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The Secret of Living a Happy and Successful Life
The Pursuit of Happiness is Everyone’s Business
It's a big question that everyone asks themselves at some point in their life. We all
want to live a happy and successful life, but sometimes it can be difficult to figure out
There are many different pieces of advice for living a good life that you may have
heard from your family or friends, but do they really work? What is the best way to
live a happy and successful life?
The pursuit of happiness is a universal goal. It's not easy to live life and be happy,
but it can be done. There are many factors that contribute to a person's happiness in
It is never too late to do things that will make you live a happy life. Act now. Living a
successful and fulfilling life can be achieved by making lifestyle adjustments in the
areas of health, relationships, finances, work-life balance, spirituality, self-esteem, or
personal growth.
The key is identifying what your priorities are in order to thrive as an individual while
also living within the framework of society at large.
Achieving success requires dedication from many different angles so it’s important
not only to identify where we need improvement but also to determine how much
time we have available for change (and if necessary seek help outside ourselves).
1. Take care of your body
Eat healthily, exercise, and get enough sleep so your brain can recharge. Stay active
and healthy by doing things that make your heart sing.
A healthy lifestyle is something we all want to lead. It's a goal that most of us have,
but it can be difficult to achieve when you are constantly busy and don't have time to
exercise or eat the right foods.
So how do you get started?
What can you do on a daily basis that will help you live a healthier life? Here are
some useful tips for getting your life in order.
Super Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle
a) Get enough sleep so you don't feel sluggish during the day. Aim for 8 hours of
uninterrupted sleep each night. Sleep helps your body recover and repair, keeps
your immune system strong, and gives your brain time to process new things.
b) Eat breakfast every day
c) Drink water throughout the day, not soda or other sugary drinks. Take plenty of
water throughout the day to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration. This will also keep
your skin looking fresh and youthful.
d) Don't skip any meals! Eat three meals.
f) Exercise regularly: This is one of the most important steps in living a healthy
lifestyle because exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good.
It also regulates blood pressure and improves moods by releasing serotonin, as well
as dopamine which controls cravings.
Find time for a 30-minute workout each day (even if it's just walking around the
block). Start gradually, say 15 minutes for a start.
Make sure you work at an intensity level that challenges but doesn't overwhelm your
g) Eat nutritious foods to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients and
vitamins it needs for optimum performance. Fruits and vegetables are essential for
excellent health.
2. Earn a good income
A major step to living a happy life is to earn well so that you'll have the resources to
do the other things on this list.
Make this a priority. Get good at identifying opportunities to make money and
capitalizing on them. Spend more time at work than everything else you do
combined and you'll find your other life goals taking shape easily with whatever time
is left.
It's also important to earn enough so that your needs are met and then some as this
allows for investing back in yourself and those around you―which can bring lifelong
Did you know that the average American spends over 50% of their income on living
expenses? That is a lot. But it doesn't have to be this way. There are many ways to
make more money and spend less.
Tips for earning a good income
● Work hard.
● Keep your head down. Don’t show off.
● Don't stop learning.
● Upgrade your skills.
● Be a team player.
● Join a cooperative society to obtain funds and expertise for business.
● Save and invest for rainy days
● Always be on time and prepared to work overtime when needed.
● Ask for help when you need it and take advantage of all the resources
available to you (i.e., training, mentoring, conferences).
● Go for a reasonable side hustle if necessary.
3. Don't live above your means
Choose wisely when it comes to what money goes where. Stay out of debt. Save
money every week like clockwork even if you don't necessarily need it yet. Practice
gratitude and moderation with the few items in your life that actually bring you joy.
Save money. Save time. Save your sanity.
Saving money is a big deal. It's easy to just spend and not care about how much
you're spending, but the reality is that it can be hard to make enough money to keep
up with your expenses.
The best way to save money is by cutting down on unnecessary expenses or finding
cheaper alternatives for things you need.
Genuine Ways to Start Saving Right Now
● Turn off the lights when they're not necessary.
● Use energy-saving bulbs or devices.
● Buy in bulk if it makes sense financially
● Look at what you spend your time doing and see if there are ways of making
more money from those activities.
● Cook at home instead of ordering out or eating fast food all the time. This will
help keep costs down for groceries and dining out. This will also help improve
your health.
● Sell stuff online.
● Find out what your local grocery store has for specials this week.
● Pack a lunch for work or school instead of buying one at the cafeteria.
● Make sure you're getting all the discounts you deserve at your favorite stores
(check out retailers' websites as well as their brick-and-mortar locations).
● Keep an eye on online deals and coupons before making purchases or
signing up for services like cable, or needless software.
● Avoid expensive birthday gifts unless it's absolutely necessary.
● For starters, check your bank account balance often and make sure it never
falls below $100.
● Keep an updated list of all your expenses on hand so that if you see
something going over budget or not being used as much as anticipated, you
can adjust the amount allotted to it accordingly.
4. Be kind to others
Kindness is one of the most important things in life. It's not always easy to show
kindness, but it can make our lives so much better and more productive.
Kindness is a virtue that people practice in order to make others feel loved, cared for
and respected. When this happens, it has ripple effects on the world around us. It's
contagious and can be spread by anyone from friends to strangers.
Be kind with the people around you - don't be too mean or indulge in gossip for too
long, even if they provoked it.
Never bully anyone or compel someone to live against their will through some
threats of death or violence needlessly committed upon them by yourself or others
under any circumstances.
We all know that it's important to be kind to other people. We want others to treat us
with kindness, so we should do the same for them. Be kind even when no kindness
has been shown to you.
Be kind and avoid people who make your life worse or who cause you stress. Make
yourself happy by bringing joy into other people's lives.
Everyone deserves to be treated kindly.
Awesome Ways to Show Kindness to Others
1. Smile at people you pass on the street, in line or anywhere else.
2. Give up your seat for someone who needs it more than you do
3. Pick up something that somebody dropped and give it back.
4. Help someone with directions.
5. Hold a door open for people as they walk by.
6. Compliment others when appropriate.
7. Buy coffee for the person behind you in line if they don't offer first.
8. Call home just because - even if there's nothing new going on, it will make
them happy.
9. Send cards as gifts from time to time.
10.Notice other people's emotions and interact with them accordingly.
11. Be honest in your dealings with others. Cheaters never prosper.
12.Say "I'm sorry" when appropriate.
13.Show patience.
5. Share with people in need
When you're in need of something, it can be tough to ask for help. Whether you have
a problem with your job or are struggling to make ends meet, there is always
someone who has gone through the same thing and knows what it feels like.
Sometimes it seems like the world is coming to an end: natural disasters, terrorism,
poverty. It can be overwhelming and difficult to know how you can help. But there are
ways that everyone can make a positive impact in their community and around the
One of the most common is donating food, clothing, or money. Make a donation to
one of these charities which has shared their wish list on their website. However,
there are other creative ways you can help out too.
Donate your old clothes or shoes to a local charity store. They'll sell them for money
so they can buy more clothing or shoes for those who don't have any.
Another idea is giving food. Canned goods last longer than fresh produce but both
types of donations are needed and appreciated.
Volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter. Offer an hour of your time to help serve food
or prepare meals, give out clothes or toiletries, offer mental health support sessions,
etc. There are many opportunities available for volunteering during the holidays.
Donate your time, talents, or resources to those who are less fortunate than you. If
you have a skill, offer to volunteer it at an organization that can put it to good use.
Donating unused items to charity is an excellent idea.
6. Learn how to tackle adversity
It's been a tough day. You're feeling overwhelmed and you don't know what to do
next. The pressure is getting to you, your head hurts, your stomach feels sick and
the only thing that makes sense is curling up in bed with a good book or
binge-watching an episode of Game of Thrones.
It is not uncommon for people to experience adversity in their lives. We all have our
own battles and struggles, and it's often difficult to know how best to cope with them.
At times, we may feel like giving up - but this can be detrimental. When you're feeling
like giving up, remember that every problem has a solution and there are people who
have been in your shoes before you and managed to come out on top. You just need
the right tools for the job.
Face your challenges gracefully with patience and hope. Adversity will come as
surely as night follows day; it's part of life's natural cycle (sometimes things are good
- sometimes they suck).
Tackle adversity by consulting experts from different backgrounds and professions -
a psychologist, an entrepreneur, a civil rights advocate, an ordained minister and
Successful people tend to be the ones who get knocked down seven times and still
get back up eight times. It's important that we don't let ourselves become passive in
getting out our anger on those around us.
7. Enjoy hobbies
Hobbies are the perfect way to spend your free time. They provide you with a chance
to relax and get away from life's stresses, but they can also be a great source of
happiness. Hobbies can benefit your mind and body.
Hobbies can give you the opportunity to develop skills that will be useful in your
career, such as public speaking or coding.
Hobbies offer an escape from reality which is often needed if you're working too
many hours at your job or studying for exams.
Hobbies provide social interaction with like-minded people. Hobbies can be anything
from playing softball to knitting scarves. However, many people don't take the time to
have a hobby because they believe it will take up too much of their precious free
time. That's just not true.
Hobbies are a great way to take some time for yourself and relax. They provide you
with an opportunity to do something that you enjoy, which is good for your mental
health. In addition, hobbies give you a chance to meet new people who share the
same interests as you.
Hobbies can also be a source of creativity: they might inspire your next artwork or
idea, or make you more creative in general.
Hobbies help keep your brain active and healthy by stimulating different parts of the
brain at once through various types of activities like puzzles, games, crafts etc...
Hobbies are an outlet for the mind and a way to take a break from everyday life.
They can be done at any time, day or night, with little to no cost.
8. Be grateful for what you have.
It's been said that gratitude is the key to happiness. Whether you are a teen, career
woman or man, senior, student, busy mom or dad, soldier or worker- we all have
something in our lives that make us feel grateful and appreciative.
No matter who you are or what your circumstances may be there are always things
to be thankful for.
Gratitude is a quality that can impact every part of your life. It's not just good for the
person receiving it, but also for those who are showing gratitude.
Gratitude is an essential part of life. It can help you feel more content, less stressed
and closer to those around you.
Gratitude has been shown to improve physical health, decrease depression and
anxiety, increase happiness, and make people more productive at work.
Practice gratitude every day. Write down what you're grateful for, or make a list of
things that have made you happy recently. Be grateful for what you have instead of
focusing on what you don't have.
Reflect on your day and be grateful for what you have achieved. Gratitude can be a
powerful, positive force in your life - it creates happiness and builds stronger
relationships with the people around you.
9. Have a sense of humor and laugh often
In a world where we are constantly bombarded with bad news and negativity,
laughter is the sweet elixir that can help us get through.
A good laugh can change your mood in an instant by releasing natural endorphins
into your bloodstream that give you a sense of euphoria and happiness much as if
your brain were on drugs.
And no matter what's going on in life, laughter will always be there for us when we
need it most.
Laughter has been proven to have many health benefits for your body and mind like
reducing stress hormones, boosting immune system functioning, increasing blood
flow to organs and muscles, and assisting with digestive processes - all of which
contribute to better overall health.
Laughter also lowers stress hormones like cortisol, which is important for an aging
population who may have more health issues than younger people.
Laughter may reduce blood pressure by causing an increase in nitric oxide. Nitric
oxide dilates blood vessels which lowers blood pressure.
