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‫کی‬ ‫ہضم‬ ‫امراض‬
‫نشانیاں‬ ‫و‬ ‫عالمات‬
Dr Syed Ayesha Fatema
MD Medicine
PG dept of Moalijat
‫کی‬ ‫ہضم‬ ‫امراض‬
• Pain abdomen
• Difficulty in swallowing- Dysphagia
• Vomiting
• Heartburn- Retrosternal pain- Pyrosis
• Indigestion
• Change in bowel habits- Constipation /
• Loss of appetite/ Loss of weight
 When did the pain start?
 Where is it, show me?
 Have you ever had it before?
 Did it come on suddenly or
 Does it go anywhere else?
 How bad is it, worst you have
ever had, severe, very severe,
mild, moderate, just an ache
(do not use x/10 unless you
define 10)?
 Is it the same all the time?
 Have you had time completely
free of pain since it started?
 Is it constant or comes in
 Is it getting worse?
 What makes it better, e.g. lying
still / painkillers?
 What makes it worse, e.g.
moving about?
 Have you got any other
symptoms with it, give
examples, e.g. vomiting/fever
 How long have you had
the problem?
 Describe what it is like?
 Have you had it before?
 Did it come on gradually or
 Is it becoming worse?
 Do you have difficulty with
solids and/or liquids?
 Which came first?
 Does the food seem to
stick. Show me where?
 Have you been vomiting,
what, etc
 How is your appetite?
 Have you lost weight?
 Plus, all the other GI
protocol questions
 Plus, do you feel anything
else wrong with you at
 When did the vomiting
 What do you vomit?
 Is it food/ water/ bile/ greeny
stuff /acid/blood?
 If food, is it food you have
just eaten or old food?
 If it is blood, how do you
 Amount, color, clots, coffee
 How often do you vomit?
 Do you feel sick nauseated)
all the time?
 Does anything bring the
vomiting on(worse)?
 Does anything make it
 Does it shoot out with great
force (projectile)?
 Any coughing or choking?
 Describe it to me .
 How long have you had it?
 Have you had it before this
 Did it come on gradually or
 Is it becoming worse?
 What makes it worse (e.g. lying
down in bed, bending over,
certain types of food and drink-
spicy food/ alcohol/ coffee)?
 What makes it better ( sleeping,
sitting up, avoiding certain
drinks or food, medications)?
 Do you get any acid reflux-acid
or water coming into your
mouth, describe this please
(distinguish acid reflux and
 Do you have any difficulty
swallowing? Describe.
 Do you have any pain behind
the chest bone? Describe.
 Do you vomit?
 Do you have indigestion?
 Have you put on weight
 Do you have any indigestion, if
says 'yes'?
 Ask what do you mean by this, if
says 'no; ask: do you have any
discomfort or pain in your tummy
after eating?
 Where is the discomfort, show
me (pointing sign of DU)?
 When do you get it-before
meals/ after meals?
 Does it wake you at night (DU),
what do you do about it, e.g. get
up have some milk and a
 How often do you get it, e.g.
every day?
 Have you had it before?
 Have you seen your GP about it
or been investigated in hospital
(e.g. endoscopy)?
 What did they say was wrong
with you?
 What makes the indigestion
 Have you been vomiting any
 How is your appetite; have you
lost weight?
 Do you take any medications for
it (define)?
 Are you taking aspirin / NSAIDs
/ steroids/ herbal medications?
 Has your bowel habit
changed recently?
 If patient does not appear to
 Have you developed
diarrhea or constipation
recently (means different
things to different people)?
 Define their normal bowel
 Define what it has changed
to, e.g. normal is x 1 per day
now is x 3 per day.
 If has diarrhea-define
content, color, offensive,
 If has constipation-is it
constipation or incomplete
evacuation? or even
 Have you passed any blood
or slime? Define both.
 Have you had any abdominal
pain or weight loss?
 On any drugs ( e.g.
 Frequency of defecation
(>x3 = abnormal).
 Recent or present for long
 Solid/liquid/mixed./?
