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IPhone Application Development
Week 3
• Basic Operators
• An operator is a special symbol or phrase that
you use to check, change, or combine values.
• For example, the addition operator (+) adds two
numbers together (as in let i = 1 + 2).
• More complex examples include the logical AND
operator && (as in if enteredDoorCode &&
passedRetinaScan) and the increment operator
++i, which is a shortcut to increase the value of i
by 1.
• Basic Operators
• Swift supports most standard C operators and
improves several capabilities to eliminate
common coding errors.
• The assignment operator (=) does not return a
value, to prevent it from being mistakenly
used when the equal to operator (==) is
• Basic Operators
• Arithmetic operators (+, - , *, / , % and so
forth) detect and disallow value overflow, to
avoid unexpected results when working with
numbers that become larger or smaller than
the allowed value range of the type that
stores them.
• You can opt in to value overflow behavior by
using Swift’s overflow operators.
• Basic Operators
• Unlike C, Swift lets you perform remainder (%)
calculations on floating-point numbers.
• Swift also provides two range operators (a..<b
and a...b) not found in C, as a shortcut for
expressing a range of values.
• Terminology
• Operators are Unary, Binary, or Ternary:
• Unary operators operate on a single target
(such as -a).
• Unary prefix operators appear immediately
before their target (such as !b), and unary
postfix operators appear immediately after
their target (such as i++).
• Terminology
• Operators are unary, binary, or ternary:
• Binary operators operate on two targets (such
as 2 + 3) and are infix because they appear in
between their two targets.
• Terminology
• Operators are unary, binary, or ternary:
• Ternary operators operate on three targets.
• Like C, Swift has only one ternary operator, the
ternary conditional operator (a ? b : c).
• The values that operators affect are operands.
• In the expression 1 + 2, the + symbol is a binary
operator and its two operands are the values 1
and 2.
• Assignment Operator
• The assignment operator (a = b) initializes or updates the value of a with the value of b:
• let b = 10
• var a = 5
• a = b
• // a is now equal to 10
• If the right side of the assignment is a tuple with multiple values, its elements can be decomposed
into multiple constants or variables at once:
• let (x, y) = (1, 2)
• // x is equal to 1, and y is equal to 2
• Unlike the assignment operator in C and Objective-C, the assignment operator in Swift does not
itself return a value. The following statement is not valid:
• if x = y {
• // this is not valid, because x = y does not return a value
• }
• This feature prevents the assignment operator (=) from being used by accident when the equal to
operator (==) is actually intended. By making if x = y invalid, Swift helps you to avoid these kinds of
errors in your code.
• Arithmetic Operators
• Swift supports the four standard arithmetic operators for all number types:
• Addition (+)
• Subtraction (-)
• Multiplication (*)
• Division (/)
• 1 + 2 // equals 3
• 5 - 3 // equals 2
• 2 * 3 // equals 6
• 10.0 / 2.5 // equals 4.0
• Unlike the arithmetic operators in C and Objective-C, the Swift arithmetic
operators do not allow values to overflow by default. You can opt in to value
overflow behavior by using Swift’s overflow operators (such as a &+ b).
• The addition operator is also supported for String concatenation:
• "hello, " + "world" // equals "hello, world”
• Remainder Operator
• The remainder operator (a % b) works out how
many multiples of b will fit inside a and returns
the value that is left over (known as the
• The remainder operator (%) is also known as a
modulo operator in other languages. However, its
behavior in Swift for negative numbers means
that it is, strictly speaking, a remainder rather
than a modulo operation.
• Remainder Operator
• Here’s how the remainder operator works. To
calculate 9 % 4, you first work out how many 4s
will fit inside 9:
• You can fit two 4s inside 9, and the remainder is 1
(shown in orange).
• In Swift, this would be written as:
• 9 % 4 // equals 1
• Remainder Operator
• To determine the answer for a % b, the %
operator calculates the following equation and
returns remainder as its output:
• a = (b x some multiplier) + remainder
• where some multiplier is the largest number of
multiples of b that will fit inside a.
• Inserting 9 and 4 into this equation yields:
• 9 = (4 x 2) + 1
• Remainder Operator
• The same method is applied when calculating the
remainder for a negative value of a:
• -9 % 4 // equals -1
• Inserting -9 and 4 into the equation yields:
• -9 = (4 x -2) + -1
• giving a remainder value of -1.
• The sign of b is ignored for negative values of b.
This means that a % b and a % -b always give the
same answer.
• Remainder Operator
• Floating-Point Remainder Calculations
• Unlike the remainder operator in C and
Objective-C, Swift’s remainder operator can also
operate on floating-point numbers:
• 8 % 2.5 // equals 0.5
• In this example, 8 divided by 2.5 equals 3, with a
remainder of 0.5, so the remainder operator
returns a Double value of 0.5.
• Increment and Decrement Operators
• Like C, Swift provides an increment operator (++) and a decrement
operator (--) as a shortcut to increase or decrease the value of a
numeric variable by 1.
• You can use these operators with variables of any integer or
floating-point type.
• var i = 0
• ++i // i now equals 1
• Each time you call ++i, the value of i is increased by 1. Essentially,
++i is shorthand for saying i = i + 1. Likewise, --i can be used as
shorthand for i = i - 1.
• The ++ and -- symbols can be used as prefix operators or as postfix
operators. ++i and i++ are both valid ways to increase the value of i
by 1. Similarly, --i and i-- are both valid ways to decrease the value
of i by 1.
• Increment and Decrement Operators
• Note that these operators modify i and also return a
value. If you only want to increment or decrement the
value stored in i, you can ignore the returned value.
However, if you do use the returned value, it will be
different based on whether you used the prefix or
postfix version of the operator, according to the
following rules:
• If the operator is written before the variable, it
increments the variable before returning its value.
• If the operator is written after the variable, it
increments the variable after returning its value.
• Increment and Decrement Operators
• For example:
• var a = 0
• let b = ++a
• // a and b are now both equal to 1
• let c = a++
• // a is now equal to 2, but c has been set to the pre-increment value
of 1.
• In the example above, let b = ++a increments a before returning its value.
This is why both a and b are equal to the new value of 1.
• However, let c = a++ increments a after returning its value. This means
that c gets the old value of 1, and a is then updated to equal 2.
• Unless you need the specific behavior of i++, it is recommended that you
use ++i and --i in all cases, because they have the typical expected
behavior of modifying i and returning the result.
• Unary Minus Operator
• The sign of a numeric value can be toggled using a
prefixed -, known as the unary minus operator:
• let three = 3
• let minusThree = -three
// minusThree equals -3
• let plusThree = -minusThree
// plusThree equals 3, or "minus minus three"
• The unary minus operator (-) is prepended directly
before the value it operates on, without any white
• Unary Plus Operator
• The unary plus operator (+) simply returns the
value it operates on, without any change:
• let minusSix = -6
• let alsoMinusSix = +minusSix
// alsoMinusSix equals -6
• Although the unary plus operator doesn’t actually
do anything, you can use it to provide symmetry
in your code for positive numbers when also
using the unary minus operator for negative
• Compound Assignment Operators
• Like C, Swift provides compound assignment operators
that combine assignment (=) with another operation.
One example is the addition assignment operator (+=):
• var a = 1
• a += 2
• // a is now equal to 3
• The expression a += 2 is shorthand for a = a + 2.
Effectively, the addition and the assignment are
combined into one operator that performs both tasks
at the same time.
• Comparison Operators
• Swift supports all standard C comparison
• Equal to (a == b)
• Not equal to (a != b)
• Greater than (a > b)
• Less than (a < b)
• Greater than or equal to (a >= b)
• Less than or equal to (a <= b)
• Comparison Operators
• Each of the comparison operators returns a Bool value
to indicate whether or not the statement is true:
• 1 == 1 // true, because 1 is equal to 1
• 2 != 1 // true, because 2 is not equal to 1
• 2 > 1 // true, because 2 is greater than 1
• 1 < 2 // true, because 1 is less than 2
• 1 >= 1 // true, because 1 is greater than or equal
to 1
• 2 <= 1 // false, because 2 is not less than or equal
to 1
• Comparison Operators
• Comparison operators are often used in conditional
statements, such as the if statement:
• let name = "world"
• if name == "world" {
• print("hello, world")
• } else {
• print("I'm sorry (name), but I don't recognize you")
• }
• // prints "hello, world", because name is indeed equal
to "world"
• Ternary Conditional Operator
• The ternary conditional operator is a special operator with three
parts, which takes the form question ? answer1 : answer2. It is a
shortcut for evaluating one of two expressions based on whether
question is true or false. If question is true, it evaluates answer1
and returns its value; otherwise, it evaluates answer2 and returns
its value.
• The ternary conditional operator is shorthand for the code below:
• if question {
• answer1
• } else {
• answer2
• }
• Ternary Conditional Operator
• Here’s an example, which calculates the height
for a table row. The row height should be 50
points taller than the content height if the row
has a header, and 20 points taller if the row
doesn’t have a header:
• let contentHeight = 40
• let hasHeader = true
• let rowHeight = contentHeight + (hasHeader ? 50 : 20)
• // rowHeight is equal to 90
• Ternary Conditional Operator
• The preceding example is shorthand for the code below:
• let contentHeight = 40
• let hasHeader = true
• var rowHeight = contentHeight
• if hasHeader {
• rowHeight = rowHeight + 50
• } else {
• rowHeight = rowHeight + 20
• }
• // rowHeight is equal to 90
• The first example’s use of the ternary conditional operator means that rowHeight
can be set to the correct value on a single line of code. This is more concise than
the second example, and removes the need for rowHeight to be a variable,
because its value does not need to be modified within an if statement.
