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Here's a summary of some common design paterns:
Crea�onal Paterns:
1. Singleton Patern:
• Intent: Ensure a class has only one instance and provide a global
point of access to it.
• Use Case: When exactly one object is needed to coordinate ac�ons
across the system.
2. Factory Method Patern:
• Intent: Define an interface for crea�ng an object, but let subclasses
alter the type of objects that will be created.
• Use Case: When a class cannot an�cipate the class of objects it must
3. Abstract Factory Patern:
• Intent: Provide an interface for crea�ng families of related or
dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.
• Use Case: When a system must be configured with mul�ple families
of objects.
4. Builder Patern:
• Intent: Separate the construc�on of a complex object from its
representa�on, allowing the same construc�on process to create
various representa�ons.
• Use Case: When an object needs to be constructed with numerous
possible configura�ons.
5. Prototype Patern:
• Intent: Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical
instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype.
• Use Case: When the cost of crea�ng an object is more expensive than
copying an exis�ng one.
6. Object Pool Patern:
• Intent: Reuse and manage a pool of objects, rather than crea�ng and
destroying them on demand.
• Use Case: When the cost of ini�alizing an object is high, and the rate
of instan�a�on of a class is high.
7. Lazy Ini�aliza�on Patern:
• Intent: Delay the crea�on of an object or the computa�on of a value
un�l it is actually needed.
• Use Case: When the instan�a�on of an object is resource-intensive
and might not be necessary during the life�me of the program.
Each of these crea�onal paterns addresses different aspects of object crea�on,
such as controlling the number of instances, providing a flexible mechanism for
crea�ng objects, or op�mizing the crea�on process based on specific
requirements. Choosing the right crea�onal patern depends on the problem at
hand and the desired characteris�cs of the solu�on.
Structural Paterns:
1. Adapter Patern:
• Intent: Allows the interface of an exis�ng class to be used as another
• Use Case: When the interface of an exis�ng class does not match
what a client expects.
2. Bridge Patern:
• Intent: Separates an abstrac�on from its implementa�on so that the
two can vary independently.
• Use Case: When changes in the implementa�on of an abstrac�on
should not affect clients.
3. Composite Patern:
• Intent: Composes objects into tree structures to represent part-
whole hierarchies.
• Use Case: When clients need to treat individual objects and
composi�ons of objects uniformly.
4. Decorator Patern:
• Intent: Ataches addi�onal responsibili�es to an object dynamically.
• Use Case: When the behavior of objects needs to be extended
without altering their code.
5. Facade Patern:
• Intent: Provides a simplified interface to a set of interfaces in a
• Use Case: When there is a complex subsystem, and a simpler
interface is needed for a specific set of func�onality.
6. Flyweight Patern:
• Intent: Uses sharing to support a large number of fine-grained
objects efficiently.
• Use Case: When a large number of similar objects need to be created
and memory usage is a concern.
7. Proxy Patern:
• Intent: Provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to
control access to it.
• Use Case: When you want to control access to an object, add
func�onality before or a�er the request is passed.
8. Composite Patern:
• Intent: Composes objects into tree structures to represent part-
whole hierarchies.
• Use Case: When clients need to treat individual objects and
composi�ons of objects uniformly.
These structural paterns help in organizing code in a way that promotes flexibility,
reusability, and simplicity. They address concerns related to the composi�on of
classes and objects, making it easier to manage complex systems and adapt them
to changing requirements.
Behavioral Paterns:
1. Observer Patern:
• Intent: Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that
when one object changes state, all its dependents are no�fied and
updated automa�cally.
• Use Case: When a change in one object should trigger changes in
other objects without making them �ghtly coupled.
2. Strategy Patern:
• Intent: Defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and
makes them interchangeable.
• Use Case: When you want to define a family of algorithms,
encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Clients can
choose the algorithm at run�me.
3. Command Patern:
• Intent: Encapsulates a request as an object, thereby allowing for
parameteriza�on of clients with different requests, queuing of
requests, and logging of the parameters.
• Use Case: When you want to parameterize objects with opera�ons,
queue requests, and support undoable opera�ons.
4. Chain of Responsibility Patern:
• Intent: Passes a request along a chain of handlers. Upon receiving a
request, each handler decides either to process the request or to
pass it to the next handler in the chain.
