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Two aquatic macrophytes as bioindicators for medium-high copper
concentrations in freshwaters
Paolo Zuccarinia
; Saša Kampušb
Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie, Università di Pisa, Viale delle Piagge 23, Pisa, Italy b
Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v ljubljani, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, Ljubljana, Slovenija
First published on: 26 May 2011
To cite this Article Zuccarini, Paolo and Kampuš, Saša(2011) 'Two aquatic macrophytes as bioindicators for medium-high
copper concentrations in freshwaters', Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant
Biology,, First published on: 26 May 2011 (iFirst)
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2010.547677
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Two aquatic macrophytes as bioindicators for medium-high
copper concentrations in freshwaters
Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie, Universita` di Pisa, Viale delle Piagge 23, 56124, Pisa, Italy and
Fakulteta za druzˇbene vede, Univerza v ljubljani, Kardeljeva plosˇcad 5, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Plant scions of Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Potamogeton natans L. were exposed in controlled conditions to different
concentrations of copper during approximately 2 weeks; Fv/Fm was monitored at regular intervals and relative growth rate
(RGR) was calculated at the end of the trial. P. natans was affected by Cu concentrations starting from 2 mM; C. demersum
started to show significant reductions in growth and photosynthetic efficiency from 4 mM Cu. As it results from the observed
data, the two aquatic macrophytes can be used as valid bioindicators for medium-high copper concentrations in freshwaters.
Keywords: Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton natans, copper, bioindicators, freshwaters
Despite of its relative mildness of character, copper
can be highly toxic to plants even at micromolar
concentrations (Cabral 2003). It is an important
pollutant for aquatic biota (Granmo et al. 2002;
Katranitsas et al. 2003), in which environments
(rivers, shallow lakes) tend to accumulate for several
reasons, one of the most relevant being its release
from antifouling paints (Nichols 1988; Smith 1996;
Lambert et al. 2006).
Several kinds of aquatic organisms have been
studied as potential biological indicators for copper
(Monnet et al. 2006; Nicolau 2007) exhibiting a
wide range of sensitivity, lower on average for algae,
and higher for higher aquatic plants (Nor 1987).
Submerged macrophytes proposed as potential
biomonitors have been, among the others, Hydrilla
verticillata Royle (Gupta et al. 1996), Typha latifolia
L. (Muller et al. 2001), Elodea canadensis Michaux.
(Mal et al. 2002).
The aim of the present work was to test resistance
to copper of Potamogeton natans L. and Ceratophyllum
demersum L., characterized by good adaptability and
proved resistance to several abiotic stresses (Rama
Devi and Prasad 1998; Bernez et al. 2004), in the
perspective of their use as potential bioindicators for
higher levels of copper toxicity than the ones applied
on average to the previously mentioned plants.
Ceratophyllum demersum was chosen among free-
floating aquatic macrophytes in order to avoid
additional stress due to lack of substrate, and because
of the average higher tolerance to copper of pleusto-
phytes rather than hydrophytes, as shown by Maleva
et al. (2004). Potamogeton natans was chosen because,
in virtue of its rhizophytic nature, it was supposed to
show slightly lower tolerance than C. demersum, being
therefore a suitable bioindicator for medium copper
concentrations. Apical parts of plants of C. demersum
and P. natans were collected, and pre-cultivated
under continuous light in aquaria containing tap
water (total copper 51 mg lv1
). Ten-centimeter plant
scions were cut, tied with raffia to wire net, and
placed into 2000 ml beakers containing Hoagland’s
medium diluted to 1/100 strength (Eliasson 1978) at
a pH of 5.5 + 0.3 with different concentrations of
copper (supplied as CuSO4): 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 mM,
corresponding to 0, 65, 130, 260 and 390 mg l71
Six repetitions were done for each species and for
each copper concentration. Plants were incubated at
Correspondence: Paolo Zuccarini, Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie – Sez., Universita` degli Studi di Pisa, Fisiologia Vegetale – Via Mariscoglio 34,
56127, Pisa, Italy. Tel: þ39-349-1298437. Fax: þ39-050-2216532. Email:
Plant Biosystems, 2011; 1–4, iFirst article
ISSN 1126-3504 print/ISSN 1724-5575 online ª 2011 Societa` Botanica Italiana
DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2010.547677
228C under 12 h of light period (450 mmol m72
during 12 days. Photosynthetic efficiency was mea-
sured at regular intervals as Fv/Fm (ratio between
variable and maximum fluorescence) with a Plant
Efficiency Analyzer (PEA, Hansatech); for the calcu-
lation of relative growth rate (RGR) fresh weights were
measured at the end of the trial, and initial fresh
weights were estimated as average values out of 30
scions, 10 cm long, of the examined species. Statis-
tical analysis of the data was performed by using the
SAS statistical software program (SAS Institute 1990).