• Ternary Conditional Operator
• The ternary conditional operator provides an
efficient shorthand for deciding which of two
expressions to consider. Use the ternary
conditional operator with care, however. Its
conciseness can lead to hard-to-read code if
overused. Avoid combining multiple instances
of the ternary conditional operator into one
compound statement.
• Nil Coalescing Operator
• The nil coalescing operator (a ?? b) unwraps
an optional a if it contains a value, or returns a
default value b if a is nil.
• The expression a is always of an optional type.
The expression b must match the type that is
stored inside a.
• Nil Coalescing Operator
• The nil coalescing operator is shorthand for the code
• a != nil ? a! : b
• The code above uses the ternary conditional operator
and forced unwrapping (a!) to access the value
wrapped inside a when a is not nil, and to return b
• The nil coalescing operator provides a more elegant
way to encapsulate this conditional checking and
unwrapping in a concise and readable form.
• Nil Coalescing Operator
• The example below uses the nil coalescing
operator to choose between a default color
name and an optional user-defined color
• let defaultColorName = "red"
• var userDefinedColorName: String ? // defaults to nil
• var colorNameToUse = userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName
• // userDefinedColorName is nil, so colorNameToUse is set to the default
of "red"
• Nil Coalescing Operator
• The userDefinedColorName variable is defined as an
optional String, with a default value of nil.
• Because userDefinedColorName is of an optional type,
you can use the nil coalescing operator to consider its
• In the example above, the operator is used to
determine an initial value for a String variable called
• Because userDefinedColorName is nil, the expression
userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName returns
the value of defaultColorName, or "red".
• Nil Coalescing Operator
• If you assign a non-nil value to userDefinedColorName and perform the nil
coalescing operator check again, the value wrapped inside userDefinedColorName
is used instead of the default:
• userDefinedColorName = "green"
• colorNameToUse = userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName
• // userDefinedColorName is not nil, so colorNameToUse is set to "green”
• The userDefinedColorName variable is defined as an optional String, with a default
value of nil.
• Because userDefinedColorName is of an optional type, you can use the nil
coalescing operator to consider its value.
• In the example above, the operator is used to determine an initial value for a
String variable called colorNameToUse.
• Because userDefinedColorName is nil, the expression userDefinedColorName ??
defaultColorName returns the value of defaultColorName, or "red”.
• Range Operators
• Swift includes two range operators, which are shortcuts for expressing a range of
• Closed Range Operator
• The closed range operator (a...b) defines a range that runs from a to b, and
includes the values a and b. The value of a must not be greater than b.
• The closed range operator is useful when iterating over a range in which you want
all of the values to be used, such as with a for-in loop:
• for index in 1...5 {
• print("(index) times 5 is (index * 5)")
• }
• // 1 times 5 is 5
• // 2 times 5 is 10
• // 3 times 5 is 15
• // 4 times 5 is 20
• // 5 times 5 is 25
• Range Operators
• Half-Open Range Operator
• The half-open range operator (a..<b) defines a range that runs from a to b, but does not include b.
It is said to be half-open because it contains its first value, but not its final value. As with the closed
range operator, the value of a must not be greater than b. If the value of a is equal to b, then the
resulting range will be empty.
• Half-open ranges are particularly useful when you work with zero-based lists such as arrays, where
it is useful to count up to (but not including) the length of the list:
• let names = ["Anna", "Alex", "Brian", "Jack"]
• let count = names.count
• for i in 0..<count {
• print("Person (i + 1) is called (names[i])")
• }
• // Person 1 is called Anna
• // Person 2 is called Alex
• // Person 3 is called Brian
• // Person 4 is called Jack
• Note that the array contains four items, but 0..<count only counts as far as 3 (the index of the last
item in the array), because it is a half-open range.
• Logical Operators
• Logical operators modify or combine the
Boolean logic values true and false. Swift
supports the three standard logical operators
found in C-based languages:
• Logical NOT (!a)
• Logical AND (a && b)
• Logical OR (a || b)
• Logical Operators
• Logical NOT Operator
• The logical NOT operator (!a) inverts a Boolean value so that true becomes false,
and false becomes true.
• The logical NOT operator is a prefix operator, and appears immediately before the
value it operates on, without any white space. It can be read as “not a”, as seen in
the following example:
• let allowedEntry = false
• if !allowedEntry {
• print("ACCESS DENIED")
• }
• // prints "ACCESS DENIED"
• The phrase if !allowedEntry can be read as “if not allowed entry.” The subsequent
line is only executed if “not allowed entry” is true; that is, if allowedEntry is false.
• As in this example, careful choice of Boolean constant and variable names can help
to keep code readable and concise, while avoiding double negatives or confusing
logic statements.
• Logical Operators
• Logical NOT Operator
• Logical AND Operator
• The logical AND operator (a && b) creates logical expressions where both values must be true for
the overall expression to also be true.
• If either value is false, the overall expression will also be false. In fact, if the first value is false, the
second value won’t even be evaluated, because it can’t possibly make the overall expression equate
to true. This is known as short-circuit evaluation.
• This example considers two Bool values and only allows access if both values are true:
• let enteredDoorCode = true
• let passedRetinaScan = false
• if enteredDoorCode && passedRetinaScan {
• print("Welcome!")
• } else {
• print("ACCESS DENIED")
• }
• // prints "ACCESS DENIED”
• Logical Operators
• Logical OR Operator
• The logical OR operator (a || b) is an infix operator made from two adjacent pipe characters. You
use it to create logical expressions in which only one of the two values has to be true for the overall
expression to be true.
• Like the Logical AND operator above, the Logical OR operator uses short-circuit evaluation to
consider its expressions. If the left side of a Logical OR expression is true, the right side is not
evaluated, because it cannot change the outcome of the overall expression.
• In the example below, the first Bool value (hasDoorKey) is false, but the second value
(knowsOverridePassword) is true. Because one value is true, the overall expression also evaluates
to true, and access is allowed:
• let hasDoorKey = false
• let knowsOverridePassword = true
• if hasDoorKey || knowsOverridePassword {
• print("Welcome!")
• } else {
• print("ACCESS DENIED")
• }
• // prints "Welcome!"
• Logical Operators
• Combining Logical Operators
• You can combine multiple logical operators to create longer compound expressions:
• if enteredDoorCode && passedRetinaScan || hasDoorKey || knowsOverridePassword {
• print("Welcome!")
• } else {
• print("ACCESS DENIED")
• }
• // prints "Welcome!"
• This example uses multiple && and || operators to create a longer compound expression. However,
the && and || operators still operate on only two values, so this is actually three smaller
expressions chained together. The example can be read as:
• If we’ve entered the correct door code and passed the retina scan, or if we have a valid door key, or
if we know the emergency override password, then allow access.
• Based on the values of enteredDoorCode, passedRetinaScan, and hasDoorKey, the first two
subexpressions are false. However, the emergency override password is known, so the overall
compound expression still evaluates to true.
• Logical Operators
• Explicit Parentheses
• It is sometimes useful to include parentheses when they are not strictly needed, to make the
intention of a complex expression easier to read. In the door access example above, it is useful to
add parentheses around the first part of the compound expression to make its intent explicit:
• if (enteredDoorCode && passedRetinaScan) || hasDoorKey || knowsOverridePassword {
• print("Welcome!")
• } else {
• print("ACCESS DENIED")
• }
• // prints "Welcome!"
• The parentheses make it clear that the first two values are considered as part of a separate possible
state in the overall logic. The output of the compound expression doesn’t change, but the overall
intention is clearer to the reader. Readability is always preferred over brevity; use parentheses
where they help to make your intentions clear.
• Strings and Characters
• A string is a series of characters, such as "hello, world"
or "albatross".
• Swift strings are represented by the String type. The
contents of a String can be accessed in various ways,
including as a collection of Character values.
• Swift’s String and Character types provide a fast,
Unicode-compliant way to work with text in your code.
• The syntax for string creation and manipulation is
lightweight and readable, with a string literal syntax
that is similar to C.
• Strings and Characters
• String concatenation is as simple as adding together two strings
with the + operator, and string mutability is managed by choosing
between a constant or a variable, just like any other value in Swift.
• You can also use strings to insert constants, variables, literals, and
expressions into longer strings, in a process known as string
interpolation. This makes it easy to create custom string values for
display, storage, and printing.
• Despite this simplicity of syntax, Swift’s String type is a fast, modern
string implementation. Every string is composed of encoding-
independent Unicode characters, and provides support for
accessing those characters in various Unicode representations.
• Strings and Characters
• String Literals
• You can include predefined String values within your
code as string literals. A string literal is a fixed
sequence of textual characters surrounded by a pair of
double quotes ("").
• Use a string literal as an initial value for a constant or
• let someString = "Some string literal value"
• Note that Swift infers a type of String for the
someString constant, because it is initialized with a
string literal value.
• Strings and Characters
• Initializing an Empty String
• To create an empty String value as the starting point for building a longer
string, either assign an empty string literal to a variable, or initialize a new
String instance with initializer syntax:
• var emptyString = "" // empty string literal
• var anotherEmptyString = String() // initializer syntax
• // these two strings are both empty, and are equivalent to each
• Find out whether a String value is empty by checking its Boolean isEmpty
• if emptyString.isEmpty {
• print("Nothing to see here")
• }
• // prints "Nothing to see here"
• Strings and Characters
• String Mutability
• You indicate whether a particular String can be modified (or
mutated) by assigning it to a variable (in which case it can be
modified), or to a constant (in which case it cannot be modified):
• var variableString = "Horse"
• variableString += " and carriage"
• // variableString is now "Horse and carriage"
• let constantString = "Highlander"
• constantString += " and another Highlander"
• // this reports a compile-time error - a constant string cannot
be modified
• Strings and Characters
• Strings Are Value Types
• Swift’s String type is a value type. If you create
a new String value, that String value is copied
when it is passed to a function or method, or
when it is assigned to a constant or variable.
