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What would MacGywer do?
Pragmatic REST
Lars Röwekamp | open knowledge
DemoPOST /InStock HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml;
Content-Length: 348
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<m:GetStockPrice xmlns:m="">
DemoPOST /InStock HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml;
Content-Length: 245
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
GET /stocks/ibm HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 0
Warum REST?
Keep it stupid simple a.k.a. KISS
• REpresentational State Transfer
• Identifikation von Ressourcen durch URL
• Manipulation von Ressourcen durch Representation
• Selbstbeschreibende Messages
• Hypermedia
Media Types, CachabilityReferences
„Yo man!
But it is
not RESTful,
if ...“
{ }…{…}{?}
(RESTafarian, by Mike Schinkel)
„But is this
Are you
kidding? Its
„Das* API ist das
UI des Entwicklers.“
(*wer möchte darf auch “die API“ sagen)
„So what? Its
pragmatic and
works for me
and my
... ordering Coffee the RESTful way
„Order 123 for
„And here‘s the
„Coffee, latte,
large, to-go,
semi, double
shot, please.“
„Here‘s 5$.“
„What‘s the
status of ‚123‘?“„Still prepering.“
„Now its ready.“
REST by Example
// order coffee
POST /orders
{ ... initial order data ... }
// check order status
GET /orders/1234
// change order
PUT /orders/1234
{ ... changes ... }
// cancel order
DELETE /orders/1234
given id?
filter, query, sorting?
Error Handling?
Content Type?
REST... the simple Stuff
• „We only need two URLs“
• „Verbs are bad, nouns are good“
• „Plurals are even better“
• „The web is your friend“
• „There is always a root (for associations)“
• „There is always a parameter (for complex variations)“
• „There is always a method (for an operation)“
Golden Rules of REST
// Retrieve single order with id 1234
GET /orders/1234
// Retrieve all ingredients of order 1234
GET /orders/1234/ingredients
// Retrieve ingriedient 789 (milk) of order 1234?
GET /orders/1234/ingredients/789
// Or even better: What kind of milk is in order 1234?
GET /orders/1234/ingredients/milk
// Path parameter for identifier
GET /orders/1234
// Query parameter for queries
GET /orders/?status=ready
// Header parameter for platform
GET /orders/1234
Accept-Language: de-DE
// „Create order“, isn‘t it?
POST /orders
// Is this allowed? Guess not. Or ...?
POST /orders/1234
// „Change order“. I‘am sure!
PUT /orders/1234
// „Change order“, too? Isn‘t it?
PATCH /orders/1234
erzeugt Child Resource an Server-definierter URI
erzeugt/ändert Child Resource an Client-definierter URI
ändert Teile einer Child Resource an Client-definierter URI
// Creates order. Returns ID 1234
POST /orders
{ ... payload for 1234 ... }
// Hmmm, updates order 1234? Creates new order?
POST /orders
{ ... payload for 1234 ... }
// Changes order with ID 1234
PUT /orders/1234
{ ... changes for 1234 ... }
// Hmmm, will be irgnored?
PUT /orders/1234
{ ... changes for 1234, e.g. set amount of milk ... }
// Or additional changes?
PUT /orders/1234
{ ... changes for 1234, e.g. add more milk ... }
// Changes order with ID 1234
PUT /orders/1234
{ ... changes for 1234 ... }
// Same as PUT? Mayby not!
PATCH /orders/1234
{ ... changes for 1234 ... }
// Same as PUT? Is this what i expect?
GET /orders/1234?milk=soja or
GET /orders/1234/addSojaMilk
keine Änderung an der Ressource
einmalige Änderung an der Ressource-Representation
mehrfache Wiederholung führt immer zum selben Ergebnis
REST... Filter, Sorting & Pagination
Filter, Sorting, Pagination,
Was ist eigentlich mit ...
• komplex(er)en Anfragen?
• eingeschränkten Rückgabeobjekten?
• (alternativen) Sortierungen?
• alternativen Rückgabeformat?
Und wie sieht es mit „allgemeiner“ Suche aus?
// List of paid orders (2015-12-20)
// Common Style
GET /orders?date=20151220&status=payed HTTP 1.1
// Details of order 3 (product, date, ...)
// Facebook Style
GET /orders/3?fields=product,date,status HTTP/1.1
GET /orders/3?fields=item.product,date,status HTTP/1.1
// LinkedIn Style
GET /orders/3:(product, date, status) HTTP/1.1
// Details of order 3
// without date, status
GET /orders/3?exclude=date,status HTTP/1.1
// predefined payload (compact = product, date, status)
GET /orders/3?style=compact HTTP/1.1
What is compact?
// Details of order 3
// using PREFER HEADER for response payload definition
GET /orders/3 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Prefer: return=compact-format
HTTP 1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Preference-Applied: return=compact-format
// orders sorted (date ↓ /item ↑)
// SQL alike style
GET /orders?sort=date+DESC,item+ASC HTTP/1.1
// Sort and asc/desc combination, ascending as default
GET /orders?sort=date,item&desc=date HTTP/1.1
// use prefix „-“ for descending, ascending as default
GET /orders?sort=-date,item HTTP/1.1
// orders of „today“ sorted by ...