• Use Case: When you want to decouple the sender and receiver of a
request and allow more than one object to handle a request.
5. State Patern:
• Intent: Allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state
changes. The object will appear to change its class.
• Use Case: When an object's behavior depends on its state and needs
to change its behavior at run�me.
6. Visitor Patern:
• Intent: Represents an opera�on to be performed on the elements of
an object structure. It lets you define a new opera�on without
changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.
• Use Case: When you have a complex object structure and want to
perform various opera�ons on its elements.
7. Interpreter Patern:
• Intent: Defines a grammar for interpre�ng the sentences in a
language and provides an interpreter to interpret those sentences.
• Use Case: When you need to interpret sentences in a language and
represent them as a set of opera�ons.
8. Memento Patern:
• Intent: Captures and externalizes an object's internal state so that the
object can be restored to this state later.
• Use Case: When you need to capture and restore an object's internal
state, such as for undo mechanisms.
These behavioral paterns address the ways in which objects collaborate and
communicate, allowing for more flexible and maintainable systems. The choice of
patern depends on the specific requirements and scenarios in a given applica�on.
Architectural Paterns:
1. Model-View-Controller (MVC):
• Intent: Separates an applica�on into three interconnected
components - Model (data and business logic), View (user interface),
and Controller (handles user input and updates the model and view).
• Use Case: When you want to separate concerns related to data, user
interface, and user input in an applica�on.
2. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM):
• Intent: Enhances the separa�on of concerns by introducing a
ViewModel, which abstracts the state and behavior of the View.
• Use Case: Par�cularly useful in GUI-based applica�ons where the
ViewModel handles the user interface logic independently of the
3. Repository Patern:
• Intent: Mediates between the data source and the business logic or
domain, providing a clean API for data access.
• Use Case: When you want to abstract the underlying data access
details and provide a consistent interface for accessing data.
4. Dependency Injec�on (DI):
• Intent: Allows the crea�on and injec�on of dependent objects,
decoupling the classes and making the system more modular and
• Use Case: When you want to achieve a high level of reusability,
testability, and maintainability by promo�ng loose coupling between
5. Microservices Architecture:
• Intent: Decomposes an applica�on into a set of small, independent
services that communicate with each other through well-defined
• Use Case: Suitable for large, complex applica�ons where scalability,
maintainability, and con�nuous deployment are cri�cal.
6. Event-Driven Architecture (EDA):
• Intent: Emphasizes the produc�on, detec�on, consump�on, and
reac�on to events in a system, allowing for loose coupling between
• Use Case: When you want to build scalable and responsive systems
that react to events or changes in the environment.
7. Serverless Architecture:
• Intent: Enables building and running applica�ons without managing
the underlying server infrastructure. Func�ons are executed in
response to events or triggers.
• Use Case: For applica�ons with variable workloads, where you only
pay for the actual compute resources used.
8. Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters):
• Intent: Separates the core business logic (hexagon) from external
concerns (ports and adapters), making the system more adaptable to
changes in external interfaces.
• Use Case: Useful when dealing with mul�ple external systems or
These architectural paterns provide guidelines for organizing and structuring
so�ware systems, helping developers create robust, scalable, and maintainable
applica�ons. The choice of patern depends on the specific requirements and
goals of the applica�on being developed.
Concurrency Paterns:
1. Producer-Consumer Patern:
• Intent: Involves two types of processes - producers that generate
data, and consumers that process the data. A shared buffer facilitates
communica�on between producers and consumers.
• Use Case: When you have one or more processes producing data and
one or more processes consuming and processing that data.
2. Reader-Writer Patern:
• Intent: Manages access to a shared resource, allowing mul�ple
readers simultaneous access but ensuring exclusive access for a
• Use Case: When you have a shared resource that is read by mul�ple
threads but modified by a single thread.
3. Semaphore Patern:
• Intent: Controls access to a common resource by a limited number of
threads. Semaphores maintain a count of available resources.
• Use Case: When you want to control the number of threads accessing
a resource simultaneously.
4. Mutex Patern:
• Intent: Ensures that only one thread can access a resource at a �me.
It provides mutual exclusion to prevent race condi�ons.
