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il(Emt hE, r[lq s qfui qqq sffit[Tfi (ptffiT(ql)
Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
frps s qmrfr fr-+r"ro qrim sotlirom
-- fC CitX S8eb" <€Fit+r
.ro f.rc,iS{ f oQS13^Drq
qt<{ rill{ c(rsl't crrro fr<s rn1n,
ffi c*trt c.ql-Tst s-fl
ul'l$sile-fi1 {R"flri"t )l{+lcd{ Slqtli e qfirs x*tk- l?vlot +$s >{l{+ ffi(: ts.oo.oooo.ol5.)5.oo8.
51.ob-5, tolf?q[, 5o.So.l"lS 13.-T"t At16 etV"tO Vgft-ft <t(Et6q,.t tr3r.t, 6fi]f e {frsr- )i-"lq {,<('lIC<rl;T
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5o (tr.=f1B BI: llooo-crrog,
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8 (0]<) <q< c.txtofi 1?5lx (clE/{'T:rl(d<
ftGlat.c-{{ q{t{ ltsS}t
PETROCENTRE,3 Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-I2L5,GPO BoxNo. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103
Website :, E-mail:;
>ttl<+ -I*l: its. oe. oooo. o55"
orf{$ 6Ul}f r(IrTIel (alf+ ,Q:<o .<'11a,
(nt{ >lshrsl
It(EkT.tbq, r[lq e qfrsT{''t[Ffi't[.Tfi ((qGkRqD
Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
ft5ls e grElfr Fmt"r€l qrirw s,ttfi-oir
{{{ 'l(k.<-.{FI "lk {({i
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.PETROCENTRE, 3 Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103
Website :, E-mail :;
srf<{ ilrtr IiC<Itel (aif+ fi'<'c rn11
lilG c<tct rc-rlr'cr +{"{
IT(E[q'I bE, 1IIT E {fiq rylq Tffi{lK{{ (NGRED
Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
C<g{CSE t (tb
lrat6)x C<Er{rtE,
<lx8l:fl Ftrtttrr Grl1rcl rs rlGwsl
b"l xs+t? <r+qlelo
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s<t Q({ .{lr
3 Kawran Bazar ClA,Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103
Website :, E-mail :;
erf{$ slj]->t >{(({t't (alf+-Ii<rr +1+
GIC{ >]d;rc] +{..r
Bunsrud";:t ,@
REk[.t hE, rll{ s qfu ry{n wl'[-sfi (fifi!'tqE[)
Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
fttls'e gffi fr+n.O qril6 q,$f<-<t6
er lw1*Lgltrm,6r,me:
1+y ut+f'< etfic+ dGri;+ <I(nto.r-t fua-,!< web address (
erar<.l <](qirit ?rr-q, sriH rr qli,q >r.-rq -+(ceir<-i.r lcaol+<n1-o< web address< :11{rc{ wn'A{1r{{ rqq6cr( "t6"lo
-+s{, o(..)5o.oooo.oo.
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1<cl or< Online Registration +Ffol s<i It- sxt sqtd o{cs QT<l
({) 'BRPtio rscitcllirr" er"i"{ fl{rE Advertisement, Instruction for Submitting
Application ,!<( :o fi=t) +fli;t"t?t< elcri1 snl Gdtl?'c applicatiOn form (-rlrf,(<r.1.{ Tx:1)-€K
c<G'g <tB.i ffi{l lc<t Advertisement-e< c<Grg <tF.{ k-o +<r< l?,s,ttd Els}rt {lr<t <r<er&l fe?i,
ojiH e qG.ei ,I^.tq +3("itc<"tq (cqdxts"iD-er web address
€ 'qlc<k.{el'o 611< ketfis Fr*it{l cLixt -qftqr {i<T T{c6t{ 1r{ affi instructions "r("llD
download s(gs dlilB Re-'<'-l-{t ,,J"retc< qt{s +-r< application form-s{ aFrrB field-q aks
st{,rK"t+a< rp3r{ 1<q +-d({r -cfior
',t<st Ge fietd-xy er<.trl +Fq +-rr., qr<r +<c'{ s,l6l{
qf?ux"rg tNIDI .w(/q-jl 1?r<{,.r .n-{ -.,r<.lri qliQlq o<r,c qr<I
("t) qf? tPhoto): elc<Ir--{ v<r* lApplication Formy )TF+etc<
T{oi)i-'t{ <r"r, Application
rr<rlB< Preview c(crl {lc<t Preview-e< Rdtf?u, tlc< ilfrr+ iifk? >{tc"t< Fr,q{ <fB.{ qfi scan
+c< uplOad o.<Crc Q(<t q1q1-<,1c{l ql? akqntulf qc{:{tt tsrg{f, ql?.< etl+l{ sre eC{ sooxrroo pixel
(PG Format), col-lt{c<e ,!{ +ryr+ft {{ s<( file size qc< rn{tw 5oo l(S. GGlqro qcl< ql? al
s({, qlrfli-{{O <IG"r -<<r qFs G€/aHg1a:R r{fi gRtcqtq, <r< .{tt Home Page-e< Help Menu-
r', lho +<rq Photo .l<< Signature x9r{ Retl?o firq1.fl lts$:rtmt
(tr) tl'3 tSignature) : application preview-cs "dl+c<K srry lirdtf].r q1-n Grw< rtr+<
Scan +({ upload +-{C9 q(<t Gffiqr. {ls,rffi eil-+lT qC< eooxtso Pixel q]PG Formatl,
c<']'reI(<? €< +r < r<f,1 -{ir €<( file size qc< qr{rw* so KB. Gfilarc fRrri'"l+
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(s) (tflcll (Declaration) , 3l{'tro o{aqt?.Iqc<na',trc{ lApplication Form) Gnrrq.r q(m €
loi Cq<qt liro q6a C<r, qlr<q;{qas ae q+r1
'rql x0+- €<i {9lt e{rt9, <l liqnt arrtfi9 {("i qci{I (+l{
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1{'tfo Gc(-rcHco qf? s<( signature upload +-r< 31ft {,i<, silc<k.r'L!=
submission >I,-l{ scq, +fi'otBBtc< qf}rq Application Preview +Pt cr(qt rrtc<t iirE*,tm
ellc<I(-'{els submit +<I q*q{ c(E, aHi e+lB User ID-xs qR s<( !t,rF<}e o+lB applicant's
copy eil(<l Ee applicant's copy flI{lro Qa,- 'naRl download +c{ )i(<s'ct +(rc Qc<l
applicant's oFfr,c s+iB User ID cqnt ctlpr< €<( User ID <r<s-j3 +r< rEGiF+ {(f,joit Bs
oi+ ororc{-s< fi{IC{ Ac*e Rd.l{t .lfllm 31{1 l?rxr<r qaftc'c.' c{ (+t.r Teietalk pre-paid
mobile -,fiH{ n1{Ictrt SMS +c< Eil,f{ iil <t-<,r- 6oo7- 1dr-1rc; Bt+t lornr<e,C{l6tt)
[Q-6re qr{i
(i) dw SMS
BOGMC <space> User ID f1r<t send
Example : BOGMC M27S1S and send to 16222.