• In each case, a new copy of the existing String
value is created, and the new copy is passed
or assigned, not the original version.
• Strings and Characters
• Strings Are Value Types
• Swift’s copy-by-default String behavior ensures
that when a function or method passes you a
String value, it is clear that you own that exact
String value, regardless of where it came from.
• You can be confident that the string you are
passed will not be modified unless you modify it
• Strings and Characters
• Strings Are Value Types
• Behind the scenes, Swift’s compiler optimizes
string usage so that actual copying takes place
only when absolutely necessary.
• This means you always get great performance
when working with strings as value types.
• Strings and Characters
• Working with Characters
• You can access the individual Character values for a String
by iterating over its characters property with a for-in loop:
• for character in "Dog!?".characters {
• print(character)
• }
• // D
• // o
• // g
• // !
• // ?
• Strings and Characters
• Working with Characters
• Alternatively, you can create a stand-alone Character
constant or variable from a single-character string literal by
providing a Character type annotation:
• let exclamationMark: Character = "!"
• String values can be constructed by passing an array of
Character values as an argument to its initializer:
• let catCharacters: [Character] = ["C", "a", "t", "!", "?"]
• let catString = String(catCharacters)
• print(catString)
• // prints "Cat!?"
• Strings and Characters
• Concatenating Strings and Characters
• String values can be added together (or concatenated) with the addition operator (+) to create a
new String value:
• let string1 = "hello"
• let string2 = " there"
• var welcome = string1 + string2
• // welcome now equals "hello there"
• You can also append a String value to an existing String variable with the addition assignment
operator (+=):
• var instruction = "look over"
• instruction += string2
• // instruction now equals "look over there"
• You can append a Character value to a String variable with the String type’s append() method:
• let exclamationMark: Character = "!"
• welcome.append(exclamationMark)
• // welcome now equals "hello there!"
• Strings and Characters
• Concatenating Strings and Characters
• String Interpolation
• String interpolation is a way to construct a new String value from a mix of constants, variables,
literals, and expressions by including their values inside a string literal.
• Each item that you insert into the string literal is wrapped in a pair of parentheses, prefixed by a
• let multiplier = 3
• let message = "(multiplier) times 2.5 is (Double(multiplier) * 2.5)"
• // message is "3 times 2.5 is 7.5"
• In the example above, the value of multiplier is inserted into a string literal as (multiplier). This
placeholder is replaced with the actual value of multiplier when the string interpolation is
evaluated to create an actual string.
• The value of multiplier is also part of a larger expression later in the string. This expression
calculates the value of Double(multiplier) * 2.5 and inserts the result (7.5) into the string. In this
case, the expression is written as (Double(multiplier) * 2.5) when it is included inside the string
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode
• Unicode is an international standard for encoding,
representing, and processing text in different
writing systems.
• It enables you to represent almost any character
from any language in a standardized form, and to
read and write those characters to and from an
external source such as a text file or web page.
• Swift’s String and Character types are fully
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode
• Unicode Scalars
• Behind the scenes, Swift’s native String type is
built from Unicode scalar values.
• A Unicode scalar is a unique 21-bit number for a
character or modifier, such as U+0061 for LATIN
SMALL LETTER A ("a"), or U+1F425 for FRONT-
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode
• Unicode Scalars
• A Unicode scalar is any Unicode code point in the
range U+0000 to U+D7FF inclusive or U+E000 to
U+10FFFF inclusive.
• Unicode scalars do not include the Unicode
surrogate pair code points, which are the code
points in the range U+D800 to U+DFFF inclusive.
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode
• Unicode Scalars
• Note that not all 21-bit Unicode scalars are
assigned to a character—some scalars are
reserved for future assignment. Scalars that have
been assigned to a character typically also have a
name, such as LATIN SMALL LETTER A and
• Strings and Characters
• Special Characters in String Literals
• String literals can include the following special
• The escaped special characters 0 (null
character),  (backslash), t (horizontal tab), n
(line feed), r (carriage return), " (double quote)
and ' (single quote)
• An arbitrary Unicode scalar, written as u{n},
where n is a 1–8 digit hexadecimal number with a
value equal to a valid Unicode code point.
• Strings and Characters
• Special Characters in String Literals
• The code below shows four examples of these special characters.
The wiseWords constant contains two escaped double quote
characters. The dollarSign, blackHeart, and sparklingHeart constants
demonstrate the Unicode scalar format:
• let wiseWords = ""Imagination is more important than
knowledge" - Einstein"
• // "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein
• let dollarSign = "u{24}" // $, Unicode scalar U+0024
• let blackHeart = "u{2665}" // ♥, Unicode scalar U+2665
• let sparklingHeart = "u{1F496}" // ?, Unicode scalar U+1F496
• Strings and Characters
• Extended Grapheme Clusters
• Every instance of Swift’s Character type
represents a single extended grapheme
• An extended grapheme cluster is a sequence
of one or more Unicode scalars that (when
combined) produce a single human-readable
• Strings and Characters
• Extended Grapheme Clusters
• Here’s an example. The letter é can be represented as the
single Unicode scalar é (LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH
ACUTE, or U+00E9).
• However, the same letter can also be represented as a pair
of scalars—a standard letter e (LATIN SMALL LETTER E, or
U+0065), followed by the COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
scalar (U+0301).
• The COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT scalar is graphically
applied to the scalar that precedes it, turning an e into an é
when it is rendered by a Unicode-aware text-rendering
• Strings and Characters
• Extended Grapheme Clusters
• In both cases, the letter é is represented as a single
Swift Character value that represents an extended
grapheme cluster.
• In the first case, the cluster contains a single scalar; in
the second case, it is a cluster of two scalars:
• let eAcute: Character = "u{E9}" // é
• let combinedEAcute: Character = "u{65}u{301}" // e
followed by ́
• // eAcute is é, combinedEAcute is é
• Strings and Characters
• Extended Grapheme Clusters
• Extended grapheme clusters are a flexible way to represent
many complex script characters as a single Character value.
For example, Hangul syllables from the Korean alphabet
can be represented as either a precomposed or
decomposed sequence.
• Both of these representations qualify as a single Character
value in Swift:
• let precomposed: Character = "u{D55C}" // 한
• let decomposed: Character = "u{1112}u{1161}u{11AB}" // ᄒ, ᅡ,
• // precomposed is 한, decomposed is 한
• Strings and Characters
• Extended Grapheme Clusters
• Extended grapheme clusters enable scalars for enclosing marks
(such as COMBINING ENCLOSING CIRCLE, or U+20DD) to enclose
other Unicode scalars as part of a single Character value:
• let enclosedEAcute: Character = "u{E9}u{20DD}"
• // enclosedEAcute is é⃝
• Unicode scalars for regional indicator symbols can be combined in
pairs to make a single Character value, such as this combination of
• let regionalIndicatorForUS: Character = "u{1F1FA}u{1F1F8}"
• // regionalIndicatorForUS is ??
• Strings and Characters
• Counting Characters
• To retrieve a count of the Character values in a string, use
the count property of the string’s characters property:
• let unusualMenagerie = "Koala ?, Snail ?, Penguin ?, Dromedary ?"
• print("unusualMenagerie has (unusualMenagerie.characters.count) characters")
• // prints "unusualMenagerie has 40 characters"
• Note that Swift’s use of extended grapheme clusters for
Character values means that string concatenation and
modification may not always affect a string’s character
• Strings and Characters
• Counting Characters
• For example, if you initialize a new string with the four-character word cafe, and
then append a COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT (U+0301) to the end of the string, the
resulting string will still have a character count of 4, with a fourth character of é,
not e:
• var word = "cafe"
• print("the number of characters in (word) is (word.characters.count)")
• // prints "the number of characters in cafe is 4"
• word += "u{301}" // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT, U+0301
• print("the number of characters in (word) is (word.characters.count)")
• // prints "the number of characters in café is 4"
• Strings and Characters
• Counting Characters
• Extended grapheme clusters can be composed of one or
more Unicode scalars.
• This means that different characters—and different
representations of the same character—can require
different amounts of memory to store.
• Because of this, characters in Swift do not each take up the
same amount of memory within a string’s representation.
• As a result, the number of characters in a string cannot be
calculated without iterating through the string to
determine its extended grapheme cluster boundaries.
• Strings and Characters
• Counting Characters
• If you are working with particularly long string values, be
aware that the characters property must iterate over the
Unicode scalars in the entire string in order to determine
the characters for that string.
• The count of the characters returned by the characters
property is not always the same as the length property of
an NSString that contains the same characters. The length
of an NSString is based on the number of 16-bit code units
within the string’s UTF-16 representation and not the
number of Unicode extended grapheme clusters within the
• Strings and Characters
• Accessing and Modifying a String
• You access and modify a string through its methods and properties,
or by using subscript syntax.
• String Indices
• Each String value has an associated index type, String.Index, which
corresponds to the position of each Character in the string.
• As mentioned above, different characters can require different
amounts of memory to store, so in order to determine which
Character is at a particular position, you must iterate over each
Unicode scalar from the start or end of that String.
• For this reason, Swift strings cannot be indexed by integer values.
• Strings and Characters
• Accessing and Modifying a String
• String Indices
• Use the startIndex property to access the position of the first
Character of a String. The endIndex property is the position after
the last character in a String. As a result, the endIndex property isn’t
a valid argument to a string’s subscript. If a String is empty,
startIndex and endIndex are equal.
• A String.Index value can access its immediately preceding index by
calling the predecessor() method, and its immediately succeeding
index by calling the successor() method. Any index in a String can
be accessed from any other index by chaining these methods
together, or by using the advancedBy(_:) method. Attempting to
access an index outside of a string’s range will trigger a runtime
• Strings and Characters
• Accessing and Modifying a String
• You can use subscript syntax to access the Character at a particular String
• let greeting = "Guten Tag!"
