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1. Digestive system. Oral cavity. Teeth.
2. Digestive system. Digestive tube.
3. Digestive glands. Gall bladder.
Presented by Dr. Mazhar Hussain
The digestive system consists of the digestive tract—oral
cavity, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines,
rectum, and anus—and its associated glands—salivary
glands, liver, and pancreas . Its function is to obtain from
ingested food the molecules necessary for the
maintenance, growth, and energy needs of the body.
Macromolecules such as proteins, fats, complex
carbohydrates, and nucleic acids are broken down into
small molecules that are more easily absorbed through
the lining of the digestive tract, mostly in the small
intestine. Water, vitamins, and minerals from ingested
food are also absorbed. In addition, the inner layer of the
digestive tract is a protective barrier between the content
of the tract's lumen and the internal milieu of the body.
The digestive system consists
of the tract from the mouth
(oral cavity) to the anus, as
well as the digestive glands
emptying into this tract,
primarily the salivary glands,
liver, and pancreas.
The first step in digestion occurs
in the mouth, where food is
moistened by saliva and ground
by the teeth into smaller pieces;
saliva also initiates the
breakdown of carbohydrates.
Digestion continues in the
stomach and small intestine,
where the food's basic
components (eg, amino acids,
monosaccharides, free fatty
acids) are absorbed. Water
absorption occurs in the large
intestine, causing undigested
material to become semisolid.
Major layers and organization of the
digestive tract.
The entire gastrointestinal tract has certain
common structural characteristics. It is a hollow tube
with a lumen of variable diameter and a wall made
up of four main layers: the mucosa, submucosa,
muscularis, and serosa. The structure of these
layers is summarized below and is illustrated for the
small intestine
Major layers and organization of the digestive tract.
The mucosa comprises an epithelial lining; an underlying lamina propria
of loose connective tissue rich in blood vessels, lymphatics,
lymphocytes and smooth muscle cells, sometimes also containing
glands; and a thin layer of smooth muscle called the muscularis mucosae
usually separating mucosa from submucosa. The mucosa is frequently
called a mucous membrane
The submucosa contains denser connective tissue with many blood and
lymph vessels and the submucosal plexus of autonomic nerves. It may
also contain glands and lymphoid tissue.
The thick muscularis is composed of smooth muscle cells that are spirally
oriented and divided into two sublayers. In the internal sublayer (closer to the
lumen), the orientation is generally circular; in the external sublayer, it is mostly
longitudinal. In the connective tissue between the muscle sublayers are blood and
lymph vessels, as well as another autonomic myenteric nerve plexus. This and the
submucosal plexus together comprise the local enteric nervous system of the
digestive tract, containing largely autonomic neurons functioning independently
of the central nervous system (CNS).
The serosa is a thin layer of loose connective tissue, rich in blood vessels,
lymphatics, and adipose tissue, with a simple squamous covering epithelium
The main functions of the digestive
tract's epithelial lining are to:
•Provide a selectively permeable barrier between the
contents of the tract and the tissues of the body,
•Facilitate the transport and digestion of food,
•Promote the absorption of the products of this
•Produce hormones that affect the activity of the
digestive system,
•Produce mucus for lubrication and protection.
• In certain diseases, such as Hirschsprung disease (congenital
megacolon) or Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi infection),
the plexuses in the digestive tract are severely injured and
most of their neurons are destroyed. This results in
disturbances of digestive tract motility, with frequent
dilatations in some areas. The abundant innervation from the
autonomic nervous system that the digestive tract receives
provides an anatomic explanation of the widely observed
action of emotional stress on this tract.
The oral cavity is lined with stratified squamous epithelium, keratinized or
nonkeratinized, depending on the region. The keratin layer
protects the oral mucosa from damage during masticatory function and is best
developed on the gingiva (gum) and hard palate. The lamina propria in
these regions has many papillae and rests directly on bony tissue. Nonkeratinized
squamous epithelium covers the soft palate, lips, cheeks, and the floor
of the mouth. Surface cells are shed continuously and replaced by progeny of stem
cells in the basal epithelial layer. The lamina propria has papillae
similar to those in the dermis of the skin and is continuous with a submucosa
containing diffuse small salivary glands. The soft palate also has a core of
skeletal muscle and lymphoid nodules. In the lips, there is also striated muscle and a
transition from the oral nonkeratinized epithelium to the keratinized
epithelium of the skin
• Lip. Low-magnification micrograph of
a lip section showing one side
covered by typical oral mucosa (OM),
the opposite side covered by skin (S)
containing hair follicles (F) and
associated glands. Between the oral
portion of the lips and normal skin is
the vermilion (V), or the vermilion
zone, where epidermis is very thin,
lightly keratinized, and transparent to
blood in the rich microvasculature of
the underlying connective tissue.
Because this region lacks the glands
for oil and sweat, it is prone to
excessive dryness and chapping in
cold, dry weather. Internally, the lips
contain much-striated muscle (M)
and many minor salivary glands
In the adult human there are normally 32 permanent teeth, arranged in two bilaterally
symmetric arches in the maxillary and mandibular bones . Each quadrant has eight
teeth: two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three permanent molars. Twenty of
the permanent teeth are preceded by deciduous (baby) teeth which are shed; the others
are permanent molars with no deciduous precursors. Each tooth has a crown exposed
above the
gingiva, a constricted neck at the gum, and one or more roots below the gingiva that
hold the teeth in bony sockets called alveoli, one for each tooth
: The dentition of the permanent teeth is shown, as well as the approximate age at eruption for
: Diagram of a molar's internal structure is similar to that of all teeth, with an enamel-covered
crown, cementum-covered roots anchoring the tooth to alveolar bone of the jaw, and a slightly
constricted neck where the enamel and cementum coverings meet at the gingiva. A pulp cavity
extends into the neck and is filled with well-vascularized, well-innervated mesenchymal
connective tissue. Blood vessels and nerves enter the tooth through apical foramina at the
root tips.
• The crown is covered by the extremely hard enamel and
the roots by a bone-like tissue called cementum. These
two coverings meet at the neck of the tooth. The bulk of a
tooth is composed of another calcified material, dentin,
which surrounds a soft connective tissue-filled space
known as the pulp cavity .The pulp cavity narrows in the
roots as the root canals, which extend to the tip of each
root, where an opening (apical foramen) permits the
entrance and exit of blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves
of the pulp cavity. The periodontal ligaments are fibrous
connective tissue bundles of collagen fibers inserted into
both the cementum and alveolar bone, fixing the tooth
firmly in its bony socket (alveolus).
Dentin is a calcified tissue consisting of 70% calcium hydroxyapatite, making it
harder than bone. The organic matrix contains type I collagen fibers and
glycosaminoglycans secreted by odontoblasts, tall polarized cells that line the
tooth's internal pulp cavity . Mineralization of the predentin
matrix involves matrix vesicles in a process similar to that in osteoid . Long,
slender apical odontoblast processes lie within dentinal tubules which
penetrate the full thickness of the dentin, gradually becoming longer as the
dentin becomes thicker. Along their length the processes extend fine branches
into smaller lateral branches of the tubules Odontoblasts remain active in
predentin secretion into adult life,
gradually reducing the size of the pulp cavity.
Dentin and odontoblasts.
(a): Odontoblasts (O) are long polarized cells derived from mesenchyme of the developing
pulp cavity (PC). Odontoblasts are specialized for collagen and GAG synthesis and are bound
together by junctional complexes as a layer, with no basal lamina, so that a collagen-rich matrix
called predentin (P) is secreted only from their apical ends at the dentinal surface. Within
approximately one day of secretion predentin mineralizes to become dentin (D) as
hydroxyapatite crystals form in a process similar to that occurring in osteoid of developing
bones. In this process the collagen is masked and calcified matrix becomes
much more acidophilic and stains quite differently than that of predentin. When predentin
secretion begins an apical extension from each cell, the odontoblast process (OP), forms and is
surrounded by new matrix. As the dentin-predentin layer thickens, these processes lengthen.
When tooth formation is complete odontoblasts persist and their processes are maintained in
canals called dentinal tubules which run through the full thickness of the dentin. X400. Mallory
trichrome from M.F. Santos, Department of Histology and Embryology, Institute of Biomedical
Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil.)
. (b, c): Odontoblast processes can be silver-stained and shown to branch near the
junction of dentin with enamel (E) and along their length closer to
their source (c), with the lateral branches occupying smaller canaliculi within dentin.
(d): These odontoblast process (OP) connections to the odontoblasts (O),
shown with stained nuclei here, are important for the maintenance of dentin
in adult teeth. X400. Mallory trichrome, c and d
used, with permission, from M.F. Santos, Department of Histology and
Embryology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil.)
Ultrastructure of dentinal tubule.
shows the calcification of dentin (D) at its border with not-yet- calcified predentin (P). An
odontoblast process (OP) with microtubules and a few
secretory vesicles occupies much of the space (S) in the dentinal tubule. A process extends from
each odontoblast and the tubules continue completely across
the dentin layer. X32,000.
(b): Cross-section of an odontoblast process (OP) near predentin (P) shows
its close association with an unmyelinated nerve fiber (N) extending there
from fibers in the pulp cavity. These nerves respond to various stimuli, such as
cold temperatures, reaching the nerve fibers through the dentinal tubules.
Teeth are sensitive to
stimuli such as cold,
heat, and acidic pH, all
of which can be
perceived as pain. Pulp
is highly innervated and
some unmyelinated
nerve fibers extend into
the dental tubules near
the pulp cavity. The
different stimuli can
affect fluid inside
dentinal tubules,
these nerve fibers
located near
odontoblast processes.
Enamelis the hardest component of the human body, consisting of
nearly 98% hydroxyapatite and the rest organic material including at least
two unique proteins, amelogenin and enamelin, but no collagen. Other
ions, such as fluoride, can be incorporated or adsorbed by the
hydroxyapatite crystals; enamel containing fluorapatite is more resistant
to acidic dissolution caused by microorganisms, hence the addition of
fluoride to toothpaste and water
Enamel consists of interlocking rods or columns, enamel rods (prisms), bound
together by other enamel. Each rod extends through the entire thickness of the
enamel layer; the precise arrangement of rods in groups is very important for
enamel's strength and mechanical properties.
Ameloblasts and enamel.
Ameloblasts (A) are tall polarized cells
whose apical ends initially contact
dentin (D). Ameloblasts are joined to
form a cell layer surrounded basally by
connective tissue (CT). As odontoblasts
secrete predentin, ameloblasts secrete
a matrix lacking collagens, but rich in a
few glycoproteins which quickly
calcium hydroxyapatite formation to
make enamel (E), the hardest material
in the body. Enamel forms a layer, but
consists of enamel rods or prisms,
fused together by more enamel. Each
enamel rod represents the product of
one ameloblast. No cellular processes
occur in enamel and the layer of
surrounding the developing crown is
completely lost during tooth eruption.