Fv/Fm and growth data, relative to the two plants
taken separately and at the different levels of copper,
were subjected to analysis of variance and the signi-
ficance of difference between means was then deter-
mined with Duncan’s multiple range test; paired t-test
was used to compare differences in growth between
the two species at different copper concentrations.
Results and discussion
Photosynthetic efficiency of C. demersum was not
affected by copper concentrations up to 2 mM, while
P. natans showed a significant drop (p 5 0.05), at the
end of the trial, already for 2 mM (Figure 1).
This is only partially in accordance with Rama Devi
and Prasad (1998), who showed how Cu accumula-
tion in C. demersum already started to induce
oxidative stress from concentrations of 2 mM. The
reason of this difference can be that at 2 mM, even if
clorophyll content starts to decrease (Rama Devi and
Prasad 1998), its efficiency is still intact, providing
optimal values of Fv/Fm. This interpretation is
supported by the work of other authors, who observed
a temporally delayed decrease of chlorophyll content
and photosynthetic efficiency in plants undergoing
stress conditions (Liu and Huang 2000; Bounfour
et al. 2002), so that in some situations chlorophyll
content is considered to be a better indicator of stress
than the Fv/Fm ratio (Rong-hua et al. 2006).
Both P. natans and C. demersum were significantly
affected by concentrations of copper of 4 and 6 mM,
but the decrease of Fv/Fm for P. natans was more
marked, reaching respectively values of 0.525
(p 5 0.01) and 0.397 (p 5 0.01) on the last day of
trial. The different tolerance to copper appears to be
species-specific, since works conducted on P. pecti-
natus showed it to have a high Cu absorption capacity
(Samecka-Cymerman and Kempers 2004), even
higher than C. demersum (Gavrilenko and Zolotu-
khina 1989). C. demersum appears to be strongly
affected too by the highest copper concentrations,
but its final values of photosynthetic efficiency are
not so critical, reaching the minimum value of 0.514
(p 5 0.01) at day 12 when exposed to 6 mM copper,
indicating still the presence of a remarkable photo-
synthetic activity even at the most extreme condi-
tions. The resistance showed by C. demersum can be
put in correlation with its properties of absorbtion,
accumulation and tolerance of heavy metals
(Keskinkan et al. 2004), that made this aquatic
macrophyte be suggested for heavy metal detoxifica-
tion (Mishra et al. 2006). P. natans, which performs
Figure 1. Trends of Fv/Fm of C. demersum and P. natans exposed to different levels of copper during 12 days of trial.
Figure 2. Relative Growth Rate of C. demersum and P. natans
during the trial. Values marked with the same letter are not
statistically different at p 5 0.05, according to Duncan’s multiple
range test. Normal letters refer to the left columns, relative to C.
demersum; letters in italic refer to the right columns, relative to P.
natans. The two groups have to be considered separately.
2 P. Zuccarini and S. Kampusˇ
heavy metal uptake through roots, shoots, and leaves
(Fritioff and Greger 2006) is not affected by copper
only at concentrations of up to 1 mM. RGR of P.
natans was significantly lower than C. demersum at Cu
concentrations of 2 mM and more (Figure 2) (t-test,
p 5 0.05), confirming the observation that the
former plant is the one which undergoes the most
severe stress for medium-high copper concentra-
tions. The higher RGR of P. natans in non-stress
conditions (0 mM and 1 mM) confirms its naturally
high vigor in growth; the observation of growth data
also confirms the tolerance thresholds deduced with
Fv/Fm, since C. demersum showed significant growth
reduction from 4 mM copper (p 5 0.05), while P.
natans already from 2 mM copper (p 5 0.05).
In conclusion, these data show C. demersum and P.
natans to be good bioindicators for higher copper
concentrations than the ones commonly associated to
other species of macrophytes (Gupta et al. 1996;
Muller et al. 2001; Mal et al. 2002), and point out C.
demersum as the one with the highest tolerance.
Figure 3 reports a list of species of aquatic macro-
phytes investigated for their tolerance to copper with
the relative thresholds: as it can be seen H. verticillata
and Potamogeton pusillus are the only ones which
performances are comparable with the ones of the two
species object of this work. Further research could be
focused on investigating the performances of copper
absorption and tolerance by rooted specimens of
P. natans, as it occurs in nature, in order to compare
them with the ones of the experimental floating scions.