• Use Case: When you need to protect shared resources from
concurrent access.
5. Barrier Patern:
• Intent: Synchronizes a group of threads by making them wait at a
predefined point un�l all threads have reached that point.
• Use Case: When you want to ensure that all threads have completed
a specific phase of execu�on before proceeding.
6. Thread Pool Patern:
• Intent: Manages a pool of worker threads, reusing them to execute a
large number of lightweight tasks.
• Use Case: When you have a large number of tasks to perform, and
crea�ng a new thread for each task is inefficient.
7. Immutable Object Patern:
• Intent: Ensures that an object's state cannot be modified a�er it is
created, elimina�ng the need for locks in concurrent access.
• Use Case: When you want to simplify concurrency control by making
objects thread-safe through immutability.
8. Double-Checked Locking Patern:
• Intent: Reduces the overhead of acquiring locks by checking a lock
condi�on without entering the cri�cal sec�on, poten�ally avoiding
unnecessary locking.
• Use Case: When you want to op�mize performance by minimizing
the use of locks in scenarios where conten�on is low.
9. Reactor Patern:
• Intent: Handles concurrent I/O opera�ons by dispatching events to
appropriate handlers. It's o�en used in networking applica�ons.
• Use Case: When you have a large number of concurrent I/O
opera�ons and want to handle them efficiently.
These concurrency paterns provide solu�ons to common challenges in
mul�threaded and parallel programming. Applying these paterns correctly can
help improve the performance, reliability, and maintainability of concurrent
Cloud Paterns:
Cloud design paterns are architectural solu�ons that address common challenges
encountered when designing and deploying applica�ons in cloud environments.
These paterns help developers and architects take advantage of cloud services
and best prac�ces to build scalable, resilient, and efficient systems. Here's an
overview of some key cloud design paterns:
1. Microservices Architecture:
• Intent: Decompose a large, monolithic applica�on into smaller,
independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled
• Use Case: Well-suited for building and maintaining large and complex
applica�ons with different func�onal components.
2. Serverless Architecture:
• Intent: Focuses on building applica�ons without managing server
infrastructure. Func�ons are executed in response to events or
• Use Case: Ideal for event-driven and sporadically used workloads
where scalability and cost-effec�veness are crucial.
3. Strangler Patern:
• Intent: Gradually migrate from a monolithic system to a
microservices architecture by incrementally replacing components.
• Use Case: Useful when you want to modernize legacy applica�ons
without a complete rewrite.
4. Circuit Breaker Patern:
• Intent: Prevents a network or service failure from cascading to other
parts of the applica�on. It detects faults and "opens the circuit" to
prevent further damage.
• Use Case: Ensures the resilience of the system against failures in
dependent services.
5. Retry Patern:
• Intent: Automa�cally retries a failed opera�on with the expecta�on
that it might succeed on subsequent atempts.
• Use Case: Mi�gates transient failures in network communica�ons or
external services.
6. Bulkhead Patern:
• Intent: Isolates components or services to prevent a failure in one
part of the system from affec�ng the availability of other parts.
• Use Case: Helps in containing failures and ensuring the overall
system's availability.
7. Event Sourcing Patern:
• Intent: Stores the state of an applica�on as a sequence of events.
Enables reconstruc�on of the applica�on state at any point in �me.
• Use Case: Useful when you need a full audit trail of changes and the
ability to replay events for different views of data.
8. Saga Patern:
• Intent: Manages distributed transac�ons and long-running business
processes by breaking them into a series of smaller, isolated steps.
• Use Case: Ensures consistency in a distributed environment where
transac�ons span mul�ple services.
9. Ambassador Patern:
• Intent: Offloads common client-side func�ons (e.g., load balancing,
authen�ca�on) to a separate, reusable component.
• Use Case: Improves maintainability by centralizing cross-cu�ng
concerns in a single component.
10.Gateway Aggrega�on Patern:
• Intent: Aggregates mul�ple requests into a single request to reduce
the number of round-trips between the client and the server.
• Use Case: Enhances performance by minimizing the overhead of
mul�ple requests.
These paterns provide guidance on how to design, implement, and deploy
applica�ons in cloud environments effec�vely. They help address challenges
related to scalability, availability, reliability, and efficiency in the context of cloud
compu�ng. The choice of paterns depends on the specific requirements and
constraints of the applica�on being developed.