// long version
GET /orders?status=open
// short and readable version
GET /orders/open_orders_of_today
GET /open_orders_of_today
// Pagination:
// return page 4 of orders
// Is page a query parameter?
GET /orders?page=4 HTTP/1.1
// Or is page a „virtual“ resource?
GET /orders/pages/4 HTTP/1.1
// Pagination:
// return page 4 of orders
// get “page 4“ and info about PREV/NEXT
GET /orders?offset=20&limit=5 HTTP/1.1
// Response with success code and link header for
// navigation purpose
HTTP/1.1. 200 OK
Link: <.../orders?offset=0&limit=5>; rel=„first“
<.../orders?offset=5&limit=5>; rel=„prev“,
<.../orders?offset=15&limit=5>; rel=„next“,
<.../orders?offset=40&limit=2>; rel=„last“
// Pagination:
// return page 4 of orders
// get “page 4“ and info about PREV/NEXT
GET /orders?page=4&limit=5 HTTP/1.1
// Response with success code and link header for
// navigation purpose
HTTP/1.1. 200 OK
Link: <.../orders?page=1&limit=5>; rel=„first“
<.../orders?page=3&limit=5>; rel=„prev“,
<.../orders?page=5&limit=5>; rel=„next“,
<.../orders?page=8&limit=2>; rel=„last“
// Fulltext search for coffee
// Global style via virtual resource
GET /searches?q=coffee HTTP/1.1
// Scoped style
GET /orders/searches?q=coffee HTTP/1.1
GET /orders?q=coffee HTTP/1.1
// Coffee WITH milk for 2€
// Query for ...
GET /orders?type=coffee&ingredient=milk&price=2
BTW: AND or OR or
// Coffee WITH milk for LESS THAN 2€
// Query for ...
GET /orders?query=type=coffee+ingredient=milk+price<=2
Build your own
„Query Language“?
Filter, Sorting, Pagination
Resource Query Language (RQL*)
• Object-Style Query Language
• FIQL Superset (erweiterbar)
• Spezifikation & JS Parser (Client & Server)
• JS Array, SQL, MongoDB, Elastic Search
• Java Parser + JPA Criteria Builder
// Coffee WITH milk for LESS THAN 2€
// RQL query ... (must possibly be encoded!)
GET /orders?query=
// RQL alternative query – FIQL (URI friendly) - ...
GET /orders?query=
// All stores with
// - employees older than 20 years
// - who have soled more than 1000 coffee/day
// - even if it was damnd hot outside (> 30 degree)
Filter, Sorting, Pagination
Super Advanced Queries
• teure Client-Server Roundtrips (n+1 oder mehr)
• virtuelle Ressourcen (statisch? dynamisch?)
• GraphQL
als Alternative unbedingt anschauen!
Filter, Sorting, Pagination
• beliebige Abfragen via Objekt-Graph auf dem man navigiert
• liefern des Abfrage-Results in einem einzigen Round-Trip
// All stores and their sales
// - employees of age 20
// - have sold at least 1000 coffee/day
// - even if it was damnd hot (> 30 degree)
stores {
sales(unit: EURO)
employees(age:20, soldCoffee:1000) {
REST... Status Codes
(see also:
Pro Tipp: Use them!
• 1xx: Hold on ...
• 2xx: Here you go!
• 3xx: Go away!
• 4xx: You f#!?ed up!
• 5xx: I f#!?ed up!
„Always 200“
HTTP Status Codes
HTTP Status Codes
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that new order was created
// „Create new Resource“ of type order
POST /orders HTTP/1.1
[various other headers]
// Response with location header pointing to resource
HTTP/1.1. 201 Created
Location: http//
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that some work is going on
// Trigger some async workload
POST /orders/... HTTP/1.1
[various other headers]
// Response without payload, cause it‘s not yet calculated
HTTP/1.1. 202 Accepted
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that payload is empty
// DELETE order with id 1234
DELETE /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
[various other headers]
// Order successfully deleted. No content by purpose
HTTP/1.1. 204 No content
HTTP/1.1. 205 Reset content
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that payload is empty
// Retrieve all open orders
GET /orders?status=open HTTP/1.1
[various other headers]
// There is no open order left.
HTTP/1.1. 204 No content
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that there is more payload
// GET all orders on „page“ two
GET /orders?page=4 HTTP/1.1
[various other headers]
// Response with success code and links for navigation
HTTP/1.1. 206 Partial content
Link: <http://.../orders?page=1>; rel= „first“
<http://.../orders?page=3>; rel= „prev“,
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that payload is empty
// Ask for order with id 1234
GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
[various other headers]
// Could not find order with id 1234
HTTP/1.1. 204 No content
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that payload is empty
// Ask for order with id 1234
GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
[various other headers]
// Could not find order with id 1234
HTTP/1.1. 404 Not found
HTTP/1.1. 410 Gone
Manchmal kommt es anders, als man denk
• Code for Code: Status Code & Appliction Level Code
• Message for People: Für Logs, Ausgaben, ...
• Payload and Format: genormte Error-Payload Format
• Kein Stacktrace
• Exception Mapper als Provider auf äußerster Ebene
HTTP Status Codes
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that there is a problem
// Error Responses: Use them wisely
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request (unknown/generic status)
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized (btw: means unauthenticated)
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden (btw: means unauthorized)
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found (resource could not be found)
HTTP/1.1 405 Method not … (POST, GET, ...)
HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict (fixable conflict, e.g. version)
HTTP/1.1 410 Gone (update cache)
HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition …(If-* header not matching)
HTTP/1.1 418 I‘am a teapot (Don‘t ask me for COFFEE!)
// HTTP Status Codes:
// JAX-RS Exception Handler
public class MyAppExceptionHandler implements
ExceptionMapper<MyAppException> {
public Response toResponse(MyAppException exception) {
return Response.
entity(new ExceptionEntity(exception)).
// HTTP Status Codes:
// signal that there is a problem
// Error Responses: Use them wisely
HTTP/1.1 429 To many request
HTTP/1.1 509 Bandwith limit exceeded
// HTTP Status Codes:
// Rate limit exceeded (e.g. Twitter)
HTTP/1.1 429 To many requests
[various other headers]
"errors": [
{ "code": 88,
"message": "Rate limit exceeded" }
// HTTP Status Codes:
// Rate limit exceeded (e.g. Twitter)
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
[various other headers]
X-Rate-Limit-Limit: ... // rate limit ceiling
X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: ... // for the next 15 minutes
X-Rate-Limit-Reset: ... // in UTC epoch seconds
REST... Caching
Always remember: „The Web is your Friend“
• das Web bietet tolle Möglichkeiten zur „Skalierung“
• RESTful Service nutzen das Web bzw. HTTP
• Client (Web Browser, REST Client, ...)
• Proxy Caches („man in the middle cache“)
• Content Delivery Networks (CDNs)
// Caching in REST:
// Expires-Header (HTTP 1.0)
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json
Expires: Tue, 20 MAI 2017 12:00 GMT
"id": "espresso",
"displayName": "Espresso",
"price": 3.20,
„Hint, ok. Aber für
wen eigentlich?“
// Caching in REST:
// Chache-Control (HTTP 1.1)
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: private, no-store, max-age=3600
"id": "espresso",
"displayName": "Espresso",
"price": 3.20,
„Only client side
caching. Valid for
3600 sec. Must not
be stored on disc.“
// Caching in REST:
// Revalidation & Condition GET
// Cache-Control + Last-Modified Header HTTP 1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: max-age=3600
Last-Modified: Wed, 10 MAI 2017 12:00 GMT
"id": "espresso",
// Caching in REST:
// Revalidation & Condition GET
// Conditional GET after Timeout (max-age)
GET /products/123 HTTP/1.1
If-Modified-Since: Wed, 10 MAI 2017 12:00 GMT
Modified since? No,
304 (Not Modified).
Yes, 200 (Ok) plus
// Caching in REST:
// Revalidation & Condition GET
// Cache-Control + eTag Header HTTP 1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 Ok
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: max-age=3600
eTag: "1234567890987654321"
"id": "espresso",
// Caching in REST:
// Revalidation & Condition GET
// Conditional GET after Timeout (max-age)
GET /products/123 HTTP/1.1
If-Non-Match: "1234567890987654321"
Modified since? No,
304 (Not Modified).
Yes, 200 (Ok) plus
REST... Security
Authentication vs. Authorization
• Authentication a.k.a. „Hotelrezeption“
• Authorization a.k.a. „Zimmerschlüssel“
Authentication vs. Authorization
• 401 „Unauthorized“
meint eigentlich „Unauthenticated“!
• 403 „Forbidden“
meint eigentlich „ Unauthorized“!
Server based Security
• Sessions
• Skalierbarbeit
• Cookies
Token based Security
• Stateless
• Token statt Cookie
• Individual Expiration
• Friend to Friend Permissions
JSON Web Token
• neue, einfache Spec
• sehr kompakt
• Token plus public & private „Claims“
• digitale Signatur und/oder Encryption
• als Bearer Token und für SSO
JSON Web Token & API Goals
1. Authorize Request
2. Verify Sender
3. Avoid Man in the Middle
4. Expiration
5. Request Cloning
// Security in REST:
// JSON Web Token
//Reusable verifier instance
JWTVerifier verifier = JWT
DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token);
String userId = jwt.getSubject();
String userName = jwt.getClaim("name").asString();
String email = jwt.getClaim("email").asString();
REST... API Evolution
Was ist das Problem?
• neue APIs
• geänderte APIs
• deprecaded APIs
• Payload / Parameter Syntax
• Payload / Parameter Semantik
API Evolution
Postel‘s Law a.k.a. robustness principle:
„Be conservative in what you do*, be liberal in what you accept
from others.“
Ben Morris Blog:
„REST APIs don‘t need a versioning strategy – they need a
change strategy!“
API Evolution
(* do = change)
Versionierung! Aber wie?
