attachment-
based approach to the treatment of sex
addiction (with the exception of an excellent
book by Alexandra Katehakis).14 In order to
discover more about how such an approach
might work, I decided to interview six sex
addiction therapists in the UK, the US and
Australia who include a focus on attachment
dynamics in their work with clients
suffering from sexual compulsivity. I
analysed the interview data to explore
whether there were any common themes
or approaches in the therapists’ work
that might form the basis of a tentative
attachment-based approach to treating
sexual compulsivity.
Psychotherapy Journal October 2018
their own breathing and help to ground
the client. As the client learns how to
experience both co-regulation and
self-regulation, their need for addictive
behaviours lessens.
Achieving a connection with the client
in the therapy room is only the first step
towards secure attachment. For change to
really occur, this new way of relating then
has to be transferred to the outside world.
The addict has used their addiction as a
replacement for close relationships; if
they are to truly recover, they will need to
begin to forge relationships, trust others
and maintain an emotional connection
with them.
Groupwork plays a key role in helping
recovering sex addicts to risk connection
in the outside world. In group, whether it
be a 12-step group such as Sex Addicts
Anonymous (SAA) or a therapeutic
community for recovering sex addicts,
the addict learns to reveal who they are
underneath the false exterior. Being in
the presence of others in similar positions,
they learn that they can disclose the more
shameful parts of themselves without
humiliation. They receive understanding
from other group members, who can share
their experiences. Secure attachments
begin to form between group members,
many of which may become enduring
bonds that last a lifetime.
The couple relationship often comes into
crisis as a result of sex addiction being
uncovered. The partner may experience
trauma as a result of discovering that their
life with their spouse is based upon lies and
deception. They may feel that they don’t
know their partner at all. They may need
individual therapy, and the couple, if they
decide to try to mend the relationship, will
also need to engage in couples’ therapy.
If sex addiction is found to be predicated
upon attachment ruptures in early
childhood, part of the therapeutic work
may need to focus on healing these
traumatic attachments in the present.
Attachment traumas might include
rejection, abuse, abandonment and
neglect. It is vital to obtain a comprehensive
history of the client’s attachment patterns,
both as a child and adult, as well as
exploring any attachment trauma within
the wider family. The therapist will need
to help the client work with attachment
traumas in order to grieve loss, as well as
to repair relationships, where this is
relevant. This can allow the client to
revise their internal working models,
both of themselves and of others, enabling
them to risk intimacy and move towards
developing more securely attached
When Jake entered my therapy room,
he appeared stiff and formal. He sat up
straight in his chair and refused to make
eye contact. He told me that his wife, Sarah,
had insisted that he come for therapy. As
I tried to probe gently into what he might
want from our work together, he appeared
at times defiant, professing that he did
not need help, while at others defeated,
muttering that he was beyond help. In our
early sessions, I sometime doubted that we
would ever be able to form a therapeutic
alliance, but I sat listening to him quietly
and non-judgmentally and, little by little,
he began to let me see him. I was careful
to go at his speed and not try to get too
close too quickly.
It took a few sessions for Jake’s story of
addiction to unfold. He explained to me that
Sarah had opened a letter from the bank
and discovered that they had defaulted on
their mortgage repayments. The bank was
on the verge of repossessing the house.
When Sarah confronted Jake, he pleaded
ignorance, but as Sarah uncovered more
evidence of their financial situation and his
exorbitant spending, he eventually broke
down and admitted to her that the money
had been spent on strip clubs, prostitutes
and gambling. Sarah had gone into deep
shock and depression. As Jake gradually
revealed all this to me, I listened to him
without judgment, showing him that I could
bear the weight of his admissions without
also being shocked. This was the beginning
of modelling a new attachment experience
for him.
I began the work with Jake with the
traditional CBT tools, helping him to
put into place a plan for managing his
addictive behaviours, identifying triggers,
challenging unhealthy thought processes,
and replacing the acting out with new
healthy behaviours. As we worked together
in this very practical way, I sensed his trust
in me growing. I was able to recommend
local Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) and
Gamblers’ Anonymous (GA) groups, which
Jake soon began to attend on a weekly basis.
Although the recovery went well in the first
few months, Jake would come to some
sessions on the verge of acting out. We
would try together to identify the emotional
triggers. In one session, I noticed a hollow
feeling in my stomach, which did not seem
to relate to my own emotional state. I told
Jake what I was sensing and wondered
whether it seemed pertinent to our work.
He was quickly able to identify a similar
sensation in his own body and together
we were able to name it as loneliness.
Recognising and naming his emotions
was a new process
for Jake, and one
which he found
very uncomfortable.
I taught him some
techniques which
helped him to
acknowledge and
accept his emotions
without acting out.
We also discussed
how connecting with
some of the people he
had met in SAA might
help to alleviate the feeling. Jake also had
to learn how, when he was experiencing
difficult emotions in the relationship, he
could allow himself to be vulnerable and
discuss them with Sarah, rather than
running away and seeking solace in sex
and gambling.
‘The addict has used their addiction as a
replacement for close relationships; if they are
to truly recover, they will need to begin to forge
relationships, trust others and maintain an
emotional connection with them’
As our relationship strengthened, I was
able to take a full attachment history,
with a view to identifying and working
on attachment trauma. Jake’s father had
suddenly disappeared when he was three.
His mother sank into depression and so
neither parent was available to help soothe
his distress. His older brother had a stash
of porn magazines, which Jake discovered
when he was 13. Soon, he found that looking
at the magazines and masturbating
helped to ease his sense of loneliness and
insecurity. As Jake grew up and went to
work in the City of London, visits to strip
clubs and escorts seemed the norm among
his colleagues, who also drank heavily.
Jake soon found that any difficulty in
his professional and private life could be
effectively obliterated with a potent mix
of sex, alcohol and gambling. When he met
Sarah, he vowed to himself that he would
stop. He was successful until they had
their first argument, at which point he
immediately turned back to his old habits in
order to soothe himself. This then became
his normal way of dealing with any problem
in their relationship, particularly after their
son, Sam, was born and Sarah no longer
seemed to have any time or energy for Jake.
As a result of his attachment history, Jake
had developed an internal working model
that he was not good enough (after all, his
father left him) and others were unreliable
(neither his mother nor his father were
there to ease his pain). After many months
of work, Jake decided that, as part of his
recovery process, he wanted to make
amends with his mum, from whom he was
estranged, understanding that she had
done her best under difficult circumstances.
Much of Jake’s concern within therapy
was the restoration of his relationship with
Sarah. She had entered individual therapy
and, six months into their work, both of
them decided that they were ready for
couples’ therapy. I referred them to a
couples’ therapist who specialised in
treating sex addiction. Even though Sarah
had been unaware of the addiction, it had
pervaded their relationship from the start.
Both of them had to relearn how to be in
relationship with each other without the
addiction present, to form a secure
attachment. The couple work centred on
rebuilding trust, re-establishing sexual
intimacy and emotional co-regulation.
