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ο‚— Increases cardiac contractility

ο‚— Induces vasoconstriction      elevation of mean arterial
Use of inotropes & vasopressors
ο‚— To support the failing heart

ο‚— To support the failing peripheral vasculature

ο‚— To correct hypotension during anaesthesia (general or
Sympathetic Nervous System
ο‚— Post synaptic NT = NA
ο‚— Exceptions: sweat glands (Ach, muscarinic) and adrenal
  medulla (Ach, nicotinic)
ο‚— Adrenergic receptors on post synaptic membrane
ο‚— Catecholamines= adrenergic agonists
ο‚— Adrenergic receptors
   οƒ˜ G-protein coupled receptors, 7 transmembrane alpha segments
   οƒ˜ Alpha and Beta receptors

ο‚— Structure-activity relationship of adrenergic drugs
Clinical Effects of Adrenergic
ο‚— Vasoconstriction
ο‚— Gut smooth muscle relaxation
ο‚— Increased saliva secretion
ο‚— Hepatic glycogenolysis

ο‚— Inhibit NA & Ach release
ο‚— Stimulate platelet aggregation
ο‚— Chronotropy
ο‚— Inotropy
ο‚— Gut smooth muscle relaxation
ο‚— Lipolysis

ο‚— Vasodilatation
ο‚— Bronchiole dilatation
ο‚— Visceral smooth muscle relaxation
ο‚— Hepatic glycogenolysis
ο‚— Muscle tremor
Drug and Receptor Interactions
Drug             Alpha1   Alpha2   Beta1   Beta2   Dopamine

Epinephrine      ++       ++       +++     +++     0

Norepinephrine   +++      +++      ++      +       0

Dopamine                  0        ++      ++      +++
Dopexamine       0        0        +       +++     ++

Phenylephrine    ++       0        0       0       0
Alpha receptors
  post synaptic cardiac alpha1 receptors:
- stimulation causes significant increase in contractility without an
   increase in rate
- not mediated by cAMP
- effect more pronounced at low heart rates
- slower onset and longer duration than beta1 receptor mediated
- presynaptic alpha2
receptors in heart and vasculature appear to be
activated by norepinephrine released by sympathetic nerve itself and
mediate negative feedback inhibition of further norepinephrine
  post synaptic alpha1 and alpha2
receptors in peripheral vessels mediate
Beta receptors
post synaptic beta1 receptors are predominant
 adrenergic receptors in heart. Stimulation causes
 increased rate and force of cardiac contraction.
 Mediated by cAMP
post synaptic beta2 receptors in vasculature mediate
Dopamine receptors
  peripheral DA1 receptors mediate renal, coronary and
 mesenteric arterial vasodilatation and a natriuretic
  DA2receptors: presynaptic receptors found on nerve
 endings, inhibit norepinephrine release from
 sympathetic nerve endings, inhibit prolactin release
 and may reduce vomiting
  stimulation of either DA1 or DA2
 receptors suppresses peristalsis and may
  precipitate ileus
Admin: IV/IM/infiltration
Elimination: mostly degraded by conjugation with glycuronic
   and sulphuric acids and excreted in the urine. Smaller part
   is oxidised by amine oxidase and inactivated by o-methyl-
- stimulates alpha1 and both beta1 and beta2 receptors.
   Effects are mediated by stimulation of adenyl cyclase
   resulting in an increase in cAMP
- beta2 receptors more sensitive to epinephrine than alpha1
- positive inotrope and chronotrope ( mediated by all 3 receptors)
- - increases incidence of dysrhythmias by increasing irritability of automatic
- conducting system
- - constricts vessels of skin, mucosa, subcutaneous tissues, splanchnic area,
- kidneys (alpha effects)
- - vessels of muscle and liver are dilated at physiological doses (beta effect)
- but are constricted at higher doses.
- - cerebral and pulmonary arteries are constricted
- - may precipitate angina in patients with IHD
- - CVS effects reduced by acidosis
- - at low doses causes: increased cardiac output, slight reduction in SVR,
- increase in effective circulating volume and increased venous return. Net
- result: systolic BP rises but diastolic falls
- - higher doses: rise in SVR, decreased cardiac output and rise in both systolic
- and diastolic BP
RBF and urine output reduced
- bronchial tone decreased
- depth of respiration slightly increased
- irregular breathing sometimes seen
- decreases mucosal blood flow; results in reduced mucosal
   oedema and bronchial secretions
GI tract
- muscle of gut relaxed, pyloric and ileocolic sphincters
   constricted: leads to ileus
- intestinal secretion inhibited
- spleen contracts and empties its cells into the circulation
- beta stimulation causes increased insulin and glucagon secretion, alpha
   decreased. Overall epinephrine has anti-insulin effect.
- increased blood glucose due to increased mobilization of glycogen.
- rise in metabolic rate. Initial rise is independent of liver and is probably
   due to cutaneous vasoconstriction, causing a rise in body temperature,
   or increased muscle activity or both. Later, smaller rise is probably due
   to increased oxidation of lactose by liver
- increased lipolysis, muscle catabolism. Results in increased serum
   cholesterol, phospholipids and LDL
- plasma K rises initially due to increased release from liver. Followed by a
prolonged fall due to entry into skeletal muscle cells, mediated by beta2
- net result is an increase in O2 consumption
- may result in lactic acidosis
- CNS stimulation usually very modest
- pupillary dilatation
- elevates pain threshold
- at high doses: anxiety, restlessness from mild cerebral
   stimulation, throbbing headache, vertigo
- alpha and beta1 agonist with no clinically significant beta2 effects
- equipotent with epinephrine as a beta1 agonist but less potent an alpha
   agonist in most tissues
- used for refractory hypotension
- may result in no change or slight decrease in cardiac output and oxygen
   delivery due to increased afterload
- in the non-septic patient produces vasoconstriction in all vascular beds,
   including the renal circulation
- in septic patients increases BP and SVR, often without altering cardiac
   output. However in some patients may Þ CO by stroke volume. Often
  improves renal blood flow and urine output in these patients by
    increasing perfusion pressure without compromising cardiac output
- may be useful in cardiogenic shock: increases coronary perfusion
Comparison of effects of infusion of epinephrine and
                      Epinephrine   Norepinephrine
Heart rate            +             -

