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Thyroid: Basics
Embryology (contd.)
 Week 3 – Thickening in the floor
between first and second pharyngeal
pouches (later known as foramen
caecum at junction of ant 2/3rd and
posterior 1/3rd of tongue)
 Week 4 – Evagination of endoderm
ventrally into the mesoderm to form
thyroid diverticulum
Embryology (contd.)
 Week 5 – formation of thyroglossal
duct and bifurcation of the tip to for
lateral lobes and isthmus
 Week 6 – Growth of duct and
migration of thyroid gland downward
in close proximity or through hyoid
 Week 7 – Gland reaches the final
position in relation to the larynx and
 Location: lower part of
the front and side of
the neck opposite to
the C5, C6, C7 and T1
 Each lateral lobe
extends upwards to
oblique line of thyroid
cartilage and below
up to the 5th or 6th
tracheal ring.
 The isthmus extends
across the midline in
front of the 2nd, 3rd and
4th tracheal ring.
 Lateral lobes
 right and Left
 located in between trachea &
oesophagus medially and carotid
sheath laterally
 Isthmus – connects two lateral lobes
 Pyramidal lobe – upward extension at
junction of isthmus to left lobe, seen in
30% individuals
 True capsule
 Condensation of connective tissue of the
 False/surgical capsule
 From the pre-tracheal layer of deep
cervical fascia
 Ligament of Berry
 Pre-tracheal fascia is thickened at the
posteromedial aspect of the lobes and
connects the gland to cricoid cartilage
Arterial Supply
 Superior thyroid artery
 from external carotid
 Inferior thyroid artery
 from thyrocervical
trunk of subclavian
 Thyroid ima artery
 in 10% population
 from brachiocephalic
 Superior thyroid veins
 to Internal Jugular
 Middle thyroid veins
 to Internal Jugular
 Inferior thyroid veins
 to left
brachiocephalic trunk
Nerves in
close relation
 External branch of
Superior Laryngeal
 Lies deep to Superior
Thyroid Artery near
the superior pole of
 Highly variable
Nerves in close
relation (contd.)
2. RLN
 Recurrent Laryngeal
 Ascends posterior to
the gland in tracheo-
oesophageal groove
 In close relation to
Inferior Thyroid Artery
Nerves in
close relation
 2 important thyroid hormones:
 Thyroxine (T4)
 Triiodothyronine (T3)
 Secreted by Follicular cells.
 Having significant effect on the metabolic rate of the
 Calcitonin
 Secreted by Parafollicular cells
 Important hormone for Ca2+ metabolism &
of Thyroid
H-P-T Axis
Thyroid Function Tests
Thyroid Investigations and
Thyroid Nodule
Thyroid Function Tests
 S. TSH
 can be measured accurately down to very low serum concentrations with an
immunochemiluminometric assay
 interpretation of deranged TSH levels depends on knowledge of the T3 and T4
Thyroid Function Tests(contd.)
 Serum T4 and T3
 In blood, most of the hormone is bound to serum proteins: albumin, thyroxine-
binding globulin (TBG) and thyroxine-binding prealbumin (TBPA)
 Biologically inactive
 Reflects the output of the gland
 Levels – T4: 55-150 nmol/litre, T3: 1.2-3 nmol/litre
 Free T4 and T3
 Unbound form and biologically active
 Concentration of free T4 and T3 are 0.03% and 0.3% of the total circulating
hormones, respectively
 Single best test for assessment of hyperthyroidism
 Levels – T4: 8-26 nmol/litre, T3: 3-9 nmol/litre
Thyroid Function Tests(contd.)
 Auto-antibodies
 Serum levels of antibodies against thyroid components are useful in
determining the cause of thyroid dysfunction and swellings
 TRAbs:
 stimulatory action on TSH receptors present over follicular cells
 longer duration of action than TSH (16–24 hours versus 1.5–3 hours)
 responsible for Grave’s disease
 Anti-TPO and anti-TG antibodies:
 antibodies against thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulins are seen in auto-immune
 may be associated with thyroid toxicity, failure or euthyroid goitre
 The workhorse investigation in thyroid
disease for the surgeon.
 Not only can the characteristics of the
gland substance be quantified, but
the presence and features of thyroid
nodules can be described.
 Number, size, shape, margins,
vascularity and microcalcifications –
predict the risk of malignancy within a
specific nodule
 Regional lymphatics,
particularly in the
lateral neck can be
assessed accurately for
the presence of
metastatic deposits.
 During ultrasound, fine
needle aspiration
(FNA) can be
performed more
accurately than free-
hand techniques allow.