3 Kawran Buar C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103
Website :, E-mail :;
qf{{ sJil}r q(cffl cctm &<v an1-r,
Tfilf5 ffiirt >{cHtr-I +{-"r
Rqlm.thE, qrlT s qfiq{p1q'$ffiflKf{ (nGFRqt)
Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
ft5ry e S'mrfr frfllv qr(m Eqtfr$l<
Reply : wjth verjfjcation, Applicant's Name. post name, text as per
BOGMC and generation of a pIN. Tk. s00.00 will be charged as
application fee. Your PIN is fB digit number) 12345678.
riil fi6)v sMS . B)GMC <space>yes<space>plN lirrsend ry+rotrl lq({n/
Example . BOGMC YES 12345678
Reply: congratulation Applicant's Name. payment completed
successfully tbr BOGMC Application tor xxxxxxxxxxxx [Jser ID js
(xxxxxx) and password 6xxxxx).
"ffiTt6cst qte<qaa@v r'qq q<.t lti vrt submission qtl <ms effiryH fr qqt qt cqqt
qse qWwaa dq q,vqtgt. N Ett qr< qt, r
(S) 1(<{"1.0 atlt< fi:wB .{ckl <t(sjct"l ?sq, eirjri e {[:rer
{"?q {'{(eilH"ta lcadt<t<nD-€< ecrl<>tlio} ( e{R elfl{ c,rl<i?-q
GpiC.{ SMS-€< :ll{tcrt (1{ C.rW dtilhr<; {aU}DtC3r eil-",j(nl. qf<r Online {IC<rI.{elCi1 dtiir drng Cri<ile
c+tr't q?ttl H(€.|s rt<6lx Grl'llctrf i >r"1{ +xt sr< 1?{{ $s -+r<B qi.i'ft+ >rDE <l{I, SMS read
+<T (<( erc GrCq'l.t| ele,Ff?f+qc{ el..[q(ai ++l <lrftx I
SMS-q cflfi-o [Jss1 ID e{( password <r<qt<-+r< "l<c€lcg c<tc{ {.T{, ,rm{ n]:r, qfi, q?fi<
>r,lx e c,-{r{ ar ?'c-rlf? -safirr(<Gs d(<t'io atft download,T{+ fttr 1Nw< tro <fBai +cr
itc<-"{l 31{'l s gr.r'l{.{B Gfare q'.<l$tx q(-fs{cq{ a>IC}I (<( -Ee'-l"f qtt c{Ifl+ "l?-ls,H ,prcl or{-lia
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(si) Tl cBl=c{tr+ l?-cqio cqt<tiE c<r.:T celr.F fll{t"t"f Gx<li's €>t€>Tqx
"rnfir eyr<t +r< fisi iisr [Aer
ID, Serial €<( PIN "l.r{hj{ +{cE Erdr<{t [Jser ID qL]t qr$-(ci. BOGMC
<Space>HelpcSpace>User<Space>[Jser ID * sent to 16222
P1Al+s{ qf-rt ?it+Tor. B)GMC <space> Help<space>plNcspace>plN No. *
send to 16222.
