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How to Be an Adaptable Leader and Use Change to Your Advantage
Autocratic Leadership and Qualities of a Good Leader
Maintain your relevance and stay adaptable in today's time in an ever-changing environment?
Become a better leader by learning how to efficiently adapt to change yourself accordingly.
Adoption is the most important key to success in entrepreneurships.
Big changes of adoption happened in the past in the smartphone industry. Before Android
started in smartphones, at that time it was the most popular Nokia brand. But when the Android
operating system started in the smartphones officially. The key decision in Android history was
Google's commitment to make Android an open-source operating system. That allowed it to
become highly popular with third-party phone makers. Just a few years after the launch of
Android 1.0, smartphones powered by the new OS were everywhere.
Autocratic Leadership and Democratic Leadership aren't good for a company, in leadership a
person's combination of both in great leadership. Qualities of a Good Leader, that makes a
person Good leader in entrepreneurship.
Leadership is not just about achieving company goals, and making the company profitable and
focusing on business stability. In a business, leaders who are the main key person who decides
the company or organizational future and contribute to achieving company goals and visions.
How much a company will become successful totally depends on a business leader, who leads
the company commands.
Leadership responsibility, solving the huge problems and focusing on solutions. Those are
mainly focused on problem solving approaches. And a solution oriented person in a company.
That person takes the responsibility of a company. Regarding company growth, company
profitability, company stability.
In today's society we need to require a different set of skills than it did in the past. It's undeniable
that social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok have dominated and
changed the way we compete in the business landscape. With a sea of competitors, it now
matters how we present ourselves online and how we create experiences that are attractive to
our clients and customers.
Although some leadership skills, qualities and leadership habits remain the same, refusing
to adapt to the current norm will make it difficult for a leader to stay in the game. Most
challenging: how do we adapt to change in this fast-paced digital world? But how do we keep up
and stay relevant as a leader?
1) What is Leadership?
The state or position of being a manager or the person in charge, the qualities that a leader
should have, the people who are in charge of a country, organization, etc.
Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill, and also it's an ability to accomplish
an individual, group or organization to "lead people", influence or guide other individuals, teams,
or entire organizations etc.
Leadership is a process, which means the potential to influence the behaviour of other people.
And It is also defined as the capacity to influence a group towards the realization of a goal.
Leaders are required to develop their future visions, and to motivate others and the
organizational members to want to achieve the visions.
2) Characteristics of Leadership
It is an interpersonal process in which a manager is into influencing and guiding workers
towards attainment of goals and visions. It denotes a few qualities to be present in a person
which includes self-awareness, intelligence, maturity and personality.
It is a group process. It involves two or more people interacting with each other.
A leader is involved in shaping and moulding the behaviour of the group towards
accomplishment of organizational goals and visions.
A Leader always focuses on solving the problems of a company or organization and works for
growth in the company. To achieve companies goals and visions. And also think about their
employees' growth. There is no best style of leadership. It all depends upon handling the
3) Why is Leadership Important?
Leadership is the most important because it inspires employees, motivates them for work, and
sets an example for people to accomplish positive changes in the world. Leaders establish a big
vision for a company or organization, provide a plan of action, and build strong relationships
with their employees and followers.
4) What is Autocratic leadership?
Autocratic leadership is a management style wherein one person controls all the decisions and
takes very little inputs from other group members. And they work on company profitability and
visions, not for employees, they create big results even employees aren't satisfied with them.
Autocratic leaders make choices or decisions based on their own beliefs and do not involve
others for their suggestion or advice.
5) Qualities of a Good Leader
Good leaders very possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building,
have a bias for action, have long term vision, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic,
present themselves as constant and consistent, become role models and are fully present in
Qualities of a Good Leader:
● Communication
● Empathy
● Confidence
● Integrity
● Accountability
● Goal
● Creativity
● Humility
● Decisiveness
● Honesty
● Passion
● Delegation
● Emotional intelligence
● Decision-making
● Learning
● Positivity
● Focus
● Innovation
● Courage
● Motivation
● Transparency
● Self-awareness
● Honesty and integrity
6) What are Leadership skills? And Qualities of a Good Leadership
Before understanding Leadership skills, first you need to understand "why leaders are most
important for a company? The leader is one of the important people in a company or
Businesses. Who takes all the responsibilities of a company, to make the company more
profitable, sustainable, abilities to deal with difficulties, bad situations, and they decide the
company's future and contribute to make the company more successful in the long term.