Cross-sectional Imaging
 When metastatic disease is detected cross-sectional imaging is required
to fully stage the disease.
 Retrosternal extension, which can often be predicted on plain chest x-ray,
also requires more advanced techniques to determine the extent
adequately prior to considering management.
 Computed Tomography (CT)
 For most of these indications, the imaging modality of choice is computed
tomography (CT).
 Contrast enhanced CT is useful for determining the extent of airway invasion
 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
 Superior at determining the presence of prevertebral fascia invasion.
 Fine needle aspiration
 Investigation of choice
for conclusive
histological diagnosis
 Results should be
reported using
standard terminology
 Bethesda system used
for reporting and
decide further
FNAC (contd.)
 In Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of
Surgery, 27th edition
 Followed in United Kingdom
 Allows assessment of function of thyroid
gland and any nodule within it
 Isotopes used:
 Iodine-123 (123I) – best
 Technetium-99m (99mTc) – cheaper
 Its principal value is in the toxic patient
with a nodule or nodularity of the thyroid.
 NOTE: Iodine-131 is used for therapeutic purposes
scanning (contd.)
 Differentiate between:
 toxic nodule with suppression of the
remainder of the gland, and
 toxic multinodular goitre with several areas
of increased uptake
 Whole-body scanning is used to
demonstrate metastases
 however, metastatic thyroid cancer tissue
cannot compete with normal thyroid
tissue in the uptake of iodine
 Presence of thyroid
tissues in locations
other than normal site
 May be found
anywhere in the line of
descent of thyroglossal
duct as well as in
anterior mediastinum
 Thyroglossal duct
descends from the
base of the tongue
towards lower neck to
the level of second
and third tracheal rings
 Failure of obliteration
leads to cyst formation
 M/C site – Subhyoid
 Rarely, may be the
only functioning thyroid
tissue in the body
Thyroglossal Cyst (contd.)
 Clinical features:
 Mostly in children but may also present in
 Almost always arise in the midline but may
lie slightly to one side of the midline
 Moves upwards on swallowing and with
tongue protrusion
 May become infected and rupture onto
the skin of the neck presenting as a
discharging fistula
Thyroglossal Cyst (contd.)
 Treatment:
 Excision of the whole thyroglossal tract
 removal of the body of the hyoid bone
 the suprahyoid tract through the tongue
 with a core of tissue around it
 Known as Sistrunk’s operation and prevents
 Most notably from small side branches of
the thyroglossal tract
 Excision not done if only thyroid tissue
Thyroglossal Fistula
 Follows:
 infection of thyroglossal cyst
 inadequate excision of the cyst
 Clinical features:
 Presents with serous discharge
 Recurrent infection is common and
discharge may become purulent
 Hood sign – opening is indrawn and
overlaid by fold of skin
 Peculiar crescentic appearance
 Treatment
 Sistrunk operation
Thyroid Nodules
 Solitary nodule:
 A discrete swelling in an otherwise
impalpable gland
 70% of nodules are solitary
 Dominant nodule:
 Distinctly palpable swelling in a gland with
clinical evidence of goitre or multiple
 30% of palpable nodules have other
nodules on imaging
 Causes:
 Adenomas
 Carcinomas
 Thyroid cyst
 Thyroiditis
 Types:
 Hot – Autonomous toxic nodule
 Warm – Normally functioning nodule
 Cold – Non-functioning nodule
Thyroid Swellings
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
 Similar to chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis
 Autoimmune condition associated with raised titres of thyroid antibodies
directed against
 Thyroid peroxidase (Anti-TPO)
 Thyroglobulin (Anti-TG)
 Aka struma lymphomatosa, because thyroid tissue gets replaced by
lymphoid tissue
 M/C inflammatory disorder of thyroid and leading cause of
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (contd.)
 Pathology:
 Thyroid tissue is progressively destroyed
by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and
 Initially hyperplasia, then fibrosis and
eventually gland is diffusely infiltrated
by lymphocytes and plasma cells
 Characteristic finding, Hürthle or
Askanazy cells – abundant eosinophilic,
granular cytoplasm
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (contd.)
 Clinical features:
 Presents as minimal or moderate goitre
 Painful, firm, tender and smooth
 may be diffuse or
 nodular with a characteristic ‘bosselated’ feel
 Hormone status
 Initially, mild hyperthyroidism (hashitoxicosis) – destruction of gland leads to
release of pre-formed hormones
 Later, hypothyroidism – which is permanent
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (contd.)