Teeth that have been decalcified for
histological sectioning typically lose
enamel layer completely.
Ameloblasts and
:Micrograph of a thin
preparation of a tooth
prepared by grinding. Fine
tubules can be observed in
the dentin (D) and rods
aligned the same way can be
faintly observed (arrows) in
the enamel (E). The more
prominent lines that cross
enamel diagonally represent
incremental growth lines
produced as the enamel
matrix was secreted cyclically
by the ameloblast layer
• Enamel is produced by cells of ectodermal
origin, whereas most of the other structures
of teeth derive from mesodermal and neural
crest cells. Together these cells produce a
series of structures around the developing
oral cavity, the enamel organs, each of which
forms one tooth
Tooth formation
Tooth formation begins in the sixth week of human development
when ectodermal epithelium lining the oral cavity begins to grow
into the underlying mesenchyme of the developing jaws. At a series
of sites corresponding to each future tooth, these epithelial cells
proliferate extensively and become organized as enamel organs,
each shaped rather like a wine glass with its stem initially still
attached to the oral lining. Ameloblasts form from the innermost
layer of cells in the enamel organ. Mesenchymal cells inside the
concave portion of the enamel organ include neural crest cells
which differentiate as the layer of odontoblasts with their apical
ends in contact with the apical ends of the ameloblasts.
Tooth formation
: When production of dentin and enamel
has begun, the enamel organ
appears as shown in this micrograph. The
ameloblast layer (A) is separated from the
outer enamel epithelium (OEE) by a thick
intervening region rich in GAGs
but having fewer, widely separated cells.
Surrounding the enamel organ is
mesenchyme, some parts of which begin
to undergo intramembranous bone
formation (B) and form the jaws. Inside
the cavity of each enamel organ,
mesenchymal cells comprise the dental
papilla (DP), in which the outermost cells
the layer of odontoblasts (O) facing the
ameloblasts. These two cell layers begin
to move apart as the odontoblasts begin
to produce the layer of predentin
(PD). Contact with dentin induces each
ameloblast to begin secretion of a rod or
prism of enamel matrix. More slowly
calcifying interprismatic enamel fuses all
the enamel rods into a very strong, solid
: Detail of an enamel organ at a later
stage showing the layers of predentin
(PD) and dentin (D) and a layer of
enamel (E), along with the organized cell
layers that produced this material.
Odontoblasts (O) are in contact with the
very cellular mesenchyme of the dental
papilla (DP) which will become the pulp
cavity. Ameloblasts (A) are prominent in
the now much thinner enamel organ,
which is very close to developing bone
(B). Details of these cell layers are
presented further. Enamel formation
continues until shortly before tooth
eruption; formation of dentin continues
after eruptionuntil the tooth is fully
formed. Odontoblasts persist around the
pulp cavity, with processes penetrating
the dental layer, producing factors to help
maintain dentin. Mesenchymal cells
immediately around the enamel organ
differentiate into the cells of cementum
and other periodontal tissues.
Tooth pulp consists of connective tissue
resembling mesenchyme. Its main components are
the layer of odontoblasts, many fibroblasts, thin
fibrils, and ground substance. Pulp is a highly
innervated and vascularized tissue. Blood vessels
and myelinated nerve fibers enter the apical
foramen and divide into numerous branches. Some
nerve fibers lose their myelin sheaths and extend
into the dentinal tubules. Pulp fibers are
sensitive to pain.
The periodontium comprises the structures responsible for maintaining the teeth in
the maxillary and mandibular bones. It consists of the cementum,
periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and gingiva.
Cementum covers the dentin of the root and is similar in composition to bone,
although osteons and blood vessels are absent. It is thicker in the apical
region around the root, where there are cementocytes, cells resembling
osteocytes, in lacunae. Unlike osteocytes, however, cementocytes do not
communicate via canaliculi and their nourishment comes from external tissues. Like
bone, cementum is labile and reacts to the stresses to which it is
subjected by resorbing old tissue or producing new tissue. Continuous production
of cementum in the apex compensates for the physiologic wear of the
teeth and maintains close contact between the roots of the teeth and their sockets.
In comparison with bone, the cementum has
lower metabolic activity because it is not
irrigated by blood vessels. This feature allows the
movement of teeth within alveolar bone by
orthodontic appliances without significant root
The periodontal ligament is connective tissue 150 to 350 m thick
with collagen fiber bundles connecting the cementum and the
alveolar bone of the tooth socket. It permits limited movement
of the tooth within the socket and the fibers are organized to
support the pressures exerted during mastication. This avoids
transmission of pressure directly to the bone which would cause
localized bone resorption. Unlike typical ligaments, it is highly
cellular and has a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves, giving
the periodontal ligament supportive, protective, sensory, and
nutritive functions.
Collagen of the periodontal ligament has an unusually high
turnover rate (as demonstrated by autoradiography) and a high
content of soluble collagens,
with the space between its fibers filled with glycosaminoglycans
Dental Pulp.
The periphery of the dental pulp
contains the organized odontoblasts
(O) contacting the surrounding dentin
(D). Centrally the pulp consists of
delicate, highly
cellular connective tissue resembling
undifferentiated mesenchyme but
with many thin-walled venules (V) and
capillaries. Pulp has reticulin fibers and
fine collagen fibers, with much ground
substance. Nerves fibers are also
present. The blood and nerve supplies
enter the pulp cavity via the apical
foramen at
the apex of the roots.
The gingiva is a mucous membrane firmly bound to the periosteum of the maxillary and
mandibular bones . It is composed of stratified
squamous epithelium and lamina propria with numerous connective tissue papillae. A
specialized part of this epithelium, named junctional epithelium, is
bound to the tooth enamel by means of a cuticle resembling a thick basal lamina. The
epithelial cells are attached to this cuticle by numerous
hemidesmosomes. Between the enamel and the epithelium is the gingival sulcus, a
groove up to 3 mm deep surrounding the neck
The alveolar bone is in immediate contact with the periodontal ligament, which serves as its
periosteum. It is primary (immature) bone, with the
collagen fibers not arranged in the typical lamellar pattern of adult bone. Many of the collagen fiber
bundles of the periodontal ligament penetrate this
bone and bind it to the cementum . The bone closest to the roots of the teeth forms the socket. Vessels
run through the alveolar bone and
penetrate the periodontal ligament along the root, with some vessels and nerves entering the pulp at
the apical foramen of each root.
The periodontium of
each tooth consists of the
cementum, periodontal
ligament, alveolar bone, and
gingiva. (a): Micrograph of
decalcified tooth showing
the gingiva. The free gingiva (FG)
is against the dentin (D), with
little of the gingival sulcus
apparent. Gingiva has many
layers of stratified epithelial cells
covering the connective tissue of
the lamina propria (LP). The
connective tissue is continuous
with that of the periosteum (P)
covering the alveolar bone (B)
with the periodontal ligament
(b): Micrograph shows the
periodontal ligament (L) with
its many blood vessels (V)
and insertions into the
alveolar bone (B). This
ligament serves as the
periosteum of the alveolar in
tooth sockets and is also
continuous with developing
layers of cementum (C) that
covers the dentin. Cementum
forms a thin layer
of bone-like material secreted
by large, elongated cells
called cementoblasts.
(c): Micrograph
shows the
continuity of
collagen fibers in
bone (B) with the
bundles in the
ligament (L). X200.
Picrosirius in
polarized light.
The part of the gastrointestinal tract called the esophagus is a muscular tube whose function is
to transport food from the mouth to the stomach. It is
lined by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with stem cells scattered throughout the
basal layer . In general, the esophagus has
the same major layers as the rest of the digestive tract. In the submucosa are groups of small
mucus-secreting glands, the esophageal glands,
secretions of which facilitate the transport of foodstuffs and protect the mucosa. In the lamina
propria of the region near the stomach are groups of glands,
the esophageal cardiac glands, which also secrete mucus.
(a): Longitudinal section of
esophagus shows mucosa
consisting of
nonkeratinized stratified
squamous epithelium (SS),
lamina propria (LP), and
muscles of the muscularis
mucosae (MM). Beneath
the mucosa is the
submucosa containing
esophageal mucous glands
(GL) which empty via ducts
(D) onto
the luminal surface.
(b): Transverse section
showing the muscularis
halfway along the esophagus
reveals a combination of
skeletal muscle (right)
and smooth muscle fibers
(left) in the outer layer, which
are cut both longitudinally
and transversely here. This
transition from muscles under
voluntary control
to the type controlled
autonomically is important in
the swallowing mechanism.
The stomach, like the small intestine, is a mixed exocrine-endocrine organ that digests food and
secretes hormones. It is a dilated segment of the
digestive tract whose main functions are to continue the digestion of carbohydrates initiated in
the mouth, add an acidic fluid to the ingested food,
transform it by muscular activity into a viscous mass (chyme), and promote the initial digestion of
proteins with the enzyme pepsin. It also produces a
gastric lipase that digests triglycerides . Gross inspection reveals four regions: cardia, fundus,
body, and pylorus . The fundus and body
are identical in microscopic structure so that only three histologically distinct regions are
recognized. The mucosa and submucosa of the empty stomach
have longitudinally directed folds known as rugae, which flatten when the stomach is filled with
food. The wall in all regions of the stomach is made up of
all four major layers
Wall of the stomach
with rugae.
Wall of the stomach with rugae.
Low magnification micrograph of
the stomach wall at the fundus
shows the relative thickness of the
four major layers: the mucosa (M),
the submucosa (SM),
the muscularis externa (ME), and
the serosa (S). Two rugae (folds) cut
transversely and consisting of
mucosa and submucosa are
included. The mucosa is
packed with branched tubular
glands penetrating the full thickness
of the lamina propria so that this
sublayer cannot be distinguished at
this magnification.
The muscularis mucosae (arrows),
immediately beneath the basal ends
of the gastric glands, is shown. The
submucosa is largely loose
connective tissue, with
blood vessels (V) and lymphatics
Changing abruptly at the esophago-gastric junction, the mucosa of the stomach consists of a
simple columnar surface epithelium that invaginates into
the lamina propria, forming gastric pitS. Emptying into the gastric pits are branched, tubular
glands characteristic of the
stomach region (cardiac, gastric, and pyloric). Stem cells for the entire epithelial lining of the
stomach are located in the upper regions of these glands
near the gastric pits. The vascularized lamina propria that surrounds and supports these pits
and glands contains smooth muscle fibers and lymphoid
cells. Separating the mucosa from the underlying submucosa is a layer of smooth muscle, the
muscularis mucosae
At the junction of the esophagus
(E) and the cardiac region of the
stomach (C) there is an abrupt
change in the mucosa from
stratified squamous epithelium to
simple columnar epithelium
invaginating as gastric pits (GP).
