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Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation 
questionnaire for students 
24. 08. 2014 12:25:44
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Nazwa badania Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Autor Ewa Tułodziecka 
Podstawowe informacje 
Język kwestionariusza 
Adres URL kwestionariusza 
Pierwsza odpowiedź 19. 06. 2014 
Ostatnia odpowiedź 24. 08. 2014 
Czas trwania 67 dni 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 2
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Wizyt ankiety 
123 58 5 60 47.15% 
17.31 % 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 3 
Tylko pokazano Ogólny sukces 
Historia odwiedzin (19. 06. 2014 – 24. 08. 2014) 
23.06. 30.06. 07.07. 14.07. 21.07. 28.07. 04.08. 0 11.08. 18.08. 25.08. 
Ilość wizyt (123) Gotowe odpowiedzi (58) 
Liczba odwiedzin Źródła odwiedzin Czas wypełnieniu ankiety 
47.15 % 48.78 % 
100.00 % 
19.23 % 
26.92 % 
25.00 %
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Tylko pokazano (48.78%) 
Niekompletne (4.07%) 
Zakończone (47.15%) 
Bezpośredni link (100.00%) <1 min. (19.23%) 
1-2 min. (5.77%) 
2-5 min. (26.92%) 
5-10 min. (25.00%) 
10-30 min. (17.31%) 
30-60 min. (1.92%) 
>60 min. (3.85%) 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 4
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
How have you been engaged in the project? What have you done? 
Wybór, więcej możliwości, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a) prepared presentations, posters, films 43 74.14% 
b) taken photos 19 32.76% 
c)taken part in local trips 47 81.03% 
d) taken part in meetings with different institutions. 40 68.97% 
e) taken part in summing up sessions and presentations of the project to the local community 27 46.55% 
f) taken part in videoconferences 32 55.17% 
g) I was the host, invited a friend from partner countries to my house 32 55.17% 
h) I was hosted, was a guest in my Comenius firend house. 36 62.07% 
other 0 0.00% 
43 (74.14%) 
19 (32.76%) 
47 (81.03%) 
40 (68.97%) 
27 (46.55%) 
32 (55.17%) 
32 (55.17%) 
36 (62.07%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 5
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Why did you take part in the project? 
Wybór, więcej możliwości, odpowiedziano 47x, brak odpowiedzi 11x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
I’m interested in learning something new 30 63.83% 
I would like to meet new people from other countries and make new friends 37 78.72% 
I would like to communicate with students from other countries 35 74.47% 
I would like to involve myself in different activities at and outside the school 14 29.79% 
I would like to try new software/ ICT tools 2 4.26% 
I would like to improve my English 31 65.96% 
I was asked by my teacher to take part in the project. 2 4.26% 
30 (63.83%) 
37 (78.72%) 
35 (74.47%) 
14 (29.79%) 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 6 
2 (4.26%) 
31 (65.96%) 
2 (4.26%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
Doing the project, I like meeting new people 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 52 89.66% 
a little 4 6.90% 
not at all 2 3.45% 
52 (89.66%) 
4 (6.90%) 
2 (3.45%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Doing the project, I improved my language skills 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 34 58.62% 
a little 24 41.38% 
not at all 0 0.00% 
34 (58.62%) 
24 (41.38%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
Doing the project, I learned about different school systems 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 32 55.17% 
a little 25 43.10% 
not at all 1 1.72% 
32 (55.17%) 
25 (43.10%) 
1 (1.72%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 7
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Doing the project, I learnt about new cultures 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 51 87.93% 
a little 7 12.07% 
not at all 0 0.00% 
51 (87.93%) 
7 (12.07%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
Doing the project, I learnt about national heritage 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 32 55.17% 
a little 25 43.10% 
not at all 1 1.72% 
32 (55.17%) 
25 (43.10%) 
1 (1.72%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 8
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Doing the project I became better at ICT tools 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 20 34.48% 
a little 30 51.72% 
not at all 8 13.79% 
20 (34.48%) 
30 (51.72%) 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 9 
8 (13.79%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
Doing the project, I improved my motivation and school performance 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 30 51.72% 
a little 27 46.55% 
not at all 1 1.72% 
30 (51.72%) 
27 (46.55%) 
1 (1.72%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Doing the project, I developed my entrepreneurial skills 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 28 48.28% 
a little 28 48.28% 
not at all 2 3.45% 
28 (48.28%) 
28 (48.28%) 
2 (3.45%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
Doing the project, I have visited the the Facebook page or the project website or 
Comenius competition Facebook page. 
Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
a lot 42 72.41% 
a little 15 25.86% 
not at all 1 1.72% 
42 (72.41%) 
15 (25.86%) 
1 (1.72%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 10
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Which things you liked the most during two- year Comenius project? (choose four) 
Wybór, więcej możliwości, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział 
A.meeting people from various institutions 32 55.17% 
B. school trips to various institutions 38 65.52% 
C.visiting in partner countries 51 87.93% 
D. hosting the student form other country 37 63.79% 
E.videoconferences 9 15.52% 
F. singing Christmas carol during videoconferences 6 10.34% 
G. learning about partner countries, travelling and visitiing new places 34 58.62% 
H. Facebook group 6 10.34% 
32 (55.17%) 
38 (65.52%) 
51 (87.93%) 
37 (63.79%) 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 11 
9 (15.52%) 
6 (10.34%) 
34 (58.62%) 
6 (10.34%) 
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 
Are you happy taking part in the Comenius project? 
Pytanie otwarte, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
Yes, I do. 
Yes, I'm very happy. 
Yes, I am. I found lots of new best friends from other countries. 
Yes ,Im very happy :) 
(5x) Yes 
Absolutely yes!! 
Yes, it was a wonderful experience! :) 
Yes I am very happy that I joined in this big Family:) 
(2x) Yes, I’ve learnt a lot about other countries and their culture and I hope there’ll be another project like comenius. 
I'm very happy, it was one of the best experiences in my life!
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Yes, I' happy. 
Of course. It helped me a lot for future :) 
Yes because I could make new friends, imroved my english skills and visited many interesting places. 
Yes, because i improved my English and spent a lot of time with new friends from another countries 
Yes, a lot 
(2x) Yes, I am. 
Yes, I'm really happy. I met a lot of people and I have a good contact with them now. Every day I can learn English by speaking with them. And I 
visited Spain, which was my dream. 
yes i am 
(3x) yes 
Yes, I am really happy because it was a great experience! 
Yes, it was awesome! 
Yes, I am. I really enjoyed the programmes. In summary it was really interesting, because I was in an other country, which was a great 
It was a great oppurtunity. I was sorry, because I had only a little time for that. 
Yes I loved it! 
Yes I'm very happy to őry it. 
I'm very happy. I always like taking part in this kind of projects. I love meeting other students from all around the world 
Of course 
Yes, I got a lot of experiences, made new friends and learned a lot about a new culture. 
(3x) ........... 
(2x) .............. 
(2x) .......... 
(2x) ................. 
Yes, I'm so happy and I definitely recommend students to take part in it because it's fun and a great experience for life. 
Yes, I1m really happi and I would like to take part the next time too. 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 12
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Are you proud of being a member of a team? 
Pytanie otwarte, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
I very like it. I have the best memories. 
(3x) Of course 
Yes, I am. Now I talk about Comenius to all ny friends. 
Yes :) Im proud ,that I can be part of this international co-operation 
(7x) Yes 
Yes I am. My most friends have been jealous for me for not being part of this Project. 
Of course! 
I am very proud to be in this group, I always talk about it to my classmates and friends!:) 
Yes especially a comenius team. 
I am, it's great to be part of it and inform other people of the project. 
Yes, I'm proud. 
I'm very proud of being part of this amazing gropup! with other amazing people! 
Yes because I think that we did a lot of special and incredible things together and we have beauiful memories from the project. 
Yes, especially a comenius team. 
of course 
Yes, I am. 
Yes, I like working with other people, so I'm really proud of it. 
yes i am 
(3x) yes 
Yes, I learned how to adapt and reach our aims together. 
Yes, I am. The Comenius team is really good, because everybody is friendly. 
Yes, it was good. 
