presentation on c tokens presentation on c language slideshare c language slideshare c tokens c language ppt coding vs programming slideshare on coding for kids. basic coding presentation why coding is important? why to code for kids? what is instruction what is programming what is coding instructions code arithmetic operator with example relational operator increment/ decrement operator operators in c ppt on c operator description of c operators with example c operator presentation c operators describe ip address and its classes define ip addresses ip address tcp/ip explain dns describe dns internet vs intranet vs extranet difference between internet internet vs www define website define www advantages of web application client/server model networking ppt networking notes ppt on internet web technology presentation on web application web application ppt on communication concept concept of communication ppt on communication process process of communication ppt presentation on objectives of communication presentation on informal commincation presentation on formal communication formal vs informal communication objectives or model of communication describe objectives of communication define communication explain communication presentation on communication business communication community management management slideshare meaning of management features of managemnt characteristics of management effectiveness vs efficiency concept on management management concept ppt presentation on management ppt on tokens service car sharing carpool ridesharing
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