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u 5 Questions
u +5 for each
u Extra 5 if all are correct
Organisms named after famous
u The image shows Neopalpa
____________ which is a moth species of
the genus Neopalpa. Canadian
scientist Vazrick Nazari stated that the
moth was given its name because he
wanted “to bring wider public attention
to the need to continue protecting
fragile habitats that contain many
undescribed species”.
u Whom is this insect named after due to
the striking resemblance of its scales to
the hairstyle of the individual?
u The image shows an extinct species
of semiaquatic anthracothere
named ______meryx related to
hippopotamuses. It had a very
distinctive jaw line and lips and the
scientists responsible for the
discovery saw an uncanny
resemblance to X.
u FITB or identify X.
u Show here is the Agra _______________ is
a species of carabid beetle named after
X. It was named so due to the remarkable
limbs that the male species possess.
u Identify the person in question.
u Shown here is a bug named
Agathadium ______ which named
after one of the most iconic
characters from the world of
entertainment due to its similar eyes
and a shiny head. It is also said that
they do not “breathe quite so loudly”
although they are similar in looks to
the character.
u Identify.
u Psephophorus ___________ is an extinct
species named after the late author as
the world he describes in his book is a flat
world resting on three elephants standing
on the back of a giant turtle flying
through space.
u Which famous author is being referred to
in here?
u Answers..
u The image shows Neopalpa
____________ which is a moth species of
the genus Neopalpa. Canadian
scientist Vazrick Nazari stated that the
moth was given its name because he
wanted “to bring wider public attention
to the need to continue protecting
fragile habitats that contain many
undescribed species”.
u Whom is this insect named after due to
the striking resemblance of its scales to
the hairstyle of the individual?
u Answer is..
Neopalpa donaldtrumpi
u The image shows an extinct species
of semiaquatic anthracothere
named ______meryx related to
hippopotamuses. It had a very
distinctive jaw line and lips and the
scientists responsible for the
discovery saw an uncanny
resemblance to X.
u FITB or identify X.
u Answer is..
Jaggermeryx naida
u Show here is the Agra _______________ is
a species of carabid beetle named after
X. It was named so due to the remarkable
limbs that the male species possess.
u Identify the person in question.
u Answer is..
Agra schwarzeneggeri
u Shown here is a bug named
Agathadium ______ which named
after one of the most iconic
characters from the world of
entertainment due to its similar eyes
and a shiny head. It is also said that
they do not “breathe quite so loudly”
although they are similar in looks to
the character.
u Identify.
u Answer is..
Agathidium vaderi
u Psephophorus ___________ is an extinct
species named after the late author as
the world he describes in his book is a flat
world resting on three elephants standing
on the back of a giant turtle flying
through space.
u Which famous author is being referred to
in here?
u Answer is..
Psephophorus terrypratchetti
u 8 Questions
u Infinite Bounce
u Clockwise
u Pounce(+10/-5)
u Bert Patrick, the owner of Cook & Hurst Ltd, believed that England winning
the 1966 World Cup and the advent of coloured television would enable
him to persuade football clubs to accept personalised kits. Initially, the
business was aimed at the juvenile and replica markets and in the 1973–74
season, Leeds United wore the first visibly branded kit in the English top
flight, thanks to them.
u The company also brokered a deal with the Football Association in 1974
to produce the first commercially available England shirt that featured a
sportswear manufacturers logo. Thereby, pioneering the introduction and
development of replica kits.
u After facing an eventual downfall in the football market, they struck deals
with the national cricket teams of England, West Indies, South Africa and
Canada for the 2003 ICC World Cup in South Africa.
u Identify this company, which started its operations in India in 2017?
u Answer is..
u The ______ Desert is the driest desert in North America located in south-
eastern California and southern Nevada which is often referred to as
the "high desert", in contrast to the "low desert", the Sonoran Desert to
the south.
u The original spelling of the word originates from the Spanish language
while the spelling with ‘h’ replacing a letter comes from modern English.
Both are used today, although the ______ Tribal Nation officially uses the
u The word is a shortened form of Hamakhaave, endonym in native
language of the tribe, which means 'beside the water’.
u Identify the desert that came into spotlight recently for becoming #15
on a certain chronological list.
u Answer is..
u Shown on the right is a screenshot from
a recent Malayalam movie. The island
is geographically located in Munroe in
the Ashtamudi Lake and is a part of the
Islands of Kollam.
u There is a majority on social media who
believe that the island represents an X
which is synonymous with the person
after whom the island is named in the
u What is the name of the island in the
movie? Also, identify the movie.
u Answer is..