 Bulky may be steatorrhea.
 Color:
 Black (melena),
 red (blood),
 pale (steatorrhea,
obstructive jaundice),
 silver (because of mixture
of melena and fatty stool in
tropical sprue, carcinoma
(Ca) of ampulla of Vater).
 Pus or mucus.
 Smell-very offensive, may be
 Floats/ difficult to flush away,
may be steatorrhea.
 Any other symptoms, e.g.
 Been abroad recently.
 Anyone else in family with it
 NB: Some gastroenterologists
divide by physiological cause
into secretory, osmotic,
exudative, malabsorption (not
very useful in practice).
 What do you mean by
constipation infrequent bowel
action or very hard motion or
difficulty in evacuation?
 Is this a new symptom or long
 If recent, define 'change': Normal
bowel habit versus old bowel
 Any blood or mucus?
 Incomplete emptying-have to go
again-is a symptom of pelvic
floor descent or rectal cancer-
 Any incontinence- overflow or
 Painful almost continuous urge
to defecate is tenesmus (rectal
equivalent of urinary strangury)
indicates inflammation or tumor
involving anal sphincters.
 Other GI symptoms, e.g.
abdominal pain/distension.
 On any drugs, e.g. codeine.
 Alternating diarrhea +
 some say symptom of tumor but
more likely irritable bowel
syndrome (large bowel tumor is
more often change from normal
to more frequent).
Loss of appetite
 When did this happen,
did it start same time as
other GI symptoms?
 Loss of appetite
(anorexia) + weight loss =
Suspicious of
 Increase in appetite, may
suggest hypermetabolic
state, e.g. thyrotoxicosis
Loss of Weight
 When did it start?
 How much (in kg over
weeks) if patient not sure,
ask about loose clothes?
 Why do you think lost
weight-may say on diet? -
intentional or unintentional
 Are there other symptoms
may need full review of
systems, e.g. fever/thirst?
‫نشانیاں‬ ‫کی‬ ‫ہضم‬ ‫امراض‬
W - Wash your hands.
 I - Introduce yourself to the patient
P -Permission. Explain that you wish to perform an
abdominal examination and obtain consent for the
examination. Pain. Ask the patient if they are in any pain and
to tell you if they experience any during the examination.
E -Expose the necessary parts of the patient. Ideally
patients should be exposed from xiphisternum to pubis
(classically they should be exposed from “nipples to knees”,
but this is rarely done in practice to preserve patient dignity).
Ensure adequate privacy.
R -Reposition the patient. In this examination the patient
should be lying flat with one pillow under the head. This is
not possible with all patients so first check if they are
comfortable in this position.
 During the examination of the abdominal system a
lot of information can be obtained by looking for
peripheral signs of gastro-intestinal disease.
 The examination is therefore split into a peripheral
examination and then an examination of the
 End of the Bed
 • First look at the patient from the end of the bed for
signs of anxiety or distress.
 • Note any weight loss and assess level of hydration and
general well being. Are there signs of easy bruising?
 • Are there any drains, stoma bags or signs of an AV
(arteriovenous) fistula?
 • It is also important to look at the surrounding
environment for sick bowels, food supplements, special
dietary notices and ‘nil by mouth’ instructions etc.
 Jaundice
 Lemon yellow (uremia, CA
cecum, pernicious anemia)
 Weight loss (temporalis muscles,
cheeks )-
 Cachexia
 Dehydration
 Distress (pain)
 Pale (anemia/pain)
 Flushed (temperature)
 Parotid swelling (alcohol abuse,
iron deficiency anaemia) and
 Bruising.
 Yellow sclera (Jaundice)
 Pale mucous membranes of
conjuctiva (anaemia)
 Xanthelasma (chronic
 Kayser-Fleischer rings (Wilson's
disease, primary biliary
cholangitis and children with
neonatal cholestasis)
 Angular stomatitis (B12
deficiency, Fe deficiency)
 Pigmentation (Peutz-Jeghers
 Aphthous Ulcers (Crohn's
 Glossitis.
