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Add, analyze and report data in Word and PowerPoint
   OfficeReports for Microsoft Office, version 2013, 2010 and 2007

Welcome to OfficeReports .............................................................................................................. 6
   Purpose of this manual ................................................................................................................ 7
   The example data set .................................................................................................................. 7
   Getting started – Four simple steps ............................................................................................. 8
Data in OfficeReports ...................................................................................................................... 9
   Add Data ..................................................................................................................................... 9
      Importing data from Excel ...................................................................................................... 10
      Multiple datasets in one report ............................................................................................... 11
      Importing new cases .............................................................................................................. 12
      Add/Update data belonging to existing cases......................................................................... 12
Variables ....................................................................................................................................... 13
   Original Variables ...................................................................................................................... 14
      Categorical variables ............................................................................................................. 14
      Numerical variables ............................................................................................................... 16
      Text Variables ........................................................................................................................ 16
      Date Variables ....................................................................................................................... 17
   Derived Variables ...................................................................................................................... 17
      Derived categorical variables based on categories ................................................................ 17
      Derived Categorical variables based on numerical variables ................................................. 19
      Derived Numerical variables based on categorical variables .................................................. 21
      Derived Period Variable based on Date Variable ................................................................... 23
      Formula Editor for derived variables ...................................................................................... 24
   Group Variables ........................................................................................................................ 25
View, Edit and Export data – or Export tables to Excel .................................................................. 26
   View, Edit and Export data ........................................................................................................ 26
   Export tables to Excel ................................................................................................................ 27
Tables ........................................................................................................................................... 27
   Add Table .................................................................................................................................. 28
      Frequency Table .................................................................................................................... 28
      Cross Table ........................................................................................................................... 30
      Using cross tables expands the options that are under the ‘Options’ tab. ............................... 31
      Summary statistics of a numeric variable ............................................................................... 32
   Add Grid Table .......................................................................................................................... 35

      Grid Tables based on Numerical Variables ............................................................................ 37
   Add Multiple Tables ................................................................................................................... 39
   General Table Functions ........................................................................................................... 40
      Options (Frequency tables) .................................................................................................... 40
      Options (Cross tables) ........................................................................................................... 41
      Layout .................................................................................................................................... 41
      Resize.................................................................................................................................... 42
      Filter ...................................................................................................................................... 42
      Benchmark ............................................................................................................................ 45
      Weight ................................................................................................................................... 46
      Sort ........................................................................................................................................ 46
Charts ........................................................................................................................................... 47
   Add Chart .................................................................................................................................. 47
      Frequency Charts .................................................................................................................. 48
      Cross Charts .......................................................................................................................... 49
   Add Grid Chart .......................................................................................................................... 51
   Add Multiple Charts ................................................................................................................... 52
   General Chart Functions ........................................................................................................... 53
      Options (Frequency charts).................................................................................................... 53
      Options (Cross charts) ........................................................................................................... 54
      Layout .................................................................................................................................... 54
      Resize.................................................................................................................................... 56
      Filter ...................................................................................................................................... 56
      Benchmark ............................................................................................................................ 57
      Weight ................................................................................................................................... 57
      Sort ........................................................................................................................................ 58
Text Lists ...................................................................................................................................... 58
   Text list in PowerPoint ............................................................................................................... 59
      Inserting text outside a placeholder ........................................................................................ 59
      Inserting text inside a placeholder .......................................................................................... 59
   Text list in Word......................................................................................................................... 59
Editing Tables, Charts and Text Lists ............................................................................................ 60
   Editing the Content .................................................................................................................... 60
   Editing the Design ..................................................................................................................... 60

Copying Tables, Charts, Text Lists and Pages.............................................................................. 60
   Take a copy when an ‘Add table’ or ‘Add chart’ window is open ................................................ 60
   Open a ‘new’ empty ‘Add table’ or ‘Add chart’ window and produce a copy of the previous
   defined table/chart ..................................................................................................................... 61
   Copy and Paste a table or chart ................................................................................................ 61
   Copy a page/slide containing many tables and/or charts ........................................................... 61
Statistics ....................................................................................................................................... 62
   Benchmarking ........................................................................................................................... 62
   Significance Test ....................................................................................................................... 64
      Significance Settings.............................................................................................................. 65
      Confidence Interval ................................................................................................................ 65
      Chi-Square test ...................................................................................................................... 67
      Column Proportions test (Z-test) ............................................................................................ 68
      Column Means test (T-test).................................................................................................... 69
      Correlation test ...................................................................................................................... 70
   Weighting .................................................................................................................................. 70
      Calculating weighting factors ................................................................................................. 71
      Universe ................................................................................................................................ 74
      Add weights to all tables and charts in a report ...................................................................... 74
      View and Export Weights defined in OfficeReports ................................................................ 74
Layout settings.............................................................................................................................. 75
      Default Chart and Table Types .............................................................................................. 75
      Localize (Customized text in tables) ....................................................................................... 75
      Insert Position (PowerPoint) ................................................................................................... 76
   Administer Chart styles and Table layouts in OfficeReports....................................................... 76
      Default charts and tables ....................................................................................................... 76
      Defining Chart Types ............................................................................................................. 77
      Defining Table Types ............................................................................................................. 78
      Localize ................................................................................................................................. 80
Filtering ......................................................................................................................................... 81
   Report Filter .............................................................................................................................. 81
   Repetitive Reports ..................................................................................................................... 82
   Report production - combining Repetitive Reports, Filtering and Benchmarking ........................ 84
      Add filters............................................................................................................................... 84

      Ignore filters ........................................................................................................................... 84
      Benchmarking in report production ........................................................................................ 85
      Dynamic texts in reports......................................................................................................... 88
   Save as Report Template .......................................................................................................... 89
Refresh Report ............................................................................................................................. 89
Remove Data from report.............................................................................................................. 90
Settings......................................................................................................................................... 91
      Settings.................................................................................................................................. 91
      Global Settings ...................................................................................................................... 91
      Utilities ................................................................................................................................... 91
      Customize Text ...................................................................................................................... 92
Order & Register ........................................................................................................................... 92
..................................................................................................................................................... 92
Help .............................................................................................................................................. 92
   Manual ...................................................................................................................................... 92
   Community ................................................................................................................................ 92
   Consultancy .............................................................................................................................. 94
Appendix 1: The Formula Editor.................................................................................................... 95
   Categorical Variables - How to reference categories ................................................................. 95
      Logical Operators .................................................................................................................. 95
   Numerical Variables .................................................................................................................. 96
   Functions................................................................................................................................... 97
Appendix 2-a: Installing OfficeReports for single users ................................................................. 99
Appendix 2-b: Installing OfficeReports – Multi-user installation ..................................................... 99
Appendix 3: Integrating Excel Macros in OfficeReports tables and charts (requires ProPlus and
Excel Macro Integration module) ................................................................................................... 99
Appendix 6: Adding tables and charts to placeholders in PowerPoint ......................................... 100
   Troubleshooting – the OfficeReports add in is not displayed properly in the menu .................. 100
   Technical Requirements .......................................................................................................... 101
   Uninstalling OfficeReports ....................................................................................................... 101

Welcome to OfficeReports
PowerPoint and Word are among the most popular alternatives when it comes to presenting data
in reports. More than 70% of all research data is reported in Microsoft Office. However,
transforming data into tables and charts and adding these into Word or PowerPoint based reports
is not a simple task.

A lot of software and services register and collect data. Many of these have limited facilities for
reporting data, but almost all provide a data export so that data can be transformed into proper
tables and charts using analytical software like, for example; SPSS, SAS, Crystal Report and
Excel. Yet there is still a job to be done before tables and charts can be presented within reports
based on Word and PowerPoint.

Tim Macer from Meaning recently made a study where he asked researchers and consultants what
improvements they wished for most in the analysis and reporting software they are using. Two out
of three mentioned ‘Automating the production of charts and PowerPoint presentations’!

OfficeReports adds, analyzes and presents data in Word and PowerPoint. OfficeReports is simply
an extra menu in Word and PowerPoint which enables you to add data and transform it into tables
and charts whilst you are writing documents and presentations. Say goodbye to the endless
copying and pasting of tables, charts and diagrams from external data analysis software. Now you
can get the job done in Word and PowerPoint.

This is a dramatic change in the work process for analyzing data and building reports.
OfficeReports simplifies data analysis, streamlines the production of reports and saves you a lot of
working hours. Suddenly Microsoft Office is your dynamic reporting tool!

The OfficeReports ribbon:

Add and         Select variables which       Add weighting     Customize the      Build a report including
organize     OfficeReports will calculate         and          layout of your   tables, charts and text. Add
your data    into charts, tables and lists   benchmarking         reports        data and report filters and
                                             to your reports                      OfficeReports produces
            Add it to your report as Excel                                       new reports automatically!

Best regards,

The OfficeReports team, Copenhagen 2013

Purpose of this manual
This manual will provide a step-by-step guide on how to add, analyze and report data in Word and

We welcome your comments on this manual emailed to Feedback - OfficeReports manual.
We appreciate if you will share with us your suggestions for improvements, or if you find
any errors or inaccuracies in the manual.

The example data set
The manual repeatedly refers to an example dataset so we are able to provide examples you can
familiarize yourself with throughout the manual.

The data set covers data for 3,000 golfers evaluating the quality of different Golf Clubs visited. The
data set contains the following 11 pieces of information or ‘variables’:

      Name of the Club
      Country in which the Club is sited
      Golf player’s Gender
      Golf player’s Age
      Grading of the Course – 5-point scale
      Grading of the Driving range – 5-point scale
      Grading of the Reception – 5-point scale
      Grading of the Shop – 5-point scale
      Money spent (Shop, Restaurant) – 5-point scale
      Date of the visit
      Comments

The data set covers different types of data, such as:

      Numeric data
      Dates
      Open text
      Categories

OfficeReports imports data from different formats that almost all survey tools can export data into:

      SPSS (.sav-files)
      Excel (xls/xlsx-files)
      Triple-S

You can find the example data set and download a file containing all the different formats here:

    Getting started – Four simple steps
    Let us start with an appetizer and show how easy it is to transform data into charts or tables, and
    then add them to reports and presentations:

    Open a Word document or PowerPoint presentation. Open the OfficeReports toolbar by clicking
    the tab in the ribbon and click the `Add Data´ button furthest to the left in the toolbar. Locate an
    Excel/SPSS or Triple-S file containing data. When the import has finished, close the window
    showing the number of records and variables imported.

①                        ②

    Click `Add Table´ in the OfficeReports toolbar. In the window popping up select ‘Country’ as

                                                                                  OfficeReports responds
                                                                                  immediately by adding
                  ③                                                               the referring
                                                                                  Frequency table to
                  ④                                                               report:

    Now add `Gender` as the ‘Optional variable’. Below is the resulting
    Cross table:


                                   Male         Female         Total

     USA                           16%           27%           20%

     Denmark                       19%           21%           20%

     Spain                         18%           23%           20%

     England                       22%           17%           20%

     Argentina                     24%           12%           20%

     Total                        100%          100%           100%

     Base                          1936          1064          3000

It is a similar procedure to create charts. All the output of tables/charts are Excel objects and due
to Excel’s facilities they are editable in every conceivable way!

It basically comes down to this! - OfficeReports is a new paradigm for transforming data into clear
information within Word and PowerPoint.

However, this is merely one of the most basic functions of OfficeReports. OfficeReports contains
far more advanced capabilities, examples include; weighing data, the creation and use of
templates and mass production of individually edited reports. In this manual we will explain in-
depth how to use the Add-in and its features.

OfficeReports makes Word and PowerPoint efficient, dynamic and intuitive reporting tools.

Data in OfficeReports
OfficeReports understands and analyzes raw data organized in formats whereby each observation,
respondent or case is expressed individually and systematically. In the Excel data example above,
each row represents the answers from one respondent in the survey (called case or record).
Similarly,          each column contains the answers to specific questions in the survey (called

In this section we’ll briefly explain the types of variables in OfficeReports and how they are defined.

      Categorical – data in the form of categories. Example: Gender: Male/Female
      Numerical – data in the form of numbers. Example: Age: 28
      Text – data in the form of text. Example: Comments
      Date – Example: June 21st 2011

For a more extensive explanation regarding the variables and their functions in OfficeReports, refer
to the section Variables in this manual.

Add Data

It is possible to add data to any Word document or PowerPoint presentation. The two basic ways
in which data is added are either by clicking the `Add Data´ button furthest to the left in the ribbon,
or by using a program that is directly integrated with OfficeReports. In other words:

      OfficeReports imports data from the most common file formats used for exporting and
       exchanging survey data: SPSS-files (sav-
       format), Triple-S files, Excel files(.xls or
       .xlsx) and OfficeReports data files (.accdb):

       Some tools and services are integrated directly with OfficeReports. It could be a survey
        tool, CRM, ERP or a similar tool that collects/registers data. Read more about integrating
        OfficeReports with a software or service here: Let your software report data directly in Word
        and PowerPoint

Importing data from Excel
It is easy to import an Excel data set directly into OfficeReports. However if you have your data
available in a SPSS (sav) format, or Triple-S we recommend that you use one of these data
formats – simply because the process is faster as the data format already contains information
concerning the order of categories, types of variables etc.

Importing Excel data through the Excel Data
If your data set is only available in Excel we
recommend that you use our converter to structure
and format the data correctly for the import. This is
important for OfficeReports’ ability to correctly identify
variables and cases.

Importing Excel data directly
If you do not want to use the data converter, here are
the general guidelines that must be fulfilled in the
data sheet before importing:

       Rows should represent the responses from
        each case; columns should contain the data in
        each variable.
       The top row must contain the names of each
        variable. It is important that all columns
        containing data from a variable are given a
       If you wish to import a date-variable, the dates
        need to be formatted like the dates are in the
        Excel file.

Importing Excel data – Expanded format (as with Survey Monkey)
Some survey systems, such as Survey Monkey, provide two different versions of Excel export
formats. The expanded version contains more information about the data structure, which means
you have less work arranging data and variables when importing data. When importing Excel data
using the expanded format you do not need to use the converter, the import is handled

OfficeReports provides you with a data import which exactly matches the data structure in Survey
Monkey’s expanded Excel format. This option exports each answer into a different column per
question. Therefore, each row of a matrix/rating or multiple-answer-allowed questions will have a
designated column for that response. You can read more about this format at:

Importing data from SPSS (.sav files)
Almost any professional survey tool has a function to export data to SPSS as a .sav file.
Depending on how proficiently and detailed the survey tool makes the export, the file will contain
(besides data) information about the variable type, text and labels, as well as text for all categories
in the dataset. If the survey software does not export all these texts automatically, you can add it
manually in OfficeReports after the import.