Edison Thuruth in the movie Theevandi
u The 11th of November, 2011 was a unique day as the time and date will
read the same backwards as forwards. There have already been ten
palindrome moments this century, but this was the first same-numbered
u A chapel in Las Vegas juggled three weddings at both 11.11am and
11.11pm wherein the couples got 11 roses, 11 lilies, 11 photos and was
able to view their wedding online for 11 days.
u This date is also called ________ Appreciation Day and the aficionados
called for parties wherein members wore a minimum of three items
made of ________. The ________ Appreciation Club calls the date “The
most important day, EVER,” and the club was seeking a child who
would turn eleven on the day to crown him or her “the messiah of X”.
u Answer is..
u Nicu Sebe at the University of Amsterdam in Netherlands tested
emotion-recognition software on X.
u His algorithm, developed with researchers at the University of
Illinois, examines key facial features such as the curvature of the
lips and crinkles around the eyes, then scores each face with
respect to six basic emotions. Sebe drew on a database of
young female faces to derive an average “neutral” expression,
which the software used to compare it with.
u Finally, it was concluded that X was 83 per cent happy, 9 per
cent disgusted, 6 per cent fearful and 2 per cent angry.
u What was the subject of this experiment ?
u Answer is..
u At Justus Liebig University Giessen in Germany, psychologist Roland
Fleming believes that the only reason Newton came up with ______
is because for occult reasons and it certainly has little to do with
physics and a lot more to do with the relationship between
perception and language.
u Although, each colour in the X symbol has different meanings,
including pink which is considered an eighth colour, the flag for the
same eschews ______ in its representation.
u Another example of this omission is Y which is one of the most iconic
albums covers of all time.
u Identify X, Y and FITB.
u Answer is..
The Dark Side of the Moon
by Pink Floyd
Gay Pride Flag
The disappearance of Indigo
u The selection process of these actors was very stringent. Numerous
auditions were conducted before the actors were picked up. The
next task was fitting them into the costume: the head was made of
Perspex with three holes on top for ventilation, no eyes or mouth,
and the body was a separate outfit created with foam and fibre to
create thin legs and arms.
u During one of the instances, the actors could not see what was in
front of them since they were covered in a costume and when they
had to run through a door, they actually kept running into it which
added to the humour. Another instance involved one of the actors
getting wrapped in a gift box and playing He’s a jolly good fellow to
cheer up another character. Stacey Rethman, one of the actors,
had to pop out of the gift box and start playing the instruments
when the music began. There were a lot of retakes done as the
timing had to be correct.
u What were these actors chosen for?
u Answer is..
u “Allemansrätten – or the freedom to roam – is a principle protected
by Swedish law that gives all people the right to be free in Swedish
nature. In other words, Swedish nature isn’t just a piece of land with
trees and lakes and cliffs – it’s a home with all the necessities and
amenities that any great home should have. It’s a place where you
can eat berries from the ground, sleep under the stars, swim in the
lakes and roam freely. Take a kayak out for a spin or experience the
wildlife first-hand. The only thing you have to pay, is respect for
nature and the animals living there. To make this home available for
everyone, Sweden has listed the entire country on ______. ”
u Thus, Sweden became the first country to be fully listed on ______.
u Answer is..
u 5 Questions
u +5 for each
u Extra 5 if all are correct
Based on references in Comics
u Questions 1 and 2 – XKCD Comics
u Questions 3-5 – Based on Chinchin – Chacha Chaudhary in Tintin
u Answers..
u Answer is..
u Answer is..
u Answer is..
u Answer is..
u Answer is..
u 8 Questions
u Infinite Bounce
u Anti-clockwise
u Pounce(+10/-5)
u It is already a nightmare to have a fire in the house and if the children are
sleeping despite the alarm beeping, it adds to the chaos. Researchers in
the US have discovered that when an alarm features something unique, it
is about three times more likely to wake up children, aged 5-12 years,
better than a traditional smoke alarm.
u In order to test this, each child was made to sleep in a lab-based room
that resembled a real bedroom, and were shown how to escape from
the room before they went to bed. They were woken up twice with
alarms. The results showed that about 90% of children woke for a _____
alarm compared with just over 53% for the traditional alarm. Similarly,
about 85% of children escaped the room within five minutes when an
alarm featured something, compared with just over 50% for the high-
pitched beeps.
u What is this priceless inclusion that these alarms contain?
u Answer is..
u This sport originated in England, when contenders once used to run
following the line of sight of church spires. Runners would usually
encounter streams and stonewalls while crossing towns, which is why
such challenges have also been incorporated into the present day
version of the sport.
u The participants will be disqualified if they use handicaps to help them
get through a specific task which is characteristic of the sport. In 2010,
Sapolai Yao of Papua New Guinea used a potted plant as an aid for
the task and he was disqualified.
u Identify the sport and also the characteristic feature of the sport that is
u Answer is..
