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Practice Problems with Solutions 1

These practice problems are related to the following chapters:
      Chapter   1: Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design
      Chapter   2: Case Study in Computer Design
      Chapter   6: Network Systems
      Chapter   9: Programming Languages
      Chapter   10: Operating Systems
      Chapter   11: Software Reliability and Safety
In addition, there are circuit analysis problems that support Chapters 1 and 2.


Number Representation in Floating-Point Format

Problem 1
      Given: S is a sign bit where 0 indicates positive 1 and 0 indicates negative;
         exponent is a 7-bit excess 64 power of 2; mantissa is an 8-bit fraction.
      Problem: A 16-bit word, N = 400016, represents what decimal numeric value?
      Solution: 400016 = 0100 0000 0000 0000
      Sign 0 = positive, mantissa = 0000 0000, excess 64 power of 2 exponent =
         1000000 – 1000000 = 0

Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications, First Edition. Norman F.
© 2012 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Published 2012 by John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.

Practice Problems with Solutions 1   467

                           Byte 0                                       Byte 1

           7     6     5     4      3   2   1   0     7     6      5     4   3   2    1   0

          Sign       Excess 64 Exponent                         Normalized Mantissa

                                                2(e–64) × 0.1ffffffff

                     8 bits in Normalized Mantissa: “1” in left-most bit position
Figure 1 Floating point format.

    Answer:              N = 0 (2)0 = 0.0
                 Mantissa            Exponent
Problem 2
   Given: The floating point format design shown in Figure 1.
   Problem: Can the decimal number 111.875 be stored in this format? If not, what
      decimal values can be stored?
   Solution: 111.875 cannot be stored because the mantissa 0.875 requires more
      than 8 bits. However, 118.75 can be stored because this mantissa 0.75
      requires only 7 bits, as shown in the following number conversions:
 0.87510 = 0.361116 = 0.110110 10112: 10 bits, 0.7510 = 0.41116 = 0.100 10112: 7 bits
                        3 6 11                                       4 11
These conversions are achieved by successively dividing the decimal number by 16,
recording the remainders, and assigning the remainders to the hexadecimal numbers
in reverse order.


One-Hot Encoding
One-hot encoding is a type of data encoding in which an individual flip-flop is dedi-
cated to only one state of the data. Thus, only one flip-flop, which stores the data,
can be active, or hot, at a time.
Problem 3
   Given: A central processing unit (CPU) is designed with one-hot encoding. This
      CPU cycles through 16 states and produces 32 control signals (one for flip-
      flop output high and one for output low, for each of 16 states).
   Problem: How many flip-flops are required?
   Answer: Sixteen are required, corresponding to each of the 16 states.
468     Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

Table 1    Hamming Code Words

D6              D5            D4             D3             D2             D1             D0
I3              I2            I1             P2             I0             P1             P0
1               1             1              1              0              0              0
1               1             0              0              1              1              0
1               0             1              0              1              0              1

Error Detection and Correction

The Hamming Code is a type of error detection and correction code that uses parity
bits as a check for possible errors in the information bits. It is capable of detecting
two bits in error and correcting one.

D6         D5        D4         D3        D2         D1          D0        Data bit positions
I3         I2        I1         P2        I0         P1          P0        Code word

      Parity bits (P) are located in data bit positions P0, P1, and P2.
      Information bits (I3, I2, I1, I0) are located in the remaining bit positions.
Problem 4
   Given: Hamming code words in Table 1. One of the code words has information
      bits 11102.
   Problem: What is the correct Hamming Code word?
   Solution: Only the first code word has the required information bits (in red).
      Therefore, the code word is 11110002.

Parity Error Detection
In even parity error detection, if the number of one bits, including the parity bit, is
an even number, the data are assumed to be correct; otherwise, a one-bit error is
assumed. In odd parity error detection, if the number of one bits, including the parity
bit, is an odd number, the data are assumed to be correct; otherwise, a one-bit error
is assumed. Thus, parity error detection can detect one-bit errors but cannot correct
these errors. If a parity error is detected at the receiver, a negative acknowledgement
is sent to the transmitter to retransmit the message.
Problem 5
   Problem: It is desired to use even parity error detection in a digital circuit, where P is
      the parity bit. Which of the data below would generate even parity error signals?
      0010 odd (error)
      0100 odd (error)
      0101 even (correct)
      0111 odd (error)
Practice Problems with Solutions 1   469

Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

This is a sophisticated error detection and correction process that uses mathematical
polynomials for detecting and correcting multiple errors.
    A message of degree n is the polynomial M(x) is: xn + xn−1 + xn−2 + . . . + x0.
    The sender and receiver must agree on a generator polynomial G(x) of degree
k ≤ n in advance of transmission.
    Both the high and low bits of G(x) must be 1.
    M(x) must be longer than G(x).
    k zeros are appended to M(x), yielding the transmitted message T(x) = M(x) xk.
    The remaining operations are shown in the following example:

                               M(x ) = x 2 + x + 1 = 111

Use G(x) = x + 1 = 11 because M(x) can be divided by G(x) (i.e., the degree of
G(x) = 1 ≤ degree of M(x) = 2).
    k = degree 1, therefore append one zero to M(x), yielding the following trans-
mitted message:

            T(x) = M(x)x k = x 3 + x 2 + x = 2 3 + 2 2 + 21 = 1410 = 111016.

Divide T(x) by G(x), using modulo 2 division, and record remainder R(x), using
modulo 2 division:

                                   11 110              .
                                          R(x ) = 10

Now, subtract remainder R(x) = 10 from M(x)xk = 1110, using Exclusive Or sub-
traction (modulo 2):

                        M(x )x k ⊕ R(x ) = 1110 ⊕ 10 = 1100.

At the receiver, divide (M(x)xk  R(x)) by G(x) and check for zero remainder. If
this is the case, there is no error in transmission; otherwise, there are one or more
errors, so retransmit:
470     Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                                          11 1100
Check: 12/3 = 4.
   The remainder is zero, so there is no error in transmission.
Problem 6
   Given: CRC polynomial: x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 = x16 + x12 + x5 + x0 = 216 + 212 + 25
      + 1 = 65536 + 4096 + 32 + 1
   Problem: What is the hexadecimal equivalent of this CRC polynomial?
   The solution is obtained by placing ones in the power of twos positions, cor-
   responding to the decimal numbers as follows:

          x16 + x12+ x5 + 1 = 1 0001 0000 0010 0001 = 1102116
                             65536 4096         32      1
      Proof: x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 = 69,66510. Convert 1102116 to base 10:
        (1*16 4 ) + (1*163 ) + (2*161 ) + (1*160 ) = 65, 536 + 4, 096 + 32 + 1 = 69, 665

Instruction Formats

Problem 7
   Given: The instruction register below contains AB616 as the next instruction to
      be executed. Assuming this is an add accumulator to operand at effective
      address instruction, the instruction format is the following:
 11 10        7         6                              0
          Op Code             Address                                 Instruction register

  1         0101                011 0110

Indirect address indicator
Identify the op code bits:
     Bolded bits are op code bits: AB616 = 1010 1011 0110 (hexadecimal converted
to binary)
      Solution: Using indirect addressing as signified by bit 11 = 1: Op code bits = bits
         10:7 = 0101: add accumulator + operand at effective address 011 0110
         (address located at 011 0110).
Practice Problems with Solutions 1    471

Problem 8
   Given: The above instruction format in Problem 7 of 12 bits per word.
   Problem: What is the maximum memory size in bits?
   Answer: There are 27 addresses, each of which is 12 bits long. Therefore,
      memory size = 12 × 27 bits = 12 × 128 = 1536 bits.

Pipeline Systems

Number of clock cycles required in pipelined system = Number of clock cycles
required in conventional system – Number of overlapped clock cycles in pipelined
system = mn – (m – 1)(n – 1), where m is the number of instructions and n is the
number of clock cycles required by the first instruction. This is the case because for
the first instruction, there is no preceding instruction to overlap with. Therefore,
there are m – 1 overlapped instructions. Also, the last clock cycle of the m – 1 over-
lapped instructions are not overlapped with a clock cycle of the preceding instruc-
tions, yielding (m – 1)(n – 1) overlapped clock cycles in a pipeline system.
Problem 9
There are four instructions in a pipelined system. How many clock cycles are
required to execute the four instructions?
    Solution: The first instruction requires n = 4 clock cycles and each of the remain-
       ing (m – 1) instructions require only 1 clock cycle because these (m – 1) instruc-
       tions are overlapped with the preceding instructions, yielding n + (m – 1) =
       4 + 3 clock cycles.
Problem 10
What is the increase in speed of the pipelined system in Problem 9 versus a non-
pipelined system?
    Solution: The speed ratio = Number of clock cycles required in conventional
        system/Number of clock cycles required in a pipelined system = mn/
        (m + n – 1) = 16/7 = 2.286. If m is large, the increase in speed approaches
       the maximum speed of n clock cycles per instruction.
Problem 11
Pipeline throughput is defined as the number of instructions, m, per total clock cycle
time required to process m instructions = (m instructions)/((number of clock cycles
per instruction*time per clock cycle)) = (m)/(m + n – 1)T, where T is clock cycle
time per instruction. For a typical microprocessor with a clock speed of 10 MHz
(107 cycles per second), T = 1/107 seconds.
     What is the throughput for a four-instruction pipeline?
     Solution: m/((m + n – 1)T) = 4/((7)(1/107))) = (4)(107)/7 = 5.71 million instruc-
        tions per second.
Problem 12
Pipeline efficiency is computed as: actual speed increase/maximum speed increase.
472     Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

      What is the efficiency for the pipeline in Problem 10?
      Solution: (mn/(mn/m + n – 1))/n = 2.286/4 = 0.5715.
Problem 13
What governs the clock cycle frequency of a pipeline system?
   Solution: The pipeline with the slowest processing time.
Problem 14
What is needed to maintain performance in a pipeline system, when needed resources
such as hardware are not available?
    Solution: More resources can be employed, if available, or the pipeline can be
       stalled (e.g., no instructions executed until needed hardware is available).
Problem 15
How many instructions can a nonpipeline computer execute at a time?
   Solution: Only one instruction at a time.

Shifting and Comparators

Problem 16
What is the process and purpose of the arithmetic right shift?
   Solution: Arithmetic right shifting is performed to divide a quantity by 2n and
       round down (“0” inserted in least significant bit [LSB] position), where n is
       the number of bits shifted. The sign bit is preserved in the right shift.

Problem 17
What is the process and purpose of the arithmetic left shift?
   Solution: Multiply a quantity by 2n. The sign bit is lost because the high order
       data bit is shifted into the sign position.

Problem 18
What is the process and purpose of the right rotate logical shift and the left rotate
logical shift?
     Solution: The right and left rotate logical shifts can be used, for example, to
        identify whether database application A or B should be executed dependent
        on a series of bits in a register (0 for application A and 1 for application B).
        For each shift of one bit, A or B would be selected. See Figure 2 for details
        of the four shifting operations, where for each operation, one bit is shifted.

Problem 19
How can a circuit be designed to analyze branch instruction logic in a program?
   Solution: Figure 3 shows how a comparator and its accompanying shift control
      logic can be designed to determine whether data originally in registers A and
      B, and then transferred to busses A and B, have the relationships A = B,
Practice Problems with Solutions 1          473

                              Right Arithmetic Shift         lost

          0        0      0       0      1     0       1       1        + 11
                                                                               divide by 2n and round down

          0        0      0       0      0      1      0       1        +5

sign bit preserved
                                                                               n = number of bits shifted
   sign bit lost              Left Arithmetic Shift

          0        0      0       0      1     0       1       0       + 11
                                                                               multiply by 2n

          0        0      0       1      0     1       1       0       + 22

                       Right Rotate Logical Shift

          0        0      0       0      1     0       1       1

          1        0      0       0      0     1       0       1

                       Left Rotate Logical Shift

          0        0      0       0      1     0       1       1

          0        0      0       1      0     1       1       0

Figure 2 Shifting operations.

        A  B, or A  B. Thus, in a program, branch 1 would be taken if A = B;
        branch 2 would be taken if A  B; and branch 3 would be taken if A  B.
Problem 20
Figure 4 shows that the hexadecimal quantity 5A has experienced a rotated
left shift of 3 bit positions. What is the resultant quantity in hexadecimal and
     Solution: As the conversion operation in Figure 4 shows, the result is D2 in
        hexadecimal and 210 decimal.
A Bus                                                                   A=B
                                          B Bus                                                                         AB

                  B Register                          A Register
                  A            Q1                     A             Q1

                  D            Q4                     D             Q4                 Shift

                       ENB                                    ENB

Figure 3 Comparator circuit.