Yes I'm very proud 
Yes, I am 
Yes, it gives me a feel of pride. 
(2x) .............. 
yes, because it made me happy. 
Yes, because it's very good for the young people. 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 13
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
(3x) .................... 
(3x) .................. 
(2x) ............. 
Yes of course, we had a lot of fun together. 
Did you find English language and obstacle in the communication? 
Pytanie otwarte, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x 
(4x) Yes 
Yes, now I understand my friends, movies and songs better. 
A bit 
Not at all. On the contrary, English language made the communication a lot easier. 
It was a bit of a challenge to me to speak English but after two days I spoke in English to people from my own country! :D 
(2x) No, I could easily communicate with other students. 
No I didn't, I became understood and understood what other people said to me. I really became better at speaking English in real life situations 
and I feel more comfortable about using the language now. 
No, I didn't but I improved my English a lot. 
yes, I did. It was happening quite often. 
Before project i found english little bit and in first time i had problems with communication, but latter my english was getting better. 
(2x) No 
No, It was a essential tool. 
(2x) Yes, I did. 
Sometimes I didn't know a single word, but generally I didn't have many problems with communication. 
yes i did 
no, not at all 
Yes, I got a lot of confidence and now I know I can easily express myself in English. 
(2x) Yes. 
there was no problem in communication between me and my new friends from different countries 
No, it was easy to communicate with everybody. 
not really 
probably not 
Yes I did 
Just when we were in a different ciuntry an the host were trying to say something about their costums 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 14
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
(2x) Not really 
No, it was interesting and funny to communicate in English, and I improved a lot in speaking. 
(2x) ............ 
No, not really. 
ohhhh yeees 
(3x) ........... 
(3x) ................ 
At first speaking in English with foreign students was difficult,but the more I talked to them, the better I felt and my nerve was gone away. 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 15
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Ustawianie kwestionariusza 
Pytania na stronie Wszystkie 
Zezwolić na wielokrotne wysłanie? 
Pozwól wrócić do poprzednich pytań? 
Wyświetlać numery pytań? 
Dowolna kolejność pytań? 
Pokazać pasek postępu? 
Zawiadamiać o otrzymaniu odpowiedzi? 
Ochrona za pomocą hasła? 
Ograniczenie IP? 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 16
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Dodatek: Kwestionariusz 
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Dear Students 
You are kindly asked to complete our project's qiestionnaire 
Thanks for your cooperation! 
How have you been engaged in the project? What have you done? 
a) prepared presentations, posters, films 
b) taken photos 
c)taken part in local trips 
d) taken part in meetings with different institutions. 
e) taken part in summing up sessions and presentations of the project to the local community 
f) taken part in videoconferences 
g) I was the host, invited a friend from partner countries to my house 
h) I was hosted, was a guest in my Comenius firend house. 
Why did you take part in the project? 
I’m interested in learning something new 
I would like to meet new people from other countries and make new friends 
I would like to communicate with students from other countries 
I would like to involve myself in different activities at and outside the school 
I would like to try new software/ ICT tools 
I would like to improve my English 
I was asked by my teacher to take part in the project. 
Doing the project, I like meeting new people 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 17 
a lot 
a little 
not at all
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Doing the project, I improved my language skills 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 18 
a lot 
a little 
not at all 
Doing the project, I learned about different school systems 
a lot 
a little 
not at all 
Doing the project, I learnt about new cultures 
a lot 
a little 
not at all 
Doing the project, I learnt about national heritage 
a lot 
a little 
not at all 
Doing the project I became better at ICT tools 
a lot 
a little 
not at all 
Doing the project, I improved my motivation and school performance 
a lot 
a little 
not at all 
Doing the project, I developed my entrepreneurial skills 
a lot 
a little 
not at all
Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 
Doing the project, I have visited the the Facebook page or the project website or Comenius 
competition Facebook page. 
kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 19 
a lot 
a little 
not at all 
Which things you liked the most during two- year Comenius project? (choose four) 
A.meeting people from various institutions 
B. school trips to various institutions 
C.visiting in partner countries 
D. hosting the student form other country 
F. singing Christmas carol during videoconferences 
G. learning about partner countries, travelling and visitiing new places 
H. Facebook group 
Are you happy taking part in the Comenius project? 
