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Woman applied to the medico-genetic consulting centre for information about the risk of
haemophilia in her son. Her husband has been suffering from this disease since birth.
Woman and her parents are healthy (don't have haemophilia). Is the boy likely to have the
disease in this family?
A All boys will be healthy
B All boys will be ill
C 50% of the boys will be ill
D 25% of the boys will be ill
E 75 % of the boys will be ill
A man suffering from a hereditary disease married a healthy woman. They got 5 children,
three girls and two boys. All the girls inherited their father’s disease. What is the type of the
disease inheritance?
A Dominant, X-linked
B Autosomal recessive
C Asutosomal dominant
D Y-linked
E Recessive, X-linked
Electrocardiogram of a 45-year-old man showed absence of P-wave in all the leads. What
part of the conducting system is blocked?
A Sinu-atrial node
B Atrioventricular node
C Common branch of the bundle of His
D Branches of the bundle of His
E Purkinje’s fibres
When a patient with traumatic impairment of the brain was examined, it was discovered that
he had stopped to distinguish displacement of an object on the skin. What part of the brain
was damaged?
A Posterior central gurus
B Occipital zone of the cortex
C Parietal zone of the cortex
D Frontal central gurus
E Frontal zone
Different functional groups can be presented in the structure of L-amino acid’s radicals.
Identify the group that is able to form ester bond:
D -CH3
E -NH2
The conjugated protein necessarily contains special component as a non-protein part.
Choose the substance that can’t carry out this function:
C Thiamine pyrophosphate
E Glucose
Moving of the daughter chromatids to the poles of the cell is observed in the mitotically
dividing cell. On what stage of the mitotic cycle is this cell?
A Anaphase
B Metaphase
C Telophase
D Prophase
E Interfase
The patient with diabetes mellitus has been delivered in hospital in the state of
unconsciousness. Arterial pressure is low. The patient has acidosis. Point substances,
which accumulation in the blood results in these manifestations:
A Ketone bodies
B Amino acids
C Monosaccharides
D High fatty acids
E Cholesterol esters
A 58-year-old female has undergone surgery for necrotic bowel. Despite having been treated
with antibiotics, on postoperative day 5, she develops symptoms (fever, hypotension,
tachycardia, declining urine output, and confusion) consistent with septic shock. What
hemodynamic support would be helpful?
A Fluids and Dobutamine infusion
B Dobutamine infusion
C Antibiotic administration
D Fluid administration
E Atropine administration
It was proved that a molecule of immature mRNA (precursor mRNA) contained more triplets
than amino acids found in the synthesized protein. The reason for that is that translation is
normally preceded by:
A Processing
B Initiation
C Reparation
D Mutation
E Replication
Examination of a patient revealed reduced contents of magnesium ions that are necessary for
attachment of ribosomes to the granular endoplasmatic reticulum. It is known that it causes
disturbance of protein biosynthesis. What stage of protein biosynthesis will be disturbed?
A Translation
B Transcription
C Replication
D Aminoacid activation
E Termination
Patient 54 year-old, 5th day after surgical operation. Blood count: Erythrocytes 3,6*1012
Hemoglobin 95 g/l, Erythrocyte’s hemoglobin content (color index) 0,78; Leukocytes
/l, Platelets 450*10 9
/l Blood picture: anizocytosis, poikilocytosis,
reticulocytes-3,8%. What anemia does this patient have?
A Acute posthemorragic anemia
B Acquired hemolytic anemia
C Anemia from iron deficiency
D Hypoplastic anemia
E Chronic posthemorragic anemia
The patient with pneumonia was treated with antibiotics for a long period. After treatment
patient complains of frequent and watery stool, abdomenal pain. What is the reason of
intestine function disorder?
A Intestinal disbacteriosis development
B Antibiotics toxic influence on the GIT
C Autoimmune reaction development
D Bacteria toxins influence
E Hereditary enzyme defect
A 16 year-old patient got numerous traumas in automobile accident. Now the patient is
haning a shock. АP - 80/60 mm Hg. daily urine volume 60-80 ml. What pathogenic
mechanism leads to kidneys function violation?
A Decreased hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries
B Increased osmotic pressure in glomerular capillaries
C Increased pressure in Bowman’s capsule
D Increased vasopressin blood concentration
E Trauma of the urinary bladder
A 46 year-old patient has complained of headache, fatigue, thirst, pains in the spine and
joints for the last 2 years. Clinically observed disproportional enlargement of hands, feet,
nose, superciliary arches. He notes that he needed to buy bigger shoes three times. What is
the main reason of such disproportional enlargement of different parts of the body?
A Cartilaginous tissue proliferation under growth hormone influence
A Increased sensitivity of the tissues to growth hormone
B Joints dystrophy development
C Increased sensitivity of the tissues to insulin
D Joints chronic inflammation development
A 55-year-old patient with continuing ventricular arrhythmias was admitted to the hospital. The
patient is taking timolol drops for glaucoma, daily insulin injections for diabetes mellitus, and
an ACE inhibitor for hypertension. You have decided to use phenytoin instead of
procainamide. What is the reason?
A The anticholinergic effect of procainamide would aggravate glaucoma
B The local anesthetic effect of procainamide would potentiate diabetes
C The hypertensive effects of procainamide would aggravate the hypertension
D The local anesthetic effect of procainamide would aggravate the hypertension
E The cholinergic effects of procainamide would aggravate the diabetes
A 25-year-old woman with red and itchy eczematoid dermatitis visits your office. She had a
dental procedure one day earlier with administration of a local anesthetic. There were no
other findings, although she indicated that she had a history of allergic reactions. Which of the
following drugs is most likely involved?
A Procaine
B Lidocaine
C Bupivacaine
D Etidocaine
The CNS stimulation produced by methylxanthines, such as caffeine, is most likely due to the
antagonism of one of the following receptors:
A Adenosine receptors
B Glycine receptors
C Glutamate receptors
D GABA receptors
E Cholinergic muscarinic receptors
Patients with similar complaints applied to the doctor: weakness, pain in the intestines,
disorder of GIT. Examination of the faeces revealed that one patient with four nucleus cysts
should be hospitalized immidiately. For what protozoa are such cysts typical?
A Dysenteric amoeba
B Intestinal amoeba
C Balantidium
D Trichomonas
E Lamblia
According to the data of WHO, for about 250 mln of Earth population fall ill with malaria. This
disease is mostly spread in tropical and subtropical regions. Range of its spread falls into
the areal of the following mosquitoes:
A Anopheles
B Culex
C Aedes
D Mansonia
E Culiseta
Labeled aminoacids alanine and tryptophane were introducted to a mouse in order to study
localization of protein biosynthesis in its cells. Around what organellas will the accumulation
of labeled aminoacids be observed?
A Ribosomes
B Agranular endoplasmic reticulum
C Cell centre
D Lysosomes
E Golgi apparatus
Highly injured person gradually died. Please choose the indicator of biological
death: A Autolysis and decay in the cells
B Disarray of chemical processes
C Loss of consciousness
D Absence of palpitation
E Absence of movements
After breathing with poisonous steams there is an increased quantity of slime in respiratory
passages of a chemical production worker. What of respiratory tract epithelial cells participate
in mucousa moistening?
A Goblet cells
B Fibroblasts
C Endocrine cells
D Langergans cells
E Intercalated cells
A patient suffering from thyrotoxicosis symptoms of vegetoasthenic syndrome was revealed.
What of the following would show the histological appearance of a thyroid gland being
stimulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)?
A Columnar-shaped follicular cells
B Decreased numbers of follicular cells
C Increased numbers of parafollicular cells
D An abundance of colloid in the lumen of the follicle
E Decreased numbers of parafollicular capillaries
The reason of occurrence of some diseases of an oral cavity is connected with structural
peculiarities of its mucous membrane. What morphological attributes characterize these
A No muscularis mucosa, stratified squamous epithelium
B Transitional epithelium, no submucosa
C Simple columnar ciliated epithelium
D Well developed muscularis, no submucosa
E Transitional epithelium, no muscularis mucosa
There is the change of teeth at the 6-8-year-old children: deciduous are replaced by
permanent. What embrionic tissues are the sources of formation of permanent teeth tissues?
A Ectodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime
B Entodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime
C Mesodermal epithelium and mesenhime
D I, II brachial arches
E Entodermal epithelium and mesoderm
The B cells of endocrine portion of pancreas are selectively damaged by alloxan poisoning.
How will it be reflected in blood plasma?
A The content of sugar increases
B The content of fibrinogen decrease
C The level of sugar decreases
D The content of globulins decreases
E The content of albumins decreases
In some regions of South Africa there is a spread sickle-shaped cell anemia, in which
erythrocytes have shape of a sickle as a result of substitution of glutamin by valine in the
hemoglobin molecule. What is the cause of this disease?
A Gene mutation
B Disturbance of mechanisms of genetic information realization
C Crossingover
D Genomic mutations
E Transduction
A female patient consulted a physician about digestive disorder, extended abdominal pain.
Examination revealed drastic decrease in hemoglobin concentration. It is known from the
anamnesis that while living in the Far East the patient used to eat freshly-salted caviar. Some
relatives living with her had the similar condition. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Diphyllobothriasis
B Echinococcosis
C Teniasis
D Trichiniasis
E Ascaridiasis
On autopsy of a still-born infant it is revealed heart development abnormalities: ventricles are
not separated, originates from the right part single arterial trunk. For what class of vertebrate
is such heart construction characteristic?
A Amphibian
B Fishes
C Reptiles
D Mammals
E Birds
If strong oxidizers get into the bloodstream, a methemoglobin is formed. It is a compound,
where iron (II) becomes iron (III). What has to be done to save the patient?
A Interchangeable hemotransfusion has to be done
B Patient has to be exposed to the fresh air
C He has to be calmed down and put to bed
D He has to be given pure oxygen
E Respiratory centers have to be stimulated
A 10-year-old child complains of weakness, nausea, irritability. Helminthes of white color and
5-10 mm long were found on the underwear. On microscopy of the scrape from the perianal
folds achromic ova of the unsymmetrical form were revealed. Indicate what helminth
is parasiting on the child?
A Enterobins vermicularis
B Ascaris lumbricoides
C ancylostoma duodenalis
D Trichina
E Trichuris
Parents with ill child came to the infectionist. They worked in one of the Asian countries for a
long time. Child has eathy colored skin, loss of appetite, laxity, enlarged liver, spleen,
peripheral glands. What protozoan illness can this child have?
A Visceral leishmaniasis
B Balantidiasis
C Amebiasis
D Toxoplasmosis
E Lambliasis
White-haired, with blue eyes girl was born in healthy parents. Irritability, anxiety, troubled
sleep and feeding developed in the first months of life of the infant. What method of genetic
investigation should be used for the exact diagnosis?
A Cytological
B Twin
C Genealogical
D Population-statistical
The calcium canals of cardiomyocytes have been blocked on an isolated rabbit's heart. What
changes in the heart's activity can happen as a result?
A Decreased rate and force of heart beat
B Decreased heart beat rate
C Decreased force of the contraction
D Heart stops in systole
E Heart stops in diastole
After the trauma, the patient’s right n.vagus was damaged. Which violation of the cardiac
activity is possible in this case?
A Violation of the automatism of a Kiss-Fleck node
B Violation of the automatism of a atrio-ventricular node
C Violation of a conductivity in the right auricle
D Block of a conductivity in the atrio-ventricular node
E Arrhythmia
In the ovary specimen colored with hematoxylin-eosin, follicle is determined where cubic-
shaped follicle epithelium cells are placed in 1-2 layers, and scarlet covering is seen
around ovocyte. Name this follicle:
A Primary
B Primordial
C Secondary
D Mature
E Atretic
While studing of the family tree with history of hypertrichosis (hyperhirsutism of the ear) this
sign was founded only in the men and it was inherited from father to the son. Define the type
of hypertrichosis inheritance?
A Connected with Y-chromosome
B Autosomal- recessive
C Autosomal-dominant
D Connected with Х-chromosome recessive
E Connected with Х-chromosome dominant
In the perianal folds of a 5-year-old girl her mother has found some white "worms" that
caused itch and anxiety in the child. The "worms" were sent to the laboratory. During
examination the physician saw white filiform helminths 0,5-1 cm long, with pointed ends,
some helminths had twisted ends. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Enterobiasis
B Diphyllobothriasis
C Teniasis
D Ascaridiasis
E Opisthorchiasis
Part of the DNA chain turned about 180 degree due to gamma radiation. What type of
mutation took place in the DNA chain?
A Inversion
B Deletion
C Doubling
D Translocation
E Replication
46 chromosomes were revealed on karyotype examination of the 5-year-old girl. One of the
15th pair of chromosomes is longer than usual due to connected chromosome from the 21
pair. What type of mutation does this girl have?
A Translocation
B Deletion
C Inversion
D Insufficiency
E Duplication
A pregnant woman had been having toxicosis with severe repeated vomiting for 24 hours. In
the end of the day there appeared tetanic convulsions and fluid loss. What shift of acid-base
state caused these changes?
A Excretory alkalosis
B Gaseous alkalosis
C Gaseous acidosis
D Metabolic acidosis
E Excretory acidosis
Genetic structure of eukaryote is "exon-intron-exon". This structure-functional organization of
gene caused transcription peculiarities. What will be pro-i-RNA according to the schema?
A Exon-intron-exon
B Exon-exon-intron
C Exon-exon
D Intron-exon
E Exon-intron
Medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office revealed that a 15-year-
old boy was high, with eunuchoid body proportions, gynecomastia, female pattern of pubic
hair distribution. The boy had also fat deposits on the thighs, no facial hair, high voice,
subnormal intelligence quotient. Which karyotype corresponds with this disease?
A 47, XXY
B 45, XO
C 46, XX
D 46, XY
E 47, XXX
RNA that contains AIDS virus penetrated into a leukocyte and by means of reverse
transcriptase forced a cell to synthetize a viral DNA. This process is based upon: A
Reverse transcription
B Operon repression
C Reverse translation
D Operon depression
E Convariant replication
According to the model of double DNA helix that was suggested by Watson and Creek, it was
established that one of chains would not be lost during replication and the second chain
would be synthesized complementary to the first one. What way of replication is it?
A Semiconservative
B Analogous
C Identical
D Dispersed
E Conservative
A teenager was irradiated with high radiation dose that resulted in serious damages of
lymphoid system, lysis of many lymphocytes. Restoration of normal hemogram is possible
due to the functioning of the following gland:
A Thymus
B Thyroid
C Liver
D Pancreas
E Adrenal
It was revealed that T-lymphocytes were affected by HIV. Virus enzyme - reverse transcriptase
(RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) - catalyzes the synthesis of:
A DNA on the matrix of virus mRNA
B Virus informational RNA on the matrix of DNA
C DNA on virus ribosomal RNA
D Viral DNA on DNA matrix
E mRNA on the matrix of virus protein
A patient after pathological process has a thickened alveolar membrane. The direct
consequence of the process will be the reduction of:
A Diffuse lung capacity
B Oxygen capacity of blood
C Minute respiratory capacity
D Alveolar lung ventilation
E Reserve expiratiory capacity
Autopsy of a newborn boy revealed polydactylia, microcephalia, cheiloschisis and
uranoschisis as well as hypertrophy of parenchimatous organs. These defects correspond
with the description of Patau's syndrome. What is the most probable cause of this pathology?
A Trisomy of the 13th chromosome
B Trisomy of the 18th chromosome
C Trisomy of the 21st chromosome
D Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes
E Partial monosomy
An ovary specimen stained by hematoxylin-eosin presents a follicle, where cells of follicular
epithelium are placed in 1-2 layers and have cubic form, there is a bright-red membrane
around the ovocyte. What follicle is it?
B Primary
C Primordial
C Mature
D Atretic
A patient has symptoms of inflammation of urogenital tracts. Examination of a vaginal smear
revealed big monocellular, pear-shaped organisms with the pointed spike at the posterior end
of body, big nucleus and undulating membrane. What protozoa were found in the smear?
A Trichomonas vaginalis
B Trichomonas hominis
C Trichomonas buccalis
D Trypanosoma gambiense
E Lamblia intestinalis
During regular examination of schoolchildren it was revealed that a 10 year old girl had
asymmetric oval eggs with a larva in the scrape from her perianal folds. What diagnosis
should be made?
A Enterobiasis
B Ascariasis
C Amebiasis
D Trichocephalosis
E Ankylostomiasis
A woman delivered a dead child with multiple developmental defects. What protozoan
disease might have caused the intrauterine death?
A Toxoplasmosis
B Leishmaniasis
C Malaria
D Amebiasis
E Lambliasis
Tuberculosis can be treated by means of combined chemotherapy that includes substances
with different mechanisms of action.What antituberculous medication inhibits transcription of
RNA into DNA in mycobacteria?
A Rifampicin
B Isoniazid
C Streptomycin
D Ethionamide
E Para-aminosalicylic acid
A patient experienced a sudden temperature rise up to 39o
С. After 6 hours the temperature
normalized. On the 2-nd day the attack recurred: in the period of paroxysm the temperature
reached 41o
С, apyrexial period began after 8 hours. What type of
temperature profile is it?
A Intermitting
B Recurrent
C Hectic
D Septic
E Continued
Larvae were detected occasionally on the microscopic examination of the sputum of the
patient with pneumonia. Eosinophiles were detected on the blood examination. What
helminthiasis can be diagnosed?
A Ascariasis
B Enterobiosis
C Trichocephaliasis
D Paragonimiasis
E Opistorchis
You are studying functioning of a bacteria operon. The operator gene has been released from
the repressor gene. Immediately after this the following process will start in the cell:
A Transcription
B Translation
C Replication
D Processing
E Repression
While studying maximally spiralized chromosomes of human karyotype the process of cell
division was stopped in the following phase:
A Metaphase
B Prophase
C Interphase
D Anaphase
E Telophase
It is known that the gene responsible for development of blood groups according to AB0
system has three allele variants. If a man has IV blood group, it can be explained by the
following variability form:
A Combinative
B Mutational
C Phenotypic
D Genocopy
E Phenocopy
A patient complains of pain in the area of his liver. Duodenal intubation revealed yellowish,
oval, narrowed at the poles eggs with an operculum at the end. Size of these eggs is the
smallest among all helminth eggs. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Opisthorchosis
B Teniasis
C Beef tapeworm infection
D Echinococcosis
E Diphyllobothriasis
A patient consulted an urologist about pain during urination. Analysis of his urine taken in the
daytime revealed eggs with a characteristic sharp point. It is known from the anamnesis that
the patient has recently returned from Australia. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Urogenital schistosomiasis
B Intestinal schistosomiasis
C Japanese schistosomiasis
D Opisthorchiasis
E Dicroceliasis
A child complains of general weakness, loss of appetite, a troubled sleep, itching in the
perianal area. The provisional diagnosis is enterobiasis. In order to specify this diagnosis it
is necessary to perform:
A Scraping from perianal folds
B Roentgenoscopy
C Biopsy of muscle tissue
D Immune diagnostics
E Duodenal contents analysis
The cell of the laboratory animal was overdosed with Roentgen rays. As a result albuminous
fragments formed in the cytoplasm. What cell organoid will take part at their utilization?
A Lysosomes
B Golgi complex
C Ribosome
D Endoplasmic reticulum
E Cells centre
In course of practical training students studied a stained blood smear of a mouse with
bacteria phagocyted by leukocytes. What cell organella completes digestion of these
A Lisosomes
B Mytochondrions
C Granular endoplasmic reticulum
D Golgi apparatus
E Ribosomes
A woman with ІІІ (B), Rh- blood group born a child with ІІ (A) blood group. The
child is diagnosed with hemolytic disease of newborn as a result of rhesus incompatibility.
What blood group is the child's father likely to have?
A ІІ (A), Rh+
B I (0), Rh+
C III (B), Rh+
D I (0), Rh-
E II (A), Rh-
Two days after consumption of smoked pork a patient got face and eye-lid edemata,
gastrointestinal disturbances, abrupt temperature rise, muscle pain. Blood analysis showed
full-blown eosinophilia. What helminth could the patient be infected with?
A Trichina
B Pinworm
C Ascarid
D Whipworm
E Hookworm
A lymph node punctate of a patient with suspected protozoal disease was examined.
Examination of the stained specimen (Romanovsky's stain) revealed some crescent bodies
with pointed end, blue cytoplasm and red nucleus. What protozoan were revealed in the
A Malarial plasmodiums
B Dermotropic leishmania
C Viscerotropic leishmania
D Trypanosomes
The guide of the scientific expedition in India was native who always was with his dog. What
invasive diseases can be transmitted by the dog if it is the source of invasion?
A Echinococcosis
B Teniasis
C Paragonimiasis
D Dicroceliasis
E Fascioliasis
A patient has acne on his face. Microspcopic examination of scrapings from the affected
areas revealed living porrect vermiform arthropoda 0,2-0,5 mm large with four pairs of short
extremities in the front part of their bodies. What is the laboratory diagnosis?
A Demodicosis
B Scabies
C Myiasis
D Pediculosis
E Phthiriasis
A family of students who came from Africa got a child with anemia signs. The child died soon.
Examination revealed that the child's erythrocytes have abnormal semilunar shape. Specify
genotypes of the child's parents:
A Аа х Аа
B Аа х аа
D аа х аа
E Аа х АА
Examination of cell culture got from a patient with lysosomal pathology revealed accumulation
of great quantity of lipids in the lysosomes. What of the following diseases is this disturbance
typical for?
A Tay-Sachs disease
B Gout
C Phenylketonuria
D Wilson disease
E Galactosemia
A 39-year-old woman has madescence in the region of mammilla, a small ulcer with
inflammatory hyperemia and cutaneous edema. Histologic examination of tissue sampling
from this area revealed in the malpighian layer of thickened epidermis atypical cells with light
and optically empty cytoplasm, with no intracellular bridges. Such cells were also found in the
orifice of big mammal gland ducts. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A Paget's disease
B Intraductal cancer
C Basal cell carcinoma
D Epidermoid cancer
E Melanocarcinoma
Golgi complex exports substances from a cell due to the fusion of the membrane saccule
with the cell membrane. The saccule contents flows out. What process is it?
A Exocytosis
B Endocytosis
C Active transport
D Facilitated diffusion
E All answers are false
A patient working at a pig farm complains about paroxysmal abdominal pain, liquid feces with
admixtures of mucus and blood, headache, weakness, fever. Examination of large intestine
revealed ulcers from 1 mm up to several cm large, feces contained oval unicellular
organisms with cilia. What disease should be suspected?