The mucosa contains many
mucus-secreting esophageal
cardiac glands (ECG), whose
function is
supplemented by mucous cardiac
glands (CG) opening into the
superficial gastric pits. Strands of
muscularis mucosae (arrow)
separate the mucosa and
submucosa (SM).
Digestive tube.
3. Digestive glands. Gall bladder.
Gastric pits
and glands.
(a): SEM of the
stomach lining
cleared of its
mucus layer
reveals closely
placed gastric pits
(P) surrounded by
polygonal apical
ends of surface
mucous cells.
Gastric pits
and glands.
(b): Micrograph of the same
lining shows that these
surface mucous cells are part
of a simple columnar
epithelium continuous with
the lining of the pits
(P). Each pit extends into the
lamina propria and then
branches into several tubular
glands. These glands branch
further, coil slightly, and fill
most of the
volume of the mucosa.
Around the glands, which
contain other cells besides
columnar cells, a small
amount of connective tissue
comprising the lamina propria
is also seen.
The cardia is a narrow circular region, only 1.5–3 cm in
width, at the transition between the esophagus and the
stomach . The pylorus is
the funnel-shaped region opening into the small
intestine. The mucosa of these two stomach regions
contains tubular glands, usually branched, with coiled
secretory portions called cardial glands and pyloric
glands . The pits leading to these glands are longer in
the pylorus. In both regions
the glands secrete abundant mucus, as well as lysozyme,
an enzyme that attacks bacterial walls.
Salivary Glands
These are the parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands, and
numerous small glands situated in the mucous membrane of the
lips (labial glands), cheeks (buccal glands), tongue (lingual glands),
and palate (palatine glands). Some salivary gland tissues may be
seen in the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. The secretions of
these glands help to keep the mouth moist, and provide a
protective and lubricant coat of mucous. Some enzymes (amylase,
lysozyme), and immunoglobulin IgA are also present in the
Salivary Glands
Salivary glands are compound tubulo-alveolar glands (racemose glands). Their
secretory elements (also referred to as end pieces or as the portio terminalis)
may be rounded (acini), pear shaped (alveoli), tubular, or a mixture of these
(tubulo-acinar, tubulo-alveolar). The secretory elements lead into a series of
ducts through which their secretions are poured into the oral cavity. In
sections through salivary glands we see a large number of closely packed
acini (or alveoli) with ducts scattered between them. These elements are
supported by connective tissue that also divides the glands into lobules, and
forms capsules around them. Blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves run in the
connective tissue that may at places contain some adipose tissue
The cells lining the alveoli of salivary glands are usually described either as serous
or mucous. In sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin serous cells stain
darkly (because of the presence of zymogen granules: the colour varies from pink
to dark purple). They have rounded nuclei that lie towards the base. In contrast
mucous cells stain very lightly and, therefore, appear empty. The cells are in fact
almost completely filled in by a mucoid material that stains very poorly Fig.
14.14). This material pushes the nuclei towards the basement membrane. The
nuclei are flattened. Further details of the structure of mucous and serous cells
are considered below
An alveolus is typically made up entirely of serous cells or of
mucous cells. However, in some cases mucous alveoli are covered
(on one or more sides) by groups of serous cells that are arranged
in the form of crescents or demilunes .In the parotid gland the
alveoli are almost entirely serous, only an occasional mucous
alveolus being present . In the submandibular gland some alveoli
are serous and some are mucous, the latter being frequently
capped by serous crescents . The sublingual glands are made up
predominantly of mucous alveoli, but a few serous demilunes may
be presen.
A secretory unit, or gland, with only one type of cell (serous or
mucous) is said to be homocrine. If it contains more than one
variety of cells it is said to be heterocrine. From what has been
said above it will be clear that all the three major salivary glands
are heterocrine.
Secretions produced in alveoli pass along a system of ducts,
different parts of which have differing structure. The smallest
ducts are called intercalated ducts. These are lined by cuboidal
or flattened cells.
Intercalated ducts open into striated ducts lined by columnar
cells. They are so called because the basal parts of the cells
show vertical striations. Striated ducts open into excretory ducts
that are lined by simple columnar epithelium.
Some Additional Details
1. Serous cells are usually arranged in the form of rounded acini. As a result each cell
is roughly pyramidal having a broad base (towards the basement membrane) and a
narrow apex (towards the lumen). Some microvilli and pinocytotic vesicles are seen at
the apex of the cell. The lumen of the acinus often extends for some distance
between adjacent cells: these extensions are called intercellular secretory canaliculi.
Deep to these canaliculi the cell membranes of adjoining cells are united by tight
junctions. Deep to these junctions, the lateral cell margins show folds that
interdigitate with those of adjoining cells. The apical cytoplasm contains secretory
granules that are small, homogeneous, and electron dense. The cytoplasm also
contains a prominent Golgi complex and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, both
features indicating considerable synthetic activity. Mitochondria, lysosomes, and
microfilaments are also present.
2. Mucous cells are usually arranged in the form of tubular secretory elements.
Cresents present in relation to them are located at the ends of the tubules. The cells lining
mucous cells tend to be columnar rather than pyramidal. Their secretory granules are large
and ill defined. Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex are similar to those in
serous cells, but microvilli, foldings of plasma membrane, and intercellular canaliculi are
not usually seen.
3. From the point of view of ultrastructure many cells of salivary glands are intermediate
between serous and mucous cells. They are referred to as seromucous cells. Most of the
cells identified as serous with light microscopy in the parotid and submandibular glands
are really seromucous. The secretions of all types of salivary secretory cells contain
protein-carbohydrate complexes. Their concentration is lowest in cases of serous cells, very
high in mucous cells, and with widely differing concentrations in seromucous cells.
4. We have seen that in the submandibular glands mucous acini are often capped by
serous demilunes. The serous cells of a demilune drain into the lumen of the acinus
through fine canaliculi passing through the intervals between mucous cells
Innervation of Salivary Glands
Secretion by salivary glands is under hormonal as well as neural control. A local hormone
plasmakinin formed by secretory cells influences vasodilation. Salivary glands are
innervated by autonomic nerves, both parasympathetic (cholinergic) and sympathetic
(adrenergic). Parasympathetic nerves travel to secretory elements along ducts, while
sympathetic nerves travel along arteries. Synaptic contacts between nerve terminals and
effector cells form neuro-effector junctions
Two types of junction, epilemmal and hypolemmal, are described. At epilemmal junctions
the nerve terminal is separated from the secretory or effector cell by the basal lamina. At
hypolemmal junctions the nerve terminal pierces the basal lamina and comes into direct
contact with the effector cell. Nerve impulses reaching one effector cell spread to others
through intercellular contacts. Classically, salivary secretion has been attributed to
parasympathetic stimulation. While this is true, it is believed that sympathetic nerves can
also excite secretion either directly, or by vasodilation. Autonomic nerves not only
stimulate secretion, but also appear to determine its viscosity and other characteristics.
Autonomic nerve terminals are also seen on myoepithelial cells and on cells lining the ducts
of salivary glands. The latter probably influence reabsorption of sodium by cells lining the
ducts. Salivary glands are sensitive to pain, and must therefore have a sensory innervation
as well.
5. Myoepithelial cells are present in relation to alveoli and intercalated ducts of salivary glands. They
may also be seen in relation to larger ducts (intralobular and extralobular). These cells lie between
the epithelial cells and their basement membrane. The myoepithelial cells located on alveoli are often
branched (stellate) and may form ‘baskets’ around the alveoli. Those located on the ducts are
fusiform and run longitudinally along them. With the EM myoepithelial cells are seen to contain the
usual organelles. In addition they have conspicuous filaments that resemble myofilaments of smooth
muscle cells. These filaments are numerous in processes arising from the cell. Cilia are present on
some myoepithelial cells. It has been suggested that the cilia may subserve a sensory or
chemoreceptor function. Myoepithelial cells are contractile, their contraction helping to squeeze out
secretion from alveoli. The cells receive an autonomic innervation (details of which are controversial).
6. The cells lining the striated ducts show an interesting ultrastructure. Their basal
striations are seen to be due to the presence of numerous deep infoldings of the basal
parts of the cell membranes. Numerous elongated mitochondria are present in the
intervals between the folds. Similar cells are also present scattered in the epithelium
of the excretory ducts. These cells are believed to play a role in regulating the water
and electrolyte content of saliva to make it hypotonic. Immunoglobulin A, produced
by plasma cells lying subjacent to the epithelium, passes into saliva through the cells
lining the striated ducts.
The pyloric region of the stomach
has deep gastric pits (P) leading to
short, coiled pyloric glands (G) in
the lamina propria. Cardial glands
are rather similar
histologically and functionally.
Cells of these glands secrete
mucus and lysozyme primarily,
with a few G cells also present.
The glands and pits are
by cells of the lamina propria (LP),
connective tissue also containing
lymphatics and MALT.
Immediately beneath the glands
is the smooth muscle layer of the
muscularis mucos
In the fundus and body, the mucosa's lamina propria is filled
with branched, tubular gastricglands, three to seven of which
open into the bottom of
each gastric pit. Each gastric gland has an isthmus, a neck, and a
base; the distribution of epithelial cells in the glands is not
uniform . The isthmus, near the gastric pit, contains
differentiating mucous cells that migrate and replace surface
mucous cells, a few undifferentiated stem
cells, and a few parietal (oxyntic) cells; the neck of the glands
consists of stem cells, mucous neck cells (different from the
isthmus mucous cells), and
parietal cells; the base of the glands contains parietal cells and
chief (zymogenic) cells. Various enteroendocrine cells are
dispersed in the
neck and the base of the glands.
These cells of the gastric glands
provide key stomach functions.
Important properties of each are as
•Mucous neck cells are present in clusters or as single
cells between parietal cells in the necks of gastric
glands . They are irregular in shape, with the nucleus
at the base of the cell and the secretory granules near
the apical surface. Their mucus secretion is less
alkaline and quite different from that of the surface
epithelial mucous cells.
These cells of the gastric glands provide
key stomach functions. Important
properties of each are as follows:
Parietal cells are present mainly in the upper half of gastric glands, with fewer in the
base. They are large rounded or pyramidal cells, each with one central spherical
nucleus and cytoplasm that is intensely eosinophilic due to the high density of
mitochondria. A striking feature of the active secreting cell seen in the electron
microscope is a deep, circular invagination of the apical plasma membrane, forming
an intracellular canaliculus. Parietal cells secrete both hydrochloric acid (HCl) and
intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein required for uptake of vitamin B12 in the small
intestine. Carbonic anhydrase produces H2CO3 which dissociates in the cytoplasm
into H+ and HCO3 . The active cell also releases K+ and Cl– and the Cl– ions combine
with H+ to form HCl. The abundant mitochondria provide energy for the ion pumps
located mainly in the extensive cell membrane of the microvilli projecting into the
Secretory activity of parietal cells is stimulated both through cholinergic nerve
endings (parasympathetic stimulation) and by histamine and a
polypeptide called gastrin, both secreted by local enteroendocrine cells.