Example: BOGMC HEL? pIN t2345678
sr flrfQt', "l?l+t e crilFt+ "i?lfl( fitftr{ etfi{ clt<tir"i SMS-q.{ {I{rcri q<{ (etdl<t(ql< sGKqiE}- €<( ("tdt<l(Et{ c.rt6"t .{k6-( fi{r('r sil.rlr.rt sr{l
cl $sqRlEI ut+fi at{ic,rx Grl?o q'ilr't Sq"i +<t Ca<r liiats "lilrtx Es'}"iAt{1crr< {rl, (at(<, 5:rb ,olfltcro
sB "ro< f?"rilc'9= x{tiRo ruei{ dlftro rtq'-tq+l{/cl.TiQrE qRt'rtx er(.t$qc.j< si,.rl }il{r{ +<t sr<t ,or<,
GR.c qftqx ,!<p-i -{x-{ AIg d<,lfq<, aWI qcn 9lcrrTs q1$tE$lv(nTlo q-flq,tx er(.wscq< qnt ertqt.r +Kl
q(<I aldfo1< q1q,lq<,1v6frf1+ q?lq't $qqdr.r fidtfi.'c qlr<k-^r +<c"r )r(f*fB dffil< BGflo .9aB' $>rlcci( q.{I
TETROCENTRE, 3 KawanBazar C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO BoxNo. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944, Fax : +88-02-55014103
Website :, E-mail :;
r{f<{ 6ifl)i >{(C<tlet R<o rn1{,
v1i1[U c<tct >rs]{el +-{"{
RElm-t hE, qllq € {fu rytn rfi'tlK{{ (nGmqn)
Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla)
ftgn s Stslfr FKPM qrirur q.{rlrom
'grt<Fr+otc< FaGIef', <;1aisiei.{11?f4mnr"c+-'; c*lflo "fftq'tPIl,rrtE-st{ SS{,+f-ft q<f}E -ofir&+g"lm< fi+B
Eqtlq.l/qrt iir.o q({ ,
(g Ftrluto c<rt6t^t e .lGreo-st (<li aflr+)-€<T$at >Ior
"rtlBltr+tr Sn{q +<ro er<,!<( q<
>r+q +f41€o clt-; -rtr'Tlfi(s -s-r<
(q) x<+tfllttvs-flfi, $&$tr.{r ta e v-5( c$eg's (SeF{ cS$ +.fu-q o(<, $no utl?1i+
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'PETROCENTRE, 3 Kawan Buu C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103
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qnql-{G<, qif}lE Frr"r+-ln +ffi
PETROCENTRE, 3 Kawran Buu C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,8ax: +88-02-55014103
Website :, E-mail :;

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  • 1. urn*ro".i'T @ FrG" i6 ' ip /Mffi il(Emt hE, r[lq s qfui qqq sffit[Tfi (ptffiT(ql) Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) frps s qmrfr fr-+r"ro qrim sotlirom -- fC CitX S8eb" <€Fit+r .ro f.rc,iS{ f oQS13^Drq qt<{ rill{ c(rsl't crrro fr<s rn1n, ffi c*trt c.ql-Tst s-fl tu{fiME ul'l$sile-fi1 {R"flri"t )l{+lcd{ Slqtli e qfirs x*tk- l?vlot +$s >{l{+ ffi(: ts.oo.oooo.ol5.)5.oo8. 51.ob-5, tolf?q[, 5o.So.l"lS 13.-T"t At16 etV"tO Vgft-ft <t(Et6q,.t tr3r.t, 6fi]f e {frsr- )i-"lq {,<('lIC<rl;T (c"iru'f<l<qD-,!r qql iix<Iq,c -l,rt'trprT({ (c11o<"I frr<tr"t< ffie fixRiqro -tffi t{.t )il('rF <l("ilmrl{ Sfe .{l'fk+T4x ft+E <'c 'lK{Is utl<]a afl {ke{: {f oiiro ^rt{ "lcq{ .{l:l fi'ri<lrt ({edf$c1 s ($s lwtQx c<'r=.{ffiE, toSc) <uflrt Ftq:lris Gllolfel .g qGsoef 5t rc+til<r<qttr (3"ltrrfi<. "lq) 5o (tr.=f1B BI: llooo-crrog, (ars'-b) u1* oo rfi-tl <qr SqH cCfil*nrtr+< lir{GrJae -.s d xlref+lr{ -.{am fkeJ{ f ClQf,iq! I 6i { fr&Plq -€< ql-iffi,Ts<{C{5 >rTf H ltQr cUftfaa>r1c'r< RGfts I qeRI s 1u1<) <p{< c,rsIril fk6lx dli/cn-{tc.{{ FrfG-lale-€< .sapi nsft r QI >is+]i] <r<qlolo ("rd 1i<Trs "l) )o (atlB El: llooo-C.9ogo (cfe-b) ',t$ rro (firy <q{ <]r{cir ffic{ dqta cCf*fi}rflr;K i}&Pls-(( Hl-9r+ls3 sr{<l ft'6ta c{fi/>rl{lc.T< l}&Ptq -,! ( $"s(+tsx>rq Nxro Q6ln rCfil )rl{tr.r< Bl,eifl.s/13{,{ 'q{<l }fl?lq€.c 1!t't<oifG rxF)/erfr.s I ',ret<t <tlEsrl 1?