• greeting[greeting.startIndex]
• // G
• greeting[greeting.endIndex.predecessor()]
• // !
• greeting[greeting.startIndex.successor()]
• // u
• let index = greeting.startIndex.advancedBy(7)
• greeting[index]
• // a
• Strings and Characters
• Accessing and Modifying a String
• Attempting to access a Character at an index outside of a string’s
range will trigger a runtime error.
• greeting[greeting.endIndex] // error
• greeting.endIndex.successor() // error
• Use the indices property of the characters property to create a
Range of all of the indexes used to access individual characters in a
• for index in greeting.characters.indices {
• print("(greeting[index]) ", terminator: "")
• }
• // prints "G u t e n T a g !"
• Strings and Characters
• Inserting and Removing
• To insert a character into a string at a specified index, use the insert(_:atIndex:) method.
• var welcome = "hello"
• welcome.insert("!", atIndex: welcome.endIndex)
• // welcome now equals "hello!"
• To insert the contents of another string at a specified index, use the insertContentsOf(_:at:)
• welcome.insertContentsOf(" there".characters, at: welcome.endIndex.predecessor())
• // welcome now equals "hello there!"
• To remove a character from a string at a specified index, use the removeAtIndex(_:) method.
• welcome.removeAtIndex(welcome.endIndex.predecessor())
• // welcome now equals "hello there"
• To remove a substring at a specified range, use the removeRange(_:) method:
• let range = welcome.endIndex.advancedBy(-6)..<welcome.endIndex
• welcome.removeRange(range)
• // welcome now equals "hello"
• Strings and Characters
• Comparing Strings
• Swift provides three ways to compare textual values: string and
character equality, prefix equality, and suffix equality.
• String and Character Equality
• String and character equality is checked with the “equal to”
operator (==) and the “not equal to” operator (!=)
• let quotation = "We're a lot alike, you and I."
• let sameQuotation = "We're a lot alike, you and I."
• if quotation == sameQuotation {
• print("These two strings are considered equal")
• }
• // prints "These two strings are considered equal"
• Strings and Characters
• Comparing Strings
• Two String values (or two Character values) are
considered equal if their extended grapheme
clusters are canonically equivalent.
• Extended grapheme clusters are canonically
equivalent if they have the same linguistic
meaning and appearance, even if they are
composed from different Unicode scalars behind
the scenes.
• Strings and Characters
• Comparing Strings
• For example, LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE (U+00E9) is canonically equivalent to LATIN
SMALL LETTER E (U+0065) followed by COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT (U+0301).
• Both of these extended grapheme clusters are valid ways to represent the character é, and so they
are considered to be canonically equivalent:
• // "Voulez-vous un café?" using LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE
• let eAcuteQuestion = "Voulez-vous un cafu{E9}?"
• // "Voulez-vous un café?" using LATIN SMALL LETTER E and COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT
• let combinedEAcuteQuestion = "Voulez-vous un cafu{65}u{301}?"
• if eAcuteQuestion == combinedEAcuteQuestion {
• print("These two strings are considered equal")
• }
• // prints "These two strings are considered equal”
• Strings and Characters
• Comparing Strings
• Prefix and Suffix Equality
• To check whether a string has a particular string prefix or suffix, call the string’s hasPrefix(_:) and hasSuffix(_:)
methods, both of which take a single argument of type String and return a Boolean value.
• The examples below consider an array of strings representing the scene locations from the first two acts of
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet:
• let romeoAndJuliet = [
• "Act 1 Scene 1: Verona, A public place",
• "Act 1 Scene 2: Capulet's mansion",
• "Act 1 Scene 3: A room in Capulet's mansion",
• "Act 1 Scene 4: A street outside Capulet's mansion",
• "Act 1 Scene 5: The Great Hall in Capulet's mansion",
• "Act 2 Scene 1: Outside Capulet's mansion",
• "Act 2 Scene 2: Capulet's orchard",
• "Act 2 Scene 3: Outside Friar Lawrence's cell",
• "Act 2 Scene 4: A street in Verona",
• "Act 2 Scene 5: Capulet's mansion",
• "Act 2 Scene 6: Friar Lawrence's cell"
• ]
• Strings and Characters
• Comparing Strings
• Prefix and Suffix Equality
• You can use the hasPrefix(_:) method with the romeoAndJuliet
array to count the number of scenes in Act 1 of the play:
• var act1SceneCount = 0
• for scene in romeoAndJuliet {
• if scene.hasPrefix("Act 1 ") {
• ++act1SceneCount
• }
• }
• print("There are (act1SceneCount) scenes in Act 1")
• // prints "There are 5 scenes in Act 1"
• Strings and Characters
• Comparing Strings
• Prefix and Suffix Equality
• Similarly, use the hasSuffix(_:) method to count the number of scenes that take
place in or around Capulet’s mansion and Friar Lawrence’s cell:
• var mansionCount = 0
• var cellCount = 0
• for scene in romeoAndJuliet {
• if scene.hasSuffix("Capulet's mansion") {
• ++mansionCount
• } else if scene.hasSuffix("Friar Lawrence's cell") {
• ++cellCount
• }
• }
• print("(mansionCount) mansion scenes; (cellCount) cell scenes")
• // prints "6 mansion scenes; 2 cell scenes"
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• When a Unicode string is written to a text file or some
other storage, the Unicode scalars in that string are
encoded in one of several Unicode-defined encoding
• Each form encodes the string in small chunks known as
code units. These include the UTF-8 encoding form
(which encodes a string as 8-bit code units), the UTF-16
encoding form (which encodes a string as 16-bit code
units), and the UTF-32 encoding form (which encodes a
string as 32-bit code units).
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• Swift provides several different ways to access Unicode
representations of strings. You can iterate over the string with a for-
in statement, to access its individual Character values as Unicode
extended grapheme clusters. Alternatively, access a String value in
one of three other Unicode-compliant representations:
• A collection of UTF-8 code units (accessed with the string’s utf8
• A collection of UTF-16 code units (accessed with the string’s utf16
• A collection of 21-bit Unicode scalar values, equivalent to the
string’s UTF-32 encoding form (accessed with the string’s
unicodeScalars property)
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• Each example below shows a different
representation of the following string, which is
made up of the characters D, o, g, ‼ (DOUBLE
EXCLAMATION MARK, or Unicode scalar
U+203C), and the 🐶 character (DOG FACE, or
Unicode scalar U+1F436):
• let dogString = "Dog‼🐶”
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• UTF-8 Representation
• You can access a UTF-8 representation of a
String by iterating over its utf8 property. This
property is of type String.UTF8View, which is a
collection of unsigned 8-bit (UInt8) values,
one for each byte in the string’s UTF-8
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• UTF-8 Representation
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• UTF-8 Representation
• for codeUnit in dogString.utf8 {
• print("(codeUnit) ", terminator: "")
• }
• print("")
• // 68 111 103 226 128 188 240 159 144 182
• In the example above, the first three decimal codeUnit values (68, 111,
103) represent the characters D, o, and g, whose UTF-8 representation is
the same as their ASCII representation.
• The next three decimal codeUnit values (226, 128, 188) are a three-byte
UTF-8 representation of the DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK character.
• The last four codeUnit values (240, 159, 144, 182) are a four-byte UTF-8
representation of the DOG FACE character.
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• UTF-16 Representation
• You can access a UTF-16 representation of a
String by iterating over its utf16 property.
• This property is of type String.UTF16View,
which is a collection of unsigned 16-bit
(UInt16) values, one for each 16-bit code unit
in the string’s UTF-16 representation:
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• UTF-16 Representation
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• UTF-16 Representation
• for codeUnit in dogString.utf16 {
• print("(codeUnit) ", terminator: "")
• }
• print("")
• // 68 111 103 8252 55357 56374
• Again, the first three codeUnit values (68, 111, 103) represent the characters D, o, and g, whose
UTF-16 code units have the same values as in the string’s UTF-8 representation (because these
Unicode scalars represent ASCII characters).
• The fourth codeUnit value (8252) is a decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal value 203C, which
represents the Unicode scalar U+203C for the DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK character. This
character can be represented as a single code unit in UTF-16.
• The fifth and sixth codeUnit values (55357 and 56374) are a UTF-16 surrogate pair representation
of the DOG FACE character. These values are a high-surrogate value of U+D83D (decimal value
55357) and a low-surrogate value of U+DC36 (decimal value 56374).
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• Unicode Scalar Representation
• You can access a Unicode scalar representation of a
String value by iterating over its unicodeScalars
• This property is of type UnicodeScalarView, which is a
collection of values of type UnicodeScalar.
• Each UnicodeScalar has a value property that returns
the scalar’s 21-bit value, represented within a UInt32
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• Unicode Scalar Representation
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• Unicode Scalar Representation
• for scalar in dogString.unicodeScalars {
• print("(scalar.value) ", terminator: "")
• }
• print("")
• // 68 111 103 8252 128054
• The value properties for the first three UnicodeScalar values (68, 111, 103) once
again represent the characters D, o, and g.
• The fourth codeUnit value (8252) is again a decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal
value 203C, which represents the Unicode scalar U+203C for the DOUBLE
• The value property of the fifth and final UnicodeScalar, 128054, is a decimal
equivalent of the hexadecimal value 1F436, which represents the Unicode scalar
U+1F436 for the DOG FACE character.
• Strings and Characters
• Unicode Representations of Strings
• Unicode Scalar Representation
• As an alternative to querying their value properties, each UnicodeScalar
value can also be used to construct a new String value, such as with string
• for scalar in dogString.unicodeScalars {
• print("(scalar) ")
• }
• // D
• // o
• // g
• // ‼
• // ?