 Red and beefy = folate /B12 deficiency
 atrophic and smooth = iron deficiency
 Finger nails leukonychia (low protein)
 Koilonychia (Fe deficiency)
 Clubbing (UC/Cirrhosis)
 Palmar erythema, and
 Dupuytren’s contracture
 Pale creases (anemia)
 Palmar erythema (liver failure)
 Liver flap (liver failure)
 Scratch marks ( obstructive jaundice)
 Enlarged lymph nodes (supraclavicular -
 CA stomach)
 Superficial thrombophlebitis
 (Pancreatic CA)
 Acanthosis Nigricans (Ca stomach)
 Irish nodes ( Ca stomach)
 Spider nevi (>5 is abnormal) (liver failure)
 Gynecomastia (liver failure)
 Distribution of body hair, particularly paucity of hair (liver
 Inspection
 First inspect abdomen from the end of the bed
before closer inspection at bedside.
 Initially look for general signs such as weight loss.
 Then check specifically for other signs.
 Shape or symmetry
 No movement with respiration
 Jaundiced skin
 Distended (obstruction,
ascites, 5Fs – flatus, faeces,
foetus, fat, fluid)
 Weight loss (malignancy)
 Scars (previous surgery) and
 Fistula (Crohn's)
 Everted umbilicus (ascites)
 Mass ( tumor, abscess)
 Visible peristalsis (intestinal
obstruction or chronic pyloric
stenosis )
 Pulsatile Swelling-
Expansile/transmitted (hernia)
 Enlarged veins + caput
medusa (liver disease)
 Cullen's/Grey Turner's
 Erythema (pain /hotwater
bottle use)
 Cellulitis ( abscess-diverticular
disease/ tumor)
 Palpation
 Position yourself by kneeling or sitting on the patient’s
right hand side. Ensure your hands are warm. Ask patient
if they have any pain or tenderness.
 Begin with light palpation of the ninth segment. If patient
has complained of pain begin at opposite side.
 Observe patient’s face throughout palpation to ensure
that you are not causing pain.
 Light palpation is used to assess tenderness and
guarding (a sign of irritation of the peritoneum).
 Proceed next to deep palpation of the same nine
segments. Deep palpation is used to assess for masses.
 If appropriate, test for rebound tenderness (a sign of
intra-abdominal pathology)
 Tenderness/ guarding/
rebound (inflammation)
 Rigidity- Perforative
 Mass (tumor)
 Liver (primary
 Tender+ enlarged
 Small + hard (cirrhosis)
 Spleen-enlarged
 (portal hypertension)
 Fistula (Crohn's)
 Fissure (Crohn's)
 Abscess (IBD)
 Anal cancer
 Rectal prolapse
 Prolapsed haemorrhoids
 Tumor/polyp felt
 Blood on finger (tumor/lBD)
 Pus/mucus (IBD)
 Black motion (melena)
 pale motion ( obstructive
jaundice/ steatorrhea)
 A normal liver extends from 5th intercostals space to costal
 It may be palpable in normal individuals.
 Position your hand in the right iliac fossa with fingers in an
upward position facing the liver edge (alternatively you can
use the radial aspect of your index finger).
 Press your fingertips inward and upward and hold this
position while your patient takes a deep breath.
 As the liver moves downward with inspiration the liver edge
will be felt under fingertips.
 If no edge is felt repeat the procedure closer and closer to
the costal margin until either the liver is felt or the rib is
 The normal spleen cannot be felt and only becomes
palpable when it has doubled in size.
 It enlarges from under the left costal margin towards the
right iliac fossa.
 The fingertips of right hand are then positioned obliquely
across the abdomen pointing to the left costal margin
towards the axilla (again, you may use the radial aspect of
your index finger).
 Press your fingertips inward and upward and hold this
position while your patient takes a deep breath.
 As the spleen moves with inspiration the edge may be
felt under your fingertips.
 If no edge is felt repeat the procedure closer and closer
to the left lower rib cage until the costal margin is
 If the spleen is not palpable, this procedure can then be
repeated with the patient rolled onto right lateral position
with knees drawn up to relax abdominal position.