Eighteen months later, Jake and I still see
each other on a weekly basis, and he still
attends weekly SAA and GA meetings. He
and Sarah have repaired and strengthened
their relationship, and Jake is no longer
acting out. Sarah is now pregnant with their
second child, and Jake and I are exploring
how this shift in the family may once again
trigger difficult emotions. This time, Jake is
armed with the emotional resilience and
communication tools that will hopefully
allow him to manage the transition without
seeking solace in sex and gambling. For
Jake, the addictions had indeed been a
misguided search for a secure base.
An attachment-based approach to sex
addiction treatment provides the client
with a new attachment experience within
the therapy room, which they can use
as a model for forging new types of
relationships in the outside world. It is a
two-person, immersive process that occurs
at a physical and emotional level. This
approach requires a complex array of
individual therapy, couples therapy (if the
client has a partner) and group therapy. It
is long-term work and this can be one of the
greatest challenges for the addict. These
clients are used to seeking an immediate
response to difficult emotions, a response
that prevents them from ever having to
feel their emotions too deeply. Therapy
is difficult for them because it is a slow,
painful process, in which they are brought
face-to-face with their emotions in order
that they learn that they can face them
and feel them without the need to act out.
This article first appeared in the September
2018 issue of Private Practice, a quarterly
journal published by BACP. ©
Joanna Benfield is a psychosexual and
couples’ therapist in private practice in
Kingston upon Thames. She has an MA
in counselling and psychotherapy and a
postgraduate diploma in psychosexual
and relationship therapy. Joanna is
author of Three in a Bed: Conversations
with a Sex Therapist and co-editor of the
Routledge International Handbook of
Sexual Addiction. She is a registered
member of BACP and an accredited
member of the College of Sexual and
Relationship Therapists (COSRT).
Joanna is also editor of this journal.
1 World Health Organization. International Classification
of Diseases (ICD-11) – maintenance platform. [Online.]
WHO; 2018. (accessed 6 August
2 American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and
statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed).
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association;
3 Kafka M. Hypersexual disorder: a proposed diagnosis for
DSM-V. Archives of Sexual Behaviour 2010; 39: 377–400.
4 Birchard T. CBT for compulsive sexual behaviour: a
guide for professionals. Hove: Routledge; 2015.
5 Gill R (ed). Addictions from an attachment perspective:
do broken bonds and early trauma lead to addictive
behaviour? London: Karnac; 2014.
6 Faisandier K, Taylor J, Salisbury R. What does
attachment have to do with out-of-control sexual
behaviour? New Zealand Journal of Psychology 2011;
40, 3: 19–29.
7 Leedes R. Theory and praxis. A heuristic for describing,
evaluating and intervening on sexual desire disorders
when sexual expression interferes with humanistic
expression. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity 1999;
6: 289–310.
8 Zapf J, Greiner J, Carroll J. Attachment styles and male
sex addiction. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity 2008;
15: 158–175.
9 Bartholemew K, Horowitz LM. Attachment styles among
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Personality and Social Psychology 1991; 61: 226–244.
10 Hazan C, Shaver P. Romantic love conceptualized as an
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11 Flores P. Addiction as an attachment disorder. New York:
Jason Aronson; 2012.
12 Vetere A. Alcohol misuse, attachment dilemmas, and
triangles of interaction: a systemic approach to practice.
In: Gill R (ed). Addictions from an attachment
perspective. London: Karnac; 2014 (pp57–68).
13 Karter L. Gambling addiction: seeking certainty when
relationship is the risk. In: Gill R (ed). Addictions from an
attachment perspective. London: Karnac; 2014
14 Katehakis A. Sex addiction as affect dysregulation.
New York: WW Norton & Company, Inc; 2017.
15 Benfield J. Secure attachment: an antidote to sex
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experiences of utilizing attachment-informed
treatment strategies to address sexual compulsivity.
Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity 2018; doi
16 Schore JR, Schore AN. Modern attachment
theory: the central role of affect regulation
in development and treatment. Clinical
Social Work Journal 2007; doi 10.1007/
The author would welcome feedback on
this article. To contact her, please email
[email protected]
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A More Egalitarian Hospital Culture Is Better for Everyone
By Pauline W. Chen, M.D.
May 31, 2018 New York Times
Perched atop a hill overlooking a major thoroughfare, the
massive brick tower was a holdout from
decades earlier. With green tiles lining the walls, black and
white linoleum flooring, and hallways
redolent of an antiseptic whose recipe hadn’t changed since the
1950s, the hospital had a distinct
postwar feel, and an unchanging culture to go along with it.
For surgical trainees like me in the 1990s, the institution’s
resistance to change was best embodied by a
four-page, single-spaced document affectionately known as
“The Hernia List.” An unofficial register of
patients waiting for a hernia operation, the list had come about
because every time a patient
experienced an operative complication, a new clinical rule was
added to the list of preoperative
prerequisites. By the time I was training at the hospital, every
prospective hernia patient had to submit
to an endless drill of testing and specialist visits before even
setting foot in the operating room. Patients
spent months “on the list” waiting to get “clearance” for what
was considered a relatively common
No matter how much we trainees bristled at the wait and the
antediluvian regulations our patients had
to tolerate, we felt powerless to question them. We understood
our place at the bottom of the hospital
totem pole, and the ritual seemed too deeply entrenched to ever
“This hospital is like an elephant,” sighed a fellow trainee one
afternoon as he thumbed through the
infamous list. “When she goes to the right, you must go to the
right. When she goes to the left, you
must go that way, too.”
I remembered the list and my colleague’s words after reading a
recent study in BMJ Quality and Safety
proving that, in fact, hospitals can change and that a more open
and egalitarian hospital culture can help
patients do better.
Health care experts have long known of a link between patient
outcomes and a hospital’s organizational
culture, or the way hospital employees feel about their roles and
their interactions with one another.
Heart attack patients who are treated at hospitals where nurses
feel powerless and senior management
is only sporadically involved in patient care tend to fare more
poorly than patients hospitalized at
institutions where nurses are asked regularly for their input and
chief executives hold regular meetings
with clinicians to review patient results.
The problem has been getting large hospitals — the proverbial
elephants in our health care jungle — to
make those types of changes, measuring those cultural changes,
then gauging if those changes result in
improvements in how patients do.
Researchers have had no way to measure hospital culture; and
even with generous support from
nonprofit organizations and pressure from government entities
and patient advocacy groups,
institutions that have attempted to transform had no way to
assess if those cultural changes were
statistically significant. Many ended up making changes not
across an entire hospital but in only a single
department like the emergency department or in only one aspect
of patient care like the infection rates
of catheters placed in major veins.
But over the last few years, one group of researchers has
discovered both a specific set of strategies that
target hospital organizational culture and a reliable way to
measure the effect of those strategies.
Implementing that strategy, called “Leadership Saves Lives,”
the researchers were able to show in their
most recent study that hospitals could undergo significant
cultural changes that could affect patient
outcomes in as little as two years.
“Leadership Saves Lives” requires that each hospital create a
“Guiding Coalition,” a group of more than a
dozen staff members, ranging from high-ranking administrators
to clinicians, nurses and technicians
from across the entire institution. The coalition members
participate in regular workshops, discussions
and national forums on ways hospitals might improve, then help
their respective hospital translate
newfound ideas and information into clinical practice.