A study done by The University of Otago found that humor reduced anxiety before
surgery for patients who had a higher risk level according to their pre-surgery
Another study done by Duke University Medical Center showed that daily doses of
laughter lowered pain perception while watching videos or reading jokes.
Laughter is one of the best ways to keep your immune system strong and healthy.
It's also been shown that people with strong social networks have more robust
Studies have shown that laughter can actually boost the immune system by
increasing T-cell production, which helps fight off illness. Not only that, laughing also
releases endorphins which make us feel relaxed and happy. Laughing has been
proven to lower blood pressure as well.
It's also contagious: A single laugh can set off a chain reaction of laughter among
10. Keep your promises, even if it's not easy
Promises are a big deal. Whether you're making promises to your best friend, your
child, or the boss- promising is something we do all the time.
If you have ever made a promise to someone and then broken it, you know how bad
it feels. If you keep promises, it makes the person on the other end feel good.
Making promises is easy. But keeping them? Harder than you think. Commitments
are a big part of life, and it can often feel like we're letting everyone down when we
don't live up to what we've promised.
Keeping promises is a skill that we all need to learn. We make promises every day,
and not keeping them can have serious consequences for our relationships.
Promises are like gifts, and it's important to give them with care.
Practical Ways to Keep Promises
a) You could always try writing them down and pin them to your personal board in
the house.
b) Write a letter and send it with someone else who will deliver it. (No guarantees on
this one though)
c) Put up reminders around your house or office reminding yourself of what's
d) Keep an updated calendar with all your commitments listed out for easy reference.
e) Set alarms on your phone or computer as reminders when time is running short.
Keeping promises is an important part of life. It's what makes us trustworthy and
dependable people, or so we're told.
11. Share your knowledge
You are a walking encyclopedia of information. You know the answers to all the
questions that come up in your life and you're not afraid to share what you know.
What if I told you there was a way for people to learn from your knowledge without
asking? There is.
Being a knowledge seeker is an important part of life. We learn from the people
around us and by reading about different topics.
But what if you have more to offer? What if you're knowledgeable in something that
other people don't know much about? How can you share it so others can benefit
from your experience?
Authentic ways to Share Your Knowledge With Others
● Blogging
● Podcasting
● Use short videos on social media channels like YouTube, Facebook Live or
Instagram Stories to educate people on any topic that interests them.
● Creating an online course and selling it through platforms like Udemy,
Teachable, Kajabi, Skillshare, etc.
● Giving presentations at conferences, schools, churches, mosques, etc.
● Speaking on panels at events related to your topic(s) of expertise.
● Teaching classes in person or online.
● Writing a book.
● Writing articles.
● Speaking as a guest expert on TV shows.
● Taking part in public debates.
● Offer advice on how to do something.
● Share your recipe for a favorite dish.
● Introduce someone else to a new hobby or activity.
● Give feedback on an article, picture, video, etc.
● One-on-one conversation or a phone call.
12. Get organized - Tidy up
Whether you're a busy mom, soldier, or student, all of us have the same problem: not
enough time. Who has time to clean their home?
No one has time for a messy house. But, somehow, it seems like every day there are
more and more things to do that keep us from maintaining the order of our homes.
Time is precious these days.
Luckily for us there are plenty of ways to keep your home neat and tidy without
spending too much time on it.
Ways to Get Organized and Tidy Up Your Home Every Day.
a) Create a system for organizing your things. Make sure everything has its place so
that when you need something, it's easy to find.
b) Limit the number of items in each room. If there are too many items in one area,
they start getting mixed up with other items and becoming confusing which can lead
to more messes.
c) Keep all food out of rooms where people sleep or spend a lot of time such as
kitchens or living rooms because those areas tend to get messy quickly.
d) Clean up as soon as possible
e) Create a cleaning routine
f) Declutter often. Keep counters clear of clutter
g) Use storage containers
h) Clear off surfaces that aren't in use, like tabletops or TV sets.
i) Make sure everything has a place. Keep your space clean and tidy.
k) Keep your home neat and tidy all the time (even if it's just for one hour per week)
13. Spend quality time with friends and family.
Make time for the people you care about most in life. Spend time with friends and
family to make memories worth remembering
I am sure you have heard that time is the most precious commodity of all. It's true,
because we never seem to have enough hours in a day.
Between work and family commitments, there are so many demands on our time.
But it doesn't mean you can't take some time out for yourself and your friends and
family members!
A recent study found that people who spend more time with friends and family are
happier, healthier and live longer than those who don't.
But what does spending quality time really mean? How can you make the most of
your limited free time to make sure you're getting all the benefits of a strong social
Here's how to balance your busy lives while still managing to stay connected with
friends and family:
How to Spend Quality Time with Family and Friends
● Call your friends and family
● Create a scrapbook of memories
● Host a dinner party for the holidays
● Plan an outdoor picnic with friends and family
● Volunteer together at a local shelter or soup kitchen
● Take up knitting to show off your skills to others, learn something new, spend
time with grandma or grandpa while you're at it.
● Attend a sports game as spectators with some snacks and drinks in tow-
cheer on your favorite team.
● Tell little children moral stories or human encounters with dinos or aliens.
14. Keep a positive attitude
Many people struggle with maintaining a positive attitude, but it is possible to do so.
The days can be long and tough, but we all have to keep a positive attitude. It's the
only way to get through life.
How do you keep a positive attitude? It's not easy to stay positive when life is
throwing curveballs at you. But what if it were possible to have a more optimistic
outlook on life every day?
The best way to start the morning with an upbeat mindset and maintain a sense of
optimism throughout your day is by doing these things.
Simple Steps to Staying Positive
● Get up early.
● Drink lots of water.
● Eat breakfast.
● Exercise daily and get plenty of sleep.
● Keep a gratitude journal.
● Smile often even if you don't feel like it! This will make you happy because
smiling releases endorphins that make us feel good about ourselves and our
● Surround yourself with people who have the same mindset and values as you
● Forgive people who have offended you.
● Always think of success.
Surround yourself with positivity instead of negativity to keep a positive perspective
on life. Remember that the glass is half full not half empty.
It's a little known secret that the way you think about things is the most important
thing in determining how you feel. So always t keep a positive attitude, and have fun
while doing it!
15. Don't be afraid to make mistakes
Even if they are big ones because everything is a learning experience. Don't be
afraid of failure - everyone fails sometimes, but that doesn't mean you're not doing
anything right
We are all human and we will make mistakes. It is inevitable. But what do you get
when you make a mistake? You learn from it, and then use that knowledge to not
make the same mistake again.
Mistakes build character, teach valuable lessons, open up new opportunities for
life-changing experiences.
Do you ever feel like mistakes are a sign of weakness? A lack of intelligence?
Mistakes are part of life. Whether we make big or small mistakes, they all teach us
something and help us grow as people.
But why is it that many of us still feel so afraid to make them?
Even the most successful people in history have made mistakes - that's just how life
goes. So, instead of being fearful when you know you don't have all the answers, try
embracing your "mistakes".
If you want to get anywhere in life, there will be obstacles in your way - what matters
most is how you deal with them.
But who said you have to be perfect? You're not perfect. You are imperfect and you
will make mistakes. But that's okay. In fact, it's great because mistakes help us learn,
grow and become stronger people.
16. Smile as much as possible, it's contagious!
Did you know that just by smiling, you can make yourself feel happier? It's true!
There is a direct connection between your facial muscles and mood. When you
smile, the muscles around your eyes relax which reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
Your mouth stretches out to form a natural grin which stimulates endorphins in the
brain releasing serotonin, the happy hormone.
It also helps people see us more positively because we are seen as more
approachable when we smile rather than scowl or frown.
A study done at the University of Kansas found that when you smile, your brain
releases endorphins and serotonin which are natural painkillers and mood
enhancers. Smiling also boosts immune system function by increasing T-cells in the
Smiling is contagious too. When one person smiles around another, it triggers a
mirror neuron response in their brain which makes them automatically want to return
the smile with an even bigger grin themselves.
Now there's no excuse for not smiling more often.
The good news is that smiling does wonders for your mental health and physical
A recent study published by Psychology Today found that people who smile often
tend to be happier, healthier and even wealthier than those with more serious
expressions on their faces.
A smile can change your mood and the way you feel. A smile relaxes your body,
boosts brain activity, and makes other people feel happy too.
The following are the major reasons why smiling is important.
Ass-Kicking Benefits of Frequent Smile
● When we smile our brain releases endorphins which make us feel happy.
● Smiling can ease pain.
● Our immune system gets stronger when we smile because our body releases
antibodies when we laugh or grin.
● People will want to approach us more if they see a smiling face.
● When you smile, it shows on your face - people will react positively towards a
smiling person more than they would if the person was frowning or had an
unhappy expression on their face.
● Smiles are contagious so when someone smiles at you that usually means
they're in a good mood. If that's the case, then chances are you'll want to
reciprocate with a smile of your own
17. Make a plan to achieve your goals.
We all have goals in life. Some of us want to get married, some want a career, and
others just need a break from the everyday grind. Whatever your goal is, it can be
difficult to achieve them sometimes.
I know you may be thinking that it's impossible to achieve your goals in life. The truth
is, it's not. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication but the rewards are more than
worth it.
Every single person has a list of goals they want to achieve in life. Keep track of
what you want in life and make sure you're making progress towards it every day.
It can be hard to stay motivated and focused when you're faced with a long list of
goals and aspirations.
You want to achieve your goals in life but you don't know how. You're not alone, with
so many distractions and other commitments it's hard for anyone to stay on task. You
just need the right strategy. Consult with an expert in your field for guidance.
18. Be security conscious
Is security on your mind? If you're like most people, it is. The world we live in today
can be a scary place. With so many threats out there, it's hard to know what to do to
protect yourself and those around you.
The internet is a giant place. More than 3 billion people use it every day and as a
result, there are tons of ways to be safe online. The world can seem like an unsafe
place where anything goes, but the truth is that you're in control of your own security.
Be mindful of everything that is happening around you. But don't panic. Here are
ways that you can stay safe no matter where life takes you.
Epic Ways to Be Security Conscious
1. Keep your phone in your bag, or on airplane mode while you're not using it to
avoid "shoulder surfing."
2. Be aware of who is around you and what they are doing.
3. Beware of people with sketchy behavior- like someone who keeps moving in
your direction or someone who's always looking at their watch then eyeing the
door, etc., these can be signs that they want to steal from you or may even be
a criminal themselves.
4. Download an app called Life360 that allows you to track the location of friends
and family members. When combined with other apps such as Find My
Friends and Google Maps, if something happens, you know where they are
5. Try a martial art class to learn self-defence tactics from the gurus.
6. You're out and about, maybe grabbing a coffee before work or heading to the
● Suddenly you feel someone grab your arm from behind - it's an attempted
● What do you do?
● The first thing is to stay calm and assess the situation quickly: Are there any
weapons involved? Can you get away without being hurt? Do they have
friends nearby who might also be armed?
● Are people around acting as lookouts or potential witnesses that could help
call for help should something happen next?
● If possible, try to pull away from the robber calmly (without making sudden
movements). If they continue to hold onto your arm, then punch them in order
to escape.
● Use a pepper spray if you have one.
● Use your martial skills (if you are trained)
● Call for help from bystanders.
The world is a dangerous place, and we are all at risk of getting hurt. However, if you
take the time to be aware of your surroundings and what's going on around you it
can go a long way in keeping yourself safe.