A short story by John Maxwell, one time an interviewer came over to John Maxwell, and he
asked the question? How you make all loss making companies more profitable any specific laws
followed by you.
Then John Maxwell told him, a leader who is the main key person who takes all responsibilities
of a company and makes the company more profitable, rather than to get success give the
excuses to fail.
He followed some specific laws:
● First he fires the president or CEO of a company, just because he is the main key person
who decides the future of a company, and at any cost he puts all efforts by himself and
makes the company profitable, stable, sustainable, he uses all abilities to make the
company successful, rather than to get success give the excuses to fail.
● Retrain all team members and employees.
● Retrain to the employees how customers stay happy with your products or services.
● Retrain about how we improve customer experience.
● Even though there are no resourceful situations, they work on company profitability,
stability, and use the resources they distribute to make the company more successful in
the long term.
The most famous quote is: "it is easy to fail to succeed rather than an excuse to succeed."
The 7 Irrefutable. Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell.
John Maxwell is one of the world’s foremost authorities on Leadership. John has trained millions
of people and written over 50 books. Like many other authorities on Leadership, John would
agree that Leadership is about Setting Direction, Aligning People, Motivating and Inspiring.
However, in his book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” published in 2007, John breaks
down leadership even further.
The Law of the Lid
It states that there is a lid on or limit to our potential that is determined by our leadership ability.
As we grow our abilities as a leader, we automatically grow our ability to impact the world. If our
leadership ability stagnates, so does our ability to make a bigger impact.
The Law of Influence
Influence is the power or capacity to produce a desired result. Maxwell refers to this law many
times throughout the book. Simply stated it says that the true measure of leadership is
influence- nothing more, nothing less. Influence is what helps fulfill the goals and dreams of the
leader and without influence, a leader lacks the ammunition to reach the destination.
The Law of Process
Leaders are learners and their capacity to develop and improve their skills distinguishes leaders
from their followers. The learning process is ongoing and a result of self-discipline and
perseverance. To quote Maxwell “If I need to be inspired to take steps forward, then I’ll attend
an event. If I need to improve, then I’ll engage in a process and stick with it.” Maxwell asks the
questions “What is one little thing you can do more of that would have a positive impact on your
life or your business? And is there something you can stop doing that will have the same kind of
impact?” Both are important as we strive to get a little better every day.
The Law of Navigation
Anyone can steer a ship but it takes a leader to chart the course carefully, seeing where they
want to go and charting the most effective course to get there. This holds true for individual
leaders and for leadership teams. To quote Maxwell “If the leader can’t navigate the people
through rough waters, he is liable to sink the ship.”
The Law of Addition
The law of addition focuses on advancing others, not ourselves. Leadership is an act of service
to others and the true leader focuses on creating value for others. The best place to serve is
where we can add the most value to others. Leaders add value to others by valuing others and
relating to what others value. True leaders ask “How can I serve?” Because they are focused
on service, it’s not so much about “What’s in it for me.”
The Law of Solid Ground
The solid ground is solid character, living with integrity, authenticity and discipline. Trust is the
foundation of leadership. It is earned or it isn’t. Character is the source of trust. We build our
character by being scrupulously honest, even when it hurts. To be authentic, we must be
ourselves with everyone, not pretending to be something that we aren’t. Discipline comes from
doing what needs to be done whether we like it or not.
The Law of Respect
We must be strong and worthy of respect if we want people to respect us, to have a high opinion
of us and be willing to follow our lead, because people naturally follow people with leadership
skills and traits stronger than they possess. Choosing those one wishes to follow is not
accidental. People follow others who possess leadership traits they respect and admire and
consider more worthy of respect than themselves.
7) Be an Adaptable Leader and Use Change to Your Advantage
1. Practice mindfulness
2. Focus on things that matter
3. Develop your emotional intelligence
4. Empower yourself
1) Practice mindfulness
Mindfulness is the ability to adapt to change to your advantage. And that keeps going. That
helps to know what changes are happening in our society or today's time, what we need to
change and need to adapt accordingly to the current situation. Mindfulness helps to be aware
and conscious about the current time and what type of things are happening surrounding you
and what you need to accept.