 Investigations:
 Elevated TSH, reduced T4 & T3 levels
 Presence of thyroid antibodies, specially anti-TPO antibody
 In case of doubt, FNA confirms lymphocytic infiltration
 Treatment:
 Hormone replacement – oral L-thyroxine tablets
 Surgery – only if
 suspicion of malignancy
 large goitre causing compressive symptoms
 cosmetic reasons
De Quervain’s Thyroiditis
 Aka Granolumatous/Subacute/Viral thyroiditis
 May follow a viral infection – usually upper respiratory tract infection
 Classically four stages:
1. Hypertyhyroid phase – due to release of preformed hormones
2. Euthyroid phase
3. Hypothyroid phase
4. Resolution – return to euthyroid state in 90% patients
De Quervain’s Thyroiditis (contd.)
 Clinical features:
 Presents with pain in the neck, fever, malaise
 Firm, irregular enlargement of one or both thyroid lobes
 There may be features of hyper- or hypo-thyroidism
 The condition is self-limiting and, in a few months, the goitre subsides
 There may be a period of months of hypothyroidism before eventual recovery
 10% of patients have acute presentation with severe pain
De Quervain’s Thyroiditis (contd.)
 Investigations:
 Raised inflammatory markers
 Absent thyroid antibodies
 Radio-iodine scan shows low uptake
 Treatment:
 Symptomatic treatment given
 Severe cases – glucocorticoids (Prednisone)
 Short-term thyroxine replacement
Riedel’s Thyroiditis
 Aka invasive fibrous thyroiditis
 Very rare form
 Thyroid tissue is gradually replaced by fibrous tissue
 Also invades surrounding tissues through the capsule – muscles,
parathyroids, recurrent nerves and carotid sheath
 Probably a collagen disorder and is associated with:
 Mediastinal and retroperitoneal fibrosis
 Periorbital fibrosis
 Sclerosing cholangitis
Riedel’s Thyroiditis (contd.)
 Clinical features:
 Painless, hard goitre which is fixed – ‘woody’ thyroid
 Progresses over months to years to produce airway compression
 Features of hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism
 Investigations:
 Biopsy required to differentiate from anaplastic carcinoma – generally isthmus is
excised to free the trachea and histo-pathological examination done
Riedel’s Thyroiditis (contd.)
 Treatment:
 Excision of isthmus to decompress the trachea
 High-dose corticosteroids
 Thyroxine replacement
 Some patients show response to treatment with tamoxifen (selective estrogen
receptor modulator)
Acute Bacterial Thyroiditis
 Aka suppurative thyroiditis
 More common in children
 Often preceeded by upper respiratory tract infection or otitis media
 Bacteriology – Mostly Streptococcus and anaerobes
 Clinical features:
 Neck pain and erythema, fever, dysphagia
 Tender goitre
 Tender, palpable cervical lymphnodes
Acute Bacterial Thyroiditis (contd.)
 Investigations:
 Raised WBC count, inflammatory markers
 USG may show localised abscess formation
 FNA and culture-sensitivity testing
 Treatment:
 Antibiotics
 USG guided aspiration/drainage of abscess
 Thyrotoxicosis – refers to biochemical and clinical manifestations of
excessive thyroid hormones
 Hyperthyroidism – overproduction of hormones by thyroid gland
 Causes:
1. Diffuse toxic goitre (Grave’s disease) – Primary thyrotoxicosis
2. Toxic multinodular goitre
3. Toxic adenoma – Secondary thyrotoxicosis
4. Rare causes
 Struma ovarii, trophoblastic tumours, metastatic Ca thyroid
5. Exogenous hormone intake – Tertiary thyrotoxicosis
Grave’s Disease
 Aka diffuse toxic goitre
 Autoimmune condition with raised thyroid stimulating antibodies
 Syndrome known as Primary Thyrotoxicosis
 Characterized by hyperthyroidism, diffuse goitre and extra-thyroid
 Ophthalmopathy
 Dermopathy
 Myopathy
 Acropachy
Grave’s Disease (contd.)
