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About the Author
Gin is the writer, and owner of AIC|An Informal Cornr. It's a blog that offers up
information full of details that can be viewed as having a touch of educational. This
is why the tag line reads, ' personal development starts with learning to grow your
Knowledge from Ordinary, to Extraordinary'.
I get curious, don't you? I then seek out to find out all I can, about whatever topic
has my curiousity. I have a contact form available for those who would like a topic of
their own interest, written about, or would like to offer an Article. Life is full of
good, bad and ugly, and we should seek out answers, to try resolve them. Yes?
I've written this ebook on a topic that is in extra long form. It's to examine the
condition of Canadian society through the lens of 'The Acemoglu's Thesis, Why
Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty.
I don't believe Canada is doing well, and so using the research of two Economics
professors, Daron Acemoglu, and James Robinson of Harvard, and their thesis, Why
Nations Fail, is about how political institutions determine a nation's wealth.
Remember that song, Follow the Yellow Brick Road, from that 1939 movie, the
Wizard of Oz? Well, that's what we do in this ebook. I look around Canadian society,
list all the hardships, see the suffering, and tally it up.
I won't say more now, you will have to read it, and maybe come to your own
conclusions. Send an email too if you feel it's needed. Just use the 'Ask a Question'
form on the blog site.
For now, I hope you enjoy the read, and again, it's a long read. I'm one for following
the path ahead of time, to see where it's going. I hope you follow the path through
and find your own conclusions. Maybe we can compare notes!
For now, Take care! God Bless
The Acemoglu Thesis:
Why is Economic Planning Important?
Observations of the Acemoglu Thesis
Daron Acemoglu, a prominent MIT economist and professor helped author the Acemoglu's
Thesis titled Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. It's
written to examine, and understand the origins of economic inequality, and how the role of
institutions in economic development play a crucial role in determining a nation 's economic
direction. Shall we explore Canada and The Acemoglu thesis, and why Economic planning is
According to Acemoglu, inclusive institutions wil promote broad participation and provide
equal opportunities. This type of management for people encourages them to flourish and
creates the driving force behind long term and stable economic development. Nobody
should fear for their safety, or their job when employed, right?
Roles of Institutions
According to the Acemoglu, institutions
contain not only formal structures such
as governments, legal systems, health,
and education but also businesses, and
This includes the informal norms, laws
and practices that help shape a
society's behavior. These institutions,
when inclusive; empower the people,
help create change, and encourage
entrepreneurship - all essential
elements for steady economic growth.
Institutions help shape the incentives and contraints that people, and organizations face,
ultimately impacting economic outcomes.
The process of economic development refers to actions that generates economic and,
social growth, and delivers quality changes (i.e.,employment, investments). This in turn
affects the national economy to continually increase with a stable and lasting quality. This
type of economic development reveals how growth can positively affect society by
increasing the standard of living.
An economy focused on 'extractive institutions'; operating with concentrated political
powers; limit economic opportunities -in reality prevent economic growth and perpetuate
economic inequality. Take a look around at the struggles that people are facing; food,
shelter, and job insecurity. Is this a good economy?
Two Types of Economic Planning
Economic planning refers to a nation having a well thought-out plan to shape, and steer all
nation's resources towards growth and development. Characteristics of key elements
involve thorough analysis, and evaluation of available data, allowing policymakers to make
informed decisions based on accurate information to promote flexibility, adaptability, and
allowing for adjustments, and course corrections when necessary.
Efficient, economic planning gets designed to maximize the use of available
resources, minimizing waste, and achieving desired outcomes in an optimal manner.
It's main goals are to promote a steady economic growth, reduce income inequality,
create employment opportunities, and improve the overall standards of living for
their citizens. Do we see this in Canada?
Inefficient, economic planning style that can lead to improper or unwise distribution
of money, and resources, stagnation, and missed opportunities for growth. Common
signs include persistent eonomic instability, stagnant growth, high unemployment
rates, and increasing income inequality. An inefficient economy will rise due to;
• inadequate data, education, policies, and information
• political interference
• lack of co-ordinated inter-governmental agencies
• insufficient public participation
• rigid bureaucracy
• corruption
• resistence to reform
• short-term thinking
The list shows us elements that can challenge the skills of government to effectively have a
well- designed economic plan. Institutional change can be difficult due to the outcome of
imaginary 'losers and winners', and potential losers may be a powerful institution resistant
to change.
I think a lot of 'pride, greed, and high sense of self-importance' gets in the way for real
change to occur next to indifference towards the suffering of the Canadian people.
Consequences of an Inefficient Economy
An economy that's in the midst of poor planning will have wild swings in prices across
consumer markets, and an unsteady stock market. This can lead to lack of stability for
businesses, and the people's view, or readiness for an uncertain future.
It has always been the most vulnerable members of society who will suffer first, and the
most. We must ask ourselves;
• Who destroys shelters of the homeless?
• Who lets the Vulnerable starve?