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  • 2. Swift • Basic Operators • An operator is a special symbol or phrase that you use to check, change, or combine values. • For example, the addition operator (+) adds two numbers together (as in let i = 1 + 2). • More complex examples include the logical AND operator && (as in if enteredDoorCode && passedRetinaScan) and the increment operator ++i, which is a shortcut to increase the value of i by 1.
  • 3. Swift • Basic Operators • Swift supports most standard C operators and improves several capabilities to eliminate common coding errors. • The assignment operator (=) does not return a value, to prevent it from being mistakenly used when the equal to operator (==) is intended.
  • 4. Swift • Basic Operators • Arithmetic operators (+, - , *, / , % and so forth) detect and disallow value overflow, to avoid unexpected results when working with numbers that become larger or smaller than the allowed value range of the type that stores them. • You can opt in to value overflow behavior by using Swift’s overflow operators.
  • 5. Swift • Basic Operators • Unlike C, Swift lets you perform remainder (%) calculations on floating-point numbers. • Swift also provides two range operators (a..<b and a...b) not found in C, as a shortcut for expressing a range of values.
  • 6. Swift • Terminology • Operators are Unary, Binary, or Ternary: • Unary operators operate on a single target (such as -a). • Unary prefix operators appear immediately before their target (such as !b), and unary postfix operators appear immediately after their target (such as i++).
  • 7. Swift • Terminology • Operators are unary, binary, or ternary: • Binary operators operate on two targets (such as 2 + 3) and are infix because they appear in between their two targets.
  • 8. Swift • Terminology • Operators are unary, binary, or ternary: • Ternary operators operate on three targets. • Like C, Swift has only one ternary operator, the ternary conditional operator (a ? b : c). • The values that operators affect are operands. • In the expression 1 + 2, the + symbol is a binary operator and its two operands are the values 1 and 2.
  • 9. Swift • Assignment Operator • The assignment operator (a = b) initializes or updates the value of a with the value of b: • let b = 10 • var a = 5 • a = b • // a is now equal to 10 • If the right side of the assignment is a tuple with multiple values, its elements can be decomposed into multiple constants or variables at once: • let (x, y) = (1, 2) • // x is equal to 1, and y is equal to 2 • Unlike the assignment operator in C and Objective-C, the assignment operator in Swift does not itself return a value. The following statement is not valid: • if x = y { • // this is not valid, because x = y does not return a value • } • This feature prevents the assignment operator (=) from being used by accident when the equal to operator (==) is actually intended. By making if x = y invalid, Swift helps you to avoid these kinds of errors in your code.
  • 10. Swift • Arithmetic Operators • Swift supports the four standard arithmetic operators for all number types: • Addition (+) • Subtraction (-) • Multiplication (*) • Division (/) • 1 + 2 // equals 3 • 5 - 3 // equals 2 • 2 * 3 // equals 6 • 10.0 / 2.5 // equals 4.0 • Unlike the arithmetic operators in C and Objective-C, the Swift arithmetic operators do not allow values to overflow by default. You can opt in to value overflow behavior by using Swift’s overflow operators (such as a &+ b). • The addition operator is also supported for String concatenation: • "hello, " + "world" // equals "hello, world”
  • 11. Swift • Remainder Operator • The remainder operator (a % b) works out how many multiples of b will fit inside a and returns the value that is left over (known as the remainder). • NOTE • The remainder operator (%) is also known as a modulo operator in other languages. However, its behavior in Swift for negative numbers means that it is, strictly speaking, a remainder rather than a modulo operation.
  • 12. Swift • Remainder Operator • Here’s how the remainder operator works. To calculate 9 % 4, you first work out how many 4s will fit inside 9: • You can fit two 4s inside 9, and the remainder is 1 (shown in orange). • In Swift, this would be written as: • 9 % 4 // equals 1
  • 13. Swift • Remainder Operator • To determine the answer for a % b, the % operator calculates the following equation and returns remainder as its output: • a = (b x some multiplier) + remainder • where some multiplier is the largest number of multiples of b that will fit inside a. • Inserting 9 and 4 into this equation yields: • 9 = (4 x 2) + 1
  • 14. Swift • Remainder Operator • The same method is applied when calculating the remainder for a negative value of a: • -9 % 4 // equals -1 • Inserting -9 and 4 into the equation yields: • -9 = (4 x -2) + -1 • giving a remainder value of -1. • The sign of b is ignored for negative values of b. This means that a % b and a % -b always give the same answer.
  • 15. Swift • Remainder Operator • Floating-Point Remainder Calculations • Unlike the remainder operator in C and Objective-C, Swift’s remainder operator can also operate on floating-point numbers: • 8 % 2.5 // equals 0.5 • In this example, 8 divided by 2.5 equals 3, with a remainder of 0.5, so the remainder operator returns a Double value of 0.5.
  • 16. Swift • Increment and Decrement Operators • Like C, Swift provides an increment operator (++) and a decrement operator (--) as a shortcut to increase or decrease the value of a numeric variable by 1. • You can use these operators with variables of any integer or floating-point type. • var i = 0 • ++i // i now equals 1 • Each time you call ++i, the value of i is increased by 1. Essentially, ++i is shorthand for saying i = i + 1. Likewise, --i can be used as shorthand for i = i - 1. • The ++ and -- symbols can be used as prefix operators or as postfix operators. ++i and i++ are both valid ways to increase the value of i by 1. Similarly, --i and i-- are both valid ways to decrease the value of i by 1.
  • 17. Swift • Increment and Decrement Operators • Note that these operators modify i and also return a value. If you only want to increment or decrement the value stored in i, you can ignore the returned value. However, if you do use the returned value, it will be different based on whether you used the prefix or postfix version of the operator, according to the following rules: • If the operator is written before the variable, it increments the variable before returning its value. • If the operator is written after the variable, it increments the variable after returning its value.
  • 18. Swift • Increment and Decrement Operators • For example: • var a = 0 • let b = ++a • // a and b are now both equal to 1 • let c = a++ • // a is now equal to 2, but c has been set to the pre-increment value of 1. • In the example above, let b = ++a increments a before returning its value. This is why both a and b are equal to the new value of 1. • However, let c = a++ increments a after returning its value. This means that c gets the old value of 1, and a is then updated to equal 2. • Unless you need the specific behavior of i++, it is recommended that you use ++i and --i in all cases, because they have the typical expected behavior of modifying i and returning the result.
  • 19. Swift • Unary Minus Operator • The sign of a numeric value can be toggled using a prefixed -, known as the unary minus operator: • let three = 3 • let minusThree = -three // minusThree equals -3 • let plusThree = -minusThree // plusThree equals 3, or "minus minus three" • The unary minus operator (-) is prepended directly before the value it operates on, without any white space.
  • 20. Swift • Unary Plus Operator • The unary plus operator (+) simply returns the value it operates on, without any change: • let minusSix = -6 • let alsoMinusSix = +minusSix // alsoMinusSix equals -6 • Although the unary plus operator doesn’t actually do anything, you can use it to provide symmetry in your code for positive numbers when also using the unary minus operator for negative numbers.
  • 21. Swift • Compound Assignment Operators • Like C, Swift provides compound assignment operators that combine assignment (=) with another operation. One example is the addition assignment operator (+=): • var a = 1 • a += 2 • // a is now equal to 3 • The expression a += 2 is shorthand for a = a + 2. Effectively, the addition and the assignment are combined into one operator that performs both tasks at the same time.
  • 22. Swift • Comparison Operators • Swift supports all standard C comparison operators: • Equal to (a == b) • Not equal to (a != b) • Greater than (a > b) • Less than (a < b) • Greater than or equal to (a >= b) • Less than or equal to (a <= b)
  • 23. Swift • Comparison Operators • Each of the comparison operators returns a Bool value to indicate whether or not the statement is true: • 1 == 1 // true, because 1 is equal to 1 • 2 != 1 // true, because 2 is not equal to 1 • 2 > 1 // true, because 2 is greater than 1 • 1 < 2 // true, because 1 is less than 2 • 1 >= 1 // true, because 1 is greater than or equal to 1 • 2 <= 1 // false, because 2 is not less than or equal to 1
  • 24. Swift • Comparison Operators • Comparison operators are often used in conditional statements, such as the if statement: • let name = "world" • if name == "world" { • print("hello, world") • } else { • print("I'm sorry (name), but I don't recognize you") • } • // prints "hello, world", because name is indeed equal to "world"
  • 25. Swift • Ternary Conditional Operator • The ternary conditional operator is a special operator with three parts, which takes the form question ? answer1 : answer2. It is a shortcut for evaluating one of two expressions based on whether question is true or false. If question is true, it evaluates answer1 and returns its value; otherwise, it evaluates answer2 and returns its value. • The ternary conditional operator is shorthand for the code below: • if question { • answer1 • } else { • answer2 • }
  • 26. Swift • Ternary Conditional Operator • Here’s an example, which calculates the height for a table row. The row height should be 50 points taller than the content height if the row has a header, and 20 points taller if the row doesn’t have a header: • let contentHeight = 40 • let hasHeader = true • let rowHeight = contentHeight + (hasHeader ? 50 : 20) • // rowHeight is equal to 90
  • 27. Swift • Ternary Conditional Operator • The preceding example is shorthand for the code below: • let contentHeight = 40 • let hasHeader = true • var rowHeight = contentHeight • if hasHeader { • rowHeight = rowHeight + 50 • } else { • rowHeight = rowHeight + 20 • } • // rowHeight is equal to 90 • The first example’s use of the ternary conditional operator means that rowHeight can be set to the correct value on a single line of code. This is more concise than the second example, and removes the need for rowHeight to be a variable, because its value does not need to be modified within an if statement.