                 5                                             A

      0    1          0             1    1                0             1   0

                                                                                      Rotate 3 Bit Positions Left
    1      1          0             1     0               0         1       0

                 D                                             2

                                                                            D216 (13 * 16) + 2 = 208 + 2 = 21010
Figure 4 Rotate left shift operation.

                                        ___ ___ ___
                                        A BC
                                        ___ ___
                                                                                             ___ ___ ___         ___
                                         A BC                                                A B CP              A BCP
                                        ___     ___                         Odd Parity (P)
                                        A B C
A                                       ___                                      =1
                                        A BC                                 Generator           ___                    ___
                      3-to-8             ___ ___
                                        ABC                                                   A B CP             AB C P
B                    Decoder                  ___
C                                       AB C
                                        ABC                                                  ___ ___   ___ ___         ___ ___

Inputs                                                                                       A BCP ABC P
                                                                            Odd Parity (P)
                                                                             Generator           ___       ___                ___
           23 (inputs) = 8 outputs                                                            ABCP                ABC         P
Figure 5 Decoder circuit.

Practice Problems with Solutions 1   475

                     Table 2   Decoder Circuit Parity Generation

                     A              B             C                P
                     0              0             0                1
                     0              0             1                0
                     0              1             0                0
                     0              1             1                1
                     1              0             0                0
                     1              0             1                1
                     1              1             0                1
                     1              1             1                0


A decoder is a combinational circuit that selects one of n inputs and produces 2n
outputs, where n is the number of input bits, as shown in Figure 5.
Problem 21
   Given: Decoder circuit in Figure 5, showing selected n inputs and 2n outputs,
      with an odd parity generator that signifies no error, if the number of output
      bits, including the parity bit, is odd.
   Problem: How many outputs are required to address the inputs A, B, C in the
      decoder circuit?
   Solution: Figure 5 shows that when there are three inputs to the decoder, eight
      outputs are required. In addition, Table 2 shows the parity that is required to
      ensure no error for the various input combinations.

Flip-Flop Circuits

J-K flip-flop next state output Q(t + 1) is a function of inputs J and K, and present
state flip-flop outputs Q(t) and Q(t ):

                               Q(t + 1) = JQ(t ) + KQ(t )

Problem 22
   Given: Figure 6 shows a J-K flip-flop circuit that includes six gates. The current
      flip-flop state Q1Q2Q3 = 100.
   (a) Identify the types of gates.
   Solution: EXCLUSIVE OR: Gates 1 and 3; NAND: Gates 2, 4, and 6; EXCLU-
      SIVE OR: Gate 5.
476      Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                                                         Gate 2
               Gate 1
                                             A                        ____    ___    ___
                                                                      AB = A + B
                         _______   ___ ___

A                        A +B = A B
                                                                                                  Q2 (t + 1)
                                                         Q1 (t + 1)                   J2 Q2
                                        J1       Q1
                                                        __________                                 __________
                Gate 3                           ___   Q1 (t +1)                                  Q 2 (t + 1)
                                        K1       Q1                                  K2     ___

       C                                                                                    Q2

                         ______    ___ ___                 Gate 4
       D                 C+D = C D
                                                                                                                      Q3 (t + 1)
                                                                                                     J3         Q3
                                                                     ____    ___    ___
                                                                     CD = C + D                                       Q3 (t +1)
                                                       Gate 5                                                   ___
                                       E                               ___   ___                      K3        Q3
                                                                     E F+ E F

                                         F                                         Gate 6
                                                                                                   ___ ___
                                                                                                    E F

    Figure 6 J-K flip-flop circuit.

           (b) Determine the output of each gate.
           Solution: See Figure 6.
           (c) Determine the next state of the flip-flop outputs.

              Q1 (t + 1) = J1 Q1 (t ) + K1Q(t ) = (AB)(0) + (C + D)(1) = C + D
              Q 2 (t + 1) = J 2 Q 2 (t ) + K 2 Q 2 (t ) = (A + B)(1) + (CD)(0) = A + B
              Q 3 (t + 1) = J 3 Q 3 (t ) + K 3 Q3 (t ) = (EF + EF )(1) + (E + F )(0) = EF + EF


    The multiplexer circuit in Figure 7 produces a single output Y for four inputs, x0,
    x1, x2, and x3, depending on the values of the selector bits, s0, s1, using an OR output
    Problem 23
    Develop the output functions for the multiplexer circuit in Figure 7.
       Solution: Figure 7 shows the output function.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1                  477

                                        Multiplexer Circuit
       Input                                                  ___ ___
                                                              s 0 s1 x 0
          Selector   ___

                                                               s 0 s1x1
                                                    ___                           ___ ___     ___           ___
                                                 s0 s1 x 2                   Y = s0 s1 x 0 + s 0 s1x1 + s 0 s1 x 2 + s 0s1x 3


                                     Demultiplexer Circuit

     Selector                                  Outputs
     s0                                           ___ ___
                                             Y0 = s 0 s1 x

                                             Y1 = s 0 s1x

                                             Y2 = s 0 s1 x

                                             Y3 = s0s1x

     Figure 7 Multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits.


     A demultiplexer causes an input x to be transferred to one of 2n output lines, where
     n is the number of select inputs in Figure 7.
     Problem 24
     Develop the output functions for the demultiplexer circuit in Figure 7.
        Solution: Figure 7 shows the output functions.
        Timing Relationships
     Problem 25
        Given: Timing relationships pertaining to D flip-flops in Figure 8.
        Problem: What is the timing diagram for input signals A and M and what is the
           value of the output?
478     Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

           Input A
                           D     Q                                                AB
                                                                 D     Q

           5 Mhz                          B

10 Mhz Clock

         Input B     10 Mhz

10 Mhz Clock

   Input A
                                                        5 Mhz

                                                        10 Mhz
 Input B

                                                        5 Mhz

   Output AB
Figure 8 Timing relationships.

      Solution: Figure 8 shows that by virtue of ANDing inputs A and B, the
         output = AB. The timing diagram shows that output AB has a frequency of
         5 MHz governed by the durations of the 10 MHz clock when both inputs A
         and B are positive.

Programmable Logic Array (PLA)

A PLA consists of programmable AND and OR gates. It can be programmed to
implement a Boolean sum of product terms.
Problem 26
Draw a logic diagram showing how the PLA should be designed to implement the
functions Z 2 = AB + BC, Z1 = AB + AC, and Z 0 = AC + BC.
      Solution: The design is shown in Figure 9.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1                479

                          Internal Structure of PLA

                              AND Gate
       Inputs B                 Array

                              OR Gate                   Z1   Outputs



                   C              AND Array
                                          ___ ___                OR Array

                                                                                 ___ ___
                                                                            Z2 = A B + BC
                                              ___ ___

                                                                                            ___ ___
                                               BC                                       Z1 = A B + AC


                                                                              ___ ___
                                                                       Z0 = A C + BC

Figure 9 Programmable logic array.

State Machine Diagrams

As Figure 10 shows, state transition diagrams are useful for tracking state transitions
in a digital system. For example, in Figure 10, state transitions are triggered by switch
openings and closings, which cause transitions from present states to next states.
480    Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                                       State Transition Condition
                                    SW = 0                      SW = 0

                                                 SW = 1
             Switch                 State 0                 State 1

                              SW = 1                              SW = 1
                                           SW = 0

                                                                            SW = 1
                                                 SW = 0
                                    State 3                 State 2

                              SW: switch = 0, closed, switch = 1 open
Figure 10 Switch state diagram. SW, switch. SW = 0, closed; SW = 1, open.

Table 3    Switch State Transition Table

Present switch condition       Present state        State transition condition       Next state

SW =   0                             0                      SW =   0                     0
SW =   0                             0                      SW =   1                     1
SW =   1                             1                      SW =   0                     1
SW =   0                             1                      SW =   1                     2
SW =   1                             2                      SW =   1                     2
SW =   1                             2                      SW =   0                     3
SW =   0                             3                      SW =   0                     3
SW =   0                             3                      SW =   1                     0

Problem 27
Develop the state transition table corresponding to Figure 10.
   Solution: See Table 3.

Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop Circuit

The output state Q(t + 1) of a D flip-flop is governed by the falling edge of the clock
pulse in Figure 11: Q(t + 1) = D on the falling edge.
Problem 28
Given the characteristic of the D flip-flop, draw the timing diagram for the circuit
in Figure 11.
     Solution: See Figure 11.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1           481

             M                      Q1 (t + 1) = M          N                          Q2 (t + 1) = N
                   D1 Q (t) = 0                                      D2 Q2(t) = 0

                                                                                       __________    ___
                                     _________   ___                      ______       Q 2 (t +1) = N
                                    Q1 (t + 1) = M                       Q 2 (t) = 1
                       Q1 (t) = 1



Q1 (t + 1) = M                                                             Triggered on falling edge

 _________   ___
Q1 (t + 1) = M

Q2 (t + 1) = N

__________   ___
Q 2 (t +1) = N

Figure 11 Edge-triggered flip-flop circuit.

State Machine Design

The design of state machines involves identifying states, state transitions, and the
sequences of state transitions, where a sequence is the order in which transitions
Problem 29
For the elevator example in Figure 12, identify the correct sequence of state
     Solution: As seen in Figure 12 and based on the logic of elevator operations,
        the correct sequence is: (current floor (Nc) → request floor (Nr) → destina-
        tion floor (Nd)) or (request floor (Nr) → destination floor (Nd)).
Problem 30
In Figure 12, what are the next states for current state 3 and what are the correspond-
ing state transitions?
     Solution: Referring to Figure 12, the next state 3 is caused by elevator staying
        at Nd1; the next state 4 is caused by elevator going to Nr2.
482      Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

    Elevator stays at Nc1

START                                                                    Elevator at Nr1
                                 go to Nr1
Elevator at Nc1
                   State 1                                   State 2
                                                                               go to Nd1
                                                                                                     Elevator stays at Nd1
                                     go to Nr2
                                                 go to Nd3                                             Elevator at Nd1
                                                                                           State 3

Elevator at Nd3     State 5                                                     go to Nr2
                                                               State 4
                                    go to Nd3
                                                                           Elevator at Nr2

         Elevator stays at Nd3                           Elevator stays at Nr2
   Figure 12 State machine example. Nc, current floor; Nr, request floor; Nd, destination floor.
   Numbers designate specific floor.

   Problem 31
   In Figure 12, give an example of an illegal state transition.
       Solution: State 2 → State 4 is illegal because it would be illogical to transition
          from one request floor to another request floor without first going to a des-
          tination floor.


   Queue Data Structure

   One approach for managing data and instructions is the queue that uses a first-in,
   first-out discipline. An application is the processing by a microprocessor, on a non-
   priority basis, of a stream of inputs.
   Problem 32
   For an input of KJIHGFEDCBA, what is the output order for a first-in, first-out
        Solution: Figure 13 shows the output ordering of the input data.

   Stack Data Structure

   Another one of the important software design approaches is to use the push-down
   stack, which is particularly valuable when interrupts occur and it is necessary to
   service the interrupts and later return to the main program. The stack facilitates this
   process by pushing the contents of the program counter and special registers onto a
Practice Problems with Solutions 1          483

                                 First-in, first-out

                   K      J      I       H        G        F   E      D     C       B   A

                                                  Queue                                     Outputs

                                           Queue Processing


           ABCDEFGHIJK                                 A
                                                       B        Outputs
            Push down data on stack                                             Computer
                                                               Last-in, first-out

                                           Stack Processing
 Figure 13 Queue and stack processing.

 memory area called the stack. The stack operates on a last-in, first-out basis, meaning
 that the register contents that were last pushed are on the top of the stack, for
 example, the program counter, so that the program is pointing to the address of the
 next instruction to be executed.
 Problem 33
 For an input of ABCDEFGHIJK, what is the output order for a last-in, first-out
      Solution: Figure 13 shows the output ordering of the input data.

