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2014 Annual Report
on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova
Chișinău, August 2014
State Chancellery of
the Republic of Moldova
This report is the product of the analysis of data and information provided by development
partners and national public authorities.
Authors - Monitoring and Evaluation Division of the General Division for Policy Coor-
dination, Foreign Aid and Central Public Administration Reform within the State Chan-
cellery, manaaged by Division Head Ms. Lucreția Ciurea and team members: Mr. Adrian
Ermurachi, Mr. Valentin Croitoru, Mr. Dumitru Molceanu, and Ms. Daniela Solomca. 
The official development assistance granted to the Republic of Moldova by its development
partners is a valuable source with strong catalytic role for economic growth, but at the same time,
it is limited as regards the coverage of all development and poverty reduction needs. Speeding the
transition from more effective assistance to development cooperation in practice – for instance,
placing inclusive partnership and joint liabilities in the centre of efforts – requires political coher-
ence, more efficient integration of the planning, budgeting, resource mobilization process, as well
as partnership actions and adequate national development planning mechanisms.
A stronger and a more coherent institutional framework and a more substantial implication of
central authorities is needed to implement the Busan1
The Busan Partnership Agreement highlights the importance of joint responsibility in enhancing
progress partnership within and beyond the Millennium Development Goals. In particular, this
refers to the commitment of development partners to assume joint liability to achieve progress in
commitments and actions agreed upon in Busan and those set forth in Paris Declaration (2005) on
Aid Effectiveness (2005) and Accra Agenda for Action (2008). To implement these commitments,
the developing countries have been invited to take over and lead the establishment of national
monitoring framework to follow the progress and promote joint responsibility.
In this sense, 2013 was a prodigious year both in the evolution of strategic development projects as
well as in setting forth monitoring mechanisms and their joint evaluation. Signing 29 agreements
with development partners and initiating 193 projects in different sectors of the national economy
calls for dedicated resources management with maximum prudence to achieve the expected results.
To optimize the modernization processes, as well as to ensure increased transparency in external
development aid management, the Informational External Aid Management Platform has been
developed (hereinafter AMP) (
Official development assistance granted to the Republic of Moldova in the reporting period, which
is estimated to about 5% of GDP and 13.3% of NPB, shall not be seen as a separate element from
national resources directed to the development agenda implementation. The countries with eco-
nomic development aspirations tend to decrease the external development aid and to mobilize
other components of the development resource framework.
The financial and technical support of the development partners contributes to the process of tran-
sition to democracy and formation of important expertise and know-how capital. We are extreme-
ly thankful to the European partners for their expertise, especially to those from the neighbouring
countries of the Republic of Moldova, which had similar experience as our country.
The State Chancellery would like to take this opportunity to express its gratitude to the bilateral
and multilateral development partners, as well as to the central public authorities for providing the
information necessary to draft this Report.
	 1 Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (2011), agreed at the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Republic of Korea, 29 November
– 1 December 2011;
Victor Bodiu,
Secretary General of Government
Chișinău, August 2014
4 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
1. Development Cooperation.........................................................................................................................
1.1. Ownership and focus on results in development cooperation.....................................................
1.2. Inclusive development partnership.............................................................................................
1.3. Transparency and joint responsibility for development results....................................................
2. Official development assistance (ODA) granted to the RM in 2013, trends and dynamics.........................
2.1 Graphic illustration of ODA by development partners and sectors..............................................
2.2 Graphic illustration of ODA by the form and type of applied instruments..................................
	3. Major results of ODA by its share in the sectors of intervention.................................................................
A. List of external assistance projects launched in 2013..................................................................................
B. List of external assistance signed in 2013....................................................................................................
C. The Development partners take on GP indicators on Effective Development Cooperation..........................
D. Disbursed amounts by development partners by sectors, 2013....................................................................
E. List of Twinning Projects............................................................................................................................
F. Information Generated by AMP..................................................................................................................
52014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
The annual report on external assistance (2013) granted to the Republic of Moldova by the devel-
opment partners has been developed within the context of the bilateral commitments to improve
development cooperation and of the joint responsibility for the achievement of development
objectives, as well as transparency increase.
The report has been developed based on information provided by development partners, pub-
lic authorities, as well as authorities registered in the AMP. Central public authorities provided
information about assistance management in a certain sector in terms of the results achieved in
2013. 34 questionnaires were sent to development partners, but only 21 provided answers.
This is the Fifth National Report which analyses the external assistance provided to the Republic
of Moldova for economic growth and poverty reduction purposes. It was developed by General
Division for Policy Coordination, External assistance and Central Public Administration Reform
of the State Chancellery as a component part of the actions taken during the Government capacity
building process in coordinating external assistance and enhancing its efficiency.
The volume of official development assistance contracted in 2013 is three times higher than in
2012, and accounts for Euro 623.9 million for 193 projects (Euro 212.8 million for 117 projects
in 2012, respectively).
The biggest contribution in 2013 was offered by EBRD and EIB by signing two financial agree-
ments with a budget of Euro 300 million, which was entirely allocated for road rehabilitation. The
European Union remains to be a leading development partner based on the volume of assistance
in the form of grants – over Euro 135 million, annual financial allocation, being the biggest in the
Eastern Partnership countries.
The amount of implemented/disbursed assistance in the reporting year is of about Euro 300
million, having decreased by almost 35 per cent compared to 2012, given the absence of IMF
instalments in 2013.
The share of 2013 official development assistance in GDP was 5 per cent (by 3.26 per cent less
than in 2012) and about 13.3 per cent in the current NPB revenues (by 8.4 per cent less than in
The Informational External Aid Management Platform (AMP) has been developed in 2013, which
allowed for the first time, the use of an available online instrument for all players, interested in the
monitoring of external assistance implementation; the information being accessible to the wide
The report provides a description of results achieved at national level and in the context of agree-
ments on efficient development cooperation assumed on a global level, as well as achieving de-
velopment results on a country level following the implementation of external assistance projects.
Furthermore, the Annexes to the report present data and geospatial presentation on external assis-
tance, generated by the informational platform. Data quality and use of available information are
key technical and institutional elements, which optimization is under continuous development.
6 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
In 2011 international development community met in Busan, Republic of Korea to take account
of the progress in the improved process of granting assistance. The participants agreed broadly that
global economy and development picture have seen fundamental changes from defining efficiency
principles of Paris Declaration in 2005 and their revision in Accra Agenda for Action in 2008.
To enhance the development cooperation efficacy as a catalyst for poverty reduction, the global
structures have been requested to make a fundamental change, which consists in highlighting the
approaches with priority interests of the country in all agreements in the development partner-
ship, importance and their different roles. Thus, the Busan Partnership Agreement2
Global Partnership) has formulated this change in four principles of reaching joint development
goals: i) development countries set forth their own development policy, ii) focus on results, iii) inclusive
development partnership, iv) transparency and joint liability.
It should be mentioned that the Government of the Republic of Moldova has assumed these
principles, and their application at national level was included in the agenda for more efficient
development assistance. The Republic of Moldova was one of the 46 countries that participated
in the Global Partnership performance evaluation, which results were examined and discussed in
the first Global Partnership High-Level Meeting for effective development cooperation in Mexico
(April 2014).
The goal of this report is to illustrate the results of the Study on reaching the Global Partnership
objectives at country level in 2012 (the study was conducted in 2013); the results included in
the global report as well as the 2013 results provided by the development partners based on the
questionnaire used globally in the development/ commitments achievement monitoring study.
In order to monitor the achieved commitments assumed in the context of principles of efficient
development assistance, ten performance indicators have been developed with a two-year
monitoring periodicity.
The results of the performance indicator study at country level are presented in table 1.
Indicator Description
At coun-
try level
2012 Results
2013 Re-
2015 Targets/
Development cooperation is focused
on results aligned to the priorities of
country development
Piloted in 10 countries, in-
cluding in the Republic of
All develop-
ment partners
use country
outcome frame
Civil society functions in an en-
vironment that maximize its impli-
cation and contribution to develo-
CIVICUS, participation faci-
litation indicator
Ongoing pro-
Implication and contribution of
private sector to development
UNDP-OCDE evaluation
jointly with WB institutions
Ongoing pro-
Transparency: information about
development cooperation is provi-
ded to the public
OCDE evaluation
Applying com-
mon standards
	 2 Global Partnership is an inclusive political forum, which comprise a number of countries and organisations worldwide that have committed to make the
development cooperation more effective. It is based on an agreement signed by 160 countries, regions and organisations during the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid
Effectiveness, which took place in Busan, Republic of Korea, in 2011.
72014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Predictable development cooperati-
on (a – annual; m – medium-term)
5a – 65%
5b – 40%
5a – 73,0 %
5b– 50 %
5a – 90%
5b– 70%
Assistance is a component part of
the budget subject to Parliamentary
X 55% 84,5 % 94%
Joint liability of development coo-
peration actors is enhanced through
inclusive evaluations
Gender equality and women em-
The quality of PFM systems in the
Use of PFM systems and national
X 30% 24 % 95%
10 Assistance is unconditional 84%
Table 1. Performance indicators of Global Partnership (monitoring results)
Source: Calculations of the Monitoring and Evaluation Division of State Chancellery.
Are we able to achieve the 2015 objectives?
1.1. Ownership and focus on results in development cooperation
Global Partnership Agreement considers important the role of partner country in identifying its
development priorities as one of the four key principles of efficient development. The priority
identification, in turn, is closely connected to another principle, and namely, focus on results. The
development partners have engaged to align to priorities and policies set forth in partner countries
ensuring, thus, that the investment and efforts have an ongoing impact on poverty and social
inequality reduction, sustainable development and capacity building of developing countries.
Indicator Targets/Obectives for 2015 Implementation status at international level
Indicator 1. Development
cooperation is focused on re-
sults aligned to development
priorities of the country
All development partners apply natio-
nal result monitoring frame
It is too early to evaluate the progress – the
indicator was piloted in 8 countries
Preliminary results suggest a higher variation
between partners, but a coherent behaviour of
partners from different countries
Indicator 6. The assistance is
a component part of budget
subject to preliminary exami-
Halving the gap – halving the coopera-
tion assistance inflows, which are not re-
flected in the national budget. By 2015–
85% is reflected in the national budget
There is some progress – 64% of planned fi-
nance is reported in national budgets. Only 7
countries have reached the level of 85%
Indicator 9. National systems
are consolidated and applied
Half of the developing countries ad-
vanced by at least one measurement
unit (i.e. 0.5 points) on performance
evaluation scale PFM /CPIA
Reduced gap with regard to application
of financial and public procurement ma-
nagement system (by two thirds in the
CPIA score ≥ 5; or one third in the score
3.5 - 4.5). By 2015: 57% of funds apply
national systems
Previous achievements have been maintain-
ed, but more progress is required
There are no changes in the quality of public
finance management systems in partner coun-
There are no changes in applying national sys-
tems: application of financial and public pro-
curement management systems have stayed at
the level of 2010 (about 49%)
Continued on Next Page
8 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Indicator 10. Assistance is
Ongoing progress in time
There is some progress – 79% of development
assistance is unconditional (compared to 77%
in 2010)
Table 2. Indicators 2,6,9 and 10 of Global Partnership
Source: Calculations of the Monitoring and Evaluation Division of State Chancellery.
Indicator 1. Extending the application of national indicator systems, statistics, monitoring and
evaluation improves the outcome framework of countries and enhances the membership and joint
This indicator was piloted in 8 countries, including in the Republic of Moldova, and has the
objective to identify the application level/method of the national systems of results and national
statistical data monitoring. Fig. 1 represents a correlation between information on coopera-
tion assistance through measures closer to the outcome framework of the country (Axis y) and
Government’s understanding towards the ability of the partners to apply and contribute to the
improvement of country outcomes framework (Axis x). Data of 4 development partners (UN,
WB, EU, the USA) were considered. It should be mentioned that WB, EU and the USA are closer
to the application of the national outcomes framework, while the UN is lagging behind in this
sense. On the other hand, the perception of the Government regarding the application of national
outcomes framework by the development partners is at the level of 0.3 out of 1.0. This situation
is determined by the fact that national outcomes frameworks are partly applied, while the result
indicators are not much applied. Practically, all programmes/projects have other indicators devel-
oped differently from the national ones or additional to the national, which decreases the role or
capacity of national statistics. If the support from partners is granted via small technical assistance
projects to consolidate statistical capacities, the large projects/programmes impose additional
indicators or data that require additional efforts and costs for their monitoring.
Fig. 1. Correlation between the information on cooperation assistance granted via methods that are closer to the outcomes frame-
work of the country and Government perception with regard to the ability of the partner to apply and contribute to the improve-
ment of country outcomes framework
Source: 2014 Global Partnership Report
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
World Bank European Union United States United Nations
Stakeholder Perceptions
92014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Indicator 6. Inserting the development funds
in the national budget will align the national
priorities, will allow for a more accurate and
comprehensive budgeting and joint responsibility
in development cooperation
Compared to 2010, this indicator registers a
worsening at country level in 2012. Fifty five per
cent of the development assistance planned for
government sector is reflected in the 2012 Public
Budget Law (88% in 2010). 2013 provides for
an improved situation since about 84.5% of the
development assistance volume planned for gover-
nment sector has been already mentioned in the
Annual Budget Law approved by the Parliament
of the Republic of Moldova.
The evaluation of these results will be made
with special prudence, taking into account the
existing discrepancy reflected in its budget by
the Government and what is presented by the
development partners in their disbursement
forecasts. For instance, about USD 397 million
were planned in 2013 by development partners
for government sector, but the 2013 Budget
Law indicates the amount USD 336 million,
by about USD 61 million less.
Fig.2. Planned and disbursed amounts in 2013 (Fig. A) and forecast for the following years (Fig. B), millions Euro
Source: Information presented by development partners and Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova (in millions of Euro).
About 73% of the amounts planned for disbursement to the government sector in 2013 by foreign
partners have been disbursed, a fact that shows a high level of the best use of external means (high
absorption capacity).
Indicator 9. Use of institutions and national systems will strengthen these institutions and systems
and will reduce the transaction costs and will ensure higher responsibility at country level towards
the citizens and the Parliament.
Quality of public finance management3
in 2012 has not changed compared to previous evaluation
in 2010 and scores 4.0 on the 1.0 to 6.0 (the highest) scale. Besides, out of 33 evaluated countries,
the Republic of Moldova ranks in the group of 6 countries with ‘strong’ financial management
At the same time, only 30 per cent of the assistance granted to government sector uses the national
financial management system and procurement system, which represents a considerable decrease
compared to 2010, when this share was 70%. According to 2013 data, this chapter registers a
regression trend, the share being 24%. The Diagrams in fig. 3 illustrates the use of the national
systems in the implementation of technical assistance projects.
	 3 This indicator is based on institutional and policy evaluation made by the World Bank (CPIA);
2014 2015 2016 2017
Development Partners Ministry of Finance
Disbursed Planned
Development Partners Ministry of Finance
Fig. A
Fig. B
10 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Fig. 3. Use of national systems in 2013: national audit and public procurement systems.
Source: Calculations of Monitoring and Evaluation Division.
Indicator 10. Development cooperation, which is not conditioned by specific geographic source
for goods and service procurement, allows for a more efficient alignment to the national priorities
and systems and ensures better value of cost-benefit balance
The commitment of development partners is to ensure a better unconditional official development
assistance. In 2012, this value for Moldova constituted 84 per cent of assistance volume, which
represented a growth compared to 82 per cent in 2010. In 2013, resources from development
partners were contracted by ‘tying’ the resources in the volume of about 74 million Euro or about
12 per cent of the total resources contracted annually.
1.2. Inclusive development partnership
In the context of the Busan Partnership Agreement, the inclusion means bigger recognition and
implication of non-state actors, including private sector and civil society. The total commitment
of these actors, as well as recognition of their contribution, will require more time and effort
in designing development cooperation. On the other hand, the inclusion also means that the
development results benefit equally all, men and women.
National Budget
reporting system
system use
system use
112014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Indicators Targets/Objectives for 2015 Status of implementation internationally
Indicator 2. Civil society func-
tions in an environment that
maximizes its implication and
contribution to
Ongoing progress in time
It is too early to assess the progress – additional
analyses are needed because of limited data. Mixed
image with proof of positive examples of govern-
ment’s efforts to facilitate the activity of civil socie-
ty organisations, however, the challenges prevail in
many countries
Indicator 3. Involvement and
contribution of private sector to
Ongoing progress in time
It is too early to assess the progress – the indicator
is piloted. Other sources of proof confirm the impor-
tance of public-private dialogue quality.
Indicator 8. Gender equality and
women empowerment
All developing countries
have systems that trace and
allocate public resources for
gender equality and women
There is a good beginning – one third of partner
countries have a more systematic national gender
allocation tracing systems
Table 4. Indicators 2,3 and 8 of Global Partnership
Source: 2014 Global Partnership Report
actors will maximize their development contribution
In the global report, this indicator describes the states’ efforts to facilitate the NGO participation
in the policy dialogue by adjusting legal or institutional framework. At this chapter, there are
significant challenges, including in the Republic of Moldova. According to data of evaluation
reports on NGO sustainability in Moldova4
, the RM ranks as ‘sustainability in development.
Indicator 3. Promotion of more active participation of private sector in policy development and
implementation and dialogue regarding reforms that have an impact on business environment will
maximize the contribution of private sector to development
This indicator was piloted and setting a clear evaluation indicator of the commitment of private
sector in development and enhancing a more specific methodology in this complicated sector has
represented a challenge. Existing evidence suggests that the initiatives to promote public-private
dialogue have paid a higher attention on organizational efficiency and focus on results.
It should be mentioned that in the Republic of Moldova this dialogue was institutionalised by
establishing the Economic Council led by the Prime Minister, aiming at enhancing and facilitating
a more efficient implication of private sector in the implementation of development agenda.
Indicator 8. Record and publication of disaggregated budget allocation per gender allow the use
of these data to inform the decision-making factors and directing the investments and allocations,
so they can benefit all – men and women.
On this indicator, the Republic of Moldova has reported the existence of political and institutional
commitment regarding the record of budgetary data disaggregated by gender and unfortunately, the
systematic record and data dissemination is missing. In this respect, certain compliance measures
shall be undertaken to align the data record system disaggregated by gender.
	 4 2012 Sustainability indicator of NGO, the 16th edition – June 2013, USAID.