To assess the clinical effect of the intervention, the researchers
decided to look at heart attack patients,
individuals whose care depends on the staff in several
departments in a hospital. The researchers
implemented “Leadership Saves Lives” in 10 hospitals of
varying size and from different regions that all
treated large numbers of heart attack victims but shared below
average patient outcomes. Over the
course of two years, the researchers regularly surveyed and
interviewed all the guiding coalition
members using the research tools they had developed
specifically to measure cultural change.
The researchers found that all 10 hospitals changed
significantly, but six hospitals experienced
particularly profound cultural transformations. The staff of
these hospitals spoke of an institutional shift
from “because I said so” to “focusing on the why’s.” Instead of
accepting that every heart attack patient
had to undergo certain testing or take specific drugs because the
chief of the department or
administrator had previously established such clinical protocols,
for example, it became more important
to provide the data that proved such rituals were actually
helpful. Staff members in these hospitals also
said they received, and appreciated, increased support from
senior management and a newfound
freedom to voice opinions in “more of an equal role, no matter
what position you are.”
In contrast, providers who worked in hospitals without such
profound changes described a persistent
expectation of deference to authority, a tendency to blame and
make promises without follow-through,
and a work environment “so squarely in the box that we can’t
even see the edge,” in the words of one
provider interviewed.
One hospital in the study, for example, had been struggling for
years with poor outcomes because
patients often had long wait times between the onset of heart
attack symptoms and the initiation of
appropriate in-hospital care. Many of the hospital’s
administrators and clinicians assumed that little
could be done because of their rural location. But the hospital’s
EKG technicians knew of a new and
relatively inexpensive transmitter that could immediately relay
EKG results to the hospital.
“But the EKG technicians never felt empowered to speak up,”
Dr. Bradley recounted. “The hospital
C.E.O. never even knew that the problem of relaying EKG
results existed but could be solved until he
came together with the technicians in their hospital’s Guiding
The researchers discovered that the degree of an institution’s
cultural change was directly linked to how
patients did. Hospitals that made more substantial changes in
their work culture realized larger and
more sustained drops in heart attack mortality rates. Among the
four hospitals in the study that
experienced less dramatic cultural changes, there were
improvements in patient outcomes, but the
improvements were not sustained.
“What is different about this work is that it has proven that
cultural change is possible and can save
lives,” said Dr. Patrick Geoghegan, professor of mental health
and social care at Anglia Ruskin University
in Britain, who is spearheading a program based on Leadership
Saves Lives in the National Health
Service. “You can have all of the best policies, procedures and
strategies, but if the hospital’s
organizational culture is not receptive, then you will fail.”
Dr. Bradley noted that if hospitals respond to challenges by
embracing practices modeled in the Guiding
Coalitions, like regular meetings that bring together hospital
staff members from all levels and
disciplines “in a psychologically comfortable and trusting place
to speak the truth and to have
meaningful conversations,” then these relationships and the
cultural changes they inspire will “drive the
sustainability of your improvements.”
“It takes bringing people together and redefining leadership as a
role that anyone at any level can take,”
she observed.
More research is needed, but in the meantime it is clear that for
patients, having some sense of a
hospital’s organizational culture can be a critical part of
deciding where to get care, since the attitudes
and interactions among administrators, doctors, nurses and other
providers can affect outcomes. “We
think we just need to get the best doctor,” Dr. Bradley noted,
“but witnessing how staff treat each other
is a pretty strong signal for how they will treat and care for
9. Rosenthal R. J., Lesieur H. R. Self-reported withdrawal
symptoms and pathological gambling. Am J Addict
1992; 1: 150–4.
The debate about whether to classify compulsive sexual
behavior as an addiction continues to evolve. Additional
research is needed to clarify the terminology and diagnostic
criteria used for classification purposes. Data assessing
prevalence and other comorbidities are needed to further
policy, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment efforts.
We recently considered evidence for classifying compulsive
sexual behavior (CSB) as a non-substance (behavioral)
addiction [1]. Our review found that CSB shared clinical,
neurobiological and phenomenological parallels with
substance-use disorders; however, we concluded that more
research is needed in order to address current shortcomings.
The responding commentaries highlight important
issues regarding classification efforts including the lack of
a consensus definition for CSB and disagreement about
proposed criteria central to defining CSB [2]. More research
should examine which proposed criteria – whether those
relatingmore closely to sexual addiction [3] or hypersexual
disorder [4] – accurately reflect CSB in clinical contexts.
Although the two diagnostic categories may conceptually
differentiate between addiction and excessive drive, the
criteria overlap and stress and negative emotionality as
triggers apply to both [5]. More research is needed to better
understand in CSB how central features of addiction (e.g.
tolerance, withdrawal) relate to CSB and its treatment.
Additional concerns included improving research method-
ologies and minimizing possible confounds that may limit
generalizability of studies [2]. Although data suggest that
other behavioral addictions are comorbid with other
psychiatric disorders [6,7], additional research is needed
to determine the prevalence of co-occurring disorders with
CSB [8]. Co-occurring behavioral addictions with CSB
should be considered, particularly if the behaviors are
intertwined (e.g. traveling to resort casinos to engage in
sex and gamble). Further, additional research is needed to
better understand the prevalence of CSB among the
general population.
Additional points were raised regarding the language
used to describe CSB, with ‘risky’ or ‘excessive’ terminology
being potentially misleading. ‘Excessive’ sex may not be
problematic [8]. Instead, sexual behavior leading to
significant functional impairment or psychological distress
maymore likely reflect important clinical hallmarks of CSB.
Applying a more objective approach to developing a
diagnostic framework for CSB may promote advancement.
Objective indicators of distress (e.g. repeated attempts to
quit, craving, etc.) rather than frequency of sexual behav-
iors should be a focus [9], particularly as frequency of
sexual behaviors may not be a strong predictor of CSB [10].
The pathologizing of sexual behaviors falling outside
normative standards or ranges and the evolution of sexual
practices and societal values over time were also discussed
[11]. Notably, changes in usage of digital technologies have
altered sexual behaviors, particularly amongst youth and
young adults. Internet pornography is thriving, casual
sex (‘hook-up’) websites are widely popular, and social me-
diamay act as a sexual conduit formany individuals. These
developments are accompanied by many unanswered
questions [12]. Future longitudinal research is needed to
examine how digital technologies are related to the devel-
opment and maintenance of CSB over the lifespan.
Although the American Psychiatric Association
rejected hypersexual disorder [4] from DSM-5, a diagnosis
of CSB (excessive sex drive) can be made using ICD-10
[13]. CSB is also being considered by ICD-11 [14], al-
though its ultimate inclusion is not certain. Future re-
search should continue to build knowledge and
strengthen a framework for better understanding CSB
and translating this information into improved policy, pre-
vention, diagnosis, and treatment efforts to minimize the
negative impacts of CSB.
