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 To provide evidence-based guidelines in the
assessment and management ofADHD in
children and adolescents.
• What is ADHD?
•What are the risk factors?
• How is ADHD recognized and diagnosed?
•What are the associated co-morbidities?
• How is ADHD treated?
•What is the pharmacological treatment?
• How should pre-schoolers be managed?
•What are the non-pharmacological treatment
• Is there a role for alternative therapy?
•When and to whom do primary care providers and
teachers refer?
•What is the follow-up plan?
• Can treatment be stopped?
 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is
one of the most frequently encountered childhood-
onset neuro-behavioural disorders in primary care
 It has defining features of inattention, over-activity
and impulsivity.The core symptoms co-exist with
other emotional, behavioural and learning
 Often primary care physicians, paediatricians,
psychiatrists and others are asked to evaluate and
treat a child who has disruptive relationships with
peers, defies parental discipline and does poorly in
 Early recognition, assessment, and management of
this condition can improve the educational and
psychosocial difficulties faced by the child and
Screening of children 5 – 15 years of age
Part of an extensive community survey
Prevalence rate of 3.9 %.
It is 3x more common in males compared to
children and
Ketiga selepas
Melaka dan
Negeri Sembilan
20.5% 21.1%
5% 5% 5%
3% 3%
Psychological symptoms
 Di UK: 3 – 7% kanak-kanak sekolah (Goldman et al.
 Di USA: 5% kanak-kanak sekolah (APA, 1978,
Szatmari, Offord, & Boyle, 1989).
 Kanak-kanak berusia muda > kanak-kanak dewasa
 Bandaraya, kawasan setinggan, SES rendah, kanak-
kanak di institusi
 30 – 50% akan berterusan ke zaman remaja dan
 Kaitan kukuh di antara genetik, biokimia dan
struktur otak yang tidak normal dengan ADHD
 Berdasarkan bukti-bukti dari:
 Neuro-Imaging
 Brain mapping (Bush et al. 1998)
 Dopamine transporter density
 Kanak-kanak ADHD mempunyai risiko 2-8x
mempunyai ibubapa juga penghidap ADHD.
 Anak lelaki boleh mendapat ADHD jika bapa
beliau seorang penghidap ADHD 3X
berbanding anak perempuan
 Frontal Cortex yang lebih kecil (Hynd et al 1991)
 Rt Prefrontal cortex yang lebih kecil (Castellanos
et al. 1996)
 Corpus callosum; inf post vermis of
cerebellum yang lebih kecil (Mostofsky et al. 1998;
Berquin et al. 1998)
 Kekangan sosial (SES rendah; Setinggan di bandar;
persekitaran kampung yang daif)
 Merokok & pengambilan alkohol di kalangan ibu-
ibu semasa mengandung
 Ibu yang menggunakan poly drug (heroin, cannabis,
ATS, benzodiazepines), terdedah kpd lead & PCB
(polychlorinated biphenyl).
 Stress semasa mengandung (single parent, ibu yg
terlalu muda)
 TV at age <3 yo associated with attention
problems at age 7yr.
 TV <2yo should be discouraged.
 TV limit 1-2 hr/day .
 SUGAR does not affect in t the behavior or
cognitive performance.
 Artificial color & preservative resulted in
 ADHD disebabkan oleh kegagalan ibubapa mengawal dan
mendisiplinkan anak mereka
 Ramai ibubapa tertanya-tanya adakah mereka gagal
mendidik anak-anak mereka.
 Mereka sering rasa bersalah kerana gagal mengawal
anak-anak mereka dari berkelakuan buas dan tidak
berdisiplin.(Cai, 2003).
 ADHD adalah satu bentuk penyakit yang harus dirawat
secara berkesan dan bersepadu
 Assessment involves obtaining information from
parents, teachers and patients as well as conducting
a thorough clinical examination.