These paterns are not one-size-fits-all solu�ons but rather guidelines for solving
common problems.

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common design patterns summary.pdf

  • 1. Here's a summary of some common design paterns: Crea�onal Paterns: 1. Singleton Patern: • Intent: Ensure a class has only one instance and provide a global point of access to it. • Use Case: When exactly one object is needed to coordinate ac�ons across the system. 2. Factory Method Patern: • Intent: Define an interface for crea�ng an object, but let subclasses alter the type of objects that will be created. • Use Case: When a class cannot an�cipate the class of objects it must create. 3. Abstract Factory Patern: • Intent: Provide an interface for crea�ng families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes. • Use Case: When a system must be configured with mul�ple families of objects. 4. Builder Patern: • Intent: Separate the construc�on of a complex object from its representa�on, allowing the same construc�on process to create various representa�ons. • Use Case: When an object needs to be constructed with numerous possible configura�ons. 5. Prototype Patern: • Intent: Specify the kinds of objects to create using a prototypical instance, and create new objects by copying this prototype. • Use Case: When the cost of crea�ng an object is more expensive than copying an exis�ng one.
  • 2. 6. Object Pool Patern: • Intent: Reuse and manage a pool of objects, rather than crea�ng and destroying them on demand. • Use Case: When the cost of ini�alizing an object is high, and the rate of instan�a�on of a class is high. 7. Lazy Ini�aliza�on Patern: • Intent: Delay the crea�on of an object or the computa�on of a value un�l it is actually needed. • Use Case: When the instan�a�on of an object is resource-intensive and might not be necessary during the life�me of the program. Each of these crea�onal paterns addresses different aspects of object crea�on, such as controlling the number of instances, providing a flexible mechanism for crea�ng objects, or op�mizing the crea�on process based on specific requirements. Choosing the right crea�onal patern depends on the problem at hand and the desired characteris�cs of the solu�on. Structural Paterns: 1. Adapter Patern: • Intent: Allows the interface of an exis�ng class to be used as another interface. • Use Case: When the interface of an exis�ng class does not match what a client expects. 2. Bridge Patern: • Intent: Separates an abstrac�on from its implementa�on so that the two can vary independently. • Use Case: When changes in the implementa�on of an abstrac�on should not affect clients. 3. Composite Patern:
  • 3. • Intent: Composes objects into tree structures to represent part- whole hierarchies. • Use Case: When clients need to treat individual objects and composi�ons of objects uniformly. 4. Decorator Patern: • Intent: Ataches addi�onal responsibili�es to an object dynamically. • Use Case: When the behavior of objects needs to be extended without altering their code. 5. Facade Patern: • Intent: Provides a simplified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem. • Use Case: When there is a complex subsystem, and a simpler interface is needed for a specific set of func�onality. 6. Flyweight Patern: • Intent: Uses sharing to support a large number of fine-grained objects efficiently. • Use Case: When a large number of similar objects need to be created and memory usage is a concern. 7. Proxy Patern: • Intent: Provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. • Use Case: When you want to control access to an object, add func�onality before or a�er the request is passed. 8. Composite Patern: • Intent: Composes objects into tree structures to represent part- whole hierarchies. • Use Case: When clients need to treat individual objects and composi�ons of objects uniformly.
  • 4. These structural paterns help in organizing code in a way that promotes flexibility, reusability, and simplicity. They address concerns related to the composi�on of classes and objects, making it easier to manage complex systems and adapt them to changing requirements. Behavioral Paterns: 1. Observer Patern: • Intent: Defines a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are no�fied and updated automa�cally. • Use Case: When a change in one object should trigger changes in other objects without making them �ghtly coupled. 2. Strategy Patern: • Intent: Defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. • Use Case: When you want to define a family of algorithms, encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Clients can choose the algorithm at run�me. 3. Command Patern: • Intent: Encapsulates a request as an object, thereby allowing for parameteriza�on of clients with different requests, queuing of requests, and logging of the parameters. • Use Case: When you want to parameterize objects with opera�ons, queue requests, and support undoable opera�ons. 4. Chain of Responsibility Patern: • Intent: Passes a request along a chain of handlers. Upon receiving a request, each handler decides either to process the request or to pass it to the next handler in the chain.
