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Are you or someone you know struggling with learning disabilities?
Join our exclusive webinar about learning disabilities and discover how
neurofeedback can be a groundbreaking solution to overcome these challenges.
In this English-language event, led by two of our Neurofeedback Trainers, you
will learn how cutting-edge advancements in neuroscience have opened new
perspectives for understanding and treating learning disorders such as dyslexia,
dyscalculia, ADHD, and more.
We will guide you through the fundamental principles of neurofeedback and how
this non-invasive method can help reorganize and restore neural connections to
enhance learning capabilities.
"From Struggles to Success:
Neurofeedback's Path to Empowered Learning"
Online Presentation - free access
● Introduction : team, location, services
● Autism : data, stats & symptoms
● Looking at the brain directly (EEG)
● Help & solutions : what you can do
● Special Offer & information : booking, prices
● Discussion / questions
Our Awesome Team !
Founder & Neurofeedback
over 10 years experience in
Biofeedback, BioHacking
and Neurostimulation
Managing Director.
graduate of Montpellier
Neurofeedback Trainer &
5 years experience
graduate of Strasbourg
Neurofeedback Trainer &
2 years experience
graduate of Strasbourg
Who can benefit ?
Learning & Developmental Disabilities Stress & emotional distress
● ADHD & Oppositional Disorder
● Learning disabilities (Dyslexia, dyspraxia,…)
● Autism & Asperger
● High intellectual potential & hypersensitivity
● Anxiety & panic attack
● Depression & lack of motivation
● Sleep difficulties & insomnia
● Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Tics
Instability & brain alteration Performances & Optimisation
● Epilepsia & Absences
● Migraine & headaches
● Neurodegenerative diseases (dementia : Alzheimer,
● Brain injury & stroke
● Burn-out, Bore-out & loss of meaning in life
● Improving mental performances
● Improving sports performances
● Increased resilience
Inside Silversquare Liberté building
21 rue Glesener
L-1631 Luxembourg
Accessible for everyone
Opening Hours
Monday & Wednesday : 8h - 21h
Tuesday : 7h - 20h
Thursday : 7h - 21h
Friday : 7h - 18h30
Our location
We can only be reached by email & free teleconsultation
Mail :
Our website makeover
Stay tuned: new information
regularly published
Les types de Mémoire
Les types de Mémoire
● 1911 Dr P. Eugen Bleuler : first coined the term “autism”
● 1943
○ Leo Kanner : published a study about 11 kids with specific symptoms
○ Dr Hans Asperger : published a research about autism in kids
● 1981 Dr Lorna Wing : introduced the term “asperger syndrome”
Lorna Wing
Leo Kanner
Hans Asperger
Les types de Mémoire
Data & Stats
● Typically appears in the first three years of life.
● 4x more common in males than in females
In the 90s : estimated 5 out of 10 000 people were diagnosed with ASD
Les types de Mémoire
Data & Stats
"The CDC prevalence figure is showing a true increase in those being diagnosed with autism. We are not better at diagnosing. There is no
widening of the diagnostic criteria or any other excuses. We have more autism. With the reality of this increase, I hope more people will care. As
the number of cases continues to increase at an alarming rate the result is more and more families and their children need services and support,"
said Lisa Ackerman, Founder and Executive Director of TACA
Now : About 1 in 36
children had been
diagnosed with ASD
Les types de Mémoire
Data & Stats
"The CDC prevalence figure is showing a true increase in those being diagnosed with autism. We are not better at diagnosing. There is no
widening of the diagnostic criteria or any other excuses. We have more autism. With the reality of this increase, I hope more people will care. As
the number of cases continues to increase at an alarming rate the result is more and more families and their children need services and support,"
said Lisa Ackerman, Founder and Executive Director of TACA
Now : About 1 in 36
children had been
diagnosed with ASD
In Luxembourg
● At least 6,300 people are affected
● In 2020 : “Fondation Autisme Luxembourg” received 284 diagnostic requests !
Les types de Mémoire
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) =
● early developmental disorder, like ADHD
● invisible disability
Les types de Mémoire
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) =
● early developmental disorder, like ADHD
● invisible disability
Why “Spectrum” ?
● difficulties vary from one person to another
● the combination, manifestation and intensity of symptoms are not expressed in the same way
Autism = diversity of profiles
With or without intellectual disability, with or without associated disorders, etc...
Common early signs :
● Hand flapping
● Walking on tiptoes
● Repetitive movement (head banging for ex.)
● Screaming (like sensory meltdown)
● Lack of verbal response / to their name
● Avoid eye contact
● Language Delays: Lack of speech / communication
● Lack of facial expressions/gestures
● Problems with food / texture (sensory issue)
Other signs:
● Gastro-intestinal issues - diarrhea, constipation, food
intolerance, gas, bloating, abdominal pain/discomfort, and a
history of reflux
● Sleep Disorders: 44-83% in ASD & more severe in ASD
than normal
● Motor Dysfunction: hypotonia, motor dyspraxia, gross
motor delays, toe walking
● Head Size: macroencephaly at 98% for age abnormal brain
Les types de Mémoire
The best-known are easy to spot, but far from representative
of the entire spectrum.
Les types de Mémoire
● Present from birth and persisting into adulthood
● First signs between 18 and 36 months (not systematic)
Children & adults with ASD may show :
● impaired social interaction (theory of mind...)
● communication difficulties (language & non-verbal communication)
● behavioural problems (restricted, stereotyped and repetitive movements or interests/activities)
● unusual sensory reactions (hypo or hyper)
● Cognitive problems (executive, flexibility, etc.)
Les types de Mémoire
● Baby too quiet OR too restless: not very energetic, does not move OR constantly seeking sensory
stimulation (climbing, jumping, etc.)
● Indifferent to the world around them: does not react to noises, to people around them, or to their
name, does not look in the eyes, does not point
● Likes to line up objects or spin them
● Few facial expressions (no smile), difficulty communicating and expressing him, difficulty managing
and identifying his own emotions and/or those of others; difficulty understanding social situations
● Sensory particularities: food, noises, textures, lights, smells, pain, managing the body in space, etc
● Specific interests, sometimes restricted or "strange"
Les types de Mémoire
Disorders frequently associated with autism :
● Dys disorder (learning disabilities)
● High IQ or intellectual deficiency
● Epilepsia
● Sleep issue
● Anxiety, depression or burnout
● Eating disorders
Les types de Mémoire
Etiology/Causes Multifactorial!
Les types de Mémoire
There is some concerns about glyphosate’s safety and
potential health consequences for human although there is no
scientific consensus on this issue.
There are suggestions stating that there may be a link
between maternal glyphosate exposure and the increased risk for
the development of autism in offspring with possible
pathophysiological mechanisms (unknown).
Cause for Increase in prevalence ?
Toxicity in the environment…
Correlation Causality
Environmental factors during pregnancy
● (Neuro)inflammation & viruses: infection during pregnancy
→ high level of inflammatory molecule (interleukin-17a)
→ affects brain development + maternal microbiota
● Inflammation of intestines, intestinal flora less supplied or different
● Maternal obesity, diabetes or immune system disorders
● Prenatal exposure to toxins: medications, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, endocrine disruptors...