Stroke volume         ++            ++
Cardiac output        +++           0/-
Arrhythmias           ++++          ++++
Coronary blood flow   ++            ++
Systolic BP           +++           +++
MAP                   +             ++
Diastolic BP          +/0/-         ++
TPR                   -/+           ++
Cerebral blood flow   ++            0/-
Muscle blood flow     +++           0/-
Renal blood flow      -             -
Oxygen demand         ++            0/-
Blood glucose         +++           0/-
ο‚— NB norepinephrine has no effect on renal blood flow
  in patients with established acute renal failure and in
  hypotensive patients both epinephrine and
  norepinephrine may increase renal blood flow by
  increasing perfusion pressure
ο‚— Little effect on PAWP. Mean PA pressure unchanged or
  slightly .
Clinical use
ο‚— in doses of 0.01-2 m g/kg/min reliably and predictably
  improves haemodynamic variables to normal or
  supranormal values in the majority of septic patients
ο‚— effect on oxygen transport variables cannot be
  determined from current data
Immediate precursor of norepinephrine and epinephrine
 Dose dependent effects:
  <5 m g/kg/min predominantly stimulates DA1 and DA2
  receptors in renal,
  mesenteric and coronary beds. Þ vasodilatation
  5-10 m g/kg/min: b 2 effects predominate. Þ cardiac
  contractility and HR
  >10 m g/kg/min: a effects predominate Þ arterial
  vasoconstriction and -BP
 Marked variability in clearance in the critically ill. As a
  result plasma concentrations cannot be predicted from
  infusion rates
Clinical use
-variable effects due to variable clearance
-increases cardiac output (mainly due to increased
  stroke volume) with minimal effect on SVR in patients
  with septic shock
-increases pulmonary shunt fraction
-effects on splanchnic perfusion unclear
-increases urine output without increasing creatinine
  clearance in a number of settings.
-Low dose dopamine does not prevent renal failure in
  critically ill patients
Synthetic catecholamine structurally related to dopamine
-Admin: IV infusion
-Distribution: extensive tissue distribution. Drug acts as a substrate for extra-neuronal
    catecholamine uptake mechanism (uptake 2).
-Elimination: short t1/2 of 7 mins (11 mins in patients with low cardiac
 output). Extensively metabolised in the liver. Both metabolites and
 parent drug excreted in urine and faeces.
-marked intrinsic agonist activity at beta2 receptors
-lesser agonist activity at beta1 adrenoreceptors, DA1 and DA2
 dopaminergic receptors inhibits neuronal catecholamine uptake by uptake 2
-net effect is reduction in afterload by pronounced arterial vasodilatation, increased renal
    perfusion by selective renal vasodilatation and mild direct and indirect positive
    inotropism. Also has positive chronotropic effect.
-probably not as effective as dopamine at increasing renal blood flow,
  but causes a substantially greater increase in cardiac index.
Adverse effects
-nausea and vomiting most common adverse effect. Respond well to dosage
-tachycardia may precipitate angina in patients with ischaemic heart disease.
-said not to have arrhythmogenic potential but is associated with
  ventricular ectopics.
-reversible reductions in neutrophil and platelet counts.
 for acute heart failure and haemodynamic support in patients following
 cardiac surgery start at 0.5 mcg/kg/min and titrate upwards in
 increments of 1 mcg/kg/min to a maximum of 6 mcg/kg/min.
- thrombocytopaenia
- patients with hyperglycaemia and hypokalaemia in view of beta-adrenergic
Possesses the same basic structure as dopamine but has a
   bulky ring substitution on the terminal amino group.
Synthetic catecholamine
Physical properties
- supplied in lyophilized form which should be reconstituted
   with 10 ml of
water or 5% dextrose
- compatible with 5% dextrose, N/saline and D/saline but,
   like dopamine is
rapidly inactivated under alkaline conditions
