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Assessing the Effect of Involuntary Stops by Police on Perceptions of Police
Many police agencies throughout the United States and European countries have began to
implement community policing initiatives to reduce crime and improve police-community
relations by building partnerships, increasing trust, and utilizing research to ensure these policing
initiatives are successful. Research corroborates what common sense predicts: The quality of
police-community relations is associated with the police department’s ability to engage the
community to work together to solve problems and prevent crime. Using citizen satisfaction as a
performance indicator demonstrates to individual officers that the quality of the police services
they provide is important.
Voluntary vs. Involuntary Police Contact
A growing body of research has specifically examined the relationship between
perceptions and experiences with the police. While Brandl, Frank, Worden, and Bynum (1994)
suggest that global attitudes toward the police have a stronger effect on individuals’ assessments
in specific encounters than the reverse; most studies have found that both negative and
involuntary police contacts result in less favorable attitudes toward the police.
According to research, the reported perception of an experience with police can often
depend on whether encounters are initiated by police or by citizens. In general, people who call,
flag down, or approach the police are more satisfied with what happened—and with policing
generally—than those who are pulled off the road or stopped by patrol officers while walking on
foot. Decker (1981) dubbed these “voluntary” and “involuntary” contacts; they are also
frequently referred to as “police-initiated,” or “proactive,” and “citizen-initiated,” or “reactive”
encounters. He concluded that contacts initiated by citizens are more positive in style and
substance. He reasoned that the legitimacy of police intervention is ensured in these encounters
because they were contacted for assistance and that the police are most likely to play a
supportive role in citizen-initiated contacts. Police-initiated contacts, on the other hand, are not
entered into voluntarily and are more likely to be of a suspicious, inquisitorial, and potentially
adversarial nature. Differences in satisfaction with citizen- and police-initiated contacts have
been observed in many studies.
Differences in satisfaction with citizen- and police-initiated contacts have been observed
in many studies. For example, Southgate and Ekblom (1984) found that, in Britain, being
involved in field interrogations and vehicular stops generated three times as much public
annoyance (as they measured it) as other kinds of encounters with police. The 1988 British
Crime Survey probed for a variety of citizen-initiated encounters and revealed that those who
recently had called the police, visited a station, or approached the police on the street to get or
give them information (e.g., that a traffic accident had occurred) generally were quite satisfied
with the encounter. However, those who contacted police to report a disturbance, nuisance, or
suspicious person came away dissatisfied with how they were treated, and those who wanted to
report a crime were the least satisfied of all. The latter groups constituted 44% of the adult
population of England and Wales, so their unhappiness was significant (Mayhew, Elliott, &
Dowds, 1989). Further, a recent survey of London using a satisfaction measure found that a bare
majority of respondents were either “very” or “somewhat satisfied” with how they were treated
when stopped by the police, compared to two thirds of those who had contacted the police about
a crime-related matter (Hough, FitzGerald, Joseph, & Qureshi, 2002).
Race as a contributing factor
Though a large body of research has examined practices and police/community relations,
often minority perspectives on policing are missed. A growing body of research has examined
the disproportionate effects of police practices and misconduct. This research documents the
wide range of harms to minorities in disadvantaged communities, including disproportionate
experiences with surveillance and stops (Fagan & Davies, 2000; Jones-Brown, 2000; Kennedy,
1997; Weitzer, 2000); disrespectful treatment and verbal abuse (Weitzer, 2000); arrests (Smith &
Visher, 1981); the use of force, including excessive and deadly force (Jacobs & O’Brien, 1998;
Smith & Holmes, 2003; Terrill & Reisig, 2003; Weitzer, 2000); police deviance (Kane, 2002); as
well as fewer police protections and slower response times (Klinger, 1997; Smith & Klein,
1984). Moreover, it is specifically minorities that are young and male who bear the largest share
of these negative experiences.
As a consequence, many scholars suggest that consistent findings of minority distrust
and/or dissatisfaction with the police can best be understood by examining the nature of policing
in their communities, including their interpretations of their own experiences with the police
(Fagan & Davies, 2000; Leitzel, 2001; Tyler & Wakslak, 2004; Weitzer, 2000). Scholars argue
that one of the most harmful elements of aggressive policing strategies is their disproportionate
targeting of both minority citizens and poor minority communities (Fagan & Davies, 2000). As
Hemmens and Levin (2000) summarize:
[T]hese more aggressive procedures increase hostility toward the police in inner-city
neighborhoods and among those minority groups who are the primary targets of these
proactive policing tactics … [S]uch tactics … involve the extensive use of police
discretion and provide multiple opportunities for the abuse of authority …. One result of
these aggressive police tactics is the stopping and questioning of many innocent persons.