  • 28. Swift • Ternary Conditional Operator • The ternary conditional operator provides an efficient shorthand for deciding which of two expressions to consider. Use the ternary conditional operator with care, however. Its conciseness can lead to hard-to-read code if overused. Avoid combining multiple instances of the ternary conditional operator into one compound statement.
  • 29. Swift • Nil Coalescing Operator • The nil coalescing operator (a ?? b) unwraps an optional a if it contains a value, or returns a default value b if a is nil. • The expression a is always of an optional type. The expression b must match the type that is stored inside a.
  • 30. Swift • Nil Coalescing Operator • The nil coalescing operator is shorthand for the code below: • a != nil ? a! : b • The code above uses the ternary conditional operator and forced unwrapping (a!) to access the value wrapped inside a when a is not nil, and to return b otherwise. • The nil coalescing operator provides a more elegant way to encapsulate this conditional checking and unwrapping in a concise and readable form.
  • 31. Swift • Nil Coalescing Operator • The example below uses the nil coalescing operator to choose between a default color name and an optional user-defined color name: • let defaultColorName = "red" • var userDefinedColorName: String ? // defaults to nil • var colorNameToUse = userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName • // userDefinedColorName is nil, so colorNameToUse is set to the default of "red"
  • 32. Swift • Nil Coalescing Operator • The userDefinedColorName variable is defined as an optional String, with a default value of nil. • Because userDefinedColorName is of an optional type, you can use the nil coalescing operator to consider its value. • In the example above, the operator is used to determine an initial value for a String variable called colorNameToUse. • Because userDefinedColorName is nil, the expression userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName returns the value of defaultColorName, or "red".
  • 33. Swift • Nil Coalescing Operator • If you assign a non-nil value to userDefinedColorName and perform the nil coalescing operator check again, the value wrapped inside userDefinedColorName is used instead of the default: • userDefinedColorName = "green" • colorNameToUse = userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName • // userDefinedColorName is not nil, so colorNameToUse is set to "green” • The userDefinedColorName variable is defined as an optional String, with a default value of nil. • Because userDefinedColorName is of an optional type, you can use the nil coalescing operator to consider its value. • In the example above, the operator is used to determine an initial value for a String variable called colorNameToUse. • Because userDefinedColorName is nil, the expression userDefinedColorName ?? defaultColorName returns the value of defaultColorName, or "red”.
  • 34. Swift • Range Operators • Swift includes two range operators, which are shortcuts for expressing a range of values. • Closed Range Operator • The closed range operator (a...b) defines a range that runs from a to b, and includes the values a and b. The value of a must not be greater than b. • The closed range operator is useful when iterating over a range in which you want all of the values to be used, such as with a for-in loop: • for index in 1...5 { • print("(index) times 5 is (index * 5)") • } • // 1 times 5 is 5 • // 2 times 5 is 10 • // 3 times 5 is 15 • // 4 times 5 is 20 • // 5 times 5 is 25
  • 35. Swift • Range Operators • Half-Open Range Operator • The half-open range operator (a..<b) defines a range that runs from a to b, but does not include b. It is said to be half-open because it contains its first value, but not its final value. As with the closed range operator, the value of a must not be greater than b. If the value of a is equal to b, then the resulting range will be empty. • Half-open ranges are particularly useful when you work with zero-based lists such as arrays, where it is useful to count up to (but not including) the length of the list: • let names = ["Anna", "Alex", "Brian", "Jack"] • let count = names.count • for i in 0..<count { • print("Person (i + 1) is called (names[i])") • } • // Person 1 is called Anna • // Person 2 is called Alex • // Person 3 is called Brian • // Person 4 is called Jack • Note that the array contains four items, but 0..<count only counts as far as 3 (the index of the last item in the array), because it is a half-open range.
  • 36. Swift • Logical Operators • Logical operators modify or combine the Boolean logic values true and false. Swift supports the three standard logical operators found in C-based languages: • Logical NOT (!a) • Logical AND (a && b) • Logical OR (a || b)
  • 37. Swift • Logical Operators • Logical NOT Operator • The logical NOT operator (!a) inverts a Boolean value so that true becomes false, and false becomes true. • The logical NOT operator is a prefix operator, and appears immediately before the value it operates on, without any white space. It can be read as “not a”, as seen in the following example: • let allowedEntry = false • if !allowedEntry { • print("ACCESS DENIED") • } • // prints "ACCESS DENIED" • The phrase if !allowedEntry can be read as “if not allowed entry.” The subsequent line is only executed if “not allowed entry” is true; that is, if allowedEntry is false. • As in this example, careful choice of Boolean constant and variable names can help to keep code readable and concise, while avoiding double negatives or confusing logic statements.
  • 38. Swift • Logical Operators • Logical NOT Operator • Logical AND Operator • The logical AND operator (a && b) creates logical expressions where both values must be true for the overall expression to also be true. • If either value is false, the overall expression will also be false. In fact, if the first value is false, the second value won’t even be evaluated, because it can’t possibly make the overall expression equate to true. This is known as short-circuit evaluation. • This example considers two Bool values and only allows access if both values are true: • let enteredDoorCode = true • let passedRetinaScan = false • if enteredDoorCode && passedRetinaScan { • print("Welcome!") • } else { • print("ACCESS DENIED") • } • // prints "ACCESS DENIED”
  • 39. Swift • Logical Operators • Logical OR Operator • The logical OR operator (a || b) is an infix operator made from two adjacent pipe characters. You use it to create logical expressions in which only one of the two values has to be true for the overall expression to be true. • Like the Logical AND operator above, the Logical OR operator uses short-circuit evaluation to consider its expressions. If the left side of a Logical OR expression is true, the right side is not evaluated, because it cannot change the outcome of the overall expression. • In the example below, the first Bool value (hasDoorKey) is false, but the second value (knowsOverridePassword) is true. Because one value is true, the overall expression also evaluates to true, and access is allowed: • let hasDoorKey = false • let knowsOverridePassword = true • if hasDoorKey || knowsOverridePassword { • print("Welcome!") • } else { • print("ACCESS DENIED") • } • // prints "Welcome!"
  • 40. Swift • Logical Operators • Combining Logical Operators • You can combine multiple logical operators to create longer compound expressions: • if enteredDoorCode && passedRetinaScan || hasDoorKey || knowsOverridePassword { • print("Welcome!") • } else { • print("ACCESS DENIED") • } • // prints "Welcome!" • This example uses multiple && and || operators to create a longer compound expression. However, the && and || operators still operate on only two values, so this is actually three smaller expressions chained together. The example can be read as: • If we’ve entered the correct door code and passed the retina scan, or if we have a valid door key, or if we know the emergency override password, then allow access. • Based on the values of enteredDoorCode, passedRetinaScan, and hasDoorKey, the first two subexpressions are false. However, the emergency override password is known, so the overall compound expression still evaluates to true.
  • 41. Swift • Logical Operators • Explicit Parentheses • It is sometimes useful to include parentheses when they are not strictly needed, to make the intention of a complex expression easier to read. In the door access example above, it is useful to add parentheses around the first part of the compound expression to make its intent explicit: • if (enteredDoorCode && passedRetinaScan) || hasDoorKey || knowsOverridePassword { • print("Welcome!") • } else { • print("ACCESS DENIED") • } • // prints "Welcome!" • The parentheses make it clear that the first two values are considered as part of a separate possible state in the overall logic. The output of the compound expression doesn’t change, but the overall intention is clearer to the reader. Readability is always preferred over brevity; use parentheses where they help to make your intentions clear.
  • 42. Swift • Strings and Characters • A string is a series of characters, such as "hello, world" or "albatross". • Swift strings are represented by the String type. The contents of a String can be accessed in various ways, including as a collection of Character values. • Swift’s String and Character types provide a fast, Unicode-compliant way to work with text in your code. • The syntax for string creation and manipulation is lightweight and readable, with a string literal syntax that is similar to C.
  • 43. Swift • Strings and Characters • String concatenation is as simple as adding together two strings with the + operator, and string mutability is managed by choosing between a constant or a variable, just like any other value in Swift. • You can also use strings to insert constants, variables, literals, and expressions into longer strings, in a process known as string interpolation. This makes it easy to create custom string values for display, storage, and printing. • Despite this simplicity of syntax, Swift’s String type is a fast, modern string implementation. Every string is composed of encoding- independent Unicode characters, and provides support for accessing those characters in various Unicode representations.
  • 44. Swift • Strings and Characters • String Literals • You can include predefined String values within your code as string literals. A string literal is a fixed sequence of textual characters surrounded by a pair of double quotes (""). • Use a string literal as an initial value for a constant or variable: • let someString = "Some string literal value" • Note that Swift infers a type of String for the someString constant, because it is initialized with a string literal value.
  • 45. Swift • Strings and Characters • Initializing an Empty String • To create an empty String value as the starting point for building a longer string, either assign an empty string literal to a variable, or initialize a new String instance with initializer syntax: • var emptyString = "" // empty string literal • var anotherEmptyString = String() // initializer syntax • // these two strings are both empty, and are equivalent to each other • Find out whether a String value is empty by checking its Boolean isEmpty property: • if emptyString.isEmpty { • print("Nothing to see here") • } • // prints "Nothing to see here"
  • 46. Swift • Strings and Characters • String Mutability • You indicate whether a particular String can be modified (or mutated) by assigning it to a variable (in which case it can be modified), or to a constant (in which case it cannot be modified): • var variableString = "Horse" • variableString += " and carriage" • // variableString is now "Horse and carriage" • • let constantString = "Highlander" • constantString += " and another Highlander" • // this reports a compile-time error - a constant string cannot be modified
  • 47. Swift • Strings and Characters • Strings Are Value Types • Swift’s String type is a value type. If you create a new String value, that String value is copied when it is passed to a function or method, or when it is assigned to a constant or variable. • In each case, a new copy of the existing String value is created, and the new copy is passed or assigned, not the original version.