Just paying attention to your environment can help keep you from being an easy
target for thieves or attackers.
Real Reasons Why Cyber Security is Critical
The internet is a wonderful place. But it has some risks. One risk that we all need to
be aware of is the risk of being hacked into and having our information stolen. You
can protect yourself by taking some critical steps.
Hacking is a growing problem in the modern world. As people become more and
more reliant on technology, hacking becomes an even bigger issue. Hacking can
lead to all sorts of problems from stolen identities to complete data destruction.
Computer hacking has been a growing problem for years now. With the rise of cyber
crimes, it's more important than ever to figure out ways to protect your information
from prying eyes.
You can prevent computer hacking while still maintaining your privacy and security
with some steps outlined below:
i) Avoid phishing scams, which are usually emails that try and trick you into clicking a
link that will download malware onto your computer or steal personal information
from you.
ii) Keep your passwords private by using strong passwords with letters, numbers,
symbols, etc.
iii) You should never download malicious software onto a work PC (this includes
things like games).
19. Find your passion in life and pursue your goals.
Finding your passion in life and pursuing your goals can be challenging. It takes a lot
of self-reflection, introspection, and patience to uncover what you really want out of
What are you passionate about? What do you want to pursue in life?
Some people have a little trouble figuring out what they're passionate about. It's not
always easy, but it is worth the time and effort. There are some ways to find your
passion in life and pursue your goals
Insanely-Easy Ways to Find Your Passion in Life and Pursue Your Goals
a) Start with your strengths. What do you enjoy doing more than anything else?
b) Ask yourself why you like these things or who does them well.
c) Make a list of all the things that interest or excite you, no matter how unusual they
might seem at first glance.
d) Look for patterns from your lists-is there one activity that appears on most of
e) Set goals for yourself, but be flexible.
f) Consult a guidance counselor to help out.
20. Do a digital detox
Digital technology is a great tool that can help you save time, stay in touch with
friends and family, and manage your business. But sometimes we need to step away
from the screen for a little while.
Digital Detox is the act of abstaining from all digital devices for a period of time, with
some people going as long as a month. The idea behind this is to allow yourself time
to reassess your priorities and regain control over your life.
Digital detox can be a good way to reconnect with what you really care about in life,
spend quality time with friends and family or just find moments of solitude.
Be mindful of how much time you spend on social media/technology- set limits to
when you check email, Facebook, etc. so that they don't take over your life.
Digital detoxes have become increasingly popular in recent years. The idea is that
you take a break from your digital devices for some period of time, usually at least
one day and often longer.
In the process, you're giving your brain an opportunity to relax and do something
different than work or play video games.
Digital detox is the new buzzword for those of us who are on our phones or tablets
too much. It conjures up images of people going off the grid, unplugging from
technology and spending time in nature.
I am a digital detoxer myself and find that this not only gives me more clarity but also
allows me to have some down time that lets my brain rest.
In our modern world, we are constantly surrounded by screens. From smartphones
to laptops and televisions, there is always something vying for our attention. It can be
difficult to know when enough is enough.
21. Don't be greedy
What's wrong with being greedy?
It may seem like a good thing to want more and to never be satisfied. But greed can
lead you down a dark path, where you end up hurting others and yourself.
We're all guilty of wanting to get ahead - but what does this really mean? In today's
society, it means that we are always on the lookout for ways to make more money.
A greedy life is a dangerous one. Greed makes individuals do things they would
never do if they weren't so focused on getting more and more of what they already
have. The desire for money, power or fame can lead people down dark paths that
are hard to come back from.
There are many dangers of living a greedy life, and they go far beyond the idea that
greed is bad. Greed can lead to violence, anger, and even depression.
The Dangers of Greed
a) Greed clouds your judgment- When you're driven by greed, it makes it tough to
make smart decisions. It also leads people to take risks they would not normally
consider taking when they are in control of their feelings.
b) Greed ruins relationships- Once someone has enough money or material
possessions, he or she no longer feels motivated to keep building friendships that
have outlived their usefulness for getting what they want from them.
c) Greed destroys communities. Many conflicts and inter- and intra- communal wars
have broken out as a result of the greed of one or both parties.
d) Feeling lonely and isolated - when people focus on themselves too much they feel
lonely because there's no one in their lives who cares about them or takes interest in
e) Turning into an intolerant person- greed makes people really inconsiderate and
selfish to other people because they don't care about anyone else but themselves.
f) Being obsessed with money for selfish reasons.
g) Losing the joy in your work- When you focus on only yourself it becomes difficult
to enjoy anything else.
h) Greed leads to other crimes-The greedier you are, the more likely it is that you'll
be in danger. Greed can make people do things that they never would have done
before. It's one of the most common causes of crimes around the world. From
stealing money to murder, all because of greed.
f) Being unable to empathize with others- As people become consumed by greed,
their ability to feel empathy for those around them diminishes;
22. Don't be afraid to try new things
I always tell myself that I'm not going to do something because it's too hard or I don't
know how. But the more you shy away from challenges, the less you know about
yourself and what you're capable of.
People always tell you what to do and how to act. They give you a set of rules,
instructions on how to live your life.
But is it really the best way for us?
Some people say that some experiences might be dangerous or risky, but who says
they're right? Maybe it's something we should try because maybe we can't know until
we experience it for ourselves.
We all have our own fears and insecurities. But I can tell you from experience that
the best way to overcome your fear is by taking a risk.
It doesn't matter if it's something as small as trying a new food or something larger
like starting your own business, there are many benefits to overcoming your fear and
doing things on your own terms.
Everyone is scared of trying new things. But, what if I told you that there are many
real reasons why you should not be afraid to try new things?
Eye-Opening Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Try New Things
● You'll never know what it's like until you do it.
● It may end up being something that you love and want to continue doing for
the rest of your life.
● Trying new things will expand your horizons and make you a more
well-rounded person.
● What have you got to lose?
● If every time someone tried something they knew they would fail, no one
would ever accomplish anything great in their lives.
● You might find something you really love and never have to do it again.
● It'll make your life more interesting.
● You can always come back from a failure.
● Even if you're not successful, the journey is still worth it.
● The worst that could happen is that nothing changes.
● When we are afraid of change, we stop growing as people.
23. Don't Cheat on Your Spouse: Cheaters Don't Prosper
Have you ever wondered why couples are unfaithful in marriage? Ever noticed a
strange text message or phone call from your partner and felt like they were hiding
something from you?
Couples are unfaithful to one another in marriage for many reasons. They might be
unhappy with their partner, or they may feel like there is no future for them with the
person they're currently married to.
Some people have a higher sex drive than others, and if that's not being met by their
spouse then it could lead to adultery.
Infidelity can also happen when someone is feeling neglected and unappreciated by
the other person in the relationship. This post will explore the reasons why couples
cheat on one another during the marriage.
A common misconception is that unfaithfulness in marriage only happens when the
relationship has run its course. However, this reasoning doesn't take into account
that couples can be happy and healthy and still cheat on one another.
The reasons why some people cheat are complicated, but what's important to note is
that there are many ways to keep a relationship strong without cheating.
In the wake of recent scandals, we are going to look at different reasons why
couples in marriage may be unfaithful. Some of these include financial stress,
emotional disconnection, and sexual dissatisfaction.
Here are some real reasons why couples can become unfaithful in marriage:
Stunning Reasons Why Men Cheat on Their Wives
Women always get the short end of the stick when it comes to infidelity. They're left
with a broken heart and four innocent kids wondering what went wrong. Men, on the
other hand, are finally getting some recognition.
There's an entire TV show dedicated to showing dudes in their natural habitat -
cheating on their wives! What about all those women who want to know why? Why
do men cheat? And more importantly...why don't they just break up instead of
leading someone on for years and then breaking them off like that? Here are 10
strong reasons why men cheat on their wives:
1) The feeling that sex is better with someone else.
2) Some men think it feels really good to be wanted by somebody else.
3) They no longer love their spouse as much- Relationships require work and if
someone stops loving their spouse then they have stopped putting forth the effort
needed for the relationship which leads to cheating.
4) The need for variety- If someone has been with only one person for an extended
period of time then they may start looking elsewhere because
5) Lack of communication: Men may feel neglected and unheard which leads to them
seeking out someone who will listen and pay attention to them. If your partner
doesn't feel like they are getting enough support from you then they might seek it
They may also start sharing less about themselves with you or not talk at all because
they don't want to upset you with what's going on in their lives, so talking through
problems becomes more difficult as
6) Some men have low self-esteem, or just want to get away from their spouses.
7) A man might cheat because he feels like his wife doesn't pay enough attention to
him anymore and is always too busy with work or other things going on in her life.
This feeling can lead to resentment which causes a lack of intimacy between the two
partners which eventually leads to cheating by one partner or another.
8) Another reason why men cheat is that they don't feel that their wives are attractive
9) A recent study found that the number one reason for men to cheat on their wives
was because they were less satisfied with the sexual part of their relationship.
What this really means is, it's not about sex, but rather how intimacy plays a role in
relationships. Men who are seeking an emotional connection will find themselves
looking elsewhere when they don't feel like they're getting enough attention at home.
It's never easy to deal with infidelity and betrayal after all these years together.
However, it can be done if you have strong reasons why you should stay married
and work through your problems instead of letting them divide you further apart.
Brutally-Honest Reasons Why Women Cheat on Their Husbands
Women cheat on their husbands for a variety of reasons. The reasons why a woman
cheats on her husband can be as unique and complex as the individual. Here is a list
of common ones:
● They don't feel loved anymore.
● They are not getting what they need in the bedroom.
● They are bored with the marriage. They are not happy in the relationship
● Their husband doesn't make them laugh anymore.
● Her husband has lost his sense of humor and she can no longer tolerate him.
● Some women cheat because they are unhappy in their marriage.
● Some feel neglected or unappreciated by their husbands.
● Others may have an addiction problem that is fueled by cheating.
● Their needs aren't being met.
● Loneliness,
● The relationship has turned stale.
● He doesn't listen.
● He's too hard to get around.
● He's abusive.
● She feels that she deserves better.
● She wants revenge.
● They don't know how to fix it.
● Money problems.
● Lack of emotional connection- If your spouse doesn't show you any love or
affection anymore then it’s only natural that you would seek out someone who
is willing to give you what you need emotionally from them. This type of
cheating usually happens in marriages where one partner has taken over all
responsibilities within the family leaving the other partner feeling
unappreciated and ignored by their spouse as both parents.
● Married Women Have No One to Talk To- they're stuck in a relationship with
someone who has been around them for years and knows everything about
them. It can be hard to find another person who will listen as well as
understand what they're going through because not all people have the same
experience or know what it's like to live in this type of situation.
● Marriage Becomes Boring From Day 1- there is nothing new and exciting
anymore, just day after day of doing things you don't want to do and being
with someone you don't want to be with.
● He does not pull his weight around the house- This is a really common
complaint for wives who feel like they have to do all of the chores while their
husbands sit on their butts all day long. If he doesn't help out with stuff around
the house then she may start thinking about cheating because it would make
her feel less guilty about taking care of everything herself.
● Anger at their partner for not putting enough effort into the partnership.
● A feeling that they deserve more than what they have been given by their
spouse. It's important for spouses who suspect infidelity to be aware of this
information and act accordingly so as not to drive away someone who could
potentially love them unconditionally.