Changes sometimes create some difficulties but always remember one thing, adapt to change
yourself time accordingly. Or according to the current situation. This is the real quality of a real
person. As you know today's time everyone has a profile on social media platforms, you know
why? Just because people understand the potential of social media accounts and platforms.
About practicing mindfulness and the actual meaning of it. If you understand that, it helps you in
all aspects of life. to deal with all situations and how to handle that. The sign of becoming a
great leader. And also it is called Leadership skills and Quality of good leaders.
the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. "Their mindfulness of the wider
cinematic tradition"
a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly
acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a
therapeutic technique.
2) Focus on things that matter
The real quality of Becoming a great leader, self awareness about what things that matter, and
where we need to focus in leadership. What things are good for your company employees and
also good for your business, and what things really help you to maintain your brand value,
products or services, and product quality as well.
A great leader always focuses on important things that can help to achieve a high level of
success in terms of the company. Example: improving products and services quality that
customers want from the company. That helps to grow your business and it helps to keep your
brand value in customers mind.
3) Develop your emotional intelligence
Developing your emotional intelligence, it is also the good quality of a great leader to use
emotional intelligence that you actually need, to take right decisions in leadership.
A great leader, knowing the real use of emotional intelligence and where we need this quality to
solve the problems. It also helps to handle all the situations calmly. That is the most important
quality of a great leader. To handle all situations, even huge problems or minor problems.
This is the real meaning of emotional intelligence. If you really want to become a great leader,
you need to develop your emotional intelligence as well. Emotional intelligence is the key to
becoming a successful both personal and professional life. And to build good relationships with
your customers and company employees.
the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal
relationships judiciously and empathetically. "Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal
and professional success"
4) Empower yourself
Empowering yourself, this is the no1 quality of every great leader. They always empower
themselves, just because they know to use this ability and willingness, it helps to grow in your
life personally and professionally. Good leader reads a lot of books about self-development and
personal growth. Leaders always empower others and the team's success.
"Change is a normal part of our lives, but it's uncomfortable for the vast majority of people
because it makes them feel like they've lost control. Do you remember a time when you felt like
things were being done to you that you had no control over? That's how they may feel now. In
every way you can, let them know that you can relate to that." — Mary JoAsmus
”To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” — Winston Churchill
Adaptability skills examples
● Leadership
Leadership is the ability to influence others, and expertise in that skill, so people follow you, and
so on people help to achieve your goals and desires. Have a problem solving approach and add
more values to others lives. Dealings with circumstances and overcoming obstacles using their
experience and intelligence. And making other lives better.
Leaders are required to develop their future visions, and to motivate others and the
organizational members to want to achieve the visions.
● Emotional intelligence
Developing your emotional intelligence, it is also the good quality of a great leader to use
emotional intelligence that you actually need, to take right decisions in leadership.
the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal
relationships judiciously and empathetically. "Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal
and professional success"
● Communication
Communication is also part of the good Leadership skills and adaptability skills of the great
leaders. It is the way to communicate with others, and the way to understand others' feelings
and emotions. A few of the top adaptability skills are communication, quick learning,
problem-solving skills, organization, decision-making ability, resourcefulness, leadership
qualities etc.
● Problem solving
Leaders are required to develop their problem solving skills and easily handle all situations and
overcome obstacles. This is a quality required to become a great leader and it is also required in
a good Leadership. A great leader before solving the problems, they understand the cause of
that, then the high possibility they can solve the problems at all.
● Creativity
Leaders are also required to develop their creativity skills, most of the leaders having the
common skills of creativity. That helps to make them a great leader. Creativity is also part of the
problem solving approach of good Leadership.
● Teamwork
Teamwork is also part of the adaptability skills of a great leader in Leadership. Support your
team, and encourage others, that feels good by team members. Teamwork, Working with other
people can be a challenge, as it requires adjusting to different working styles and
accommodating different opinions, approaches and methods.
● Critical thinking
Critical thinking is also the ability to help solve problems, the quality of a good leader in
Leadership, and overcome obstacles. intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully
conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from,
or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to
belief and action, and solving the problems even if there are huge problems at all.
