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                         CMU Population Breakdown


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                                                          Graduate Students

                                               55%        Full-time Faculty
                 31%                                                                  !""#$%&'()(
                                                          Part-time Faculty




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yourCMU Proposal

  • 1. " " " " " " " " " " " yourCMU " #$%&%'()"*%$"+($,-./-"0-))%,1'"23-456/7-"8%($9" " " " " !"#$%&#'()"""""""""""""""""""""":&-,4-$";/4-" " *!+,-+./#"0(%,'$)"""""""<(,.=(">/?"" " *!+,-+!123%4%(5)""""""""""""@%$$-'6";/4=?%,9"" *!+,-+6%'0'4#)""""""""""""""A-%$./B"8($(?/9C-" " *!+,-+7#8#3,/9#'()""":6-*(,/-"+=(,"" " " " " " " ! !!
  •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
  • 3. ( ! ( ' !""#$%&'()*+(,-./&0&12(3451(.2(6#174%( "#$%&'()'*(+,&+,-' ! Misc. Marketing Cost ,-./&0&12(3451(( ./&01,23&'4155#67' 1% Flyers 4% 8&91&-,')(6':6(;(-#%' Postcards 8% <(1+=2+>':62+02;%&-' The Tartan *(6;(6#,&'?#%1&-''' Postcards Flyers Misc. @;&6#,2(+-'' :1$%202,7''' The Tartan 87% <2+#+0&'' ! ! A&3&%(;5&+,' !""#$%&'()8+(,94:#01#%(,#90#$1;<#(4=(>5#95( ! ! (((((Projected Percentage of Users B;;&+=2/'B' ! ! ! !""#$%&'()( ! ! ! B;;&+=2/'*' ! ! ! B;;&+=2/'A'' ! E6#=1#,&-' ! -,1=&+,-' #+=')#01%,7'' ! C(6D-'*2,&='' ! ! ! ! ! !!!
  • 4. ( ! ( ( !!""#$%&'()*+(,#-.#$/01#(23(4526#(450/(7289%(:6#(;28-<=:( #$%&'()*(+),-',-.( Projected use of yourCMU ,-2A#./#%(:6#(23(;28-<=:( /0'12-34'(5266$78( G)( Would not use 6% 9':2'.-(*)7(;7)<).$&( F'.( Would Use you ( CMU ! Would not use G)(( =)2,>3,?(;73,13<&'.( ! Would Use HIJ( CMU you +)7<)7$-'(@$&2'.((( F'.((94% ( ! A<'7$-3),.(( ! !""#$%&'()>+(<=:(,2"890/&2$();(?#"0-/@#$/( ;2%&313-8(( CMU Population Breakdown =3,$,1'(( 2% 12% Undergraduate B'4'&)<6',-( Students Graduate Students C<<',>30(C( 55% Full-time Faculty 31% !""#$%&'()( Part-time Faculty C<<',>30(+( C<<',>30(B(( ! D)7E.(+3-'>(( ! !"!
  • 5. ( ! ! ( !!!!""#$%&'()*+(,-./&0&12(34515(.2(6#78( #$%&'()*(+),-',-.( Marketing Costs by Year ,-./&0&12(34515(.2(6#78(( 10000 /0'12-34'(5266$78( 8594.74 9000 8000 9':2'.-(*)7(;7)<).$&( 7000 Salary ($) 6000 =)2,>3,?(;73,13<&'.( 5077.74 5077.74 5000 4000 +)7<)7$-'(@$&2'.((( 3000 2000 A<'7$-3),.(( 1000 0 ;2%&313-8(( Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year ( =3,$,1'(( ((!""#$%&'()9+(:7./#(4;(,-./&0&12(34515! ! "#$%&'&(! )*+&!,-./!0.$/1! ! ! ! B'4'&)<6',-( 2*+&./+! 344! 5664734! ! ! ! C<<',>30(C( 2*+&8$/9+! :;444! 5<=67>>! ! ! ! ?&#9.%&!?-*@.+-.*-A.! <4! BCD! !""#$%&'()( ! ! ! EF.!E$/&$%! 63! 5>;>63744! ! ! ! C<<',>30(+( 2$'%&!?#--A'.+! G! 5>4744! ! ! ! E*&$A! ! 53;4HH7=>! C<<',>30(B(( ! ! ! ! D)7E.(+3-'>(( ! !"!
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  • 7. (( ( ( ((((((!""#$%&'()*+(,$&-&./(.$%(0#1233&$4(,$5#6-7#$-6( ( #$%&'()*(+),-',-.( (((((83."9(!( ! /0'12-34'(5266$78( 6+4#4$%&74+$+84$%&6+9*,#:*+#& ;0*$<=">+& 9':2'.-(*)7(;7)<).$&( $2! )2! "()&)-%! "*&-,-! =)2,>3,?(;73,13<&'.( Payroll )$2! +)7<)7$-'(@$&2'.((( "-)&$)%! Equipment Safety Margin A<'7$-3),.(( Marketing ;2%&313-8( $-2! "(*#&$$+! !"#$%?&@ABCDEFB& =3,$,1'(( !!!!!! ! B'4'&)<6',-( &&&&&83."9(:& ! ( !"#$%&'()*+,*,&-.&/*$0&1&!20**&/*$0& C<<',>30(C( & & 3"045"+& C<<',>30(D( "-++&+++! "#$%&'($! !""#$%&'()( "#-+&+++! C<<',>30(B(( "#)'&*++! "#'#&%*,! "#++&+++! E)7F.(+3-'>(( "(-+&+++! ./01!)! ./01!'! ./01!(! ! !"!

Editor's Notes

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