Detailed history including core symptoms of ADHD,
birth, developmental, family history. School
performance, functional impairment and
 A comprehensive physical to exclude physical
conditions which mimic ADHD e.g.
hyperthyroidism, anaemia, visual and auditory
impairment, chronic adenoidal/ tonsillar
hypertrophy and obstructive sleep apnoea.
 There is no diagnostic laboratory test for ADHD.
No Questions Yes No Unsure
1 Does the child have difficulties paying attention?
2 Is the child forgetful?
3 Does the child often loses or misplaces things?
4 Does the child have poor academic performance?
5 Is the child easily distracted?
6 Does the child have difficulty in focusing on a task?
7 Does the child shift from task to task without completing any?
No Questions Yes No Unsure
8 Does the child often interrupt others?
9 Does the child tend to blurt answers even before the question is
10 Does the child have difficulty waiting for his/her turn in school and/
or social games?
11 Does the child frequently do dangerous things?
12 Does the child seem to be constantly on the move?
13 Does the child have difficulty remaining in his/her seat; fidgeting
14 Does the child have difficulty engaging in quiet activities?
Inattention Hyperactivity
 Terlalu aktif [Hyperactive]
 Tiada daya tumpuan/ perhatian mudah
berubah- ubah [Inattentiveness]
 Tindakan mendadak mengikut gerak hati
Terlalu Aktif Tiada daya tumpuan Tindakan mendadak
•Tidak boleh duduk diam
•Tidak boleh bermain
secara senyap
•Sentiasa bergerak
•Banyak bercakap
 Sukar mengurus kerja/
Sering lupa
Sering hilang barang-
barang kepunyaan
Aktiviti singkat dan
sering berubah-ubah
Sering berubah tumpuan
Sukar mengekalkan
Tidak mendengar kata-
kata/ arahan
Tidak suka tugasan yang
memerlukan tumpuan
•Buat dulu baru fikir
•Sukar menunggu giliran
•Suka mengganggu orang
 Tingkah-laku
 Kognitif
 Emosi
 Sosial
 Mudah berfungsi secara satu-satu dari ramai-
 Sukar berinteraksi dengan rakan sebaya atau
berada di dalam aktiviti berkumpulan
 Sukar kekal dalam satu-satu aktiviti/
menghabiskan tugasan dengan baik/ sempurna
 Sering kelihatan melanggar peraturan, engkar
atau bertindak di luar batas peraturan tanpa rasa
bersalah tetapi masih mendengar arahan
 Cemerkap/ tidak cermat
 Kurang peka terhadap masa
 Sukar menghabiskan tugasan yang dikawal
dengan masa
 Perkembangan emosi dan kebolehan terjejas
 Gagal untuk merancang masa depan.
 Masalah dengan daya ingatan jangka pendek
berbanding jangka panjang
 Mudah meragam, meletup
 Emosi yang sering berubah-ubah
 Sukar mengawal tuturkata
 Tidak begitu popular
 Sukar berinteraksi dengam adik beradik, rakan sebaya,
ibubapa atau guru
 Sukar mengekalkan perhubungan yang berpanjangan
 Sukar memberi kerjasama yang baik
 Sukar menghormati / mengikuti peraturan dalam
 Sering dikritik orang (tidak peka, degil, suka mengarah)
 Sering disisih atau dipulaukan
6 or more of the following:
a) Often fails to give close attention to details or makes
careless mistakes in schoolwork, work or other
b) Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or
play activities
c) Often does not seem to listen when spoken to
d) Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities
e) Often avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in
tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as
schoolwork or homework
f) Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities
g) Often does not follow through on instructions
and fails to finish school work, chores, or duties
in the workplace (not due to oppositional
behavior or failure to understand instructions
h) Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
i) Is often forgetful in daily activities
6 or more of the following:
a) Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat
b) Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations
in which remaining seated is expected
c) Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in
which it is inappropriate
d) Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure
activities quietly
e) Is often “on the go”or often acts as if “driven by a
f) Often talks excessively
a) Often blurts out answers before questions have
been completed
b) Often has difficulty awaiting turn
c) Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g. butts
into conversations or games
A diagnosis [DSM-IV-TR] is based on whether
symptoms involve inattention
OR hyperactivity–impulsivity, OR both. It is necessary
that the symptoms:
• are present across different settings (rumah,
sekolah,klinik,tempat awam)
• result in significant impairment and are present
for at least six months
• began before seven years of age
• are not explained by other psychiatric disorders
(i.e. pervasive developmental disorder, mood
The following may also be mistaken for ADHD
 Bipolar disorder
 Oppositional defiant disorder
 Learning disorder
 Mild mental retardation
 Epilepsy, thyroid disease
 Psychosocial problems- grief, child abuse etc.