  • 48. Swift • Strings and Characters • Strings Are Value Types • Swift’s copy-by-default String behavior ensures that when a function or method passes you a String value, it is clear that you own that exact String value, regardless of where it came from. • You can be confident that the string you are passed will not be modified unless you modify it yourself.
  • 49. Swift • Strings and Characters • Strings Are Value Types • Behind the scenes, Swift’s compiler optimizes string usage so that actual copying takes place only when absolutely necessary. • This means you always get great performance when working with strings as value types.
  • 50. Swift • Strings and Characters • Working with Characters • You can access the individual Character values for a String by iterating over its characters property with a for-in loop: • for character in "Dog!?".characters { • print(character) • } • // D • // o • // g • // ! • // ?
  • 51. Swift • Strings and Characters • Working with Characters • Alternatively, you can create a stand-alone Character constant or variable from a single-character string literal by providing a Character type annotation: • let exclamationMark: Character = "!" • String values can be constructed by passing an array of Character values as an argument to its initializer: • let catCharacters: [Character] = ["C", "a", "t", "!", "?"] • let catString = String(catCharacters) • print(catString) • // prints "Cat!?"
  • 52. Swift • Strings and Characters • Concatenating Strings and Characters • String values can be added together (or concatenated) with the addition operator (+) to create a new String value: • let string1 = "hello" • let string2 = " there" • var welcome = string1 + string2 • // welcome now equals "hello there" • You can also append a String value to an existing String variable with the addition assignment operator (+=): • var instruction = "look over" • instruction += string2 • // instruction now equals "look over there" • You can append a Character value to a String variable with the String type’s append() method: • let exclamationMark: Character = "!" • welcome.append(exclamationMark) • // welcome now equals "hello there!"
  • 53. Swift • Strings and Characters • Concatenating Strings and Characters • String Interpolation • String interpolation is a way to construct a new String value from a mix of constants, variables, literals, and expressions by including their values inside a string literal. • Each item that you insert into the string literal is wrapped in a pair of parentheses, prefixed by a backslash: • let multiplier = 3 • let message = "(multiplier) times 2.5 is (Double(multiplier) * 2.5)" • // message is "3 times 2.5 is 7.5" • In the example above, the value of multiplier is inserted into a string literal as (multiplier). This placeholder is replaced with the actual value of multiplier when the string interpolation is evaluated to create an actual string. • The value of multiplier is also part of a larger expression later in the string. This expression calculates the value of Double(multiplier) * 2.5 and inserts the result (7.5) into the string. In this case, the expression is written as (Double(multiplier) * 2.5) when it is included inside the string literal.
  • 54. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode • Unicode is an international standard for encoding, representing, and processing text in different writing systems. • It enables you to represent almost any character from any language in a standardized form, and to read and write those characters to and from an external source such as a text file or web page. • Swift’s String and Character types are fully Unicode-compliant.
  • 55. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode • Unicode Scalars • Behind the scenes, Swift’s native String type is built from Unicode scalar values. • A Unicode scalar is a unique 21-bit number for a character or modifier, such as U+0061 for LATIN SMALL LETTER A ("a"), or U+1F425 for FRONT- FACING BABY CHICK ("🐥").
  • 56. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode • Unicode Scalars • A Unicode scalar is any Unicode code point in the range U+0000 to U+D7FF inclusive or U+E000 to U+10FFFF inclusive. • Unicode scalars do not include the Unicode surrogate pair code points, which are the code points in the range U+D800 to U+DFFF inclusive.
  • 57. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode • Unicode Scalars • Note that not all 21-bit Unicode scalars are assigned to a character—some scalars are reserved for future assignment. Scalars that have been assigned to a character typically also have a name, such as LATIN SMALL LETTER A and FRONT-FACING BABY CHICK in the examples above.
  • 58. Swift • Strings and Characters • Special Characters in String Literals • String literals can include the following special characters: • The escaped special characters 0 (null character), (backslash), t (horizontal tab), n (line feed), r (carriage return), " (double quote) and ' (single quote) • An arbitrary Unicode scalar, written as u{n}, where n is a 1–8 digit hexadecimal number with a value equal to a valid Unicode code point.
  • 59. Swift • Strings and Characters • Special Characters in String Literals • The code below shows four examples of these special characters. The wiseWords constant contains two escaped double quote characters. The dollarSign, blackHeart, and sparklingHeart constants demonstrate the Unicode scalar format: • let wiseWords = ""Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein" • // "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein • let dollarSign = "u{24}" // $, Unicode scalar U+0024 • let blackHeart = "u{2665}" // ♥, Unicode scalar U+2665 • let sparklingHeart = "u{1F496}" // ?, Unicode scalar U+1F496
  • 60. Swift • Strings and Characters • Extended Grapheme Clusters • Every instance of Swift’s Character type represents a single extended grapheme cluster. • An extended grapheme cluster is a sequence of one or more Unicode scalars that (when combined) produce a single human-readable character.
  • 61. Swift • Strings and Characters • Extended Grapheme Clusters • Here’s an example. The letter é can be represented as the single Unicode scalar é (LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE, or U+00E9). • However, the same letter can also be represented as a pair of scalars—a standard letter e (LATIN SMALL LETTER E, or U+0065), followed by the COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT scalar (U+0301). • The COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT scalar is graphically applied to the scalar that precedes it, turning an e into an é when it is rendered by a Unicode-aware text-rendering system.
  • 62. Swift • Strings and Characters • Extended Grapheme Clusters • In both cases, the letter é is represented as a single Swift Character value that represents an extended grapheme cluster. • In the first case, the cluster contains a single scalar; in the second case, it is a cluster of two scalars: • let eAcute: Character = "u{E9}" // é • let combinedEAcute: Character = "u{65}u{301}" // e followed by ́ • // eAcute is é, combinedEAcute is é
  • 63. Swift • Strings and Characters • Extended Grapheme Clusters • Extended grapheme clusters are a flexible way to represent many complex script characters as a single Character value. For example, Hangul syllables from the Korean alphabet can be represented as either a precomposed or decomposed sequence. • Both of these representations qualify as a single Character value in Swift: • let precomposed: Character = "u{D55C}" // 한 • let decomposed: Character = "u{1112}u{1161}u{11AB}" // ᄒ, ᅡ, ᆫ • // precomposed is 한, decomposed is 한
  • 64. Swift • Strings and Characters • Extended Grapheme Clusters • Extended grapheme clusters enable scalars for enclosing marks (such as COMBINING ENCLOSING CIRCLE, or U+20DD) to enclose other Unicode scalars as part of a single Character value: • let enclosedEAcute: Character = "u{E9}u{20DD}" • // enclosedEAcute is é⃝ • Unicode scalars for regional indicator symbols can be combined in pairs to make a single Character value, such as this combination of REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER U (U+1F1FA) and REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER S (U+1F1F8): • let regionalIndicatorForUS: Character = "u{1F1FA}u{1F1F8}" • // regionalIndicatorForUS is ??
  • 65. Swift • Strings and Characters • Counting Characters • To retrieve a count of the Character values in a string, use the count property of the string’s characters property: • let unusualMenagerie = "Koala ?, Snail ?, Penguin ?, Dromedary ?" • print("unusualMenagerie has (unusualMenagerie.characters.count) characters") • // prints "unusualMenagerie has 40 characters" • Note that Swift’s use of extended grapheme clusters for Character values means that string concatenation and modification may not always affect a string’s character count.
  • 66. Swift • Strings and Characters • Counting Characters • For example, if you initialize a new string with the four-character word cafe, and then append a COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT (U+0301) to the end of the string, the resulting string will still have a character count of 4, with a fourth character of é, not e: • var word = "cafe" • print("the number of characters in (word) is (word.characters.count)") • // prints "the number of characters in cafe is 4" • • word += "u{301}" // COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT, U+0301 • • print("the number of characters in (word) is (word.characters.count)") • // prints "the number of characters in café is 4"
  • 67. Swift • Strings and Characters • Counting Characters • Extended grapheme clusters can be composed of one or more Unicode scalars. • This means that different characters—and different representations of the same character—can require different amounts of memory to store. • Because of this, characters in Swift do not each take up the same amount of memory within a string’s representation. • As a result, the number of characters in a string cannot be calculated without iterating through the string to determine its extended grapheme cluster boundaries.
  • 68. Swift • Strings and Characters • Counting Characters • If you are working with particularly long string values, be aware that the characters property must iterate over the Unicode scalars in the entire string in order to determine the characters for that string. • The count of the characters returned by the characters property is not always the same as the length property of an NSString that contains the same characters. The length of an NSString is based on the number of 16-bit code units within the string’s UTF-16 representation and not the number of Unicode extended grapheme clusters within the string.
  • 69. Swift • Strings and Characters • Accessing and Modifying a String • You access and modify a string through its methods and properties, or by using subscript syntax. • String Indices • Each String value has an associated index type, String.Index, which corresponds to the position of each Character in the string. • As mentioned above, different characters can require different amounts of memory to store, so in order to determine which Character is at a particular position, you must iterate over each Unicode scalar from the start or end of that String. • For this reason, Swift strings cannot be indexed by integer values.
  • 70. Swift • Strings and Characters • Accessing and Modifying a String • String Indices • Use the startIndex property to access the position of the first Character of a String. The endIndex property is the position after the last character in a String. As a result, the endIndex property isn’t a valid argument to a string’s subscript. If a String is empty, startIndex and endIndex are equal. • A String.Index value can access its immediately preceding index by calling the predecessor() method, and its immediately succeeding index by calling the successor() method. Any index in a String can be accessed from any other index by chaining these methods together, or by using the advancedBy(_:) method. Attempting to access an index outside of a string’s range will trigger a runtime error.