<c* a (Dt{) <EK orxtft k6lx c$firrrrrlc{3 l}&Pt,!-s { "{dir{ &SI r >re-+l?-I <t<?tt+ 1c"rffi:rrN i&filtl?<y e (ltc^l)lb EI: eooo-c'co,.!, ((ss-b) si$ r:o d?ir1 <q< celdlfixtr fGFrfrrq & .clx CCRffl{."K 1ir&lato -.s< l?erTFr QIBfi-*ti?< &frtl -orqr+ qlI*E Rricir >TE ok/qtct- q < +t f if t Brs -u Frc 3l='cfira a (ft) <qcE< 'qBsn'rcl{cq.c cqru'tGnrb{ {Gfi1? c.{ k6lx cCfqfirtc;K lji&Pt,!-€< lGtamt-t r- ilBfixtfi< r 8t r'Q3iln -<t{qtqo (€.{slxd.l r{.{; es c{i:piD) r gs)tr EI: llooo-Cr:ogo (($5-b) v1* oo t{i*11 <q{ "ll<K.t l<ecl+ 1 o+v*tx<.lrrtc;Iq >rrc{E) RsGI ${x ccfifl"xq-6r( 1ir&Fts-€< flsr+ts{ sll<l ft-Ox cc[4/]r$rtc;K ffiPfs-€< xlsr+ls<{e xalr"{ i?rr'-lx clltrl )infiC.l< ftGlaro t .cral<l "lkc<"f fieotq (,!.rqlm-rmirq rtar1 Rscr 8 (0]<) <q< c.txtofi 1?5lx (clE/{'T:rl(d< ftGlat.c-{{ q{t{ ltsS}t PETROCENTRE,3 Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-I2L5,GPO BoxNo. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103 Website :, E-mail:; >ttl<+ -I*l: its. oe. oooo. o55"
  • 2. orf{$ 6Ul}f r(IrTIel (alf+ ,Q:<o .<'11a, (nt{ >lshrsl It(EkT.tbq, r[lq e qfrsT{''t[Ffi't[.Tfi ((qGkRqD Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) ft5ls e grElfr Fmt"r€l qrirw s,ttfi-oir olf,r+ {{{ 'l(k.<-.{FI "lk {({i ({9-{fq'G{ s ($s lcrto')x c<re-;r(s{, toSC) <xqflrl flq,lute C<lt6llsl e ofiEeo9l al xq+lii} <r<ql"i+ 1 f Gr e o lG1iG': fii f Gr +{) a (k-OB El: ilooo-c'rrorbo (($5-b) q1* rro (G"t; -<ca 15'e6iGltei e flfGre fix cx Aqri 6CA/>iriffC"K prGifle -s< {ler+ts< ol?m fA6lx c{fi/:rrrxra< f}&Pte-.q < Etur<,1r?.1>ra ){-flra G6lx c{BAr-xtcd{ lirfsrl}fs I el{<l Str Ii<c* s (bK) <RR clatft 1?€tx cgfipr:Drt c.{< 13rfd Pte -€< "r.{F{ fGSl r bl Ns+t;il <i<qt't+ ( ql,risllllv{rFtsr: lfl <) I th?lB Dl: llooo-c'r:oruo (($5-b) 9{S oo dtt; <q{ al*aBDl( l<s.-l;{ [<{c{ dal-l{ elBffi{rr]r.r{ ljiltiftu -€< nl e ca1e .< orq{ f? rr'l{ cilfi/:nr:rl r.{ { l}fBrPls -€ < Hl e-rE1-e<{q xqirr.{ 1?.e*lx cifipnatc+< [qfbr?t,! r .rrci<l oF-tGFl< fisr+ f?rcx 8 (DIil <q{ crx&'-I f? rr'la cCfif+a rt c,w ftf,si Pis, s< -.rft{ G8}r eral{ $f*tWt( qlcrE s$ ?1@1i}ri1?( ri rq+lB+lrc es ir"todlGel i lBfixt R <fqn:P <crr "i{ s r +frGfic+ta ci+r,rtqf& q(fitB l?crr "r1r-r GOn ccFt/rrrrxn< Fr iGFte-s< Nl,+ (rxla) GfrJr 'lrql-<j >r( faiE Rlt-:l >r<+tfk/'nt{l- )K-+I1?/{1:rerttlSie aGdtr.q c ({'ru) <qrr< qGeuelxrrre ERlqe &fiRr.{ fQ 6lx culirxrr:ttca< fti,iG-Pts-.c ( lbcarrrt- i.{-?lBli:rt R s r qt )rsSilfi <f<?l?T (c.lallA+11"r e-&fiilftU I (Tom Dl: llooo-Caobo (($e-b) v$,:" Gr; <q.{ c{+lli.F Jl"{ 1t1}l} c"{ fi GIx c{iEpr:rrfi rd{ liiGlat.c -,! < f}s{3t q"lBR-ltk< lG$ r "rrl<t >r<i?tB l?<nr >t-< <,1 f ?f.rrl { 1 - x<+t R/l txe { f3r5 dfb$tn a (ft) <qr<< 'o{G,s,e1{ror9 c{ +lFraiIE &ffi r"{ ii'€'l:r csfilrni:rlc+r FrfGrf?s,s{ fGcanrt- Q^{-ilql-BflK3 r ,$ .PETROCENTRE, 3 Kawran Bazar C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103 Website :, E-mail :; lt Bangladesh ,Ll (.
