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HYPERTON-X Sports Kinesiology
Frank Mahony, creator of HYPERTON-X, Total Body/Mind Integration, conducted workshops worldwide,
including Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Norway,
Scotland, Switzerland, and many other countries. Frank had been a featured Speaker at Touch For Health
Conferences in Australia, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States; the Natural Health Federation in
Pasadena, California; and at Austria’s National Sports Training Centre near Innsbruck. He was a Touch For
Health Instructor, a Faculty Member of the Shiatsu Massage School of California, and was a Guest Speaker at
the Cleveland College of Chiropractic in Los Angeles and was a Member of many Associations, including the
Touch For Health Foundation, and was an inaugural Member of I-ASK, and was on the Board of Advisors of
I-ASK and ASK-US. From 1982 to 1986, he was Director of the Burbank office of the Valley Remedial
Group, founded by Dr Paul Dennison PhD (Special Ed.), where he refined and perfected his techniques, to
assist the learning impaired (dyslexics, and others).
Basic HYPERTON-X concepts are included in the Applied Kinesiology Workshops conducted by Dr
Sheldon Deal DC from Swan Natural Healing Clinic in Tucson, Arizona.
In 1984 he worked with members of the Puma Energiser Track Club in Santa Monica, prior to the Olympic
Trials for the 1984 Games. HYPERTON-X methods are being employed by practitioners working with
world class athletes in many countries. One sports therapist who was invited by the American Walking
Team, to make a presentation at their National Meeting, chose Mahony’s techniques as the cornerstone of her
work. Trevor Savage ND from Australia, worked with Pat Cash, one of Australia’s top international tennis
players in August 1985, and assisted him to overcome a serious back injury. The following year, Pat won
the Wimbledon Singles Title in London. Kay McCarroll DC from the UK noted great success in keeping
athletes at peak performance in competition in the gruelling Six Day Ultra Marathon in August 1984, and the
London to Paris Triathalon in September 1985. Long distance runner, Malcolm Campbell, gives great credit
to McCarroll and HYPERTON-X for keeping him fit in the Ultra Marathon, and at age 52, finished second in
a race across the United States in 1985. A German therapist, specialising in Learning Difficulties, gives
HYPERTON-X a major share of the credit in correcting one case diagnosed as Schizophrenia.
His inimitable teaching style and sense of humour endeared him to his many students and friends. He lived
in El Segundo, California, and died in Germany in September 1995, survived by his son, Mitchell, who lives
in Texas.
I first met Frank Mahony at the July 1984 Touch For Health Conference, held at the University of San Diego,
California. He was a Key Note Speaker, and his presentation made an impression on me. His dry sense of
humour was his trademark. This introduced me to HYPERTON-X. The following year, I again attended
the TFH Conference at San Diego; mainly to attend Frank’s first Workshop. I studied with Frank in this
workshop which he taught at the Touch For Health Foundation in Pasadena, California, in July 1985.
Frank gave me authority to teach, so on returning to Australia, I presented HYPERTON-X Workshops in
Melbourne, Hobart, on to Cairns and Darwin, with many towns and cities in between. Frank’s first
Australian visit was to attend the 1986 Touch For Health Conference in Sydney, and afterwards, he trained a
number of students in Sydney and Canberra, with a few continuing on to become Certified Instructors.
After having attended many workshops with Frank, both in Australia and in USA, I was more than impressed
with his insight into the workings of the mind/body relationship. His charting skills taught me how to
present a professional workshop, for both small or large groups, with ease. He was a friend and trainer, and
he inspired me to be creative and use HYPERTON-X in a variety of ways to achieve body/mind integration
with my clients and students. I have chosen to continue promoting and teaching Frank’s work and have
recently rewritten his Basic Manual with his family’s blessing. Along with two fellow Australians, I am
now training Hyperton-X Instructors.
The Frank Mahony System of Hypertonic Muscle Release
Promotes Whole Brain Integration
Improves Mental and Physical Performance
Overcomes Learning Difficulties
Clears Cross Crawl Switching
Reduces Pain - Chances of Injury
Increases Muscle Flexibility
Stimulates Cerebral Spinal Fluid Flow and
Cranial-Spinal-Sacral -Articulation
Improves or corrects Deficiencies in:
Meridian Energy Flow - Polarity
Chakras - Food & Colouring Sensitivities
T.M.J. - Hyoid - Gaits - Cloacals
Improves the effectiveness of other Holistic Methods
Low reading, writing, maths skills - poor comprehension and concentration
Difficulty following verbal instructions - lack of co-ordination - mental confusion
Restricted range of movement in muscles - poor memory - low self-esteem
Birth Trauma Illness Injury Emotional Stress Posture Work Habits
High heels Food intolerance Poor diet Physical defects Physical exertion
Special thanks to those who have shared their knowledge and who gave Frank encouragement,
inspiration, and support, in the early stages:
John Thie DC - for creating the Touch For Health Program that led to the development of HYPERTON-X,
Curtis Buddingh DC, Phillip Crockford, Diane Hubner, Paul Dennison PhD Richard Harnack, Mary
Marks DC, David Simmons DC, Gordon Stokes, Richard Utt,
Paul Webber DC, Yoka Brouwer, Dr Bruce Dewe MD, René Felton, Stephanie Friezen, Wolfgang
Gillessen , Kay McCarroll DC, Peggy McConnell, Lorraine Osborne,
Trevor Savage ND and Wayne Topping PhD.
HYPERTON-X Total Body/Mind Integration
An Old New Approach by Frank Mahony
HYPERTON-X is a universal method, realising profound beneficial effects on learning disorders, athletic
performance, chronic pain, emotions, and colour and food sensitivity. HYPERTON-X is based on the
concepts researched in Applied Kinesiology, wherein the body is regarded as having its own biofeedback
system via muscle testing which enables us to determine certain conditions of the body and the mind.
HYPERTON-X employs the use of an Indicator Muscle (IM) to; determine if a muscle is in a “hypertonic
state”; at which point in the range of motion that muscle becomes hypertonic; and to monitor results.