 Instructions Designed to Perform Functions

 Instruction sequences can be designed to perform certain functions such as generat-
 ing a square wave in a register, using a set of binary bits to represent the output (i.e.,
 square wave), or generating a Fibonacci number sequence.
 Problem 34
 Show how a square wave can be generated, using an accumulator, input register A,
 and output register B.
     Solution: See Figure 14 for the result.
484    Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications


           0    0        0       0     0      0    0       0   Accumulator


          1     1        1       1     1       1    1      1

                             Logical Right Shift
                             Accumulator 2 Bits

          0     0        1       1     1       1    1      1

          0     0        0       0     0       0    1      1   Input Register A

                    Subtract Register A from Accumulator

          0     0        1       1      1      1    0      0   Accumulator

                     Transfer Accumulator to Register B

          0     0        1       1      1      1    0      0   Output Register B

                             Output Square Wave

Figure 14 Square wave generation.

Problem 35
Produce a program to compute Fibonacci numbers, where a Fibonacci number is
defined as the sum of the previous two numbers, for example, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 13.
    Solution: Table 4 shows the program.

Software Specifications

Problem 36
What must software specifications contain to be complete?
   Solution: There must be details of expected inputs and outputs, details of pro-
      cessing requirements, and details of design requirements.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1        485

   Table 4     Fibonacci Number Program

   Command                                                                  Description

   i=0                                                     Set first Fibonacci number index
   n(i), n(i + 1) = 1                                      Set first two Fibonacci numbers = 1
   While (i  N) do Functions F and C                      Keep inputting and computing while i  N
                                                             Fibonacci numbers
   Function F (input n(i))                                 Input Fibonacci number = n(i)
   Function C (n(i) + n(i + 1))                            Compute Fibonacci number
   Function C (n(i) + n(i + 1)) → output                   Output Fibonacci number
   i=i+1                                                   Increment Fibonacci number index
   Return (While)                                          Continue with Functions F and C

    Passenger 1
                      Use Case
                  1. Request up elevator
                  2. Request floor 8

                                         3. Queue passenger 1 request if queue  0; if queue =0, go to floor 8
    7. Door opens

    4. Request down elevator
5. Request floor 1

                      8. Door opens           Collaborative Diagram
                                        6. Queue passenger 2 request if queue  0; if queue = 0, go to floor 1

    Use Case                              Passenger      Class             Elevator       Class
                                       Passenger 1       Object         Floor 1           Object
   Passenger 2
                                       Passenger 2       Object         Floor 8           Object
                                                        Class Diagram
   Figure 15 Object-oriented conceptual model.

   Problem 37
   The object-oriented design process involves specifying a conceptual model, which
   consists of actors, uses cases, classes, objects comprising a class, and operations.
   With this definition in mind, draw the design process for an elevator example.
       Solution: The object-oriented design process is shown in Figure 15.
486    Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                Passenger Floor Input
                                                  Elevator Request

                                         Floor Requests


                         Floor Requests Parameters
                               (floor locations)

                               Floor Travel Operations
                                   (travel direction
                                    floor locations)


                                          Outputs (arrive at desired floors)
Figure 16 Structured design diagram.

Structure Chart

Problem 38
For a structure chart, we need to know: (1) all the modules in the chart, (2) all the
data items in the chart, (3) the organization of the modules, and (4) all the com-
munications among modules.
    Using this concept, design a structure chart for the elevator system depicted in
Figure 15.
    Solution: The structure chart design is shown in Figure 16.


Quality Assurance

Integration Testing
Integration testing can be accomplished either in a top-down or bottom-up fashion.
In bottom-up testing, drivers are required for modules at a higher level to call
Practice Problems with Solutions 1   487

modules at a lower level, and test cases are required for doing integrated testing
between modules at higher and lower levels. A disadvantage of bottom-up testing is
that the most important modules—those at the top level—are not tested first. On the
other hand, top-down testing is more complex. For this type of testing, stubs are
required that simulate the lower level module data and instructions, which have not
yet been tested, for the benefit of higher level modules.
Problem 39
Design top-down and bottom-up testing schemes for modules A, B, C, D, and E.
    Solution: The testing schemes are shown in Figure 17. These types of tests assist
       in the verification process that is aimed at assuring that the testing schemes
       are faithful to the software design. In addition, these tests are augmented by
       inspections, which are a peer review process for examining code to help
       assure its correctness.

Array and Matrices
Arrays are one-dimensional data structures with values and indices that point to the
values, such as the adjacency list in Figure 18. Matrices are two-dimensional data
structures that have two sets of indices, one to point to values in one of the dimen-
sions, and another set to point to values in the second dimension. An adjacency list
can be used for this purpose.
     Some problems involving arrays and matrices are concerned with efficient
processing when the matrix is sparse (i.e., many zero elements in matrix). In this
case, an adjacency list (pointers to nonzero elements) combined with a linked list
can be used. For an n × n matrix with zero elements, the number of nonzero elements
that would make the link list superior to a matrix can be computed.
Problem 40
Portray the two data structure alternatives, described above, and compute the storage
requirement for the two alternatives.
    Solution: Figure 18 shows the logic of the alternatives and the computation of
       the competing storage requirements.
Problem 41
Using the result obtained in Problem 39, compute the number of zero entries Z and
the number of nonzero entries N.
    Matrix storage requirement (matrix plus pointers): 32n2 + 32n
    Link list storage requirement (linked list plus pointers): 32n + 64(n2 – Z)
                    32 n 2 + 32 n = 32 n + 64(n 2 − Z), 64 Z = 32 n 2,
    zero entries Z = 0.5n2, N = n2 – 0.5 n2 = 0.5 n2
    In other words, for this problem, the number of nonzero entries equals the
number of zero entries. If Z were larger, the linked list would require less storage
than the matrix.
488      Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                    Test Cases for                         Test
                    Modules A, B,                        A,B,C,D,        Module A
                     C, D, E, F, G                        E,F, G
                                                                                         Driver for Module D
                                                               Driver for Module C                                      Test Cases for
                  Driver for Module B
                                                                                                                        Modules D, G

Test Cases for                                                                                       Test
                           Test                            Test C
Modules B, E,                              M odul e B                  M od u l e C                  D, G      M o du l e D
                          B, E, F

                                                        Driver for Module F
                                                                                                        Driver for Module G
     Driver fo Module E

                                                                                                  Test G          Module G
                            Test E          Module E          Test F          Module F

                                                        Bottom-Up Testing

                                    Test Case for
                                      Module A
                                                                     Test A      Module A

                                                                                         Stub for Testing A with D
                 Stub for Testing A with B
                                                                         Stub for Testing A with C

                                    Test                              Test                              Test
                                                Module B                          Module C                            M o du l e D
                                    A, B                              A, C                              A, D

         Stub for Testing A, B, E                                        Stub for Testing A, C, F           Stub for Testing A, D, G

                                 Test                                 Test                              Test
                                                Module E                          Module F                             Module G
                                A, B, E                              A, C, F                           A, D, G

                                                                         Stub for Testing A, C, F

                                                                                               Stub for Testing A, D, G
                    Stub for Testing A, B, E
                                                                    A,B,C, D,

                                                             Top-Down Testing

   Figure 17 Integrated testing designs.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1               489

   n × n matrix   (32-bit elements)        adjacency list (pointers to nonzero elements)
                                                                                        linked list (64-bit elements)

                         nonzero element                                           1
                                      32-bit pointer                                        only nonzero elements
                                                                       32-bit pointer
                  0         zero element
                                                                                    n2 – Z nonzero elements

32(n2 + n) bits storage requirement                                           32n + 64(n2 – Z) bits storage

                                                           n entries
   Figure 18 Array and matrix data structure design. Z, number of zero elements.

   Nested Program Logic
   The number of paths (i.e. number of program executions or number of calls) in a
   nested program can be determined by drawing a flow chart, as shown in Figure 19.

   Problem 42
   Based on Figure 19, what is the formula for computing the number of paths?
       Solution: See Figure 19.


   Network Diameter

   The network diameter is the maximum of the distances between all possible pairs
   of nodes (e.g., computers) of a graph of a network, without backtracking (i.e., revisit-
   ing a node on a path). This concept is used for identifying the maximum distance
   data would have to travel in a network. The appropriate bandwidth would be pro-
   grammed to meet this requirement.

   Problem 43
       Given: Figure 20 showing network connections.
   Determine the network diameter.
       Solution: The various paths, links, and maximum number of links are shown in
          Table 5, based on the network topology in Figure 20, yielding diameter = 4
          links (A → E → B → C → D).
490   Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications


                                     For i = 1 to

                                     For j = 1 to





                                Number of Paths = ni, nj
Figure 19 Flow chart problem.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1   491

     A, B
    A, E, B
                                   Link A → B               Link B → C
   A, B, C               Node A                   Node B                   Node C
  A, E, B, C
 A, E, D, C                       Link A → E
 A, B, C, D
A, E, B, C , D                      Link B δ E              Link D → C
   A, E, D                                                                     Link C → D
                                                     Link E → B
     A, E
A, B, C, D, E
   A, B, E                                         Link E → D
                                      Node E                      Node D
     B, C
     B, E                                          Link D → E
 B, C, D, E
   B, E, D
   B, C, D
     C, D
   C, D, E
 C, D, E, B
     D, E
   D, E, B
 D, E, B, C
     E, B
   E, B, C
 E, B, C, D
     E, D
Figure 20 Network connectivity.

Problem 44
What series of instruction functions will generate a square wave with a 50% duty
cycle to control the output of data on a network? Show the instructions and their
functions and the results of the instruction functions executions.
    Solution: Table 6 shows the instruction functions and Table 7 shows the results
        of the instruction functions executions.

Analog-to-Digital Conversion to Support Network

Problem 45
   Given: Analog-to-digital converter network support circuit diagram in Figure
   What address is used to access network Channel B of the converter?
   Solution: The circuit diagram shows how the address bits (01000000) are con-
      figured to support the access of network Channel B at address 4016.
492    Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

Table 5   Network Connectivity

Path                                       Links                      Number of links

A→B                              A→B                                         1
A→E→B                            A → E, E → B                                2
A→B→C                            A → B, B → C                                2
A→E→B→C                          A → E, E → B, B → C                         3
A→E→D→C                          A → E, E → D, D → C                         3
A→B→C→D                          A → B, B → C, C → D                         3
A→E→B→C→D                        A → E, E → B, B → C, C → D                  4
A→E→D                            A → E, E → D                                2
A→E                              A→E                                         1
A→B→C→D→E                        A → B, B → C, C → D, D → E                  4
A→B→E                            A → B, B → E                                2
B→C                              B→C                                         1
B→E                              B→E                                         1
B→C→D→E                          B → C, C → D, D → E                         3
B→E→D                            B → E, E → D                                2
B→C→D                            B → C, C → D                                2
C→D                              C→D                                         1
C→D→E                            C → D, D → E                                2
C→D→E→B                          C → D, D → E, E → B                         3
D→E                              D→E                                         1
D→E→B                            D → E, E → B                                2
D→E→B→C                          D → E, E → B, B → C                         3
E→B                              E→B                                         1
E→B→C                            E → B, B → C                                2
E→B→C→D                          E → B, B → C, C → D                         3
E→D                              E→D                                         1

Hubs versus Switches

Problem 46
     Figure 22 demonstrates that compared with hubs, switches increase bandwidth
(no collisions) and security (memory of switches provides security checking). Why
is this the case?
     Solution: Because collisions are possible using hubs but not possible using

Connection Hijacking

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) session hijacking occurs when a hacker
takes over a TCP session during a session between two computers. Since most
Practice Problems with Solutions 1         493

   Table 6     Instruction Functions

   Instruction                                                               Function

   CLR (clear accumulator)                                   0 → ACC
   IN B (transfer “1” from input device to                   1→B
     register B)
   ADD (add register B = 1 to accumulator)                   ACC = ACC + B
   SHR (shift accumulator logical right 4 bits)              ACC [7:4] → ACC [3:0], 0 → ACC [7:4]
   SHL (shift accumulator logical lift 2 bits)               ACC [7:2] ← ACC [5:0], ACC [1:0] ← 0
   OUT (out put accumulator to register C)                   ACC → C

   Table 7     Square Wave Instruction Function Execution Results

   Instruction                          Instruction result                  Square wave result

   CLR (clear accumulator)       0 → ACC
   IN B (transfer “1” from       1→B
     input device to
     register B)
   ADD (add register             ACC = ACC + B
     B = 1 to accumulator)
   SHR (shift accumulator        ACC [7:0] → ACC [3:0],
     logical right 4 bits)        0 → ACC [7:4]
   SHL (shift accumulator        ACC [7:2] ← ACC [5:0],
     logical lift 2 bits)         ACC [1:0] ← 0
   OUT (out put                  ACC → C
     accumulator to
     register C)

