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Testing, Verification, and Validation Document
Project Tensioned Building Construction
Submitted by:
Luke Skelly
Rob Lewis
Dani Jackson
Diana C. Etheridge
Dr. Matthew Gordon
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 1 of 12
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................3
1.2 Scope ...................................................................................................................................3
2. TEST APPROACH...................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................3
2.2 Requirements Traceability Matrix .........................................................................................4
2.3 Test Environment.................................................................................................................4
3. TEST PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 Structure Stability Test..........................................................................................................5
3.1.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................5
3.1.2 Test Procedure / Equipment............................................................................................5
3.2 Budget Test..........................................................................................................................5
3.2.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................6
3.2.2 Test Procedure / Equipment............................................................................................6
3.3 Patent Confirmation Test......................................................................................................6
3.3.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................6
3.3.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................6
3.4 Material Size Test.................................................................................................................6
3.4.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................6
3.4.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................6
3.5 Assembly Time Test..............................................................................................................7
3.5.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................7
3.5.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................7
3.6 Structure Size Test................................................................................................................7
3.6.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................7
3.6.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................7
3.7 Foundation Block Demonstration..........................................................................................8
3.7.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................8
3.7.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................8
3.8 Location of Foundation Blocks Test.......................................................................................8
3.8.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................8
3.8.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................8
3.9 Concrete & Support Structure Interface Test .........................................................................9
3.9.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................9
3.9.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................9
3.10 Turnbuckle Access Test.......................................................................................................9
3.10.1 Test Summary...............................................................................................................9
3.10.2 Test Procedure .............................................................................................................9
3.11 Structural Support Test.......................................................................................................9
3.11.1 Test Summary...............................................................................................................9
3.11.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................10
3.12 Bracket & Support Structure Interface Test........................................................................10
3.12.1 Test Summary.............................................................................................................10
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 2 of 12
3.12.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................10
3.13 Enclosure Test..................................................................................................................10
3.13.1 Test Summary.............................................................................................................10
3.13.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................10
3.14 Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test...................................................................................11
3.14.1 Test Summary.............................................................................................................11
3.14.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................11
3.15 Door & Window Inspection Test........................................................................................11
3.15.1 Test Summary.............................................................................................................11
3.15.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................11
4. TEST RESULTS (No tests have been completed, so this section is purposefully blank, but
left in to show that the results will be given for each test)........................................................ 11
4.1 Results of Structure Stability Test........................................................................................11
4.1.1 Results.........................................................................................................................11
4.2 Results of Budget Test.........................................................................................................12
4.2.1 Results.........................................................................................................................12
4.3 Results of Patent Confirmation Test ....................................................................................12
4.3.1 Results.........................................................................................................................12
4.4 Results of Material Size Test................................................................................................12
4.4.1 Results.........................................................................................................................12
4.5 Results of Assembly Time Test............................................................................................12
4.5.1 Results.........................................................................................................................12
4.6 Results of Structure Size Test..............................................................................................13
4.6.1 Results.........................................................................................................................13
4.7 Results of Foundation Block Demonstration........................................................................13
4.7.1 Results.........................................................................................................................13
4.8 Results of Location of Foundation Blocks Test......................................................................13
4.8.1 Results.........................................................................................................................13
4.9 Results of Concrete & Support Structure Interface Test........................................................13
4.9.1 Results.........................................................................................................................13
4.10 Results of Turnbuckle Access Test.....................................................................................13
4.10.1 Results.......................................................................................................................13
4.11 Results Support Structure Test..........................................................................................14
4.11.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14
4.12 Results of Bracket & Support Structure Interface Test........................................................14
4.12.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14
4.13 Results Enclosure Test.......................................................................................................14
4.13.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14
4.14 Results of Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test...................................................................14
4.14.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14
4.15 Results of Door & Window Inspection Test........................................................................14
4.15.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 3 of 12
1.1 Purpose
This document describes the test procedures that will be used to validate that this design
meets the customer’s requirements and performs the required tests. The test procedures
will also verify that each of the requirements will be met. These requirements will either
be verified through analytical methods or experimentally.
1.2 Scope
This document describes the testing, validation and verification of the Tensioned
Building. The system has been divided into 5 subsystems: the foundation system, the
tension system, the structural system, the enclosure system, and the insulation system.
This document will describe the tests that will be performed on each of these subsystems
and on the system as a whole. This document will also describe how these tests will be
either validated or verified.
2.1 Overview
Testing of the complete system will validate the structure’s functionality. This will
include testing of each of the subsystem interfaces because these are the areas of the
system that will see the most stress and be important in the overall structure’s
functionality. If one of the interfaces fails then the entire system cannot be validated.
Testing will also include demonstrations that verify that the requirements as stated by the
requirements document are being met. Some of these demonstrations will be completed
once the materials have all been purchased and delivered. The majority of the
demonstrations will be completed once the structure is built onsite. The validity of this
design will be dependent on its structural stability. This will include analytical testing
done using SolidWorks and ANSYS and experimental testing with force applied to the
structure done upon completion.
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 4 of 12
2.2 Requirements Traceability Matrix
Satisfied Requirements 5.x.x
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3
1 X
2 X
3 X
4 X
5 X
6 X
7 X
8 X
9 X
10 X
11 X
12 X
13 X
14 X
2.3 Test Environment
The majority of the demonstration testing for this project will be done at the build site in Aurora,
CO. These tests will be performed outdoors. The unassembled materials test can be completed
anywhere where the certain size limit can be achieved and measured. This will most likely be
done at the Metallurgy Building at the University of Denver. Very little equipment will be
required to perform the demonstration testing. A tape measure and a stopwatch are the only
demonstration equipment requirements. A force gauge will be required for the validation test or
the verification of the first requirement. This will be obtained from the Machine Shop at the
University of Denver. A tensile test machine will be used in the Machine Shop at the University
of Denver for the Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test.