• Who gives, and makes further hardships for the homeless? The disabled? the poor?
The elderly?
• Who allows Abuse and tortures of prison inmates?
• Who just lets, or encourages People to die?
An unequal distribution of resources and wealth widens the gap between the 'haves and the
have-nots'. This will only lead to weakening social cohesion, rise of crime, slow down of
economic progress, stifling ideas for change aka innovation, and financial hardships.
Who doesn't want our nation to move forward into modern and better? Be daring, do
something new? Get financial security for all? That will be good for everyone ? What say
Does this look like actions of a FAIR Government?
Factors affecting Effiency in Economic Planning
• Data Availability and Accuracy, Access to reliable and up-to-date data is
important to reveal trends, understand market dynamics, and make informed
decisions. Governments should invest in strong data collection systems, and
analysis tools to ensure policymakers can make informed decisions and
respond swiftly to changing economic conditions. You know Census forms?
What kind of leader stops the collection of such important data? Who governs
without care, or attention to this valuable information? Can Canadians tell the
difference between a good, and poor leadership in office ?
• Transparency and Accountability,
Governments must ensure that the
planning process is transparent,
allowing stakeholders to participate,
provide input, and hold decision-
makers accountable NOT a FREE Pass.
Promotion of transparency and
accountability, nations can reduce the
risk of corruption, improve public
trust, and grow efficient initiatives.
Secondly, we must ask ourselves, does
government truly make policies with
consequences attached to
accountability? Government officials
can be criminals too.
• Policy Coordination and Integration,
Coordinate and integrate Policies
between Ministerial offices. A nation
can overcome challenges, leverage
cooperation, optimize resources, and
wealth distribution for better outcomes, reducing the risks of corruption. This
could improve public trust, preserve equality, social cohesion, and grow the
quality of living standards for the people at all income levels. This would
require a GREAT and Selfless leader, not One in office only for Power and $$$.
• Stagnation of Long-term Development and Growth, Progress of institutions,
and society are prevented from growing, and lead to stagnation. When
resources, and wealth are unwisely spent, and policies fail to adapt to
changing circumstances, economies miss out on opportunities for
advancement. Do you see any new growth of industry? Any new opportunities
for employment?
• Not Enhancing Government and Institutional Frameworks, A strong
governance and institutional frameworks mean reducing bureaucracy,
improving transparency, and ensuring accountability. This in turn grows social
Trust and integrity, and government can attract investments.
• Not Engaging with Stakeholders, Engaging with stakeholders such as
businesses, civil society, and citizens, creates a more inclusive and effective
decision-making process. By working together, being open and accepting of
diverse perspectives, policymakers can create economic plans that will include
the needs and aspirations of the entire society.
The Importance of Inclusive Institutions
Acemoglu emphasizes that inclusive institutions are characterized by several key qualities
such as;
• promoting equal access to education
• providing economic opportunities
• open to political participation
I don't think higher costs of accessing shelter,
education, healthcare, and/or food can be
considered as sharing in the 'economic
opportunity', right?
Only the business and corporation owners are
currently earning huge profits, and leading very
comfortable lives. Would you agree?
Inclusive institutions will;
• establish and secure property rights
• ensure fair, equal and impartial rule of
• encourage new ideas for change
• encourage Entrepreneurship (builds
They will aim to to create a level playing field for all individuals and strive to grow an
environment that rewards hard work, talent, and brings positive new changes. Would you
be proud of a nation that won a title of being an economic powerhouse?
Instead we have in 2023 - Canadian Provincial Leaders using the 'Notwithstanding clause'
creating laws that create injustices in our society, and changing laws that creates
hardships, for public services. They're treating PUBLIC tax monies, and laws, as if it
'belongs' to them. Is it theirs? Does it stay within Protections of our Constitutional Rights?
Some Statistics & Comments – Post Pandemic
Canada's bonkers Rent
prices are now the
main driver of our
skyrocketing cost of
Living - BlogTO, Becky
Roberston Sept 2023
According to the latest
Consumer Price Index from
Statistics Canada, the four
per cent increase in the
cost of consumer goods this
August versus last is led by
higher energy prices, and
also higher rent and
mortgage payments.
Some Statistics & Comments – Post Pandemic II
GDP 2014 - 2022
Rents in Canada are
through the roof. Here
are the most expensive
cities - Global News,
January 20, 2023
According to’s
market outlook, rents for
units available in the
market are expected to
increase by an average of
about five per cent in
Canada this year.
Gross Domestic Product
Other Nations Validate the Acemoglu Thesis
Research has shown that other nations with strong and inclusive institutions tend to have
higher levels of economic prosperity, lower corruption, and better governance. These
findings support the idea that institutions play a crucial role in shaping a nation's economic
Singapore, a tiny island nation is a shining example of efficient economic planning. They
have limited natural resources therefore decided early on, to focus on human capital and
innovation. Through strategic investment in education and a business-friendly environment,
Singapore transformed themself from a developing nation into a global economic
powerhouse. The Economist identifies three main factors:
• The strategic location of the island, just suspended in the Malacca Strait that guarantees
the control on 40% of trading passes.