12 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
1.3. Transparency and joint responsibility for development results
Transparency, as a phenomenon, has started to yield results in the Republic of Moldova, but it has
to be directed more towards the country’s needs. Increased volume of available information is not
transformed yet into a systemic support for strategic planning process of the developing countries.
Indicators Targets/Objectives for 2015 Status of implementation internationally
Indicator 4. Transparency: infor-
mation on development cooperati-
on is public
Implementation of open common
standard for electronic publication
of information regarding resources
offered via development cooperati-
A good beginning has been ascertained but
more progress is necessary. On average, the
data provider publishes them once a year. The
data is 6-9 month old and offer information
for 50% of common standard data fields. The
future information transparency is a challenge:
25% of providers do not publish any antici-
pating information through common standard
Indicator 5a. Annual forecast:
ratio of development cooperation
funds disbursed in the same fiscal
year as planned by development
Halving the gap – halving the
non-disbursed funds during the fis-
cal year for which they were plan-
By 2015, 90% of finances will be
disbursed according to the plan.
Some progress was registered– 84% of plan-
ned disbursements were honoured according to
the plan (compared to 79% in 2010)
Indicator 5b. Medium term pre-
dictability: the ratio of funds cove-
red by medium term plans granted
to partner country.
Halving the gap – halving the size
of cooperation funds not covered
by future plans.
By 2015: plans cover 92% of es-
timated funds for 2016, 85% for
2017 and 79% for 2018
A good beginning has been registered but
more progress is needed. Expenditure plans
cover 83% of total finance estimated for 2014,
of 70% for 2015 and 57% for 2016
Indicator 7. Joint accountability
of cooperation actors is enhanced
through inclusive evaluation
All developing countries apply
common result-based evaluation
Some progress is registered – 59% of countries
have common evaluation exercises. Common
efforts to trace the progress are encouraged, but
there is a need to have a more inclusive and
transparent process.
Table 5. Indicators 4,5 and 7 of Global Partnership
Sursa: Calculele Direcţiei Monitorizare şi Evaluare
Indicator 4. Implementation of open common standards regarding transparency will improve
the availability and public access to information of development cooperation and will provide a
stronger basis for joint responsibility enhancement.
This indicators was globally evaluated by OCED which acknowledged the need to increase common
commitment and effort of development partners, if they want to achieve the 2015 targets/ob-
jectives. Publishing the information on development resources – timely, comprehensive and in
medium term – is the main prerogative in achieving the commitment regarding the transparency.
132014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
At country level at this chapter, following the Busan Declaration on Transparency, a database
aiming at increasing the access to information on development assistance was developed. In 2013,
with the UNDP support and Development Gateway, the State Chancellery worked to identify a
way to present in a more accessible and interactive manner the external assistance information.
Thus, in January 2014, the new data base was launched publicly and can be accessed by anyone
at The platform offers the possibility of a graphic and geographic vision of
information on many projects implemented with the support of external resources granted by
development partners. It is a useful instrument for central and local public authorities to plan and
monitor more efficiently the available resources. It is a useful platform for civil society, mass media,
and the Parliament to apply their right to supervise the use of public funds.
The ArcGIS platform to visualize the projects on the geographic map of the country provides
wide possibilities for application in other fields or with other purposes. Its potential is much
higher. It can be used by central public authorities in the decision-making process related to
public policies, as well as to present the institution’s activity results. For local public authorities,
server’s possibility can be used to manage the development and to maintain the localities; efficient
planning of existing resources; population data record and analysis; utility networks management
and maintenance, such as water pipelines, sewage, gas pipe; development conditions for small
and medium-sized enterprises; management of real estate, etc. In this regard, many authorities
(Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, mayoralty of Orhei etc.) have already started the
digital publication process via the information platform installed in the institution.
Fig. 5. Projects on the geographical map of the country via ArcGIS platform.
Indicator 5. Accurate information about estimated future expenditure development plans
allows to plan and allocate better the resources between and among sectors and a more efficient
implementation of medium term national development strategies.
According to the results of 2012 study, about 65% of the amount planned by the development
partners for government sector were disbursed in the same year. 2013 indicates a positive trend;
73 per cent being disbursed from the planned amount.
As for the medium term predictability, the situation is difficult and there is only 50% coverage of
information about medium term resources (2014-2016).
14 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Thus, the medium term predictability is still a challenge. The development partners have to
undertake necessary actions to design their policies and procedures, so the cooperation plans can
be adjusted and communicated to partner countries, and other states that are interested in relevant
terms of the planning process of medium expenditure framework.
for all partners at country level.
This indicator will identify if a joint progress monitoring mechanism has been establish at country
level, if the objectives to monitor the efficiency of development assistance have been set forth, and
if this monitoring takes place in a participatory manner and if their results are made public.
It should be noted that in the Republic of Moldova these mechanisms are institutionalised via
sector committees and Joint Partnership Council and via annual evaluations of support portfolios
of development partners. It should be decided to what extent these are functional to enhance their
importance. At the level of investment projects and budgetary support programme, joint monitor-
ing is ensured by Supervision Councils established to trace successful implementation of projects.
Besides, once in two years, Moldova participates in global evaluation of the Global Partnership
commitments to make the cooperation more efficient. At country level, the evaluation will be
done annually, using the same global indicators.
The analysis of external assistance volume in the context of some macroeconomic indicators shows
how the volume of external resources is offered compared to foreign direct investments or remit-
tances, as well as the share of these resources in GDP and NPB revenues. It is ascertained that the
received remittances are five times bigger as volume than the external assistance, while the foreign
direct investments are twice smaller than external assistance.
Fig. 5. Major financial flows for the Republic of Moldova (million Euro)
Source: Balance of payments, BNM, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and development partners
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
Foreign direct investmetns
Official Development Assistance
152014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
The share of official development assistance in GDP was 5% in 2013 (by 3.26% less than in 2012)
and by 13.3% in current NPB revenues (by 8.4% less compared to 2012), see the table below.
Fig. 6. ODA share in GDP and NPB (in %)
Source: Calculations of Monitoring and Evaluation Direction
The volume of cooperation assistance granted to the Republic of Moldova is growing continuously
every year. The decrease of amounts in 2013 compared to 2012 is explained by lack of instalments
paid by the IMF.
Fig. 7. Official Development Assistance disbursed in 2005-2013 (million Euro)
Source: Information submitted by the development partners and Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova.
Fig. 8 represents the partner group of the Republic of Moldova. It can be said that the EU jointly
with other EU countries remains the biggest/ most important partner according to the volume of
disbursements, followed by WB, the USA Government and the UN. The category others includes
Swiss Confederation, Japan, People’s Republic of China, the Global Fund to Fight Tuberculosis
and AIDS.
EU+EBRD/EIB UN World Bank USA Other
2012 2013
20,14% 13,33%
2010 2012 2013
2010 2012 2013
7,81% 5,01%0%
2010 2012 2013
2005 2007 2010 2012 2013
ODA Total ODA for government sector
* The loans were not reflected until 2010.
Fig. 8. Disbursements for government sector (million Euro)
Source: Development partners and 2012 Global Partnership Report.
16 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
EU USA UN World Bank EIB EBRD Global Fund Other
Development partners Ministry of Finance AMP
Fig. 9. The disbursed amounts in 2013 from three sources of information (million Euro)
Source: Development Partners, Ministry of Finance and AMP (
*Other: Romania; Federal Republic of Germany, Swiss Confederation; People’s Republic of China, Kingdom of Sweden; Republic of Austria;
Japan; Czech Republic; Republic of Poland; Republic of Estonia; Hungary; Republic of Finland; Slovak Republic; Republic of Lithuania,
Republic of Leetonia; CEB; Global Environment Facility, Global Fund for Education, Kingdom of Denmark, Principality of Liechtenstein;
Republic of Turkey; OSCE; international NGOs.
Note: AMP Information was reflected as disbursed for projects that were closed/suspended before 2013, which determined the increase of figures
effectively disbursed in 2013. Since the platform was recently launched, we have requested the contribution of partners and CPA to complete
the financial data according to the projects implemented every year. Once the data is revised within the AMP platform, the amounts on dis-
bursement should be close to the amounts in the reports of donors.
2. 1. Graphic illustration of ODA by development partners and sectors.
Cooperation with development partners continued in 2013, as well as the negotiations to launch
new important projects in the national economy. Thus, the volume of new contracts in the
current year accounts for about Euro 624 million and 193 projects. The launched projects will be
implemented in such fields as road rehabilitation, building a state based on the rule of law and
development of health system.
Fig. 10. Volume of projects under implementation in 2013 (million Euro)
Source: AMP (
* Other: Federal Republic of Germany; Kingdom of Sweden; Swiss Confederation; Romania; Republic of Turkey; Republic of Estonia; Republic
of Italy; Kingdom of Norway; Principality of Liechtenstein; Slovak Republic; Hungary; Ireland; the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; Republic of
Finland; Kingdom of Belgium; Bulgaria; Council of Europe; international NGOs.
of Austria
of China
UN Kingdom
USA Other
172014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Fig. 11. Number of projects initiated in 2013 (by sectors, million Euro)
Source: AMP (
Other: Water and sewage; industry; mineral resources and mining; forestry; trade policy and laws and trade-related adjustment; population
reproduction health policies and programmes; humanitarian aid.
In case of ongoing projects and those launched in the reporting year, the transport and storage,
governance and civil society sectors receive the highest volumes of external resources used to
implement reforms and investment in the sector; Euro 300 million were contracted from EBRD
and EIB to rehabilitate the roads. As for the rule of law, EU has launched a budgetary support
program in the amount of Euro 60 million for justice sector reform. Besides, to ensure the
observance of human rights, the construction of a new penitentiary has started, which costs about
Euro 45 million. Institutional capacity building is ensured significantly by the European Union by
offering 30 million euro for Twinning and technical assistance projects.
As opposed to ongoing projects for which the EU has offered the biggest volume of assistance
in 2013, the European banks are those who have started projects with a budget bigger than EU
Fig. 12. Ongoing projects in 2013 (by sectors, million Euro)
Source: AMP (
Other: tourism; industry; policy and trade laws and trade-related adjustment; mineral resources and mining, forestry; population reproductive
health policies and programmes, communications, humanitarian aid, refugees in financing countries.
17 10 8 8 5 4 7
Transport and storage
Governance and civil society
Energy generation and supply
Other social infrastructures and services
Business and other services
18 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
From the sector point of view, for the second consecutive year, the transport and storage sector is
leading according to the budget of ongoing projects, with substantial resources used to rehabilitate
the roads. Governance and civil society sector ranks second with resources attracted to implement
public administration reform, institutional capacity building and rule of law.
The graphic in fig. 13 illustrates the disbursed amounts in 2013 at sector level according to infor-
mation presented by the development partners and AMP. As in the case of amounts reflected in
fig. 13 the discrepancy is obvious, because AMP does not offer yet a qualitative information about
external assistance flows.
Fig. 13. The disbursed amounts in 2013 at sector level from two sources of information (million Euro)
Source: AMP (
Other: Social infrastructure and services, trade policy and laws and trade-related adjustment; forestry, communications, financial and banking
services, constructions.
2.2. Graphic illustration of ODA by the form and type of applied instruments
Fig. 14. Ongoing projects and projects started in 2013 by financing instrument
Source: AMP (
Development partners AMP
Launched in 2013Ongoing in 2013
192014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
In 2013, lending resources were contracted to implement investment projects to rehabilitate the
roads and social infrastructure. The share of loans in the total external resources accounted for
70% of total commitments. The entire portfolio of ongoing external assistance has the ratio of
44/56 credits/grants, respectively.
As for economic classification of projects, a new element appeared in reports on external assis-
tance, i.e. current expenditure compared to capital expenditure accounts for 38% of total ongoing
portfolio and about 29% of amounts committed during the reporting year. In absolute amounts,
capital investment accounts for about 1.4 billion Euro from the ongoing portfolio.
At the same time, although the share of capital investments from external sources accounts for
about 70%, it only accounts for about 45% of total capital investments of the Government, the
rest being covered from national revenues.
Fig. 15. Ongoing and contracted projects in 2013 by economic classification
Source: AMP (
Accra Agenda for Action specifies the need and commitment of partners to reduce the fragmen-
tation of development assistance by improving complementary efforts of donors, as well as labour
division between donors via improved allocation of resources and partner countries.
Labour division has several dimensions, two of which are discussed internationally: labour division
between countries focused on the procedure to distribute the assistance between and in- countries,
distribution between donors of portfolios at the partner country level.
The main objective of labour division efforts is a more rational allocation, allocation of develop-
ment assistance which translates into a higher complementarity, better alignment and significant
reduction of transaction costs.
With all efforts made under this aspect and at country level, the issue of fragmentation is acute and
cannot contribute to the achievement of the development objective.
Small steps have been made to reduce the overcrowding and fragmentation. Thus, in 2009, one
donor was present in 16 sectors, and in 2013 one donator was present in 11 sectors. A rate of
about 90% of assistance volume implemented in the Republic of Moldova (as of 31 December
2013) is reported by 8 development partners and 10 per cent is reported by 30 partners. Sectors
most populated by donor’s presence are: governance and civil society, education, other social
infrastructure and services, business and other services and health with a coverage from 15 to 8 in
the respective sectors.
The number of projects under the average public procurement threshold (≤ 249 thousand Euro,
according to EU thresholds) accounts for about 52% (102) of total number of projects launched
in 2013 and reports to only 1.5% of ongoing assistance value.
Launched in 2013Ongoing in 2013
20 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
From what has been mentioned above, it can be concluded that to reach better results in imple-
menting sector reforms, which would lead to an obvious economic growth and improvement of
standards of living, it is important for the allocated resources, which are limited, to be directed
towards priority sectors. This concept forms the foundation of National Development Strategy
Moldova 2020, which has identified several sectors that need higher medium- and long-term
support and attention.
Fig. 16. Share of external assistance in sectors by ongoing projects
Source: AMP (
* Other development partners: People’s Republic of China, Kingdom of Denmark, Swiss Confederation; Global Fund to Fighting AIDS, Tuber-
culosis and Malaria; Principality of Liechtenstein; Global Education Fund; Czech Republic; OSCE; Kingdom of Norway; Republic of Turkey;
Holland; Republic of Italy; Slovak Republic; Republic of Finland; Republic of Estonia; Republic of Poland; Ireland; the Grand Duchy of Lux-
embourg; the Kingdom of Belgium; Bulgaria; Hungary; Council of Europe, international NGOs.
* Other sectors: Tourism; industry; trade policy and laws; mineral resources and mining; forestry; population reproduction health policies and
programmes, communications, humanitarian aid; refugees in financing countries.
Romania UN Japan CEB Kingdom
of Sweden
of Austria
Water and sanitation
Energy generation and supply
Other social infrastrucutres and services
Business and other services
Governance and civil society
Transport and storage
212014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
European Union (EU)
The European Union continues to be the biggest development partner of the Republic of Moldova;
financing being granted from National Indicative Programme 2011-2013 with an annual financial
envelope of about Euro 135 million (including amounts granted from the Eastern Partnership
Integration and Cooperation (EaPIC).
Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation (EaPIC) offers additional financial assistance to Eastern
Partnership countries (EaP) to implement reforms in real democracy and observance of human rights fields.
This mechanism is in accordance with joint responsibility and differentiation principles introduced in 2011
when the European Neighbouring Policy “The enhanced EU support to its neighbours is conditioned. This
will depend on progresses in democracy building and enhancing and observance of rule of law. The quicker a
country progresses in its internal reforms, the bigger is the support of the EU”.
EaPIC Programme financing is received from European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. This
is the main financial and cooperation instrument for Eastern and Southern neighbourhood countries and
Russia in 2007-2013.
Total EaPIC financing (2012-2013) accounts for 152 million Euro.
In 2012, the Republic of Moldova benefited from additional funds for reforms in justice sector, access to
health services, as well as economic stimulation in rural areas (28 million Euro).
To increase the economic opportunities in rural areas, to promote reforms in energy sector (including access
to renewable energy), and to increase the cooperation with the Council of Europe, the Republic of Moldova
has benefited from 35 mln Euro in 2013.
The Republic of Moldova benefited from about 63% of Programme amounts compared to other countries of
the Eastern Partnership, followed by Georgia (49%) and Armenia (40%).
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
22 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Support of Confidence Building Measures
Energy and Biomass in Moldova
Rehabilitation of Water Supply
Strengthening the Socio-Economic Situation of Teens in Moldova
Sustainable Development in the Technology Sector of
Renewable Energy Production
Public-Private Partnership for the Sustainable Development of
services administered locally
Informing about Social Acts with regard to the Rights and Measures
of Protection and Prevention of Senior Citizen Abuse
Fixed and mobile communications network for
Border Control Service of the Republic of Moldova
Water Utilities Development Program
Projects for Road Rehabilitation
European Union Assistance in Border Control
Enforcement of Forest Legislation, ENPI FLEG Program
232014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Budgetary support from EU
The sector budget support programmes (more than 50% from the 2013 envelope) represents a
considerable share in annual EU action plans. In the reporting period, 5 sector programmes have
been implemented.
No. NAP Sector
BSP Component
BS Alloca-
Disbursed in
previous years
(reporting year)
Disbursed in 2013
ments by
Euro million
amount of
TA and
1. 2007 Social 21 20 1 0 20 Completed - - -
2. 2008 Health 46,6 43,45 3,15 6 38,97 Ongoing 6 0 6
3. 2009 Water and Sewage 45 37 3* 5 32,03 Ongoing 13 0 13
4. 2010
Economic sti-
mulation in rural
45 42 3 27 29 Ongoing 13 13 14
5. 2011 Energy 42,6 40 2,6 10 13 Ongoing 13 11,61 14,5
6. 2012 Justice Reform 52 50,2 1,8 8 0 Ongoing 15 15 15
7. 2013
25 - - - -
- - 0
8. 2013 Viza free regime 20 - 1 - -
- - 6*
Total 297,2 232,65 15,6 56 133 60 39,61 68,5*
Mil. euro, as of 31 December 2013
Source: State Chancellery
* Under the conditions of anticipated disbursement of first instalment based on Visa Free Regime Programme
All five budget support programmes have registered significant results at sector level, both in public
policy field and capital investment field. Thus, the following has been achieved with the support
of Economic Stimulation of Rural Areas Programme (ESRA): building a business incubator in
Ceadar-Lunga town and enhancing the grant fund of National Programme for Economic Empower-
ment of Youth, Credit Guarantee Fund, PARE 1+1 Programme of the Agency for Interventions and
Payments in Agriculture with MDL 150 million, which awarded over one thousand grants. Besides,
ESRA has offered support to improve the institutional capacities in the field of business develop-
ment. Budget support in health field has contributed to the procurement of modern equipment for
Medical University Simulation Centre of Moldova, as well as to develop/approve the Curriculum
and academic programmes for subjects taught at this Centre. At the same time, state-of-art public
health laboratories have been created at local level and throughout the Republic and equipment
was procured, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organisation. With
the assistance of budget support programme in the field of water and sewage, in 2013, about 35
thousand people were connected to water pipelines, over 20 thousands to sewage systems and the
sewage systems were rehabilitated in 14 schools. Furthermore, during the reporting year, Water
Supply and Sanitation Strategy for 2014-2018 has been developed. The Strategy was approved and
published at the beginning of 2014. Due to budgetary support in justice sector, the budget of the
Ministry of Justice has increased by 60% in 2013 compared to 2012, a fact that led to successful
implementation of policies foreseen in the Justice Sector Reform Strategy and transfer of juveniles
into a modern penitentiary institution, salary increase in justice sector, etc. The budgetary support
in the energy sector has made possible the development and improvement of primary and secondary
legislation, as well as investments in energy efficiency and energy recovery from renewable source
actions. Thanks to this support, 360 European and international standards in energy field have been
adopted in 2013. Moreover, the capital for energy efficiency fund has increased by about MDL 200
million in 2013 and over MDL 170 million in 2014. From these funds, the first 84 projects in the
field of energy efficiency and renewable energy have been approved.