● Birth difficulty leading to periods of oxygen deprivation to the baby’s brain or Extreme
prematurity or very low birth weight
Les types de Mémoire
Les types de Mémoire
● Crack in mirror neurons (imitation and learning from others) + local decrease in grey matter
in this area (basis of empathetic behaviour)
● Hypoactive Pars opercularis (facial gesture)
● Underconnectivity of long fiber (less dense network) & decreased short-distance bundle
○ → gray matter is “nosier”
○ → reduce wiring (severity of social and repetitive symptoms)
⇒ this increased density of cortical minicolumn with reduce lateral inhibition
● Defects in the set-up and organization of certain brain networks: hippocampus, amygdala,
cerebellum, ventricles, caudate nucleus, corpus callosum…
Les types de Mémoire
● Salience network dysfunction : hypoactive, dysregulated in specific cognitive processes that
enable adaptation to a social context
● Anterior Insula : underconnected & underactive(equivalent to level of alexithymia)
● Amygdala :
○ larger volume on both side → sensitivity, information is not transmitted to other part of the brain,
sensory overload because of abnormal neuron.
○ In ASD, the amygdala reach adult size at 8yo → increased fear / anxiety, more stress response to
● Septal Nuclei abnormality
Les types de Mémoire
● Cerebellum : in both hemisphere, less purkinje cell → balance / autonomic function issue
○ This leads to :
“Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome”
Impairment in working memory, planning, verbal fluency, abstract reasoning, perseveration, bland or inappropriate affect,
poor spontaneous conversation, unusual prosody, abnormal syntax structure…
● Hippocampus : deficit of complexity of dendritic branching (expressing emotion)
● Mini column = little unit of organisation of cells
● Disrupted Homeostasis of Neuronal receptors: e.g. mGluR5/glutamate
Glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter) GABA (calming neurotransmitter) are required to work in
synchronization but in ASD there is an excess of Glutamate and lack of GABA → gives anxiety impulsivity, night
Section of cortex
illustrating arrangement of
the minicolumn
With ASD : greater density
of the column
● Genetic level
● Affects 10-20% of autistic people
● To date, around a hundred genes have been identified
Les types de Mémoire
Mapping of autism susceptibility genes across the genome.
Credit: Institut Pasteur
○ Early intervention service (SDIP) : psychiatry department hospital
○ Early rehabilitation service Asbl : “Hëllef fir de Puppelchen”
○ “Passage” organisation
○ “Autisme Luxembourg Asbl”
○ “Association des parents de personnes atteintes d’autisme de Luxembourg Asbl”
○ Fondation “Autisme Luxembourg”
○ CHL – Pedopsychiatry : autism Unit
○ Center for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders (Ministry of
Education, Children and Youth)
Somes studies :
Classical solution & our services
Medication :
● Anxiolytics, antidepressant, antipsychotic, sleep pills, Ritaline/Medikinet…
● Ocytocine spray
● Oméga 3 (ZenixX Gold), Vit D, probiotics…
Therapy : ABA, TCC,
physiotherapy, speech therapist
Type of neurofeednack that works great :
- SCP(slow cortical potential)
- IFS (infraslow)
- Loreta z score
- Hemoencephalograph : encourage the oxygen to move to frontal lobes
- Neuro-Stimulation also helps
Important : an early intervention leads to the best developmental outcome (before 12 is the best, but
it’s never too late !)
What does the brain tell us when we examine it?
Far too often, the state of health/functioning of our brain is totally ignored... It is rarely
investigated (unless there is a suspicion of epilepsy or head trauma).
However, the brain manages our entire body/nervous system in interaction with our organs, our
environment, our experience... It's the master !
So let's give it a voice
Let's listen to it, because it has a lot to say...!
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
● Painless
● Does not allow observation brain
● No diagnosis
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Example 19 canals recording
EEG Cap 19 canals without gel
Allows observation of electrical activity in brain regions
● Indolore
● Ne permet pas d’observer
les lésions cérébrales
● Ne permet pas de diagnostic
Allows observation of electrical activity in brain regions
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Example of an epileptiform discharge in a
brain → no analysis required, visible
directly on the line
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Different from the EEG :
● EEG = neurophysiological activity of the cerebral cortex over time
● qEEG = same measurement, but accompanied by physical and mathematical analyses to quantify
numerous brain parameters
→ graphic representation of electrical brain activity
→ observations of wave deregulations (over/under-activations)
qEEG Notion : Normative comparison, Gausse Curve, Z-Score
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Slow brainwaves
● Delta (0.10 Hz à 4 Hz) = deep sleep
○ Abundant in infants and very young children
○ Generated by the brain stem
If in excess: Developmental delay, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation
If deficient: Decreased or no deep sleep, serotonin deficiency, fatigue or even exhaustion
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Slow brainwaves
● Delta (0.10 Hz à 4 Hz) = deep sleep
○ Abundant in infants and very young children
○ Generated by the brain stem
If in excess: Developmental delay, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation
If deficient: Decreased or no deep sleep, serotonin deficiency, fatigue or even exhaustion
Language impairment
Fatigue, deep sleep deprivation
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Slow brainwaves
● Delta (0.10 Hz à 4 Hz) = deep sleep
○ Abundant in infants and very young children
○ Generated by the brain stem
If in excess: Developmental delay, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation
If deficient: Decreased or no deep sleep, serotonin deficiency, fatigue or even exhaustion
● Theta (4 Hz à 8 Hz) = falling asleep, dreaming, creativity
○ Generated by the limbic system
If in excess: Attention, concentration and memory problems, cognitive impairment, head or psychological trauma
If deficient: Difficulty falling asleep, fatigue or even exhaustion
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Slow brainwaves
● Delta (0.10 Hz à 4 Hz) = deep sleep
○ Abundant in infants and very young children
○ Generated by the brain stem
If in excess: Developmental delay, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation
If deficient: Decreased or no deep sleep, serotonin deficiency, fatigue or even exhaustion
● Theta (4 Hz à 8 Hz) = falling asleep, dreaming, creativity
○ Generated by the limbic system
If in excess: Attention, concentration and memory problems, cognitive impairment, head or psychological trauma
If deficient: Difficulty falling asleep, fatigue or even exhaustion
Difficulty falling asleep
ADHD like symptoms, brain is slowed
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Alpha brainwaves = meditation, being relax
● from 9 Hz to 12 Hz → but they can move on the EEG !
● Generated by the thalamus
● If in excess : Depression, absence, ruminations
● If deficient : Anxiety, unhappiness, inability to relax
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Alpha brainwaves = meditation, being relax
● from 9 Hz to 12 Hz → but they can move on the EEG !
● Generated by the thalamus
● If in excess : Depression, absence, ruminations
● If deficient : Anxiety, unhappiness, inability to relax
Not able to relax, not in the
present moment
Sadness, lack of motivation,
Brain Fog
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Mu brainwaves
Alpha brainwaves = meditation, being relax
● from 9 Hz to 12 Hz → but they can move on the EEG !
● Generated by the thalamus
● If in excess : Depression, absence, ruminations
● If deficient : Anxiety, unhappiness, inability to relax
Not able to relax, not in the
present moment
Sadness, lack of motivation,
Brain Fog
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Alpha brainwaves = meditation, being relax
● from 9 Hz to 12 Hz → but they can move on the EEG !