24. Avoid divorce at all cost
There is a lot of talk these days about the positive effects that divorce can have on
people and their relationships. Many articles speak to how divorce allows for people
to find themselves, how it helps them be more independent, and how it clears up
conflicts in their marriage.
All relationships take work to maintain and there are many reasons why people may
choose to get divorced. However, there are also many good reasons why divorce
can be bad for your relationship with your partner.
Relationships are complicated. When two people commit to one another, they often
make promises about their future together and set expectations for themselves that
could be difficult to live up to.
The stress of maintaining a committed relationship can cause couples to grow apart
or drift into other relationships. But the consequences of divorce go beyond just
splitting up property and dividing time with children; it has been shown that divorce is
bad for relationships in many ways.
Divorce is a difficult and painful process. It's natural to want to get out of the
relationship as fast as possible, but you should consider the long-term effects
divorce will have on your life.
Research has shown that people who are divorced tend to experience greater
anxiety, depression, and lower self-esteem than those who are not divorced.
Divorce can also change your personality traits such as becoming less conscientious
or more neurotic in some cases.
Divorce is a difficult topic to talk about, but it's important that people are aware of the
many negative impacts divorce can have on relationships.
Divorce can lead to depression, increased anxiety and PTSD symptoms, increased
aggression and violence against others or oneself, lower self-esteem, deterioration in
social support networks, and more.
The Negative Effects of Divorce on Children
Divorce is a tough word for many people. It conjures up feelings of sadness or anger
and can be difficult to talk about. The last thing that you want to do is put your
children in the middle of all of these emotions and have them struggling with their
own issues too.
The number of divorces in the world is on the rise. In fact, one-third of marriages end
up in divorce. Divorce can have many negative effects on children, and they are
often overlooked or not taken seriously enough. The emotional wounds inflicted by
parental separation are often deep and difficult to heal from.
Some studies show that children who have experienced parental separation are
more likely to experience mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or low
self-esteem later in life (McLeod).
The number of children who live in single-parent families has doubled over the last
10 years. In fact, 1 out of 3 kids will live in a single-parent family at some point before
age 18. When divorce occurs, it leaves an emotional impact on these children that
they carry with them for years to come.
Most parents are good and try their best to make divorce as easy as possible on
their kids. However, there are many negative effects on children when divorced from
one or both parents.
These include:
● feeling abandoned
● having trust issues
● being embarrassed about living with only one parent and not two like all
his/her friends do
● feelings of anger towards the non-custodial parent because he/she is no
longer around.
Children who have a parent go through a divorce may experience emotional,
physical, and psychological problems in their life.
Divorce is a common occurrence in the United States, with 1 out of every 3
marriages ending in divorce. When children are involved, it can be difficult to
navigate through and understand how they're feeling about their parents' split. It's
important for people who care about kids to know what they may experience when
one parent remarries or has a new baby that doesn't include them.
There are many children who suffer from post-divorce syndrome, which is a type of
childhood trauma.
Post-divorce syndrome can cause the following:
● Withdrawal and avoidance behaviors
● Poor school performance
● Delinquent behavior around peers and family members
● Low self-esteem
● Other mental health problems such as depression or anxiety disorders.
The Negative Effects of Divorce on Women
It is no secret that divorce has a long list of negative effects on the person going
through it. Some people say it's not for women; some say there are more negatives
than positives.
Many don't realize that divorce has a lot more negative effects than just losing your
spouse and friends. Divorcees are faced with social isolation, financial insecurity,
depression, feelings of inadequacy, and regret for what could have been a perfect
The divorce rate in the United States is at its highest point since 2009. This means
that there are a large number of women who have gone through a major life
transition and are trying to figure out how they want to live their lives.
Women often find themselves with more responsibility than ever before, as well as
less social support and financial stability.
Divorce is a huge emotional and financial burden for anyone to endure. The divorce
process can be especially difficult for women, who often find themselves struggling
with their post-divorce finances and careers.
The statistics are grim. Women who divorce are more likely to end up homeless,
jobless and in poverty as compared to men. They also have a harder time getting
custody of their children.
What's worse is that nobody seems to care about this disparity in our society. There
isn't enough research on the topic. We don't talk about it often enough, and we
certainly don't do anything about it when we know how bad things can be for women
who divorce.
The Negative Effects of Divorce on Men
Divorce is a difficult, life-changing event. The negative impact of divorce on men has
been largely overlooked in the past, but recent research shows that it can have
significant consequences for their mental and physical health.
While these effects are not as pronounced or long lasting as they are for women,
studies show that men with children who were divorced tended to be more
depressed than those without kids when surveyed ten years after the divorce.
Divorce is a difficult experience for anyone- but it can be especially hard on men.
The reason?
We're still socialized to believe that being a breadwinner and the head of the
household are the most important things in life, so when we lose our jobs or find out
our wife has cheated on us, we are left with no sense of purpose.
Divorcees are more likely to commit suicide, divorce can lead to a greater chance of
depression, and it is also harder for them to find love after their marriage ends.
The effects that divorce has on men may seem worse than what they have done in
the past, but this is not true.
Men who experience these negative effects from divorce usually have some sort of
trauma or mental illness before they are divorced which then leads them into an
even deeper depression or feeling of worthlessness.
Divorce is a difficult and emotional process for both partners. While women may
experience the brunt of it, men are also deeply affected by divorce. The effects of
divorce on men include depression, anxiety, anger issues, substance abuse and
25. Avoid Lawsuits: It's damn too expensive
A lawsuit is one of the most expensive, time-consuming and emotionally draining
ways to resolve an issue. In fact, it's often more costly than resolving the problem in
another way.
It doesn't matter what type of lawsuit you're considering - personal injury or property
damage claims are both just as bad. In the event that you're considering suing
somebody, know that when things go wrong in a lawsuit, they can get really bad
really fast.
In the United States, lawsuits are commonplace. They can be expensive for
businesses and individuals alike. Lawsuits have been on the rise in recent years due
to a number of factors that include: an increase in litigiousness, lack of affordable
legal representation, shifting from tort law to criminal law, etc.
The following reasons should help you decide if you really want to go down this path.
Ass-Kicking Reasons Why You Should Abstain from Divorce
1) Legal fees: Lawsuits can be incredibly expensive. Lawyers charge anywhere from
$200-$400 per hour depending on their expertise level and how much time they
spend working on your case each day. The average cost of going through a civil trial
is $100,000. That's not exactly chump change most people can afford.
2) Lost wages: more often than not you will need to miss work or reduce your hours
while going through a lawsuit which could result in reduced income;
3) Emotional toll. Loss of a case can be traumatic. Litigations can be emotionally
draining. Litigation is hard on everyone involved. It's not just about winning or losing.
Having your life put under a microscope for months at a time in front of strangers can
take an emotional toll on you as well as those close to you.
4) Lawsuits take up time - They take forever to sort out. In a society with so much
technology available for everything from shopping to communication, how do you
find enough time in your day to dedicate to legal proceedings?.For example, people
may have to spend years on end dealing with their ex's attorneys, only to find out
that they lose.
5) You might lose- Losing means that not only did you waste all that money on
lawyers but now the other party gets what they wanted in the first place.
6) You have to go through a lot of legal hoops before even getting started;
7) If your case goes against you, then there's always the risk that you'll end up owing
money or go to jail.
8) People who represent themselves have a harder time winning cases
9) There is no guarantee you will win
10) You might not get what you want
11) You might not like how your lawyer behaves during trial. He may even sell out.
12) A judge could overturn the case at a higher court leading to more financial stress
or outright bankruptcy.
13) It doesn't always lead to "closure": Sometimes when couples end up in litigation
they find themselves back in court.
Lawsuits are a lot of work, and they can be expensive. With so many other avenues
to pursue, it's worth thinking twice before going down the lawsuit road.
26. Keep your anger in check
It is no secret that anger can lead to some of the most negative consequences for
those who are feeling it. We see this in our teaching, at home with our children, and
in our relationships. When we choose to control our anger, we can be more
successful as a person and less likely to have regrets
We all get angry. It's natural and normal to feel that way sometimes, but when you
don't know how to control your anger or don't have any other coping skills, it can lead
to a lot of problems in your life. This is a problem that many people struggle with.
Anger is a powerful emotion. It can spur us to action or cause us to lash out at
others. The problem with anger is that it often leads to irrational behavior, and when
we're angry, we don't always make the best decisions.
Anger is a normal human emotion. But, like any other part of the body, it should be
treated with caution and care. Anger can be an extremely powerful tool when used
correctly, but if not controlled properly it can cause irreparable damage.
Why Anger is Dangerous
Reason 1: Anger robs you of energy and focus.
Reason 2: Anger makes it hard for people around you to remain calm.
Reason 3: Anger can lead to regretful behaviors such as yelling or touching
someone without permission.
Reason 4: Anger can make people feel bad and may cause them to have health
problems like headaches, stomach aches or even a heart attack.
Reason 5: Anger can lead to violence which often has consequences that affect
more than just the angry person, such as physical injury or death.
Reason 6: When you get angry you might say things that hurt other people's feelings
and they could get mad at you back for hurting their feelings.
Reason 7: Anger has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease
Reason 8: Anger can make us feel out-of-control and frustrated
Reason 9: Anger may result in violence
Reason 10: Control over anger aids self-esteem
Reason 11: Controlling one's temper reduces stress
Reason 12: The effects of uncontrolled anger can
Reason 13: You will look back on your actions with regret if you don't keep them in
Reason 14: You will hurt yourself physically if you get into an altercation.
Reason 15: Your relationships will suffer as people avoid being around someone
who gets angry too easily.
Reason 16: People won't respect you because they see how quickly you get angry.
One of the first signs of uncontrolled anger is an inability to think clearly about how
your words will affect someone else.
For example, telling someone off for making a minor mistake might make them feel
really bad about themselves even though they're not doing anything wrong. Or
lashing out at somebody who's already upset with their own.
It’s never too late to live a happy life. You may be thinking “I can't change my past, so
I might as well just give up and accept how things are now.” But it's not true! The
power of the human mind is astounding in its ability to overcome adversity and
create new pathways for success.
Don't let your current situation dictate what you will do with your future or what
happiness looks like for you going forward. Take action today—even if that means
small daily actions that lead to big long-term results over time.
If there is anything about yourself you want to improve or any goal you have been
wanting to achieve but haven't yet taken steps towards achieving, start now.
Living a happy and successful life is not easy. Happiness is the goal for many
people, but it takes more than just being surrounded by good things to make us
We need to have a vision of what we want in our lives in order to strive that way. This
includes raising a good family, sleeping well, exercising more, enjoying laughter,
keeping a journal with notes on your day-to-day activities as well as other thoughts
you may have had during the day (even if they are negative), living healthy lifestyles
including eating right and getting enough sleep every night; avoiding vengeance
when someone has wronged us or hurt others close to us; and helping others who
are less fortunate than ourselves without expecting anything back from them.
Good life tips depend on your values. Generally, though, to live a happy and
prosperous life you want to avoid divorce, lawsuits, extravagance with money, and
breaking laws - including financial fraud.
What are the rewards?
You'll be happier as well as wealthier. Plus, this means less stress in life. Imagine if
every time you spent money or did something enjoyable that was "against the rules,"
it upset someone important from your team or family but still gave you satisfaction?
These feelings would add up quickly and not give you peace of mind. Instead, we
hope these recommended principles can resonate with anyone trying to figure out
how best to live their lives.