To raise the level of physical and mental performance by identifying and releasing the hypertonic state of key
muscles, found to be related to INTEGRATION of the WHOLE-BRAIN, RIGHT-LEFT-FRONT-BACK, and
body/mind integration. This appears to have the following effect: Increase the flow of Cerebral Spinal Fluid
(CSF), performance enhancement of the Endocrine System, and relief from jamming of neuromuscular
signals (neuro-static) caused by the HYPERTONIC state of MUSCLES. HYPERTON-X also corrects
deficiencies and integrates holistic energy systems as noted under BENEFITS, which have also been found to
be related to body/mind integration.
THEORY: [QUOTE from Frank Mahony]: “Theory is defined as....... “ a hunch that went to college!”]
The following theory is based on Frank Mahony’s personal research, empirically based conclusions, and
consultation with health professionals. Theories are always subject to change as new and better knowledge
is acquired. However, even if this theory does not stand the test of time, the consistency of results (increased
mental and physical skills, etc.) does and will. This work is meant for information only and is not meant to
serve as a physiological treatise, as the workings of the human body are incredibly complex, therefore,
concepts will be presented in their simplest terms.”
It is known that we can confuse the Spindle Cells by pushing the cells together or spreading them apart. The
first will weaken or detonify a muscle, while the latter will cause it to become stronger. Baseball players
use this technique before batting, by swinging a weighted bat, thus stretching the muscle, which spreads the
Spindle Cells away from each other and they react by contracting the muscle, which makes it easier to swing
the bat, giving a light feeling, temporarily. This is why one’s knee jerks when the doctor taps the tendon
just below the knee. The muscle is quickly elongated, spreading out the Spindle Cells which interpreted the
information as if they, the Spindle Cells, are too far apart. Consequently they want to return to the
appropriate position as soon as possible, so they do.
As muscles fatigue, other muscles are spontaneously recruited to make up for the deficit. In the early stages
of a running activity the Gastrocnemius is the prime mover in forward propulsion in the lower leg. The
runner is rising off the balls of the feet, the first area of contact with the surface. As fatigue sets in, the
Gastrocnemius shuts off to protect itself from injury, and the Soleus and other muscles are recruited to make
up for the deficit. The entire surface of the foot now makes contact with the surface as the runner now
“plops” along, flat footed. Also, if the Quadriceps fatigue, the hip flexors and Abdominals may be
recruited as well. The recruited muscles are not suited for the activity and, in order to protect themselves,
will trigger into an injury mode, such as pain, weakness and/or restricted range of motion. In short, the
muscles become hypertonic.
In a proper overhand throwing motion, the upper body arches back and rotates. The forward leg leads the
torso, which leads the shoulder, which leads the upper arm, which leads the forearm, which leads the wrist,
which leads the fingers, in a spiralling, firing sequence from the bottom up (leg to fingers). If any of the
muscles fatigue, the body triggers into deficit accommodation mode, recruiting muscles not suited for the
activity. The throwing arm drops lower, the body may become more erect and begin to rotate more laterally
than forward, etc. This may result in strain in the shoulder, elbow, or any muscle on which inappropriate
demands are placed.
By medical definition: - “a muscle over-resistive to stretch”
By Mahony’s definition: - “a muscle in an over-protective state”,
symptomised by one or all of the following: [PWR]
 Pain,
 Weakness - due to muscle proprioceptors being in a confused state, and/or
 Restricted range of movement or motion.
This situation may be caused by:
 over exertion: work, athletics, sport, dance, injury, or accident
 misuse: poor posture, sitting, high heels
 emotional stress: jaw clenching, neck, and shoulder tightening
 quick unexpected movement: slip, jerk, or fall
The tonicity of a muscle changes as demands are placed upon it in anticipation of future expected demands.
That is, the muscle gets tighter, and thus stronger, in order to handle a bigger load. It can also get weaker, or
less tonified, in the expectation of a lesser load, or in the absence of activity. This is due to the function of
the proprioceptors located in the muscle, known as Spindle Cells and Golgi tendon cells found in the muscle
tendons. We will only deal with the Spindle Cells at this time. The Spindle Cells are located in the belly (or
fattest part) of the muscle and function somewhat like radar stations, monitoring the distance between
stations (cells) and -
 regulate the rate of change in distance (length) of the muscle and
 the time that change takes to occur.
Let’s compare this to someone who wears high heeled shoes.
This keeps the Gastrocnemius and other lower leg muscles in a permanently contracted state. Gradually the
Spindle Cells accept this jammed position as the norm, and the muscle becomes hypertonic. The same thing
happens to someone who sits for long periods of time. This places the Hamstrings in a contracted position
and they become hypertonic. To counteract this, what do we, the ‘enlightened ones’ do? We run, we get
into aerobics and heavy exercise, with the result that more muscles go into a hypertonic state, which also
pounds the sacral joint, further aggravating the problem. A quick, unexpected movement, such as a sudden
slip on a wet surface can cause pain, as well as a hypertonic condition, even though no injury may exist.
This is because there are two kinds of Spindle Cells, one which regulates the amount of change in the
length of the muscle, and one which regulates the rate or speed of change. Unfortunately, these cells
transmit their information to the brain at different speeds, and the suddenness of the unexpected move causes
the signals to be out of sync., thus an erroneous injury is recorded and the muscle goes hypertonic. The
situation will remain until corrected or until the body readjusts in time. This may be why we are able to
achieve those ‘miracle’ pain cures through manipulation.
We have reset the Spindle Cells and the erroneous pain goes away.
The key muscles involved are divided into Primary, Secondary, and Auxiliary groups.
PRIMARY MUSCLES are defined as those muscles found to be most involved with the Sacral-Occipital
apparatus and body/mind integration.
SECONDARY MUSCLES are those found to further enhance the process, in a supporting role.