● Generated by the thalamus
● If in excess : Depression, absence, ruminations
● If deficient : Anxiety, unhappiness, inability to relax
SMR rhythm = focus state just before an action
● from 12 Hz to 15 Hz
● Generated by the cerebral cortex
● If in excess : compensatory system of the brain
● If deficient : lack of cognitive resource, exhaustion
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Fast brainwaves
● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity
If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and ressources)
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Fast brainwaves
● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity
If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and ressources)
Lack of energy, after anxiety
mode, cognitive impairment
Anxiety, rumination, body
tension - inflammation
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Fast brainwaves
● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity
If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and resources)
● High-Beta (21 Hz to 30 Hz) = Agitation or alert state, anxiety
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : Agitation, anxiety, hyperactivity, hypervigilance
If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Fast brainwaves
● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity
If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and resources)
● High-Beta (21 Hz to 30 Hz) = Agitation or alert state, anxiety
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : Agitation, anxiety, hyperactivity, hypervigilance
If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion
Post anxiety mode ,
Hyperactivity, hypervigilance,
anxiety - inflammation
Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
Fast brainwaves
● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity
If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and resources)
● High-Beta (21 Hz to 30 Hz) = Agitation or alert state, anxiety
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : Agitation, anxiety, hyperactivity, hypervigilance
If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion
● Gamma (30 Hz to 100 Hz) = Maximal focus state, “Eureka”
○ Generated by the cortex
If in excess : tinnitus, hypervigilance, chronic anxiety
If deficient : exhaustion
EEG biomarkers
● Epileptiform activity
● Mu pattern in central-temporal lobes
● High beta pattern (beta spindle)
● Coherence dysregulation
○ (hypo/hypercoherence) in the right temporal & parietal lobe
○ Locale hyperactivity with global hypoconnectivity
● High delta or delta/theta in frontal-central
● Low voltage slow EEG
● Slow alpha or fast beta in the right temporal & parietal lobe
● Lack of alpha
● Alpha peak frequency : plus elle est basse, plus les capacités non-verbales sont faibles
● ERP : N170 latency is high when seeing faces
● Gamma-band abnormal oscillations
Neurofeedback is a generic term and non protected.
There is various type of neurofeedback : stay vigilant ! Some types are scientifically validated
and proven, others are just a fancy thing...
Neurofeedback has been around for almost 60 years (cf. Dr Barry Stermann 1967), with a solid
scientific basis.
We use more than just neurofeedback! Which is why we call it neurotherapy
We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
1. Brainwaves are measured (EEG).
Nous pratiquons le Loreta Z-Score en 19 canaux, ces diapo s’appliquent à cela
We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
1. Brainwaves are measured (EEG).
2. The wave signal is translated as
positive or negative
Nous pratiquons le Loreta Z-Score en 19 canaux, ces diapo s’appliquent à cela
reward No reward
We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
1. Brainwaves are measured (EEG).
2. The wave signal is translated as
positive or negative
3. Feedback (sensory feedback) is
emitted so that the brain knows
where it stands and can correct
Nous pratiquons le Loreta Z-Score en 19 canaux, ces diapo s’appliquent à cela
reward No reward
We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
1. Brainwaves are measured (EEG).
2. The wave signal is translated as
positive or negative
3. Feedback (sensory feedback) is
emitted so that the brain knows
where it stands and can correct
Implicite learning:
● No effort required
● Brain self-corrects
● Lasts over time (except for
Nous pratiquons le Loreta Z-Score en 19 canaux, ces diapo s’appliquent à cela
No reward
We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
An essential part of a neurofeedback session.
Rare are the practices that combine it with neurofeedback, yet :
● Boosts energy levels
● Activates neuroplasticity → helps the brain enter the desired state
● (re) production of deficient waves and/or reduction of surplus waves
● Accelerates results (shorter treatment time)
Electrical Neurostimulation
Electrical Neurostimulation
Stimulation is
The brain synchronizes itself to the
stimulation and reproduces this
wave by itself.
Magnetic neurostimulation
● Reproduces the body's natural frequencies / nervous system
● Can be placed in various locations:
○ On the gut : helps restore optimal intestinal function, stimulates the production
of neurotransmitters (ex : Serotonin)
○ On the head : for specific protocols
○ On the body : helps reduce inflammation or temporary pain
Neuroprotective and self-repairing effects, etc.
Photobiomodulation (light)
Infrared light energy → ATP production
→ cell repair
Activates cell regeneration
by eliminating oxidative stress
in the body and brain
Brain functions are boosted and stimulated
Neuroprotective and self-repairing effects, etc.
Photobiomodulation (light)
Infrared light energy → ATP production
→ cell repair
Activates cell regeneration
by eliminating oxidative stress
in the body and brain
Brain functions are boosted and stimulated
Neuroprotective and self-repairing effects, etc.
Photobiomodulation (light)
Infrared light energy → ATP production
→ cell repair
Activates cell regeneration
by eliminating oxidative stress
in the body and brain
Brain functions are boosted and stimulated
ASD people frequently have mitochondria dysfunction (not enough ATP is generated from food proteins)
● Regulation of the autonomic nervous system via the inner ear
& eardrum (sympathetic VS parasympathetic) ⇒ polyvagal theory
Helps with :
● Trauma/PTSD
● Depression, anxiety, stress
● Sleep issue, cognitive impairment
● ADHD, Autism, Dys and others developmental issue
● ….
Part of neurotherapy, in addition to neurofeedback sessions
Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
Vagus nerve & polyvagal theory
Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
People with ASD have an autonomic dysregulation : their nervous system is responding to the environment in a
“sympathetic way” (sensory overload/stress) instead of answering in a “parasympathetic” way (calm, serenity,
Studies show that SSP helps people with ASD or with hypersensitivity to feel calm, able to communication/answer
and feeling less hyperactive/overwhelmed.
See : supporting adults with autism thanks to the SSP (Burns, 2022; Kawai et al., 2023; Rajabalee et al., 2022)
En lien avec le sujet du jour
Which potential can we unlock ?
En lien avec le sujet du jour
Here is what we can improve/treat/helps with neurofeedback :
Which potential can we unlock ?
● OCD & Tics behavior / movements
● Emotional management difficulty
● Mood disorder (dépression, sadness, losing motivation…)
● Anxiety, agitation impulsivity
● Lack of flexibility, can’t manage change/frustration or novelty
● Cognitive difficulty : langage, focus, attention, memory, organization planification…
● Social & relational difficulty (helps with communication)
● Sensory difficulty, overwhelmed
● Sleep issue, fatigue
● Epilepsia
● Digestion/view/auditive.. issue
● Low self esteem
● …
When does it works or doesn’t work ?
When does it works or doesn’t work ?
A poor hygiene lifestyle is one of the first factors to deteriorate the state of the brain and body !!
● Nutrition
○ Reduce sugar : creates inflammation + electric discharge in the brain, overexcites and can lead to anxious
○ Hydratation : without water → headaches + cognitive impairment
○ Beware of allergies and intolerances !