• gar nicht
• gar nicht (via neue Ressourcen)
• gar nicht (via erweiterbarer Datenformate)
• Versionsnummer in der URL
• Version Request Header
• Content Negotiation
API Evolution
// Evolution in REST:
// Multiple Resources
// GET all orders v1
GET /orders HTTP/1.1
// GET all neworders, oders are deprecated
GET /neworders HTTP/1.1
// GET all even newer orders, new orders are deprecated
GET /evennewerorders HTTP/1.1
// Evolution in REST:
// Multiple Resources
// GET all orders v1
GET /orders HTTP/1.1
// GET all neworders, oders are deprecated
GET /neworders HTTP/1.1
// GET all even newer orders, new orders are deprecated
GET /orders HTTP/1.1
// Evolution in REST:
// Backwards compability
// Versioning via adaptable data format
{ "items" : [ {
"name" : "coffee",
"quantity" : 1,
"size" : "large",
} ],
"location" : ”take-away"
// Evolution in REST:
// Backwards compability
// Versioning via adaptable data format
{ "items" : [ {
"name" : "coffee",
"quantity" : 1,
"size" : "large",
”price" : ”4 USD",
} ],
”total-price" : ”4 USD",
"location" : ”take-away"
// Evolution in REST:
// Backwards compability
// Versioning via adaptable data format
{ "items" : [ {
"name" : "coffee",
"quantity" : 1,
“size" : "large",
“price" : ”4 USD",
} ],
”price" : ”4 USD",
"location" : ”take-away"
„Are you a
// Evolution in REST:
// via URL
// Versioning via URL (default version)
GET /api/orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
// Versioning via URL (version 1)
GET /api/v1/orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
// Versioning via URL (version 2)
GET /api/v2/orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
No way! This isn‘t a
// Evolution in REST:
// via HEADER
// Versioning via Header(default version)
GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
// Versioning via Custom Header
GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
Api-version: 2.1
// Versioning via Accept Header
GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.restbucks.orderservice.v2.1+json
No way! This isn‘t a
“clickable“ URL!
For chaching:
„Vary: Content-Type“
// Evolution in REST:
// via URL and HEADER
// Versioning via Header(default version)
GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1
// Versioning via URL (major) and header (minor)
GET /orders/v2/1234 HTTP/1.1
my-api-version: 2017-05-01
„If the engine of application state (and hence the
API) is not driven by hypertext, then it cannot be
RESTful and cannot be a REST API.“
Roy Fielding
// Evolution in REST:
// Hypermedia as the engins of
// application state
„A REST API should be entered with no prior
knowledge beyond the initial URI ... From that
point on, all application state transitions must be
driven by the client selection of server-provides
choices ...“
Roy Fielding
// Evolution in REST:
// Hypermedia as the engins of
// application state
„ Hateoas“
// Evolution in REST:
// Hypermedia as the engins of
// application state
POST /orders/ HTTP/1.1
{ ... payload of order to create ... }
HTTP/1.1. 201 Created
Link: <.../orders/1234>; rel=„cancel“
<.../orders/1234>; rel=„update“,
<.../orders/1234>; rel=„delete“,
<.../payment/1234>; rel=„pay“
„The very most important thing is that
you have an API that your consumers
find consistent and usable.
This is not necessarily the same thing
as being 100% RESTful.“
? ? ?
+49 (0)441 4082 – 0
#97: © tomertu -
All other pictures inside this presentation orginate
from or were created by my own.

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Pragmatic REST aka praxisnahes Schnittstellendesign

  • 1. #WISSENTEILEN What would MacGywer do? Pragmatic REST Lars Röwekamp | open knowledge @mobileLarson @_openKnowledge #wissenteilen
  • 3. #WISSENTEILEN SOAP DemoPOST /InStock HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/soap+xml; Content-Length: 348 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <m:GetStockPrice xmlns:m=""> <m:StockName>IBM</m:StockName> </m:GetStockPrice> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
  • 4. #WISSENTEILEN XML-RPC DemoPOST /InStock HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/xml; Content-Length: 245 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <getStockPriceRequest xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=“storckItemRequest.xsd"> <stockName>IBM</stockName> </getStockPriceRequest>
  • 5. #WISSENTEILEN GET /stocks/ibm HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Length: 0 REST Demo
  • 6. #WISSENTEILEN Warum REST? Keep it stupid simple a.k.a. KISS • REpresentational State Transfer • Identifikation von Ressourcen durch URL • Manipulation von Ressourcen durch Representation • Selbstbeschreibende Messages • Hypermedia /customers/123 JSON/XML GET, POST, PUT, DELETE Media Types, CachabilityReferences {?}
  • 7. #WISSENTEILEN Warum PRAGMATIC REST? „Yo man! But it is not RESTful, if ...“ { }…{…}{?} (RESTafarian, by Mike Schinkel)
  • 8. #WISSENTEILEN „But is this pragmatic?“ „Pragmatic? Are you kidding? Its CORRECT!“ Warum PRAGMATIC REST? …{?}
  • 9. #WISSENTEILEN „Das* API ist das UI des Entwicklers.“ (*wer möchte darf auch “die API“ sagen)
  • 10. #WISSENTEILEN „So what? Its pragmatic and works for me and my consumers!“ Warum PRAGMATIC REST? {?}
  • 12. #WISSENTEILEN „Order 123 for ‚Larissa‘.“ „And here‘s the receipt.“ „Coffee, latte, large, to-go, semi, double shot, please.“ „Here‘s 5$.“ „What‘s the status of ‚123‘?“„Still prepering.“ „Now its ready.“ REST by Example
  • 13. #WISSENTEILEN // order coffee POST /orders { ... initial order data ... } // check order status GET /orders/1234 // change order PUT /orders/1234 { ... changes ... } // cancel order DELETE /orders/1234 RESTBucks „crud“ given id? filter, query, sorting? PUT? Or PATCH? Security? Versionioning? Error Handling? Content Type?