  • 3. srf<{ ilrtr IiC<Itel (aif+ fi'<'c rn11 lilG c<tct rc-rlr'cr +{"{ IT(E[q'I bE, 1IIT E {fiq rylq Tffi{lK{{ (NGRED Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) Ffir-s ;lt3 eifid.{l:l "lr,l >1({it C<g{CSE t (tb lrat6)x C<Er{rtE, eo5G) <lx8l:fl Ftrtttrr Grl1rcl rs rlGwsl b"l xs+t? <r+qlelo tOG"ri&fixtF<<y r (fil18 B1: Qlooo-CaoUo ((Su-h) q1* uo (ftt) <R{ lxl(eq IEIqT*r.r f ielx df.l^N:rl(.K fjrfGfl.s-€< fiocfj{ iGlixti}< fu& r qrFl q<1^il8 f+scI ri{+fi/ofl{I- rr+lflrsme.fiFr'c- aGStr< c rzlt) <qr<< 'qGsu-oFrc,r'g llrGar fufirf?c"{ 1? 'c=tx cgfEp{ Fi [q fats - s { l$c*Frj-i"r-iBR*1?< i bl ,ls{,]?l <t<$flT (icql$+rtq ?GG*fi<y 5 (.{+)16 El: Qooo-Caobo (cs-b) w1*.r, (ftt; <q3 ? cqf?+itq lGlsrfk r fQ6l:r rdfil>Fnlc.H 13i[GPt,{-,!< iis>rf} ?Gii-.rlR( &il r "r{<1 >T(f}E 1?<r* q<+lfinll{t-}r<+tl? /^{tito1l}rc $fbStc.r c 1"liq 4q139 qGs3o1>rc,r9 QCcil*+rlct lUl{l?(.1 Ik irll cclEpDrillr.{n f}GEs-€ { G cat:rt-! a- ?f&fi:rtfk< r 50l >l{{,I;il <r<ql"l.F f Gite.>il) s 1o+yE BI: ilooo-C'sogo (c{s-b) w$ r:o (fst) <R3 srl?iilq iGfrl e{( I <sx fs f>l -€ < c< G ct.r"r? s q'Cs sr{l frW s Srntfr FKT"M cr{o. q,{tR-flr gruI{rEEft: ) r $fu1ag-elpdtlisqae._iele$ 5ifrRITr{ : ($) qi{e{lq.{ nq6ll6icrt< "[6 qq<: oA.oo.oooo.9o.S5.o5q.lo-See, '511?ct: 5b.ots.Qoe) f3. .rgrt*l Sf]fite rrlficf alft< <lrli 5b lortbtq {Cs rro (f=ct-1; <e(<.< >{C{t <,', Q-r<t (cl) lflc<lh1lrlq {b:lt<l< Td-snfi €<( afb<+l itff< c+cs <{c bb (qt)to qre e (<k.D <qc<< rr<r e.C9 Sf< l ("0 >Ibcrtatf.tQl'r 1Gc<trit-< {,i-+"1fl"< eId-+.{JI s{'i flfi< rq'rg- <$,r sb. (qI}lO Q(rc rro (f}.D <qc<< >{c{, q(( Qr<r (1I) <:pi Srllc'l< c+-co €11,9 Ftq'tr<tri +$+ a,r,r q>rqffifitNc.r{ {AaFhi E€t.{ r{tiBnpr+o} Grf}t<a u1?< A1s-q-iT *'rtfiq l?c+r< ut"i, +xt {c{r (s) <]l-{ q(e1s rct.{ ofrcsGF taffidavit) $s"Icrltr qr< dtt D-1?F1? affir <T{ +:r <t c{ql .Rc"r, e{l(<Ll.{efg <llGq <fc {"1, e1El r I gl.1flfi1g51g131q$*1fotrt{ F_ffi1l9_q1l1-rs_!rm_orRrr igi (+) 5b.o.eoll 13. 'cfRql lsl"r bo:oo qlB+I rqlco otla<l-.{?s qtP|E s<( l?l+f< 1} sr)ttuit,{ 1{ sHt (cl) sc.oi.eotq 13. elfk?t fk+tE c:oo t|lts+]<:r({r -erlr<q4{€ si:rlq'l,{ '}r<{li }Ipl{ +{(9 qC<t ('l) .l$l1o User ID eB atf i.t 6g,q>rcrr q<<€t qc Err=t "lris (.rrdle, :b""o..trll R. rctflq I?+Iq c:oo <18+t "lriol sq€>l€>i-s< rt<rc{ lip ,s>rl fhce ql{({{t fidtfi.'olfi"l s >Brc{{ qr{ c+}.1 e{fc<q.rel€ Sact s<t Q({ .{lr a {f 'PETROCENTRE, 3 Kawran Bazar ClA,Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103 Website :, E-mail :;
  • 4. erf{$ slj]->t >{(({t't (alf+-Ii<rr +1+ GIC{ >]d;rc] +{..r Bunsrud";:t ,@ ,# REk[.t hE, rll{ s qfu ry{n wl'[-sfi (fifi!'tqE[) Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) fttls'e gffi fr+n.O qril6 q,$f<-<t6 er lw1*Lgltrm,6r,me: 1+y ut+f'< etfic+ dGri;+ <I(nto.r-t fua-,!< web address ( erar<.l <](qirit ?rr-q, sriH rr qli,q >r.-rq -+(ceir<-i.r lcaol+<n1-o< web address< :11{rc{ wn'A{1r{{ rqq6cr( "t6"lo -+s{, o(..)5o.oooo.oo. oo.ob"b.58.o), rrlflct: 15.5q.qo58 lB. v.JJIti) ut+i?< -eTtr{Li.{el(o{ >trsE :_"$t *q{>K(61 c"to*xt<o.t +$+ {i{f?s }<crr qlc<iii{T€ 1<cl or< Online Registration +Ffol s<i It- sxt sqtd o{cs QT<l ({) 'BRPtio rscitcllirr" er"i"{ fl{rE Advertisement, Instruction for Submitting Application ,!<( :o fi=t) +fli;t"t?t< elcri1 snl Gdtl?'c applicatiOn form (-rlrf,(<r.1.