A Balantidiasis
B Amebiasis
C Toxoplasmosis
D Lambliasis
E Trichomoniasis
A boy found a spider with the following morphological characteristics: it is 2 cm long, has
roundish black abdomen with two rows of red spots on its dorsal side; four pairs of jointed
limbs are covered with small black hairs. What arthropod is it?
A Karakurt spider
B Scorpion
C Solpuga
D Mite
E Tarantula
Normal, actively dividing cells of human red bone marrow are analyzed. What number of cells'
chromosomes is typical for G1 period?
A 46
B 48
C 47
D 45
E 23
A man has worked in an African country for 3 years. A month after his return to Ukraine he
consulted an ophthalmologist and complained about eye ache, eyelid edema, lacrimation
and temporary visual impairment. Underneath the eye conjunctiva the doctor revealed
helminths 30-50 mm long with elongated filiform body. What diagnosis might be suspected?
A Filariasis
B Diphyllobothriasis
C Ascaridiasis
D Enterobiasis
E Trichocephaliasis
Life cycle of a cell includes the process of DNA autoreduplication. As a result of it
monochromatid chromosomes turn into bichromatid ones. What period of cell cycle does this
phenomenon fall into?
B Go
C G1
D G2
A 28-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist about sterility. Examination revealed
underdeveloped ovaries and uterus, irregular menstrual cycle. Analysis of the sex chromatin
revealed 2 Barr’s bodies in most somatic cells. What chromosome disease is most likely?
A Triple X syndrome
B Edwards' syndrome
C Patau's syndrome
D Klinefelter's syndrome
E Turner's syndrome
A cell at the stage of mitosis anaphase was stimulated by colchicine that inhibits
chromosome separation to the poles. What type of mutation will be caused?
A Polyploidy
B Inversion
C Deletion
D Duplication
E Translocation
A patient in a transplantation centre underwent heart transplantation. The organ was taken
from a donor who died in a road accident. Foreign heart can be rejected as a result of
development of transplantation immunity. It is usually prevented by means of:
A Immunosuppressors
B Chemotherapy
C Ultrasound
D Enzymes
E X-ray therapy
Following exposure to radiation a lot of mutant cells appeared in a patient. Some time later
most of them were detected and destroyed by the following cells of the immune system:
A T-lymphocytes-killers
B Plasmoblasts
C T-lymphocytes-supressors
D B-lymphocyte
E Stem cells
A gynaecologist was examining a patient and revealed symptoms of genital tract
inflammation. A smear from vagina contains pyriform protozoa with a spine, flagella at their
front; there is also an undulating membrane. What disease can be suspected?
A Urogenital trichomoniasis
B Lambliasis
C Intestinal trichomoniasis
D Toxoplasmosis
E Balantidiasis
A boy has I (I^0I^0) blood group and his sister has IV (I^AI^B) blood group. What blood
groups do their parents have?
) and III (IВ
) and III (IВ
C I (I0
) and IV (IA
) and IV (IA
E I (I0
) and III (IВ
For the purpose of myocardium infarction treatment a patient was injected with embryonal
stem cells derived from this very patient by means of therapeutic cloning . What
transplantation type is it?
A Autotransplantation
B Allotransplantation
C Xenotransplantation
D Isotransplantation
E Heterotransplantation
An alcoholic woman has born a girl with mental and physical developmental lag. Doctors
diagnosed the girl with fetal alcohol syndrome. What effect is the cause of the girl's state?
A Teratogenic
B Mutagenic
C Malignization
D Carcinogenic
E Mechanic
Sex chromosomes of a woman didn't separate and move to the opposite poles of a cell
during gametogenesis (meiosis). The ovum was impregnated with a normal spermatozoon.
Which chromosomal disease can be found in her child?
A Turner's syndrome
B Down's syndrome
C Patau's syndrome
D Edwards' syndrome
E Cat cry syndrome
Hartnup disease is caused by point mutation of only one gene which results in disturbance of
tryptophane absorption in the bowels and its resorption in the renal tubules. It is the reason
for disorder of both digestive and urination systems. What genetic phenomenon is observed
in this case?
A Pleiotropy
B Complementary interaction
C Polymery
D Codominance
E Semidominance
Cytogenetic examination of a patient with reproductive dysfunction revealed normal karyotype
46 ХY in some cells, but most cells have karyotype of Klinefelter's syndrome -
47 ХХY. Such cell heterogenity is called:
A Mosaicism
B Inversion
C Transposition
D Duplication
E Monomorphism
As a result of prophylactic medical examination a 7 year old boy was diagnosed with
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (only boys fall ill with it). The boy's parents are healthy but his
grandfather by his mother's side suffers from the same disease. What type of disease
inheritance is it?
A Recessive, sex-linked
B Dominant, sex-linked
C Autosomal recessive
D Autosomal dominant
E Semidominance
A doctor revealed tissues injury on patient's scalp with localized suppurations and diagnosed
his disease as myiasis. This infestation is caused by larvae of the following insect:
A Wohlfahrt fly
B Kissing bug
C Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans)
D Malarial mosquito
E Mosquito
2.0 Нормальна анатомія
A 10-year-old child complains of weakness, nausea, irritability. Helminthes of while color and
5-10 mm long were found on the underwear. On microscopy of the scrape from the perianal
folds achromic ovums of unsymmetrical form were revealed. Indicate what helminth is
parasiting on the child?
A Enterobins vermicularis
B Ancylostoma duodenalis
C Trichuris
D Trichina
E Ascaris lumbricoides
A patient has been brought to the hospital with the complaints of headache, pain in left
hypochondrium. He has been ill for 1,5 weeks. The sudden illness began with the increase of
body temperature up to 39,9o
C. In 3 hours the temperature decreased and hydropoiesis
began. The attacks repeat rhythmically in 48 hours. The patient had visited one an African
country. The doctors have suspected malaria. What method of laboratory diagnostics is
necessary to use?
A Blood examination
B Immunological tests
C Stool examination
D Examination of vaginal and urethral discharge
E Urine examination
Slime, blood and protozoa 30-200 microns of length have been revealed in a man's feces.
The body is covered with cilias and has correct oval form with a little bit narrowed forward and
wide round shaped back end. On the forward end a mouth is visible. In cytoplasm there are
two nucleuses and two short vacuoles. For whom are the described attributes typical?
A Balantidium
B Lamblia
C Dysenteric amoeba
D Trichomonas
E Intestinal amoeba
A patient in three weeks after acute myocardial infarction has pain in the heart and joints and
pneumonia. What is the main mechanism of development of post-infarction Dressler’s
A Autoimmune inflammation
B Ischemia of myocardium
C Resorption of enzymes from necrotized area of myocardium
D Secondary infection
E Vessels ' thrombosis
During the fetal period of the development in the vascular system of the fetus large arterial
(Botallo's) duct is functioning which converts into lig. arteriosum after birth. What anatomical
formations does this duct connect between each other?
A Pulmonary trunk and aorta
B Right and left auricle
C Aorta and inferior vena cava
D Pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava
E Aorta and superior vena cava
Young man felt sharp pain in the back during active tightening on the horizontal bar.
Objectively: pain while moving of upper extremity, limited pronation and adduction functions.
Sprain of what muscle is presented?
A М. latissimus dorsi
B М. levator scapulae
C М. romboideus major
D М. trapezius
E М. subscapularis
Children often have heavy nasal breathing resulting from excessive development of lymphoid
tissue of pharyngeal mucous membrane. What tonsils growth may cause this effect?
A Tonsilla pharyngea
B Tonsilla palatina
C Tonsilla lingualis
D Tonsilla tubaria
E All above mentioned tonsils
In course of laparotomy a surgeon revealed gangrenous lesion of descending colon. It was
caused by thrombosis of the following artery:
A Sinister colic
B Median colic
C Dexter colic
D Ileocolic
E Superior mesenteric artery
Three separate bones connected with cartilage in the area of pelvis cavity are noticed on the
X-ray of the pelvis. What are these bones?
A Iliac, pubic, sciatic
B Pubic, sciatic, femoral
C Sciatic, femoral, sacral
Iliac, sacral, coccyx
D Sacral, pubic, coccyx
A 60-year-old patient has reduced perception of high-frequency sounds. What structures'
disorder of auditory analizer caused these changes?
A Main membrane of cochlea near the oval window
B Main membrane of cochlea near helicotrema
C Eustachian tube
D Muscles of middle ear
E Tympanic membrane
The alveolar ventilation of the patient is 5 L/min, the breath frequency is 10 per/min, and the
tidal volume is 700 ml. What is the patient's dead space ventilation?
A 2,0 L/min
B 0,7 L/min
C 1,0 L/min
D 4,3 L/min
E -
During investigation of patient, it was found formation in the white substance of cerebral
hemispheres with location in the knee and frontal part of posterior crus of internal capsule.
Fibres of what conductive tract of the brain will be disrupted?
A Tr. pyramidalis
B Tr. frontothalamicus
C Тr. thalamocorticalis
D Tr. frontopontinus
E Tr. parietooccipitopontinus
Only one factor can influence the charge of amino acid radicals in the active centre of enzyme.
Name this factor:
A pH medium
B Pressure
C Temperature
D The presence of a competitive inhibitor
E The surplus of a product
Succinate dehydrogenase catalyses the dehydrogenation of succinate. Malonic acid
HOOC- CH2-COOH is used to interrupt the action of this enzyme. Choose the
inhibition type:
A Competitive
B Allosteric
C Non-competitive
D Limited proteolysis
E Dephosphorylation
The gluconeogenesis is activated in the liver after intensive physical trainings .What
substance is utilized in gluconeogenesis first of all in this case:
A Lactate
B Pyruvate
C Glutamate
D Alanine
A patient with a stab wound of the anterior stomach wall is in surgical care. What formation of
abdominal cavity did the stomach contents get into?
A Antegastrial bursa
B Omental bursa
C Hepatic bursa
D Left mesenteric sinus
E Right mesenteric sinus
A patient had been taking glucocorticoids for a long time. When the preparation was
withdrawn he developed the symptoms of disease aggravation, decreased blood pressure
and weakness. What is the reason of this condition?
A Appearance of adrenal insufficiency
B Hyperproduction of ACTH
C Sensibilization
D Habituation
E Cumulation
A patient has tissue ischemia below the knee joint accompanied with intermittent
claudication. What artery occlusion should be suspected?
A Popliteal artery
B Peroneal artery
C Posterior tibial artery
D Anterior tibial artery
E Proximal part of femoral artery
A patient, who suffers from congenital erythropoietic porphyria, has skin photosensitivity. The
accumulation of what compound in the skin can cause it?
A Uroporphyrinogen 1
B Protoporphyrin
C Uroporphyrinogen 2
D Coproporphyrinogen 3
E Heme
A patient has a malignisation of thoracic part of esophagus. What lymphatic nodes are
regional for this organ?
A Anulus lymphaticus cardiae
B Nodi lymphatici paratrachealis
C Nodi lymphatici prevertebralis
D Nodi lymphatici pericardiales laterales
E Nodi lymphatici mediastinales posteriores
The patient has come to the hospital from the smelting workshop in the condition of
hyperthermia. What is the direct cause of loss of consciousness at the heat stroke?
A Decreased brain blood supply
B Arterial pressure drop
Increased water loss through sweating
C Decrease of heart output
D Dilatation of peripheral vessels
A patient's blood was analyzed and the decreased erythrocyte’s sedimentation rate (ESR)
was discovered. What disease from the listed below is accompanied with decreased ESR?
A Polycytemia
B Hepatitis
C Splenomegaly
D Vitamin B deficiency
E Myocardial infarction
A 55-year-old patien was hospitalized in result of the trauma of the medial group of femoral
muscles. What kind of movements is the patient unable to do?
A Adduction of femur
B Abduction of femur
C Flexion of femur
D Extension of femur
E Suppination of femur
A mother of a newborn complains of her baby's constant belching with undigested milk.
Which developmental anomaly is it an evidence of?
A Esophageal atresia
B Labium leporium
C Faux lupinum
D Anal atresia
E Esophageal fistula
During the endoscopy the inflammation of a major papilla of the duodenum and the
disturbances of bile secretion were found. In which part of duodenum were the problems
A Descendent part
B Ascendant part
C Bulb
D Upper horizontal part
E Lower horizontal part
A 18-year-old patient came to the out-patient department with the complaints of bleeding
trauma in the vestibule of his nose. On examination: the mechanical injure of the mucous
layer of the vestibule without continuation into nasal cavity proper. What is the boundary
between the vestibule and nasal cavity proper?
A Nasal limen
B Nasal roller
C Nasal septa
D Choanes
E Nostrils
A 32-year-old patient has been diagnosed with bartholinitis (inflammation of Bartholin's
glands ). In what part of the female urogenital system are the Bartholin's glands located?
A The labia major
B The labia minor
C The clitoris
D The vagina
E The uterus
A 50 year-old patient had hemorrhage of the brain and was taken to the hospital. The place of
hemorrhage was revealed on the lateral hemispheres surfaces during the medical
examination. What artety was injured ?
A The middle cerebral artery
B The anterior cerebral artery
C The posterior cerebral artery
D The anterior communicating artery
E The posterior communicating artery
A 30-year-old patient was hospitalized due to bleeding of the facial artery . What place on the
face has to be pressed to stop bleeding?
A The mandible’s edge
B The mental process
C The mandible’s branch
D The nose’s back
E The molar bone
A 19 year-old patient was diagnosed with appendicitis and was hospitalized. The surgical
operation on ablating appendix vermiformis is to be performed. What artery must be fixed to
stop bleeding during the surgical operation?
A The ileocolic artery
B The colica dextra
C The colica media
D The colica sinistra
E The iliac
A 45-year-old man fell on the right knee and felt the acute pain in the joint. On examination:
severe edema on the anterior surface of the knee joint. Crunching sounds are heard while
moving the joint. Which bone is destroyed?
A Knee-cap
B Neck of the thigh bone
C Left epicondyle of the thigh
D Right epicondyle of the thigh
E Head of the thigh bone
During the operation on the hip joint of a 5-year- old child her ligament was damaged
which caused bleeding.What ligament was damaged?
A The head of the thigh
B Perpendicular of the acetabule
C Iliofemoral
D Pubofemoral
E Ischiofemoral
A 6-year-old child fell on the cutting object and traumatized soft tissues between tibia and
fibula . What kind of bone connection was injured?
A Membrane
B Suture
C Ligament
D Fontanel
E Gomphosis
Usually the intravenous injection is done into median cubital vein because it is slightly
movable due to fixation by the soft tissues. What does it fix in the cubital fossa?
A Aponeurosis of biceps muscle
B Tendon of the triceps muscle
C Brachial muscle
D Brachioradial muscle
E Anconeus muscle
Victim has elbow joint trauma with avulsion of medial epicondyle of humerus. What nerve can
be damaged in this trauma?
A Ulnar
B Radial
C Musculocutaneous nerve
D Cardiac cutaneous nerve
E Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the right subcostal
region, vomiting with blood. Objectively: enlarged liver, varicose veins in the stomach and
esophagus. Disfunction of what vessel is likely to be?
A Vena porta
B Aorta abdominalis
C Vena hepatica
D Vena cava superior
E Vena cava inferior
Examination of a 2-year-old child revealed physical developmental lag, the child often has
pneumonias. The child was diagnosed with nonclosure of ductus arteriosus.
Haemodynamics disorder was caused by the intercommunication of the following vessels:
A Aorta and pulmonary trunk
B Pulmonary trunk and pulmonary veins
C Superior cava and aorta
D Superior cava and pulmonary trunk
E Aorta and pulmonary veins
A 5-year-old child was admitted to the otorhinolaryngological department with diagnosis -
suppurative inflammation of the middle ear. Disease started from the inflammation of the
nasopharynx. Through the what canal of the temporal bone did the infection get into the
tympanic cavity?
A Musculortubal canal
B Tympanic Canaliculus tympanicus
C Carotid canal
D Canaliculus chordal tympani
E Canaliculi caroticotympanici
Inflammation of the tympanic cavity (purulent otitis media) was complicated by inflammation
of mammillary process sockets. What wall of tympanic cavity did the pus penetrate into the
sockets through?
A Posterior
B Anterior
C Medial
D Lateral
E Superior
A 19-year-old female suffers from tachycardia in rest condition, weight loss, excessive
sweating, exophtalmos and irritability. What hormone would you expect to find elevated in her
A Thyroxine
B Cortisol
C Mineralocorticoids
E Insulin
A 60-year-old patient was diagnosed with hypothalamic lateral nuclei stroke. What changes in
patient’s behavior may be expected?
A The rejection of food
B Aggressive behaviour
C Depression
D Thirst
E Unsatisfied hunger
The process of heart transplantation determined the viability of myocardial cells. The
determination of what myocardium parameter is the most important?
A Rest potential of cardiomyocytes
B Heart temperature
C Concentration of oxygen in heart vessels
D Concentration of calcium-ions in myofibrils
E Concentration of Ca-ions in heart vessels
It is necessary to take the cerebrospinal fluid from a patient with suspected inflammation of
brain tunics. Diagnostic puncture was performed between the arches of the lumbar vertebras.
During the puncture the needle went through the following ligament:
A Yellow (flaval)
B Iliolumbar
C Anterior longitudinal
D Posterior longitudinal
E Intertransverse
Nowadays about 50 minor bases have been found in the t-RNA structure besides the main
four nitrogenous bases. Choose the minor nitrogenous base:
A Dihydrouracil
B Uracil
C Cysteine
D Cytosine
Obturative jaundice developed in a 60-year-old patient because of malignant tumour of the
big papillary of the duodenal. Lumen of what anatomical structure is squeezed with tumour? A
Hepatopancreatic ampulla
B Cystic duct
C Common hepatic duct
D Right hepatic duct
E Left hepatic duct
The patient with thymoma (thymus gland tumour) has cyanosis, extention of subcutaneous
venous net and edema of the soft tissues of face, neck, upper part of the trunk and upper
extremities. What venous trunk is pressed with tumour?
A Superior vena cava
B External jugular vein
C Clavicular vein
D Internal jugular vein
E Frontal jugular vein
A patient operated on complicated appendicitis has the following changes of blood count:
erythrocytes - 4,0*1012
/l, Нb - 120 g/l, color index - 0,9, leukocytes – 18*109
basophils - 0, eosinophils - 0, myelocytes - 0, juvenile - 0, stab neutrophils - 20,
segmentonuclear neutrophils - 53, lymphocytes - 21, monocytes - 5. How is such nuclear
shift of leukocytic formula called?
A Degenerative left shift
B Right shift
C Regenerative left shift
D Hyperregenerative
E Regeneratively-degenerative
Patient complains of frequent and difficult urination. Imperfection of what formation can cause
A Prostate
B Testicles
C Bulb-uretic glands
D Testicle adnexa
E Sperm bubbles
Child inspired button. Where is it likely to be?
A In the right main bronchus
B In the left main bronchus
C In the trachea
D In the larynx
E In the gullet
Vegetative abnormalities in the sleep, heat regulation, all kinds of metabolism, diabetes
insipidus are developing in the patient due to grouth of the tumour in the III ventricle of brain.
Irritation of the nucleus of what part of the brain can cause this symptoms?
A Cerebral peduncles (cruces cerebri)
B Mesencephalic tegmentum
C Pons cerebelli
D Medulla
A patient with infectious mononucleosis had been taking glucocorticoids for two weeks. He
was brought into remission, but he fell ill with acute attack of chronic tonsillitis. What action of
glucocorticoids caused this complication?
A Immunosuppressive
B Anti-inflammatory
C Antishock
D Antiallergic
E Antitoxic
A 45-year-old man with domestic apper arm injuiry came to the trauma unit. The objective
data are: there are no extension, adduction or pronation functions of the arm. What muscle
damage caused this condition?
A Teres major
B Subscapular
C Teres minor
D Subspinous
E Supraspinous
A man with internal abdominal right side injury and suspicion of liver rupture was admitted to
the traumatological department. In what peritonial structure will blood accumulate?
A Excavatio rectovesicalis
B Bursa omentalis
C Recessus intersigmoideus
D Fossa ischio-analis
E Recessus duodenalis inferior
A histological spacemen presents parenchymal organ, which has cortex and medulla. Cortex
consists of epitheliocytes bars with blood capillaries between them; the bars form three
zones. Medulla consists of chromaffinocytes and venous sinusoids. Which organ has these
morphological features?
A Adrenal gland
B Kidney
C Lymph node
D Thymus
E Thyroid
After trauma a 44-year-old patient had a rupture of left palm muscle tendons and of the
surface of blood vessels. After operation and removal of the most part of the necrotically
changed muscle tissue the bloodstream was normalized. What vessels have helped with
restoration of bloodstream?
A Arcus palmaris profundus
B Arcus palmaris superficialis
C Aa. digitales palmares communes
D Aa. metacarpeae palmares
E Aa. perforantes
A 45-year-old man applied to the trauma unit because of domestic shoulder trauma.
Objectively: flexibility, reduction and pronation functions of the shoulder are absent. What
muscle was injured?
A Teres major muscle
B Subscapular muscle
C Teres minor muscle
D Infraspinous muscle
E Supraspinous muscle
Ovarian tumour was diagnozed in the woman. Surgery was indicated. What ligament should
be cut by the surgeon to disconnect the ovary and the uterus?
A The ovarial ligament
B Broad ligament of uterus
C Lateral umbilical ligament
D Suspensory ligament of ovary
E Round ligament of uterus
An old woman was hospitalized with acute pain, edema in the right hip joint; the movements
in the joint are limited. Which bone or part of it was broken?