Lamina Propria through Serosa
The lamina propria of the small intestine is composed of loose
connective tissue with blood and lymph vessels, nerve fibers,
and smooth muscle cells. The
lamina propria penetrates the core of each intestinal villus,
bringing with it microvasculature, lymphatics, and. Smooth
muscle fibers inside the villi are responsible for their rhythmic
movements, which are important for efficient absorption. The
muscularis mucosae also
produces local movements of the villi and plicae circulares.
Microvasculature, lymphatics, and muscle in villi
The proximal part of the duodenum has, primarily in its
submucosa but extending into the mucosa, large clusters of
branched tubular mucous glands, the
duodenal (or Brunner) glands, with small excretory ducts
opening among the intestinal crypts . The product of the
glands is distinctly
alkaline (pH 8.1–9.3), which neutralizes chyme entering the
duodenum from the pylorus, protecting the mucous membrane
and bringing the intestinal
contents to the optimum pH for pancreatic enzyme action. In
the ileum both the lamina propria and submucosa contain the
lymphoid nodule aggregates known as Peyer patches, an
important component of the MAL
(Brunner) glands.
Concentrated mainly in the upper
duodenum are large masses of
compound branched mucous glands,
the duodenal glands (DG), with many
lobules that
occupy much of the submucosa and
may extend above the muscularis
mucosae (MM) into the mucosa. Many
small excretory ducts (D) extend from
lobules through the lamina propria
and empty into the lumen among the
small intestinal crypts (IC). Alkaline
mucus from duodenal glands
neutralizes the pH
of material entering the duodenum
and supplements the mucus from
goblet cells in lubricating and
protecting the lining of the small
The large intestine or bowel consists of a mucosal membrane with no
folds except in its distal (rectal) portion and no villi . The mucosa is
penetrated throughout its area by tubular intestinal glands lined by
goblet and absorptive cells, with a small number of enteroendocrine cells
. The absorptive cells or colonocytes are columnar and have short,
irregular microvilli.Stem cells for the epithelium of
the large bowel are located in the bottom third of each gland. The large
intestine is well suited to its main functions: absorption of water,
formation of the
fecal mass from undigestible material, and production of mucus that
lubricates the intestinal surface.
Anterior view of the large intestine with the proximal end exposed shows the ileocecal valve
at its attachment to the ileum, along with the blind sac called the
cecum and its extension, the appendix. The mucosa has shallow plicae but no villi. The
muscularis has two layers, but the outer longitudinal layer consists only
of three distinct bundles of muscle fibers called taeniae coli (ribbons of the colon). These
bands cause the colon wall to form a series of sacs called haustra.
The serosa of the colon is continuous with that of the supporting mesenteries and displays a
series of suspended masses of adipose tissue called omental
(b): At the distal end of the
rectum, the anal canal, the
mucosa and submucosa are
highly vascularized, with
venous sinuses, and are
folded as a series of
longitudinal anal folds with
intervening anal sinuses. Fecal
material accumulates in the
rectum is eliminated by
muscular contraction,
including action of an
internal anal sphincter of
smooth (involuntary) muscle
and an external sphincter of
striated (voluntary) muscle.
Wall of the large intestine.
a): Diagram showing the wall of the large intestine composed of the
four typical layers.
(b): The mucosa is occupied mostly by tubular intestinal glands
extending as deep as the muscularis mucosae and by lamina propria rich
in MALT. The submucosa is well vascularized. The muscularis has a typical
circular layer, but the outer longitudinal muscle is only present in three
equally spaced bands, the taeniae col
The Anal Canal
The anal canal is about 4 cm long. The upper 3 cm
are lined by mucous membrane, and the lower 1 cm
by skin. The area lined by mucous membrane can be
further divided into an upper part (15 mm) and a
lower part (15 mm).
The mucous membrane of the upper 15 mm of the canal is lined by columnar epithelium. The
mucous membrane of this part shows six to twelve longitudinal folds that are called the anal
columns. The lower ends of the anal columns are united to each other by short transverse
folds called the anal valves. The anal valves together form a transverse line that runs all round
the anal canal: this is the pectinate line. The mucous membrane of the next 15 mm of the
rectum is lined by non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium. This region does not have
anal columns. The mucosa has a bluish
appearance because of the presence of a dense venous plexus between it and the muscle
coat. This region is called the pecten or transitional zone. The lower limit of the pecten forms
the white line (of Hilton). The lowest 8 to 10 mm of the anal canal are lined by true skin in
which hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands are present.
Above each anal valve there is a depression called the anal sinus. Atypical
(apocrine) sweat glands open into each sinus. They are called the anal (or
circumanal) glands. The anal canal is surrounded by circular and longitudinal
layers of muscle continuous with those of the rectum. The circular muscle is
thickened to form the internal anal sphincter. Outside the layer of smooth
muscle, there is the external anal sphincter that is made up of striated muscle.
For further details of the anal musculature see a book on gross anatomy.
Prominent venous plexuses are present in the submucosa of the anal canal. The
internal haemorrhoidal plexus lies above the level of the pectinate line, while
the external haemorrhoidal plexus lies near the lower end of the canal.
Mucosa of the
large intestine
(a): Transverse section of
the colon shows the
muscularis externa (ME),
including a taenia coli cut
transversely in the lower
part of the figure, the
(S), the mucosa (M) filled
with tubular intestinal
glands. Some of these
glands are cut
longitudinally, but most
seen here are cut
Mucosa of the large
intestine (colon).
Transversely cut glands are
seen to consist of simple
columnar epithelium
surrounded a tubular
lumen (asterisk) and
embedded in lamina
propria (LP) with
many free lymphocytes.
Lymphocytes can also be
seen penetrating the
epithelium (arrow).
Mucosa of the large
intestine (colon).
(c): Longitudinal
section of one gland
stained for
glycoproteins shows
mucus in the lumen
and two major cell
types in the
epithelium: goblet
cells (G) and other
columnar cells
specialized for water
X400. PAS.
Mucosa of the large
intestine (colon).
(d): TEM micrograph of
the absorptive cells, called
colonocytes, reveals short
microvilli at their apical
ends, prominent Golgi
complexes above the
nuclei, and dilated
intercellular spaces with
interdigitating leaflets of
cell membrane (L), a sign
of active water transport.
The absorption of water is
following the active
transport of sodium from
the basolateral surfaces of
the epithelial cells
Near the beginning of the large intestine, the appendix is an
evagination of the cecum. It is characterized by a relatively
small and irregular lumen,
shorter and less dense tubular glands, and no taeniae coli.
Although it has no function in digestion, the appendix is a
significant component of the MALT,
with abundant lymphoid follicles in its wall
A blind evagination off
the cecum, the
appendix, has a very
small lumen, fewer
glands in its mucosa,
and no taeniae coli.
The laminar propria
and submucosa
are generally filled
with lymphocytes and
lymphoid follicles,
making the appendix a
significant part of the
Because the appendix is a closed sac and its contents are
relatively static, it can easily become a site of
inflammation (appendicitis). With the
small lumen and relatively thin wall of the appendix,
inflammation and the growth of lymphoid follicles in the
wall can produce swelling that can
lead to bursting of the appendix. Severe appendicitis is a
medical emergency since a burst appendix will produce
infection of the peritoneal cavity.
In the anal region, the mucous membrane forms a series of longitudinal folds, the anal
columns. About two cm above the anal opening,
at the recto-anal junction, the lining of the mucosa is replaced by stratified squamous
epithelium. In this region, the lamina propria
contains a plexus of large veins that, when excessively dilated and varicose, can produce
Mucosa of the recto-anal
The simple columnar
epithelium with tubular
glands that lines the
rectum (left side) changes
abruptly to stratified
squamous epithelium in
the anal canal (right
side), as seen in this
longitudinal section. The
connective tissue of the
lamina propria is seen to
contain many free
lymphocytes. X40. H&E.
Biliary tract and gall bladder.
Bile leaves the liver in the left and right hepatic ducts, which merge (1) to form the
common hepatic duct, which connects to the cystic duct serving the gall bladder.
The latter two ducts merge (2) to form a common bile duct. The main pancreatic duct
merges with the common bile duct at the hepatopancreatic ampulla (3) which enters the
wall of the duodenum. Bile and pancreatic juices together are secreted from the major
duodenal papilla (of Vater) into the duodenal lumen (4). All these
ducts carrying bile are lined by cuboidal or low columnar cells called cholangiocytes,
similar to those of the small bile ductules in the liver.
The hepatic, cystic, and common bile ducts are lined with a mucous membrane having a
simple columnar epithelium of cholangiocytes. The lamina propria and
submucosa are relatively thin, with mucous glands in some areas of the cystic duct, and
surrounded by a thin muscularis. This muscle layer becomes thicker near
the duodenum and finally, in the portion within the duodenal wall, forms a sphincter that
regulates bile flow.
The gallbladder is a small organ that stores
bile. It is attached to your digestive system by
a system of hollow ducts called the biliary
tree. The gallbladder sits in an indenture
underneath the right lobe of the liver.
The hepatic, cystic, and common bile ducts are lined with a mucous membrane having a simple
columnar epithelium of cholangiocytes. The lamina propria and
submucosa are relatively thin, with mucous glands in some areas of the cystic duct, and
surrounded by a thin muscularis. This muscle layer becomes thicker near
the duodenum and finally, in the portion within the duodenal wall, forms a sphincter that
regulates bile flow.
Most malignant tumors of the liver derive from hepatocytes or
cholangiocytes of the hepatic ducts. The pathogenesis of liver
carcinoma is associated with a
variety of acquired disorders, such as chronic viral hepatitis (B or C)
and cirrhosis. In the exocrine pancreas, most tumors also arise from
duct epithelial
cells; the mortality rate from pancreatic tumors is high.
The gallbladder is a saclike structure
that stores and concentrates bile, and
releases it into the duodenum after a
(a): Its wall consists largely of a highly
mucosa, with a simple columnar
epithelium (arrows) overlying a typical
lamina propria (LP); a muscularis (M)
with bundles of muscle fibers oriented
in all directions to
facilitate emptying of the organ; an
external adventitia (A) where it is
against the liver and a serosa where it
is exposed
(b): TEM of the epithelium
cells specialized for water
uptake across apical
microvilli (MV) and release
into the intercellular
spaces (arrows) along the
folded basolateral cell
membranes. Abundant
mitochondria provide the
energy for this pumping
process. Scattered apical
secretory granules (G)
contain mucus. X5600.