 Studies have shown that ADHD children with
comorbidities have significantly more difficulties,
and a lower quality of life.
 76.2% of ADHD children have at least one
comorbidity while 20% have at least two
 Studies have shown boys are more susceptible to
conduct problems while girls have more depressive or
anxiety disorders.
Mood Disorders 4%
MTA Cooperative
Group. Arch
Gen Psychiatry 1999;
Pre-school Adolescent Adult
School-age College-age
Behavioural disturbance
Academic problems
Difficulty with social
Self-esteem issues
Academic problems
Difficulty with social interactions
Self-esteem issues
Legal issues, smoking
and injury
Academic failure
Occupational difficulties
Self-esteem issues
Substance abuse
Occupational failure
Self-esteem issues
Relationship problems
Substance abuse
• Stimulants
• Non stimulants - atomoxetine, anti-
depressants, neuroleptics and others.
Methylphenidate Blocks Dopamine
transporters in the brain
More Dopamine is available
Higher levels of Dopamine
=>Improve attention and decrease
distractibility in the child with ADHD
 Improves core ADHD Sx at home, in classroom
and social situation (Spencer T & Biederman J. 1996; Greenhill et
al. 1999; Miller et al. 1999)
 Suppresses physical and non physical aggression
in ADHD children, improves ability to follow rules
and improves relationship with peers and family.
(SpencerT & Biederman J. 1996 ; Biederman J et al. 2003)
 Reduces emotional lability and distractibility.
(Charach A et al. 2004; Miller et al. 1999)
 Improves core ADHD Sx at home, in classroom and
social situation (Spencer T & Biederman J. 1996; Greenhill et al.
1999; Miller et al. 1999)
 Suppresses physical and non physical aggression in
ADHD children, improves ability to follow rules and
improves relationship with peers and family. (SpencerT
& Biederman J. 1996 ; Biederman J et al. 2003)
 Reduces emotional lability and distractibility. (Charach
A et al. 2004; Miller et al. 1999)
 Anorexia, weight loss, stomach ache.
 Insomnia.
 Rebound irritability/ moodiness (usually 4 – 5 hours after last
 Generalized irritability; dysphoria; agitation.
 Tic (simple vocal/ motor)
 Headache.
 Linear growth impairment
Anorexia After / with meal dose; high caloric food after school/bedtime; drug holidays; refer
Insomnia Wind down time after school; administer dose earlier in day; no afternoon dose; change
to short acting; consider adjunctive medications (anti depressants)
Rebound irritability Step down dosing; try long acting or combination short/ long acting drugs
Agitation Assess timing of Sx; consider co-morbid condition; reduce dose /change long acting;
consider alternative adjunctive medication
Tics Monitor if mild/ infrequent; weigh benefit-risk; consider alternative / adjunctive
Headache Assess timing; reduce dose with gradual return to therapeutic dose; try long acting
preparation; consider alternative/ adjunctive medication
Linear growth impairment Limit stimulant to high priority needs (weekend; drug holidays); consider alternative
• The use of stimulants in children younger than 6
years is considered off-label.
• Some of the most commonly reported side
effects were irritability, crying and increased
emotional outbursts.
• Therefore medication should be prescribed with
caution and if used, lower doses and slower
titration is recommended.
(i) Administration
Dosage, titration and side effects of medication are
shown in Appendix 4.