  • 15. #WISSENTEILEN • „We only need two URLs“ • „Verbs are bad, nouns are good“ • „Plurals are even better“ • „The web is your friend“ • „There is always a root (for associations)“ • „There is always a parameter (for complex variations)“ • „There is always a method (for an operation)“ Golden Rules of REST
  • 16. #WISSENTEILEN // Retrieve single order with id 1234 GET /orders/1234 // Retrieve all ingredients of order 1234 GET /orders/1234/ingredients // Retrieve ingriedient 789 (milk) of order 1234? GET /orders/1234/ingredients/789 // Or even better: What kind of milk is in order 1234? GET /orders/1234/ingredients/milk REST „root“
  • 17. #WISSENTEILEN // Path parameter for identifier GET /orders/1234 // Query parameter for queries GET /orders/?status=ready // Header parameter for platform GET /orders/1234 Accept-Language: de-DE REST „param“
  • 18. #WISSENTEILEN // „Create order“, isn‘t it? POST /orders // Is this allowed? Guess not. Or ...? POST /orders/1234 // „Change order“. I‘am sure! PUT /orders/1234 // „Change order“, too? Isn‘t it? PATCH /orders/1234 REST „method“
  • 19. #WISSENTEILEN POST vs. PUT vs. PATCH POST erzeugt Child Resource an Server-definierter URI PUT erzeugt/ändert Child Resource an Client-definierter URI PATCH ändert Teile einer Child Resource an Client-definierter URI
  • 20. #WISSENTEILEN // Creates order. Returns ID 1234 POST /orders { ... payload for 1234 ... } // Hmmm, updates order 1234? Creates new order? POST /orders { ... payload for 1234 ... } REST „method“
  • 21. #WISSENTEILEN // Changes order with ID 1234 PUT /orders/1234 { ... changes for 1234 ... } // Hmmm, will be irgnored? PUT /orders/1234 { ... changes for 1234, e.g. set amount of milk ... } // Or additional changes? PUT /orders/1234 { ... changes for 1234, e.g. add more milk ... } REST „method“
  • 22. #WISSENTEILEN // Changes order with ID 1234 PUT /orders/1234 { ... changes for 1234 ... } // Same as PUT? Mayby not! PATCH /orders/1234 { ... changes for 1234 ... } // Same as PUT? Is this what i expect? GET /orders/1234?milk=soja or GET /orders/1234/addSojaMilk REST „method“
  • 23. #WISSENTEILEN SAFE / IDEMPOTENT Methods SAFE* keine Änderung an der Ressource IDEMPOTENT** einmalige Änderung an der Ressource-Representation mehrfache Wiederholung führt immer zum selben Ergebnis * GET, HEAD, OPTIONS ** GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE
  • 25. #WISSENTEILEN Filter, Sorting, Pagination, Was ist eigentlich mit ... • komplex(er)en Anfragen? • eingeschränkten Rückgabeobjekten? • (alternativen) Sortierungen? • alternativen Rückgabeformat? Und wie sieht es mit „allgemeiner“ Suche aus?
  • 26. #WISSENTEILEN // FILTERING: // List of paid orders (2015-12-20) // Common Style GET /orders?date=20151220&status=payed HTTP 1.1 REST „filter“
  • 27. #WISSENTEILEN // FILTERING: // Details of order 3 (product, date, ...) // Facebook Style GET /orders/3?fields=product,date,status HTTP/1.1 GET /orders/3?fields=item.product,date,status HTTP/1.1 // LinkedIn Style GET /orders/3:(product, date, status) HTTP/1.1 REST „filter“
  • 28. #WISSENTEILEN // FILTERING: // Details of order 3 // without date, status GET /orders/3?exclude=date,status HTTP/1.1 // predefined payload (compact = product, date, status) GET /orders/3?style=compact HTTP/1.1 REST „filter“ What is compact?
  • 29. #WISSENTEILEN // FILTERING: // Details of order 3 // using PREFER HEADER for response payload definition GET /orders/3 HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/json Prefer: return=compact-format HTTP 1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Preference-Applied: return=compact-format REST „filter“
  • 30. #WISSENTEILEN // SORTING: // orders sorted (date ↓ /item ↑) // SQL alike style GET /orders?sort=date+DESC,item+ASC HTTP/1.1 // Sort and asc/desc combination, ascending as default GET /orders?sort=date,item&desc=date HTTP/1.1 // use prefix „-“ for descending, ascending as default GET /orders?sort=-date,item HTTP/1.1 REST „sorting“
  • 31. #WISSENTEILEN // FILTERING & SORTING: // orders of „today“ sorted by ... // long version GET /orders?status=open &date_from=20170510&date_to=20170510 &fields=product,status,time&sort=-time,product // short and readable version GET /orders/open_orders_of_today GET /open_orders_of_today REST „filter&sort“
  • 32. #WISSENTEILEN // Pagination: // return page 4 of orders // Is page a query parameter? GET /orders?page=4 HTTP/1.1 // Or is page a „virtual“ resource? GET /orders/pages/4 HTTP/1.1 REST „pagination“ „4“? PREV? NEXT? FIRST? LAST?