Steeplechase and its water hurdle
Church spires are also called steeples
u _____ Chor is a 2012 movie directed by
Suman Ghosh and starring Mithun
Chakraborty in the lead role.
u It is a fictional account of a poor farmer,
Bhanu, who circumstantially gets involved in
an unforeseen situation. He decides to
embark on a journey to Kolkata with a view
to improve his own quality of life as well as
that of his impoverished village.
u What is the subject of this movie?
u Answer is..
Theft of Rabindranath Tagore’s
Nobel medal from Shantiniketan
u Since its inception, it has been one of the most criticised initiatives,
where residents believe it is a poor use of taxpayer funds.
Conservationists have blamed it for falling numbers of the
threatened white dolphin. The respect for these mammals can be
seen in the design of X – towers above the X are shaped like white
dolphins. A section of the society have voiced their opinion against a
certain switch that has to be made on the X which reflects the
country’s domination over a particular region.
u The heart rate and blood pressure of the drivers using the X will be
monitored and the information will be sent to control centre. If a
driver yawns more than three times in 20 seconds, the “yawn cam”
will raise an alert. As of now, it is open only to private shuttles and
u Identify X and what is the switch that is considered an unnecessary
u Answer is..
Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge
Although the HZMB connects
two left-hand traffic (LHT)
areas, namely Hong Kong and
Macau, the crossing itself
is right-hand traffic (RHT), the
same as in Zhuhai and other
regions of China. Thus, drivers
from Hong Kong and Macau
need to make use of crossing
viaducts to switch to RHT upon
entering the bridge, and back
to LHT upon leaving the bridge
when they are back to Hong
Kong and Macau
u The two dangers related to the use of ______ ______ in a specific
context are the possibility of explosion or fire. Since it emit very little
energy, there is no scientific backing for the common
u The only way that it could generate such a circumstance would be
due to a defective battery, which is unlikely and could also occur in
the case of the more prominent source. While the possibility is
remote, there is a low risk that an explosion could occur from the
gases that are emitted.
u But the truth is that the use of ______ ______ is probably more
dangerous as a source of distraction than as the possible source of
an explosion.
u What is this misconception ?
u Answer is..
u During WWII, there was friction between USA and Japan which
resulted in Japanese-Americans getting relocated from military
zones and the eventual banning of offshore fishing in Hawaii. Less
fish in Hawaii meant need for an alternative food that does not
spoil and the government sent tons of X cans to its future 50th state.
u By early 70’s, it had become a genericized trademark, used to
describe any canned meat product containing pork. The name of
X made appearances in pop culture which led to its name getting
used in information technology which was booming then.
u Over the course of time, X-theft increased so that bandits could
exchange it for money to buy drugs and it resulted in the
government imposing heavy fine on anyone accused in the act.
While some shopkeepers still keep X under lock and key, the thefts
have decreased due to X’s infinite shelf-life.
u Identify X.
u Answer is..
u The first 4 countries on a list
along with their values are
shown here. The list ranks them
based on a certain factor
which has a corresponding
value for each country. What
are they trying to measure
1) Sierra Leone
Value = 0.924
2) Nauru
Value = 0.923
3) Zimbabwe
Value = 0.915
4) Vatican
Value = 0.908
u Answer is..
u The ultimate tradition among fans has less to do
with the main attraction and more to do with the
taste buds: strawberries and cream. The growing
season for strawberries is at its peak during the
timeframe of the event. The strawberries are picked
on the day they are served and the standard
servings are no less than 10 berries plus the cream
that goes along with it. This collection is called a
punnet, and there are more than 8,600 punnets
eaten per day . It is believed that close to 1,42,000
punnets are consumed over the course of the
u Originally consumed by royalty, the combination
has spread to the general crowd.
u Where are these strawberries used ?
u Answer is..
