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Asso.Prof. Pravin, MCN
What iscalorie?
• CALORIE - is the amount of energy
needed to raise the temperature of one
gram of water by one degree Celsius
• CALORIE = is represented by
the letterC.
Essential nutrients
Main nutritionaldisorders
Anorexia nervosa
Bulimia nervosa
Vitamin deficiency
Trace element deficiency
Obesity is defined as an excess of adipose tissue that
imparts health risk.
genetic predisposition
diets largely derived from carbohydrates and fats
than protein rich food.
hypothyroidism, cushings syndrome, insulinoma, and
hypothalamic disorders
Obesity is associated with increased
adipose stores in the subcutaneous
tissue, skeletal muscles, internal organs
such as the kidneys, heart, liver and fatty
liver is also more common in obese
individuals. There is increase in both
sizes number of adipocytes and there is
hypertrophy as well as hyperplasia.
Metabolic changes
Hyper insulinaemia
Non- Insulin dependantdiabetes
Hyper lipoproteinaemia:
Coronary artery disease
Serious health hazardsof obesity
Coronary arterydiseases
Fatty liver
Management ofobesity
Nutritional therapy
Behavior modification
Support groups
Drug therapy
{appetite suppressing drugs}
Phentermine, diethylpropion etc.
Vertical banded gastroplasty
Adjustable gastric banding
Starvation is a state of overall deprivation of
deliberate fasting
famine conditions in a country or community.
secondary under nutrition such as chronic
wasting diseases, cancersetc.
Signs andsymptoms
Dry and scaly skin
muscular weakness
Increased susceptibility toinfections
Loss ofappetite
Wound healing may be delayed
Brittle nails
Loss ofhair
Decreased B P ,pulse, slight cyanosis.
Nursing management
Health promotion
Acute intervention
Health education
Try to maintain an optimal body weight
Oral feeding
Tube feeding
nasogastric and nasointestinalfeeding
gastrostomy and jejenostomy
Protein deficiency
Kwashiorkor- Which is related to protein
deficiency through calorie intake may be
Marasmus- is starvation in infants occurring due
to overall lack ofcalories.
• Growth failure
• Wasting of all tissues
including musclesand
adipose tissue
• Edema present
• No hepaticenlargement
• Serum proteinslow
• Anemia present
• Monkey-like face,
protuberant abdomen,
thin limbs
Clinical features
Occurs in children
between 6 months3
years ofage
Growth failure
Wasting muscles but
preserved adipose tissue
Edema , localized or
generalized, present
Enlarged fattyliver
Serum proteins low
Anemia present
Alternate bands oflight
and dark hair
Clinical features
Enlarged fattyliver
Atrophy of different
tissues and organsbut
subcutaneous fat
No fattyliver
Atrophy ofdifferent
tissues and organs
subcutaneous fat
Diagnostic Evaluation
Severe hypo chromic anemia is
generally diagnosed. The plasma
proteins level is usually lowered unless
hemo concentration ispresent.
Pathophysiology marasmus
When adequate calories are not ingested to fulfill the
metabolic needs of the body, reserve food elements such as
protein and fat in the tissues are used to sustain life. This
process may be caused by
An inadequate diet or faulty eating habits
Congenital anomalies that present the infant taking an
adequate diet
Disease condition that interfere with the assimilation of food
Infections that produce anorexia and decrease the infants
ability to digest food
Loss of food intake through vomiting and diarrhea
Food allergy that is not managed appropriate
Emotional problems such as disturbed mother child
Nursing Management of
Management consists of providing a
nutritional intake that is rich in the essential
nutrients to correct the dietaryinsufficiency
and to promote normal growth and
development. Parenteral fluid therapy may
initially be necessary to correct the
electrolyte imbalance and dehydration and
to restore kidney if oral feedings are not
tolerated, hyperalimentation is used.
Additional vitamins and minerals and blood
transfusion may be necessary.
In addition to assisting with administering parenteral
fluids and giving oral feedings, the nurse is also
responsible for maintaining the infant’s body
temperature within a normal range, providing for
periods of rest and appropriate activity and
stimulation, recording intake and output, daily
weighing turning and preventing infection. The
nurse carefully observes affected infants for infection
of mouth, skin and respiratory and genitourinary
tracts. These infections are appropriately treated
when they occur. The infant is protected from other
patient and care givers who have infections because
infants who have marasmus may also have emotional
deprivation, their care is like that for those who have
failure to thrive.
Prevention of marasmus
The prevention of marasums consists of
Parent education
Prompt treatment congenital defects
Prevention of emotional disturbance
K washiorkor
While growth is occurring, sufficient nitrogenous
food must be consumed to maintain a positive
nitrogen balance. When inadequate amounts of the
essential aminoacids are not provided, not
absorbed or abnormally lost, protein under
nutrition results. The impaired absorption or loss of
protein may occur in infants and children who have
chronic diarrhea, nephrosis, hemorrhage, burns or
infection. Nutritional edema, results when the
body, lacking sufficient intake or sustaining a loss
of high quality protein, burns its own tissues and
destroys the plasma protein so that the level of
plasma albumin becomeslow.
Cow’s milk
Meat cooked
Fish cooked
Rice cooked
Soy beans
White potato
wheat germ
Nursing Management
The management of infants and children who
have kwashiorkor includes replacement of the
missing nutrients and treatment for any acute
problems such as diarrhea, renal failure and
shock. The dietary intake of protein and calorie in
increased gradually, skin milk, synthetic amino
acid mixtures or case in hydrolysates may be
given to supplement the usual diet. Vitamins and
minerals, especially vitamin 4, magnesium and
potassium are added to the intake to correct any
The accompanying anemia can be corrected
by administering iron and folic acid. In spite of
this management the infant or child may
initially loss weight because of the loss of
edema fluid. However improvement can
gradually be seen. Infections or infestations are
treated appropriately. The long term
management consists of feeding the child a
diet with adequate calories, especially one
high in protein of good biologic quality.
• Prevention consists of providing a diet containing
an adequate quality of protein of high biologic quality
for all infants and children. In those areas where
kwashiorkor is endemic parents should be taught the
nutritional needs ofall family members and adequate
amounts of food should be provided to fulfill these
Anorexia nervosa
• An eating disorder in which the person
experiences hunger but refuses to eat
because of a distorted body image, leading
toa self perception offatness.
• Anorexia nervosa is a condition of self-
generated weight loss usually seen in
adolescent girls and young women, but also
in middle-aged women or men
Etiology of eatingdisorders
• Although the cause of eating disorders is not
certain, several factors are likely to contribute to
development of the disorders. Socio cultural and
environmental factors including media and peer
influences, family factors including parental discord,
and biologic factors including genetics,
neurotransmitter regulation, and hormonal
functioning have been implicated. Negative affect,
low self- esteem, and dieting behavior commonly
predate the onset ofan eating disorder.
Clinical manifestationsof
anorexia nervosa
Clients with anorexia nervosa are usually first
introduced to the health care system when the
disordered eating behavior results in obvious
weight loss. Clients may limit themselves to 200 to
500 kcal/day-only 60% to 70% of the amount
needed for ideal body weight. Physical
manifestations include dry skin, pallor,
bradycardia, hypotension, intolerance to cold,
constipation, and amenorrhea
• The pathophysiologic changes associated with anorexia
nervosa are similar to those seen in starvation. When caloric
intake is severely limited, the body adapts by using the
body's fatstores and sparing nitrogen stores. With
prolonged starvation, significant shifts in fluid and electrolyte
balance can occur and can be life-threatening.