It is never too late for you to start doing the things that will make your life better
today. What have you done so far? Has there been anything holding you back?
The time has come for us all to take responsibility for our own happiness and
success. It's never too long until tomorrow starts here right now.

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The Secret of Living a Happy and Successful Life (1).pdf

  • 1. The Secret of Living a Happy and Successful Life The Pursuit of Happiness is Everyone’s Business It's a big question that everyone asks themselves at some point in their life. We all want to live a happy and successful life, but sometimes it can be difficult to figure out how. There are many different pieces of advice for living a good life that you may have heard from your family or friends, but do they really work? What is the best way to live a happy and successful life? The pursuit of happiness is a universal goal. It's not easy to live life and be happy, but it can be done. There are many factors that contribute to a person's happiness in life. It is never too late to do things that will make you live a happy life. Act now. Living a successful and fulfilling life can be achieved by making lifestyle adjustments in the areas of health, relationships, finances, work-life balance, spirituality, self-esteem, or personal growth.
  • 2. The key is identifying what your priorities are in order to thrive as an individual while also living within the framework of society at large. Achieving success requires dedication from many different angles so it’s important not only to identify where we need improvement but also to determine how much time we have available for change (and if necessary seek help outside ourselves). 1. Take care of your body Eat healthily, exercise, and get enough sleep so your brain can recharge. Stay active and healthy by doing things that make your heart sing. A healthy lifestyle is something we all want to lead. It's a goal that most of us have, but it can be difficult to achieve when you are constantly busy and don't have time to exercise or eat the right foods. So how do you get started? What can you do on a daily basis that will help you live a healthier life? Here are some useful tips for getting your life in order.
  • 3. Super Tips for Living a Healthy Lifestyle a) Get enough sleep so you don't feel sluggish during the day. Aim for 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night. Sleep helps your body recover and repair, keeps your immune system strong, and gives your brain time to process new things. b) Eat breakfast every day c) Drink water throughout the day, not soda or other sugary drinks. Take plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and avoid dehydration. This will also keep your skin looking fresh and youthful. d) Don't skip any meals! Eat three meals. f) Exercise regularly: This is one of the most important steps in living a healthy lifestyle because exercise releases endorphins that make you feel good. It also regulates blood pressure and improves moods by releasing serotonin, as well as dopamine which controls cravings. Find time for a 30-minute workout each day (even if it's just walking around the block). Start gradually, say 15 minutes for a start. Make sure you work at an intensity level that challenges but doesn't overwhelm your abilities. g) Eat nutritious foods to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins it needs for optimum performance. Fruits and vegetables are essential for excellent health.
  • 4. 2. Earn a good income A major step to living a happy life is to earn well so that you'll have the resources to do the other things on this list. Make this a priority. Get good at identifying opportunities to make money and capitalizing on them. Spend more time at work than everything else you do combined and you'll find your other life goals taking shape easily with whatever time is left. It's also important to earn enough so that your needs are met and then some as this allows for investing back in yourself and those around you―which can bring lifelong happiness. Did you know that the average American spends over 50% of their income on living expenses? That is a lot. But it doesn't have to be this way. There are many ways to make more money and spend less.
  • 5. Tips for earning a good income ● Work hard. ● Keep your head down. Don’t show off. ● Don't stop learning. ● Upgrade your skills. ● Be a team player. ● Join a cooperative society to obtain funds and expertise for business. ● Save and invest for rainy days ● Always be on time and prepared to work overtime when needed. ● Ask for help when you need it and take advantage of all the resources available to you (i.e., training, mentoring, conferences). ● Go for a reasonable side hustle if necessary. 3. Don't live above your means
  • 6. Choose wisely when it comes to what money goes where. Stay out of debt. Save money every week like clockwork even if you don't necessarily need it yet. Practice gratitude and moderation with the few items in your life that actually bring you joy. Save money. Save time. Save your sanity. Saving money is a big deal. It's easy to just spend and not care about how much you're spending, but the reality is that it can be hard to make enough money to keep up with your expenses. The best way to save money is by cutting down on unnecessary expenses or finding cheaper alternatives for things you need. Genuine Ways to Start Saving Right Now ● Turn off the lights when they're not necessary. ● Use energy-saving bulbs or devices. ● Buy in bulk if it makes sense financially ● Look at what you spend your time doing and see if there are ways of making more money from those activities. ● Cook at home instead of ordering out or eating fast food all the time. This will help keep costs down for groceries and dining out. This will also help improve your health. ● Sell stuff online. ● Find out what your local grocery store has for specials this week. ● Pack a lunch for work or school instead of buying one at the cafeteria. ● Make sure you're getting all the discounts you deserve at your favorite stores (check out retailers' websites as well as their brick-and-mortar locations). ● Keep an eye on online deals and coupons before making purchases or signing up for services like cable, or needless software. ● Avoid expensive birthday gifts unless it's absolutely necessary. ● For starters, check your bank account balance often and make sure it never falls below $100. ● Keep an updated list of all your expenses on hand so that if you see something going over budget or not being used as much as anticipated, you can adjust the amount allotted to it accordingly. 4. Be kind to others
  • 7. Kindness is one of the most important things in life. It's not always easy to show kindness, but it can make our lives so much better and more productive. Kindness is a virtue that people practice in order to make others feel loved, cared for and respected. When this happens, it has ripple effects on the world around us. It's contagious and can be spread by anyone from friends to strangers. Be kind with the people around you - don't be too mean or indulge in gossip for too long, even if they provoked it. Never bully anyone or compel someone to live against their will through some threats of death or violence needlessly committed upon them by yourself or others under any circumstances. We all know that it's important to be kind to other people. We want others to treat us with kindness, so we should do the same for them. Be kind even when no kindness has been shown to you. Be kind and avoid people who make your life worse or who cause you stress. Make yourself happy by bringing joy into other people's lives. Everyone deserves to be treated kindly.
  • 8. Awesome Ways to Show Kindness to Others 1. Smile at people you pass on the street, in line or anywhere else. 2. Give up your seat for someone who needs it more than you do 3. Pick up something that somebody dropped and give it back. 4. Help someone with directions. 5. Hold a door open for people as they walk by. 6. Compliment others when appropriate. 7. Buy coffee for the person behind you in line if they don't offer first. 8. Call home just because - even if there's nothing new going on, it will make them happy. 9. Send cards as gifts from time to time. 10.Notice other people's emotions and interact with them accordingly. 11. Be honest in your dealings with others. Cheaters never prosper. 12.Say "I'm sorry" when appropriate. 13.Show patience. 5. Share with people in need When you're in need of something, it can be tough to ask for help. Whether you have a problem with your job or are struggling to make ends meet, there is always someone who has gone through the same thing and knows what it feels like. Sometimes it seems like the world is coming to an end: natural disasters, terrorism, poverty. It can be overwhelming and difficult to know how you can help. But there are ways that everyone can make a positive impact in their community and around the world. One of the most common is donating food, clothing, or money. Make a donation to one of these charities which has shared their wish list on their website. However, there are other creative ways you can help out too. Donate your old clothes or shoes to a local charity store. They'll sell them for money so they can buy more clothing or shoes for those who don't have any. Another idea is giving food. Canned goods last longer than fresh produce but both types of donations are needed and appreciated. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter. Offer an hour of your time to help serve food or prepare meals, give out clothes or toiletries, offer mental health support sessions, etc. There are many opportunities available for volunteering during the holidays.
  • 9. Donate your time, talents, or resources to those who are less fortunate than you. If you have a skill, offer to volunteer it at an organization that can put it to good use. Donating unused items to charity is an excellent idea. 6. Learn how to tackle adversity It's been a tough day. You're feeling overwhelmed and you don't know what to do next. The pressure is getting to you, your head hurts, your stomach feels sick and the only thing that makes sense is curling up in bed with a good book or binge-watching an episode of Game of Thrones. It is not uncommon for people to experience adversity in their lives. We all have our own battles and struggles, and it's often difficult to know how best to cope with them. At times, we may feel like giving up - but this can be detrimental. When you're feeling like giving up, remember that every problem has a solution and there are people who have been in your shoes before you and managed to come out on top. You just need the right tools for the job. Face your challenges gracefully with patience and hope. Adversity will come as surely as night follows day; it's part of life's natural cycle (sometimes things are good - sometimes they suck). Tackle adversity by consulting experts from different backgrounds and professions - a psychologist, an entrepreneur, a civil rights advocate, an ordained minister and others. Successful people tend to be the ones who get knocked down seven times and still get back up eight times. It's important that we don't let ourselves become passive in getting out our anger on those around us. WANT TO ACHIEVE OPTIMAL HEALTH? CHECK OUT OUR TOP RECOMMENDATIONS
  • 10. 7. Enjoy hobbies Hobbies are the perfect way to spend your free time. They provide you with a chance to relax and get away from life's stresses, but they can also be a great source of happiness. Hobbies can benefit your mind and body. Hobbies can give you the opportunity to develop skills that will be useful in your career, such as public speaking or coding. Hobbies offer an escape from reality which is often needed if you're working too many hours at your job or studying for exams. Hobbies provide social interaction with like-minded people. Hobbies can be anything from playing softball to knitting scarves. However, many people don't take the time to have a hobby because they believe it will take up too much of their precious free time. That's just not true. Hobbies are a great way to take some time for yourself and relax. They provide you with an opportunity to do something that you enjoy, which is good for your mental
  • 11. health. In addition, hobbies give you a chance to meet new people who share the same interests as you. Hobbies can also be a source of creativity: they might inspire your next artwork or idea, or make you more creative in general. Hobbies help keep your brain active and healthy by stimulating different parts of the brain at once through various types of activities like puzzles, games, crafts etc... Hobbies are an outlet for the mind and a way to take a break from everyday life. They can be done at any time, day or night, with little to no cost. 8. Be grateful for what you have. It's been said that gratitude is the key to happiness. Whether you are a teen, career woman or man, senior, student, busy mom or dad, soldier or worker- we all have something in our lives that make us feel grateful and appreciative. No matter who you are or what your circumstances may be there are always things to be thankful for. Gratitude is a quality that can impact every part of your life. It's not just good for the person receiving it, but also for those who are showing gratitude. Gratitude is an essential part of life. It can help you feel more content, less stressed and closer to those around you. Gratitude has been shown to improve physical health, decrease depression and anxiety, increase happiness, and make people more productive at work. Practice gratitude every day. Write down what you're grateful for, or make a list of things that have made you happy recently. Be grateful for what you have instead of focusing on what you don't have. Reflect on your day and be grateful for what you have achieved. Gratitude can be a powerful, positive force in your life - it creates happiness and builds stronger relationships with the people around you. 9. Have a sense of humor and laugh often
  • 12. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with bad news and negativity, laughter is the sweet elixir that can help us get through. A good laugh can change your mood in an instant by releasing natural endorphins into your bloodstream that give you a sense of euphoria and happiness much as if your brain were on drugs. And no matter what's going on in life, laughter will always be there for us when we need it most. Laughter has been proven to have many health benefits for your body and mind like reducing stress hormones, boosting immune system functioning, increasing blood flow to organs and muscles, and assisting with digestive processes - all of which contribute to better overall health. Laughter also lowers stress hormones like cortisol, which is important for an aging population who may have more health issues than younger people. Laughter may reduce blood pressure by causing an increase in nitric oxide. Nitric oxide dilates blood vessels which lowers blood pressure.