Much of the recent research on in this area has specifically examined the issue of racial
profiling—involuntary stops based upon race. Weitzer and Tuch (2002), for example, found that
“net of other factors, race and personal experience with racial profiling are among the strongest
and most consistent predictors of attitudes toward the police.” In fact, they conclude that
personal experience with racial discrimination “can have lasting, adverse effects” on individuals’
perceptions of the police. Likewise, Tyler and Waslak (2004) report that individuals who believe
they were the victims of racial profiling have more negative attitudes toward the police. In
addition, their work highlights the importance of procedural justice. Specifically, they found that
when individuals believed that “the police exercised their authority using fair procedures […]
and [were] respectful [in their] interpersonal treatment,” they were less likely to perceive such
stops as racial profiling. Further, the authors conclude: “To effectively deal with racial distrust of
the police in the minority community it is important to regulate not only the selection of the
people whom the police stop, but also the manner in which they conduct stops as well.”
Essentially, minorities who report that they were treated fairly and respectfully by police in the
past are more likely to render positive judgments of police in the past, despite the involuntary
nature of the police stop.
Differences in Satisfaction with Citizen- and Police-Initiated Contacts
Bureau of Justice Statistics – 2008
Retrieved from
This nation-wide study is conducted every 3 years since 1999 by the Bureau of Justice
Statistics (BJS).
Police-Public Contact Survey (PPCS). The PPCS, a supplement to the National Crime
Victimization Survey (NCVS), collects data on crime against persons aged 12 years or older
from a nationally representative, stratified, multistage cluster sample of United States
households. Nearly 60,000 people participated in the most recent PPCS, which was conducted
during the last six months of 2008. A large portion of respondents are contacted by telephone
(61.5%), while 38.5% of respondents complete the survey in person. Respondents are asked
about their police contact for the 12 months prior to conducting the survey: for example, persons
interviewed in July 2008 were asked about contacts that occurred between August 2007 and July
2008. For specific questions from the PPCS, please see Appendix A.
The PPCS provides detailed information on the nature and characteristics of face-to-face
contacts between police and the public, including the reason for and outcome of the contact.
• An estimated 40 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or about 17 percent of the
population, had a face-to-face contact with a police officer in 2008. This is a
continuing decrease in contact between police and the public, down from 19
percent of residents who had contact with the police in 2005 and 21 percent who
had contact in 2002.
• The most common situation in which people came into contact with the police
was as the involuntary stop of a driver in a traffic stop (44.1% of respondents); the
second most common reason for contact with police continued to be reporting a
crime or problem.
• Among people who had face-to-face contact in 2008, about nine out of 10
residents felt the police were respectful or acted properly during their most recent
contact that year.
• Most drivers (85%) who were pulled over by police during 2008 believed they
were stopped for a legitimate reason.
• People who had contact with police during a traffic accident (92.6%; an voluntary
stop where police presence was requested) were more like to feel that police
behaved properly when compared to those in involuntary stops of adversarial
nature: where police suspected the respondent of wrongdoing or were respondents
were contacted during a criminal investigation (78.5%).
o Among those who were suspected of wrongdoing, Blacks (69.6%) and
Hispanics (62.3%) were less likely than Caucasians (82.3%) to believe the
police behaved properly.
• A small percentage (1.5%) of all contacts—both voluntary and involuntary—with
police involved force or the threat of force. Persons suspected of wrongdoing or
who had contact through a criminal investigation represented the largest
percentage of force incidents.
o Caucasians (1.1%) were less likely than Blacks (3.5%) or Hispanics
(2.5%) to experience police threat or use of force during a contact.
o Force was used against a higher percentage of individuals aged 16-29
o Approximately 75% of these residents described the contact as excessive;
87% felt the police acted improperly; and, less than 20% took formal
o An estimated 21.9% of respondents also reported that they argued with,
cursed at, insulted, or verbally threatened the police.
There is much then to suggest that during face-to-face interactions it will be more
difficult for police to improve opinions than to damage them. Overall opinions of police conduct
seem to reflect positively on police. Outliers within the data appear to fall in the categories
outlined by empirical research: satisfaction appeared to be contingent upon the nature of the
police presence was requested (voluntary vs. involuntary police presence). Further, the use or
threat of force within a stop appeared to greatly alter perceptions of police.
Pasadena, CA – 2006
Retrieved from
This study, conducted by the Police Assessment Resource Center and the Vera Institute
of Justice, was one of the first to studies to concurrently survey a community’s thoughts and
opinions about its police department as well as the views of police officers about themselves and
their relationship to the community. It was also one of the first to interrelated and compare the
two sets of survey results.