  • 33. #WISSENTEILEN // Pagination: // return page 4 of orders // get “page 4“ and info about PREV/NEXT GET /orders?offset=20&limit=5 HTTP/1.1 // Response with success code and link header for // navigation purpose HTTP/1.1. 200 OK Link: <.../orders?offset=0&limit=5>; rel=„first“ <.../orders?offset=5&limit=5>; rel=„prev“, <.../orders?offset=15&limit=5>; rel=„next“, <.../orders?offset=40&limit=2>; rel=„last“ REST „pagination“
  • 34. #WISSENTEILEN // Pagination: // return page 4 of orders // get “page 4“ and info about PREV/NEXT GET /orders?page=4&limit=5 HTTP/1.1 // Response with success code and link header for // navigation purpose HTTP/1.1. 200 OK Link: <.../orders?page=1&limit=5>; rel=„first“ <.../orders?page=3&limit=5>; rel=„prev“, <.../orders?page=5&limit=5>; rel=„next“, <.../orders?page=8&limit=2>; rel=„last“ REST „pagination“
  • 35. #WISSENTEILEN // FULL TEXT SEARCH: // Fulltext search for coffee // Global style via virtual resource GET /searches?q=coffee HTTP/1.1 // Scoped style GET /orders/searches?q=coffee HTTP/1.1 GET /orders?q=coffee HTTP/1.1 REST „search“
  • 36. #WISSENTEILEN // ADVANCED SEARCH: // Coffee WITH milk for 2€ // Query for ... GET /orders?type=coffee&ingredient=milk&price=2 REST „search“ BTW: AND or OR or AND/OR?
  • 37. #WISSENTEILEN // ADVANCED SEARCH: // Coffee WITH milk for LESS THAN 2€ // Query for ... GET /orders?query=type=coffee+ingredient=milk+price<=2 REST „search“ Build your own „Query Language“?
  • 38. #WISSENTEILEN Filter, Sorting, Pagination Resource Query Language (RQL*) • Object-Style Query Language • FIQL Superset (erweiterbar) • Spezifikation & JS Parser (Client & Server) • JS Array, SQL, MongoDB, Elastic Search • Java Parser + JPA Criteria Builder (*
  • 39. #WISSENTEILEN // ADVANCED SEARCH: // Coffee WITH milk for LESS THAN 2€ // RQL query ... (must possibly be encoded!) GET /orders?query= and(eq(type,coffee), or(eq(ingredients,MILK),lt(price,2)) // RQL alternative query – FIQL (URI friendly) - ... GET /orders?query= type==coffee;(ingredients==MILK,price=lt=2) REST „search“
  • 40. #WISSENTEILEN // SUPER ADVANCED SEARCH: // All stores with // - employees older than 20 years // - who have soled more than 1000 coffee/day // - even if it was damnd hot outside (> 30 degree) #WTH REST „search“
  • 41. #WISSENTEILEN Filter, Sorting, Pagination Super Advanced Queries • teure Client-Server Roundtrips (n+1 oder mehr) • virtuelle Ressourcen (statisch? dynamisch?) • GraphQL als Alternative unbedingt anschauen! (*
  • 42. #WISSENTEILEN Filter, Sorting, Pagination GraphQL • beliebige Abfragen via Objekt-Graph auf dem man navigiert • liefern des Abfrage-Results in einem einzigen Round-Trip
  • 43. #WISSENTEILEN // SUPER ADVANCED SEARCH: // All stores and their sales // - employees of age 20 // - have sold at least 1000 coffee/day // - even if it was damnd hot (> 30 degree) { stores { name sales(unit: EURO) employees(age:20, soldCoffee:1000) { ... } } } REST „graphQL“
  • 44. #WISSENTEILEN REST... Status Codes (see also:
  • 45. #WISSENTEILEN Pro Tipp: Use them! • 1xx: Hold on ... • 2xx: Here you go! • 3xx: Go away! • 4xx: You f#!?ed up! • 5xx: I f#!?ed up! ( Facebook „Always 200“ Anti-Pattern HTTP Status Codes (
  • 47. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that new order was created // „Create new Resource“ of type order POST /orders HTTP/1.1 [various other headers] // Response with location header pointing to resource HTTP/1.1. 201 Created Location: http// REST „Codes“
  • 48. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that some work is going on // Trigger some async workload POST /orders/... HTTP/1.1 [various other headers] // Response without payload, cause it‘s not yet calculated HTTP/1.1. 202 Accepted REST „Codes“
  • 49. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that payload is empty // DELETE order with id 1234 DELETE /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 [various other headers] // Order successfully deleted. No content by purpose HTTP/1.1. 204 No content HTTP/1.1. 205 Reset content REST „Codes“
  • 50. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that payload is empty // Retrieve all open orders GET /orders?status=open HTTP/1.1 [various other headers] // There is no open order left. HTTP/1.1. 204 No content REST „Codes“
  • 51. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that there is more payload // GET all orders on „page“ two GET /orders?page=4 HTTP/1.1 [various other headers] // Response with success code and links for navigation HTTP/1.1. 206 Partial content Link: <http://.../orders?page=1>; rel= „first“ <http://.../orders?page=3>; rel= „prev“, ... REST „Codes“