  • 13. A study done by The University of Otago found that humor reduced anxiety before surgery for patients who had a higher risk level according to their pre-surgery evaluations. Another study done by Duke University Medical Center showed that daily doses of laughter lowered pain perception while watching videos or reading jokes. Laughter is one of the best ways to keep your immune system strong and healthy. It's also been shown that people with strong social networks have more robust immunity Studies have shown that laughter can actually boost the immune system by increasing T-cell production, which helps fight off illness. Not only that, laughing also releases endorphins which make us feel relaxed and happy. Laughing has been proven to lower blood pressure as well. It's also contagious: A single laugh can set off a chain reaction of laughter among humans. 10. Keep your promises, even if it's not easy Promises are a big deal. Whether you're making promises to your best friend, your child, or the boss- promising is something we do all the time. If you have ever made a promise to someone and then broken it, you know how bad it feels. If you keep promises, it makes the person on the other end feel good. Making promises is easy. But keeping them? Harder than you think. Commitments are a big part of life, and it can often feel like we're letting everyone down when we don't live up to what we've promised. Keeping promises is a skill that we all need to learn. We make promises every day, and not keeping them can have serious consequences for our relationships. Promises are like gifts, and it's important to give them with care. Practical Ways to Keep Promises a) You could always try writing them down and pin them to your personal board in the house. b) Write a letter and send it with someone else who will deliver it. (No guarantees on this one though)
  • 14. c) Put up reminders around your house or office reminding yourself of what's important. d) Keep an updated calendar with all your commitments listed out for easy reference. e) Set alarms on your phone or computer as reminders when time is running short. Keeping promises is an important part of life. It's what makes us trustworthy and dependable people, or so we're told. WANT TO ACHIEVE OPTIMAL HEALTH? CHECK OUT OUR TOP RECOMMENDATIONS 11. Share your knowledge You are a walking encyclopedia of information. You know the answers to all the questions that come up in your life and you're not afraid to share what you know. What if I told you there was a way for people to learn from your knowledge without asking? There is. Being a knowledge seeker is an important part of life. We learn from the people around us and by reading about different topics. But what if you have more to offer? What if you're knowledgeable in something that other people don't know much about? How can you share it so others can benefit from your experience? Authentic ways to Share Your Knowledge With Others ● Blogging ● Podcasting ● Use short videos on social media channels like YouTube, Facebook Live or Instagram Stories to educate people on any topic that interests them. ● Creating an online course and selling it through platforms like Udemy, Teachable, Kajabi, Skillshare, etc. ● Giving presentations at conferences, schools, churches, mosques, etc. ● Speaking on panels at events related to your topic(s) of expertise. ● Teaching classes in person or online.
  • 15. ● Writing a book. ● Writing articles. ● Speaking as a guest expert on TV shows. ● Taking part in public debates. ● Offer advice on how to do something. ● Share your recipe for a favorite dish. ● Introduce someone else to a new hobby or activity. ● Give feedback on an article, picture, video, etc. ● One-on-one conversation or a phone call. 12. Get organized - Tidy up Whether you're a busy mom, soldier, or student, all of us have the same problem: not enough time. Who has time to clean their home? No one has time for a messy house. But, somehow, it seems like every day there are more and more things to do that keep us from maintaining the order of our homes. Time is precious these days. Luckily for us there are plenty of ways to keep your home neat and tidy without spending too much time on it. Ways to Get Organized and Tidy Up Your Home Every Day. a) Create a system for organizing your things. Make sure everything has its place so that when you need something, it's easy to find. b) Limit the number of items in each room. If there are too many items in one area, they start getting mixed up with other items and becoming confusing which can lead to more messes. c) Keep all food out of rooms where people sleep or spend a lot of time such as kitchens or living rooms because those areas tend to get messy quickly. d) Clean up as soon as possible e) Create a cleaning routine f) Declutter often. Keep counters clear of clutter g) Use storage containers
  • 16. h) Clear off surfaces that aren't in use, like tabletops or TV sets. i) Make sure everything has a place. Keep your space clean and tidy. k) Keep your home neat and tidy all the time (even if it's just for one hour per week) 13. Spend quality time with friends and family. Make time for the people you care about most in life. Spend time with friends and family to make memories worth remembering I am sure you have heard that time is the most precious commodity of all. It's true, because we never seem to have enough hours in a day. Between work and family commitments, there are so many demands on our time. But it doesn't mean you can't take some time out for yourself and your friends and family members! A recent study found that people who spend more time with friends and family are happier, healthier and live longer than those who don't. But what does spending quality time really mean? How can you make the most of your limited free time to make sure you're getting all the benefits of a strong social life? Here's how to balance your busy lives while still managing to stay connected with friends and family: How to Spend Quality Time with Family and Friends ● Call your friends and family ● Create a scrapbook of memories ● Host a dinner party for the holidays ● Plan an outdoor picnic with friends and family ● Volunteer together at a local shelter or soup kitchen ● Take up knitting to show off your skills to others, learn something new, spend time with grandma or grandpa while you're at it. ● Attend a sports game as spectators with some snacks and drinks in tow- cheer on your favorite team. ● Tell little children moral stories or human encounters with dinos or aliens.
  • 17. 14. Keep a positive attitude Many people struggle with maintaining a positive attitude, but it is possible to do so. The days can be long and tough, but we all have to keep a positive attitude. It's the only way to get through life. How do you keep a positive attitude? It's not easy to stay positive when life is throwing curveballs at you. But what if it were possible to have a more optimistic outlook on life every day? The best way to start the morning with an upbeat mindset and maintain a sense of optimism throughout your day is by doing these things. Simple Steps to Staying Positive ● Get up early. ● Drink lots of water. ● Eat breakfast. ● Exercise daily and get plenty of sleep. ● Keep a gratitude journal. ● Smile often even if you don't feel like it! This will make you happy because smiling releases endorphins that make us feel good about ourselves and our surroundings. ● Surround yourself with people who have the same mindset and values as you do. ● Forgive people who have offended you. ● Always think of success. Surround yourself with positivity instead of negativity to keep a positive perspective on life. Remember that the glass is half full not half empty. It's a little known secret that the way you think about things is the most important thing in determining how you feel. So always t keep a positive attitude, and have fun while doing it! 15. Don't be afraid to make mistakes Even if they are big ones because everything is a learning experience. Don't be afraid of failure - everyone fails sometimes, but that doesn't mean you're not doing anything right
  • 18. We are all human and we will make mistakes. It is inevitable. But what do you get when you make a mistake? You learn from it, and then use that knowledge to not make the same mistake again. Mistakes build character, teach valuable lessons, open up new opportunities for life-changing experiences. Do you ever feel like mistakes are a sign of weakness? A lack of intelligence? Mistakes are part of life. Whether we make big or small mistakes, they all teach us something and help us grow as people. But why is it that many of us still feel so afraid to make them? Even the most successful people in history have made mistakes - that's just how life goes. So, instead of being fearful when you know you don't have all the answers, try embracing your "mistakes". If you want to get anywhere in life, there will be obstacles in your way - what matters most is how you deal with them. But who said you have to be perfect? You're not perfect. You are imperfect and you will make mistakes. But that's okay. In fact, it's great because mistakes help us learn, grow and become stronger people. WANT TO ACHIEVE OPTIMAL HEALTH? CHECK OUT OUR TOP RECOMMENDATIONS 16. Smile as much as possible, it's contagious! Did you know that just by smiling, you can make yourself feel happier? It's true! There is a direct connection between your facial muscles and mood. When you smile, the muscles around your eyes relax which reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Your mouth stretches out to form a natural grin which stimulates endorphins in the brain releasing serotonin, the happy hormone. It also helps people see us more positively because we are seen as more approachable when we smile rather than scowl or frown. A study done at the University of Kansas found that when you smile, your brain releases endorphins and serotonin which are natural painkillers and mood
  • 19. enhancers. Smiling also boosts immune system function by increasing T-cells in the blood. Smiling is contagious too. When one person smiles around another, it triggers a mirror neuron response in their brain which makes them automatically want to return the smile with an even bigger grin themselves. Now there's no excuse for not smiling more often. The good news is that smiling does wonders for your mental health and physical well-being. A recent study published by Psychology Today found that people who smile often tend to be happier, healthier and even wealthier than those with more serious expressions on their faces. A smile can change your mood and the way you feel. A smile relaxes your body, boosts brain activity, and makes other people feel happy too. The following are the major reasons why smiling is important. Ass-Kicking Benefits of Frequent Smile ● When we smile our brain releases endorphins which make us feel happy. ● Smiling can ease pain. ● Our immune system gets stronger when we smile because our body releases antibodies when we laugh or grin. ● People will want to approach us more if they see a smiling face. ● When you smile, it shows on your face - people will react positively towards a smiling person more than they would if the person was frowning or had an unhappy expression on their face. ● Smiles are contagious so when someone smiles at you that usually means they're in a good mood. If that's the case, then chances are you'll want to reciprocate with a smile of your own
  • 20. 17. Make a plan to achieve your goals. We all have goals in life. Some of us want to get married, some want a career, and others just need a break from the everyday grind. Whatever your goal is, it can be difficult to achieve them sometimes. I know you may be thinking that it's impossible to achieve your goals in life. The truth is, it's not. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication but the rewards are more than worth it. Every single person has a list of goals they want to achieve in life. Keep track of what you want in life and make sure you're making progress towards it every day. It can be hard to stay motivated and focused when you're faced with a long list of goals and aspirations. You want to achieve your goals in life but you don't know how. You're not alone, with so many distractions and other commitments it's hard for anyone to stay on task. You just need the right strategy. Consult with an expert in your field for guidance.
  • 21. 18. Be security conscious Is security on your mind? If you're like most people, it is. The world we live in today can be a scary place. With so many threats out there, it's hard to know what to do to protect yourself and those around you. The internet is a giant place. More than 3 billion people use it every day and as a result, there are tons of ways to be safe online. The world can seem like an unsafe place where anything goes, but the truth is that you're in control of your own security. Be mindful of everything that is happening around you. But don't panic. Here are ways that you can stay safe no matter where life takes you. Epic Ways to Be Security Conscious 1. Keep your phone in your bag, or on airplane mode while you're not using it to avoid "shoulder surfing." 2. Be aware of who is around you and what they are doing.
  • 22. 3. Beware of people with sketchy behavior- like someone who keeps moving in your direction or someone who's always looking at their watch then eyeing the door, etc., these can be signs that they want to steal from you or may even be a criminal themselves. 4. Download an app called Life360 that allows you to track the location of friends and family members. When combined with other apps such as Find My Friends and Google Maps, if something happens, you know where they are instantly. 5. Try a martial art class to learn self-defence tactics from the gurus. 6. You're out and about, maybe grabbing a coffee before work or heading to the bank. ● Suddenly you feel someone grab your arm from behind - it's an attempted robbery. ● What do you do? ● The first thing is to stay calm and assess the situation quickly: Are there any weapons involved? Can you get away without being hurt? Do they have friends nearby who might also be armed? ● Are people around acting as lookouts or potential witnesses that could help call for help should something happen next? ● If possible, try to pull away from the robber calmly (without making sudden movements). If they continue to hold onto your arm, then punch them in order to escape. ● Use a pepper spray if you have one. ● Use your martial skills (if you are trained) ● Call for help from bystanders. The world is a dangerous place, and we are all at risk of getting hurt. However, if you take the time to be aware of your surroundings and what's going on around you it can go a long way in keeping yourself safe. Just paying attention to your environment can help keep you from being an easy target for thieves or attackers. Real Reasons Why Cyber Security is Critical The internet is a wonderful place. But it has some risks. One risk that we all need to be aware of is the risk of being hacked into and having our information stolen. You can protect yourself by taking some critical steps. Hacking is a growing problem in the modern world. As people become more and more reliant on technology, hacking becomes an even bigger issue. Hacking can lead to all sorts of problems from stolen identities to complete data destruction.