● Physical activity : energy release, muscular and immune system stimulation, toxins evacuated... improves
attention span
● Sleep : without energy, it’s impossible to function
● Diminished screen time
● Compliancy
Neurofeedback is not infallible and has its limits. It’s not going to work as much as it can if :
● You are Non-compliant = customers who don't follow instructions, don't apply
recommendations, don't get 100% involved in treatment
● Your environment is not good : poor lifestyle (e.g. sugar), toxic peers (family, work, etc.)
● Too many medications or health problems: these can slow down the effects of the
treatment or prevent us from seeing the real state of the brain → more sessions are needed
● Metal plates and other cranial devices (hearing aids are not a problem)
When does it works or doesn’t work ?
Retrouvez la FAQ complète sur notre site web !
See the complete FAQ page on our website
Case study
● Av. of 15 electrical
● Eyes opened
● Z score of +9.91
● Av. of 2 electrical
● Eyes opened
● Z score + 4.09
Eyes opened Eyes closed
Eyes opened Eyes closed
Before After
Brainmap - Loreta Coherences (Aire de Broca)
Tests & questionnaires
PHQ questionnaire
PSS questionnaire
Tests & questionnaires
GAD questionnaire
AQ questionnaire
(Autism symptoms,
not significant anymore)
Review, they talk about it better than we do
“I first learned about Neurofeedback from a mother who used the Thomatis therapy and Oxygenotherapie therapy for her
multihandicapped daughter, which I also used for Leyla. Then I searched the net and came across a conference on YouTube
about Neurofeedback in Luxembourg. It was Mélanie and François speaking on the video. After watching it, I was
immediately interested. I spoke to Mélanie by telephone. Then we scheduled a Brain Map and 10 Neurofeedback sessions.
My daughter was diagnosed at the age of 2 and a half. Leyla is a sweet, calm girl with mild to moderate autism. She doesn't
speak, doesn't imitate, doesn't understand and has a slightly shifty gaze. Leyla still wears diapers at that time.
After 10 neurofeedback sessions and the safe and sound there were changes ! Leyla began to repeat all the words we told
her to repeat, with pronunciation that wasn't great but it was huge progress. She started to imitate and repeat. She's more
present with us, and our glances are friendly and reciprocal. She smiles when we smile at her. And now : Leyla is
potty-trained and no longer wears a diaper during the day.
I dropped the thomatis and Oxygenotherapie therapies because they weren't scientifically proven. And there were no
concrete cases of autism for whom it had worked. I really advise you to go and do the neurofeedback sessions in
Luxembourg. They know a lot and the building is super pretty. The in initial assessment and analysis carried out by the team
is very detailed, and they really go deep to explain in detail the problems and dysfunctions of the brain.
For your information, I come from the east of France, and even if someone told me there was a neurofeedback center near
my home, I wouldn't go. We have already rescheduled sessions for Leyla.
Ghizlane, mother of a 5-year-old autistic girl.
Process & appointment
● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory
Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you
Process & appointment
● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory
Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you
● STEP 2 : first evaluation of the brain - mandatory to do Neurofeedback
Brainmap (qEEG) with questionnaires & cognitive evaluation (version with HRV evaluation in case of sleep disorders, cardiac
problems, burn out...).
Process & appointment
● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory
Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you
● STEP 2 : first evaluation of the brain - mandatory to do Neurofeedback
Brainmap (qEEG) with questionnaires & cognitive evaluation (version with HRV evaluation in case of sleep disorders, cardiac
problems, burn out...). 1. First appoint. (1h) : EEG recording
- medical history
- EEG : 2x 5 minutes
- questionnaires + cognitives tests send per email
2. Second appoint. (1h30) : results restitution
With detailed written reports
This evaluation does not force you to do Neurofeedback afterwards, but it is NECESSARY for
Process & appointment
● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory
Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you
● STEP 2 : first evaluation of the brain - mandatory to do Neurofeedback
Brainmap (qEEG) with questionnaires & cognitive evaluation (version with HRV evaluation in case of sleep disorders, cardiac
problems, burn out...).
● STEP 3 : Neurofeedback sessions with neuromodulation
Definition of the objectives to be achieved and signature of a contract
Minimum of 10 sessions required in total, Minimum 1x/week: 1 session lasts 1h ; with SSP
Process & appointment
● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory
Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you
● STEP 2 : first evaluation of the brain - mandatory to do Neurofeedback
Brainmap (qEEG) with questionnaires & cognitive evaluation (version with HRV evaluation in case of sleep disorders, cardiac
problems, burn out...).
● STEP 3 : Neurofeedback sessions with neuromodulation
Definition of the objectives to be achieved and signature of a contract
Minimum of 10 sessions required in total, Minimum 1x/week: 1 session lasts 1h ; with SSP
● STEP 4 : comparative evaluation
At the 10th session : the initial assessment is redone in its entirety with tests and questionnaires ; a final debriefing is done to
discuss whether all objectives have been achieved, or whether additional sessions are needed.
→ this is included in the sessions packages prices
Process & appointment
Special offer
2 specials offers are possible
Offer available until
20 August 2023
Special offer
2 specials offers are possible
The Safe & Sound Protocol
You are living far away but needs solutions ?
● Fill in cognitives tests & questionnaires
● Access the full SSP program to help your
nervous system regulate itself
The brainmap (qEEG)
You want to do Neurofeedback ?
● 1 hour appt. (to do the qEEG)
● Fill in cognitives tests & questionnaires
● 1h30 appt. to give you the results back
(with written reports)
350 € 150€
Contact us per email
495€ 395€
With the code
This step gives
you access to
session with SSP
Offer available until
20 August 2023
Special offer
How to use the code & book an appointment ?
When you go on the platform and create an account, if it’s for your kid or another person than you,
PLEASE enter the information that concern the kid (first name, last name, date of birth)
1. Choose is the service is for an adult or a child
2. Choose the service, then set the date and time that suits you
3. Confirm your appt. : the normal price appears
4. Enter the discount code in “coupon” area
5. Click on applied, the new price appears with the discount
6. Proceed to the payment to validate the appt.
Offer available until
20 August 2023
Our Price
You can have a look at all the
process & our price on our
Next webinars
● Thursday, 24th August at 18h in English : Learning Disabilities
● Thursday, 21th September at 18h in English : PTSD
● Thursday, 14th September at 18h in English : Autogenic Training with Jeannelle Gresham!
Stay tuned !!
Watch our previous webinar on our Youtube channel !