Police survey. The survey was a 63-item, self-administered, anonymous survey to all of
the 241 sworn officers in the Pasadena Police Department, with a response rate of 71% (171
sworn officers). This survey was modeled after a Chicago Police Department personnel survey
conducted by Wesley Skogan and associates in 1992 and a similar survey of police officers in
Cincinnati conducted by the RAND Corporation in 2005. The survey instrument asked officers
the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with questions measuring their attitudes toward their
jobs, police-community relations, and support for community policing.
Community survey. This telephone survey was done via stratified sampling across
multiple zip codes utilizing random-digit dialing. There were sampling quotas were established
by race and ethnicity: 380 interviews in each of the four target ethnic groups: Anglo, African
American, Asian, and Latino. A total of 1524 residents of Pasadena were surveyed. Because the
sample was stratified by race and ethnicity, it was not representative of the city’s population so
the researchers weighted the sample based on Census racial and ethnic proportions when
presenting frequencies on attitudes and experiences with the police. For specific questions
including the telephone interview script from the Community survey, please see Appendix B
(note: Questions 27-65 specifically address involuntary stops).
In this study, a total of 253 persons (17% of respondents) reported that they had an
involuntary contact with the police over the last year. These respondents were most often
contacted by police while driving, presumably for a traffic infraction:
• 4% reported that they had an involuntary contact with the police while walking.
• 4% were searched and frisked during their contact.
• 6% reported having an involuntary contact which involved a traffic accident or an
• Two-thirds had been stopped once, 16 % had been stopped twice, 9 % had been
stopped three times, and nearly 8 % reported that they had been stopped five or
more times.
Further analysis showed that of those who had been stopped by police, African-
Americans were stopped on average three times during the previous year, as compared to only
once for whites. Latinos averaged around twice in the past year and Asians averaged only one
stop by police.
Interestingly, it was found that being searched or frisked during the encounter led to more
dissatisfaction than an arrest. Further, 76% were Latino and 19% were African-American. In
fact, Latinos were significantly more likely than whites to have had multiple enforcement actions
taken toward them by the police.
Overall, the African-American, Asian, and Latino communities in Pasadena hold more
negative views toward both their community and their police department. The minority
communities included in this study consistently felt less safe in their neighborhoods at night,
thought the police department was less responsive to their concerns, and were generally less
satisfied with their neighborhood. The greater dissatisfaction of the minority communities with
their neighborhoods and the police department are also, in part, related to the tendency of
African-Americans and Latinos to feel less safe in their neighborhoods at night, and the greater
likelihood of African-Americans and Latinos to be stopped by the police, searched and frisked,
arrested, or have property seized. Interestingly, the opinions of these minorities mirrored those of
Pasadena Police Department officers, who reported that the Department is not as effective at
gaining the support of the minority community as it is in other areas of policing.
Despite the fact that the police department was rated higher in most aspects of
satisfaction by its officers and community than police departments in Chicago, Cincinnati, New
York City, Kansas City, Seattle, St. Petersburg, and Washington, DC, the Pasadena Police
department recognized that there was room for improvement to building trust and establishing
better relationships within the community. Programs and events were implemented to educate
and further discuss relationships between the police and community, especially in regards to
minority residents.
Seattle, WA – 2004
Retrieved from
This study, conducted by the City of Seattle, the Vera Institute of Justice, and the Jackson
Organization, was conducted in January 2003. The survey was conducted via telephone and
consisted of 1,607 Seattle residents. Similar to the Pasadena survey, the sample was designed to
include roughly equal numbers of Black, Caucasian, Asian, and Hispanic residents.
The broad scope of the survey was to assess citizens’ level of satisfaction with the police
department and to identify possible sources of friction in police-community interactions.
Importantly, this survey specifically addressed satisfaction with police handling of involuntary
stops with police. For specific questions including the telephone interview script from the survey
and frequencies found within the survey, please see Appendix C (note: Questions 93-107
specifically address involuntary stops).
• The most common situation of involuntary contact with the police revolved
around driving (28%).
• During the involuntary contact with police
o 4% of respondents were arrested during the involuntary contact
o 47% were given a summons.
o 12% of the respondents were searched or frisked
o 4% had property seized
• 26 people reported that the police threatened to use or used physical force against
them, including grabbing, striking, pulling a weapon, or threatening to hit.
o One respondent reported that the force was appropriate
o Four reported that the force used was somewhat inappropriate
o 17 stated that the force used was very inappropriate
• Approximately 75% of respondents thought the officer acted professionally and
clearly explained the reason for the stop and any continuing obligations they had
and thought that the time they were detained was reasonable.
