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(T) dfi.I-) ,!tr ffl{ (5) e EfrFr5 Cr,,rorn, cr, 1969 (ALt tv ol.t969) !< trrst Schedule
e < Frc<nl{t x:m lHeading No.) €i fr,f?i6s oqf{ (r) q ii1g TTqqTTf {Flqj.t aote
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('i) dfro q {< T{fq ()) .! EGfiE Fn<nmr x",n< fi,rilc,: qai{ (U .e BfrflE fl{-r mE
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(.i) w{{Fl iific.z{ I,if<1,t, -Fti:r.Ie dfrn,o .!tr TaI{ (5) q BBfiFj Customs Act, 1969
(Acr lV of 1969) an First Schedule {i Ftltr.r;m Rrr[T (Headi]rg No.) {n fi,iftrs i,qtT
(t) ,i filE TI'r€lTi1.l {Tr{.t .slE (H S Code) fr1ft-rc ir4r (e) ,! nf.fs ,t"B-n
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st6n <|qs a<Fi, Elflr
fr€tr ffi< tIcT qia e i?fil

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The Income Tax Rules, 1984
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Irrespective of turnover mandatory VAT registration for organizations

  • 1. I {(qtm.t ('Eq(F ,ff{€t Rc.ts x"[t{ $otFiv{. t "i{gw.e-ff <T(Etr[.l Tmll s]q-{n]q".<li 61fl t wrb R'o"t I 66' ****ds,i. ,ro stfr{B Rixg fF(,oE|l fifrcfc{ {Er xlllq{ T-t s {nri, T$ qjt{, to st qtswr fr{fts Ei<fd fiFr 1t{,fu.i{Igrlql TrI 4rGlE:r qi o ,telsr F q]?{, tosi ()o)t ,izTfl 8i r( qi{), qs:,r{ EF qir <tr{t EGfiE, ,!r {]<t 8 .!< Ba-${ (t) L!r{ q4l (!) ,! flrs si,sl{a{ qt6! ".wq r{l1i, M{E- (T) dfi.I-) ,!tr ffl{ (5) e EfrFr5 Cr,,rorn, cr, 1969 (ALt tv ol.t969) !< trrst Schedule e < Frc<nl{t x:m lHeading No.) €i fr,f?i6s oqf{ (r) q ii1g TTqqTTf {Flqj.t aote (H.S. Code) firA(s- Tat{ (e) q <ffu,tfl]< Es'lTq-;rfI ar. ('i) dfro q {< T{fq ()) .! EGfiE Fn<nmr x",n< fi,rilc,: qai{ (U .e BfrflE fl{-r mE €i EtselTli q4lq (o) q <Ffu cr<t afi++tiro, e<( (.i) w{{Fl iific.z{ I,if<1,t, -Fti:r.Ie dfrn,o .!tr TaI{ (5) q BBfiFj Customs Act, 1969 (Acr lV of 1969) an First Schedule {i Ftltr.r;m Rrr[T (Headi]rg No.) {n fi,iftrs i,qtT (t) ,i filE TI'r€lTi1.l {Tr{.t .slE (H S Code) fr1ft-rc ir4r (e) ,! nf.fs ,t"B-n <F]TA "rriETn cRTitfI1 (n Ta? o<({riB "i.tT Se.4q_iTIA Sfubrrtr <rr.aEd .qdr lt< s FE fi4r.d"t{ ,!