Importing data from Triple-S
Triple-S is a standard format which was born out of the market research industry. Many providers
of market research software and/or services provide targeted survey data in this format. You can
find an updated list of survey tools that export data into the Triple-S format here: Products which
have a Triple-S export

Triple-S data is organized in two files. The dictionary information is stored in a file with the
extension .xml and the data is stored in a separate file with extension .dat. The Triple-S format
includes a definition.

Importing data from an OfficeReports data file (.accdb file)
From OfficeReports – whether based in Word or PowerPoint – you can export an OfficeReports
data file. The format is with the extension .accdb and you can import this data file into any Word or
PowerPoint file.

Multiple datasets in one report
It is possible to work with multiple datasets in one
report. It can be data from different sources or
periods. Importing additional data can be done in
two ways:

   1. Importing new cases
   2. Updating existing cases

We will now explain each of these functions.

Importing new cases

      1. With OfficeReports it is possible to add new cases to any existing report. To do this, click
         the `Add data´ button in the top left corner. Locate the file with the new data and import it.
      2. The window shown above will appear. Select ‘Import as new cases’.
      3. After having imported the new
         cases, let’s take a look at our
         variable list. OfficeReports always
         includes a variable called ‘Imports’.
         In this variable are registered
         imports of all new cases and
         organizes them in a new import

Add/Update data belonging to existing cases
When merging data in OfficeReports each case
is updated using new data. For this operation to
be successful each case needs to be assigned a
unique ID. The simplest procedure for this is to
have a variable in the original data sheet
containing a unique ID (text- or numerical
variable) for each case. In our example we have
a variable named `id´ which is individual for each
respondent. Therefore, we choose this variable
as the `key´ by checking the box to the left of it.

Observe: When merging cases, OfficeReports
ONLY imports and/or updates data regarding
existing cases. OfficeReports will not add data
for the cases where a key is not found! For these
cases please use the standard import features.


    In this section we will go through and explain the different types of variables in OfficeReports. Each
    variable type has a specific icon and color. The icon specifies the kind of variable it is, the color
    provides information about whether the variable is an original or if it is a derivative of the original.

    After importing data, the window shown below will appear. This variables window is where all
    actions concerning altering, organizing, or restructuring of the variables are done.

④                                  ③
       c                                                                         ⑤
①      t
       1. On the left side we can see all our variables. Notice that each different type of variable has
       n a different icon:

                          Categories

                          Values

                          Text

                          Dates

   2. To the right of the variables we can see the number of observations
      contained in each variable. If we expand a categorical variable we can
      see the range of data across the different categories in the variable.
   3. Show the variables as Numbers, Labels, Text or a combination. Hint: If
      the list of variables is long you can type a fragment of the number,
      label or text, and OfficeReport will focus on the selected variable.
   4. Using the arrow keys you can change the order of the variables by
      moving them up and down the list (alternatively, instead of using the
      arrow keys, you can use the shortcut keys ctrl+↑ or ctrl+↓).
   5. By selecting a variable you can view and edit the variable’s label and       ①

On a very basic level there are two kinds of variables:

       Original variables – which are all colored red - recognized by OfficeReports and created
        automatically from the data
    Derived variables – which are all colored blue - created by the user based on other
The following sections will go through these variables.

Original Variables

Categorical variables
This kind of variable is one where the data can be divided up into categories - for example, a rating
on a scale (Very bad – Very good) or categorical information such as gender, department, country

Insert additional categories to variables
Categories are automatically created when importing data, but you can always add additional
categories to a variable.

   1.   Select the variable where you want to insert a new category
   2.   Click ‘New Category’
   3.   Give a name to the new category and press OK
   4.   The new category will be added.

Reordering categories
Sometimes categories are not organized in an order as you need in tables and charts. To organize
the categories in a different order, it is possible to manually rearrange the order of the categories
by using the arrows in the upper left side of the variable window.


   1. Highlight a category which you need to move and use the arrows in the top left corner to
      move them. (Or alternatively use the shortcut keys ctrl+↑ or ctrl+↓)

   2. If many variables are using the same categories and the all need to be reorganized, you
      can use the feature `Organize other variables like this one´ which you will see as soon as
      press ‘+’ in front of a category variable to see the different categories:

   3. Press ‘Organize other variables like this one’ and a window pops up, showing other
      variables containing at least some of the same categories as contained in the variable you
      have in focus.
   4. All categories in all the selected variables are hereby organized similar.

Assigning Values to Categorical Variables
In some cases it is meaningful to assign values to categories. In our example data set where golf
courses are rated on a 5 point scale from ‘Very good’ to ‘Very bad’, it can be useful to add a value
to each set of scale points, as this makes it is possible to calculate the mean and standard
deviation, as well as adding these useful measures of data to tables and charts:

                                            ①                          ②


   1. We start by clicking the `Variables´ button in the top left corner. To add value to a category,
      expand the variable by clicking the `plus´ sign to the left of it. This highlights a category.
      Check the `Value´ option that appears on the right side, and type in the desired value.
   2. If a category should not be included in the calculation of a mean (this could be relevant for
      the ‘No response’ category) check the `No Value´ box.
   3. In our example we have chosen to add values from 0 to 100, as well as checking the box
      `No Value´ for the `No response´ option so that it does not interfere with our results. It is
      possible to use any values (including negative and decimal numbers).
      If you do not add values to the categories and within tables and charts include the
      calculation of the mean, standard deviation etc., OfficeReports will assign a default value to
      all categorical variables. OfficeReports, by default, will designate the first category the
      value ‘0’, the second the value ’33,33’ etc.
   4. As we have more than one variable that has data in this format (our variables `Driving
      range´, `Reception´, and `Shop´ all have responses given in categories from `Very good´ to
      `Very bad´), we would also like to add values to these response options. Again, this is
      easily done by right-clicking the `Course´ variable and choosing `Organize other variables
      like this one´.

Numerical variables
Numerical variables are data that are expressed as numbers. Examples from our dataset are
‘Age’, ‘Money spent in restaurant’ and ‘Money spent in shop’. In order to analyze these kinds of
variables we can calculate things such as the ‘average age’ or ‘total consumption’. Furthermore, to
enhance the ability to use numerical variables it can be useful to divide the numerical data up into
intervals. This will be explained in the section Derived categorical variables based on numerical

Text Variables
Text variables can be any given string of letters. Most often they contain comments or answers to
open ended questions. In short, text variables are data that is not in a numerical or date form and
data that cannot immediately be categorized. OfficeReports helps in presenting this data. An
example of this is that it is possible to sort text variables into different groups depending on other
variables. This means that it is possible to see the comments written, for example, only by those
who were unhappy with a particular service (which they had previously indicated in a response to
another question). Reporting text variables is explained in the section Text Lists. Text data from an
Excel data sheet will automatically be imported as text if the Excel column is formatted as text. If
the column is not formatted as text, OfficeReports will by default suggest that this variable is
imported as a categorical variable. If you want to make sure you have the right setting in Excel
simply right-click on the column head in Excel, choosing `format cells…´, and select the desired
text in the list on the left side.

Date Variables
The date variable is very useful when part of the data is a date. Data could be, for example, when
an observation was made, when an interview took place, or even a date of birth. When importing
data from an Excel data sheet it is important to be able to use this function to ensure the cells
containing dates are arranged in a date format. This function is performed simply by right-clicking
the column head in Excel, choosing `format cells…´ and selecting the desired dates from the list on
the left side.

Derived Variables
To use a dataset as a basis for building reports, you might realize that the data is not organized
perfectly for your specific needs. Perhaps you need the numeric variable ‘age’ organized as a
categorical variable containing four age categories, or a date variable organized as a categorical
variable containing seven week days etc.

In OfficeReports we call it ‘derived variables’ when you create new variables based on original
variables. Derived variables are denoted in blue and original variables in red.

In this section we will review how OfficeReports can create derived variables based on:

      Categorical variables
      Numerical variables
      Date variables

All derived variables are based on combinations and/or calculations. OfficeReports provides a few
easy ways to define derived variables, but you can also use the formula editor to define more
complex variables and categories. In this section we
will examine them all.

Derived categorical variables based on
In OfficeReports you can insert your own new
variables where categories are built from categories
from other variables. It could be a new variable
‘Argentina - Gender’ containing two categories
(country= Argentina AND gender=Male) and
(country=Argentina AND gender=Female). To create
this new variable we click `New Variable´ in the
bottom of the variable window.


   1. Give the new variable a Label name, as well as Text and select the variable type. In this
      case it’s ‘Categorical’. Click ‘OK’ and the new variable is added to the variable list.

                                                           2. Create a new category in the new
                           ②                            variable ‘Argentina’ by dragging the
                                                        category ‘Argentina’ from the ‘Country’
                                                        variable on to the new variable ‘Gender –

       3.    Afterwards we drag-and-drop `Female’
   from the gender variable on to the ‘Argentina’                            ③
   category under the new variable.

   4. A small menu will then appear giving the
      option to choose between `AND´ or `OR´.                                        ④
      Choose the option `AND´.

   5. The category will then change its name and

      its contents, so that it now contains 127
      observations, all of which has answered
      `Argentina´ and `Female´.

   6. We then repeat the procedure and add one more category to our new variable. Now we
      combine ‘Argentina’ and ‘Male’. OfficeReports automatically assigns the categories a
      logical name, though you may wish to edit the name to something more appropriate
      regarding your report.
   7. A new derived variable is now added to the list of variables, ready to use for new tables,
      charts etc. You can combine as many categories as are required to build new variables and

Adding a ‘not’ category
If you want a new variable containing the two categories ‘Argentina’ and ‘All other countries’ the
easiest way is to make an ‘not’ category:

       1.      We simply add a new
   variable, add the category ‘Argentina’
   twice to the variable:

      2.       Then right-click the second                                Argentina category and this
   pops up:

      3.      Selcet ‘NOT’ and in the formula-box to the right you will see that the formula has
   changed to: not([Country.Argentina]) and
   suddenly the category and the observations
   has changed:

Derived Categorical Variables based on numeric variables
Some data set contains numeric data which you want to present as intervals or categories. For
example a numeric variable containing numbers from 15-90 which you need to organize in
intervals, or a numeric variable containing the numbers ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’ and ‘99’ which you need
to organize in exact 6 categories.

If you mark a numeric variable you will see these two options in the variable window:

Create Interval Variable
In our example, ‘Age’ is one of the variables. Say, for instance, that we are interested in creating
four different age groups, each the same size. The following shows you how to create these

   1. Locate the numerical variable (in our case ‘Age’). Click on it and to the right you choose
      ‘Create percentile variable.’ In many situations it is necessary that you can divide your data
      into percentiles (which basically means dividing your numeric data into 10 groups, each
      containing an equal number of observations). In OfficeReports you can easily create as
      many derived variables, based on a numeric variable, as you need.

   2. In our example we would like four intervals, so we
      simply change the standard of intervals from two to
      four in the window that appears. We then click `OK´.

   3. A new variable will now appear in the tree-structure
      with a blue icon    , signaling it is a derived
      categorical variable. OfficeReports will give this type of
      new derived variable the same text as the original. The
      label to the new variable is the same as the original
      added ‘- intervals’:

   4. As usual, you can change the name and the label by highlighting the variable and editing
      the label and text in the boxes on the right-hand side. The fact that the intervals created by
      OfficeReports are equally divided gives us a good starting point for analyzing the data. We
      now move on to editing these into the following intervals; 15-25, 26-40, 41-60, and 61-90.

   5. To alter the intervals we highlight each category that has appeared under the ‘Age
      intervals’ variable, and change the formula that is written in the bottom box on the right-
      hand side. Do not forget to click `Calculate´ after you’ve finished changing each formula.
   6. You are now ready to use the new variable for reporting or in combination with other

Create Categorical Variable
Our example data set is not obvious for this, but says for instance, that we are interested in
creating a category for each numerical value that appears in the data set:

   1. Locate the numerical variable (in our case ‘Age’). Click on it and to the right you choose
      ‘Create categorical variable.

   2. A new variable will now appear in the tree-structure with a blue icon    containing as many
      categories as we have unique numbers in the original numerical variable. OfficeReports will
      give this type of new derived variable the same text as the original. The label to the new
      variable is the same as the original added ‘- categorical.

Derived Numerical variables based on numerical variables
If we would like to know the total expenditure at the golf club, that is, the added expenditure of
people at both the shop and restaurant, we can combine these variables together into one new

   1. We do this by clicking the one numerical variable
      button in the top left corner. We then simply drag-


        and-drop one of the numerical variables on to the other. A menu will then appear giving us
        the options to; `add´, `subtract´, `divide´, or `multiply´. In our case we
        would like to add the two, hence we choose `add´.

    2. A new numerical variable will then appear named `Money spent in shop

        + Money spent in restaurant´. The new variable is
        iconized by      .
    3. If you do not like this name, highlight the variable and
       change the text in the top text box on the right-hand side. To change the name displayed       ③
       when the new variable is used, change the text in the text box below.

Derived Numerical variables based on categorical variables
It might sound a little abstract to talk about deriving numerical variables based on categorical
variables, but for example, consider data taken from a multiple choice test given to 100 students.
You might have 100 categorical variables where each category in each variable is given a value to
express the value of the answer given. Now if you add up all the answers you can calculate a sum,
a result. This result can be added to the data set as a new derived variable.

Example 1: Calculating a Numerical variable based on observations in a group of
categorical variables - step1
In our example data set we have four variables to illustrate satisfaction; Courses, Driving range,
Reception and Shop. Each of these variables contains a scale ‘Very bad’ to ‘Very good’, and each
of the categories on the scale is given a value.

Now we will create a Derived Numerical variable called ‘Overall satisfaction’ containing the sum of
the values for each of the four
scales and divided by four. This
could be considered as a measure
for a rating of overall satisfaction.

We enter a ‘New Variable’ called
‘Overall satisfaction’ and define it
as a ‘Numerical variable’.

When the new variable is given a
name the next step is defining its

When the new variable is highlighted, you can see a formula box appear in the right-hand side of
the variable window, and the formula below needs to be entered:

([Courses.!Value]+[Driving range.!Value]+[Reception.!Value]+[Shop.!Value])/4

Click ‘Calculate’ and the content of the new variable is ready to use for tabulation, filtering etc.