24 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
At the same time, from the 2013 annual financial envelope, two more budget support programmes
have been negotiated and approved, such as visa free regime (21 Euro million) and vocational
education (25 Euro million). The first programme has the purpose to consolidate the institution-
al capacities responsible for successful implementation of European Union visa free regime. The
support to vocational education will redesign reforms in vocational education, having the purpose
to support the enhancement of vocational education efficiency to create a competitive and qualified
labour force, in accordance with actual and future market requirements.
The efforts that led to successful achievement of policy commitments of budget support programmes
were generously appreciated, and respectively, additional funds from the EU in the amount of Euro
35 million euro have been allocated (based on the ”more for more” principle). ESRA Programme
(13 mln Euro), energy (10 Euro million), energy and biomass (9.46 Euro million), Action Plan
of the Republic of Moldova – Council of Europe (2.54 Euro million) will contribute to the
implementation of sector reforms.
Six Twinning projects were ongoing in 2013. One has been finalised, and the other one has started
this year. The most significant results of these projects were to develop a database to monitor the
pesticides, building capacity of financial management, approval of Regional Strategy for 2013-
2015, reorganisation and making Consumer Protection Agency more efficient, etc.
Fig. 19. Use of EU TAIEX instrument
Source: European Commission
The public institutions of the Republic of Moldova organised 119 TAIEX events, attended by
2382 public servants. Out of 16 neighbouring states of the European Union, the Republic of
Moldova is the most active, which is being confirmed by numerous TAIEX applications, which is
over 25% of total number of applications.
Twinning is an instrument for cooperation between a public institution in a beneficiary
country and peer institution in an EU member state in a certain field. This has the purpose
to improve/modernize the institution in the beneficiary country, as well as to develop new
normative acts in accordance with EU acquis.
TAIEX is a technical assistance and information exchange instrument managed by the Euro-
pean Commission’s Directorate General for Enlargement. TAIEX grants support to partner
countries to transpose, apply and enforce EU legislation. This is determined by the demand
that facilitates adequate individual experience to meet the short turn needs.
Missions of
experts; 32
Study tours;
252014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Neighbourhood Investment Facility, Confidence building measures and others.
Besides the programmes mentioned above within the annual envelopes, in 2013 the Confidence
Building Project (CBP part I) was implemented aiming at settling the Transnistrian conflict. With
the support of CBP Project, the rehabilitation of about 40 social institutions have been conducted
in the security zone; more than 40 events and training were organised; i) the SMEs capacities to
participate in specialised international fairs and exhibitions have been consolidated; ii) enhancing
the cooperation between the states on both banks of the River Nistru; iii) improving the capacities
of the mass media, etc. At the same time, 28 million Euro were negotiated during the report-
ing year and directed to the Second Confidence Building Project. Administrative Territorial Unit
Gagauzia will benefit from this Programme (5 Euro million), too.
The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) of the European Union, meant to cover the
investment needs of neighbouring region (in transport, energy, environment and social issues),
has contributed to the rehabilitation of 22 km of national road on the Balti-Sarateni section;
procurement of 23 trolleybuses for Balti municipality. Besides, 8 million Euro were offered to
rehabilitate the electricity transportation grids.
Apart from budget support in energy sector, the Energy and Biomass Project in Moldova contributes
to the implementation of energetic efficiency strategies. In the reporting period, with financial
and technical support of the project, the installation of 50 biomass boilers has begun and 37
quality standards for biomass fuel have been approved. At the same time, training and seminars
on the subject with different partners were organised, attended by over 100 thousand people. To
ensure the energy independence by diversifying the sources, the construction of gas pipeline Iasi–
Ungheni has started in 2013 and was financed by EU Romania–Ukraine–Republic of Moldova
Cross-Border Programme.
European Banks
The European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(EBRD) and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB) are European financial insti-
tutions represented in the Republic of Moldova with financial support for implementing major
infrastructure projects. The activity fields of these three institutions in 2013 are: road infrastructure,
water and sewage and buildings for social purposes.
EBRD and EIB are the biggest partners that contribute to the improvement/rehabilitation of
road infrastructure. With the support of these two banks, 65 km of national road was rehabilitat-
ed integrally on M2 Chisinau–Soroca section and about 8 km of road on R3 Chisinau–Hancesti
section in 2013. At the same time, the technical procedures to implement the rehabilitation project
of six main streets in the Chisinau mun. have started in the reporting period, financed by EBRD,
EIB and EU. The project has to be implemented in 2014-2015. Also, to continue the implemen-
tation of the Water and Wastewater Treatment Programme in Chisinau mun., a new Agreement
between JSC Apa-Canal Chisinau and EBRD, EIB and EU in the amount of Euro 60 million was
signed for the rehabilitation of about 190 km of pipeline. In the water sector, with the support of
these development partners, the implementation of Water Companies Development Programme
has continued by rehabilitating more than 300 km of pipeline, about 36 km of sanitation and 11
artesian wells. Another joint EBRD, EIB and EU project has started in 2013 (financial agreements
were signed in 2012), which refers to the rehabilitation of State-owned Company Moldelectrica.
With the project assistance, the regional interconnection would be consolidated, so the Republic of
Moldova is integrated in the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
26 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
To modernize the public transport in Balti mun., all technical procedures were carried out in
2013 to procure 23 new trolleybuses from the EBRD and EU funds. The procurement took place
in 2014. To develop the wine sector, the EIB and EU finance the Reform of the Wine Sector
Restructuring Programme, which financed 11 investment projects with a budget over 11 million
With the support of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB), a public housing
construction project has started in 12 towns for social vulnerable strata in 2013. The construction of
the first 115 apartments started in Calarasi, Briceni and Sangerei. Besides, CEBD signed an agree-
ment with the Republic of Moldova to implement the biggest investment project in the Republic
of Moldova, and namely, the construction of a penitentiary institution for 1536 detainees, which
will contribute to the observance of human rights of detainees, as well as decrease of the number
of detainees’ complaints of the Republic of Moldova in the European Court of Human Rights
World Bank (WB)
The Country Partnership Strategy for 2014-2017 was signed in 2013 with a budget of over 570
million, which foresees support to economic growth and poverty reduction in the Republic of
Moldova. The strategy is based on three pillars: (i) enhanced competitiveness; (ii) strengthen
human capital and minimization of social risks, and (iii) promoting an ecological/green, clean and
resistant Moldova.
Active portfolio of ongoing WB projects in 2013 accounted for 19 per cent with a budget of
about USD 200 million and a more significant contribution in education, social and information
technologies sectors. Five more projects have been negotiated and launched in 2013 with a budget
of about USD 55 million for reforms in education, agriculture and external audit.
Similarly, 4 WB projects were completed in 2013 in the following fields:
I. National Water Supply and Sanitation Programme with a budget of USD 14 million concluded
with the rehabilitation of about 100 km of pipeline, 2.4 km of sewage, 9 artesian wells, which
benefited 20 thousand citizens;
II. Competitiveness Enhancement Project, which contributed to the enhancement of business
environment by adjusting the legal framework in line with EU acquis, consultations with and
loans to business environment. In total, 96 sub-projects have been approved for financing in
agriculture and light industry sector;
III. Central Public Administration Reform Project was funded from WB Trust Fund. In the year
of reference, the modernisation process of public services has started, carrying out a comprehen-
sive analysis of public services and developing the Concept of public service upgrade. At the same
time, the Automatic Information System Register of public function and public servants has been
IV. Quality Education in Rural Areas Project, which assisted in procuring and distributing teaching
materials, as well as to implement the upgraded curriculum.
The competitive agriculture is a desideratum for the Republic of Moldova. In this context, a
project financed by the WB has been launched, which in the year of reference has completed all
technical procedures to enforce the signature of financial agreement. The investment and rural
services project has continued its activity in the reporting year, and signed 8 mini-projects in fruit
and vegetable farming, as well as livestock farming. Over 2000 farmers benefited from support for
wheat and corn loss compensation as a result of 2012 drought.
272014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
The United Nations (UN)
The cooperation with the United Nations takes place in accordance with the fields foreseen in
the UN Partnership Framework - Republic of Moldova 2013-2017 (signed in December 2012)
with the following key pillars: (i) democratic governance, justice, equality and human rights; (ii)
human capital development and social inclusion; (iii) environment, climate change and disaster
risk management. Even in the first year of implementing the Partnership Framework, the UN
kept its focus on marginalised/disadvantaged population (??), as well as promotion of reforms. The
UN is the main development partner in the field of technical cooperation and political dialogue
In order to create a democratic governance and build a state based on the rule of law, 16 sector
strategies and action plans, as well as more than 20 normative acts were developed. The Parlia-
ment, Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Anticorruption Centre were among the most
important public authorities that benefited from assistance in applying the Strategies to enhance
the performance of public servants, and fighting crime phenomenon. The UNHCR carried out
two specialised trainings for Centru Court and Chisinau Court of Appeal regarding asylum and
statelessness; to establish/train/create/found/build a legal practice for interested lawyers, public
servants and students, which serves as formation centre in the field of asylum and statelessness, and
20 training courses and workshops were organised by the end of 2013. A very intense collaboration
took place between the UN institutions and National Institute of Justice in the Republic of
Moldova in the field of human rights, and more than 200 judges and prosecutors were trained in
the anti-discrimination field.
To increase the transparency of subjects responsible for coordination of external assistance, the
UNDP has offered support for the development and implementation of the external assistance
management platform.
For the implementation of the second pillar – human capital development and social inclusion,
the UN offered support in developing the national program to prevent school dropout. As for
violence prevention, 115 local trainers and over 1200 people have been trained (tutor teacher,
educators, civil servants in raion education divisions). To modernize the quality evaluation system
in general education, UNICEF has offered support in the development of education quality
standards, which were tested in 15 schools from 3 raions. Support was offered in the field of edu-
cation to develop Child friendly schools concept, applied in 15 schools, where 396 teachers were
trained to apply result-based standards. With the UNDP support, the Career Development Centre
SYSLAB has been developed, which in the reporting period offered 5040 individual counselling
sessions, 96 group training courses and 210 on-site visits to companies, as a result of which, 62
people found work. Significant support is offered by the UNDP within the Confidence Building
Measures Programme funded by the EU, which will implement over 80 projects in the social field.
A substantial support was offered by the UN agencies to government institutions in developing
and implementing normative acts and sector strategies in the field of public health, vocational
and general education, decentralization. The UNDP has offered all the necessary support to the
National Bureau of Statistics to prepare the 2014 Population and Housing Census.
With the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), only in the
reporting year, 1152 loans were awarded to 1186 beneficiaries (SMEs, farmers in the rural area,
young entrepreneurs) to develop rural areas. 40% of the financial support awarded to young
entrepreneurs was in the form of grants. 1270 new jobs were created with the assistance of these
loans. Also, 4.38 km of road and 5.71 km of pipeline were rehabilitated. Also, in order to ensure
Program sustainability, about 93 rural entrepreneurs benefited from assistance in developing
business plans financed within projects, over 1200 agricultural producers benefited from training
in agriculture.
28 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
With the UNIDO support, the Republic of Moldova has registered progresses in enhancing the
productivity of resources and decreasing the pollution level, by offering modern technical systems
to 25 companies to reduce pollution. The post-implementation monitoring at 7 enterprises has
discovered 720.000 kWh energy savings, 6300 m3 water and more than 7000 tons of materials.
Moreover, the interventions led to a reduction by 6300 tons of waste waters and 450 tons of
greenhouse gas emissions, which constitute USD 240 thousand savings.
Bilateral Partners
The Government of the United States of America (the USA) is the main bilateral development
partner, to great extent, due to Compact Program, which has plans to contribute to population’s
income increase by eliminating or reducing some critical constraints which refer to the unsat-
isfactory state of road infrastructure, and easy transit to a developed agriculture, especially to
renovate the irrigation systems. Thus, by the end of 2013, 60 km of road out of 93 km planned for
rehabilitation have been rehabilitated on Sarateni–Soroca section. Also, the rehabilitation works of
14 bridges on the section have started, as well as rehabilitation of Soroca town centre. To improve
the agricultural sector, the irrigation systems rehabilitation works have started in 2013 in Criuleni
and Lopatna, which were the first two out of 11 irrigation systems planned for rehabilitation.
Besides the two key elements of Compact Programme mentioned previously, it offered support in
other fields, such as improving the legal framework in water sector and granting loans to farmers.
The business environment is an important field where the USA offers assistance. Thus, over 260
enterprises benefited from technical support to improve/optimize business process and manage-
ment. Eloquent results of this support are: the biggest furniture shop, which hosts more than
15 local furniture producers; promotion of local products outside the country; supporting local
farmers to participate in the most important exhibition of fresh products in Europe, as a result of
which, more than 150 contracts between local and foreign producers have been signed.
To consolidate the capacities of local public authorities, the assistance from the USA Govern-
ment is directed to improve the provision of local public services, to enhance local revenues and
improve financial management, as well as the assistance in developing and implementing local
plans with the support of energy efficiency projects in towns. Thus, 21 training sessions were
conducted, which were attended by about 400 people and civil servants in the module Excellence
in Local Management. Besides, 4 additional training sessions were organised in the field of local
public finance system and budgetary preparation for about 200 selected persons and civil servants
in 100 localities. 32 raion residential towns benefited from assistance in strategic planning to
ensure an enhanced transparency in decision-making process at local level and to improve the
communication between interested parties; the Communication Guide for LPA was developed
with the support of the USAID, which laid the foundation for the development and approval of
the mayoralty regulations on communication.
The rule of law is the third pillar which is supported by the USA. In this sense, the National Justice
Institute has benefited from training to consolidate the capacities of 50 heads of secretaries of
courts, as well as training courses in the following fields: performance-based budgets, centralised
public procurement and internal audit in courts.
The Ministry of Justice was supported in the revision and adjustment process of the Module from
the integrated file management programme, which addresses the evaluation of cause complex-
ity in the programme, random case distribution (who and to whom?) and access to databases,
programme integration with digital audio recording system Femida etc. To reduce the subjective
factors in courts, the USAID has assisted in the procurement of 38 sets of audio recording devices/
equipment for sessions and 226 recorders. Most people, who use these technologies (officers of the
court, assistants, judges, etc.), were trained.
292014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Romania ranks among bilateral partners with the highest amounts of external assistance allocated
to ongoing projects in 2013. This fact is due to the commitment in the form of grant amounting
to Euro 100 mln., which is implemented for infrastructure projects. Thus, in the reporting period,
this project has allocated over Euro 5 million to co-finance the construction project of the gas
pipeline Iasi–Ungheni. Besides, the Additional Protocol was signed, according to which, Euro 15
mln. have to be provided to projects in the field of environment protection and climate change
projects, after the Protocol enters into force.
Japan is in the top three development partners. In 2013, a 45 million Euro project has been
launched to improve medical services by providing medical equipment to hospitals of the Republic
of Moldova. Five hospitals (Republican Clinical Hospital, Scientific Research Institute of Mother
and Child Health Protection, National Scientific Practical Centre for Emergency Medicine,
Institute of Oncology, Municipal Clinic Hospital Sfânta Treime) and 11 Public Health Centres
(National Centre in Chisinau, Municipal Centre of Chisinau, Edinet, Balti, Soroca, Ungheni,
Orhei, Hancesti, Causeni, Cahul, Gagauzia) will benefit from this project and will be equipped
with modern medical devices. At the same time, Japan remains a loyal partner in agriculture,
especially in offering assistance to disfavoured farmers. 305 agricultural devices and equipment
were procured in 2013, which has contributed to the creation of 385 new jobs. Rural development
and energy efficiency is another priority of Japan. In 2013, Japan offered about Euro 9 mln. to
implement projects in the field of efficient use of biomass solid fuel.
The Kingdom of Sweden, Federal Republic of Germany and Republic of Austria rank in the top
10 biggest development partners in the Republic of Moldova, providing an essential support in
regional development, human rights, energy etc.
With the support of the Kingdom of Sweden, a number of institutional measures were achieved in
the field of investment climate reform, succeeding the decrease of number of authorities that have
the right to audit from 64 to 33, and the control process has become clearer and more efficient
with clear terms and appeal procedures. Besides, it assisted in the development of Control Register
Regulation and adoption of National Action Plan in Energy Efficiency field for 2013-2015.
The Federal Republic of Germany is a development partner in achieving structural reforms and im-
provement of local infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova. German partners provide assistance
especially to regional development agencies, as well as Ministry of Regional Development and
Construction. The representatives of the Ministry were trained in efficient communication and
implementation of Programmes and financing instruments of EU and others. At regional level, via
regional development agencies, 5 projects were implemented, with a budget of over Euro 3 million.
At the same time, sector regional planning process has been initiated in the following fields: (i)
solid waste management, (ii) water and sanitation, (iii) energy efficiency of public buildings, and
(iv) road infrastructure.
The Republic of Austria offers support in the implementation of social development policies.