(ii) Side effects
Mild growth suppression over 2 years has been
documented in children. However there is no height
deficit when these children are followed up to
adulthood. It is recommended that serial plotting of
height and weight on growth charts should be
considered once to twice a year.
(iii) Potential for abuse
There have been concerns of substance abuse with
the use of stimulants. However studies have shown
that stimulants do not contribute to risk for
substance experimentation, use, dependence or
abuse by the time adulthood is reached, and may in
fact protect against later substance misuse.
(iv) Drug holidays
Drug holidays refer to periods when patients are allowed
by their doctors to temporarily stop their medications.
A common reason for drug holidays is to avoid side effects
of medication (sleep delay, appetite suppression and
perceived or real tolerance to therapy).
Drug holidays’ should be initiated in low stress times such
as vacations. They should not be initiated at the
beginning of the school year and around examination
periods or during stressful situations.
1. Psychoeducation
2. Parent training and behavioral
3. School based intervention
4. Occupational therapy
5. Diet intervention
6. Alternative intervention
7. Support group
Around the kitchen Kitchen stove Electricity
Tuck cords safely behind
the kitchen appliances to
avoid being pulled
Use safety locks on
drawers and cupboards
Let the child use plastic
and paper cups instead
of breakable glasses or
Avoid using table cloth to
avoid grabbing by
Turn all saucepan
handles to the rear of the
Remove stove knobs if
you can or tape them so
it can’t be turned on by
Cover outlet with either
strong clear tape or
pronged plastic caps
Wind up excess length
or plugged in cords and
fasten it with rubber
bands or twist ties
Bathroom Children room Door and windows
Keep handy outside the
door the key or tool with
which you can unlock it
Check often for loose
eyes on stuffed toys or
other parts of the toys
that might come off
Throw out any broken
toys for safety reason
Don’t place crib or other
furniture that can be
climbed on nearby a
Open window from top if
Attach bell to the door to
give warning signs if
children open the door
and wander out.
Christmas bell look
practical and attractive
Outside the house In the car
Check all outdoor equipments
regularly to make sure it’s safe
Cover swing chain with sections of
garden hose to avoid torn clothes and
provide more comfortable grip
Teach the child auto safety routine
Pull over the side of the road if there is
screaming or fighting in the car. Stay
there till everyone settle down
All sharp or heavy objects are to be in
the trunk not in the passenger seat
Never leave children unattended in a
 It is recommended that the clinician provide periodic
follow-up for the child and adolescent diagnosed with
 This would include monitoring height, weight, blood
pressure, pulse, emergence of comorbidity and
medical conditions monitoring target outcomes and
adverse effects.
 Treatment of ADHD should continue as long as the
symptoms persist and cause impairment.
 Children with ADHD are eligible for registration with
the Ministry ofWomen, Family and Community
Development using the “Borang pendaftaran dan
cadangan penempatan kanak–kanak keperluan
khas” (BPKK1 (Pindaan 2003).
 ADHD children requiring special education should
be registered with the Education Department using
the same forms.
 The decision to stop medication will depend on the
child/adolescent :
 being symptom-free for at least 12 months while on
medication, and
 not deteriorating, or have symptoms re-emerging
when doses are missed or reduced
 able to concentrate while not on medication
Teachers and primary healthcare staff need to
refer the child for medical attention if there
 Suspicion of ADHD
 Management difficulties
Consult with or refer to Child andAdolescent
Mental Health Professionals when:
 There is uncertainty about diagnosis
 Managing preschoolers
 There is a lack of response to treatment
 Prominent co morbidities exist (e.g. substance
 Severe side effects of medication are present

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  • 2.  To provide evidence-based guidelines in the assessment and management ofADHD in children and adolescents.
  • 3. • What is ADHD? •What are the risk factors? • How is ADHD recognized and diagnosed? •What are the associated co-morbidities? • How is ADHD treated? •What is the pharmacological treatment?