•The hypothalamus responds to the lack of
nutrient intake with changes in pituitary
function, resulting in amenorrhea and
infertility. The extent of malnutrition will
determine the pathophysiologic changes
Bulimia nervosa
• An eating disorder characterized by
uncontrollable binge eating alternating with
vomiting ordieting.
• Bulimia nervosa is a less serious and entirely
separate illness. Clients with bulimia nervosa tend to
maintain a relatively normal weight, but go through
periods of eating excessively (binging) and vomiting
(purging) gastric contents toprevent weight gain. Ithas
been suggested thatbulimia nervosa is a form of
depressive illness.
Clinical manifestations of
bulimia nervosa
Clinical manifestations of bulimia nervosa include
episodes of binge eating followed by self-induced
vomiting. The eating and vomiting episodes occur most
often in the late afternoon and evening and are done in
secret. Some clients may abuse laxatives and diuretics
as well. Personality characteristics typical of clients
with bulimia are related to depression. Physical
manifestations may not be as obvious, because the
client with bulimia may be of normal weight without
any depletion of fat stores. Less obvious clinical
manifestations are erosion of tooth enamel from
frequent vomiting and esophageal and throat irritation.
Nursing managementof
eating disorders
The client will be able to resume normal earning behaviors. In clients
with severe nutritional depletion, the client will be able to regain weight
at a safe rare (1 to 2 pounds/week).
Interventions: When caring for a client with anorexia nervosa,
help the client select foods from the Food Guide Pyramid for a
nutritionally balanced diet. The client is usually allowed to refuse
a specific number of foods (such as two or three) so that some
sense of control is felt. Observe the client during mealtimes. Be
supportive during mealtimes and, if needed, stay with the client
after he or she eats to prevent him or her from purging. Education
related to nutrition must include the client's family, care-givers, or
co-residents. An accurate calorie count and regular monitoring of
weight are other important interven-tions. Parenteral or enteral
nutrition may be needed forrrefractory clients with extreme
Management co n d … … …
The client will lose 1 to 2 pounds per week until
ideal body weight is achieved and maintain ideal body
weight thereafter
Teach the client how to use the Food Guide Pyramid
to select a healthy diet with portions of appropri-ate size.
Encourage the client to eat slowly and develop a regular
exercise pattern. Encourage the client to approach food,
eating, and self-image in a new way. Provide emotional
support and supervision for the client to overcome
stressful periods and break the binge-and-purge cycle.
Management co n d … … …
The client will develop a more normal image of self, as
evidenced by statements concerning increased self-esteem by
the client's ability to overcome the eating disorder.
Recognize that clients suffering from eating
disorders typically have low self-esteem. These clients
see the regulation of food and exercise of self-control
in eating patterns and amounts as ways to prove
themselves successful. It is important that the client's
significant others help the client find other areas of
self-regard. It is expected that the client will overcome
the eating disorder with consistent and continued
treatment and that weight will return to normal.
Fat soluble vitamins
vit A
vit D
vit E
vit K
water soluble vitamins
vit C
vit B complex
Vitamin A [retinol]
Physiologic functionsof retinol
Maintenance of normal vision in reduced light.
This involves synthesis of rhodopsin, a light
sensitive pigment in the rods and cones of retina,
by oxidation of retinol. This pigment then
transforms the radiant energy in to nerve impulses.
Maintenance of structure and function of
specialized epithelium
Maintenance of normal cartilaginous and bone
Deficiencies of vitA
Night blindness
Ocular lesions
Cutaneous lesions
Bitot spot
Pathological changes: - Consequent to vitamin A
deficiency following pathologic changes are seen.
Ocular lesions: - Lesions in the eyes are most
obvious. Night blindness is usually the first sign of
vitamin A deficiency. As a result of replacement
metaplasia of mucus secreting cells by squamous
cells, there is dry and scaly sclera conjunctiva
(xerophthalmia). The lacrimal duct also shows
hyperkeratosis corneal ulcer may occur. Bitot's
spots may appear which are focal triangular areas
of opacities due to accumulation of keratinized
If these occur on cornea, they impede transmission
of light. Ultimately, infection, scarring and
opacities lead toblindness.
Cutaneous lesion:- The skin develops popular
lesions giving toad like appearance (xeroderma).
This is due to follicular hyper kurtosis and keratin
plugging in the sebaceous gland.
The major sources of retinol are liver, dairy
products, eggs and carotenes are found in varying
amounts in vegetables and fruits, especially in
most of the dark green leafy and bright orange
ones. Carotenes may also be present in the foods
listed above that naturally contain retinol.
Recommended intake
The 1980 RDA for Vitamin A is (5000 IU) for
men and (4000 IU) for woman.
• Mild to moderate cases of deficiency can be treated by
daily oral dose of 10,000 IU of fat soluble vitamin A for
10 days. In severe cases larger dose (50,000 IU) is
recommended for one week. A single massive dose of
50,000 IU of vitamin A every six months is prophylactic
for children below six years ofage.
Vitamin D[Calciferol]
Vitamin D is of almost importance in the
regulation of calcium and phosphorous
metabolism in the body. It serves to maintain
proper blood levels of calcium and phosphorous
by promoting their intestinal absorption and by
mobilizing these minerals from the skeleton when
needed. Mineralization of the skeleton and teeth
requires an adequate supply of vitamin D.
Exposure to straight, fortified foods, fish lives oil
are good sources of vitamin D natural foods are
poor sources at vitamin D although small amounts
are present in egg yolk, liver, and fish such as
herring, sardines, tuna and salmon.
Recommended dietary allowances
Vitamin D is now considered more as a pro
hormone than a vitamin. Exposure to sunlight even
for 5 minutes per day. A specific recommendation
of a daily supplement of 400 IU is made.
Vitamin D deficiencies
• This is characterized by low serum calcium
(less than 7.5 mg per 100ml) muscle
twitching, cramps, and convulsions. It results
frominsufficient absorption of calcium or
vitamin D, or from a disturbance of the
parathyroid gland.
• as adult rickets, occurs when there is lack
of vitamin D and calcium. Itmay also
occur when there is an interference with
fatabsorption and hence also vitamin D
Osteomalacia frequently called
Poor exposure to sunlight may also be related
to the inactivity of the malnourished children.
Disturbed metabolism and poor synthesis of vit
D from the skin ,malabsorption state , diarrheal
diseases and excessive phylate with low
calcium and low phosphate content of the food
may well be some causes of rickets in
malnourished children.
Rickets clinicalfeatures
Head-Increased size anddelayed
closure of fontanels ,craniotabes
Teeth-delayed dentition
Thorax- rachitic rosary, pigeon chest
Spine-scoliosis ,kyphosis
Limbs-wideningof wrists, ankles and
other epiphysis ,genu valgum
In case of rickets recommended
dose of vit D is 10000 to50000units
per day
Rickets heals promptly with 4,0 00 I U of oral
vitamin D per day administered for
approximately one month.. The bone
abnormalities (visible by x ray) generally
disappear gradually over a period of 3-9
months. Parents are instructed to take their
infants outdoors for approximately 20 minutes
per day with their faces exposed. Children
should also be encouraged to play outside.