- stable for 24 hrs after reconstitution. May turn slightly pink
   during this time
but this is not associated with a change in potency
- racemic preparation
- strong +ve inotropy due to beta1 agonist effects and alpha1 agonism
- mild +ve chronotropy due (+) isomer effect on beta receptors
- weaker alpha receptor blockade and beta2 stimulation, produced by (+)
  isomer and alpha1 agonism produced by (-) isomer
- overall peripheral effect should be an increase in blood flow to skeletal
  muscle (beta2 agonism) and some reduction in skin blood flow
   (alpha1agonism balanced by some alpha blockade). These effects are
   weak compared to the myocardial effects
- net effects are an increase in SV and CO. SVR may be unchanged or
  moderately decreased and arterial pressure may thus rise, fall slightly or
  remain unchanged
- at doses > 15 mcg/kg/min tachycardia and arrhythmias are more likely
- tolerance may be seen after 48-72 hrs, presumably due to down-
   regulation of beta receptors. May necessitate an increase in dose. Dose
   required to produce toxic effects seems to be increased equivalently
- powerful beta agonist with virtually no alpha effects
- lowers vascular resistance mainly in skeletal muscle but
   also in renal and
mesenteric vascular beds.
- diastolic BP falls but with usual doses the increase in
   cardiac output is
usually enough to maintain or raise mean BP
- positive inotrope and chronotrope
- renal blood flow is decreased in normotensive subjects
   but is markedly
increased in patients with cardiogenic or septic shock
- PA pressures are unchanged
- direct and indirect effects
- alpha agonist and beta blocker
- primary effect is peripheral vasoconstriction resulting in rise in systolic and
diastolic BP
- HR slows due to beta blocking effects and reflex slowing due to rise in BP
- no effect on cardiac contractility and so cardiac output falls
Indications and dosage
- hypotensive states due to excessive vasodilatation eg spinal or epidural
- 5-10 mg IV acts within 2 mins. Effect persists for about 20 mins. Dose can be
titrated against effect in 2 mg boluses
- patients on MAOIs
- history of hypertension
- - excessive rise in BP; may precipitate myocardial ischaemia
- - vomiting, headache, desire to micturate, significant reduction in HR
- - treat with IV alpha blocker (eg phentolamine)
- similar effects to norepinephrine but probably even
   shorter acting
- direct acting
- potent alpha and weak beta agonist
- causes peripheral vasoconstriction and thus a rise in
   BP, especially diastolic
- often reflex reduction in heart rate
- only direct effect on heart is to slightly increase
   myocardial irritability
- largely replaced by catecholamines
Naturally occurring amine with both direct and indirect (stimulates
norepinephrine release from postganglionic sympathetic nerve endings)
sympathomimetic effects.
- both alpha and beta agonist effects
- haemodynamic effects are similar to epinephrine but it has a longer
  duration of action and is active when administered orally
- increased cardiac contractility and heart rate and thus cardiac output
- peripheral vasoconstriction is balanced by vasodilation with little overall
  change in SVR
- rise in arterial BP - systolic > diastolic
- may increase cardiac irritability
- relaxes bronchial and other smooth muscle, but less effective than
- reduces uterine muscle activity
 - side effects similar to epinephrine
  Admin: PO/IV
  Elimination: not broken down by MAO. Excreted unchanged by kidney
Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitors (I)
ο‚—        Inhibit PDE III isoenzyme increase intracellular
         cAMP + cGMP in myocardial & sm. muscle cells
ο‚—        cAMP phosphorylates cellular protein kinases
    οƒ˜      Myocardium: Ca2+ influx more Ca2+ for contraction &
           improved Ca2+ reuptake improved relaxation
    οƒ˜      Sm. Muscle: relaxation & 20 vasodilatation

