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Nuclear Energy Pros And Cons
Some may ask what is nuclear energy the dictionary defines this as:
nuclear energy
1. The energy released by a nuclear reaction, especially by fission or fusion.
2. Nuclear energy regarded as a source of power. Also called atomic energy
Nuclear power was first known to be researched in the early 1900's, and by the world war; it reached its greatest peak by demonstrating to the world its
power to destroy. Nuclear energy can be good or bad, depending on how the person works with this material; it is used for both sides good and bad.
Scientists were unsure from the beginning of how it was possible to get energy from the material called Uranium. They were sure that with
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States have fought DOE's efforts on the grounds that the site is unsafe, pointing to potential activities earthquakes, volcano's, water infiltration,
underground flooding, nuclear chain reactions, and fossil fuels and mineral deposits that might encourage human intrusion in the future.
However, DOE contends that the evidence so far indicates that the places that they have chosen are likely to prove suitable and that studies of the site
should continue.
The safety of geological disposal of highly radioactive waste depends highly on the characteristics of the rock formations around it from which a
repository would be hollowed out. Many geological formations are believed to have remained undisturbed for millions and millions of years, it
appeared technically possible to isolate radioactive materials from the environment until they decayed high enough so that the level of the radioactive
material is not harmful.
Scientific confidence about the subject on the deep geologic disposal has been more difficult to apply to specific sites. Every high–level waste site that
has been proposed by DOE discoveries of unacceptable flaws, such as groundwater flows or earthquake vulnerability, that could release radioactivity
into the environment, this is not good for nature.
Their are both pro's and con's
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Essay on Nuclear Energy Research
Nuclear energy is a fascinating discovery and an up–incoming strong energy supplier of many things in our world today. Nuclear materials include
many pieces, such as; radiation, radioactive decay, nuclear reactors, fission and fusion. It is highly possible that our world will become very
dependent on nuclear resources in the future; however, they'll not only supply us with positives but many fierce negatives as well. Nuclear energy is a
complex material that carries many deep side effects, one of which being radiation. Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as
subatomic particles. Through radiation, energy is transmitted in forms such as light, heat and sound. Right alongside of radiation more
Whereas, fusion is the result or the process of joining two or more things together to from one single creation, for example, liquefying or melting
by applying heat. Nuclear materials not only require heat to be formed, but they also can create heat. Nuclear materials can create heat and
electricity, as well as being used in the development of weapons and medical needs. Heat from nuclear materials typically comes from nuclear fuel;
used nuclear fuel will emit high levels of both heat and radiation. Such nuclear fuels are also used to create forms of energy such as electricity in
many areas of the world today. As a weapon, nuclear material can be devastating to any ecosystem which it may come in contact with. Most
commonly, plutonium (known to be used in North Korea) or uranium is used in the creation of nuclear/atomic weapons. A product called a research
reactor is the typical starter kit for most of the world's nuclear bomb programs. This research reactor serves primarily as a neutron source and is also
called a non–power reactor because it does not generate power, such as the "power reactors" used to create heat and electricity. Nuclear materials are
also used for medical needs, such as the commonly known "X–ray", or the isotope, technetium–99m and molybdenum–99 shortages addressed in the
House of Representatives vote in 2009. In this vote, the House affirmatively decided to reestablish the domestic
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Nuclear Energy Argumentative Essay
[Thesis] Thus, nuclear energy should be the number one supplier of energy in the United States.
[Statement of Facts] Nuclear energy is a misunderstood topic due to the widespread negative stigma of it being associated with men in orange hazmat
suits dealing with radioactive chemicals, however, it is a relatively easy process to understand. Nuclear energy goes under the chemical process known
as nuclear fission, where an atom becomes split into two elements: krypton and barium. This splitting causes an additional neutron to split, resulting in
a chain reaction. This chain reaction provides an abundance of energy, in a dense form. This whole process is done in fuel rods, which are submerged
in water. Due to this chemical process, the water is heated and emits steam, which creates pressure enabling the turbines to move. This movement
converts the chemical energy to electrical energy, thus more content...
According to World Nuclear, the amount of waste each person would generate when utilizing nuclear energy would be 39.5 grams per year. This is
far less than coal and natural gas, which produces an average of 10,000 kilograms of Co2/per person each year. That is the equivalent of 7 U.S quarters.
In regards to the Chernobyl accident, the meltdown was caused by a flawed design of its nuclear reactor. It was human error that caused the disaster to
occur, not the process of generating the electricity. As a result of the disaster,nuclear power plants were forced to enforce guidelines and implemented
safety precautions to protect the employees and workers; these include: improved structure and design, monthly routine check–ups, and stricter
enforcement of protocols to ensure safety. With a total of 16,000 properly functioning nuclear reactors over 33 countries, the idea of a threat has
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Argumentative Essay On Nuclear Energy
One of the most pressing topics of debate in the recent years has been the different sources of energy and their effects on the environment. People have
started to realize the negative effects of non–renewable energy, such as greenhouse gas emissions and other negative effects on the environment, but
neglect to take action and implement more ecofriendly energy sources. For the past 300 years the world has been predominantly powered by coal and
other non–renewable energy sources, but now it is time to move past these energy sources and transition to more efficient, clean energy like nuclear
energy. In those past three centuries, we have learned a lot about how fossil fuels effect the environment, while also discovering clean energy sources
that can replace the outdated energy sources. In this essay, I will argue that nuclear energy is the solution to the energy debate and prove that it is the
best energy source based on its effect on the environment, economy and energy efficiency. It is an undeniable fact that greenhouse gas emissions are
having a negative effect on the environment which is causing a raising global temperature. This process is called global warming and although
scientist believe it is natural to some extent, there is also many scientific publications linking greenhouse gas emissions to accelerated global warming.
However, since nuclear energy is a clean energy source, nuclear energy doesn't emit greenhouse gases which would help slow down the process of
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Persuasive Speech : Nuclear Energy Essay
Nuclear Energy
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that nuclear energy is a viable power solution to the United States.
Thesis Statement: The United States should drop fossil fuel power electricity and incorporate nuclear energy.
Attention Step
Attention Getter: Imagine a world filled with cold, darkness, and no security.
Relevance Statement: Electricity is the heart of our current civilization. Without electricity we would regress into a feudal like stage which will slow
down our evolution as a society
Topic Disclosure: Today the primary source of fuel for the generation of electricity are fossil fuels such ascoal, natural gases, and petroleum.
Preview of the Thesis & Main Points: For these reasons, the United States government should slowly disintegrate the fossil fuel powered plants and
move to nuclear energy.
First, I will tell you why fossil fuel plants are collapsing.
Second, I will tell you proposed solution of incorporating nuclear energy.
Third, I will tell you the benefits of implement the nuclear energy.
Transition: Let's start by looking at our current situation with electricity generation
Need Step Main Point: Fossil fuel electricity generators used to be our best friends, but now they are doing us many harms.