• The friendly policies adopted by the government towards foreign investments.
• An efficient and “honest” government.
South Korea
South Korea has more than just cultural gems to boast about. Through a combination of
strong government intervention, and market-oriented policies, South Korea propelled their
economy forward.
Investments were made into key industries, like electronics, and automobiles, we know
their product names as Samsung, Kia, LG, Hyundai, and they grew strong in Exports. They
worked hard to rise from poverty, and war to becoming a major player on the global stage,
proving that strategic efficient economic planning can lead to remarkable and positive
Nordic Nations
The Nordic nations, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Norway, with territories Faroe
Islands, and Greenland. Their greatest strength remains maintaining a transparent political
system which builds social trust with the people.
The Nordic people willingly pay high income, and corporate tax rates which is used to
deliver Free education, subsidized healthcare, excellent childcare benefits, and public
pension plans. They have Free Trade agreements, and implemented favorable financial
regulations. They reign in the Corruption Perceptions Index as one of the top 10 for
Natural resources are believed to 'belong' to the people. Profits earned from their oil
industries are shared with the people, and pays the Public pensions plan. The Nordic
Economic model could bring success to other nations if adopted but the people's attitudes
would need to be factored in. For now the Nordic nations have an international model as an
efficient economic success. Wow! Can you imagine such a system in Canada?
my Closing Thoughts
I have often wondered why the Canadian government doesn't do better with our TAX monies
to ensure access to a secure, high quality standard, of living for ALL the people at all
income levels.
It seems in reality we are FAR behind the standards of those nations practicing 'efficient'
economics. I'm trying to decide whether to be angry or ashamed of the Canadian
government, what are your feelings?
A lot of our services are being affected by the Federal and Provincial government's style of
management in quite a few areas that poorly affects Canadians,
such as the following ;
• Social cohesion is falling into disarray
• rising violence against BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of
• crimes are on the rise
• homelessness is on the rise
• addictions are on the rise
• Deaths of homeless, addicts and BIPOC prison inmates are
• rise of crimes by LAW enforcement officers (police, prison,
and border officers) but NO charges
• food banks are emptying quicker trying to serve the
homeless, and now includes low income workers
• a serious lack of housing for a growing population adding
to higher homelessness
• people are going into credit card debt
• prisons are free to commit abuses, torture, death, and Human Rights violations
without consequences
Only the government, and corporations are living life without hardships. Who's left to
help and protect the people?
We should consider demanding the following;
◦ Corporations should pay TAXES and include BACK taxes
◦ Corporations should pay Monthly HEFTY $$ Fines for
off-shore accounts until closed, with Bank
◦ Goverments should REPORT an Annual Financial
state of the Nation or have it available to the
◦ Corporations should pay Royalties
directly to Canadians, afterall, public
services and building of facilities have been paid using Public tax
◦ Corporation subsidies (aka Welfare) should only be a One time, first year pay out
◦ Provincial goverments should NOT be allowed to REMOVE 'safety' measures in place that
in turn HURTS the People (i.e., removal of Rent controls) causing hardships, increaming
◦ Tech companies who COLLECT our 'personal information' to SELL –
should also PAY us ROYALTIES especially when done using 'Policy', as a
form of 'law' that 'violates' our Rights, and WE have little or no choice
but to accept. Why isn't our Goverments protecting us?
◦ What would the goverment do if business AND the people REFUSED to
pay TAXES?
Do you think we have an Efficient or Inefficient
government? What grade A to F would you give our
We got to take a step back, and take a second look at this
'style' of governance. Do you see, tyranny? Dishonesty?
Thievery? Criminal behaviors? Cruelty? Heartlessness?
Indifference? Dictatorship? Communism? Authoritarianism?
Lastly, the Provincial level of government is proving to be as
inefficient as the Federal level of government.
They create laws that are intrusive, such as LGBTQ2S
children being denied Right to 'speak for themself' but
require 'permission' from parents?
What Is a Royalty?
A royalty is a legally binding
payment made to an individual
or company for the ongoing
use of their assets, including
copyrighted works, franchises,
and natural resources. ~
my Canada Grade:
Reasons: .....................
I know that even family courts allow twelve year old children to speak for themself, in
court. Why is the goverment INTRUDING into our privacy and homes? Telling parents how to
'raise' their children? Seems more like Provincial goverment is IMPOSING – ONE religious
belief on ALL people. Isn't that a Constitutional violation?
A law was created so LTC (Long Term Care)
staff could NOT be sued. That's denying Justice
for both victims and their families. Isn''t that a
Constitutional Violation too?
Yet, nobody said anything and let it pass. Then
we have another Premier with plans to 'change'
Federal pension monies for their own ...
whatever they're planning. Probably for their
own bank accounts?