● Decision-making
Decisions making skills are also required to be a great leader in Leadership skills. The most
common skills of all great leaders ever. According to situations, taking the right action, using
their intelligence, and making the right decisions, you need to develop these qualities to be a
great leader, the part of good Leadership skills.
● Active listening
You need to develop this skill to become a leader. Active listening shows you are more attentive
and ready to take a new direction, and developing your nonverbal communication skills can help
you navigate changes, and the best quality of a good leader.
Active listening involves full comprehension of what your coworker is explaining through both
verbal and nonverbal cues. Improving your listening skills can help to achieve your goals and it
will make you a great leader as well.
8) 2 Types of Leadership
● Democratic Leadership
A democratic leader allows and even encourages others to participate in decision making, and
helps employees to create big results and encourages good work and also he guides what they
did wrong and right, employees always like them.
They work for employee satisfaction but eventually they are unable to achieve companies goals
and visions as expected by companies as compared to autocratic Leadership. Democratic
leadership is good for achieving long term goals but doesn't achieve short term goals as well. As
expected by companies.
Any similarities in these leadership styles and the one in your company? Do you see some
similarities And do you recognise yourself as one of these leaders?
Yes of course! I'm also a great leader, and I'm a combination of autocratic and democratic
leadership, and also I have great leadership skills and Qualities. That makes me a great leader.
These styles of leadership are a great way to realise what works and what doesn't in your
company. It helps you to know the outcomes you want to achieve. And helps to achieve
companies goals and visions. This type of leadership is good for companies growth and visions
in a short term achievements.
Each and every leadership style encourages different types of performances so it’s good to
know what one works best for you. What I have experienced, to build both leadership qualities,
if you really want to be a great leader and want to become highly successful in leadership.
● Autocratic leadership is the opposite of democratic leadership. About this leadership
style, the leader makes decisions without taking input from anyone who reports to them.
They are good to achieve short term goals, and make the company more profitable and
focus on stability but employees don't like them.
Just because they take work hard from employees, they only focus on how companies
make more profit and achieve short term goals as fast as possible. They work for
companies and don't work for employees.
This Leadership style is most useful when a business needs to control specific situations, and
difficulties, not as a standalone leadership style.
Why this leadership style works for businesses:
Autocratic leaders follow strategies strongly and directives with absolute focus on goals, and
short term visions. This type of leadership is mainly focused on results, and clarity can lead to
better performance in terms of success, achievements, and profitability by the teams.
It's more efficient because employees aren't consulted before a change in direction. Instead,
they're expected to adhere to the decision at a time and pace stipulated by the leader.
Why this leadership style is good for the team:
This type of leadership is most effective when a company is making difficult decisions, and other
types of difficulties and challenging situations to handle them most effectively. This type of
leadership style gives employees a clear sense of direction. It can also make up for a lack of
experience on a team.
Potential challenges for leaders with an Autocratic Leadership style:
Most of the organizations today can't sustain such a hegemonic culture without losing
employees. It can lower morale and creative problem-solving and they have more potential and
abilities to deal with any situations and difficulties as well.
Just take it as an example of this could be when a manager changes the hours of work shifts for
employees without consulting anyone.
Other challenges with autocratic leaders include:
Over-reliance on a single leader
Different leadership styles favor different traits, with the most popular shown in this employee
survey graphic.
9) 7 definitions of Great Leadership
An effective leader possesses the following characteristics: self-confidence, High Self-esteem,
strong communication and management skills, creative and innovative thinking, perseverance in
the face of failure, willingness to take risks, openness to change, adopt changes fast and level
headedness and reactiveness in times of crisis.
10) Leadership in management
Leadership in management, about leadership, is the capacity of a company's management to
set and achieve challenging goals, company visions, and take fast and decisive action when
needed, outperform any competition, and inspire others to perform at the highest level that can
be possible for a business, And fulfilling the company desires accordingly.
Over-all conclusion of this blog post, today you learned many things about leadership. definition
of leadership, how to be an adaptable leader and use change to your advantage. Today you
also learned about leadership strategy, leadership skills, qualities of a good leader, why is
leadership important? characteristics of leadership, 2 types of leadership, adaptability skills
examples, the 7 Irrefutable. Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell, Leadership in management
and more details about leadership. Hope! This blog post will help you to understand leadership.