 Palpate with your right hand while using your left hand to
press forward on the patient’s left lower ribs from behind.
 It could be argued that this method should be used first,
since very few patients have spleens which have
enlarged to occupy the right iliac fossa.
 The kidneys are retroperitoneal, so not usually palpable
except in some thin individuals.
 To examine left kidney, place the palmar aspect of left hand
posteriorly under left flank.
 Position the middle three fingers of right hand below the left
costal margin, lateral to the rectus muscle (opposite
position of left hand).
 Ask patient to take deep breath and press both fingers
firmly together.
 If the kidney is palpable it will be felt slipping between both
 To examine the right kidney repeat the procedure with your
left hand tucked behind the right loin and your right hand
below the costal margin, lateral to the rectus muscle.
 In thin patients or those with a dilated aorta, the aorta
can be palpated by placing both hands
 on either side of the midline at a point half way
between the xiphisternum and the umbilicus.
 Press your fingers posteriorly and slightly medially and
the pulsation should be present against your
 Begin by establishing lower liver edge.
 Place hands parallel to the right costal margin starting at
the same point as you began palpation.
 Repeat in a stepwise manner moving the fingers closer to
the costal margin until the note becomes duller.
 This is the position of the lower liver edge.
 Next find the upper margin of the liver.
 It can be located by detecting a change in note from the
dullness of liver to resonance of lungs.
 Spleen
 Begin by percussing the ninth intercostal space
anterior to the anterior axillary line (Traub’s space).
 If the spleen is not enlarged the sound will be
 If it is dull continue to percuss in a stepwise manner
moving hands towards right iliac fossa.
 Ascites patient
 If fluid is suspected percuss across patients abdomen
(from midline to right flank) until the percussion note
changes from tympanic to dull.
 Mark that spot and then ask your patient to turn onto their
right side (if you are standing on left of patient).
 After 30seconds repeat percussing from the midline
towards the right flank.
 If fluid is present it will have redistributed secondary to
gravity and therefore the area previously marked as
sounding dull to percussion will now be tympanic.
 Bladder
 If the bladder is distended the suprapubic area will be dull
rather than tympanic.
 Percuss from the level of the umbilicus, parallel to the
pubic bone.
 Bowel sounds
 Place the diaphragm of your stethoscope on the mid
abdomen and listen for gurgling sounds.
 These normally occur every 5-10seconds however you
listen for 30 seconds before concluding that they are
 Absent bowel sounds indicates intestinal ileus.
 Increased bowel sounds indicate bowel obstruction.
 Arterial bruits
 Place diaphragm of stethoscope over aorta and apply
moderate pressure.
 If a systolic murmur is heard this indicates turbulent flow
caused by atherosclerosis or an aneurysm.
 Listen for renal bruits 2.5cm above and lateral to the
 Then listen over liver and spleen.
State that you would complete the examination by:
• Checking for any lympahdenopathy
• Examining the hernial orifices
• Examining the external genitalia
• Performing a digital examination of the anus and
• Performing a urinary ‘dipstick’ analysis if needed

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2.امراض ہضم کی علامات و نشانیاں.pptx

  • 1. SYMPTOMS & SIGNS IN GI PROBLEMS ‫کی‬ ‫ہضم‬ ‫امراض‬ ‫نشانیاں‬ ‫و‬ ‫عالمات‬ Dr Syed Ayesha Fatema MD Medicine Professor PG dept of Moalijat ZVMUMCH Pune
  • 2. SYMPTOMS IN GI PROBLEMS ‫کی‬ ‫ہضم‬ ‫امراض‬ ‫عالمات‬
  • 3. SYMPTOMS IN GI PROBLEMS • Pain abdomen • Difficulty in swallowing- Dysphagia • Vomiting • Heartburn- Retrosternal pain- Pyrosis • Indigestion • Change in bowel habits- Constipation / Diarrhea • Loss of appetite/ Loss of weight
  • 4. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN ABDOMINAL PAIN  When did the pain start?  Where is it, show me?  Have you ever had it before?  Did it come on suddenly or gradually?  Does it go anywhere else? Show  How bad is it, worst you have ever had, severe, very severe, mild, moderate, just an ache (do not use x/10 unless you define 10)?  Is it the same all the time?  Have you had time completely free of pain since it started?  Is it constant or comes in waves?  Is it getting worse?  What makes it better, e.g. lying still / painkillers?  What makes it worse, e.g. moving about?  Have you got any other symptoms with it, give examples, e.g. vomiting/fever
  • 5. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN DYSPHAGIA  How long have you had the problem?  Describe what it is like?  Have you had it before?  Did it come on gradually or suddenly?  Is it becoming worse?  Do you have difficulty with solids and/or liquids?  Which came first?  Does the food seem to stick. Show me where?  Have you been vomiting, what, etc  How is your appetite?  Have you lost weight?  Plus, all the other GI protocol questions  Plus, do you feel anything else wrong with you at present.