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 5 of 12
3.1 Structure Stability Test
3.1.1 Test Summary
For this test, initially calculations will be performed to determine the normal force that would be
applied to the structure due to high winds. These calculations will be used to simulate the applied
force on the structure in SolidWorks. The outcome of this test will be confirmed with an overall
test of the stability of the structure under an applied force. The force will be manually applied to
each side of the structure and be measured with a force gauge. This test will satisfy requirement
5.1.1 which is the requirement that states the validity of the experiment (its ability to prevent
exterior forces (mainly environmental such as wind) from affecting the stability of the structure.
3.1.2 Test Procedure / Equipment
Initial verification will be confirmed upon the completion of the design using SolidWorks
simulations. Using ANSYS an applied force will be found for the wind acting on the structure.
This force will then be applied to the structure in the SolidWorks simulation. Once the structure
is completely built, similar forces will be applied to the exterior of the structure to verify that the
engineering analysis was correct. This will be done through manual application of force
measured with a force gauge. The force applied to the structure initially will not be the exact
force applied. Instead a lower force of 2 N will be applied to the structure and then the force will
be gradually increased until the simulation force of 400 N is reached. If the structure can
maintain its stability under the same applied force that the simulated structure can, then the
structure will pass the test and the requirement will be verified which will in turn mean that the
overall system will be validated. As requested by the customer, this stability will be
characterized as none of the members or brackets failing. If the structure cannot maintain its
stability (for example if any of the members or brackets fail) then the structure will fail the test.
If the structure fails this test then the test will show at what force the structure could not maintain
stability. The displacement of the structure, or the amount that the members move due to the
applied force, will also be measured to determine the displacement that the structure will
undergo. This will be done at the simulation force of 400 N. To measure the displacement this
simulation force will be applied to the structure and then released. The distance different parts of
the structure move upon releasing the simulation force will then be measured. These locations
include the corner brackets, the ceiling brackets, and the roof.
3.2 Budget Test
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 6 of 12
3.2.1 Test Summary
This will test the budget of the overall system and the budget of each subsystem. These values
shall be tracked to determine the percentage that each subsystem costs of the entire system. This
test will satisfy requirement 5.1.2.
3.2.2 Test Procedure / Equipment
The verification of this test will be confirmed after all of the parts are purchased and the structure
is built. If the budget remains under $2000.00 then the structure will pass the test. If the budget
exceeds $2000.00 then the structure will fail the test. If the budget does go over $2000.00 then
future iterations of this project should consider redesigning the structure so as to use fewer
3.3 Patent Confirmation Test
3.3.1 Test Summary
This test shall verify that the project adheres to all restrictions as set by Diana Etheridge’s patent,
U.S. Patent 5,930,971. This will include a demonstration that turnbuckles, tension rope and
foundation blocks are used within the structure. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.3.
3.3.2 Test Procedure
The verification of this test will be a demonstration after all of the parts are purchased and the
structure is built. If the structure utilizes turnbuckles, tensioning rope and foundation blocks then
the structure will pass this test. If the structure does not utilize these parts, then the structure will
fail the test. If the structure fails this test the design will be examined to determine how the
structure differs from the design and then these changes will be corrected.
3.4 Material Size Test
3.4.1 Test Summary
This test shall verify that the unassembled materials for the structure shall not exceed an
8’x8’x10’ volume. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.4.
3.4.2 Test Procedure
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 7 of 12
The verification of this requirement will be demonstrated before the assembly of the structure.
To perform this test the size limit (8’x8’x10’) will be mapped out on the floor. The unassembled
materials will then be placed within the testing area. If the unassembled materials do not fit
within the certain size limit then the structure will fail the test. If the unassembled materials do fit
within the certain size limit then the structure will pass the test. If the unassembled parts do not
fit within the certain size they will be reassessed in order to make certain pieces more compact.
3.5 Assembly Time Test
3.5.1 Test Summary
This test shall verify that the structure can be assembled within 24 hours. This test will satisfy
requirement 5.1.5.
3.5.2 Test Procedure
The testing of this requirement shall be recorded throughout the build of the structure. A
stopwatch shall be used throughout the assembly of the structure. Once the assembly is complete
then the stopwatch shall be stopped. This will be done over the course of 4 6 hour days. If the
time on the stopwatch is less than 24 hours then the structure will pass the test and the
requirement will be verified. If the time on the stopwatch is greater than 24 hours then the
structure will fail the test and the requirement will not be verified. If the requirement is not
verified the actual time will be recorded and the construction process will be reassessed in order
to incorporate any changes that could make it more efficient.
3.6 Structure Size Test
3.6.1 Test Summary
This test shall verify that the entire system maintains the size constraints of 11’ x 12’ and 9.75’
in height. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.6.
3.6.2 Test Procedure
The verification of this test will be a demonstration after all of the parts are purchased and the
structure is built. The structure will be measured using a tape measure. These measurements will
include the overall height (the ground to the highest point of the structure), the length and the
width of the structure. If the overall height is greater than or equal to 9.75 ft, the length is greater
than or equal to 12 ft., and the width is greater than or equal to 11 ft., then the structure shall pass
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 8 of 12
the test and the requirement shall be verified. If any of the measurements are less than the
previously mentioned dimensions then the structure shall fail the test and the requirement shall
not be verified. These dimensions will have a tolerance of 4 inches, so if any of these lengths are
less than the size constraint by a maximum of 4 inches then the structure will still pass the test. If
the test is not passed the new dimensions will be recorded and then accounted for in the
modeling and simulations to verify the stability of the altered design.
3.7 Foundation Block Demonstration
3.7.1 Test Summary
This test shall be a demonstration that confirms that foundation blocks are used within the
system. This test will satisfy requirement 5.2.1.
3.7.2 Test Procedure
The verification of this test will be a demonstration after the structure is built. If all of the
foundation blocks are below ground, which in this case means that the highest surface of the
foundation block is lower than the ground, then the structure will pass the test and the
requirement will be verified. If any number of the foundation blocks are above ground, which in
this case means that the highest surface of the foundation block is even with or higher than the
ground then the structure will fail the test and the requirement will not be verified.