I don't understand why the Federal government
doesn't create a law that 'locks' Provincial
leaders into maintaining, and remaining 'within'
all Federal laws and programs especially our Constitutional Rights.
A LAW not a policy that says, 'Absolutely 'zero' harms (results of DENYING services) to the
people', and clawback missing monies from Provincial revenues for services not delivered to
the People. Federal goverment should send in Emergency Service department to deliver
CUT services, and handle the accounts. Cut the Provincial dollars and ensure goverment
does NOT 'retaliate' against the People.
I think charges would be far better. We the People are
Victims of a robbery, and last I heard – that is a Crime.
Anyone remember that story about Federal goverment
losing $3B? Or Ontario premier misplacing a few Million
dollars? I don't recall those monies being found.
If WE the People can't make goverment officials
ACCOUNTABLE then the FEDERAL goverment should be
STEPPING UP. Do you truly believe that our Goverments
are goverrning HONESTLY?
Nobody under the Federal government level should EVER be able to 'change or harm' the
Public services, or the People. For now, the Federal goverment should immediatly repair
the following;
• Return all services that have had major financial cuts, or changes to PUBLIC services
(healthcare, education, unemployment, housing, disability, etc.)
• Ban all, and any plans of 'privatization' of services
• Update, strengthen and PROTECT ALL existing PUBLIC services, and Constitutional Rights of
the People NOT corporations
• Never let leaders have 'power' to INFLICT suffering on any income level of the People
• Constitutional Human Rights Protections should INCLUDE – shelter, food, water, air, lands,
our natural environment, our Health
• Financial 'gouging' of the People should result in Prison sentence per victim and/or Fines too
• Forcing an outcome to have the Poor be poor should have ALL social programs upgraded and
fully supported - at least have 'corrections' ready to implement
• All social assistance and Disability monies should always follow the 'rate of inflation'
• All goverment institutions should have 'Consequences' for abuse, denial of services
• Federal goverment should add 'automatic' fines payable to Victims Compensation for
criminals that don't go to prison but preferably gauged by sliding scale based on income but
HEFTY for corporations
• ANY law enforcement officer committing a crime has to be CHARGED through REGULAR
COURTS NOT set Free by a Special Police Tribunal
• address high incarceration rates of BIPOC by removal of DO and LTO labels
• have mandatory mental health and Education programs while incarcerated
• STOP letting lobbyists RUN the nation into RUIN
Do you ever wonder if the Canadian Party leaders are trying to 'convert' Canada into copies
of Russia? China? Or North Korea? I feel we're heading that way, it's scary but not surprising?
It seems the 'need' for power and access to the PUBLIC TAX purse has leaders in a feeding
frenzy. Do you listen? And I mean listen, and examine who truly 'benefits' with their planned
Mind you, I'm one for 'advocating and helping' others who are suffering, and try to lead one
to identify, then help him/her resolve or remove the cause. Indigenous communities, and
people have had to learn to 'rebuild' their lives, and balance that with trauma, and find
healing. This after experiencing freedom after YEARS of various 'crimes against children' at
residential schools, or failed abusive adoptions.
I am pretty sure there are others who suffered
major child abuses, it shows in their
behaviors. Those who have suffered abuses
can recognize other adult survivors, and what
'stage' of healing, if any, they're experiencing.
Some have learned to recognize, and find
healing. Others are still in throes of the
memories, and don't have an inner Peace.
Still, others have gone on to prison, and
they're 're-traumatized' with daily hostility,
cruelty, physical assaults, racism, and
dehumanization. Meanwhile, they (Indigenous
inmates) have all learned directly from Church 'instructors' every crime imaginable upon a
child. As adults, for them, they think that's 'normal'. Go ahead, do the research, ask a
qualified professional, better yet, ask a former inmate.
I don't accept what the latest Minister had said, 'it
would take years to investigate misconduct of
corrections officers'. Really? There are 'ranges' FULL
of Indigenous inmates who can VERIFY 'crimes' done
to them by the GUARDS, and most likely, the 'same'
I must admit though that 'threats' to their life or
their family, inmates won't say anything. What does this type of ABUSE of authority against
citizens behind closed doors, TELL you?
It sounds like the Minister is PROTECTING crimes
of the corrections staff. This is 'systemic' and
'Institutional' racism belonging to the
'management' style from BOTH our current
Federal and Provincial governments. This has
been ongoing for DECADES or CENTURIES.
I hope they don't actually believe that
Indigenous people that 'die' in Prison care, are
going to 'heyll'. No, the murdered automatically
go straight to Heaven. They will 'never' have to
face their tormentors, again. Now, that's a Gift.
Does Racism exist in government, religious, and Judicial institutions of Canada? One Elder,
also a survivor, once said to me, 'they're an unholy trinity, and will only answer to God,
even if they don't believe'. I almost feel badly for them but it's been said, they can easily
'redeem' themselves too but I don't think that's true. Only the Victim(s) can deliver
For now, I send my Prayers out, hoping, and asking for a great change for all people, an End
to our suffering, and hardships, our Earth, lands, waters, air, and wild critters, we just
want Peace, from governments who care nothing for us.