• Approximately 66% of respondents felt that the officer had a valid reason for
stopping them.
• The majority of respondents (66%) were very satisfied or satisfied with the
• The proportion of Blacks (36%) who had involuntary contacts with the police was
somewhat, but not substantially, higher than Hispanics (33%), Asians (28%), and
Caucasians (26%).
o Black respondents were significantly less likely to state that police officers
treated them professionally, explained the reasons for the stop, had a valid
reason for the stop, detained them for a reasonable amount of time,
explained any subsequent obligations resulting from the stop, or overall
handled the situation satisfactorily.
Unlike the other studies mentioned in this briefing, this study also analyzed the data at a
multivariate level, assessing deeper relationships that effected perceptions of the police.
Consistent with previous research, analysts found that respondents who had a previous police
contact (both voluntary and involuntary) that they evaluated as negative were less likely to
perceive the police as effective and more likely to believe that police misconduct was a problem.
These finding assert that it is not the type of stop, but the quality of the stop that influences future
opinions of the police.
British Views of the Public on Stops and Searches – 2000
Retrieved from
The research, a combination of two research notes, was (1) contracted to the specialist
qualitative division of British Market Research Bureau (BMRB) and (2) the Home Office’s
Policing and Reducing Crime Unit (Research, Development and Statistics Directorate [PRC]).
The fieldwork of study (1) comprised face-to-face depth interviews with 55 individuals
stopped or searched by the police during the pilot and discussion groups with 104 members of
the local communities on the pilot sites. A total of 159 people were included in this study. This
study also used information gained from two stop forms which included information on police
search powers and informed people of their rights and the current legal situation while collecting
data. Two examples of these forms are found in Appendix D.
Study (2) drew on information from a range of sources, including:
• statistics collected routinely by the Home Office on searches and crime;
• existing literature from Britain and the United States on stops and searches, and
policing; and
• data collected as part of the broader program of research into stops and searches
carried out by PRC.
The research shows that the experience of being searched is associated with reduced
confidence in the police. It is likely, therefore, that this will contribute directly to lower levels of
confidence in the police among those from minority ethnic groups.
It also notes that people were less satisfied with stop or search encounters when they
were searched, not given convincing explanations or not treated politely or fairly. A lower level
of satisfaction with encounters among ethnic minority people appears to occur because
they disproportionately experience these problems.
• Being stopped was a familiar experience for some respondents across all ethnic
groups. Those regularly stopped felt victimized by the police.
• People generally recognized the difference between a stop and a search. Searches
were seen as more intimidating.
• People tended to want to end an encounter quickly due to embarrassment.
• Experiences of being stopped tended to be negative. Black respondents were least
likely to recall positive experiences.
• Positive experiences were based on being given a reason for the stop, treated
politely and not being kept for a long time or unfairly targeted.
• There were concerns about officers’ attitudes; young officers were seen as
patronizing, arrogant, aggressive and intimidating.
• Importance was placed on being given a genuine reason for stops and,
particularly, searches. This was related to people’s satisfaction with stops and
searches. If not provided, people felt uncomfortable and victimized.
There was some public support for stops and searches in principle, but only with
fundamental changes to their current practice. The aggravation, distrust and resentment currently
caused were seen to outweigh any perceived positive outcomes (e.g. finding drugs, weapons or
stolen items). Changes were suggested in terms of the way they are used and targeted, officer
attitudes, and the reasons given.
Police often call on the public to assist them in carrying out their duties. It stands to
reason that residents are more likely to assist when they view the police favorably and with
legitimacy (Decker, 1981). On the other hand, community perceptions of previous stops have the
potential to unwittingly thwart effective crime-control efforts and cause irrevocable harm to the
police/community relationship.
Though studies have found that involuntary police contacts result in less favorable
attitudes toward the police, a growing body of research demonstrates that the single most
important factor influencing people’s evaluations of police is the quality of their past interactions
with police officers. Simply stated, people who report that they were treated fairly by police in
the past are more likely to render positive judgments of police in the past even if the stop was
involuntary, net of other factors (e.g., demographics, socioeconomic status, type of stop, etc.).
Tyler (2004) concludes that the degree to which people view the police as legitimate influences
whether they comply with police orders or requests. More generally, people accept the decisions
of police when they believe the police have acted fairly and openly with them. Research also
shows that the positive effects of procedural fairness remain even when individuals are the
recipients of negative outcomes: those who are issued citations by police officers, and even those
who are arrested and taken to join, express positive views of the police if they are treated in ways
they perceive to be respectful and equitable. Importantly, positive views of the police make the
work of the police in a community easier and ultimately more effective.