A The neck of the thigh
B The body of the thigh bone
C Condyle of the thigh
D Pubic bone
E Ischial bone
A 53-year-old female patient was diagnosed with liver rupture resulting from a blunt
abdominal injury. The escaped blood will be assembled in the following anatomic formation:
A Rectouterine pouch
B Vesicouterine pouch
C Right mesenteric sinus
D Omental bursa
E Left mesenteric sinus
A patient complains about edemata of legs, skin cyanosis, small ulcers on one side of the
lateral condyle. Examination revealed a swelling, enlarged veins, formation of nodes. The
pathological process has started in the following vein:
A V. saphena parva
B V. saphena magna
C V. femoralis
D V. profunda femoris
E V. iliaca externa
A 70 year old female patient was diagnosed with fracture of left femoral neck accompanied by
disruption of ligament of head of femur. The branch of the following artery is damaged:
A Obturator
B Femoral
C External iliac
D Inferior gluteal
E Internal pudendal
A woman underwent an operation on account of extrauterine (tubal) pregnancy. In course of
the operation the surgeon should ligate the branches of the following arteries:
A Uterine and ovarian
B Superior cystic and ovarian
C Inferior cystic and ovarian
D Uterine and superior cystic
E Uterine and inferior cystic
A 6 month old baby ill with bronchitis was taken for an X-ray of chest. Apart of changes
associated with bronchi the X-ray film showed a shadow of thymus gland. What might have
caused such changes?
A The above-mentioned condition is a normal variant for this age
B It's the effect of bronchitis
C It is caused by abnormal position
D It is caused by thymus inflammation
E It is caused by neoplastic process
A 7-year-old child can't abduct the shoulder, raise it to the horizontal level. He can raise the
hand to the face only with dorsal side with abduction of the shoulder (with help of
supraspinous muscle ) - "bugler" arm. Active function of what muscle is absent?
A Deltoid
B Infraspinous
C Pectoral major
D Teres minor
E Teres major
A 7-year-old girl has signs of anemia. Laboratory examination revealed pyruvate kinase
deficiency in erythrocytes. What process disturbance plays the main role in anemia
A Anaerobic glycolysis
B Oxidative phosphorylation
C Tissue respiration
D Peroxide decomposition
E Aminoacids desamination
A patient complained about being unable to adduct and abduct fingers in the
metacarpophalangeal articulations towards and away from the 3rd finger. Which muscles'
function is impaired?
A Interosseous muscles
B Lumbrical muscles
C Breviflexors of fingers
D Long flexors of fingers
E Extensors
A 45-year-old patient was admitted to the surgical department with complaints of abrupt sharp
pain in the epigastric region. After examination it was diagnosed: perforated ulcer of the
posterior wall of the stomach. Where did content of the stomach flow out while perforation?
A To the omental bursa
B To the liver bursa
C To the proventriculus sack
D To the left mesenteric sinus
E To the right mesenteric sinus
A 25-year-old patient complained of the decreased vision. Accommodation disorders, dilated
pupil, not reacting on the light were revealed on examination. Function of what muscles is
A Pupil narrowing muscle, ciliary
B Pupil dilating muscle, ciliary C
Inferior oblique muscle, ciliary
D Lateral rectus muscle, pupil narrowing
E Pupil narrowing and dilating muscle
Microspecimen of spinal cord contains a nucleus that should be analyzed. Its neurons form
motor endings in the skeletal muscles. What nucleus of spinal cord is meant?
A Proper nucleus of the anterior horn
B Thoracic nucleus
C Intermediate lateral nucleus
D Proper nucleus of the posterior horn
E Proper nucleus of gray substance
A man with cut wound of his right foot sole was admitted to the hospital ward. The patient has
limited elevation of the lateral foot edge. In course of wound management the injury of a
muscle tendon was revealed. What muscle is injured?
A Long peroneal
B Anterior tibial
C Long extensor muscle of toes
D Triceps muscle of crus
E Short peroneal
A 35 year old man with a trauma of his left hand was admitted to the traumatology
department. Objectively: cut wound of palmar surface of left hand; middle phalanxes of II–V
fingers don't bend. What muscles are damaged?
A Superficial finger flexor
B Profound finger flexor
C Lumbrical muscles
D Palmar interosseous muscles
E Dorsal interosseous muscles
A 38-year-old patient came to a traumatology centre and complained about an injury of his
right hand. Objectively: the patient has a cut wound in the region of the thenar eminence on
the right hand; distal phalanx of the I finger cannot be flexed. What muscle was injured?
A Long flexor muscle of thumb
B Short flexor muscle of thumb
C Short abductor muscle of thumb
D Opposer muscle of thumb
E Abductor muscle of thumb
A patient with neuritis of femoral nerve has disturbed flexion of thigh as well as disturbed crus
extension in the knee joint. What muscle's function is disturbed?
A Quadriceps muscle of thigh
B Biceps muscle of thigh
C Triceps muscle of thigh
D Semitendinous muscle
E Semimembranous muscle
In the specimen of one of the parts of respiratory system a tubular organ was found. It has low
epithelium, well developed muscular tunic, glands and cartilage are absent. Name this
A Minor bronchs
B Trachea
C Larynx
D Major bronchs
E Median bronchs
Where should the cathetor for evacuation of the lymph from the thoracic lymph duct be
A To the left venous corner
B To the right venous corner
C To the superior vena cava
D To the inferior vena cava
E To the left inguinal vein
A patient has difficulties with hand movement. Examination revealed inflammation of common
synovial sheath of flexor muscles. It is known from the patient's anamnesis that he got a stab
wound of finger a week ago. Which finger was most probably damaged?
A Digitus minimus
B Pollex
C Digitus medius
D Index
E Digitus anularis
An injured man has bleeding from branches of carotid artery. For a temporary arrest of
bleeding it is necessary to press the carotid artery to the tubercle of a cervical vertebra. Which
vertebra is it?
As a result of an accident a patient has intense painfullness and edema of the anterior crus
surface; dorsal flexion of foot is hindered. Function of which crus muscle is most likely to be
A M.tibialis anterior
B M.flexor digitorum longus
C M.flexor hallucis longus
D M.peroneus longus
E M.peroneus brevis
A 40-year-old patient complains of intensive heartbeats, sweating, nausea, visual
impairment, arm tremor, hypertension. From his anamnesis: 2 years ago he was diagnosed
with pheochromocytoma. Hyperproduction of what hormones causes the given pathology?
A Catecholamines
B Aldosterone
C Glucocorticoids
E Thyroidal hormones
A patient who suffers from cancer of back of tongue has an intense bleeding as a result of
affection of dorsal lingual artery by the tumour. What vessel should be ligated to stop
A Lingual artery
B Dorsal lingual artery
C Deep lingual artery
D Facial artery
E Ascending pharyngeal artery
A 58-year-old patient with acute cardiac insufficiency has decreased volume of daily urine -
oliguria. What is the mechanism of this phenomenon?
A Decreased glomerular filtration
B Decreased number of functioning glomerules
C Drop of oncotic blood pressure
D Rise of hydrostatic blood pressure in capillars
E Reduced permeamility of renal filter
An 18-year-old man was delivered to the hospital after a road accident. Examination at the
traumatological department revealed multiple injuries of soft tissues of face in the region of
the medial eye angle. The injuries caused massive haemorrhage. What arterial anastomosis
might have been damaged in this region?
A a. carotis externa et a. carotis interna
B a. carotis externa et a. subclavia
C a. carotis interna et a. subclavia
D a. subclavia et a. ophthalmica
E a. carotis interna et a. ophthalmica
After a 2 y.o. child has had flu, there appeared complaints about ear ache. A doctor revealed
hearing impairment and inflammation of the middle ear. How did the infection penetrate into
the middle ear?
A Through the auditory tube
B Through foramen jugularis
C Through canalis caroticus
D Through atrium mastoideum
E Through canalis nasolacrimalis
A surgeon has to find the common hepatic duct during the operative intervention on account of
concrements in the gall ducts. The common hepatic duct is located between the leaves of:
A Hepatoduodenal ligament
Hepatogastric ligament
B Hepatorenal ligament
C Round ligament of liver
D Venous ligament
Cerebral trauma caused increase of ammonia formation. What aminoacid takes part in
removal of ammonia from cerebral tissue?
A Glutamic
B Tyrosine
C Valine
D Tryptophan
E Lisine
A 40-year-old woman was admitted to the infectious diseases department with high body
temperature. Objectively: marked meningeal symptoms. A spinal cord punction was made.
What anatomic formation was puncturated?
A Spatium subarachnoideum
B Spatium subdurale
C Spatium epidurale
D Cavum trigeminale
E Cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior
After resection of the middle third of femoral artery obliterated by a thromb the lower extremity
is supplied with blood due to the surgical bypass. Name an artery that plays the main role in
reestablishment of blood flow:
A Deep femoral artery
B Superficial circumflex artery of hip bone
C Descending genicular artery
D Superficial epigastric artery
E Deep external pudendal artery
A patient's knee joint doesn't extend, there is no knee-jerk reflex, skin sensitivity of the anterior
femoral surface is disturbed. What nerve structures are damaged?
A Femoral nerve
B Superior gluteal nerve
C Big fibular nerve
D Obturator nerve
E Inferior gluteal nerve
The electronic microphoto of kidney fragment has exposed afferent glomerular arteriole,
which has giant cells under its endothelium, containing secretory granules. Name the type of
these cells:
A Juxtaglomerular
B Mesangial
C Smoothmuscular
D Juxtavascular
E Interstitial
A 50 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints about pain behind his
breastbone, asphyxia during physical activity. Angiography revealed pathological changes in
the posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery. What heart parts are affected?
A Posterior wall of the right and left ventricles
B Left atrium
C Anterior wall of the right and left ventricles
D Right atrium
E Right atrioventricular valve
A patient was admitted to the surgical department with suspected inflammation of Meckel's
diverticulum. What part of bowels should be examined in order to discover the diverticulum in
course of an operation?
A Ileum
B Duodenum
C Jejunum
D Caecum
E Colon ascendens
Examination of a newborn boy's genitals revealed a cleft of urethra that opens on the inferior
surface of his penis. What developmental anomaly is meant?
A Hypospadia
B Hermaphroditism
C Epispadia
D Monorchism
E Cryptorchism
A patient complains about impaired evacuatory function of stomach (long-term retention of
food in stomach). Examination revealed a tumour of initial part of duodenum. Specify
localization of the tumour:
A Pars superior
B Pars inferior
C Pars descendens
D Pars ascendens
E Flexura duodeni inferior
A man after 1,5 litre blood loss has suddenly reduced diuresis. The increased secretion of
what hormone caused such diuresis alteration?
A Vasopressin
B Corticotropin
C Natriuretic
D Cortisol
E Parathormone
A young man consulted a doctor about disturbed urination. Examination of his external
genitals revealed that urethra is split on top and urine runs out of this opening. What anomaly
of external genitals development is the case?
A Epispadia
B Phimosis
C Hermaphroditism
D Paraphimosis
E Hypospadia
A 35 year old patient applied to a doctor with complaints about having intense rhinitis and
loss of sense of smell for a week. Objectively: nasal cavity contains a lot of mucus that covers
mucous membrane and blocks olfactory receptors. In what part of nasal cavity are these
receptors situated?
A Superior nasal turbinate
B Median nasal turbinate
C Inferior nasal turbinate
D Common nasal meatus
E Vestibule of nose
Inflammatory process of modified subserous layer around cervix of the uterus caused an
intensive pain syndrome. In what region of genitals does the pathological process take
A Parametrium
B Mesometrium
C Myometrium
D Endometrium
E Perimetrium
In course of an operation surgeon removed a part of a lung that was ventilated by a tertiary
bronchus accompanied by branches of pulmonary artery and other vessels. What part of a
lung was removed?
A Bronchopulmonary segment
B Middle lobe
C Inferior lobe
D Superior lobe
E Pulmonary lobule
While examining the oral cavity a stomatologist revealed inflammation of papillae on the
border of the median and posterior third of the back of tongue. What papillae are inflamed?
A Papillae vallatae
B Papillae fungiformes
C Papillae foliatae
D Papillae filiformes
E Papillae conicae
Examination of a patient revealed an abscess of pterygopalatine fossa. Where can the
infection spread to unless the disease is managed in time?
A To the orbit
B To the interpterygoid space
C To the frontal sinus
D To the subgaleal temporal space
E To the tympanic cavity
During complicated labour the symphysis pubis ruptured. What organ can be damaged
A Urinary blader
B Rectum
C Ovaria
Uterine tubes
D Uterus
A patient with cholelithiasis fell ill with mechanic jaundice. Examination revealed that the
stone was in the common bile duct. What bile-excreting ducts make up the obturated duct?
A Ductus hepaticus communis et ductus cysticus
B Ductus hepaticus dexter et sinister
C Ductus hepaticus dexter et ductus cysticus
D Ductus hepaticus sinister et ductus cysticus
E Ductus hepaticus communis et ductus choledochus
Neurological examination of a 65 y.o. patient revealed a haemorrhage within the superior
temporal gyrus. In the blood supply area of which artery is it?
A Middle cerebral artery
B Anterior cerebral artery
C Posterior cerebral artery
D Anterior communicating artery
E Basilar artery
A 70 y.o. man has cut an abscess off in the area of mammiform process during shaving. Two
days later he was admitted to the hospital with inflammation of arachnoid membranes. How
did the infection penetrate into the cavity of skull?
A V.emissariaе mastoideaе
B V.v.labyrinthi
C V.v.tympanicae
D V.facialis
E V.v.auriculares
The cerebrospinal fluid is being examined for the purpose of diffrential meningitis
diagnostics. At what site is the lumbal puncture safe?
While preparing a patient to the operation the heart chambers' pressure was measured. In
one of them the pressure changed during one heart cycle from 0 to 120 mm Hg. What
chamber of heart was it?
A Left ventricle
B Right ventricle
C Right atrium
D Left atrium
E -
Part of alveoles of a preterm infant didn't spread because of enhanced elastic recoil of lungs.
How can this recoil be reduced?
A By surfactant introduction
B By pure oxygene inhalation
By artificial pulmonary ventilation
C By fluid suction from the respiratory tracts
D By glycose introduction
Preventive examination of a patient revealed an enlarged lymph node of metastatic origin on
the medial wall of the left axillary crease. Specify the most likely localization of the primary
A Mammary gland
B Submandibular salivary gland
C Lung
D Stomach
E Thyroid gland
A man suffering from osteochondrosis got acute pain in the abdominal muscles (lateral and
anterior). During objective examination a physician diagnosticated increased pain sensitivity of
skin in the hypogastric region. This pain might be caused by affection of the following nerve:
A Iliohypogastric
B Sciatic
C Obturator
D Femoral
E Genitofemoral
A woman suffering from osteochondrosis felt acute pain in her humeral articulation that
became stronger when she abducted her shoulder. These symptoms might be caused by
damage of the following nerve:
A Axillary nerve
B Subscapular nerve
C Dorsal scapular nerve
D Subclavicular nerve
E Throracodorsal nerve
Pyeloureterography X-ray photo showed a renal pelvis with minor calyces only (major calyces
were absent). What form of urinary tracts of a kidney was revealed?
A Embryonal
B Fetal
C Mature
D Ampullar
E -
A patient has a deep cut wound on the posterior surface of his shoulder in its middle third.
What muscle might be injured?
A Triceps muscle of arm
B Biceps muscle of arm
C Anconeus muscle
D Brachial muscle
E Coracobrachial muscle
A patient has pain, edema and reddening of his skin in the anterosuperior area of his thigh
and his foot's thumb. What lymph nodes of his lower extremity responded to the inflammatory
A Superficial inguinal
B Deep inguinal
C Internal longitudinal
D Superficial longitudinal
E General longitudinal
A patient got a craniocerebral trauma that resulted in right-side convergent strabismus.
Damage of which craniocerebral nerve caused such consequences?
A n.abducens
B n.facialis
C n.trigeminus
D n.trochlearis
E n.aculomotorius
In case of a penetrating wound of the anterior abdominal wall the wound tract went above the
lesser curvature of stomach. What peritoneum formation is most likely to be injured?
A Ligamentum hepatogastricum
B Ligamentum gastrocolicum
C Ligamentum hepatoduoduodenale
D Ligamentum hepatorenale
E Ligamentum triangulare sinistrum
After a trauma a patient lost ability of elbow extension. This might have been caused by
dysfunction of the following main muscle:
A m. triceps brachii
B m. subscapularis
C m. teres major
D m. infraspinatus
E m. levator scapulae
A patient has been diagnosed with a compression fracture of a lumbar vertebra. As a result
he has a considerable increase in curvature of the lumbar lordosis. Which ligament damage
can induce such changes in the spine curvature?
A Anterior longitudinal ligament
B Posterior longitudinal ligament
C Yellow ligament
D Iliolumbar ligament
E Interspinous ligament
After a craniocerebral trauma a patient lost the ability to execute learned purposeful
movements (apraxia). The injury is most likely localized in the following region of the cerebral
A Gyrus supramarginalis
B Gyrus angularis
C Gyrus paracentralis
D Gyrus lingualis
E Gyrus parahippocampalis
A patient got an injury of spinal marrow in a road accident that caused loss of tactile
sensation, posture sense, vibration sense. What conduction tracts are damaged? A
Fascicle of Goll and cuneate fascicle
B Anterior spinocerebellar tract
C Rubrospinal tract
D Reticulospinal tract
E Tectospinal tract
Examination of a patient revealed hypertrophy and inflammation of lymphoid tissue, edema of
mucous membrane between palatine arches (acute tonsillitis). What tonsil is normally
situated in this area?
A Tonsilla palatina
B Tonsilla pharyngealis
C Tonsilla tubaria
D Tonsilla lingualis
E -
While performing an operation in the area of axillary crease a surgeon has to define an
arterial vessel surrounded by fascicles of brachial plexus. What artery is it?
A A.axillaris
B A.vertebralis
C A.transversa colli
D A.profunda brachii
E A.subscapularis
Examination of a patient with impaired blood coagulation revealed thrombosis of a branch of
inferior mesenteric artery. What bowel segment is damaged?
A Colon sigmoideum
B Ileum
C Caecum
D Colon transversum
E Colon ascendens
A patient was admitted to the surgical department with inguinal hernia. During the operation
the surgeon performs plastic surgery on posterior wall of inguinal canal. What structure forms
this wall?
A Transverse fascia
B Aponeurosis of abdominal external oblique muscle
C Inguinal ligament
D Loose inferior edge of transverse abdominal muscle
E Peritoneum
A man with an injury of the dorsal area of his neck was admitted to the resuscitation
department. What muscle occupies this area?
A M.trapezius
B M.sternocleidomastoideus
C M.latissimus dorsi
D M.rhomboideus minor
E M.scalenus anterior
A patient complains of dizziness and hearing loss. What nerve is damaged?
A Vestibulocochlear
B Trigeminus
C Sublingual
D Vagus
E Trochlear
While palpating mammary gland of a patient a doctor revealed an induration in form of a node
in the inferior medial quadrant. Metastases may extend to the following lymph nodes:
A Parasternal
B Posterior mediastinal
C Profound lateral cervical
D Bronchopulmonary
E Superior diaphragmal
A patient got a trauma that caused dysfunction of motor centres regulating activity of head
muscles. In what parts of cerebral cortex is the respective centre normally localized?
A Inferior part of precentral gyrus
B Superior part of precentral gyrus
C Supramarginal gyrus
D Superior parietal lobule
E Angular gyrus
Examination of a 6-month-old child revealed a delay in closure of the occipital fontanelle.
When should it normally close?
A Until 3 months
B Before the child is born
C Until 6 months
D Until the end of the first year of life
E Until the end of the second year of life
A patient was diagnosed with paralysis of facial and masticatory muscles. The haematoma is
inside the genu of internal capsule. What conduction tract is damaged?
A Tr. cortico-nuclearis
B Tr. cortico-spinalis
C Tr. cortico-thalamicus
D Tr. cortico-fronto-pontinus
E Tr. cortico-temporo-parieto-occipito-pontinus
A patient has lost skin sensitivity in the region of the medial surface of his shoulder. This is
the result of dysfunction of the following nerve:
A Medial brachial cutaneous nerve
B Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve
C Radial nerve
D Ulnar nerve
E Axillary nerve
A foreign body (a button) closed space of the right superior lobar bronchus. What segments of
the right lung won't be supplied with air?
A Apical, posterior, anterior
B Superior and inferior lingular
C Apical and posterior basal
D Apical and median basal
E Medial and lateral
A patient was diagnosed with bartholinitis (inflammation of greater vulvovaginal glands). In
which organ of urogenital system are these glands localized?
A Large lips of pudendum
B Small lips of pudendum
C Clitoris
D Vagina
E Uterus
While performing an inguinal canal operation on account of hernia a surgeon damaged the
canal's contents. What exactly was damaged?
A Funiculus spermaticus
B Urarchus
C Lig. teres uteri
D Lig. inguinalе
E -
Ultrasonic examination of a patient revealed aneurism in the area of aortic arch that caused
alteration of vocal function of larynx. What nerve was constricted?
A Recurrent laryngeal
B Diaphragmatic
C Superior laryngeal
D Mandibular
E Sublingual
Surgical approach to the thyroid gland from the transverse (collar) approach involves opening
of interaponeurotic suprasternal space. What anatomic structure localized in this space is
dangerous to be damaged?
A Jugular venous arch
B External jugular vein
C Subclavicular vein
D Inferior thyroid arthery
E Superior thyroid arthery
In course of a small pelvis operation it became necessary to ligate an ovarian artery. What
formation may be accidentally ligated together with it?
A Ureter
B Uterine tube
C Round ligament of uterus
D Internal iliac vein
E Urethra
An injured person was delivered to the hospital with a penetrating wound in the left lateral
region of abdomen. What part of the large intestine is most likely damaged?
A Colon descendens
B Colon ascendens
C Colon transverses
D Caecum
E Rectum
After a road accident a driver was delivered to the hospital with an injury of the medial
epicondyle of humerus. What nerve might be damaged in this case?
A n. Ulnaris
B n. radialis
C n. axillaris
D n. muscolocutaneus
E n. medianus
A patient with a knife wound in the left lumbal part was delivered to the emergency hospital. In
course of operation a surgeon found that internal organs were not damaged but the knife
injured one of muscles of renal pelvis. What muscle is it?
A Greater psoas muscle
B Iliac muscle
C Erector muscle of spine
D Abdominal internal oblique muscle
E Abdominal external oblique muscle
A 25 year old patient was examined by a medical board. Examination revealed pathology of
chest. Transverse dimensions were to small and the sternum was strongly protruding. What
chest type is it?
A Keeled chest
B Funnel chest
C Flat chest
D Cylindrical chest
E Barrel chest
A man with a stab wound in the area of quadrilateral foramen applied to a doctor. Examination
revealed that the patient was unable to draw his arm aside from his body. What nerve is most
probably damaged?