Currently fossil fuels are the world's primary energy source. The fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, and natural gases. Fossil fuels are organic
materials formed from decayed plants and animals that due to heat and pressure from hundreds of
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Nuclear Energy Vs. Renewable Energy
Since the discovery of nuclear energy, it has remained the most powerful energy source to this day. Despite its superiority in energy efficiency and
safety to the environment, fossil fuels are the dominant source of energy in the United States. This paper will analyze developments nuclear energy
has made, the factors that contribute to its superiority over other energy sources, and controversies that have inhibited its growth in usage in the United
States. In addition, it will compare nuclear energy to fossil fuels and other renewable and nonrenewable energy sources and express the reasons that
contribute to its advantages. Lastly, it will examine the different types of nuclear energy and their advantages and disadvantages. The thesis is: "To
resolve the problems posed by fossil fuel energy, America should recommit to energy provided bynuclear fission as its main energy source due to its
cleanliness and efficiency." There are two methods to generatingnuclear power. The first and only method currently attainable is nuclear fission.
Nuclear fission is a process in which the nucleus of a Uranium–235 isotope absorbs neutrons and thus splits into smaller fragments, including
approximately 2.5 nuclei, which spur a self–sustaining chain reaction and continue the process in other nuclei, alongside a massive release of energy
(Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia). In the most common type of nuclear reactor, Light Water Reactors, (LWR), the uranium oxide gas heats
up water,
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Nuclear Power Argumentative
Gabe Tonnos
Mrs. Jones
Chemistry 2nd hour
18 October 2017
Nuclear Power Argumentative Essay
Nuclear power can be defined as "any method of doing work that makes use of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reactions" ("Nuclear Power", 2017).
Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to provide heat, which causes water to become steam. It is the steam that spins turbines and provides the
energy. Then, the steam either rises up a cooling tower and is released into the air, or is cooled by being deposited into a lake or ocean (Goodman,
2017). There are three nuclear power plants in Michigan: Fermi 2, Palisades, and Cook Nuclear Plant ("Nuclear Power Plants", n.d.). Together, they
produce nearly 30% of the energy used in Michigan in more content...
This just goes to show how efficient the fuel in nuclear plants is at producing energy. The final reason why nuclear energy is so efficient is because
nuclear power plants have a very high energy output compared to other plants. Coal plants have "an average capacity of 547 megawatts" ("Coal
generates 44%", 2012). While this is decent, nuclear plants, on average, produce about double of what coal plants generate. The average nuclear plant
can produce over 1,000 megawatts of energy! This makes it the most efficient way to produce electricity because of its high output of energy ("World
Nuclear", 2017). But this high output is only possible because the plant can run around the clock. And that is only possible due to the uranium fuel being
so powerful and efficient. Not only should we expand the use of nuclear power plants in Michigan because they are efficient, but they also should be
expanded for their economical benefits.
Increasing the use of nuclear energy in Michigan would be very helpful for the economy. First of all, nuclear power is cost–effective. "Nuclear power
plants are...relatively cheap to run. The operating cost of these plants is lower than almost all fossil fuel competitors, with a very low risk of
operating cost inflation" ("World Nuclear", 2017). Inflation is very bad for the economy. If there were to be a shortage of coal, electricity prices would
rise and people would lose jobs. Uranium,
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Essay about Nuclear Energy
When most people think of a nuclear threat, they think of a nuclear attack from a
foreign nation. In reality, the largest nuclear threat comes not from foreign attack, but
from a much closer enemy: nuclear power. Nuclear power is very dangerous, and should
be done away with.
The nuclear age dawned in 1945, when the United States dropped atomic bombs
on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombing had at least two effects:
the Japanese surrender, bringing World War II to a swift end; and many people in the
United States, especially scientists and officials involved in the development of atomic
bombs, were awed, frightened and filled with guilt over more content...
people see the existing form of nuclear power as unsafe technology with a potential for
catastrophe. There have been multiple examples of this throughout the history of nuclear
power including the Browns Ferry, Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl incidents.
A serious incident occurred at a nuclear power plant in 1975 as a result of a fire
started by a candle. On March 22, 1975, two large reactors at Browns Ferry, Alabama
were operating and generating 2,200 megawatts of electricity. Beneath the plant's control
center, electricians were trying to seal air leaks among the complex array of electrical
cables that made up the electrical system of the two reactors.(Stephens 15)
The leaks were being sealed by stuffing strips of polyurethane foam among the
cables. To test for air leaks, the electricians held a lighted candle near the plastic foam to
see whether the flame flickered. Some of the foam caught on fire. Three chemical
extinguishers failed to put it out. After fifteen minutes a fire alarm sounded. Meanwhile,
the fire was spreading and destroying cables that affect the plant's electrical systems
including the reactor's Emergency Core Cooling System. A small pump had to be used to
keep the fuel core covered with water to prevent a meltdown.(Stephens 17–19)
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Nuclear Power And Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power is harnessed from the energy retained inside of an atom's nucleus. This energy bindes the atom together and, when released, can be
used to produce electricity. In order for this energy to be released, however, it must be subjected to either nuclear fusion, the combination of several
atoms to form one larger atom, or to nuclear fission, the division of larger atoms into several smaller atoms. Nuclear power plants, first introduced in
1954, use this second method in the production of electricity. Inside of a nuclear power plant, uranium atoms are split and their nuclear energy
released, creating the heat necessary to produce the steam that powers turbine generators and create electricity. Nuclear energy is often referred to as
a "clean" energy source because, unlike fossil fuels, its production does not result in the generation of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide,
methane, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides. Many endorse the use of nuclear energy because it is efficient, providing large amounts of energy in
exchange for small amounts of fuel, reliable, as it can be produced almost all day and night, year round, and affordable, costing about 2.4 cents per
kilowatt–hour in 2012 compared to fossil fuels, which cost about 3.27 cents per kilowatt–hour in 2012. However, the use of nuclear power also has
several significant disadvantages. Its main downside lies in the threats nuclear power plants present in the forms of radioactive waste and nuclear
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Nuclear Energy Synthesis Essay
Across the United States 104 nuclear reactors generate around 20% of the nation's electricity. While worldwide 436 nuclear reactors generate about
15% of the world's supply every year (Carson). Some people feel as though we need to expand the fleet of nuclear reactors and increase nuclear
power production. Nuclear energy may be one of the best ways to combat global warming and reduce CO2 emissions, however if the radiation and
nuclear waste that it produces is better for our environment than the CO2 is still uncertain. In the United States the nuclear power plants use uranium
–235 as the nuclear fuel to produce energy. Most of the uranium that the United States uses is found in Wyoming and New Mexico (Nuclear Energy).
U–235 is mined using methods similar to other ores. However when the uranium is mined it can expose the miners to more content...