And I promise you, usually I publish 2 blog posts about life and career related topics weekly.
Hope! If you like this post, please comment, subscribe, and share with someone who wants to
consume this type of informative content that will help to improve your life and others lives as

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Leadership Blog.pdf

  • 1. How to Be an Adaptable Leader and Use Change to Your Advantage Autocratic Leadership and Qualities of a Good Leader Introduction Maintain your relevance and stay adaptable in today's time in an ever-changing environment? Become a better leader by learning how to efficiently adapt to change yourself accordingly. Adoption is the most important key to success in entrepreneurships. Big changes of adoption happened in the past in the smartphone industry. Before Android started in smartphones, at that time it was the most popular Nokia brand. But when the Android operating system started in the smartphones officially. The key decision in Android history was Google's commitment to make Android an open-source operating system. That allowed it to become highly popular with third-party phone makers. Just a few years after the launch of Android 1.0, smartphones powered by the new OS were everywhere. Autocratic Leadership and Democratic Leadership aren't good for a company, in leadership a person's combination of both in great leadership. Qualities of a Good Leader, that makes a person Good leader in entrepreneurship. Leadership is not just about achieving company goals, and making the company profitable and focusing on business stability. In a business, leaders who are the main key person who decides the company or organizational future and contribute to achieving company goals and visions. How much a company will become successful totally depends on a business leader, who leads the company commands. Leadership responsibility, solving the huge problems and focusing on solutions. Those are mainly focused on problem solving approaches. And a solution oriented person in a company. That person takes the responsibility of a company. Regarding company growth, company profitability, company stability. In today's society we need to require a different set of skills than it did in the past. It's undeniable that social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok have dominated and changed the way we compete in the business landscape. With a sea of competitors, it now
  • 2. matters how we present ourselves online and how we create experiences that are attractive to our clients and customers. Although some leadership skills, qualities and leadership habits remain the same, refusing to adapt to the current norm will make it difficult for a leader to stay in the game. Most challenging: how do we adapt to change in this fast-paced digital world? But how do we keep up and stay relevant as a leader? 1) What is Leadership? Credit:freepik The state or position of being a manager or the person in charge, the qualities that a leader should have, the people who are in charge of a country, organization, etc. Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill, and also it's an ability to accomplish an individual, group or organization to "lead people", influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations etc. Leadership is a process, which means the potential to influence the behaviour of other people. And It is also defined as the capacity to influence a group towards the realization of a goal. Leaders are required to develop their future visions, and to motivate others and the organizational members to want to achieve the visions. 2) Characteristics of Leadership It is an interpersonal process in which a manager is into influencing and guiding workers towards attainment of goals and visions. It denotes a few qualities to be present in a person which includes self-awareness, intelligence, maturity and personality. It is a group process. It involves two or more people interacting with each other. A leader is involved in shaping and moulding the behaviour of the group towards accomplishment of organizational goals and visions. A Leader always focuses on solving the problems of a company or organization and works for growth in the company. To achieve companies goals and visions. And also think about their employees' growth. There is no best style of leadership. It all depends upon handling the situations.