3.8 Location of Foundation Blocks Test
3.8.1 Test Summary
This test shall confirm that the location of the blocks can be found using the location markers.
This test will satisfy requirement 5.2.2.
3.8.2 Test Procedure
The verification of this test will be a demonstration after the structure is built and the foundation
blocks are clearly marked. A person who has no previous knowledge will be asked to locate the
position of all of the foundation blocks. If this person is able to find every foundation block
within 10 minutes then the structure will pass the test and the requirement shall be verified. If
this person is unable to find every foundation block or does so within a time period greater than
10 minutes then the structure will fail the test and the requirement shall not be verified. If the test
is failed input will be gathered on how to make the blocks more visible and then the test will be
repeated with a new subject.
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 9 of 12
3.9 Concrete & Support Structure Interface Test
3.9.1 Test Summary
This test shall confirm that the structural supports will interface effectively with the concrete
blocks of the foundation. This test will require setting the support bracket into cement and doing
a pull out analysis to ensure that the fixture can resist at least 180lbs of tensile force. This test
will satisfy requirement 5.3.1.
3.9.2 Test Procedure
This test will be performed by setting a test fixture of the designed bracket number six which is
the bracket designed to be set into the concrete. This will require full manufacturing of one of
these joints. Once the test fixture is created then a scale will be used to apply pressure to the
fixture until the desired loading is reached. If the structure can withstand 165 lbs. of force then
this test will be verified. In order to perform this test the number six bracket will be fixed in a
vice in an up-side down configuration. Two 80 lbs. bags of concrete will be placed in a metal
basket weighing 5 lbs. and then secured to the number six bracket. The metal basket will then be
lowered to have the number six bracket support the weight of the two 80 lbs. bags of concrete as
well as the basket, weighing a total of 165 lbs. If the test does not pass, it will be repeated in
order to find the maximum tension load supported by the number six brackets.
3.10 Turnbuckle Access Test
3.10.1 Test Summary
The ease of access to tension turnbuckles will be verified when fully assembled. This test will
satisfy requirement 5.3.2.
3.10.2 Test Procedure
Each group member will be timed tensioning the turnbuckles when assembled within the
brackets for each turnbuckle. Each turnbuckle shall take less than 2 minutes to be tensioned for
every group member. If each turnbuckle can be tightened within 2 minutes the requirement will
be verified. If the requirement is not verified the longest time recorded will be accounted for in
the total construction time to ensure the structure can still be built in 24 hours.
3.11 Structural Support Test
3.11.1 Test Summary
The structure shall support the tensioned cables and enclosure material. This test will satisfy
requirement 5.4.1.
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 10 of 12
3.11.2 Test Procedure
When fully assembled, the structure will be inspected by all team members for stability and
standing without any unspecified external supports. If the structure if standing and stable without
any unspecified supports the test will be successfully completed. If the test is not completed then
the structure will be analyzed to determine how it differs from the design verified through
simulation. These differences will then be corrected.
3.12 Bracket & Support Structure Interface Test
3.12.1 Test Summary
Two sample brackets will be connected to each end of a 10’ PVC tube with a turnbuckle and
rope connected within the tubes. The turnbuckle will then be tensioned to ensure all materials
will not fail or buckle for less than 60 lbs. of tension (5.4.1). This test will satisfy requirement
3.12.2 Test Procedure
Two single tube brackets will be connected to each end of the PVC tube. A turnbuckle will be
attached to one of the brackets with a rope attached to the other end of the turnbuckle. The free
end of the rope will be attached to the second bracket. The turnbuckle will then be tensioned to
60 lbs. of force, which has been calculated to 1.776 inches of elongation in the rope. This is
measured by tensioning the turnbuckle 1.776 inches from when the rope is taught within the
PVC. If there are no failures within any of the components or buckling within the PVC, the test
will successfully pass. In order to measure the tension a small 100 lb. scale will be attached
inside of one of the brackets between the anchor pin and the rope. When the rope is tensioned to
60 lbs., as indicated by the scale, the length of the rope will then be measured and compared to
the original length to confirm the strain of the rope. If the results are not consistent the test will
be redone to find and acceptable load-to-strain relationship. This requires a pre-load of 50-80 lbs.
to be paired with a strain of 1-2 inches. If the original test yields results that are slightly off from
predicted but still fall within this acceptable range the test will be passed and no further tests will
need to be performed.
3.13 Enclosure Test
3.13.1 Test Summary
The entire structure shall be fully enclosed including roof, floor, and walls. This test will satisfy
requirement 5.5.1.
3.13.2 Test Procedure
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 11 of 12
When fully assembled, the structure shall be inspected for any holes or voids in the structure.
The structure shall have no voids or holes to successfully pass the test. If there are any holes or
voids in the structure they will be noted and reported to the customer. After that any holes will be
patched and voids will be fixed.
3.14 Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test
3.14.1 Test Summary
The exterior wall fabric, when connected via silicon caulking, shall be strong enough to not rip
or be disconnected for less than 50 lbs. of force during a tensile test. This test will satisfy
requirement 5.5.2.
3.14.2 Test Procedure
Two pieces of the exterior wall fabric will be connected via silicon caulking and placed in the
tensile test machine in the University of Denver machine shop. In order to do this the two jaws
that are able to be implemented on the machine will be used. To prepare the fabric a 6 inch long
strip will be cut to the same width of the jaws, which is 1.5 inches. The tensile tester will be
turned on and shall not disconnect or rip the fabric for any forces less than 50 lbs. If the test does
not pass, the failure results will be analyzed to determine the force that created failure. Based on
these results more tests will be performed with different overlap distances on the material to find
the correct amount of overlap that will yield a 50lb breaking force.
3.15 Door & Window Inspection Test
3.15.1 Test Summary
When fully assembled the structure shall be inspected to have one door and at least two
windows. This test will satisfy requirement 5.5.3.