A N.axillaris
B N.medianus
C N.radialis
D N.ulnaris
E N.subclavius
Brain tomography revealed a tumour in the region of red nucleus. What part of brain
A Midbrain
B Medulla oblongata
C Cerebellum
D Interbrain
E Pons cerebelli
3.0 Гістологія
A patient visited a dentist with complaints of redness and edema of his mouth mucous
membrane in a month after dental prosthesis. The patient was diagnosed with allergic
stomatitis. What type of allergic reaction by Gell and Cumbs underlies this disease?
A Delayed type hypersensitivity
B Cytotoxic
C Immunocomplex
D Anaphylactic
E Stimulating
An electronic microphotograph shows a macrophagic cell with erythrocytes at different stages
of differentiation located along its processes. This is the cell of the following organ:
A Red bone marrow
B Thymus
C Spleen
D Tonsil
E Lymph node
Decreased blood supply to the organs causes hypoxia that activates fibroblasts function.
Volume of what elements is increased in this case?
A Intercellular substance
B Vessels of microcircular stream
C Nerve elements
D Parenchymatous elements of the organ
E Lymphatic vessels
A patient has undergone an amputation of lower extremity. Some time later painful nodules
appeared in a stump. Amputatious neuromas were found out at the microscopic
examination. To what pathological processes do those formations relate?
A Regeneration
B Dystrophy
C Inflammation
D Hyperemia
E Metaplasia
A 22-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of heavy nasal breathing.
During the examination of her nasal cavity the doctors found thickened mucous membrane, a
lot of mucus and nodular infiltrates without erosions in the nose.The nasal rhinoscleroma was
diagnosed. The biopsy was taken. What typical morphological changes may be found?
A Granulomas with Mikulicz’s cells
B Granulomas with Virchow’s cells
C Granulomas with Langhan’s cells
D Granulomas with foreign body cells
E Interstitial inflammation
Lung of premature infant is presented on electronic photomicrography of biopsy material.
Collapse of the alveolar wall caused by the deficiency of surfactant was revealed. Disfunction
of what cells of the alveolar wall caused it?
A Alveocytes type II
B Alveocytes type I
C Alveolar macrophages
B Secretory cells
C Fibroblasts
During histological examination of the stomach it was found out that glands contain very
small amount of pariental cells or they are totally absent. Mucose membrane of what part of
the stomach was studied?
A Pyloric part
B Fundus of stomach
C Cardiak part
D Body of stomach
E -
Live vaccine is injected into the human body. Increasing activity of what cells of connective
tissue can be expected?
A Plasmocytes and lymphocytes
B Macrophages and fibroblasts
C Pigmentocytes and pericytes
D Adipocytes and adventitious cells
E Fibroblasts and labrocytes
In the blood of a 26-year-old man it was revealed 18% of erythrocytes of the spherical,
ball-shaped, flat and thorn-like shape. Other eritrocytes were in the form of the concavo-
concave disks. How is such phenomenon called?
A Physiological poikilocytosis
B Pathological poikilocytosis
C Physiological anisocytosis
D Pathological anisocytosis
E Erytrocytosis
When the pH level of the stomach lumen decreases to less than 3, the antrum of the stomach
releases peptide that acts in paracrine fashion to inhibit gastrin release. This peptide is:
B Acetylcholine
C Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP)
D Somatostatin
E Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)
A 50-year-old male farm worker has been brought to the emergency room. He was found
confused in the orchard and since then has remained unconscious. His heart rate is 45 and
his blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg. He is sweating and salivating profusely. Which of the
following should be prescribed?
A Atropine
B Norepinephrine
C Proserine
D Physostigmine
E Pentamine
A 13-year-old girl with history of asthma complained of cough, dyspnea and wheezing. Her
symptoms became so severe that her parents brought her to the emergency room. Physical
examination revealed diaphoresis, dyspnea, tachycardia and tachypnea. Her respiratory rate
was 42/min, pulse rate was 110 beats per minute, and blood pressure was 130/70 mm Hg.
Choose from the following list the most appropriate drug to reverse the bronchoconstriction
A Salbutamol
B Cromolyn
C Beclomethasone
D Methylprednidsolone
E Ipratropium
A doctor administered Allopurinol to a 26-year-old young man with the symptoms of gout.
What pharmacological action of Allopurinol ensures therapeutical effect?
A By inhibiting uric acid synthesis
B By increasing uric acid excretion
C By inhibiting leucocyte migration into the joint
D By general anti-inflammatory effect
E By general analgetic effect
The pulmonalis embolism has suddenly developed in a 40 year-old patient with opened
fracture of the hip. Choose the possible kind of embolism.
A Fat
B Thrombus-embolus
C Air
D Tissue
E Foreign body
Hypertrychosis of auricles is caused by a gene that is localized in Y-chromosome. Father has
this feature. What is the probability to give birth to a boy with such anomaly?
A 100%
B 0%
C 25%
D 35%
E 75%
On autopsy a 35-year-old man the focus of carnification 5 cm in diametre enclosed in a thin
capsule was revealed in the second segment of the right lung . The focus consists of a tough
dry friable tissue with a dim surface. For what disease are these morphological changes
A Tuberculoma
B Lung cancer
C Chondroma
D Tumorous form of silicosis
E Postinflammatory pneumosclerosis
In the microspecimen of red bone marrow there were revealed multiple capillares through
the walls of which mature blood cells penetrated. What type of capillares is it?
A Sinusoidal
B Fenestrational
C Somatical
D Lymphatic
M-r S presents all signs of the hepatic coma: loss of consciousness, absence of reflexes,
cramps, convulsion, disorder of heart activity, recurrent (periodical) respiration. What are
cerebrotoxical substances which accumulate in blood under hepar insufficiency?
A Ammonia
B IL-1
C Autoantibody
D Necrosogenic substances
E Ketonic body
Autopsy of a man who died from chronic cardiacvascular collapse revealed "tiger heart".
Sidewards of endocardium a yellowish-white banding can be seen; myocardium is dull,
dark-yellow. What process caused this pathology?
A Fatty parenchymatous degeneration
B Carbohydrate degeneration
C Hyaline degeneration
D Fatty vascular -stromal degeneration
E Amyloidosis
The low specific gravity of the secondary urine (1002) was found out in the sick person. Wat is
the most distant part of nephron where concentration of secondary urine takes place?
A In the collecting duck
B In the nephron’s glomerulus
C In proximal tubule of nephron
D In ascending part of loop of Henle
E In distal tubule of nephron
Blood sampling for bulk analysis is recommended to be performed on an empty stomack and
in the morning. What changes in blood composition can occur if to perform blood sampling
after food intake?
A Increased contents of leukocytes
B Increased contents of erythrocytes
C Increased plasma proteins
D Reduced contents of thrombocytes
E Reduced contents of erythrocytes
Most participants of Magellan expedition to America died from avitominosis. This disease
declared itself by general weakness, subcutaneous hemmorhages, falling of teeth, gingival
hemmorhages. What is the name of this avitiminosis?
A Scurvy
B Pellagra
C Rachitis
D Polyneuritis (beriberi)
E Biermer's anemia
A histological specimen presents a receptor zone of a sensoepithelial sense organ. Cells of
this zone are placed upon the basal membrane and include the following types: external and
internal receptor cells, external and internal phalangeal cell, stem cells, external limiting cells
and external supporting cell. The described receptor zone belongs to the following sense
A Acoustic organ
B Visual organ
C Gustatory organ
D Equilibrium organ
E Olfactory organ
A patient died 3 days after the operation because of perforated colon with manifestations of
diffuse purulent peritonitis. The autopsy revealed: colon mucos membrane was thickened
and covered with a fibrin film, isolated ulcers penetrated at different depth. The histology
result: mucous membrane necrosis, leukocytes infiltration with hemorrhages focuses. What
disease complication caused the patient's death?
A Dysentery
B Typhoid
C Nonspecific ulcerative colitis
D Crohn's disease
E Amebiasis
A patient was admitted to the hospital with an asphyxia attack provoked by a spasm of smooth
muscles of the respiratory tracts. This attack was mainly caused by alterations in the
following parts of the airways:
A Small bronchi
B Median bronchi
C Large bronchi
D Terminal bronchioles
E Respiratory part
The increased intraocular tension is observed in the patient with glaucoma.Secretion of aqueous
humor by the ciliar body is normal. Injury of what structure of the eyeball wall caused
the disorder of flow-out from the anterior chamber?
A Venous sinus
B Ciliar body
C Choroid
D Ciliary muscle
E Back epithelium of cornea
Examination of a 43 y.o. patient revealed that his stomach has difficulties with digestion of
protein food. Gastric juice analysis revealed low acidity. Function of which gastric cells is
disturbed in this case?
A Parietal exocrinocytes
B Main exocrinocytes
C Mucous cells (mucocytes)
D Endocrinous cells
E Cervical mucocytes
A patient has been given high doses of hydrocortisone for a long time. This caused atrophy of
one of the adrenal cortex zones. Which zone is it?
A Fascial
B Glomerular
C Glomerular and reticular
D -
Low level of albumins and fibrinogen was detected in the patient's blood. Decreased activity
of what organelle of the liver hepatocytes can cause it?
A Granular endoplasmatic net
B Agranular endoplasmatic net
C Mitochondrions
D Golgi complex
E Lysosomes
In a histological specimen parenchyma of an organ is represented by lymphoid tissue that
forms lymph nodes; the latter are arranged in a diffuse manner and enclose a central artery.
What anatomic formation has such morphological structure?
A Spleen
B Tonsil
C Lymph node
D Thymus
E Red bone marrow
A histological specimen of a kidney shows a part of the distal tubule going between the
afferent and efferent arteriole. The cells building the tubule wall have dense nuclei; basal
membrane is absent. Such structural formation is called:
A Macula densa
B Juxtaglomerular cells
C Mesangial cells
D Juxtavascular cells
E -
Patient with injured muscles of the lower extremities was admitted to the traumatological
department. Due to what cells is reparative regeneration of the muscle fibers and restoration
of the muscle function possible?
A Satellite-cells
B Myoblasts
C Myofibroblasts
D Fibroblasts
E Myoepithelial cells
In course of an experiment a big number of stem cells of red bone marrow was in some way
destructed. Regeneration of which cell populations in the loose connective tissue will be
A Of macrophags
B Of fibroblasts
C Of pigment cells
D Of lipocytes
E Of pericytes
Histological examination of a 40 y.o. man's thymus revealed decreased share of
parenchymatous gland elements, increased share of adipose and loose connective tissue,
its enrichment with thymus bodies. The organ's mass was unchanged. What phenomenon is
A Age involution
B Accidental involution
C Hypotrophy
D Dystrophy
E Atrophy
A histological specimen shows a blood vessel. Its inner coat is composed by endothelium,
subendothelium and internal elastic membrane. The middle coat is enriched with smooth
myocytes. Such morphological characteristics are typical for the following vessel:
A Muscular-type artery
B Elastic-type artery
C Capillary
D Non-muscular vein
E Muscular-type vein
In course of indirect histogenesis of tubular bone tissue a plate is formed between
epiphyseal and diaphyseal ossification centres that provides further lengthwise growth of
bones. What structure is it?
A Metaphyseal plate
B Osseous cuff
C Osseous plate
D Osteon
E Layer of interior general plates
A 2-year-old child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which results in hemorrhagic syndrome.
What is the most likely cause of hemorrhage of the child?
A Vitamin K insufficiency
B Activation of tissue thromboplastin
C PP hypovitaminosis
D Fibrinogen deficiency
E Hypocalcemia
Histological specimen presents a vessel the wall of which consists of endothelium, basal
membrane and loose connective tissue. What type of vessel is it?
A Vein of non-muscular type
B Artery
C Vein of muscular type
D Hemocapillary
E Lymphocapillary
A patient died from acute cardiac insufficiency. The histological examination of his heart
revealed the necrotized section in myocardium of the left ventricle, which was separated from
undamaged tissue by the zone of hyperimic vessels, small hemorrhages and leukocytic
infiltration. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A Myocardial infarction
B Myocardial ischemic dystrophy
C Focal exudate myocarditis
D Diffuse exudate myocarditis
E Productive myocarditis
Vitamin A deficit results in the impairment of twilight vision. Name the cells that have the
above-mentioned photoreceptor function:
A Rod receptor cell
B Horizontal neurocytes
C Cone receptor cells
D Bipolar neurons
E Ganglion neurocytes
Kidneys of a man under examination show increased resorbtion of calcium ions and
decreased resorbtion of phosphate ions. What hormone causes this phenomenon?
A Parathormone
B Thyrocalcitonin
C Hormonal form D3
D Aldosterone
E Vasopressin
During pubescence the cells of male sexual glands begin to produce male sex hormon
testosterone that calls forth secondary sexual characters. What cells of male sexual glands
produce this hormone?
A Leidig cells
B Sustentocytes
C Sertoli's cells
D Supporting cells
E Spermatozoa
The specimens present sections of haemopoetic and immunogenetic organs. Organ has
lymph tissue forming different structures (lymph nodes,lobules, bars). In what organ does
antigen-independent proliferation and differantiation take place?
A Thymus
B Lymphatic nodes
C Spleen
D Hemolymph nodes
E Tonsil
A patient with thrombophlebitis of lower extremities had got chest pains, blood spitting,
growing respiratory failure that caused his death. Autopsy revealed multiple pulmonary
infarctions. What is the most probable reason of their development?
A Pulmonary artery embolism
B Pulmonary artery thrombosis
C Bronchial artery thrombosis
D Bronchial artery embolism
E Pulmonary venous thrombosis
A patient complains of dryness of head skin, itching, fragility and loss of hair. After
examination he was diagnosed with seborrhea. Disturbed activity of which cells caused this
A Cells of sebaceous glands
Cells of sudoriferous glands
B Epithelial cells
C Adipocytes
D Melanocytes
A sensitive neural ganglion consists of roundish neurocytes with one extension that divides
into axon and dendrite at some distance from the perikaryon. What are these cells called?
A Pseudounipolar
B Unipolar
C Bipolar
D Multipolar
E Apolar
An embryo displays disturbed process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation and somite
formation. What part of skin will have developmental abnormalities?
A Derma
B Hair
C Sebaceous glands
D Epidermis
E Sudoriferous glands
An electron microphotography of a fragment of proper gastric gland shows a big irregular
round-shaped cell. There are a lot of intracellular tubules and mitochondria in the cytoplasm.
Specify this cell:
A Parietal cell
B Principal cell
C Undifferentiated cell
D Mucous cell
E Endocrine cell
A scheme presents an exocrinous gland that has unbranched excretory duct with a terminal
part in form of a saccule openining into the duct. How is this gland called according to the
morphological classification of exocrinous glands?
A Simple unbranched alveolar
B Compound branched alveolar
C Simple branched tubular
D Compound unbranched alveolar
E Compound unbranched alveolar tubular
Roentgenological examination of skull base bones revealed enlargement of sellar cavity,
thinning of anterior clinoid processes, destruction of different parts, destruction of different
parts of sella turcica. Such bone destruction might be caused by a tumour of the following
wndocrinous gland:
A Hypophysis
B Epiphysis
C Thymus gland
D Adrenal glands
E Thyroid gland
Electronic microphotography of pulmonary alveole's wall presents a big cell. Its cytoplasm
has a lot of mitochondria, developed Golgi apparatus, osmiophil lamellated corpuscles. What
is the main function of this
cell? A It produces surfactant
B It is a component of blood-air barrier
C It warms the air
D It purifies the air
E It absorbs microorganisms
A pathological process in bronchi resulted in epithelium desquamation. What cells will
regenerate bronchial epithelium?
A Basal
B Intercalary
C Ciliate
D Endocrinal
E Goblet
A viral infection has damaged cells that form walls of bile capillaries. This stimulated conditions
for inflow of bile into the blood of sinusoidal capillaries. What cells are damaged?
A Hepatocytes
B Kupffer's cells
C Ito cells
D Pit-cells
E Endotheliocytes
A histological specimen of spleen shows a vessel with a wall consisting of endothelium and
subendothelial layer, median membrane is absent, exterior membrane inosculates with the
layers of spleen connective tissue. What vessel is it?
A Vein of non-muscular type
B Vein of muscular type
C Artery of muscular type
D Arteriole
E Capillary
In course of a conditional experiment the development of mesenchyma cells was completely
inhibited. Development of the following muscular tissue will be disturbed:
A Smooth muscular tissue
B Neural muscular tissue
C Epidermal muscular tissue
D Cardiac muscular tissue
E Skeletal muscular tissue
A patient ill with chronic gastritis went for endogastric pH-metry that allowed to reveal
decreased acidity of gastric juice. It is indicative of diminished function of the following cells:
A Parietal exocrinocytes
B Chief exocrinocytes
C Endocrinocytes
D Cervical cells
E Accessory cells
Ultramicroscopical examination of "dark" hepatocyte population in the cell cytoplasm detected
a developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. What function has this organella in these
A Synthesis of blood plasma proteins
B Carbohydrate synthesis
C Deintoxicative function
D Bile production
E Calcium ion depositing
An endocrinal gland with parenchyma consisting of epithelium and neural tissue is under
morphological examination. Epithelial trabecules have two types of cells: chromophilic and
chromophobic. Identify this organ:
A Hypophysis
B Adrenal glands
C Hypothalamus
D Thyroid gland
E Parathyroid gland
A histological specimen presents an artery. One of the membranes of its wall has flat cells
lying on the basal membrane. What type of cells is it?
A Endothelium
B Mesothelium
C Smooth myocytes
D Fibroblasts
E Macrophages
One of sections of central nervous system has layerwise arrangement of neurocytes. Among
them there are cells of the following forms: stellate, fusiform, horizontal, pyramidal. What
section of central nervous system is this structure typical for?
A Cortex of cerebrum
B Spinal cord
C Cerebellum
D Medulla oblongata
E Hypothalamus
Study of fingerprints (dactylography) is used by criminalists for personal identification as well
as for diagnostics of genetic abnormalities, particularly Dawn's disease. What layer of skin
determines individuality of fingerprints?
A Dermopapillary
B Horny
C Reticular
D Clear (stratum lucidum epidermidis)
E Basal
A microspecimen of the submandibular salivary gland shows some basket-shaped cells
concentrated around the acines and excretory ducts. These cells surround bases of the
serous cells and are called myoepitheliocytes. These cells relate to the following tissue:
A Muscular tissue
B Epithelial tissue
Neural tissue
C Special connective tissue
D Loose fibrous connective tissue
An infectious disease caused contractive activity of muscles that contract and dilate eye pupil
(paralytic state). What functional eye system was damaged?
A Accomodative
B Dioptric
C Ancillary
D Photosensory
E Lacrimal apparatus
4.0 Нормальна фізіологія
Patient with hypersecretion of the gastric juices was recomended to exclude from the diet
concentrated bouillons and vegetable decoctions because of their stimulation of gastric
secretion. What is dominating mechanism of stimulation of secretion in this case?
A Stimulation of gastrin production by G-cells
B Irritation of taste receptors
C Irritation of mechanoreceptors of the oral cavity
D Irritation of mechanoreceptors of the stomach
E Stimulation of excretion of secretin in the duodenum
Person felt thirsty after staying in heat for a long time. Signals of what receptors caused it first
of all?
A Osmoreceptors of hypothalamus
B Sodium receptors of hypothalamus
C Osmoreceptorsof the liver
D Glucoreceptors of hypothalamus
E Baroreceptors of aortic arch
An individual is characterized by rounded face, broad forehead, a mongolian type of eyelid
fold, flattened nasal bridge, permanently open mouth, projecting lower lip, protruding tongue,
short neck, flat hands, and stubby fingers. What diagnosis can be put to the patient?
A Down's syndrome
B Klinefelter's syndrome
C Alkaptonuria
D Supermales
E Turner's syndrome
Purulent endometritis developed in a woman after delivery. Treating with antibiotics inhibitors
of murein synthesis was ineffective. Wide spectrum bactericidal antibiotic was administered
to her. In 6 hours temperature rapidly increased up to $40^0C$ with shiver. Muscle pains have
appeared. BP dropped down to 70/40 mmHg. Oligura has developed. What is the main
reason for the development of this condition?
A Endotoxic shock
B Toxic effect of preparation
C Internal bleeding
D Anaphylactic shock
E Bacteremia
Secretion of which gastrointestinal hormones is primerily decreased in patient with removed
A Cholecystokinin and secretin
B Gastrin
C Histamine
D Gastrin and histamine
E Neurotensin
A 2-year-old child experienced convulsions because of lowering calcium ions concentration in
the blood plasma. Function of what structure is decreased?
A Parathyroid glands
B Hypophysis
C Adrenal cortex
D Pineal gland
E Thymus
While emotional excitement the heart rate in a 30-year -old person run up to 112 Bpm.
What part of the conducting system of the heart caused it?
A Synoatrial node
B Purkinje's fibers
C His bundle branches
D Intraventricular node
E His bundle
Usage of oral contraceptives with sex hormones inhibits secretion of the hypophysiae
hormones. Secretion of which of the indicated hormones is inhibited while using oral
contraceptives with sex hormones?
A Follicle-stimulating
B Vasopressin
C Thyrotropic
D Somatotropic
E Oxytocin
During the breakout of acute respiratory infection in order to diagnose influenza the
express-diagnosis, based on revealing of specific viral antigen in the examined material
(nasopharyngial lavage), is carried out. Which reaction is used for this?
A Immunofluorescence
B Complement binding
C Agglutination
D Precipitation
E Opsonization
A 38-year-old woman was admitted to the admission-diagnostic department with uterine
bleeding. What are the most likely changes of blood?
A Reduction of haematocrite rate
B Increase of haematocrite rate
C Leukopenia
D Leucocytosis
E Polycythemia
Due to action of electric current on the exitable cell there appeared depolarization of it's
membrane. Movement of what ions through the membrane caused depolarisation?
A Na+
C Са2+
D Сl-
E К+
The high level of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes concentration showed the increase of
LDH-1 and LDH-2 in a patient’s blood plasma. Point out the most probable diagnosis:
A Myocardial infarction
B Skeletal muscle dystrophy
C Diabetes mellitus
D Viral hepatitis
E Acute pancreatitis
There is only one hormone among the neurohormones which refers to the derivatives of
amino acids according to classification. Point it out:
A Melatonin
B Thyroliberin
C Vasopressin
D Oxytocin
E Somatotropin
The sterile Petri dishes and pipettes are necessary to prepare for microbiological tests in
bacteriological laboratory. What way of sterilization should be applied in this case?