For now, I bid you, Stay strong, keep Faith, stay safe, :)

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Why is Economic Planning Important - Checking on Canada

  • 1.
  • 2. About the Author Gin is the writer, and owner of AIC|An Informal Cornr. It's a blog that offers up information full of details that can be viewed as having a touch of educational. This is why the tag line reads, ' personal development starts with learning to grow your Knowledge from Ordinary, to Extraordinary'. I get curious, don't you? I then seek out to find out all I can, about whatever topic has my curiousity. I have a contact form available for those who would like a topic of their own interest, written about, or would like to offer an Article. Life is full of good, bad and ugly, and we should seek out answers, to try resolve them. Yes? I've written this ebook on a topic that is in extra long form. It's to examine the condition of Canadian society through the lens of 'The Acemoglu's Thesis, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. I don't believe Canada is doing well, and so using the research of two Economics professors, Daron Acemoglu, and James Robinson of Harvard, and their thesis, Why Nations Fail, is about how political institutions determine a nation's wealth. Remember that song, Follow the Yellow Brick Road, from that 1939 movie, the Wizard of Oz? Well, that's what we do in this ebook. I look around Canadian society, list all the hardships, see the suffering, and tally it up. I won't say more now, you will have to read it, and maybe come to your own conclusions. Send an email too if you feel it's needed. Just use the 'Ask a Question' form on the blog site. For now, I hope you enjoy the read, and again, it's a long read. I'm one for following the path ahead of time, to see where it's going. I hope you follow the path through and find your own conclusions. Maybe we can compare notes! For now, Take care! God Bless Gin
  • 3. The Acemoglu Thesis: Why is Economic Planning Important? Observations of the Acemoglu Thesis Daron Acemoglu, a prominent MIT economist and professor helped author the Acemoglu's Thesis titled Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty. It's written to examine, and understand the origins of economic inequality, and how the role of institutions in economic development play a crucial role in determining a nation 's economic direction. Shall we explore Canada and The Acemoglu thesis, and why Economic planning is important? According to Acemoglu, inclusive institutions wil promote broad participation and provide equal opportunities. This type of management for people encourages them to flourish and creates the driving force behind long term and stable economic development. Nobody should fear for their safety, or their job when employed, right? Roles of Institutions According to the Acemoglu, institutions contain not only formal structures such as governments, legal systems, health, and education but also businesses, and organizations. This includes the informal norms, laws and practices that help shape a society's behavior. These institutions, when inclusive; empower the people, help create change, and encourage entrepreneurship - all essential elements for steady economic growth. Institutions help shape the incentives and contraints that people, and organizations face, ultimately impacting economic outcomes. The process of economic development refers to actions that generates economic and, social growth, and delivers quality changes (i.e.,employment, investments). This in turn affects the national economy to continually increase with a stable and lasting quality. This type of economic development reveals how growth can positively affect society by increasing the standard of living. An economy focused on 'extractive institutions'; operating with concentrated political powers; limit economic opportunities -in reality prevent economic growth and perpetuate economic inequality. Take a look around at the struggles that people are facing; food, shelter, and job insecurity. Is this a good economy?
  • 4. Two Types of Economic Planning Economic planning refers to a nation having a well thought-out plan to shape, and steer all nation's resources towards growth and development. Characteristics of key elements involve thorough analysis, and evaluation of available data, allowing policymakers to make informed decisions based on accurate information to promote flexibility, adaptability, and allowing for adjustments, and course corrections when necessary. Efficient, economic planning gets designed to maximize the use of available resources, minimizing waste, and achieving desired outcomes in an optimal manner. It's main goals are to promote a steady economic growth, reduce income inequality, create employment opportunities, and improve the overall standards of living for their citizens. Do we see this in Canada? Inefficient, economic planning style that can lead to improper or unwise distribution of money, and resources, stagnation, and missed opportunities for growth. Common signs include persistent eonomic instability, stagnant growth, high unemployment rates, and increasing income inequality. An inefficient economy will rise due to; • inadequate data, education, policies, and information • political interference • lack of co-ordinated inter-governmental agencies • insufficient public participation • rigid bureaucracy • corruption • resistence to reform • short-term thinking The list shows us elements that can challenge the skills of government to effectively have a well- designed economic plan. Institutional change can be difficult due to the outcome of imaginary 'losers and winners', and potential losers may be a powerful institution resistant to change. I think a lot of 'pride, greed, and high sense of self-importance' gets in the way for real change to occur next to indifference towards the suffering of the Canadian people.