8 Primary Muscles 8 Secondary Muscles
*The Great Eight*
1. Diaphragm 1. Quadriceps
2. Flexor Hallucis Longus 2. Piriformis
3. Flexor Digitorum Longus 3. Gluteus Medius
4. Gastrocnemius 4. Psoas
5. Soleus 5. Abdominals
6. Gluteus Maximus 6. Sacrospinalis
7. Hamstrings 7. Sterno Cleido-Mastoid
8. Upper Trapezius 8. Teres Major
AUXILIARY MUSCLES are very seldom directly involved, but may be reactive to primary/secondary
muscles, or may be a source of chronic pain. Some auxiliary and advanced synergetic muscle concepts are
covered in Advanced HYPERTON-X, and are of great value in sports and specific activity therapies, such as
complex injuries. The auxiliary muscles further enhance the process as well.
In the later stages of evaluation and correction, the Acupuncture ALARM POINTS are used to identify
PRIORITY MERIDIANS and the key hypertonic muscle or muscles which relate to that particular meridian.
Many times there is only ONE KEY MUSCLE disrupting body/mind integration, although other muscles may
be hypertonic and of a secondary involvement. An auxiliary muscle may be one of those key muscles!
Best results are obtained by making very light contact before saying “HOLD”. The body always wants to
test strong and will trigger unconsciously into an accommodation. SAY, “HOLD”, while making light
contact and wait for a full second, then apply very gradual pressure. If the IM is WEAK, or the test muscle
is hypertonic, which will cause the IM to test weak, the IM may rise in anticipation of the test. Wait until
rise response ends, or have subject return IM to test position before testing.
As a practitioner it is wise to shield oneself from all unwanted energies and release any stress the person may
have with regards to being muscle tested or touched. An example is as follows:
Practitioner Preparation
1 Shields self with visualisation/affirmation, eg:
“I am shielded at all times. No harmful energies may enter my shield.
Only energies that are good for me may enter”
A shield may be anything with which the individual is comfortable; God’s love,
white light, suit of armour, magnetic field, etc. The shield is visualised as
protecting the body, can be next to the skin or as far out around the body.
2 Projects unconditional love using visualisation, affirmation, eg:
“I project unconditional love to all others”
“I am receiving clear and accurate information through muscle
testing at all times”
“I am neutral and non judgmental. MY beliefs are not involved”
“I am open to the truth and not attached to any outcome”
“I choose to enjoy knowing the truth”
“I choose to enjoy being attached to the response”
Client Preparation
1 Clearing stressors. Have the person think about the following
statements while you test the IM. Use Emotional Stress Release (ESR)
Points to clear unlocked responses. YOU SAY:-
1.1 “Think about being touched by others, in a caring way”
1.2 “................................touching others in a caring way”
1.3 “................................being muscle tested”
1.4 “...............................learning things about yourself”
1.5 “...............................sharing things about yourself with others”
1.6 “...............................revealing things about yourself”
To ensure that accurate information is being accessed via the Indicator Muscle (IM), it is necessary to first
clear this muscle of hypertonus. Any muscle of the body may be used as an IM, however, the Medial
Deltoid and Anterior Deltoid are best suited for this role.
Person raises the arm to shoulder level, out to the side, parallel to the ground, placing the Deltoid muscle in
its usual contracted position. Test pressure is applied to the wrist, or back of forearm, to push the arm
down to the side of the body.
If muscle does not lock, rub Neuro-Lymphatic (N/L) massage points between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs, on
the front of the body and the 3rd, 4th, and 5th vertebrae on the back. and hold the Anterior Fontanel on
the top of the head (N/V)
Person raises the arm to 30 degrees to front of body. Pressure is against forearm to push arm down
towards the leg. CORRECTION: Same as for the Medial Deltoid muscle.
The TEST MUSCLE (A) is placed in maximum extension, without pain or discomfort.
The Indicator Muscle - IM (B) is tested.
If IM (B) shows an unlocked response, a need for HYPERTON-X correction is apparent.
The test muscle (A) is then isometrically contracted three times, for 5-8 seconds each time, while the person
exhales. After each contraction the muscle will release and go into further extension. The Practitioner
pursues this increase in the range of motion. The next contraction is not started until the muscle has
reached full extension in that position. Force is never used; the Practitioner merely follows the increase in
the range of motion and holds the muscle firm during contraction. Retest IM (B) - should now test
The reason for exhaling is to prevent the Diaphragm muscle locking up and so recruiting other muscles.
Some people may have difficulty contracting the muscle and exhaling at the same time. If so, tell them to
relax and not to hold their breath.
[NB] When isometrically contracting, only 25% of muscle force should be used, as blood flows most efficiently in muscle tissue
at this level. Full force is never used as blood flow is diminished.
With the IM (B) giving a locked response in the clear, place a rolled up towel in the armpit of the opposite
shoulder, in order to extend the Medial Deltoid (A). The arm in test (A) should hang in a relaxed manner.
Observe the angle of the arm; pointing away from the body rather than hanging in a relaxed mode is usually
an indication of hypertonus. Test IM (B). Muscle will unlock if it is in a hypertonic state.
Practitioner applies firm pressure at the elbow, as in the test, while the person isometrically contracts the
Medial Deltoid (A) against pressure for about 5-8 seconds, again breathing out, as if to raise the arm
sideways. Repeat 3 times and retest the IM (B), which should now test locked.
With the IM (B) giving a locked response in the clear, the practitioner places his hand in the crook of the
opposite arm (A) and lifts and extends the arm to the rear until resistance is felt. Test IM (B). If it locks,
continue the extension, retesting the IM (B) which may then have an unlocked response, indicating a
hypertonic state.
The person then isometrically contracts the muscle (A), attempting to push arm forward, while the
practitioner holds the arm firm in extension. Person continues the breathing pattern, while using only 25%
force to contract the muscle. Practitioner follows through to increase range of motion. Repeat three
times. Retest the IM (B)
On inspiration the spine attempts to straighten vertically. This creates an upward thrust at the Spheno basilar
junction of the skull, just forward of the foramen magnum, thus forcing movement of the cranial bones. The
spine essentially straightens with the Coccyx moving posteriorly as the lower Sacrum pivots below the sacral
joint anteriorly and the upper Sacrum posteriorly as does the Lumbar vertebrae. The dorsals move anteriorly
and the cervicals posteriorly. So all forward curved spinal sections move posteriorly, and all sections
curving backward move forward on inspiration forming a straight line. This movement is reversed on
expiration. At maximum expiration the spine assumes its most curved configuration. These movements
are in concert with the Sacrum, spinal process, and the pelvis, and CSF is ‘pumped’ throughout the CNS
accordingly. The actions of the Endocrine glands are affected by the flow of CSF and cranial movement.