Foods that are good sources of vitamin D
include cod liver oil, egg yolks, butter, and oily
fish. Some foods, including milk and breakfast
cereals, are also fortified with synthetic vitamin
Vitamin E[Tocopherol]
Vitamin E is needed for normal stability of red
blood cells. In animals it has been shown to be
essential for normal reproduction and for integrity
and muscle and for nerves. There is no sound
scientific basis for claims in the lay literature that
vitamin E promotes fertility and sexual
The richest source of vitamin E are the
vegetable oils that are risk in poly unsaturated
wheat germ, nuts, whole grains, legumes and
certain vegetables.
Another sources
Soybean oil, sunflower oil, mayonnaise
walnut, lima beans, sweat potatoes, spinach, fish,
liver, shell fish,eggs.
Recommended intake
Although the 1980 RDA has been set at 10 mg
tocopherol for men and 8 mg for woman this
should be considered to be a recommendation for
people consuming customary American diets.
Vitamin E deficiency
Vitamin E deficiency is extremely rare in
humans. It is limited to those individuals with
fat malabsorption, or patients on total
parenteral nutrition, or in formula fed
premature infants. Changes occurring in
severe deficiency include, increased
hemolysis of red blood cells, creatinuria
deposition of brandish ceroid pigments in
smooth muscles and ,in some cases,
development of a form of muscular dystrophy
Management of Vitamin E disorders
Vitamin E has been used in daily doses of 400 to
800 mg for the treatment of diverse conditions such as
habitual abortion, sterility muscular dystrophy
diabetes ischemic heart disease, skin disorders and
anemia in infants. Benefit has been reported in some of
these cases but none has been established in clinical
Administration of 3 to 4 g of tocopherol daily over long
periods has not produced any toxic effects in human
beings. However severalreports of adverse effects
such as elevation of serum lipids, impaired blood
coagulation and reduction of serum thyroid hormones
suggest that indiscriminate ingestion of excessive
amounts over long periods should be avoided.
Vitamin K
•Vitamin K is concerned with synthesis
of coagulation factors 2,7,9,and 10 in the
liver. Green leafy vegetables, soybeans
and fish are it’snatural sources. Enough
of these vitamin is produced by
intestinal flora
Vitamin K is essential for the hepatic synthesis of
prothrombin and certain others factors involved in
blood clotting. For this reason it is sometimes called
the antihemorrhagic it also appears to have a role in
some metabolism.
Green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, broccoli and
liver all the richest dietary sources of vitamin K.
However, bacterial synthesis of vitamin K in the gut
accounts for a large proportion of a persons daily
supply initially a new born infant has a sterile gastro
intestinal tract and thus cannot synthesize significant
amounts of vitamin K for a few days since milk is low in
vitamin K the vitamin is routinely administered to new
borne. 79
Hemorrhagic disease of new born:- The new
born infants are deficient in vitamin K because of
minimal stores of vitamin K of birth, lack of
established intestinal flora for endogenous
synthesis and limited dietary intake since breast
milk is a poor source of vitamin K.
Biliary obstruction:- Bile is prevented from
entering the bowel due to biliary obstruction so
that this fat soluble vitamin cannot be absorbed.
Malabsorption syndrome:- Patients suffering
from malabsorption of fat develops vitamin K
deficiency e.g. coelic disease, sprue, pancreatic
disease, hyper motility of bowel etc.
Diffuse liver disease:- Patients with diffuse liver
disease (e.g. cirrhosis, omyloidosis of liver
hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatoblastoma) have
hypoprothrombinaemia due to impaired synthesis
of prothrombin administration of vitamin K to such
patients is of no avail since liver, where
prothrombin synthesis utilizing vitamin K takes
place, is diseased.
Deficiency of vitamin K
Deficiency of vitamin K causes defective blood
Recommended dietary allowances
Because of variation is the intestinal synthesis of
vitamin K no special recommendation for
allowance has been made. The food and nutrition
board has established 1-2mg of vitamin K per kg
body weight to be safe and adequate intake.
Thiamine (vitamin B1), awater-soluble
vitamin, is an essential coenzyme for
metabolism ofcarbohydrates
It is freely distributed in animal and vegetable
products such as liver, egg, yolk, pork, legumes,
yeast, pericarp and germ of cereals, autolysis yeast
(marmite), and milk. Polishing the rice considerably
destroys its thiamine content
Clinical Features
Thiamine deficiency leads to the disease, beriberi.
It occurs usually in infants (wet beriberi) though
older infants and children may also suffer from its
chronic form (dry beriberi).
The earliest symptoms, occurring in early
infancy (especially if the mother is providing
thiamine-deficient breast milk), include
restlessness, bouts of excessive crying (as if the
infant is having an abdominal colic), vomiting,
abdominaldistention, flatulence, constipation/ and
As soon as the diagnosis is convincingly made,
the child must receive 10 mg of thiamine intravenously.
In the subsequent three days, he should be given 10
mg of the vitamin intramuscularly twice daily. Over the
next six weeks, 10 mg daily should be administered
The breastfeeding mother should receive thiamine
therapy simultaneously.
Prognosis is excellent provided reasonable intake of
thiamine is ensured.
Ensuring that at least 0.4 mg of thiamine is provided in
the daily diet (thrice the quantity in case of pregnant
8802/11a/14nd lactating NwUToRImTIOeNAnLD)ISpORrDeEvRSentsberiberi. 88
• Riboflavin (vitamin B2),another water-soluble
vitamin, is a constituent offlavoprotein enzymes vitally
concernedwith the intermediary
• metabolism of carbohydrates. It is found in both animal
and vegetable foods such as liver, fish, egg, kidney, meat,
beans, yeast, green leafy vege- tables, cereals, legumes,
groundnut and milk (5 times more in cow milk than in
human milk).
Riboflavin deficiency
Clinical Features
Manifestations include angular stomatitis,
cheilosis (fissuring of lips), nasolabial
seborrhea and, occasionally magenta
(purplish-red, smooth) tongue. There may
occur corneal injection (vascularization) at the
limbus, leading; to excessive lacrimation,
photophobia, eye pain and later interstitial
Therapy consists in administering riboflavin, 3 to 10
mg orally or 2 mg intramuscularly daily for a few days.
This /should be followed by 10 mg orally daily for
about three weeks.
With this regimen, response is good. Complete
recovery occurs provided that adequate intake of
vitamin B2is ensured in the weeks and months ahead.
In order to prevent riboflavin deficiency, it should be
ensured that the daily diet provides at least 0.6 mg
riboflavin per 1,000 kcal. It is advisable to administer
supplements of riboflavin (the whole B-complex may .
be still better) to the infants and children belonging to
vulnerable categories.
Nicotinic acid
Nicotinic acid (niacin) is also involved in the
carbohydrate metabolism and plays vital role
in the functioning of the skin, gastrointestinal
tract, central nervous system and hemopoietic
This vitamin may be obtained either from the
natural food sources or from the tryptophan
endogenously. The natural food sources
include milk, liver, pork, cheese, yeast,
cereals, etc.
Clinical Features
The disease caused by nicotinic acid deficiency is
called pellagra. It usually occurs in children of school-
going age.
The characteristic lesions are seen over the exposed
areas of the skin, such as limbs, neck, ("Casal
necklace") and cheeks. It is worth noting that the
lesions are symmetrical, of desquamating pigmentary
dermatitis type and are aggravated by sunlight.
There is a widespread gastrointestinal inflammation,
leading to red and sore tongue, dysphagia, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea.