3.15.2 Test Procedure
When the structure is fully assembled, all team members will inspect the structure and verify that
it contains 1 fully functional door and two windows. If this test is not verified the structure will
be examined in order to see how it differs from the original design and then these changes will be
4. TEST RESULTS (No tests have been completed, so this section is purposefully blank,
but left in to show that the results will be given for each test)
4.1 Results of Structure Stability Test
4.1.1 Results
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 12 of 12
A force of 400 N was measured by applying a scale to a plywood board which was then
applied to the side of the structure. A force was then applied to the scale until it read 400
N (90 lbs.) was reached. This force was applied to the corner bracket on the long side of
the structure. After this force was applied the displacement was measured at each corner,
which was observed to be the area that moved the most when the force was applied. The
displacement measured was found to be no more than 2.25 inches at any corner. The
displacements ranged from 1.5 to 2.25 inches with an average of 1.95 inches. After the
force was applied and the structure went through displacement the structure remained
stable and did not move any more when slightly more force was applied. Because the
structure remained stable under this force the test was passed and requirement 5.1.1 was
verified. Once the enclosure subsystem was attached the structure was then subject to 15-
20 mph winds during the day of the design review. The structure was then only displaced
1.5 inches. This further verified requirement 5.1.1.
4.2 Results of Budget Test
4.2.1 Results
The final budget for this project was $1,857.53 which was less than the projected $2,000.
Therefore, requirement 5.1.2 was verified.
4.3 Results of Patent Confirmation Test
4.3.1 Results
Upon inspection it can be seen that there are four foundation blocks supporting the
structure which has members tensioned by rope and turnbuckles that are able to be easily
accessed. All turnbuckles except for the ones on the roof were able to be tensioned
without a ladder. Once all of the turnbuckles were tensioned the structure was stable and
able stand on its own. Therefore, requirement 5.1.3 was verified.
4.4 Results of Material Size Test
4.4.1 Results
Before building, all required supplies were able to be placed in an 8’x8’x10’ volume
space. Therefore, requirement 5.1.4 was verified.
4.5 Results of Assembly Time Test
4.5.1 Results
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 13 of 12
The building was able to be constructed in three six hour days and one three hour day for
a total of 21 hours. Because this was less than the projected 24 hours, requirement 5.1.5
was verified.
4.6 Results of Structure Size Test
4.6.1 Results
The structure was found to have the following dimensions once assembled
135”x146”x117” (11.25’x12.16’x9.92) which is larger than the specified 11’x12’x9.75’.
Therefore, requirement 5.1.6 was verified.
4.7 Results of Foundation Block Demonstration
4.7.1 Results
Upon inspection it can be seen that all of the foundation blocks and the cement pad are
either flush with the ground or slightly below ground level. Because none of the
foundation blocks or cement pad was above the ground, requirement 5.2.1 was verified.
4.8 Results of Location of Foundation Blocks Test
4.8.1 Results
Don, the manager of University of Denver ARTI East Range, was able to locate all of the
foundation blocks in less than 45 seconds. Because this was less than the allotted two
minutes, requirement 5.2.2 was verified.
4.9 Results of Concrete & Support Structure Interface Test
4.9.1 Results
The concrete bags were able to be successfully attached to the number six bracket
without any failure in the bracket, turnbuckle, or polypropylene rope. Because the
brackets could withstand a preload of over 165 lbs., requirement5.3.1 was verified.
4.10 Results of Turnbuckle Access Test
4.10.1 Results
Every teammate was able to efficiently and effectively tighten the turnbuckle within the
allotted two minutes. The amount of torque required to tension the rope to the estimated
60 lbs. preload was able to be reached in around a minute, leaving time for additional
inspection and adjustment of the turnbuckle within two minutes. Therefore, requirement
5.3.2 was verified.
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 14 of 12
4.11 Results Structural Support Test
4.11.1 Results
The structure was inspected to be stable without any external support. Each team member
tried to push the structure over with all the force he or she could and the structure held
strong. In fact, it did not strain any more from one team member placing force on it than a
collective force from the entire team. This demonstrates that there is a slight level of
flexibility in the structure that cannot be exceeded easily. This satisfies requirement 5.4.1
4.12 Results of Bracket & Support Structure Interface Test
4.12.1 Results
Under a preload of 60 lbs. there was no failure in the PVC, rope, bracket, or turnbuckles.
The preload was then increased to 100 lbs. and the results were the same. This ensures
that any PVC member which is less than ten feet, which is all of them, can be tensioned
to a preload of 60-100 lbs. The enclosure was also able to support the enclosure system as
well as all brackets in the fully assembled final product. There was little to no sag in any
of the brackets that were not vertically supported by structural members extending from
the base of the structure and the structure was able to easily support the enclosure system
as well. Therefore, requirement 5.4.1 will be verified.
4.13 Results Enclosure Test
4.13.1 Results
Due to unforeseen weather complications (i.e. rain, hail, and wind) the full enclosure was
not able to be assembled prior to the day of the design review. As a result the roof and
only three of the four walls were enclosed. This left one open side and therefore
requirement 5.5.1 was not verified.
4.14 Results of Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test
4.14.1 Results
The caulking exceeded the specified 50 lbs. and continued to not break even up to a load
of 80 lbs. Therefore requirement 5.5.2 was verified.
4.15 Results of Door & Window Inspection Test
4.15.1 Results
Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 15 of 12
Once again, due to unforeseen weather complications (i.e. rain, hail, and wind) the full
enclosure was not able to be assembled prior to the day of the design review. Only three
of the four walls were able to be enclosed on time and the second door and window were
designed to be in this fourth wall. The reason this wall was put up last was because of the
amount of fabrication it took to accurately make room for the last window and the door.
The second to last wall was able to be assembled on time allowing for one window to be
able to be implemented in the final product. This resulted in only one window being
implemented into the design while the door and other window did not make it in.