                                          2n = 8, n = 3
                                                                        Analog-to-digital converter
Address: A11,...,A0                      3 to 8 decoder
                              A11 = 0                                     Address
                               A10 = 1               D0                    B0 = 0
                               A9 = 0                D1                    B1 = 0               Channel A
     Computer                             S2                   D2 = 1
                                                     D2                    B2 = 0
                                                     D3       Select       B3 = 0
                                                                                     Generated address = 4016
                                                      D4                   B4 = 0
                                                     D5                    B5 = 0               Channel B
                                                     D6                    B6 = 1

                                                     D7                    B7 = 0
                                                                           A / B select = 0
   Figure 21 Analog-to-digital converter circuit.
494     Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                                  Collisions possible
                Hub                   Router                     Hub

   Computer E    Computer F                         Computer A    Computer C

                        Computer H                                        Computer D
                                        Server             Computer B
           Computer G
                        Computer G                       Switch        Computer C

                           Computer H                                           Computer D

                                                  Computer A
Computer E
                                                        Computer B
         Computer F

                                      Collisions not possible
                                      Increase in bandwidth
 Security improved because switch has memory for checking validity of data
Figure 22 Hubs versus switches.

authentications only occur at the start of a TCP session, this allows the hacker to
gain access to a computer. A popular hacking method uses source-routed Internet
Protocol (IP) packets. Source-routed packets identify the source address in the
packet. A hacker at node A listens for packets originating at nodes B or C. If such
traffic passes through node A, it allows the hacker to participate in a conversation
between B and C. This is known as a “man-in-the-middle attack.” A common com-
ponent of such an attack is to execute a denial-of-service (DoS) attack against nodes
B and C.
Problem 47
Draw an Internet diagram depicting the connectivity that would permit the security
breaches described above.
    Solution: Figure 23 shows the Internet vulnerabilities that would allow security
       problems to occur.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1                495


                                  Source Routed                  Source Routed
                                   IP Packets                     IP Packets
    B                                                                                                   C
                             TCP                                                 TCP
                             IP                   TCP Session                     IP
                       Data Link                                            Data Link
                        Physical                                                 Physical

    Ethernet                                          Internet
        HEWL ET T
        PACK ARD
                                                                                            HEWL ETT
                                                                                            P ACKA RD

Figure 23 Internet connections.

RS 232 C Data Transmission

Coding efficiency is defined as the (number of data bits)/total number of bits (data
plus control).
Problem 48
Referencing the figure below, what is the coding efficiency?
    Solution: As can be seen in the figure, there are 8 data bits out of a total of 11
       bits. Therefore, coding efficiency = 8/11 = 73%.

                    2 stop bits                          8 data bits                             start bit

Topology and Hardware

Various combinations of network topology and hardware are shown in Figure 24.
The main characteristic of 10 Base T Ethernet is that each computer is individually
connected to a hub. The hub has no storage; therefore, data cannot be buffered.
This scheme does have an advantage over the bus because, with each computer
having its own connection to the hub, collisions of data on the network are avoided.
Because the bus is shared by many devices, collisions on the connected Ethernets
are unavoidable. However, the bus is the traditional way to connect Ethernets
because this type of connection is highly standardized and economical. A later
version of Ethernet uses switches to direct traffic. This configuration avoids
496     Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                                                            10 Base T

                             No collisions: dedicated


      Ethernet                Light traffic                 Ethernet

  Heavy traffic                 Bridge                   Heavy traffic

                        No collisions: dedicated
  Heavy traffic                Heavy traffic               Heavy traffic

                           No collisions: dedicated           Ethernet
                          Switched Ethernet


                   Collisions possible: no dedicated connections

          Ethernet                                                                  Ethernet

                           Repeater                Bus                   Repeater

Figure 24 Network connectivity alternatives.

     The most rudimentary connectivity device is the repeater. Its function is to
repeat a signal, necessitated by the fact that signals can lose strength in traversing
a network. The bridge has storage and routing capability that allows it to transfer
traffic from one network to another. The primary application of the bridge is where
most of the traffic is within the connected networks, with occasional traffic between
Practice Problems with Solutions 1   497

Problem 49
In Figure 24, indicate whether collisions will or will not occur for the various con-
nection methods.
    Solution: See annotations on Figure 24.

Adjacency Matrix in Network Topology

Definition: An adjacency matrix is a means of representing which vertices of a
network topology graph are adjacent (i.e., directly connected by edges).
Problem 50
   Given: Graph of vertices Vi below.
What is the adjacency matrix of vertices Vi and edges ei?

                              V1        e1           V2

                               e4        e5        e2

                              V4          e3              V3

     Solution: Using the above definition, the adjacency matrix is shown in Table 8,
        where “1” indicates a connection:

Data Compression

Data compression is used to economize on data transmission or computation by
eliminating bits that are not required in an application. For example, rather than use
the hexadecimal format for the input number 16 in a computation, the binary repre-
sentation is used. Thus, rather than 8 bits in hexadecimal, 5 bits in binary are used
in the computation.

Table 8   Adjacency Matrix for Vertices Vi and Edges ei

                   V1                    V2                    V3                     V4

V1                 0                     1(e1)                 0                      1(e4)
V2                 1(e1)                 0                     1(e2)                  1(e5)
V3                 0                     1(e2)                 0                      1(e3)
V4                 1(e4)                 1(e5)                 1(e3)                  0
498     Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

      Using data transmission to illustrate the decompression technique, the time required
to transmit x bits of data in the noncompressed mode = x/Bn, where Bn is the bandwidth
in bits per second (bps) for uncompressed data. With a compression factor r ≥ 1, data
will be compressed by x/r. The time that it takes to compress and decompress x bits of
data is x/Bc, where Bc is the rate of compression/decompression. Thus, the time to com-
press, transmit, and decompress x bits of data is (x/Bc) + ((x/r)/Bn). Then, compassion/
decompression is beneficial if the (time to compress, transmit, and decompress x bits of
data)  (time required to transmit x bits of data in the noncompressed mode):
        (x/Bc ) + ((x/r ) /Bn )  (x/Bn ), which is equivalent to Bc  ((r/ ( r −1)Bn ).

Problem 51
What is the value of the above inequality for r = 2?
   Solution: Bc  2 Bn (rate of compression/decompression  (2 bandwidth in bps
       for uncompressed data)).

Network Channel Capacity

      C: Channel capacity (bps) (Shannon’s theorem)
      BW: Bandwidth (hertz, Hz, or megahertz, MHz)
      S: Signal power (watts)
      N: Noise power (watts)
      No: Noise spectral density (watts/Hz or MHz)
      P0: Power in system 0 (watts)
      P1: Power in system 1 (watts)
      G: Gain or loss between P0 and P1 or between S and N (decibels)

                                         ⎛      ⎛    S ⎞⎞
                                  C = BW ⎜ log2 ⎜ 1 + ⎟ ⎟
                                         ⎝      ⎝    N ⎠⎠

Shannon Limit

                                      C = 1.44(S/N 0 )
                                                  ⎛P ⎞
                                     G = 10 log10 ⎜ 1 ⎟
                                                  ⎝ P0 ⎠

                                     P1 = (10)G / 10 P0
                                  S / N = (10)G / 10
Problem 52
   Given: Network channel capacity C = 22.368 bps, signal power S = 14 watts,
      noise power N = 2 watts.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1   499

What is the required bandwidth BW of the network channel?

                     C           22.368        22.368 22.368
        BW =                  =              =        =      = 7.456 Hz
                    ⎛ 1 + S ⎞ log ⎛ 1 + 14 ⎞ log2 (8)
               log2 ⎜
                    ⎝ N⎟    ⎠    2⎜
                                  ⎝      2⎠

Problem 53
     Given: A microwave link is used to transmit binary data and has the following
        specifications: transmission bandwidth BW = 24 MHz, received signal-to-
        noise ratio = G = 20 dB.
According to Shannon’s theorem, what is the network channel capacity C in mega-
bits per second?

                    ⎛      ⎛    S ⎞⎞
             C = BW ⎜ log2 ⎜ 1 + ⎟ ⎟ , S / N = (10)G / 10 = (10)20 / 10 = 100
                    ⎝      ⎝ N⎠⎠
             C = 24(log 2 (1 + 100)) = 24 MHz × (log10 (101) / log10 (2))
               = 2.004 / 0.3010 = 159.80 Mbit / s

Computer Circuit Analysis

Bode Plot and Amplifiers
A Bode plot relates the absolute value of the transfer function (|output/input|) = |V2/
V1| in Figure 25 to ω = 2πf, where f = signal frequency, for example, an audio circuit
that amplifies sound in a laptop computer.
Problem 54
   Given: Amplifier diagram in Figure 25.
   Problem: Identify the transfer function. Plot the transfer function versus ω.
   Solution: Figure 25 shows the computation of the transfer function, according
      to the above definition. In addition, the figure shows the Bode plot, whose
      shape is governed by the fact that V2/V1 = 1/ωCR is an inverse function of
      ω = 2πf. Thus, V2/V1 will continually decrease with f, and the 0 dB point
      corresponds to ωc = 1/RC, where V2/V1 = 1.

Operational Amplifier

This is a direct-current circuit amplifier that can be used to, for example, boost the
signal derived from a sensor to a value that can be used in computer processing.
Problem 55
This problem, portrayed in Figure 26, involves determining the operational amplifier
output voltage, Vo, given the temperature sensor input voltage Vs and the various
500      Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                                                                C         Z2 =
            Z1 = R                                                               jωC

                                                       I                               +        | V2 | IZ2   1
V1      I                                                                                             =    =
                                                                                                | V1 | IZ1 ωCR
                                                                                       | V2 |               1  V
                                                                                              = 1 for ωc =    = 2
_                                                                                      | V1 |              CR V1

                                           | V2 |
                                           | V1 |
            0 dB

                                      ωc                       ω
                                   Bode plot
     Figure 25 Amplifier diagram and Bode plot.

                              Rs                                           R1

                                                                    3000 ohms
                           2000 ohms
                     Vs                                              I2



                                      1000 ohms                                                   Computer processing
                                                                                                         of Vo

     Figure 26 Operational amplifier circuit.

     resistor values. Develop equations for impedance of total circuit, voltages, and cur-
     rents, using Figure 26 as a guide.
          Impedance of total circuit, Z1, comprised of series and parallel resistance
Practice Problems with Solutions 1   501

                                                  ⎛ RR ⎞
                                    Z1 = (R s ) + ⎜ 1 2 ⎟ ,
                                                  ⎝ R1 + R 2 ⎠

then, the current I1 is computed as:

                                         ⎡          RR ⎤
                               I1 = Vs / ⎢( R s ) + 1 2 ⎥ .
                                         ⎣         R1 + R 2 ⎦

The current I2 is computed by dividing the voltage across it by its resistance:

                                                Vs − Vo
                                         I2 =           ,

additionally, I3 = I1 – I2, thus:

                                               ⎛ V − Vo ⎞
                                     I3 = I1 − ⎜ s
                                               ⎝ R1 ⎟

The output voltage Vo is across the resistor R3 in Figure 26:

                                           ⎡     V − Vo ⎤
                             Vo = I3 R 2 = ⎢ I1 − s       R 2,
                                           ⎣        R1 ⎥⎦

then substituting I1 in this equation produces:

                               ⎡          ⎛ R R ⎞ ⎛ V − Vo ⎞ ⎤
                     Vo = Vs / ⎢( R s ) + ⎜ 1 2 ⎟ − ⎜ s
                                          ⎝ R1 + R 2 ⎠ ⎝ R1 ⎟ ⎥ 2
                               ⎣                            ⎠⎦

The amplification factor, Vo/Vs, in Figure 26, is computed, using the foregoing equa-
tion, as follows:

                          ( R1 + R 2 ) R1                   R2
    Vo / Vs =                                         −
              (R1 − R 2 )[(R s )(R1 + R 2 ) + R1 R 2 ] (R1 − R 2 )
                                (3000 + 1000)* 3000
                                          0                          1000
            =                                                      −
              (3000 − 1000)[(2000)(3000 + 1000) + 3000 * 1000] (3000 − 1000)
                            12, 000, 000
            =                                           − 0.5000
              (2000)[(2000)(4000) + 3, 000, 000]
              12, 000, 000
            =                − 0.5 = 0.5454 − 0.5000 = 0.0454.
              22, 000, 000

The interpretation of this result is that 1°C measured by the temperature sensor cor-
responds to Vs = 1 V on input, increased by the operational amplifier to 0.0454 V
on output.
502        Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications

                          ____                        ____
                D1(t) = X1 (t)           Q1(t + 1) = X1 (t)        D2(t) = X2(t)                    Q2 (t + 1) = X2(t)
                   Q1(t) = X1 (t)                                        Q2(t) = X1(t)

                                      Q1 (t +1)= X1(t)                 ___       ____
                  Q1 (t) = X1(t)                                     Q 2 (t) = X1 (t)    ___          ____
                                                                                         Q 2 (t +1) = X 2 (t)


    800 Hz                                                                      motors generate 400 Hz flip-flop signals


    Figure 27 Motor circuit.