  • 3. 3) Why is Leadership Important? Credit:freepik Leadership is the most important because it inspires employees, motivates them for work, and sets an example for people to accomplish positive changes in the world. Leaders establish a big vision for a company or organization, provide a plan of action, and build strong relationships with their employees and followers. 4) What is Autocratic leadership? Credit:freepik Autocratic leadership is a management style wherein one person controls all the decisions and takes very little inputs from other group members. And they work on company profitability and visions, not for employees, they create big results even employees aren't satisfied with them. Autocratic leaders make choices or decisions based on their own beliefs and do not involve others for their suggestion or advice. 5) Qualities of a Good Leader Credit:freepik Good leaders very possess self-awareness, garner credibility, focus on relationship-building, have a bias for action, have long term vision, exhibit humility, empower others, stay authentic, present themselves as constant and consistent, become role models and are fully present in entrepreneurship. Qualities of a Good Leader:
  • 4. ● Communication ● Empathy ● Confidence ● Integrity ● Accountability ● Goal ● Creativity ● Humility ● Decisiveness ● Honesty ● Passion ● Delegation ● Emotional intelligence ● Decision-making ● Learning ● Positivity ● Focus ● Innovation ● Courage ● Motivation ● Transparency ● Self-awareness ● Honesty and integrity 6) What are Leadership skills? And Qualities of a Good Leadership Before understanding Leadership skills, first you need to understand "why leaders are most important for a company? The leader is one of the important people in a company or Businesses. Who takes all the responsibilities of a company, to make the company more profitable, sustainable, abilities to deal with difficulties, bad situations, and they decide the company's future and contribute to make the company more successful in the long term. A short story by John Maxwell, one time an interviewer came over to John Maxwell, and he asked the question? How you make all loss making companies more profitable any specific laws followed by you. Then John Maxwell told him, a leader who is the main key person who takes all responsibilities of a company and makes the company more profitable, rather than to get success give the excuses to fail. He followed some specific laws: ● First he fires the president or CEO of a company, just because he is the main key person who decides the future of a company, and at any cost he puts all efforts by himself and
  • 5. makes the company profitable, stable, sustainable, he uses all abilities to make the company successful, rather than to get success give the excuses to fail. ● Retrain all team members and employees. ● Retrain to the employees how customers stay happy with your products or services. ● Retrain about how we improve customer experience. ● Even though there are no resourceful situations, they work on company profitability, stability, and use the resources they distribute to make the company more successful in the long term. The most famous quote is: "it is easy to fail to succeed rather than an excuse to succeed." The 7 Irrefutable. Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell. John Maxwell is one of the world’s foremost authorities on Leadership. John has trained millions of people and written over 50 books. Like many other authorities on Leadership, John would agree that Leadership is about Setting Direction, Aligning People, Motivating and Inspiring. However, in his book “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” published in 2007, John breaks down leadership even further. The Law of the Lid It states that there is a lid on or limit to our potential that is determined by our leadership ability. As we grow our abilities as a leader, we automatically grow our ability to impact the world. If our leadership ability stagnates, so does our ability to make a bigger impact. The Law of Influence Influence is the power or capacity to produce a desired result. Maxwell refers to this law many times throughout the book. Simply stated it says that the true measure of leadership is influence- nothing more, nothing less. Influence is what helps fulfill the goals and dreams of the leader and without influence, a leader lacks the ammunition to reach the destination. The Law of Process Leaders are learners and their capacity to develop and improve their skills distinguishes leaders from their followers. The learning process is ongoing and a result of self-discipline and perseverance. To quote Maxwell “If I need to be inspired to take steps forward, then I’ll attend an event. If I need to improve, then I’ll engage in a process and stick with it.” Maxwell asks the questions “What is one little thing you can do more of that would have a positive impact on your life or your business? And is there something you can stop doing that will have the same kind of impact?” Both are important as we strive to get a little better every day. The Law of Navigation
  • 6. Anyone can steer a ship but it takes a leader to chart the course carefully, seeing where they want to go and charting the most effective course to get there. This holds true for individual leaders and for leadership teams. To quote Maxwell “If the leader can’t navigate the people through rough waters, he is liable to sink the ship.” The Law of Addition The law of addition focuses on advancing others, not ourselves. Leadership is an act of service to others and the true leader focuses on creating value for others. The best place to serve is where we can add the most value to others. Leaders add value to others by valuing others and relating to what others value. True leaders ask “How can I serve?” Because they are focused on service, it’s not so much about “What’s in it for me.” The Law of Solid Ground The solid ground is solid character, living with integrity, authenticity and discipline. Trust is the foundation of leadership. It is earned or it isn’t. Character is the source of trust. We build our character by being scrupulously honest, even when it hurts. To be authentic, we must be ourselves with everyone, not pretending to be something that we aren’t. Discipline comes from doing what needs to be done whether we like it or not. The Law of Respect We must be strong and worthy of respect if we want people to respect us, to have a high opinion of us and be willing to follow our lead, because people naturally follow people with leadership skills and traits stronger than they possess. Choosing those one wishes to follow is not accidental. People follow others who possess leadership traits they respect and admire and consider more worthy of respect than themselves. 7) Be an Adaptable Leader and Use Change to Your Advantage Credit:freepik 1. Practice mindfulness 2. Focus on things that matter 3. Develop your emotional intelligence 4. Empower yourself 1) Practice mindfulness