  • 4. • How should pre-schoolers be managed? •What are the non-pharmacological treatment modalities? • Is there a role for alternative therapy? •When and to whom do primary care providers and teachers refer? •What is the follow-up plan? • Can treatment be stopped?
  • 5.
  • 6.  Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most frequently encountered childhood- onset neuro-behavioural disorders in primary care settings.  It has defining features of inattention, over-activity and impulsivity.The core symptoms co-exist with other emotional, behavioural and learning disorders.
  • 7.  Often primary care physicians, paediatricians, psychiatrists and others are asked to evaluate and treat a child who has disruptive relationships with peers, defies parental discipline and does poorly in school.  Early recognition, assessment, and management of this condition can improve the educational and psychosocial difficulties faced by the child and adolescent.
  • 8. Screening of children 5 – 15 years of age Part of an extensive community survey Prevalence rate of 3.9 %. It is 3x more common in males compared to females.
  • 9. NEGERI KEBANGSAAN TERENGGANU KELANTAN PAHANG Prevalence (Psychiatric morbidity among children and adolescence) 20.3% 13% (NHMS II) 26.6% Ketiga selepas Melaka dan Negeri Sembilan 20.5% 21.1%
  • 10. 25% 9% 11% 5% 5% 5% 3% 3% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Percentage H y p e r a c t i v i t y A n x i o u s P h y s i c a l i l l n e s s S o m a t i c c o m p l a i n t C o n d u c t L o w i n t e l l i g e n t E l i m i n a t i o n S o c i a l b a c k w a r d Psychological symptoms
  • 11. DSM CLASSIFICATION : ADHD  Di UK: 3 – 7% kanak-kanak sekolah (Goldman et al. 1998)  Di USA: 5% kanak-kanak sekolah (APA, 1978, Szatmari, Offord, & Boyle, 1989).  Kanak-kanak berusia muda > kanak-kanak dewasa  Bandaraya, kawasan setinggan, SES rendah, kanak- kanak di institusi  30 – 50% akan berterusan ke zaman remaja dan dewasa
  • 13.  Kaitan kukuh di antara genetik, biokimia dan struktur otak yang tidak normal dengan ADHD  Berdasarkan bukti-bukti dari:  Neuro-Imaging  MRI  Brain mapping (Bush et al. 1998)  Dopamine transporter density
  • 14.  Kanak-kanak ADHD mempunyai risiko 2-8x mempunyai ibubapa juga penghidap ADHD.  Anak lelaki boleh mendapat ADHD jika bapa beliau seorang penghidap ADHD 3X berbanding anak perempuan
  • 15.  Frontal Cortex yang lebih kecil (Hynd et al 1991)  Rt Prefrontal cortex yang lebih kecil (Castellanos et al. 1996)  Corpus callosum; inf post vermis of cerebellum yang lebih kecil (Mostofsky et al. 1998; Berquin et al. 1998)
  • 16.  Kekangan sosial (SES rendah; Setinggan di bandar; persekitaran kampung yang daif)  Merokok & pengambilan alkohol di kalangan ibu- ibu semasa mengandung  Ibu yang menggunakan poly drug (heroin, cannabis, ATS, benzodiazepines), terdedah kpd lead & PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl).  Stress semasa mengandung (single parent, ibu yg terlalu muda)
  • 17.  TV at age <3 yo associated with attention problems at age 7yr.  TV <2yo should be discouraged.  TV limit 1-2 hr/day .  SUGAR does not affect in t the behavior or cognitive performance.  Artificial color & preservative resulted in hyperactivity
  • 18.
  • 19. SALAHTANGGAPAN  ADHD disebabkan oleh kegagalan ibubapa mengawal dan mendisiplinkan anak mereka  Ramai ibubapa tertanya-tanya adakah mereka gagal mendidik anak-anak mereka.  Mereka sering rasa bersalah kerana gagal mengawal anak-anak mereka dari berkelakuan buas dan tidak berdisiplin.(Cai, 2003). FAKTA  ADHD adalah satu bentuk penyakit yang harus dirawat secara berkesan dan bersepadu
  • 20.