{ Tx:1)-€K c<G'g <tB.i ffi{l lc<t Advertisement-e< c<Grg <tF.{ k-o +<r< l?,s,ttd Els}rt {lr<t <r<er&l fe?i, ojiH e qG.ei ,I^.tq +3("itc<"tq (cqdxts"iD-er web address € 'qlc<k.{el'o 611< ketfis Fr*it{l cLixt -qftqr {i<T T{c6t{ 1r{ affi instructions "r("llD download s(gs dlilB Re-'<'-l-{t ,,J"retc< qt{s +-r< application form-s{ aFrrB field-q aks "qylidtrt st{,rK"t+a< rp3r{ 1<q +-d({r -cfior ',t<st Ge fietd-xy er<.trl +Fq +-rr., qr<r +<c'{ s,l6l{ qf?ux"rg tNIDI .w(/q-jl 1?r<{,.r .n-{ -.,r<.lri qliQlq o<r,c qr<I ("t) qf? tPhoto): elc<Ir--{ v<r* lApplication Formy )TF+etc< T{oi)i-'t{ <r"r, Application rr<rlB< Preview c(crl {lc<t Preview-e< Rdtf?u, tlc< ilfrr+ iifk? >{tc"t< Fr,q{ <fB.{ qfi scan +c< uplOad o.<Crc Q(<t q1q1-<,1c{l ql? akqntulf qc{:{tt tsrg{f, ql?.< etl+l{ sre eC{ sooxrroo pixel (PG Format), col-lt{c<e ,!{ +ryr+ft {{ s<( file size qc< rn{tw 5oo l(S. GGlqro qcl< ql? al s({, qlrfli-{{O <IG"r -<<r qFs G€/aHg1a:R r{fi gRtcqtq, <r< .{tt Home Page-e< Help Menu- r', lho +<rq Photo .l<< Signature x9r{ Retl?o firq1.fl lts$:rtmt (tr) tl'3 tSignature) : application preview-cs "dl+c<K srry lirdtf].r q1-n Grw< rtr+< Scan +({ upload +-{C9 q(<t Gffiqr. {ls,rffi eil-+lT qC< eooxtso Pixel q]PG Formatl, c<']'reI(<? €< +r < r<f,1 -{ir €<( file size qc< qr{rw* so KB. Gfilarc fRrri'"l+ "ryttt} ar{l'< fif}'e xl6?{ .dl,ti'< .{l SC6t {Ir<h.ttO- <t[L"r <(4 E6lt qC{ I (s) (tflcll (Declaration) , 3l{'tro o{aqt?.Iqc<na',trc{ lApplication Form) Gnrrq.r q(m € loi Cq<qt liro q6a C<r, qlr<q;{qas ae q+r1 'rql x0+- €<i {9lt e{rt9, <l liqnt arrtfi9 {("i qci{I (+l{ {c.rl6ltiel {<f i_sc{ <l c+1,{ -.}tR{()r< erlc{ cra.6f +<rE, "ril$l( 1r{ <t "tr< c<r c$l-,{ qrflcx atlTrct <ft,ar ,!{( t,l?<tc', (eldi<li"ll ?tri+ rc1'< f?1ca c< c+lq 'cili'"l{o <I<$ $q"t +<l fic<t (u) sq€n€q Etbtr+t< Gxrt<fi] e qi]+i< lt adq : -srportQla qtr<k.{"lo lApp}ication lrorm) rralHel-sl(< 1{'tfo Gc(-rcHco qf? s<( signature upload +-r< 31ft {,i<, silc<k.r'L!= submission >I,-l{ scq, +fi'otBBtc< qf}rq Application Preview +Pt cr(qt rrtc<t iirE*,tm ellc<I(-'{els submit +<I q*q{ c(E, aHi e+lB User ID-xs qR s<( !t,rF<}e o+lB applicant's copy eil(<l Ee applicant's copy flI{lro Qa,- 'naRl download +c{ )i(<s'ct +(rc Qc<l applicant's oFfr,c s+iB User ID cqnt ctlpr< €<( User ID <r<s-j3 +r< rEGiF+ {(f,joit Bs oi+ ororc{-s< fi{IC{ Ac*e Rd.l{t .lfllm 31{1 l?rxr<r qaftc'c.' c{ (+t.r Teietalk pre-paid mobile -,fiH{ n1{Ictrt SMS +c< Eil,f{ iil <t-<,r- 6oo7- 1dr-1rc; Bt+t lornr<e,C{l6tt) 'sfl-l [Q-6re qr{i (i) dw SMS ' BOGMC <space> User ID f1r<t send "r'.rJu.rQQ -i?L?/ Example : BOGMC M27S1S and send to 16222. 'PETROCENTRE, 3 Kawran Buar C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103 Website :, E-mail :;
  • 5. qf{{ sJil}r q(cffl cctm &<v an1-r, Tfilf5 ffiirt >{cHtr-I +{-"r Rqlm.thE, qrlT s qfiq{p1q'$ffiflKf{ (nGFRqt) Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) ft5ry e S'mrfr frfllv qr(m Eqtfr$l< Reply : wjth verjfjcation, Applicant's Name. post name, text as per BOGMC and generation of a pIN. Tk. s00.00 will be charged as application fee. Your PIN is fB digit number) 12345678. riil fi6)v sMS . B)GMC <space>yes<space>plN lirrsend ry+rotrl lq({n/ Example . BOGMC YES 12345678 Reply: congratulation Applicant's Name. payment completed successfully tbr BOGMC Application tor xxxxxxxxxxxx [Jser ID js (xxxxxx) and password 6xxxxx). "ffiTt6cst qte<qaa@v r'qq q<.t lti vrt submission qtl <ms effiryH fr qqt qt cqqt qse qWwaa dq q,vqtgt. N Ett qr< qt, r (S) 1(<{"1.0 atlt< fi:wB .