A Dry-heat sterilization
B Tyndallization
C Pasteurization
D Steam sterilization in autoclave
E Boiling
A patient after hypertension stroke does not have voluntary movements in his right arm and
leg with the increased muscle tone in these extremites. What type of disfunction of nervous
system is it?
A Central paralysis
B Peripheral paralysis
C Peripheral paresis
D Reflex paresis
E Central paresis
Blood analysis of a patient showed signs of HIV infection (human immunodeficiency virus).
Which cells does HIV-virus primarily affect?
A Cells that contain receptor T4 (T-helpers)
B Cells that contain receptor IgM (B-lymphocytes)
C Specialized nervous cells (neurons)
D Mast cells
E Proliferating cells (stem hematoplastic cells)
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Krok 1 - 2015 Base (General Medicine)

  • 1. 1.0 Біологія 1 Woman applied to the medico-genetic consulting centre for information about the risk of haemophilia in her son. Her husband has been suffering from this disease since birth. Woman and her parents are healthy (don't have haemophilia). Is the boy likely to have the disease in this family? A All boys will be healthy B All boys will be ill C 50% of the boys will be ill D 25% of the boys will be ill E 75 % of the boys will be ill 2 A man suffering from a hereditary disease married a healthy woman. They got 5 children, three girls and two boys. All the girls inherited their father’s disease. What is the type of the disease inheritance? A Dominant, X-linked B Autosomal recessive C Asutosomal dominant D Y-linked E Recessive, X-linked 3 Electrocardiogram of a 45-year-old man showed absence of P-wave in all the leads. What part of the conducting system is blocked? A Sinu-atrial node B Atrioventricular node C Common branch of the bundle of His D Branches of the bundle of His E Purkinje’s fibres 4 When a patient with traumatic impairment of the brain was examined, it was discovered that he had stopped to distinguish displacement of an object on the skin. What part of the brain was damaged? A Posterior central gurus B Occipital zone of the cortex C Parietal zone of the cortex D Frontal central gurus E Frontal zone 5 Different functional groups can be presented in the structure of L-amino acid’s radicals. Identify the group that is able to form ester bond: A -OH B -SH C -CONH2 D -CH3 E -NH2 6 The conjugated protein necessarily contains special component as a non-protein part. Choose the substance that can’t carry out this function: A HNO3 B АТP
  • 3. E Glucose 7 Moving of the daughter chromatids to the poles of the cell is observed in the mitotically dividing cell. On what stage of the mitotic cycle is this cell? A Anaphase B Metaphase C Telophase D Prophase E Interfase 8 The patient with diabetes mellitus has been delivered in hospital in the state of unconsciousness. Arterial pressure is low. The patient has acidosis. Point substances, which accumulation in the blood results in these manifestations: A Ketone bodies B Amino acids C Monosaccharides D High fatty acids E Cholesterol esters 9 A 58-year-old female has undergone surgery for necrotic bowel. Despite having been treated with antibiotics, on postoperative day 5, she develops symptoms (fever, hypotension, tachycardia, declining urine output, and confusion) consistent with septic shock. What hemodynamic support would be helpful? A Fluids and Dobutamine infusion B Dobutamine infusion C Antibiotic administration D Fluid administration E Atropine administration 10 It was proved that a molecule of immature mRNA (precursor mRNA) contained more triplets than amino acids found in the synthesized protein. The reason for that is that translation is normally preceded by: A Processing B Initiation C Reparation D Mutation E Replication 11 Examination of a patient revealed reduced contents of magnesium ions that are necessary for attachment of ribosomes to the granular endoplasmatic reticulum. It is known that it causes disturbance of protein biosynthesis. What stage of protein biosynthesis will be disturbed? A Translation B Transcription C Replication D Aminoacid activation E Termination 12 Patient 54 year-old, 5th day after surgical operation. Blood count: Erythrocytes 3,6*1012 /l,
  • 4. Hemoglobin 95 g/l, Erythrocyte’s hemoglobin content (color index) 0,78; Leukocytes
  • 5. 16*109 /l, Platelets 450*10 9 /l Blood picture: anizocytosis, poikilocytosis, reticulocytes-3,8%. What anemia does this patient have? A Acute posthemorragic anemia B Acquired hemolytic anemia C Anemia from iron deficiency D Hypoplastic anemia E Chronic posthemorragic anemia 13 The patient with pneumonia was treated with antibiotics for a long period. After treatment patient complains of frequent and watery stool, abdomenal pain. What is the reason of intestine function disorder? A Intestinal disbacteriosis development B Antibiotics toxic influence on the GIT C Autoimmune reaction development D Bacteria toxins influence E Hereditary enzyme defect 14 A 16 year-old patient got numerous traumas in automobile accident. Now the patient is haning a shock. АP - 80/60 mm Hg. daily urine volume 60-80 ml. What pathogenic mechanism leads to kidneys function violation? A Decreased hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillaries B Increased osmotic pressure in glomerular capillaries C Increased pressure in Bowman’s capsule D Increased vasopressin blood concentration E Trauma of the urinary bladder 15 A 46 year-old patient has complained of headache, fatigue, thirst, pains in the spine and joints for the last 2 years. Clinically observed disproportional enlargement of hands, feet, nose, superciliary arches. He notes that he needed to buy bigger shoes three times. What is the main reason of such disproportional enlargement of different parts of the body? A Cartilaginous tissue proliferation under growth hormone influence A Increased sensitivity of the tissues to growth hormone B Joints dystrophy development C Increased sensitivity of the tissues to insulin D Joints chronic inflammation development 16 A 55-year-old patient with continuing ventricular arrhythmias was admitted to the hospital. The patient is taking timolol drops for glaucoma, daily insulin injections for diabetes mellitus, and an ACE inhibitor for hypertension. You have decided to use phenytoin instead of procainamide. What is the reason? A The anticholinergic effect of procainamide would aggravate glaucoma B The local anesthetic effect of procainamide would potentiate diabetes C The hypertensive effects of procainamide would aggravate the hypertension D The local anesthetic effect of procainamide would aggravate the hypertension E The cholinergic effects of procainamide would aggravate the diabetes 17 A 25-year-old woman with red and itchy eczematoid dermatitis visits your office. She had a dental procedure one day earlier with administration of a local anesthetic. There were no other findings, although she indicated that she had a history of allergic reactions. Which of the following drugs is most likely involved? A Procaine
  • 6. Cocaine B Lidocaine C Bupivacaine D Etidocaine 18 The CNS stimulation produced by methylxanthines, such as caffeine, is most likely due to the antagonism of one of the following receptors: A Adenosine receptors B Glycine receptors C Glutamate receptors D GABA receptors E Cholinergic muscarinic receptors 19 Patients with similar complaints applied to the doctor: weakness, pain in the intestines, disorder of GIT. Examination of the faeces revealed that one patient with four nucleus cysts should be hospitalized immidiately. For what protozoa are such cysts typical? A Dysenteric amoeba B Intestinal amoeba C Balantidium D Trichomonas E Lamblia 20 According to the data of WHO, for about 250 mln of Earth population fall ill with malaria. This disease is mostly spread in tropical and subtropical regions. Range of its spread falls into the areal of the following mosquitoes: A Anopheles B Culex C Aedes D Mansonia E Culiseta 21 Labeled aminoacids alanine and tryptophane were introducted to a mouse in order to study localization of protein biosynthesis in its cells. Around what organellas will the accumulation of labeled aminoacids be observed? A Ribosomes B Agranular endoplasmic reticulum C Cell centre D Lysosomes E Golgi apparatus 22 Highly injured person gradually died. Please choose the indicator of biological death: A Autolysis and decay in the cells B Disarray of chemical processes C Loss of consciousness D Absence of palpitation E Absence of movements 23 After breathing with poisonous steams there is an increased quantity of slime in respiratory
  • 7. passages of a chemical production worker. What of respiratory tract epithelial cells participate
  • 8. in mucousa moistening? A Goblet cells B Fibroblasts C Endocrine cells D Langergans cells E Intercalated cells 24 A patient suffering from thyrotoxicosis symptoms of vegetoasthenic syndrome was revealed. What of the following would show the histological appearance of a thyroid gland being stimulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)? A Columnar-shaped follicular cells B Decreased numbers of follicular cells C Increased numbers of parafollicular cells D An abundance of colloid in the lumen of the follicle E Decreased numbers of parafollicular capillaries 25 The reason of occurrence of some diseases of an oral cavity is connected with structural peculiarities of its mucous membrane. What morphological attributes characterize these features? A No muscularis mucosa, stratified squamous epithelium B Transitional epithelium, no submucosa C Simple columnar ciliated epithelium D Well developed muscularis, no submucosa E Transitional epithelium, no muscularis mucosa 26 There is the change of teeth at the 6-8-year-old children: deciduous are replaced by permanent. What embrionic tissues are the sources of formation of permanent teeth tissues? A Ectodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime B Entodermal epithelium of a tooth plate and mesenhime C Mesodermal epithelium and mesenhime D I, II brachial arches E Entodermal epithelium and mesoderm 27 The B cells of endocrine portion of pancreas are selectively damaged by alloxan poisoning. How will it be reflected in blood plasma? A The content of sugar increases B The content of fibrinogen decrease C The level of sugar decreases D The content of globulins decreases E The content of albumins decreases 28 In some regions of South Africa there is a spread sickle-shaped cell anemia, in which erythrocytes have shape of a sickle as a result of substitution of glutamin by valine in the hemoglobin molecule. What is the cause of this disease? A Gene mutation B Disturbance of mechanisms of genetic information realization C Crossingover D Genomic mutations
  • 10. 29 A female patient consulted a physician about digestive disorder, extended abdominal pain. Examination revealed drastic decrease in hemoglobin concentration. It is known from the anamnesis that while living in the Far East the patient used to eat freshly-salted caviar. Some relatives living with her had the similar condition. What is the most likely diagnosis? A Diphyllobothriasis B Echinococcosis C Teniasis D Trichiniasis E Ascaridiasis 30 On autopsy of a still-born infant it is revealed heart development abnormalities: ventricles are not separated, originates from the right part single arterial trunk. For what class of vertebrate is such heart construction characteristic? A Amphibian B Fishes C Reptiles D Mammals E Birds 31 If strong oxidizers get into the bloodstream, a methemoglobin is formed. It is a compound, where iron (II) becomes iron (III). What has to be done to save the patient? A Interchangeable hemotransfusion has to be done B Patient has to be exposed to the fresh air C He has to be calmed down and put to bed D He has to be given pure oxygen E Respiratory centers have to be stimulated 32 A 10-year-old child complains of weakness, nausea, irritability. Helminthes of white color and 5-10 mm long were found on the underwear. On microscopy of the scrape from the perianal folds achromic ova of the unsymmetrical form were revealed. Indicate what helminth is parasiting on the child? A Enterobins vermicularis B Ascaris lumbricoides C ancylostoma duodenalis D Trichina E Trichuris 33 Parents with ill child came to the infectionist. They worked in one of the Asian countries for a long time. Child has eathy colored skin, loss of appetite, laxity, enlarged liver, spleen, peripheral glands. What protozoan illness can this child have? A Visceral leishmaniasis B Balantidiasis C Amebiasis D Toxoplasmosis E Lambliasis 34 White-haired, with blue eyes girl was born in healthy parents. Irritability, anxiety, troubled sleep and feeding developed in the first months of life of the infant. What method of genetic investigation should be used for the exact diagnosis?
  • 11. Biochemical A Cytological B Twin C Genealogical D Population-statistical 35 The calcium canals of cardiomyocytes have been blocked on an isolated rabbit's heart. What changes in the heart's activity can happen as a result? A Decreased rate and force of heart beat B Decreased heart beat rate C Decreased force of the contraction D Heart stops in systole E Heart stops in diastole 36 After the trauma, the patient’s right n.vagus was damaged. Which violation of the cardiac activity is possible in this case? A Violation of the automatism of a Kiss-Fleck node B Violation of the automatism of a atrio-ventricular node C Violation of a conductivity in the right auricle D Block of a conductivity in the atrio-ventricular node E Arrhythmia 37 In the ovary specimen colored with hematoxylin-eosin, follicle is determined where cubic- shaped follicle epithelium cells are placed in 1-2 layers, and scarlet covering is seen around ovocyte. Name this follicle: A Primary B Primordial C Secondary D Mature E Atretic 38 While studing of the family tree with history of hypertrichosis (hyperhirsutism of the ear) this sign was founded only in the men and it was inherited from father to the son. Define the type of hypertrichosis inheritance? A Connected with Y-chromosome B Autosomal- recessive C Autosomal-dominant D Connected with Х-chromosome recessive E Connected with Х-chromosome dominant 39 In the perianal folds of a 5-year-old girl her mother has found some white "worms" that caused itch and anxiety in the child. The "worms" were sent to the laboratory. During examination the physician saw white filiform helminths 0,5-1 cm long, with pointed ends, some helminths had twisted ends. What is the most likely diagnosis? A Enterobiasis B Diphyllobothriasis C Teniasis D Ascaridiasis
  • 13. 40 Part of the DNA chain turned about 180 degree due to gamma radiation. What type of mutation took place in the DNA chain? A Inversion B Deletion C Doubling D Translocation E Replication 41 46 chromosomes were revealed on karyotype examination of the 5-year-old girl. One of the 15th pair of chromosomes is longer than usual due to connected chromosome from the 21 pair. What type of mutation does this girl have? A Translocation B Deletion C Inversion D Insufficiency E Duplication 42 A pregnant woman had been having toxicosis with severe repeated vomiting for 24 hours. In the end of the day there appeared tetanic convulsions and fluid loss. What shift of acid-base state caused these changes? A Excretory alkalosis B Gaseous alkalosis C Gaseous acidosis D Metabolic acidosis E Excretory acidosis 43 Genetic structure of eukaryote is "exon-intron-exon". This structure-functional organization of gene caused transcription peculiarities. What will be pro-i-RNA according to the schema? A Exon-intron-exon B Exon-exon-intron C Exon-exon D Intron-exon E Exon-intron 44 Medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office revealed that a 15-year- old boy was high, with eunuchoid body proportions, gynecomastia, female pattern of pubic hair distribution. The boy had also fat deposits on the thighs, no facial hair, high voice, subnormal intelligence quotient. Which karyotype corresponds with this disease? A 47, XXY B 45, XO C 46, XX D 46, XY E 47, XXX 45 RNA that contains AIDS virus penetrated into a leukocyte and by means of reverse transcriptase forced a cell to synthetize a viral DNA. This process is based upon: A Reverse transcription B Operon repression C Reverse translation D Operon depression
  • 15. 46 According to the model of double DNA helix that was suggested by Watson and Creek, it was established that one of chains would not be lost during replication and the second chain would be synthesized complementary to the first one. What way of replication is it? A Semiconservative B Analogous C Identical D Dispersed E Conservative 47 A teenager was irradiated with high radiation dose that resulted in serious damages of lymphoid system, lysis of many lymphocytes. Restoration of normal hemogram is possible due to the functioning of the following gland: A Thymus B Thyroid C Liver D Pancreas E Adrenal 48 It was revealed that T-lymphocytes were affected by HIV. Virus enzyme - reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) - catalyzes the synthesis of: A DNA on the matrix of virus mRNA B Virus informational RNA on the matrix of DNA C DNA on virus ribosomal RNA D Viral DNA on DNA matrix E mRNA on the matrix of virus protein 49 A patient after pathological process has a thickened alveolar membrane. The direct consequence of the process will be the reduction of: A Diffuse lung capacity B Oxygen capacity of blood C Minute respiratory capacity D Alveolar lung ventilation E Reserve expiratiory capacity 50 Autopsy of a newborn boy revealed polydactylia, microcephalia, cheiloschisis and uranoschisis as well as hypertrophy of parenchimatous organs. These defects correspond with the description of Patau's syndrome. What is the most probable cause of this pathology? A Trisomy of the 13th chromosome B Trisomy of the 18th chromosome C Trisomy of the 21st chromosome D Nondisjunction of sex chromosomes E Partial monosomy 51 An ovary specimen stained by hematoxylin-eosin presents a follicle, where cells of follicular epithelium are placed in 1-2 layers and have cubic form, there is a bright-red membrane around the ovocyte. What follicle is it? B Primary
  • 17. Secondary C Mature D Atretic 52 A patient has symptoms of inflammation of urogenital tracts. Examination of a vaginal smear revealed big monocellular, pear-shaped organisms with the pointed spike at the posterior end of body, big nucleus and undulating membrane. What protozoa were found in the smear? A Trichomonas vaginalis B Trichomonas hominis C Trichomonas buccalis D Trypanosoma gambiense E Lamblia intestinalis 53 During regular examination of schoolchildren it was revealed that a 10 year old girl had asymmetric oval eggs with a larva in the scrape from her perianal folds. What diagnosis should be made? A Enterobiasis B Ascariasis C Amebiasis D Trichocephalosis E Ankylostomiasis 54 A woman delivered a dead child with multiple developmental defects. What protozoan disease might have caused the intrauterine death? A Toxoplasmosis B Leishmaniasis C Malaria D Amebiasis E Lambliasis 55 Tuberculosis can be treated by means of combined chemotherapy that includes substances with different mechanisms of action.What antituberculous medication inhibits transcription of RNA into DNA in mycobacteria? A Rifampicin B Isoniazid C Streptomycin D Ethionamide E Para-aminosalicylic acid 56 A patient experienced a sudden temperature rise up to 39o С. After 6 hours the temperature normalized. On the 2-nd day the attack recurred: in the period of paroxysm the temperature reached 41o С, apyrexial period began after 8 hours. What type of temperature profile is it? A Intermitting B Recurrent C Hectic D Septic
  • 19. 57 Larvae were detected occasionally on the microscopic examination of the sputum of the patient with pneumonia. Eosinophiles were detected on the blood examination. What helminthiasis can be diagnosed? A Ascariasis B Enterobiosis C Trichocephaliasis D Paragonimiasis E Opistorchis 58 You are studying functioning of a bacteria operon. The operator gene has been released from the repressor gene. Immediately after this the following process will start in the cell: A Transcription B Translation C Replication D Processing E Repression 59 While studying maximally spiralized chromosomes of human karyotype the process of cell division was stopped in the following phase: A Metaphase B Prophase C Interphase D Anaphase E Telophase 60 It is known that the gene responsible for development of blood groups according to AB0 system has three allele variants. If a man has IV blood group, it can be explained by the following variability form: A Combinative B Mutational C Phenotypic D Genocopy E Phenocopy 61 A patient complains of pain in the area of his liver. Duodenal intubation revealed yellowish, oval, narrowed at the poles eggs with an operculum at the end. Size of these eggs is the smallest among all helminth eggs. What is the most probable diagnosis? A Opisthorchosis B Teniasis C Beef tapeworm infection D Echinococcosis E Diphyllobothriasis 62 A patient consulted an urologist about pain during urination. Analysis of his urine taken in the daytime revealed eggs with a characteristic sharp point. It is known from the anamnesis that the patient has recently returned from Australia. What is the most likely diagnosis? A Urogenital schistosomiasis B Intestinal schistosomiasis C Japanese schistosomiasis D Opisthorchiasis
  • 21. 63 A child complains of general weakness, loss of appetite, a troubled sleep, itching in the perianal area. The provisional diagnosis is enterobiasis. In order to specify this diagnosis it is necessary to perform: A Scraping from perianal folds B Roentgenoscopy C Biopsy of muscle tissue D Immune diagnostics E Duodenal contents analysis 64 The cell of the laboratory animal was overdosed with Roentgen rays. As a result albuminous fragments formed in the cytoplasm. What cell organoid will take part at their utilization? A Lysosomes B Golgi complex C Ribosome D Endoplasmic reticulum E Cells centre 65 In course of practical training students studied a stained blood smear of a mouse with bacteria phagocyted by leukocytes. What cell organella completes digestion of these bacteria? A Lisosomes B Mytochondrions C Granular endoplasmic reticulum D Golgi apparatus E Ribosomes 66 A woman with ІІІ (B), Rh- blood group born a child with ІІ (A) blood group. The child is diagnosed with hemolytic disease of newborn as a result of rhesus incompatibility. What blood group is the child's father likely to have? A ІІ (A), Rh+ B I (0), Rh+ C III (B), Rh+ D I (0), Rh- E II (A), Rh- 67 Two days after consumption of smoked pork a patient got face and eye-lid edemata, gastrointestinal disturbances, abrupt temperature rise, muscle pain. Blood analysis showed full-blown eosinophilia. What helminth could the patient be infected with? A Trichina B Pinworm C Ascarid D Whipworm E Hookworm 68 A lymph node punctate of a patient with suspected protozoal disease was examined. Examination of the stained specimen (Romanovsky's stain) revealed some crescent bodies with pointed end, blue cytoplasm and red nucleus. What protozoan were revealed in the
  • 23. Toxoplasms A Malarial plasmodiums B Dermotropic leishmania C Viscerotropic leishmania D Trypanosomes 69 The guide of the scientific expedition in India was native who always was with his dog. What invasive diseases can be transmitted by the dog if it is the source of invasion? A Echinococcosis B Teniasis C Paragonimiasis D Dicroceliasis E Fascioliasis 70 A patient has acne on his face. Microspcopic examination of scrapings from the affected areas revealed living porrect vermiform arthropoda 0,2-0,5 mm large with four pairs of short extremities in the front part of their bodies. What is the laboratory diagnosis? A Demodicosis B Scabies C Myiasis D Pediculosis E Phthiriasis 71 A family of students who came from Africa got a child with anemia signs. The child died soon. Examination revealed that the child's erythrocytes have abnormal semilunar shape. Specify genotypes of the child's parents: A Аа х Аа B Аа х аа C АА х АА D аа х аа E Аа х АА 72 Examination of cell culture got from a patient with lysosomal pathology revealed accumulation of great quantity of lipids in the lysosomes. What of the following diseases is this disturbance typical for? A Tay-Sachs disease B Gout C Phenylketonuria D Wilson disease E Galactosemia 73 A 39-year-old woman has madescence in the region of mammilla, a small ulcer with inflammatory hyperemia and cutaneous edema. Histologic examination of tissue sampling from this area revealed in the malpighian layer of thickened epidermis atypical cells with light and optically empty cytoplasm, with no intracellular bridges. Such cells were also found in the orifice of big mammal gland ducts. What is the most probable diagnosis? A Paget's disease B Intraductal cancer C Basal cell carcinoma D Epidermoid cancer