The authors sincerely thank Dr. Cecilia Viegi for
valuable help in revision of the manuscript.
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Aquatic macrophytes as copper bioindicators 3
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4 P. Zuccarini and S. Kampusˇ

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  • 1. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE This article was downloaded by: [Zuccarini, Paolo] On: 29 May 2011 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 938060094] Publisher Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37- 41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Two aquatic macrophytes as bioindicators for medium-high copper concentrations in freshwaters Paolo Zuccarinia ; Saša Kampušb a Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie, Università di Pisa, Viale delle Piagge 23, Pisa, Italy b Fakulteta za družbene vede, Univerza v ljubljani, Kardeljeva ploščad 5, Ljubljana, Slovenija First published on: 26 May 2011 To cite this Article Zuccarini, Paolo and Kampuš, Saša(2011) 'Two aquatic macrophytes as bioindicators for medium-high copper concentrations in freshwaters', Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology,, First published on: 26 May 2011 (iFirst) To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2010.547677 URL: Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
  • 2. Two aquatic macrophytes as bioindicators for medium-high copper concentrations in freshwaters PAOLO ZUCCARINI1 & SASˇA KAMPUSˇ2 1 Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie, Universita` di Pisa, Viale delle Piagge 23, 56124, Pisa, Italy and 2 Fakulteta za druzˇbene vede, Univerza v ljubljani, Kardeljeva plosˇcad 5, 1000, Ljubljana, Slovenija Abstract Plant scions of Ceratophyllum demersum L. and Potamogeton natans L. were exposed in controlled conditions to different concentrations of copper during approximately 2 weeks; Fv/Fm was monitored at regular intervals and relative growth rate (RGR) was calculated at the end of the trial. P. natans was affected by Cu concentrations starting from 2 mM; C. demersum started to show significant reductions in growth and photosynthetic efficiency from 4 mM Cu. As it results from the observed data, the two aquatic macrophytes can be used as valid bioindicators for medium-high copper concentrations in freshwaters. Keywords: Ceratophyllum demersum, Potamogeton natans, copper, bioindicators, freshwaters Introduction Despite of its relative mildness of character, copper can be highly toxic to plants even at micromolar concentrations (Cabral 2003). It is an important pollutant for aquatic biota (Granmo et al. 2002; Katranitsas et al. 2003), in which environments (rivers, shallow lakes) tend to accumulate for several reasons, one of the most relevant being its release from antifouling paints (Nichols 1988; Smith 1996; Lambert et al. 2006). Several kinds of aquatic organisms have been studied as potential biological indicators for copper (Monnet et al. 2006; Nicolau 2007) exhibiting a wide range of sensitivity, lower on average for algae, and higher for higher aquatic plants (Nor 1987). Submerged macrophytes proposed as potential biomonitors have been, among the others, Hydrilla verticillata Royle (Gupta et al. 1996), Typha latifolia L. (Muller et al. 2001), Elodea canadensis Michaux. (Mal et al. 2002). The aim of the present work was to test resistance to copper of Potamogeton natans L. and Ceratophyllum demersum L., characterized by good adaptability and proved resistance to several abiotic stresses (Rama Devi and Prasad 1998; Bernez et al. 2004), in the perspective of their use as potential bioindicators for higher levels of copper toxicity than the ones applied on average to the previously mentioned plants. Methods Ceratophyllum demersum was chosen among free- floating aquatic macrophytes in order to avoid additional stress due to lack of substrate, and because of the average higher tolerance to copper of pleusto- phytes rather than hydrophytes, as shown by Maleva et al. (2004). Potamogeton natans was chosen because, in virtue of its rhizophytic nature, it was supposed to show slightly lower tolerance than C. demersum, being therefore a suitable bioindicator for medium copper concentrations. Apical parts of plants of C. demersum and P. natans were collected, and pre-cultivated under continuous light in aquaria containing tap water (total copper 51 mg lv1 ). Ten-centimeter plant scions were cut, tied with raffia to wire net, and placed into 2000 ml beakers containing Hoagland’s medium diluted to 1/100 strength (Eliasson 1978) at a pH of 