In the education, with the support offered by the Austrian Government, the modern modular
Curriculum for information technologies and communications specialisation has been devel-
oped, the initial training project of professional centre for promotion in construction sector in the
Republic of Moldova had been initiated. The cooperation with UniCredit Bank has continued and
more financial resources have been attracted to implement phase II of equipping the Republican
Clinical Hospital with medical devices. At the same time, with the support of Austrian partners,
the construction project of pipeline in Nisporeni has started.
Although, the People’s Republic of China does not rank in the first 10 development partners, its
support in 2013 has contributed to the finalization of road traffic monitoring report implemen-
tation, which even in the first months of implementation helped to register about 16450 traffic
violations, which were fined with over MDL 5 mln. The result of installing video surveillance
has been already expressed in the decrease of accidents in the monitored intersections by 40%
and of the death number by 60%. At the same time, two financial agreements were signed with
the People’s Republic of China in 2013, with a budget of over Euro 10 mln., and the projects are
planned to be launched in 2014.
30 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
AMP		 Informational External Aid Management Platform
CPA		 Central Public Authority
ODA		 Official Development Assistance
CEB		 Council of Europe Development Bank
EIB		 European Investment Bank
EBRD	 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
WB		 World Bank
NPB		 National public budget
ESRA		 Economic Stimulation of Rural Areas Programme
NIV		 Neighbourhood Investment Facility
MF		 Ministry of Finance
OECD	 Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
NGO		 Non-governmental organisation
UN		 United Nations
OSCE		 Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
UNDP 	 United Nations Development Programme
GDP		 Gross Domestic Product
RM		 Republic of Moldova
SIDA		 Sweden Agency for International and Development Cooperation
SCBM	 Confidence building measures
USA		 United States of America
TAIEX	 Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument
UE		 European Union
UNHCR 	 United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees
UNIDO	 United Nations Industrial Development Organisation
312014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
A. List of external assistance projects launched in 2013
Beginning Financing
Budget (Euro)
Supporting the Republic of Moldova to
implement the EU-Moldova Action Plan on
Visa Liberalisation
European Union Governance and
civil society
1 200 000
Technical assistance to the Bureau for Rein-
tegration of the Republic of Moldova
Grant European Union
Governance and
civil society
769 288
Enhancing the response capacity of the
Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscita-
tion and Extrication (SMURD), in case of
preparation and urgent intervention in the
common boundaries of Romania, Ukraine
and Republic of Moldova
Grant European Union
Governance and
civil society
1 000 700
Re-equipment and maintenance of protocol
room of the Ministry of External Affairs
and European Integration of the Republic of
Republic of
Governance and
civil society
219 800
Financing Agreement between the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Moldova and Eu-
ropean Union on Framework Programme in
support of the current and new agreements
between the European Union and the Re-
public of Moldova
Grant European Union
Governance and
civil society
13 000 000
Agreement between the Government of the
Republic of Moldova and Government of
People’s Republic of China on economic
and technical cooperation
Grant China
Governance and
civil society
8 000 000
Strengthening and development of the insti-
tutional capacity of the Bureau of Migration
and Asylum - strengthening legal and insti-
tutional framework for better governance of
migration and asylum system
Grant Romania
Governance and
civil society
150 000
Second Line of Defence Programme (SLD):
Battelle Memorial Institute Pacific North-
west Division
Grant USA
Governance and
civil society
45 434
Financial Agreement between the Republic
of Moldova and EBRD of Road Rehabilita-
tion Project IV
Transport and
150 000 000
Loan Agreement between EIB and RM on
Road Rehabilitation Project IV
25/06/2013 Preferential
Transport and
150 000 000
Balti Trolleybus Company - twinning part-
nership in public transport
Grant EBRD
Transport and
93 900
Grant Agreement between the Government
of the Republic of Moldova and Govern-
ment of Japan on implementation of the
Efficient Use of Biomass Solid Fuel Project
Grant Japan
Generation and
supply of elec-
9 016 414
Children with future – a future for children
Grant Austria
Other social in-
frastructure and
84 296
Support to development of Home Care
services in Moldova 2011-2013
Grant Czech Republic
Other social in-
frastructure and
435 765
32 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Abuse of Older Adults Prevention Project in
the Republic of Moldova
Grant European Union
Other social in-
frastructure and
179 922
International Labour Organisation Project
– Jobs for Young People of the Republic of
Moldova in 2013
Grant ONU
Other social in-
frastructure and
31 752
University collaboration network at the
Black Sea
Republic of
Education 45 267
Developing inter-university Regional Start-
up Centres
Grant European Union Education 100 000
Education reform project
01/07/2013 Preferential
World Bank Education 31 007 600
Prevention and treatment of Diabetes in
Grant Czech Republic Health 170 768
Development of Home Care services in the
North of the Republic
Grant Czech Republic Health 425 612
Financing Agreement between the Govern-
ment of the Republic of Moldova and the
Government of Japan to finance the En-
chaining of Medical Services Project
Japan Health 46 521 742
Credit Agreement between Unicredit Bank
Austria an RM on financing ”Improvement
of Medical Services in RCHM phase II”
Austria Health 7 300 000
Promotion of sustainable production and
implementation of the best practices in
cattle farms in the cross-border region Ro-
mania, Rep. Moldova and Ukraine
Grant European Union Agriculture 416 000
Cross-Border Ecological Agriculture Net-
work, “EcoAgriNet 2”
Grant European Union Agriculture 165 206
Transparent Convergence to EU Policies
in Sanitary Issues: the Case of Georgia and
Grant European Union Agriculture 142 622
Establishing a three lateral cross-border
network for development and trade in tradi-
tional agro food products in the cross-border
area of Lower Danube
Grant European Union Agriculture 554 590
Promoting planning and participatory plan-
ning as efficient mechanism for enabling
community and sustainable local develop-
Grant European Union Multi-sector 386 347
Use of water flows in putting down forest
fires with new technologies
Grant European Union Forestry 113 233
Development and management of integrat-
ed urban development plans
Grant European Union Multi-sector 149 410
Moldova towards regional and cross-bor-
der development of EU “REGDEV”
Grant European Union Multi-sector 35 904
Rehabilitation of polluted lands with pe-
troleum hydrocarbon resin in Lunga and
Grant Czech Republic Multi-sector 507 270
Production and installation of camps for
Executive Committee Building and Popular
Assembly of the ATU Gagauzia
Republic of
Other social in-
frastructure and
1 930
Involvement of citizens in setting prior-
ities, development and implementation of
local development policies (SolveNet)
Grant European Union
Governance and
civil society
448 861
Danube – black sea connection of Europe-
an and Asian economy, a step for substantial
growth of the black sea area (DAB) -1
Grant European Union
Transport and
598 625
332014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
SIDE BY SIDE Tri-nodal network for
tourism promotion and development in
Galati-Cahul-Reni cross-border region
Grant European Union Tourism 652 187
The Maritime Network of Education for
the Development of the Maritime Culture in
the Black Sea Basin
Grant European Union
Other social in-
frastructure and
329 647
Business environment – sustainable pro-
motion and development
Grant European Union
Business and other
232 660
Strengthening the Transplant Agency of the
Republic of Moldova and support for legal
approximation in quality and safety quality
of substances of human origin
Grant European Union Health 1 178 464
Grant Agreement between the Republic of
Moldova and International Association for
Development on ”Integration of children
with special needs in general schools” -
Grant World Bank
Other social in-
frastructure and
2 156 050
Development of the agricultural sector by
creating the border agricultural network
Grant European Union Agriculture 2 401 568
Sustainable transport and tourism along
the Danube
Grant European Union Tourism 85 969
Clean Rivers - Clean Sea! NGOs actions
for environmental protection within Black
Sea area
Grant European Union
Water and sani-
462 603
National Antiviolence Centre for women
and mothers with children, victims of do-
mestic violence
Grant Republic of Italy
Other social in-
frastructure and
86 000
Quality Certification System in Agrotour-
ism – CerTour Project
Grant European Union Tourism 50 544
Central Heating Program in Moldova –
Identification Study of the Project
Grant EBRD
Generation and
supply of elec-
300 000
Strategic Territorial Agendas for “Small
and Middle-Sized Towns” (STATUS)
Grant European Union Multi-sector 92 187
Reduction of pollution and soil erosion by
extending the capacity of waste water treat-
ment management
Grant European Union Multi-sector 2 089 139
Regional network of business incubators
Grant European Union
Business and other
128 804
Development of cross-border tourism by
promoting the Mansion of Manuc Bey,
Elena Ioan Cuza Mortuary Complex and the
Blesciunov Mansion
Grant European Union Tourism 2 248 598
Border infrastructure (communications
infrastructure between Romania and the
Republic of Moldova)
Grant European Union
Governance and
civil society
3 000 000
Unity in diversity – Art Exchange and
Traditional Crafts for Youth
Grant European Union
Other social in-
frastructure and
31 500
Virtual Platform for cross-border exchange
of students
Grant European Union Education 84 536
Rehabilitation of Royal Court of Lapusna
for tourism sightseeing
Grant European Union Tourism 694 349
Beyond Borders – Music and Identity
Among European Youth
Grant European Union
Other social in-
frastructure and
26 389
Cross-border interdisciplinary cooperation
for the prevention of natural disasters and
mitigation of environmental pollution in
Lower Danube
Grant European Union Multi-sector 220 228
34 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Fanfares beyond borders
Grant European Union
Other social in-
frastructure and
12 305
Cultural exchange platform - CUL-
Grant European Union
Other social in-
frastructure and
36 651
Solidarity, Youth and Water in Moldova
Swiss Confeder-
Multi-sector 88 292
Establishment and promotion of new ap-
proaches and instruments to enhance prima-
ry sector’s competitiveness and innovation
in the South East Europe (APP4INNO)
Grant Hungary Industry 92 610
Increasing the efficiency and transparency
of processes within the National Agency for
Employment – electronic data registration
system implementation
Grant Czech Republic
Other social in-
frastructure and
126 381
Artistic and cultural education in the con-
text of sustainable cross-border cooperation
Grant European Union
Other social in-
frastructure and
146 898
Intelligent cluster policies for South-East-
ern Europe
Grant European Union
Business and other
96 841
Support to the Republic of Moldova in the
process of creation of the Deep and Com-
prehensive Free Trade Zone
Grant European Union
Business and other
1 927 000
Pneumococcal vaccine assistance
Health 1 027 413
Grant Agreement between the Republic
of Moldova and International Development
Association on Enhancing capacities of
Court of Accounts of the Republic of Mol-
Grant World Bank
Governance and
civil society
754 034
Preparing the conditions for the wine from
the Black Sea basin to enter on international
market: Black Sea WinExports /
Grant European Union Agriculture 220 273
Technical assistance and support to the
National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear
and Radiological Activities of the Republic
of Moldova to implement measures to im-
prove radiological security in the Central
and Eastern Europe and Russia
Kingdom of
Generation and
supply of elec-
400 000
Enhancing Digital Security capacity of Gov-
ernmental institutions of the RM
Grant USA
Governance and
civil society
103 067
DCA Loan Portfolio Guarantee Facility with
Prime Capital (second agreement)
Grant USA
Business and other
145 529
Support to Organic Agriculture in Moldova 30/04/2013 Grant USA
Business and other
117 879
Moldova Partnership for Sustainable Civil
Society (MPSCS)
Grant USA
Governance and
civil society
1 433 536
Procuring of conference table for Protocol
Rook of the Ministry of External Affairs and
European Integration of the RM
Republic of
Governance and
civil society
8 500
Energy audit of Gymnasium “Iaroslav
Gasek” in. Huluboaia village, Cahul Raion
Grant Czech Republic
Generation and
supply of elec-
2 032
Procurement of audio equipment for Gen-
eral Culture and Tourism Direction of ATU
Republic of
Other social in-
frastructure and
15 630
Procurement of computers for schools of
the Republic of Moldova
Republic of
Education 21 000
Procurement of computers for the Library
M.K. ATATÜRK in Comrat mun.
Republic of
Education 6 830
352014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Re-equipment of the NATO Information
and Documentation Centre of ULIM Uni-
versity of the Republic of Moldova
Republic of
Education 9 550
Support to National Strategy to support
children without parental care in Moldova
Grant Czech Republic
Other social in-
frastructure and
99 067
Support to public service modernisation
reform implementation
Grant World Bank
Governance and
civil society
636 836
Re-equipment and maintaining of Office of
Bashkan of ATU Gagauzia in Comrat mun.
Republic of
Governance and
civil society
11 000
Sustainable broad partnership for decen-
tralisation reform
Grant European Union
Governance and
civil society
270 000
Reconstruction of Fire fighters and Rescu-
ers Unit of Soroca, Republic of Moldova
Grant USA
Governance and
civil society
497 453
Professional training network for local
public administration
Grant European Union
Governance and
civil society
149 997
Enhancing the investment promotion of
MIEPO and support to investment promo-
tion in industrial parks in the Republic of
Grant UN
Business and other
- Trade and
trade-related poli-
cy and laws
1 000 000
I do care, I will involve! – Cross-border
cooperation for social inclusion of vulnera-
ble youth
Grant European Union
Other social in-
frastructure and
45 958
Traffic Information systems regarding road
Grant European Union
Transport and
602 316
Pure water – for villages benefit
Grant Romania
Water and sani-
863 315
Cross-border waste management tool for
rural localities, CBCRurWaste
Grant European Union Multi-sector 349 252
Eco-Cities – a common vision in cross-bor-
der area
Grant European Union Multi-sector 2 075 891
GHID- Care. Food. Integration. Develop-
Grant Austria Education 1 300 000
Upgrading the heating system in boarding
school of Ceadir-Lunga, ATU Gagauzia
Republic of
Education 37 000
Extension of a successful Inclusion Pre-
school Education Model in the Republic of
Grant Czech Republic Education 394 468
Introduction of innovative waste manage-
ment practices in selected cities of Georgia,
Moldova and Armenia, GMA-WMP
Grant European Union
Water and sani-
269 916
Providing social vulnerable patients with
hearing devices and tonometer
Grant Czech Republic Health 7 852
Reparation, re-equipment and maintenance
of library building M.K. Atatürk in Comrat
Republic of
Education 27 475
Improving medical equipment in Raion
Ungheni Hospital
Grant Japan Health 92 831
Project to renew medical equipment in
Cimislia raion
Grant Japan Health 42 539
Equipment of IMSP Raion Comrat Hospi-
tal “Isaac Gufinchel” with artificial respira-
tory ventilator
Republic of
Health 10 000
Green youth movement in cross-border area
Grant European Union Multi-sector 71 772
36 2014 Annual Report on external assistance
provided to the Republic of Moldova
Modernization of public transport in Balti
10/07/2013 - Preferen-
tial credit
- Grant
- European
Transport and
4 600 000
South East Neighbourhood Safe Routes
Grant European Union
Transport and
110 293
Promotion of civic participation in Cahul
Grant Czech Republic
Governance and
civil society
63 382
Developing the expenditure framework
for design documents for IMSP Scientific
Research Institute for Maternal and Child
Health Care in Chisinau
Republic of
Health 36 500
Border protection against wild animals
Grant European Union Agriculture 21 450
Professional and ongoing training in elec-
tric engineering in Chisinau
Federal Republic
of Germany
Education 422 536
e-Fairs and trade networks (e-F+TN)
Grant European Union
Business and other
555 432
Changing the roof of boiler room in Raion
Hospital of Ceadir-Lunga, ATU Gagauzia
Republic of
Health 10 000
Developing the expenditure framework for
design documents for Hostel of the Comrat
State University
Republic of
Education 34 500
Developing the expenditure framework for
design documents for IMSP Raion Hospital
of Comrat ‘Isaac Gurfinchel’
Republic of
Health 35 000
Support to Economic Council
Grant EBRD
Business and other
299 665
National consolidated systems for safety of
reproductive health products
Grant UN
Health and popu-
lation reproduction
policies and pro-
115 453
Development of control centres, crisis
management and solutions in the field of
information technologies and communica-
tions in Moldova
Grant Estonia
Governance and
civil society
90 231
Establishing a training system to manage
the traffic in emergency situation and de-
velopment of traffic control system in the
Republic of Moldova
Grant Estonia
Governance and
civil society
95 258
ECO-CARPATI - Eco-Business Develop-
ment in Border Carpathians as Chance for
Better Economic Competitiveness
Grant European Union
Business and other
23 500
Cooperation of scientific parks in
South-Eastern Europe (SEE) to promote
research results and technologies in small
and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Grant European Union Industry 110 948
Increasing competitiveness through human
synergy in Transnistrian region
Grant European Union Industry 170 000
Joint Business Support Centre - Instrument
for fostering development of entrepreneur-
ship in Ro-Ua-Md cross-border area
Grant European Union Industry 1 439 713
Furnishing of operator block with medical
equipment of Paediatric Department of
Municipal Clinical Hospital of Balti
Grant Japan Health 89 030
Sustainable development of tourism in Low-
er Danube in Ukraine, Republic of Moldova
and Romania
Grant European Union Tourism 481 861
CROSS Border Centre – support for animal
husbandry development
Grant European Union Agriculture 110 930
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ODA 2013 ENG
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ODA 2013 ENG
ODA 2013 ENG
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  • 1. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Chișinău, August 2014 State Chancellery of the Republic of Moldova
  • 2. This report is the product of the analysis of data and information provided by development partners and national public authorities. Authors - Monitoring and Evaluation Division of the General Division for Policy Coor- dination, Foreign Aid and Central Public Administration Reform within the State Chan- cellery, manaaged by Division Head Ms. Lucreția Ciurea and team members: Mr. Adrian Ermurachi, Mr. Valentin Croitoru, Mr. Dumitru Molceanu, and Ms. Daniela Solomca. 