  • 5. Consequences of an Inefficient Economy An economy that's in the midst of poor planning will have wild swings in prices across consumer markets, and an unsteady stock market. This can lead to lack of stability for businesses, and the people's view, or readiness for an uncertain future. It has always been the most vulnerable members of society who will suffer first, and the most. We must ask ourselves; • Who destroys shelters of the homeless? • Who lets the Vulnerable starve? • Who gives, and makes further hardships for the homeless? The disabled? the poor? The elderly? • Who allows Abuse and tortures of prison inmates? • Who just lets, or encourages People to die? An unequal distribution of resources and wealth widens the gap between the 'haves and the have-nots'. This will only lead to weakening social cohesion, rise of crime, slow down of economic progress, stifling ideas for change aka innovation, and financial hardships. Who doesn't want our nation to move forward into modern and better? Be daring, do something new? Get financial security for all? That will be good for everyone ? What say you? Does this look like actions of a FAIR Government?
  • 6. Factors affecting Effiency in Economic Planning • Data Availability and Accuracy, Access to reliable and up-to-date data is important to reveal trends, understand market dynamics, and make informed decisions. Governments should invest in strong data collection systems, and analysis tools to ensure policymakers can make informed decisions and respond swiftly to changing economic conditions. You know Census forms? What kind of leader stops the collection of such important data? Who governs without care, or attention to this valuable information? Can Canadians tell the difference between a good, and poor leadership in office ? • Transparency and Accountability, Governments must ensure that the planning process is transparent, allowing stakeholders to participate, provide input, and hold decision- makers accountable NOT a FREE Pass. Promotion of transparency and accountability, nations can reduce the risk of corruption, improve public trust, and grow efficient initiatives. Secondly, we must ask ourselves, does government truly make policies with consequences attached to accountability? Government officials can be criminals too. • Policy Coordination and Integration, Coordinate and integrate Policies between Ministerial offices. A nation can overcome challenges, leverage cooperation, optimize resources, and wealth distribution for better outcomes, reducing the risks of corruption. This could improve public trust, preserve equality, social cohesion, and grow the quality of living standards for the people at all income levels. This would require a GREAT and Selfless leader, not One in office only for Power and $$$. • Stagnation of Long-term Development and Growth, Progress of institutions, and society are prevented from growing, and lead to stagnation. When resources, and wealth are unwisely spent, and policies fail to adapt to changing circumstances, economies miss out on opportunities for advancement. Do you see any new growth of industry? Any new opportunities for employment?
  • 7. • Not Enhancing Government and Institutional Frameworks, A strong governance and institutional frameworks mean reducing bureaucracy, improving transparency, and ensuring accountability. This in turn grows social Trust and integrity, and government can attract investments. • Not Engaging with Stakeholders, Engaging with stakeholders such as businesses, civil society, and citizens, creates a more inclusive and effective decision-making process. By working together, being open and accepting of diverse perspectives, policymakers can create economic plans that will include the needs and aspirations of the entire society. The Importance of Inclusive Institutions Acemoglu emphasizes that inclusive institutions are characterized by several key qualities such as; • promoting equal access to education • providing economic opportunities • open to political participation I don't think higher costs of accessing shelter, education, healthcare, and/or food can be considered as sharing in the 'economic opportunity', right? Only the business and corporation owners are currently earning huge profits, and leading very comfortable lives. Would you agree? Inclusive institutions will; • establish and secure property rights • ensure fair, equal and impartial rule of law • encourage new ideas for change • encourage Entrepreneurship (builds employment) They will aim to to create a level playing field for all individuals and strive to grow an environment that rewards hard work, talent, and brings positive new changes. Would you be proud of a nation that won a title of being an economic powerhouse? Instead we have in 2023 - Canadian Provincial Leaders using the 'Notwithstanding clause' creating laws that create injustices in our society, and changing laws that creates hardships, for public services. They're treating PUBLIC tax monies, and laws, as if it 'belongs' to them. Is it theirs? Does it stay within Protections of our Constitutional Rights?
  • 8. Some Statistics & Comments – Post Pandemic Canada's bonkers Rent prices are now the main driver of our skyrocketing cost of Living - BlogTO, Becky Roberston Sept 2023 According to the latest Consumer Price Index from Statistics Canada, the four per cent increase in the cost of consumer goods this August versus last is led by higher energy prices, and also higher rent and mortgage payments.