  • 21.  Assessment involves obtaining information from parents, teachers and patients as well as conducting a thorough clinical examination. HISTORY Detailed history including core symptoms of ADHD, birth, developmental, family history. School performance, functional impairment and comorbidities.
  • 22. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION  A comprehensive physical to exclude physical conditions which mimic ADHD e.g. hyperthyroidism, anaemia, visual and auditory impairment, chronic adenoidal/ tonsillar hypertrophy and obstructive sleep apnoea. LABORATORY STUDIES  There is no diagnostic laboratory test for ADHD.
  • 23.
  • 24. No Questions Yes No Unsure 1 Does the child have difficulties paying attention? 2 Is the child forgetful? 3 Does the child often loses or misplaces things? 4 Does the child have poor academic performance? 5 Is the child easily distracted? 6 Does the child have difficulty in focusing on a task? 7 Does the child shift from task to task without completing any?
  • 25. No Questions Yes No Unsure 8 Does the child often interrupt others? 9 Does the child tend to blurt answers even before the question is completed? 10 Does the child have difficulty waiting for his/her turn in school and/ or social games? 11 Does the child frequently do dangerous things? 12 Does the child seem to be constantly on the move? 13 Does the child have difficulty remaining in his/her seat; fidgeting excessively? 14 Does the child have difficulty engaging in quiet activities?
  • 26.
  • 28.  Terlalu aktif [Hyperactive]  Tiada daya tumpuan/ perhatian mudah berubah- ubah [Inattentiveness]  Tindakan mendadak mengikut gerak hati [Impulsive]
  • 29. Terlalu Aktif Tiada daya tumpuan Tindakan mendadak •Resah •Gelisah •Tidak boleh duduk diam •Berlari •Memanjat •Tidak boleh bermain secara senyap •Sentiasa bergerak •Banyak bercakap  Sukar mengurus kerja/ aktiviti Sering lupa Sering hilang barang- barang kepunyaan Aktiviti singkat dan sering berubah-ubah Sering berubah tumpuan Cuai Sukar mengekalkan tumpuan Tidak mendengar kata- kata/ arahan Tidak suka tugasan yang memerlukan tumpuan •Buat dulu baru fikir •Sukar menunggu giliran •Suka mengganggu orang
  • 31.  Mudah berfungsi secara satu-satu dari ramai- ramai  Sukar berinteraksi dengan rakan sebaya atau berada di dalam aktiviti berkumpulan  Sukar kekal dalam satu-satu aktiviti/ menghabiskan tugasan dengan baik/ sempurna  Sering kelihatan melanggar peraturan, engkar atau bertindak di luar batas peraturan tanpa rasa bersalah tetapi masih mendengar arahan  Cemerkap/ tidak cermat
  • 32.  Kurang peka terhadap masa  Sukar menghabiskan tugasan yang dikawal dengan masa  Perkembangan emosi dan kebolehan terjejas  Gagal untuk merancang masa depan.  Masalah dengan daya ingatan jangka pendek berbanding jangka panjang
  • 33.  Mudah meragam, meletup  Emosi yang sering berubah-ubah  Sukar mengawal tuturkata
  • 34.  Tidak begitu popular  Sukar berinteraksi dengam adik beradik, rakan sebaya, ibubapa atau guru  Sukar mengekalkan perhubungan yang berpanjangan  Sukar memberi kerjasama yang baik  Sukar menghormati / mengikuti peraturan dalam permainan  Sering dikritik orang (tidak peka, degil, suka mengarah)  Sering disisih atau dipulaukan
  • 35. 6 or more of the following: a) Often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work or other activities b) Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities c) Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly d) Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities e) Often avoids, dislikes or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework
  • 36. f) Often loses things necessary for tasks or activities g) Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish school work, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions h) Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli i) Is often forgetful in daily activities
  • 37. 6 or more of the following: HYPERACTIVITY a) Often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat b) Often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected c) Often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate d) Often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly e) Is often “on the go”or often acts as if “driven by a motor” f) Often talks excessively
  • 38. IMPULSIVITY a) Often blurts out answers before questions have been completed b) Often has difficulty awaiting turn c) Often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g. butts into conversations or games
  • 39. A diagnosis [DSM-IV-TR] is based on whether symptoms involve inattention OR hyperactivity–impulsivity, OR both. It is necessary that the symptoms: • are present across different settings (rumah, sekolah,klinik,tempat awam) • result in significant impairment and are present for at least six months • began before seven years of age • are not explained by other psychiatric disorders (i.e. pervasive developmental disorder, mood disorder)
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44. The following may also be mistaken for ADHD  Bipolar disorder  Oppositional defiant disorder  Learning disorder  Mild mental retardation  Epilepsy, thyroid disease  Psychosocial problems- grief, child abuse etc.