Therefore, requirement 5.5.3 was not verified.

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Project Tensioned Building Construction Testing Document

  • 1. Testing, Verification, and Validation Document For Project Tensioned Building Construction Submitted by: Luke Skelly Rob Lewis Dani Jackson Diana C. Etheridge Dr. Matthew Gordon 6/16/2015
  • 2. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 1 of 12 Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Purpose................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Scope ...................................................................................................................................3 2. TEST APPROACH...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Overview..............................................................................................................................3 2.2 Requirements Traceability Matrix .........................................................................................4 2.3 Test Environment.................................................................................................................4 3. TEST PROCEDURES .................................................................................................................. 5 3.1 Structure Stability Test..........................................................................................................5 3.1.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................5 3.1.2 Test Procedure / Equipment............................................................................................5 3.2 Budget Test..........................................................................................................................5 3.2.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................6 3.2.2 Test Procedure / Equipment............................................................................................6 3.3 Patent Confirmation Test......................................................................................................6 3.3.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................6 3.3.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................6 3.4 Material Size Test.................................................................................................................6 3.4.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................6 3.4.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................6 3.5 Assembly Time Test..............................................................................................................7 3.5.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................7 3.5.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................7 3.6 Structure Size Test................................................................................................................7 3.6.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................7 3.6.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................7 3.7 Foundation Block Demonstration..........................................................................................8 3.7.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................8 3.7.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................8 3.8 Location of Foundation Blocks Test.......................................................................................8 3.8.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................8 3.8.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................8 3.9 Concrete & Support Structure Interface Test .........................................................................9 3.9.1 Test Summary.................................................................................................................9 3.9.2 Test Procedure................................................................................................................9 3.10 Turnbuckle Access Test.......................................................................................................9 3.10.1 Test Summary...............................................................................................................9 3.10.2 Test Procedure .............................................................................................................9 3.11 Structural Support Test.......................................................................................................9 3.11.1 Test Summary...............................................................................................................9 3.11.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................10 3.12 Bracket & Support Structure Interface Test........................................................................10 3.12.1 Test Summary.............................................................................................................10
  • 3. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 2 of 12 3.12.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................10 3.13 Enclosure Test..................................................................................................................10 3.13.1 Test Summary.............................................................................................................10 3.13.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................10 3.14 Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test...................................................................................11 3.14.1 Test Summary.............................................................................................................11 3.14.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................11 3.15 Door & Window Inspection Test........................................................................................11 3.15.1 Test Summary.............................................................................................................11 3.15.2 Test Procedure ...........................................................................................................11 4. TEST RESULTS (No tests have been completed, so this section is purposefully blank, but left in to show that the results will be given for each test)........................................................ 11 4.1 Results of Structure Stability Test........................................................................................11 4.1.1 Results.........................................................................................................................11 4.2 Results of Budget Test.........................................................................................................12 4.2.1 Results.........................................................................................................................12 4.3 Results of Patent Confirmation Test ....................................................................................12 4.3.1 Results.........................................................................................................................12 4.4 Results of Material Size Test................................................................................................12 4.4.1 Results.........................................................................................................................12 4.5 Results of Assembly Time Test............................................................................................12 4.5.1 Results.........................................................................................................................12 4.6 Results of Structure Size Test..............................................................................................13 4.6.1 Results.........................................................................................................................13 4.7 Results of Foundation Block Demonstration........................................................................13 4.7.1 Results.........................................................................................................................13 4.8 Results of Location of Foundation Blocks Test......................................................................13 4.8.1 Results.........................................................................................................................13 4.9 Results of Concrete & Support Structure Interface Test........................................................13 4.9.1 Results.........................................................................................................................13 4.10 Results of Turnbuckle Access Test.....................................................................................13 4.10.1 Results.......................................................................................................................13 4.11 Results Support Structure Test..........................................................................................14 4.11.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14 4.12 Results of Bracket & Support Structure Interface Test........................................................14 4.12.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14 4.13 Results Enclosure Test.......................................................................................................14 4.13.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14 4.14 Results of Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test...................................................................14 4.14.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14 4.15 Results of Door & Window Inspection Test........................................................................14 4.15.1 Results.......................................................................................................................14
  • 4. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 3 of 12 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose This document describes the test procedures that will be used to validate that this design meets the customer’s requirements and performs the required tests. The test procedures will also verify that each of the requirements will be met. These requirements will either be verified through analytical methods or experimentally. 1.2 Scope This document describes the testing, validation and verification of the Tensioned Building. The system has been divided into 5 subsystems: the foundation system, the tension system, the structural system, the enclosure system, and the insulation system. This document will describe the tests that will be performed on each of these subsystems and on the system as a whole. This document will also describe how these tests will be either validated or verified. 2. TEST APPROACH 2.1 Overview Testing of the complete system will validate the structure’s functionality. This will include testing of each of the subsystem interfaces because these are the areas of the system that will see the most stress and be important in the overall structure’s functionality. If one of the interfaces fails then the entire system cannot be validated. Testing will also include demonstrations that verify that the requirements as stated by the requirements document are being met. Some of these demonstrations will be completed once the materials have all been purchased and delivered. The majority of the demonstrations will be completed once the structure is built onsite. The validity of this design will be dependent on its structural stability. This will include analytical testing done using SolidWorks and ANSYS and experimental testing with force applied to the structure done upon completion.
  • 5. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 4 of 12 2.2 Requirements Traceability Matrix Test Satisfied Requirements 5.x.x 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 X 11 X 12 X 13 X 14 X Requirements 2.3 Test Environment The majority of the demonstration testing for this project will be done at the build site in Aurora, CO. These tests will be performed outdoors. The unassembled materials test can be completed anywhere where the certain size limit can be achieved and measured. This will most likely be done at the Metallurgy Building at the University of Denver. Very little equipment will be required to perform the demonstration testing. A tape measure and a stopwatch are the only demonstration equipment requirements. A force gauge will be required for the validation test or the verification of the first requirement. This will be obtained from the Machine Shop at the University of Denver. A tensile test machine will be used in the Machine Shop at the University of Denver for the Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test.