  • 25. 74 Golgi complex exports substances from a cell due to the fusion of the membrane saccule with the cell membrane. The saccule contents flows out. What process is it? A Exocytosis B Endocytosis C Active transport D Facilitated diffusion E All answers are false 75 A patient working at a pig farm complains about paroxysmal abdominal pain, liquid feces with admixtures of mucus and blood, headache, weakness, fever. Examination of large intestine revealed ulcers from 1 mm up to several cm large, feces contained oval unicellular organisms with cilia. What disease should be suspected? A Balantidiasis B Amebiasis C Toxoplasmosis D Lambliasis E Trichomoniasis 76 A boy found a spider with the following morphological characteristics: it is 2 cm long, has roundish black abdomen with two rows of red spots on its dorsal side; four pairs of jointed limbs are covered with small black hairs. What arthropod is it? A Karakurt spider B Scorpion C Solpuga D Mite E Tarantula 77 Normal, actively dividing cells of human red bone marrow are analyzed. What number of cells' chromosomes is typical for G1 period? A 46 B 48 C 47 D 45 E 23 78 A man has worked in an African country for 3 years. A month after his return to Ukraine he consulted an ophthalmologist and complained about eye ache, eyelid edema, lacrimation and temporary visual impairment. Underneath the eye conjunctiva the doctor revealed helminths 30-50 mm long with elongated filiform body. What diagnosis might be suspected? A Filariasis B Diphyllobothriasis C Ascaridiasis D Enterobiasis E Trichocephaliasis 79 Life cycle of a cell includes the process of DNA autoreduplication. As a result of it
  • 26. monochromatid chromosomes turn into bichromatid ones. What period of cell cycle does this
  • 27. phenomenon fall into? A S B Go C G1 D G2 E M 80 A 28-year-old female patient consulted a gynecologist about sterility. Examination revealed underdeveloped ovaries and uterus, irregular menstrual cycle. Analysis of the sex chromatin revealed 2 Barr’s bodies in most somatic cells. What chromosome disease is most likely? A Triple X syndrome B Edwards' syndrome C Patau's syndrome D Klinefelter's syndrome E Turner's syndrome 81 A cell at the stage of mitosis anaphase was stimulated by colchicine that inhibits chromosome separation to the poles. What type of mutation will be caused? A Polyploidy B Inversion C Deletion D Duplication E Translocation 82 A patient in a transplantation centre underwent heart transplantation. The organ was taken from a donor who died in a road accident. Foreign heart can be rejected as a result of development of transplantation immunity. It is usually prevented by means of: A Immunosuppressors B Chemotherapy C Ultrasound D Enzymes E X-ray therapy 83 Following exposure to radiation a lot of mutant cells appeared in a patient. Some time later most of them were detected and destroyed by the following cells of the immune system: A T-lymphocytes-killers B Plasmoblasts C T-lymphocytes-supressors D B-lymphocyte E Stem cells 84 A gynaecologist was examining a patient and revealed symptoms of genital tract inflammation. A smear from vagina contains pyriform protozoa with a spine, flagella at their front; there is also an undulating membrane. What disease can be suspected? A Urogenital trichomoniasis B Lambliasis C Intestinal trichomoniasis D Toxoplasmosis
  • 29. 85 A boy has I (I^0I^0) blood group and his sister has IV (I^AI^B) blood group. What blood groups do their parents have? A II (IА I0 ) and III (IВ I0 ) B II (IА IА ) and III (IВ I0 ) C I (I0 I0 ) and IV (IA IB ) D III (IВ I0 ) and IV (IA IB ) E I (I0 I0 ) and III (IВ I0 ) 86 For the purpose of myocardium infarction treatment a patient was injected with embryonal stem cells derived from this very patient by means of therapeutic cloning . What transplantation type is it? A Autotransplantation B Allotransplantation C Xenotransplantation D Isotransplantation E Heterotransplantation 87 An alcoholic woman has born a girl with mental and physical developmental lag. Doctors diagnosed the girl with fetal alcohol syndrome. What effect is the cause of the girl's state? A Teratogenic B Mutagenic C Malignization D Carcinogenic E Mechanic 88 Sex chromosomes of a woman didn't separate and move to the opposite poles of a cell during gametogenesis (meiosis). The ovum was impregnated with a normal spermatozoon. Which chromosomal disease can be found in her child? A Turner's syndrome B Down's syndrome C Patau's syndrome D Edwards' syndrome E Cat cry syndrome 89 Hartnup disease is caused by point mutation of only one gene which results in disturbance of tryptophane absorption in the bowels and its resorption in the renal tubules. It is the reason for disorder of both digestive and urination systems. What genetic phenomenon is observed in this case? A Pleiotropy B Complementary interaction C Polymery D Codominance E Semidominance 90 Cytogenetic examination of a patient with reproductive dysfunction revealed normal karyotype 46 ХY in some cells, but most cells have karyotype of Klinefelter's syndrome - 47 ХХY. Such cell heterogenity is called: A Mosaicism B Inversion C Transposition
  • 31. E Monomorphism 91 As a result of prophylactic medical examination a 7 year old boy was diagnosed with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (only boys fall ill with it). The boy's parents are healthy but his grandfather by his mother's side suffers from the same disease. What type of disease inheritance is it? A Recessive, sex-linked B Dominant, sex-linked C Autosomal recessive D Autosomal dominant E Semidominance 92 A doctor revealed tissues injury on patient's scalp with localized suppurations and diagnosed his disease as myiasis. This infestation is caused by larvae of the following insect: A Wohlfahrt fly B Kissing bug C Stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) D Malarial mosquito E Mosquito 2.0 Нормальна анатомія 1 A 10-year-old child complains of weakness, nausea, irritability. Helminthes of while color and 5-10 mm long were found on the underwear. On microscopy of the scrape from the perianal folds achromic ovums of unsymmetrical form were revealed. Indicate what helminth is parasiting on the child? A Enterobins vermicularis B Ancylostoma duodenalis C Trichuris D Trichina E Ascaris lumbricoides 2 A patient has been brought to the hospital with the complaints of headache, pain in left hypochondrium. He has been ill for 1,5 weeks. The sudden illness began with the increase of body temperature up to 39,9o C. In 3 hours the temperature decreased and hydropoiesis began. The attacks repeat rhythmically in 48 hours. The patient had visited one an African country. The doctors have suspected malaria. What method of laboratory diagnostics is necessary to use? A Blood examination B Immunological tests C Stool examination D Examination of vaginal and urethral discharge E Urine examination 3 Slime, blood and protozoa 30-200 microns of length have been revealed in a man's feces. The body is covered with cilias and has correct oval form with a little bit narrowed forward and wide round shaped back end. On the forward end a mouth is visible. In cytoplasm there are two nucleuses and two short vacuoles. For whom are the described attributes typical? A Balantidium B Lamblia C Dysenteric amoeba D Trichomonas E Intestinal amoeba
  • 32. 4 A patient in three weeks after acute myocardial infarction has pain in the heart and joints and pneumonia. What is the main mechanism of development of post-infarction Dressler’s syndrome? A Autoimmune inflammation B Ischemia of myocardium C Resorption of enzymes from necrotized area of myocardium D Secondary infection E Vessels ' thrombosis 5 During the fetal period of the development in the vascular system of the fetus large arterial (Botallo's) duct is functioning which converts into lig. arteriosum after birth. What anatomical formations does this duct connect between each other? A Pulmonary trunk and aorta B Right and left auricle C Aorta and inferior vena cava D Pulmonary trunk and superior vena cava E Aorta and superior vena cava 6 Young man felt sharp pain in the back during active tightening on the horizontal bar. Objectively: pain while moving of upper extremity, limited pronation and adduction functions. Sprain of what muscle is presented? A М. latissimus dorsi B М. levator scapulae C М. romboideus major D М. trapezius E М. subscapularis 7 Children often have heavy nasal breathing resulting from excessive development of lymphoid tissue of pharyngeal mucous membrane. What tonsils growth may cause this effect? A Tonsilla pharyngea B Tonsilla palatina C Tonsilla lingualis D Tonsilla tubaria E All above mentioned tonsils 8 In course of laparotomy a surgeon revealed gangrenous lesion of descending colon. It was caused by thrombosis of the following artery: A Sinister colic B Median colic C Dexter colic D Ileocolic E Superior mesenteric artery 9 Three separate bones connected with cartilage in the area of pelvis cavity are noticed on the X-ray of the pelvis. What are these bones? A Iliac, pubic, sciatic B Pubic, sciatic, femoral C Sciatic, femoral, sacral
  • 33. Iliac, sacral, coccyx D Sacral, pubic, coccyx 10 A 60-year-old patient has reduced perception of high-frequency sounds. What structures' disorder of auditory analizer caused these changes? A Main membrane of cochlea near the oval window B Main membrane of cochlea near helicotrema C Eustachian tube D Muscles of middle ear E Tympanic membrane 11 The alveolar ventilation of the patient is 5 L/min, the breath frequency is 10 per/min, and the tidal volume is 700 ml. What is the patient's dead space ventilation? A 2,0 L/min B 0,7 L/min C 1,0 L/min D 4,3 L/min E - 12 During investigation of patient, it was found formation in the white substance of cerebral hemispheres with location in the knee and frontal part of posterior crus of internal capsule. Fibres of what conductive tract of the brain will be disrupted? A Tr. pyramidalis B Tr. frontothalamicus C Тr. thalamocorticalis D Tr. frontopontinus E Tr. parietooccipitopontinus 13 Only one factor can influence the charge of amino acid radicals in the active centre of enzyme. Name this factor: A pH medium B Pressure C Temperature D The presence of a competitive inhibitor E The surplus of a product 14 Succinate dehydrogenase catalyses the dehydrogenation of succinate. Malonic acid HOOC- CH2-COOH is used to interrupt the action of this enzyme. Choose the inhibition type: A Competitive B Allosteric C Non-competitive D Limited proteolysis E Dephosphorylation 15 The gluconeogenesis is activated in the liver after intensive physical trainings .What substance is utilized in gluconeogenesis first of all in this case: A Lactate
  • 35. Glucose C Glutamate D Alanine 16 A patient with a stab wound of the anterior stomach wall is in surgical care. What formation of abdominal cavity did the stomach contents get into? A Antegastrial bursa B Omental bursa C Hepatic bursa D Left mesenteric sinus E Right mesenteric sinus 17 A patient had been taking glucocorticoids for a long time. When the preparation was withdrawn he developed the symptoms of disease aggravation, decreased blood pressure and weakness. What is the reason of this condition? A Appearance of adrenal insufficiency B Hyperproduction of ACTH C Sensibilization D Habituation E Cumulation 18 A patient has tissue ischemia below the knee joint accompanied with intermittent claudication. What artery occlusion should be suspected? A Popliteal artery B Peroneal artery C Posterior tibial artery D Anterior tibial artery E Proximal part of femoral artery 19 A patient, who suffers from congenital erythropoietic porphyria, has skin photosensitivity. The accumulation of what compound in the skin can cause it? A Uroporphyrinogen 1 B Protoporphyrin C Uroporphyrinogen 2 D Coproporphyrinogen 3 E Heme 20 A patient has a malignisation of thoracic part of esophagus. What lymphatic nodes are regional for this organ? A Anulus lymphaticus cardiae B Nodi lymphatici paratrachealis C Nodi lymphatici prevertebralis D Nodi lymphatici pericardiales laterales E Nodi lymphatici mediastinales posteriores 21 The patient has come to the hospital from the smelting workshop in the condition of hyperthermia. What is the direct cause of loss of consciousness at the heat stroke? A Decreased brain blood supply
  • 37. Increased water loss through sweating C Decrease of heart output D Dilatation of peripheral vessels 22 A patient's blood was analyzed and the decreased erythrocyte’s sedimentation rate (ESR) was discovered. What disease from the listed below is accompanied with decreased ESR? A Polycytemia B Hepatitis C Splenomegaly D Vitamin B deficiency E Myocardial infarction 23 A 55-year-old patien was hospitalized in result of the trauma of the medial group of femoral muscles. What kind of movements is the patient unable to do? A Adduction of femur B Abduction of femur C Flexion of femur D Extension of femur E Suppination of femur 24 A mother of a newborn complains of her baby's constant belching with undigested milk. Which developmental anomaly is it an evidence of? A Esophageal atresia B Labium leporium C Faux lupinum D Anal atresia E Esophageal fistula 25 During the endoscopy the inflammation of a major papilla of the duodenum and the disturbances of bile secretion were found. In which part of duodenum were the problems found? A Descendent part B Ascendant part C Bulb D Upper horizontal part E Lower horizontal part 26 A 18-year-old patient came to the out-patient department with the complaints of bleeding trauma in the vestibule of his nose. On examination: the mechanical injure of the mucous layer of the vestibule without continuation into nasal cavity proper. What is the boundary between the vestibule and nasal cavity proper? A Nasal limen B Nasal roller C Nasal septa D Choanes E Nostrils 27 A 32-year-old patient has been diagnosed with bartholinitis (inflammation of Bartholin's glands ). In what part of the female urogenital system are the Bartholin's glands located?
  • 38. A The labia major B The labia minor C The clitoris D The vagina E The uterus 28 A 50 year-old patient had hemorrhage of the brain and was taken to the hospital. The place of hemorrhage was revealed on the lateral hemispheres surfaces during the medical examination. What artety was injured ? A The middle cerebral artery B The anterior cerebral artery C The posterior cerebral artery D The anterior communicating artery E The posterior communicating artery 29 A 30-year-old patient was hospitalized due to bleeding of the facial artery . What place on the face has to be pressed to stop bleeding? A The mandible’s edge B The mental process C The mandible’s branch D The nose’s back E The molar bone 30 A 19 year-old patient was diagnosed with appendicitis and was hospitalized. The surgical operation on ablating appendix vermiformis is to be performed. What artery must be fixed to stop bleeding during the surgical operation? A The ileocolic artery B The colica dextra C The colica media D The colica sinistra E The iliac 31 A 45-year-old man fell on the right knee and felt the acute pain in the joint. On examination: severe edema on the anterior surface of the knee joint. Crunching sounds are heard while moving the joint. Which bone is destroyed? A Knee-cap B Neck of the thigh bone C Left epicondyle of the thigh D Right epicondyle of the thigh E Head of the thigh bone 32 During the operation on the hip joint of a 5-year- old child her ligament was damaged which caused bleeding.What ligament was damaged? A The head of the thigh B Perpendicular of the acetabule C Iliofemoral D Pubofemoral E Ischiofemoral
  • 39. 33
  • 40. A 6-year-old child fell on the cutting object and traumatized soft tissues between tibia and fibula . What kind of bone connection was injured? A Membrane B Suture C Ligament D Fontanel E Gomphosis 34 Usually the intravenous injection is done into median cubital vein because it is slightly movable due to fixation by the soft tissues. What does it fix in the cubital fossa? A Aponeurosis of biceps muscle B Tendon of the triceps muscle C Brachial muscle D Brachioradial muscle E Anconeus muscle 35 Victim has elbow joint trauma with avulsion of medial epicondyle of humerus. What nerve can be damaged in this trauma? A Ulnar B Radial C Musculocutaneous nerve D Cardiac cutaneous nerve E Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm 36 A 54-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with complaints of pain in the right subcostal region, vomiting with blood. Objectively: enlarged liver, varicose veins in the stomach and esophagus. Disfunction of what vessel is likely to be? A Vena porta B Aorta abdominalis C Vena hepatica D Vena cava superior E Vena cava inferior 37 Examination of a 2-year-old child revealed physical developmental lag, the child often has pneumonias. The child was diagnosed with nonclosure of ductus arteriosus. Haemodynamics disorder was caused by the intercommunication of the following vessels: A Aorta and pulmonary trunk B Pulmonary trunk and pulmonary veins C Superior cava and aorta D Superior cava and pulmonary trunk E Aorta and pulmonary veins 38 A 5-year-old child was admitted to the otorhinolaryngological department with diagnosis - suppurative inflammation of the middle ear. Disease started from the inflammation of the nasopharynx. Through the what canal of the temporal bone did the infection get into the tympanic cavity? A Musculortubal canal B Tympanic Canaliculus tympanicus C Carotid canal D Canaliculus chordal tympani
  • 42. 39 Inflammation of the tympanic cavity (purulent otitis media) was complicated by inflammation of mammillary process sockets. What wall of tympanic cavity did the pus penetrate into the sockets through? A Posterior B Anterior C Medial D Lateral E Superior 40 A 19-year-old female suffers from tachycardia in rest condition, weight loss, excessive sweating, exophtalmos and irritability. What hormone would you expect to find elevated in her serum? A Thyroxine B Cortisol C Mineralocorticoids D ACTH E Insulin 41 A 60-year-old patient was diagnosed with hypothalamic lateral nuclei stroke. What changes in patient’s behavior may be expected? A The rejection of food B Aggressive behaviour C Depression D Thirst E Unsatisfied hunger 42 The process of heart transplantation determined the viability of myocardial cells. The determination of what myocardium parameter is the most important? A Rest potential of cardiomyocytes B Heart temperature C Concentration of oxygen in heart vessels D Concentration of calcium-ions in myofibrils E Concentration of Ca-ions in heart vessels 43 It is necessary to take the cerebrospinal fluid from a patient with suspected inflammation of brain tunics. Diagnostic puncture was performed between the arches of the lumbar vertebras. During the puncture the needle went through the following ligament: A Yellow (flaval) B Iliolumbar C Anterior longitudinal D Posterior longitudinal E Intertransverse 44 Nowadays about 50 minor bases have been found in the t-RNA structure besides the main four nitrogenous bases. Choose the minor nitrogenous base: A Dihydrouracil B Uracil
  • 44. Adenine D Cytosine 45 Obturative jaundice developed in a 60-year-old patient because of malignant tumour of the big papillary of the duodenal. Lumen of what anatomical structure is squeezed with tumour? A Hepatopancreatic ampulla B Cystic duct C Common hepatic duct D Right hepatic duct E Left hepatic duct 46 The patient with thymoma (thymus gland tumour) has cyanosis, extention of subcutaneous venous net and edema of the soft tissues of face, neck, upper part of the trunk and upper extremities. What venous trunk is pressed with tumour? A Superior vena cava B External jugular vein C Clavicular vein D Internal jugular vein E Frontal jugular vein 47 A patient operated on complicated appendicitis has the following changes of blood count: erythrocytes - 4,0*1012 /l, Нb - 120 g/l, color index - 0,9, leukocytes – 18*109 /l, basophils - 0, eosinophils - 0, myelocytes - 0, juvenile - 0, stab neutrophils - 20, segmentonuclear neutrophils - 53, lymphocytes - 21, monocytes - 5. How is such nuclear shift of leukocytic formula called? A Degenerative left shift B Right shift C Regenerative left shift D Hyperregenerative E Regeneratively-degenerative 48 Patient complains of frequent and difficult urination. Imperfection of what formation can cause it? A Prostate B Testicles C Bulb-uretic glands D Testicle adnexa E Sperm bubbles 49 Child inspired button. Where is it likely to be? A In the right main bronchus B In the left main bronchus C In the trachea D In the larynx E In the gullet 50 Vegetative abnormalities in the sleep, heat regulation, all kinds of metabolism, diabetes insipidus are developing in the patient due to grouth of the tumour in the III ventricle of brain. Irritation of the nucleus of what part of the brain can cause this symptoms?
  • 45. Hypothalamus A Cerebral peduncles (cruces cerebri) B Mesencephalic tegmentum C Pons cerebelli D Medulla 51 A patient with infectious mononucleosis had been taking glucocorticoids for two weeks. He was brought into remission, but he fell ill with acute attack of chronic tonsillitis. What action of glucocorticoids caused this complication? A Immunosuppressive B Anti-inflammatory C Antishock D Antiallergic E Antitoxic 52 A 45-year-old man with domestic apper arm injuiry came to the trauma unit. The objective data are: there are no extension, adduction or pronation functions of the arm. What muscle damage caused this condition? A Teres major B Subscapular C Teres minor D Subspinous E Supraspinous 53 A man with internal abdominal right side injury and suspicion of liver rupture was admitted to the traumatological department. In what peritonial structure will blood accumulate? A Excavatio rectovesicalis B Bursa omentalis C Recessus intersigmoideus D Fossa ischio-analis E Recessus duodenalis inferior 54 A histological spacemen presents parenchymal organ, which has cortex and medulla. Cortex consists of epitheliocytes bars with blood capillaries between them; the bars form three zones. Medulla consists of chromaffinocytes and venous sinusoids. Which organ has these morphological features? A Adrenal gland B Kidney C Lymph node D Thymus E Thyroid 55 After trauma a 44-year-old patient had a rupture of left palm muscle tendons and of the surface of blood vessels. After operation and removal of the most part of the necrotically changed muscle tissue the bloodstream was normalized. What vessels have helped with restoration of bloodstream? A Arcus palmaris profundus B Arcus palmaris superficialis C Aa. digitales palmares communes D Aa. metacarpeae palmares
  • 47. 56 A 45-year-old man applied to the trauma unit because of domestic shoulder trauma. Objectively: flexibility, reduction and pronation functions of the shoulder are absent. What muscle was injured? A Teres major muscle B Subscapular muscle C Teres minor muscle D Infraspinous muscle E Supraspinous muscle 57 Ovarian tumour was diagnozed in the woman. Surgery was indicated. What ligament should be cut by the surgeon to disconnect the ovary and the uterus? A The ovarial ligament B Broad ligament of uterus C Lateral umbilical ligament D Suspensory ligament of ovary E Round ligament of uterus 58 An old woman was hospitalized with acute pain, edema in the right hip joint; the movements in the joint are limited. Which bone or part of it was broken? A The neck of the thigh B The body of the thigh bone C Condyle of the thigh D Pubic bone E Ischial bone 59 A 53-year-old female patient was diagnosed with liver rupture resulting from a blunt abdominal injury. The escaped blood will be assembled in the following anatomic formation: A Rectouterine pouch B Vesicouterine pouch C Right mesenteric sinus D Omental bursa E Left mesenteric sinus 60 A patient complains about edemata of legs, skin cyanosis, small ulcers on one side of the lateral condyle. Examination revealed a swelling, enlarged veins, formation of nodes. The pathological process has started in the following vein: A V. saphena parva B V. saphena magna C V. femoralis D V. profunda femoris E V. iliaca externa 61 A 70 year old female patient was diagnosed with fracture of left femoral neck accompanied by disruption of ligament of head of femur. The branch of the following artery is damaged: A Obturator B Femoral C External iliac
  • 49. E Internal pudendal 62 A woman underwent an operation on account of extrauterine (tubal) pregnancy. In course of the operation the surgeon should ligate the branches of the following arteries: A Uterine and ovarian B Superior cystic and ovarian C Inferior cystic and ovarian D Uterine and superior cystic E Uterine and inferior cystic 63 A 6 month old baby ill with bronchitis was taken for an X-ray of chest. Apart of changes associated with bronchi the X-ray film showed a shadow of thymus gland. What might have caused such changes? A The above-mentioned condition is a normal variant for this age B It's the effect of bronchitis C It is caused by abnormal position D It is caused by thymus inflammation E It is caused by neoplastic process 64 A 7-year-old child can't abduct the shoulder, raise it to the horizontal level. He can raise the hand to the face only with dorsal side with abduction of the shoulder (with help of supraspinous muscle ) - "bugler" arm. Active function of what muscle is absent? A Deltoid B Infraspinous C Pectoral major D Teres minor E Teres major 65 A 7-year-old girl has signs of anemia. Laboratory examination revealed pyruvate kinase deficiency in erythrocytes. What process disturbance plays the main role in anemia development? A Anaerobic glycolysis B Oxidative phosphorylation C Tissue respiration D Peroxide decomposition E Aminoacids desamination 66 A patient complained about being unable to adduct and abduct fingers in the metacarpophalangeal articulations towards and away from the 3rd finger. Which muscles' function is impaired? A Interosseous muscles B Lumbrical muscles C Breviflexors of fingers D Long flexors of fingers E Extensors 67 A 45-year-old patient was admitted to the surgical department with complaints of abrupt sharp pain in the epigastric region. After examination it was diagnosed: perforated ulcer of the posterior wall of the stomach. Where did content of the stomach flow out while perforation?