Table 9     D Flip-Flop Truth Table

                     D1 (t ) =       Q1 (t ) =     Q1 (t + 1)   Q1 (t + 1)    D2(t) =    Q2(t) =     Q2(t + 1)       Q 2 (t + 1)
X1(t)     X2(t)       X1 (t )         X1 (t )       = X1 (t )    = X1 (t )     X2(t)      X1(t)       = X2(t)         = X 2 (t )

0          0              1             1             1            0               0           0             0           1
0          1              1             1             1            0               1           0             1           0
1          0              0             0             0            1               0           1             0           1
1          1              0             0             0            1               1           1             1           0

    Problem 56
    It is required to determine the clock frequency in Figure 27, given that the output
    frequency for the motors is 400 Hz.
          Solution: Using the truth table in Table 9, it can be seen that the flip-flop next
             state outputs Q1 (t + 1) and Q2 (t + 1), which are connected to the motors,
             change state only when the motor variables change (X1 = 0 → 1 and
             X2 = 1 → 0), indicated by the bolded items, requiring two clock pulses.
             Therefore, the input clock frequency = 800 Hz, as shown in Figure 27.

    Shifting Circuits

    Problem 57
       Given: Arithmetic right shifting circuit in Figure 28, where the initial value of
          D2D1D0 = 001.
Practice Problems with Solutions 1   503

                 Right shift

                 0     0       1         Initial state

                 D2   D1       D0

                                                                 D2 = D1 XOR D0

Figure 28 Right shift operation.

Table 10    Shifting Circuit Truth Table
 Operation                              D2               D1        D0       D2 = D1 + D0
 Initial state                           0               0          1
 D2 = D1 + D0                            1               0          1              1
 Right shift                        0 (insert 0)         1          0
 D2 = D1 + D0                            1               1          0              1
 Right shift                        0 (insert 0)         1          1
 D2 = D1 + D0                            0               1          1              0
 Right shift, repeated              0 (insert 0)         0          1
 state, with Initial state

How many nonrepeating states are required for the counter to complete its cycle?
     First, notice the XOR (Exclusive OR) logical property: D2 = D1  D0 (D2 = 0,
if D1 and D0 are the same, and D2 = 1, if D1 and D0 are different). Then, referencing
the truth table in Table 10, you can see that the circuit transitions through seven
states when the initial state is repeated at the seventh state.