Thank You

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Neurofeedback & Autism Unlocking The Potential by Neurofeedback Luxembourg.pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. Are you or someone you know struggling with learning disabilities? Join our exclusive webinar about learning disabilities and discover how neurofeedback can be a groundbreaking solution to overcome these challenges. In this English-language event, led by two of our Neurofeedback Trainers, you will learn how cutting-edge advancements in neuroscience have opened new perspectives for understanding and treating learning disorders such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and more. We will guide you through the fundamental principles of neurofeedback and how this non-invasive method can help reorganize and restore neural connections to enhance learning capabilities. "From Struggles to Success: Neurofeedback's Path to Empowered Learning" Online Presentation - free access
  • 3. ● Introduction : team, location, services ● Autism : data, stats & symptoms ● Looking at the brain directly (EEG) ● Help & solutions : what you can do ● Special Offer & information : booking, prices ● Discussion / questions Summary
  • 4. Our Awesome Team ! Lou Ries-Melendez Mélanie Schmaltz Patrick Jost François Altwies Founder & Neurofeedback Trainer over 10 years experience in Neurofeedback, Biofeedback, BioHacking and Neurostimulation Managing Director. graduate of Montpellier University Neurofeedback Trainer & Neuropsychologist 5 years experience graduate of Strasbourg University Neurofeedback Trainer & Neuropsychologist 2 years experience graduate of Strasbourg University
  • 5. Who can benefit ? Learning & Developmental Disabilities Stress & emotional distress ● ADHD & Oppositional Disorder ● Learning disabilities (Dyslexia, dyspraxia,…) ● Autism & Asperger ● High intellectual potential & hypersensitivity ● Anxiety & panic attack ● Depression & lack of motivation ● PTSD ● Sleep difficulties & insomnia ● Obsessive Compulsive Disorder & Tics Instability & brain alteration Performances & Optimisation ● Epilepsia & Absences ● Migraine & headaches ● Neurodegenerative diseases (dementia : Alzheimer, Parkinson…) ● Brain injury & stroke ● Burn-out, Bore-out & loss of meaning in life ● Improving mental performances ● Improving sports performances ● Increased resilience
  • 6. Inside Silversquare Liberté building 21 rue Glesener L-1631 Luxembourg Accessible for everyone Opening Hours Monday & Wednesday : 8h - 21h Tuesday : 7h - 20h Thursday : 7h - 21h Friday : 7h - 18h30 Our location We can only be reached by email & free teleconsultation Mail :
  • 7. Our website makeover Stay tuned: new information regularly published
  • 8. Les types de Mémoire History
  • 9. Les types de Mémoire History ● 1911 Dr P. Eugen Bleuler : first coined the term “autism” ● 1943 ○ Leo Kanner : published a study about 11 kids with specific symptoms ○ Dr Hans Asperger : published a research about autism in kids ● 1981 Dr Lorna Wing : introduced the term “asperger syndrome” Lorna Wing Leo Kanner Hans Asperger
  • 10. Les types de Mémoire Data & Stats ● Typically appears in the first three years of life. ● 4x more common in males than in females In the 90s : estimated 5 out of 10 000 people were diagnosed with ASD
  • 11. Les types de Mémoire Data & Stats "The CDC prevalence figure is showing a true increase in those being diagnosed with autism. We are not better at diagnosing. There is no widening of the diagnostic criteria or any other excuses. We have more autism. With the reality of this increase, I hope more people will care. As the number of cases continues to increase at an alarming rate the result is more and more families and their children need services and support," said Lisa Ackerman, Founder and Executive Director of TACA Now : About 1 in 36 children had been diagnosed with ASD
  • 12. Les types de Mémoire Data & Stats "The CDC prevalence figure is showing a true increase in those being diagnosed with autism. We are not better at diagnosing. There is no widening of the diagnostic criteria or any other excuses. We have more autism. With the reality of this increase, I hope more people will care. As the number of cases continues to increase at an alarming rate the result is more and more families and their children need services and support," said Lisa Ackerman, Founder and Executive Director of TACA Now : About 1 in 36 children had been diagnosed with ASD In Luxembourg ● At least 6,300 people are affected ● In 2020 : “Fondation Autisme Luxembourg” received 284 diagnostic requests !
  • 13. Les types de Mémoire Information Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) = ● early developmental disorder, like ADHD ● invisible disability
  • 14. Les types de Mémoire Information Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) = ● early developmental disorder, like ADHD ● invisible disability Why “Spectrum” ? ● difficulties vary from one person to another ● the combination, manifestation and intensity of symptoms are not expressed in the same way Autism = diversity of profiles With or without intellectual disability, with or without associated disorders, etc...
  • 15. Common early signs : ● Hand flapping ● Walking on tiptoes ● Repetitive movement (head banging for ex.) ● Screaming (like sensory meltdown) ● Lack of verbal response / to their name ● Avoid eye contact ● Language Delays: Lack of speech / communication ● Lack of facial expressions/gestures ● Problems with food / texture (sensory issue) Other signs: ● Gastro-intestinal issues - diarrhea, constipation, food intolerance, gas, bloating, abdominal pain/discomfort, and a history of reflux ● Sleep Disorders: 44-83% in ASD & more severe in ASD than normal ● Motor Dysfunction: hypotonia, motor dyspraxia, gross motor delays, toe walking ● Head Size: macroencephaly at 98% for age abnormal brain growth Les types de Mémoire Symptoms The best-known are easy to spot, but far from representative of the entire spectrum.
  • 16. Les types de Mémoire Symptoms ● Present from birth and persisting into adulthood ● First signs between 18 and 36 months (not systematic) Children & adults with ASD may show : ● impaired social interaction (theory of mind...) ● communication difficulties (language & non-verbal communication) ● behavioural problems (restricted, stereotyped and repetitive movements or interests/activities) ● unusual sensory reactions (hypo or hyper) ● Cognitive problems (executive, flexibility, etc.)
  • 17. Les types de Mémoire Symptoms ● Baby too quiet OR too restless: not very energetic, does not move OR constantly seeking sensory stimulation (climbing, jumping, etc.) ● Indifferent to the world around them: does not react to noises, to people around them, or to their name, does not look in the eyes, does not point ● Likes to line up objects or spin them ● Few facial expressions (no smile), difficulty communicating and expressing him, difficulty managing and identifying his own emotions and/or those of others; difficulty understanding social situations ● Sensory particularities: food, noises, textures, lights, smells, pain, managing the body in space, etc ● Specific interests, sometimes restricted or "strange"
  • 18. Les types de Mémoire Comorbidity Disorders frequently associated with autism : ● ADHD ● Dys disorder (learning disabilities) ● High IQ or intellectual deficiency ● Epilepsia ● Sleep issue ● Anxiety, depression or burnout ● OCD ● Eating disorders
  • 19. Les types de Mémoire Etiology/Causes Multifactorial!