5.5 + 0.3 with different concentrations of copper (supplied as CuSO4): 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 mM, corresponding to 0, 65, 130, 260 and 390 mg l71 . Six repetitions were done for each species and for each copper concentration. Plants were incubated at Correspondence: Paolo Zuccarini, Dipartimento di Biologia delle Piante Agrarie – Sez., Universita` degli Studi di Pisa, Fisiologia Vegetale – Via Mariscoglio 34, 56127, Pisa, Italy. Tel: þ39-349-1298437. Fax: þ39-050-2216532. Email: Plant Biosystems, 2011; 1–4, iFirst article ISSN 1126-3504 print/ISSN 1724-5575 online ª 2011 Societa` Botanica Italiana DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2010.547677 DownloadedBy:[Zuccarini,Paolo]At:02:2529May2011
  • 3. 228C under 12 h of light period (450 mmol m72 s71 ) during 12 days. Photosynthetic efficiency was mea- sured at regular intervals as Fv/Fm (ratio between variable and maximum fluorescence) with a Plant Efficiency Analyzer (PEA, Hansatech); for the calcu- lation of relative growth rate (RGR) fresh weights were measured at the end of the trial, and initial fresh weights were estimated as average values out of 30 scions, 10 cm long, of the examined species. Statis- tical analysis of the data was performed by using the SAS statistical software program (SAS Institute 1990). Fv/Fm and growth data, relative to the two plants taken separately and at the different levels of copper, were subjected to analysis of variance and the signi- ficance of difference between means was then deter- mined with Duncan’s multiple range test; paired t-test was used to compare differences in growth between the two species at different copper concentrations. Results and discussion Photosynthetic efficiency of C. demersum was not affected by copper concentrations up to 2 mM, while P. natans showed a significant drop (p 5 0.05), at the end of the trial, already for 2 mM (Figure 1). This is only partially in accordance with Rama Devi and Prasad (1998), who showed how Cu accumula- tion in C. demersum already started to induce oxidative stress from concentrations of 2 mM. The reason of this difference can be that at 2 mM, even if clorophyll content starts to decrease (Rama Devi and Prasad 1998), its efficiency is still intact, providing optimal values of Fv/Fm. This interpretation is supported by the work of other authors, who observed a temporally delayed decrease of chlorophyll content and photosynthetic efficiency in plants undergoing stress conditions (Liu and Huang 2000; Bounfour et al. 2002), so that in some situations chlorophyll content is considered to be a better indicator of stress than the Fv/Fm ratio (Rong-hua et al. 2006). Both P. natans and C. demersum were significantly affected by concentrations of copper of 4 and 6 mM, but the decrease of Fv/Fm for P. natans was more marked, reaching respectively values of 0.525 (p 5 0.01) and 0.397 (p 5 0.01) on the last day of trial. The different tolerance to copper appears to be species-specific, since works conducted on P. pecti- natus showed it to have a high Cu absorption capacity (Samecka-Cymerman and Kempers 2004), even higher than C. demersum (Gavrilenko and Zolotu- khina 1989). C. demersum appears to be strongly affected too by the highest copper concentrations, but its final values of photosynthetic efficiency are not so critical, reaching the minimum value of 0.514 (p 5 0.01) at day 12 when exposed to 6 mM copper, indicating still the presence of a remarkable photo- synthetic activity even at the most extreme condi- tions. The resistance showed by C. demersum can be put in correlation with its properties of absorbtion, accumulation and tolerance of heavy metals (Keskinkan et al. 2004), that made this aquatic macrophyte be suggested for heavy metal detoxifica- tion (Mishra et al. 2006). P. natans, which performs Figure 1. Trends of Fv/Fm of C. demersum and P. natans exposed to different levels of copper during 12 days of trial. Figure 2. Relative Growth Rate of C. demersum and P. natans during the trial. Values marked with the same letter are not statistically different at p 5 0.05, according to Duncan’s multiple range test. Normal letters refer to the left columns, relative to C. demersum; letters in italic refer to the right columns, relative to P. natans. The two groups have to be considered separately. 2 P. Zuccarini and S. Kampusˇ DownloadedBy:[Zuccarini,Paolo]At:02:2529May2011