  • 9. Some Statistics & Comments – Post Pandemic II GDP 2014 - 2022 Rents in Canada are through the roof. Here are the most expensive cities - Global News, January 20, 2023 According to’s market outlook, rents for units available in the market are expected to increase by an average of about five per cent in Canada this year. Gross Domestic Product
  • 10. Other Nations Validate the Acemoglu Thesis Research has shown that other nations with strong and inclusive institutions tend to have higher levels of economic prosperity, lower corruption, and better governance. These findings support the idea that institutions play a crucial role in shaping a nation's economic performance. Singapore Singapore, a tiny island nation is a shining example of efficient economic planning. They have limited natural resources therefore decided early on, to focus on human capital and innovation. Through strategic investment in education and a business-friendly environment, Singapore transformed themself from a developing nation into a global economic powerhouse. The Economist identifies three main factors: • The strategic location of the island, just suspended in the Malacca Strait that guarantees the control on 40% of trading passes. • The friendly policies adopted by the government towards foreign investments. • An efficient and “honest” government. South Korea South Korea has more than just cultural gems to boast about. Through a combination of strong government intervention, and market-oriented policies, South Korea propelled their economy forward. Investments were made into key industries, like electronics, and automobiles, we know their product names as Samsung, Kia, LG, Hyundai, and they grew strong in Exports. They worked hard to rise from poverty, and war to becoming a major player on the global stage, proving that strategic efficient economic planning can lead to remarkable and positive results. Nordic Nations The Nordic nations, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Norway, with territories Faroe Islands, and Greenland. Their greatest strength remains maintaining a transparent political system which builds social trust with the people. The Nordic people willingly pay high income, and corporate tax rates which is used to deliver Free education, subsidized healthcare, excellent childcare benefits, and public pension plans. They have Free Trade agreements, and implemented favorable financial regulations. They reign in the Corruption Perceptions Index as one of the top 10 for Transparency.
  • 11. Natural resources are believed to 'belong' to the people. Profits earned from their oil industries are shared with the people, and pays the Public pensions plan. The Nordic Economic model could bring success to other nations if adopted but the people's attitudes would need to be factored in. For now the Nordic nations have an international model as an efficient economic success. Wow! Can you imagine such a system in Canada? my Closing Thoughts I have often wondered why the Canadian government doesn't do better with our TAX monies to ensure access to a secure, high quality standard, of living for ALL the people at all income levels. It seems in reality we are FAR behind the standards of those nations practicing 'efficient' economics. I'm trying to decide whether to be angry or ashamed of the Canadian government, what are your feelings? A lot of our services are being affected by the Federal and Provincial government's style of management in quite a few areas that poorly affects Canadians, such as the following ; • Social cohesion is falling into disarray • rising violence against BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) • crimes are on the rise • homelessness is on the rise • addictions are on the rise • Deaths of homeless, addicts and BIPOC prison inmates are Higher • rise of crimes by LAW enforcement officers (police, prison, and border officers) but NO charges • food banks are emptying quicker trying to serve the homeless, and now includes low income workers • a serious lack of housing for a growing population adding to higher homelessness • people are going into credit card debt • prisons are free to commit abuses, torture, death, and Human Rights violations without consequences Only the government, and corporations are living life without hardships. Who's left to help and protect the people?
  • 12. We should consider demanding the following; ◦ Corporations should pay TAXES and include BACK taxes ◦ Corporations should pay Monthly HEFTY $$ Fines for off-shore accounts until closed, with Bank verification ◦ Goverments should REPORT an Annual Financial state of the Nation or have it available to the Public ◦ Corporations should pay Royalties directly to Canadians, afterall, public services and building of facilities have been paid using Public tax monies. ◦ Corporation subsidies (aka Welfare) should only be a One time, first year pay out ◦ Provincial goverments should NOT be allowed to REMOVE 'safety' measures in place that in turn HURTS the People (i.e., removal of Rent controls) causing hardships, increaming Poverty ◦ Tech companies who COLLECT our 'personal information' to SELL – should also PAY us ROYALTIES especially when done using 'Policy', as a form of 'law' that 'violates' our Rights, and WE have little or no choice but to accept. Why isn't our Goverments protecting us? ◦ What would the goverment do if business AND the people REFUSED to pay TAXES? Do you think we have an Efficient or Inefficient government? What grade A to F would you give our government? We got to take a step back, and take a second look at this 'style' of governance. Do you see, tyranny? Dishonesty? Thievery? Criminal behaviors? Cruelty? Heartlessness? Indifference? Dictatorship? Communism? Authoritarianism? Lastly, the Provincial level of government is proving to be as inefficient as the Federal level of government. They create laws that are intrusive, such as LGBTQ2S children being denied Right to 'speak for themself' but require 'permission' from parents? What Is a Royalty? A royalty is a legally binding payment made to an individual or company for the ongoing use of their assets, including copyrighted works, franchises, and natural resources. ~ ms/r/royalty.asp my Canada Grade: _____ Reasons: ..................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ......................................