  • 52. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that payload is empty // Ask for order with id 1234 GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 [various other headers] // Could not find order with id 1234 HTTP/1.1. 204 No content REST „Codes“
  • 53. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that payload is empty // Ask for order with id 1234 GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 [various other headers] // Could not find order with id 1234 HTTP/1.1. 404 Not found HTTP/1.1. 410 Gone REST „Codes“
  • 54. #WISSENTEILEN Manchmal kommt es anders, als man denk • Code for Code: Status Code & Appliction Level Code • Message for People: Für Logs, Ausgaben, ... • Payload and Format: genormte Error-Payload Format • Kein Stacktrace • Exception Mapper als Provider auf äußerster Ebene HTTP Status Codes
  • 55. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that there is a problem // Error Responses: Use them wisely HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request (unknown/generic status) HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized (btw: means unauthenticated) HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden (btw: means unauthorized) HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found (resource could not be found) HTTP/1.1 405 Method not … (POST, GET, ...) HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict (fixable conflict, e.g. version) HTTP/1.1 410 Gone (update cache) HTTP/1.1 412 Precondition …(If-* header not matching) HTTP/1.1 418 I‘am a teapot (Don‘t ask me for COFFEE!) REST „Codes“
  • 56. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // JAX-RS Exception Handler @Provider public class MyAppExceptionHandler implements ExceptionMapper<MyAppException> { @Override public Response toResponse(MyAppException exception) { return Response. status(Status.BAD_REQUEST). entity(new ExceptionEntity(exception)). build(); } } REST „Codes“
  • 57. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // signal that there is a problem // Error Responses: Use them wisely HTTP/1.1 429 To many request HTTP/1.1 509 Bandwith limit exceeded REST „Codes“
  • 58. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // Rate limit exceeded (e.g. Twitter) HTTP/1.1 429 To many requests [various other headers] { "errors": [ { "code": 88, "message": "Rate limit exceeded" } ] } REST „Codes“
  • 59. #WISSENTEILEN // HTTP Status Codes: // Rate limit exceeded (e.g. Twitter) HTTP/1.1 200 Ok [various other headers] X-Rate-Limit-Limit: ... // rate limit ceiling X-Rate-Limit-Remaining: ... // for the next 15 minutes X-Rate-Limit-Reset: ... // in UTC epoch seconds REST „Codes“
  • 61. #WISSENTEILEN Always remember: „The Web is your Friend“ • das Web bietet tolle Möglichkeiten zur „Skalierung“ • RESTful Service nutzen das Web bzw. HTTP • Client (Web Browser, REST Client, ...) • Proxy Caches („man in the middle cache“) • Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) Caching
  • 62. #WISSENTEILEN // Caching in REST: // Expires-Header (HTTP 1.0) HTTP/1.1 200 Ok Content-Type: application/json Expires: Tue, 20 MAI 2017 12:00 GMT { "id": "espresso", "displayName": "Espresso", "price": 3.20, ... } REST „Cache“ „Hint, ok. Aber für wen eigentlich?“
  • 63. #WISSENTEILEN // Caching in REST: // Chache-Control (HTTP 1.1) HTTP/1.1 200 Ok Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: private, no-store, max-age=3600 { "id": "espresso", "displayName": "Espresso", "price": 3.20, ... } REST „Cache“ „Only client side caching. Valid for 3600 sec. Must not be stored on disc.“
  • 64. #WISSENTEILEN // Caching in REST: // Revalidation & Condition GET // Cache-Control + Last-Modified Header HTTP 1.1 HTTP/1.1 200 Ok Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: max-age=3600 Last-Modified: Wed, 10 MAI 2017 12:00 GMT { "id": "espresso", ... } REST „Cache“
  • 65. #WISSENTEILEN // Caching in REST: // Revalidation & Condition GET // Conditional GET after Timeout (max-age) GET /products/123 HTTP/1.1 If-Modified-Since: Wed, 10 MAI 2017 12:00 GMT REST „Cache“ Modified since? No, 304 (Not Modified). Yes, 200 (Ok) plus Data.
  • 66. #WISSENTEILEN // Caching in REST: // Revalidation & Condition GET // Cache-Control + eTag Header HTTP 1.1 HTTP/1.1 200 Ok Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: max-age=3600 eTag: "1234567890987654321" { "id": "espresso", ... } REST „Cache“
  • 67. #WISSENTEILEN // Caching in REST: // Revalidation & Condition GET // Conditional GET after Timeout (max-age) GET /products/123 HTTP/1.1 If-Non-Match: "1234567890987654321" REST „Cache“ Modified since? No, 304 (Not Modified). Yes, 200 (Ok) plus Data.