Are you proud of being a member of a team? 
Did you find English language and obstacle in the communication?

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Project skills-for-future-skills-for-life-evaluation-questionnaire-for-students

  • 1. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students 24. 08. 2014 12:25:44
  • 2. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Nazwa badania Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Autor Ewa Tułodziecka Angielski Podstawowe informacje Język kwestionariusza Adres URL kwestionariusza Pierwsza odpowiedź 19. 06. 2014 Ostatnia odpowiedź 24. 08. 2014 Czas trwania 67 dni kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 2
  • 3. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Wizyt ankiety 123 58 5 60 47.15% 17.31 % kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 3 Ilość wizyt Gotowe odpowiedzi Niedokończone odpowiedzi Tylko pokazano Ogólny sukces Historia odwiedzin (19. 06. 2014 – 24. 08. 2014) 30 20 10 23.06. 30.06. 07.07. 14.07. 21.07. 28.07. 04.08. 0 11.08. 18.08. 25.08. Ilość wizyt (123) Gotowe odpowiedzi (58) Liczba odwiedzin Źródła odwiedzin Czas wypełnieniu ankiety 47.15 % 48.78 % 100.00 % 19.23 % 26.92 % 25.00 %
  • 4. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Tylko pokazano (48.78%) Niekompletne (4.07%) Zakończone (47.15%) Bezpośredni link (100.00%) <1 min. (19.23%) 1-2 min. (5.77%) 2-5 min. (26.92%) 5-10 min. (25.00%) 10-30 min. (17.31%) 30-60 min. (1.92%) >60 min. (3.85%) kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 4
  • 5. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Wyniki How have you been engaged in the project? What have you done? Wybór, więcej możliwości, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a) prepared presentations, posters, films 43 74.14% b) taken photos 19 32.76% c)taken part in local trips 47 81.03% d) taken part in meetings with different institutions. 40 68.97% e) taken part in summing up sessions and presentations of the project to the local community 27 46.55% f) taken part in videoconferences 32 55.17% g) I was the host, invited a friend from partner countries to my house 32 55.17% h) I was hosted, was a guest in my Comenius firend house. 36 62.07% other 0 0.00% 43 (74.14%) 19 (32.76%) 47 (81.03%) 40 (68.97%) 27 (46.55%) 32 (55.17%) 32 (55.17%) 36 (62.07%) 0.00% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 5
  • 6. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Why did you take part in the project? Wybór, więcej możliwości, odpowiedziano 47x, brak odpowiedzi 11x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział I’m interested in learning something new 30 63.83% I would like to meet new people from other countries and make new friends 37 78.72% I would like to communicate with students from other countries 35 74.47% I would like to involve myself in different activities at and outside the school 14 29.79% I would like to try new software/ ICT tools 2 4.26% I would like to improve my English 31 65.96% I was asked by my teacher to take part in the project. 2 4.26% 30 (63.83%) 37 (78.72%) 35 (74.47%) 14 (29.79%) kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 6 2 (4.26%) 31 (65.96%) 2 (4.26%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Doing the project, I like meeting new people Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 52 89.66% a little 4 6.90% not at all 2 3.45% 52 (89.66%) 4 (6.90%) 2 (3.45%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
  • 7. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Doing the project, I improved my language skills Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 34 58.62% a little 24 41.38% not at all 0 0.00% 34 (58.62%) 24 (41.38%) 0.00% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Doing the project, I learned about different school systems Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 32 55.17% a little 25 43.10% not at all 1 1.72% 32 (55.17%) 25 (43.10%) 1 (1.72%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 7
  • 8. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Doing the project, I learnt about new cultures Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 51 87.93% a little 7 12.07% not at all 0 0.00% 51 (87.93%) 7 (12.07%) 0.00% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Doing the project, I learnt about national heritage Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 32 55.17% a little 25 43.10% not at all 1 1.72% 32 (55.17%) 25 (43.10%) 1 (1.72%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 8
  • 9. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Doing the project I became better at ICT tools Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 20 34.48% a little 30 51.72% not at all 8 13.79% 20 (34.48%) 30 (51.72%) kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 9 8 (13.79%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Doing the project, I improved my motivation and school performance Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 30 51.72% a little 27 46.55% not at all 1 1.72% 30 (51.72%) 27 (46.55%) 1 (1.72%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100%