The spent fuel rods and the other products produced by the nuclear fuel process are highly reactive. This waste must be stored in very safe and
secure locations for tens of thousands of years, which is periods "longer than the history of most governments the world has seen" as the former
Atomic Energy Commission put it (Carson). The uranium that is used in the reactors has a half life, that is long it takes for half the nuclei in the
radioactive material to decay, of 10,000 years, while plutonium, another nuclear fuel, has a half life close to 25,000 (Carson). Some say that it is too
much of a burden to place on future generations to be able to properly monitor and maintain waste dumps that will last 20 times the length of known
civilization. As Michio Kaku put it in Nuclear Power: Both Sides "The controversy surrounding [nuclear] waste boils down to one question– can we
trust and man made structure to isolate high–level waste for tens of thousands of years given our always–changing social institutions and the vagaries
of war, revolutions, and social upheavals"
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Nuclear Energy : Nuclear Power Essay
When one hears the words 'nuclear power' they are immediately offset with images of Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These
were agreeably a few devastatingly deadly and lasting disasters involving nuclear energy. With newer technologies and processes such as the use of
nuclear fission, however, harnessing nuclear energy has become a safe practice. The global climate and overall health of the world is shifting toward
the worse, and humanity only has itself to blame. It is time that society sets its fears aside and paves the way for the most effective, and ethical energy
alternative for the sake of its beautiful home, Earth. Nuclear fission energy has the potential to power the entire world in a way that is clean, sustainable,
and energy–prolific.
Nuclear power can be generated through two ways: fusion and fission. Harnessing energy through nuclear fusion means, in simpler terms, combining
two atoms, particularly plutonium or uranium, into one. The result from this process is hard to control, and is therefore much harder to harness energy
from. Nuclear fission constitutes the splitting of one plutonium or uranium atom into two. As postulated by Ernest Rutherford in 1911, "The atoms of
matter must consequently be regarded as containing enormous stores of energy which are only released by the disintegration of atoms" (Bodansky,
27). The energy released from the nucleus is called kinetic energy, which is energy simply generated from a lot of movement. This heat
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Essay on Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy
Nuclear Power and its uses is a growing discussion in today's era of technology. Australia is one of the developed countries where the demands of
energy resources are increasing rapidly. Nuclear energy is coming up as a great alternative, but various factors support as well as oppose its growth.
Some countries oppose the usage of nuclear energy because of the problems associated with its usage. Production and Maintenance of nuclear power is
very expensive. Nuclear power is viewed as too dangerous, uneconomical, and not required. Although, nuclear energy has a potential hazard, but it is
reliable in terms of efficiency, environmental impact and cost when compared with other sources of energy. Therefore, the increase in more
Though renewable sources of energy are reliable but their output greatly depends on the environment. For example, cloudy days have no solar gain,
hence no solar energy production. Quiet days mean no wind blows to drive wind turbines. Dams are primarily for flood control, so hydroelectricity
production varies as dam water levels fluctuate.
Considering the case of Aswan Dam in Egypt not only caused thousands to loose their homes and lives but also ceased the fertile surrounding because
of the yearly inundation of the Nile. Moreover, the subsequent silting up for the river destroyed much wildlife.
Due to Thermal Power Generation, 2500 million tons of coal each year is consumed to produce 38% of the electricity, While 61,000 tons of Natural
Uranium will be used to generate the same amount of energy (World Nuclear Association, 2005) .
Secondly, nuclear energy source has a weak impact on environment than the Non–renewable resources. There is no doubt that use of fossil fuels leads
to global warming. While, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was only 0.028% five decades ago, now, as per American Petroleum
Institute (1998) estimates it reached 0.036%. Additionally, burning of fossil fuels, especially coal, oil, and natural gases are the main causes for
increase in pollution; especially air pollution. Several hazardous pollutants are produced by fossil fuels combustion: Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen
Oxides, Sulphur Oxides and
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Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Energy
Nuclear energy has no place in a safe, clean, sustainable future. Nuclear energy is both expensive and dangerous. And just because nuclear pollution is
invisible doesn't mean it's clean. Renewable energy is better for the environment, the economy, and doesn't come with the risk of a nuclear meltdown.
High profile disasters in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 and Fukushima, Japan in 2011 have raised public awareness of the dangers of nuclear power.
Consequently, zeal for nuclear energy has fizzled. The catastrophic risks of nuclear energy–like the meltdowns of nuclear reactors in Japan or
Ukraine–far outweigh the potential benefits. New nuclear plants are more expensive and take longer to build than renewable energy sources like
wind or solar. If we are to avoid the most damaging impacts of climate change, we need solutions that are fast and affordable. Nuclear power is
neither. We can do better than trading off one disaster for another. The nuclear age is over and the age of renewables has begun. Meltdowns like the
ones in Fukushima or Chernobyl released enormous amounts of radiation into the surrounding communities, forcing hundreds of thousands of people
to evacuate. Many of them may never come back. If the industry's current track record is any indication, we can expect a major meltdown about once
per decade. The possibility of a catastrophic accident at a U.S. nuclear plant cannot be dismissed. There is still no safe, reliable solution for dealing
with the radioactive waste produced by nuclear plants. Every waste dump in the U.S. leaks radiation into the environment, and nuclear plants
themselves are running out of ways to store highly radioactive waste on site. The site selected to store the U.S.'s radioactive waste–Yucca Mountain in
Nevada–is both volcanically and seismically active. Beyond the risks associated with nuclear power and radioactive waste, the threat of nuclear
weapons looms large. The spread of nuclear technology and nuclear weapons is a threat for national security and the safety of the entire planet.
Nuclear energy isn't just bad for the environment, it's bad for our economy. Nuclear power plants are expensive to build, prompting Wall Street to call
new nuclear a "bet the farm" risk. Every
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Nuclear Energy Essay
There are sources of energy that are renewable and do not cause so many pollutants, however they only contribute a smaller amount to the energy
pyramid. These sources include hydro–electric power, wind power, solar energy and biomass energy. Most of these fuel sources do not produce as
much energy as efficiently as the majority of fuel sources used today. Solar power is a clean source of practically inexhaustible energy. Solar plants are
easy to construct and solar power is safe. It has many uses from heating to direct electric energy generation. Wind power is also a clean source of
energy, however it can be intermittent and low yielding. Moving along to hydro–electric energy generation which is used more content...
Many car companies today are preparing for the use of fuel cell power generation. Companies like Ford, Chrysler, and Honda are already developing or
have already developed vehicles built to run from the fuel cells or transitional motors. These engines are designed to run more efficiently and more cost
effectively than those of today. Commercial cars of today are getting increasingly more efficient due to the hundreds of thousands of engineers in the
world making improvements to the internal combustion engine. When this number is compared to the 5000 people world–wide working to develop
fuel cells it is easy to see the already efficient fuel cell in favor of the much developed combustion engine and the direction of fuel production for the
future. Squeaky clean hydrogen operated buses are also being developed for mass transportation purposes. Transportation is a preliminary test to
develop the use of the fuel cell and can easily be converted into other uses.
It is important for the consumers to realize the magnitude of the energy situation and strive to provide their children with the tools and the education
to properly conserve the resources available. These simple tasks can start in the home and can be easily applied to everyday life. For example, it's
more efficient to leave a light on instead of turning it off
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What is Nuclear Power? Essays
The process used was to gather information from books, the Internet, and interviewing my father who works at a nuclear power plant.
There are many forms of energy. Coal, gas, oil, and nuclear power are the most common forms of energy used in the United States. Three of these
energies are limited: coal, gas, and oil. Nuclear power is unlike the other three because it uses the fission process instead of combustion. This form of
power is unlimited. It produces heat energy like the others, but does not produce Carbon Dioxide and other particulate emissions.
Nuclear Power is made by Nuclear Fission. To create fission you must split a nucleus (usually Uranium) with aneutron. more content...