  • 5. • Use Case: When you want to decouple the sender and receiver of a request and allow more than one object to handle a request. 5. State Patern: • Intent: Allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes. The object will appear to change its class. • Use Case: When an object's behavior depends on its state and needs to change its behavior at run�me. 6. Visitor Patern: • Intent: Represents an opera�on to be performed on the elements of an object structure. It lets you define a new opera�on without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates. • Use Case: When you have a complex object structure and want to perform various opera�ons on its elements. 7. Interpreter Patern: • Intent: Defines a grammar for interpre�ng the sentences in a language and provides an interpreter to interpret those sentences. • Use Case: When you need to interpret sentences in a language and represent them as a set of opera�ons. 8. Memento Patern: • Intent: Captures and externalizes an object's internal state so that the object can be restored to this state later. • Use Case: When you need to capture and restore an object's internal state, such as for undo mechanisms. These behavioral paterns address the ways in which objects collaborate and communicate, allowing for more flexible and maintainable systems. The choice of patern depends on the specific requirements and scenarios in a given applica�on.
  • 6. Architectural Paterns: 1. Model-View-Controller (MVC): • Intent: Separates an applica�on into three interconnected components - Model (data and business logic), View (user interface), and Controller (handles user input and updates the model and view). • Use Case: When you want to separate concerns related to data, user interface, and user input in an applica�on. 2. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM): • Intent: Enhances the separa�on of concerns by introducing a ViewModel, which abstracts the state and behavior of the View. • Use Case: Par�cularly useful in GUI-based applica�ons where the ViewModel handles the user interface logic independently of the View. 3. Repository Patern: • Intent: Mediates between the data source and the business logic or domain, providing a clean API for data access. • Use Case: When you want to abstract the underlying data access details and provide a consistent interface for accessing data. 4. Dependency Injec�on (DI): • Intent: Allows the crea�on and injec�on of dependent objects, decoupling the classes and making the system more modular and testable. • Use Case: When you want to achieve a high level of reusability, testability, and maintainability by promo�ng loose coupling between components. 5. Microservices Architecture:
  • 7. • Intent: Decomposes an applica�on into a set of small, independent services that communicate with each other through well-defined APIs. • Use Case: Suitable for large, complex applica�ons where scalability, maintainability, and con�nuous deployment are cri�cal. 6. Event-Driven Architecture (EDA): • Intent: Emphasizes the produc�on, detec�on, consump�on, and reac�on to events in a system, allowing for loose coupling between components. • Use Case: When you want to build scalable and responsive systems that react to events or changes in the environment. 7. Serverless Architecture: • Intent: Enables building and running applica�ons without managing the underlying server infrastructure. Func�ons are executed in response to events or triggers. • Use Case: For applica�ons with variable workloads, where you only pay for the actual compute resources used. 8. Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters): • Intent: Separates the core business logic (hexagon) from external concerns (ports and adapters), making the system more adaptable to changes in external interfaces. • Use Case: Useful when dealing with mul�ple external systems or interfaces. These architectural paterns provide guidelines for organizing and structuring so�ware systems, helping developers create robust, scalable, and maintainable applica�ons. The choice of patern depends on the specific requirements and goals of the applica�on being developed.
  • 8. Concurrency Paterns: 1. Producer-Consumer Patern: • Intent: Involves two types of processes - producers that generate data, and consumers that process the data. A shared buffer facilitates communica�on between producers and consumers. • Use Case: When you have one or more processes producing data and one or more processes consuming and processing that data. 2. Reader-Writer Patern: • Intent: Manages access to a shared resource, allowing mul�ple readers simultaneous access but ensuring exclusive access for a writer. • Use Case: When you have a shared resource that is read by mul�ple threads but modified by a single thread. 3. Semaphore Patern: • Intent: Controls access to a common resource by a limited number of threads. Semaphores maintain a count of available resources. • Use Case: When you want to control the number of threads accessing a resource simultaneously. 4. Mutex Patern: • Intent: Ensures that only one thread can access a resource at a �me. It provides mutual exclusion to prevent race condi�ons. • Use Case: When you need to protect shared resources from concurrent access. 5. Barrier Patern: • Intent: Synchronizes a group of threads by making them wait at a predefined point un�l all threads have reached that point.