Funding sources
This study was funded by support from the Department of
Veterans Affairs, VISN1Mental Illness Research Education
and Clinical Center, the National Center for Responsible
Gaming, and the National Center on Addiction and
Substance Abuse. SWK is a full-time employee of the
Department of Veterans Affairs. The content of this
manuscript does not necessarily reflect the views of the
funding agencies and reflects the views of the authors.
Declaration of interests
The authors report no conflicts of interest with respect to
the content of this manuscript. Dr. Potenza has consulted
for and advised Ironwood, Lundbeck, INSYS, Shire,
RiverMend Health and Opiant/Lakelight Therapuetics;
has received research support from Mohegan Sun Casino,
the National Center for Responsible Gaming, and Pfizer;
has participated in surveys, mailings or telephone consul-
tations related to drug addiction, impulse-control disorders
or other health topics; has consulted for gambling and legal
entities on issues related to impulse-control and addictive
disorders; provides clinical care in the Connecticut
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
Commentaries 2113
© 2016 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 111,
Problem Gambling Services Program; has performed grant
reviews for the National Institutes of Health and other
agencies; has edited journals or journal sections; has given
academic lectures in grand rounds, CME events and other
clinical or scientific venues; and has generated books or
book chapters for publishers of mental health texts
VISN 1 New England MIRECC, Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial
Veterans Hospital, Massachusetts, USA,1 Department of
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK,2 Department of
Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA,3
of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
Connecticut, USA4 and Department of Neurobiology, Child
Center, the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse
Connecticut Mental Health Center, Yale University School of
New Haven, Connecticut, USA5
E-mail: [email protected]
1. Kraus S. W., Voon V., Potenza M. N. Should compulsive
behavior be considered an addiction? Addiction 2016; 111:
2. Reid R. C. Additional challenges and issues in classifying
compulsive sexual behavior as an addiction. Addiction 2016;
111: 2111–3.
3. Carnes P. J., Hopkins T. A., Green B. A. Clinical relevance
of the
proposed sexual addiction diagnostic criteria: relation to the
Screening Test-Revised. J Addict Med 2014; 8: 450–61.
4. Kafka M. P. Hypersexual Disorder: A Proposed Diagnosis for
DSM-V. Arch Sex Behav 2010; 39: 377–400.
5. Koob G. F. Neurobiology of addiction. FOCUS: The Journal
Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry 2011; 9: 55–65.
6. Farre J. M., Fernandez-Aranda F., Granero R., Aragay N.,
Mallorqui-Bague N., Ferrer V. et al. Sex addiction and gam-
bling disorder: similarities and differences. Compr Psychiatry
2015; 56: 59–68.
7. Kraus S. W., Potenza M. N., Martino S., Grant J. E.
the psychometric properties of the Yale-Brown Obsessive–
Compulsive Scale in a sample of compulsive pornography
users. Compr Psychiatry 2015; 59: 117–22.
8. Griffiths M. D. Compulsive sexual behaviour as a
addiction: the impact of the internet and other issues.
Addiction 2016; 111: 2107–8.
9. Kraus S. W., Martino S., Potenza M. N. Clinical
of men interested in seeking treatment for use of pornography.
J Behav Addic 2016; 5: 169–78.
10. Gola M., Lewczuk K., Skorko M. What Matters: Quantity or
Quality of Pornography Use? Psychological and Behavioral
Factors of Seeking Treatment for Problematic Pornography
Use. J Sex Med 2016; 13: 815–24.
11. Keane H. Technological change and sexual disorder.
2016; 111: 2108–9.
12. Luscombe B. Porn and the threat of virility. Time 2016;
13. Krueger R. B. Diagnosis of hypersexual or compulsive
behavior can be made using ICD-10 and DSM-5 despite rejec-
tion of this diagnosis by the American Psychiatric
Association. Addiction 2016; 111: 2110–1.
14. Organization W. H. ICD-11 beta draft (Joint Linearization
Mortality and Morbidity Statistics); 2015.
2114 Commentaries
© 2016 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 111,
This document is a scanned copy of a printed document. No
warranty is given about the
accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original
published version of the material.

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14 RESEARCH HEALTHCARE Counselling and Psychotherapy Jour.docx

  • 1. 14 RESEARCH HEALTHCARE Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal October 2018 SEX ADDICTION: THE SEARCH FOR A SECURE BASE JOANNA BENFIELD PROPOSES AN ATTACHMENT-BASED APPROACH TO WORKING WITH SEXUAL COMPULSIVITY UNDERSTANDING SEX ADDICTION For many therapists with no specialised training in psychosexual therapy or addiction treatment, a client’s pronouncement that they are a sex addict might cause alarm bells to ring. A number of questions are likely to spring to mind: does such a diagnosis actually exist? If it does exist, how do we recognise it? And, what is the most effective way of treating it? The jury is still out on whether sex addiction can be seen as a true addiction or even mental disorder. The World Health Organisation recently included ‘compulsive sexual behaviour disorder’ as an impulse-control disorder in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11),1 but the American Psychiatric Association failed to recognise sex
  • 2. addiction in the latest version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).2 There was disappointment among many sex addiction therapists at this omission from the DSM-5 as, on a daily basis, they come face to face with individuals who suffer greatly as a result of their out-of-control sexual behaviour. For some clients, this might take the form of prolific pornography use, while for others, it might be weekly visits to escorts or a never-ending stream of one-night stands. It is not the behaviour per se that is the marker of sex addiction, but rather the negative impact that it has on the individual’s life. For these clients, rather than being a pleasurable experience, sex is used compulsively to relieve negative emotional states and, as a result, often causes significant distress.3 Despite this distress, they feel unable to stop the behaviour. Clients usually only walk into the therapist’s consulting room once the addiction has become completely unmanageable, for example because it has resulted in loss of employment due to pornography use on work computers, financial ruin due to numerous escort visits or marriage breakdown due to multiple affairs. Whether or not we wish to use the term ‘sex addiction’, or prefer to refer to this as out-of-control sexual behaviour, hypersexuality or sexual compulsivity, what is clear is that it poses a significant
  • 3. problem for an ever-growing number of people. The availability of free online pornography and ‘hook-up’ apps has done nothing to alleviate the problem. We are likely, therefore, to see an increasing number of clients walking through our doors for whom out-of-control sexual behaviour causes mental and emotional distress. Most sex addiction treatment strategies are based on a cognitive-behavioural approach.4 Sex addiction therapists will typically work with clients to help them to identify their addiction cycle, recognise the triggers for acting out, understand the harmful consequences for them and those around them, uncover the core beliefs that fuel the behaviours, and put in place a plan for sobriety, eventually resulting in the development of a healthy relationship with sex. This approach has proven very effective. However, it may be that it overlooks a particularly important aspect of sex addition. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEX ADDICTION AND ATTACHMENT Increasingly, addictions are being recognised as attachment disorders.5 Studies across a range of different substance and behavioural addictions have shown addicts to be more likely to have an insecure attachment style than non-addicts.5 A small number of studies have focused specifically on the relationship between insecure attachment and sex addiction.6–8 In these
  • 4. studies, over 90 per cent of sex addicts 15 RESEARCH My study, which has been published in full in the Journal of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity,15 identified three common overarching attachment themes in the therapists’ work: (i) regulating closeness and distance in the therapy room; (ii) affect regulation; (iii) risking connection in the outside world. The remainder of this article explores how each of these themes might be addressed when working with sexually addicted clients. I also provide a clinical vignette to demonstrate how I have integrated these findings into my own work. REGULATING CLOSENESS AND DISTANCE IN THE THERAPY ROOM As a result of their insecure attachment style, sex addicts generally lack the ability to enter into close, intimate relationships with other people. Due to their attachment history, such relationships seem fraught with danger and the addict therefore keeps people at arm’s length. While these individuals may seem to have close family and friends, their addiction prevents true intimacy, as it is kept hidden through continual lies and deception. At the same time, these clients may engage in intense sexual relationships with people with whom they have no real attachment, allowing them