Alpha particles are another type of radiation. Alpha particles are positively charged particles that lose power rapidly. They are not dangerous to the
skin tissue but if inhaled or ingested can be fatal. A simple sheet of paper can stop Alpha Particles.
Also Beta Particles are radiation. Beta Particles are positive or negative electrons. They are like Alpha Particles, they are only dangerous if inhaled or
ingested. Clothing or aluminum can stop Beta Particles. All of these types of radiation can be considered nuclear waste, but also often have uses. X
Rays use radiation to examine us. Radiation is used in medicine, dentistry, and industries. Remember the next time you get an X– Ray you are exposed
to radiation.
There are two types of reactors. One is the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). First, pure water is pumped into the reactor and boiled into steam. The steam
travels through the containment structure to the turbine. The turbine spins turning a generator that makes electricity. The steam goes to a condenser.
The condenser uses colder water (usually from a river or the sea) to condenses the steam into water, which is reused by the reactor. A BWR has only
one "side".
Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
The second type is the Pressurized Water Reactor. The Pressurized Water Reactor is different from the
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Nuclear Energy Essay
The energy industry is beginning to change. In today's modern world, governments across the globe are shifting their focuses from traditional sources
of power, like the burning coal and oil, to the more complex and scientific nuclear power supply. This relatively new system uses powerful fuel sources
and produces little to no emissions while outputting enough energy to fulfill the world's power needs (Community Science, n.d.). But while nuclear
power seems to be a perfect energy source, no power production system is without faults, and nuclear reactors are no exception, with their flaws
manifesting in the form of safety. Nuclear reactors employ complex systems involving pressure and heat. If any of these systems dysfunctions, the more content...
The most common source of fuel for reactors is Uranium – 235, a stable isotope of Uranium that is processed into small pellets with a diameter of less
than one inch. The pellets are placed end–to–end in 12 foot tubes called fuel rods (World Nuclear, 2012). For energy to be released, a processes known
as fission must occur. Nuclear fission takes place when a nucleus either becomes too large or gains too many neutrons, thus producing an unstable
atomic proton to neutron ratio and placing the atom's nucleus outside of the band of stability [a graphed relationship between protons and neutrons that
shows which nuclei are stable and will not decay] (World Nuclear, 2012).
(UC Davis, n.d.)
Once one of these events has transpired, making the nucleus unstable, the atom will split into two different atoms and will release neutrons to
stabilize itself. Because the atom splits when it becomes too large and releases neutrons as it decays, the atom is considered to be radioactive, and the
fission process is known as radioactive decay. In the case of a nuclear reactor, neutrons are shot at the fuel rods containing U–235, and when they are
absorbed by the uranium atoms a new, unstable isotope, U–236, is created. But the U–236 does not last for long; it quickly undergoes fission and splits
into two different elements of smaller masses and releases two neutrons to raise the proton to neutron ratio of the products. Nuclear reactions are also
known for releasing large amounts
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Nuclear Energy
On this assignment we are going to research all energy sources and their drawbacks, we are also going to explore on some the negative ramifications
that even the clean hydropower have, additionally we are going to weigh those against the possible consequences of developing nuclear power, a
controversial alternative to fossil fuels. We will discuss the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster as well as the 20th century Chernobyl nuclear meltdown
in drawing conclusions about risk versus reward of nuclear energy use.
As we all can see all energy sources have drawbacks even the clean hydropower, some of the advantages of clean hydropower energy are as follow:
Nuclear power generation does emit relatively low amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) more content...
(Mycio, 2005)
Encased in the cracked and unstable Sarcophagus and so lethally radioactive that no one can get close enough, long enough to effectively study them,
the elephant's foot and other fuel–containing masses are among the zone's greatest scientific mysteries and its greatest long–term dangers. Because in
the absence of huge scientific breakthroughs and even larger amounts of money, that nuclear debris will mar the Earth so deeply into time that, in
human terms, it may as well be forever. (Mycio, 2005)
Well, we are here at the end of our journey, which it helped us to learn a lot more about nuclear energy and some the drawbacks that comes with it. We
also learned about the tragic event that happened in Japan's catastrophe the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. "What is going on with the Japanese
nuclear reactors is, without question, a terrible event that can possibly add more hardship onto an already unspeakable tragedy. The explosions and the
threat of a radiation leak are troubling, and Japanese engineers and scientists are doing everything humanly possible to contain the situation. (Turk &
Bensel, 2011)
Additionally, we also learned about the Chernobyl an accident
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Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy Essay
Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy
Nuclear power was the world's fastest growing form of energy in the 1990's. However, presently it is the second slowest growing worldwide.
Considering that nuclear power accounts for eleven percent of the world's energy supply, one must ask what happened [Nuclear Power]. Why is it that
the growth of nuclear power has almost completely stalled? The simple answer is that after meltdowns such as Three Mile Island and Chernobyl,
many people are afraid of nuclear power plants, which causes great opposition to the expansion of the industry. Unfortunately, most people are not well
informed about nuclear energy; many do not take the time to view its positives and negatives. more content...
Pollution is another topic with both pros and cons. Fossil fuels release harmful pollutants into the air such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.
Nuclear power does not release any of those toxins into the atmosphere. However, a pollution problem with nuclear energy is thermal pollution,
where a plant's "hot effluents" are put into a nearby body of water, and raise the temperature by a small amount but enough to cause a disturbance in
the ecosystem of the lake or reservoir. Nevertheless, this could easily be solved by cooling the effluents before releasing them into the water. The
other problem facing nuclear energy is waste disposal. Nuclear waste is radioactive and very dangerous. Therefore, it must be kept buried and sealed
up for a long period of time until the radioactivity dies [Plasma–Material]. One positive fact about nuclear energy that is not disputed is its abundance.
It is estimated that at today's rate of consumption, the earth has about fifty years left of fossil fuels. In contrast, due to the very small amount of
uranium needed to create a huge amount of energy, the supply of nuclear energy is almost infinite [Jiskha].
Therefore, nuclear energy is not as bad as it is made out to be. Should the world convert completely to nuclear energy? Absolutely not, there are
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Nuclear Power And Nuclear Energy Essay
Nuclear power is used to some degree to provide electricity to many countries, and it is also playing a significant role as a main fuel resource for
marine propulsion for ships. For many countries, nuclear energy is their primary energy source, such as France. However, nuclear energy has its
benefits and drawbacks. The nuclear energy power plants need less raw materials than the other energy power plants, such as coal power plants. But if
there is an accident, large amount of radioactive material could be released into the atmosphere. And like fossil fuels, nuclear energy fuels are not
renewable. Moreover, the nuclear waste remainder remains radioactive and it is hazardous and damage the environment for thousands of years.