{ckl <t(sjct"l ?sq, eirjri e {[:rer {"?q {'{(eilH"ta lcadt<t<nD-€< ecrl<>tlio} ( e{R elfl{ c,rl<i?-q GpiC.{ SMS-€< :ll{tcrt (1{ C.rW dtilhr<; {aU}DtC3r eil-",j(nl. qf<r Online {IC<rI.{elCi1 dtiir drng Cri<ile c+tr't q?ttl H(€.|s rt<6lx Grl'llctrf i >r"1{ +xt sr< 1?{{ $s -+r<B qi.i'ft+ >rDE <l{I, SMS read +<T (<( erc GrCq'l.t| ele,Ff?f+qc{ el..[q(ai ++l <lrftx I SMS-q cflfi-o [Jss1 ID e{( password <r<qt<-+r< "l<c€lcg c<tc{ {.T{, ,rm{ n]:r, qfi, q?fi< 'ctfi:t, >r,lx e c,-{r{ ar ?'c-rlf? -safirr(<Gs d(<t'io atft download,T{+ fttr 1Nw< tro <fBai +cr itc<-"{l 31{'l s gr.r'l{.{B Gfare q'.<l$tx q(-fs{cq{ a>IC}I (<( -Ee'-l"f qtt c{Ifl+ "l?-ls,H ,prcl or{-lia a,1{,{ s<(<"{ I (si) Tl cBl=c{tr+ l?-cqio cqt<tiE c<r.:T celr.F fll{t"t"f Gx<li's €>t€>Tqx "rnfir eyr<t +r< fisi iisr [Aer ID, Serial €<( PIN "l.r{hj{ +{cE Erdr<{t [Jser ID qL]t qr$-(ci. BOGMC <Space>HelpcSpace>User<Space>[Jser ID * sent to 16222 Example' BOGMC HELP USER ABCDEF P1Al+s{ qf-rt ?it+Tor. B)GMC <space> Help<space>plNcspace>plN No. * send to 16222. Example: BOGMC HEL? pIN t2345678 sr flrfQt', "l?l+t e crilFt+ "i?lfl( fitftr{ etfi{ clt<tir"i SMS-q.{ {I{rcri q<{ (etdl<t(ql< sGKqiE}- €<( ("tdt<l(Et{ c.rt6"t .{k6-( fi{r('r sil.rlr.rt sr{l cl $sqRlEI ut+fi at{ic,rx Grl?o q'ilr't Sq"i +<t Ca<r liiats "lilrtx Es'}"iAt{1crr< {rl, (at(<, 5:rb ,olfltcro "rdte, sB "ro< f?"rilc'9= x{tiRo ruei{ dlftro rtq'-tq+l{/cl.TiQrE qRt'rtx er(.t$qc.j< si,.rl }il{r{ +<t sr<t ,or<, GR.c qftqx ,!<p-i -{x-{ AIg d<,lfq<, aWI qcn 9lcrrTs q1$tE$lv(nTlo q-flq,tx er(.wscq< qnt ertqt.r +Kl q(<I aldfo1< q1q,lq<,1v6frf1+ q?lq't $qqdr.r fidtfi.'c qlr<k-^r +<c"r )r(f*fB dffil< BGflo .9aB' $>rlcci( q.{I # TETROCENTRE, 3 KawanBazar C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO BoxNo. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944, Fax : +88-02-55014103 Website :, E-mail :; 'a
  • 6. r{f<{ 6ifl)i >{(C<tlet R<o rn1{, v1i1[U c<tct >rs]{el +-{"{ RElm-t hE, qllq € {fu rytn rfi'tlK{{ (nGmqn) Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) {* **;fum ftgn s Stslfr FKPM qrirur q.{rlrom 'grt<Fr+otc< FaGIef', <;1aisiei.{11?f4mnr"c+-'; c*lflo "fftq'tPIl,rrtE-st{ SS{,+f-ft q<f}E -ofir&+g"lm< fi+B Eqtlq.l/qrt iir.o q({ , (g Ftrluto c<rt6t^t e .lGreo-st (<li aflr+)-€<T$at >Ior "rtlBltr+tr Sn{q +<ro er<,!<( q< >r+q +f41€o clt-; -rtr'Tlfi(s -s-r< ; (q) x<+tfllttvs-flfi, $&$tr.{r ta e v-5( c$eg's (SeF{ cS$ +.fu-q o(<, $no utl?1i+ ;^ Il16lln(+Ur (t iEfila ql?lq-€i ffHl{Tfl-{, rtt<qvtrf}E r<cenrdt-r-s( c{:t:r <t 'eirtli +tEl}-o< +ri+ affi< flrq csr"rt Sc*rrt{do Arre atoil?+v qtlBftr+tr ; (tr) elfr< qtqx "tl?ux"fo lexstiG) qef<I ,sr-{r f..r{q,.r qaq'l-6 (dtfr +-9o ut+1?< erlflq :F<Crt Crt 5ar aril"{ fljt tC() ; 1ey fec<1a1/.I-Qlrr. >1fu-c<tntcr'( ejo=-q{lt s<( ta--+"{rt< 'Ia-+;rrt krc< uf+fr aHt< thol/:tlsl €<( RsT-rl'e1{ Plst/:rlrcl TGrlI]hV.fArr >1fuc<tvrt Rc+r< fir<Frc qra"{, A<nafrk +lritqcrl{ 'tE >iiclll-oe.o'11.o5.o8b.oo.08.eo5o-ecru, sTR{: o1.55.1o)o R. c.llslr<{, riich< {Fl 1G<f6t lft-s$lx SolFf.r sGr&-E. 6rcRl <Ii"1lck*t (t(q-cb= d+tFrs s-c{fR"I; ',tcr<l {il >ir-rfrx a<r+lfil c.tcl R1fr{R alxr*1g.: >r.