  • 6. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN VOMITING  When did the vomiting start?  What do you vomit?  Is it food/ water/ bile/ greeny stuff /acid/blood?  If food, is it food you have just eaten or old food?  If it is blood, how do you know?  Amount, color, clots, coffee grounds.  How often do you vomit?  Do you feel sick nauseated) all the time?  Does anything bring the vomiting on(worse)?  Does anything make it better?  Does it shoot out with great force (projectile)?  Any coughing or choking?
  • 7. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN RETROSTERNAL PAIN  Describe it to me .  How long have you had it?  Have you had it before this episode?  Did it come on gradually or suddenly?  Is it becoming worse?  What makes it worse (e.g. lying down in bed, bending over, certain types of food and drink- spicy food/ alcohol/ coffee)?  What makes it better ( sleeping, sitting up, avoiding certain drinks or food, medications)?  Do you get any acid reflux-acid or water coming into your mouth, describe this please (distinguish acid reflux and water-brash).  Do you have any difficulty swallowing? Describe.  Do you have any pain behind the chest bone? Describe.  Do you vomit?  Do you have indigestion?  Have you put on weight recently?
  • 8. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN INDIGESTION  Do you have any indigestion, if says 'yes'?  Ask what do you mean by this, if says 'no; ask: do you have any discomfort or pain in your tummy after eating?  Where is the discomfort, show me (pointing sign of DU)?  When do you get it-before meals/ after meals?  Does it wake you at night (DU), what do you do about it, e.g. get up have some milk and a biscuit?  How often do you get it, e.g. every day?  Have you had it before?  Have you seen your GP about it or been investigated in hospital (e.g. endoscopy)?  What did they say was wrong with you?  What makes the indigestion worse/better?  Have you been vomiting any blood?  How is your appetite; have you lost weight?  Do you take any medications for it (define)?  Are you taking aspirin / NSAIDs / steroids/ herbal medications?
  • 9. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN ALTERED BOWEL HABITS  Has your bowel habit changed recently?  If patient does not appear to understand-Explain.  Have you developed diarrhea or constipation recently (means different things to different people)?  Define their normal bowel habit.  Define what it has changed to, e.g. normal is x 1 per day now is x 3 per day.  If has diarrhea-define content, color, offensive, blood/floats  If has constipation-is it constipation or incomplete evacuation? or even tenesmus  Have you passed any blood or slime? Define both.  Have you had any abdominal pain or weight loss?  On any drugs ( e.g. antibiotic)?
  • 10. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN DIARRHEA  Frequency of defecation (>x3 = abnormal).  Recent or present for long time.  Solid/liquid/mixed./?  Bulky may be steatorrhea.  Color:  Black (melena),  red (blood),  pale (steatorrhea, obstructive jaundice),  silver (because of mixture of melena and fatty stool in tropical sprue, carcinoma (Ca) of ampulla of Vater).  Pus or mucus.  Smell-very offensive, may be infective/melena.  Floats/ difficult to flush away, may be steatorrhea.  Any other symptoms, e.g. vomiting.  Been abroad recently.  Anyone else in family with it (gastroenteritis).  NB: Some gastroenterologists divide by physiological cause into secretory, osmotic, exudative, malabsorption (not very useful in practice).