Example 2: Calculating a numerical variable based on observations in a group of
categorical variables - step2
Calculating overall satisfaction as described above (Example 1) requires that we include in the
calculation observations for all objects on all variables. If an object does not include observations
for all the variables involved you cannot just divide the sum of the values by a fixed number,
instead you must take into consideration for each observation how many of the variables actually
include an observation.

So in the example, instead of dividing by four, we divide by the number of variables where
observations are included. Variable.!Observed is =1 if there is an observation on the variable, and
=0 if there is no observation.

This number can be calculated by this formula:

([Courses.!Observed]+[Driving range.! Observed]+[Reception.! Observed]+[Shop.! Observed])

The alternative formula for calculating the ‘Overall satisfaction’ is:



Example 3: Calculating a Numerical variable based on observations in a group of
categorical variables – step3
If the variables in the example above include categories which are marked ‘No Value’ - typically
categories such as ‘Don’t Know’ - these should be excluded in the calculation of the overall

In this situation we must calculate the denominator using ‘Variable.!HasValue’ which calculates a
value =1 for observations that contain a value.

This number can be calculated by this formula:

([Courses.!HasValue]+[Driving range.! HasValue]+[Reception.! HasValue]+[Shop.! HasValue])

The alternative formula for calculating the ‘Overall satisfaction’ is:

([Courses.!Value]+[Driving range.!Value]+[Reception.!Value]+[Shop.!Value]) /

([Courses.! HasValue]+[Driving range.! HasValue]+[Reception.! HasValue]+[Shop.! HasValue])

In Appendix 1: The Formula Editor you will find much more information about how to define new
formulas using the formula editor.

Derived Period Variable based on Date Variable
Many data sets contain date variables. For reporting, these are not only useful as filters but quite
often it is necessary to present a date in a weekday, month or year format. Deriving these types of
variables based on date variables is a simple operation in OfficeReports. A few clicks and you
have added one or more of the following 13 Period variables based on a date variable:

                       Current Period                            Calendar Period

          Days (first day – last day)                Working days (Monday – Friday)

          Weeks (first week – last week)             Week days (Monday – Sunday)

          Months (first month – last month)          Months (January – December)

          Quarters (first quarter – last quarter)    Months Q1 (January – March)

          Years (first year – last year)             Months Q2 (April – June)

                                                     Months Q3 (July – September)

                                                     Months Q4 (October - December)

                                                     Quarters (Q1- Q4)

   1. Select and right-click on a date variable,
      and choose `create periods´ (as shown
      on the right).                                                               ①

                                               2. After choosing `create periods´, a window will
                                           open in which we can choose the desired period from
                                           the drop-down menu on the top. In our example, we
                                           would like to know if there is a difference between
                         ②                 countries in the number of visitors during the year.
                                           Hence, we choose to create a `Months´ variable (as
                                           shown on the left).

   3. After clicking `OK´, a new variable will appear
      in the list of variables (as shown below). As
      usual, it is possible to change the name of the
      variable, and the name displayed when it is
      used. by highlighting it, and changing the two
      text fields on the right-hand side.
   4. You are now ready to use the new variable for reporting or in combination with other

Formula Editor for derived variables
As shown above the derived variables and categories are based on combinations and formulas.
OfficeReports contains a formula editor that can be used on its own to define variables and
categories. In Appendix 1 you can read much more about the Formula Editor. There are numerous
options but let us take two examples:

Example 1: Define a numerical variable using the Formula Editor

Add a new variable, define it as numerical. Then use the formula editor for adding two numerical
variables and multiply the sum by 12:

Example 2: Define a categorical variable using the Formula Editor

Add a new variable, define it as categorical. Then use the formula editor for defining two
categories: ‘Men aged 50+’ and ‘Women aged 40+’. The formula for ‘Women aged 40+’ is:

                                                              These two are just examples. In
Appendix 1 you can read much more about the possible options using the Formula Editor

Group Variables
Sometimes data is not properly organized for reporting
purposes. In our example data set, we have a variable
‘Country’ that is well organized, containing five different
countries as categories. Imagine that each of these
categories were organized further in to five individual
variables, each containing just one category. In such a
situation it is easy to organize the five individual variables in
to one Group Variable using the ‘Group’ feature.

    1. In the demo data set we have two variables, ‘Country’
       and ‘Gender’, which we want to combine in to a                         0              ①
       Group Variable. Click on the button ‘Group’ at the
       bottom of the Variable window to create a Group

    2. Give the new Group variable a label and text. Select
       the variables to be grouped and click on ‘OK’.


                                                              3. The new Group variable is now
                                                           added to the Variable list:

View, Edit and Export data – or Export tables to Excel

View, Edit and Export data
You might need to check or edit data in OfficeReports. If you edit the data, after your tables and
charts have been produced, clicking on ‘Update Report’ will reproduce edited versions of tables
and charts.

Additionally one click can export all data from OfficeReports – even data form newly calculated
variables – making the data ready to use in new contexts, such as software for analytical statistics
etc. We will now go through step-by-step how to perform these facilities:

   1. Click `View, Edit, Export´ and the observations all variables are displayed in a long list of
      raw data. Data is organized in columns (=variables) and rows (=cases/interviews/records):

   2. Right-click a column header – for example ‘Country’ and add a filter to the data view.

   3.  Categorical variables can be filtered by ‘=’, ‘<>’, ‘<> Ø’ or ‘=Ø’, where ‘Ø’ means empty
   4.  Numerical variables can be filtered by ‘=’, ‘<>’, ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’, ‘Ø’, <>Ø’
   5.  You may add as many filters as you need to reduce the viewed data set.
   6.  Numerical variables can be sorted in descending or ascending order when you click the
       column header.
   7. Variables can be reorganized. Left-click on a column header and drag it to another variable.
       Now these two variables will be placed side by side.
   8. All original variables can be edited, but derived variables which are based on original
       variables cannot be edited.
   9. `Delete Case´ option (meaning all data for this specific record can be deleted). In order to
       save the changes made to any of the observations.
   10. Click `Close´ and the edits can be saved.
   11. Data can be exported to Excel-files that are readable by many different software programs.
       To export the data, simply click `Export to Excel´.

Export tables to Excel
All OfficeReports based tables can easily be exported to Excel. Select ‘Export to Excel’ in the
‘View, Edit & Export’ window. OfficeReports will ask whether you want to export data or tables to


Having data properly organized among Variables is a simple operation that involves transforming
data into tables, charts and text lists and including them in Word documents and PowerPoint

OfficeReports calculates and presents tables in an Excel format, meaning that every table added
to any report is added as an Excel object.

This means that to make any further adjustments you can just double-click on any table and
Excel’s familiar user interface will open instantly. Furthermore, you can design and customize your
very own standard layout for tables that can be used as a template. You can read more about this
in Layout .

In the following section we review all the features that are immediately available to you for
producing tables when using OfficeReports:

Add Table
When using this feature all tables are calculated in OfficeReports and displayed in Excel tables.
The table style, by default, is defined by OfficeReports. When it is added to the report it is added
as an Excel object and can be edited at any time.

If you’d like an alternative layout or an alternative default content of tables you can read more
about customizing the table layout in the section Layout .

Tables are created by using categorical or numerical variables. Read more on each of these types
of variables in our section Variables. First, we will present all the types of tables using a categorical
variable, and then we will show how to present numerical variables in tables.

Frequency Table
A Frequency Table lists items and shows the distribution or the number of times they occur. To
add a table, click on `Add Table´ in the ribbon.

   1. Select `How would you rate the golf course´ as the variable and OfficeReports will promptly
      produce and add a table to the report showing the distribution of how satisfied the golfers
      are with the courses.



   2. The default content and layout of the table is based on the settings in the default Table
      Type. If you select an alternative table type the actual table will immediately change to the
      new layout and content. You can read more about adding extra types, changing default
      types etc. in the section Layout .

Under the `Contents ´ tab there are general settings regarding the content and layout of the table.
When changing the content the table in the report will update immediately.

                                                                            Read more about the
                                                                            available options in the
                                                                            section General Table

Cross Table

Cross Table with one background variable

A background variable divides the primary data into different segments. It can be helpful, for
example, to show the answers of a certain group of respondents. In our example, it could be
helpful to know if there are any differences in the answers of respondents from different countries.

   1. We return to the `Add a Table´ window and select a top variable, (like when we selected
      `Courses´ before). We then select
      a background variable in the drop-                                       ①
      down menu (in our case, we pick

   2. The table is divided with the respondents now in two groups, and also displays the spread
      of results in each group. As shown below, the background variable lets us examine several
      interesting differences in the results between the countries of our study.


Using cross tables expands the options that are under the ‘Options’ tab.

   1. Choose whether
      you want to display
      Observations,                                                            ②
      Percentages, or
   2. It is possible to
      show a variety of
      information in the                                 ④
      cross table. Each                                                              ③
      measurement is
      based on either the
      rows, or the
   3. It is possible not to
      display the values of 0-cells, as well as rows and columns, wherein the base is less than X.
   4. The percentage type selected will determine how the percentages are calculated. See
      below for examples of each case.

Percentage Type: Column

As shown in the example:

Argentinian females represent 11,9% of all females.

Percentage Type: Row

As shown in the example:

Argentinian females represent 21% of all Argentinians.

Percentage Type: Total

As shown in the example:

Argentinian females represent 4,2% of all respondents
in the data set.

Summary statistics of a numeric variable
You can show a summary statistic of a numeric variable for the cases in each cell. For example,
in a table of country, you can use the numeric variable ‘How much have you spent in the
restaurant’ to show the mean age per gender by the respondents in each cell. Other options
include the total, percentage and standard deviation.

Using numerical variables to create tables offers a wide range of possibilities (read more about the
possibilities in the section Variables).

                                                                                1. Start off by
                                                                            choosing a top variable
             ①                                                              as a background
                                                                                2. Select the
              ②                                                             numeric variable you
                                                                            want statistical
                                                                            information for in the

   3. Next are the specific
      display options for
      numerical tables under the
      ‘Options´ tab. Mean is the
      default type selected.

Frequency tables:

Total:                              Percentage:                           Mean:

Croos tables:

If you want cross tables
containing information
from numeric variables
you can for example
define a cross tables
bases on Country as side
variable, Gender as
Optional Variable and
‘How much have you
spent in the restaurant as
numeric variable:

Total:                            Percentage:


Cross Table with several background variables

Cross Table with a background variable containing many categories
If you are using a background variable that contains many categories there might be problems
appropriately displaying the table (the text is displayed in too small a size or it does not fit on the

How would you rate the golf cource?
                          Jefferson   Pine Valley   Ann Arbor    Cypress Point    Liberty   Copenhagen   Kalundborg   Aarhus Golf                                                                    Royal
                                                                                                                                    El Saler   Las Brisas   Sotogrande   Valderrama   Sunningdale
                          Park Golf    Golf Club     Golf Club       Club        National    Golf Club    Golf Club      Club                                                                       Birkdale
Very bad                    2,5%        5,0%          3,6%          5,0%          2,4%        9,4%         10,8%        7,2%        27,6%       23,4%         20,6%        26,5%         2,3%        3,1%

Bad                         9,8%        8,4%         14,4%          14,0%        10,2%        7,3%         9,1%         11,2%       38,7%       38,3%         34,8%        41,3%        16,7%       12,5%

Average                    16,4%        20,2%        19,8%          14,9%        22,0%        23,0%        15,6%        16,6%       24,5%       23,4%         31,2%        21,3%         0,8%        0,6%

Good                       41,8%        36,1%        27,0%          37,2%        29,1%        39,8%        41,4%        39,5%        4,3%       12,1%         7,8%         4,5%         43,2%       49,4%

Very good                  28,7%        29,4%        31,5%          28,1%        36,2%        12,6%        16,1%        16,6%        1,8%        1,4%         2,8%         3,2%         35,6%       31,9%

No response                 0,8%        0,8%          3,6%          0,8%          0,0%        7,9%         7,0%         9,0%         3,1%        1,4%         2,8%         3,2%          1,5%        2,5%

Total                     100,0%       100,0%        100,0%        100,0%        100,0%      100,0%       100,0%       100,0%       100,0%      100,0%       100,0%       100,0%        100,0%      100,0%

Solution1: Swap the variables around and use ‘row percentage’ instead of ‘column percentage’.
This is a good solution when you are working in a portrait oriented page layout:

Solution 2: Divide the background variable in two by splitting one containing multiple categories of
two (or more) variables. In our example, we divide the background variable ‘Club’, but as it
contains 19 categories it is hard to display all the information on only one table, so instead we
define two derived variables, ‘Club - part1’ and ‘Club - part2’:

Shown here is the result of ‘Club - part1’ defined as a background variable. Observe that the base
in the ‘Total’ column includes not only the clubs specified in the table, but also includes all the
clubs from the original variable. The definition follows after the table:

When dividing a background variable in two,
remember to ensure that the base default
does not contain all the observations from the
variable ‘Club’ (the result would be an
incorrect calculation of the total). The solution
is to add an extra category called ‘Total’ that
includes all observations from the variable
‘Club’. The formula for this category is:

For more information take a look in the
Formula Editor.

Add Grid Table

Grid Tables display multiple primary variables in one table. This feature is very useful when
reporting data for variables based on similar categories and when adding values to categorical
variables, as well as displaying mean and standard deviation data in tables. To see how to assign
values to categorical variables, please go to the section: Assigning Values to Categorical

A Grid Table is a compact table that features multiple primary variables in one table.

1.    First click on `Add
     Grid Table´ and in the
     window that appears

     and select the four
     variables that
     measured the
     satisfaction with
     different parts of the
     golf course. After
     selecting and pressing
     ‘OK’ the selected
     variables are
     displayed in the
     variable window.
     Simultaneously a table
     is added to the report.