The Endocrine glands affect every aspect of the body and these functions are inter-related. We find a
physiological circular chain whose links include the Hypothalamus, Pituitary (hence the Endocrines),
biochemical, neuro-electrical, cardiac-respiratory, Sacrum, spine, and cranials. The movement of the Sella
Turcica, a part of the Sphenoid bone, which helps form the roof of the mouth, massages or ‘milks’ the
anterior and posterior lobes of the Pituitary gland alternately as the cranials move during respiration. This
movement enhances the Pituitary function. Since the Pituitary gland is the ‘master gland’ of the body, it
communicates with and regulates all other Endocrine glands, controlling all body functions, either directly or
The brain and nervous system are encased in a membrane called the Dura Mater, which extends down inside
the vertebral column itself. Dura Mater means literally “tough mother”. CSF flows up anteriorly, into and
around the brain and CNS in the sub-arachnoid layer of the Dura. The fluid then flows down inside the Dura
posteriorly to its reservoir, and the ‘pumping’ process continues. The CSF is now recognised as a major
biological fluid having at least four important functions: it transports nutrients; hormones; neuro-
transmitters; and removes toxins from the CNS. The Dura is firmly attached at only three points: the
cranials, Atlas, second and third cervical vertebrae, and the Sacrum. The Sacrum is considered to be the
‘pump’ for the CSF. Restriction or torqueing of the Sacrum, spine or cranials, is transferred to the Dura,
which diminishes flow of the CSF, thus affecting the actions of the CNS. It is Mahony’s contention that
hypertonic muscles, particularly the Diaphragm and the muscles connected to the Sacrum and Occiput,
can cause serious disturbance in CSF flow.
These factors adversely affect body/mind organisation leading to learning difficulties, dyslexia, poor co-
ordination, and so on. By identifying and releasing the hypertonic state of these muscles, dynamic reversals
of these conditions have become apparent. It is well documented in the field of Craniopathy that if there is
displacement of the cranial bones and sutures are jammed, spread apart too far or torqued, various
physiological dysfunctions manifest. Their treatment is by cranial manipulation. The causes are generally
from head injury caused from an accident. Also, during the birthing process, the infant skull is subjected to
enormous pressure as it is squeezed through the birth canal, often distorting the shape of the skull. This can
be made considerably worse if forceps are used to assist the birth process, as there is a squashing of the skull
in this case.
Now that we know a little more about hypertonic muscles, we can now test and correct all the
hypertonic muscles that we can find.
1 Shield yourself.
2 Clear Indicator Muscles of client - (Medial Deltoid & Anterior Deltoid).
3 Clear any emotional stressors of client.
4 Begin to test Great Eight Muscles for hypertonicity.
5 Test all 8 Secondary Muscles.
6 Do hypertonic releases on all muscles found to be hypertonic.
7 Retest all hypertonic muscles to anchor when finished.
4. To test for Hypertonic Muscles, have person allow their arms/legs/body to assume the posture that
would exist should the relevant muscle, if tested in the TFH manner, be weak and unable to lock. This is full
extension. You now test the Indicator Muscle in the TFH manner, ie in contraction phase and test for a
lock. Should it unlock or fail to lock, this indicates the muscle in maximum extension is in a “hypertonic
state”. You can place the body in any position and test for hypertonic muscles. The correction is to have
person push as they breathe out for 5 to 8 seconds and you then take up the slack in the muscle as you move
the limb further through its range of motion.
You start from the Diaphragm and continue through all muscles finishing with Teres Major.
Always retest the Indicator Muscle to anchor in new information. You can do as many pretest Evaluations as
you wish, ie. Eye movements, chakras, TMJ, colours, foods, reading, writing, etc as you wish. After
releasing the key hypertonic muscles, many times this will correct the imbalances in the body. You can also
check the alarm points for over-energy and correct relevant muscles on over-energy meridians. This is a
valid shortcut when you become proficient with kinesiology.
PRESENTER [25th TFH Kinesiology Conference - Oct 1998 - Orlando Florida]
Trevor Savage ND, a Naturopath and Kinesiologist from Queensland Australia attended one the first TFH Workshops taught in
Australia, in April 1979. He became a TFH Instructor in August 1982. In 1984 he became one of the first Educational
Kinesiology Instructors in Australasia and sponsored Dr Paul Dennison PhD to Australia and New Zealand for a series of Instructor
Training Workshops in 1986, co-teaching with
Dr Dennison. He introduced HYPERTON-X to Australia in August 1985. He has taught over 6000 people in more than 250
workshops. In 1989, Trevor attended Dr Carl Ferreri DC’s first Australian Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T.) Seminars and
after writing the Basic and Advanced N.O.T. Manuals for Kinesiologists, he was appointed the first non-Chiropractic N.O.T.
Instructor in the world. In February 1986, he was instrumental in assisting Dr Ferreri to establish N.O.T. International and 12
months later was appointed
Vice President N.O.T. International (Aust.). He is currently establishing a team of Hyperton-X Instructors to spread Frank
Mahony’s great work throughout Australasia and (hopefully) the USA. He and his wife Jacklyn are also the top GNLD (Neo-Life)
Distributors in Australia and New Zealand.
Dr. Trevor Savage N.D.