C linical Features
Just like diarrhea, dementia is encountered
much less childhood than in adults. Most
children with pellagra are, no doubt, quite
Anemia as also other signs of malnutrition are
usually present.
Nicotinamide, 50 to 300 mg daily in
divided doses orally, given for two
weeks followed by adequate supply of B-
complex vitamins in diet brings about
complete recovery.
The disease may be prevented by
providing a balanced diet containing 5 to
10 mg daily supply of nicotinamide.
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) plays a vital role in the
metabolism of proteins and fatty acids. It is
claimed to have a role in blood formation, in
proper functioning of the nervous system and in
conversion of tryptophan into nicotinic acid.
Its natural sources include liver, egg yolk,
meat, wheat] germ, soybeans, yeast, peas, pulses
and cereals. It ii found in only small quantity in
most vegetables ammilk.
Clinical Features of deficiency ofpyridoxin
The manifestations include
convulsions and microcytic, hypo
chromic anemia refractory to iron
therapy. Growth retardation and
gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea
may occur. Seborrheic dermatitis around
nose and eyes, and sensory neuropathy
occur only uncommonly in children.
Cheilosis and glossitis are infrequent in
Growth retardation
Administration of 5 mg of pyridoxine
intramuscularly followed by 0.5 mg daily orally for
two weeks causes complete recovery.
Vitamin C[ascorbicacid]
• Ascorbic acid, which structurally resembles a
monosaccharide sugar, is known to play
important role in oxidation of tyrosine and
phenylalanine, in formation of hydroxyproline, in
preventing de polymerization of collagen and in
• Deficiency of vitamin C, though quite common in
its subclinical form, has virtually disappeared in
its overt form from the affluent countries. But, its
frank cases still continue to be seen from time to
time in some parts of the developing regions.
Fruits and vegetables are the only
significant sources of vitaminC.
Recommended intake
For adults 60 mg daily. This level of
intake is expected to maintain a body
pool of 1500mg ascorbic acid.
Scurvy occurs usually in infants between the age of6
months to2 years. No age is a bar, however.
Infantile scurvy is characterized by gross irritability,
excessive crying and tenderness to touch, more so in the
lower limbs. The infant adopts the so-called "frog- position”.
The posture of the lower limbs gives an impression as though
these are paralyzed
The palpable sub periosteal hemorrhage into the
lower third of the femur may contribute to pain, thus
preventing movements of the leg further and
strengthening the impression that the limb may be
Hemorrhages may occur into the skin and mucous
membranes. Hemorrhages into the gums may
result in spongy, swollen, bluish purple gums,
especially about the erupted teeth. Hemorrhages
in the internal organs may cause hematuria,
melena, proptosis and subdural swellings. Mild to
moderate anemia isusual.
Scorbutic rosarymay result from posterior
displacement of the sternum. Unlike rachitic
rosary, it is tender,-sharp and angular and has a
"step-shaped" configuration the sternum, being
It consists in giving a dose of 500 mg of
vitamin C followed by a daily dose of 100 to 300
mg for several weeks. Oral administration is good
Folic Acid
Folic Acid is needed for energy production,
protein metabolism, the formation of red blood
cells and it is vital for normal growth and
Found in beans, beef, bran, barley, brown rice,
cheese, chicken, dates, green leafy vegetables,
lamb, lentils, liver, milk, oranges, organ meats
(like liver), split peas, pork, root vegetables (like
carrots), salmon, tuna, whole grains, whole wheat
and yeast.
A deficiency of Folic Acid may contribute to
anemia, depression and anxiety,, and birth defects
in pregnant women, sore tongue, andfatigue.
Vitamin B12:Vitamin B12 is a very large
molecule and requires a special mechanism of
absorption. Vitamin B12 functions in all the cells but
especially those of the gastrointestinal tract and bone
marrow and the nervous system.
Sources :Found in beef, blue cheese, cheese,
clams, crab, fish, eggs, herring, kidney, liver,
mackerel, milk and milk products, pork, seafood
and tofu. It is not found in vegetables - only in
animal sources.
liver, nerves, red blood cells, gastrointestinal tract.
Appetite loss, diminished reflex responses,
fatigue, irritability, memory impairment, mental
depression and confusion, nervousness, pernicious
anemia, unpleasant body odor, walking and
speaking difficulties, weakness in arms and legs. A
deficiency can cause problems with digestion,
absorption of food, metabolism of carbohydrates
and fats, nerves, fertility, growth and development.
There can also be hallucinations, memory loss, eye
disorders, and anemia.
Recommended dietary allowances
About 1 mg of vitaminB12 is required to replace
the daily obligatory losses.
Vitamin B12 administered in doses 250-1000mg
Several minerals in trace amounts are
essential for health since they form
components of enzymes and cofactors for
metabolic function besides calcium and
phosphorus required for vitamin D
manufacture, others include iron,
copper, iodine, zinc, selenium,
manganese nickel chromium,
molybdenum, fluorine
Iron is best known for being an active part of
hemoglobin in red blood cells but it is also a
constituent of the muscle protein myoglobin and of a
variety of protein that speed up chemical reactions
within the body.
Rating foods as sources of iron requires consideration
of the bioavailability of the iron they contain in general
flesh foods are the best sources because they contain
heam iron. Some plant foods appear to be much better
source of iron than they actually are.
Recognition of the importance of zinc as a nutrient
is steadily increasing. growth ,sexual development
, wound healing , ability to fight infections sense of
taste, night vision, healthy epithelial tissue, and
other vital functions depend upon an adequate
supply ofzinc.
Flesh foods are the most reliable sources of zinc
because they contain reasonably high amount of
zinc. Red meats especially beef are higher in zinc.
among plant foods sun flower seeds are good
sources of zinc. Whole grains ,legumes and
vegetables are richer in zinc.
A regular supply of iodide is needed for the
production of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine and
triidothyronine. Lack of iodine results in endemic
Iodized salt
Copper participates in many metabolic reactions
that are necessary for normal development and
maintenance of the skeleton, red blood cell
production, normal skin and hair, and other
Oysters are recognized as the leading source
Chromium is essential for normal utilization of
glucose. Chromium is active in the body only in
the form of a complex molecule called glucose
tolerance actor. Meat, cheese, and whole grains
are also reported to be good sources.
Deficiency disordersof
trace elements
Iron:- Microcytic ,hypochronic anemia
Copper:- Muscle weakness, neurologic defect
Iodine:- Goiter andhyperthyroidism
Zinc:- Growth retardation,infertility
Selenium:- Myopathy, cardiomyopathy
Growth retardation

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Nutritional disorders

  • 2. What iscalorie? • CALORIE - is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius • CALORIE = is represented by the letterC. 2
  • 5. Obesity 5 Obesity is defined as an excess of adipose tissue that imparts health risk. Etiology genetic predisposition diets largely derived from carbohydrates and fats than protein rich food. hypothyroidism, cushings syndrome, insulinoma, and hypothalamic disorders
  • 6. Pathophysiology 6 Obesity is associated with increased adipose stores in the subcutaneous tissue, skeletal muscles, internal organs such as the kidneys, heart, liver and fatty liver is also more common in obese individuals. There is increase in both sizes number of adipocytes and there is hypertrophy as well as hyperplasia.