  • 5. a brief semblance of connection without the attendant danger of real intimacy. Bearing this in mind, the idea of entering into an intimate therapeutic relationship can seem overwhelming and dangerous for the sex addict. They may well have come to therapy as a result of an ultimatum from a distraught partner who has discovered the addiction. It may, therefore, prove very difficult to create a therapeutic alliance with them. These clients are likely to shrink away from all attempts at truly getting to know them; they may end therapy prematurely or miss sessions without warning. It is important to remember that they are often caught in a paradox: they are longing to get close, in order to have their pain soothed by another, and yet closeness feels so dangerous that they dare not approach. The therapist, in turn, is faced with a conundrum; they need to be able to draw close to their client in order for the real work to begin, and yet in doing so, they may scare the client away. The therapist must therefore attempt to meet the client where they are, rather than where the therapist may want them to be. In order to do this, they will need to work sensitively in the here and now of the therapeutic relationship, looking out for any openings for connection, however miniscule these may be. This may be slow, painstaking work. AFFECT REGULATION One of the most important advances in
  • 6. attachment theory over the past few decades has been the understanding that it is a theory not only about relationships but also about affect regulation.16 We develop our models for affect regulation at a very early age, with infants programmed to seek out attachment to their primary caregivers. The caregiver’s role is to soothe the infant’s emotions and help them to self-soothe. If they fail in this task, the individual does not learn how to adequately regulate their own emotions and also cannot turn to others for emotional regulation. Instead, they look outside themselves to control their emotional state, and drugs, alcohol, food, gambling and sex can all step in to fill this void. The role of the therapist is, therefore, to help the client to understand that they are capable of experiencing and regulating their emotions, rather than acting out in order to escape them. The first challenge for the therapist in this process is that sex addicts often suffer from alexithymia and are unable to identify their emotions, having cut themselves off from them at an early age. Somatic awareness is a key route to reconnecting the client with their emotional state, helping them to focus on what they feel in their body. The therapist will need to pay close attention to the client’s somatic cues and draw attention to them, helping them to move firstly towards self-awareness and then to self-regulation, for example through breathing and relaxation exercises. Affect regulation has two complementary
  • 7. parts: self-regulation and co-regulation. In order to help the client experience co-regulation, the therapist will need to be attuned to their own thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations, using them as a compass for how the client might be feeling. For example, if the client is in an anxious state, breathing shallowly, the therapist can adjust ‘The jury is still out on whether sex addiction can be seen as a true addiction or even mental disorder’ displayed an insecure attachment style.7,8 This is in marked contrast to the population at large, where under 45 per cent of individuals are insecurely attached.9,10 If addiction is viewed as an attachment disorder, then perhaps there is some merit in considering the place of attachment in the treatment of addiction. Some researchers have certainly recognised the value of such an approach, arguing for attachment-based treatment approaches to substance abuse,11 alcohol abuse12 and gambling disorder.13 However, to date, very little work has been done on the relevance of an attachment- based approach to the treatment of sex addiction (with the exception of an excellent book by Alexandra Katehakis).14 In order to discover more about how such an approach might work, I decided to interview six sex addiction therapists in the UK, the US and Australia who include a focus on attachment dynamics in their work with clients suffering from sexual compulsivity. I
  • 8. analysed the interview data to explore whether there were any common themes or approaches in the therapists’ work that might form the basis of a tentative attachment-based approach to treating sexual compulsivity. 16 BEST PRACTICE HEALTHCARE Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal October 2018 their own breathing and help to ground the client. As the client learns how to experience both co-regulation and self-regulation, their need for addictive behaviours lessens. RISKING CONNECTION IN THE OUTSIDE WORLD Achieving a connection with the client in the therapy room is only the first step towards secure attachment. For change to really occur, this new way of relating then has to be transferred to the outside world. The addict has used their addiction as a replacement for close relationships; if they are to truly recover, they will need to begin to forge relationships, trust others and maintain an emotional connection with them. Groupwork plays a key role in helping recovering sex addicts to risk connection in the outside world. In group, whether it be a 12-step group such as Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) or a therapeutic community for recovering sex addicts,
  • 9. the addict learns to reveal who they are underneath the false exterior. Being in the presence of others in similar positions, they learn that they can disclose the more shameful parts of themselves without humiliation. They receive understanding from other group members, who can share their experiences. Secure attachments begin to form between group members, many of which may become enduring bonds that last a lifetime. The couple relationship often comes into crisis as a result of sex addiction being uncovered. The partner may experience trauma as a result of discovering that their life with their spouse is based upon lies and deception. They may feel that they don’t know their partner at all. They may need individual therapy, and the couple, if they decide to try to mend the relationship, will also need to engage in couples’ therapy. If sex addiction is found to be predicated upon attachment ruptures in early childhood, part of the therapeutic work may need to focus on healing these traumatic attachments in the present. Attachment traumas might include rejection, abuse, abandonment and neglect. It is vital to obtain a comprehensive history of the client’s attachment patterns, both as a child and adult, as well as exploring any attachment trauma within the wider family. The therapist will need to help the client work with attachment
  • 10. traumas in order to grieve loss, as well as to repair relationships, where this is relevant. This can allow the client to revise their internal working models, both of themselves and of others, enabling them to risk intimacy and move towards developing more securely attached relationships. CASE STUDY: JAKE When Jake entered my therapy room, he appeared stiff and formal. He sat up straight in his chair and refused to make eye contact. He told me that his wife, Sarah, had insisted that he come for therapy. As I tried to probe gently into what he might want from our work together, he appeared at times defiant, professing that he did not need help, while at others defeated, muttering that he was beyond help. In our early sessions, I sometime doubted that we would ever be able to form a therapeutic alliance, but I sat listening to him quietly and non-judgmentally and, little by little, he began to let me see him. I was careful to go at his speed and not try to get too close too quickly. It took a few sessions for Jake’s story of addiction to unfold. He explained to me that Sarah had opened a letter from the bank and discovered that they had defaulted on their mortgage repayments. The bank was on the verge of repossessing the house. When Sarah confronted Jake, he pleaded ignorance, but as Sarah uncovered more