2. After adding all the variables to the list the table appears (as shown below). Again,
   remember that in order to create a Grid Table values are assigned to every category. If
   these values are not properly set, it is possible to remove values from categories, or to
   change them. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the section: Assigning Values
   to Categorical Variables. The value that was given to the option `Average´ in our example
   was 3. As the total mean is greater than 3 for ‘Courses’ it can be concluded that, overall,
   most people have an above average level of satisfaction regarding that particular part of
   the golf club.
                                             Very bad             Average                Very
                                                        Bad (2)             Good (4)            response   Mean   Base
                                               (1)                  (3)                good (5)
     How would you rate the golf course?       11%       19%       22%       27%        17%       3%       3,3    3000

     How would you rate the driving range?     10%       16%       28%       25%        18%       2%       3,3    3000

     How would you rate the reception?         17%       25%       18%       22%        15%       3%       3,0    3000

     How would you rate the shop?              20%       22%       22%       21%        12%       3%       2,9    3000

     The following Content
     options are available
     on a frequency level:

   3. When a background variable is added to the Grid Table, the result is a very compact table
      displaying either the Mean or Standard Deviation according to the scaling:

                                               USA   Denmark     Spain   England Argentina   Mean   Base

       How would you rate the golf course?     3,8     3,7        2,3      4,0      2,7      3,3    3000

       How would you rate the driving range?   3,8     3,6        2,5      4,0      2,5      3,3    3000

       How would you rate the reception?       2,0     3,1        2,2      4,2      3,6      3,0    3000

       How would you rate the shop?            1,8     3,0        2,1      3,9      3,8      2,9    3000

      On a grid cross table
      Mean and Standard
      Deviation are selectable
      as Values. As Totals you
      can select Mean and

Grid Tables based on Numerical Variables

Mean – Frequency table                                       Mean – Cross table

Sort Grid Table
The ‘Sort’ tab includes
features to organize the
order and display of results in
the Grid Table. (OBS: the
sorting is always based on                    ①
the calculated Mean)

 For example, it is often
useful to have the variables                  ②
displayed in a descending
order with the highest mean
at the top.                                  ③

Sort Variables ①
In our example we would like to display the data from two sections of the golf club in a descending
order with the highest means first. To do this, check the box `Highest mean first´ so that the
variables are organized according to their means:

Do not show all variables ②
Check the box `Show´. To display the two variables from the example in a descending order with
the highest means first, select `Driving Range´ and `Golf Course´:

Do not show all categories
This feature is available on frequency grids when the content of the chart is ‘Categorical variables’
and Values are set as ‘Percentages’’. This is not a filter, which means that percentages are not

Add Multiple Tables

The ability to create multiple tables in one process can be helpful in saving time.

 Click on the `Add Many Tables’ button.

   1. First select the desired Primary Variables that are to be used.
   2. An additional option is to add background variables.
   3. All tables will have a layout and content according to the default Type. This can be
      overruled by selecting an alternative Type or by using you very own layout.




Selecting 4 primary variables and 2 background variables gives a total of 8 cross tables

OfficeReports automatically produces the tables and adds them to the report; in PowerPoint this is
one table per slide and in Word all objects are added in a row (depending on the size and
document settings).

In some situations it is more efficient to copy and edit tables than using the feature ‘Add Many
Charts’. OfficeReports offers great features for this: Copying Tables, Charts, Text Lists and Pages.

General Table Functions

Options (Frequency
It is possible to edit the
presentation of data in the
`Options´ tab:

The options in the top left-
hand corner determine if
the table should display
percentages or
observations, or both
percentages AND
observations together.

To the right-hand side there are options to display different interpretations of the totals in the table.
The base displays how many unique observations are included in the table. The total the entire
number of cases included. Finally, mean and standard deviation are calculated using numerical
values (the default setting by OfficeReports), or values given to categories in categorical variables
(the manual setting from the user). Read more about assigning values to categorical variables
under the Assigning Values to Categorical Variables section.

Do not show
‘Do not show’ contains options to exclude certain data from the table (such as excluding cells in
the table with values of 0 or when the base is <= X). Filtered categories can also be excluded
from tables. Read more about the filter function in the filter-section below.

For each table OfficeReports will display a default table layout type. The default layout type can be
overruled by selecting an alternative type. Defaults and alternatives are defined in in the Layout

This feature ‘New’ is an advanced ‘Copy’ feature which will automatically produce a table
         containing exactly the same variables and setting which had beed used in the last
         produced table or chart in the report. This means that is you have defined a table

containing certain specific options, size, filter etc. then you can open the ‘Add table’ window and
press ‘new’ and an exact copy of priveous table will be added to the report. This is one smart way
to produce many tables and afterwards only edit a few changes for each of the copied tables.

Options (Cross tables)

Options available are
changing when cross tabs
are selected:

Column – Row
Options to display different
interpretations of Column
totals and Row totals in the

Percentage Type
Choose between horizontal,
vertical or total calculation of

Do not show
You can define a minimum base to include columns and rows in a table. If for example a crosstab
contains tho columns containing less than 5 observations and you do not want to include thesw
two columns in a table, then you can define a Column Base <=5. As a consequence OfficeReports
will exclude these tho columns. OBS: this will not affect Totals in the table!.


                                                                    Choose an alternate title for a

In the `Add Table´ window, the tab
labeled ‘Resize’ includes functions to
alter the height and width of the
table’s columns and rows.

Note that by adding the table to the
report and then changing the size, by
clicking and dragging the edges is
problematic as this also affects the
text size in the table.

                                                  Column 1                      Column n

                                   Row 1

                                   Row 2
                                    Row 1

                                   Row n
                                    Row 1

As every table created is an Excel output it is also possible to change the layout of any individual
table by using the layout functions in Excel. This is done by double-clicking on any created table in
the presentation and using the integrated layout functions in Microsoft Office. Instructions on how
to use these table layout functions can be found on Microsoft’s web page at For further
layout options see the Layout section (note that the customized layout functions described in this
section are only available for those using the OfficeReports ‘Pro’ and ‘Pro Plus’ packages).

Under the `Filter´ tab, filters can be applied to individual tables based on one variable. For
example, filtering for `Female´ will exclude all Male responses from the table. For filtering entire
reports, see the Report Filter section.

Any category from original
variables, or derived variables,
can be used as a filter. If you
do not have a proper filter for
your table, you can define a
derived variable (containing a
category) equal to the desired
filter. For more information
regarding this, see the Derived
Variables section.

If a table includes a response
option that has been filtered
out, the label of the category is
still displayed but the number
of observations or responses will (naturally) be zero.

Before filtering:                        After filtering:

                                                                                In order not to
                                                                                display a category
                                                                                that has been
                                                                                filtered out from
                                                                                the table, check
                                                                                the option `Do not
                                                                                show´ under the
                                                                                `Options´ tab.

This function is also useful when mass producing reports as it only displays the relevant
information in each report.

Add a filter declaration to title in tables
When defining a filter to
a table you can
optionally add the filter
declaration to the title in
the table.

Ignoring filters

                   Under the ‘Filter’ tab there is an option to overrule filters defined on a ‘higher’
                   level. This could be:

                         Report Filter
                         Filters defined when producing repetitive reports

                   Example: when a general report filter includes observations where ‘Age’ is = ‘18
                   years or more’ and you need to overrule this filter on just one or two tables in the

In the `Benchmark ´ tab you
can add benchmarks to the
tables. Before you can add
benchmarks to a table they
must to be defined. For
more information see the
Benchmarking section),
benchmark columns for a
table can be added.

Weighting: If a default weight
setting for the report has not been
added (for more information see
the Settings section), or to
overrule the default setting for a
specific table, it’s possible to
manually add a weight. In the
‘Weight’ tab you can add a weigth
variable to a specific table.
Weight variables that have been
imported with data can be used,
or weights calculated in
OfficeReports. The process of
creating case weights is
described in the Weighting Data

This feature is active only on
grid tables. It organizes the
order of variables based on the
calculated Mean.

(read more in Sort Grid Table)


Having data in variables properly organized is a simple operation involving transforming data into
charts and adding it to Word documents and PowerPoint presentations.

OfficeReports calculates and outputs charts in Excel format, meaning that every chart added to a
report is added as an Excel object.

This means that double-clicking on any chart instantly opens Excel’s familiar user interface, where
almost any adjustments can be made, as well as designing and customizing your very own
standard layout for charts. You can read more about this in the Layout section.

In the following section, we review all the features that are immediately available in the production
of charts in OfficeReports:

Add Chart

The graphical format of charts makes them easily understood and a clear and simple way to report
data in presentations. Charts can be designed in a variety of ways and in this section we will
explain how to create all the variety of charts that OfficeReports offers.

OfficeReports calculates the data input to the charts and output Excel based charts directly in the
reporte. The chart style, by default, is defined by OfficeReports. When it is added to the report it is
added as an Excel object and can be edited at any time.

If you’d like an alternative layout or an alternative default content of charts you can read more
about customizing the chart layout in the section Layout .

Charts are created by using categorical or numerical variables. Read more on each of these types
of variables in our section Variables. First, we will present the basic types of charts using
categorical variables, and then we will show how to present numerical variables in charts.

Frequency Charts
   1. To create a
      frequency chart
      click on `Add chart´
      in the ribbon
      toolbar. In the
      window simply
      choose the desired
      variable, in our
      example `How
      would you rate the
      driving range?’

   2. Immediately an Excel chart will be
      added to the report. The default
      layout is according to the Type

   3. Under the tabs `Options ´, ‘Layout’, ‘Resize’ etc. you can edit the default settings regarding
      content, layout, filter, weighting etc. When changing the content the chart will update
      immediately. Read more about the available options in the section General Chart

Cross Charts
   1. To create a cross
      chart click on the `Add
      Chart´ button and
      select a primary
      variable, in our
      example, `How would
      you rate the driving
      range?’. Select the
      background variable
      `Gender´ in the
      background variable
      drop-down menu.

                                         2. When creating a cross
                                     chart the `Options´ tab will
                                     contain some special options.
                                     The `Percentage type´ option
                                     allows the user to choose how
                                     the total percentage should be
                                     spread over the chart (this in
                                     now explained in greater

Percentage type: Column

In this chart, each column pair equal 100
percent. That is, each response option in
the background variable equals 100 %.

Percentage type: Row

In this chart, columns of the same color
equal 100 percent. That is, each
response option in the primary variable
equals 100 percent

Percentage type: Total

In this chart, all the columns combined
equal 100 percent, so every piece of the
chart is included (with a total of 100

Add Grid Chart

Grid charts are capable of displaying several primary variables in a single chart. This feature is
optional for categorical variables when the variables contain similar categories. To create this kind
of chart, click on the `Add Grid Chart´ button. In the window that appears select the four golf club
rating variables as primary variables.

                                                                             OfficeReports output a
                                                                             chart according to the
                                                                             Type setting.

                                                                             Options available are
                                                                             ‘Mean’ or ‘Std.

For Frequency Grid Charts you can choose between the following Value types: Percentages,
Observations, Mean or Standard Deviation.

For Cross Grid Charts you can choose between the following Value types: Mean or Standard

Add Multiple Charts

The ability to create multiple charts in one process can be helpful in saving time

Click on the button `Add Many Charts’.

   1. Select the desired
      primary variables. by

   2. Optionally add
      background variables.
      In this example, 4                              ①
      primary variables and
      2 background variables
      are selected, giving a
      total of 8 charts.
   3. Select an alternative                                                    ②
      Chart Type is you do
      not want to us the
      default layout.
                                                                     ③                     ④
   4. Clicking on `OK´ adds
      all charts to the report.

OfficeReports automatically produces the charts and adds them to the report; in PowerPoint this is
one chart per slide and in Word all objects are added in a row (depending on the size and
document settings).

In some situations it is more efficient to copy and edit charts than using the feature ‘Add Many
Charts’. OfficeReports offers great features for this: Copying Tables, Charts, Text Lists and Pages.

General Chart Functions
Options (Frequency charts)
It is possible to edit the
presentation of data in the
`Options´ tab:

The options in the top left-
hand corner determine if the
table should display
percentages, observations,
mean or standard deviation.

Mean and standard deviation
are calculated using numerical
values (the default setting by
OfficeReports), or values given
to categories in categorical
variables (the manual setting
from the user). Read more about assigning values to categorical variables under the Assigning
Values to Categorical Variables section.

Do not show
‘Do not show’ contains options to exclude certain data from the chart when the Row Base is less
than a specified number of observations. Read more about the filter function in the filter-section

For each table OfficeReports will display a default chart type. The default type can be overruled by
selecting an alternative type. Defaults and alternatives are defined in the Layout section.

         This feature ‘New’ is an advanced ‘Copy’ feature which will automatically produce a chart
         containing exactly the same variables and setting which had beed used in the last
produced table or chart in the report. This means that if you have defined a chart containing
specific options, size, filter etc. then you can open the ‘Add chart’ window and press ‘new’ and a
copy of the priveous chart will be added to the report. This is an fast way to produce many charts
and afterward only edit a few changes for each of the copies.

Check ‘Base’ if you want to add the number of cases to the Chart title.

Options (Cross charts)

In cross charts showing
percentages you can
select When a

Percentage Type
Choose between Column
(default), Row or Total

Do not show
You can define a
minimum base to include
columns and rows in a
chart. If for example a
cross chart contains tho
columns containing less
than 5 observations and you do not want to include these two columns in a table, then you can
define a Column Base <=4. As a consequence OfficeReports will exclude these tho columns.


A cross chart divide the results into segments. A check in ‘Total’ will display both the segments and
the total.

A check in ‘Base’ will display the number of cases in the Chart title.

Column Proportions Test – Read more about Significance Test under the Significance section.


Choose an alternate title                         ①
for a chart.

Switch Row Column
Having defined a cross
chart displaying the Mean                        ③
based on the primary
variable ‘How would you
rate the golf course’ (Very

bad – Very good) we can either show the Mean grouped by Gender or by rating on the scale.
Switch Row Column changes from the one to the other:

                                         Switch Row Column

Axis 100% ( = base for observations)

                                                         With this feature OfficeReports will set the
                                                         Axis to the maximum potential number of

                                                         The chart from above will with this setting
                                                         be formatted as this:

                                                         As every chart created is an Excel
                                                         output it is also possible to change the
                                                         layout of any individual chart by using
                                                         the layout functions in Excel. This is
                                                         done by double-clicking on any created
                                                         chart in the report and using the
                                                         integrated layout functions in Microsoft
Office. We strongly recommend you not to use this feature for reports which you are using as
template or when you are using report filters, produce repetitive reports etc. In these situations we
recommend that you define and control the new chart types by organizing them in the
OfficeReports layout module. Instructions on how to use these chart layout functions can be found
on Microsoft’s web page at

For further layout options see the Layout section (note that the customized layout functions
described in this section are only available for those using the OfficeReports ‘Pro’ and ‘Pro Plus’

In the `Add Chart´ window, the tab labeled
‘Resize’ includes functions to alter the height
and width of the chart.

Note: Alternatively you can double click on a
chart and drag it to the preferred size. As a
consequence the size defined in the Resize tab
will be adjusted.

Under the `Filter´ tab, filters can be applied to
individual tables based on one variable. For
example, filtering for `Male´ will exclude all
female responses from the table. For filtering the
entire reports, see the Report Filter section.