  • 13. I know that even family courts allow twelve year old children to speak for themself, in court. Why is the goverment INTRUDING into our privacy and homes? Telling parents how to 'raise' their children? Seems more like Provincial goverment is IMPOSING – ONE religious belief on ALL people. Isn't that a Constitutional violation? A law was created so LTC (Long Term Care) staff could NOT be sued. That's denying Justice for both victims and their families. Isn''t that a Constitutional Violation too? Yet, nobody said anything and let it pass. Then we have another Premier with plans to 'change' Federal pension monies for their own ... whatever they're planning. Probably for their own bank accounts? I don't understand why the Federal government doesn't create a law that 'locks' Provincial leaders into maintaining, and remaining 'within' all Federal laws and programs especially our Constitutional Rights. A LAW not a policy that says, 'Absolutely 'zero' harms (results of DENYING services) to the people', and clawback missing monies from Provincial revenues for services not delivered to the People. Federal goverment should send in Emergency Service department to deliver CUT services, and handle the accounts. Cut the Provincial dollars and ensure goverment does NOT 'retaliate' against the People. I think charges would be far better. We the People are Victims of a robbery, and last I heard – that is a Crime. Anyone remember that story about Federal goverment losing $3B? Or Ontario premier misplacing a few Million dollars? I don't recall those monies being found. If WE the People can't make goverment officials ACCOUNTABLE then the FEDERAL goverment should be STEPPING UP. Do you truly believe that our Goverments are goverrning HONESTLY?
  • 14. Nobody under the Federal government level should EVER be able to 'change or harm' the Public services, or the People. For now, the Federal goverment should immediatly repair the following; • Return all services that have had major financial cuts, or changes to PUBLIC services (healthcare, education, unemployment, housing, disability, etc.) • Ban all, and any plans of 'privatization' of services • Update, strengthen and PROTECT ALL existing PUBLIC services, and Constitutional Rights of the People NOT corporations • Never let leaders have 'power' to INFLICT suffering on any income level of the People • Constitutional Human Rights Protections should INCLUDE – shelter, food, water, air, lands, our natural environment, our Health • Financial 'gouging' of the People should result in Prison sentence per victim and/or Fines too • Forcing an outcome to have the Poor be poor should have ALL social programs upgraded and fully supported - at least have 'corrections' ready to implement • All social assistance and Disability monies should always follow the 'rate of inflation' • All goverment institutions should have 'Consequences' for abuse, denial of services • Federal goverment should add 'automatic' fines payable to Victims Compensation for criminals that don't go to prison but preferably gauged by sliding scale based on income but HEFTY for corporations • ANY law enforcement officer committing a crime has to be CHARGED through REGULAR COURTS NOT set Free by a Special Police Tribunal • address high incarceration rates of BIPOC by removal of DO and LTO labels • have mandatory mental health and Education programs while incarcerated • STOP letting lobbyists RUN the nation into RUIN Do you ever wonder if the Canadian Party leaders are trying to 'convert' Canada into copies of Russia? China? Or North Korea? I feel we're heading that way, it's scary but not surprising? It seems the 'need' for power and access to the PUBLIC TAX purse has leaders in a feeding frenzy. Do you listen? And I mean listen, and examine who truly 'benefits' with their planned changes?
  • 15. Mind you, I'm one for 'advocating and helping' others who are suffering, and try to lead one to identify, then help him/her resolve or remove the cause. Indigenous communities, and people have had to learn to 'rebuild' their lives, and balance that with trauma, and find healing. This after experiencing freedom after YEARS of various 'crimes against children' at residential schools, or failed abusive adoptions. I am pretty sure there are others who suffered major child abuses, it shows in their behaviors. Those who have suffered abuses can recognize other adult survivors, and what 'stage' of healing, if any, they're experiencing. Some have learned to recognize, and find healing. Others are still in throes of the memories, and don't have an inner Peace. Still, others have gone on to prison, and they're 're-traumatized' with daily hostility, cruelty, physical assaults, racism, and dehumanization. Meanwhile, they (Indigenous inmates) have all learned directly from Church 'instructors' every crime imaginable upon a child. As adults, for them, they think that's 'normal'. Go ahead, do the research, ask a qualified professional, better yet, ask a former inmate. I don't accept what the latest Minister had said, 'it would take years to investigate misconduct of corrections officers'. Really? There are 'ranges' FULL of Indigenous inmates who can VERIFY 'crimes' done to them by the GUARDS, and most likely, the 'same' guard. I must admit though that 'threats' to their life or their family, inmates won't say anything. What does this type of ABUSE of authority against citizens behind closed doors, TELL you? It sounds like the Minister is PROTECTING crimes of the corrections staff. This is 'systemic' and 'Institutional' racism belonging to the 'management' style from BOTH our current Federal and Provincial governments. This has been ongoing for DECADES or CENTURIES. I hope they don't actually believe that Indigenous people that 'die' in Prison care, are going to 'heyll'. No, the murdered automatically go straight to Heaven. They will 'never' have to face their tormentors, again. Now, that's a Gift.
  • 16. Does Racism exist in government, religious, and Judicial institutions of Canada? One Elder, also a survivor, once said to me, 'they're an unholy trinity, and will only answer to God, even if they don't believe'. I almost feel badly for them but it's been said, they can easily 'redeem' themselves too but I don't think that's true. Only the Victim(s) can deliver Forgiveness. For now, I send my Prayers out, hoping, and asking for a great change for all people, an End to our suffering, and hardships, our Earth, lands, waters, air, and wild critters, we just want Peace, from governments who care nothing for us. For now, I bid you, Stay strong, keep Faith, stay safe, :) Ginsense