P.O. Box 5868
Ph: 61-7-3882 4446 Email:

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HYPERTON-X Sports Applied Kineliology

  • 1. HYPERTON-X Sports Kinesiology ABOUT FRANK MAHONY Frank Mahony, creator of HYPERTON-X, Total Body/Mind Integration, conducted workshops worldwide, including Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, Holland, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, Switzerland, and many other countries. Frank had been a featured Speaker at Touch For Health Conferences in Australia, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States; the Natural Health Federation in Pasadena, California; and at Austria’s National Sports Training Centre near Innsbruck. He was a Touch For Health Instructor, a Faculty Member of the Shiatsu Massage School of California, and was a Guest Speaker at the Cleveland College of Chiropractic in Los Angeles and was a Member of many Associations, including the Touch For Health Foundation, and was an inaugural Member of I-ASK, and was on the Board of Advisors of I-ASK and ASK-US. From 1982 to 1986, he was Director of the Burbank office of the Valley Remedial Group, founded by Dr Paul Dennison PhD (Special Ed.), where he refined and perfected his techniques, to assist the learning impaired (dyslexics, and others). Basic HYPERTON-X concepts are included in the Applied Kinesiology Workshops conducted by Dr Sheldon Deal DC from Swan Natural Healing Clinic in Tucson, Arizona. In 1984 he worked with members of the Puma Energiser Track Club in Santa Monica, prior to the Olympic Trials for the 1984 Games. HYPERTON-X methods are being employed by practitioners working with world class athletes in many countries. One sports therapist who was invited by the American Walking Team, to make a presentation at their National Meeting, chose Mahony’s techniques as the cornerstone of her work. Trevor Savage ND from Australia, worked with Pat Cash, one of Australia’s top international tennis players in August 1985, and assisted him to overcome a serious back injury. The following year, Pat won the Wimbledon Singles Title in London. Kay McCarroll DC from the UK noted great success in keeping athletes at peak performance in competition in the gruelling Six Day Ultra Marathon in August 1984, and the London to Paris Triathalon in September 1985. Long distance runner, Malcolm Campbell, gives great credit to McCarroll and HYPERTON-X for keeping him fit in the Ultra Marathon, and at age 52, finished second in a race across the United States in 1985. A German therapist, specialising in Learning Difficulties, gives HYPERTON-X a major share of the credit in correcting one case diagnosed as Schizophrenia. His inimitable teaching style and sense of humour endeared him to his many students and friends. He lived in El Segundo, California, and died in Germany in September 1995, survived by his son, Mitchell, who lives in Texas. MY INTRODUCTION TO HYPERTON-X I first met Frank Mahony at the July 1984 Touch For Health Conference, held at the University of San Diego, California. He was a Key Note Speaker, and his presentation made an impression on me. His dry sense of humour was his trademark. This introduced me to HYPERTON-X. The following year, I again attended the TFH Conference at San Diego; mainly to attend Frank’s first Workshop. I studied with Frank in this workshop which he taught at the Touch For Health Foundation in Pasadena, California, in July 1985. Frank gave me authority to teach, so on returning to Australia, I presented HYPERTON-X Workshops in Melbourne, Hobart, on to Cairns and Darwin, with many towns and cities in between. Frank’s first Australian visit was to attend the 1986 Touch For Health Conference in Sydney, and afterwards, he trained a 1
  • 2. number of students in Sydney and Canberra, with a few continuing on to become Certified Instructors. After having attended many workshops with Frank, both in Australia and in USA, I was more than impressed with his insight into the workings of the mind/body relationship. His charting skills taught me how to present a professional workshop, for both small or large groups, with ease. He was a friend and trainer, and he inspired me to be creative and use HYPERTON-X in a variety of ways to achieve body/mind integration with my clients and students. I have chosen to continue promoting and teaching Frank’s work and have recently rewritten his Basic Manual with his family’s blessing. Along with two fellow Australians, I am now training Hyperton-X Instructors. The Frank Mahony System of Hypertonic Muscle Release BENEFITS Promotes Whole Brain Integration Improves Mental and Physical Performance Overcomes Learning Difficulties Clears Cross Crawl Switching Reduces Pain - Chances of Injury Increases Muscle Flexibility Stimulates Cerebral Spinal Fluid Flow and Cranial-Spinal-Sacral -Articulation Improves or corrects Deficiencies in: Meridian Energy Flow - Polarity Chakras - Food & Colouring Sensitivities T.M.J. - Hyoid - Gaits - Cloacals Improves the effectiveness of other Holistic Methods SYMPTOMS Low reading, writing, maths skills - poor comprehension and concentration Difficulty following verbal instructions - lack of co-ordination - mental confusion Restricted range of movement in muscles - poor memory - low self-esteem POSSIBLE CAUSES Birth Trauma Illness Injury Emotional Stress Posture Work Habits High heels Food intolerance Poor diet Physical defects Physical exertion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Special thanks to those who have shared their knowledge and who gave Frank encouragement, inspiration, and support, in the early stages: John Thie DC - for creating the Touch For Health Program that led to the development of HYPERTON-X, Curtis Buddingh DC, Phillip Crockford, Diane Hubner, Paul Dennison PhD Richard Harnack, Mary Marks DC, David Simmons DC, Gordon Stokes, Richard Utt, 2
  • 3. Paul Webber DC, Yoka Brouwer, Dr Bruce Dewe MD, René Felton, Stephanie Friezen, Wolfgang Gillessen , Kay McCarroll DC, Peggy McConnell, Lorraine Osborne, Trevor Savage ND and Wayne Topping PhD. HYPERTON-X Total Body/Mind Integration An Old New Approach by Frank Mahony HYPERTON-X is a universal method, realising profound beneficial effects on learning disorders, athletic performance, chronic pain, emotions, and colour and food sensitivity. HYPERTON-X is based on the concepts researched in Applied Kinesiology, wherein the body is regarded as having its own biofeedback system via muscle testing which enables us to determine certain conditions of the body and the mind. HYPERTON-X employs the use of an Indicator Muscle (IM) to; determine if a muscle is in a “hypertonic state”; at which point in the range of motion that muscle becomes hypertonic; and to monitor results. OBJECTIVE To raise the level of physical and mental performance by identifying and releasing the hypertonic state of key muscles, found to be related to INTEGRATION of the