ο‚—        Clinical effects
    1.     Increased cardiac contractility without increasing
           myocardial oxygen consumption
    2.     Decreased preload and afterload
    3.     Minimal chronotropic effect
Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitors (II)
ο‚— Clinical uses:
  ο‚— Short term treatment for acute on chronic severe CCF
  ο‚— Synergistic effect with beta agonists
  ο‚— Role in cardiopulmonary bypass

 Yellow, effect for 4-6 hours
 Loading dose then infusion
 Monitor for hypotension
 Hepatic metabolism, renal excretion
ο‚— Calcium sensitizer
ο‚— Action
  ο‚— Stabilises interaction between Ca2+ & Troponin C by
    binding Troponin C in Ca2+ dependent manner
  ο‚— K+-ATP channel opener (PDE III inhibit effect in vitro)

ο‚— Clinical effects
  ο‚— Increased cardiac contractility – no increase in
    myocardial oxygen demand
  ο‚— Vasodilatation resulting in decreased preload &
  ο‚— Not proarrythmogenic
Vasoactive drugs for shock states
Shock state          First-tier agents             Second-tier agents

Anaphylactic shock   Epinephrine, 1 mL of 1:10,000 Norepinephrine infused at 0.1–1
                     solution (100 mg),can be      mg/kg/min (0.5–30 mg/min)
                     given as a slow IV push, then
                     as a 0.02 mg/kg/min infusion
                     (5–15 mg/min
Cardiogenic shock,   SBP 70, norepinephrine        Amrinone, 0.75 mg/kg loading
left ventricular     infused at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min    dose, then 5–10 mg/kg/min(not
                     (0.5–30 mg/min)               recommended post-MI)
                     SBP 70–90, dopamine           Milrinone, 50 mg/kg loading
                     infused at 15 mg/kg/min       dose, then 5–10 mg/kg/min(not
                     SBP O90, dobutamine           recommended post-MI)
                     infused at 2–20 mg/kg/min
Cardiogenic shock,   Dobutamine infused at 5       Phenylephrine infused at 10–20
pulmonary            mg/kg/min                     mg/kg/min
embolism             Norepinephrine infused at
                     0.1–1 mg/kg/min
Hemorrhagic shock    Volume resuscitation          Dopamine infused at 5–15
                                                   mg/kg/min as a temporizing
Neurogenic shock           Dopamine infused at 5– Norpinephrine infused
                           15 mg/kg/min           at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min
                                                  Phenylephrine infused
                                                  at 10–20 mg/kg/min

Septic shock               Norepinephrine infused    Dopamine infused at 5–15
                           at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min        mg/kg/min
                           Dobutamine infused at 5   Epinephrine infused at
                           mg/kg/min                 0.02 mg/kg/min

Toxic drug overdose with   Norepinephrine infused    Phenylephrine infused at
shock                      at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min        10–20 mg/kg/min
                                                     Glucagon given as a 5-mg
                                                     IV bolus, then
                                                     as a 1–5 mg/h infusion
                                                     Calcium salts: calcium
                                                     gluconate, 0.6 mL/kg
                                                     then a 0.6–1.5 mL/kg/h
                                                     Insulin started at 0.1
                                                     units/kg/h IV and titrated
                                                     to a goal of 1 unit/kg/h
Conclusions and Recommendation
ο‚— Smaller combined doses of inotropes and vasopressors may be
  advantageous over a single agent used at higher doses to avoid
  dose-related adverse effects.
ο‚— The use of vasopressin at low to moderate doses may allow
  catecholamine sparing, and it may be particularly useful in
  settings of catecholamine hyposensitivity and after prolonged
  critical illness.
ο‚— In cardiogenic shock complicating AMI, current guidelines
  based on expert opinion recommend dopamine or dobutamine
  as first-line agents with moderate hypotension (systolic blood
  pressure 70 to 100 mm Hg) and norepinephrine as the preferred
  therapy for severe hypotension (systolic blood pressure <70 mm
  Routine inotropic use is not recommended for end-stage HF.
  When such use is essential, every effort should be made to either
  reinstitute stable oral therapy as quickly as possible or use
  destination therapy such as cardiac transplantation or LV assist
  device support.