  • 20. Les types de Mémoire There is some concerns about glyphosate’s safety and potential health consequences for human although there is no scientific consensus on this issue. There are suggestions stating that there may be a link between maternal glyphosate exposure and the increased risk for the development of autism in offspring with possible pathophysiological mechanisms (unknown). Cause for Increase in prevalence ? Toxicity in the environment… Correlation Causality
  • 21. Environmental factors during pregnancy ● (Neuro)inflammation & viruses: infection during pregnancy → high level of inflammatory molecule (interleukin-17a) → affects brain development + maternal microbiota ● Inflammation of intestines, intestinal flora less supplied or different ● Maternal obesity, diabetes or immune system disorders ● Prenatal exposure to toxins: medications, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, endocrine disruptors... ● Birth difficulty leading to periods of oxygen deprivation to the baby’s brain or Extreme prematurity or very low birth weight Les types de Mémoire Etiology/Causes
  • 22. Les types de Mémoire Etiology/Causes Neurological ● Crack in mirror neurons (imitation and learning from others) + local decrease in grey matter in this area (basis of empathetic behaviour) ● Hypoactive Pars opercularis (facial gesture) ● Underconnectivity of long fiber (less dense network) & decreased short-distance bundle connectivity ○ → gray matter is “nosier” ○ → reduce wiring (severity of social and repetitive symptoms) ⇒ this increased density of cortical minicolumn with reduce lateral inhibition ● Defects in the set-up and organization of certain brain networks: hippocampus, amygdala, cerebellum, ventricles, caudate nucleus, corpus callosum…
  • 23. Les types de Mémoire Etiology/Causes Neurological ● Salience network dysfunction : hypoactive, dysregulated in specific cognitive processes that enable adaptation to a social context ● Anterior Insula : underconnected & underactive(equivalent to level of alexithymia) ● Amygdala : ○ larger volume on both side → sensitivity, information is not transmitted to other part of the brain, sensory overload because of abnormal neuron. ○ In ASD, the amygdala reach adult size at 8yo → increased fear / anxiety, more stress response to environment ● Septal Nuclei abnormality
  • 24. Les types de Mémoire Etiology/Causes Neurological ● Cerebellum : in both hemisphere, less purkinje cell → balance / autonomic function issue ○ This leads to : “Cerebellar Cognitive Affective Syndrome” Impairment in working memory, planning, verbal fluency, abstract reasoning, perseveration, bland or inappropriate affect, poor spontaneous conversation, unusual prosody, abnormal syntax structure… ● Hippocampus : deficit of complexity of dendritic branching (expressing emotion) ● Mini column = little unit of organisation of cells ● Disrupted Homeostasis of Neuronal receptors: e.g. mGluR5/glutamate Glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter) GABA (calming neurotransmitter) are required to work in synchronization but in ASD there is an excess of Glutamate and lack of GABA → gives anxiety impulsivity, night awakening… Section of cortex illustrating arrangement of the minicolumn With ASD : greater density of the column
  • 25. Genetic ● Genetic level ● Affects 10-20% of autistic people ● To date, around a hundred genes have been identified Les types de Mémoire Etiology/Causes Mapping of autism susceptibility genes across the genome. Credit: Institut Pasteur
  • 26. Ressources ○ Early intervention service (SDIP) : psychiatry department hospital Kirchberg ○ Early rehabilitation service Asbl : “Hëllef fir de Puppelchen” ○ “Passage” organisation ○ “Autisme Luxembourg Asbl” ○ “Association des parents de personnes atteintes d’autisme de Luxembourg Asbl” ○ Fondation “Autisme Luxembourg” ○ CHL – Pedopsychiatry : autism Unit ○ Center for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders (Ministry of Education, Children and Youth)
  • 28. Neurotherapy Classical solution & our services Medication : ● Anxiolytics, antidepressant, antipsychotic, sleep pills, Ritaline/Medikinet… ● Ocytocine spray ● Oméga 3 (ZenixX Gold), Vit D, probiotics… Therapy : ABA, TCC, physiotherapy, speech therapist … Type of neurofeednack that works great : - SCP(slow cortical potential) - IFS (infraslow) - Loreta z score - Hemoencephalograph : encourage the oxygen to move to frontal lobes - Neuro-Stimulation also helps Important : an early intervention leads to the best developmental outcome (before 12 is the best, but it’s never too late !)
  • 29. What does the brain tell us when we examine it? Far too often, the state of health/functioning of our brain is totally ignored... It is rarely investigated (unless there is a suspicion of epilepsy or head trauma). However, the brain manages our entire body/nervous system in interaction with our organs, our environment, our experience... It's the master ! So let's give it a voice Let's listen to it, because it has a lot to say...!
  • 31. ● Painless ● Does not allow observation brain lesions ● No diagnosis Electroencephalogram (EEG) Example 19 canals recording EEG Cap 19 canals without gel Allows observation of electrical activity in brain regions
  • 32. ● Indolore ● Ne permet pas d’observer les lésions cérébrales ● Ne permet pas de diagnostic Allows observation of electrical activity in brain regions Electroencephalogram (EEG) Example of an epileptiform discharge in a brain → no analysis required, visible directly on the line
  • 33. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Different from the EEG : ● EEG = neurophysiological activity of the cerebral cortex over time ● qEEG = same measurement, but accompanied by physical and mathematical analyses to quantify numerous brain parameters → graphic representation of electrical brain activity → observations of wave deregulations (over/under-activations) qEEG Notion : Normative comparison, Gausse Curve, Z-Score
  • 34. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Slow brainwaves ● Delta (0.10 Hz à 4 Hz) = deep sleep ○ Abundant in infants and very young children ○ Generated by the brain stem If in excess: Developmental delay, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation If deficient: Decreased or no deep sleep, serotonin deficiency, fatigue or even exhaustion
  • 35. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Slow brainwaves ● Delta (0.10 Hz à 4 Hz) = deep sleep ○ Abundant in infants and very young children ○ Generated by the brain stem If in excess: Developmental delay, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation If deficient: Decreased or no deep sleep, serotonin deficiency, fatigue or even exhaustion Language impairment Fatigue, deep sleep deprivation
  • 36. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Slow brainwaves ● Delta (0.10 Hz à 4 Hz) = deep sleep ○ Abundant in infants and very young children ○ Generated by the brain stem If in excess: Developmental delay, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation If deficient: Decreased or no deep sleep, serotonin deficiency, fatigue or even exhaustion ● Theta (4 Hz à 8 Hz) = falling asleep, dreaming, creativity ○ Generated by the limbic system If in excess: Attention, concentration and memory problems, cognitive impairment, head or psychological trauma If deficient: Difficulty falling asleep, fatigue or even exhaustion
  • 37. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Slow brainwaves ● Delta (0.10 Hz à 4 Hz) = deep sleep ○ Abundant in infants and very young children ○ Generated by the brain stem If in excess: Developmental delay, cognitive impairment, pain, inflammation If deficient: Decreased or no deep sleep, serotonin deficiency, fatigue or even exhaustion ● Theta (4 Hz à 8 Hz) = falling asleep, dreaming, creativity ○ Generated by the limbic system If in excess: Attention, concentration and memory problems, cognitive impairment, head or psychological trauma If deficient: Difficulty falling asleep, fatigue or even exhaustion Difficulty falling asleep ADHD like symptoms, brain is slowed down
  • 38. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Alpha brainwaves = meditation, being relax ● from 9 Hz to 12 Hz → but they can move on the EEG ! ● Generated by the thalamus ● If in excess : Depression, absence, ruminations ● If deficient : Anxiety, unhappiness, inability to relax
  • 39. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Alpha brainwaves = meditation, being relax ● from 9 Hz to 12 Hz → but they can move on the EEG ! ● Generated by the thalamus ● If in excess : Depression, absence, ruminations ● If deficient : Anxiety, unhappiness, inability to relax Not able to relax, not in the present moment Sadness, lack of motivation, Brain Fog