Brandl, S., Frank, J., Worden, R., & Bynum, T. (1994). Global and specific attitudes towards the
police: Disentangling the relationship. Justice Quarterly, 11, 119-134.
Decker, S. (1981). Citizen attitudes toward the police: A review of past findings and suggestions
for future policy. Journal of Police Science & Administration, 9, 80-87.
Fagan, J., and Davies, G. (2000). Street stops and broken windows: Terry, race, and disorder in
New York City. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 28, 457-504.
Hemmens, C., & Levin, D. (2000). Resistance is futile: The right to resist unlawful arrest in an
era of aggressive policing. Crime and Delinquency, 46, 472-496.
Hough, M., FitzGerald, M., Joseph, I., & Qureshi, T. (2002). Policing for London. London:
Jacobs, D., & O'Brien, R. M. (1998). The determinants of deadly force: A structural analysis of
police violence. American Journal of Sociology, 103(4), 837-862.
Jones-Brown, D. D. (2000). Debunking the myth of officer friendly: How African American
males experience community policing. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 16,
Kane, R. J. (2002). The social ecology of police misconduct. Criminology, 40, 867-896.
Kennedy, R. (1997). Race, Crime, and the Law. New York: Vintage.
Klinger, D. A. (1997). Negotiating order in patrol work: An ecological theory of police response
to deviance. Criminology, 35(2), 277-306.
Leitzel, J. (2001). Race and policing. Society, 38(3), 38-42.
Mayhew, P., Elliott, D., & Dowds, L. (1989). The 1988 British Crime Survey. (Home Office
Research Study 111). Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London.
Smith, B. W., & Holmes, M. D. (2003). Community accountability, minority threat, and police
brutality: An examination of civil rights criminal complaints. Criminology, 41, 1035-
Smith, D. A., & Visher, C. D. (1981). Street-level justice: Situational determinants of police
arrest decisions. Social Problems, 29, 167-177.
Smith, D., & Klein, J. (1984). Police control of interpersonal disputes. Social Problems, 31(4),
Southgate, E., & Ekblom, P. (1984). Contacts between police and public. (Home Office
Research Study 77). Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London.
Terrill, W., & Reisig, M. D. (2003). Neighborhood context and police use of force. Journal of
Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40, 291-321.
Tyler, T. (2004). Enhancing police legitimacy. Annals of the American Academy of Political &
Social Science, 593, 84-99.
Tyler, T. R., & Wakslak, C. J. (2004). Profiling and police legitimacy: Procedural justice,
attributions of motive, and acceptance of police authority. Criminology, 42, 253-281.
Weitzer, R. (2000). Racializing policing: Residents’ perceptions in three neighborhoods. Law
and Society Review, 34, 129-155.
Weitzer, R., & Tuch, S. A. (2002). Perceptions of racial profiling: Race, class and personal
experience. Criminology, 40, 435-457.
Appendix A
Police-Public Contact Survey
PPCS-1, Page 1 Black ink Page 1, 100% Pantone 278 Blue
Economics and Statistics Administration
J ___________
Sample Control number
PSU Segment CK Serial
A proxy interview is unacceptable for the PPCS.
D. Reason for PPCS noninterview
A. Field
B. Respondent’s
Line no. Age
Last name
001 002 0041
003 White
005 Yes
Hispanic Origin
C. Type of PPCS interview
Personal (Self)
Telephone (Self)
Noninterview – FILL ITEM D
Asian, Pacific
American Indian,
Aleut, Eskimo
010 1 Yes
1 Yes
No – SKIP to Check Item D2
First name
NOTICE – We are conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Section 8. Section 9 of this law requires us to keep all
information about you and your household strictly confidential. We may use this information only for statistical purposes. Also, Title 42, Section 3732,
United States Code, authorizes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice, to collect information using this survey. Title 42, Sections 3789g
and 3735, United States Code, also requires us to keep all information about you and your household strictly confidential.
PRA Burden Statement – We estimate that it will take between 2 to 10
minutes to complete this interview. If you have any comments regarding
these estimates or any other aspect of this survey, send them to the Senior
Statistician, Research and Public Policy Issues, Bureau of Justice Statistics,
Washington, DC 20531. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless
such collection displays a valid OMB control number.
FIELD REPRESENTATIVE – Complete a PPCS-1 form for
all NCVS interviewed persons age 16+. Do NOT complete
a PPCS-1 form for NCVS Type Z noninterview persons,
NCVS proxy interviews, or persons in Type A households.
FIELD REPRESENTATIVE – Read introduction.