  • 11. evidence of their financial situation and his exorbitant spending, he eventually broke down and admitted to her that the money had been spent on strip clubs, prostitutes and gambling. Sarah had gone into deep shock and depression. As Jake gradually revealed all this to me, I listened to him without judgment, showing him that I could bear the weight of his admissions without also being shocked. This was the beginning of modelling a new attachment experience for him. I began the work with Jake with the traditional CBT tools, helping him to put into place a plan for managing his addictive behaviours, identifying triggers, challenging unhealthy thought processes, and replacing the acting out with new healthy behaviours. As we worked together in this very practical way, I sensed his trust in me growing. I was able to recommend local Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) and Gamblers’ Anonymous (GA) groups, which Jake soon began to attend on a weekly basis. Although the recovery went well in the first few months, Jake would come to some sessions on the verge of acting out. We would try together to identify the emotional triggers. In one session, I noticed a hollow feeling in my stomach, which did not seem to relate to my own emotional state. I told Jake what I was sensing and wondered whether it seemed pertinent to our work. He was quickly able to identify a similar
  • 12. sensation in his own body and together we were able to name it as loneliness. Recognising and naming his emotions was a new process for Jake, and one which he found very uncomfortable. I taught him some mindfulness techniques which helped him to acknowledge and accept his emotions without acting out. We also discussed how connecting with some of the people he had met in SAA might help to alleviate the feeling. Jake also had to learn how, when he was experiencing difficult emotions in the relationship, he could allow himself to be vulnerable and discuss them with Sarah, rather than running away and seeking solace in sex and gambling. ‘The addict has used their addiction as a replacement for close relationships; if they are to truly recover, they will need to begin to forge relationships, trust others and maintain an emotional connection with them’
  • 13. 17BEST PRACTICE As our relationship strengthened, I was able to take a full attachment history, with a view to identifying and working on attachment trauma. Jake’s father had suddenly disappeared when he was three. His mother sank into depression and so neither parent was available to help soothe his distress. His older brother had a stash of porn magazines, which Jake discovered when he was 13. Soon, he found that looking at the magazines and masturbating helped to ease his sense of loneliness and insecurity. As Jake grew up and went to work in the City of London, visits to strip clubs and escorts seemed the norm among his colleagues, who also drank heavily. Jake soon found that any difficulty in his professional and private life could be effectively obliterated with a potent mix of sex, alcohol and gambling. When he met Sarah, he vowed to himself that he would stop. He was successful until they had their first argument, at which point he immediately turned back to his old habits in order to soothe himself. This then became his normal way of dealing with any problem in their relationship, particularly after their son, Sam, was born and Sarah no longer seemed to have any time or energy for Jake. As a result of his attachment history, Jake had developed an internal working model that he was not good enough (after all, his father left him) and others were unreliable (neither his mother nor his father were
  • 14. there to ease his pain). After many months of work, Jake decided that, as part of his recovery process, he wanted to make amends with his mum, from whom he was estranged, understanding that she had done her best under difficult circumstances. Much of Jake’s concern within therapy was the restoration of his relationship with Sarah. She had entered individual therapy and, six months into their work, both of them decided that they were ready for couples’ therapy. I referred them to a couples’ therapist who specialised in treating sex addiction. Even though Sarah had been unaware of the addiction, it had pervaded their relationship from the start. Both of them had to relearn how to be in relationship with each other without the addiction present, to form a secure attachment. The couple work centred on rebuilding trust, re-establishing sexual intimacy and emotional co-regulation. Eighteen months later, Jake and I still see each other on a weekly basis, and he still attends weekly SAA and GA meetings. He and Sarah have repaired and strengthened their relationship, and Jake is no longer acting out. Sarah is now pregnant with their second child, and Jake and I are exploring how this shift in the family may once again trigger difficult emotions. This time, Jake is armed with the emotional resilience and communication tools that will hopefully allow him to manage the transition without seeking solace in sex and gambling. For
  • 15. Jake, the addictions had indeed been a misguided search for a secure base. CONCLUSION An attachment-based approach to sex addiction treatment provides the client with a new attachment experience within the therapy room, which they can use as a model for forging new types of relationships in the outside world. It is a two-person, immersive process that occurs at a physical and emotional level. This approach requires a complex array of individual therapy, couples therapy (if the client has a partner) and group therapy. It is long-term work and this can be one of the greatest challenges for the addict. These clients are used to seeking an immediate response to difficult emotions, a response that prevents them from ever having to feel their emotions too deeply. Therapy is difficult for them because it is a slow, painful process, in which they are brought face-to-face with their emotions in order that they learn that they can face them and feel them without the need to act out. This article first appeared in the September 2018 issue of Private Practice, a quarterly journal published by BACP. © Joanna Benfield is a psychosexual and couples’ therapist in private practice in Kingston upon Thames. She has an MA in counselling and psychotherapy and a postgraduate diploma in psychosexual and relationship therapy. Joanna is author of Three in a Bed: Conversations
  • 16. with a Sex Therapist and co-editor of the Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Addiction. She is a registered member of BACP and an accredited member of the College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT). Joanna is also editor of this journal. REFERENCES 1 World Health Organization. International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) – maintenance platform. [Online.] WHO; 2018. (accessed 6 August 2018). 2 American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2013. 3 Kafka M. Hypersexual disorder: a proposed diagnosis for DSM-V. Archives of Sexual Behaviour 2010; 39: 377–400. 4 Birchard T. CBT for compulsive sexual behaviour: a guide for professionals. Hove: Routledge; 2015. 5 Gill R (ed). Addictions from an attachment perspective: do broken bonds and early trauma lead to addictive behaviour? London: Karnac; 2014. 6 Faisandier K, Taylor J, Salisbury R. What does attachment have to do with out-of-control sexual behaviour? New Zealand Journal of Psychology 2011; 40, 3: 19–29.
  • 17. 7 Leedes R. Theory and praxis. A heuristic for describing, evaluating and intervening on sexual desire disorders when sexual expression interferes with humanistic expression. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity 1999; 6: 289–310. 8 Zapf J, Greiner J, Carroll J. Attachment styles and male sex addiction. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity 2008; 15: 158–175. 9 Bartholemew K, Horowitz LM. Attachment styles among young adults: a test of a four-category model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1991; 61: 226–244. 10 Hazan C, Shaver P. Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1987; 52(3): 511–524. 11 Flores P. Addiction as an attachment disorder. New York: Jason Aronson; 2012. 12 Vetere A. Alcohol misuse, attachment dilemmas, and triangles of interaction: a systemic approach to practice. In: Gill R (ed). Addictions from an attachment perspective. London: Karnac; 2014 (pp57–68). 13 Karter L. Gambling addiction: seeking certainty when relationship is the risk. In: Gill R (ed). Addictions from an attachment perspective. London: Karnac; 2014 (pp119–124). 14 Katehakis A. Sex addiction as affect dysregulation. New York: WW Norton & Company, Inc; 2017. 15 Benfield J. Secure attachment: an antidote to sex
  • 18. addiction? A thematic analysis of therapists’ experiences of utilizing attachment-informed treatment strategies to address sexual compulsivity. Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity 2018; doi 10.1080/10720162.2018.1462746. 16 Schore JR, Schore AN. Modern attachment theory: the central role of affect regulation in development and treatment. Clinical Social Work Journal 2007; doi 10.1007/ s10615-007-0111-7. READER RESPONSE The author would welcome feedback on this article. To contact her, please email [email protected] Copyright of Healthcare Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal is the property of British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. hospital-culture-better-health.html A More Egalitarian Hospital Culture Is Better for Everyone By Pauline W. Chen, M.D.