Excelsior '18 The Finals
Excelsior '18 The Finals
Excelsior '18 The Finals

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Excelsior '18 The Finals

  • 2. WRITTEN UNO u 5 Questions u +5 for each u Extra 5 if all are correct
  • 3. Organisms named after famous personalities/characters
  • 4. 1 u The image shows Neopalpa ____________ which is a moth species of the genus Neopalpa. Canadian scientist Vazrick Nazari stated that the moth was given its name because he wanted “to bring wider public attention to the need to continue protecting fragile habitats that contain many undescribed species”. u Whom is this insect named after due to the striking resemblance of its scales to the hairstyle of the individual?
  • 5. 2 u The image shows an extinct species of semiaquatic anthracothere named ______meryx related to hippopotamuses. It had a very distinctive jaw line and lips and the scientists responsible for the discovery saw an uncanny resemblance to X. u FITB or identify X.
  • 6. 3 u Show here is the Agra _______________ is a species of carabid beetle named after X. It was named so due to the remarkable limbs that the male species possess. u Identify the person in question.
  • 7. 4 u Shown here is a bug named Agathadium ______ which named after one of the most iconic characters from the world of entertainment due to its similar eyes and a shiny head. It is also said that they do not “breathe quite so loudly” although they are similar in looks to the character. u Identify.
  • 8. 5 u Psephophorus ___________ is an extinct species named after the late author as the world he describes in his book is a flat world resting on three elephants standing on the back of a giant turtle flying through space. u Which famous author is being referred to in here?
  • 10. 1 u The image shows Neopalpa ____________ which is a moth species of the genus Neopalpa. Canadian scientist Vazrick Nazari stated that the moth was given its name because he wanted “to bring wider public attention to the need to continue protecting fragile habitats that contain many undescribed species”. u Whom is this insect named after due to the striking resemblance of its scales to the hairstyle of the individual?
  • 13. 2 u The image shows an extinct species of semiaquatic anthracothere named ______meryx related to hippopotamuses. It had a very distinctive jaw line and lips and the scientists responsible for the discovery saw an uncanny resemblance to X. u FITB or identify X.
  • 16. 3 u Show here is the Agra _______________ is a species of carabid beetle named after X. It was named so due to the remarkable limbs that the male species possess. u Identify the person in question.
  • 19. 4 u Shown here is a bug named Agathadium ______ which named after one of the most iconic characters from the world of entertainment due to its similar eyes and a shiny head. It is also said that they do not “breathe quite so loudly” although they are similar in looks to the character. u Identify.
  • 22. 5 u Psephophorus ___________ is an extinct species named after the late author as the world he describes in his book is a flat world resting on three elephants standing on the back of a giant turtle flying through space. u Which famous author is being referred to in here?
  • 25. DRY UNO u 8 Questions u Infinite Bounce u Clockwise u Pounce(+10/-5)
  • 26. 1 u Bert Patrick, the owner of Cook & Hurst Ltd, believed that England winning the 1966 World Cup and the advent of coloured television would enable him to persuade football clubs to accept personalised kits. Initially, the business was aimed at the juvenile and replica markets and in the 1973–74 season, Leeds United wore the first visibly branded kit in the English top flight, thanks to them. u The company also brokered a deal with the Football Association in 1974 to produce the first commercially available England shirt that featured a sportswear manufacturers logo. Thereby, pioneering the introduction and development of replica kits. u After facing an eventual downfall in the football market, they struck deals with the national cricket teams of England, West Indies, South Africa and Canada for the 2003 ICC World Cup in South Africa. u Identify this company, which started its operations in India in 2017?
  • 27.
  • 29.
  • 30. 2 u The ______ Desert is the driest desert in North America located in south- eastern California and southern Nevada which is often referred to as the "high desert", in contrast to the "low desert", the Sonoran Desert to the south. u The original spelling of the word originates from the Spanish language while the spelling with ‘h’ replacing a letter comes from modern English. Both are used today, although the ______ Tribal Nation officially uses the former. u The word is a shortened form of Hamakhaave, endonym in native language of the tribe, which means 'beside the water’. u Identify the desert that came into spotlight recently for becoming #15 on a certain chronological list.
  • 32.
  • 33. 3 u Shown on the right is a screenshot from a recent Malayalam movie. The island is geographically located in Munroe in the Ashtamudi Lake and is a part of the Islands of Kollam. u There is a majority on social media who believe that the island represents an X which is synonymous with the person after whom the island is named in the movie. u What is the name of the island in the movie? Also, identify the movie.