  • 6. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 5 of 12 3. TEST PROCEDURES 3.1 Structure Stability Test 3.1.1 Test Summary For this test, initially calculations will be performed to determine the normal force that would be applied to the structure due to high winds. These calculations will be used to simulate the applied force on the structure in SolidWorks. The outcome of this test will be confirmed with an overall test of the stability of the structure under an applied force. The force will be manually applied to each side of the structure and be measured with a force gauge. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.1 which is the requirement that states the validity of the experiment (its ability to prevent exterior forces (mainly environmental such as wind) from affecting the stability of the structure. 3.1.2 Test Procedure / Equipment Initial verification will be confirmed upon the completion of the design using SolidWorks simulations. Using ANSYS an applied force will be found for the wind acting on the structure. This force will then be applied to the structure in the SolidWorks simulation. Once the structure is completely built, similar forces will be applied to the exterior of the structure to verify that the engineering analysis was correct. This will be done through manual application of force measured with a force gauge. The force applied to the structure initially will not be the exact force applied. Instead a lower force of 2 N will be applied to the structure and then the force will be gradually increased until the simulation force of 400 N is reached. If the structure can maintain its stability under the same applied force that the simulated structure can, then the structure will pass the test and the requirement will be verified which will in turn mean that the overall system will be validated. As requested by the customer, this stability will be characterized as none of the members or brackets failing. If the structure cannot maintain its stability (for example if any of the members or brackets fail) then the structure will fail the test. If the structure fails this test then the test will show at what force the structure could not maintain stability. The displacement of the structure, or the amount that the members move due to the applied force, will also be measured to determine the displacement that the structure will undergo. This will be done at the simulation force of 400 N. To measure the displacement this simulation force will be applied to the structure and then released. The distance different parts of the structure move upon releasing the simulation force will then be measured. These locations include the corner brackets, the ceiling brackets, and the roof. 3.2 Budget Test
  • 7. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 6 of 12 3.2.1 Test Summary This will test the budget of the overall system and the budget of each subsystem. These values shall be tracked to determine the percentage that each subsystem costs of the entire system. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.2. 3.2.2 Test Procedure / Equipment The verification of this test will be confirmed after all of the parts are purchased and the structure is built. If the budget remains under $2000.00 then the structure will pass the test. If the budget exceeds $2000.00 then the structure will fail the test. If the budget does go over $2000.00 then future iterations of this project should consider redesigning the structure so as to use fewer materials. 3.3 Patent Confirmation Test 3.3.1 Test Summary This test shall verify that the project adheres to all restrictions as set by Diana Etheridge’s patent, U.S. Patent 5,930,971. This will include a demonstration that turnbuckles, tension rope and foundation blocks are used within the structure. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.3. 3.3.2 Test Procedure The verification of this test will be a demonstration after all of the parts are purchased and the structure is built. If the structure utilizes turnbuckles, tensioning rope and foundation blocks then the structure will pass this test. If the structure does not utilize these parts, then the structure will fail the test. If the structure fails this test the design will be examined to determine how the structure differs from the design and then these changes will be corrected. 3.4 Material Size Test 3.4.1 Test Summary This test shall verify that the unassembled materials for the structure shall not exceed an 8’x8’x10’ volume. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.4. 3.4.2 Test Procedure
  • 8. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 7 of 12 The verification of this requirement will be demonstrated before the assembly of the structure. To perform this test the size limit (8’x8’x10’) will be mapped out on the floor. The unassembled materials will then be placed within the testing area. If the unassembled materials do not fit within the certain size limit then the structure will fail the test. If the unassembled materials do fit within the certain size limit then the structure will pass the test. If the unassembled parts do not fit within the certain size they will be reassessed in order to make certain pieces more compact. 3.5 Assembly Time Test 3.5.1 Test Summary This test shall verify that the structure can be assembled within 24 hours. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.5. 3.5.2 Test Procedure The testing of this requirement shall be recorded throughout the build of the structure. A stopwatch shall be used throughout the assembly of the structure. Once the assembly is complete then the stopwatch shall be stopped. This will be done over the course of 4 6 hour days. If the time on the stopwatch is less than 24 hours then the structure will pass the test and the requirement will be verified. If the time on the stopwatch is greater than 24 hours then the structure will fail the test and the requirement will not be verified. If the requirement is not verified the actual time will be recorded and the construction process will be reassessed in order to incorporate any changes that could make it more efficient. 3.6 Structure Size Test 3.6.1 Test Summary This test shall verify that the entire system maintains the size constraints of 11’ x 12’ and 9.75’ in height. This test will satisfy requirement 5.1.6. 3.6.2 Test Procedure The verification of this test will be a demonstration after all of the parts are purchased and the structure is built. The structure will be measured using a tape measure. These measurements will include the overall height (the ground to the highest point of the structure), the length and the width of the structure. If the overall height is greater than or equal to 9.75 ft, the length is greater than or equal to 12 ft., and the width is greater than or equal to 11 ft., then the structure shall pass
  • 9. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 8 of 12 the test and the requirement shall be verified. If any of the measurements are less than the previously mentioned dimensions then the structure shall fail the test and the requirement shall not be verified. These dimensions will have a tolerance of 4 inches, so if any of these lengths are less than the size constraint by a maximum of 4 inches then the structure will still pass the test. If the test is not passed the new dimensions will be recorded and then accounted for in the modeling and simulations to verify the stability of the altered design. 3.7 Foundation Block Demonstration 3.7.1 Test Summary This test shall be a demonstration that confirms that foundation blocks are used within the system. This test will satisfy requirement 5.2.1. 3.7.2 Test Procedure The verification of this test will be a demonstration after the structure is built. If all of the foundation blocks are below ground, which in this case means that the highest surface of the foundation block is lower than the ground, then the structure will pass the test and the requirement will be verified. If any number of the foundation blocks are above ground, which in this case means that the highest surface of the foundation block is even with or higher than the ground then the structure will fail the test and the requirement will not be verified. 3.8 Location of Foundation Blocks Test 3.8.1 Test Summary This test shall confirm that the location of the blocks can be found using the location markers. This test will satisfy requirement 5.2.2. 3.8.2 Test Procedure The verification of this test will be a demonstration after the structure is built and the foundation blocks are clearly marked. A person who has no previous knowledge will be asked to locate the position of all of the foundation blocks. If this person is able to find every foundation block within 10 minutes then the structure will pass the test and the requirement shall be verified. If this person is unable to find every foundation block or does so within a time period greater than 10 minutes then the structure will fail the test and the requirement shall not be verified. If the test is failed input will be gathered on how to make the blocks more visible and then the test will be repeated with a new subject.