  • 10. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Doing the project, I developed my entrepreneurial skills Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 28 48.28% a little 28 48.28% not at all 2 3.45% 28 (48.28%) 28 (48.28%) 2 (3.45%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Doing the project, I have visited the the Facebook page or the project website or Comenius competition Facebook page. Wybór opcji, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział a lot 42 72.41% a little 15 25.86% not at all 1 1.72% 42 (72.41%) 15 (25.86%) 1 (1.72%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 10
  • 11. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Which things you liked the most during two- year Comenius project? (choose four) Wybór, więcej możliwości, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Odpowiedź Odpowiedzi Udział A.meeting people from various institutions 32 55.17% B. school trips to various institutions 38 65.52% C.visiting in partner countries 51 87.93% D. hosting the student form other country 37 63.79% E.videoconferences 9 15.52% F. singing Christmas carol during videoconferences 6 10.34% G. learning about partner countries, travelling and visitiing new places 34 58.62% H. Facebook group 6 10.34% 32 (55.17%) 38 (65.52%) 51 (87.93%) 37 (63.79%) kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 11 9 (15.52%) 6 (10.34%) 34 (58.62%) 6 (10.34%) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 55% 60% 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% Are you happy taking part in the Comenius project? Pytanie otwarte, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x Yes, I do. Yes, I'm very happy. Yes, I am. I found lots of new best friends from other countries. Yes ,Im very happy :) (5x) Yes Absolutely yes!! Yes, it was a wonderful experience! :) Yes I am very happy that I joined in this big Family:) (2x) Yes, I’ve learnt a lot about other countries and their culture and I hope there’ll be another project like comenius. I'm very happy, it was one of the best experiences in my life!
  • 12. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Yes, I' happy. Of course. It helped me a lot for future :) Yes because I could make new friends, imroved my english skills and visited many interesting places. Yes, because i improved my English and spent a lot of time with new friends from another countries Yes, a lot (2x) Yes, I am. Yes, I'm really happy. I met a lot of people and I have a good contact with them now. Every day I can learn English by speaking with them. And I visited Spain, which was my dream. yes i am yes. (3x) yes Yes, I am really happy because it was a great experience! Yes, it was awesome! Yes, I am. I really enjoyed the programmes. In summary it was really interesting, because I was in an other country, which was a great experience. It was a great oppurtunity. I was sorry, because I had only a little time for that. Tak Yes I loved it! YES Yes I'm very happy to őry it. I'm very happy. I always like taking part in this kind of projects. I love meeting other students from all around the world Of course Yes, I got a lot of experiences, made new friends and learned a lot about a new culture. ...... (3x) ........... Yes. .... ....... (2x) .............. ........................ ............... (2x) .......... (2x) ................. ................... ...................... Yes, I'm so happy and I definitely recommend students to take part in it because it's fun and a great experience for life. Yes, I1m really happi and I would like to take part the next time too. kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 12
  • 13. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Are you proud of being a member of a team? Pytanie otwarte, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x I very like it. I have the best memories. (3x) Of course Yes, I am. Now I talk about Comenius to all ny friends. Yes :) Im proud ,that I can be part of this international co-operation (7x) Yes Yes I am. My most friends have been jealous for me for not being part of this Project. Of course! I am very proud to be in this group, I always talk about it to my classmates and friends!:) Yes especially a comenius team. I am, it's great to be part of it and inform other people of the project. Yes, I'm proud. I'm very proud of being part of this amazing gropup! with other amazing people! Yes because I think that we did a lot of special and incredible things together and we have beauiful memories from the project. Yes, especially a comenius team. of course Yes, I am. Yes, I like working with other people, so I'm really proud of it. yes i am yes. (3x) yes Yes, I learned how to adapt and reach our aims together. Yes. Yes, I am. The Comenius team is really good, because everybody is friendly. Yes, it was good. Tak YES Yes I'm very proud Yes, I am Yes, it gives me a feel of pride. ........... (2x) .............. yes, because it made me happy. Yes, because it's very good for the young people. ............ ....... kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 13