  • 35.
  • 36. Edison Thuruth in the movie Theevandi
  • 37. 4 u The 11th of November, 2011 was a unique day as the time and date will read the same backwards as forwards. There have already been ten palindrome moments this century, but this was the first same-numbered palindrome. u A chapel in Las Vegas juggled three weddings at both 11.11am and 11.11pm wherein the couples got 11 roses, 11 lilies, 11 photos and was able to view their wedding online for 11 days. u This date is also called ________ Appreciation Day and the aficionados called for parties wherein members wore a minimum of three items made of ________. The ________ Appreciation Club calls the date “The most important day, EVER,” and the club was seeking a child who would turn eleven on the day to crown him or her “the messiah of X”. u FITB.
  • 38.
  • 40.
  • 41. 5 u Nicu Sebe at the University of Amsterdam in Netherlands tested emotion-recognition software on X. u His algorithm, developed with researchers at the University of Illinois, examines key facial features such as the curvature of the lips and crinkles around the eyes, then scores each face with respect to six basic emotions. Sebe drew on a database of young female faces to derive an average “neutral” expression, which the software used to compare it with. u Finally, it was concluded that X was 83 per cent happy, 9 per cent disgusted, 6 per cent fearful and 2 per cent angry. u What was the subject of this experiment ?
  • 43.
  • 44. 6 u At Justus Liebig University Giessen in Germany, psychologist Roland Fleming believes that the only reason Newton came up with ______ is because for occult reasons and it certainly has little to do with physics and a lot more to do with the relationship between perception and language. u Although, each colour in the X symbol has different meanings, including pink which is considered an eighth colour, the flag for the same eschews ______ in its representation. u Another example of this omission is Y which is one of the most iconic albums covers of all time. u Identify X, Y and FITB.
  • 46. The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd Gay Pride Flag The disappearance of Indigo
  • 47. 7 u The selection process of these actors was very stringent. Numerous auditions were conducted before the actors were picked up. The next task was fitting them into the costume: the head was made of Perspex with three holes on top for ventilation, no eyes or mouth, and the body was a separate outfit created with foam and fibre to create thin legs and arms. u During one of the instances, the actors could not see what was in front of them since they were covered in a costume and when they had to run through a door, they actually kept running into it which added to the humour. Another instance involved one of the actors getting wrapped in a gift box and playing He’s a jolly good fellow to cheer up another character. Stacey Rethman, one of the actors, had to pop out of the gift box and start playing the instruments when the music began. There were a lot of retakes done as the timing had to be correct. u What were these actors chosen for?
  • 49.
  • 50. 8 u “Allemansrätten – or the freedom to roam – is a principle protected by Swedish law that gives all people the right to be free in Swedish nature. In other words, Swedish nature isn’t just a piece of land with trees and lakes and cliffs – it’s a home with all the necessities and amenities that any great home should have. It’s a place where you can eat berries from the ground, sleep under the stars, swim in the lakes and roam freely. Take a kayak out for a spin or experience the wildlife first-hand. The only thing you have to pay, is respect for nature and the animals living there. To make this home available for everyone, Sweden has listed the entire country on ______. ” u Thus, Sweden became the first country to be fully listed on ______. u FITB.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54. WRITTEN DOS u 5 Questions u +5 for each u Extra 5 if all are correct
  • 55. Based on references in Comics u Questions 1 and 2 – XKCD Comics u Questions 3-5 – Based on Chinchin – Chacha Chaudhary in Tintin comics
  • 56. 1
  • 57. 2
  • 58. 3
  • 59. 4
  • 60. 5
  • 62. 1
  • 64.
  • 65. 2
  • 67.
  • 68. 3
  • 70.
  • 71. 4
  • 73.
  • 74. 5
  • 76.
  • 77. DRY DOS u 8 Questions u Infinite Bounce u Anti-clockwise u Pounce(+10/-5)
  • 78. 1 u It is already a nightmare to have a fire in the house and if the children are sleeping despite the alarm beeping, it adds to the chaos. Researchers in the US have discovered that when an alarm features something unique, it is about three times more likely to wake up children, aged 5-12 years, better than a traditional smoke alarm. u In order to test this, each child was made to sleep in a lab-based room that resembled a real bedroom, and were shown how to escape from the room before they went to bed. They were woken up twice with alarms. The results showed that about 90% of children woke for a _____ alarm compared with just over 53% for the traditional alarm. Similarly, about 85% of children escaped the room within five minutes when an alarm featured something, compared with just over 50% for the high- pitched beeps. u What is this priceless inclusion that these alarms contain?