< weqft{ c.i]Fm qn&s Er<rl-rco. if{-s{ ,tFfiq fifta{rr trc Er?.{i {f{t u sn qlsEl{ fi{fr5 a?<r3 q<i ar s{n_{? stq-l e]i]i rii"4. sc,T:- (bTFi-5 Itir*fl xr,n (Herdipq No.) ffiqwtf i1l35?.i (Trs (H.s. Codel ()) (t) {s) aam mletl]l4 arr+<q .irv ermwxaorxlf{lll+rG ,.itE :fc{rqi {tqq{ti i|:]?<,r .i1s :fa]q] fl{ flqq,llr'fln :fClreT :nqeT"t,{ ilTi"" r6rc F48 € Ern]1nl {lI] AnS flalsl fi,siTel.l fiFi.r .<5ts r{l6,Fr{lrr 3 qirln] rtfit m:i6l :f<IqT TTcilr'l.I {rrrr"i asls rsilT{ € cqf- :frflql 4nirl]ti 4rITi., .ors -r$-qali f s(rlq] T{ciT,l.l 4rTfrq c.ts $cIq'I Xa€iT1.f {]f{.j Gis EE;]T C} ;1li{ o il+1, )8s trllYi xr; ?rmql lrrql]l, TatnSl 5lX4T1.l {ril6*j (i;Tg-
  • 2. (5) tra:lEl nnsi ----------------t*,ff o<rdiat'< 88.o5-88.t) :L!16] ii3 ffi-{rsiry1.f {f{fi'j ry 3t"ti (grsT6 ii-tri4i!1!i6I rrrqi rifilBT {Flql fltrq{i14 rl'lqiq c<5ls (1,ir<tr1]fiffi Tfi,ifi-r ffilcmffi$dc €5 GIES .{ft-ors {mitn ;i.rl -- fl{er{tt{ d{{r"i c{18 ndiDq No.) (ll.S Codc lC:d,'!l,,ol aafl5t v. , ,l ,..q lra-- 'l"?olld i'Eri' cdru iJN- -- :ra-rol rnci$1'lTq+rq crr's rs.o"_3amcl'v41,r-r1colv oo.o: €(g! 1 s.rt",t,rrsrr1dlt.*q ,-r. go,ou s:.oq a'rs 3Grfl ,-,:iqrrlC artmrq ad'rt oe.,1rtco ?tqGil {nqrrld nrfi'rl arl5 ffiitl,qlr1{+;reiq cdlG r5.lJ fi{rq] 80.:5-8o.59 SC,iTql ar-[8."a-l :lc1rs1 rmqrl{ {rro-r 'rlE ss.:r-ErlTql qner{ alr+i1ry c-sl L :nw Ne.cx1.l ammq c<'tu G."r t<s nfa dFri 1i{ltrro '!<1 ffirmi (-s qilEs ffific1-is:l({t6l fiTciiT,l 6ffia1{t6l 4ncrnil IEffi-F' o Bn< "71r-irtl 5|nir'Il'l'l lFr+-q (<r e 5{4 nt<tfiIn{d ?lfl< ffi- ffi l mrraq414 atr+-il c?Fls ffi-ffiSarisil ,lTq,II' 6il i{ri -iri crrfta --fin..rETrFF<ri 08.o8 -{tr n oi, ffiacli$({rsl fi'cil]'l 1ryIr g1rjllTi",+': ffi ,rn lxr"l.l {{ir<d a+15 T{4 Crf]3 ib ffi >rff'4rrnq nl-{Tiq Col, 2rTlqJ l]aalTl{ {.:rfi'l a?Els l1aqai'l! +ar<'t c+rs dr1gTIT{