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Inotropes & vasopressors

  • 2. Definitions Inotrope ο‚— Increases cardiac contractility Vasopressor ο‚— Induces vasoconstriction elevation of mean arterial pressure
  • 3. Use of inotropes & vasopressors ο‚— To support the failing heart ο‚— To support the failing peripheral vasculature ο‚— To correct hypotension during anaesthesia (general or regional)
  • 4. Physiology Sympathetic Nervous System ο‚— Post synaptic NT = NA ο‚— Exceptions: sweat glands (Ach, muscarinic) and adrenal medulla (Ach, nicotinic) ο‚— Adrenergic receptors on post synaptic membrane ο‚— Catecholamines= adrenergic agonists ο‚— Adrenergic receptors οƒ˜ G-protein coupled receptors, 7 transmembrane alpha segments οƒ˜ Alpha and Beta receptors ο‚— Structure-activity relationship of adrenergic drugs
  • 5. Clinical Effects of Adrenergic Receptors Alpha1 ο‚— Vasoconstriction ο‚— Gut smooth muscle relaxation ο‚— Increased saliva secretion ο‚— Hepatic glycogenolysis Alpha2 ο‚— Inhibit NA & Ach release ο‚— Stimulate platelet aggregation
  • 6. Beta1 ο‚— Chronotropy ο‚— Inotropy ο‚— Gut smooth muscle relaxation ο‚— Lipolysis Beta2 ο‚— Vasodilatation ο‚— Bronchiole dilatation ο‚— Visceral smooth muscle relaxation ο‚— Hepatic glycogenolysis ο‚— Muscle tremor
  • 7. Drug and Receptor Interactions Drug Alpha1 Alpha2 Beta1 Beta2 Dopamine Epinephrine ++ ++ +++ +++ 0 Norepinephrine +++ +++ ++ + 0 Dopamine 0 ++ ++ +++ + Dopexamine 0 0 + +++ ++ Phenylephrine ++ 0 0 0 0
  • 8.
  • 9. Alpha receptors post synaptic cardiac alpha1 receptors: - stimulation causes significant increase in contractility without an increase in rate - not mediated by cAMP - effect more pronounced at low heart rates - slower onset and longer duration than beta1 receptor mediated response - presynaptic alpha2 receptors in heart and vasculature appear to be activated by norepinephrine released by sympathetic nerve itself and mediate negative feedback inhibition of further norepinephrine release post synaptic alpha1 and alpha2 receptors in peripheral vessels mediate vasoconstriction
  • 10. Beta receptors post synaptic beta1 receptors are predominant adrenergic receptors in heart. Stimulation causes increased rate and force of cardiac contraction. Mediated by cAMP post synaptic beta2 receptors in vasculature mediate vasodilatation
  • 11. Dopamine receptors peripheral DA1 receptors mediate renal, coronary and mesenteric arterial vasodilatation and a natriuretic response DA2receptors: presynaptic receptors found on nerve endings, inhibit norepinephrine release from sympathetic nerve endings, inhibit prolactin release and may reduce vomiting stimulation of either DA1 or DA2 receptors suppresses peristalsis and may precipitate ileus
  • 12. Epinephrine Pharmacokinetics Admin: IV/IM/infiltration Elimination: mostly degraded by conjugation with glycuronic and sulphuric acids and excreted in the urine. Smaller part is oxidised by amine oxidase and inactivated by o-methyl- transferase Pharmacodynamics - stimulates alpha1 and both beta1 and beta2 receptors. Effects are mediated by stimulation of adenyl cyclase resulting in an increase in cAMP - beta2 receptors more sensitive to epinephrine than alpha1
  • 13. CVS - positive inotrope and chronotrope ( mediated by all 3 receptors) - - increases incidence of dysrhythmias by increasing irritability of automatic - conducting system - - constricts vessels of skin, mucosa, subcutaneous tissues, splanchnic area, - kidneys (alpha effects) - - vessels of muscle and liver are dilated at physiological doses (beta effect) - but are constricted at higher doses. - - cerebral and pulmonary arteries are constricted - - may precipitate angina in patients with IHD - - CVS effects reduced by acidosis - - at low doses causes: increased cardiac output, slight reduction in SVR, - increase in effective circulating volume and increased venous return. Net - result: systolic BP rises but diastolic falls - - higher doses: rise in SVR, decreased cardiac output and rise in both systolic - and diastolic BP
  • 14. Renal RBF and urine output reduced RS - bronchial tone decreased - depth of respiration slightly increased - irregular breathing sometimes seen - decreases mucosal blood flow; results in reduced mucosal oedema and bronchial secretions GI tract - muscle of gut relaxed, pyloric and ileocolic sphincters constricted: leads to ileus - intestinal secretion inhibited - spleen contracts and empties its cells into the circulation