  • 3. The official development assistance granted to the Republic of Moldova by its development partners is a valuable source with strong catalytic role for economic growth, but at the same time, it is limited as regards the coverage of all development and poverty reduction needs. Speeding the transition from more effective assistance to development cooperation in practice – for instance, placing inclusive partnership and joint liabilities in the centre of efforts – requires political coher- ence, more efficient integration of the planning, budgeting, resource mobilization process, as well as partnership actions and adequate national development planning mechanisms. A stronger and a more coherent institutional framework and a more substantial implication of central authorities is needed to implement the Busan1 commitments. The Busan Partnership Agreement highlights the importance of joint responsibility in enhancing progress partnership within and beyond the Millennium Development Goals. In particular, this refers to the commitment of development partners to assume joint liability to achieve progress in commitments and actions agreed upon in Busan and those set forth in Paris Declaration (2005) on Aid Effectiveness (2005) and Accra Agenda for Action (2008). To implement these commitments, the developing countries have been invited to take over and lead the establishment of national monitoring framework to follow the progress and promote joint responsibility. In this sense, 2013 was a prodigious year both in the evolution of strategic development projects as well as in setting forth monitoring mechanisms and their joint evaluation. Signing 29 agreements with development partners and initiating 193 projects in different sectors of the national economy calls for dedicated resources management with maximum prudence to achieve the expected results. To optimize the modernization processes, as well as to ensure increased transparency in external development aid management, the Informational External Aid Management Platform has been developed (hereinafter AMP) ( Official development assistance granted to the Republic of Moldova in the reporting period, which is estimated to about 5% of GDP and 13.3% of NPB, shall not be seen as a separate element from national resources directed to the development agenda implementation. The countries with eco- nomic development aspirations tend to decrease the external development aid and to mobilize other components of the development resource framework. The financial and technical support of the development partners contributes to the process of tran- sition to democracy and formation of important expertise and know-how capital. We are extreme- ly thankful to the European partners for their expertise, especially to those from the neighbouring countries of the Republic of Moldova, which had similar experience as our country. The State Chancellery would like to take this opportunity to express its gratitude to the bilateral and multilateral development partners, as well as to the central public authorities for providing the information necessary to draft this Report. 1 Busan Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (2011), agreed at the High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, Republic of Korea, 29 November – 1 December 2011; FOREWORD Victor Bodiu, Secretary General of Government Chișinău, August 2014
  • 4. 4 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................................................... 1. Development Cooperation......................................................................................................................... 1.1. Ownership and focus on results in development cooperation..................................................... 1.2. Inclusive development partnership............................................................................................. 1.3. Transparency and joint responsibility for development results.................................................... 2. Official development assistance (ODA) granted to the RM in 2013, trends and dynamics......................... 2.1 Graphic illustration of ODA by development partners and sectors.............................................. 2.2 Graphic illustration of ODA by the form and type of applied instruments.................................. 3. Major results of ODA by its share in the sectors of intervention................................................................. Acronyms............................................................................................................................................ Annexes............................................................................................................................................... A. List of external assistance projects launched in 2013.................................................................................. B. List of external assistance signed in 2013.................................................................................................... C. The Development partners take on GP indicators on Effective Development Cooperation.......................... D. Disbursed amounts by development partners by sectors, 2013.................................................................... E. List of Twinning Projects............................................................................................................................ F. Information Generated by AMP.................................................................................................................. TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 6 7 10 12 14 16 18 21 30 31 31 42 44 45 46 48
  • 5. 52014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova The annual report on external assistance (2013) granted to the Republic of Moldova by the devel- opment partners has been developed within the context of the bilateral commitments to improve development cooperation and of the joint responsibility for the achievement of development objectives, as well as transparency increase. The report has been developed based on information provided by development partners, pub- lic authorities, as well as authorities registered in the AMP. Central public authorities provided information about assistance management in a certain sector in terms of the results achieved in 2013. 34 questionnaires were sent to development partners, but only 21 provided answers. This is the Fifth National Report which analyses the external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova for economic growth and poverty reduction purposes. It was developed by General Division for Policy Coordination, External assistance and Central Public Administration Reform of the State Chancellery as a component part of the actions taken during the Government capacity building process in coordinating external assistance and enhancing its efficiency. The volume of official development assistance contracted in 2013 is three times higher than in 2012, and accounts for Euro 623.9 million for 193 projects (Euro 212.8 million for 117 projects in 2012, respectively). The biggest contribution in 2013 was offered by EBRD and EIB by signing two financial agree- ments with a budget of Euro 300 million, which was entirely allocated for road rehabilitation. The European Union remains to be a leading development partner based on the volume of assistance in the form of grants – over Euro 135 million, annual financial allocation, being the biggest in the Eastern Partnership countries. The amount of implemented/disbursed assistance in the reporting year is of about Euro 300 million, having decreased by almost 35 per cent compared to 2012, given the absence of IMF instalments in 2013. The share of 2013 official development assistance in GDP was 5 per cent (by 3.26 per cent less than in 2012) and about 13.3 per cent in the current NPB revenues (by 8.4 per cent less than in 2012). The Informational External Aid Management Platform (AMP) has been developed in 2013, which allowed for the first time, the use of an available online instrument for all players, interested in the monitoring of external assistance implementation; the information being accessible to the wide public. The report provides a description of results achieved at national level and in the context of agree- ments on efficient development cooperation assumed on a global level, as well as achieving de- velopment results on a country level following the implementation of external assistance projects. Furthermore, the Annexes to the report present data and geospatial presentation on external assis- tance, generated by the informational platform. Data quality and use of available information are key technical and institutional elements, which optimization is under continuous development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
  • 6. 6 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova In 2011 international development community met in Busan, Republic of Korea to take account of the progress in the improved process of granting assistance. The participants agreed broadly that global economy and development picture have seen fundamental changes from defining efficiency principles of Paris Declaration in 2005 and their revision in Accra Agenda for Action in 2008. To enhance the development cooperation efficacy as a catalyst for poverty reduction, the global structures have been requested to make a fundamental change, which consists in highlighting the approaches with priority interests of the country in all agreements in the development partner- ship, importance and their different roles. Thus, the Busan Partnership Agreement2 (hereinafter Global Partnership) has formulated this change in four principles of reaching joint development goals: i) development countries set forth their own development policy, ii) focus on results, iii) inclusive development partnership, iv) transparency and joint liability. It should be mentioned that the Government of the Republic of Moldova has assumed these principles, and their application at national level was included in the agenda for more efficient development assistance. The Republic of Moldova was one of the 46 countries that participated in the Global Partnership performance evaluation, which results were examined and discussed in the first Global Partnership High-Level Meeting for effective development cooperation in Mexico (April 2014). The goal of this report is to illustrate the results of the Study on reaching the Global Partnership objectives at country level in 2012 (the study was conducted in 2013); the results included in the global report as well as the 2013 results provided by the development partners based on the questionnaire used globally in the development/ commitments achievement monitoring study. In order to monitor the achieved commitments assumed in the context of principles of efficient development assistance, ten performance indicators have been developed with a two-year monitoring periodicity. The results of the performance indicator study at country level are presented in table 1. Indi- cator Indicator Description At coun- try level 2012 Results 2013 Re- sults 2015 Targets/ Objectives 1 Development cooperation is focused on results aligned to the priorities of country development X Piloted in 10 countries, in- cluding in the Republic of Moldova All develop- ment partners use country outcome frame 2 Civil society functions in an en- vironment that maximize its impli- cation and contribution to develo- pment CIVICUS, participation faci- litation indicator Evolution Sustainabi- lity Ongoing pro- gress 3 Implication and contribution of private sector to development UNDP-OCDE evaluation jointly with WB institutions Ongoing pro- gress 4 Transparency: information about development cooperation is provi- ded to the public OCDE evaluation Applying com- mon standards 2 Global Partnership is an inclusive political forum, which comprise a number of countries and organisations worldwide that have committed to make the development cooperation more effective. It is based on an agreement signed by 160 countries, regions and organisations during the Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, which took place in Busan, Republic of Korea, in 2011. DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION
  • 7. 72014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova 5a+b Predictable development cooperati- on (a – annual; m – medium-term) X 5a – 65% 5b – 40% 5a – 73,0 % 5b– 50 % 5a – 90% 5b– 70% 6 Assistance is a component part of the budget subject to Parliamentary examination X 55% 84,5 % 94% 7 Joint liability of development coo- peration actors is enhanced through inclusive evaluations X NO YES 8 Gender equality and women em- powerment NO YES 9a The quality of PFM systems in the country 41 4.5 9b Use of PFM systems and national procurement X 30% 24 % 95% 10 Assistance is unconditional 84% Table 1. Performance indicators of Global Partnership (monitoring results) Source: Calculations of the Monitoring and Evaluation Division of State Chancellery. Are we able to achieve the 2015 objectives? 1.1. Ownership and focus on results in development cooperation Global Partnership Agreement considers important the role of partner country in identifying its development priorities as one of the four key principles of efficient development. The priority identification, in turn, is closely connected to another principle, and namely, focus on results. The development partners have engaged to align to priorities and policies set forth in partner countries ensuring, thus, that the investment and efforts have an ongoing impact on poverty and social inequality reduction, sustainable development and capacity building of developing countries. Indicator Targets/Obectives for 2015 Implementation status at international level Indicator 1. Development cooperation is focused on re- sults aligned to development priorities of the country All development partners apply natio- nal result monitoring frame It is too early to evaluate the progress – the indicator was piloted in 8 countries Preliminary results suggest a higher variation between partners, but a coherent behaviour of partners from different countries Indicator 6. The assistance is a component part of budget subject to preliminary exami- nation Halving the gap – halving the coopera- tion assistance inflows, which are not re- flected in the national budget. By 2015– 85% is reflected in the national budget There is some progress – 64% of planned fi- nance is reported in national budgets. Only 7 countries have reached the level of 85% Indicator 9. National systems are consolidated and applied Half of the developing countries ad- vanced by at least one measurement unit (i.e. 0.5 points) on performance evaluation scale PFM /CPIA Reduced gap with regard to application of financial and public procurement ma- nagement system (by two thirds in the CPIA score ≥ 5; or one third in the score 3.5 - 4.5). By 2015: 57% of funds apply national systems Previous achievements have been maintain- ed, but more progress is required There are no changes in the quality of public finance management systems in partner coun- tries. There are no changes in applying national sys- tems: application of financial and public pro- curement management systems have stayed at the level of 2010 (about 49%) Continued on Next Page
  • 8. 8 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Indicator 10. Assistance is unconditional Ongoing progress in time There is some progress – 79% of development assistance is unconditional (compared to 77% in 2010) Table 2. Indicators 2,6,9 and 10 of Global Partnership Source: Calculations of the Monitoring and Evaluation Division of State Chancellery. Indicator 1. Extending the application of national indicator systems, statistics, monitoring and evaluation improves the outcome framework of countries and enhances the membership and joint responsibility This indicator was piloted in 8 countries, including in the Republic of Moldova, and has the objective to identify the application level/method of the national systems of results and national statistical data monitoring. Fig. 1 represents a correlation between information on coopera- tion assistance through measures closer to the outcome framework of the country (Axis y) and Government’s understanding towards the ability of the partners to apply and contribute to the improvement of country outcomes framework (Axis x). Data of 4 development partners (UN, WB, EU, the USA) were considered. It should be mentioned that WB, EU and the USA are closer to the application of the national outcomes framework, while the UN is lagging behind in this sense. On the other hand, the perception of the Government regarding the application of national outcomes framework by the development partners is at the level of 0.3 out of 1.0. This situation is determined by the fact that national outcomes frameworks are partly applied, while the result indicators are not much applied. Practically, all programmes/projects have other indicators devel- oped differently from the national ones or additional to the national, which decreases the role or capacity of national statistics. If the support from partners is granted via small technical assistance projects to consolidate statistical capacities, the large projects/programmes impose additional indicators or data that require additional efforts and costs for their monitoring. Fig. 1. Correlation between the information on cooperation assistance granted via methods that are closer to the outcomes frame- work of the country and Government perception with regard to the ability of the partner to apply and contribute to the improve- ment of country outcomes framework Source: 2014 Global Partnership Report 0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1 World Bank European Union United States United Nations %CRF Stakeholder Perceptions
  • 9. 92014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Indicator 6. Inserting the development funds in the national budget will align the national priorities, will allow for a more accurate and comprehensive budgeting and joint responsibility in development cooperation Compared to 2010, this indicator registers a worsening at country level in 2012. Fifty five per cent of the development assistance planned for government sector is reflected in the 2012 Public Budget Law (88% in 2010). 2013 provides for an improved situation since about 84.5% of the development assistance volume planned for gover- nment sector has been already mentioned in the Annual Budget Law approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova. The evaluation of these results will be made with special prudence, taking into account the existing discrepancy reflected in its budget by the Government and what is presented by the development partners in their disbursement forecasts. For instance, about USD 397 million were planned in 2013 by development partners for government sector, but the 2013 Budget Law indicates the amount USD 336 million, by about USD 61 million less. Fig.2. Planned and disbursed amounts in 2013 (Fig. A) and forecast for the following years (Fig. B), millions Euro Source: Information presented by development partners and Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova (in millions of Euro). About 73% of the amounts planned for disbursement to the government sector in 2013 by foreign partners have been disbursed, a fact that shows a high level of the best use of external means (high absorption capacity). Indicator 9. Use of institutions and national systems will strengthen these institutions and systems and will reduce the transaction costs and will ensure higher responsibility at country level towards the citizens and the Parliament. Quality of public finance management3 in 2012 has not changed compared to previous evaluation in 2010 and scores 4.0 on the 1.0 to 6.0 (the highest) scale. Besides, out of 33 evaluated countries, the Republic of Moldova ranks in the group of 6 countries with ‘strong’ financial management systems. At the same time, only 30 per cent of the assistance granted to government sector uses the national financial management system and procurement system, which represents a considerable decrease compared to 2010, when this share was 70%. According to 2013 data, this chapter registers a regression trend, the share being 24%. The Diagrams in fig. 3 illustrates the use of the national systems in the implementation of technical assistance projects. 3 This indicator is based on institutional and policy evaluation made by the World Bank (CPIA); 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 2014 2015 2016 2017 Development Partners Ministry of Finance 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 Disbursed Planned Development Partners Ministry of Finance Fig. A Fig. B
  • 10. 10 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Fig. 3. Use of national systems in 2013: national audit and public procurement systems. Source: Calculations of Monitoring and Evaluation Division. Indicator 10. Development cooperation, which is not conditioned by specific geographic source for goods and service procurement, allows for a more efficient alignment to the national priorities and systems and ensures better value of cost-benefit balance The commitment of development partners is to ensure a better unconditional official development assistance. In 2012, this value for Moldova constituted 84 per cent of assistance volume, which represented a growth compared to 82 per cent in 2010. In 2013, resources from development partners were contracted by ‘tying’ the resources in the volume of about 74 million Euro or about 12 per cent of the total resources contracted annually. 1.2. Inclusive development partnership In the context of the Busan Partnership Agreement, the inclusion means bigger recognition and implication of non-state actors, including private sector and civil society. The total commitment of these actors, as well as recognition of their contribution, will require more time and effort in designing development cooperation. On the other hand, the inclusion also means that the development results benefit equally all, men and women. National Budget procedure 33% National financial reporting system 22% National audit system use 21% National acquisitions system use 19%
  • 11. 112014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Indicators Targets/Objectives for 2015 Status of implementation internationally Indicator 2. Civil society func- tions in an environment that maximizes its implication and contribution to Ongoing progress in time It is too early to assess the progress – additional analyses are needed because of limited data. Mixed image with proof of positive examples of govern- ment’s efforts to facilitate the activity of civil socie- ty organisations, however, the challenges prevail in many countries Indicator 3. Involvement and contribution of private sector to development Ongoing progress in time It is too early to assess the progress – the indicator is piloted. Other sources of proof confirm the impor- tance of public-private dialogue quality. Indicator 8. Gender equality and women empowerment All developing countries have systems that trace and allocate public resources for gender equality and women empowerment There is a good beginning – one third of partner countries have a more systematic national gender allocation tracing systems Table 4. Indicators 2,3 and 8 of Global Partnership Source: 2014 Global Partnership Report Indicator2.Byallowingcivilsocietyorganizationstoexercisetheirroleofindependentdevelopment actors will maximize their development contribution In the global report, this indicator describes the states’ efforts to facilitate the NGO participation in the policy dialogue by adjusting legal or institutional framework. At this chapter, there are significant challenges, including in the Republic of Moldova. According to data of evaluation reports on NGO sustainability in Moldova4 , the RM ranks as ‘sustainability in development. Indicator 3. Promotion of more active participation of private sector in policy development and implementation and dialogue regarding reforms that have an impact on business environment will maximize the contribution of private sector to development This indicator was piloted and setting a clear evaluation indicator of the commitment of private sector in development and enhancing a more specific methodology in this complicated sector has represented a challenge. Existing evidence suggests that the initiatives to promote public-private dialogue have paid a higher attention on organizational efficiency and focus on results. It should be mentioned that in the Republic of Moldova this dialogue was institutionalised by establishing the Economic Council led by the Prime Minister, aiming at enhancing and facilitating a more efficient implication of private sector in the implementation of development agenda. Indicator 8. Record and publication of disaggregated budget allocation per gender allow the use of these data to inform the decision-making factors and directing the investments and allocations, so they can benefit all – men and women. On this indicator, the Republic of Moldova has reported the existence of political and institutional commitment regarding the record of budgetary data disaggregated by gender and unfortunately, the systematic record and data dissemination is missing. In this respect, certain compliance measures shall be undertaken to align the data record system disaggregated by gender. 4 2012 Sustainability indicator of NGO, the 16th edition – June 2013, USAID.
  • 12. 12 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova 1.3. Transparency and joint responsibility for development results Transparency, as a phenomenon, has started to yield results in the Republic of Moldova, but it has to be directed more towards the country’s needs. Increased volume of available information is not transformed yet into a systemic support for strategic planning process of the developing countries. Indicators Targets/Objectives for 2015 Status of implementation internationally Indicator 4. Transparency: infor- mation on development cooperati- on is public Implementation of open common standard for electronic publication of information regarding resources offered via development cooperati- on A good beginning has been ascertained but more progress is necessary. On average, the data provider publishes them once a year. The data is 6-9 month old and offer information for 50% of common standard data fields. The future information transparency is a challenge: 25% of providers do not publish any antici- pating information through common standard systems Indicator 5a. Annual forecast: ratio of development cooperation funds disbursed in the same fiscal year as planned by development partners Halving the gap – halving the non-disbursed funds during the fis- cal year for which they were plan- ned. By 2015, 90% of finances will be disbursed according to the plan. Some progress was registered– 84% of plan- ned disbursements were honoured according to the plan (compared to 79% in 2010) Indicator 5b. Medium term pre- dictability: the ratio of funds cove- red by medium term plans granted to partner country. Halving the gap – halving the size of cooperation funds not covered by future plans. By 2015: plans cover 92% of es- timated funds for 2016, 85% for 2017 and 79% for 2018 A good beginning has been registered but more progress is needed. Expenditure plans cover 83% of total finance estimated for 2014, of 70% for 2015 and 57% for 2016 Indicator 7. Joint accountability of cooperation actors is enhanced through inclusive evaluation All developing countries apply common result-based evaluation instruments Some progress is registered – 59% of countries have common evaluation exercises. Common efforts to trace the progress are encouraged, but there is a need to have a more inclusive and transparent process. Table 5. Indicators 4,5 and 7 of Global Partnership Sursa: Calculele Direcţiei Monitorizare şi Evaluare Indicator 4. Implementation of open common standards regarding transparency will improve the availability and public access to information of development cooperation and will provide a stronger basis for joint responsibility enhancement. This indicators was globally evaluated by OCED which acknowledged the need to increase common commitment and effort of development partners, if they want to achieve the 2015 targets/ob- jectives. Publishing the information on development resources – timely, comprehensive and in medium term – is the main prerogative in achieving the commitment regarding the transparency.