INTRO 1 – Shortly, I will be asking you some additional questions about any contacts you may have had with the
police during the last 12 months. However, before I get to these questions, I have some questions
about your use of a motor vehicle.
How often do you usually drive? Is it ...
(Read answer categories.)
Almost every day?
A few days a week?
A few days a month?
A few times a year?
Never? – ASK item 2
Refused PPCS only
Not available for PPCS only
Non-English speaking respondent only
Even though you never drive, do you have a
driver’s license?
FIELD REPRESENTATIVE – Read introduction.
INTRO 2 – The next series of questions is about any contacts you may have had with the police during the last
12 months. Exclude contacts with private security guards, police officers you see socially, or
relatives who are police officers. Also, exclude any police contacts that occurred because your
employment or volunteer work brought you into regular contact with police officers.
Did you have any contact with a police officer
during the last 12 months, that is, any time since
Were any of these contacts with a police officer
in person, that is, face-to-face?
Did you have more than one face-to-face contact?
How many face-to-face contacts with a police
officer did you have during the last 12 months?
Number of contacts – Read INTRO 3
______________________________________ 1, 2001?
1 Yes
No – SKIP to Check Item D2
1 Yes – ASK item 3d
No – SKIP to item 42
Yes – ASK item 5b
Don’t know
PPCS-1, Page 2 Black ink Page 2, 100% Pantone 278 Blue
FIELD REPRESENTATIVE – Read introduction.
INTRO 3 – For the rest of the interview, please tell me ONLY about the most recent face-to-face contact you
had with the police.
Was this contact initiated by the police?
During this contact, did the police USE or
THREATEN TO USE force against you for any
Did the police officer(s)...
(Read answer categories.)
Mark (X) all that apply.
Actually push or grab you?
Actually kick or hit you?
Actually point a gun at you?
Use or threaten to use any other force
against you? – Specify
Do you feel any of the force used or threatened
against you was excessive?
What force was excessive?
Were you injured as a result of any force used
against you?
During this contact were you arrested?
During this contact were you handcuffed?
At any time during this contact, did you argue
with, curse at, insult, or verbally threaten the
Don’t know
SKIP to item 6
021 1
No – SKIP to item 5e
Describe briefly022
023 1
024 1
Don’t know
Don’t know
025 1
Don’t know
026 1
At any time during this contact, did you... (Read
answer categories 1–5.)
Mark (X) all that apply.
Disobey or interfere with the officer(s)?
Push, grab, or hit the police officer(s)?
Resist being handcuffed, arrested, or
Physically do anything else? – Specify
None of the above
Did this contact occur during a traffic
Did this contact occur during a traffic STOP?
Were you the driver or passenger of the vehicle
that was stopped?
Did this contact occur because you reported a
crime or some other problem to the police?
Did this contact occur because the police were
providing some sort of service or assistance to
Try to get away?
027 1
031 5
033 1
Yes – SKIP to Check Item A
034 1
No – SKIP to item 12
035 1
Driver – SKIP to item 19
Passenger – SKIP to Check Item A
036 1
Yes – SKIP to Check Item A
037 1
Yes – SKIP to Check Item A
Page 2 FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002)
038 1
Yes – SKIP to Check item A
Did this contact occur because the police were
investigating a crime?
039 1
Did this contact occur because the police
suspected you of something?
Yes – SKIP to Check item A
Properly – SKIP to Check Item D
Improperly – ASK item 18a
Don’t know – SKIP to Check Item D
PPCS-1, Page 3 Black ink Page 3, 100% Pantone 278 Blue
Civilian Complaint Review Board
Law enforcement agency
employing the officer(s)
Some other government agency
SKIP to Check Item D
Describe briefly040
Don’t know
050 1
What was the reason for this contact?
Yes – SKIP to item 35 on page 5
No – ASK item 17
Number of police officers
Was force used or threatened against the
Is box 1 marked in item 5a?
Looking back on this contact, do you feel the
police behaved properly or improperly?
Did you take any formal action, such as filing a
complaint or lawsuit against the police?
With whom did you file a complaint or lawsuit?
Did the traffic stop occur at night?
How many officers were present?
Record actual number.
Yes – ASK item 18b
Don’t know
Other – Specify049
Check Item DLocal prosecutor046
FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002) Page 3
(Was/Were) the police officer(s) White, Black, or
some other race?
If only one box is marked in item 21, SKIP to
item 23.
What race were most of the officers?
Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for
PERMISSION, at any time during this traffic stop
did you GIVE the police officer(s)...
Did the police officer(s)...
At any time during this traffic stop, did the
police officer(s)...