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Digestive System Anatomy and Functions

  • 1. 1. Digestive system. Oral cavity. Teeth. 2. Digestive system. Digestive tube. 3. Digestive glands. Gall bladder. Presented by Dr. Mazhar Hussain 2020
  • 2. The digestive system consists of the digestive tract—oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, and anus—and its associated glands—salivary glands, liver, and pancreas . Its function is to obtain from ingested food the molecules necessary for the maintenance, growth, and energy needs of the body. Macromolecules such as proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, and nucleic acids are broken down into small molecules that are more easily absorbed through the lining of the digestive tract, mostly in the small intestine. Water, vitamins, and minerals from ingested food are also absorbed. In addition, the inner layer of the digestive tract is a protective barrier between the content of the tract's lumen and the internal milieu of the body.
  • 3. The digestive system consists of the tract from the mouth (oral cavity) to the anus, as well as the digestive glands emptying into this tract, primarily the salivary glands, liver, and pancreas. The first step in digestion occurs in the mouth, where food is moistened by saliva and ground by the teeth into smaller pieces; saliva also initiates the breakdown of carbohydrates. Digestion continues in the stomach and small intestine, where the food's basic components (eg, amino acids, monosaccharides, free fatty acids) are absorbed. Water absorption occurs in the large intestine, causing undigested material to become semisolid.
  • 4. Major layers and organization of the digestive tract. • GENERAL STRUCTURE OF THE DIGESTIVE TRACT The entire gastrointestinal tract has certain common structural characteristics. It is a hollow tube with a lumen of variable diameter and a wall made up of four main layers: the mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, and serosa. The structure of these layers is summarized below and is illustrated for the small intestine
  • 5. Major layers and organization of the digestive tract.
  • 6. The mucosa comprises an epithelial lining; an underlying lamina propria of loose connective tissue rich in blood vessels, lymphatics, lymphocytes and smooth muscle cells, sometimes also containing glands; and a thin layer of smooth muscle called the muscularis mucosae usually separating mucosa from submucosa. The mucosa is frequently called a mucous membrane The submucosa contains denser connective tissue with many blood and lymph vessels and the submucosal plexus of autonomic nerves. It may also contain glands and lymphoid tissue. The thick muscularis is composed of smooth muscle cells that are spirally oriented and divided into two sublayers. In the internal sublayer (closer to the lumen), the orientation is generally circular; in the external sublayer, it is mostly longitudinal. In the connective tissue between the muscle sublayers are blood and lymph vessels, as well as another autonomic myenteric nerve plexus. This and the submucosal plexus together comprise the local enteric nervous system of the digestive tract, containing largely autonomic neurons functioning independently of the central nervous system (CNS). The serosa is a thin layer of loose connective tissue, rich in blood vessels, lymphatics, and adipose tissue, with a simple squamous covering epithelium (mesothelium)
  • 7. The main functions of the digestive tract's epithelial lining are to: •Provide a selectively permeable barrier between the contents of the tract and the tissues of the body, •Facilitate the transport and digestion of food, •Promote the absorption of the products of this digestion, •Produce hormones that affect the activity of the digestive system, •Produce mucus for lubrication and protection.
  • 8. MEDICAL APPLICATION • In certain diseases, such as Hirschsprung disease (congenital megacolon) or Chagas disease (Trypanosoma cruzi infection), the plexuses in the digestive tract are severely injured and most of their neurons are destroyed. This results in disturbances of digestive tract motility, with frequent dilatations in some areas. The abundant innervation from the autonomic nervous system that the digestive tract receives provides an anatomic explanation of the widely observed action of emotional stress on this tract.
  • 9. ORAL CAVITY The oral cavity is lined with stratified squamous epithelium, keratinized or nonkeratinized, depending on the region. The keratin layer protects the oral mucosa from damage during masticatory function and is best developed on the gingiva (gum) and hard palate. The lamina propria in these regions has many papillae and rests directly on bony tissue. Nonkeratinized squamous epithelium covers the soft palate, lips, cheeks, and the floor of the mouth. Surface cells are shed continuously and replaced by progeny of stem cells in the basal epithelial layer. The lamina propria has papillae similar to those in the dermis of the skin and is continuous with a submucosa containing diffuse small salivary glands. The soft palate also has a core of skeletal muscle and lymphoid nodules. In the lips, there is also striated muscle and a transition from the oral nonkeratinized epithelium to the keratinized epithelium of the skin
  • 10. • Lip. Low-magnification micrograph of a lip section showing one side covered by typical oral mucosa (OM), the opposite side covered by skin (S) containing hair follicles (F) and associated glands. Between the oral portion of the lips and normal skin is the vermilion (V), or the vermilion zone, where epidermis is very thin, lightly keratinized, and transparent to blood in the rich microvasculature of the underlying connective tissue. Because this region lacks the glands for oil and sweat, it is prone to excessive dryness and chapping in cold, dry weather. Internally, the lips contain much-striated muscle (M) and many minor salivary glands
  • 11. Teeth In the adult human there are normally 32 permanent teeth, arranged in two bilaterally symmetric arches in the maxillary and mandibular bones . Each quadrant has eight teeth: two incisors, one canine, two premolars, and three permanent molars. Twenty of the permanent teeth are preceded by deciduous (baby) teeth which are shed; the others are permanent molars with no deciduous precursors. Each tooth has a crown exposed above the gingiva, a constricted neck at the gum, and one or more roots below the gingiva that hold the teeth in bony sockets called alveoli, one for each tooth
  • 12. : The dentition of the permanent teeth is shown, as well as the approximate age at eruption for each tooth.
  • 13. : Diagram of a molar's internal structure is similar to that of all teeth, with an enamel-covered crown, cementum-covered roots anchoring the tooth to alveolar bone of the jaw, and a slightly constricted neck where the enamel and cementum coverings meet at the gingiva. A pulp cavity extends into the neck and is filled with well-vascularized, well-innervated mesenchymal connective tissue. Blood vessels and nerves enter the tooth through apical foramina at the root tips.
  • 14. THE CROWN • The crown is covered by the extremely hard enamel and the roots by a bone-like tissue called cementum. These two coverings meet at the neck of the tooth. The bulk of a tooth is composed of another calcified material, dentin, which surrounds a soft connective tissue-filled space known as the pulp cavity .The pulp cavity narrows in the roots as the root canals, which extend to the tip of each root, where an opening (apical foramen) permits the entrance and exit of blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves of the pulp cavity. The periodontal ligaments are fibrous connective tissue bundles of collagen fibers inserted into both the cementum and alveolar bone, fixing the tooth firmly in its bony socket (alveolus).
  • 15. DENTIN Dentin is a calcified tissue consisting of 70% calcium hydroxyapatite, making it harder than bone. The organic matrix contains type I collagen fibers and glycosaminoglycans secreted by odontoblasts, tall polarized cells that line the tooth's internal pulp cavity . Mineralization of the predentin matrix involves matrix vesicles in a process similar to that in osteoid . Long, slender apical odontoblast processes lie within dentinal tubules which penetrate the full thickness of the dentin, gradually becoming longer as the dentin becomes thicker. Along their length the processes extend fine branches into smaller lateral branches of the tubules Odontoblasts remain active in predentin secretion into adult life, gradually reducing the size of the pulp cavity.
  • 16. Dentin and odontoblasts. (a): Odontoblasts (O) are long polarized cells derived from mesenchyme of the developing pulp cavity (PC). Odontoblasts are specialized for collagen and GAG synthesis and are bound together by junctional complexes as a layer, with no basal lamina, so that a collagen-rich matrix called predentin (P) is secreted only from their apical ends at the dentinal surface. Within approximately one day of secretion predentin mineralizes to become dentin (D) as hydroxyapatite crystals form in a process similar to that occurring in osteoid of developing bones. In this process the collagen is masked and calcified matrix becomes much more acidophilic and stains quite differently than that of predentin. When predentin secretion begins an apical extension from each cell, the odontoblast process (OP), forms and is surrounded by new matrix. As the dentin-predentin layer thickens, these processes lengthen. When tooth formation is complete odontoblasts persist and their processes are maintained in canals called dentinal tubules which run through the full thickness of the dentin. X400. Mallory trichrome from M.F. Santos, Department of Histology and Embryology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil.)
  • 17.
  • 18. . (b, c): Odontoblast processes can be silver-stained and shown to branch near the junction of dentin with enamel (E) and along their length closer to their source (c), with the lateral branches occupying smaller canaliculi within dentin.
  • 19. (d): These odontoblast process (OP) connections to the odontoblasts (O), shown with stained nuclei here, are important for the maintenance of dentin in adult teeth. X400. Mallory trichrome, c and d used, with permission, from M.F. Santos, Department of Histology and Embryology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil.)
  • 20. Ultrastructure of dentinal tubule. shows the calcification of dentin (D) at its border with not-yet- calcified predentin (P). An odontoblast process (OP) with microtubules and a few secretory vesicles occupies much of the space (S) in the dentinal tubule. A process extends from each odontoblast and the tubules continue completely across the dentin layer. X32,000.
  • 21. (b): Cross-section of an odontoblast process (OP) near predentin (P) shows its close association with an unmyelinated nerve fiber (N) extending there from fibers in the pulp cavity. These nerves respond to various stimuli, such as cold temperatures, reaching the nerve fibers through the dentinal tubules.
  • 22. Teeth are sensitive to stimuli such as cold, heat, and acidic pH, all of which can be perceived as pain. Pulp is highly innervated and some unmyelinated nerve fibers extend into the dental tubules near the pulp cavity. The different stimuli can affect fluid inside dentinal tubules, stimulating these nerve fibers located near odontoblast processes.
  • 23. Enamelis the hardest component of the human body, consisting of nearly 98% hydroxyapatite and the rest organic material including at least two unique proteins, amelogenin and enamelin, but no collagen. Other ions, such as fluoride, can be incorporated or adsorbed by the hydroxyapatite crystals; enamel containing fluorapatite is more resistant to acidic dissolution caused by microorganisms, hence the addition of fluoride to toothpaste and water supplies. Enamel consists of interlocking rods or columns, enamel rods (prisms), bound together by other enamel. Each rod extends through the entire thickness of the enamel layer; the precise arrangement of rods in groups is very important for enamel's strength and mechanical properties.