  • 13. 132014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova At country level at this chapter, following the Busan Declaration on Transparency, a database aiming at increasing the access to information on development assistance was developed. In 2013, with the UNDP support and Development Gateway, the State Chancellery worked to identify a way to present in a more accessible and interactive manner the external assistance information. Thus, in January 2014, the new data base was launched publicly and can be accessed by anyone at The platform offers the possibility of a graphic and geographic vision of information on many projects implemented with the support of external resources granted by development partners. It is a useful instrument for central and local public authorities to plan and monitor more efficiently the available resources. It is a useful platform for civil society, mass media, and the Parliament to apply their right to supervise the use of public funds. The ArcGIS platform to visualize the projects on the geographic map of the country provides wide possibilities for application in other fields or with other purposes. Its potential is much higher. It can be used by central public authorities in the decision-making process related to public policies, as well as to present the institution’s activity results. For local public authorities, server’s possibility can be used to manage the development and to maintain the localities; efficient planning of existing resources; population data record and analysis; utility networks management and maintenance, such as water pipelines, sewage, gas pipe; development conditions for small and medium-sized enterprises; management of real estate, etc. In this regard, many authorities (Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, mayoralty of Orhei etc.) have already started the digital publication process via the information platform installed in the institution. Fig. 5. Projects on the geographical map of the country via ArcGIS platform. Indicator 5. Accurate information about estimated future expenditure development plans allows to plan and allocate better the resources between and among sectors and a more efficient implementation of medium term national development strategies. According to the results of 2012 study, about 65% of the amount planned by the development partners for government sector were disbursed in the same year. 2013 indicates a positive trend; 73 per cent being disbursed from the planned amount. As for the medium term predictability, the situation is difficult and there is only 50% coverage of information about medium term resources (2014-2016).
  • 14. 14 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Thus, the medium term predictability is still a challenge. The development partners have to undertake necessary actions to design their policies and procedures, so the cooperation plans can be adjusted and communicated to partner countries, and other states that are interested in relevant terms of the planning process of medium expenditure framework. Indicator7.Acomprehensiveandinclusiverevisionofprogressservesasbasisforjointresponsibility for all partners at country level. This indicator will identify if a joint progress monitoring mechanism has been establish at country level, if the objectives to monitor the efficiency of development assistance have been set forth, and if this monitoring takes place in a participatory manner and if their results are made public. It should be noted that in the Republic of Moldova these mechanisms are institutionalised via sector committees and Joint Partnership Council and via annual evaluations of support portfolios of development partners. It should be decided to what extent these are functional to enhance their importance. At the level of investment projects and budgetary support programme, joint monitor- ing is ensured by Supervision Councils established to trace successful implementation of projects. Besides, once in two years, Moldova participates in global evaluation of the Global Partnership commitments to make the cooperation more efficient. At country level, the evaluation will be done annually, using the same global indicators. The analysis of external assistance volume in the context of some macroeconomic indicators shows how the volume of external resources is offered compared to foreign direct investments or remit- tances, as well as the share of these resources in GDP and NPB revenues. It is ascertained that the received remittances are five times bigger as volume than the external assistance, while the foreign direct investments are twice smaller than external assistance. Fig. 5. Major financial flows for the Republic of Moldova (million Euro) Source: Balance of payments, BNM, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova and development partners OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE (ODA) GRANTED TO THE RM IN 2013, TRENDS AND DYNAMICS 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Foreign direct investmetns Official Development Assistance Remittances 2013 2012 2010
  • 15. 152014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova The share of official development assistance in GDP was 5% in 2013 (by 3.26% less than in 2012) and by 13.3% in current NPB revenues (by 8.4% less compared to 2012), see the table below. Fig. 6. ODA share in GDP and NPB (in %) Source: Calculations of Monitoring and Evaluation Direction The volume of cooperation assistance granted to the Republic of Moldova is growing continuously every year. The decrease of amounts in 2013 compared to 2012 is explained by lack of instalments paid by the IMF. Fig. 7. Official Development Assistance disbursed in 2005-2013 (million Euro) Source: Information submitted by the development partners and Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova. Fig. 8 represents the partner group of the Republic of Moldova. It can be said that the EU jointly with other EU countries remains the biggest/ most important partner according to the volume of disbursements, followed by WB, the USA Government and the UN. The category others includes Swiss Confederation, Japan, People’s Republic of China, the Global Fund to Fight Tuberculosis and AIDS. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 EU+EBRD/EIB UN World Bank USA Other 2012 2013 20,14% 13,33% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2010 2012 2013 ODA GDP 2010 2012 2013 7,81% 5,01%0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2010 2012 2013 ODA NPB 112 161 339 469 299,9 72 114 295 400 223 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 2005 2007 2010 2012 2013 ODA Total ODA for government sector * The loans were not reflected until 2010. Fig. 8. Disbursements for government sector (million Euro) Source: Development partners and 2012 Global Partnership Report.
  • 16. 16 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 EU USA UN World Bank EIB EBRD Global Fund Other Development partners Ministry of Finance AMP Fig. 9. The disbursed amounts in 2013 from three sources of information (million Euro) Source: Development Partners, Ministry of Finance and AMP ( *Other: Romania; Federal Republic of Germany, Swiss Confederation; People’s Republic of China, Kingdom of Sweden; Republic of Austria; Japan; Czech Republic; Republic of Poland; Republic of Estonia; Hungary; Republic of Finland; Slovak Republic; Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Leetonia; CEB; Global Environment Facility, Global Fund for Education, Kingdom of Denmark, Principality of Liechtenstein; Republic of Turkey; OSCE; international NGOs. Note: AMP Information was reflected as disbursed for projects that were closed/suspended before 2013, which determined the increase of figures effectively disbursed in 2013. Since the platform was recently launched, we have requested the contribution of partners and CPA to complete the financial data according to the projects implemented every year. Once the data is revised within the AMP platform, the amounts on dis- bursement should be close to the amounts in the reports of donors. 2. 1. Graphic illustration of ODA by development partners and sectors. Cooperation with development partners continued in 2013, as well as the negotiations to launch new important projects in the national economy. Thus, the volume of new contracts in the current year accounts for about Euro 624 million and 193 projects. The launched projects will be implemented in such fields as road rehabilitation, building a state based on the rule of law and development of health system. Fig. 10. Volume of projects under implementation in 2013 (million Euro) Source: AMP ( * Other: Federal Republic of Germany; Kingdom of Sweden; Swiss Confederation; Romania; Republic of Turkey; Republic of Estonia; Republic of Italy; Kingdom of Norway; Principality of Liechtenstein; Slovak Republic; Hungary; Ireland; the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; Republic of Finland; Kingdom of Belgium; Bulgaria; Council of Europe; international NGOs. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 EBRD EIB EU Japan CEB World Bank Republic of Austria People's Republic of China UN Kingdom of Denmark Czech Republic USA Other
  • 17. 172014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Fig. 11. Number of projects initiated in 2013 (by sectors, million Euro) Source: AMP ( Other: Water and sewage; industry; mineral resources and mining; forestry; trade policy and laws and trade-related adjustment; population reproduction health policies and programmes; humanitarian aid. In case of ongoing projects and those launched in the reporting year, the transport and storage, governance and civil society sectors receive the highest volumes of external resources used to implement reforms and investment in the sector; Euro 300 million were contracted from EBRD and EIB to rehabilitate the roads. As for the rule of law, EU has launched a budgetary support program in the amount of Euro 60 million for justice sector reform. Besides, to ensure the observance of human rights, the construction of a new penitentiary has started, which costs about Euro 45 million. Institutional capacity building is ensured significantly by the European Union by offering 30 million euro for Twinning and technical assistance projects. As opposed to ongoing projects for which the EU has offered the biggest volume of assistance in 2013, the European banks are those who have started projects with a budget bigger than EU resources. Fig. 12. Ongoing projects in 2013 (by sectors, million Euro) Source: AMP ( Other: tourism; industry; policy and trade laws and trade-related adjustment; mineral resources and mining, forestry; population reproductive health policies and programmes, communications, humanitarian aid, refugees in financing countries. 308 153 60 38 17 10 8 8 5 4 7 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Transport and storage Governance and civil society Health Education Multi-sector Energy generation and supply Agriculture Other social infrastructures and services Business and other services Tourism Other
  • 18. 18 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova From the sector point of view, for the second consecutive year, the transport and storage sector is leading according to the budget of ongoing projects, with substantial resources used to rehabilitate the roads. Governance and civil society sector ranks second with resources attracted to implement public administration reform, institutional capacity building and rule of law. The graphic in fig. 13 illustrates the disbursed amounts in 2013 at sector level according to infor- mation presented by the development partners and AMP. As in the case of amounts reflected in fig. 13 the discrepancy is obvious, because AMP does not offer yet a qualitative information about external assistance flows. Fig. 13. The disbursed amounts in 2013 at sector level from two sources of information (million Euro) Source: AMP ( Other: Social infrastructure and services, trade policy and laws and trade-related adjustment; forestry, communications, financial and banking services, constructions. 2.2. Graphic illustration of ODA by the form and type of applied instruments Fig. 14. Ongoing projects and projects started in 2013 by financing instrument Source: AMP ( 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Development partners AMP Credit 44% Grant 56% Credit 70% Grant 30% Launched in 2013Ongoing in 2013
  • 19. 192014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova In 2013, lending resources were contracted to implement investment projects to rehabilitate the roads and social infrastructure. The share of loans in the total external resources accounted for 70% of total commitments. The entire portfolio of ongoing external assistance has the ratio of 44/56 credits/grants, respectively. As for economic classification of projects, a new element appeared in reports on external assis- tance, i.e. current expenditure compared to capital expenditure accounts for 38% of total ongoing portfolio and about 29% of amounts committed during the reporting year. In absolute amounts, capital investment accounts for about 1.4 billion Euro from the ongoing portfolio. At the same time, although the share of capital investments from external sources accounts for about 70%, it only accounts for about 45% of total capital investments of the Government, the rest being covered from national revenues. Fig. 15. Ongoing and contracted projects in 2013 by economic classification Source: AMP ( Accra Agenda for Action specifies the need and commitment of partners to reduce the fragmen- tation of development assistance by improving complementary efforts of donors, as well as labour division between donors via improved allocation of resources and partner countries. Labour division has several dimensions, two of which are discussed internationally: labour division between countries focused on the procedure to distribute the assistance between and in- countries, distribution between donors of portfolios at the partner country level. The main objective of labour division efforts is a more rational allocation, allocation of develop- ment assistance which translates into a higher complementarity, better alignment and significant reduction of transaction costs. With all efforts made under this aspect and at country level, the issue of fragmentation is acute and cannot contribute to the achievement of the development objective. Small steps have been made to reduce the overcrowding and fragmentation. Thus, in 2009, one donor was present in 16 sectors, and in 2013 one donator was present in 11 sectors. A rate of about 90% of assistance volume implemented in the Republic of Moldova (as of 31 December 2013) is reported by 8 development partners and 10 per cent is reported by 30 partners. Sectors most populated by donor’s presence are: governance and civil society, education, other social infrastructure and services, business and other services and health with a coverage from 15 to 8 in the respective sectors. The number of projects under the average public procurement threshold (≤ 249 thousand Euro, according to EU thresholds) accounts for about 52% (102) of total number of projects launched in 2013 and reports to only 1.5% of ongoing assistance value. Capital 71% Current 29% Capital 62% Current 38% Launched in 2013Ongoing in 2013
  • 20. 20 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova From what has been mentioned above, it can be concluded that to reach better results in imple- menting sector reforms, which would lead to an obvious economic growth and improvement of standards of living, it is important for the allocated resources, which are limited, to be directed towards priority sectors. This concept forms the foundation of National Development Strategy Moldova 2020, which has identified several sectors that need higher medium- and long-term support and attention. Fig. 16. Share of external assistance in sectors by ongoing projects Source: AMP ( * Other development partners: People’s Republic of China, Kingdom of Denmark, Swiss Confederation; Global Fund to Fighting AIDS, Tuber- culosis and Malaria; Principality of Liechtenstein; Global Education Fund; Czech Republic; OSCE; Kingdom of Norway; Republic of Turkey; Holland; Republic of Italy; Slovak Republic; Republic of Finland; Republic of Estonia; Republic of Poland; Ireland; the Grand Duchy of Lux- embourg; the Kingdom of Belgium; Bulgaria; Hungary; Council of Europe, international NGOs. * Other sectors: Tourism; industry; trade policy and laws; mineral resources and mining; forestry; population reproduction health policies and programmes, communications, humanitarian aid; refugees in financing countries. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% EU EIB USA EBRD World Bank Romania UN Japan CEB Kingdom of Sweden Federal Republic of Germany Republic of Austria Other Other Multi-sector Education Water and sanitation Energy generation and supply Health Agriculture Other social infrastrucutres and services Business and other services Governance and civil society Transport and storage
  • 21. 212014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova European Union (EU) The European Union continues to be the biggest development partner of the Republic of Moldova; financing being granted from National Indicative Programme 2011-2013 with an annual financial envelope of about Euro 135 million (including amounts granted from the Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation (EaPIC). MAJOR RESULTS OF ODA BY ITS SHARE IN THE SECTORS OF INTERVENTION Eastern Partnership Integration and Cooperation (EaPIC) offers additional financial assistance to Eastern Partnership countries (EaP) to implement reforms in real democracy and observance of human rights fields. This mechanism is in accordance with joint responsibility and differentiation principles introduced in 2011 when the European Neighbouring Policy “The enhanced EU support to its neighbours is conditioned. This will depend on progresses in democracy building and enhancing and observance of rule of law. The quicker a country progresses in its internal reforms, the bigger is the support of the EU”. EaPIC Programme financing is received from European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument. This is the main financial and cooperation instrument for Eastern and Southern neighbourhood countries and Russia in 2007-2013. Total EaPIC financing (2012-2013) accounts for 152 million Euro. In 2012, the Republic of Moldova benefited from additional funds for reforms in justice sector, access to health services, as well as economic stimulation in rural areas (28 million Euro). To increase the economic opportunities in rural areas, to promote reforms in energy sector (including access to renewable energy), and to increase the cooperation with the Council of Europe, the Republic of Moldova has benefited from 35 mln Euro in 2013. The Republic of Moldova benefited from about 63% of Programme amounts compared to other countries of the Eastern Partnership, followed by Georgia (49%) and Armenia (40%). 50 66 78.6 122.2 135.4 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
  • 22. 22 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova REGIONAL PROJECTS OF EUROPEAN UNION IN THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA (2013) Support of Confidence Building Measures Energy and Biomass in Moldova Rehabilitation of Water Supply Strengthening the Socio-Economic Situation of Teens in Moldova Sustainable Development in the Technology Sector of Renewable Energy Production Public-Private Partnership for the Sustainable Development of services administered locally Informing about Social Acts with regard to the Rights and Measures of Protection and Prevention of Senior Citizen Abuse Fixed and mobile communications network for Border Control Service of the Republic of Moldova Water Utilities Development Program Projects for Road Rehabilitation European Union Assistance in Border Control Enforcement of Forest Legislation, ENPI FLEG Program
  • 23. 232014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Budgetary support from EU The sector budget support programmes (more than 50% from the 2013 envelope) represents a considerable share in annual EU action plans. In the reporting period, 5 sector programmes have been implemented. No. NAP Sector BSP Component Additional BS Alloca- tion Disbursed in previous years (reporting year) Statute Disbursed in 2013 Planned disburse- ments by 2014 Euro million Original amount of allocation Budgetary Support (BS) TA and other actions Planned De facto 1. 2007 Social 21 20 1 0 20 Completed - - - 2. 2008 Health 46,6 43,45 3,15 6 38,97 Ongoing 6 0 6 3. 2009 Water and Sewage 45 37 3* 5 32,03 Ongoing 13 0 13 4. 2010 Economic sti- mulation in rural areas 45 42 3 27 29 Ongoing 13 13 14 5. 2011 Energy 42,6 40 2,6 10 13 Ongoing 13 11,61 14,5 6. 2012 Justice Reform 52 50,2 1,8 8 0 Ongoing 15 15 15 7. 2013 Vocational Education 25 - - - - Under preparation - - 0 8. 2013 Viza free regime 20 - 1 - - Under preparation - - 6* Total 297,2 232,65 15,6 56 133 60 39,61 68,5* Mil. euro, as of 31 December 2013 Source: State Chancellery * Under the conditions of anticipated disbursement of first instalment based on Visa Free Regime Programme All five budget support programmes have registered significant results at sector level, both in public policy field and capital investment field. Thus, the following has been achieved with the support of Economic Stimulation of Rural Areas Programme (ESRA): building a business incubator in Ceadar-Lunga town and enhancing the grant fund of National Programme for Economic Empower- ment of Youth, Credit Guarantee Fund, PARE 1+1 Programme of the Agency for Interventions and Payments in Agriculture with MDL 150 million, which awarded over one thousand grants. Besides, ESRA has offered support to improve the institutional capacities in the field of business develop- ment. Budget support in health field has contributed to the procurement of modern equipment for Medical University Simulation Centre of Moldova, as well as to develop/approve the Curriculum and academic programmes for subjects taught at this Centre. At the same time, state-of-art public health laboratories have been created at local level and throughout the Republic and equipment was procured, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organisation. With the assistance of budget support programme in the field of water and sewage, in 2013, about 35 thousand people were connected to water pipelines, over 20 thousands to sewage systems and the sewage systems were rehabilitated in 14 schools. Furthermore, during the reporting year, Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy for 2014-2018 has been developed. The Strategy was approved and published at the beginning of 2014. Due to budgetary support in justice sector, the budget of the Ministry of Justice has increased by 60% in 2013 compared to 2012, a fact that led to successful implementation of policies foreseen in the Justice Sector Reform Strategy and transfer of juveniles into a modern penitentiary institution, salary increase in justice sector, etc. The budgetary support in the energy sector has made possible the development and improvement of primary and secondary legislation, as well as investments in energy efficiency and energy recovery from renewable source actions. Thanks to this support, 360 European and international standards in energy field have been adopted in 2013. Moreover, the capital for energy efficiency fund has increased by about MDL 200 million in 2013 and over MDL 170 million in 2014. From these funds, the first 84 projects in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy have been approved.