 Etiopathology:
 Autoantibodies that stimulate TSH receptors on follicular cells
 TSH-Rabs (TRAbs), having longer duration of action, act on follicular cells to
stimulate uncontrolled hormone production
 Also induces hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the gland causing goitre
 Autoantibodies directed against different organs cause extra-thyroid
Grave’s Disease – Clinical features
 Hyperthyroid symptoms (heat intolerance, excess sweating and thirst,
weight loss)
 Symptoms of adrenergic stimulation (palpitations, fatigue, tremors)
 GIT – Diarrhoea
 CVS – Palpitations, tachycardia, irregular heart rhythm, cutaneous
vasodilation, congestive cardiac failure in elderly
 Musculoskeletal – Fine tremors, muscle wasting
 Genito-urinary system – Oligo- or amenorrhoea, decreased fertility,
 Psychiatry – Irritability, insomnia, nervousness
Grave’s Disease – Clinical features
 Ophthalmopathy:
 Exophthalmos – infiltration of retrobulbar tissues with fluid
 Lid retraction – upper eyelid higher than normal (Dalrymple’s sign)
 Lid lag – on downward gaze (von Graefe’s sign)
 Staring look – absence of normal blinking (Stellwag’s sign)
 Absence of forehead wrinkles – Joffroy’s sign
 Lack of convergence – Moebius sign
Grave’s Disease – Clinical features
 Dermopathy:
 Pre-tibial myxodema – deposition of myxomatous tissues (hyaluronic acid) in
subcutaneous plane
 Thickened, shiny, red skin with coarse hair in feet and ankles
 Associated with pruritus, palmar erythema, hair thinning
 Acropachy:
 Clubbing of fingers and toes, subperiosteal bone formation and enlarged
 Others:
 Facial flushing, gynaecomastia
Grave’s Disease – Management
 Investigations:
 Raised T4 and T3 with suppressed TSH – other tests are not needed if eye signs
are present
 RAIU – diffusely enlarged gland with increased uptake
 Elevated levels of TSH-Rabs
 Treatment:
 Medical – Symptomatic, Antithyroid drugs
 RAIT – Radioactive iodine therapy
 Surgery
Grave’s Disease – Medical
 Symptomatic:
 Beta blockers – propranolol, nadolol, metoprolol
 Calcium channel blockers – verapamil, dilitiazem
 Oral rehydration
 Antithyroid drugs:
 Drug of choice – methimazole
 Maintained for a prolonged period (6 month-2 years) in the hope that a
permanent remission will occur
 Also given before RAIT or surgery to make patient euthyroid
Grave’s Disease – Antithyroid Drugs
 Other drugs:
 Propylthiouracil – DOC in pregnancy, thyroid storm
 Carbimazole – DOC for pre-RAIT/pre-surgery therapy
 Advantages:
 Avoidance of surgery and RAIT
 Disadvantages:
 Prolonged duration of treatment
Grave’s Disease – RAIT
 Iodine-131 used – emits beta particles and gamma rays
 Causes complete ablation of thyroid gland
 TSH levels should be high to ensure adequate uptake
 Procedure:
 Patient made euthyroid with anti-thyroid drugs
 Drugs discontinued for 5 days –> 131I given and patient isolated for 7 days
 Takes about 3 months to get full response, therefore antithyroid drugs
continued for 2-3 months
 Eventually patient become hypothyroid and hormone replacement needs to
be continued lifelong
Grave’s Disease – RAIT (contd.)
 Contraindication:
 Pregnancy, lactation
 Ophthalmopathy
 Advantages:
 No surgery and no prolonged drug
 Disadvantages:
 Ophthalmology gets aggravated
 May cause hypoparathyroidism
Grave’s Disease – Surgery
 Cures by reducing the thyroid below a critical mass
 Options:
 Sub-total thyroidectomy – 4-7 g remnant thyroid; patient becomes euthyroid
but risk of recurrence
 Total thyroidectomy – No risk of recurrence but lifelong thyroxine replacement
 Lobectomy – In case of toxic nodules
 Patient needs to be made euthyroid pre-operatively
Grave’s Disease – Surgery (contd.)
 Indications:
 When RAIT contraindicated
 Large goitre with compression
 Suspected carcinoma
 Rapid control required
 Disadvantages:
 Recurrence in case of sub-total
 Risk of injury to nerves and parathyroids
 Advantages:
 Rapid cure
 High success rate
 Relieves ophthalmopathy
Secondary Thyrotoxicosis
Primary Thyrotoxicosis
1. Symptoms first –> swelling
2. Autoimmune etiology
3. Features of thyrotoxicosis are marked
4. Ophthalmopathy is common
5. Younger age group
Secondary Thyrotoxicosis
1. Occurs in pre-existing swelling
2. Risk factors include iodine deficiency,
dietary goiterogens, hereditary factors
3. Less severe and slowly progressive
4. Cardiac signs are common
5. Elderly
Simple (non-
toxic) Goitre
Diffuse Simple Goitre
 Develop as a result of stimulation of the thyroid gland by TSH
 Iodine deficiency – in response to a chronically low level of circulating thyroid
 Pituitary adenoma – inappropriate secretion from a microadenoma in the
anterior pituitary (which is rare)
Thank you.

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Thyroid Cancer & Differential Diagnosis of Lumps in Neck for Medical Students...Thyroid Cancer & Differential Diagnosis of Lumps in Neck for Medical Students...