The use of nuclear energy is controversial. In this essay, I'm going to take the perspectives of two articles and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of the use of nuclear energy. In the first article "Nuclear Power: A Hedge Against Uncertain Gas and Carbon Prices ", the author has a
relatively positive attitude about the use of nuclear energy. The main point of this paper is to discuss what characteristics that make nuclear power
plants become less popular for the investors. The payback period of nuclear power plants is relatively longer than the other electricity facilities such as
gas electricity plants and the cost for building nuclear power plants is huge, because of engineering and licensing reasons. But the nuclear power plants
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Nuclear Energy Pros And Cons

  • 1. Nuclear Energy Pros And Cons Some may ask what is nuclear energy the dictionary defines this as: nuclear energy n. 1. The energy released by a nuclear reaction, especially by fission or fusion. 2. Nuclear energy regarded as a source of power. Also called atomic energy Nuclear power was first known to be researched in the early 1900's, and by the world war; it reached its greatest peak by demonstrating to the world its power to destroy. Nuclear energy can be good or bad, depending on how the person works with this material; it is used for both sides good and bad. Scientists were unsure from the beginning of how it was possible to get energy from the material called Uranium. They were sure that with more content... States have fought DOE's efforts on the grounds that the site is unsafe, pointing to potential activities earthquakes, volcano's, water infiltration, underground flooding, nuclear chain reactions, and fossil fuels and mineral deposits that might encourage human intrusion in the future. However, DOE contends that the evidence so far indicates that the places that they have chosen are likely to prove suitable and that studies of the site should continue. The safety of geological disposal of highly radioactive waste depends highly on the characteristics of the rock formations around it from which a repository would be hollowed out. Many geological formations are believed to have remained undisturbed for millions and millions of years, it appeared technically possible to isolate radioactive materials from the environment until they decayed high enough so that the level of the radioactive material is not harmful. Scientific confidence about the subject on the deep geologic disposal has been more difficult to apply to specific sites. Every high–level waste site that has been proposed by DOE discoveries of unacceptable flaws, such as groundwater flows or earthquake vulnerability, that could release radioactivity into the environment, this is not good for nature. Their are both pro's and con's
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  • 3. Essay on Nuclear Energy Research Nuclear energy is a fascinating discovery and an up–incoming strong energy supplier of many things in our world today. Nuclear materials include many pieces, such as; radiation, radioactive decay, nuclear reactors, fission and fusion. It is highly possible that our world will become very dependent on nuclear resources in the future; however, they'll not only supply us with positives but many fierce negatives as well. Nuclear energy is a complex material that carries many deep side effects, one of which being radiation. Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as subatomic particles. Through radiation, energy is transmitted in forms such as light, heat and sound. Right alongside of radiation more content... Whereas, fusion is the result or the process of joining two or more things together to from one single creation, for example, liquefying or melting by applying heat. Nuclear materials not only require heat to be formed, but they also can create heat. Nuclear materials can create heat and electricity, as well as being used in the development of weapons and medical needs. Heat from nuclear materials typically comes from nuclear fuel; used nuclear fuel will emit high levels of both heat and radiation. Such nuclear fuels are also used to create forms of energy such as electricity in many areas of the world today. As a weapon, nuclear material can be devastating to any ecosystem which it may come in contact with. Most commonly, plutonium (known to be used in North Korea) or uranium is used in the creation of nuclear/atomic weapons. A product called a research reactor is the typical starter kit for most of the world's nuclear bomb programs. This research reactor serves primarily as a neutron source and is also called a non–power reactor because it does not generate power, such as the "power reactors" used to create heat and electricity. Nuclear materials are also used for medical needs, such as the commonly known "X–ray", or the isotope, technetium–99m and molybdenum–99 shortages addressed in the House of Representatives vote in 2009. In this vote, the House affirmatively decided to reestablish the domestic Get more content on
  • 4. Nuclear Energy Argumentative Essay [Thesis] Thus, nuclear energy should be the number one supplier of energy in the United States. [Statement of Facts] Nuclear energy is a misunderstood topic due to the widespread negative stigma of it being associated with men in orange hazmat suits dealing with radioactive chemicals, however, it is a relatively easy process to understand. Nuclear energy goes under the chemical process known as nuclear fission, where an atom becomes split into two elements: krypton and barium. This splitting causes an additional neutron to split, resulting in a chain reaction. This chain reaction provides an abundance of energy, in a dense form. This whole process is done in fuel rods, which are submerged in water. Due to this chemical process, the water is heated and emits steam, which creates pressure enabling the turbines to move. This movement converts the chemical energy to electrical energy, thus more content... According to World Nuclear, the amount of waste each person would generate when utilizing nuclear energy would be 39.5 grams per year. This is far less than coal and natural gas, which produces an average of 10,000 kilograms of Co2/per person each year. That is the equivalent of 7 U.S quarters. In regards to the Chernobyl accident, the meltdown was caused by a flawed design of its nuclear reactor. It was human error that caused the disaster to occur, not the process of generating the electricity. As a result of the disaster,nuclear power plants were forced to enforce guidelines and implemented safety precautions to protect the employees and workers; these include: improved structure and design, monthly routine check–ups, and stricter enforcement of protocols to ensure safety. With a total of 16,000 properly functioning nuclear reactors over 33 countries, the idea of a threat has decreased Get more content on
  • 5. Argumentative Essay On Nuclear Energy One of the most pressing topics of debate in the recent years has been the different sources of energy and their effects on the environment. People have started to realize the negative effects of non–renewable energy, such as greenhouse gas emissions and other negative effects on the environment, but neglect to take action and implement more ecofriendly energy sources. For the past 300 years the world has been predominantly powered by coal and other non–renewable energy sources, but now it is time to move past these energy sources and transition to more efficient, clean energy like nuclear energy. In those past three centuries, we have learned a lot about how fossil fuels effect the environment, while also discovering clean energy sources that can replace the outdated energy sources. In this essay, I will argue that nuclear energy is the solution to the energy debate and prove that it is the best energy source based on its effect on the environment, economy and energy efficiency. It is an undeniable fact that greenhouse gas emissions are having a negative effect on the environment which is causing a raising global temperature. This process is called global warming and although scientist believe it is natural to some extent, there is also many scientific publications linking greenhouse gas emissions to accelerated global warming. However, since nuclear energy is a clean energy source, nuclear energy doesn't emit greenhouse gases which would help slow down the process of Get more content on
  • 6. Persuasive Speech : Nuclear Energy Essay Nuclear Energy Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that nuclear energy is a viable power solution to the United States. Thesis Statement: The United States should drop fossil fuel power electricity and incorporate nuclear energy. Attention Step Attention Getter: Imagine a world filled with cold, darkness, and no security. Relevance Statement: Electricity is the heart of our current civilization. Without electricity we would regress into a feudal like stage which will slow down our evolution as a society Topic Disclosure: Today the primary source of fuel for the generation of electricity are fossil fuels such ascoal, natural gases, and petroleum. Preview of the Thesis & Main Points: For these reasons, the United States government should slowly disintegrate the fossil fuel powered plants and move to nuclear energy. First, I will tell you why fossil fuel plants are collapsing. Second, I will tell you proposed solution of incorporating nuclear energy. Third, I will tell you the benefits of implement the nuclear energy. Transition: Let's start by looking at our current situation with electricity generation Need Step Main Point: Fossil fuel electricity generators used to be our best friends, but now they are doing us many harms. Currently fossil fuels are the world's primary energy source. The fossil fuels include coal, petroleum, and natural gases. Fossil fuels are organic materials formed from decayed plants and animals that due to heat and pressure from hundreds of Get more content on