  • 4. heavy metal uptake through roots, shoots, and leaves (Fritioff and Greger 2006) is not affected by copper only at concentrations of up to 1 mM. RGR of P. natans was significantly lower than C. demersum at Cu concentrations of 2 mM and more (Figure 2) (t-test, p 5 0.05), confirming the observation that the former plant is the one which undergoes the most severe stress for medium-high copper concentra- tions. The higher RGR of P. natans in non-stress conditions (0 mM and 1 mM) confirms its naturally high vigor in growth; the observation of growth data also confirms the tolerance thresholds deduced with Fv/Fm, since C. demersum showed significant growth reduction from 4 mM copper (p 5 0.05), while P. natans already from 2 mM copper (p 5 0.05). In conclusion, these data show C. demersum and P. natans to be good bioindicators for higher copper concentrations than the ones commonly associated to other species of macrophytes (Gupta et al. 1996; Muller et al. 2001; Mal et al. 2002), and point out C. demersum as the one with the highest tolerance. Figure 3 reports a list of species of aquatic macro- phytes investigated for their tolerance to copper with the relative thresholds: as it can be seen H. verticillata and Potamogeton pusillus are the only ones which performances are comparable with the ones of the two species object of this work. Further research could be focused on investigating the performances of copper absorption and tolerance by rooted specimens of P. natans, as it occurs in nature, in order to compare them with the ones of the experimental floating scions. Acknowledgment The authors sincerely thank Dr. Cecilia Viegi for valuable help in revision of the manuscript. References Bernez I, Daniel H, Haury J, Ferreira MT. 2004. Combined effects of environmental factors and regulation on macrophyte vegetation along three rivers in western France. River Res Appl 20: 43–59. Bounfour M, Tanigoshi LK, Chen C, Cameron SJ, Klauer S. 2002. Chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence in red raspberry leaves infested with Tetranychus urticae and Eotetra- nychus carpini borealis (Acari: Tetranychidae). Environ En- tomol 31: 215–220. Cabral JP. 2003. Copper toxicity in five Parmelia lichens in vitro. Environ Exp Bot 49: 237–250. Eliasson L. 1978. Effects of nutrients and light on growth and root formation in Pisum sativum cuttings. Physiol Plantarum 43: 13–18. Fritioff A, Greger M. 2006. Uptake and distribution of Zn, Cu, Cd, and Pb in an aquatic plant, Potamogeton natans.Chemo- sphere 63: 220–227. Gavrilenko EE, Zolotukhina EY. 1989. Accumulation and interaction of copper, 1 zinc, manganese, cadmium, nickel and lead ions under conditions of their absorption by aquatic macrophytes. Gidrobiol zˇ 25: 54–61. Granmo A, Ekelund R, Sneli JA, Berggren M, Svavarsson J. 2002. Effects of antifouling paint components (TBTO, copper and triazine) on the early development of embryos in cod (Gadus morhua L.). Mar Pollut Bull 44: 1142–1148. Gupta M, Sinha S, Chandra P. 1996. Copper-induced toxicity in aquatic macrophyte, Hydrilla verticillata: effect of pH. Ecotox- icology 5: 23–33. Katranitsas A, Castritsi-Catharios J, Persoone G. 2003. The effects of a copper-based antifouling paint on mortality and enzymatic activity of a non-target marine organism. Mar Pollut Bull 46: 1491–149. Keskinkan O, Goksu MZL, Basibuyuk M, Forster CF. 2004. Heavy metal adsorption properties of a submerged aquatic plant (Ceratophyllum demersum). Bioresour Technol 92: 197– 200. Lambert SJ, Thomas KV, Davy AJ. 2006. Assessment of the risk posed by the antifouling booster biocides Irgarol 1051 and diuron to freshwater macrophytes. Chemosphere 63: 734–743. Liu X, Huang B. 2000. Heat stress injury in relation to membrane lipid peroxidation in creeping bentgrass. Crop Sci 40: 503–510. Mal TK, Adorjan P, Corbett AL. 2002. Effect of copper on growth of an aquatic macrophyte, Elodea canadensis.Environ Pollut 120: 307–311. Maleva MG, Nekrasova GF, Bezel VS. 2004. The response of hydrophytes to environmental pollution with heavy metals. Russ J Ecol 35: 230–235. Mishra S, Srivastava S, Tripathi RD, Kumar R, Seth CS, Gupta DK. 2006. Lead detoxification by coontail (Ceratophyllum demersum L.) involves induction of phytochelatins and anti- oxidant system in response to its accumulation. Chemosphere 65: 1027–1039. Monnet F, Bordas F, Deluchat V, Chatenet P, Botineau M, Baudu M. 2006. Use of the aquatic lichen Dermatocarpon luridum as bioindicator of copper pollution: Accumulation and cellular distribution tests. Environ Pollut 138: 455–461. Figure 3. List of species investigated for their copper tolerance, thresholds, studied parameters and authors. Aquatic macrophytes as copper bioindicators 3 DownloadedBy:[Zuccarini,Paolo]At:02:2529May2011
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