  • 15. Metabolic - beta stimulation causes increased insulin and glucagon secretion, alpha decreased. Overall epinephrine has anti-insulin effect. - increased blood glucose due to increased mobilization of glycogen. - rise in metabolic rate. Initial rise is independent of liver and is probably due to cutaneous vasoconstriction, causing a rise in body temperature, or increased muscle activity or both. Later, smaller rise is probably due to increased oxidation of lactose by liver - increased lipolysis, muscle catabolism. Results in increased serum cholesterol, phospholipids and LDL - plasma K rises initially due to increased release from liver. Followed by a prolonged fall due to entry into skeletal muscle cells, mediated by beta2 receptors - net result is an increase in O2 consumption - may result in lactic acidosis
  • 16. CNS - CNS stimulation usually very modest - pupillary dilatation - elevates pain threshold - at high doses: anxiety, restlessness from mild cerebral stimulation, throbbing headache, vertigo
  • 17. Norepinephrine - alpha and beta1 agonist with no clinically significant beta2 effects - equipotent with epinephrine as a beta1 agonist but less potent an alpha agonist in most tissues - used for refractory hypotension - may result in no change or slight decrease in cardiac output and oxygen delivery due to increased afterload - in the non-septic patient produces vasoconstriction in all vascular beds, including the renal circulation - in septic patients increases BP and SVR, often without altering cardiac output. However in some patients may Þ CO by stroke volume. Often improves renal blood flow and urine output in these patients by increasing perfusion pressure without compromising cardiac output - may be useful in cardiogenic shock: increases coronary perfusion pressure.
  • 18. Comparison of effects of infusion of epinephrine and norepinephrine Epinephrine Norepinephrine Heart rate + - Stroke volume ++ ++ Cardiac output +++ 0/- Arrhythmias ++++ ++++ Coronary blood flow ++ ++ Systolic BP +++ +++ MAP + ++ Diastolic BP +/0/- ++ TPR -/+ ++ Cerebral blood flow ++ 0/- Muscle blood flow +++ 0/- Renal blood flow - - Oxygen demand ++ 0/- Blood glucose +++ 0/-
  • 19. ο‚— NB norepinephrine has no effect on renal blood flow in patients with established acute renal failure and in hypotensive patients both epinephrine and norepinephrine may increase renal blood flow by increasing perfusion pressure ο‚— Little effect on PAWP. Mean PA pressure unchanged or slightly . Clinical use ο‚— in doses of 0.01-2 m g/kg/min reliably and predictably improves haemodynamic variables to normal or supranormal values in the majority of septic patients ο‚— effect on oxygen transport variables cannot be determined from current data
  • 20. Dopamine Immediate precursor of norepinephrine and epinephrine Pharmacodynamics Dose dependent effects: <5 m g/kg/min predominantly stimulates DA1 and DA2 receptors in renal, mesenteric and coronary beds. Þ vasodilatation 5-10 m g/kg/min: b 2 effects predominate. Þ cardiac contractility and HR >10 m g/kg/min: a effects predominate Þ arterial vasoconstriction and -BP Pharmacokinetics Marked variability in clearance in the critically ill. As a result plasma concentrations cannot be predicted from infusion rates
  • 21. Clinical use -variable effects due to variable clearance -increases cardiac output (mainly due to increased stroke volume) with minimal effect on SVR in patients with septic shock -increases pulmonary shunt fraction -effects on splanchnic perfusion unclear -increases urine output without increasing creatinine clearance in a number of settings. -Low dose dopamine does not prevent renal failure in critically ill patients
  • 22. Dopexamine Synthetic catecholamine structurally related to dopamine Pharmacokinetics -Admin: IV infusion -Distribution: extensive tissue distribution. Drug acts as a substrate for extra-neuronal catecholamine uptake mechanism (uptake 2). -Elimination: short t1/2 of 7 mins (11 mins in patients with low cardiac output). Extensively metabolised in the liver. Both metabolites and parent drug excreted in urine and faeces. Pharmacodynamics -marked intrinsic agonist activity at beta2 receptors -lesser agonist activity at beta1 adrenoreceptors, DA1 and DA2 dopaminergic receptors inhibits neuronal catecholamine uptake by uptake 2 -net effect is reduction in afterload by pronounced arterial vasodilatation, increased renal perfusion by selective renal vasodilatation and mild direct and indirect positive inotropism. Also has positive chronotropic effect. -probably not as effective as dopamine at increasing renal blood flow, but causes a substantially greater increase in cardiac index.