  • 40. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Mu brainwaves Alpha brainwaves = meditation, being relax ● from 9 Hz to 12 Hz → but they can move on the EEG ! ● Generated by the thalamus ● If in excess : Depression, absence, ruminations ● If deficient : Anxiety, unhappiness, inability to relax Not able to relax, not in the present moment Sadness, lack of motivation, Brain Fog
  • 41. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Alpha brainwaves = meditation, being relax ● from 9 Hz to 12 Hz → but they can move on the EEG ! ● Generated by the thalamus ● If in excess : Depression, absence, ruminations ● If deficient : Anxiety, unhappiness, inability to relax SMR rhythm = focus state just before an action ● from 12 Hz to 15 Hz ● Generated by the cerebral cortex ● If in excess : compensatory system of the brain ● If deficient : lack of cognitive resource, exhaustion
  • 42. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Fast brainwaves ● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and ressources)
  • 43. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Fast brainwaves ● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and ressources) Lack of energy, after anxiety mode, cognitive impairment Anxiety, rumination, body tension - inflammation
  • 44. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Fast brainwaves ● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and resources) ● High-Beta (21 Hz to 30 Hz) = Agitation or alert state, anxiety ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : Agitation, anxiety, hyperactivity, hypervigilance If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion
  • 45. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Fast brainwaves ● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and resources) ● High-Beta (21 Hz to 30 Hz) = Agitation or alert state, anxiety ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : Agitation, anxiety, hyperactivity, hypervigilance If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion Post anxiety mode , exhaustion Hyperactivity, hypervigilance, anxiety - inflammation
  • 46. Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Fast brainwaves ● Beta (13 Hz to 20 Hz) = Active state, attentive, focus ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : Stress, rumination, nervosity, hyperactivity If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion, cognitive impairment (brain is lacking power and resources) ● High-Beta (21 Hz to 30 Hz) = Agitation or alert state, anxiety ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : Agitation, anxiety, hyperactivity, hypervigilance If deficient : Anxiety, fatigue, exhaustion ● Gamma (30 Hz to 100 Hz) = Maximal focus state, “Eureka” ○ Generated by the cortex If in excess : tinnitus, hypervigilance, chronic anxiety If deficient : exhaustion Spindles
  • 47. EEG biomarkers ● Epileptiform activity ● Mu pattern in central-temporal lobes ● High beta pattern (beta spindle) ● Coherence dysregulation ○ (hypo/hypercoherence) in the right temporal & parietal lobe ○ Locale hyperactivity with global hypoconnectivity ● High delta or delta/theta in frontal-central ● Low voltage slow EEG ● Slow alpha or fast beta in the right temporal & parietal lobe ● Lack of alpha ● Alpha peak frequency : plus elle est basse, plus les capacités non-verbales sont faibles ● ERP : N170 latency is high when seeing faces ● Gamma-band abnormal oscillations
  • 48. Neurotherapy Neurofeedback is a generic term and non protected. There is various type of neurofeedback : stay vigilant ! Some types are scientifically validated and proven, others are just a fancy thing... Neurofeedback has been around for almost 60 years (cf. Dr Barry Stermann 1967), with a solid scientific basis. We use more than just neurofeedback! Which is why we call it neurotherapy
  • 49. Neurofeedback We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
  • 50. 1. Brainwaves are measured (EEG). Nous pratiquons le Loreta Z-Score en 19 canaux, ces diapo s’appliquent à cela Neurofeedback We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
  • 51. 1. Brainwaves are measured (EEG). 2. The wave signal is translated as positive or negative (reward/punishment). Nous pratiquons le Loreta Z-Score en 19 canaux, ces diapo s’appliquent à cela Neurofeedback reward No reward We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
  • 52. 1. Brainwaves are measured (EEG). 2. The wave signal is translated as positive or negative (reward/punishment). 3. Feedback (sensory feedback) is emitted so that the brain knows where it stands and can correct itself. Nous pratiquons le Loreta Z-Score en 19 canaux, ces diapo s’appliquent à cela Neurofeedback reward No reward We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
  • 53. 1. Brainwaves are measured (EEG). 2. The wave signal is translated as positive or negative (reward/punishment). 3. Feedback (sensory feedback) is emitted so that the brain knows where it stands and can correct itself. Implicite learning: ● No effort required ● Brain self-corrects ● Lasts over time (except for dementia) Nous pratiquons le Loreta Z-Score en 19 canaux, ces diapo s’appliquent à cela Neurofeedback No reward reward We practice the Loreta Z-Score in 19 channels, and these slides apply to that.
  • 54. An essential part of a neurofeedback session. Rare are the practices that combine it with neurofeedback, yet : ● Boosts energy levels ● Activates neuroplasticity → helps the brain enter the desired state ● (re) production of deficient waves and/or reduction of surplus waves ● Accelerates results (shorter treatment time) Neuromodulation
  • 56. Electrical Neurostimulation Brain Stimulation is applied Stimulation β α The brain synchronizes itself to the stimulation and reproduces this wave by itself.
  • 57. Magnetic neurostimulation ● Reproduces the body's natural frequencies / nervous system ● Can be placed in various locations: ○ On the gut : helps restore optimal intestinal function, stimulates the production of neurotransmitters (ex : Serotonin) ○ On the head : for specific protocols ○ On the body : helps reduce inflammation or temporary pain
  • 58. Neuroprotective and self-repairing effects, etc. Photobiomodulation (light) Infrared light energy → ATP production → cell repair Activates cell regeneration by eliminating oxidative stress in the body and brain Brain functions are boosted and stimulated
  • 59. Neuroprotective and self-repairing effects, etc. Photobiomodulation (light) Infrared light energy → ATP production → cell repair Activates cell regeneration by eliminating oxidative stress in the body and brain Brain functions are boosted and stimulated
  • 60. Neuroprotective and self-repairing effects, etc. Photobiomodulation (light) Infrared light energy → ATP production → cell repair Activates cell regeneration by eliminating oxidative stress in the body and brain Brain functions are boosted and stimulated ASD people frequently have mitochondria dysfunction (not enough ATP is generated from food proteins)
  • 61. ● Regulation of the autonomic nervous system via the inner ear & eardrum (sympathetic VS parasympathetic) ⇒ polyvagal theory Helps with : ● Trauma/PTSD ● Depression, anxiety, stress ● Sleep issue, cognitive impairment ● ADHD, Autism, Dys and others developmental issue ● …. Part of neurotherapy, in addition to neurofeedback sessions Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) Vagus nerve & polyvagal theory
  • 62. Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) People with ASD have an autonomic dysregulation : their nervous system is responding to the environment in a “sympathetic way” (sensory overload/stress) instead of answering in a “parasympathetic” way (calm, serenity, security). Studies show that SSP helps people with ASD or with hypersensitivity to feel calm, able to communication/answer and feeling less hyperactive/overwhelmed. See : supporting adults with autism thanks to the SSP (Burns, 2022; Kawai et al., 2023; Rajabalee et al., 2022)
  • 63. En lien avec le sujet du jour Which potential can we unlock ?
  • 64. En lien avec le sujet du jour Here is what we can improve/treat/helps with neurofeedback : Which potential can we unlock ? ● OCD & Tics behavior / movements ● Emotional management difficulty ● Mood disorder (dépression, sadness, losing motivation…) ● Anxiety, agitation impulsivity ● Lack of flexibility, can’t manage change/frustration or novelty ● Cognitive difficulty : langage, focus, attention, memory, organization planification… ● Social & relational difficulty (helps with communication) ● Sensory difficulty, overwhelmed ● Sleep issue, fatigue ● Epilepsia ● Digestion/view/auditive.. issue ● Low self esteem ● …
  • 65. When does it works or doesn’t work ?