  • 7. Nuclear Energy Vs. Renewable Energy Since the discovery of nuclear energy, it has remained the most powerful energy source to this day. Despite its superiority in energy efficiency and safety to the environment, fossil fuels are the dominant source of energy in the United States. This paper will analyze developments nuclear energy has made, the factors that contribute to its superiority over other energy sources, and controversies that have inhibited its growth in usage in the United States. In addition, it will compare nuclear energy to fossil fuels and other renewable and nonrenewable energy sources and express the reasons that contribute to its advantages. Lastly, it will examine the different types of nuclear energy and their advantages and disadvantages. The thesis is: "To resolve the problems posed by fossil fuel energy, America should recommit to energy provided bynuclear fission as its main energy source due to its cleanliness and efficiency." There are two methods to generatingnuclear power. The first and only method currently attainable is nuclear fission. Nuclear fission is a process in which the nucleus of a Uranium–235 isotope absorbs neutrons and thus splits into smaller fragments, including approximately 2.5 nuclei, which spur a self–sustaining chain reaction and continue the process in other nuclei, alongside a massive release of energy (Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia). In the most common type of nuclear reactor, Light Water Reactors, (LWR), the uranium oxide gas heats up water, Get more content on
  • 8. Nuclear Power Argumentative Gabe Tonnos Mrs. Jones Chemistry 2nd hour 18 October 2017 Nuclear Power Argumentative Essay Nuclear power can be defined as "any method of doing work that makes use of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion reactions" ("Nuclear Power", 2017). Nuclear power plants use nuclear fission to provide heat, which causes water to become steam. It is the steam that spins turbines and provides the energy. Then, the steam either rises up a cooling tower and is released into the air, or is cooled by being deposited into a lake or ocean (Goodman, 2017). There are three nuclear power plants in Michigan: Fermi 2, Palisades, and Cook Nuclear Plant ("Nuclear Power Plants", n.d.). Together, they produce nearly 30% of the energy used in Michigan in more content... This just goes to show how efficient the fuel in nuclear plants is at producing energy. The final reason why nuclear energy is so efficient is because nuclear power plants have a very high energy output compared to other plants. Coal plants have "an average capacity of 547 megawatts" ("Coal generates 44%", 2012). While this is decent, nuclear plants, on average, produce about double of what coal plants generate. The average nuclear plant can produce over 1,000 megawatts of energy! This makes it the most efficient way to produce electricity because of its high output of energy ("World Nuclear", 2017). But this high output is only possible because the plant can run around the clock. And that is only possible due to the uranium fuel being so powerful and efficient. Not only should we expand the use of nuclear power plants in Michigan because they are efficient, but they also should be expanded for their economical benefits. Increasing the use of nuclear energy in Michigan would be very helpful for the economy. First of all, nuclear power is cost–effective. "Nuclear power plants are...relatively cheap to run. The operating cost of these plants is lower than almost all fossil fuel competitors, with a very low risk of operating cost inflation" ("World Nuclear", 2017). Inflation is very bad for the economy. If there were to be a shortage of coal, electricity prices would rise and people would lose jobs. Uranium, Get more content on
  • 9. Essay about Nuclear Energy When most people think of a nuclear threat, they think of a nuclear attack from a foreign nation. In reality, the largest nuclear threat comes not from foreign attack, but from a much closer enemy: nuclear power. Nuclear power is very dangerous, and should be done away with. The nuclear age dawned in 1945, when the United States dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombing had at least two effects: the Japanese surrender, bringing World War II to a swift end; and many people in the United States, especially scientists and officials involved in the development of atomic bombs, were awed, frightened and filled with guilt over more content... Many people see the existing form of nuclear power as unsafe technology with a potential for catastrophe. There have been multiple examples of this throughout the history of nuclear power including the Browns Ferry, Three Mile Island, and Chernobyl incidents. A serious incident occurred at a nuclear power plant in 1975 as a result of a fire
  • 10. started by a candle. On March 22, 1975, two large reactors at Browns Ferry, Alabama were operating and generating 2,200 megawatts of electricity. Beneath the plant's control center, electricians were trying to seal air leaks among the complex array of electrical cables that made up the electrical system of the two reactors.(Stephens 15) The leaks were being sealed by stuffing strips of polyurethane foam among the cables. To test for air leaks, the electricians held a lighted candle near the plastic foam to see whether the flame flickered. Some of the foam caught on fire. Three chemical extinguishers failed to put it out. After fifteen minutes a fire alarm sounded. Meanwhile, the fire was spreading and destroying cables that affect the plant's electrical systems including the reactor's Emergency Core Cooling System. A small pump had to be used to keep the fuel core covered with water to prevent a meltdown.(Stephens 17–19) Get more content on
  • 11. Nuclear Power And Nuclear Energy Nuclear power is harnessed from the energy retained inside of an atom's nucleus. This energy bindes the atom together and, when released, can be used to produce electricity. In order for this energy to be released, however, it must be subjected to either nuclear fusion, the combination of several atoms to form one larger atom, or to nuclear fission, the division of larger atoms into several smaller atoms. Nuclear power plants, first introduced in 1954, use this second method in the production of electricity. Inside of a nuclear power plant, uranium atoms are split and their nuclear energy released, creating the heat necessary to produce the steam that powers turbine generators and create electricity. Nuclear energy is often referred to as a "clean" energy source because, unlike fossil fuels, its production does not result in the generation of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides. Many endorse the use of nuclear energy because it is efficient, providing large amounts of energy in exchange for small amounts of fuel, reliable, as it can be produced almost all day and night, year round, and affordable, costing about 2.4 cents per kilowatt–hour in 2012 compared to fossil fuels, which cost about 3.27 cents per kilowatt–hour in 2012. However, the use of nuclear power also has several significant disadvantages. Its main downside lies in the threats nuclear power plants present in the forms of radioactive waste and nuclear meltdowns. Get more content on
  • 12. Nuclear Energy Synthesis Essay Across the United States 104 nuclear reactors generate around 20% of the nation's electricity. While worldwide 436 nuclear reactors generate about 15% of the world's supply every year (Carson). Some people feel as though we need to expand the fleet of nuclear reactors and increase nuclear power production. Nuclear energy may be one of the best ways to combat global warming and reduce CO2 emissions, however if the radiation and nuclear waste that it produces is better for our environment than the CO2 is still uncertain. In the United States the nuclear power plants use uranium –235 as the nuclear fuel to produce energy. Most of the uranium that the United States uses is found in Wyoming and New Mexico (Nuclear Energy). U–235 is mined using methods similar to other ores. However when the uranium is mined it can expose the miners to more content... The spent fuel rods and the other products produced by the nuclear fuel process are highly reactive. This waste must be stored in very safe and secure locations for tens of thousands of years, which is periods "longer than the history of most governments the world has seen" as the former Atomic Energy Commission put it (Carson). The uranium that is used in the reactors has a half life, that is long it takes for half the nuclei in the radioactive material to decay, of 10,000 years, while plutonium, another nuclear fuel, has a half life close to 25,000 (Carson). Some say that it is too much of a burden to place on future generations to be able to properly monitor and maintain waste dumps that will last 20 times the length of known civilization. As Michio Kaku put it in Nuclear Power: Both Sides "The controversy surrounding [nuclear] waste boils down to one question– can we trust and man made structure to isolate high–level waste for tens of thousands of years given our always–changing social institutions and the vagaries of war, revolutions, and social upheavals" Get more content on