  • 19. May 31, 2018 New York Times Perched atop a hill overlooking a major thoroughfare, the massive brick tower was a holdout from decades earlier. With green tiles lining the walls, black and white linoleum flooring, and hallways redolent of an antiseptic whose recipe hadn’t changed since the 1950s, the hospital had a distinct postwar feel, and an unchanging culture to go along with it. For surgical trainees like me in the 1990s, the institution’s resistance to change was best embodied by a four-page, single-spaced document affectionately known as “The Hernia List.” An unofficial register of patients waiting for a hernia operation, the list had come about because every time a patient experienced an operative complication, a new clinical rule was added to the list of preoperative prerequisites. By the time I was training at the hospital, every prospective hernia patient had to submit to an endless drill of testing and specialist visits before even setting foot in the operating room. Patients spent months “on the list” waiting to get “clearance” for what was considered a relatively common procedure. No matter how much we trainees bristled at the wait and the antediluvian regulations our patients had to tolerate, we felt powerless to question them. We understood our place at the bottom of the hospital totem pole, and the ritual seemed too deeply entrenched to ever change. “This hospital is like an elephant,” sighed a fellow trainee one afternoon as he thumbed through the
  • 20. infamous list. “When she goes to the right, you must go to the right. When she goes to the left, you must go that way, too.” I remembered the list and my colleague’s words after reading a recent study in BMJ Quality and Safety proving that, in fact, hospitals can change and that a more open and egalitarian hospital culture can help patients do better. Health care experts have long known of a link between patient outcomes and a hospital’s organizational culture, or the way hospital employees feel about their roles and their interactions with one another. Heart attack patients who are treated at hospitals where nurses feel powerless and senior management is only sporadically involved in patient care tend to fare more poorly than patients hospitalized at institutions where nurses are asked regularly for their input and chief executives hold regular meetings with clinicians to review patient results. The problem has been getting large hospitals — the proverbial elephants in our health care jungle — to make those types of changes, measuring those cultural changes, then gauging if those changes result in improvements in how patients do. Researchers have had no way to measure hospital culture; and even with generous support from nonprofit organizations and pressure from government entities and patient advocacy groups, institutions that have attempted to transform had no way to assess if those cultural changes were statistically significant. Many ended up making changes not across an entire hospital but in only a single
  • 21. department like the emergency department or in only one aspect of patient care like the infection rates of catheters placed in major veins. But over the last few years, one group of researchers has discovered both a specific set of strategies that target hospital organizational culture and a reliable way to measure the effect of those strategies. Implementing that strategy, called “Leadership Saves Lives,” the researchers were able to show in their most recent study that hospitals could undergo significant cultural changes that could affect patient outcomes in as little as two years. “Leadership Saves Lives” requires that each hospital create a “Guiding Coalition,” a group of more than a dozen staff members, ranging from high-ranking administrators to clinicians, nurses and technicians from across the entire institution. The coalition members participate in regular workshops, discussions and national forums on ways hospitals might improve, then help their respective hospital translate newfound ideas and information into clinical practice. To assess the clinical effect of the intervention, the researchers decided to look at heart attack patients, individuals whose care depends on the staff in several departments in a hospital. The researchers implemented “Leadership Saves Lives” in 10 hospitals of varying size and from different regions that all treated large numbers of heart attack victims but shared below average patient outcomes. Over the course of two years, the researchers regularly surveyed and
  • 22. interviewed all the guiding coalition members using the research tools they had developed specifically to measure cultural change. The researchers found that all 10 hospitals changed significantly, but six hospitals experienced particularly profound cultural transformations. The staff of these hospitals spoke of an institutional shift from “because I said so” to “focusing on the why’s.” Instead of accepting that every heart attack patient had to undergo certain testing or take specific drugs because the chief of the department or administrator had previously established such clinical protocols, for example, it became more important to provide the data that proved such rituals were actually helpful. Staff members in these hospitals also said they received, and appreciated, increased support from senior management and a newfound freedom to voice opinions in “more of an equal role, no matter what position you are.” In contrast, providers who worked in hospitals without such profound changes described a persistent expectation of deference to authority, a tendency to blame and make promises without follow-through, and a work environment “so squarely in the box that we can’t even see the edge,” in the words of one provider interviewed. One hospital in the study, for example, had been struggling for years with poor outcomes because patients often had long wait times between the onset of heart attack symptoms and the initiation of appropriate in-hospital care. Many of the hospital’s administrators and clinicians assumed that little could be done because of their rural location. But the hospital’s
  • 23. EKG technicians knew of a new and relatively inexpensive transmitter that could immediately relay EKG results to the hospital. “But the EKG technicians never felt empowered to speak up,” Dr. Bradley recounted. “The hospital C.E.O. never even knew that the problem of relaying EKG results existed but could be solved until he came together with the technicians in their hospital’s Guiding Coalition.” The researchers discovered that the degree of an institution’s cultural change was directly linked to how patients did. Hospitals that made more substantial changes in their work culture realized larger and more sustained drops in heart attack mortality rates. Among the four hospitals in the study that experienced less dramatic cultural changes, there were improvements in patient outcomes, but the improvements were not sustained. “What is different about this work is that it has proven that cultural change is possible and can save lives,” said Dr. Patrick Geoghegan, professor of mental health and social care at Anglia Ruskin University in Britain, who is spearheading a program based on Leadership Saves Lives in the National Health Service. “You can have all of the best policies, procedures and strategies, but if the hospital’s organizational culture is not receptive, then you will fail.” Dr. Bradley noted that if hospitals respond to challenges by embracing practices modeled in the Guiding Coalitions, like regular meetings that bring together hospital staff members from all levels and disciplines “in a psychologically comfortable and trusting place
  • 24. to speak the truth and to have meaningful conversations,” then these relationships and the cultural changes they inspire will “drive the sustainability of your improvements.” “It takes bringing people together and redefining leadership as a role that anyone at any level can take,” she observed. More research is needed, but in the meantime it is clear that for patients, having some sense of a hospital’s organizational culture can be a critical part of deciding where to get care, since the attitudes and interactions among administrators, doctors, nurses and other providers can affect outcomes. “We think we just need to get the best doctor,” Dr. Bradley noted, “but witnessing how staff treat each other is a pretty strong signal for how they will treat and care for you.” 9. Rosenthal R. J., Lesieur H. R. Self-reported withdrawal symptoms and pathological gambling. Am J Addict 1992; 1: 150–4. SEARCHING FOR CLARITY IN MUDDY WATER: FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS FOR CLASSIFYING COMPULSIVE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AS AN ADDICTION