Any category from original variables, or derived
variables, can be used as a filter. If you do not
have a proper filter for your table, you can define
a derived variable (containing a category) equal
to the desired filter. For more information
regarding this, see the Derived Variables

If a chart includes a response option that has been filtered out, the label of the category is still
displayed but the number of observations or responses will (naturally) be zero.

Add a filter declaration to title in charts
When defining a filter to a table you can optionally add the filter declaration to the title in the chart.

                                                                    How would you rate the golf
                                                                    course? - [Gender = Female]

                                                            No response

                                                              Very good




                                                               Very bad

                                                                          0%   5%   10%   15%   20%   25%   30%

Ignoring filters

                    Under the ‘Filter’ tab there is an option to overrule filters defined on a ‘higher’
                    level. This could be:

                           Report Filter
                           Filters defined for producing repetitive reports

                    Example: when a general report filter includes observations where ‘Country’ =
                    ‘England’ and you need to overrule this filter on just one or two tables in the
                    report you can ignore the general filter.

In the `Benchmark ´ tab you can add
benchmarks to the tables. Before you can
add benchmarks to a table they must to
be defined. For more information see the
Benchmarking section), benchmark
columns for a table can be added.

Weighting: If a default weight setting
for the report has not been added
(for more information see the
Settings section), or to overrule the
default setting for a specific table, it’s
possible to manually add a weight. In
the ‘Weight’ tab you can add a
weigth variable to a specific chart.
Weight variables that have been
imported with data can be used, or
weights calculated in OfficeReports.
The process of creating case
weights is described in the Weighting
Data section.
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
OfficeReports Manual
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OfficeReports Manual