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  • 1. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 These practice problems are related to the following chapters: Chapter 1: Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design Chapter 2: Case Study in Computer Design Chapter 6: Network Systems Chapter 9: Programming Languages Chapter 10: Operating Systems Chapter 11: Software Reliability and Safety In addition, there are circuit analysis problems that support Chapters 1 and 2. CHAPTER 1 (DIGITAL LOGIC AND MICROPROCESSOR DESIGN) AND CHAPTER 2 (CASE STUDY IN COMPUTER DESIGN) Number Representation in Floating-Point Format Problem 1 Given: S is a sign bit where 0 indicates positive 1 and 0 indicates negative; exponent is a 7-bit excess 64 power of 2; mantissa is an 8-bit fraction. Problem: A 16-bit word, N = 400016, represents what decimal numeric value? Solution: 400016 = 0100 0000 0000 0000 Sign 0 = positive, mantissa = 0000 0000, excess 64 power of 2 exponent = 1000000 – 1000000 = 0 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications, First Edition. Norman F. Schneidewind. © 2012 the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 466
  • 2. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 467 Byte 0 Byte 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Sign Excess 64 Exponent Normalized Mantissa 2(e–64) × 0.1ffffffff 8 bits in Normalized Mantissa: “1” in left-most bit position Figure 1 Floating point format. Answer: N = 0 (2)0 = 0.0 Mantissa Exponent Problem 2 Given: The floating point format design shown in Figure 1. Problem: Can the decimal number 111.875 be stored in this format? If not, what decimal values can be stored? Solution: 111.875 cannot be stored because the mantissa 0.875 requires more than 8 bits. However, 118.75 can be stored because this mantissa 0.75 requires only 7 bits, as shown in the following number conversions: 0.87510 = 0.361116 = 0.110110 10112: 10 bits, 0.7510 = 0.41116 = 0.100 10112: 7 bits 3 6 11 4 11 These conversions are achieved by successively dividing the decimal number by 16, recording the remainders, and assigning the remainders to the hexadecimal numbers in reverse order. Encoding One-Hot Encoding One-hot encoding is a type of data encoding in which an individual flip-flop is dedi- cated to only one state of the data. Thus, only one flip-flop, which stores the data, can be active, or hot, at a time. Problem 3 Given: A central processing unit (CPU) is designed with one-hot encoding. This CPU cycles through 16 states and produces 32 control signals (one for flip- flop output high and one for output low, for each of 16 states). Problem: How many flip-flops are required? Answer: Sixteen are required, corresponding to each of the 16 states.
  • 3. 468 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Table 1 Hamming Code Words D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 I3 I2 I1 P2 I0 P1 P0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Error Detection and Correction The Hamming Code is a type of error detection and correction code that uses parity bits as a check for possible errors in the information bits. It is capable of detecting two bits in error and correcting one. D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 Data bit positions I3 I2 I1 P2 I0 P1 P0 Code word Parity bits (P) are located in data bit positions P0, P1, and P2. Information bits (I3, I2, I1, I0) are located in the remaining bit positions. Problem 4 Given: Hamming code words in Table 1. One of the code words has information bits 11102. Problem: What is the correct Hamming Code word? Solution: Only the first code word has the required information bits (in red). Therefore, the code word is 11110002. Parity Error Detection In even parity error detection, if the number of one bits, including the parity bit, is an even number, the data are assumed to be correct; otherwise, a one-bit error is assumed. In odd parity error detection, if the number of one bits, including the parity bit, is an odd number, the data are assumed to be correct; otherwise, a one-bit error is assumed. Thus, parity error detection can detect one-bit errors but cannot correct these errors. If a parity error is detected at the receiver, a negative acknowledgement is sent to the transmitter to retransmit the message. Problem 5 Problem: It is desired to use even parity error detection in a digital circuit, where P is the parity bit. Which of the data below would generate even parity error signals? P 0010 odd (error) 0100 odd (error) 0101 even (correct) 0111 odd (error)
  • 4. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 469 Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) This is a sophisticated error detection and correction process that uses mathematical polynomials for detecting and correcting multiple errors. A message of degree n is the polynomial M(x) is: xn + xn−1 + xn−2 + . . . + x0. The sender and receiver must agree on a generator polynomial G(x) of degree k ≤ n in advance of transmission. Both the high and low bits of G(x) must be 1. M(x) must be longer than G(x). k zeros are appended to M(x), yielding the transmitted message T(x) = M(x) xk. The remaining operations are shown in the following example: Example: M(x ) = x 2 + x + 1 = 111 Use G(x) = x + 1 = 11 because M(x) can be divided by G(x) (i.e., the degree of G(x) = 1 ≤ degree of M(x) = 2). k = degree 1, therefore append one zero to M(x), yielding the following trans- mitted message: T(x) = M(x)x k = x 3 + x 2 + x = 2 3 + 2 2 + 21 = 1410 = 111016. Divide T(x) by G(x), using modulo 2 division, and record remainder R(x), using modulo 2 division: 100 ) 11 110 . 11 001 00 010 00 R(x ) = 10 Now, subtract remainder R(x) = 10 from M(x)xk = 1110, using Exclusive Or sub- traction (modulo 2): M(x )x k ⊕ R(x ) = 1110 ⊕ 10 = 1100. At the receiver, divide (M(x)xk R(x)) by G(x) and check for zero remainder. If this is the case, there is no error in transmission; otherwise, there are one or more errors, so retransmit:
  • 5. 470 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications 100 ) 11 1100 11 000 00 00 Check: 12/3 = 4. The remainder is zero, so there is no error in transmission. Problem 6 Given: CRC polynomial: x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 = x16 + x12 + x5 + x0 = 216 + 212 + 25 + 1 = 65536 + 4096 + 32 + 1 Problem: What is the hexadecimal equivalent of this CRC polynomial? The solution is obtained by placing ones in the power of twos positions, cor- responding to the decimal numbers as follows: x16 + x12+ x5 + 1 = 1 0001 0000 0010 0001 = 1102116 65536 4096 32 1 Proof: x16 + x12 + x5 + 1 = 69,66510. Convert 1102116 to base 10: (1*16 4 ) + (1*163 ) + (2*161 ) + (1*160 ) = 65, 536 + 4, 096 + 32 + 1 = 69, 665 Instruction Formats Problem 7 Given: The instruction register below contains AB616 as the next instruction to be executed. Assuming this is an add accumulator to operand at effective address instruction, the instruction format is the following: 11 10 7 6 0 Op Code Address Instruction register 1 0101 011 0110 Indirect address indicator Identify the op code bits: Bolded bits are op code bits: AB616 = 1010 1011 0110 (hexadecimal converted to binary) Solution: Using indirect addressing as signified by bit 11 = 1: Op code bits = bits 10:7 = 0101: add accumulator + operand at effective address 011 0110 (address located at 011 0110).
  • 6. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 471 Problem 8 Given: The above instruction format in Problem 7 of 12 bits per word. Problem: What is the maximum memory size in bits? Answer: There are 27 addresses, each of which is 12 bits long. Therefore, memory size = 12 × 27 bits = 12 × 128 = 1536 bits. Pipeline Systems Number of clock cycles required in pipelined system = Number of clock cycles required in conventional system – Number of overlapped clock cycles in pipelined system = mn – (m – 1)(n – 1), where m is the number of instructions and n is the number of clock cycles required by the first instruction. This is the case because for the first instruction, there is no preceding instruction to overlap with. Therefore, there are m – 1 overlapped instructions. Also, the last clock cycle of the m – 1 over- lapped instructions are not overlapped with a clock cycle of the preceding instruc- tions, yielding (m – 1)(n – 1) overlapped clock cycles in a pipeline system. Problem 9 There are four instructions in a pipelined system. How many clock cycles are required to execute the four instructions? Solution: The first instruction requires n = 4 clock cycles and each of the remain- ing (m – 1) instructions require only 1 clock cycle because these (m – 1) instruc- tions are overlapped with the preceding instructions, yielding n + (m – 1) = 4 + 3 clock cycles. Problem 10 What is the increase in speed of the pipelined system in Problem 9 versus a non- pipelined system? Solution: The speed ratio = Number of clock cycles required in conventional system/Number of clock cycles required in a pipelined system = mn/ (m + n – 1) = 16/7 = 2.286. If m is large, the increase in speed approaches the maximum speed of n clock cycles per instruction. Problem 11 Pipeline throughput is defined as the number of instructions, m, per total clock cycle time required to process m instructions = (m instructions)/((number of clock cycles per instruction*time per clock cycle)) = (m)/(m + n – 1)T, where T is clock cycle time per instruction. For a typical microprocessor with a clock speed of 10 MHz (107 cycles per second), T = 1/107 seconds. What is the throughput for a four-instruction pipeline? Solution: m/((m + n – 1)T) = 4/((7)(1/107))) = (4)(107)/7 = 5.71 million instruc- tions per second. Problem 12 Pipeline efficiency is computed as: actual speed increase/maximum speed increase.
  • 7. 472 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications What is the efficiency for the pipeline in Problem 10? Solution: (mn/(mn/m + n – 1))/n = 2.286/4 = 0.5715. Problem 13 What governs the clock cycle frequency of a pipeline system? Solution: The pipeline with the slowest processing time. Problem 14 What is needed to maintain performance in a pipeline system, when needed resources such as hardware are not available? Solution: More resources can be employed, if available, or the pipeline can be stalled (e.g., no instructions executed until needed hardware is available). Problem 15 How many instructions can a nonpipeline computer execute at a time? Solution: Only one instruction at a time. Shifting and Comparators Problem 16 What is the process and purpose of the arithmetic right shift? Solution: Arithmetic right shifting is performed to divide a quantity by 2n and round down (“0” inserted in least significant bit [LSB] position), where n is the number of bits shifted. The sign bit is preserved in the right shift. Problem 17 What is the process and purpose of the arithmetic left shift? Solution: Multiply a quantity by 2n. The sign bit is lost because the high order data bit is shifted into the sign position. Problem 18 What is the process and purpose of the right rotate logical shift and the left rotate logical shift? Solution: The right and left rotate logical shifts can be used, for example, to identify whether database application A or B should be executed dependent on a series of bits in a register (0 for application A and 1 for application B). For each shift of one bit, A or B would be selected. See Figure 2 for details of the four shifting operations, where for each operation, one bit is shifted. Problem 19 How can a circuit be designed to analyze branch instruction logic in a program? Solution: Figure 3 shows how a comparator and its accompanying shift control logic can be designed to determine whether data originally in registers A and B, and then transferred to busses A and B, have the relationships A = B,
  • 8. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 473 Right Arithmetic Shift lost 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 + 11 divide by 2n and round down 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 +5 sign bit preserved n = number of bits shifted sign bit lost Left Arithmetic Shift 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 + 11 multiply by 2n 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 + 22 inserted Right Rotate Logical Shift 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Left Rotate Logical Shift 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 Figure 2 Shifting operations. A B, or A B. Thus, in a program, branch 1 would be taken if A = B; branch 2 would be taken if A B; and branch 3 would be taken if A B. Problem 20 Figure 4 shows that the hexadecimal quantity 5A has experienced a rotated left shift of 3 bit positions. What is the resultant quantity in hexadecimal and decimal? Solution: As the conversion operation in Figure 4 shows, the result is D2 in hexadecimal and 210 decimal.
  • 9. A Bus A=B Comparator B Bus AB AB B Register A Register A Q1 A Q1 D Q4 D Q4 Shift Control ENB ENB Figure 3 Comparator circuit. 5 A Original 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 Rotate 3 Bit Positions Left 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 D 2 D216 (13 * 16) + 2 = 208 + 2 = 21010 Figure 4 Rotate left shift operation. Outputs ___ ___ ___ A BC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ A BC A B CP A BCP ___ ___ Odd Parity (P) A B C A ___ =1 A BC Generator ___ ___ 3-to-8 ___ ___ ABC A B CP AB C P B Decoder ___ ABC ___ C AB C ABC ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Inputs A BCP ABC P Odd Parity (P) =0 Generator ___ ___ ___ 23 (inputs) = 8 outputs ABCP ABC P Figure 5 Decoder circuit. 474
  • 10. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 475 Table 2 Decoder Circuit Parity Generation A B C P 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 Decoders A decoder is a combinational circuit that selects one of n inputs and produces 2n outputs, where n is the number of input bits, as shown in Figure 5. Problem 21 Given: Decoder circuit in Figure 5, showing selected n inputs and 2n outputs, with an odd parity generator that signifies no error, if the number of output bits, including the parity bit, is odd. Problem: How many outputs are required to address the inputs A, B, C in the decoder circuit? Solution: Figure 5 shows that when there are three inputs to the decoder, eight outputs are required. In addition, Table 2 shows the parity that is required to ensure no error for the various input combinations. Flip-Flop Circuits J-K flip-flop next state output Q(t + 1) is a function of inputs J and K, and present state flip-flop outputs Q(t) and Q(t ): Q(t + 1) = JQ(t ) + KQ(t ) Problem 22 Given: Figure 6 shows a J-K flip-flop circuit that includes six gates. The current flip-flop state Q1Q2Q3 = 100. Problem: (a) Identify the types of gates. Solution: EXCLUSIVE OR: Gates 1 and 3; NAND: Gates 2, 4, and 6; EXCLU- SIVE OR: Gate 5.
  • 11. 476 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Gate 2 Gate 1 A ____ ___ ___ AB = A + B _______ ___ ___ A A +B = A B B B Q2 (t + 1) Q1 (t + 1) J2 Q2 J1 Q1 __________ __________ Gate 3 ___ Q1 (t +1) Q 2 (t + 1) K1 Q1 K2 ___ C Q2 ______ ___ ___ Gate 4 D C+D = C D Q3 (t + 1) J3 Q3 ____ ___ ___ __________ CD = C + D Q3 (t +1) Gate 5 ___ E ___ ___ K3 Q3 E F+ E F F Gate 6 ___ ___ E F Figure 6 J-K flip-flop circuit. Problem: (b) Determine the output of each gate. Solution: See Figure 6. Problem: (c) Determine the next state of the flip-flop outputs. Solution: Q1 (t + 1) = J1 Q1 (t ) + K1Q(t ) = (AB)(0) + (C + D)(1) = C + D Q 2 (t + 1) = J 2 Q 2 (t ) + K 2 Q 2 (t ) = (A + B)(1) + (CD)(0) = A + B Q 3 (t + 1) = J 3 Q 3 (t ) + K 3 Q3 (t ) = (EF + EF )(1) + (E + F )(0) = EF + EF Multiplexers The multiplexer circuit in Figure 7 produces a single output Y for four inputs, x0, x1, x2, and x3, depending on the values of the selector bits, s0, s1, using an OR output function. Problem 23 Develop the output functions for the multiplexer circuit in Figure 7. Solution: Figure 7 shows the output function.