  • 3. rrciFl{tt(r,yl riTqII' Dc,(ling o.l iri (5) (t) (s) !(tr qI:T{eiTfl{ nT{.i,<r ,-.rc 9t.50 iL,_ ?k{q, ryqnl14{;Iffl arrs nqq gFri qt,!,Iaffi 3arr6l iFrcttil.f n'rlrrnd aire Br trer !c,r sI flnLqql1.l nTrFi.j (nls orFii? erm. !t.5E l,j :rT1T3"r (alis SrqFfr-efc<rq'r Tc'?Tr"i.f Tt{rr", ,:fic fldarrfi ilii 19.!!L,ii,ot E4.88 e({ls] fiq:r1"f .nTr{q ,'ors :f.{rqT nfccil'I'l{ {.lr{.j aor6 .{nqr rjfi,!s {r{fiF-ff{ 3TrTr !.trr5] n]aglJlq nFr€ld fi5ls a-r ol _ i Tarcr ryngrllcl {rT+iq .6rE rb.o. ?Tltqr flrqT1"l {.rr4'i J c+lE ,lrdifi:lln FInd- cts in titl.ot :fci]Tql nlTqT"J" anE v,:.:: $csrqlrnelltim"icors erlIFsl l'cnletE- rd.Jd ga{Iql I]-{qRi1 t8_)g :faT&1rrnaifin( ,r-rr,-; ..* ir5lto 'nln 's Erm -ia1'r ffir]loffi;*- cfa{]ql fiofirTl {Tfi.i Cirs etre ffi effi <nfiR x(!rslr lFl3ilt'iq {Flfiq rfi= "GrrilrlrqTrffir<:|-. daf".ir aiTrltF i]q :ffiql TNqTl.f r1Tfd,r .rrE €tii (?Et"ln ?trr-mi ffiE .!lii 'llfu'< 'rmiqn<anffit Sooc Sooc !o cd(r3Tir ter6r"in EritGR-&; (Fa <lrtrtfi rq'm<ii. .- - (EFTE.t Ft.3rn]]l c{{l{ afls (T{l CqlrdA ()) () ftir{ili"."r= - giitlrix,$_ _- S"t iiro rrftfi{,dEi0+rr,.brmrG<r- tfuniat .:#.:-.- -ltaT-E6=__-
  • 4. rT{ e{T{lftffi{ m<Tn cT]s (5) (r) (e) :-c'trso!8. cT?I {r"r:lNjr, . @:.=:Y"TC=--]+frcffi r+it< -t"tl6!{s:- =) qii"j x.Bt @94*ffijjr-lfi?rn 6l-5l< ,_iffi@rretr'l.r 1 F4'8.! {fna<Tf qIriT<nrc< 9e rr[6 I ffirn'j< ln.lln CfiT sott SOQO sots ! soit.oo sol€.to sot8.)o f'!ffi;6"r-{rr "A alt "1ft{r 1 cn-ir-alii ,1ir r+ ntoEt , =- sots sol's.oo - t*T *tt - sott solt oo soco I s"co oo sost sost'oo so'l So!3'oo Soe8 So'38'oo So3c I so'rc oo a:l c{TqrTIi (eqlnn {r irOE) Tf{'fl< i oq(fi c{'i Effiffi fi{Frolq e,Pi {., 1. ie ?r, t 1,- 56sE o5 €{]i},6r Ert Frft: arqi ffi;ffi aI-rlrrTq<riffi E- < q'1r{r r'.3 SEIoq fa{jds <1 sl'nltq (<n{r{.r' ' ,nririrF,sur"tt trraffi ,Fi ffi-ffirrrlmffirl' qSTi qmIsT =r,#ffidfi.<!< 1]r6-4riE Er]Iri fqsi{e_ri So8,3 aElqlSli s qnal?d '13, r | 1)11 e.l rc<troft SO8L (lldfifdr{ qlIIIsT So81 so8r7 iEjryrYlIr'.]1lyrr]Tn<rrn Erll aF?t]i] ffiffi-<rffi @'-''------ -- -ffiffi;Fn- - -- So8b SoSN oo Socl I]n e qll.llT nSqT1 sl9-l :flr'lQ rr arg q6l{ ailrlrFrdTil ;;<nlr{iqrffi inl1?ao qa-111G'rl<.-ffi- fura-fi.uffi l.,Tr,t G;-E pffir T{{iE <l€le) SOCO Soc8 socl