  • 80.
  • 81. 2 u This sport originated in England, when contenders once used to run following the line of sight of church spires. Runners would usually encounter streams and stonewalls while crossing towns, which is why such challenges have also been incorporated into the present day version of the sport. u The participants will be disqualified if they use handicaps to help them get through a specific task which is characteristic of the sport. In 2010, Sapolai Yao of Papua New Guinea used a potted plant as an aid for the task and he was disqualified. u Identify the sport and also the characteristic feature of the sport that is mentioned.
  • 83. Steeplechase and its water hurdle Church spires are also called steeples
  • 84. 3 u _____ Chor is a 2012 movie directed by Suman Ghosh and starring Mithun Chakraborty in the lead role. u It is a fictional account of a poor farmer, Bhanu, who circumstantially gets involved in an unforeseen situation. He decides to embark on a journey to Kolkata with a view to improve his own quality of life as well as that of his impoverished village. u What is the subject of this movie?
  • 86. Theft of Rabindranath Tagore’s Nobel medal from Shantiniketan
  • 87. 4 u Since its inception, it has been one of the most criticised initiatives, where residents believe it is a poor use of taxpayer funds. Conservationists have blamed it for falling numbers of the threatened white dolphin. The respect for these mammals can be seen in the design of X – towers above the X are shaped like white dolphins. A section of the society have voiced their opinion against a certain switch that has to be made on the X which reflects the country’s domination over a particular region. u The heart rate and blood pressure of the drivers using the X will be monitored and the information will be sent to control centre. If a driver yawns more than three times in 20 seconds, the “yawn cam” will raise an alert. As of now, it is open only to private shuttles and cars. u Identify X and what is the switch that is considered an unnecessary menace?
  • 89. Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macau Bridge Although the HZMB connects two left-hand traffic (LHT) areas, namely Hong Kong and Macau, the crossing itself is right-hand traffic (RHT), the same as in Zhuhai and other regions of China. Thus, drivers from Hong Kong and Macau need to make use of crossing viaducts to switch to RHT upon entering the bridge, and back to LHT upon leaving the bridge when they are back to Hong Kong and Macau
  • 90. 5 u The two dangers related to the use of ______ ______ in a specific context are the possibility of explosion or fire. Since it emit very little energy, there is no scientific backing for the common misconception. u The only way that it could generate such a circumstance would be due to a defective battery, which is unlikely and could also occur in the case of the more prominent source. While the possibility is remote, there is a low risk that an explosion could occur from the gases that are emitted. u But the truth is that the use of ______ ______ is probably more dangerous as a source of distraction than as the possible source of an explosion. u What is this misconception ?
  • 92.
  • 93. 6 u During WWII, there was friction between USA and Japan which resulted in Japanese-Americans getting relocated from military zones and the eventual banning of offshore fishing in Hawaii. Less fish in Hawaii meant need for an alternative food that does not spoil and the government sent tons of X cans to its future 50th state. u By early 70’s, it had become a genericized trademark, used to describe any canned meat product containing pork. The name of X made appearances in pop culture which led to its name getting used in information technology which was booming then. u Over the course of time, X-theft increased so that bandits could exchange it for money to buy drugs and it resulted in the government imposing heavy fine on anyone accused in the act. While some shopkeepers still keep X under lock and key, the thefts have decreased due to X’s infinite shelf-life. u Identify X.
  • 95.
  • 96. 7 u The first 4 countries on a list along with their values are shown here. The list ranks them based on a certain factor which has a corresponding value for each country. What are they trying to measure here? 1) Sierra Leone Value = 0.924 2) Nauru Value = 0.923
  • 97. 3) Zimbabwe Value = 0.915 4) Vatican Value = 0.908
  • 99.
  • 100. 8 u The ultimate tradition among fans has less to do with the main attraction and more to do with the taste buds: strawberries and cream. The growing season for strawberries is at its peak during the timeframe of the event. The strawberries are picked on the day they are served and the standard servings are no less than 10 berries plus the cream that goes along with it. This collection is called a punnet, and there are more than 8,600 punnets eaten per day . It is believed that close to 1,42,000 punnets are consumed over the course of the event. u Originally consumed by royalty, the combination has spread to the general crowd. u Where are these strawberries used ?
  • 101.