  • 66. When does it works or doesn’t work ? A poor hygiene lifestyle is one of the first factors to deteriorate the state of the brain and body !! ● Nutrition ○ Reduce sugar : creates inflammation + electric discharge in the brain, overexcites and can lead to anxious feelings ○ Hydratation : without water → headaches + cognitive impairment ○ Beware of allergies and intolerances ! ● Physical activity : energy release, muscular and immune system stimulation, toxins evacuated... improves attention span ● Sleep : without energy, it’s impossible to function ● Diminished screen time ● Compliancy
  • 67. Neurofeedback is not infallible and has its limits. It’s not going to work as much as it can if : ● You are Non-compliant = customers who don't follow instructions, don't apply recommendations, don't get 100% involved in treatment ● Your environment is not good : poor lifestyle (e.g. sugar), toxic peers (family, work, etc.) ● Too many medications or health problems: these can slow down the effects of the treatment or prevent us from seeing the real state of the brain → more sessions are needed ● Metal plates and other cranial devices (hearing aids are not a problem) When does it works or doesn’t work ?
  • 68. Retrouvez la FAQ complète sur notre site web ! FAQ See the complete FAQ page on our website
  • 70. Raw EEG Before ● Av. of 15 electrical discharges/minute ● Eyes opened condition ● Z score of +9.91
  • 71. Raw EEG After ● Av. of 2 electrical discharges/minute ● Eyes opened condition ● Z score + 4.09
  • 76. Before After Brainmap - Loreta Coherences (Aire de Broca)
  • 77. Tests & questionnaires PHQ questionnaire (depression) PSS questionnaire (stress)
  • 78. Tests & questionnaires GAD questionnaire (anxiety) AQ questionnaire (Autism symptoms, not significant anymore)
  • 79. Review, they talk about it better than we do “I first learned about Neurofeedback from a mother who used the Thomatis therapy and Oxygenotherapie therapy for her multihandicapped daughter, which I also used for Leyla. Then I searched the net and came across a conference on YouTube about Neurofeedback in Luxembourg. It was Mélanie and François speaking on the video. After watching it, I was immediately interested. I spoke to Mélanie by telephone. Then we scheduled a Brain Map and 10 Neurofeedback sessions. My daughter was diagnosed at the age of 2 and a half. Leyla is a sweet, calm girl with mild to moderate autism. She doesn't speak, doesn't imitate, doesn't understand and has a slightly shifty gaze. Leyla still wears diapers at that time. After 10 neurofeedback sessions and the safe and sound there were changes ! Leyla began to repeat all the words we told her to repeat, with pronunciation that wasn't great but it was huge progress. She started to imitate and repeat. She's more present with us, and our glances are friendly and reciprocal. She smiles when we smile at her. And now : Leyla is potty-trained and no longer wears a diaper during the day. I dropped the thomatis and Oxygenotherapie therapies because they weren't scientifically proven. And there were no concrete cases of autism for whom it had worked. I really advise you to go and do the neurofeedback sessions in Luxembourg. They know a lot and the building is super pretty. The in initial assessment and analysis carried out by the team is very detailed, and they really go deep to explain in detail the problems and dysfunctions of the brain. For your information, I come from the east of France, and even if someone told me there was a neurofeedback center near my home, I wouldn't go. We have already rescheduled sessions for Leyla. Ghizlane, mother of a 5-year-old autistic girl.
  • 81. ● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you Process & appointment
  • 82. ● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you ● STEP 2 : first evaluation of the brain - mandatory to do Neurofeedback Brainmap (qEEG) with questionnaires & cognitive evaluation (version with HRV evaluation in case of sleep disorders, cardiac problems, burn out...). Process & appointment
  • 83. ● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you ● STEP 2 : first evaluation of the brain - mandatory to do Neurofeedback Brainmap (qEEG) with questionnaires & cognitive evaluation (version with HRV evaluation in case of sleep disorders, cardiac problems, burn out...). 1. First appoint. (1h) : EEG recording - medical history - EEG : 2x 5 minutes - questionnaires + cognitives tests send per email 2. Second appoint. (1h30) : results restitution With detailed written reports This evaluation does not force you to do Neurofeedback afterwards, but it is NECESSARY for neurotherapy. Process & appointment
  • 84. ● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you ● STEP 2 : first evaluation of the brain - mandatory to do Neurofeedback Brainmap (qEEG) with questionnaires & cognitive evaluation (version with HRV evaluation in case of sleep disorders, cardiac problems, burn out...). ● STEP 3 : Neurofeedback sessions with neuromodulation Definition of the objectives to be achieved and signature of a contract Minimum of 10 sessions required in total, Minimum 1x/week: 1 session lasts 1h ; with SSP Process & appointment
  • 85. ● STEP 1 : Teleconsultation - non mandatory Phone appointment, free, without obligation → we answer your questions, identify your needs and if our services are designed for you ● STEP 2 : first evaluation of the brain - mandatory to do Neurofeedback Brainmap (qEEG) with questionnaires & cognitive evaluation (version with HRV evaluation in case of sleep disorders, cardiac problems, burn out...). ● STEP 3 : Neurofeedback sessions with neuromodulation Definition of the objectives to be achieved and signature of a contract Minimum of 10 sessions required in total, Minimum 1x/week: 1 session lasts 1h ; with SSP ● STEP 4 : comparative evaluation At the 10th session : the initial assessment is redone in its entirety with tests and questionnaires ; a final debriefing is done to discuss whether all objectives have been achieved, or whether additional sessions are needed. → this is included in the sessions packages prices Process & appointment
  • 86. Special offer 2 specials offers are possible Offer available until 20 August 2023
  • 87. Special offer 2 specials offers are possible The Safe & Sound Protocol You are living far away but needs solutions ? ● Fill in cognitives tests & questionnaires MANDATORY ● Access the full SSP program to help your nervous system regulate itself The brainmap (qEEG) You want to do Neurofeedback ? ● 1 hour appt. (to do the qEEG) ● Fill in cognitives tests & questionnaires MANDATORY ● 1h30 appt. to give you the results back (with written reports) 350 € 150€ Contact us per email 495€ 395€ With the code AUTISM2023 This step gives you access to neurofeedback session with SSP Offer available until 20 August 2023
  • 88. Special offer How to use the code & book an appointment ? When you go on the platform and create an account, if it’s for your kid or another person than you, PLEASE enter the information that concern the kid (first name, last name, date of birth) 1. Choose is the service is for an adult or a child 2. Choose the service, then set the date and time that suits you 3. Confirm your appt. : the normal price appears 4. Enter the discount code in “coupon” area 5. Click on applied, the new price appears with the discount 6. Proceed to the payment to validate the appt. Offer available until 20 August 2023
  • 89. Our Price You can have a look at all the process & our price on our website
  • 90. Next webinars ● Thursday, 24th August at 18h in English : Learning Disabilities ● Thursday, 21th September at 18h in English : PTSD ● Thursday, 14th September at 18h in English : Autogenic Training with Jeannelle Gresham! Stay tuned !!
  • 91. Watch our previous webinar on our Youtube channel !