Thyroid Cancer & Differential Diagnosis of Lumps in Neck for Medical Students...
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Thyroid Basics: Anatomy, Physiology, Embryology and Common Conditions

  • 4. Embryology (contd.)  Week 3 – Thickening in the floor between first and second pharyngeal pouches (later known as foramen caecum at junction of ant 2/3rd and posterior 1/3rd of tongue)  Week 4 – Evagination of endoderm ventrally into the mesoderm to form thyroid diverticulum
  • 5. Embryology (contd.)  Week 5 – formation of thyroglossal duct and bifurcation of the tip to for lateral lobes and isthmus  Week 6 – Growth of duct and migration of thyroid gland downward in close proximity or through hyoid bone  Week 7 – Gland reaches the final position in relation to the larynx and trachea
  • 10. Location  Location: lower part of the front and side of the neck opposite to the C5, C6, C7 and T1 vertebrae.  Each lateral lobe extends upwards to oblique line of thyroid cartilage and below up to the 5th or 6th tracheal ring.  The isthmus extends across the midline in front of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th tracheal ring.
  • 11. Parts  Lateral lobes  right and Left  located in between trachea & oesophagus medially and carotid sheath laterally  Isthmus – connects two lateral lobes  Pyramidal lobe – upward extension at junction of isthmus to left lobe, seen in 30% individuals
  • 12. Capsules  True capsule  Condensation of connective tissue of the gland  False/surgical capsule  From the pre-tracheal layer of deep cervical fascia  Ligament of Berry  Pre-tracheal fascia is thickened at the posteromedial aspect of the lobes and connects the gland to cricoid cartilage
  • 13.
  • 14. Arterial Supply  Superior thyroid artery  from external carotid artery  Inferior thyroid artery  from thyrocervical trunk of subclavian artery  Thyroid ima artery  in 10% population  from brachiocephalic trunk
  • 15. Venous Drainage  Superior thyroid veins  to Internal Jugular Vein  Middle thyroid veins  to Internal Jugular Vein  Inferior thyroid veins  to left brachiocephalic trunk
  • 16. Nerves in close relation 1. EBSLN  External branch of Superior Laryngeal Nerve  Lies deep to Superior Thyroid Artery near the superior pole of thyroid  Highly variable anatomy
  • 17. Nerves in close relation (contd.) 2. RLN  Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve  Ascends posterior to the gland in tracheo- oesophageal groove  In close relation to Inferior Thyroid Artery
  • 20. Hormones  2 important thyroid hormones:  Thyroxine (T4)  Triiodothyronine (T3)  Secreted by Follicular cells.  Having significant effect on the metabolic rate of the body.  Calcitonin  Secreted by Parafollicular cells  Important hormone for Ca2+ metabolism & homeostasis
  • 26. Thyroid Function Tests  S. TSH  can be measured accurately down to very low serum concentrations with an immunochemiluminometric assay  interpretation of deranged TSH levels depends on knowledge of the T3 and T4 values
  • 27. Thyroid Function Tests(contd.)  Serum T4 and T3  In blood, most of the hormone is bound to serum proteins: albumin, thyroxine- binding globulin (TBG) and thyroxine-binding prealbumin (TBPA)  Biologically inactive  Reflects the output of the gland  Levels – T4: 55-150 nmol/litre, T3: 1.2-3 nmol/litre  Free T4 and T3  Unbound form and biologically active  Concentration of free T4 and T3 are 0.03% and 0.3% of the total circulating hormones, respectively  Single best test for assessment of hyperthyroidism  Levels – T4: 8-26 nmol/litre, T3: 3-9 nmol/litre
  • 28. Thyroid Function Tests(contd.)  Auto-antibodies  Serum levels of antibodies against thyroid components are useful in determining the cause of thyroid dysfunction and swellings  TRAbs:  stimulatory action on TSH receptors present over follicular cells  longer duration of action than TSH (16–24 hours versus 1.5–3 hours)  responsible for Grave’s disease  Anti-TPO and anti-TG antibodies:  antibodies against thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulins are seen in auto-immune thyroiditis  may be associated with thyroid toxicity, failure or euthyroid goitre
  • 29. Ultrasound  The workhorse investigation in thyroid disease for the surgeon.  Not only can the characteristics of the gland substance be quantified, but the presence and features of thyroid nodules can be described.  Number, size, shape, margins, vascularity and microcalcifications – predict the risk of malignancy within a specific nodule
  • 30. Ultrasound (contd.)  Regional lymphatics, particularly in the lateral neck can be assessed accurately for the presence of metastatic deposits.  During ultrasound, fine needle aspiration (FNA) can be performed more accurately than free- hand techniques allow.