  • 50. A To the omental bursa B To the liver bursa C To the proventriculus sack D To the left mesenteric sinus E To the right mesenteric sinus 68 A 25-year-old patient complained of the decreased vision. Accommodation disorders, dilated pupil, not reacting on the light were revealed on examination. Function of what muscles is disturbed? A Pupil narrowing muscle, ciliary B Pupil dilating muscle, ciliary C Inferior oblique muscle, ciliary D Lateral rectus muscle, pupil narrowing E Pupil narrowing and dilating muscle 69 Microspecimen of spinal cord contains a nucleus that should be analyzed. Its neurons form motor endings in the skeletal muscles. What nucleus of spinal cord is meant? A Proper nucleus of the anterior horn B Thoracic nucleus C Intermediate lateral nucleus D Proper nucleus of the posterior horn E Proper nucleus of gray substance 70 A man with cut wound of his right foot sole was admitted to the hospital ward. The patient has limited elevation of the lateral foot edge. In course of wound management the injury of a muscle tendon was revealed. What muscle is injured? A Long peroneal B Anterior tibial C Long extensor muscle of toes D Triceps muscle of crus E Short peroneal 71 A 35 year old man with a trauma of his left hand was admitted to the traumatology department. Objectively: cut wound of palmar surface of left hand; middle phalanxes of II–V fingers don't bend. What muscles are damaged? A Superficial finger flexor B Profound finger flexor C Lumbrical muscles D Palmar interosseous muscles E Dorsal interosseous muscles 72 A 38-year-old patient came to a traumatology centre and complained about an injury of his right hand. Objectively: the patient has a cut wound in the region of the thenar eminence on the right hand; distal phalanx of the I finger cannot be flexed. What muscle was injured? A Long flexor muscle of thumb B Short flexor muscle of thumb C Short abductor muscle of thumb D Opposer muscle of thumb E Abductor muscle of thumb
  • 51. 73 A patient with neuritis of femoral nerve has disturbed flexion of thigh as well as disturbed crus extension in the knee joint. What muscle's function is disturbed? A Quadriceps muscle of thigh B Biceps muscle of thigh C Triceps muscle of thigh D Semitendinous muscle E Semimembranous muscle 74 In the specimen of one of the parts of respiratory system a tubular organ was found. It has low epithelium, well developed muscular tunic, glands and cartilage are absent. Name this organ: A Minor bronchs B Trachea C Larynx D Major bronchs E Median bronchs 75 Where should the cathetor for evacuation of the lymph from the thoracic lymph duct be inserted? A To the left venous corner B To the right venous corner C To the superior vena cava D To the inferior vena cava E To the left inguinal vein 76 A patient has difficulties with hand movement. Examination revealed inflammation of common synovial sheath of flexor muscles. It is known from the patient's anamnesis that he got a stab wound of finger a week ago. Which finger was most probably damaged? A Digitus minimus B Pollex C Digitus medius D Index E Digitus anularis 77 An injured man has bleeding from branches of carotid artery. For a temporary arrest of bleeding it is necessary to press the carotid artery to the tubercle of a cervical vertebra. Which vertebra is it? A VI B V C IV D III E II 78 As a result of an accident a patient has intense painfullness and edema of the anterior crus surface; dorsal flexion of foot is hindered. Function of which crus muscle is most likely to be disturbed? A M.tibialis anterior B M.flexor digitorum longus C M.flexor hallucis longus D M.peroneus longus
  • 53. 79 A 40-year-old patient complains of intensive heartbeats, sweating, nausea, visual impairment, arm tremor, hypertension. From his anamnesis: 2 years ago he was diagnosed with pheochromocytoma. Hyperproduction of what hormones causes the given pathology? A Catecholamines B Aldosterone C Glucocorticoids D ACTH E Thyroidal hormones 80 A patient who suffers from cancer of back of tongue has an intense bleeding as a result of affection of dorsal lingual artery by the tumour. What vessel should be ligated to stop bleeding? A Lingual artery B Dorsal lingual artery C Deep lingual artery D Facial artery E Ascending pharyngeal artery 81 A 58-year-old patient with acute cardiac insufficiency has decreased volume of daily urine - oliguria. What is the mechanism of this phenomenon? A Decreased glomerular filtration B Decreased number of functioning glomerules C Drop of oncotic blood pressure D Rise of hydrostatic blood pressure in capillars E Reduced permeamility of renal filter 82 An 18-year-old man was delivered to the hospital after a road accident. Examination at the traumatological department revealed multiple injuries of soft tissues of face in the region of the medial eye angle. The injuries caused massive haemorrhage. What arterial anastomosis might have been damaged in this region? A a. carotis externa et a. carotis interna B a. carotis externa et a. subclavia C a. carotis interna et a. subclavia D a. subclavia et a. ophthalmica E a. carotis interna et a. ophthalmica 83 After a 2 y.o. child has had flu, there appeared complaints about ear ache. A doctor revealed hearing impairment and inflammation of the middle ear. How did the infection penetrate into the middle ear? A Through the auditory tube B Through foramen jugularis C Through canalis caroticus D Through atrium mastoideum E Through canalis nasolacrimalis 84 A surgeon has to find the common hepatic duct during the operative intervention on account of concrements in the gall ducts. The common hepatic duct is located between the leaves of: A Hepatoduodenal ligament
  • 54. Hepatogastric ligament B Hepatorenal ligament C Round ligament of liver D Venous ligament 85 Cerebral trauma caused increase of ammonia formation. What aminoacid takes part in removal of ammonia from cerebral tissue? A Glutamic B Tyrosine C Valine D Tryptophan E Lisine 86 A 40-year-old woman was admitted to the infectious diseases department with high body temperature. Objectively: marked meningeal symptoms. A spinal cord punction was made. What anatomic formation was puncturated? A Spatium subarachnoideum B Spatium subdurale C Spatium epidurale D Cavum trigeminale E Cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior 87 After resection of the middle third of femoral artery obliterated by a thromb the lower extremity is supplied with blood due to the surgical bypass. Name an artery that plays the main role in reestablishment of blood flow: A Deep femoral artery B Superficial circumflex artery of hip bone C Descending genicular artery D Superficial epigastric artery E Deep external pudendal artery 88 A patient's knee joint doesn't extend, there is no knee-jerk reflex, skin sensitivity of the anterior femoral surface is disturbed. What nerve structures are damaged? A Femoral nerve B Superior gluteal nerve C Big fibular nerve D Obturator nerve E Inferior gluteal nerve 89 The electronic microphoto of kidney fragment has exposed afferent glomerular arteriole, which has giant cells under its endothelium, containing secretory granules. Name the type of these cells: A Juxtaglomerular B Mesangial C Smoothmuscular D Juxtavascular E Interstitial 90
  • 55. A 50 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints about pain behind his
  • 56. breastbone, asphyxia during physical activity. Angiography revealed pathological changes in the posterior interventricular branch of the right coronary artery. What heart parts are affected? A Posterior wall of the right and left ventricles B Left atrium C Anterior wall of the right and left ventricles D Right atrium E Right atrioventricular valve 91 A patient was admitted to the surgical department with suspected inflammation of Meckel's diverticulum. What part of bowels should be examined in order to discover the diverticulum in course of an operation? A Ileum B Duodenum C Jejunum D Caecum E Colon ascendens 92 Examination of a newborn boy's genitals revealed a cleft of urethra that opens on the inferior surface of his penis. What developmental anomaly is meant? A Hypospadia B Hermaphroditism C Epispadia D Monorchism E Cryptorchism 93 A patient complains about impaired evacuatory function of stomach (long-term retention of food in stomach). Examination revealed a tumour of initial part of duodenum. Specify localization of the tumour: A Pars superior B Pars inferior C Pars descendens D Pars ascendens E Flexura duodeni inferior 94 A man after 1,5 litre blood loss has suddenly reduced diuresis. The increased secretion of what hormone caused such diuresis alteration? A Vasopressin B Corticotropin C Natriuretic D Cortisol E Parathormone 95 A young man consulted a doctor about disturbed urination. Examination of his external genitals revealed that urethra is split on top and urine runs out of this opening. What anomaly of external genitals development is the case? A Epispadia B Phimosis C Hermaphroditism D Paraphimosis
  • 58. 96 A 35 year old patient applied to a doctor with complaints about having intense rhinitis and loss of sense of smell for a week. Objectively: nasal cavity contains a lot of mucus that covers mucous membrane and blocks olfactory receptors. In what part of nasal cavity are these receptors situated? A Superior nasal turbinate B Median nasal turbinate C Inferior nasal turbinate D Common nasal meatus E Vestibule of nose 97 Inflammatory process of modified subserous layer around cervix of the uterus caused an intensive pain syndrome. In what region of genitals does the pathological process take place? A Parametrium B Mesometrium C Myometrium D Endometrium E Perimetrium 98 In course of an operation surgeon removed a part of a lung that was ventilated by a tertiary bronchus accompanied by branches of pulmonary artery and other vessels. What part of a lung was removed? A Bronchopulmonary segment B Middle lobe C Inferior lobe D Superior lobe E Pulmonary lobule 99 While examining the oral cavity a stomatologist revealed inflammation of papillae on the border of the median and posterior third of the back of tongue. What papillae are inflamed? A Papillae vallatae B Papillae fungiformes C Papillae foliatae D Papillae filiformes E Papillae conicae 100 Examination of a patient revealed an abscess of pterygopalatine fossa. Where can the infection spread to unless the disease is managed in time? A To the orbit B To the interpterygoid space C To the frontal sinus D To the subgaleal temporal space E To the tympanic cavity 101 During complicated labour the symphysis pubis ruptured. What organ can be damaged mostly? A Urinary blader B Rectum C Ovaria
  • 59. Uterine tubes D Uterus 102 A patient with cholelithiasis fell ill with mechanic jaundice. Examination revealed that the stone was in the common bile duct. What bile-excreting ducts make up the obturated duct? A Ductus hepaticus communis et ductus cysticus B Ductus hepaticus dexter et sinister C Ductus hepaticus dexter et ductus cysticus D Ductus hepaticus sinister et ductus cysticus E Ductus hepaticus communis et ductus choledochus 103 Neurological examination of a 65 y.o. patient revealed a haemorrhage within the superior temporal gyrus. In the blood supply area of which artery is it? A Middle cerebral artery B Anterior cerebral artery C Posterior cerebral artery D Anterior communicating artery E Basilar artery 104 A 70 y.o. man has cut an abscess off in the area of mammiform process during shaving. Two days later he was admitted to the hospital with inflammation of arachnoid membranes. How did the infection penetrate into the cavity of skull? A V.emissariaе mastoideaе B V.v.labyrinthi C V.v.tympanicae D V.facialis E V.v.auriculares 105 The cerebrospinal fluid is being examined for the purpose of diffrential meningitis diagnostics. At what site is the lumbal puncture safe? A L III-L IV B L II-L III C L I-L II D Th XII-L I E L V-S I 106 While preparing a patient to the operation the heart chambers' pressure was measured. In one of them the pressure changed during one heart cycle from 0 to 120 mm Hg. What chamber of heart was it? A Left ventricle B Right ventricle C Right atrium D Left atrium E - 107 Part of alveoles of a preterm infant didn't spread because of enhanced elastic recoil of lungs. How can this recoil be reduced? A By surfactant introduction B By pure oxygene inhalation
  • 60. By artificial pulmonary ventilation C By fluid suction from the respiratory tracts D By glycose introduction 108 Preventive examination of a patient revealed an enlarged lymph node of metastatic origin on the medial wall of the left axillary crease. Specify the most likely localization of the primary tumour: A Mammary gland B Submandibular salivary gland C Lung D Stomach E Thyroid gland 109 A man suffering from osteochondrosis got acute pain in the abdominal muscles (lateral and anterior). During objective examination a physician diagnosticated increased pain sensitivity of skin in the hypogastric region. This pain might be caused by affection of the following nerve: A Iliohypogastric B Sciatic C Obturator D Femoral E Genitofemoral 110 A woman suffering from osteochondrosis felt acute pain in her humeral articulation that became stronger when she abducted her shoulder. These symptoms might be caused by damage of the following nerve: A Axillary nerve B Subscapular nerve C Dorsal scapular nerve D Subclavicular nerve E Throracodorsal nerve 111 Pyeloureterography X-ray photo showed a renal pelvis with minor calyces only (major calyces were absent). What form of urinary tracts of a kidney was revealed? A Embryonal B Fetal C Mature D Ampullar E - 112 A patient has a deep cut wound on the posterior surface of his shoulder in its middle third. What muscle might be injured? A Triceps muscle of arm B Biceps muscle of arm C Anconeus muscle D Brachial muscle E Coracobrachial muscle 113
  • 61. A patient has pain, edema and reddening of his skin in the anterosuperior area of his thigh
  • 62. and his foot's thumb. What lymph nodes of his lower extremity responded to the inflammatory process? A Superficial inguinal B Deep inguinal C Internal longitudinal D Superficial longitudinal E General longitudinal 114 A patient got a craniocerebral trauma that resulted in right-side convergent strabismus. Damage of which craniocerebral nerve caused such consequences? A n.abducens B n.facialis C n.trigeminus D n.trochlearis E n.aculomotorius 115 In case of a penetrating wound of the anterior abdominal wall the wound tract went above the lesser curvature of stomach. What peritoneum formation is most likely to be injured? A Ligamentum hepatogastricum B Ligamentum gastrocolicum C Ligamentum hepatoduoduodenale D Ligamentum hepatorenale E Ligamentum triangulare sinistrum 116 After a trauma a patient lost ability of elbow extension. This might have been caused by dysfunction of the following main muscle: A m. triceps brachii B m. subscapularis C m. teres major D m. infraspinatus E m. levator scapulae 117 A patient has been diagnosed with a compression fracture of a lumbar vertebra. As a result he has a considerable increase in curvature of the lumbar lordosis. Which ligament damage can induce such changes in the spine curvature? A Anterior longitudinal ligament B Posterior longitudinal ligament C Yellow ligament D Iliolumbar ligament E Interspinous ligament 118 After a craniocerebral trauma a patient lost the ability to execute learned purposeful movements (apraxia). The injury is most likely localized in the following region of the cerebral cortex: A Gyrus supramarginalis B Gyrus angularis C Gyrus paracentralis D Gyrus lingualis
  • 64. 119 A patient got an injury of spinal marrow in a road accident that caused loss of tactile sensation, posture sense, vibration sense. What conduction tracts are damaged? A Fascicle of Goll and cuneate fascicle B Anterior spinocerebellar tract C Rubrospinal tract D Reticulospinal tract E Tectospinal tract 120 Examination of a patient revealed hypertrophy and inflammation of lymphoid tissue, edema of mucous membrane between palatine arches (acute tonsillitis). What tonsil is normally situated in this area? A Tonsilla palatina B Tonsilla pharyngealis C Tonsilla tubaria D Tonsilla lingualis E - 121 While performing an operation in the area of axillary crease a surgeon has to define an arterial vessel surrounded by fascicles of brachial plexus. What artery is it? A A.axillaris B A.vertebralis C A.transversa colli D A.profunda brachii E A.subscapularis 122 Examination of a patient with impaired blood coagulation revealed thrombosis of a branch of inferior mesenteric artery. What bowel segment is damaged? A Colon sigmoideum B Ileum C Caecum D Colon transversum E Colon ascendens 123 A patient was admitted to the surgical department with inguinal hernia. During the operation the surgeon performs plastic surgery on posterior wall of inguinal canal. What structure forms this wall? A Transverse fascia B Aponeurosis of abdominal external oblique muscle C Inguinal ligament D Loose inferior edge of transverse abdominal muscle E Peritoneum 124 A man with an injury of the dorsal area of his neck was admitted to the resuscitation department. What muscle occupies this area? A M.trapezius B M.sternocleidomastoideus C M.latissimus dorsi D M.rhomboideus minor
  • 66. 125 A patient complains of dizziness and hearing loss. What nerve is damaged? A Vestibulocochlear B Trigeminus C Sublingual D Vagus E Trochlear 126 While palpating mammary gland of a patient a doctor revealed an induration in form of a node in the inferior medial quadrant. Metastases may extend to the following lymph nodes: A Parasternal B Posterior mediastinal C Profound lateral cervical D Bronchopulmonary E Superior diaphragmal 127 A patient got a trauma that caused dysfunction of motor centres regulating activity of head muscles. In what parts of cerebral cortex is the respective centre normally localized? A Inferior part of precentral gyrus B Superior part of precentral gyrus C Supramarginal gyrus D Superior parietal lobule E Angular gyrus 128 Examination of a 6-month-old child revealed a delay in closure of the occipital fontanelle. When should it normally close? A Until 3 months B Before the child is born C Until 6 months D Until the end of the first year of life E Until the end of the second year of life 129 A patient was diagnosed with paralysis of facial and masticatory muscles. The haematoma is inside the genu of internal capsule. What conduction tract is damaged? A Tr. cortico-nuclearis B Tr. cortico-spinalis C Tr. cortico-thalamicus D Tr. cortico-fronto-pontinus E Tr. cortico-temporo-parieto-occipito-pontinus 130 A patient has lost skin sensitivity in the region of the medial surface of his shoulder. This is the result of dysfunction of the following nerve: A Medial brachial cutaneous nerve B Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve C Radial nerve D Ulnar nerve E Axillary nerve
  • 67. 131
  • 68. A foreign body (a button) closed space of the right superior lobar bronchus. What segments of the right lung won't be supplied with air? A Apical, posterior, anterior B Superior and inferior lingular C Apical and posterior basal D Apical and median basal E Medial and lateral 132 A patient was diagnosed with bartholinitis (inflammation of greater vulvovaginal glands). In which organ of urogenital system are these glands localized? A Large lips of pudendum B Small lips of pudendum C Clitoris D Vagina E Uterus 133 While performing an inguinal canal operation on account of hernia a surgeon damaged the canal's contents. What exactly was damaged? A Funiculus spermaticus B Urarchus C Lig. teres uteri D Lig. inguinalе E - 134 Ultrasonic examination of a patient revealed aneurism in the area of aortic arch that caused alteration of vocal function of larynx. What nerve was constricted? A Recurrent laryngeal B Diaphragmatic C Superior laryngeal D Mandibular E Sublingual 135 Surgical approach to the thyroid gland from the transverse (collar) approach involves opening of interaponeurotic suprasternal space. What anatomic structure localized in this space is dangerous to be damaged? A Jugular venous arch B External jugular vein C Subclavicular vein D Inferior thyroid arthery E Superior thyroid arthery 136 In course of a small pelvis operation it became necessary to ligate an ovarian artery. What formation may be accidentally ligated together with it? A Ureter B Uterine tube C Round ligament of uterus D Internal iliac vein E Urethra
  • 69. 137
  • 70. An injured person was delivered to the hospital with a penetrating wound in the left lateral region of abdomen. What part of the large intestine is most likely damaged? A Colon descendens B Colon ascendens C Colon transverses D Caecum E Rectum 138 After a road accident a driver was delivered to the hospital with an injury of the medial epicondyle of humerus. What nerve might be damaged in this case? A n. Ulnaris B n. radialis C n. axillaris D n. muscolocutaneus E n. medianus 139 A patient with a knife wound in the left lumbal part was delivered to the emergency hospital. In course of operation a surgeon found that internal organs were not damaged but the knife injured one of muscles of renal pelvis. What muscle is it? A Greater psoas muscle B Iliac muscle C Erector muscle of spine D Abdominal internal oblique muscle E Abdominal external oblique muscle 140 A 25 year old patient was examined by a medical board. Examination revealed pathology of chest. Transverse dimensions were to small and the sternum was strongly protruding. What chest type is it? A Keeled chest B Funnel chest C Flat chest D Cylindrical chest E Barrel chest 141 A man with a stab wound in the area of quadrilateral foramen applied to a doctor. Examination revealed that the patient was unable to draw his arm aside from his body. What nerve is most probably damaged? A N.axillaris B N.medianus C N.radialis D N.ulnaris E N.subclavius 142 Brain tomography revealed a tumour in the region of red nucleus. What part of brain isdamaged? A Midbrain B Medulla oblongata C Cerebellum D Interbrain
  • 72. 3.0 Гістологія 1 A patient visited a dentist with complaints of redness and edema of his mouth mucous membrane in a month after dental prosthesis. The patient was diagnosed with allergic stomatitis. What type of allergic reaction by Gell and Cumbs underlies this disease? A Delayed type hypersensitivity B Cytotoxic C Immunocomplex D Anaphylactic E Stimulating 2 An electronic microphotograph shows a macrophagic cell with erythrocytes at different stages of differentiation located along its processes. This is the cell of the following organ: A Red bone marrow B Thymus C Spleen D Tonsil E Lymph node 3 Decreased blood supply to the organs causes hypoxia that activates fibroblasts function. Volume of what elements is increased in this case? A Intercellular substance B Vessels of microcircular stream C Nerve elements D Parenchymatous elements of the organ E Lymphatic vessels 4 A patient has undergone an amputation of lower extremity. Some time later painful nodules appeared in a stump. Amputatious neuromas were found out at the microscopic examination. To what pathological processes do those formations relate? A Regeneration B Dystrophy C Inflammation D Hyperemia E Metaplasia 5 A 22-year-old patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of heavy nasal breathing. During the examination of her nasal cavity the doctors found thickened mucous membrane, a lot of mucus and nodular infiltrates without erosions in the nose.The nasal rhinoscleroma was diagnosed. The biopsy was taken. What typical morphological changes may be found? A Granulomas with Mikulicz’s cells B Granulomas with Virchow’s cells C Granulomas with Langhan’s cells D Granulomas with foreign body cells E Interstitial inflammation 6 Lung of premature infant is presented on electronic photomicrography of biopsy material. Collapse of the alveolar wall caused by the deficiency of surfactant was revealed. Disfunction of what cells of the alveolar wall caused it?