WHOLE-BRAIN, RIGHT-LEFT-FRONT-BACK, and body/mind integration. This appears to have the following effect: Increase the flow of Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF), performance enhancement of the Endocrine System, and relief from jamming of neuromuscular signals (neuro-static) caused by the HYPERTONIC state of MUSCLES. HYPERTON-X also corrects deficiencies and integrates holistic energy systems as noted under BENEFITS, which have also been found to be related to body/mind integration. THEORY: [QUOTE from Frank Mahony]: “Theory is defined as....... “ a hunch that went to college!”] The following theory is based on Frank Mahony’s personal research, empirically based conclusions, and consultation with health professionals. Theories are always subject to change as new and better knowledge is acquired. However, even if this theory does not stand the test of time, the consistency of results (increased mental and physical skills, etc.) does and will. This work is meant for information only and is not meant to serve as a physiological treatise, as the workings of the human body are incredibly complex, therefore, concepts will be presented in their simplest terms.” HOW MUSCLES BECOME HYPERTONIC It is known that we can confuse the Spindle Cells by pushing the cells together or spreading them apart. The first will weaken or detonify a muscle, while the latter will cause it to become stronger. Baseball players use this technique before batting, by swinging a weighted bat, thus stretching the muscle, which spreads the Spindle Cells away from each other and they react by contracting the muscle, which makes it easier to swing the bat, giving a light feeling, temporarily. This is why one’s knee jerks when the doctor taps the tendon just below the knee. The muscle is quickly elongated, spreading out the Spindle Cells which interpreted the information as if they, the Spindle Cells, are too far apart. Consequently they want to return to the appropriate position as soon as possible, so they do. USE AND ABUSE RUNNING 3
  • 4. As muscles fatigue, other muscles are spontaneously recruited to make up for the deficit. In the early stages of a running activity the Gastrocnemius is the prime mover in forward propulsion in the lower leg. The runner is rising off the balls of the feet, the first area of contact with the surface. As fatigue sets in, the Gastrocnemius shuts off to protect itself from injury, and the Soleus and other muscles are recruited to make up for the deficit. The entire surface of the foot now makes contact with the surface as the runner now “plops” along, flat footed. Also, if the Quadriceps fatigue, the hip flexors and Abdominals may be recruited as well. The recruited muscles are not suited for the activity and, in order to protect themselves, will trigger into an injury mode, such as pain, weakness and/or restricted range of motion. In short, the muscles become hypertonic. THROWING In a proper overhand throwing motion, the upper body arches back and rotates. The forward leg leads the torso, which leads the shoulder, which leads the upper arm, which leads the forearm, which leads the wrist, which leads the fingers, in a spiralling, firing sequence from the bottom up (leg to fingers). If any of the muscles fatigue, the body triggers into deficit accommodation mode, recruiting muscles not suited for the activity. The throwing arm drops lower, the body may become more erect and begin to rotate more laterally than forward, etc. This may result in strain in the shoulder, elbow, or any muscle on which inappropriate demands are placed. JUST WHAT IS A HYPERTONIC MUSCLE? By medical definition: - “a muscle over-resistive to stretch” By Mahony’s definition: - “a muscle in an over-protective state”, symptomised by one or all of the following: [PWR]  Pain,  Weakness - due to muscle proprioceptors being in a confused state, and/or  Restricted range of movement or motion. This situation may be caused by:  over exertion: work, athletics, sport, dance, injury, or accident  misuse: poor posture, sitting, high heels  emotional stress: jaw clenching, neck, and shoulder tightening  quick unexpected movement: slip, jerk, or fall The tonicity of a muscle changes as demands are placed upon it in anticipation of future expected demands. That is, the muscle gets tighter, and thus stronger, in order to handle a bigger load. It can also get weaker, or less tonified, in the expectation of a lesser load, or in the absence of activity. This is due to the function of the proprioceptors located in the muscle, known as Spindle Cells and Golgi tendon cells found in the muscle tendons. We will only deal with the Spindle Cells at this time. The Spindle Cells are located in the belly (or fattest part) of the muscle and function somewhat like radar stations, monitoring the distance between stations (cells) and -  regulate the rate of change in distance (length) of the muscle and  the time that change takes to occur. Let’s compare this to someone who wears high heeled shoes. This keeps the Gastrocnemius and other lower leg muscles in a permanently contracted state. Gradually the Spindle Cells accept this jammed position as the norm, and the muscle becomes hypertonic. The same thing happens to someone who sits for long periods of time. This places the Hamstrings in a contracted position and they become hypertonic. To counteract this, what do we, the ‘enlightened ones’ do? We run, we get 4
  • 5. into aerobics and heavy exercise, with the result that more muscles go into a hypertonic state, which also pounds the sacral joint, further aggravating the problem. A quick, unexpected movement, such as a sudden slip on a wet surface can cause pain, as well as a hypertonic condition, even though no injury may exist. This is because there are two kinds of Spindle Cells, one which regulates the amount of change in the length of the muscle, and one which regulates the rate or speed of change. Unfortunately, these cells transmit their information to the brain at different speeds, and the suddenness of the unexpected move causes the signals to be out of sync., thus an erroneous injury is recorded and the muscle goes hypertonic. The situation will remain until corrected or until the body readjusts in time. This may be why we are able to achieve those ‘miracle’ pain cures through manipulation. We have reset the Spindle Cells and the erroneous pain goes away. KEY MUSCLES There are 16 KEY MUSCLES in the CRANIAL-SACRAL ARTICULATION. The key muscles involved are divided into Primary, Secondary, and Auxiliary groups. PRIMARY MUSCLES are defined as those muscles found to be most involved with the Sacral-Occipital apparatus and body/mind integration. SECONDARY MUSCLES are those found to further enhance the process, in a supporting role. 8 Primary Muscles 8 Secondary Muscles *The Great Eight* 1. Diaphragm 1. Quadriceps 2. Flexor Hallucis Longus 2. Piriformis 3. Flexor Digitorum Longus 3. Gluteus