  • 31. Cross-sectional Imaging  When metastatic disease is detected cross-sectional imaging is required to fully stage the disease.  Retrosternal extension, which can often be predicted on plain chest x-ray, also requires more advanced techniques to determine the extent adequately prior to considering management.  Computed Tomography (CT)  For most of these indications, the imaging modality of choice is computed tomography (CT).  Contrast enhanced CT is useful for determining the extent of airway invasion  Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)  Superior at determining the presence of prevertebral fascia invasion.
  • 32. FNAC  Fine needle aspiration cytology  Investigation of choice for conclusive histological diagnosis  Results should be reported using standard terminology  Bethesda system used for reporting and decide further management
  • 33. FNAC (contd.)  In Bailey and Love’s Short Practice of Surgery, 27th edition  Followed in United Kingdom
  • 34. Radio-isotope scanning  Allows assessment of function of thyroid gland and any nodule within it  Isotopes used:  Iodine-123 (123I) – best  Technetium-99m (99mTc) – cheaper  Its principal value is in the toxic patient with a nodule or nodularity of the thyroid.  NOTE: Iodine-131 is used for therapeutic purposes
  • 35. Radio-isotope scanning (contd.)  Differentiate between:  toxic nodule with suppression of the remainder of the gland, and  toxic multinodular goitre with several areas of increased uptake  Whole-body scanning is used to demonstrate metastases  however, metastatic thyroid cancer tissue cannot compete with normal thyroid tissue in the uptake of iodine
  • 37. Ectopic Thyroid  Presence of thyroid tissues in locations other than normal site  May be found anywhere in the line of descent of thyroglossal duct as well as in anterior mediastinum
  • 38. Thyroglossal Cyst  Thyroglossal duct descends from the base of the tongue towards lower neck to the level of second and third tracheal rings  Failure of obliteration leads to cyst formation  M/C site – Subhyoid  Rarely, may be the only functioning thyroid tissue in the body
  • 39. Thyroglossal Cyst (contd.)  Clinical features:  Mostly in children but may also present in adults  Almost always arise in the midline but may lie slightly to one side of the midline  Moves upwards on swallowing and with tongue protrusion  May become infected and rupture onto the skin of the neck presenting as a discharging fistula
  • 40. Thyroglossal Cyst (contd.)  Treatment:  Excision of the whole thyroglossal tract  removal of the body of the hyoid bone  the suprahyoid tract through the tongue base  with a core of tissue around it  Known as Sistrunk’s operation and prevents recurrence  Most notably from small side branches of the thyroglossal tract  Excision not done if only thyroid tissue
  • 41. Thyroglossal Fistula  Follows:  infection of thyroglossal cyst  inadequate excision of the cyst  Clinical features:  Presents with serous discharge  Recurrent infection is common and discharge may become purulent  Hood sign – opening is indrawn and overlaid by fold of skin  Peculiar crescentic appearance  Treatment  Sistrunk operation
  • 43. Terminology  Solitary nodule:  A discrete swelling in an otherwise impalpable gland  70% of nodules are solitary  Dominant nodule:  Distinctly palpable swelling in a gland with clinical evidence of goitre or multiple nodules  30% of palpable nodules have other nodules on imaging
  • 44. Pathology  Causes:  Adenomas  Carcinomas  Thyroid cyst  Thyroiditis  Types:  Hot – Autonomous toxic nodule  Warm – Normally functioning nodule  Cold – Non-functioning nodule
  • 45.