  • 45.  Studies have shown that ADHD children with comorbidities have significantly more difficulties, and a lower quality of life.  76.2% of ADHD children have at least one comorbidity while 20% have at least two comorbidities.  Studies have shown boys are more susceptible to conduct problems while girls have more depressive or anxiety disorders.
  • 47. Pre-school Adolescent Adult School-age College-age Behavioural disturbance Behavioural disturbance Academic problems Difficulty with social interactions Self-esteem issues Academic problems Difficulty with social interactions Self-esteem issues Legal issues, smoking and injury Academic failure Occupational difficulties Self-esteem issues Substance abuse Injury/accidents Occupational failure Self-esteem issues Relationship problems Injury/accidents Substance abuse
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 51. • Stimulants • Non stimulants - atomoxetine, anti- depressants, neuroleptics and others.
  • 52. STIMULANTS Methylphenidate Blocks Dopamine transporters in the brain More Dopamine is available Higher levels of Dopamine =>Improve attention and decrease distractibility in the child with ADHD
  • 53.
  • 54.  Improves core ADHD Sx at home, in classroom and social situation (Spencer T & Biederman J. 1996; Greenhill et al. 1999; Miller et al. 1999)  Suppresses physical and non physical aggression in ADHD children, improves ability to follow rules and improves relationship with peers and family. (SpencerT & Biederman J. 1996 ; Biederman J et al. 2003)  Reduces emotional lability and distractibility. (Charach A et al. 2004; Miller et al. 1999)
  • 55.  Improves core ADHD Sx at home, in classroom and social situation (Spencer T & Biederman J. 1996; Greenhill et al. 1999; Miller et al. 1999)  Suppresses physical and non physical aggression in ADHD children, improves ability to follow rules and improves relationship with peers and family. (SpencerT & Biederman J. 1996 ; Biederman J et al. 2003)  Reduces emotional lability and distractibility. (Charach A et al. 2004; Miller et al. 1999)
  • 56.  Anorexia, weight loss, stomach ache.  Insomnia.  Rebound irritability/ moodiness (usually 4 – 5 hours after last dose.  Generalized irritability; dysphoria; agitation.  Tic (simple vocal/ motor)  Headache.  Linear growth impairment
  • 57. SIDE EFFECTS MANAGEMENT Anorexia After / with meal dose; high caloric food after school/bedtime; drug holidays; refer dietician Insomnia Wind down time after school; administer dose earlier in day; no afternoon dose; change to short acting; consider adjunctive medications (anti depressants) Rebound irritability Step down dosing; try long acting or combination short/ long acting drugs Agitation Assess timing of Sx; consider co-morbid condition; reduce dose /change long acting; consider alternative adjunctive medication Tics Monitor if mild/ infrequent; weigh benefit-risk; consider alternative / adjunctive medication; Headache Assess timing; reduce dose with gradual return to therapeutic dose; try long acting preparation; consider alternative/ adjunctive medication Linear growth impairment Limit stimulant to high priority needs (weekend; drug holidays); consider alternative medication
  • 58. • The use of stimulants in children younger than 6 years is considered off-label. • Some of the most commonly reported side effects were irritability, crying and increased emotional outbursts. • Therefore medication should be prescribed with caution and if used, lower doses and slower titration is recommended.