  • 7. Mindfulness is the ability to adapt to change to your advantage. And that keeps going. That helps to know what changes are happening in our society or today's time, what we need to change and need to adapt accordingly to the current situation. Mindfulness helps to be aware and conscious about the current time and what type of things are happening surrounding you and what you need to accept. Changes sometimes create some difficulties but always remember one thing, adapt to change yourself time accordingly. Or according to the current situation. This is the real quality of a real person. As you know today's time everyone has a profile on social media platforms, you know why? Just because people understand the potential of social media accounts and platforms. About practicing mindfulness and the actual meaning of it. If you understand that, it helps you in all aspects of life. to deal with all situations and how to handle that. The sign of becoming a great leader. And also it is called Leadership skills and Quality of good leaders. the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. "Their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition" a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. 2) Focus on things that matter The real quality of Becoming a great leader, self awareness about what things that matter, and where we need to focus in leadership. What things are good for your company employees and also good for your business, and what things really help you to maintain your brand value, products or services, and product quality as well. A great leader always focuses on important things that can help to achieve a high level of success in terms of the company. Example: improving products and services quality that customers want from the company. That helps to grow your business and it helps to keep your brand value in customers mind. 3) Develop your emotional intelligence Developing your emotional intelligence, it is also the good quality of a great leader to use emotional intelligence that you actually need, to take right decisions in leadership. A great leader, knowing the real use of emotional intelligence and where we need this quality to solve the problems. It also helps to handle all the situations calmly. That is the most important quality of a great leader. To handle all situations, even huge problems or minor problems.
  • 8. This is the real meaning of emotional intelligence. If you really want to become a great leader, you need to develop your emotional intelligence as well. Emotional intelligence is the key to becoming a successful both personal and professional life. And to build good relationships with your customers and company employees. the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. "Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success" 4) Empower yourself Empowering yourself, this is the no1 quality of every great leader. They always empower themselves, just because they know to use this ability and willingness, it helps to grow in your life personally and professionally. Good leader reads a lot of books about self-development and personal growth. Leaders always empower others and the team's success. "Change is a normal part of our lives, but it's uncomfortable for the vast majority of people because it makes them feel like they've lost control. Do you remember a time when you felt like things were being done to you that you had no control over? That's how they may feel now. In every way you can, let them know that you can relate to that." — Mary JoAsmus ”To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” — Winston Churchill Adaptability skills examples ● Leadership Leadership is the ability to influence others, and expertise in that skill, so people follow you, and so on people help to achieve your goals and desires. Have a problem solving approach and add more values to others lives. Dealings with circumstances and overcoming obstacles using their experience and intelligence. And making other lives better. Leaders are required to develop their future visions, and to motivate others and the organizational members to want to achieve the visions. ● Emotional intelligence Developing your emotional intelligence, it is also the good quality of a great leader to use emotional intelligence that you actually need, to take right decisions in leadership. the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. "Emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success"
  • 9. ● Communication Communication is also part of the good Leadership skills and adaptability skills of the great leaders. It is the way to communicate with others, and the way to understand others' feelings and emotions. A few of the top adaptability skills are communication, quick learning, problem-solving skills, organization, decision-making ability, resourcefulness, leadership qualities etc. ● Problem solving Leaders are required to develop their problem solving skills and easily handle all situations and overcome obstacles. This is a quality required to become a great leader and it is also required in a good Leadership. A great leader before solving the problems, they understand the cause of that, then the high possibility they can solve the problems at all. ● Creativity Leaders are also required to develop their creativity skills, most of the leaders having the common skills of creativity. That helps to make them a great leader. Creativity is also part of the problem solving approach of good Leadership. ● Teamwork Teamwork is also part of the adaptability skills of a great leader in Leadership. Support your team, and encourage others, that feels good by team members. Teamwork, Working with other people can be a challenge, as it requires adjusting to different working styles and accommodating different opinions, approaches and methods. ● Critical thinking Critical thinking is also the ability to help solve problems, the quality of a good leader in Leadership, and overcome obstacles. intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action, and solving the problems even if there are huge problems at all. ● Decision-making Decisions making skills are also required to be a great leader in Leadership skills. The most common skills of all great leaders ever. According to situations, taking the right action, using their intelligence, and making the right decisions, you need to develop these qualities to be a great leader, the part of good Leadership skills. ● Active listening