  • 11. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN CONSTIPATION  What do you mean by constipation infrequent bowel action or very hard motion or difficulty in evacuation?  Is this a new symptom or long standing?  If recent, define 'change': Normal bowel habit versus old bowel habit.  Any blood or mucus?  Incomplete emptying-have to go again-is a symptom of pelvic floor descent or rectal cancer- Tenesmus  Any incontinence- overflow or otherwise?  Painful almost continuous urge to defecate is tenesmus (rectal equivalent of urinary strangury) indicates inflammation or tumor involving anal sphincters.  Other GI symptoms, e.g. abdominal pain/distension.  On any drugs, e.g. codeine.  Alternating diarrhea + constipation,  some say symptom of tumor but more likely irritable bowel syndrome (large bowel tumor is more often change from normal to more frequent).
  • 12. BASIC QUESTIONS YOU WOULD ASK IN LOSS OF APPETITE/ LOSS OF WEIGHT Loss of appetite  When did this happen, did it start same time as other GI symptoms?  Loss of appetite (anorexia) + weight loss = Suspicious of malignancy.  Increase in appetite, may suggest hypermetabolic state, e.g. thyrotoxicosis Loss of Weight  When did it start?  How much (in kg over weeks) if patient not sure, ask about loose clothes?  Why do you think lost weight-may say on diet? - intentional or unintentional  Are there other symptoms may need full review of systems, e.g. fever/thirst?
  • 13. ‫نشانیاں‬ ‫کی‬ ‫ہضم‬ ‫امراض‬ SIGNS IN GI PROBLEMS (PHYSICAL EXAMINATION)
  • 14. ABDOMINAL EXAMINATION INTRODUCTION (WIPER) W - Wash your hands.  I - Introduce yourself to the patient P -Permission. Explain that you wish to perform an abdominal examination and obtain consent for the examination. Pain. Ask the patient if they are in any pain and to tell you if they experience any during the examination. E -Expose the necessary parts of the patient. Ideally patients should be exposed from xiphisternum to pubis (classically they should be exposed from “nipples to knees”, but this is rarely done in practice to preserve patient dignity). Ensure adequate privacy. R -Reposition the patient. In this examination the patient should be lying flat with one pillow under the head. This is not possible with all patients so first check if they are comfortable in this position.
  • 15.  During the examination of the abdominal system a lot of information can be obtained by looking for peripheral signs of gastro-intestinal disease.  The examination is therefore split into a peripheral examination and then an examination of the abdomen.
  • 16. PERIPHERAL EXAMINATION  End of the Bed  • First look at the patient from the end of the bed for signs of anxiety or distress.  • Note any weight loss and assess level of hydration and general well being. Are there signs of easy bruising?  • Are there any drains, stoma bags or signs of an AV (arteriovenous) fistula?  • It is also important to look at the surrounding environment for sick bowels, food supplements, special dietary notices and ‘nil by mouth’ instructions etc.