  • 24. 24 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova At the same time, from the 2013 annual financial envelope, two more budget support programmes have been negotiated and approved, such as visa free regime (21 Euro million) and vocational education (25 Euro million). The first programme has the purpose to consolidate the institution- al capacities responsible for successful implementation of European Union visa free regime. The support to vocational education will redesign reforms in vocational education, having the purpose to support the enhancement of vocational education efficiency to create a competitive and qualified labour force, in accordance with actual and future market requirements. The efforts that led to successful achievement of policy commitments of budget support programmes were generously appreciated, and respectively, additional funds from the EU in the amount of Euro 35 million euro have been allocated (based on the ”more for more” principle). ESRA Programme (13 mln Euro), energy (10 Euro million), energy and biomass (9.46 Euro million), Action Plan of the Republic of Moldova – Council of Europe (2.54 Euro million) will contribute to the implementation of sector reforms. Six Twinning projects were ongoing in 2013. One has been finalised, and the other one has started this year. The most significant results of these projects were to develop a database to monitor the pesticides, building capacity of financial management, approval of Regional Strategy for 2013- 2015, reorganisation and making Consumer Protection Agency more efficient, etc. Fig. 19. Use of EU TAIEX instrument Source: European Commission The public institutions of the Republic of Moldova organised 119 TAIEX events, attended by 2382 public servants. Out of 16 neighbouring states of the European Union, the Republic of Moldova is the most active, which is being confirmed by numerous TAIEX applications, which is over 25% of total number of applications. Twinning is an instrument for cooperation between a public institution in a beneficiary country and peer institution in an EU member state in a certain field. This has the purpose to improve/modernize the institution in the beneficiary country, as well as to develop new normative acts in accordance with EU acquis. TAIEX is a technical assistance and information exchange instrument managed by the Euro- pean Commission’s Directorate General for Enlargement. TAIEX grants support to partner countries to transpose, apply and enforce EU legislation. This is determined by the demand that facilitates adequate individual experience to meet the short turn needs. Missions of experts; 32 Workshops; 33 Study tours; 52
  • 25. 252014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Neighbourhood Investment Facility, Confidence building measures and others. Besides the programmes mentioned above within the annual envelopes, in 2013 the Confidence Building Project (CBP part I) was implemented aiming at settling the Transnistrian conflict. With the support of CBP Project, the rehabilitation of about 40 social institutions have been conducted in the security zone; more than 40 events and training were organised; i) the SMEs capacities to participate in specialised international fairs and exhibitions have been consolidated; ii) enhancing the cooperation between the states on both banks of the River Nistru; iii) improving the capacities of the mass media, etc. At the same time, 28 million Euro were negotiated during the report- ing year and directed to the Second Confidence Building Project. Administrative Territorial Unit Gagauzia will benefit from this Programme (5 Euro million), too. The Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) of the European Union, meant to cover the investment needs of neighbouring region (in transport, energy, environment and social issues), has contributed to the rehabilitation of 22 km of national road on the Balti-Sarateni section; procurement of 23 trolleybuses for Balti municipality. Besides, 8 million Euro were offered to rehabilitate the electricity transportation grids. Apart from budget support in energy sector, the Energy and Biomass Project in Moldova contributes to the implementation of energetic efficiency strategies. In the reporting period, with financial and technical support of the project, the installation of 50 biomass boilers has begun and 37 quality standards for biomass fuel have been approved. At the same time, training and seminars on the subject with different partners were organised, attended by over 100 thousand people. To ensure the energy independence by diversifying the sources, the construction of gas pipeline Iasi– Ungheni has started in 2013 and was financed by EU Romania–Ukraine–Republic of Moldova Cross-Border Programme. European Banks The European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB) are European financial insti- tutions represented in the Republic of Moldova with financial support for implementing major infrastructure projects. The activity fields of these three institutions in 2013 are: road infrastructure, water and sewage and buildings for social purposes. EBRD and EIB are the biggest partners that contribute to the improvement/rehabilitation of road infrastructure. With the support of these two banks, 65 km of national road was rehabilitat- ed integrally on M2 Chisinau–Soroca section and about 8 km of road on R3 Chisinau–Hancesti section in 2013. At the same time, the technical procedures to implement the rehabilitation project of six main streets in the Chisinau mun. have started in the reporting period, financed by EBRD, EIB and EU. The project has to be implemented in 2014-2015. Also, to continue the implemen- tation of the Water and Wastewater Treatment Programme in Chisinau mun., a new Agreement between JSC Apa-Canal Chisinau and EBRD, EIB and EU in the amount of Euro 60 million was signed for the rehabilitation of about 190 km of pipeline. In the water sector, with the support of these development partners, the implementation of Water Companies Development Programme has continued by rehabilitating more than 300 km of pipeline, about 36 km of sanitation and 11 artesian wells. Another joint EBRD, EIB and EU project has started in 2013 (financial agreements were signed in 2012), which refers to the rehabilitation of State-owned Company Moldelectrica. With the project assistance, the regional interconnection would be consolidated, so the Republic of Moldova is integrated in the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).
  • 26. 26 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova To modernize the public transport in Balti mun., all technical procedures were carried out in 2013 to procure 23 new trolleybuses from the EBRD and EU funds. The procurement took place in 2014. To develop the wine sector, the EIB and EU finance the Reform of the Wine Sector Restructuring Programme, which financed 11 investment projects with a budget over 11 million Euro. With the support of the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEDB), a public housing construction project has started in 12 towns for social vulnerable strata in 2013. The construction of the first 115 apartments started in Calarasi, Briceni and Sangerei. Besides, CEBD signed an agree- ment with the Republic of Moldova to implement the biggest investment project in the Republic of Moldova, and namely, the construction of a penitentiary institution for 1536 detainees, which will contribute to the observance of human rights of detainees, as well as decrease of the number of detainees’ complaints of the Republic of Moldova in the European Court of Human Rights World Bank (WB) The Country Partnership Strategy for 2014-2017 was signed in 2013 with a budget of over 570 million, which foresees support to economic growth and poverty reduction in the Republic of Moldova. The strategy is based on three pillars: (i) enhanced competitiveness; (ii) strengthen human capital and minimization of social risks, and (iii) promoting an ecological/green, clean and resistant Moldova. Active portfolio of ongoing WB projects in 2013 accounted for 19 per cent with a budget of about USD 200 million and a more significant contribution in education, social and information technologies sectors. Five more projects have been negotiated and launched in 2013 with a budget of about USD 55 million for reforms in education, agriculture and external audit. Similarly, 4 WB projects were completed in 2013 in the following fields: I. National Water Supply and Sanitation Programme with a budget of USD 14 million concluded with the rehabilitation of about 100 km of pipeline, 2.4 km of sewage, 9 artesian wells, which benefited 20 thousand citizens; II. Competitiveness Enhancement Project, which contributed to the enhancement of business environment by adjusting the legal framework in line with EU acquis, consultations with and loans to business environment. In total, 96 sub-projects have been approved for financing in agriculture and light industry sector; III. Central Public Administration Reform Project was funded from WB Trust Fund. In the year of reference, the modernisation process of public services has started, carrying out a comprehen- sive analysis of public services and developing the Concept of public service upgrade. At the same time, the Automatic Information System Register of public function and public servants has been finalised; IV. Quality Education in Rural Areas Project, which assisted in procuring and distributing teaching materials, as well as to implement the upgraded curriculum. The competitive agriculture is a desideratum for the Republic of Moldova. In this context, a project financed by the WB has been launched, which in the year of reference has completed all technical procedures to enforce the signature of financial agreement. The investment and rural services project has continued its activity in the reporting year, and signed 8 mini-projects in fruit and vegetable farming, as well as livestock farming. Over 2000 farmers benefited from support for wheat and corn loss compensation as a result of 2012 drought.
  • 27. 272014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova The United Nations (UN) The cooperation with the United Nations takes place in accordance with the fields foreseen in the UN Partnership Framework - Republic of Moldova 2013-2017 (signed in December 2012) with the following key pillars: (i) democratic governance, justice, equality and human rights; (ii) human capital development and social inclusion; (iii) environment, climate change and disaster risk management. Even in the first year of implementing the Partnership Framework, the UN kept its focus on marginalised/disadvantaged population (??), as well as promotion of reforms. The UN is the main development partner in the field of technical cooperation and political dialogue facilitation. In order to create a democratic governance and build a state based on the rule of law, 16 sector strategies and action plans, as well as more than 20 normative acts were developed. The Parlia- ment, Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Anticorruption Centre were among the most important public authorities that benefited from assistance in applying the Strategies to enhance the performance of public servants, and fighting crime phenomenon. The UNHCR carried out two specialised trainings for Centru Court and Chisinau Court of Appeal regarding asylum and statelessness; to establish/train/create/found/build a legal practice for interested lawyers, public servants and students, which serves as formation centre in the field of asylum and statelessness, and 20 training courses and workshops were organised by the end of 2013. A very intense collaboration took place between the UN institutions and National Institute of Justice in the Republic of Moldova in the field of human rights, and more than 200 judges and prosecutors were trained in the anti-discrimination field. To increase the transparency of subjects responsible for coordination of external assistance, the UNDP has offered support for the development and implementation of the external assistance management platform. For the implementation of the second pillar – human capital development and social inclusion, the UN offered support in developing the national program to prevent school dropout. As for violence prevention, 115 local trainers and over 1200 people have been trained (tutor teacher, educators, civil servants in raion education divisions). To modernize the quality evaluation system in general education, UNICEF has offered support in the development of education quality standards, which were tested in 15 schools from 3 raions. Support was offered in the field of edu- cation to develop Child friendly schools concept, applied in 15 schools, where 396 teachers were trained to apply result-based standards. With the UNDP support, the Career Development Centre SYSLAB has been developed, which in the reporting period offered 5040 individual counselling sessions, 96 group training courses and 210 on-site visits to companies, as a result of which, 62 people found work. Significant support is offered by the UNDP within the Confidence Building Measures Programme funded by the EU, which will implement over 80 projects in the social field. A substantial support was offered by the UN agencies to government institutions in developing and implementing normative acts and sector strategies in the field of public health, vocational and general education, decentralization. The UNDP has offered all the necessary support to the National Bureau of Statistics to prepare the 2014 Population and Housing Census. With the support of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), only in the reporting year, 1152 loans were awarded to 1186 beneficiaries (SMEs, farmers in the rural area, young entrepreneurs) to develop rural areas. 40% of the financial support awarded to young entrepreneurs was in the form of grants. 1270 new jobs were created with the assistance of these loans. Also, 4.38 km of road and 5.71 km of pipeline were rehabilitated. Also, in order to ensure Program sustainability, about 93 rural entrepreneurs benefited from assistance in developing business plans financed within projects, over 1200 agricultural producers benefited from training in agriculture.
  • 28. 28 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova With the UNIDO support, the Republic of Moldova has registered progresses in enhancing the productivity of resources and decreasing the pollution level, by offering modern technical systems to 25 companies to reduce pollution. The post-implementation monitoring at 7 enterprises has discovered 720.000 kWh energy savings, 6300 m3 water and more than 7000 tons of materials. Moreover, the interventions led to a reduction by 6300 tons of waste waters and 450 tons of greenhouse gas emissions, which constitute USD 240 thousand savings. Bilateral Partners The Government of the United States of America (the USA) is the main bilateral development partner, to great extent, due to Compact Program, which has plans to contribute to population’s income increase by eliminating or reducing some critical constraints which refer to the unsat- isfactory state of road infrastructure, and easy transit to a developed agriculture, especially to renovate the irrigation systems. Thus, by the end of 2013, 60 km of road out of 93 km planned for rehabilitation have been rehabilitated on Sarateni–Soroca section. Also, the rehabilitation works of 14 bridges on the section have started, as well as rehabilitation of Soroca town centre. To improve the agricultural sector, the irrigation systems rehabilitation works have started in 2013 in Criuleni and Lopatna, which were the first two out of 11 irrigation systems planned for rehabilitation. Besides the two key elements of Compact Programme mentioned previously, it offered support in other fields, such as improving the legal framework in water sector and granting loans to farmers. The business environment is an important field where the USA offers assistance. Thus, over 260 enterprises benefited from technical support to improve/optimize business process and manage- ment. Eloquent results of this support are: the biggest furniture shop, which hosts more than 15 local furniture producers; promotion of local products outside the country; supporting local farmers to participate in the most important exhibition of fresh products in Europe, as a result of which, more than 150 contracts between local and foreign producers have been signed. To consolidate the capacities of local public authorities, the assistance from the USA Govern- ment is directed to improve the provision of local public services, to enhance local revenues and improve financial management, as well as the assistance in developing and implementing local plans with the support of energy efficiency projects in towns. Thus, 21 training sessions were conducted, which were attended by about 400 people and civil servants in the module Excellence in Local Management. Besides, 4 additional training sessions were organised in the field of local public finance system and budgetary preparation for about 200 selected persons and civil servants in 100 localities. 32 raion residential towns benefited from assistance in strategic planning to ensure an enhanced transparency in decision-making process at local level and to improve the communication between interested parties; the Communication Guide for LPA was developed with the support of the USAID, which laid the foundation for the development and approval of the mayoralty regulations on communication. The rule of law is the third pillar which is supported by the USA. In this sense, the National Justice Institute has benefited from training to consolidate the capacities of 50 heads of secretaries of courts, as well as training courses in the following fields: performance-based budgets, centralised public procurement and internal audit in courts. The Ministry of Justice was supported in the revision and adjustment process of the Module from the integrated file management programme, which addresses the evaluation of cause complex- ity in the programme, random case distribution (who and to whom?) and access to databases, programme integration with digital audio recording system Femida etc. To reduce the subjective factors in courts, the USAID has assisted in the procurement of 38 sets of audio recording devices/ equipment for sessions and 226 recorders. Most people, who use these technologies (officers of the court, assistants, judges, etc.), were trained.
  • 29. 292014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Romania ranks among bilateral partners with the highest amounts of external assistance allocated to ongoing projects in 2013. This fact is due to the commitment in the form of grant amounting to Euro 100 mln., which is implemented for infrastructure projects. Thus, in the reporting period, this project has allocated over Euro 5 million to co-finance the construction project of the gas pipeline Iasi–Ungheni. Besides, the Additional Protocol was signed, according to which, Euro 15 mln. have to be provided to projects in the field of environment protection and climate change projects, after the Protocol enters into force. Japan is in the top three development partners. In 2013, a 45 million Euro project has been launched to improve medical services by providing medical equipment to hospitals of the Republic of Moldova. Five hospitals (Republican Clinical Hospital, Scientific Research Institute of Mother and Child Health Protection, National Scientific Practical Centre for Emergency Medicine, Institute of Oncology, Municipal Clinic Hospital Sfânta Treime) and 11 Public Health Centres (National Centre in Chisinau, Municipal Centre of Chisinau, Edinet, Balti, Soroca, Ungheni, Orhei, Hancesti, Causeni, Cahul, Gagauzia) will benefit from this project and will be equipped with modern medical devices. At the same time, Japan remains a loyal partner in agriculture, especially in offering assistance to disfavoured farmers. 305 agricultural devices and equipment were procured in 2013, which has contributed to the creation of 385 new jobs. Rural development and energy efficiency is another priority of Japan. In 2013, Japan offered about Euro 9 mln. to implement projects in the field of efficient use of biomass solid fuel. The Kingdom of Sweden, Federal Republic of Germany and Republic of Austria rank in the top 10 biggest development partners in the Republic of Moldova, providing an essential support in regional development, human rights, energy etc. With the support of the Kingdom of Sweden, a number of institutional measures were achieved in the field of investment climate reform, succeeding the decrease of number of authorities that have the right to audit from 64 to 33, and the control process has become clearer and more efficient with clear terms and appeal procedures. Besides, it assisted in the development of Control Register Regulation and adoption of National Action Plan in Energy Efficiency field for 2013-2015. The Federal Republic of Germany is a development partner in achieving structural reforms and im- provement of local infrastructure in the Republic of Moldova. German partners provide assistance especially to regional development agencies, as well as Ministry of Regional Development and Construction. The representatives of the Ministry were trained in efficient communication and implementation of Programmes and financing instruments of EU and others. At regional level, via regional development agencies, 5 projects were implemented, with a budget of over Euro 3 million. At the same time, sector regional planning process has been initiated in the following fields: (i) solid waste management, (ii) water and sanitation, (iii) energy efficiency of public buildings, and (iv) road infrastructure. The Republic of Austria offers support in the implementation of social development policies. In the education, with the support offered by the Austrian Government, the modern modular Curriculum for information technologies and communications specialisation has been devel- oped, the initial training project of professional centre for promotion in construction sector in the Republic of Moldova had been initiated. The cooperation with UniCredit Bank has continued and more financial resources have been attracted to implement phase II of equipping the Republican Clinical Hospital with medical devices. At the same time, with the support of Austrian partners, the construction project of pipeline in Nisporeni has started. Although, the People’s Republic of China does not rank in the first 10 development partners, its support in 2013 has contributed to the finalization of road traffic monitoring report implemen- tation, which even in the first months of implementation helped to register about 16450 traffic violations, which were fined with over MDL 5 mln. The result of installing video surveillance has been already expressed in the decrease of accidents in the monitored intersections by 40% and of the death number by 60%. At the same time, two financial agreements were signed with the People’s Republic of China in 2013, with a budget of over Euro 10 mln., and the projects are planned to be launched in 2014.