  • 9. • Use Case: When you want to ensure that all threads have completed a specific phase of execu�on before proceeding. 6. Thread Pool Patern: • Intent: Manages a pool of worker threads, reusing them to execute a large number of lightweight tasks. • Use Case: When you have a large number of tasks to perform, and crea�ng a new thread for each task is inefficient. 7. Immutable Object Patern: • Intent: Ensures that an object's state cannot be modified a�er it is created, elimina�ng the need for locks in concurrent access. • Use Case: When you want to simplify concurrency control by making objects thread-safe through immutability. 8. Double-Checked Locking Patern: • Intent: Reduces the overhead of acquiring locks by checking a lock condi�on without entering the cri�cal sec�on, poten�ally avoiding unnecessary locking. • Use Case: When you want to op�mize performance by minimizing the use of locks in scenarios where conten�on is low. 9. Reactor Patern: • Intent: Handles concurrent I/O opera�ons by dispatching events to appropriate handlers. It's o�en used in networking applica�ons. • Use Case: When you have a large number of concurrent I/O opera�ons and want to handle them efficiently. These concurrency paterns provide solu�ons to common challenges in mul�threaded and parallel programming. Applying these paterns correctly can help improve the performance, reliability, and maintainability of concurrent systems.
  • 10. Cloud Paterns: Cloud design paterns are architectural solu�ons that address common challenges encountered when designing and deploying applica�ons in cloud environments. These paterns help developers and architects take advantage of cloud services and best prac�ces to build scalable, resilient, and efficient systems. Here's an overview of some key cloud design paterns: 1. Microservices Architecture: • Intent: Decompose a large, monolithic applica�on into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. • Use Case: Well-suited for building and maintaining large and complex applica�ons with different func�onal components. 2. Serverless Architecture: • Intent: Focuses on building applica�ons without managing server infrastructure. Func�ons are executed in response to events or triggers. • Use Case: Ideal for event-driven and sporadically used workloads where scalability and cost-effec�veness are crucial. 3. Strangler Patern: • Intent: Gradually migrate from a monolithic system to a microservices architecture by incrementally replacing components. • Use Case: Useful when you want to modernize legacy applica�ons without a complete rewrite. 4. Circuit Breaker Patern: • Intent: Prevents a network or service failure from cascading to other parts of the applica�on. It detects faults and "opens the circuit" to prevent further damage. • Use Case: Ensures the resilience of the system against failures in dependent services.
  • 11. 5. Retry Patern: • Intent: Automa�cally retries a failed opera�on with the expecta�on that it might succeed on subsequent atempts. • Use Case: Mi�gates transient failures in network communica�ons or external services. 6. Bulkhead Patern: • Intent: Isolates components or services to prevent a failure in one part of the system from affec�ng the availability of other parts. • Use Case: Helps in containing failures and ensuring the overall system's availability. 7. Event Sourcing Patern: • Intent: Stores the state of an applica�on as a sequence of events. Enables reconstruc�on of the applica�on state at any point in �me. • Use Case: Useful when you need a full audit trail of changes and the ability to replay events for different views of data. 8. Saga Patern: • Intent: Manages distributed transac�ons and long-running business processes by breaking them into a series of smaller, isolated steps. • Use Case: Ensures consistency in a distributed environment where transac�ons span mul�ple services. 9. Ambassador Patern: • Intent: Offloads common client-side func�ons (e.g., load balancing, authen�ca�on) to a separate, reusable component. • Use Case: Improves maintainability by centralizing cross-cu�ng concerns in a single component. 10.Gateway Aggrega�on Patern: • Intent: Aggregates mul�ple requests into a single request to reduce the number of round-trips between the client and the server.
  • 12. • Use Case: Enhances performance by minimizing the overhead of mul�ple requests. These paterns provide guidance on how to design, implement, and deploy applica�ons in cloud environments effec�vely. They help address challenges related to scalability, availability, reliability, and efficiency in the context of cloud compu�ng. The choice of paterns depends on the specific requirements and constraints of the applica�on being developed. These paterns are not one-size-fits-all solu�ons but rather guidelines for solving common problems.