  • 24. Ameloblasts and enamel. Ameloblasts (A) are tall polarized cells whose apical ends initially contact dentin (D). Ameloblasts are joined to form a cell layer surrounded basally by connective tissue (CT). As odontoblasts secrete predentin, ameloblasts secrete a matrix lacking collagens, but rich in a few glycoproteins which quickly initiate calcium hydroxyapatite formation to make enamel (E), the hardest material in the body. Enamel forms a layer, but consists of enamel rods or prisms, solidly fused together by more enamel. Each enamel rod represents the product of one ameloblast. No cellular processes occur in enamel and the layer of ameloblasts surrounding the developing crown is completely lost during tooth eruption. Teeth that have been decalcified for histological sectioning typically lose their enamel layer completely.
  • 25. Ameloblasts and enamel. :Micrograph of a thin preparation of a tooth prepared by grinding. Fine tubules can be observed in the dentin (D) and rods aligned the same way can be faintly observed (arrows) in the enamel (E). The more prominent lines that cross enamel diagonally represent incremental growth lines produced as the enamel matrix was secreted cyclically by the ameloblast layer
  • 26. Enamel • Enamel is produced by cells of ectodermal origin, whereas most of the other structures of teeth derive from mesodermal and neural crest cells. Together these cells produce a series of structures around the developing oral cavity, the enamel organs, each of which forms one tooth
  • 27. Tooth formation Tooth formation begins in the sixth week of human development when ectodermal epithelium lining the oral cavity begins to grow into the underlying mesenchyme of the developing jaws. At a series of sites corresponding to each future tooth, these epithelial cells proliferate extensively and become organized as enamel organs, each shaped rather like a wine glass with its stem initially still attached to the oral lining. Ameloblasts form from the innermost layer of cells in the enamel organ. Mesenchymal cells inside the concave portion of the enamel organ include neural crest cells which differentiate as the layer of odontoblasts with their apical ends in contact with the apical ends of the ameloblasts.
  • 28. Tooth formation : When production of dentin and enamel has begun, the enamel organ appears as shown in this micrograph. The ameloblast layer (A) is separated from the outer enamel epithelium (OEE) by a thick intervening region rich in GAGs but having fewer, widely separated cells. Surrounding the enamel organ is mesenchyme, some parts of which begin to undergo intramembranous bone formation (B) and form the jaws. Inside the cavity of each enamel organ, mesenchymal cells comprise the dental papilla (DP), in which the outermost cells are the layer of odontoblasts (O) facing the ameloblasts. These two cell layers begin to move apart as the odontoblasts begin to produce the layer of predentin (PD). Contact with dentin induces each ameloblast to begin secretion of a rod or prism of enamel matrix. More slowly calcifying interprismatic enamel fuses all the enamel rods into a very strong, solid mass.
  • 29. Tooth formation : Detail of an enamel organ at a later stage showing the layers of predentin (PD) and dentin (D) and a layer of enamel (E), along with the organized cell layers that produced this material. Odontoblasts (O) are in contact with the very cellular mesenchyme of the dental papilla (DP) which will become the pulp cavity. Ameloblasts (A) are prominent in the now much thinner enamel organ, which is very close to developing bone (B). Details of these cell layers are presented further. Enamel formation continues until shortly before tooth eruption; formation of dentin continues after eruptionuntil the tooth is fully formed. Odontoblasts persist around the pulp cavity, with processes penetrating the dental layer, producing factors to help maintain dentin. Mesenchymal cells immediately around the enamel organ differentiate into the cells of cementum and other periodontal tissues.
  • 30. Tooth pulp consists of connective tissue resembling mesenchyme. Its main components are the layer of odontoblasts, many fibroblasts, thin collagen fibrils, and ground substance. Pulp is a highly innervated and vascularized tissue. Blood vessels and myelinated nerve fibers enter the apical foramen and divide into numerous branches. Some nerve fibers lose their myelin sheaths and extend into the dentinal tubules. Pulp fibers are sensitive to pain.
  • 31. PERIODONTIUM The periodontium comprises the structures responsible for maintaining the teeth in the maxillary and mandibular bones. It consists of the cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and gingiva. Cementum covers the dentin of the root and is similar in composition to bone, although osteons and blood vessels are absent. It is thicker in the apical region around the root, where there are cementocytes, cells resembling osteocytes, in lacunae. Unlike osteocytes, however, cementocytes do not communicate via canaliculi and their nourishment comes from external tissues. Like bone, cementum is labile and reacts to the stresses to which it is subjected by resorbing old tissue or producing new tissue. Continuous production of cementum in the apex compensates for the physiologic wear of the teeth and maintains close contact between the roots of the teeth and their sockets.
  • 32. MEDICAL APPLICATION In comparison with bone, the cementum has lower metabolic activity because it is not irrigated by blood vessels. This feature allows the movement of teeth within alveolar bone by orthodontic appliances without significant root resorption.
  • 33. The periodontal ligament is connective tissue 150 to 350 m thick with collagen fiber bundles connecting the cementum and the alveolar bone of the tooth socket. It permits limited movement of the tooth within the socket and the fibers are organized to support the pressures exerted during mastication. This avoids transmission of pressure directly to the bone which would cause localized bone resorption. Unlike typical ligaments, it is highly cellular and has a rich supply of blood vessels and nerves, giving the periodontal ligament supportive, protective, sensory, and nutritive functions. Collagen of the periodontal ligament has an unusually high turnover rate (as demonstrated by autoradiography) and a high content of soluble collagens, with the space between its fibers filled with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs).
  • 34. Dental Pulp. The periphery of the dental pulp contains the organized odontoblasts (O) contacting the surrounding dentin (D). Centrally the pulp consists of delicate, highly cellular connective tissue resembling undifferentiated mesenchyme but with many thin-walled venules (V) and capillaries. Pulp has reticulin fibers and other fine collagen fibers, with much ground substance. Nerves fibers are also present. The blood and nerve supplies enter the pulp cavity via the apical foramen at the apex of the roots.
  • 35. The gingiva is a mucous membrane firmly bound to the periosteum of the maxillary and mandibular bones . It is composed of stratified squamous epithelium and lamina propria with numerous connective tissue papillae. A specialized part of this epithelium, named junctional epithelium, is bound to the tooth enamel by means of a cuticle resembling a thick basal lamina. The epithelial cells are attached to this cuticle by numerous hemidesmosomes. Between the enamel and the epithelium is the gingival sulcus, a groove up to 3 mm deep surrounding the neck The alveolar bone is in immediate contact with the periodontal ligament, which serves as its periosteum. It is primary (immature) bone, with the collagen fibers not arranged in the typical lamellar pattern of adult bone. Many of the collagen fiber bundles of the periodontal ligament penetrate this bone and bind it to the cementum . The bone closest to the roots of the teeth forms the socket. Vessels run through the alveolar bone and penetrate the periodontal ligament along the root, with some vessels and nerves entering the pulp at the apical foramen of each root.
  • 36. The periodontium of each tooth consists of the cementum, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone, and gingiva. (a): Micrograph of decalcified tooth showing the gingiva. The free gingiva (FG) is against the dentin (D), with little of the gingival sulcus apparent. Gingiva has many layers of stratified epithelial cells covering the connective tissue of the lamina propria (LP). The connective tissue is continuous with that of the periosteum (P) covering the alveolar bone (B) and with the periodontal ligament (PL).
  • 37. Periodontium. (b): Micrograph shows the periodontal ligament (L) with its many blood vessels (V) and insertions into the alveolar bone (B). This ligament serves as the periosteum of the alveolar in tooth sockets and is also continuous with developing layers of cementum (C) that covers the dentin. Cementum forms a thin layer of bone-like material secreted by large, elongated cells called cementoblasts.
  • 38. Periodontium. (c): Micrograph shows the continuity of collagen fibers in alveolar bone (B) with the bundles in the periodontal ligament (L). X200. Picrosirius in polarized light.
  • 39. ESOPHAGUS The part of the gastrointestinal tract called the esophagus is a muscular tube whose function is to transport food from the mouth to the stomach. It is lined by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with stem cells scattered throughout the basal layer . In general, the esophagus has the same major layers as the rest of the digestive tract. In the submucosa are groups of small mucus-secreting glands, the esophageal glands, secretions of which facilitate the transport of foodstuffs and protect the mucosa. In the lamina propria of the region near the stomach are groups of glands, the esophageal cardiac glands, which also secrete mucus.
  • 40. ESOPHAGUS (a): Longitudinal section of esophagus shows mucosa consisting of nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium (SS), lamina propria (LP), and smooth muscles of the muscularis mucosae (MM). Beneath the mucosa is the submucosa containing esophageal mucous glands (GL) which empty via ducts (D) onto the luminal surface.
  • 41. ESOPHAGUS (b): Transverse section showing the muscularis halfway along the esophagus reveals a combination of skeletal muscle (right) and smooth muscle fibers (left) in the outer layer, which are cut both longitudinally and transversely here. This transition from muscles under voluntary control to the type controlled autonomically is important in the swallowing mechanism.
  • 42. STOMACH The stomach, like the small intestine, is a mixed exocrine-endocrine organ that digests food and secretes hormones. It is a dilated segment of the digestive tract whose main functions are to continue the digestion of carbohydrates initiated in the mouth, add an acidic fluid to the ingested food, transform it by muscular activity into a viscous mass (chyme), and promote the initial digestion of proteins with the enzyme pepsin. It also produces a gastric lipase that digests triglycerides . Gross inspection reveals four regions: cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus . The fundus and body are identical in microscopic structure so that only three histologically distinct regions are recognized. The mucosa and submucosa of the empty stomach have longitudinally directed folds known as rugae, which flatten when the stomach is filled with food. The wall in all regions of the stomach is made up of all four major layers
  • 44. Wall of the stomach with rugae. Wall of the stomach with rugae. Low magnification micrograph of the stomach wall at the fundus shows the relative thickness of the four major layers: the mucosa (M), the submucosa (SM), the muscularis externa (ME), and the serosa (S). Two rugae (folds) cut transversely and consisting of mucosa and submucosa are included. The mucosa is packed with branched tubular glands penetrating the full thickness of the lamina propria so that this sublayer cannot be distinguished at this magnification. The muscularis mucosae (arrows), immediately beneath the basal ends of the gastric glands, is shown. The submucosa is largely loose connective tissue, with blood vessels (V) and lymphatics
  • 45. Mucosa Changing abruptly at the esophago-gastric junction, the mucosa of the stomach consists of a simple columnar surface epithelium that invaginates into the lamina propria, forming gastric pitS. Emptying into the gastric pits are branched, tubular glands characteristic of the stomach region (cardiac, gastric, and pyloric). Stem cells for the entire epithelial lining of the stomach are located in the upper regions of these glands near the gastric pits. The vascularized lamina propria that surrounds and supports these pits and glands contains smooth muscle fibers and lymphoid cells. Separating the mucosa from the underlying submucosa is a layer of smooth muscle, the muscularis mucosae
  • 46. Esophagogastric junction At the junction of the esophagus (E) and the cardiac region of the stomach (C) there is an abrupt change in the mucosa from stratified squamous epithelium to simple columnar epithelium invaginating as gastric pits (GP). The mucosa contains many mucus-secreting esophageal cardiac glands (ECG), whose function is supplemented by mucous cardiac glands (CG) opening into the superficial gastric pits. Strands of muscularis mucosae (arrow) separate the mucosa and submucosa (SM).