052 1 White
Some other race
Don’t know race of any/some
Mostly White
Mostly Black
Mostly some other race
Equal number of each race
Don’t know
057 111 2 3
Mark (X) all that apply.
Mark (X) all that apply.
a. ASK PERMISSION to search the vehicle?
b. ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or
pat you down?
a. PERMISSION to search the vehicle?
b. PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat
you down?
a. Search the vehicle?
b. Search you, frisk you, or pat you down?
No Don’t know
111 2 3Yes No Don’t know
111 2 3Yes No Don’t know
111 2 3Yes No Don’t know
111 2 3Yes No Don’t know
111 2 3Yes No Don’t know
Yes – ASK item 25b
No – SKIP to item 27
Did the police officer(s) search the vehicle
OR the respondent?
Is box 1 marked in item 25a, categories
a OR b?
PPCS-1, Page 4 Black ink Page 4, 100% Pantone 278 Blue
Assaulting a police officer?
Resisting arrest?
Possession of a firearm or concealed
Disorderly conduct?
SKIP to item 33
Given a warning?
Given a traffic ticket?
None of the above
081 1
072 1
Yes – SKIP to item 29
Yes – ASK item 26
No – SKIP to item 27
Was the respondent arrested?
Is box 1 marked in item 6?
Yes – ASK item 32
Don’t know
Some other offense? – Specify090
A drug offense?087
FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002)Page 4
Did the police officer(s) find any of the following
items during (this search/these searches)?
(Read answer categories 1–4.)
Illegal weapons?
Illegal drugs?
Open containers of alcohol, such as beer or
Other evidence of a crime? – Specify
Mark (X) all that apply.
064 11
2065 2
None of the above5068
Earlier you said that you were arrested and you
or your vehicle were searched. Did the search
occur before you were arrested?
Did the police officer(s) give a reason for
stopping the vehicle?
Was the reason speeding?
A vehicle defect?
A record check?
A seatbelt violation?
A roadside check for drunk drivers?
Don’t know
070 1
Yes – ASK item 28a
Don’t know
071 1
SKIP to item 30
073 1
Yes – SKIP to item 29
074 1
Yes – SKIP to item 29
075 1
Yes – SKIP to item 29
076 1
Yes – SKIP to item 29
077 1
Yes – SKIP to item 29
078 1
Yes – SKIP to item 29
Yes – Specify079 1
Don’t know
2 No
An illegal turn or illegal lane change?
A stop sign or stop light violation?
Was there some other reason?
Would you say that the police officer(s) had a
legitimate reason for stopping you?
During this contact were you... (Read answer
categories 1–2.)
Mark (X) all that apply.
Were you charged with a non-traffic offense?
Were you charged with... (Read answer categories.)
Looking back on this contact, do you feel the
police behaved properly or improperly?
Mark (X) all that apply.
Properly – SKIP to Check Item D
Improperly – ASK item 34a
Don’t know – SKIP to Check Item D
091 1
Did you take any formal action, such as filing a
complaint or lawsuit against the police?
PPCS-1, Page 5 Black ink Page 5, 100% Pantone 278 Blue
Civilian Complaint Review Board
Law enforcement agency
employing the officer(s)
Some other government agency
No – Interview next household member
Is this the last household member to be
Don’t know
Other – Specify098
Check Item DLocal prosecutor095
FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002) Page 5
Yes – ASK item 34b
Don’t know
092 1
With whom did you file a complaint or lawsuit?
Mark (X) all that apply.
At any time during this contact, did the police
officer(s) ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk
you, or pat you down?
Did the police officer(s) actually search you, frisk
you, or pat you down?
Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for
PERMISSION, at any time during this contact did
you GIVE the police officer(s) PERMISSION to
search you, frisk you, or pat you down?
SKIP to Check Item D
Don’t know
Yes – ASK item 37b
Don’t know
SKIP to item 38a
Did the police officer(s) find any of the following
items on or near you?
(Read answer categories 1–4.)
Mark (X) all that apply.
During this contact, were you charged with any
Were you charged with . . .
(Read answer categories.)
Looking back on this contact, do you feel the
police behaved properly or improperly?
Did you take any formal action, such as filing a
complaint or lawsuit against the police?
With whom did you file a complaint or lawsuit?
Mark (X) all that apply.
Illegal weapons?
Illegal drugs?
Open containers of alcohol, such as beer or
Other evidence of a crime? – Specify
Assaulting a police officer?
Resisting arrest?
A drug offense?
Possession of a firearm or concealed weapon?
Disorderly conduct or public drunkenness?