  • 70. #WISSENTEILEN Authentication vs. Authorization • Authentication a.k.a. „Hotelrezeption“ • Authorization a.k.a. „Zimmerschlüssel“ Security
  • 71. #WISSENTEILEN Authentication vs. Authorization • 401 „Unauthorized“ meint eigentlich „Unauthenticated“! • 403 „Forbidden“ meint eigentlich „ Unauthorized“! Security
  • 72. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Security“ Server based Security • Sessions • Skalierbarbeit • Cookies • CORS • CSRF
  • 73. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Security“ Token based Security • Stateless • Token statt Cookie • Individual Expiration • Friend to Friend Permissions
  • 74. #WISSENTEILEN JSON Web Token • neue, einfache Spec • sehr kompakt • Token plus public & private „Claims“ • digitale Signatur und/oder Encryption • als Bearer Token und für SSO Security
  • 76. #WISSENTEILEN JSON Web Token & API Goals 1. Authorize Request 2. Verify Sender 3. Avoid Man in the Middle 4. Expiration 5. Request Cloning Security
  • 81. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Security“ // Security in REST: // JSON Web Token //Reusable verifier instance JWTVerifier verifier = JWT .require(Algorithm.RSA256((RSAKey)publicKey)) .withIssuer("") .build(); DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token); String userId = jwt.getSubject(); String userName = jwt.getClaim("name").asString(); String email = jwt.getClaim("email").asString(); com.oauth.jwt
  • 83. #WISSENTEILEN Was ist das Problem? • neue APIs • geänderte APIs • deprecaded APIs • Payload / Parameter Syntax • Payload / Parameter Semantik API Evolution
  • 84. #WISSENTEILEN Postel‘s Law a.k.a. robustness principle: „Be conservative in what you do*, be liberal in what you accept from others.“ Ben Morris Blog: „REST APIs don‘t need a versioning strategy – they need a change strategy!“ API Evolution (* do = change)
  • 85. #WISSENTEILEN Versionierung! Aber wie? • gar nicht • gar nicht (via neue Ressourcen) • gar nicht (via erweiterbarer Datenformate) • Versionsnummer in der URL • Version Request Header • Content Negotiation API Evolution
  • 86. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Version“ // Evolution in REST: // Multiple Resources // GET all orders v1 GET /orders HTTP/1.1 // GET all neworders, oders are deprecated GET /neworders HTTP/1.1 // GET all even newer orders, new orders are deprecated GET /evennewerorders HTTP/1.1
  • 87. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Version“ // Evolution in REST: // Multiple Resources // GET all orders v1 GET /orders HTTP/1.1 // GET all neworders, oders are deprecated GET /neworders HTTP/1.1 // GET all even newer orders, new orders are deprecated GET /orders HTTP/1.1
  • 88. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Version“ // Evolution in REST: // Backwards compability // Versioning via adaptable data format { "items" : [ { "name" : "coffee", "quantity" : 1, "size" : "large", } ], "location" : ”take-away" }
  • 89. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Version“ // Evolution in REST: // Backwards compability // Versioning via adaptable data format { "items" : [ { "name" : "coffee", "quantity" : 1, "size" : "large", ”price" : ”4 USD", } ], ”total-price" : ”4 USD", "location" : ”take-away" }
  • 90. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Version“ // Evolution in REST: // Backwards compability // Versioning via adaptable data format { "items" : [ { "name" : "coffee", "quantity" : 1, “size" : "large", “price" : ”4 USD", } ], ”price" : ”4 USD", "location" : ”take-away" } „Are you a tolerant reader?“
  • 91. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Version“ // Evolution in REST: // via URL // Versioning via URL (default version) GET /api/orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 // Versioning via URL (version 1) GET /api/v1/orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 // Versioning via URL (version 2) GET /api/v2/orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 No way! This isn‘t a RESOURCE!
  • 92. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Version“ // Evolution in REST: // via HEADER // Versioning via Header(default version) GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 // Versioning via Custom Header GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 Api-version: 2.1 // Versioning via Accept Header GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 Accept: application/vnd.restbucks.orderservice.v2.1+json No way! This isn‘t a “clickable“ URL! For chaching: „Vary: Content-Type“
  • 93. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Version“ // Evolution in REST: // via URL and HEADER // Versioning via Header(default version) GET /orders/1234 HTTP/1.1 // Versioning via URL (major) and header (minor) GET /orders/v2/1234 HTTP/1.1 my-api-version: 2017-05-01
  • 94. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Hateoas“ „If the engine of application state (and hence the API) is not driven by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and cannot be a REST API.“ Roy Fielding // Evolution in REST: // Hypermedia as the engins of // application state
  • 95. #WISSENTEILEN REST „Hateoas“ „A REST API should be entered with no prior knowledge beyond the initial URI ... From that point on, all application state transitions must be driven by the client selection of server-provides choices ...“ Roy Fielding // Evolution in REST: // Hypermedia as the engins of // application state
  • 96. #WISSENTEILEN REST „ Hateoas“ // Evolution in REST: // Hypermedia as the engins of // application state POST /orders/ HTTP/1.1 { ... payload of order to create ... } HTTP/1.1. 201 Created Location: Link: <.../orders/1234>; rel=„cancel“ <.../orders/1234>; rel=„update“, <.../orders/1234>; rel=„delete“, <.../payment/1234>; rel=„pay“
  • 98. #WISSENTEILEN „The very most important thing is that you have an API that your consumers find consistent and usable. This is not necessarily the same thing as being 100% RESTful.“
  • 100. Kontakt LARS RÖWEKAMP CIO NEW TECHNOLOGIES +49 (0)441 4082 – 0 @mobileLarson @_openknowledge OFFENKUNDIGGUT #WISSENTEILEN
  • 101. Bildnachweise #97: © tomertu - All other pictures inside this presentation orginate from or were created by my own. #WISSENTEILEN