Medius 4. Gastrocnemius 4. Psoas 5. Soleus 5. Abdominals 6. Gluteus Maximus 6. Sacrospinalis 7. Hamstrings 7. Sterno Cleido-Mastoid 8. Upper Trapezius 8. Teres Major AUXILIARY MUSCLES are very seldom directly involved, but may be reactive to primary/secondary muscles, or may be a source of chronic pain. Some auxiliary and advanced synergetic muscle concepts are covered in Advanced HYPERTON-X, and are of great value in sports and specific activity therapies, such as complex injuries. The auxiliary muscles further enhance the process as well. In the later stages of evaluation and correction, the Acupuncture ALARM POINTS are used to identify PRIORITY MERIDIANS and the key hypertonic muscle or muscles which relate to that particular meridian. Many times there is only ONE KEY MUSCLE disrupting body/mind integration, although other muscles may be hypertonic and of a secondary involvement. An auxiliary muscle may be one of those key muscles! Best results are obtained by making very light contact before saying “HOLD”. The body always wants to test strong and will trigger unconsciously into an accommodation. SAY, “HOLD”, while making light contact and wait for a full second, then apply very gradual pressure. If the IM is WEAK, or the test muscle is hypertonic, which will cause the IM to test weak, the IM may rise in anticipation of the test. Wait until rise response ends, or have subject return IM to test position before testing. SHIELDING AND STRESS RELEASE PROCEDURE As a practitioner it is wise to shield oneself from all unwanted energies and release any stress the person may have with regards to being muscle tested or touched. An example is as follows: Practitioner Preparation 5
  • 6. 1 Shields self with visualisation/affirmation, eg: “I am shielded at all times. No harmful energies may enter my shield. Only energies that are good for me may enter” A shield may be anything with which the individual is comfortable; God’s love, white light, suit of armour, magnetic field, etc. The shield is visualised as protecting the body, can be next to the skin or as far out around the body. 2 Projects unconditional love using visualisation, affirmation, eg: “I project unconditional love to all others” “I am receiving clear and accurate information through muscle testing at all times” “I am neutral and non judgmental. MY beliefs are not involved” “I am open to the truth and not attached to any outcome” “I choose to enjoy knowing the truth” “I choose to enjoy being attached to the response” Client Preparation 1 Clearing stressors. Have the person think about the following statements while you test the IM. Use Emotional Stress Release (ESR) Points to clear unlocked responses. YOU SAY:- 1.1 “Think about being touched by others, in a caring way” 1.2 “................................touching others in a caring way” 1.3 “................................being muscle tested” 1.4 “...............................learning things about yourself” 1.5 “...............................sharing things about yourself with others” 1.6 “...............................revealing things about yourself” INDICATOR MUSCLE (IM) CLEARING [T F H - A K Technique] To ensure that accurate information is being accessed via the Indicator Muscle (IM), it is necessary to first clear this muscle of hypertonus. Any muscle of the body may be used as an IM, however, the Medial Deltoid and Anterior Deltoid are best suited for this role. MEDIAL DELTOID - TEST Person raises the arm to shoulder level, out to the side, parallel to the ground, placing the Deltoid muscle in its usual contracted position. Test pressure is applied to the wrist, or back of forearm, to push the arm down to the side of the body. CORRECTION If muscle does not lock, rub Neuro-Lymphatic (N/L) massage points between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th ribs, on the front of the body and the 3rd, 4th, and 5th vertebrae on the back. and hold the Anterior Fontanel on the top of the head (N/V) ANTERIOR DELTOID - TEST Person raises the arm to 30 degrees to front of body. Pressure is against forearm to push arm down towards the leg. CORRECTION: Same as for the Medial Deltoid muscle. 6
  • 7. HYPERTON-X METHOD OF TESTING AND CORRECTION MUSCLE TEST POSITION The TEST MUSCLE (A) is placed in maximum extension, without pain or discomfort. The Indicator Muscle - IM (B) is tested. If IM (B) shows an unlocked response, a need for HYPERTON-X correction is apparent. CORRECTION The test muscle (A) is then isometrically contracted three times, for 5-8 seconds each time, while the person exhales. After each contraction the muscle will release and go into further extension. The Practitioner pursues this increase in the range of motion. The next contraction is not started until the muscle has reached full extension in that position. Force is never used; the Practitioner merely follows the increase in the range of motion and holds the muscle firm during contraction. Retest IM (B) - should now test strong. The reason for exhaling is to prevent the Diaphragm muscle locking up and so recruiting other muscles. Some people may have difficulty contracting the muscle and exhaling at the same time. If so, tell them to relax and not to hold their breath. [NB] When isometrically contracting, only 25% of muscle force should be used, as blood flows most efficiently in muscle tissue at this level. Full force is never used as blood flow is diminished. CLEARING THE IMs FOR HYPERTONICITY MEDIAL DELTOID TEST With the IM (B) giving a locked response in the clear, place a rolled up towel in the armpit of the opposite shoulder, in order to extend the Medial Deltoid (A). The arm in test (A) should hang in a relaxed manner. Observe the angle of the arm; pointing away from the body rather than hanging in a relaxed mode is usually an indication of hypertonus. Test IM (B). Muscle will unlock if it is in a hypertonic state. CORRECTION Practitioner applies firm pressure at the elbow, as in the test, while the person isometrically contracts the Medial Deltoid (A) against pressure for about 5-8 seconds, again breathing out, as if to raise the arm sideways. Repeat 3 times and retest the IM (B), which should now test locked. ANTERIOR DELTOID TEST With the IM (B) giving a locked response in the clear, the practitioner places his hand in the crook of the opposite arm (A) and lifts and extends the arm to the rear until resistance is felt. Test IM (B). If it locks, continue the extension, retesting the IM (B) which may then have an unlocked response, indicating a hypertonic state. CORRECTION The person then isometrically contracts the muscle (A), attempting to push arm forward, while the practitioner holds the arm firm in extension. Person continues the breathing pattern, while using only 25% force to contract the muscle. Practitioner follows through to increase range of motion. Repeat three times. Retest the IM (B) 7