  • 12. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 477 Multiplexer Circuit Selector ___ s0 s0 Input ___ ___ x0 s 0 s1 x 0 Selector ___ s1 s1 ___ s 0 s1x1 Output x1 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ s0 s1 x 2 Y = s0 s1 x 0 + s 0 s1x1 + s 0 s1 x 2 + s 0s1x 3 Input x2 s0s1x3 Input x3 Demultiplexer Circuit Selector Outputs s0 ___ ___ Y0 = s 0 s1 x Input x Selector s1 ___ Y1 = s 0 s1x ___ Y2 = s 0 s1 x Y3 = s0s1x Figure 7 Multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits. Demultiplexers A demultiplexer causes an input x to be transferred to one of 2n output lines, where n is the number of select inputs in Figure 7. Problem 24 Develop the output functions for the demultiplexer circuit in Figure 7. Solution: Figure 7 shows the output functions. Timing Relationships Problem 25 Given: Timing relationships pertaining to D flip-flops in Figure 8. Problem: What is the timing diagram for input signals A and M and what is the value of the output?
  • 13. 478 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications A Input A D Q AB D Q 5 Mhz B 10 Mhz Clock Input B 10 Mhz 10 Mhz Clock Input A 5 Mhz 10 Mhz Input B 5 Mhz Output AB Figure 8 Timing relationships. Solution: Figure 8 shows that by virtue of ANDing inputs A and B, the output = AB. The timing diagram shows that output AB has a frequency of 5 MHz governed by the durations of the 10 MHz clock when both inputs A and B are positive. Programmable Logic Array (PLA) A PLA consists of programmable AND and OR gates. It can be programmed to implement a Boolean sum of product terms. Problem 26 Draw a logic diagram showing how the PLA should be designed to implement the functions Z 2 = AB + BC, Z1 = AB + AC, and Z 0 = AC + BC. Solution: The design is shown in Figure 9.
  • 14. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 479 Internal Structure of PLA A AND Gate Inputs B Array C Z2 OR Gate Z1 Outputs Array Z0 ___ A A ___ B B ___ C AND Array C ___ ___ OR Array AB ___ ___ Z2 = A B + BC ___ ___ AC ___ ___ BC Z1 = A B + AC AC ___ ___ Z0 = A C + BC Figure 9 Programmable logic array. State Machine Diagrams As Figure 10 shows, state transition diagrams are useful for tracking state transitions in a digital system. For example, in Figure 10, state transitions are triggered by switch openings and closings, which cause transitions from present states to next states.
  • 15. 480 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications State Transition Condition SW = 0 SW = 0 SW = 1 Switch State 0 State 1 SW = 1 SW = 1 SW = 0 SW = 1 SW = 0 State 3 State 2 SW: switch = 0, closed, switch = 1 open Figure 10 Switch state diagram. SW, switch. SW = 0, closed; SW = 1, open. Table 3 Switch State Transition Table Present switch condition Present state State transition condition Next state SW = 0 0 SW = 0 0 SW = 0 0 SW = 1 1 SW = 1 1 SW = 0 1 SW = 0 1 SW = 1 2 SW = 1 2 SW = 1 2 SW = 1 2 SW = 0 3 SW = 0 3 SW = 0 3 SW = 0 3 SW = 1 0 Problem 27 Develop the state transition table corresponding to Figure 10. Solution: See Table 3. Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop Circuit The output state Q(t + 1) of a D flip-flop is governed by the falling edge of the clock pulse in Figure 11: Q(t + 1) = D on the falling edge. Problem 28 Given the characteristic of the D flip-flop, draw the timing diagram for the circuit in Figure 11. Solution: See Figure 11.
  • 16. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 481 M Q1 (t + 1) = M N Q2 (t + 1) = N D1 Q (t) = 0 D2 Q2(t) = 0 1 __________ ___ _________ ___ ______ Q 2 (t +1) = N ___ Q1 (t + 1) = M Q 2 (t) = 1 Q1 (t) = 1 Clock Clock Q1 (t + 1) = M Triggered on falling edge _________ ___ Q1 (t + 1) = M Q2 (t + 1) = N __________ ___ Q 2 (t +1) = N Figure 11 Edge-triggered flip-flop circuit. State Machine Design The design of state machines involves identifying states, state transitions, and the sequences of state transitions, where a sequence is the order in which transitions occur. Problem 29 For the elevator example in Figure 12, identify the correct sequence of state transitions. Solution: As seen in Figure 12 and based on the logic of elevator operations, the correct sequence is: (current floor (Nc) → request floor (Nr) → destina- tion floor (Nd)) or (request floor (Nr) → destination floor (Nd)). Problem 30 In Figure 12, what are the next states for current state 3 and what are the correspond- ing state transitions? Solution: Referring to Figure 12, the next state 3 is caused by elevator staying at Nd1; the next state 4 is caused by elevator going to Nr2.
  • 17. 482 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Elevator stays at Nc1 START Elevator at Nr1 go to Nr1 Elevator at Nc1 State 1 State 2 go to Nd1 Elevator stays at Nd1 go to Nr2 go to Nd3 Elevator at Nd1 State 3 Elevator at Nd3 State 5 go to Nr2 State 4 go to Nd3 Elevator at Nr2 Elevator stays at Nd3 Elevator stays at Nr2 FINISH Figure 12 State machine example. Nc, current floor; Nr, request floor; Nd, destination floor. Numbers designate specific floor. Problem 31 In Figure 12, give an example of an illegal state transition. Solution: State 2 → State 4 is illegal because it would be illogical to transition from one request floor to another request floor without first going to a des- tination floor. CHAPTER 9 (PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES) AND CHAPTER 10 (OPERATING SYSTEMS) Queue Data Structure One approach for managing data and instructions is the queue that uses a first-in, first-out discipline. An application is the processing by a microprocessor, on a non- priority basis, of a stream of inputs. Problem 32 For an input of KJIHGFEDCBA, what is the output order for a first-in, first-out discipline? Solution: Figure 13 shows the output ordering of the input data. Stack Data Structure Another one of the important software design approaches is to use the push-down stack, which is particularly valuable when interrupts occur and it is necessary to service the interrupts and later return to the main program. The stack facilitates this process by pushing the contents of the program counter and special registers onto a
  • 18. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 483 KJIHGFEDCBA First-in, first-out K J I H G F E D C B A Inputs Computer Queue Outputs Queue Processing Inputs ABCDEFGHIJK A B Outputs Push down data on stack Computer C Last-in, first-out D E F G H I J K Stack Stack Processing Figure 13 Queue and stack processing. memory area called the stack. The stack operates on a last-in, first-out basis, meaning that the register contents that were last pushed are on the top of the stack, for example, the program counter, so that the program is pointing to the address of the next instruction to be executed. Problem 33 For an input of ABCDEFGHIJK, what is the output order for a last-in, first-out discipline? Solution: Figure 13 shows the output ordering of the input data. Instructions Designed to Perform Functions Instruction sequences can be designed to perform certain functions such as generat- ing a square wave in a register, using a set of binary bits to represent the output (i.e., square wave), or generating a Fibonacci number sequence. Problem 34 Show how a square wave can be generated, using an accumulator, input register A, and output register B. Solution: See Figure 14 for the result.
  • 19. 484 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Clear Accumulator 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Accumulator NOT Accumulator 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Logical Right Shift Accumulator 2 Bits 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Input Register A Subtract Register A from Accumulator 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Accumulator Transfer Accumulator to Register B 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Output Register B Output Square Wave Figure 14 Square wave generation. Problem 35 Produce a program to compute Fibonacci numbers, where a Fibonacci number is defined as the sum of the previous two numbers, for example, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 13. Solution: Table 4 shows the program. Software Specifications Problem 36 What must software specifications contain to be complete? Solution: There must be details of expected inputs and outputs, details of pro- cessing requirements, and details of design requirements.
  • 20. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 485 Table 4 Fibonacci Number Program Command Description i=0 Set first Fibonacci number index n(i), n(i + 1) = 1 Set first two Fibonacci numbers = 1 While (i N) do Functions F and C Keep inputting and computing while i N Fibonacci numbers Function F (input n(i)) Input Fibonacci number = n(i) Function C (n(i) + n(i + 1)) Compute Fibonacci number Function C (n(i) + n(i + 1)) → output Output Fibonacci number i=i+1 Increment Fibonacci number index Return (While) Continue with Functions F and C Passenger 1 Use Case 1. Request up elevator 2. Request floor 8 3. Queue passenger 1 request if queue 0; if queue =0, go to floor 8 7. Door opens Elevator System 4. Request down elevator 5. Request floor 1 8. Door opens Collaborative Diagram 6. Queue passenger 2 request if queue 0; if queue = 0, go to floor 1 Use Case Passenger Class Elevator Class Passenger 1 Object Floor 1 Object Passenger 2 Passenger 2 Object Floor 8 Object Class Diagram Figure 15 Object-oriented conceptual model. Problem 37 The object-oriented design process involves specifying a conceptual model, which consists of actors, uses cases, classes, objects comprising a class, and operations. With this definition in mind, draw the design process for an elevator example. Solution: The object-oriented design process is shown in Figure 15.
  • 21. 486 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Passenger Floor Input Elevator Request Module Floor Requests Elevator System Module Floor Requests Parameters (floor locations) Queue Analysis Module Floor Travel Operations (travel direction floor locations) Floor Module Outputs (arrive at desired floors) Figure 16 Structured design diagram. Structure Chart Problem 38 For a structure chart, we need to know: (1) all the modules in the chart, (2) all the data items in the chart, (3) the organization of the modules, and (4) all the com- munications among modules. Using this concept, design a structure chart for the elevator system depicted in Figure 15. Solution: The structure chart design is shown in Figure 16. CHAPTER 11: SOFTWARE RELIABILITY AND SAFETY Quality Assurance Integration Testing Integration testing can be accomplished either in a top-down or bottom-up fashion. In bottom-up testing, drivers are required for modules at a higher level to call
  • 22. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 487 modules at a lower level, and test cases are required for doing integrated testing between modules at higher and lower levels. A disadvantage of bottom-up testing is that the most important modules—those at the top level—are not tested first. On the other hand, top-down testing is more complex. For this type of testing, stubs are required that simulate the lower level module data and instructions, which have not yet been tested, for the benefit of higher level modules. Problem 39 Design top-down and bottom-up testing schemes for modules A, B, C, D, and E. Solution: The testing schemes are shown in Figure 17. These types of tests assist in the verification process that is aimed at assuring that the testing schemes are faithful to the software design. In addition, these tests are augmented by inspections, which are a peer review process for examining code to help assure its correctness. Array and Matrices Arrays are one-dimensional data structures with values and indices that point to the values, such as the adjacency list in Figure 18. Matrices are two-dimensional data structures that have two sets of indices, one to point to values in one of the dimen- sions, and another set to point to values in the second dimension. An adjacency list can be used for this purpose. Some problems involving arrays and matrices are concerned with efficient processing when the matrix is sparse (i.e., many zero elements in matrix). In this case, an adjacency list (pointers to nonzero elements) combined with a linked list can be used. For an n × n matrix with zero elements, the number of nonzero elements that would make the link list superior to a matrix can be computed. Problem 40 Portray the two data structure alternatives, described above, and compute the storage requirement for the two alternatives. Solution: Figure 18 shows the logic of the alternatives and the computation of the competing storage requirements. Problem 41 Using the result obtained in Problem 39, compute the number of zero entries Z and the number of nonzero entries N. Solution: Matrix storage requirement (matrix plus pointers): 32n2 + 32n Link list storage requirement (linked list plus pointers): 32n + 64(n2 – Z) 32 n 2 + 32 n = 32 n + 64(n 2 − Z), 64 Z = 32 n 2, zero entries Z = 0.5n2, N = n2 – 0.5 n2 = 0.5 n2 In other words, for this problem, the number of nonzero entries equals the number of zero entries. If Z were larger, the linked list would require less storage than the matrix.
  • 23. 488 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Test Cases for Test Modules A, B, A,B,C,D, Module A C, D, E, F, G E,F, G Driver for Module D Driver for Module C Test Cases for Driver for Module B Modules D, G Test Cases for Test Test Test C Modules B, E, M odul e B M od u l e C D, G M o du l e D B, E, F F Driver for Module F Driver for Module G Driver fo Module E Test G Module G Test E Module E Test F Module F Bottom-Up Testing Test Case for Module A Test A Module A Stub for Testing A with D Stub for Testing A with B Stub for Testing A with C Test Test Test Module B Module C M o du l e D A, B A, C A, D Stub for Testing A, B, E Stub for Testing A, C, F Stub for Testing A, D, G Test Test Test Module E Module F Module G A, B, E A, C, F A, D, G Stub for Testing A, C, F Stub for Testing A, D, G Stub for Testing A, B, E Test A,B,C, D, E,F,G Top-Down Testing Figure 17 Integrated testing designs.
  • 24. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 489 n × n matrix (32-bit elements) adjacency list (pointers to nonzero elements) linked list (64-bit elements) nonzero element 1 1 32-bit pointer only nonzero elements 32-bit pointer 0 zero element n2 – Z nonzero elements 32(n2 + n) bits storage requirement 32n + 64(n2 – Z) bits storage requirement n entries array Figure 18 Array and matrix data structure design. Z, number of zero elements. Nested Program Logic The number of paths (i.e. number of program executions or number of calls) in a nested program can be determined by drawing a flow chart, as shown in Figure 19. Problem 42 Based on Figure 19, what is the formula for computing the number of paths? Solution: See Figure 19. CHAPTER 6: NETWORK SYSTEMS Network Diameter The network diameter is the maximum of the distances between all possible pairs of nodes (e.g., computers) of a graph of a network, without backtracking (i.e., revisit- ing a node on a path). This concept is used for identifying the maximum distance data would have to travel in a network. The appropriate bandwidth would be pro- grammed to meet this requirement. Problem 43 Given: Figure 20 showing network connections. Determine the network diameter. Solution: The various paths, links, and maximum number of links are shown in Table 5, based on the network topology in Figure 20, yielding diameter = 4 links (A → E → B → C → D).