  • 23. Computer hacking has been a growing problem for years now. With the rise of cyber crimes, it's more important than ever to figure out ways to protect your information from prying eyes. You can prevent computer hacking while still maintaining your privacy and security with some steps outlined below: i) Avoid phishing scams, which are usually emails that try and trick you into clicking a link that will download malware onto your computer or steal personal information from you. ii) Keep your passwords private by using strong passwords with letters, numbers, symbols, etc. iii) You should never download malicious software onto a work PC (this includes things like games). 19. Find your passion in life and pursue your goals. Finding your passion in life and pursuing your goals can be challenging. It takes a lot of self-reflection, introspection, and patience to uncover what you really want out of life. What are you passionate about? What do you want to pursue in life? Some people have a little trouble figuring out what they're passionate about. It's not always easy, but it is worth the time and effort. There are some ways to find your passion in life and pursue your goals Insanely-Easy Ways to Find Your Passion in Life and Pursue Your Goals a) Start with your strengths. What do you enjoy doing more than anything else? b) Ask yourself why you like these things or who does them well. c) Make a list of all the things that interest or excite you, no matter how unusual they might seem at first glance. d) Look for patterns from your lists-is there one activity that appears on most of them? e) Set goals for yourself, but be flexible.
  • 24. f) Consult a guidance counselor to help out. 20. Do a digital detox Digital technology is a great tool that can help you save time, stay in touch with friends and family, and manage your business. But sometimes we need to step away from the screen for a little while. Digital Detox is the act of abstaining from all digital devices for a period of time, with some people going as long as a month. The idea behind this is to allow yourself time to reassess your priorities and regain control over your life. Digital detox can be a good way to reconnect with what you really care about in life, spend quality time with friends and family or just find moments of solitude. Be mindful of how much time you spend on social media/technology- set limits to when you check email, Facebook, etc. so that they don't take over your life. Digital detoxes have become increasingly popular in recent years. The idea is that you take a break from your digital devices for some period of time, usually at least one day and often longer. In the process, you're giving your brain an opportunity to relax and do something different than work or play video games. Digital detox is the new buzzword for those of us who are on our phones or tablets too much. It conjures up images of people going off the grid, unplugging from technology and spending time in nature. I am a digital detoxer myself and find that this not only gives me more clarity but also allows me to have some down time that lets my brain rest. In our modern world, we are constantly surrounded by screens. From smartphones to laptops and televisions, there is always something vying for our attention. It can be difficult to know when enough is enough. 21. Don't be greedy What's wrong with being greedy? It may seem like a good thing to want more and to never be satisfied. But greed can lead you down a dark path, where you end up hurting others and yourself.
  • 25. We're all guilty of wanting to get ahead - but what does this really mean? In today's society, it means that we are always on the lookout for ways to make more money. A greedy life is a dangerous one. Greed makes individuals do things they would never do if they weren't so focused on getting more and more of what they already have. The desire for money, power or fame can lead people down dark paths that are hard to come back from. There are many dangers of living a greedy life, and they go far beyond the idea that greed is bad. Greed can lead to violence, anger, and even depression. The Dangers of Greed a) Greed clouds your judgment- When you're driven by greed, it makes it tough to make smart decisions. It also leads people to take risks they would not normally consider taking when they are in control of their feelings. b) Greed ruins relationships- Once someone has enough money or material possessions, he or she no longer feels motivated to keep building friendships that have outlived their usefulness for getting what they want from them. c) Greed destroys communities. Many conflicts and inter- and intra- communal wars have broken out as a result of the greed of one or both parties. d) Feeling lonely and isolated - when people focus on themselves too much they feel lonely because there's no one in their lives who cares about them or takes interest in them. e) Turning into an intolerant person- greed makes people really inconsiderate and selfish to other people because they don't care about anyone else but themselves. f) Being obsessed with money for selfish reasons. g) Losing the joy in your work- When you focus on only yourself it becomes difficult to enjoy anything else. h) Greed leads to other crimes-The greedier you are, the more likely it is that you'll be in danger. Greed can make people do things that they never would have done before. It's one of the most common causes of crimes around the world. From stealing money to murder, all because of greed. f) Being unable to empathize with others- As people become consumed by greed, their ability to feel empathy for those around them diminishes;
  • 26. 22. Don't be afraid to try new things I always tell myself that I'm not going to do something because it's too hard or I don't know how. But the more you shy away from challenges, the less you know about yourself and what you're capable of. People always tell you what to do and how to act. They give you a set of rules, instructions on how to live your life. But is it really the best way for us? Some people say that some experiences might be dangerous or risky, but who says they're right? Maybe it's something we should try because maybe we can't know until we experience it for ourselves. We all have our own fears and insecurities. But I can tell you from experience that the best way to overcome your fear is by taking a risk. It doesn't matter if it's something as small as trying a new food or something larger like starting your own business, there are many benefits to overcoming your fear and doing things on your own terms. Everyone is scared of trying new things. But, what if I told you that there are many real reasons why you should not be afraid to try new things? Eye-Opening Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Try New Things ● You'll never know what it's like until you do it. ● It may end up being something that you love and want to continue doing for the rest of your life. ● Trying new things will expand your horizons and make you a more well-rounded person. ● What have you got to lose? ● If every time someone tried something they knew they would fail, no one would ever accomplish anything great in their lives. ● You might find something you really love and never have to do it again. ● It'll make your life more interesting. ● You can always come back from a failure. ● Even if you're not successful, the journey is still worth it. ● The worst that could happen is that nothing changes. ● When we are afraid of change, we stop growing as people.
  • 27. 23. Don't Cheat on Your Spouse: Cheaters Don't Prosper
  • 28. Have you ever wondered why couples are unfaithful in marriage? Ever noticed a strange text message or phone call from your partner and felt like they were hiding something from you? Couples are unfaithful to one another in marriage for many reasons. They might be unhappy with their partner, or they may feel like there is no future for them with the person they're currently married to. Some people have a higher sex drive than others, and if that's not being met by their spouse then it could lead to adultery. Infidelity can also happen when someone is feeling neglected and unappreciated by the other person in the relationship. This post will explore the reasons why couples cheat on one another during the marriage. A common misconception is that unfaithfulness in marriage only happens when the relationship has run its course. However, this reasoning doesn't take into account that couples can be happy and healthy and still cheat on one another. The reasons why some people cheat are complicated, but what's important to note is that there are many ways to keep a relationship strong without cheating. In the wake of recent scandals, we are going to look at different reasons why couples in marriage may be unfaithful. Some of these include financial stress, emotional disconnection, and sexual dissatisfaction. Here are some real reasons why couples can become unfaithful in marriage: Stunning Reasons Why Men Cheat on Their Wives Women always get the short end of the stick when it comes to infidelity. They're left with a broken heart and four innocent kids wondering what went wrong. Men, on the other hand, are finally getting some recognition. There's an entire TV show dedicated to showing dudes in their natural habitat - cheating on their wives! What about all those women who want to know why? Why do men cheat? And more importantly...why don't they just break up instead of leading someone on for years and then breaking them off like that? Here are 10 strong reasons why men cheat on their wives: 1) The feeling that sex is better with someone else. 2) Some men think it feels really good to be wanted by somebody else.
  • 29. 3) They no longer love their spouse as much- Relationships require work and if someone stops loving their spouse then they have stopped putting forth the effort needed for the relationship which leads to cheating. 4) The need for variety- If someone has been with only one person for an extended period of time then they may start looking elsewhere because 5) Lack of communication: Men may feel neglected and unheard which leads to them seeking out someone who will listen and pay attention to them. If your partner doesn't feel like they are getting enough support from you then they might seek it elsewhere. They may also start sharing less about themselves with you or not talk at all because they don't want to upset you with what's going on in their lives, so talking through problems becomes more difficult as 6) Some men have low self-esteem, or just want to get away from their spouses. 7) A man might cheat because he feels like his wife doesn't pay enough attention to him anymore and is always too busy with work or other things going on in her life. This feeling can lead to resentment which causes a lack of intimacy between the two partners which eventually leads to cheating by one partner or another. 8) Another reason why men cheat is that they don't feel that their wives are attractive anymore. 9) A recent study found that the number one reason for men to cheat on their wives was because they were less satisfied with the sexual part of their relationship. What this really means is, it's not about sex, but rather how intimacy plays a role in relationships. Men who are seeking an emotional connection will find themselves looking elsewhere when they don't feel like they're getting enough attention at home. It's never easy to deal with infidelity and betrayal after all these years together. However, it can be done if you have strong reasons why you should stay married and work through your problems instead of letting them divide you further apart. Brutally-Honest Reasons Why Women Cheat on Their Husbands Women cheat on their husbands for a variety of reasons. The reasons why a woman cheats on her husband can be as unique and complex as the individual. Here is a list of common ones:
  • 30. ● They don't feel loved anymore. ● They are not getting what they need in the bedroom. ● They are bored with the marriage. They are not happy in the relationship ● Their husband doesn't make them laugh anymore. ● Her husband has lost his sense of humor and she can no longer tolerate him. ● Some women cheat because they are unhappy in their marriage. ● Some feel neglected or unappreciated by their husbands. ● Others may have an addiction problem that is fueled by cheating. ● Their needs aren't being met. ● Loneliness, ● The relationship has turned stale. ● He doesn't listen. ● He's too hard to get around. ● He's abusive. ● She feels that she deserves better. ● She wants revenge. ● They don't know how to fix it. ● Money problems. ● Lack of emotional connection- If your spouse doesn't show you any love or affection anymore then it’s only natural that you would seek out someone who is willing to give you what you need emotionally from them. This type of cheating usually happens in marriages where one partner has taken over all responsibilities within the family leaving the other partner feeling unappreciated and ignored by their spouse as both parents. ● Married Women Have No One to Talk To- they're stuck in a relationship with someone who has been around them for years and knows everything about them. It can be hard to find another person who will listen as well as understand what they're going through because not all people have the same experience or know what it's like to live in this type of situation. ● Marriage Becomes Boring From Day 1- there is nothing new and exciting anymore, just day after day of doing things you don't want to do and being with someone you don't want to be with. ● He does not pull his weight around the house- This is a really common complaint for wives who feel like they have to do all of the chores while their husbands sit on their butts all day long. If he doesn't help out with stuff around the house then she may start thinking about cheating because it would make her feel less guilty about taking care of everything herself. ● Anger at their partner for not putting enough effort into the partnership. ● A feeling that they deserve more than what they have been given by their spouse. It's important for spouses who suspect infidelity to be aware of this information and act accordingly so as not to drive away someone who could potentially love them unconditionally.