  • 73. A Alveocytes type II B Alveocytes type I C Alveolar macrophages B Secretory cells C Fibroblasts 7 During histological examination of the stomach it was found out that glands contain very small amount of pariental cells or they are totally absent. Mucose membrane of what part of the stomach was studied? A Pyloric part B Fundus of stomach C Cardiak part D Body of stomach E - 8 Live vaccine is injected into the human body. Increasing activity of what cells of connective tissue can be expected? A Plasmocytes and lymphocytes B Macrophages and fibroblasts C Pigmentocytes and pericytes D Adipocytes and adventitious cells E Fibroblasts and labrocytes 9 In the blood of a 26-year-old man it was revealed 18% of erythrocytes of the spherical, ball-shaped, flat and thorn-like shape. Other eritrocytes were in the form of the concavo- concave disks. How is such phenomenon called? A Physiological poikilocytosis B Pathological poikilocytosis C Physiological anisocytosis D Pathological anisocytosis E Erytrocytosis 10 When the pH level of the stomach lumen decreases to less than 3, the antrum of the stomach releases peptide that acts in paracrine fashion to inhibit gastrin release. This peptide is: A GIF B Acetylcholine C Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) D Somatostatin E Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) 11 A 50-year-old male farm worker has been brought to the emergency room. He was found confused in the orchard and since then has remained unconscious. His heart rate is 45 and his blood pressure is 80/40 mm Hg. He is sweating and salivating profusely. Which of the following should be prescribed? A Atropine B Norepinephrine C Proserine D Physostigmine
  • 75. 12 A 13-year-old girl with history of asthma complained of cough, dyspnea and wheezing. Her symptoms became so severe that her parents brought her to the emergency room. Physical examination revealed diaphoresis, dyspnea, tachycardia and tachypnea. Her respiratory rate was 42/min, pulse rate was 110 beats per minute, and blood pressure was 130/70 mm Hg. Choose from the following list the most appropriate drug to reverse the bronchoconstriction rapidly: A Salbutamol B Cromolyn C Beclomethasone D Methylprednidsolone E Ipratropium 13 A doctor administered Allopurinol to a 26-year-old young man with the symptoms of gout. What pharmacological action of Allopurinol ensures therapeutical effect? A By inhibiting uric acid synthesis B By increasing uric acid excretion C By inhibiting leucocyte migration into the joint D By general anti-inflammatory effect E By general analgetic effect 14 The pulmonalis embolism has suddenly developed in a 40 year-old patient with opened fracture of the hip. Choose the possible kind of embolism. A Fat B Thrombus-embolus C Air D Tissue E Foreign body 15 Hypertrychosis of auricles is caused by a gene that is localized in Y-chromosome. Father has this feature. What is the probability to give birth to a boy with such anomaly? A 100% B 0% C 25% D 35% E 75% 16 On autopsy a 35-year-old man the focus of carnification 5 cm in diametre enclosed in a thin capsule was revealed in the second segment of the right lung . The focus consists of a tough dry friable tissue with a dim surface. For what disease are these morphological changes typical? A Tuberculoma B Lung cancer C Chondroma D Tumorous form of silicosis E Postinflammatory pneumosclerosis 17 In the microspecimen of red bone marrow there were revealed multiple capillares through the walls of which mature blood cells penetrated. What type of capillares is it? A Sinusoidal B Fenestrational
  • 77. Visceral D Lymphatic 18 M-r S presents all signs of the hepatic coma: loss of consciousness, absence of reflexes, cramps, convulsion, disorder of heart activity, recurrent (periodical) respiration. What are cerebrotoxical substances which accumulate in blood under hepar insufficiency? A Ammonia B IL-1 C Autoantibody D Necrosogenic substances E Ketonic body 19 Autopsy of a man who died from chronic cardiacvascular collapse revealed "tiger heart". Sidewards of endocardium a yellowish-white banding can be seen; myocardium is dull, dark-yellow. What process caused this pathology? A Fatty parenchymatous degeneration B Carbohydrate degeneration C Hyaline degeneration D Fatty vascular -stromal degeneration E Amyloidosis 20 The low specific gravity of the secondary urine (1002) was found out in the sick person. Wat is the most distant part of nephron where concentration of secondary urine takes place? A In the collecting duck B In the nephron’s glomerulus C In proximal tubule of nephron D In ascending part of loop of Henle E In distal tubule of nephron 21 Blood sampling for bulk analysis is recommended to be performed on an empty stomack and in the morning. What changes in blood composition can occur if to perform blood sampling after food intake? A Increased contents of leukocytes B Increased contents of erythrocytes C Increased plasma proteins D Reduced contents of thrombocytes E Reduced contents of erythrocytes 22 Most participants of Magellan expedition to America died from avitominosis. This disease declared itself by general weakness, subcutaneous hemmorhages, falling of teeth, gingival hemmorhages. What is the name of this avitiminosis? A Scurvy B Pellagra C Rachitis D Polyneuritis (beriberi) E Biermer's anemia 23 A histological specimen presents a receptor zone of a sensoepithelial sense organ. Cells of
  • 78. this zone are placed upon the basal membrane and include the following types: external and
  • 79. internal receptor cells, external and internal phalangeal cell, stem cells, external limiting cells and external supporting cell. The described receptor zone belongs to the following sense organ: A Acoustic organ B Visual organ C Gustatory organ D Equilibrium organ E Olfactory organ 24 A patient died 3 days after the operation because of perforated colon with manifestations of diffuse purulent peritonitis. The autopsy revealed: colon mucos membrane was thickened and covered with a fibrin film, isolated ulcers penetrated at different depth. The histology result: mucous membrane necrosis, leukocytes infiltration with hemorrhages focuses. What disease complication caused the patient's death? A Dysentery B Typhoid C Nonspecific ulcerative colitis D Crohn's disease E Amebiasis 25 A patient was admitted to the hospital with an asphyxia attack provoked by a spasm of smooth muscles of the respiratory tracts. This attack was mainly caused by alterations in the following parts of the airways: A Small bronchi B Median bronchi C Large bronchi D Terminal bronchioles E Respiratory part 26 The increased intraocular tension is observed in the patient with glaucoma.Secretion of aqueous humor by the ciliar body is normal. Injury of what structure of the eyeball wall caused the disorder of flow-out from the anterior chamber? A Venous sinus B Ciliar body C Choroid D Ciliary muscle E Back epithelium of cornea 27 Examination of a 43 y.o. patient revealed that his stomach has difficulties with digestion of protein food. Gastric juice analysis revealed low acidity. Function of which gastric cells is disturbed in this case? A Parietal exocrinocytes B Main exocrinocytes C Mucous cells (mucocytes) D Endocrinous cells E Cervical mucocytes 28 A patient has been given high doses of hydrocortisone for a long time. This caused atrophy of one of the adrenal cortex zones. Which zone is it? A Fascial B Glomerular
  • 80. Reticular C Glomerular and reticular D - 29 Low level of albumins and fibrinogen was detected in the patient's blood. Decreased activity of what organelle of the liver hepatocytes can cause it? A Granular endoplasmatic net B Agranular endoplasmatic net C Mitochondrions D Golgi complex E Lysosomes 30 In a histological specimen parenchyma of an organ is represented by lymphoid tissue that forms lymph nodes; the latter are arranged in a diffuse manner and enclose a central artery. What anatomic formation has such morphological structure? A Spleen B Tonsil C Lymph node D Thymus E Red bone marrow 31 A histological specimen of a kidney shows a part of the distal tubule going between the afferent and efferent arteriole. The cells building the tubule wall have dense nuclei; basal membrane is absent. Such structural formation is called: A Macula densa B Juxtaglomerular cells C Mesangial cells D Juxtavascular cells E - 32 Patient with injured muscles of the lower extremities was admitted to the traumatological department. Due to what cells is reparative regeneration of the muscle fibers and restoration of the muscle function possible? A Satellite-cells B Myoblasts C Myofibroblasts D Fibroblasts E Myoepithelial cells 33 In course of an experiment a big number of stem cells of red bone marrow was in some way destructed. Regeneration of which cell populations in the loose connective tissue will be inhibited? A Of macrophags B Of fibroblasts C Of pigment cells D Of lipocytes E Of pericytes 34
  • 81. Histological examination of a 40 y.o. man's thymus revealed decreased share of
  • 82. parenchymatous gland elements, increased share of adipose and loose connective tissue, its enrichment with thymus bodies. The organ's mass was unchanged. What phenomenon is it? A Age involution B Accidental involution C Hypotrophy D Dystrophy E Atrophy 35 A histological specimen shows a blood vessel. Its inner coat is composed by endothelium, subendothelium and internal elastic membrane. The middle coat is enriched with smooth myocytes. Such morphological characteristics are typical for the following vessel: A Muscular-type artery B Elastic-type artery C Capillary D Non-muscular vein E Muscular-type vein 36 In course of indirect histogenesis of tubular bone tissue a plate is formed between epiphyseal and diaphyseal ossification centres that provides further lengthwise growth of bones. What structure is it? A Metaphyseal plate B Osseous cuff C Osseous plate D Osteon E Layer of interior general plates 37 A 2-year-old child has got intestinal dysbacteriosis, which results in hemorrhagic syndrome. What is the most likely cause of hemorrhage of the child? A Vitamin K insufficiency B Activation of tissue thromboplastin C PP hypovitaminosis D Fibrinogen deficiency E Hypocalcemia 38 Histological specimen presents a vessel the wall of which consists of endothelium, basal membrane and loose connective tissue. What type of vessel is it? A Vein of non-muscular type B Artery C Vein of muscular type D Hemocapillary E Lymphocapillary 39 A patient died from acute cardiac insufficiency. The histological examination of his heart revealed the necrotized section in myocardium of the left ventricle, which was separated from undamaged tissue by the zone of hyperimic vessels, small hemorrhages and leukocytic infiltration. What is the most likely diagnosis? A Myocardial infarction B Myocardial ischemic dystrophy C Focal exudate myocarditis
  • 83. D Diffuse exudate myocarditis
  • 84. E Productive myocarditis 40 Vitamin A deficit results in the impairment of twilight vision. Name the cells that have the above-mentioned photoreceptor function: A Rod receptor cell B Horizontal neurocytes C Cone receptor cells D Bipolar neurons E Ganglion neurocytes 41 Kidneys of a man under examination show increased resorbtion of calcium ions and decreased resorbtion of phosphate ions. What hormone causes this phenomenon? A Parathormone B Thyrocalcitonin C Hormonal form D3 D Aldosterone E Vasopressin 42 During pubescence the cells of male sexual glands begin to produce male sex hormon testosterone that calls forth secondary sexual characters. What cells of male sexual glands produce this hormone? A Leidig cells B Sustentocytes C Sertoli's cells D Supporting cells E Spermatozoa 43 The specimens present sections of haemopoetic and immunogenetic organs. Organ has lymph tissue forming different structures (lymph nodes,lobules, bars). In what organ does antigen-independent proliferation and differantiation take place? A Thymus B Lymphatic nodes C Spleen D Hemolymph nodes E Tonsil 44 A patient with thrombophlebitis of lower extremities had got chest pains, blood spitting, growing respiratory failure that caused his death. Autopsy revealed multiple pulmonary infarctions. What is the most probable reason of their development? A Pulmonary artery embolism B Pulmonary artery thrombosis C Bronchial artery thrombosis D Bronchial artery embolism E Pulmonary venous thrombosis 45 A patient complains of dryness of head skin, itching, fragility and loss of hair. After examination he was diagnosed with seborrhea. Disturbed activity of which cells caused this condition? A Cells of sebaceous glands
  • 85. Cells of sudoriferous glands B Epithelial cells C Adipocytes D Melanocytes 46 A sensitive neural ganglion consists of roundish neurocytes with one extension that divides into axon and dendrite at some distance from the perikaryon. What are these cells called? A Pseudounipolar B Unipolar C Bipolar D Multipolar E Apolar 47 An embryo displays disturbed process of dorsal mesoderm segmentation and somite formation. What part of skin will have developmental abnormalities? A Derma B Hair C Sebaceous glands D Epidermis E Sudoriferous glands 48 An electron microphotography of a fragment of proper gastric gland shows a big irregular round-shaped cell. There are a lot of intracellular tubules and mitochondria in the cytoplasm. Specify this cell: A Parietal cell B Principal cell C Undifferentiated cell D Mucous cell E Endocrine cell 49 A scheme presents an exocrinous gland that has unbranched excretory duct with a terminal part in form of a saccule openining into the duct. How is this gland called according to the morphological classification of exocrinous glands? A Simple unbranched alveolar B Compound branched alveolar C Simple branched tubular D Compound unbranched alveolar E Compound unbranched alveolar tubular 50 Roentgenological examination of skull base bones revealed enlargement of sellar cavity, thinning of anterior clinoid processes, destruction of different parts, destruction of different parts of sella turcica. Such bone destruction might be caused by a tumour of the following wndocrinous gland: A Hypophysis B Epiphysis C Thymus gland D Adrenal glands E Thyroid gland
  • 86. 51
  • 87. Electronic microphotography of pulmonary alveole's wall presents a big cell. Its cytoplasm has a lot of mitochondria, developed Golgi apparatus, osmiophil lamellated corpuscles. What is the main function of this cell? A It produces surfactant B It is a component of blood-air barrier C It warms the air D It purifies the air E It absorbs microorganisms 52 A pathological process in bronchi resulted in epithelium desquamation. What cells will regenerate bronchial epithelium? A Basal B Intercalary C Ciliate D Endocrinal E Goblet 53 A viral infection has damaged cells that form walls of bile capillaries. This stimulated conditions for inflow of bile into the blood of sinusoidal capillaries. What cells are damaged? A Hepatocytes B Kupffer's cells C Ito cells D Pit-cells E Endotheliocytes 54 A histological specimen of spleen shows a vessel with a wall consisting of endothelium and subendothelial layer, median membrane is absent, exterior membrane inosculates with the layers of spleen connective tissue. What vessel is it? A Vein of non-muscular type B Vein of muscular type C Artery of muscular type D Arteriole E Capillary 55 In course of a conditional experiment the development of mesenchyma cells was completely inhibited. Development of the following muscular tissue will be disturbed: A Smooth muscular tissue B Neural muscular tissue C Epidermal muscular tissue D Cardiac muscular tissue E Skeletal muscular tissue 56 A patient ill with chronic gastritis went for endogastric pH-metry that allowed to reveal decreased acidity of gastric juice. It is indicative of diminished function of the following cells: A Parietal exocrinocytes B Chief exocrinocytes C Endocrinocytes D Cervical cells
  • 89. 57 Ultramicroscopical examination of "dark" hepatocyte population in the cell cytoplasm detected a developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. What function has this organella in these cells? A Synthesis of blood plasma proteins B Carbohydrate synthesis C Deintoxicative function D Bile production E Calcium ion depositing 58 An endocrinal gland with parenchyma consisting of epithelium and neural tissue is under morphological examination. Epithelial trabecules have two types of cells: chromophilic and chromophobic. Identify this organ: A Hypophysis B Adrenal glands C Hypothalamus D Thyroid gland E Parathyroid gland 59 A histological specimen presents an artery. One of the membranes of its wall has flat cells lying on the basal membrane. What type of cells is it? A Endothelium B Mesothelium C Smooth myocytes D Fibroblasts E Macrophages 60 One of sections of central nervous system has layerwise arrangement of neurocytes. Among them there are cells of the following forms: stellate, fusiform, horizontal, pyramidal. What section of central nervous system is this structure typical for? A Cortex of cerebrum B Spinal cord C Cerebellum D Medulla oblongata E Hypothalamus 61 Study of fingerprints (dactylography) is used by criminalists for personal identification as well as for diagnostics of genetic abnormalities, particularly Dawn's disease. What layer of skin determines individuality of fingerprints? A Dermopapillary B Horny C Reticular D Clear (stratum lucidum epidermidis) E Basal 62 A microspecimen of the submandibular salivary gland shows some basket-shaped cells concentrated around the acines and excretory ducts. These cells surround bases of the serous cells and are called myoepitheliocytes. These cells relate to the following tissue: A Muscular tissue B Epithelial tissue
  • 90. Neural tissue C Special connective tissue D Loose fibrous connective tissue 63 An infectious disease caused contractive activity of muscles that contract and dilate eye pupil (paralytic state). What functional eye system was damaged? A Accomodative B Dioptric C Ancillary D Photosensory E Lacrimal apparatus 4.0 Нормальна фізіологія 1 Patient with hypersecretion of the gastric juices was recomended to exclude from the diet concentrated bouillons and vegetable decoctions because of their stimulation of gastric secretion. What is dominating mechanism of stimulation of secretion in this case? A Stimulation of gastrin production by G-cells B Irritation of taste receptors C Irritation of mechanoreceptors of the oral cavity D Irritation of mechanoreceptors of the stomach E Stimulation of excretion of secretin in the duodenum 2 Person felt thirsty after staying in heat for a long time. Signals of what receptors caused it first of all? A Osmoreceptors of hypothalamus B Sodium receptors of hypothalamus C Osmoreceptorsof the liver D Glucoreceptors of hypothalamus E Baroreceptors of aortic arch 3 An individual is characterized by rounded face, broad forehead, a mongolian type of eyelid fold, flattened nasal bridge, permanently open mouth, projecting lower lip, protruding tongue, short neck, flat hands, and stubby fingers. What diagnosis can be put to the patient? A Down's syndrome B Klinefelter's syndrome C Alkaptonuria D Supermales E Turner's syndrome 4 Purulent endometritis developed in a woman after delivery. Treating with antibiotics inhibitors of murein synthesis was ineffective. Wide spectrum bactericidal antibiotic was administered to her. In 6 hours temperature rapidly increased up to $40^0C$ with shiver. Muscle pains have appeared. BP dropped down to 70/40 mmHg. Oligura has developed. What is the main reason for the development of this condition? A Endotoxic shock B Toxic effect of preparation C Internal bleeding D Anaphylactic shock E Bacteremia
  • 91. 5
  • 92. Secretion of which gastrointestinal hormones is primerily decreased in patient with removed duodenum? A Cholecystokinin and secretin B Gastrin C Histamine D Gastrin and histamine E Neurotensin 6 A 2-year-old child experienced convulsions because of lowering calcium ions concentration in the blood plasma. Function of what structure is decreased? A Parathyroid glands B Hypophysis C Adrenal cortex D Pineal gland E Thymus 7 While emotional excitement the heart rate in a 30-year -old person run up to 112 Bpm. What part of the conducting system of the heart caused it? A Synoatrial node B Purkinje's fibers C His bundle branches D Intraventricular node E His bundle 8 Usage of oral contraceptives with sex hormones inhibits secretion of the hypophysiae hormones. Secretion of which of the indicated hormones is inhibited while using oral contraceptives with sex hormones? A Follicle-stimulating B Vasopressin C Thyrotropic D Somatotropic E Oxytocin 9 During the breakout of acute respiratory infection in order to diagnose influenza the express-diagnosis, based on revealing of specific viral antigen in the examined material (nasopharyngial lavage), is carried out. Which reaction is used for this? A Immunofluorescence B Complement binding C Agglutination D Precipitation E Opsonization 10 A 38-year-old woman was admitted to the admission-diagnostic department with uterine bleeding. What are the most likely changes of blood? A Reduction of haematocrite rate B Increase of haematocrite rate C Leukopenia D Leucocytosis
  • 94. 11 Due to action of electric current on the exitable cell there appeared depolarization of it's membrane. Movement of what ions through the membrane caused depolarisation? A Na+ B НСО3 - C Са2+ D Сl- E К+ 12 The high level of Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes concentration showed the increase of LDH-1 and LDH-2 in a patient’s blood plasma. Point out the most probable diagnosis: A Myocardial infarction B Skeletal muscle dystrophy C Diabetes mellitus D Viral hepatitis E Acute pancreatitis 13 There is only one hormone among the neurohormones which refers to the derivatives of amino acids according to classification. Point it out: A Melatonin B Thyroliberin C Vasopressin D Oxytocin E Somatotropin 14 The sterile Petri dishes and pipettes are necessary to prepare for microbiological tests in bacteriological laboratory. What way of sterilization should be applied in this case? A Dry-heat sterilization B Tyndallization C Pasteurization D Steam sterilization in autoclave E Boiling 15 A patient after hypertension stroke does not have voluntary movements in his right arm and leg with the increased muscle tone in these extremites. What type of disfunction of nervous system is it? A Central paralysis B Peripheral paralysis C Peripheral paresis D Reflex paresis E Central paresis 16 Blood analysis of a patient showed signs of HIV infection (human immunodeficiency virus). Which cells does HIV-virus primarily affect? A Cells that contain receptor T4 (T-helpers) B Cells that contain receptor IgM (B-lymphocytes) C Specialized nervous cells (neurons) D Mast cells E Proliferating cells (stem hematoplastic cells)
  • 95. 17