  • 5. ffifi srFrfifr Eiir iierrl?- qri< rYq Tf,fitR ir <ITqt,inl f6lTq-e H.S. Codr (e) 3"rri?r - s.rl - f- {rrri qrBnqF dliG,n 11 aqa gq13 lrr{Eo e i6ifts l1Titfr-q "t,f {rretTllln3 ()) "S"ilTtet ad ftrrsf forfdo etso <r + : r.{Trn aj.{+ TE=I,T , "ll? 0,.",* ,': '-!t- h'i(."|c! .<iF rE 3 "i'<1.t (-Eroa. n(r, Did-+d,lr.r-q;1;;## Gir<qr.t e 1ffift{nq, !!>ti al]i'f{r <r_rrtri t fifi 3 Tff A 'lqr &.o,.-{ ei] el.I]T ctrf {($t cfi(l.{ c{]s SoCi Soci.oo Sost I s.,r.'.. souo i s",!op" So!9C Solgc.oo "{n. rnl< e oi,Ii fisti- iF;G.Ji]?- tn <r:t Fr "lEgi@ t:.:, e;r.- ] 3rlror=lTnS1rl1ffiq 6aTs ls.o8-is.os I glqolG 88.5C, t8,j,!, a?rnqr r)r -ql"rre arl qs- tt' <' aoq' i U --*, ""n-, !.Ff{i. FT'rr { cr.=.-f { T'R..Ic firrr'F< T<q ,aft, Ta crrir,ro Tm_Far 3fr{qE csn_o,E ,";;L"* () ;.r-ffi ffi;ffi nffi"r- (:ifn .EqR) ?fti.l{- ,*-.c;=;:-- So98 .;nl,d1*-. -- ffiyi-aE- ya+ftlcmr- ffi6,Gffi q{8.nffi roEg+nfi<lfuoG
  • 6. rL qi qm'J )i qI{]p, ssts 3qq flr5l.{r o: E4l' to5} fiPirq glfi'{ 1?(o firiqi 'iff'q <FrnT nq1 E-(<r vrqr re'a 616! u:qts-. &^e Grs,l 1qqq Ho '-t-l-'r<ctd) s?ra n6< (T{o ftft) ST"irs E,l-,lfi}-Frc <l(4roa'l {{rfi E6qiq{' f;3qde. ET< I rdn<, 61iQs qtrfl '!i aoo ('fiErlq) firrqb TPl I.'l s {is +Ft mqR qf6i-{ ntq-l c<tw #* *t, q+,= ***a* {<{' drrrr 6rT q{r<t{ rfl €fl {iJal- or,.o:.oooo o'91, :.ooc')/to:e/ 2-''q Ly qfi,ts 5q Eiti. .r")i F,'fin <1(4tq'1T{fi{l< fiAFo o find4' TIT<84' El+I a ,"**, **"* F?1FrE (fisnn' 'eqliEi 'e oiD' fffl aTI s{i' ft{f-rl <l/'! Errll "-n, #,'r1.* artv *-rr'i1{o atv T rry r{To <ls<rr{' sra{ -<rt{{1E' E'al !e )c rji'|nt<, {T$rln, (sll6 " E," 'n''*tt, DlTl (66i)/ rtm (q1t'iy Ei<l 11i11 ''mt1'tFrall "' rt:]1:rmii-slryr+l{eri/31q{A/3:T</fi-(48/11s-fiTs1ii'in(T16r fi411 ,o-ao, *F'"i, a,* {En, Fftl1/Errvq?1iG'6{dl1'/aiql/'ITfi'n4/{intis ts,tq, <'li.t-fi{,3r'irr, {alq s 11S (qlft4 4fi-]nl(]i' r]F] )/ 6r{,l-' EE$E/ {EaIr -; *r6D1e+, rrF fi?'fi rft{'ql e Er5 qfiqfi :te nsrl<tstl{' EI6Tr a. *nA"a*, & * " :rsJ{'i 'i1irs<' 6irfl1 nfiG efl' 6e1'l!rla1 r{ls' El41r a-ffi #:rnu, *o.. *t= *'' Elal ('err< attcE ot'irovo<"llr zlmqa'{ iFifl clrcr qil s{afi{ fil {'41)r e) et arm rG< (1T{-<lgfir{y(1s' oo I (E{3fln {I{rc{{ splz {F<' i1fu], qlon fiqs a{rG, 6rrl st6n <|qs a<Fi, Elflr fr€tr ffi< tIcT qia e i?fil ,ESAN