  • 59.
  • 60. (i) Administration Dosage, titration and side effects of medication are shown in Appendix 4. (ii) Side effects Mild growth suppression over 2 years has been documented in children. However there is no height deficit when these children are followed up to adulthood. It is recommended that serial plotting of height and weight on growth charts should be considered once to twice a year.
  • 61. (iii) Potential for abuse There have been concerns of substance abuse with the use of stimulants. However studies have shown that stimulants do not contribute to risk for substance experimentation, use, dependence or abuse by the time adulthood is reached, and may in fact protect against later substance misuse.
  • 62. (iv) Drug holidays Drug holidays refer to periods when patients are allowed by their doctors to temporarily stop their medications. A common reason for drug holidays is to avoid side effects of medication (sleep delay, appetite suppression and perceived or real tolerance to therapy). Drug holidays’ should be initiated in low stress times such as vacations. They should not be initiated at the beginning of the school year and around examination periods or during stressful situations.
  • 63.
  • 64. 1. Psychoeducation 2. Parent training and behavioral interventions 3. School based intervention 4. Occupational therapy 5. Diet intervention 6. Alternative intervention 7. Support group
  • 65. Around the kitchen Kitchen stove Electricity Tuck cords safely behind the kitchen appliances to avoid being pulled Use safety locks on drawers and cupboards Let the child use plastic and paper cups instead of breakable glasses or china Avoid using table cloth to avoid grabbing by children Turn all saucepan handles to the rear of the stove Remove stove knobs if you can or tape them so it can’t be turned on by children Cover outlet with either strong clear tape or pronged plastic caps Wind up excess length or plugged in cords and fasten it with rubber bands or twist ties
  • 66. Bathroom Children room Door and windows Keep handy outside the door the key or tool with which you can unlock it Check often for loose eyes on stuffed toys or other parts of the toys that might come off Throw out any broken toys for safety reason Don’t place crib or other furniture that can be climbed on nearby a window Open window from top if possible Attach bell to the door to give warning signs if children open the door and wander out. Christmas bell look practical and attractive
  • 67. Outside the house In the car Check all outdoor equipments regularly to make sure it’s safe Cover swing chain with sections of garden hose to avoid torn clothes and provide more comfortable grip Teach the child auto safety routine Pull over the side of the road if there is screaming or fighting in the car. Stay there till everyone settle down All sharp or heavy objects are to be in the trunk not in the passenger seat Never leave children unattended in a car
  • 68.
  • 69.  It is recommended that the clinician provide periodic follow-up for the child and adolescent diagnosed with ADHD.  This would include monitoring height, weight, blood pressure, pulse, emergence of comorbidity and medical conditions monitoring target outcomes and adverse effects.  Treatment of ADHD should continue as long as the symptoms persist and cause impairment.
  • 70.  Children with ADHD are eligible for registration with the Ministry ofWomen, Family and Community Development using the “Borang pendaftaran dan cadangan penempatan kanak–kanak keperluan khas” (BPKK1 (Pindaan 2003).  ADHD children requiring special education should be registered with the Education Department using the same forms.
  • 71.  The decision to stop medication will depend on the child/adolescent :  being symptom-free for at least 12 months while on medication, and  not deteriorating, or have symptoms re-emerging when doses are missed or reduced  able to concentrate while not on medication
  • 72. Teachers and primary healthcare staff need to refer the child for medical attention if there is:  Suspicion of ADHD  Management difficulties
  • 73. Consult with or refer to Child andAdolescent Mental Health Professionals when:  There is uncertainty about diagnosis  Managing preschoolers  There is a lack of response to treatment  Prominent co morbidities exist (e.g. substance abuse)  Severe side effects of medication are present