{Tef€ (certificate) d-{6t +(irq-{r,!qtV], TGlq filv+ rqllar(tK "tfi"fO"qc, slk{, sb'.ro.toto 13. wg1fi-} G'r aCIq}ru:r< e'Gi<qltcb (; >i(<lt-s/ekf{, C<i (<'l{ e+lD AT[.lo clffi"{, el cfi-o e $q"tnrloll >roi l?c<Gie Q(<t ,!r+(€ S{l.I+ QFrr< a<1}? {}r<latf.lQlri- >1G-C.Ttht{ >I"1 >j.{rietq dn{"{ €<( s< >rrcjif?rrc +fAqq n+R ar{1 {e-c<rar <i -tQlq :1G-c<tr,t< fe-+afi <l T6--+".u1{ 5q-+.{,r s >rFi >r(f$B itsf:Bn "tliR-s< cblrtrarl-{ <t ctt<csyfSrB <,:(cElc<fi-s< c{3T{ <t extr6 fltsitE< o$rc dore ArcJ{{etO dri{.r e +Pl qlt fico <<r 1u) ul+fi 31fi q+-el aG<q,'l s xoi x++lK{ >nlq <,"i,1{ >tqofl"tc{< qtta q<EE qlt= .}{akt l(f}E ?BFrxa "lfi<Li-sK o{lflilr <l ct<qigVffi +3(ell-r{.rn-€( c{T{ <l extr,j Otsiaior< +-$o ano $el-3rq'i6 drdq .3 +Pt q:lt ftr$ qmr R).O Level' e<( 'A Level' "illr dIfr( c+co <t(qtckr.k Ftx,t c<td tcrr QlrEc aarta qllBltproii lEquivalent Certificate) s{( k01-ft f}qR,{ltex qcro -"rG', REft-< c+ce mc"l< Fl$l luil+*rrrxf*B c+t"{ Rqlio1,lq:rl?sii,ils{ xq'il +1ir-ta tUGCI crtro ?>Jlgo ,rtrtrt.{ ritlBltr+t lEquivalent Certificate) crlt.r+-i t3lx,t< x{x 6l<.flt gffi-.{ai e( $A klfitE +'(cE qr< ; 1w; xr+41?fwt{t-}r<+lfr/{hrs|13r'r dfb$tcl o:fus dtfrr+ ciTlfarc {F.lq{< cT:r -oKlrE rrall{{ -syelc:K .rgrG"to dk-la €{( s< $pi qtiQIE +<cs {r< ; ({) {+aT >rtiBlir.r+F/C<<t-r6{o N<Of?/tHs$l3ru d&Sfc;{( ta e ro1* ceisys (AeFr- CI|fq) +:(+r6t +rio w<.lti {rrylfirrc ?Trr q64 , bl € fic3llcri< cri,-(€ ei.{A{q;{ rEqf"tcjt< ()8.50.lo)ts fr. stRBl< qR"ltE (dq-{-oc.oo.oooo.sqo.)).oq.5b_ t'tu) SLis rr+tfi fifilkcri'.t ol-rctc<+ c,r{l< ltslQrrc Iic{H arrl.{ {,ij er<l 'PETROCENTRE, 3 Kawan Buu C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,Fax: +88-02-55014103 Website :, E-mail z;
  • 7. snngr,a";*s'.nw, '[1q s qfrw{*tn$Tr{[s{{ (nGKIEl) Bangladesh 0il, Gas & Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) frEs's SBtfr fr-{"ffi qr<fu q, qr :ifi c<,ic aFft <trqlclrt< -rnf?-+;rRn, ,!let c+i-..r <Jkc+ R<iq or< {tr<r.l <l k<tq q+rrl atsg&<a rcr {Irf,.l, .cl qrq lGJi qlr<r-1G^{.< .,tc.tl6lI kc<Gis qr<ar u t "n**r v$ r<<liv-qlBt{qlc<q'{qE (+1.{ {,1{"taq+.{ <jBc{r+ x<lxR <ltrcq <cq 't6iI qml b I rcl-{ 3l{t{ frcl]'l Elrv-< fl< 9lir Ak-s a+l{' sclr-Eeils i:ralrT <1 -,}T,t-st <I sft.{ ${ffifs qcq, frcxt't <tfirurq-s ut< k1*r,qlt{lT'f <,<qI Sqq T<t {c< I so r lic{l('H ti<nr r+n zf$l( IEll?{ <t rrrk( Affil< qcsTuRst Iirft< Rc<Go qr<r 55 | (+l-{ 3tft e+tl?o eick3 q.t, -.:11r<q..I a3rcI, -el1 >r+q -qIf<rF{1E <tfBq -+cq F<C<Gg <-<r :lr utofi atfi< I=.iFIe= e crrlFr+ qflmx -',{it${cffiq-al c+-tq ef+-f-< iBs/&.q aqla <'flqr<.{tr 5e t cd,ld <jl{q 'i{lGI <ilBc<ro ficirtui<,tft os"t,l' c{ c+l{ e{tc<r{flE $s.t qrm <lfGq e<( s lt({tuf +trir+-or< W<fi+7rt"1"( qR<6..r/<lfeEpr+t.i+< o<t< €<( 'lcrr3 ,r<+il eta4fh-< s-:r(51 >r(<rF6t sGTl € ft5,1l6'i3 6q'C€- Rc*ta-oft +ri"ter'< FIatsI Eg1-g <co1uiqt -{(< I ss t G'lr< u*csct +<t qxlt s:r-i cq'rcT <f(Elrlt ?rr-*<, afH e qfi-sr- c.rlq +--sc'Ift<-l< 1c"rdl<t<Ei)-,!< +:fuf?t utol? af?ltarr"fl-,!{ Ii{r-{r<fiI s<( qna{Fr'{:ro.fiE}r +-g<, wtftge Rfd-fi<ta $cffqr qf,<r ,rQ<i<sl"l+ (d.tlm) 3 qnql-{G<, qif}lE Frr"r+-ln +ffi PETROCENTRE, 3 Kawran Buu C/A, Dhaka-1215, GPO Box No. 849, Phone : +88-02-8189944,8ax: +88-02-55014103 Website :, E-mail :;