  • 47. Digestive tube. 3. Digestive glands. Gall bladder.
  • 48. Gastric pits and glands. (a): SEM of the stomach lining cleared of its mucus layer reveals closely placed gastric pits (P) surrounded by polygonal apical ends of surface mucous cells.
  • 49. Gastric pits and glands. (b): Micrograph of the same lining shows that these surface mucous cells are part of a simple columnar epithelium continuous with the lining of the pits (P). Each pit extends into the lamina propria and then branches into several tubular glands. These glands branch further, coil slightly, and fill most of the volume of the mucosa. Around the glands, which contain other cells besides columnar cells, a small amount of connective tissue comprising the lamina propria is also seen.
  • 50. REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN THE STOMACH MUCOSA The cardia is a narrow circular region, only 1.5–3 cm in width, at the transition between the esophagus and the stomach . The pylorus is the funnel-shaped region opening into the small intestine. The mucosa of these two stomach regions contains tubular glands, usually branched, with coiled secretory portions called cardial glands and pyloric glands . The pits leading to these glands are longer in the pylorus. In both regions the glands secrete abundant mucus, as well as lysozyme, an enzyme that attacks bacterial walls.
  • 51. Salivary Glands These are the parotid, submandibular and sublingual glands, and numerous small glands situated in the mucous membrane of the lips (labial glands), cheeks (buccal glands), tongue (lingual glands), and palate (palatine glands). Some salivary gland tissues may be seen in the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. The secretions of these glands help to keep the mouth moist, and provide a protective and lubricant coat of mucous. Some enzymes (amylase, lysozyme), and immunoglobulin IgA are also present in the secretions.
  • 52.
  • 53. Salivary Glands Salivary glands are compound tubulo-alveolar glands (racemose glands). Their secretory elements (also referred to as end pieces or as the portio terminalis) may be rounded (acini), pear shaped (alveoli), tubular, or a mixture of these (tubulo-acinar, tubulo-alveolar). The secretory elements lead into a series of ducts through which their secretions are poured into the oral cavity. In sections through salivary glands we see a large number of closely packed acini (or alveoli) with ducts scattered between them. These elements are supported by connective tissue that also divides the glands into lobules, and forms capsules around them. Blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves run in the connective tissue that may at places contain some adipose tissue The cells lining the alveoli of salivary glands are usually described either as serous or mucous. In sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin serous cells stain darkly (because of the presence of zymogen granules: the colour varies from pink to dark purple). They have rounded nuclei that lie towards the base. In contrast mucous cells stain very lightly and, therefore, appear empty. The cells are in fact almost completely filled in by a mucoid material that stains very poorly Fig. 14.14). This material pushes the nuclei towards the basement membrane. The nuclei are flattened. Further details of the structure of mucous and serous cells are considered below
  • 54. An alveolus is typically made up entirely of serous cells or of mucous cells. However, in some cases mucous alveoli are covered (on one or more sides) by groups of serous cells that are arranged in the form of crescents or demilunes .In the parotid gland the alveoli are almost entirely serous, only an occasional mucous alveolus being present . In the submandibular gland some alveoli are serous and some are mucous, the latter being frequently capped by serous crescents . The sublingual glands are made up predominantly of mucous alveoli, but a few serous demilunes may be presen.
  • 55. A secretory unit, or gland, with only one type of cell (serous or mucous) is said to be homocrine. If it contains more than one variety of cells it is said to be heterocrine. From what has been said above it will be clear that all the three major salivary glands are heterocrine. Secretions produced in alveoli pass along a system of ducts, different parts of which have differing structure. The smallest ducts are called intercalated ducts. These are lined by cuboidal or flattened cells. Intercalated ducts open into striated ducts lined by columnar cells. They are so called because the basal parts of the cells show vertical striations. Striated ducts open into excretory ducts that are lined by simple columnar epithelium.
  • 56. Some Additional Details 1. Serous cells are usually arranged in the form of rounded acini. As a result each cell is roughly pyramidal having a broad base (towards the basement membrane) and a narrow apex (towards the lumen). Some microvilli and pinocytotic vesicles are seen at the apex of the cell. The lumen of the acinus often extends for some distance between adjacent cells: these extensions are called intercellular secretory canaliculi. Deep to these canaliculi the cell membranes of adjoining cells are united by tight junctions. Deep to these junctions, the lateral cell margins show folds that interdigitate with those of adjoining cells. The apical cytoplasm contains secretory granules that are small, homogeneous, and electron dense. The cytoplasm also contains a prominent Golgi complex and abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum, both features indicating considerable synthetic activity. Mitochondria, lysosomes, and microfilaments are also present.
  • 57. 2. Mucous cells are usually arranged in the form of tubular secretory elements. Cresents present in relation to them are located at the ends of the tubules. The cells lining mucous cells tend to be columnar rather than pyramidal. Their secretory granules are large and ill defined. Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex are similar to those in serous cells, but microvilli, foldings of plasma membrane, and intercellular canaliculi are not usually seen. 3. From the point of view of ultrastructure many cells of salivary glands are intermediate between serous and mucous cells. They are referred to as seromucous cells. Most of the cells identified as serous with light microscopy in the parotid and submandibular glands are really seromucous. The secretions of all types of salivary secretory cells contain protein-carbohydrate complexes. Their concentration is lowest in cases of serous cells, very high in mucous cells, and with widely differing concentrations in seromucous cells. 4. We have seen that in the submandibular glands mucous acini are often capped by serous demilunes. The serous cells of a demilune drain into the lumen of the acinus through fine canaliculi passing through the intervals between mucous cells
  • 58. Innervation of Salivary Glands Secretion by salivary glands is under hormonal as well as neural control. A local hormone plasmakinin formed by secretory cells influences vasodilation. Salivary glands are innervated by autonomic nerves, both parasympathetic (cholinergic) and sympathetic (adrenergic). Parasympathetic nerves travel to secretory elements along ducts, while sympathetic nerves travel along arteries. Synaptic contacts between nerve terminals and effector cells form neuro-effector junctions Two types of junction, epilemmal and hypolemmal, are described. At epilemmal junctions the nerve terminal is separated from the secretory or effector cell by the basal lamina. At hypolemmal junctions the nerve terminal pierces the basal lamina and comes into direct contact with the effector cell. Nerve impulses reaching one effector cell spread to others through intercellular contacts. Classically, salivary secretion has been attributed to parasympathetic stimulation. While this is true, it is believed that sympathetic nerves can also excite secretion either directly, or by vasodilation. Autonomic nerves not only stimulate secretion, but also appear to determine its viscosity and other characteristics. Autonomic nerve terminals are also seen on myoepithelial cells and on cells lining the ducts of salivary glands. The latter probably influence reabsorption of sodium by cells lining the ducts. Salivary glands are sensitive to pain, and must therefore have a sensory innervation as well.
  • 59. 5. Myoepithelial cells are present in relation to alveoli and intercalated ducts of salivary glands. They may also be seen in relation to larger ducts (intralobular and extralobular). These cells lie between the epithelial cells and their basement membrane. The myoepithelial cells located on alveoli are often branched (stellate) and may form ‘baskets’ around the alveoli. Those located on the ducts are fusiform and run longitudinally along them. With the EM myoepithelial cells are seen to contain the usual organelles. In addition they have conspicuous filaments that resemble myofilaments of smooth muscle cells. These filaments are numerous in processes arising from the cell. Cilia are present on some myoepithelial cells. It has been suggested that the cilia may subserve a sensory or chemoreceptor function. Myoepithelial cells are contractile, their contraction helping to squeeze out secretion from alveoli. The cells receive an autonomic innervation (details of which are controversial). 6. The cells lining the striated ducts show an interesting ultrastructure. Their basal striations are seen to be due to the presence of numerous deep infoldings of the basal parts of the cell membranes. Numerous elongated mitochondria are present in the intervals between the folds. Similar cells are also present scattered in the epithelium of the excretory ducts. These cells are believed to play a role in regulating the water and electrolyte content of saliva to make it hypotonic. Immunoglobulin A, produced by plasma cells lying subjacent to the epithelium, passes into saliva through the cells lining the striated ducts.
  • 60. Pyloric glands. The pyloric region of the stomach has deep gastric pits (P) leading to short, coiled pyloric glands (G) in the lamina propria. Cardial glands are rather similar histologically and functionally. Cells of these glands secrete mucus and lysozyme primarily, with a few G cells also present. The glands and pits are surrounded by cells of the lamina propria (LP), connective tissue also containing lymphatics and MALT. Immediately beneath the glands is the smooth muscle layer of the muscularis mucos
  • 61. In the fundus and body, the mucosa's lamina propria is filled with branched, tubular gastricglands, three to seven of which open into the bottom of each gastric pit. Each gastric gland has an isthmus, a neck, and a base; the distribution of epithelial cells in the glands is not uniform . The isthmus, near the gastric pit, contains differentiating mucous cells that migrate and replace surface mucous cells, a few undifferentiated stem cells, and a few parietal (oxyntic) cells; the neck of the glands consists of stem cells, mucous neck cells (different from the isthmus mucous cells), and parietal cells; the base of the glands contains parietal cells and chief (zymogenic) cells. Various enteroendocrine cells are dispersed in the neck and the base of the glands.
  • 62. These cells of the gastric glands provide key stomach functions. Important properties of each are as follows: •Mucous neck cells are present in clusters or as single cells between parietal cells in the necks of gastric glands . They are irregular in shape, with the nucleus at the base of the cell and the secretory granules near the apical surface. Their mucus secretion is less alkaline and quite different from that of the surface epithelial mucous cells.
  • 63. These cells of the gastric glands provide key stomach functions. Important properties of each are as follows: Parietal cells are present mainly in the upper half of gastric glands, with fewer in the base. They are large rounded or pyramidal cells, each with one central spherical nucleus and cytoplasm that is intensely eosinophilic due to the high density of mitochondria. A striking feature of the active secreting cell seen in the electron microscope is a deep, circular invagination of the apical plasma membrane, forming an intracellular canaliculus. Parietal cells secrete both hydrochloric acid (HCl) and intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein required for uptake of vitamin B12 in the small intestine. Carbonic anhydrase produces H2CO3 which dissociates in the cytoplasm into H+ and HCO3 . The active cell also releases K+ and Cl– and the Cl– ions combine with H+ to form HCl. The abundant mitochondria provide energy for the ion pumps located mainly in the extensive cell membrane of the microvilli projecting into the canaliculi. Secretory activity of parietal cells is stimulated both through cholinergic nerve endings (parasympathetic stimulation) and by histamine and a polypeptide called gastrin, both secreted by local enteroendocrine cells.