  • 8. Metabolic changes 8 Hyper insulinaemia Non- Insulin dependantdiabetes Hypertension Hyper lipoproteinaemia: Atherosclerosis Coronary artery disease Cholelithiasis Cancer Osteoarthritis:
  • 9. Serious health hazardsof obesity 9 Stroke Coronary arterydiseases Hypertension Fatty liver Diabetes Atherosclerosis Hyperlipidaemia Osteoarthritis
  • 10. 10
  • 11. Management ofobesity 11 Nutritional therapy Behavior modification Support groups MEDICAL MANAGEMENT Drug therapy {appetite suppressing drugs} Phentermine, diethylpropion etc. SURGICAL MANAGEMENT Vertical banded gastroplasty Adjustable gastric banding
  • 12. Starvation 12 Starvation is a state of overall deprivation of nutrients. Etiology deliberate fasting famine conditions in a country or community. secondary under nutrition such as chronic wasting diseases, cancersetc.
  • 13. Signs andsymptoms 13 Dry and scaly skin muscular weakness Anemia Increased susceptibility toinfections Loss ofappetite Wound healing may be delayed Brittle nails Loss ofhair Depression Decreased B P ,pulse, slight cyanosis.
  • 15. Nursing management 15 Health promotion Acute intervention Health education Try to maintain an optimal body weight TYPES OF SPECIALISED NUTRITIONAL THERAPY Oral feeding Tube feeding nasogastric and nasointestinalfeeding gastrostomy and jejenostomy
  • 16. Protein deficiency 16 malnutrition Kwashiorkor- Which is related to protein deficiency through calorie intake may be sufficient. Marasmus- is starvation in infants occurring due to overall lack ofcalories.
  • 17. KWASHIORKOR • Growth failure • Wasting of all tissues including musclesand adipose tissue • Edema present • No hepaticenlargement • Serum proteinslow • Anemia present • Monkey-like face, protuberant abdomen, thin limbs Clinical features Occurs in children between 6 months3 years ofage Growth failure Wasting muscles but preserved adipose tissue Edema , localized or generalized, present Enlarged fattyliver Serum proteins low Anemia present Alternate bands oflight and dark hair M A RASMUS Clinical features 17 17
  • 18. 18
  • 19. 19
  • 20. Morphology 20 KWASHIORKOR Morphology Enlarged fattyliver Atrophy of different tissues and organsbut subcutaneous fat preserved MARASMUS Morphology No fattyliver Atrophy ofdifferent tissues and organs including subcutaneous fat
  • 21. 21
  • 22. 22
  • 23. marasmus 23 Diagnostic Evaluation Severe hypo chromic anemia is generally diagnosed. The plasma proteins level is usually lowered unless hemo concentration ispresent.
  • 24. Pathophysiology marasmus 24 When adequate calories are not ingested to fulfill the metabolic needs of the body, reserve food elements such as protein and fat in the tissues are used to sustain life. This process may be caused by An inadequate diet or faulty eating habits Congenital anomalies that present the infant taking an adequate diet Disease condition that interfere with the assimilation of food Infections that produce anorexia and decrease the infants ability to digest food Loss of food intake through vomiting and diarrhea Food allergy that is not managed appropriate Emotional problems such as disturbed mother child relations.
  • 25. Nursing Management of 25 marasmus Management consists of providing a nutritional intake that is rich in the essential nutrients to correct the dietaryinsufficiency and to promote normal growth and development. Parenteral fluid therapy may initially be necessary to correct the electrolyte imbalance and dehydration and to restore kidney if oral feedings are not tolerated, hyperalimentation is used. Additional vitamins and minerals and blood transfusion may be necessary.
  • 26. In addition to assisting with administering parenteral fluids and giving oral feedings, the nurse is also responsible for maintaining the infant’s body temperature within a normal range, providing for periods of rest and appropriate activity and stimulation, recording intake and output, daily weighing turning and preventing infection. The nurse carefully observes affected infants for infection of mouth, skin and respiratory and genitourinary tracts. These infections are appropriately treated when they occur. The infant is protected from other patient and care givers who have infections because infants who have marasmus may also have emotional deprivation, their care is like that for those who have failure to thrive. 26
  • 27. Prevention of marasmus 27 The prevention of marasums consists of Parent education Prompt treatment congenital defects Prevention of emotional disturbance
  • 29. Pathophysiology 29 K washiorkor While growth is occurring, sufficient nitrogenous food must be consumed to maintain a positive nitrogen balance. When inadequate amounts of the essential aminoacids are not provided, not absorbed or abnormally lost, protein under nutrition results. The impaired absorption or loss of protein may occur in infants and children who have chronic diarrhea, nephrosis, hemorrhage, burns or infection. Nutritional edema, results when the body, lacking sufficient intake or sustaining a loss of high quality protein, burns its own tissues and destroys the plasma protein so that the level of plasma albumin becomeslow.
  • 31. PROTEIN CONTENTFOODS 31 Eggs Cow’s milk Cheese Meat cooked Fish cooked Rice cooked Soy beans White potato wheat germ Nuts
  • 32. 32
  • 33. Nursing Management The management of infants and children who have kwashiorkor includes replacement of the missing nutrients and treatment for any acute problems such as diarrhea, renal failure and shock. The dietary intake of protein and calorie in increased gradually, skin milk, synthetic amino acid mixtures or case in hydrolysates may be given to supplement the usual diet. Vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin 4, magnesium and potassium are added to the intake to correct any deficiencies. 33
  • 34. The accompanying anemia can be corrected by administering iron and folic acid. In spite of this management the infant or child may initially loss weight because of the loss of edema fluid. However improvement can gradually be seen. Infections or infestations are treated appropriately. The long term management consists of feeding the child a diet with adequate calories, especially one high in protein of good biologic quality. 34
  • 35. Prevention • Prevention consists of providing a diet containing an adequate quality of protein of high biologic quality for all infants and children. In those areas where kwashiorkor is endemic parents should be taught the nutritional needs ofall family members and adequate amounts of food should be provided to fulfill these needs. 35
  • 36. Anorexia nervosa • An eating disorder in which the person experiences hunger but refuses to eat because of a distorted body image, leading toa self perception offatness. • Anorexia nervosa is a condition of self- generated weight loss usually seen in adolescent girls and young women, but also in middle-aged women or men 36
  • 37. Etiology of eatingdisorders • Although the cause of eating disorders is not certain, several factors are likely to contribute to development of the disorders. Socio cultural and environmental factors including media and peer influences, family factors including parental discord, and biologic factors including genetics, neurotransmitter regulation, and hormonal functioning have been implicated. Negative affect, low self- esteem, and dieting behavior commonly predate the onset ofan eating disorder. 02/11/14 37NUTRITIONAL DISORDERS 37
  • 38. Clinical manifestationsof 38 anorexia nervosa Clients with anorexia nervosa are usually first introduced to the health care system when the disordered eating behavior results in obvious weight loss. Clients may limit themselves to 200 to 500 kcal/day-only 60% to 70% of the amount needed for ideal body weight. Physical manifestations include dry skin, pallor, bradycardia, hypotension, intolerance to cold, constipation, and amenorrhea
  • 39. Pathophysiology • The pathophysiologic changes associated with anorexia nervosa are similar to those seen in starvation. When caloric intake is severely limited, the body adapts by using the body's fatstores and sparing nitrogen stores. With prolonged starvation, significant shifts in fluid and electrolyte balance can occur and can be life-threatening. •The hypothalamus responds to the lack of nutrient intake with changes in pituitary function, resulting in amenorrhea and infertility. The extent of malnutrition will determine the pathophysiologic changes observed. 39
  • 40. 40
  • 41. Bulimia nervosa • An eating disorder characterized by uncontrollable binge eating alternating with vomiting ordieting. • Bulimia nervosa is a less serious and entirely separate illness. Clients with bulimia nervosa tend to maintain a relatively normal weight, but go through periods of eating excessively (binging) and vomiting (purging) gastric contents toprevent weight gain. Ithas been suggested thatbulimia nervosa is a form of depressive illness. 41
  • 42. Clinical manifestations of 42 bulimia nervosa Clinical manifestations of bulimia nervosa include episodes of binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting. The eating and vomiting episodes occur most often in the late afternoon and evening and are done in secret. Some clients may abuse laxatives and diuretics as well. Personality characteristics typical of clients with bulimia are related to depression. Physical manifestations may not be as obvious, because the client with bulimia may be of normal weight without any depletion of fat stores. Less obvious clinical manifestations are erosion of tooth enamel from frequent vomiting and esophageal and throat irritation.