  • 10. You need to develop this skill to become a leader. Active listening shows you are more attentive and ready to take a new direction, and developing your nonverbal communication skills can help you navigate changes, and the best quality of a good leader. Active listening involves full comprehension of what your coworker is explaining through both verbal and nonverbal cues. Improving your listening skills can help to achieve your goals and it will make you a great leader as well. 8) 2 Types of Leadership ● Democratic Leadership A democratic leader allows and even encourages others to participate in decision making, and helps employees to create big results and encourages good work and also he guides what they did wrong and right, employees always like them. They work for employee satisfaction but eventually they are unable to achieve companies goals and visions as expected by companies as compared to autocratic Leadership. Democratic leadership is good for achieving long term goals but doesn't achieve short term goals as well. As expected by companies. Any similarities in these leadership styles and the one in your company? Do you see some similarities And do you recognise yourself as one of these leaders? Yes of course! I'm also a great leader, and I'm a combination of autocratic and democratic leadership, and also I have great leadership skills and Qualities. That makes me a great leader. These styles of leadership are a great way to realise what works and what doesn't in your company. It helps you to know the outcomes you want to achieve. And helps to achieve companies goals and visions. This type of leadership is good for companies growth and visions in a short term achievements. Each and every leadership style encourages different types of performances so it’s good to know what one works best for you. What I have experienced, to build both leadership qualities, if you really want to be a great leader and want to become highly successful in leadership. ● Autocratic leadership is the opposite of democratic leadership. About this leadership style, the leader makes decisions without taking input from anyone who reports to them. They are good to achieve short term goals, and make the company more profitable and focus on stability but employees don't like them.
  • 11. Just because they take work hard from employees, they only focus on how companies make more profit and achieve short term goals as fast as possible. They work for companies and don't work for employees. This Leadership style is most useful when a business needs to control specific situations, and difficulties, not as a standalone leadership style. Why this leadership style works for businesses: Autocratic leaders follow strategies strongly and directives with absolute focus on goals, and short term visions. This type of leadership is mainly focused on results, and clarity can lead to better performance in terms of success, achievements, and profitability by the teams. It's more efficient because employees aren't consulted before a change in direction. Instead, they're expected to adhere to the decision at a time and pace stipulated by the leader. Why this leadership style is good for the team: This type of leadership is most effective when a company is making difficult decisions, and other types of difficulties and challenging situations to handle them most effectively. This type of leadership style gives employees a clear sense of direction. It can also make up for a lack of experience on a team. Potential challenges for leaders with an Autocratic Leadership style: Most of the organizations today can't sustain such a hegemonic culture without losing employees. It can lower morale and creative problem-solving and they have more potential and abilities to deal with any situations and difficulties as well. Just take it as an example of this could be when a manager changes the hours of work shifts for employees without consulting anyone. Other challenges with autocratic leaders include: Intimidation Micromanagement Over-reliance on a single leader Different leadership styles favor different traits, with the most popular shown in this employee survey graphic. 9) 7 definitions of Great Leadership An effective leader possesses the following characteristics: self-confidence, High Self-esteem, strong communication and management skills, creative and innovative thinking, perseverance in
  • 12. the face of failure, willingness to take risks, openness to change, adopt changes fast and level headedness and reactiveness in times of crisis. 10) Leadership in management Leadership in management, about leadership, is the capacity of a company's management to set and achieve challenging goals, company visions, and take fast and decisive action when needed, outperform any competition, and inspire others to perform at the highest level that can be possible for a business, And fulfilling the company desires accordingly. Conclusion Over-all conclusion of this blog post, today you learned many things about leadership. definition of leadership, how to be an adaptable leader and use change to your advantage. Today you also learned about leadership strategy, leadership skills, qualities of a good leader, why is leadership important? characteristics of leadership, 2 types of leadership, adaptability skills examples, the 7 Irrefutable. Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell, Leadership in management and more details about leadership. Hope! This blog post will help you to understand leadership. And I promise you, usually I publish 2 blog posts about life and career related topics weekly. Hope! If you like this post, please comment, subscribe, and share with someone who wants to consume this type of informative content that will help to improve your life and others lives as well.