  • 17. FACE:  Jaundice  Lemon yellow (uremia, CA cecum, pernicious anemia)  Weight loss (temporalis muscles, cheeks )-  Cachexia  Dehydration  Distress (pain)  Pale (anemia/pain)  Flushed (temperature)  Parotid swelling (alcohol abuse, iron deficiency anaemia) and  Bruising. EYES:  Yellow sclera (Jaundice)  Pale mucous membranes of conjuctiva (anaemia)  Xanthelasma (chronic cholestasis)  Kayser-Fleischer rings (Wilson's disease, primary biliary cholangitis and children with neonatal cholestasis) MOUTH:  Angular stomatitis (B12 deficiency, Fe deficiency)  Pigmentation (Peutz-Jeghers syndrome)  Aphthous Ulcers (Crohn's disease)
  • 18. TONGUE  Glossitis.  Red and beefy = folate /B12 deficiency  atrophic and smooth = iron deficiency HANDS:  Finger nails leukonychia (low protein)  Koilonychia (Fe deficiency)  Clubbing (UC/Cirrhosis)  Palmar erythema, and  Dupuytren’s contracture PALMS:  Pale creases (anemia)  Palmar erythema (liver failure)  Liver flap (liver failure) ARMS:  Scratch marks ( obstructive jaundice)
  • 19. NECK:  Enlarged lymph nodes (supraclavicular -  CA stomach) LEGS:  Superficial thrombophlebitis  (Pancreatic CA) AXILLA:  Acanthosis Nigricans (Ca stomach)  Irish nodes ( Ca stomach) CHEST:  Spider nevi (>5 is abnormal) (liver failure)  Gynecomastia (liver failure)  Distribution of body hair, particularly paucity of hair (liver disease).
  • 20. EXAMINATION OF THE ABDOMEN  Inspection  First inspect abdomen from the end of the bed before closer inspection at bedside.  Initially look for general signs such as weight loss.  Then check specifically for other signs.
  • 21. ABDOMEN: Inspection:  Shape or symmetry  No movement with respiration (peritonitis)  Jaundiced skin  Distended (obstruction, ascites, 5Fs – flatus, faeces, foetus, fat, fluid)  Weight loss (malignancy)  Scars (previous surgery) and striae  Fistula (Crohn's)  Everted umbilicus (ascites)  Mass ( tumor, abscess)  Visible peristalsis (intestinal obstruction or chronic pyloric stenosis )  Pulsatile Swelling- Expansile/transmitted (hernia)  Enlarged veins + caput medusa (liver disease)  Cullen's/Grey Turner's sign(pancreatitis)  Erythema (pain /hotwater bottle use)  Cellulitis ( abscess-diverticular disease/ tumor)
  • 22.  Palpation  Position yourself by kneeling or sitting on the patient’s right hand side. Ensure your hands are warm. Ask patient if they have any pain or tenderness.  Begin with light palpation of the ninth segment. If patient has complained of pain begin at opposite side.  Observe patient’s face throughout palpation to ensure that you are not causing pain.  Light palpation is used to assess tenderness and guarding (a sign of irritation of the peritoneum).  Proceed next to deep palpation of the same nine segments. Deep palpation is used to assess for masses.  If appropriate, test for rebound tenderness (a sign of intra-abdominal pathology)
  • 23. PALPATION:  Tenderness/ guarding/ rebound (inflammation)  Rigidity- Perforative perotonitis  Mass (tumor) ORGANOMEGALY:  Liver (primary CA/metastases)  Tender+ enlarged (hepatitis)  Small + hard (cirrhosis)  Spleen-enlarged  (portal hypertension) ANORECTAL EXAM:  Fistula (Crohn's)  Fissure (Crohn's)  Abscess (IBD)  Anal cancer  Rectal prolapse  Prolapsed haemorrhoids  Tumor/polyp felt  Blood on finger (tumor/lBD)  Pus/mucus (IBD)  Black motion (melena)  pale motion ( obstructive jaundice/ steatorrhea)
  • 24. METHOD OF PALPATION OF ORGANS Liver  A normal liver extends from 5th intercostals space to costal margin.  It may be palpable in normal individuals.  Position your hand in the right iliac fossa with fingers in an upward position facing the liver edge (alternatively you can use the radial aspect of your index finger).  Press your fingertips inward and upward and hold this position while your patient takes a deep breath.  As the liver moves downward with inspiration the liver edge will be felt under fingertips.  If no edge is felt repeat the procedure closer and closer to the costal margin until either the liver is felt or the rib is reached.
  • 25. Spleen  The normal spleen cannot be felt and only becomes palpable when it has doubled in size.  It enlarges from under the left costal margin towards the right iliac fossa.  The fingertips of right hand are then positioned obliquely across the abdomen pointing to the left costal margin towards the axilla (again, you may use the radial aspect of your index finger).  Press your fingertips inward and upward and hold this position while your patient takes a deep breath.