  • 43. 43
  • 44. Nursing managementof 44 eating disorders Outcomes The client will be able to resume normal earning behaviors. In clients with severe nutritional depletion, the client will be able to regain weight at a safe rare (1 to 2 pounds/week). Interventions: When caring for a client with anorexia nervosa, help the client select foods from the Food Guide Pyramid for a nutritionally balanced diet. The client is usually allowed to refuse a specific number of foods (such as two or three) so that some sense of control is felt. Observe the client during mealtimes. Be supportive during mealtimes and, if needed, stay with the client after he or she eats to prevent him or her from purging. Education related to nutrition must include the client's family, care-givers, or co-residents. An accurate calorie count and regular monitoring of weight are other important interven-tions. Parenteral or enteral nutrition may be needed forrrefractory clients with extreme malnutrition.
  • 45. Management co n d … … … 45 Outcomes The client will lose 1 to 2 pounds per week until ideal body weight is achieved and maintain ideal body weight thereafter Interventions Teach the client how to use the Food Guide Pyramid to select a healthy diet with portions of appropri-ate size. Encourage the client to eat slowly and develop a regular exercise pattern. Encourage the client to approach food, eating, and self-image in a new way. Provide emotional support and supervision for the client to overcome stressful periods and break the binge-and-purge cycle.
  • 46. Management co n d … … … 46 Outcomes The client will develop a more normal image of self, as evidenced by statements concerning increased self-esteem by the client's ability to overcome the eating disorder. Interventions Recognize that clients suffering from eating disorders typically have low self-esteem. These clients see the regulation of food and exercise of self-control in eating patterns and amounts as ways to prove themselves successful. It is important that the client's significant others help the client find other areas of self-regard. It is expected that the client will overcome the eating disorder with consistent and continued treatment and that weight will return to normal.
  • 47. Vitamins 47 Fat soluble vitamins a) b) c) d) vit A vit D vit E vit K water soluble vitamins a) b) vit C vit B complex
  • 48. Vitamin A [retinol] 48 Physiologic functionsof retinol Maintenance of normal vision in reduced light. This involves synthesis of rhodopsin, a light sensitive pigment in the rods and cones of retina, by oxidation of retinol. This pigment then transforms the radiant energy in to nerve impulses. Maintenance of structure and function of specialized epithelium Maintenance of normal cartilaginous and bone growth.
  • 49. 49
  • 50. Deficiencies of vitA 50 Night blindness Ocular lesions Cutaneous lesions Bitot spot Xerophthalmia
  • 52. Pathological changes: - Consequent to vitamin A deficiency following pathologic changes are seen. Ocular lesions: - Lesions in the eyes are most obvious. Night blindness is usually the first sign of vitamin A deficiency. As a result of replacement metaplasia of mucus secreting cells by squamous cells, there is dry and scaly sclera conjunctiva (xerophthalmia). The lacrimal duct also shows hyperkeratosis corneal ulcer may occur. Bitot's spots may appear which are focal triangular areas of opacities due to accumulation of keratinized epithelium. 52
  • 53. contd 53 If these occur on cornea, they impede transmission of light. Ultimately, infection, scarring and opacities lead toblindness. Cutaneous lesion:- The skin develops popular lesions giving toad like appearance (xeroderma). This is due to follicular hyper kurtosis and keratin plugging in the sebaceous gland.
  • 54. Sources The major sources of retinol are liver, dairy products, eggs and carotenes are found in varying amounts in vegetables and fruits, especially in most of the dark green leafy and bright orange ones. Carotenes may also be present in the foods listed above that naturally contain retinol. Recommended intake The 1980 RDA for Vitamin A is (5000 IU) for men and (4000 IU) for woman. 54
  • 55. Management • Mild to moderate cases of deficiency can be treated by daily oral dose of 10,000 IU of fat soluble vitamin A for 10 days. In severe cases larger dose (50,000 IU) is recommended for one week. A single massive dose of 50,000 IU of vitamin A every six months is prophylactic for children below six years ofage. 55
  • 56. Vitamin D[Calciferol] 56 Functions Vitamin D is of almost importance in the regulation of calcium and phosphorous metabolism in the body. It serves to maintain proper blood levels of calcium and phosphorous by promoting their intestinal absorption and by mobilizing these minerals from the skeleton when needed. Mineralization of the skeleton and teeth requires an adequate supply of vitamin D.
  • 57. 57
  • 58. Sources Exposure to straight, fortified foods, fish lives oil are good sources of vitamin D natural foods are poor sources at vitamin D although small amounts are present in egg yolk, liver, and fish such as herring, sardines, tuna and salmon. Recommended dietary allowances Vitamin D is now considered more as a pro hormone than a vitamin. Exposure to sunlight even for 5 minutes per day. A specific recommendation of a daily supplement of 400 IU is made. 58
  • 60. Tetani • This is characterized by low serum calcium (less than 7.5 mg per 100ml) muscle twitching, cramps, and convulsions. It results frominsufficient absorption of calcium or vitamin D, or from a disturbance of the parathyroid gland. 60
  • 61. Osteomalacia • as adult rickets, occurs when there is lack of vitamin D and calcium. Itmay also occur when there is an interference with fatabsorption and hence also vitamin D absorption. 61 Osteomalacia frequently called
  • 64. Rickets 64 Etiology Poor exposure to sunlight may also be related to the inactivity of the malnourished children. Disturbed metabolism and poor synthesis of vit D from the skin ,malabsorption state , diarrheal diseases and excessive phylate with low calcium and low phosphate content of the food may well be some causes of rickets in malnourished children.
  • 66. Rickets clinicalfeatures 66 Head-Increased size anddelayed closure of fontanels ,craniotabes Teeth-delayed dentition Thorax- rachitic rosary, pigeon chest Spine-scoliosis ,kyphosis Limbs-wideningof wrists, ankles and other epiphysis ,genu valgum
  • 68. Management In case of rickets recommended dose of vit D is 10000 to50000units per day 68
  • 69. Rickets heals promptly with 4,0 00 I U of oral vitamin D per day administered for approximately one month.. The bone abnormalities (visible by x ray) generally disappear gradually over a period of 3-9 months. Parents are instructed to take their infants outdoors for approximately 20 minutes per day with their faces exposed. Children should also be encouraged to play outside. Foods that are good sources of vitamin D include cod liver oil, egg yolks, butter, and oily fish. Some foods, including milk and breakfast cereals, are also fortified with synthetic vitamin D. 69
  • 71. Vitamin E[Tocopherol] 71 Functions Vitamin E is needed for normal stability of red blood cells. In animals it has been shown to be essential for normal reproduction and for integrity and muscle and for nerves. There is no sound scientific basis for claims in the lay literature that vitamin E promotes fertility and sexual performance..