  • 31. DO YOU WANT TO UPGRADE YOUR LOVE LIFE TO THE NEXT LEVEL? CHECK OUT OUR TOP RECOMMENDATIONS 24. Avoid divorce at all cost There is a lot of talk these days about the positive effects that divorce can have on people and their relationships. Many articles speak to how divorce allows for people to find themselves, how it helps them be more independent, and how it clears up conflicts in their marriage. All relationships take work to maintain and there are many reasons why people may choose to get divorced. However, there are also many good reasons why divorce can be bad for your relationship with your partner. Relationships are complicated. When two people commit to one another, they often make promises about their future together and set expectations for themselves that could be difficult to live up to.
  • 32. The stress of maintaining a committed relationship can cause couples to grow apart or drift into other relationships. But the consequences of divorce go beyond just splitting up property and dividing time with children; it has been shown that divorce is bad for relationships in many ways. Divorce is a difficult and painful process. It's natural to want to get out of the relationship as fast as possible, but you should consider the long-term effects divorce will have on your life. Research has shown that people who are divorced tend to experience greater anxiety, depression, and lower self-esteem than those who are not divorced. Divorce can also change your personality traits such as becoming less conscientious or more neurotic in some cases. Divorce is a difficult topic to talk about, but it's important that people are aware of the many negative impacts divorce can have on relationships. Divorce can lead to depression, increased anxiety and PTSD symptoms, increased aggression and violence against others or oneself, lower self-esteem, deterioration in social support networks, and more. The Negative Effects of Divorce on Children Divorce is a tough word for many people. It conjures up feelings of sadness or anger and can be difficult to talk about. The last thing that you want to do is put your children in the middle of all of these emotions and have them struggling with their own issues too. The number of divorces in the world is on the rise. In fact, one-third of marriages end up in divorce. Divorce can have many negative effects on children, and they are often overlooked or not taken seriously enough. The emotional wounds inflicted by parental separation are often deep and difficult to heal from. Some studies show that children who have experienced parental separation are more likely to experience mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or low self-esteem later in life (McLeod). The number of children who live in single-parent families has doubled over the last 10 years. In fact, 1 out of 3 kids will live in a single-parent family at some point before age 18. When divorce occurs, it leaves an emotional impact on these children that they carry with them for years to come.
  • 33. Most parents are good and try their best to make divorce as easy as possible on their kids. However, there are many negative effects on children when divorced from one or both parents. These include: ● feeling abandoned ● having trust issues ● being embarrassed about living with only one parent and not two like all his/her friends do ● feelings of anger towards the non-custodial parent because he/she is no longer around. Children who have a parent go through a divorce may experience emotional, physical, and psychological problems in their life. Divorce is a common occurrence in the United States, with 1 out of every 3 marriages ending in divorce. When children are involved, it can be difficult to navigate through and understand how they're feeling about their parents' split. It's important for people who care about kids to know what they may experience when one parent remarries or has a new baby that doesn't include them. There are many children who suffer from post-divorce syndrome, which is a type of childhood trauma. Post-divorce syndrome can cause the following: ● Withdrawal and avoidance behaviors ● Poor school performance ● Delinquent behavior around peers and family members ● Low self-esteem ● Other mental health problems such as depression or anxiety disorders. The Negative Effects of Divorce on Women It is no secret that divorce has a long list of negative effects on the person going through it. Some people say it's not for women; some say there are more negatives than positives. Many don't realize that divorce has a lot more negative effects than just losing your spouse and friends. Divorcees are faced with social isolation, financial insecurity, depression, feelings of inadequacy, and regret for what could have been a perfect relationship.
  • 34. The divorce rate in the United States is at its highest point since 2009. This means that there are a large number of women who have gone through a major life transition and are trying to figure out how they want to live their lives. Women often find themselves with more responsibility than ever before, as well as less social support and financial stability. Divorce is a huge emotional and financial burden for anyone to endure. The divorce process can be especially difficult for women, who often find themselves struggling with their post-divorce finances and careers. The statistics are grim. Women who divorce are more likely to end up homeless, jobless and in poverty as compared to men. They also have a harder time getting custody of their children. What's worse is that nobody seems to care about this disparity in our society. There isn't enough research on the topic. We don't talk about it often enough, and we certainly don't do anything about it when we know how bad things can be for women who divorce. The Negative Effects of Divorce on Men Divorce is a difficult, life-changing event. The negative impact of divorce on men has been largely overlooked in the past, but recent research shows that it can have significant consequences for their mental and physical health. While these effects are not as pronounced or long lasting as they are for women, studies show that men with children who were divorced tended to be more depressed than those without kids when surveyed ten years after the divorce. Divorce is a difficult experience for anyone- but it can be especially hard on men. The reason? We're still socialized to believe that being a breadwinner and the head of the household are the most important things in life, so when we lose our jobs or find out our wife has cheated on us, we are left with no sense of purpose. Divorcees are more likely to commit suicide, divorce can lead to a greater chance of depression, and it is also harder for them to find love after their marriage ends. The effects that divorce has on men may seem worse than what they have done in the past, but this is not true.
  • 35. Men who experience these negative effects from divorce usually have some sort of trauma or mental illness before they are divorced which then leads them into an even deeper depression or feeling of worthlessness. Divorce is a difficult and emotional process for both partners. While women may experience the brunt of it, men are also deeply affected by divorce. The effects of divorce on men include depression, anxiety, anger issues, substance abuse and more. WANT TO AVOID DIVORCE? CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR TOP RECOMMENDATIONS 25. Avoid Lawsuits: It's damn too expensive A lawsuit is one of the most expensive, time-consuming and emotionally draining ways to resolve an issue. In fact, it's often more costly than resolving the problem in another way.
  • 36. It doesn't matter what type of lawsuit you're considering - personal injury or property damage claims are both just as bad. In the event that you're considering suing somebody, know that when things go wrong in a lawsuit, they can get really bad really fast. In the United States, lawsuits are commonplace. They can be expensive for businesses and individuals alike. Lawsuits have been on the rise in recent years due to a number of factors that include: an increase in litigiousness, lack of affordable legal representation, shifting from tort law to criminal law, etc. The following reasons should help you decide if you really want to go down this path. Ass-Kicking Reasons Why You Should Abstain from Divorce 1) Legal fees: Lawsuits can be incredibly expensive. Lawyers charge anywhere from $200-$400 per hour depending on their expertise level and how much time they spend working on your case each day. The average cost of going through a civil trial is $100,000. That's not exactly chump change most people can afford. 2) Lost wages: more often than not you will need to miss work or reduce your hours while going through a lawsuit which could result in reduced income; 3) Emotional toll. Loss of a case can be traumatic. Litigations can be emotionally draining. Litigation is hard on everyone involved. It's not just about winning or losing. Having your life put under a microscope for months at a time in front of strangers can take an emotional toll on you as well as those close to you. 4) Lawsuits take up time - They take forever to sort out. In a society with so much technology available for everything from shopping to communication, how do you find enough time in your day to dedicate to legal proceedings?.For example, people may have to spend years on end dealing with their ex's attorneys, only to find out that they lose. 5) You might lose- Losing means that not only did you waste all that money on lawyers but now the other party gets what they wanted in the first place. 6) You have to go through a lot of legal hoops before even getting started; 7) If your case goes against you, then there's always the risk that you'll end up owing money or go to jail. 8) People who represent themselves have a harder time winning cases 9) There is no guarantee you will win
  • 37. 10) You might not get what you want 11) You might not like how your lawyer behaves during trial. He may even sell out. 12) A judge could overturn the case at a higher court leading to more financial stress or outright bankruptcy. 13) It doesn't always lead to "closure": Sometimes when couples end up in litigation they find themselves back in court. Lawsuits are a lot of work, and they can be expensive. With so many other avenues to pursue, it's worth thinking twice before going down the lawsuit road. 26. Keep your anger in check It is no secret that anger can lead to some of the most negative consequences for those who are feeling it. We see this in our teaching, at home with our children, and in our relationships. When we choose to control our anger, we can be more successful as a person and less likely to have regrets We all get angry. It's natural and normal to feel that way sometimes, but when you don't know how to control your anger or don't have any other coping skills, it can lead to a lot of problems in your life. This is a problem that many people struggle with. Anger is a powerful emotion. It can spur us to action or cause us to lash out at others. The problem with anger is that it often leads to irrational behavior, and when we're angry, we don't always make the best decisions. Anger is a normal human emotion. But, like any other part of the body, it should be treated with caution and care. Anger can be an extremely powerful tool when used correctly, but if not controlled properly it can cause irreparable damage. Why Anger is Dangerous Reason 1: Anger robs you of energy and focus. Reason 2: Anger makes it hard for people around you to remain calm. Reason 3: Anger can lead to regretful behaviors such as yelling or touching someone without permission. Reason 4: Anger can make people feel bad and may cause them to have health problems like headaches, stomach aches or even a heart attack.
  • 38. Reason 5: Anger can lead to violence which often has consequences that affect more than just the angry person, such as physical injury or death. Reason 6: When you get angry you might say things that hurt other people's feelings and they could get mad at you back for hurting their feelings. Reason 7: Anger has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease Reason 8: Anger can make us feel out-of-control and frustrated Reason 9: Anger may result in violence Reason 10: Control over anger aids self-esteem Reason 11: Controlling one's temper reduces stress Reason 12: The effects of uncontrolled anger can Reason 13: You will look back on your actions with regret if you don't keep them in check Reason 14: You will hurt yourself physically if you get into an altercation. Reason 15: Your relationships will suffer as people avoid being around someone who gets angry too easily. Reason 16: People won't respect you because they see how quickly you get angry. One of the first signs of uncontrolled anger is an inability to think clearly about how your words will affect someone else. For example, telling someone off for making a minor mistake might make them feel really bad about themselves even though they're not doing anything wrong. Or lashing out at somebody who's already upset with their own. Conclusion It’s never too late to live a happy life. You may be thinking “I can't change my past, so I might as well just give up and accept how things are now.” But it's not true! The power of the human mind is astounding in its ability to overcome adversity and create new pathways for success.
  • 39. Don't let your current situation dictate what you will do with your future or what happiness looks like for you going forward. Take action today—even if that means small daily actions that lead to big long-term results over time. If there is anything about yourself you want to improve or any goal you have been wanting to achieve but haven't yet taken steps towards achieving, start now. Living a happy and successful life is not easy. Happiness is the goal for many people, but it takes more than just being surrounded by good things to make us happy. We need to have a vision of what we want in our lives in order to strive that way. This includes raising a good family, sleeping well, exercising more, enjoying laughter, keeping a journal with notes on your day-to-day activities as well as other thoughts you may have had during the day (even if they are negative), living healthy lifestyles including eating right and getting enough sleep every night; avoiding vengeance when someone has wronged us or hurt others close to us; and helping others who are less fortunate than ourselves without expecting anything back from them. Good life tips depend on your values. Generally, though, to live a happy and prosperous life you want to avoid divorce, lawsuits, extravagance with money, and breaking laws - including financial fraud. What are the rewards? You'll be happier as well as wealthier. Plus, this means less stress in life. Imagine if every time you spent money or did something enjoyable that was "against the rules," it upset someone important from your team or family but still gave you satisfaction? These feelings would add up quickly and not give you peace of mind. Instead, we hope these recommended principles can resonate with anyone trying to figure out how best to live their lives. It is never too late for you to start doing the things that will make your life better today. What have you done so far? Has there been anything holding you back? The time has come for us all to take responsibility for our own happiness and success. It's never too long until tomorrow starts here right now.