  • 64. Lamina Propria through Serosa The lamina propria of the small intestine is composed of loose connective tissue with blood and lymph vessels, nerve fibers, and smooth muscle cells. The lamina propria penetrates the core of each intestinal villus, bringing with it microvasculature, lymphatics, and. Smooth muscle fibers inside the villi are responsible for their rhythmic movements, which are important for efficient absorption. The muscularis mucosae also produces local movements of the villi and plicae circulares.
  • 66. The proximal part of the duodenum has, primarily in its submucosa but extending into the mucosa, large clusters of branched tubular mucous glands, the duodenal (or Brunner) glands, with small excretory ducts opening among the intestinal crypts . The product of the glands is distinctly alkaline (pH 8.1–9.3), which neutralizes chyme entering the duodenum from the pylorus, protecting the mucous membrane and bringing the intestinal contents to the optimum pH for pancreatic enzyme action. In the ileum both the lamina propria and submucosa contain the lymphoid nodule aggregates known as Peyer patches, an important component of the MAL
  • 67. Duodenal (Brunner) glands. Concentrated mainly in the upper duodenum are large masses of compound branched mucous glands, the duodenal glands (DG), with many lobules that occupy much of the submucosa and may extend above the muscularis mucosae (MM) into the mucosa. Many small excretory ducts (D) extend from these lobules through the lamina propria and empty into the lumen among the small intestinal crypts (IC). Alkaline mucus from duodenal glands neutralizes the pH of material entering the duodenum and supplements the mucus from goblet cells in lubricating and protecting the lining of the small intestine.
  • 68. LARGE INTESTINE The large intestine or bowel consists of a mucosal membrane with no folds except in its distal (rectal) portion and no villi . The mucosa is penetrated throughout its area by tubular intestinal glands lined by goblet and absorptive cells, with a small number of enteroendocrine cells . The absorptive cells or colonocytes are columnar and have short, irregular microvilli.Stem cells for the epithelium of the large bowel are located in the bottom third of each gland. The large intestine is well suited to its main functions: absorption of water, formation of the fecal mass from undigestible material, and production of mucus that lubricates the intestinal surface.
  • 69.
  • 70. (a): Anterior view of the large intestine with the proximal end exposed shows the ileocecal valve at its attachment to the ileum, along with the blind sac called the cecum and its extension, the appendix. The mucosa has shallow plicae but no villi. The muscularis has two layers, but the outer longitudinal layer consists only of three distinct bundles of muscle fibers called taeniae coli (ribbons of the colon). These bands cause the colon wall to form a series of sacs called haustra. The serosa of the colon is continuous with that of the supporting mesenteries and displays a series of suspended masses of adipose tissue called omental appendages.
  • 71. (b): At the distal end of the rectum, the anal canal, the mucosa and submucosa are highly vascularized, with venous sinuses, and are folded as a series of longitudinal anal folds with intervening anal sinuses. Fecal material accumulates in the rectum is eliminated by muscular contraction, including action of an internal anal sphincter of smooth (involuntary) muscle and an external sphincter of striated (voluntary) muscle.
  • 72. Wall of the large intestine.
  • 73. a): Diagram showing the wall of the large intestine composed of the four typical layers. (b): The mucosa is occupied mostly by tubular intestinal glands extending as deep as the muscularis mucosae and by lamina propria rich in MALT. The submucosa is well vascularized. The muscularis has a typical inner circular layer, but the outer longitudinal muscle is only present in three equally spaced bands, the taeniae col
  • 74. The Anal Canal The anal canal is about 4 cm long. The upper 3 cm are lined by mucous membrane, and the lower 1 cm by skin. The area lined by mucous membrane can be further divided into an upper part (15 mm) and a lower part (15 mm). The mucous membrane of the upper 15 mm of the canal is lined by columnar epithelium. The mucous membrane of this part shows six to twelve longitudinal folds that are called the anal columns. The lower ends of the anal columns are united to each other by short transverse folds called the anal valves. The anal valves together form a transverse line that runs all round the anal canal: this is the pectinate line. The mucous membrane of the next 15 mm of the rectum is lined by non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium. This region does not have anal columns. The mucosa has a bluish appearance because of the presence of a dense venous plexus between it and the muscle coat. This region is called the pecten or transitional zone. The lower limit of the pecten forms the white line (of Hilton). The lowest 8 to 10 mm of the anal canal are lined by true skin in which hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands are present.
  • 75. Above each anal valve there is a depression called the anal sinus. Atypical (apocrine) sweat glands open into each sinus. They are called the anal (or circumanal) glands. The anal canal is surrounded by circular and longitudinal layers of muscle continuous with those of the rectum. The circular muscle is thickened to form the internal anal sphincter. Outside the layer of smooth muscle, there is the external anal sphincter that is made up of striated muscle. For further details of the anal musculature see a book on gross anatomy. Prominent venous plexuses are present in the submucosa of the anal canal. The internal haemorrhoidal plexus lies above the level of the pectinate line, while the external haemorrhoidal plexus lies near the lower end of the canal.
  • 76.
  • 77. Mucosa of the large intestine (colon). (a): Transverse section of the colon shows the muscularis externa (ME), including a taenia coli cut transversely in the lower part of the figure, the submucosa (S), the mucosa (M) filled with tubular intestinal glands. Some of these glands are cut longitudinally, but most seen here are cut transversely.
  • 78. Mucosa of the large intestine (colon). (b): Transversely cut glands are seen to consist of simple columnar epithelium surrounded a tubular lumen (asterisk) and embedded in lamina propria (LP) with many free lymphocytes. Lymphocytes can also be seen penetrating the epithelium (arrow).
  • 79. Mucosa of the large intestine (colon). (c): Longitudinal section of one gland stained for glycoproteins shows mucus in the lumen and two major cell types in the epithelium: goblet cells (G) and other columnar cells specialized for water absorption. X400. PAS.
  • 80. Mucosa of the large intestine (colon). (d): TEM micrograph of the absorptive cells, called colonocytes, reveals short microvilli at their apical ends, prominent Golgi complexes above the nuclei, and dilated intercellular spaces with interdigitating leaflets of cell membrane (L), a sign of active water transport. The absorption of water is passive, following the active transport of sodium from the basolateral surfaces of the epithelial cells
  • 81. Near the beginning of the large intestine, the appendix is an evagination of the cecum. It is characterized by a relatively small and irregular lumen, shorter and less dense tubular glands, and no taeniae coli. Although it has no function in digestion, the appendix is a significant component of the MALT, with abundant lymphoid follicles in its wall
  • 82. Appendix. A blind evagination off the cecum, the appendix, has a very small lumen, fewer glands in its mucosa, and no taeniae coli. The laminar propria and submucosa are generally filled with lymphocytes and lymphoid follicles, making the appendix a significant part of the MALT
  • 83. MEDICAL APPLICATION Because the appendix is a closed sac and its contents are relatively static, it can easily become a site of inflammation (appendicitis). With the small lumen and relatively thin wall of the appendix, inflammation and the growth of lymphoid follicles in the wall can produce swelling that can lead to bursting of the appendix. Severe appendicitis is a medical emergency since a burst appendix will produce infection of the peritoneal cavity.
  • 84. In the anal region, the mucous membrane forms a series of longitudinal folds, the anal columns. About two cm above the anal opening, at the recto-anal junction, the lining of the mucosa is replaced by stratified squamous epithelium. In this region, the lamina propria contains a plexus of large veins that, when excessively dilated and varicose, can produce hemorrhoids.
  • 85. Mucosa of the recto-anal junction. The simple columnar epithelium with tubular glands that lines the rectum (left side) changes abruptly to stratified squamous epithelium in the anal canal (right side), as seen in this longitudinal section. The connective tissue of the lamina propria is seen to contain many free lymphocytes. X40. H&E.
  • 86. Biliary tract and gall bladder. Bile leaves the liver in the left and right hepatic ducts, which merge (1) to form the common hepatic duct, which connects to the cystic duct serving the gall bladder. The latter two ducts merge (2) to form a common bile duct. The main pancreatic duct merges with the common bile duct at the hepatopancreatic ampulla (3) which enters the wall of the duodenum. Bile and pancreatic juices together are secreted from the major duodenal papilla (of Vater) into the duodenal lumen (4). All these ducts carrying bile are lined by cuboidal or low columnar cells called cholangiocytes, similar to those of the small bile ductules in the liver. The hepatic, cystic, and common bile ducts are lined with a mucous membrane having a simple columnar epithelium of cholangiocytes. The lamina propria and submucosa are relatively thin, with mucous glands in some areas of the cystic duct, and surrounded by a thin muscularis. This muscle layer becomes thicker near the duodenum and finally, in the portion within the duodenal wall, forms a sphincter that regulates bile flow.
  • 87. The gallbladder is a small organ that stores bile. It is attached to your digestive system by a system of hollow ducts called the biliary tree. The gallbladder sits in an indenture underneath the right lobe of the liver.
  • 88.
  • 89. The hepatic, cystic, and common bile ducts are lined with a mucous membrane having a simple columnar epithelium of cholangiocytes. The lamina propria and submucosa are relatively thin, with mucous glands in some areas of the cystic duct, and surrounded by a thin muscularis. This muscle layer becomes thicker near the duodenum and finally, in the portion within the duodenal wall, forms a sphincter that regulates bile flow. MEDICAL APPLICATION Most malignant tumors of the liver derive from hepatocytes or cholangiocytes of the hepatic ducts. The pathogenesis of liver carcinoma is associated with a variety of acquired disorders, such as chronic viral hepatitis (B or C) and cirrhosis. In the exocrine pancreas, most tumors also arise from duct epithelial cells; the mortality rate from pancreatic tumors is high.
  • 90. Gallbladder. The gallbladder is a saclike structure that stores and concentrates bile, and releases it into the duodenum after a meal (a): Its wall consists largely of a highly folded mucosa, with a simple columnar epithelium (arrows) overlying a typical lamina propria (LP); a muscularis (M) with bundles of muscle fibers oriented in all directions to facilitate emptying of the organ; an external adventitia (A) where it is against the liver and a serosa where it is exposed
  • 91. (b): TEM of the epithelium shows cells specialized for water uptake across apical microvilli (MV) and release into the intercellular spaces (arrows) along the folded basolateral cell membranes. Abundant mitochondria provide the energy for this pumping process. Scattered apical secretory granules (G) contain mucus. X5600.