  • 26.  As the spleen moves with inspiration the edge may be felt under your fingertips.  If no edge is felt repeat the procedure closer and closer to the left lower rib cage until the costal margin is reached.  If the spleen is not palpable, this procedure can then be repeated with the patient rolled onto right lateral position with knees drawn up to relax abdominal position.  Palpate with your right hand while using your left hand to press forward on the patient’s left lower ribs from behind.  It could be argued that this method should be used first, since very few patients have spleens which have enlarged to occupy the right iliac fossa.
  • 27. Kidneys  The kidneys are retroperitoneal, so not usually palpable except in some thin individuals.  To examine left kidney, place the palmar aspect of left hand posteriorly under left flank.  Position the middle three fingers of right hand below the left costal margin, lateral to the rectus muscle (opposite position of left hand).  Ask patient to take deep breath and press both fingers firmly together.  If the kidney is palpable it will be felt slipping between both fingers.  To examine the right kidney repeat the procedure with your left hand tucked behind the right loin and your right hand below the costal margin, lateral to the rectus muscle.
  • 28. Aorta  In thin patients or those with a dilated aorta, the aorta can be palpated by placing both hands  on either side of the midline at a point half way between the xiphisternum and the umbilicus.  Press your fingers posteriorly and slightly medially and the pulsation should be present against your fingertips.
  • 29. Liver  Begin by establishing lower liver edge.  Place hands parallel to the right costal margin starting at the same point as you began palpation.  Repeat in a stepwise manner moving the fingers closer to the costal margin until the note becomes duller.  This is the position of the lower liver edge.  Next find the upper margin of the liver.  It can be located by detecting a change in note from the dullness of liver to resonance of lungs. METHOD OF PERCUSSION OF ORGANS
  • 30.  Spleen  Begin by percussing the ninth intercostal space anterior to the anterior axillary line (Traub’s space).  If the spleen is not enlarged the sound will be tympanic.  If it is dull continue to percuss in a stepwise manner moving hands towards right iliac fossa.
  • 31.  Ascites patient  If fluid is suspected percuss across patients abdomen (from midline to right flank) until the percussion note changes from tympanic to dull.  Mark that spot and then ask your patient to turn onto their right side (if you are standing on left of patient).  After 30seconds repeat percussing from the midline towards the right flank.  If fluid is present it will have redistributed secondary to gravity and therefore the area previously marked as sounding dull to percussion will now be tympanic.  Bladder  If the bladder is distended the suprapubic area will be dull rather than tympanic.  Percuss from the level of the umbilicus, parallel to the pubic bone.
  • 32. AUSCULTATION TECHNIQUE  Bowel sounds  Place the diaphragm of your stethoscope on the mid abdomen and listen for gurgling sounds.  These normally occur every 5-10seconds however you listen for 30 seconds before concluding that they are absent.  Absent bowel sounds indicates intestinal ileus.  Increased bowel sounds indicate bowel obstruction.
  • 33.  Arterial bruits  Place diaphragm of stethoscope over aorta and apply moderate pressure.  If a systolic murmur is heard this indicates turbulent flow caused by atherosclerosis or an aneurysm.  Listen for renal bruits 2.5cm above and lateral to the umbilicus.  Then listen over liver and spleen.
  • 34. FINISHING OFF State that you would complete the examination by: • Checking for any lympahdenopathy • Examining the hernial orifices • Examining the external genitalia • Performing a digital examination of the anus and rectum • Performing a urinary ‘dipstick’ analysis if needed

Editor's Notes

  1. DuodenalUlcer
  2. Peutz–Jeghers syndrome (often abbreviated PJS) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by the development of benign hamartomatous polyps in the gastrointestinal tract and hyperpigmented macules on the lips and oral mucosa (melanosis).
  3. Dupuytren's contracture is a condition in which one or more fingers become permanently bent in a flexed position. It usually begins as small, hard nodules just under the skin of the palm, then worsens over time until the fingers can no longer be straightened.