  • 14. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students ........ .......... (3x) .................... (3x) .................. ................ (2x) ............. Yes of course, we had a lot of fun together. Did you find English language and obstacle in the communication? Pytanie otwarte, odpowiedziano 58x, brak odpowiedzi 0x (4x) Yes Yes, now I understand my friends, movies and songs better. A bit no No. Not at all. On the contrary, English language made the communication a lot easier. It was a bit of a challenge to me to speak English but after two days I spoke in English to people from my own country! :D (2x) No, I could easily communicate with other students. No I didn't, I became understood and understood what other people said to me. I really became better at speaking English in real life situations and I feel more comfortable about using the language now. No, I didn't but I improved my English a lot. yes, I did. It was happening quite often. Before project i found english little bit and in first time i had problems with communication, but latter my english was getting better. (2x) No No, It was a essential tool. (2x) Yes, I did. Sometimes I didn't know a single word, but generally I didn't have many problems with communication. yes i did no. no, not at all Yes, I got a lot of confidence and now I know I can easily express myself in English. (2x) Yes. there was no problem in communication between me and my new friends from different countries No, it was easy to communicate with everybody. Trochę not really probably not Yes I did Just when we were in a different ciuntry an the host were trying to say something about their costums kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 14
  • 15. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students (2x) Not really No, it was interesting and funny to communicate in English, and I improved a lot in speaking. (2x) ............ No, not really. yes ohhhh yeees (3x) ........... ....... ................... .............. (3x) ................ ............... .......... ..................... ...................... ....................... At first speaking in English with foreign students was difficult,but the more I talked to them, the better I felt and my nerve was gone away. kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 15
  • 16. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Ustawianie kwestionariusza Pytania na stronie Wszystkie Zezwolić na wielokrotne wysłanie? Pozwól wrócić do poprzednich pytań? Wyświetlać numery pytań? Dowolna kolejność pytań? Pokazać pasek postępu? Zawiadamiać o otrzymaniu odpowiedzi? Ochrona za pomocą hasła? Ograniczenie IP? kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 16
  • 17. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Dodatek: Kwestionariusz Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Dear Students You are kindly asked to complete our project's qiestionnaire Thanks for your cooperation! How have you been engaged in the project? What have you done? a) prepared presentations, posters, films b) taken photos c)taken part in local trips d) taken part in meetings with different institutions. e) taken part in summing up sessions and presentations of the project to the local community f) taken part in videoconferences g) I was the host, invited a friend from partner countries to my house h) I was hosted, was a guest in my Comenius firend house. other Why did you take part in the project? I’m interested in learning something new I would like to meet new people from other countries and make new friends I would like to communicate with students from other countries I would like to involve myself in different activities at and outside the school I would like to try new software/ ICT tools I would like to improve my English I was asked by my teacher to take part in the project. Doing the project, I like meeting new people kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 17 a lot a little not at all
  • 18. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Doing the project, I improved my language skills kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 18 a lot a little not at all Doing the project, I learned about different school systems a lot a little not at all Doing the project, I learnt about new cultures a lot a little not at all Doing the project, I learnt about national heritage a lot a little not at all Doing the project I became better at ICT tools a lot a little not at all Doing the project, I improved my motivation and school performance a lot a little not at all Doing the project, I developed my entrepreneurial skills a lot a little not at all
  • 19. Project Skills for future, skills for life – evaluation questionnaire for students Doing the project, I have visited the the Facebook page or the project website or Comenius competition Facebook page. kwestionariusze on-line za darmo – 19 a lot a little not at all Which things you liked the most during two- year Comenius project? (choose four) A.meeting people from various institutions B. school trips to various institutions C.visiting in partner countries D. hosting the student form other country E.videoconferences F. singing Christmas carol during videoconferences G. learning about partner countries, travelling and visitiing new places H. Facebook group Are you happy taking part in the Comenius project? Are you proud of being a member of a team? Did you find English language and obstacle in the communication?