  • 71. Swift • Strings and Characters • Accessing and Modifying a String • You can use subscript syntax to access the Character at a particular String index. • let greeting = "Guten Tag!" • greeting[greeting.startIndex] • // G • greeting[greeting.endIndex.predecessor()] • // ! • greeting[greeting.startIndex.successor()] • // u • let index = greeting.startIndex.advancedBy(7) • greeting[index] • // a
  • 72. Swift • Strings and Characters • Accessing and Modifying a String • Attempting to access a Character at an index outside of a string’s range will trigger a runtime error. • greeting[greeting.endIndex] // error • greeting.endIndex.successor() // error • Use the indices property of the characters property to create a Range of all of the indexes used to access individual characters in a string. • for index in greeting.characters.indices { • print("(greeting[index]) ", terminator: "") • } • // prints "G u t e n T a g !"
  • 73. Swift • Strings and Characters • Inserting and Removing • To insert a character into a string at a specified index, use the insert(_:atIndex:) method. • var welcome = "hello" • welcome.insert("!", atIndex: welcome.endIndex) • // welcome now equals "hello!" • To insert the contents of another string at a specified index, use the insertContentsOf(_:at:) method. • welcome.insertContentsOf(" there".characters, at: welcome.endIndex.predecessor()) • // welcome now equals "hello there!" • To remove a character from a string at a specified index, use the removeAtIndex(_:) method. • welcome.removeAtIndex(welcome.endIndex.predecessor()) • // welcome now equals "hello there" • To remove a substring at a specified range, use the removeRange(_:) method: • let range = welcome.endIndex.advancedBy(-6)..<welcome.endIndex • welcome.removeRange(range) • // welcome now equals "hello"
  • 74. Swift • Strings and Characters • Comparing Strings • Swift provides three ways to compare textual values: string and character equality, prefix equality, and suffix equality. • String and Character Equality • String and character equality is checked with the “equal to” operator (==) and the “not equal to” operator (!=) • let quotation = "We're a lot alike, you and I." • let sameQuotation = "We're a lot alike, you and I." • if quotation == sameQuotation { • print("These two strings are considered equal") • } • // prints "These two strings are considered equal"
  • 75. Swift • Strings and Characters • Comparing Strings • Two String values (or two Character values) are considered equal if their extended grapheme clusters are canonically equivalent. • Extended grapheme clusters are canonically equivalent if they have the same linguistic meaning and appearance, even if they are composed from different Unicode scalars behind the scenes.
  • 76. Swift • Strings and Characters • Comparing Strings • For example, LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE (U+00E9) is canonically equivalent to LATIN SMALL LETTER E (U+0065) followed by COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT (U+0301). • Both of these extended grapheme clusters are valid ways to represent the character é, and so they are considered to be canonically equivalent: • // "Voulez-vous un café?" using LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE • let eAcuteQuestion = "Voulez-vous un cafu{E9}?" • • // "Voulez-vous un café?" using LATIN SMALL LETTER E and COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT • let combinedEAcuteQuestion = "Voulez-vous un cafu{65}u{301}?" • • if eAcuteQuestion == combinedEAcuteQuestion { • print("These two strings are considered equal") • } • // prints "These two strings are considered equal”
  • 77. Swift • Strings and Characters • Comparing Strings • Prefix and Suffix Equality • To check whether a string has a particular string prefix or suffix, call the string’s hasPrefix(_:) and hasSuffix(_:) methods, both of which take a single argument of type String and return a Boolean value. • The examples below consider an array of strings representing the scene locations from the first two acts of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: • let romeoAndJuliet = [ • "Act 1 Scene 1: Verona, A public place", • "Act 1 Scene 2: Capulet's mansion", • "Act 1 Scene 3: A room in Capulet's mansion", • "Act 1 Scene 4: A street outside Capulet's mansion", • "Act 1 Scene 5: The Great Hall in Capulet's mansion", • "Act 2 Scene 1: Outside Capulet's mansion", • "Act 2 Scene 2: Capulet's orchard", • "Act 2 Scene 3: Outside Friar Lawrence's cell", • "Act 2 Scene 4: A street in Verona", • "Act 2 Scene 5: Capulet's mansion", • "Act 2 Scene 6: Friar Lawrence's cell" • ]
  • 78. Swift • Strings and Characters • Comparing Strings • Prefix and Suffix Equality • You can use the hasPrefix(_:) method with the romeoAndJuliet array to count the number of scenes in Act 1 of the play: • var act1SceneCount = 0 • for scene in romeoAndJuliet { • if scene.hasPrefix("Act 1 ") { • ++act1SceneCount • } • } • print("There are (act1SceneCount) scenes in Act 1") • // prints "There are 5 scenes in Act 1"
  • 79. Swift • Strings and Characters • Comparing Strings • Prefix and Suffix Equality • Similarly, use the hasSuffix(_:) method to count the number of scenes that take place in or around Capulet’s mansion and Friar Lawrence’s cell: • var mansionCount = 0 • var cellCount = 0 • for scene in romeoAndJuliet { • if scene.hasSuffix("Capulet's mansion") { • ++mansionCount • } else if scene.hasSuffix("Friar Lawrence's cell") { • ++cellCount • } • } • print("(mansionCount) mansion scenes; (cellCount) cell scenes") • // prints "6 mansion scenes; 2 cell scenes"
  • 80. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • When a Unicode string is written to a text file or some other storage, the Unicode scalars in that string are encoded in one of several Unicode-defined encoding forms. • Each form encodes the string in small chunks known as code units. These include the UTF-8 encoding form (which encodes a string as 8-bit code units), the UTF-16 encoding form (which encodes a string as 16-bit code units), and the UTF-32 encoding form (which encodes a string as 32-bit code units).
  • 81. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • Swift provides several different ways to access Unicode representations of strings. You can iterate over the string with a for- in statement, to access its individual Character values as Unicode extended grapheme clusters. Alternatively, access a String value in one of three other Unicode-compliant representations: • A collection of UTF-8 code units (accessed with the string’s utf8 property) • A collection of UTF-16 code units (accessed with the string’s utf16 property) • A collection of 21-bit Unicode scalar values, equivalent to the string’s UTF-32 encoding form (accessed with the string’s unicodeScalars property)
  • 82. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • Each example below shows a different representation of the following string, which is made up of the characters D, o, g, ‼ (DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK, or Unicode scalar U+203C), and the 🐶 character (DOG FACE, or Unicode scalar U+1F436): • let dogString = "Dog‼🐶”
  • 83. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • UTF-8 Representation • You can access a UTF-8 representation of a String by iterating over its utf8 property. This property is of type String.UTF8View, which is a collection of unsigned 8-bit (UInt8) values, one for each byte in the string’s UTF-8 representation:
  • 84. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • UTF-8 Representation
  • 85. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • UTF-8 Representation • for codeUnit in dogString.utf8 { • print("(codeUnit) ", terminator: "") • } • print("") • // 68 111 103 226 128 188 240 159 144 182 • In the example above, the first three decimal codeUnit values (68, 111, 103) represent the characters D, o, and g, whose UTF-8 representation is the same as their ASCII representation. • The next three decimal codeUnit values (226, 128, 188) are a three-byte UTF-8 representation of the DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK character. • The last four codeUnit values (240, 159, 144, 182) are a four-byte UTF-8 representation of the DOG FACE character.
  • 86. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • UTF-16 Representation • You can access a UTF-16 representation of a String by iterating over its utf16 property. • This property is of type String.UTF16View, which is a collection of unsigned 16-bit (UInt16) values, one for each 16-bit code unit in the string’s UTF-16 representation:
  • 87. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • UTF-16 Representation
  • 88. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • UTF-16 Representation • for codeUnit in dogString.utf16 { • print("(codeUnit) ", terminator: "") • } • print("") • // 68 111 103 8252 55357 56374 • Again, the first three codeUnit values (68, 111, 103) represent the characters D, o, and g, whose UTF-16 code units have the same values as in the string’s UTF-8 representation (because these Unicode scalars represent ASCII characters). • The fourth codeUnit value (8252) is a decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal value 203C, which represents the Unicode scalar U+203C for the DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK character. This character can be represented as a single code unit in UTF-16. • The fifth and sixth codeUnit values (55357 and 56374) are a UTF-16 surrogate pair representation of the DOG FACE character. These values are a high-surrogate value of U+D83D (decimal value 55357) and a low-surrogate value of U+DC36 (decimal value 56374).
  • 89. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • Unicode Scalar Representation • You can access a Unicode scalar representation of a String value by iterating over its unicodeScalars property. • This property is of type UnicodeScalarView, which is a collection of values of type UnicodeScalar. • Each UnicodeScalar has a value property that returns the scalar’s 21-bit value, represented within a UInt32 value:
  • 90. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • Unicode Scalar Representation
  • 91. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • Unicode Scalar Representation • for scalar in dogString.unicodeScalars { • print("(scalar.value) ", terminator: "") • } • print("") • // 68 111 103 8252 128054 • The value properties for the first three UnicodeScalar values (68, 111, 103) once again represent the characters D, o, and g. • The fourth codeUnit value (8252) is again a decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal value 203C, which represents the Unicode scalar U+203C for the DOUBLE EXCLAMATION MARK character. • The value property of the fifth and final UnicodeScalar, 128054, is a decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal value 1F436, which represents the Unicode scalar U+1F436 for the DOG FACE character.
  • 92. Swift • Strings and Characters • Unicode Representations of Strings • Unicode Scalar Representation • As an alternative to querying their value properties, each UnicodeScalar value can also be used to construct a new String value, such as with string interpolation: • for scalar in dogString.unicodeScalars { • print("(scalar) ") • } • // D • // o • // g • // ‼ • // ?