  • 25. The debate about whether to classify compulsive sexual behavior as an addiction continues to evolve. Additional research is needed to clarify the terminology and diagnostic criteria used for classification purposes. Data assessing prevalence and other comorbidities are needed to further policy, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment efforts. We recently considered evidence for classifying compulsive sexual behavior (CSB) as a non-substance (behavioral) addiction [1]. Our review found that CSB shared clinical, neurobiological and phenomenological parallels with substance-use disorders; however, we concluded that more research is needed in order to address current shortcomings. The responding commentaries highlight important issues regarding classification efforts including the lack of a consensus definition for CSB and disagreement about proposed criteria central to defining CSB [2]. More research should examine which proposed criteria – whether those relatingmore closely to sexual addiction [3] or hypersexual disorder [4] – accurately reflect CSB in clinical contexts. Although the two diagnostic categories may conceptually differentiate between addiction and excessive drive, the criteria overlap and stress and negative emotionality as triggers apply to both [5]. More research is needed to better understand in CSB how central features of addiction (e.g. tolerance, withdrawal) relate to CSB and its treatment. Additional concerns included improving research method- ologies and minimizing possible confounds that may limit generalizability of studies [2]. Although data suggest that other behavioral addictions are comorbid with other psychiatric disorders [6,7], additional research is needed to determine the prevalence of co-occurring disorders with CSB [8]. Co-occurring behavioral addictions with CSB should be considered, particularly if the behaviors are
  • 26. intertwined (e.g. traveling to resort casinos to engage in sex and gamble). Further, additional research is needed to better understand the prevalence of CSB among the general population. Additional points were raised regarding the language used to describe CSB, with ‘risky’ or ‘excessive’ terminology being potentially misleading. ‘Excessive’ sex may not be problematic [8]. Instead, sexual behavior leading to significant functional impairment or psychological distress maymore likely reflect important clinical hallmarks of CSB. Applying a more objective approach to developing a diagnostic framework for CSB may promote advancement. Objective indicators of distress (e.g. repeated attempts to quit, craving, etc.) rather than frequency of sexual behav- iors should be a focus [9], particularly as frequency of sexual behaviors may not be a strong predictor of CSB [10]. The pathologizing of sexual behaviors falling outside normative standards or ranges and the evolution of sexual practices and societal values over time were also discussed [11]. Notably, changes in usage of digital technologies have altered sexual behaviors, particularly amongst youth and young adults. Internet pornography is thriving, casual sex (‘hook-up’) websites are widely popular, and social me- diamay act as a sexual conduit formany individuals. These developments are accompanied by many unanswered questions [12]. Future longitudinal research is needed to examine how digital technologies are related to the devel- opment and maintenance of CSB over the lifespan. Although the American Psychiatric Association rejected hypersexual disorder [4] from DSM-5, a diagnosis of CSB (excessive sex drive) can be made using ICD-10 [13]. CSB is also being considered by ICD-11 [14], al-
  • 27. though its ultimate inclusion is not certain. Future re- search should continue to build knowledge and strengthen a framework for better understanding CSB and translating this information into improved policy, pre- vention, diagnosis, and treatment efforts to minimize the negative impacts of CSB. Funding sources This study was funded by support from the Department of Veterans Affairs, VISN1Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center, the National Center for Responsible Gaming, and the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse. SWK is a full-time employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The content of this manuscript does not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies and reflects the views of the authors. Declaration of interests The authors report no conflicts of interest with respect to the content of this manuscript. Dr. Potenza has consulted for and advised Ironwood, Lundbeck, INSYS, Shire, RiverMend Health and Opiant/Lakelight Therapuetics; has received research support from Mohegan Sun Casino, the National Center for Responsible Gaming, and Pfizer; has participated in surveys, mailings or telephone consul- tations related to drug addiction, impulse-control disorders or other health topics; has consulted for gambling and legal entities on issues related to impulse-control and addictive disorders; provides clinical care in the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Commentaries 2113 © 2016 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 111,
  • 28. 2107–2114 Problem Gambling Services Program; has performed grant reviews for the National Institutes of Health and other agencies; has edited journals or journal sections; has given academic lectures in grand rounds, CME events and other clinical or scientific venues; and has generated books or book chapters for publishers of mental health texts SHANE W. KRAUS1, VALERIE VOON2, ARIEL KOR3 & MARC N. POTENZA4,5 VISN 1 New England MIRECC, Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, Massachusetts, USA,1 Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK,2 Department of Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, USA,3 Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, USA4 and Department of Neurobiology, Child Study Center, the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse and Connecticut Mental Health Center, Yale University School of Medicine,
  • 29. New Haven, Connecticut, USA5 E-mail: [email protected] References 1. Kraus S. W., Voon V., Potenza M. N. Should compulsive sexual behavior be considered an addiction? Addiction 2016; 111: 2097–106. 2. Reid R. C. Additional challenges and issues in classifying compulsive sexual behavior as an addiction. Addiction 2016; 111: 2111–3. 3. Carnes P. J., Hopkins T. A., Green B. A. Clinical relevance of the proposed sexual addiction diagnostic criteria: relation to the Screening Test-Revised. J Addict Med 2014; 8: 450–61. 4. Kafka M. P. Hypersexual Disorder: A Proposed Diagnosis for DSM-V. Arch Sex Behav 2010; 39: 377–400. 5. Koob G. F. Neurobiology of addiction. FOCUS: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry 2011; 9: 55–65. 6. Farre J. M., Fernandez-Aranda F., Granero R., Aragay N., Mallorqui-Bague N., Ferrer V. et al. Sex addiction and gam- bling disorder: similarities and differences. Compr Psychiatry 2015; 56: 59–68. 7. Kraus S. W., Potenza M. N., Martino S., Grant J. E. Examining the psychometric properties of the Yale-Brown Obsessive– Compulsive Scale in a sample of compulsive pornography
  • 30. users. Compr Psychiatry 2015; 59: 117–22. 8. Griffiths M. D. Compulsive sexual behaviour as a behavioural addiction: the impact of the internet and other issues. Addiction 2016; 111: 2107–8. 9. Kraus S. W., Martino S., Potenza M. N. Clinical characteristics of men interested in seeking treatment for use of pornography. J Behav Addic 2016; 5: 169–78. 10. Gola M., Lewczuk K., Skorko M. What Matters: Quantity or Quality of Pornography Use? Psychological and Behavioral Factors of Seeking Treatment for Problematic Pornography Use. J Sex Med 2016; 13: 815–24. 11. Keane H. Technological change and sexual disorder. Addiction 2016; 111: 2108–9. 12. Luscombe B. Porn and the threat of virility. Time 2016; 40–47. 13. Krueger R. B. Diagnosis of hypersexual or compulsive sexual behavior can be made using ICD-10 and DSM-5 despite rejec- tion of this diagnosis by the American Psychiatric Association. Addiction 2016; 111: 2110–1. 14. Organization W. H. ICD-11 beta draft (Joint Linearization for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics); 2015. 2114 Commentaries
  • 31. © 2016 Society for the Study of Addiction Addiction, 111, 2107–2114 This document is a scanned copy of a printed document. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material.