  • 72. 72
  • 73. Source The richest source of vitamin E are the vegetable oils that are risk in poly unsaturated wheat germ, nuts, whole grains, legumes and certain vegetables. Another sources Soybean oil, sunflower oil, mayonnaise walnut, lima beans, sweat potatoes, spinach, fish, liver, shell fish,eggs. 73
  • 74. Recommended intake Although the 1980 RDA has been set at 10 mg tocopherol for men and 8 mg for woman this should be considered to be a recommendation for people consuming customary American diets. 74
  • 75. Vitamin E deficiency 75 Vitamin E deficiency is extremely rare in humans. It is limited to those individuals with fat malabsorption, or patients on total parenteral nutrition, or in formula fed premature infants. Changes occurring in severe deficiency include, increased hemolysis of red blood cells, creatinuria deposition of brandish ceroid pigments in smooth muscles and ,in some cases, development of a form of muscular dystrophy
  • 76. Management of Vitamin E disorders 76 Vitamin E has been used in daily doses of 400 to 800 mg for the treatment of diverse conditions such as habitual abortion, sterility muscular dystrophy diabetes ischemic heart disease, skin disorders and anemia in infants. Benefit has been reported in some of these cases but none has been established in clinical trails. Administration of 3 to 4 g of tocopherol daily over long periods has not produced any toxic effects in human beings. However severalreports of adverse effects such as elevation of serum lipids, impaired blood coagulation and reduction of serum thyroid hormones suggest that indiscriminate ingestion of excessive amounts over long periods should be avoided.
  • 77. Vitamin K •Vitamin K is concerned with synthesis of coagulation factors 2,7,9,and 10 in the liver. Green leafy vegetables, soybeans and fish are it’snatural sources. Enough of these vitamin is produced by intestinal flora 77
  • 78. 78
  • 79. Function Vitamin K is essential for the hepatic synthesis of prothrombin and certain others factors involved in blood clotting. For this reason it is sometimes called the antihemorrhagic it also appears to have a role in some metabolism. Sources Green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, broccoli and liver all the richest dietary sources of vitamin K. However, bacterial synthesis of vitamin K in the gut accounts for a large proportion of a persons daily supply initially a new born infant has a sterile gastro intestinal tract and thus cannot synthesize significant amounts of vitamin K for a few days since milk is low in vitamin K the vitamin is routinely administered to new borne. 79
  • 80. DEFICIENCY DISORDERS Hemorrhagic disease of new born:- The new born infants are deficient in vitamin K because of minimal stores of vitamin K of birth, lack of established intestinal flora for endogenous synthesis and limited dietary intake since breast milk is a poor source of vitamin K. Biliary obstruction:- Bile is prevented from entering the bowel due to biliary obstruction so that this fat soluble vitamin cannot be absorbed. 80
  • 81. Malabsorption syndrome:- Patients suffering from malabsorption of fat develops vitamin K deficiency e.g. coelic disease, sprue, pancreatic disease, hyper motility of bowel etc. Diffuse liver disease:- Patients with diffuse liver disease (e.g. cirrhosis, omyloidosis of liver hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatoblastoma) have hypoprothrombinaemia due to impaired synthesis of prothrombin administration of vitamin K to such patients is of no avail since liver, where prothrombin synthesis utilizing vitamin K takes place, is diseased. 81
  • 82. Deficiency of vitamin K Deficiency of vitamin K causes defective blood coagulation Recommended dietary allowances Because of variation is the intestinal synthesis of vitamin K no special recommendation for allowance has been made. The food and nutrition board has established 1-2mg of vitamin K per kg body weight to be safe and adequate intake. 82
  • 83. Thiamine Thiamine (vitamin B1), awater-soluble vitamin, is an essential coenzyme for metabolism ofcarbohydrates 83
  • 84. 84
  • 85. sources It is freely distributed in animal and vegetable products such as liver, egg, yolk, pork, legumes, yeast, pericarp and germ of cereals, autolysis yeast (marmite), and milk. Polishing the rice considerably destroys its thiamine content 85
  • 86. Clinical Features 86 Thiamine deficiency leads to the disease, beriberi. It occurs usually in infants (wet beriberi) though older infants and children may also suffer from its chronic form (dry beriberi). The earliest symptoms, occurring in early infancy (especially if the mother is providing thiamine-deficient breast milk), include restlessness, bouts of excessive crying (as if the infant is having an abdominal colic), vomiting, abdominaldistention, flatulence, constipation/ and insomnia.
  • 87. 87
  • 88. Treatment/management As soon as the diagnosis is convincingly made, the child must receive 10 mg of thiamine intravenously. In the subsequent three days, he should be given 10 mg of the vitamin intramuscularly twice daily. Over the next six weeks, 10 mg daily should be administered orally. The breastfeeding mother should receive thiamine therapy simultaneously. Prognosis is excellent provided reasonable intake of thiamine is ensured. Prevention Ensuring that at least 0.4 mg of thiamine is provided in the daily diet (thrice the quantity in case of pregnant 8802/11a/14nd lactating NwUToRImTIOeNAnLD)ISpORrDeEvRSentsberiberi. 88
  • 89. Riboflavin • Riboflavin (vitamin B2),another water-soluble vitamin, is a constituent offlavoprotein enzymes vitally concernedwith the intermediary • metabolism of carbohydrates. It is found in both animal and vegetable foods such as liver, fish, egg, kidney, meat, beans, yeast, green leafy vege- tables, cereals, legumes, groundnut and milk (5 times more in cow milk than in human milk). 89
  • 90. 90
  • 91. Riboflavin deficiency 91 Clinical Features Manifestations include angular stomatitis, cheilosis (fissuring of lips), nasolabial seborrhea and, occasionally magenta (purplish-red, smooth) tongue. There may occur corneal injection (vascularization) at the limbus, leading; to excessive lacrimation, photophobia, eye pain and later interstitial keratitis.
  • 92. Treatment/management Therapy consists in administering riboflavin, 3 to 10 mg orally or 2 mg intramuscularly daily for a few days. This /should be followed by 10 mg orally daily for about three weeks. With this regimen, response is good. Complete recovery occurs provided that adequate intake of vitamin B2is ensured in the weeks and months ahead. Prevention In order to prevent riboflavin deficiency, it should be ensured that the daily diet provides at least 0.6 mg riboflavin per 1,000 kcal. It is advisable to administer supplements of riboflavin (the whole B-complex may . be still better) to the infants and children belonging to vulnerable categories. 92
  • 93. Nicotinic acid 93 Nicotinic acid (niacin) is also involved in the carbohydrate metabolism and plays vital role in the functioning of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system and hemopoietic system. This vitamin may be obtained either from the natural food sources or from the tryptophan endogenously. The natural food sources include milk, liver, pork, cheese, yeast, cereals, etc.