  • 1. Add, analyze and report data in Word and PowerPoint OfficeReports for Microsoft Office, version 2013, 2010 and 2007
  • 2. 2 Contents Welcome to OfficeReports .............................................................................................................. 6 Purpose of this manual ................................................................................................................ 7 The example data set .................................................................................................................. 7 Getting started – Four simple steps ............................................................................................. 8 Data in OfficeReports ...................................................................................................................... 9 Add Data ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Importing data from Excel ...................................................................................................... 10 Multiple datasets in one report ............................................................................................... 11 Importing new cases .............................................................................................................. 12 Add/Update data belonging to existing cases......................................................................... 12 Variables ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Original Variables ...................................................................................................................... 14 Categorical variables ............................................................................................................. 14 Numerical variables ............................................................................................................... 16 Text Variables ........................................................................................................................ 16 Date Variables ....................................................................................................................... 17 Derived Variables ...................................................................................................................... 17 Derived categorical variables based on categories ................................................................ 17 Derived Categorical variables based on numerical variables ................................................. 19 Derived Numerical variables based on categorical variables .................................................. 21 Derived Period Variable based on Date Variable ................................................................... 23 Formula Editor for derived variables ...................................................................................... 24 Group Variables ........................................................................................................................ 25 View, Edit and Export data – or Export tables to Excel .................................................................. 26 View, Edit and Export data ........................................................................................................ 26 Export tables to Excel ................................................................................................................ 27 Tables ........................................................................................................................................... 27 Add Table .................................................................................................................................. 28 Frequency Table .................................................................................................................... 28 Cross Table ........................................................................................................................... 30 Using cross tables expands the options that are under the ‘Options’ tab. ............................... 31 Summary statistics of a numeric variable ............................................................................... 32 Add Grid Table .......................................................................................................................... 35
  • 3. 3 Grid Tables based on Numerical Variables ............................................................................ 37 Add Multiple Tables ................................................................................................................... 39 General Table Functions ........................................................................................................... 40 Options (Frequency tables) .................................................................................................... 40 Options (Cross tables) ........................................................................................................... 41 Layout .................................................................................................................................... 41 Resize.................................................................................................................................... 42 Filter ...................................................................................................................................... 42 Benchmark ............................................................................................................................ 45 Weight ................................................................................................................................... 46 Sort ........................................................................................................................................ 46 Charts ........................................................................................................................................... 47 Add Chart .................................................................................................................................. 47 Frequency Charts .................................................................................................................. 48 Cross Charts .......................................................................................................................... 49 Add Grid Chart .......................................................................................................................... 51 Add Multiple Charts ................................................................................................................... 52 General Chart Functions ........................................................................................................... 53 Options (Frequency charts).................................................................................................... 53 Options (Cross charts) ........................................................................................................... 54 Layout .................................................................................................................................... 54 Resize.................................................................................................................................... 56 Filter ...................................................................................................................................... 56 Benchmark ............................................................................................................................ 57 Weight ................................................................................................................................... 57 Sort ........................................................................................................................................ 58 Text Lists ...................................................................................................................................... 58 Text list in PowerPoint ............................................................................................................... 59 Inserting text outside a placeholder ........................................................................................ 59 Inserting text inside a placeholder .......................................................................................... 59 Text list in Word......................................................................................................................... 59 Editing Tables, Charts and Text Lists ............................................................................................ 60 Editing the Content .................................................................................................................... 60 Editing the Design ..................................................................................................................... 60
  • 4. 4 Copying Tables, Charts, Text Lists and Pages.............................................................................. 60 Take a copy when an ‘Add table’ or ‘Add chart’ window is open ................................................ 60 Open a ‘new’ empty ‘Add table’ or ‘Add chart’ window and produce a copy of the previous defined table/chart ..................................................................................................................... 61 Copy and Paste a table or chart ................................................................................................ 61 Copy a page/slide containing many tables and/or charts ........................................................... 61 Statistics ....................................................................................................................................... 62 Benchmarking ........................................................................................................................... 62 Significance Test ....................................................................................................................... 64 Significance Settings.............................................................................................................. 65 Confidence Interval ................................................................................................................ 65 Chi-Square test ...................................................................................................................... 67 Column Proportions test (Z-test) ............................................................................................ 68 Column Means test (T-test).................................................................................................... 69 Correlation test ...................................................................................................................... 70 Weighting .................................................................................................................................. 70 Calculating weighting factors ................................................................................................. 71 Universe ................................................................................................................................ 74 Add weights to all tables and charts in a report ...................................................................... 74 View and Export Weights defined in OfficeReports ................................................................ 74 Layout settings.............................................................................................................................. 75 Default Chart and Table Types .............................................................................................. 75 Localize (Customized text in tables) ....................................................................................... 75 Insert Position (PowerPoint) ................................................................................................... 76 Administer Chart styles and Table layouts in OfficeReports....................................................... 76 Default charts and tables ....................................................................................................... 76 Defining Chart Types ............................................................................................................. 77 Defining Table Types ............................................................................................................. 78 Localize ................................................................................................................................. 80 Filtering ......................................................................................................................................... 81 Report Filter .............................................................................................................................. 81 Repetitive Reports ..................................................................................................................... 82 Report production - combining Repetitive Reports, Filtering and Benchmarking ........................ 84 Add filters............................................................................................................................... 84
  • 5. 5 Ignore filters ........................................................................................................................... 84 Benchmarking in report production ........................................................................................ 85 Dynamic texts in reports......................................................................................................... 88 Save as Report Template .......................................................................................................... 89 Refresh Report ............................................................................................................................. 89 Remove Data from report.............................................................................................................. 90 Settings......................................................................................................................................... 91 Settings.................................................................................................................................. 91 Global Settings ...................................................................................................................... 91 Utilities ................................................................................................................................... 91 Customize Text ...................................................................................................................... 92 Order & Register ........................................................................................................................... 92 ..................................................................................................................................................... 92 Help .............................................................................................................................................. 92 Manual ...................................................................................................................................... 92 Community ................................................................................................................................ 92 Consultancy .............................................................................................................................. 94 Appendix 1: The Formula Editor.................................................................................................... 95 Categorical Variables - How to reference categories ................................................................. 95 Logical Operators .................................................................................................................. 95 Numerical Variables .................................................................................................................. 96 Functions................................................................................................................................... 97 Appendix 2-a: Installing OfficeReports for single users ................................................................. 99 Appendix 2-b: Installing OfficeReports – Multi-user installation ..................................................... 99 Appendix 3: Integrating Excel Macros in OfficeReports tables and charts (requires ProPlus and Excel Macro Integration module) ................................................................................................... 99 Appendix 6: Adding tables and charts to placeholders in PowerPoint ......................................... 100 Troubleshooting – the OfficeReports add in is not displayed properly in the menu .................. 100 Technical Requirements .......................................................................................................... 101 Uninstalling OfficeReports ....................................................................................................... 101
  • 6. 6 Welcome to OfficeReports PowerPoint and Word are among the most popular alternatives when it comes to presenting data in reports. More than 70% of all research data is reported in Microsoft Office. However, transforming data into tables and charts and adding these into Word or PowerPoint based reports is not a simple task. A lot of software and services register and collect data. Many of these have limited facilities for reporting data, but almost all provide a data export so that data can be transformed into proper tables and charts using analytical software like, for example; SPSS, SAS, Crystal Report and Excel. Yet there is still a job to be done before tables and charts can be presented within reports based on Word and PowerPoint. Tim Macer from Meaning recently made a study where he asked researchers and consultants what improvements they wished for most in the analysis and reporting software they are using. Two out of three mentioned ‘Automating the production of charts and PowerPoint presentations’! OfficeReports adds, analyzes and presents data in Word and PowerPoint. OfficeReports is simply an extra menu in Word and PowerPoint which enables you to add data and transform it into tables and charts whilst you are writing documents and presentations. Say goodbye to the endless copying and pasting of tables, charts and diagrams from external data analysis software. Now you can get the job done in Word and PowerPoint. This is a dramatic change in the work process for analyzing data and building reports. OfficeReports simplifies data analysis, streamlines the production of reports and saves you a lot of working hours. Suddenly Microsoft Office is your dynamic reporting tool! The OfficeReports ribbon: Add and Select variables which Add weighting Customize the Build a report including organize OfficeReports will calculate and layout of your tables, charts and text. Add your data into charts, tables and lists benchmarking reports data and report filters and to your reports OfficeReports produces Add it to your report as Excel new reports automatically! objects! Best regards, The OfficeReports team, Copenhagen 2013
  • 7. 7 Purpose of this manual This manual will provide a step-by-step guide on how to add, analyze and report data in Word and PowerPoint. We welcome your comments on this manual emailed to Feedback - OfficeReports manual. We appreciate if you will share with us your suggestions for improvements, or if you find any errors or inaccuracies in the manual. The example data set The manual repeatedly refers to an example dataset so we are able to provide examples you can familiarize yourself with throughout the manual. The data set covers data for 3,000 golfers evaluating the quality of different Golf Clubs visited. The data set contains the following 11 pieces of information or ‘variables’:  Name of the Club  Country in which the Club is sited  Golf player’s Gender  Golf player’s Age  Grading of the Course – 5-point scale  Grading of the Driving range – 5-point scale  Grading of the Reception – 5-point scale  Grading of the Shop – 5-point scale  Money spent (Shop, Restaurant) – 5-point scale  Date of the visit  Comments The data set covers different types of data, such as:  Numeric data  Dates  Open text  Categories OfficeReports imports data from different formats that almost all survey tools can export data into:  SPSS (.sav-files)  Excel (xls/xlsx-files)  Triple-S You can find the example data set and download a file containing all the different formats here:
  • 8. 8 Getting started – Four simple steps Let us start with an appetizer and show how easy it is to transform data into charts or tables, and then add them to reports and presentations: Open a Word document or PowerPoint presentation. Open the OfficeReports toolbar by clicking the tab in the ribbon and click the `Add Data´ button furthest to the left in the toolbar. Locate an Excel/SPSS or Triple-S file containing data. When the import has finished, close the window showing the number of records and variables imported. ① ② Click `Add Table´ in the OfficeReports toolbar. In the window popping up select ‘Country’ as ‘Variable’: OfficeReports responds immediately by adding ③ the referring Frequency table to ④ report: Now add `Gender` as the ‘Optional variable’. Below is the resulting Cross table: Country Male Female Total USA 16% 27% 20% Denmark 19% 21% 20% Spain 18% 23% 20% England 22% 17% 20% Argentina 24% 12% 20% Total 100% 100% 100% Base 1936 1064 3000
  • 9. 9 It is a similar procedure to create charts. All the output of tables/charts are Excel objects and due to Excel’s facilities they are editable in every conceivable way! It basically comes down to this! - OfficeReports is a new paradigm for transforming data into clear information within Word and PowerPoint. However, this is merely one of the most basic functions of OfficeReports. OfficeReports contains far more advanced capabilities, examples include; weighing data, the creation and use of templates and mass production of individually edited reports. In this manual we will explain in- depth how to use the Add-in and its features. OfficeReports makes Word and PowerPoint efficient, dynamic and intuitive reporting tools. Data in OfficeReports OfficeReports understands and analyzes raw data organized in formats whereby each observation, respondent or case is expressed individually and systematically. In the Excel data example above, each row represents the answers from one respondent in the survey (called case or record). Similarly, each column contains the answers to specific questions in the survey (called variables). In this section we’ll briefly explain the types of variables in OfficeReports and how they are defined.  Categorical – data in the form of categories. Example: Gender: Male/Female  Numerical – data in the form of numbers. Example: Age: 28  Text – data in the form of text. Example: Comments  Date – Example: June 21st 2011 For a more extensive explanation regarding the variables and their functions in OfficeReports, refer to the section Variables in this manual. Add Data It is possible to add data to any Word document or PowerPoint presentation. The two basic ways in which data is added are either by clicking the `Add Data´ button furthest to the left in the ribbon, or by using a program that is directly integrated with OfficeReports. In other words:  OfficeReports imports data from the most common file formats used for exporting and exchanging survey data: SPSS-files (sav- format), Triple-S files, Excel files(.xls or .xlsx) and OfficeReports data files (.accdb):
  • 10. 10  Some tools and services are integrated directly with OfficeReports. It could be a survey tool, CRM, ERP or a similar tool that collects/registers data. Read more about integrating OfficeReports with a software or service here: Let your software report data directly in Word and PowerPoint Importing data from Excel It is easy to import an Excel data set directly into OfficeReports. However if you have your data available in a SPSS (sav) format, or Triple-S we recommend that you use one of these data formats – simply because the process is faster as the data format already contains information concerning the order of categories, types of variables etc. Importing Excel data through the Excel Data Converter If your data set is only available in Excel we recommend that you use our converter to structure and format the data correctly for the import. This is important for OfficeReports’ ability to correctly identify variables and cases. Importing Excel data directly If you do not want to use the data converter, here are the general guidelines that must be fulfilled in the data sheet before importing:  Rows should represent the responses from each case; columns should contain the data in each variable.  The top row must contain the names of each variable. It is important that all columns containing data from a variable are given a name.  If you wish to import a date-variable, the dates need to be formatted like the dates are in the Excel file. Importing Excel data – Expanded format (as with Survey Monkey) Some survey systems, such as Survey Monkey, provide two different versions of Excel export formats. The expanded version contains more information about the data structure, which means you have less work arranging data and variables when importing data. When importing Excel data using the expanded format you do not need to use the converter, the import is handled automatically.
  • 11. 11 OfficeReports provides you with a data import which exactly matches the data structure in Survey Monkey’s expanded Excel format. This option exports each answer into a different column per question. Therefore, each row of a matrix/rating or multiple-answer-allowed questions will have a designated column for that response. You can read more about this format at: Importing data from SPSS (.sav files) Almost any professional survey tool has a function to export data to SPSS as a .sav file. Depending on how proficiently and detailed the survey tool makes the export, the file will contain (besides data) information about the variable type, text and labels, as well as text for all categories in the dataset. If the survey software does not export all these texts automatically, you can add it manually in OfficeReports after the import. Importing data from Triple-S Triple-S is a standard format which was born out of the market research industry. Many providers of market research software and/or services provide targeted survey data in this format. You can find an updated list of survey tools that export data into the Triple-S format here: Products which have a Triple-S export Triple-S data is organized in two files. The dictionary information is stored in a file with the extension .xml and the data is stored in a separate file with extension .dat. The Triple-S format includes a definition. Importing data from an OfficeReports data file (.accdb file) From OfficeReports – whether based in Word or PowerPoint – you can export an OfficeReports data file. The format is with the extension .accdb and you can import this data file into any Word or PowerPoint file. Multiple datasets in one report It is possible to work with multiple datasets in one report. It can be data from different sources or periods. Importing additional data can be done in two ways: 1. Importing new cases 2. Updating existing cases We will now explain each of these functions.