  • 49. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis  Similar to chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis  Autoimmune condition associated with raised titres of thyroid antibodies directed against  Thyroid peroxidase (Anti-TPO)  Thyroglobulin (Anti-TG)  Aka struma lymphomatosa, because thyroid tissue gets replaced by lymphoid tissue  M/C inflammatory disorder of thyroid and leading cause of hypothyroidism
  • 50. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (contd.)  Pathology:  Thyroid tissue is progressively destroyed by cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and autoantibodies  Initially hyperplasia, then fibrosis and eventually gland is diffusely infiltrated by lymphocytes and plasma cells  Characteristic finding, Hürthle or Askanazy cells – abundant eosinophilic, granular cytoplasm
  • 51. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (contd.)  Clinical features:  Presents as minimal or moderate goitre  Painful, firm, tender and smooth  may be diffuse or  nodular with a characteristic ‘bosselated’ feel  Hormone status  Initially, mild hyperthyroidism (hashitoxicosis) – destruction of gland leads to release of pre-formed hormones  Later, hypothyroidism – which is permanent
  • 52. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (contd.)  Investigations:  Elevated TSH, reduced T4 & T3 levels  Presence of thyroid antibodies, specially anti-TPO antibody  In case of doubt, FNA confirms lymphocytic infiltration  Treatment:  Hormone replacement – oral L-thyroxine tablets  Surgery – only if  suspicion of malignancy  large goitre causing compressive symptoms  cosmetic reasons
  • 53. De Quervain’s Thyroiditis  Aka Granolumatous/Subacute/Viral thyroiditis  May follow a viral infection – usually upper respiratory tract infection  Classically four stages: 1. Hypertyhyroid phase – due to release of preformed hormones 2. Euthyroid phase 3. Hypothyroid phase 4. Resolution – return to euthyroid state in 90% patients
  • 54. De Quervain’s Thyroiditis (contd.)  Clinical features:  Presents with pain in the neck, fever, malaise  Firm, irregular enlargement of one or both thyroid lobes  There may be features of hyper- or hypo-thyroidism  The condition is self-limiting and, in a few months, the goitre subsides  There may be a period of months of hypothyroidism before eventual recovery  10% of patients have acute presentation with severe pain
  • 55. De Quervain’s Thyroiditis (contd.)  Investigations:  Raised inflammatory markers  Absent thyroid antibodies  Radio-iodine scan shows low uptake  Treatment:  Symptomatic treatment given  Severe cases – glucocorticoids (Prednisone)  Short-term thyroxine replacement
  • 56. Riedel’s Thyroiditis  Aka invasive fibrous thyroiditis  Very rare form  Thyroid tissue is gradually replaced by fibrous tissue  Also invades surrounding tissues through the capsule – muscles, parathyroids, recurrent nerves and carotid sheath  Probably a collagen disorder and is associated with:  Mediastinal and retroperitoneal fibrosis  Periorbital fibrosis  Sclerosing cholangitis
  • 57. Riedel’s Thyroiditis (contd.)  Clinical features:  Painless, hard goitre which is fixed – ‘woody’ thyroid  Progresses over months to years to produce airway compression  Features of hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism  Investigations:  Biopsy required to differentiate from anaplastic carcinoma – generally isthmus is excised to free the trachea and histo-pathological examination done
  • 58. Riedel’s Thyroiditis (contd.)  Treatment:  Excision of isthmus to decompress the trachea  High-dose corticosteroids  Thyroxine replacement  Some patients show response to treatment with tamoxifen (selective estrogen receptor modulator)
  • 59. Acute Bacterial Thyroiditis  Aka suppurative thyroiditis  More common in children  Often preceeded by upper respiratory tract infection or otitis media  Bacteriology – Mostly Streptococcus and anaerobes  Clinical features:  Neck pain and erythema, fever, dysphagia  Tender goitre  Tender, palpable cervical lymphnodes
  • 60. Acute Bacterial Thyroiditis (contd.)  Investigations:  Raised WBC count, inflammatory markers  USG may show localised abscess formation  FNA and culture-sensitivity testing  Treatment:  Antibiotics  USG guided aspiration/drainage of abscess
  • 62. Introduction  Thyrotoxicosis – refers to biochemical and clinical manifestations of excessive thyroid hormones  Hyperthyroidism – overproduction of hormones by thyroid gland  Causes: 1. Diffuse toxic goitre (Grave’s disease) – Primary thyrotoxicosis 2. Toxic multinodular goitre 3. Toxic adenoma – Secondary thyrotoxicosis 4. Rare causes  Struma ovarii, trophoblastic tumours, metastatic Ca thyroid 5. Exogenous hormone intake – Tertiary thyrotoxicosis
  • 63. Grave’s Disease  Aka diffuse toxic goitre  Autoimmune condition with raised thyroid stimulating antibodies  Syndrome known as Primary Thyrotoxicosis  Characterized by hyperthyroidism, diffuse goitre and extra-thyroid conditions  Ophthalmopathy  Dermopathy  Myopathy  Acropachy