  • 10. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 9 of 12 3.9 Concrete & Support Structure Interface Test 3.9.1 Test Summary This test shall confirm that the structural supports will interface effectively with the concrete blocks of the foundation. This test will require setting the support bracket into cement and doing a pull out analysis to ensure that the fixture can resist at least 180lbs of tensile force. This test will satisfy requirement 5.3.1. 3.9.2 Test Procedure This test will be performed by setting a test fixture of the designed bracket number six which is the bracket designed to be set into the concrete. This will require full manufacturing of one of these joints. Once the test fixture is created then a scale will be used to apply pressure to the fixture until the desired loading is reached. If the structure can withstand 165 lbs. of force then this test will be verified. In order to perform this test the number six bracket will be fixed in a vice in an up-side down configuration. Two 80 lbs. bags of concrete will be placed in a metal basket weighing 5 lbs. and then secured to the number six bracket. The metal basket will then be lowered to have the number six bracket support the weight of the two 80 lbs. bags of concrete as well as the basket, weighing a total of 165 lbs. If the test does not pass, it will be repeated in order to find the maximum tension load supported by the number six brackets. 3.10 Turnbuckle Access Test 3.10.1 Test Summary The ease of access to tension turnbuckles will be verified when fully assembled. This test will satisfy requirement 5.3.2. 3.10.2 Test Procedure Each group member will be timed tensioning the turnbuckles when assembled within the brackets for each turnbuckle. Each turnbuckle shall take less than 2 minutes to be tensioned for every group member. If each turnbuckle can be tightened within 2 minutes the requirement will be verified. If the requirement is not verified the longest time recorded will be accounted for in the total construction time to ensure the structure can still be built in 24 hours. 3.11 Structural Support Test 3.11.1 Test Summary The structure shall support the tensioned cables and enclosure material. This test will satisfy requirement 5.4.1.
  • 11. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 10 of 12 3.11.2 Test Procedure When fully assembled, the structure will be inspected by all team members for stability and standing without any unspecified external supports. If the structure if standing and stable without any unspecified supports the test will be successfully completed. If the test is not completed then the structure will be analyzed to determine how it differs from the design verified through simulation. These differences will then be corrected. 3.12 Bracket & Support Structure Interface Test 3.12.1 Test Summary Two sample brackets will be connected to each end of a 10’ PVC tube with a turnbuckle and rope connected within the tubes. The turnbuckle will then be tensioned to ensure all materials will not fail or buckle for less than 60 lbs. of tension (5.4.1). This test will satisfy requirement 5.4.1. 3.12.2 Test Procedure Two single tube brackets will be connected to each end of the PVC tube. A turnbuckle will be attached to one of the brackets with a rope attached to the other end of the turnbuckle. The free end of the rope will be attached to the second bracket. The turnbuckle will then be tensioned to 60 lbs. of force, which has been calculated to 1.776 inches of elongation in the rope. This is measured by tensioning the turnbuckle 1.776 inches from when the rope is taught within the PVC. If there are no failures within any of the components or buckling within the PVC, the test will successfully pass. In order to measure the tension a small 100 lb. scale will be attached inside of one of the brackets between the anchor pin and the rope. When the rope is tensioned to 60 lbs., as indicated by the scale, the length of the rope will then be measured and compared to the original length to confirm the strain of the rope. If the results are not consistent the test will be redone to find and acceptable load-to-strain relationship. This requires a pre-load of 50-80 lbs. to be paired with a strain of 1-2 inches. If the original test yields results that are slightly off from predicted but still fall within this acceptable range the test will be passed and no further tests will need to be performed. 3.13 Enclosure Test 3.13.1 Test Summary The entire structure shall be fully enclosed including roof, floor, and walls. This test will satisfy requirement 5.5.1. 3.13.2 Test Procedure
  • 12. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 11 of 12 When fully assembled, the structure shall be inspected for any holes or voids in the structure. The structure shall have no voids or holes to successfully pass the test. If there are any holes or voids in the structure they will be noted and reported to the customer. After that any holes will be patched and voids will be fixed. 3.14 Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test 3.14.1 Test Summary The exterior wall fabric, when connected via silicon caulking, shall be strong enough to not rip or be disconnected for less than 50 lbs. of force during a tensile test. This test will satisfy requirement 5.5.2. 3.14.2 Test Procedure Two pieces of the exterior wall fabric will be connected via silicon caulking and placed in the tensile test machine in the University of Denver machine shop. In order to do this the two jaws that are able to be implemented on the machine will be used. To prepare the fabric a 6 inch long strip will be cut to the same width of the jaws, which is 1.5 inches. The tensile tester will be turned on and shall not disconnect or rip the fabric for any forces less than 50 lbs. If the test does not pass, the failure results will be analyzed to determine the force that created failure. Based on these results more tests will be performed with different overlap distances on the material to find the correct amount of overlap that will yield a 50lb breaking force. 3.15 Door & Window Inspection Test 3.15.1 Test Summary When fully assembled the structure shall be inspected to have one door and at least two windows. This test will satisfy requirement 5.5.3. 3.15.2 Test Procedure When the structure is fully assembled, all team members will inspect the structure and verify that it contains 1 fully functional door and two windows. If this test is not verified the structure will be examined in order to see how it differs from the original design and then these changes will be fixed. 4. TEST RESULTS (No tests have been completed, so this section is purposefully blank, but left in to show that the results will be given for each test) 4.1 Results of Structure Stability Test 4.1.1 Results