  • 8. SACRAL-SPINAL-CRANIAL ARTICULATION AND CSF FLOW On inspiration the spine attempts to straighten vertically. This creates an upward thrust at the Spheno basilar junction of the skull, just forward of the foramen magnum, thus forcing movement of the cranial bones. The spine essentially straightens with the Coccyx moving posteriorly as the lower Sacrum pivots below the sacral joint anteriorly and the upper Sacrum posteriorly as does the Lumbar vertebrae. The dorsals move anteriorly and the cervicals posteriorly. So all forward curved spinal sections move posteriorly, and all sections curving backward move forward on inspiration forming a straight line. This movement is reversed on expiration. At maximum expiration the spine assumes its most curved configuration. These movements are in concert with the Sacrum, spinal process, and the pelvis, and CSF is ‘pumped’ throughout the CNS accordingly. The actions of the Endocrine glands are affected by the flow of CSF and cranial movement. The Endocrine glands affect every aspect of the body and these functions are inter-related. We find a physiological circular chain whose links include the Hypothalamus, Pituitary (hence the Endocrines), biochemical, neuro-electrical, cardiac-respiratory, Sacrum, spine, and cranials. The movement of the Sella Turcica, a part of the Sphenoid bone, which helps form the roof of the mouth, massages or ‘milks’ the anterior and posterior lobes of the Pituitary gland alternately as the cranials move during respiration. This movement enhances the Pituitary function. Since the Pituitary gland is the ‘master gland’ of the body, it communicates with and regulates all other Endocrine glands, controlling all body functions, either directly or indirectly. CSF AND DURA MATER The brain and nervous system are encased in a membrane called the Dura Mater, which extends down inside the vertebral column itself. Dura Mater means literally “tough mother”. CSF flows up anteriorly, into and around the brain and CNS in the sub-arachnoid layer of the Dura. The fluid then flows down inside the Dura posteriorly to its reservoir, and the ‘pumping’ process continues. The CSF is now recognised as a major biological fluid having at least four important functions: it transports nutrients; hormones; neuro- transmitters; and removes toxins from the CNS. The Dura is firmly attached at only three points: the cranials, Atlas, second and third cervical vertebrae, and the Sacrum. The Sacrum is considered to be the ‘pump’ for the CSF. Restriction or torqueing of the Sacrum, spine or cranials, is transferred to the Dura, which diminishes flow of the CSF, thus affecting the actions of the CNS. It is Mahony’s contention that hypertonic muscles, particularly the Diaphragm and the muscles connected to the Sacrum and Occiput, can cause serious disturbance in CSF flow. These factors adversely affect body/mind organisation leading to learning difficulties, dyslexia, poor co- ordination, and so on. By identifying and releasing the hypertonic state of these muscles, dynamic reversals of these conditions have become apparent. It is well documented in the field of Craniopathy that if there is displacement of the cranial bones and sutures are jammed, spread apart too far or torqued, various physiological dysfunctions manifest. Their treatment is by cranial manipulation. The causes are generally from head injury caused from an accident. Also, during the birthing process, the infant skull is subjected to enormous pressure as it is squeezed through the birth canal, often distorting the shape of the skull. This can be made considerably worse if forceps are used to assist the birth process, as there is a squashing of the skull in this case. Now that we know a little more about hypertonic muscles, we can now test and correct all the hypertonic muscles that we can find. 8
  • 9. HOW TO DO A BASIC HYPERTON-X BALANCE 1 Shield yourself. 2 Clear Indicator Muscles of client - (Medial Deltoid & Anterior Deltoid). 3 Clear any emotional stressors of client. 4 Begin to test Great Eight Muscles for hypertonicity. 5 Test all 8 Secondary Muscles. 6 Do hypertonic releases on all muscles found to be hypertonic. 7 Retest all hypertonic muscles to anchor when finished. ______________________________________________________ 4. To test for Hypertonic Muscles, have person allow their arms/legs/body to assume the posture that would exist should the relevant muscle, if tested in the TFH manner, be weak and unable to lock. This is full extension. You now test the Indicator Muscle in the TFH manner, ie in contraction phase and test for a lock. Should it unlock or fail to lock, this indicates the muscle in maximum extension is in a “hypertonic state”. You can place the body in any position and test for hypertonic muscles. The correction is to have person push as they breathe out for 5 to 8 seconds and you then take up the slack in the muscle as you move the limb further through its range of motion. You start from the Diaphragm and continue through all muscles finishing with Teres Major. Always retest the Indicator Muscle to anchor in new information. You can do as many pretest Evaluations as you wish, ie. Eye movements, chakras, TMJ, colours, foods, reading, writing, etc as you wish. After releasing the key hypertonic muscles, many times this will correct the imbalances in the body. You can also check the alarm points for over-energy and correct relevant muscles on over-energy meridians. This is a valid shortcut when you become proficient with kinesiology. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENTER [25th TFH Kinesiology Conference - Oct 1998 - Orlando Florida] Trevor Savage ND, a Naturopath and Kinesiologist from Queensland Australia attended one the first TFH Workshops taught in Australia, in April 1979. He became a TFH Instructor in August 1982. In 1984 he became one of the first Educational Kinesiology Instructors in Australasia and sponsored Dr Paul Dennison PhD to Australia and New Zealand for a series of Instructor Training Workshops in 1986, co-teaching with Dr Dennison. He introduced HYPERTON-X to Australia in August 1985. He has taught over 6000 people in more than 250 workshops. In 1989, Trevor attended Dr Carl Ferreri DC’s first Australian Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T.) Seminars and after writing the Basic and Advanced N.O.T. Manuals for Kinesiologists, he was appointed the first non-Chiropractic N.O.T. Instructor in the world. In February 1986, he was instrumental in assisting Dr Ferreri to establish N.O.T. International and 12 months later was appointed Vice President N.O.T. International (Aust.). He is currently establishing a team of Hyperton-X Instructors to spread Frank Mahony’s great work throughout Australasia and (hopefully) the USA. He and his wife Jacklyn are also the top GNLD (Neo-Life) Distributors in Australia and New Zealand. Dr. Trevor Savage N.D. P.O. Box 5868 BRENDALE QUEENSLAND 4500 AUSTRALIA Ph: 61-7-3882 4446 Email: 9