mcqs pci syllabus unit 1 immunization lack of communication employment social relationship poverty urbanization over crowding control & preventive measures secondary prevention levels of prevention types of evaluation steps of evaluation adequacy probability plausibility mental health social physical disease schedule y schedule n schedule x schedule m schedule j schedule h schedule g schedule f f1 f2 f3 ff schedule d schedule c c1 schedule b schedule a second schedule first schedule pharmaceutical acts & years appendices schedules jurisprudence idiosyncrasy drug withdrawal excessive therapeutic effect genetically determined toxicit allergic reactions minor moderate severe lethal acute sub-acute latent semester 7 pharmacy practice severity onset of events type f failure of therapy type e end of use type d delayed type c chronic type b bizarre type a augmented adverse drug reactions adrs ppt slideshare document samples pyramid quality review quality audit types of documents nakul dhore 3rd year semester 6 quality assurance distribution records sops mfr bmr b pharmacy documentation document maintenance drugs parasympathomimetics sympathomimetics atropine physostigmine saline poppy seeds dissection frog experiment 4 gastric motility pharmacology 3
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