  • 13. Nuclear Energy : Nuclear Power Essay When one hears the words 'nuclear power' they are immediately offset with images of Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These were agreeably a few devastatingly deadly and lasting disasters involving nuclear energy. With newer technologies and processes such as the use of nuclear fission, however, harnessing nuclear energy has become a safe practice. The global climate and overall health of the world is shifting toward the worse, and humanity only has itself to blame. It is time that society sets its fears aside and paves the way for the most effective, and ethical energy alternative for the sake of its beautiful home, Earth. Nuclear fission energy has the potential to power the entire world in a way that is clean, sustainable, and energy–prolific. Nuclear power can be generated through two ways: fusion and fission. Harnessing energy through nuclear fusion means, in simpler terms, combining two atoms, particularly plutonium or uranium, into one. The result from this process is hard to control, and is therefore much harder to harness energy from. Nuclear fission constitutes the splitting of one plutonium or uranium atom into two. As postulated by Ernest Rutherford in 1911, "The atoms of matter must consequently be regarded as containing enormous stores of energy which are only released by the disintegration of atoms" (Bodansky, 27). The energy released from the nucleus is called kinetic energy, which is energy simply generated from a lot of movement. This heat Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy Nuclear Power and its uses is a growing discussion in today's era of technology. Australia is one of the developed countries where the demands of energy resources are increasing rapidly. Nuclear energy is coming up as a great alternative, but various factors support as well as oppose its growth. Some countries oppose the usage of nuclear energy because of the problems associated with its usage. Production and Maintenance of nuclear power is very expensive. Nuclear power is viewed as too dangerous, uneconomical, and not required. Although, nuclear energy has a potential hazard, but it is reliable in terms of efficiency, environmental impact and cost when compared with other sources of energy. Therefore, the increase in more content... Though renewable sources of energy are reliable but their output greatly depends on the environment. For example, cloudy days have no solar gain, hence no solar energy production. Quiet days mean no wind blows to drive wind turbines. Dams are primarily for flood control, so hydroelectricity production varies as dam water levels fluctuate. Considering the case of Aswan Dam in Egypt not only caused thousands to loose their homes and lives but also ceased the fertile surrounding because of the yearly inundation of the Nile. Moreover, the subsequent silting up for the river destroyed much wildlife. Due to Thermal Power Generation, 2500 million tons of coal each year is consumed to produce 38% of the electricity, While 61,000 tons of Natural Uranium will be used to generate the same amount of energy (World Nuclear Association, 2005) . Secondly, nuclear energy source has a weak impact on environment than the Non–renewable resources. There is no doubt that use of fossil fuels leads to global warming. While, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was only 0.028% five decades ago, now, as per American Petroleum Institute (1998) estimates it reached 0.036%. Additionally, burning of fossil fuels, especially coal, oil, and natural gases are the main causes for increase in pollution; especially air pollution. Several hazardous pollutants are produced by fossil fuels combustion: Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Sulphur Oxides and Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy has no place in a safe, clean, sustainable future. Nuclear energy is both expensive and dangerous. And just because nuclear pollution is invisible doesn't mean it's clean. Renewable energy is better for the environment, the economy, and doesn't come with the risk of a nuclear meltdown. High profile disasters in Chernobyl, Ukraine in 1986 and Fukushima, Japan in 2011 have raised public awareness of the dangers of nuclear power. Consequently, zeal for nuclear energy has fizzled. The catastrophic risks of nuclear energy–like the meltdowns of nuclear reactors in Japan or Ukraine–far outweigh the potential benefits. New nuclear plants are more expensive and take longer to build than renewable energy sources like wind or solar. If we are to avoid the most damaging impacts of climate change, we need solutions that are fast and affordable. Nuclear power is neither. We can do better than trading off one disaster for another. The nuclear age is over and the age of renewables has begun. Meltdowns like the ones in Fukushima or Chernobyl released enormous amounts of radiation into the surrounding communities, forcing hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate. Many of them may never come back. If the industry's current track record is any indication, we can expect a major meltdown about once per decade. The possibility of a catastrophic accident at a U.S. nuclear plant cannot be dismissed. There is still no safe, reliable solution for dealing with the radioactive waste produced by nuclear plants. Every waste dump in the U.S. leaks radiation into the environment, and nuclear plants themselves are running out of ways to store highly radioactive waste on site. The site selected to store the U.S.'s radioactive waste–Yucca Mountain in Nevada–is both volcanically and seismically active. Beyond the risks associated with nuclear power and radioactive waste, the threat of nuclear weapons looms large. The spread of nuclear technology and nuclear weapons is a threat for national security and the safety of the entire planet. Nuclear energy isn't just bad for the environment, it's bad for our economy. Nuclear power plants are expensive to build, prompting Wall Street to call new nuclear a "bet the farm" risk. Every Get more content on
  • 16. Nuclear Energy Essay There are sources of energy that are renewable and do not cause so many pollutants, however they only contribute a smaller amount to the energy pyramid. These sources include hydro–electric power, wind power, solar energy and biomass energy. Most of these fuel sources do not produce as much energy as efficiently as the majority of fuel sources used today. Solar power is a clean source of practically inexhaustible energy. Solar plants are easy to construct and solar power is safe. It has many uses from heating to direct electric energy generation. Wind power is also a clean source of energy, however it can be intermittent and low yielding. Moving along to hydro–electric energy generation which is used more content... (H.E.R.I.). Many car companies today are preparing for the use of fuel cell power generation. Companies like Ford, Chrysler, and Honda are already developing or have already developed vehicles built to run from the fuel cells or transitional motors. These engines are designed to run more efficiently and more cost effectively than those of today. Commercial cars of today are getting increasingly more efficient due to the hundreds of thousands of engineers in the world making improvements to the internal combustion engine. When this number is compared to the 5000 people world–wide working to develop fuel cells it is easy to see the already efficient fuel cell in favor of the much developed combustion engine and the direction of fuel production for the future. Squeaky clean hydrogen operated buses are also being developed for mass transportation purposes. Transportation is a preliminary test to develop the use of the fuel cell and can easily be converted into other uses. It is important for the consumers to realize the magnitude of the energy situation and strive to provide their children with the tools and the education to properly conserve the resources available. These simple tasks can start in the home and can be easily applied to everyday life. For example, it's more efficient to leave a light on instead of turning it off Get more content on