  • 30. 30 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova AMP Informational External Aid Management Platform CPA Central Public Authority ODA Official Development Assistance CEB Council of Europe Development Bank EIB European Investment Bank EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development WB World Bank NPB National public budget ESRA Economic Stimulation of Rural Areas Programme NIV Neighbourhood Investment Facility MF Ministry of Finance OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development NGO Non-governmental organisation UN United Nations OSCE Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe UNDP United Nations Development Programme GDP Gross Domestic Product RM Republic of Moldova SIDA Sweden Agency for International and Development Cooperation SCBM Confidence building measures USA United States of America TAIEX Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument UE European Union UNHCR United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organisation ACRONYMS
  • 31. 312014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova A N N E X E S A. List of external assistance projects launched in 2013 Title Beginning Financing instruments Development partner DAC / OECD sectors Budget (Euro) End Supporting the Republic of Moldova to implement the EU-Moldova Action Plan on Visa Liberalisation 01/01/2013 Grant European Union Governance and civil society 1 200 000 01/01/2015 Technical assistance to the Bureau for Rein- tegration of the Republic of Moldova 18/03/2013 Grant European Union Governance and civil society 769 288 15/09/2014 Enhancing the response capacity of the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscita- tion and Extrication (SMURD), in case of preparation and urgent intervention in the common boundaries of Romania, Ukraine and Republic of Moldova 07/03/2013 Grant European Union Governance and civil society 1 000 700 07/03/2015 Re-equipment and maintenance of protocol room of the Ministry of External Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova 25/04/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Governance and civil society 219 800 23/06/2013 Financing Agreement between the Govern- ment of the Republic of Moldova and Eu- ropean Union on Framework Programme in support of the current and new agreements between the European Union and the Re- public of Moldova 14/06/2013 Grant European Union Governance and civil society 13 000 000 14/06/2018 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and Government of People’s Republic of China on economic and technical cooperation 10/07/2013 Grant China Governance and civil society 8 000 000 10/07/2018 Strengthening and development of the insti- tutional capacity of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum - strengthening legal and insti- tutional framework for better governance of migration and asylum system 01/10/2013 Grant Romania Governance and civil society 150 000 30/09/2014 Second Line of Defence Programme (SLD): Battelle Memorial Institute Pacific North- west Division 30/07/2013 Grant USA Governance and civil society 45 434 29/07/2014 Financial Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and EBRD of Road Rehabilita- tion Project IV 28/06/2013 Preferential credit EBRD Transport and storage 150 000 000 31/07/2017 Loan Agreement between EIB and RM on Road Rehabilitation Project IV 25/06/2013 Preferential credit EIB Transport and storage 150 000 000 31/07/2017 Balti Trolleybus Company - twinning part- nership in public transport 11/04/2013 Grant EBRD Transport and storage 93 900 09/10/2014 Grant Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and Govern- ment of Japan on implementation of the Efficient Use of Biomass Solid Fuel Project 26/06/2013 Grant Japan Generation and supply of elec- tricity 9 016 414 31/03/2017 Children with future – a future for children 01/10/2013 Grant Austria Other social in- frastructure and services 84 296 30/09/2016 Support to development of Home Care services in Moldova 2011-2013 01/04/2013 Grant Czech Republic Other social in- frastructure and services 435 765 31/03/2016
  • 32. 32 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Abuse of Older Adults Prevention Project in the Republic of Moldova 01/01/2013 Grant European Union Other social in- frastructure and services 179 922 01/01/2015 International Labour Organisation Project – Jobs for Young People of the Republic of Moldova in 2013 01/01/2013 Grant ONU Other social in- frastructure and services 31 752 01/07/2013 University collaboration network at the Black Sea 18/04/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Education 45 267 18/04/2015 Developing inter-university Regional Start- up Centres 15/10/2013 Grant European Union Education 100 000 14/10/2015 Education reform project 01/07/2013 Preferential credit World Bank Education 31 007 600 29/11/2018 Prevention and treatment of Diabetes in Chisinau 01/08/2013 Grant Czech Republic Health 170 768 31/12/2014 Development of Home Care services in the North of the Republic 01/04/2013 Grant Czech Republic Health 425 612 30/12/2015 Financing Agreement between the Govern- ment of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Japan to finance the En- chaining of Medical Services Project 27/06/2013 Preferential credit Japan Health 46 521 742 27/06/2023 Credit Agreement between Unicredit Bank Austria an RM on financing ”Improvement of Medical Services in RCHM phase II” project 09/07/2013 Preferential credit Austria Health 7 300 000 09/07/2014 Promotion of sustainable production and implementation of the best practices in cattle farms in the cross-border region Ro- mania, Rep. Moldova and Ukraine 01/10/2013 Grant European Union Agriculture 416 000 31/07/2015 Cross-Border Ecological Agriculture Net- work, “EcoAgriNet 2” 01/10/2013 Grant European Union Agriculture 165 206 31/03/2015 Transparent Convergence to EU Policies in Sanitary Issues: the Case of Georgia and Moldova 01/11/2013 Grant European Union Agriculture 142 622 29/02/2016 Establishing a three lateral cross-border network for development and trade in tradi- tional agro food products in the cross-border area of Lower Danube 08/11/2013 Grant European Union Agriculture 554 590 08/08/2015 Promoting planning and participatory plan- ning as efficient mechanism for enabling community and sustainable local develop- ment 18/01/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 386 347 18/07/2014 Use of water flows in putting down forest fires with new technologies 02/04/2013 Grant European Union Forestry 113 233 02/04/2015 Development and management of integrat- ed urban development plans 15/10/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 149 410 14/10/2014 Moldova towards regional and cross-bor- der development of EU “REGDEV” 01/09/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 35 904 31/08/2016 Rehabilitation of polluted lands with pe- troleum hydrocarbon resin in Lunga and Marculesti 21/08/2013 Grant Czech Republic Multi-sector 507 270 30/11/2015 Production and installation of camps for Executive Committee Building and Popular Assembly of the ATU Gagauzia 01/10/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Other social in- frastructure and services 1 930 31/10/2013 Involvement of citizens in setting prior- ities, development and implementation of local development policies (SolveNet) 10/06/2013 Grant European Union Governance and civil society 448 861 10/12/2014 Danube – black sea connection of Europe- an and Asian economy, a step for substantial growth of the black sea area (DAB) -1 14/07/2013 Grant European Union Transport and storage 598 625 13/07/2014
  • 33. 332014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova SIDE BY SIDE Tri-nodal network for tourism promotion and development in Galati-Cahul-Reni cross-border region 15/08/2013 Grant European Union Tourism 652 187 14/02/2015 The Maritime Network of Education for the Development of the Maritime Culture in the Black Sea Basin 12/03/2013 Grant European Union Other social in- frastructure and services 329 647 11/11/2015 Business environment – sustainable pro- motion and development 30/08/2013 Grant European Union Business and other services 232 660 29/12/2014 Strengthening the Transplant Agency of the Republic of Moldova and support for legal approximation in quality and safety quality of substances of human origin 01/12/2013 Grant European Union Health 1 178 464 01/12/2015 Grant Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and International Association for Development on ”Integration of children with special needs in general schools” - FISM 06/08/2013 Grant World Bank Other social in- frastructure and services 2 156 050 05/08/2016 Development of the agricultural sector by creating the border agricultural network 01/11/2013 Grant European Union Agriculture 2 401 568 31/08/2015 Sustainable transport and tourism along the Danube 05/09/2013 Grant European Union Tourism 85 969 31/12/2014 Clean Rivers - Clean Sea! NGOs actions for environmental protection within Black Sea area 01/02/2013 Grant European Union Water and sani- tation 462 603 01/02/2015 National Antiviolence Centre for women and mothers with children, victims of do- mestic violence 25/05/2013 Grant Republic of Italy Other social in- frastructure and services 86 000 24/05/2015 Quality Certification System in Agrotour- ism – CerTour Project 17/04/2013 Grant European Union Tourism 50 544 16/04/2015 Central Heating Program in Moldova – Identification Study of the Project 06/05/2013 Grant EBRD Generation and supply of elec- tricity 300 000 30/11/2013 Strategic Territorial Agendas for “Small and Middle-Sized Towns” (STATUS) 02/12/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 92 187 30/11/2014 Reduction of pollution and soil erosion by extending the capacity of waste water treat- ment management 27/11/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 2 089 139 26/09/2015 Regional network of business incubators 27/03/2013 Grant European Union Business and other services 128 804 27/03/2015 Development of cross-border tourism by promoting the Mansion of Manuc Bey, Elena Ioan Cuza Mortuary Complex and the Blesciunov Mansion 30/10/2013 Grant European Union Tourism 2 248 598 30/08/2015 Border infrastructure (communications infrastructure between Romania and the Republic of Moldova) 04/09/2013 Grant European Union Governance and civil society 3 000 000 04/08/2015 Unity in diversity – Art Exchange and Traditional Crafts for Youth 30/09/2013 Grant European Union Other social in- frastructure and services 31 500 30/09/2014 Virtual Platform for cross-border exchange of students 02/10/2013 Grant European Union Education 84 536 01/10/2014 Rehabilitation of Royal Court of Lapusna for tourism sightseeing 03/10/2013 Grant European Union Tourism 694 349 31/12/2014 Beyond Borders – Music and Identity Among European Youth 19/11/2013 Grant European Union Other social in- frastructure and services 26 389 18/11/2014 Cross-border interdisciplinary cooperation for the prevention of natural disasters and mitigation of environmental pollution in Lower Danube 01/11/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 220 228 31/08/2015
  • 34. 34 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Fanfares beyond borders 01/10/2013 Grant European Union Other social in- frastructure and services 12 305 31/03/2015 Cultural exchange platform - CUL- TUR-EXP 01/07/2013 Grant European Union Other social in- frastructure and services 36 651 30/06/2015 Solidarity, Youth and Water in Moldova 01/07/2013 Grant Swiss Confeder- ation Multi-sector 88 292 30/06/2014 Establishment and promotion of new ap- proaches and instruments to enhance prima- ry sector’s competitiveness and innovation in the South East Europe (APP4INNO) 30/11/2013 Grant Hungary Industry 92 610 29/11/2014 Increasing the efficiency and transparency of processes within the National Agency for Employment – electronic data registration system implementation 12/09/2013 Grant Czech Republic Other social in- frastructure and services 126 381 31/12/2014 Artistic and cultural education in the con- text of sustainable cross-border cooperation 14/09/2013 Grant European Union Other social in- frastructure and services 146 898 14/03/2015 Intelligent cluster policies for South-East- ern Europe 05/11/2013 Grant European Union Business and other services 96 841 31/12/2014 Support to the Republic of Moldova in the process of creation of the Deep and Com- prehensive Free Trade Zone 01/12/2013 Grant European Union Business and other services 1 927 000 30/11/2015 Pneumococcal vaccine assistance 01/07/2013 Grant International NGO Health 1 027 413 01/07/2015 Grant Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and International Development Association on Enhancing capacities of Court of Accounts of the Republic of Mol- dova 14/08/2013 Grant World Bank Governance and civil society 754 034 30/11/2015 Preparing the conditions for the wine from the Black Sea basin to enter on international market: Black Sea WinExports / 24/05/2013 Grant European Union Agriculture 220 273 23/05/2015 Technical assistance and support to the National Agency for Regulation of Nuclear and Radiological Activities of the Republic of Moldova to implement measures to im- prove radiological security in the Central and Eastern Europe and Russia 03/04/2013 Grant Kingdom of Sweden Generation and supply of elec- tricity 400 000 31/12/2014 Enhancing Digital Security capacity of Gov- ernmental institutions of the RM 01/04/2013 Grant USA Governance and civil society 103 067 30/06/2014 DCA Loan Portfolio Guarantee Facility with Prime Capital (second agreement) 30/09/2013 Grant USA Business and other services 145 529 29/12/2014 Support to Organic Agriculture in Moldova 30/04/2013 Grant USA Business and other services 117 879 Moldova Partnership for Sustainable Civil Society (MPSCS) 13/12/2013 Grant USA Governance and civil society 1 433 536 12/12/2018 Procuring of conference table for Protocol Rook of the Ministry of External Affairs and European Integration of the RM 08/10/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Governance and civil society 8 500 31/12/2013 Energy audit of Gymnasium “Iaroslav Gasek” in. Huluboaia village, Cahul Raion 15/10/2013 Grant Czech Republic Generation and supply of elec- tricity 2 032 15/12/2013 Procurement of audio equipment for Gen- eral Culture and Tourism Direction of ATU Gagauzia 01/11/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Other social in- frastructure and services 15 630 31/12/2013 Procurement of computers for schools of the Republic of Moldova 11/10/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Education 21 000 31/12/2013 Procurement of computers for the Library M.K. ATATÜRK in Comrat mun. 01/10/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Education 6 830 01/12/2013
  • 35. 352014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Re-equipment of the NATO Information and Documentation Centre of ULIM Uni- versity of the Republic of Moldova 01/11/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Education 9 550 31/12/2013 Support to National Strategy to support children without parental care in Moldova 01/02/2013 Grant Czech Republic Other social in- frastructure and services 99 067 31/12/2013 Support to public service modernisation reform implementation 01/03/2013 Grant World Bank Governance and civil society 636 836 30/12/2013 Re-equipment and maintaining of Office of Bashkan of ATU Gagauzia in Comrat mun. 28/04/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Governance and civil society 11 000 29/05/2013 Sustainable broad partnership for decen- tralisation reform 01/01/2013 Grant European Union Governance and civil society 270 000 01/01/2015 Reconstruction of Fire fighters and Rescu- ers Unit of Soroca, Republic of Moldova 23/08/2013 Grant USA Governance and civil society 497 453 30/09/2014 Professional training network for local public administration 01/11/2013 Grant European Union Governance and civil society 149 997 02/02/2015 Enhancing the investment promotion of MIEPO and support to investment promo- tion in industrial parks in the Republic of Moldova 01/10/2013 Grant UN Business and other services - Trade and trade-related poli- cy and laws 1 000 000 31/10/2016 I do care, I will involve! – Cross-border cooperation for social inclusion of vulnera- ble youth 20/12/2013 Grant European Union Other social in- frastructure and services 45 958 20/02/2015 Traffic Information systems regarding road safety 24/12/2013 Grant European Union Transport and storage 602 316 24/06/2015 Pure water – for villages benefit 09/12/2013 Grant Romania Water and sani- tation 863 315 09/10/2015 Cross-border waste management tool for rural localities, CBCRurWaste 11/12/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 349 252 11/10/2015 Eco-Cities – a common vision in cross-bor- der area 17/12/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 2 075 891 17/10/2015 GHID- Care. Food. Integration. Develop- ment 01/11/2013 Grant Austria Education 1 300 000 31/10/2016 Upgrading the heating system in boarding school of Ceadir-Lunga, ATU Gagauzia 08/10/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Education 37 000 31/12/2013 Extension of a successful Inclusion Pre- school Education Model in the Republic of Moldova 01/08/2013 Grant Czech Republic Education 394 468 01/12/2014 Introduction of innovative waste manage- ment practices in selected cities of Georgia, Moldova and Armenia, GMA-WMP 09/08/2013 Grant European Union Water and sani- tation 269 916 08/08/2015 Providing social vulnerable patients with hearing devices and tonometer 01/03/2013 Grant Czech Republic Health 7 852 29/08/2013 Reparation, re-equipment and maintenance of library building M.K. Atatürk in Comrat mun. 01/05/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Education 27 475 29/06/2013 Improving medical equipment in Raion Ungheni Hospital 19/02/2013 Grant Japan Health 92 831 19/06/2013 Project to renew medical equipment in Cimislia raion 26/02/2013 Grant Japan Health 42 539 27/05/2013 Equipment of IMSP Raion Comrat Hospi- tal “Isaac Gufinchel” with artificial respira- tory ventilator 02/08/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Health 10 000 02/09/2013 Green youth movement in cross-border area 16/11/2013 Grant European Union Multi-sector 71 772 15/10/2014
  • 36. 36 2014 Annual Report on external assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova Modernization of public transport in Balti mun. 10/07/2013 - Preferen- tial credit - Grant - EBRD - European Union Transport and storage 4 600 000 10/07/2015 South East Neighbourhood Safe Routes (SENSOR) 15/11/2013 Grant European Union Transport and storage 110 293 05/04/2015 Promotion of civic participation in Cahul Raion 01/01/2013 Grant Czech Republic Governance and civil society 63 382 01/01/2014 Developing the expenditure framework for design documents for IMSP Scientific Research Institute for Maternal and Child Health Care in Chisinau 03/10/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Health 36 500 31/01/2014 Border protection against wild animals 18/12/2013 Grant European Union Agriculture 21 450 17/10/2015 Professional and ongoing training in elec- tric engineering in Chisinau 01/11/2013 Grant Federal Republic of Germany Education 422 536 31/07/2016 e-Fairs and trade networks (e-F+TN) 01/05/2013 Grant European Union Business and other services 555 432 01/05/2015 Changing the roof of boiler room in Raion Hospital of Ceadir-Lunga, ATU Gagauzia 01/11/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Health 10 000 31/01/2014 Developing the expenditure framework for design documents for Hostel of the Comrat State University 03/10/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Education 34 500 31/01/2014 Developing the expenditure framework for design documents for IMSP Raion Hospital of Comrat ‘Isaac Gurfinchel’ 03/10/2013 Grant Republic of Turkey Health 35 000 31/01/2014 Support to Economic Council 30/11/2013 Grant EBRD Business and other services 299 665 01/11/2015 National consolidated systems for safety of reproductive health products 01/01/2013 Grant UN Health and popu- lation reproduction policies and pro- grammes 115 453 31/12/2017 Development of control centres, crisis management and solutions in the field of information technologies and communica- tions in Moldova 01/11/2013 Grant Estonia Governance and civil society 90 231 31/10/2015 Establishing a training system to manage the traffic in emergency situation and de- velopment of traffic control system in the Republic of Moldova 01/11/2013 Grant Estonia Governance and civil society 95 258 31/10/2015 ECO-CARPATI - Eco-Business Develop- ment in Border Carpathians as Chance for Better Economic Competitiveness 20/11/2013 Grant European Union Business and other services 23 500 19/09/2015 Cooperation of scientific parks in South-Eastern Europe (SEE) to promote research results and technologies in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 14/11/2013 Grant European Union Industry 110 948 31/12/2014 Increasing competitiveness through human synergy in Transnistrian region 01/11/2013 Grant European Union Industry 170 000 31/10/2014 Joint Business Support Centre - Instrument for fostering development of entrepreneur- ship in Ro-Ua-Md cross-border area 11/09/2013 Grant European Union Industry 1 439 713 10/07/2015 Furnishing of operator block with medical equipment of Paediatric Department of Municipal Clinical Hospital of Balti 26/02/2013 Grant Japan Health 89 030 26/02/2014 Sustainable development of tourism in Low- er Danube in Ukraine, Republic of Moldova and Romania 25/12/2013 Grant European Union Tourism 481 861 25/11/2015 CROSS Border Centre – support for animal husbandry development 16/09/2013 Grant European Union Agriculture 110 930 16/07/2015