  • 64. Grave’s Disease (contd.)  Etiopathology:  Autoantibodies that stimulate TSH receptors on follicular cells  TSH-Rabs (TRAbs), having longer duration of action, act on follicular cells to stimulate uncontrolled hormone production  Also induces hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the gland causing goitre  Autoantibodies directed against different organs cause extra-thyroid manifestations
  • 65. Grave’s Disease – Clinical features  Hyperthyroid symptoms (heat intolerance, excess sweating and thirst, weight loss)  Symptoms of adrenergic stimulation (palpitations, fatigue, tremors)  GIT – Diarrhoea  CVS – Palpitations, tachycardia, irregular heart rhythm, cutaneous vasodilation, congestive cardiac failure in elderly  Musculoskeletal – Fine tremors, muscle wasting  Genito-urinary system – Oligo- or amenorrhoea, decreased fertility, miscarriges  Psychiatry – Irritability, insomnia, nervousness
  • 66. Grave’s Disease – Clinical features (contd.)  Ophthalmopathy:  Exophthalmos – infiltration of retrobulbar tissues with fluid  Lid retraction – upper eyelid higher than normal (Dalrymple’s sign)  Lid lag – on downward gaze (von Graefe’s sign)  Staring look – absence of normal blinking (Stellwag’s sign)  Absence of forehead wrinkles – Joffroy’s sign  Lack of convergence – Moebius sign
  • 67. Grave’s Disease – Clinical features (contd.)  Dermopathy:  Pre-tibial myxodema – deposition of myxomatous tissues (hyaluronic acid) in subcutaneous plane  Thickened, shiny, red skin with coarse hair in feet and ankles  Associated with pruritus, palmar erythema, hair thinning  Acropachy:  Clubbing of fingers and toes, subperiosteal bone formation and enlarged metacarpals  Others:  Facial flushing, gynaecomastia
  • 68. Grave’s Disease – Management  Investigations:  Raised T4 and T3 with suppressed TSH – other tests are not needed if eye signs are present  RAIU – diffusely enlarged gland with increased uptake  Elevated levels of TSH-Rabs  Treatment:  Medical – Symptomatic, Antithyroid drugs  RAIT – Radioactive iodine therapy  Surgery
  • 69. Grave’s Disease – Medical management  Symptomatic:  Beta blockers – propranolol, nadolol, metoprolol  Calcium channel blockers – verapamil, dilitiazem  Oral rehydration  Antithyroid drugs:  Drug of choice – methimazole  Maintained for a prolonged period (6 month-2 years) in the hope that a permanent remission will occur  Also given before RAIT or surgery to make patient euthyroid
  • 70. Grave’s Disease – Antithyroid Drugs  Other drugs:  Propylthiouracil – DOC in pregnancy, thyroid storm  Carbimazole – DOC for pre-RAIT/pre-surgery therapy  Advantages:  Avoidance of surgery and RAIT  Disadvantages:  Prolonged duration of treatment
  • 71. Grave’s Disease – RAIT  Iodine-131 used – emits beta particles and gamma rays  Causes complete ablation of thyroid gland  TSH levels should be high to ensure adequate uptake  Procedure:  Patient made euthyroid with anti-thyroid drugs  Drugs discontinued for 5 days –> 131I given and patient isolated for 7 days  Takes about 3 months to get full response, therefore antithyroid drugs continued for 2-3 months  Eventually patient become hypothyroid and hormone replacement needs to be continued lifelong
  • 72. Grave’s Disease – RAIT (contd.)  Contraindication:  Pregnancy, lactation  Ophthalmopathy  Advantages:  No surgery and no prolonged drug therapy  Disadvantages:  Ophthalmology gets aggravated  May cause hypoparathyroidism
  • 73. Grave’s Disease – Surgery  Cures by reducing the thyroid below a critical mass  Options:  Sub-total thyroidectomy – 4-7 g remnant thyroid; patient becomes euthyroid but risk of recurrence  Total thyroidectomy – No risk of recurrence but lifelong thyroxine replacement  Lobectomy – In case of toxic nodules  Patient needs to be made euthyroid pre-operatively
  • 74. Grave’s Disease – Surgery (contd.)  Indications:  When RAIT contraindicated  Large goitre with compression  Suspected carcinoma  Rapid control required  Disadvantages:  Recurrence in case of sub-total thyroidectomy  Risk of injury to nerves and parathyroids  Advantages:  Rapid cure  High success rate  Relieves ophthalmopathy
  • 75. Secondary Thyrotoxicosis Primary Thyrotoxicosis 1. Symptoms first –> swelling 2. Autoimmune etiology 3. Features of thyrotoxicosis are marked 4. Ophthalmopathy is common 5. Younger age group Secondary Thyrotoxicosis 1. Occurs in pre-existing swelling 2. Risk factors include iodine deficiency, dietary goiterogens, hereditary factors 3. Less severe and slowly progressive 4. Cardiac signs are common 5. Elderly
  • 77. Diffuse Simple Goitre  Develop as a result of stimulation of the thyroid gland by TSH  Iodine deficiency – in response to a chronically low level of circulating thyroid  Pituitary adenoma – inappropriate secretion from a microadenoma in the anterior pituitary (which is rare)