  • 25. 490 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications i=0 j=0 For i = 1 to ni For j = 1 to nj Compute Function A(i) Compute Function B(j) i=i+1 j=j+1 Number of Paths = ni, nj Figure 19 Flow chart problem.
  • 26. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 491 Paths: A, B A, E, B Link A → B Link B → C A, B, C Node A Node B Node C A, E, B, C A, E, D, C Link A → E A, B, C, D A, E, B, C , D Link B δ E Link D → C A, E, D Link C → D Link E → B A, E A, B, C, D, E A, B, E Link E → D Node E Node D B, C B, E Link D → E B, C, D, E B, E, D B, C, D C, D C, D, E C, D, E, B D, E D, E, B D, E, B, C E, B E, B, C E, B, C, D E, D Figure 20 Network connectivity. Problem 44 What series of instruction functions will generate a square wave with a 50% duty cycle to control the output of data on a network? Show the instructions and their functions and the results of the instruction functions executions. Solution: Table 6 shows the instruction functions and Table 7 shows the results of the instruction functions executions. Analog-to-Digital Conversion to Support Network Operations Problem 45 Given: Analog-to-digital converter network support circuit diagram in Figure 21. What address is used to access network Channel B of the converter? Solution: The circuit diagram shows how the address bits (01000000) are con- figured to support the access of network Channel B at address 4016.
  • 27. 492 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Table 5 Network Connectivity Path Links Number of links A→B A→B 1 A→E→B A → E, E → B 2 A→B→C A → B, B → C 2 A→E→B→C A → E, E → B, B → C 3 A→E→D→C A → E, E → D, D → C 3 A→B→C→D A → B, B → C, C → D 3 A→E→B→C→D A → E, E → B, B → C, C → D 4 A→E→D A → E, E → D 2 A→E A→E 1 A→B→C→D→E A → B, B → C, C → D, D → E 4 A→B→E A → B, B → E 2 B→C B→C 1 B→E B→E 1 B→C→D→E B → C, C → D, D → E 3 B→E→D B → E, E → D 2 B→C→D B → C, C → D 2 C→D C→D 1 C→D→E C → D, D → E 2 C→D→E→B C → D, D → E, E → B 3 D→E D→E 1 D→E→B D → E, E → B 2 D→E→B→C D → E, E → B, B → C 3 E→B E→B 1 E→B→C E → B, B → C 2 E→B→C→D E → B, B → C, C → D 3 E→D E→D 1 Hubs versus Switches Problem 46 Figure 22 demonstrates that compared with hubs, switches increase bandwidth (no collisions) and security (memory of switches provides security checking). Why is this the case? Solution: Because collisions are possible using hubs but not possible using switches. Connection Hijacking Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) session hijacking occurs when a hacker takes over a TCP session during a session between two computers. Since most
  • 28. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 493 Table 6 Instruction Functions Instruction Function CLR (clear accumulator) 0 → ACC IN B (transfer “1” from input device to 1→B register B) ADD (add register B = 1 to accumulator) ACC = ACC + B SHR (shift accumulator logical right 4 bits) ACC [7:4] → ACC [3:0], 0 → ACC [7:4] SHL (shift accumulator logical lift 2 bits) ACC [7:2] ← ACC [5:0], ACC [1:0] ← 0 OUT (out put accumulator to register C) ACC → C Table 7 Square Wave Instruction Function Execution Results Instruction Instruction result Square wave result CLR (clear accumulator) 0 → ACC IN B (transfer “1” from 1→B input device to register B) ADD (add register ACC = ACC + B B = 1 to accumulator) SHR (shift accumulator ACC [7:0] → ACC [3:0], logical right 4 bits) 0 → ACC [7:4] SHL (shift accumulator ACC [7:2] ← ACC [5:0], logical lift 2 bits) ACC [1:0] ← 0 OUT (out put ACC → C accumulator to register C) 2n = 8, n = 3 Analog-to-digital converter Address: A11,...,A0 3 to 8 decoder A11 = 0 Address S0 A10 = 1 D0 B0 = 0 S1 A9 = 0 D1 B1 = 0 Channel A Computer S2 D2 = 1 D2 B2 = 0 Select D3 Select B3 = 0 Generated address = 4016 D4 B4 = 0 D5 B5 = 0 Channel B D6 B6 = 1 D7 B7 = 0 ___ A / B select = 0 A8 Figure 21 Analog-to-digital converter circuit.
  • 29. 494 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Collisions possible Hub Router Hub Computer E Computer F Computer A Computer C Computer H Computer D Server Computer B Computer G Router Computer G Switch Computer C Switch Computer H Computer D Computer A Computer E Computer B Computer F Server Collisions not possible Increase in bandwidth Security improved because switch has memory for checking validity of data Figure 22 Hubs versus switches. authentications only occur at the start of a TCP session, this allows the hacker to gain access to a computer. A popular hacking method uses source-routed Internet Protocol (IP) packets. Source-routed packets identify the source address in the packet. A hacker at node A listens for packets originating at nodes B or C. If such traffic passes through node A, it allows the hacker to participate in a conversation between B and C. This is known as a “man-in-the-middle attack.” A common com- ponent of such an attack is to execute a denial-of-service (DoS) attack against nodes B and C. Problem 47 Draw an Internet diagram depicting the connectivity that would permit the security breaches described above. Solution: Figure 23 shows the Internet vulnerabilities that would allow security problems to occur.
  • 30. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 495 Hacker A Source Routed Source Routed IP Packets IP Packets B C TCP TCP IP TCP Session IP Data Link Data Link Physical Physical Ethernet Internet Ethernet Router HEWL ET T PACK ARD Router HEWL ETT P ACKA RD Figure 23 Internet connections. RS 232 C Data Transmission Coding efficiency is defined as the (number of data bits)/total number of bits (data plus control). Problem 48 Referencing the figure below, what is the coding efficiency? Solution: As can be seen in the figure, there are 8 data bits out of a total of 11 bits. Therefore, coding efficiency = 8/11 = 73%. 2 stop bits 8 data bits start bit Topology and Hardware Various combinations of network topology and hardware are shown in Figure 24. The main characteristic of 10 Base T Ethernet is that each computer is individually connected to a hub. The hub has no storage; therefore, data cannot be buffered. This scheme does have an advantage over the bus because, with each computer having its own connection to the hub, collisions of data on the network are avoided. Because the bus is shared by many devices, collisions on the connected Ethernets are unavoidable. However, the bus is the traditional way to connect Ethernets because this type of connection is highly standardized and economical. A later version of Ethernet uses switches to direct traffic. This configuration avoids collisions.
  • 31. 496 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications 10 Base T No collisions: dedicated connections Hub Ethernet Light traffic Ethernet Heavy traffic Bridge Heavy traffic No collisions: dedicated connections Heavy traffic Heavy traffic Heavy traffic Ethernet No collisions: dedicated Ethernet connections Switched Ethernet Switch Collisions possible: no dedicated connections Ethernet Ethernet Repeater Bus Repeater Figure 24 Network connectivity alternatives. The most rudimentary connectivity device is the repeater. Its function is to repeat a signal, necessitated by the fact that signals can lose strength in traversing a network. The bridge has storage and routing capability that allows it to transfer traffic from one network to another. The primary application of the bridge is where most of the traffic is within the connected networks, with occasional traffic between networks.
  • 32. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 497 Problem 49 In Figure 24, indicate whether collisions will or will not occur for the various con- nection methods. Solution: See annotations on Figure 24. Adjacency Matrix in Network Topology Definition: An adjacency matrix is a means of representing which vertices of a network topology graph are adjacent (i.e., directly connected by edges). Problem 50 Given: Graph of vertices Vi below. What is the adjacency matrix of vertices Vi and edges ei? V1 e1 V2 e4 e5 e2 V4 e3 V3 Solution: Using the above definition, the adjacency matrix is shown in Table 8, where “1” indicates a connection: Data Compression Data compression is used to economize on data transmission or computation by eliminating bits that are not required in an application. For example, rather than use the hexadecimal format for the input number 16 in a computation, the binary repre- sentation is used. Thus, rather than 8 bits in hexadecimal, 5 bits in binary are used in the computation. Table 8 Adjacency Matrix for Vertices Vi and Edges ei V1 V2 V3 V4 V1 0 1(e1) 0 1(e4) V2 1(e1) 0 1(e2) 1(e5) V3 0 1(e2) 0 1(e3) V4 1(e4) 1(e5) 1(e3) 0
  • 33. 498 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications Using data transmission to illustrate the decompression technique, the time required to transmit x bits of data in the noncompressed mode = x/Bn, where Bn is the bandwidth in bits per second (bps) for uncompressed data. With a compression factor r ≥ 1, data will be compressed by x/r. The time that it takes to compress and decompress x bits of data is x/Bc, where Bc is the rate of compression/decompression. Thus, the time to com- press, transmit, and decompress x bits of data is (x/Bc) + ((x/r)/Bn). Then, compassion/ decompression is beneficial if the (time to compress, transmit, and decompress x bits of data) (time required to transmit x bits of data in the noncompressed mode): (x/Bc ) + ((x/r ) /Bn ) (x/Bn ), which is equivalent to Bc ((r/ ( r −1)Bn ). 1 Problem 51 What is the value of the above inequality for r = 2? Solution: Bc 2 Bn (rate of compression/decompression (2 bandwidth in bps for uncompressed data)). Network Channel Capacity Definitions C: Channel capacity (bps) (Shannon’s theorem) BW: Bandwidth (hertz, Hz, or megahertz, MHz) S: Signal power (watts) N: Noise power (watts) No: Noise spectral density (watts/Hz or MHz) P0: Power in system 0 (watts) P1: Power in system 1 (watts) G: Gain or loss between P0 and P1 or between S and N (decibels) ⎛ ⎛ S ⎞⎞ C = BW ⎜ log2 ⎜ 1 + ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ ⎝ N ⎠⎠ Shannon Limit C = 1.44(S/N 0 ) ⎛P ⎞ G = 10 log10 ⎜ 1 ⎟ ⎝ P0 ⎠ P1 = (10)G / 10 P0 S / N = (10)G / 10 Problem 52 Given: Network channel capacity C = 22.368 bps, signal power S = 14 watts, noise power N = 2 watts.
  • 34. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 499 What is the required bandwidth BW of the network channel? Solution: C 22.368 22.368 22.368 BW = = = = = 7.456 Hz ⎛ 1 + S ⎞ log ⎛ 1 + 14 ⎞ log2 (8) log2 ⎜ 3 ⎝ N⎟ ⎠ 2⎜ ⎝ 2⎠ ⎟ Problem 53 Given: A microwave link is used to transmit binary data and has the following specifications: transmission bandwidth BW = 24 MHz, received signal-to- noise ratio = G = 20 dB. According to Shannon’s theorem, what is the network channel capacity C in mega- bits per second? Solution: ⎛ ⎛ S ⎞⎞ C = BW ⎜ log2 ⎜ 1 + ⎟ ⎟ , S / N = (10)G / 10 = (10)20 / 10 = 100 ⎝ ⎝ N⎠⎠ C = 24(log 2 (1 + 100)) = 24 MHz × (log10 (101) / log10 (2)) = 2.004 / 0.3010 = 159.80 Mbit / s Computer Circuit Analysis Bode Plot and Amplifiers A Bode plot relates the absolute value of the transfer function (|output/input|) = |V2/ V1| in Figure 25 to ω = 2πf, where f = signal frequency, for example, an audio circuit that amplifies sound in a laptop computer. Problem 54 Given: Amplifier diagram in Figure 25. Problem: Identify the transfer function. Plot the transfer function versus ω. Solution: Figure 25 shows the computation of the transfer function, according to the above definition. In addition, the figure shows the Bode plot, whose shape is governed by the fact that V2/V1 = 1/ωCR is an inverse function of ω = 2πf. Thus, V2/V1 will continually decrease with f, and the 0 dB point corresponds to ωc = 1/RC, where V2/V1 = 1. Operational Amplifier This is a direct-current circuit amplifier that can be used to, for example, boost the signal derived from a sensor to a value that can be used in computer processing. Problem 55 This problem, portrayed in Figure 26, involves determining the operational amplifier output voltage, Vo, given the temperature sensor input voltage Vs and the various
  • 35. 500 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications 1 C Z2 = Z1 = R jωC + Amplifier I + | V2 | IZ2 1 V1 I = = | V1 | IZ1 ωCR V2 _ | V2 | 1 V = 1 for ωc = = 2 _ | V1 | CR V1 V2 V1 | V2 | =1 | V1 | 0 dB ωc ω Bode plot Figure 25 Amplifier diagram and Bode plot. Rs R1 Temperature sensor 3000 ohms 2000 ohms Vs I2 I1 Operational amplifier Vo I3 R2 1000 ohms Computer processing of Vo Figure 26 Operational amplifier circuit. resistor values. Develop equations for impedance of total circuit, voltages, and cur- rents, using Figure 26 as a guide. Solution: Impedance of total circuit, Z1, comprised of series and parallel resistance circuits:
  • 36. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 501 ⎛ RR ⎞ Z1 = (R s ) + ⎜ 1 2 ⎟ , ⎝ R1 + R 2 ⎠ then, the current I1 is computed as: ⎡ RR ⎤ I1 = Vs / ⎢( R s ) + 1 2 ⎥ . ⎣ R1 + R 2 ⎦ The current I2 is computed by dividing the voltage across it by its resistance: Vs − Vo I2 = , R1 additionally, I3 = I1 – I2, thus: ⎛ V − Vo ⎞ I3 = I1 − ⎜ s ⎝ R1 ⎟ . ⎠ The output voltage Vo is across the resistor R3 in Figure 26: ⎡ V − Vo ⎤ Vo = I3 R 2 = ⎢ I1 − s R 2, ⎣ R1 ⎥⎦ then substituting I1 in this equation produces: ⎡ ⎛ R R ⎞ ⎛ V − Vo ⎞ ⎤ Vo = Vs / ⎢( R s ) + ⎜ 1 2 ⎟ − ⎜ s ⎝ R1 + R 2 ⎠ ⎝ R1 ⎟ ⎥ 2 R. ⎣ ⎠⎦ The amplification factor, Vo/Vs, in Figure 26, is computed, using the foregoing equa- tion, as follows: ( R1 + R 2 ) R1 R2 Vo / Vs = − (R1 − R 2 )[(R s )(R1 + R 2 ) + R1 R 2 ] (R1 − R 2 ) (3000 + 1000)* 3000 0 1000 = − (3000 − 1000)[(2000)(3000 + 1000) + 3000 * 1000] (3000 − 1000) 12, 000, 000 = − 0.5000 (2000)[(2000)(4000) + 3, 000, 000] 12, 000, 000 = − 0.5 = 0.5454 − 0.5000 = 0.0454. 22, 000, 000 The interpretation of this result is that 1°C measured by the temperature sensor cor- responds to Vs = 1 V on input, increased by the operational amplifier to 0.0454 V on output.
  • 37. 502 Computer, Network, Software, and Hardware Engineering with Applications ____ ____ D1(t) = X1 (t) Q1(t + 1) = X1 (t) D2(t) = X2(t) Q2 (t + 1) = X2(t) ____ Q1(t) = X1 (t) Q2(t) = X1(t) ________ _____ Q1 (t +1)= X1(t) ___ ____ Q1 (t) = X1(t) Q 2 (t) = X1 (t) ___ ____ Q 2 (t +1) = X 2 (t) CLK 800 Hz motors generate 400 Hz flip-flop signals X1(t) X2(t) Figure 27 Motor circuit. Table 9 D Flip-Flop Truth Table D1 (t ) = Q1 (t ) = Q1 (t + 1) Q1 (t + 1) D2(t) = Q2(t) = Q2(t + 1) Q 2 (t + 1) X1(t) X2(t) X1 (t ) X1 (t ) = X1 (t ) = X1 (t ) X2(t) X1(t) = X2(t) = X 2 (t ) 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 Problem 56 It is required to determine the clock frequency in Figure 27, given that the output frequency for the motors is 400 Hz. Solution: Using the truth table in Table 9, it can be seen that the flip-flop next state outputs Q1 (t + 1) and Q2 (t + 1), which are connected to the motors, change state only when the motor variables change (X1 = 0 → 1 and X2 = 1 → 0), indicated by the bolded items, requiring two clock pulses. Therefore, the input clock frequency = 800 Hz, as shown in Figure 27. Shifting Circuits Problem 57 Given: Arithmetic right shifting circuit in Figure 28, where the initial value of D2D1D0 = 001.
  • 38. Practice Problems with Solutions 1 503 Right shift 0 0 1 Initial state D2 D1 D0 D2 = D1 XOR D0 Figure 28 Right shift operation. Table 10 Shifting Circuit Truth Table Operation D2 D1 D0 D2 = D1 + D0 Initial state 0 0 1 D2 = D1 + D0 1 0 1 1 Right shift 0 (insert 0) 1 0 D2 = D1 + D0 1 1 0 1 Right shift 0 (insert 0) 1 1 D2 = D1 + D0 0 1 1 0 Right shift, repeated 0 (insert 0) 0 1 state, with Initial state How many nonrepeating states are required for the counter to complete its cycle? Solution: First, notice the XOR (Exclusive OR) logical property: D2 = D1 D0 (D2 = 0, if D1 and D0 are the same, and D2 = 1, if D1 and D0 are different). Then, referencing the truth table in Table 10, you can see that the circuit transitions through seven states when the initial state is repeated at the seventh state.