  • 13. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 12 of 12 A force of 400 N was measured by applying a scale to a plywood board which was then applied to the side of the structure. A force was then applied to the scale until it read 400 N (90 lbs.) was reached. This force was applied to the corner bracket on the long side of the structure. After this force was applied the displacement was measured at each corner, which was observed to be the area that moved the most when the force was applied. The displacement measured was found to be no more than 2.25 inches at any corner. The displacements ranged from 1.5 to 2.25 inches with an average of 1.95 inches. After the force was applied and the structure went through displacement the structure remained stable and did not move any more when slightly more force was applied. Because the structure remained stable under this force the test was passed and requirement 5.1.1 was verified. Once the enclosure subsystem was attached the structure was then subject to 15- 20 mph winds during the day of the design review. The structure was then only displaced 1.5 inches. This further verified requirement 5.1.1. 4.2 Results of Budget Test 4.2.1 Results The final budget for this project was $1,857.53 which was less than the projected $2,000. Therefore, requirement 5.1.2 was verified. 4.3 Results of Patent Confirmation Test 4.3.1 Results Upon inspection it can be seen that there are four foundation blocks supporting the structure which has members tensioned by rope and turnbuckles that are able to be easily accessed. All turnbuckles except for the ones on the roof were able to be tensioned without a ladder. Once all of the turnbuckles were tensioned the structure was stable and able stand on its own. Therefore, requirement 5.1.3 was verified. 4.4 Results of Material Size Test 4.4.1 Results Before building, all required supplies were able to be placed in an 8’x8’x10’ volume space. Therefore, requirement 5.1.4 was verified. 4.5 Results of Assembly Time Test 4.5.1 Results
  • 14. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 13 of 12 The building was able to be constructed in three six hour days and one three hour day for a total of 21 hours. Because this was less than the projected 24 hours, requirement 5.1.5 was verified. 4.6 Results of Structure Size Test 4.6.1 Results The structure was found to have the following dimensions once assembled 135”x146”x117” (11.25’x12.16’x9.92) which is larger than the specified 11’x12’x9.75’. Therefore, requirement 5.1.6 was verified. 4.7 Results of Foundation Block Demonstration 4.7.1 Results Upon inspection it can be seen that all of the foundation blocks and the cement pad are either flush with the ground or slightly below ground level. Because none of the foundation blocks or cement pad was above the ground, requirement 5.2.1 was verified. 4.8 Results of Location of Foundation Blocks Test 4.8.1 Results Don, the manager of University of Denver ARTI East Range, was able to locate all of the foundation blocks in less than 45 seconds. Because this was less than the allotted two minutes, requirement 5.2.2 was verified. 4.9 Results of Concrete & Support Structure Interface Test 4.9.1 Results The concrete bags were able to be successfully attached to the number six bracket without any failure in the bracket, turnbuckle, or polypropylene rope. Because the brackets could withstand a preload of over 165 lbs., requirement5.3.1 was verified. 4.10 Results of Turnbuckle Access Test 4.10.1 Results Every teammate was able to efficiently and effectively tighten the turnbuckle within the allotted two minutes. The amount of torque required to tension the rope to the estimated 60 lbs. preload was able to be reached in around a minute, leaving time for additional inspection and adjustment of the turnbuckle within two minutes. Therefore, requirement 5.3.2 was verified.
  • 15. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 14 of 12 4.11 Results Structural Support Test 4.11.1 Results The structure was inspected to be stable without any external support. Each team member tried to push the structure over with all the force he or she could and the structure held strong. In fact, it did not strain any more from one team member placing force on it than a collective force from the entire team. This demonstrates that there is a slight level of flexibility in the structure that cannot be exceeded easily. This satisfies requirement 5.4.1 4.12 Results of Bracket & Support Structure Interface Test 4.12.1 Results Under a preload of 60 lbs. there was no failure in the PVC, rope, bracket, or turnbuckles. The preload was then increased to 100 lbs. and the results were the same. This ensures that any PVC member which is less than ten feet, which is all of them, can be tensioned to a preload of 60-100 lbs. The enclosure was also able to support the enclosure system as well as all brackets in the fully assembled final product. There was little to no sag in any of the brackets that were not vertically supported by structural members extending from the base of the structure and the structure was able to easily support the enclosure system as well. Therefore, requirement 5.4.1 will be verified. 4.13 Results Enclosure Test 4.13.1 Results Due to unforeseen weather complications (i.e. rain, hail, and wind) the full enclosure was not able to be assembled prior to the day of the design review. As a result the roof and only three of the four walls were enclosed. This left one open side and therefore requirement 5.5.1 was not verified. 4.14 Results of Enclosure & Caulking Interface Test 4.14.1 Results The caulking exceeded the specified 50 lbs. and continued to not break even up to a load of 80 lbs. Therefore requirement 5.5.2 was verified. 4.15 Results of Door & Window Inspection Test 4.15.1 Results
  • 16. Tensioned Building Construction 6/16/2015 Page 15 of 12 Once again, due to unforeseen weather complications (i.e. rain, hail, and wind) the full enclosure was not able to be assembled prior to the day of the design review. Only three of the four walls were able to be enclosed on time and the second door and window were designed to be in this fourth wall. The reason this wall was put up last was because of the amount of fabrication it took to accurately make room for the last window and the door. The second to last wall was able to be assembled on time allowing for one window to be able to be implemented in the final product. This resulted in only one window being implemented into the design while the door and other window did not make it in. Therefore, requirement 5.5.3 was not verified.