  • 12. 12 Importing new cases 1. With OfficeReports it is possible to add new cases to any existing report. To do this, click the `Add data´ button in the top left corner. Locate the file with the new data and import it. 2. The window shown above will appear. Select ‘Import as new cases’. 3. After having imported the new cases, let’s take a look at our variable list. OfficeReports always includes a variable called ‘Imports’. In this variable are registered imports of all new cases and organizes them in a new import category. Add/Update data belonging to existing cases When merging data in OfficeReports each case is updated using new data. For this operation to be successful each case needs to be assigned a unique ID. The simplest procedure for this is to have a variable in the original data sheet containing a unique ID (text- or numerical variable) for each case. In our example we have a variable named `id´ which is individual for each respondent. Therefore, we choose this variable as the `key´ by checking the box to the left of it. Observe: When merging cases, OfficeReports ONLY imports and/or updates data regarding existing cases. OfficeReports will not add data for the cases where a key is not found! For these cases please use the standard import features.
  • 13. 13 Variables In this section we will go through and explain the different types of variables in OfficeReports. Each variable type has a specific icon and color. The icon specifies the kind of variable it is, the color provides information about whether the variable is an original or if it is a derivative of the original. After importing data, the window shown below will appear. This variables window is where all actions concerning altering, organizing, or restructuring of the variables are done. ④ ③ c ⑤ li c k ② ① t h e ② ③ ri g h t m o u s e b u tt o 1. On the left side we can see all our variables. Notice that each different type of variable has n a different icon:  Categories  Values  Text  Dates
  • 14. 14 2. To the right of the variables we can see the number of observations contained in each variable. If we expand a categorical variable we can see the range of data across the different categories in the variable. 3. Show the variables as Numbers, Labels, Text or a combination. Hint: If the list of variables is long you can type a fragment of the number, label or text, and OfficeReport will focus on the selected variable. 4. Using the arrow keys you can change the order of the variables by moving them up and down the list (alternatively, instead of using the arrow keys, you can use the shortcut keys ctrl+↑ or ctrl+↓). 5. By selecting a variable you can view and edit the variable’s label and ① text. On a very basic level there are two kinds of variables:  Original variables – which are all colored red - recognized by OfficeReports and created automatically from the data  Derived variables – which are all colored blue - created by the user based on other variables The following sections will go through these variables. Original Variables Categorical variables This kind of variable is one where the data can be divided up into categories - for example, a rating on a scale (Very bad – Very good) or categorical information such as gender, department, country etc. Insert additional categories to variables Categories are automatically created when importing data, but you can always add additional categories to a variable. 1. Select the variable where you want to insert a new category 2. Click ‘New Category’ 3. Give a name to the new category and press OK 4. The new category will be added. Reordering categories Sometimes categories are not organized in an order as you need in tables and charts. To organize the categories in a different order, it is possible to manually rearrange the order of the categories by using the arrows in the upper left side of the variable window. . 1. Highlight a category which you need to move and use the arrows in the top left corner to move them. (Or alternatively use the shortcut keys ctrl+↑ or ctrl+↓)
  • 15. 15 2. If many variables are using the same categories and the all need to be reorganized, you can use the feature `Organize other variables like this one´ which you will see as soon as press ‘+’ in front of a category variable to see the different categories: 3. Press ‘Organize other variables like this one’ and a window pops up, showing other variables containing at least some of the same categories as contained in the variable you have in focus. 4. All categories in all the selected variables are hereby organized similar. Assigning Values to Categorical Variables In some cases it is meaningful to assign values to categories. In our example data set where golf courses are rated on a 5 point scale from ‘Very good’ to ‘Very bad’, it can be useful to add a value to each set of scale points, as this makes it is possible to calculate the mean and standard deviation, as well as adding these useful measures of data to tables and charts: ① ② ④ ③
  • 16. 16 1. We start by clicking the `Variables´ button in the top left corner. To add value to a category, expand the variable by clicking the `plus´ sign to the left of it. This highlights a category. Check the `Value´ option that appears on the right side, and type in the desired value. 2. If a category should not be included in the calculation of a mean (this could be relevant for the ‘No response’ category) check the `No Value´ box. 3. In our example we have chosen to add values from 0 to 100, as well as checking the box `No Value´ for the `No response´ option so that it does not interfere with our results. It is possible to use any values (including negative and decimal numbers). If you do not add values to the categories and within tables and charts include the calculation of the mean, standard deviation etc., OfficeReports will assign a default value to all categorical variables. OfficeReports, by default, will designate the first category the value ‘0’, the second the value ’33,33’ etc. 4. As we have more than one variable that has data in this format (our variables `Driving range´, `Reception´, and `Shop´ all have responses given in categories from `Very good´ to `Very bad´), we would also like to add values to these response options. Again, this is easily done by right-clicking the `Course´ variable and choosing `Organize other variables like this one´. Numerical variables Numerical variables are data that are expressed as numbers. Examples from our dataset are ‘Age’, ‘Money spent in restaurant’ and ‘Money spent in shop’. In order to analyze these kinds of variables we can calculate things such as the ‘average age’ or ‘total consumption’. Furthermore, to enhance the ability to use numerical variables it can be useful to divide the numerical data up into intervals. This will be explained in the section Derived categorical variables based on numerical variables. Text Variables Text variables can be any given string of letters. Most often they contain comments or answers to open ended questions. In short, text variables are data that is not in a numerical or date form and data that cannot immediately be categorized. OfficeReports helps in presenting this data. An example of this is that it is possible to sort text variables into different groups depending on other variables. This means that it is possible to see the comments written, for example, only by those who were unhappy with a particular service (which they had previously indicated in a response to another question). Reporting text variables is explained in the section Text Lists. Text data from an Excel data sheet will automatically be imported as text if the Excel column is formatted as text. If the column is not formatted as text, OfficeReports will by default suggest that this variable is imported as a categorical variable. If you want to make sure you have the right setting in Excel simply right-click on the column head in Excel, choosing `format cells…´, and select the desired text in the list on the left side.
  • 17. 17 Date Variables The date variable is very useful when part of the data is a date. Data could be, for example, when an observation was made, when an interview took place, or even a date of birth. When importing data from an Excel data sheet it is important to be able to use this function to ensure the cells containing dates are arranged in a date format. This function is performed simply by right-clicking the column head in Excel, choosing `format cells…´ and selecting the desired dates from the list on the left side. Derived Variables To use a dataset as a basis for building reports, you might realize that the data is not organized perfectly for your specific needs. Perhaps you need the numeric variable ‘age’ organized as a categorical variable containing four age categories, or a date variable organized as a categorical variable containing seven week days etc. In OfficeReports we call it ‘derived variables’ when you create new variables based on original variables. Derived variables are denoted in blue and original variables in red. In this section we will review how OfficeReports can create derived variables based on:  Categorical variables  Numerical variables  Date variables All derived variables are based on combinations and/or calculations. OfficeReports provides a few easy ways to define derived variables, but you can also use the formula editor to define more complex variables and categories. In this section we will examine them all. Derived categorical variables based on categories In OfficeReports you can insert your own new variables where categories are built from categories from other variables. It could be a new variable ‘Argentina - Gender’ containing two categories (country= Argentina AND gender=Male) and (country=Argentina AND gender=Female). To create this new variable we click `New Variable´ in the bottom of the variable window. ①
  • 18. 18 1. Give the new variable a Label name, as well as Text and select the variable type. In this case it’s ‘Categorical’. Click ‘OK’ and the new variable is added to the variable list. 2. Create a new category in the new ② variable ‘Argentina’ by dragging the category ‘Argentina’ from the ‘Country’ variable on to the new variable ‘Gender – Argentina’. 3. Afterwards we drag-and-drop `Female’ from the gender variable on to the ‘Argentina’ ③ category under the new variable. 4. A small menu will then appear giving the option to choose between `AND´ or `OR´. ④ Choose the option `AND´. 5. The category will then change its name and ⑤ its contents, so that it now contains 127 observations, all of which has answered `Argentina´ and `Female´. 6. We then repeat the procedure and add one more category to our new variable. Now we combine ‘Argentina’ and ‘Male’. OfficeReports automatically assigns the categories a logical name, though you may wish to edit the name to something more appropriate regarding your report. 7. A new derived variable is now added to the list of variables, ready to use for new tables, charts etc. You can combine as many categories as are required to build new variables and categories. Adding a ‘not’ category If you want a new variable containing the two categories ‘Argentina’ and ‘All other countries’ the easiest way is to make an ‘not’ category: 1. We simply add a new variable, add the category ‘Argentina’ twice to the variable:
  • 19. 19 2. Then right-click the second Argentina category and this pops up: 3. Selcet ‘NOT’ and in the formula-box to the right you will see that the formula has changed to: not([Country.Argentina]) and suddenly the category and the observations has changed: Derived Categorical Variables based on numeric variables Some data set contains numeric data which you want to present as intervals or categories. For example a numeric variable containing numbers from 15-90 which you need to organize in intervals, or a numeric variable containing the numbers ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’, ‘5’ and ‘99’ which you need to organize in exact 6 categories. If you mark a numeric variable you will see these two options in the variable window: Create Interval Variable In our example, ‘Age’ is one of the variables. Say, for instance, that we are interested in creating four different age groups, each the same size. The following shows you how to create these groups: 1. Locate the numerical variable (in our case ‘Age’). Click on it and to the right you choose ‘Create percentile variable.’ In many situations it is necessary that you can divide your data into percentiles (which basically means dividing your numeric data into 10 groups, each containing an equal number of observations). In OfficeReports you can easily create as many derived variables, based on a numeric variable, as you need. 2. In our example we would like four intervals, so we simply change the standard of intervals from two to four in the window that appears. We then click `OK´. 3. A new variable will now appear in the tree-structure with a blue icon , signaling it is a derived categorical variable. OfficeReports will give this type of new derived variable the same text as the original. The label to the new variable is the same as the original added ‘- intervals’:
  • 20. 20 4. As usual, you can change the name and the label by highlighting the variable and editing the label and text in the boxes on the right-hand side. The fact that the intervals created by OfficeReports are equally divided gives us a good starting point for analyzing the data. We now move on to editing these into the following intervals; 15-25, 26-40, 41-60, and 61-90. 5. To alter the intervals we highlight each category that has appeared under the ‘Age intervals’ variable, and change the formula that is written in the bottom box on the right- hand side. Do not forget to click `Calculate´ after you’ve finished changing each formula. 6. You are now ready to use the new variable for reporting or in combination with other variables. Create Categorical Variable Our example data set is not obvious for this, but says for instance, that we are interested in creating a category for each numerical value that appears in the data set: 1. Locate the numerical variable (in our case ‘Age’). Click on it and to the right you choose ‘Create categorical variable. 2. A new variable will now appear in the tree-structure with a blue icon containing as many categories as we have unique numbers in the original numerical variable. OfficeReports will give this type of new derived variable the same text as the original. The label to the new variable is the same as the original added ‘- categorical. Derived Numerical variables based on numerical variables If we would like to know the total expenditure at the golf club, that is, the added expenditure of people at both the shop and restaurant, we can combine these variables together into one new variable. 1. We do this by clicking the one numerical variable button in the top left corner. We then simply drag- ①
  • 21. 21 and-drop one of the numerical variables on to the other. A menu will then appear giving us the options to; `add´, `subtract´, `divide´, or `multiply´. In our case we would like to add the two, hence we choose `add´. 2. A new numerical variable will then appear named `Money spent in shop + Money spent in restaurant´. The new variable is iconized by . ② 3. If you do not like this name, highlight the variable and change the text in the top text box on the right-hand side. To change the name displayed ③ when the new variable is used, change the text in the text box below. Derived Numerical variables based on categorical variables It might sound a little abstract to talk about deriving numerical variables based on categorical variables, but for example, consider data taken from a multiple choice test given to 100 students. You might have 100 categorical variables where each category in each variable is given a value to express the value of the answer given. Now if you add up all the answers you can calculate a sum, a result. This result can be added to the data set as a new derived variable. Example 1: Calculating a Numerical variable based on observations in a group of categorical variables - step1 In our example data set we have four variables to illustrate satisfaction; Courses, Driving range, Reception and Shop. Each of these variables contains a scale ‘Very bad’ to ‘Very good’, and each of the categories on the scale is given a value. Now we will create a Derived Numerical variable called ‘Overall satisfaction’ containing the sum of the values for each of the four scales and divided by four. This could be considered as a measure for a rating of overall satisfaction. We enter a ‘New Variable’ called ‘Overall satisfaction’ and define it as a ‘Numerical variable’. When the new variable is given a name the next step is defining its content.
  • 22. 22 When the new variable is highlighted, you can see a formula box appear in the right-hand side of the variable window, and the formula below needs to be entered: ([Courses.!Value]+[Driving range.!Value]+[Reception.!Value]+[Shop.!Value])/4 Click ‘Calculate’ and the content of the new variable is ready to use for tabulation, filtering etc. Example 2: Calculating a numerical variable based on observations in a group of categorical variables - step2 Calculating overall satisfaction as described above (Example 1) requires that we include in the calculation observations for all objects on all variables. If an object does not include observations for all the variables involved you cannot just divide the sum of the values by a fixed number, instead you must take into consideration for each observation how many of the variables actually include an observation. So in the example, instead of dividing by four, we divide by the number of variables where observations are included. Variable.!Observed is =1 if there is an observation on the variable, and =0 if there is no observation. This number can be calculated by this formula: ([Courses.!Observed]+[Driving range.! Observed]+[Reception.! Observed]+[Shop.! Observed]) The alternative formula for calculating the ‘Overall satisfaction’ is: ([Courses.!Value]+[Driving range.!Value]+[Reception.!Value]+[Shop.!Value]) / ([Courses.!Observed]+[Driving range.!Observed]+[Reception.!Observed]+[Shop.!Observed]) Example 3: Calculating a Numerical variable based on observations in a group of categorical variables – step3 If the variables in the example above include categories which are marked ‘No Value’ - typically categories such as ‘Don’t Know’ - these should be excluded in the calculation of the overall satisfaction.
  • 23. 23 In this situation we must calculate the denominator using ‘Variable.!HasValue’ which calculates a value =1 for observations that contain a value. This number can be calculated by this formula: ([Courses.!HasValue]+[Driving range.! HasValue]+[Reception.! HasValue]+[Shop.! HasValue]) The alternative formula for calculating the ‘Overall satisfaction’ is: ([Courses.!Value]+[Driving range.!Value]+[Reception.!Value]+[Shop.!Value]) / ([Courses.! HasValue]+[Driving range.! HasValue]+[Reception.! HasValue]+[Shop.! HasValue]) In Appendix 1: The Formula Editor you will find much more information about how to define new formulas using the formula editor. Derived Period Variable based on Date Variable Many data sets contain date variables. For reporting, these are not only useful as filters but quite often it is necessary to present a date in a weekday, month or year format. Deriving these types of variables based on date variables is a simple operation in OfficeReports. A few clicks and you have added one or more of the following 13 Period variables based on a date variable: Current Period Calendar Period Days (first day – last day) Working days (Monday – Friday) Weeks (first week – last week) Week days (Monday – Sunday) Months (first month – last month) Months (January – December) Quarters (first quarter – last quarter) Months Q1 (January – March) Years (first year – last year) Months Q2 (April – June) Months Q3 (July – September) Months Q4 (October - December) Quarters (Q1- Q4) 1. Select and right-click on a date variable, and choose `create periods´ (as shown on the right). ①
  • 24. 24 2. After choosing `create periods´, a window will open in which we can choose the desired period from the drop-down menu on the top. In our example, we would like to know if there is a difference between ② countries in the number of visitors during the year. Hence, we choose to create a `Months´ variable (as shown on the left). ③ 3. After clicking `OK´, a new variable will appear in the list of variables (as shown below). As usual, it is possible to change the name of the variable, and the name displayed when it is used. by highlighting it, and changing the two text fields on the right-hand side. 4. You are now ready to use the new variable for reporting or in combination with other variables. Formula Editor for derived variables As shown above the derived variables and categories are based on combinations and formulas. OfficeReports contains a formula editor that can be used on its own to define variables and categories. In Appendix 1 you can read much more about the Formula Editor. There are numerous options but let us take two examples: Example 1: Define a numerical variable using the Formula Editor Add a new variable, define it as numerical. Then use the formula editor for adding two numerical variables and multiply the sum by 12:
  • 25. 25 Example 2: Define a categorical variable using the Formula Editor Add a new variable, define it as categorical. Then use the formula editor for defining two categories: ‘Men aged 50+’ and ‘Women aged 40+’. The formula for ‘Women aged 40+’ is: These two are just examples. In Appendix 1 you can read much more about the possible options using the Formula Editor Group Variables Sometimes data is not properly organized for reporting purposes. In our example data set, we have a variable ‘Country’ that is well organized, containing five different countries as categories. Imagine that each of these categories were organized further in to five individual variables, each containing just one category. In such a situation it is easy to organize the five individual variables in to one Group Variable using the ‘Group’ feature. 1. In the demo data set we have two variables, ‘Country’ and ‘Gender’, which we want to combine in to a 0 ① Group Variable. Click on the button ‘Group’ at the bottom of the Variable window to create a Group Variable. 2. Give the new Group variable a label and text. Select the variables to be grouped and click on ‘OK’. ② 3. The new Group variable is now added to the Variable list:
  • 26. 26 View, Edit and Export data – or Export tables to Excel View, Edit and Export data You might need to check or edit data in OfficeReports. If you edit the data, after your tables and charts have been produced, clicking on ‘Update Report’ will reproduce edited versions of tables and charts. Additionally one click can export all data from OfficeReports – even data form newly calculated variables – making the data ready to use in new contexts, such as software for analytical statistics etc. We will now go through step-by-step how to perform these facilities: 1. Click `View, Edit, Export´ and the observations all variables are displayed in a long list of raw data. Data is organized in columns (=variables) and rows (=cases/interviews/records): 2. Right-click a column header – for example ‘Country’ and add a filter to the data view.
  • 27. 27 3. Categorical variables can be filtered by ‘=’, ‘<>’, ‘<> Ø’ or ‘=Ø’, where ‘Ø’ means empty 4. Numerical variables can be filtered by ‘=’, ‘<>’, ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, ‘>=’, ‘Ø’, <>Ø’ 5. You may add as many filters as you need to reduce the viewed data set. 6. Numerical variables can be sorted in descending or ascending order when you click the column header. 7. Variables can be reorganized. Left-click on a column header and drag it to another variable. Now these two variables will be placed side by side. 8. All original variables can be edited, but derived variables which are based on original variables cannot be edited. 9. `Delete Case´ option (meaning all data for this specific record can be deleted). In order to save the changes made to any of the observations. 10. Click `Close´ and the edits can be saved. 11. Data can be exported to Excel-files that are readable by many different software programs. To export the data, simply click `Export to Excel´. Export tables to Excel All OfficeReports based tables can easily be exported to Excel. Select ‘Export to Excel’ in the ‘View, Edit & Export’ window. OfficeReports will ask whether you want to export data or tables to Excel. Tables Having data properly organized among Variables is a simple operation that involves transforming data into tables, charts and text lists and including them in Word documents and PowerPoint presentations. OfficeReports calculates and presents tables in an Excel format, meaning that every table added to any report is added as an Excel object. This means that to make any further adjustments you can just double-click on any table and Excel’s familiar user interface will open instantly. Furthermore, you can design and customize your very own standard layout for tables that can be used as a template. You can read more about this in Layout . In the following section we review all the features that are immediately available to you for producing tables when using OfficeReports:
  • 28. 28 Add Table When using this feature all tables are calculated in OfficeReports and displayed in Excel tables. The table style, by default, is defined by OfficeReports. When it is added to the report it is added as an Excel object and can be edited at any time. If you’d like an alternative layout or an alternative default content of tables you can read more about customizing the table layout in the section Layout . Tables are created by using categorical or numerical variables. Read more on each of these types of variables in our section Variables. First, we will present all the types of tables using a categorical variable, and then we will show how to present numerical variables in tables. Frequency Table A Frequency Table lists items and shows the distribution or the number of times they occur. To add a table, click on `Add Table´ in the ribbon. 1. Select `How would you rate the golf course´ as the variable and OfficeReports will promptly produce and add a table to the report showing the distribution of how satisfied the golfers are with the courses. ① ② 2. The default content and layout of the table is based on the settings in the default Table Type. If you select an alternative table type the actual table will immediately change to the new layout and content. You can read more about adding extra types, changing default types etc. in the section Layout .