  • 23. Adverse effects -nausea and vomiting most common adverse effect. Respond well to dosage reduction. -tachycardia may precipitate angina in patients with ischaemic heart disease. -said not to have arrhythmogenic potential but is associated with ventricular ectopics. -tremor -reversible reductions in neutrophil and platelet counts. Dosage for acute heart failure and haemodynamic support in patients following cardiac surgery start at 0.5 mcg/kg/min and titrate upwards in increments of 1 mcg/kg/min to a maximum of 6 mcg/kg/min. Contraindications - thrombocytopaenia Caution - patients with hyperglycaemia and hypokalaemia in view of beta-adrenergic activity.
  • 24. Dobutamine Possesses the same basic structure as dopamine but has a bulky ring substitution on the terminal amino group. Synthetic catecholamine Physical properties - supplied in lyophilized form which should be reconstituted with 10 ml of water or 5% dextrose - compatible with 5% dextrose, N/saline and D/saline but, like dopamine is rapidly inactivated under alkaline conditions - stable for 24 hrs after reconstitution. May turn slightly pink during this time but this is not associated with a change in potency - racemic preparation
  • 25. Pharmacodynamics - strong +ve inotropy due to beta1 agonist effects and alpha1 agonism - mild +ve chronotropy due (+) isomer effect on beta receptors - weaker alpha receptor blockade and beta2 stimulation, produced by (+) isomer and alpha1 agonism produced by (-) isomer - overall peripheral effect should be an increase in blood flow to skeletal muscle (beta2 agonism) and some reduction in skin blood flow (alpha1agonism balanced by some alpha blockade). These effects are weak compared to the myocardial effects - net effects are an increase in SV and CO. SVR may be unchanged or moderately decreased and arterial pressure may thus rise, fall slightly or remain unchanged - at doses > 15 mcg/kg/min tachycardia and arrhythmias are more likely - tolerance may be seen after 48-72 hrs, presumably due to down- regulation of beta receptors. May necessitate an increase in dose. Dose required to produce toxic effects seems to be increased equivalently
  • 26. Isoproterenol - powerful beta agonist with virtually no alpha effects - lowers vascular resistance mainly in skeletal muscle but also in renal and mesenteric vascular beds. - diastolic BP falls but with usual doses the increase in cardiac output is usually enough to maintain or raise mean BP - positive inotrope and chronotrope - renal blood flow is decreased in normotensive subjects but is markedly increased in patients with cardiogenic or septic shock - PA pressures are unchanged
  • 27. Methoxamine Pharmacodynamics - direct and indirect effects - alpha agonist and beta blocker - primary effect is peripheral vasoconstriction resulting in rise in systolic and diastolic BP - HR slows due to beta blocking effects and reflex slowing due to rise in BP - no effect on cardiac contractility and so cardiac output falls Indications and dosage - hypotensive states due to excessive vasodilatation eg spinal or epidural block - 5-10 mg IV acts within 2 mins. Effect persists for about 20 mins. Dose can be titrated against effect in 2 mg boluses Contra-indications - patients on MAOIs - history of hypertension Toxicity - - excessive rise in BP; may precipitate myocardial ischaemia - - vomiting, headache, desire to micturate, significant reduction in HR - - treat with IV alpha blocker (eg phentolamine)
  • 28. Phenylephrine - similar effects to norepinephrine but probably even shorter acting - direct acting - potent alpha and weak beta agonist - causes peripheral vasoconstriction and thus a rise in BP, especially diastolic - often reflex reduction in heart rate - only direct effect on heart is to slightly increase myocardial irritability - largely replaced by catecholamines