  • 17. What is Nuclear Power? Essays The process used was to gather information from books, the Internet, and interviewing my father who works at a nuclear power plant. There are many forms of energy. Coal, gas, oil, and nuclear power are the most common forms of energy used in the United States. Three of these energies are limited: coal, gas, and oil. Nuclear power is unlike the other three because it uses the fission process instead of combustion. This form of power is unlimited. It produces heat energy like the others, but does not produce Carbon Dioxide and other particulate emissions. Nuclear Power is made by Nuclear Fission. To create fission you must split a nucleus (usually Uranium) with aneutron. more content... Alpha particles are another type of radiation. Alpha particles are positively charged particles that lose power rapidly. They are not dangerous to the skin tissue but if inhaled or ingested can be fatal. A simple sheet of paper can stop Alpha Particles. Also Beta Particles are radiation. Beta Particles are positive or negative electrons. They are like Alpha Particles, they are only dangerous if inhaled or ingested. Clothing or aluminum can stop Beta Particles. All of these types of radiation can be considered nuclear waste, but also often have uses. X Rays use radiation to examine us. Radiation is used in medicine, dentistry, and industries. Remember the next time you get an X– Ray you are exposed to radiation. There are two types of reactors. One is the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR). First, pure water is pumped into the reactor and boiled into steam. The steam travels through the containment structure to the turbine. The turbine spins turning a generator that makes electricity. The steam goes to a condenser. The condenser uses colder water (usually from a river or the sea) to condenses the steam into water, which is reused by the reactor. A BWR has only one "side". Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) The second type is the Pressurized Water Reactor. The Pressurized Water Reactor is different from the Get more content on
  • 18. Nuclear Energy Essay The energy industry is beginning to change. In today's modern world, governments across the globe are shifting their focuses from traditional sources of power, like the burning coal and oil, to the more complex and scientific nuclear power supply. This relatively new system uses powerful fuel sources and produces little to no emissions while outputting enough energy to fulfill the world's power needs (Community Science, n.d.). But while nuclear power seems to be a perfect energy source, no power production system is without faults, and nuclear reactors are no exception, with their flaws manifesting in the form of safety. Nuclear reactors employ complex systems involving pressure and heat. If any of these systems dysfunctions, the more content... The most common source of fuel for reactors is Uranium – 235, a stable isotope of Uranium that is processed into small pellets with a diameter of less than one inch. The pellets are placed end–to–end in 12 foot tubes called fuel rods (World Nuclear, 2012). For energy to be released, a processes known as fission must occur. Nuclear fission takes place when a nucleus either becomes too large or gains too many neutrons, thus producing an unstable atomic proton to neutron ratio and placing the atom's nucleus outside of the band of stability [a graphed relationship between protons and neutrons that shows which nuclei are stable and will not decay] (World Nuclear, 2012). (UC Davis, n.d.) Once one of these events has transpired, making the nucleus unstable, the atom will split into two different atoms and will release neutrons to stabilize itself. Because the atom splits when it becomes too large and releases neutrons as it decays, the atom is considered to be radioactive, and the fission process is known as radioactive decay. In the case of a nuclear reactor, neutrons are shot at the fuel rods containing U–235, and when they are absorbed by the uranium atoms a new, unstable isotope, U–236, is created. But the U–236 does not last for long; it quickly undergoes fission and splits into two different elements of smaller masses and releases two neutrons to raise the proton to neutron ratio of the products. Nuclear reactions are also known for releasing large amounts Get more content on
  • 19. Nuclear Energy On this assignment we are going to research all energy sources and their drawbacks, we are also going to explore on some the negative ramifications that even the clean hydropower have, additionally we are going to weigh those against the possible consequences of developing nuclear power, a controversial alternative to fossil fuels. We will discuss the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster as well as the 20th century Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in drawing conclusions about risk versus reward of nuclear energy use. As we all can see all energy sources have drawbacks even the clean hydropower, some of the advantages of clean hydropower energy are as follow: Nuclear power generation does emit relatively low amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) more content... (Mycio, 2005) Encased in the cracked and unstable Sarcophagus and so lethally radioactive that no one can get close enough, long enough to effectively study them, the elephant's foot and other fuel–containing masses are among the zone's greatest scientific mysteries and its greatest long–term dangers. Because in the absence of huge scientific breakthroughs and even larger amounts of money, that nuclear debris will mar the Earth so deeply into time that, in human terms, it may as well be forever. (Mycio, 2005) Well, we are here at the end of our journey, which it helped us to learn a lot more about nuclear energy and some the drawbacks that comes with it. We also learned about the tragic event that happened in Japan's catastrophe the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. "What is going on with the Japanese nuclear reactors is, without question, a terrible event that can possibly add more hardship onto an already unspeakable tragedy. The explosions and the threat of a radiation leak are troubling, and Japanese engineers and scientists are doing everything humanly possible to contain the situation. (Turk & Bensel, 2011) Additionally, we also learned about the Chernobyl an accident Get more content on
  • 20. Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy Essay Pros and Cons of Nuclear Energy Nuclear power was the world's fastest growing form of energy in the 1990's. However, presently it is the second slowest growing worldwide. Considering that nuclear power accounts for eleven percent of the world's energy supply, one must ask what happened [Nuclear Power]. Why is it that the growth of nuclear power has almost completely stalled? The simple answer is that after meltdowns such as Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, many people are afraid of nuclear power plants, which causes great opposition to the expansion of the industry. Unfortunately, most people are not well informed about nuclear energy; many do not take the time to view its positives and negatives. more content... Pollution is another topic with both pros and cons. Fossil fuels release harmful pollutants into the air such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Nuclear power does not release any of those toxins into the atmosphere. However, a pollution problem with nuclear energy is thermal pollution, where a plant's "hot effluents" are put into a nearby body of water, and raise the temperature by a small amount but enough to cause a disturbance in the ecosystem of the lake or reservoir. Nevertheless, this could easily be solved by cooling the effluents before releasing them into the water. The other problem facing nuclear energy is waste disposal. Nuclear waste is radioactive and very dangerous. Therefore, it must be kept buried and sealed up for a long period of time until the radioactivity dies [Plasma–Material]. One positive fact about nuclear energy that is not disputed is its abundance. It is estimated that at today's rate of consumption, the earth has about fifty years left of fossil fuels. In contrast, due to the very small amount of uranium needed to create a huge amount of energy, the supply of nuclear energy is almost infinite [Jiskha]. Therefore, nuclear energy is not as bad as it is made out to be. Should the world convert completely to nuclear energy? Absolutely not, there are Get more content on
  • 21. Nuclear Power And Nuclear Energy Essay Introduction Nuclear power is used to some degree to provide electricity to many countries, and it is also playing a significant role as a main fuel resource for marine propulsion for ships. For many countries, nuclear energy is their primary energy source, such as France. However, nuclear energy has its benefits and drawbacks. The nuclear energy power plants need less raw materials than the other energy power plants, such as coal power plants. But if there is an accident, large amount of radioactive material could be released into the atmosphere. And like fossil fuels, nuclear energy fuels are not renewable. Moreover, the nuclear waste remainder remains radioactive and it is hazardous and damage the environment for thousands of years. The use of nuclear energy is controversial. In this essay, I'm going to take the perspectives of two articles and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of nuclear energy. In the first article "Nuclear Power: A Hedge Against Uncertain Gas and Carbon Prices ", the author has a relatively positive attitude about the use of nuclear energy. The main point of this paper is to discuss what characteristics that make nuclear power plants become less popular for the investors. The payback period of nuclear power plants is relatively longer than the other electricity facilities such as gas electricity plants and the cost for building nuclear power plants is huge, because of engineering and licensing reasons. But the nuclear power plants Get more content on