  • 29. 29 Under the `Contents ´ tab there are general settings regarding the content and layout of the table. When changing the content the table in the report will update immediately. Read more about the available options in the section General Table Functions.
  • 30. 30 Cross Table Cross Table with one background variable A background variable divides the primary data into different segments. It can be helpful, for example, to show the answers of a certain group of respondents. In our example, it could be helpful to know if there are any differences in the answers of respondents from different countries. 1. We return to the `Add a Table´ window and select a top variable, (like when we selected `Courses´ before). We then select a background variable in the drop- ① down menu (in our case, we pick `Country´). 2. The table is divided with the respondents now in two groups, and also displays the spread of results in each group. As shown below, the background variable lets us examine several interesting differences in the results between the countries of our study. ②
  • 31. 31 Using cross tables expands the options that are under the ‘Options’ tab. 1. Choose whether you want to display Observations, ② Percentages, or both. ① 2. It is possible to show a variety of different information in the ④ cross table. Each ③ statistical measurement is based on either the rows, or the columns. 3. It is possible not to display the values of 0-cells, as well as rows and columns, wherein the base is less than X. 4. The percentage type selected will determine how the percentages are calculated. See below for examples of each case. Percentage Type: Column As shown in the example: Argentinian females represent 11,9% of all females. Percentage Type: Row As shown in the example: Argentinian females represent 21% of all Argentinians. Percentage Type: Total As shown in the example: Argentinian females represent 4,2% of all respondents in the data set.
  • 32. 32 Summary statistics of a numeric variable You can show a summary statistic of a numeric variable for the cases in each cell. For example, in a table of country, you can use the numeric variable ‘How much have you spent in the restaurant’ to show the mean age per gender by the respondents in each cell. Other options include the total, percentage and standard deviation. Using numerical variables to create tables offers a wide range of possibilities (read more about the possibilities in the section Variables). 1. Start off by choosing a top variable ① as a background variable. 2. Select the ② numeric variable you want statistical information for in the cels. 3. Next are the specific display options for numerical tables under the ‘Options´ tab. Mean is the default type selected. ③ Frequency tables: Total: Percentage: Mean:
  • 33. 33 Croos tables: If you want cross tables containing information from numeric variables you can for example define a cross tables bases on Country as side variable, Gender as Optional Variable and ‘How much have you spent in the restaurant as numeric variable: Total: Percentage: Mean:
  • 34. 34 Cross Table with several background variables Cross Table with a background variable containing many categories If you are using a background variable that contains many categories there might be problems appropriately displaying the table (the text is displayed in too small a size or it does not fit on the page/slide): How would you rate the golf cource? Jefferson Pine Valley Ann Arbor Cypress Point Liberty Copenhagen Kalundborg Aarhus Golf Royal El Saler Las Brisas Sotogrande Valderrama Sunningdale Park Golf Golf Club Golf Club Club National Golf Club Golf Club Club Birkdale Very bad 2,5% 5,0% 3,6% 5,0% 2,4% 9,4% 10,8% 7,2% 27,6% 23,4% 20,6% 26,5% 2,3% 3,1% Bad 9,8% 8,4% 14,4% 14,0% 10,2% 7,3% 9,1% 11,2% 38,7% 38,3% 34,8% 41,3% 16,7% 12,5% Average 16,4% 20,2% 19,8% 14,9% 22,0% 23,0% 15,6% 16,6% 24,5% 23,4% 31,2% 21,3% 0,8% 0,6% Good 41,8% 36,1% 27,0% 37,2% 29,1% 39,8% 41,4% 39,5% 4,3% 12,1% 7,8% 4,5% 43,2% 49,4% Very good 28,7% 29,4% 31,5% 28,1% 36,2% 12,6% 16,1% 16,6% 1,8% 1,4% 2,8% 3,2% 35,6% 31,9% No response 0,8% 0,8% 3,6% 0,8% 0,0% 7,9% 7,0% 9,0% 3,1% 1,4% 2,8% 3,2% 1,5% 2,5% Total 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% Solution1: Swap the variables around and use ‘row percentage’ instead of ‘column percentage’. This is a good solution when you are working in a portrait oriented page layout: Solution 2: Divide the background variable in two by splitting one containing multiple categories of two (or more) variables. In our example, we divide the background variable ‘Club’, but as it contains 19 categories it is hard to display all the information on only one table, so instead we define two derived variables, ‘Club - part1’ and ‘Club - part2’: Shown here is the result of ‘Club - part1’ defined as a background variable. Observe that the base in the ‘Total’ column includes not only the clubs specified in the table, but also includes all the clubs from the original variable. The definition follows after the table:
  • 35. 35 When dividing a background variable in two, remember to ensure that the base default does not contain all the observations from the variable ‘Club’ (the result would be an incorrect calculation of the total). The solution is to add an extra category called ‘Total’ that includes all observations from the variable ‘Club’. The formula for this category is: [Club.!All]. For more information take a look in the Formula Editor. Add Grid Table Grid Tables display multiple primary variables in one table. This feature is very useful when reporting data for variables based on similar categories and when adding values to categorical variables, as well as displaying mean and standard deviation data in tables. To see how to assign values to categorical variables, please go to the section: Assigning Values to Categorical Variables. A Grid Table is a compact table that features multiple primary variables in one table.
  • 36. 36 1. First click on `Add Grid Table´ and in the window that appears press and select the four variables that measured the satisfaction with different parts of the golf course. After selecting and pressing ‘OK’ the selected variables are displayed in the variable window. Simultaneously a table is added to the report. 2. After adding all the variables to the list the table appears (as shown below). Again, remember that in order to create a Grid Table values are assigned to every category. If these values are not properly set, it is possible to remove values from categories, or to change them. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the section: Assigning Values to Categorical Variables. The value that was given to the option `Average´ in our example was 3. As the total mean is greater than 3 for ‘Courses’ it can be concluded that, overall, most people have an above average level of satisfaction regarding that particular part of the golf club. No Very bad Average Very Bad (2) Good (4) response Mean Base (1) (3) good (5) (6) How would you rate the golf course? 11% 19% 22% 27% 17% 3% 3,3 3000 How would you rate the driving range? 10% 16% 28% 25% 18% 2% 3,3 3000 How would you rate the reception? 17% 25% 18% 22% 15% 3% 3,0 3000 How would you rate the shop? 20% 22% 22% 21% 12% 3% 2,9 3000 The following Content options are available on a frequency level:
  • 37. 37 3. When a background variable is added to the Grid Table, the result is a very compact table displaying either the Mean or Standard Deviation according to the scaling: USA Denmark Spain England Argentina Mean Base How would you rate the golf course? 3,8 3,7 2,3 4,0 2,7 3,3 3000 How would you rate the driving range? 3,8 3,6 2,5 4,0 2,5 3,3 3000 How would you rate the reception? 2,0 3,1 2,2 4,2 3,6 3,0 3000 How would you rate the shop? 1,8 3,0 2,1 3,9 3,8 2,9 3000 On a grid cross table Mean and Standard Deviation are selectable as Values. As Totals you can select Mean and Base: Grid Tables based on Numerical Variables Mean – Frequency table Mean – Cross table
  • 38. 38 Sort Grid Table The ‘Sort’ tab includes features to organize the order and display of results in the Grid Table. (OBS: the sorting is always based on ① the calculated Mean) For example, it is often useful to have the variables ② displayed in a descending order with the highest mean at the top. ③ Sort Variables ① In our example we would like to display the data from two sections of the golf club in a descending order with the highest means first. To do this, check the box `Highest mean first´ so that the variables are organized according to their means: Do not show all variables ② Check the box `Show´. To display the two variables from the example in a descending order with the highest means first, select `Driving Range´ and `Golf Course´:
  • 39. 39 ③ Do not show all categories This feature is available on frequency grids when the content of the chart is ‘Categorical variables’ and Values are set as ‘Percentages’’. This is not a filter, which means that percentages are not changes. Add Multiple Tables The ability to create multiple tables in one process can be helpful in saving time. Click on the `Add Many Tables’ button. 1. First select the desired Primary Variables that are to be used. 2. An additional option is to add background variables. 3. All tables will have a layout and content according to the default Type. This can be overruled by selecting an alternative Type or by using you very own layout. ① ② ③ Selecting 4 primary variables and 2 background variables gives a total of 8 cross tables OfficeReports automatically produces the tables and adds them to the report; in PowerPoint this is one table per slide and in Word all objects are added in a row (depending on the size and document settings).
  • 40. 40 In some situations it is more efficient to copy and edit tables than using the feature ‘Add Many Charts’. OfficeReports offers great features for this: Copying Tables, Charts, Text Lists and Pages. General Table Functions Options (Frequency tables) It is possible to edit the presentation of data in the `Options´ tab: Values The options in the top left- hand corner determine if the table should display percentages or observations, or both percentages AND observations together. Totals To the right-hand side there are options to display different interpretations of the totals in the table. The base displays how many unique observations are included in the table. The total the entire number of cases included. Finally, mean and standard deviation are calculated using numerical values (the default setting by OfficeReports), or values given to categories in categorical variables (the manual setting from the user). Read more about assigning values to categorical variables under the Assigning Values to Categorical Variables section. Do not show ‘Do not show’ contains options to exclude certain data from the table (such as excluding cells in the table with values of 0 or when the base is <= X). Filtered categories can also be excluded from tables. Read more about the filter function in the filter-section below. Type For each table OfficeReports will display a default table layout type. The default layout type can be overruled by selecting an alternative type. Defaults and alternatives are defined in in the Layout section. New This feature ‘New’ is an advanced ‘Copy’ feature which will automatically produce a table containing exactly the same variables and setting which had beed used in the last produced table or chart in the report. This means that is you have defined a table
  • 41. 41 containing certain specific options, size, filter etc. then you can open the ‘Add table’ window and press ‘new’ and an exact copy of priveous table will be added to the report. This is one smart way to produce many tables and afterwards only edit a few changes for each of the copied tables. Options (Cross tables) Options available are changing when cross tabs are selected: Column – Row Options to display different interpretations of Column totals and Row totals in the table Percentage Type Choose between horizontal, vertical or total calculation of percentages Do not show You can define a minimum base to include columns and rows in a table. If for example a crosstab contains tho columns containing less than 5 observations and you do not want to include thesw two columns in a table, then you can define a Column Base <=5. As a consequence OfficeReports will exclude these tho columns. OBS: this will not affect Totals in the table!. Layout Choose an alternate title for a table.
  • 42. 42 Resize In the `Add Table´ window, the tab labeled ‘Resize’ includes functions to alter the height and width of the table’s columns and rows. Note that by adding the table to the report and then changing the size, by clicking and dragging the edges is problematic as this also affects the text size in the table. Column 1 Column n Row 1 Row 2 Row 1 Row n Row 1 As every table created is an Excel output it is also possible to change the layout of any individual table by using the layout functions in Excel. This is done by double-clicking on any created table in the presentation and using the integrated layout functions in Microsoft Office. Instructions on how to use these table layout functions can be found on Microsoft’s web page at For further layout options see the Layout section (note that the customized layout functions described in this section are only available for those using the OfficeReports ‘Pro’ and ‘Pro Plus’ packages). Filter Under the `Filter´ tab, filters can be applied to individual tables based on one variable. For example, filtering for `Female´ will exclude all Male responses from the table. For filtering entire reports, see the Report Filter section.
  • 43. 43 Any category from original variables, or derived variables, can be used as a filter. If you do not have a proper filter for your table, you can define a derived variable (containing a category) equal to the desired filter. For more information regarding this, see the Derived Variables section. If a table includes a response option that has been filtered out, the label of the category is still displayed but the number of observations or responses will (naturally) be zero. Before filtering: After filtering: In order not to display a category that has been filtered out from the table, check the option `Do not show´ under the `Options´ tab. This function is also useful when mass producing reports as it only displays the relevant information in each report.
  • 44. 44 Add a filter declaration to title in tables When defining a filter to a table you can optionally add the filter declaration to the title in the table.
  • 45. 45 Ignoring filters Under the ‘Filter’ tab there is an option to overrule filters defined on a ‘higher’ level. This could be:  Report Filter  Filters defined when producing repetitive reports Example: when a general report filter includes observations where ‘Age’ is = ‘18 years or more’ and you need to overrule this filter on just one or two tables in the report. Benchmark In the `Benchmark ´ tab you can add benchmarks to the tables. Before you can add benchmarks to a table they must to be defined. For more information see the Benchmarking section), benchmark columns for a table can be added.
  • 46. 46 Weight Weighting: If a default weight setting for the report has not been added (for more information see the Settings section), or to overrule the default setting for a specific table, it’s possible to manually add a weight. In the ‘Weight’ tab you can add a weigth variable to a specific table. Weight variables that have been imported with data can be used, or weights calculated in OfficeReports. The process of creating case weights is described in the Weighting Data section. Sort This feature is active only on grid tables. It organizes the order of variables based on the calculated Mean. (read more in Sort Grid Table)
  • 47. 47 Charts Having data in variables properly organized is a simple operation involving transforming data into charts and adding it to Word documents and PowerPoint presentations. OfficeReports calculates and outputs charts in Excel format, meaning that every chart added to a report is added as an Excel object. This means that double-clicking on any chart instantly opens Excel’s familiar user interface, where almost any adjustments can be made, as well as designing and customizing your very own standard layout for charts. You can read more about this in the Layout section. In the following section, we review all the features that are immediately available in the production of charts in OfficeReports: Add Chart The graphical format of charts makes them easily understood and a clear and simple way to report data in presentations. Charts can be designed in a variety of ways and in this section we will explain how to create all the variety of charts that OfficeReports offers. OfficeReports calculates the data input to the charts and output Excel based charts directly in the reporte. The chart style, by default, is defined by OfficeReports. When it is added to the report it is added as an Excel object and can be edited at any time. If you’d like an alternative layout or an alternative default content of charts you can read more about customizing the chart layout in the section Layout . Charts are created by using categorical or numerical variables. Read more on each of these types of variables in our section Variables. First, we will present the basic types of charts using categorical variables, and then we will show how to present numerical variables in charts.
  • 48. 48 Frequency Charts 1. To create a frequency chart click on `Add chart´ in the ribbon toolbar. In the window simply choose the desired variable, in our example `How would you rate the driving range?’ 2. Immediately an Excel chart will be added to the report. The default layout is according to the Type setting. 3. Under the tabs `Options ´, ‘Layout’, ‘Resize’ etc. you can edit the default settings regarding content, layout, filter, weighting etc. When changing the content the chart will update immediately. Read more about the available options in the section General Chart Functions.
  • 49. 49 Cross Charts 1. To create a cross chart click on the `Add Chart´ button and select a primary variable, in our example, `How would you rate the driving range?’. Select the background variable `Gender´ in the background variable drop-down menu. 2. When creating a cross chart the `Options´ tab will contain some special options. The `Percentage type´ option allows the user to choose how the total percentage should be spread over the chart (this in now explained in greater detail).
  • 50. 50 Percentage type: Column In this chart, each column pair equal 100 percent. That is, each response option in the background variable equals 100 %. Percentage type: Row In this chart, columns of the same color equal 100 percent. That is, each response option in the primary variable equals 100 percent Percentage type: Total In this chart, all the columns combined equal 100 percent, so every piece of the chart is included (with a total of 100 percent).
  • 51. 51 Add Grid Chart Grid charts are capable of displaying several primary variables in a single chart. This feature is optional for categorical variables when the variables contain similar categories. To create this kind of chart, click on the `Add Grid Chart´ button. In the window that appears select the four golf club rating variables as primary variables. OfficeReports output a chart according to the Type setting. Options available are ‘Mean’ or ‘Std. Deviation. For Frequency Grid Charts you can choose between the following Value types: Percentages, Observations, Mean or Standard Deviation. For Cross Grid Charts you can choose between the following Value types: Mean or Standard Deviation.
  • 52. 52 Add Multiple Charts The ability to create multiple charts in one process can be helpful in saving time Click on the button `Add Many Charts’. 1. Select the desired primary variables. by 2. Optionally add background variables. In this example, 4 ① primary variables and 2 background variables are selected, giving a total of 8 charts. 3. Select an alternative ② Chart Type is you do not want to us the default layout. ③ ④ 4. Clicking on `OK´ adds all charts to the report. OfficeReports automatically produces the charts and adds them to the report; in PowerPoint this is one chart per slide and in Word all objects are added in a row (depending on the size and document settings). In some situations it is more efficient to copy and edit charts than using the feature ‘Add Many Charts’. OfficeReports offers great features for this: Copying Tables, Charts, Text Lists and Pages.
  • 53. 53 General Chart Functions Options (Frequency charts) It is possible to edit the presentation of data in the `Options´ tab: Values The options in the top left- hand corner determine if the table should display percentages, observations, mean or standard deviation. Mean and standard deviation are calculated using numerical values (the default setting by OfficeReports), or values given to categories in categorical variables (the manual setting from the user). Read more about assigning values to categorical variables under the Assigning Values to Categorical Variables section. Do not show ‘Do not show’ contains options to exclude certain data from the chart when the Row Base is less than a specified number of observations. Read more about the filter function in the filter-section below. Type For each table OfficeReports will display a default chart type. The default type can be overruled by selecting an alternative type. Defaults and alternatives are defined in the Layout section. New This feature ‘New’ is an advanced ‘Copy’ feature which will automatically produce a chart containing exactly the same variables and setting which had beed used in the last produced table or chart in the report. This means that if you have defined a chart containing specific options, size, filter etc. then you can open the ‘Add chart’ window and press ‘new’ and a copy of the priveous chart will be added to the report. This is an fast way to produce many charts and afterward only edit a few changes for each of the copies. Totals Check ‘Base’ if you want to add the number of cases to the Chart title.
  • 54. 54 Options (Cross charts) In cross charts showing percentages you can select When a background Percentage Type Choose between Column (default), Row or Total percentages. Do not show You can define a minimum base to include columns and rows in a chart. If for example a cross chart contains tho columns containing less than 5 observations and you do not want to include these two columns in a table, then you can define a Column Base <=4. As a consequence OfficeReports will exclude these tho columns. Totals Total A cross chart divide the results into segments. A check in ‘Total’ will display both the segments and the total. Base A check in ‘Base’ will display the number of cases in the Chart title. Significance Column Proportions Test – Read more about Significance Test under the Significance section. Layout Title Choose an alternate title ① for a chart. Switch Row Column ② Having defined a cross chart displaying the Mean ③ based on the primary variable ‘How would you rate the golf course’ (Very
  • 55. 55 bad – Very good) we can either show the Mean grouped by Gender or by rating on the scale. Switch Row Column changes from the one to the other: Switch Row Column Axis 100% ( = base for observations) With this feature OfficeReports will set the Axis to the maximum potential number of obserservations/100%. The chart from above will with this setting be formatted as this: As every chart created is an Excel output it is also possible to change the layout of any individual chart by using the layout functions in Excel. This is done by double-clicking on any created chart in the report and using the integrated layout functions in Microsoft Office. We strongly recommend you not to use this feature for reports which you are using as template or when you are using report filters, produce repetitive reports etc. In these situations we recommend that you define and control the new chart types by organizing them in the OfficeReports layout module. Instructions on how to use these chart layout functions can be found on Microsoft’s web page at
  • 56. 56 For further layout options see the Layout section (note that the customized layout functions described in this section are only available for those using the OfficeReports ‘Pro’ and ‘Pro Plus’ packages). Resize In the `Add Chart´ window, the tab labeled ‘Resize’ includes functions to alter the height and width of the chart. Note: Alternatively you can double click on a chart and drag it to the preferred size. As a consequence the size defined in the Resize tab will be adjusted. Filter Under the `Filter´ tab, filters can be applied to individual tables based on one variable. For example, filtering for `Male´ will exclude all female responses from the table. For filtering the entire reports, see the Report Filter section. Any category from original variables, or derived variables, can be used as a filter. If you do not have a proper filter for your table, you can define a derived variable (containing a category) equal to the desired filter. For more information regarding this, see the Derived Variables section. If a chart includes a response option that has been filtered out, the label of the category is still displayed but the number of observations or responses will (naturally) be zero. Add a filter declaration to title in charts When defining a filter to a table you can optionally add the filter declaration to the title in the chart. How would you rate the golf course? - [Gender = Female] No response Very good Good Average Bad Very bad 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
  • 57. 57 Ignoring filters Under the ‘Filter’ tab there is an option to overrule filters defined on a ‘higher’ level. This could be:  Report Filter  Filters defined for producing repetitive reports Example: when a general report filter includes observations where ‘Country’ = ‘England’ and you need to overrule this filter on just one or two tables in the report you can ignore the general filter. Benchmark In the `Benchmark ´ tab you can add benchmarks to the tables. Before you can add benchmarks to a table they must to be defined. For more information see the Benchmarking section), benchmark columns for a table can be added. Weight Weighting: If a default weight setting for the report has not been added (for more information see the Settings section), or to overrule the default setting for a specific table, it’s possible to manually add a weight. In the ‘Weight’ tab you can add a weigth variable to a specific chart. Weight variables that have been imported with data can be used, or weights calculated in OfficeReports. The process of creating case weights is described in the Weighting Data section.