  • 29. Ephedrine Naturally occurring amine with both direct and indirect (stimulates norepinephrine release from postganglionic sympathetic nerve endings) sympathomimetic effects. Pharmacodynamics - both alpha and beta agonist effects - haemodynamic effects are similar to epinephrine but it has a longer duration of action and is active when administered orally - increased cardiac contractility and heart rate and thus cardiac output - peripheral vasoconstriction is balanced by vasodilation with little overall change in SVR - rise in arterial BP - systolic > diastolic - may increase cardiac irritability - relaxes bronchial and other smooth muscle, but less effective than epinephrine - reduces uterine muscle activity - side effects similar to epinephrine Admin: PO/IV Elimination: not broken down by MAO. Excreted unchanged by kidney
  • 30. Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitors (I) ο‚— Inhibit PDE III isoenzyme increase intracellular cAMP + cGMP in myocardial & sm. muscle cells ο‚— cAMP phosphorylates cellular protein kinases οƒ˜ Myocardium: Ca2+ influx more Ca2+ for contraction & improved Ca2+ reuptake improved relaxation οƒ˜ Sm. Muscle: relaxation & 20 vasodilatation ο‚— Clinical effects 1. Increased cardiac contractility without increasing myocardial oxygen consumption 2. Decreased preload and afterload 3. Minimal chronotropic effect
  • 31. Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitors (II) ο‚— Clinical uses: ο‚— Short term treatment for acute on chronic severe CCF ο‚— Synergistic effect with beta agonists ο‚— Role in cardiopulmonary bypass Enoximone  Yellow, effect for 4-6 hours  Loading dose then infusion  Monitor for hypotension  Hepatic metabolism, renal excretion
  • 32.
  • 33. Levosimendan ο‚— Calcium sensitizer ο‚— Action ο‚— Stabilises interaction between Ca2+ & Troponin C by binding Troponin C in Ca2+ dependent manner ο‚— K+-ATP channel opener (PDE III inhibit effect in vitro) ο‚— Clinical effects ο‚— Increased cardiac contractility – no increase in myocardial oxygen demand ο‚— Vasodilatation resulting in decreased preload & afterload ο‚— Not proarrythmogenic
  • 34. Vasoactive drugs for shock states Shock state First-tier agents Second-tier agents Anaphylactic shock Epinephrine, 1 mL of 1:10,000 Norepinephrine infused at 0.1–1 solution (100 mg),can be mg/kg/min (0.5–30 mg/min) given as a slow IV push, then as a 0.02 mg/kg/min infusion (5–15 mg/min Cardiogenic shock, SBP 70, norepinephrine Amrinone, 0.75 mg/kg loading left ventricular infused at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min dose, then 5–10 mg/kg/min(not (0.5–30 mg/min) recommended post-MI) SBP 70–90, dopamine Milrinone, 50 mg/kg loading infused at 15 mg/kg/min dose, then 5–10 mg/kg/min(not SBP O90, dobutamine recommended post-MI) infused at 2–20 mg/kg/min Cardiogenic shock, Dobutamine infused at 5 Phenylephrine infused at 10–20 pulmonary mg/kg/min mg/kg/min embolism Norepinephrine infused at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min Hemorrhagic shock Volume resuscitation Dopamine infused at 5–15 mg/kg/min as a temporizing adjunct
  • 35. Neurogenic shock Dopamine infused at 5– Norpinephrine infused 15 mg/kg/min at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min Phenylephrine infused at 10–20 mg/kg/min Septic shock Norepinephrine infused Dopamine infused at 5–15 at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min mg/kg/min Dobutamine infused at 5 Epinephrine infused at mg/kg/min 0.02 mg/kg/min Toxic drug overdose with Norepinephrine infused Phenylephrine infused at shock at 0.1–1 mg/kg/min 10–20 mg/kg/min Glucagon given as a 5-mg IV bolus, then as a 1–5 mg/h infusion Calcium salts: calcium gluconate, 0.6 mL/kg bolus, then a 0.6–1.5 mL/kg/h infusion Insulin started at 0.1 units/kg/h IV and titrated to a goal of 1 unit/kg/h
  • 36. Conclusions and Recommendation ο‚— Smaller combined doses of inotropes and vasopressors may be advantageous over a single agent used at higher doses to avoid dose-related adverse effects. ο‚— The use of vasopressin at low to moderate doses may allow catecholamine sparing, and it may be particularly useful in settings of catecholamine hyposensitivity and after prolonged critical illness. ο‚— In cardiogenic shock complicating AMI, current guidelines based on expert opinion recommend dopamine or dobutamine as first-line agents with moderate hypotension (systolic blood pressure 70 to 100 mm Hg) and norepinephrine as the preferred therapy for severe hypotension (systolic blood pressure <70 mm Hg). Routine inotropic use is not recommended for end-stage HF. When such use is essential, every effort should be made to either reinstitute stable oral therapy as quickly as possible or use destination therapy such as cardiac transplantation or LV assist device support.