  • 94. 94
  • 95. Clinical Features 95 The disease caused by nicotinic acid deficiency is called pellagra. It usually occurs in children of school- going age. The characteristic lesions are seen over the exposed areas of the skin, such as limbs, neck, ("Casal necklace") and cheeks. It is worth noting that the lesions are symmetrical, of desquamating pigmentary dermatitis type and are aggravated by sunlight. There is a widespread gastrointestinal inflammation, leading to red and sore tongue, dysphagia, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • 96. C linical Features 96 Just like diarrhea, dementia is encountered much less childhood than in adults. Most children with pellagra are, no doubt, quite apathetic. Anemia as also other signs of malnutrition are usually present.
  • 100. Treatment/management 100 Nicotinamide, 50 to 300 mg daily in divided doses orally, given for two weeks followed by adequate supply of B- complex vitamins in diet brings about complete recovery. Prevention The disease may be prevented by providing a balanced diet containing 5 to 10 mg daily supply of nicotinamide.
  • 101. Pyridoxin 101 Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) plays a vital role in the metabolism of proteins and fatty acids. It is claimed to have a role in blood formation, in proper functioning of the nervous system and in conversion of tryptophan into nicotinic acid. Its natural sources include liver, egg yolk, meat, wheat] germ, soybeans, yeast, peas, pulses and cereals. It ii found in only small quantity in most vegetables ammilk.
  • 102. 102
  • 103. Clinical Features of deficiency ofpyridoxin 103 The manifestations include convulsions and microcytic, hypo chromic anemia refractory to iron therapy. Growth retardation and gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea may occur. Seborrheic dermatitis around nose and eyes, and sensory neuropathy occur only uncommonly in children. Cheilosis and glossitis are infrequent in childhood.
  • 105. Treatment/management 105 Administration of 5 mg of pyridoxine intramuscularly followed by 0.5 mg daily orally for two weeks causes complete recovery.
  • 106. Vitamin C[ascorbicacid] • Ascorbic acid, which structurally resembles a monosaccharide sugar, is known to play important role in oxidation of tyrosine and phenylalanine, in formation of hydroxyproline, in preventing de polymerization of collagen and in hemopoiesis. • Deficiency of vitamin C, though quite common in its subclinical form, has virtually disappeared in its overt form from the affluent countries. But, its frank cases still continue to be seen from time to time in some parts of the developing regions. 106
  • 107. 107
  • 108. sources 108 Fruits and vegetables are the only significant sources of vitaminC. Recommended intake For adults 60 mg daily. This level of intake is expected to maintain a body pool of 1500mg ascorbic acid.
  • 109. Scurvy occurs usually in infants between the age of6 months to2 years. No age is a bar, however. Infantile scurvy is characterized by gross irritability, excessive crying and tenderness to touch, more so in the lower limbs. The infant adopts the so-called "frog- position”. The posture of the lower limbs gives an impression as though these are paralyzed 109 The palpable sub periosteal hemorrhage into the lower third of the femur may contribute to pain, thus preventing movements of the leg further and strengthening the impression that the limb may be paralyzed.
  • 110. Hemorrhages may occur into the skin and mucous membranes. Hemorrhages into the gums may result in spongy, swollen, bluish purple gums, especially about the erupted teeth. Hemorrhages in the internal organs may cause hematuria, melena, proptosis and subdural swellings. Mild to moderate anemia isusual. 110 Scorbutic rosarymay result from posterior displacement of the sternum. Unlike rachitic rosary, it is tender,-sharp and angular and has a "step-shaped" configuration the sternum, being depressed.
  • 112. Treatment/management 112 It consists in giving a dose of 500 mg of vitamin C followed by a daily dose of 100 to 300 mg for several weeks. Oral administration is good enough.
  • 113. Folic Acid 113 functions Folic Acid is needed for energy production, protein metabolism, the formation of red blood cells and it is vital for normal growth and development Sources Found in beans, beef, bran, barley, brown rice, cheese, chicken, dates, green leafy vegetables, lamb, lentils, liver, milk, oranges, organ meats (like liver), split peas, pork, root vegetables (like carrots), salmon, tuna, whole grains, whole wheat and yeast.
  • 114. 114
  • 115. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: 115 A deficiency of Folic Acid may contribute to anemia, depression and anxiety,, and birth defects in pregnant women, sore tongue, andfatigue.
  • 116. Vitamin B12:Vitamin B12 is a very large molecule and requires a special mechanism of absorption. Vitamin B12 functions in all the cells but especially those of the gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow and the nervous system. 116 Sources :Found in beef, blue cheese, cheese, clams, crab, fish, eggs, herring, kidney, liver, mackerel, milk and milk products, pork, seafood and tofu. It is not found in vegetables - only in animal sources. BODY PARTS AFFECTED: liver, nerves, red blood cells, gastrointestinal tract.
  • 117. 117
  • 118. DEFICIENCY SYMPTOMS: Appetite loss, diminished reflex responses, fatigue, irritability, memory impairment, mental depression and confusion, nervousness, pernicious anemia, unpleasant body odor, walking and speaking difficulties, weakness in arms and legs. A deficiency can cause problems with digestion, absorption of food, metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, nerves, fertility, growth and development. There can also be hallucinations, memory loss, eye disorders, and anemia. 118
  • 119. Recommended dietary allowances About 1 mg of vitaminB12 is required to replace the daily obligatory losses. Treatment/management Vitamin B12 administered in doses 250-1000mg intramuscularly. 119
  • 120. TRACE ELEMENTS DEFICIENCIES 120 Several minerals in trace amounts are essential for health since they form components of enzymes and cofactors for metabolic function besides calcium and phosphorus required for vitamin D manufacture, others include iron, copper, iodine, zinc, selenium, manganese nickel chromium, molybdenum, fluorine
  • 121. Iron Iron is best known for being an active part of hemoglobin in red blood cells but it is also a constituent of the muscle protein myoglobin and of a variety of protein that speed up chemical reactions within the body. Sources Rating foods as sources of iron requires consideration of the bioavailability of the iron they contain in general flesh foods are the best sources because they contain heam iron. Some plant foods appear to be much better source of iron than they actually are. 121
  • 122. Zinc Recognition of the importance of zinc as a nutrient is steadily increasing. growth ,sexual development , wound healing , ability to fight infections sense of taste, night vision, healthy epithelial tissue, and other vital functions depend upon an adequate supply ofzinc. Sources Flesh foods are the most reliable sources of zinc because they contain reasonably high amount of zinc. Red meats especially beef are higher in zinc. among plant foods sun flower seeds are good sources of zinc. Whole grains ,legumes and vegetables are richer in zinc. 122
  • 123. Iodide A regular supply of iodide is needed for the production of the thyroid hormones, thyroxine and triidothyronine. Lack of iodine results in endemic goiter Sources Iodized salt 123
  • 124. Copper Copper participates in many metabolic reactions that are necessary for normal development and maintenance of the skeleton, red blood cell production, normal skin and hair, and other functions. Sources Oysters are recognized as the leading source 124
  • 125. Chromium Chromium is essential for normal utilization of glucose. Chromium is active in the body only in the form of a complex molecule called glucose tolerance actor. Meat, cheese, and whole grains are also reported to be good sources. 125
  • 126. Deficiency disordersof 126 trace elements Iron:- Microcytic ,hypochronic anemia Copper:- Muscle weakness, neurologic defect Iodine:- Goiter andhyperthyroidism Zinc:- Growth retardation,infertility Selenium:- Myopathy, cardiomyopathy