Some other offense – Specify
5 None of the above
Yes – ASK item 38b
Don’t know
SKIP to item 39
Properly – SKIP to Check Item D
Improperly – ASK item 40a
Don’t know – SKIP to Check Item D
Yes – ASK item 40b
Don’t know
SKIP to Check Item D
Civilian Complaint Review Board
Law enforcement agency
employing the officer(s)
Some other government agency
Other – Specify
Local prosecutor
Mark (X) all that apply.
PPCS-1, Page 6 Black ink Page 6, 100% Pantone 278 Blue
Page 6 FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002)
1 - B
Appendix B
Pasadena Citizen Survey Instrument
Hello. My name is ___ and I'm calling to ask Pasadena residents about their views
of the Pasadena Police Department. Your identity and answers are completely
confidential and will help city officials to make decisions about police services.
In answering the questions, please refer only to your thoughts and experiences with
the PASADENA Police Department, NOT any other local, county, state or other law
enforcement agency.
To ensure a statistically accurate survey, we want to make sure we talk to people
with different backgrounds. With which racial or ethnic group do you MOST
01 ............................................................................................................White / Anglo Skip to Q5
02 .......................................................................................................Latino / Hispanic Go to Q2
03 ......................................................................................... Black / African American Skip to Q4
04 ........................................................................................... Asian or Pacific Islander Skip to Q3
05 ........................................................................................................American Indian TERMINATE
06 ..........................................................................Other (Specify: _______________) TERMINATE
07 ............................................................................................................... Don't Know TERMINATE
08 ....................................................................................................................... Refuse TERMINATE
Which of the following is your ancestry or region of origin?
01 ...................................................................................................................Mexico Skip to Q5
02 ...............................................................................................................Caribbean Skip to Q5
03 ...................................................................................................Central American Skip to Q5
04 .....................................................................................................South American Skip to Q5
05 ......................................................................................................................Spain Skip to Q5
06 ............................................(Other: specify: ____________________________) Skip to Q5
07 ............................................................................................Don't Know / Refused Skip to Q5
Which of the following is your ancestry or country of origin?
01 .......................................................................Laotian, Vietnamese or Cambodian Skip to Q5
02 .................................................................................................................. Chinese Skip to Q5
03 .................................................................................................................. Filipino Skip to Q5
04 .................................................................................................................Japanese Skip to Q5
05 ................................................................................................................... Korean Skip to Q5
06 ...................................................................................................... Pacific Islander Skip to Q5
07 .......................................................................................................Middle Eastern Skip to Q5
08 ..........................................................................................................Asian (other) Skip to Q5
2 - B
Which of the following is your region of origin or ancestry?
02.......................................................................................Caribbean or West Indies
03.................................................................................................. African American
06............................................ (Other: specify: ____________________________)
07.............................................................................................Don't Know / Refused
How safe do you feel when alone outside in your neighborhood at night? Would you say:
(Read choices)
01................................................................................................................Very safe
02.......................................................................................................Somewhat safe
03................................................................................................... Somewhat unsafe
04............................................................................................................Very unsafe
05......................................................................(Respondent doesn't go out at night)
07.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
In your opinion, what are the most serious crime problems in your neighborhood?
(ROTATE and read choices)
01...............................................................................................................Auto theft
02Property crime not including auto theft (burglary, theft, shoplifting, property damage, arson, etc.
03..... Violent crime (assault, robbery, domestic violence, sexual assault, homicide)
04................Drug crime (dealing, use of drugs on the street, in parks, schools, etc.)
05Social disorder (public drinking, loitering, panhandling, graffiti, youths congregating, homelessness)
06......................................................................... (Other: specify ______________)
08.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
In general, in the last two years would you say the overall level of crime in your
neighborhood has Gone Up, Gone Down, or Stayed the Same:
01..................................................................................................................Gone up
02...................................................................................................... Gone down OR
03............................................................................................Stayed about the same
05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
In general, how would you rate your neighborhood as a place to live? Is it:
01................................................................................................................ Excellent
02...................................................................................................................... Good
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
3 - B
For each of the following statements about police effectiveness, please tell me whether you:
Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree.
ROTATE Q9 to Q15
The police in your neighborhood do a good job of preventing crime.
(If necessary repeat choices)
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The police in your neighborhood promptly respond to Non-Emergency calls for assistance.
(If necessary repeat choices)
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The police in your neighborhood promptly respond to Emergency calls for assistance.
(If necessary repeat choices)
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The police in your neighborhood are helpful to people who have been victims of crime.
(If necessary repeat choices)
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
4 - B
Overall, the police are effective in dealing with the problems that really concern people in
your neighborhood.
(If necessary repeat choices)
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Overall, the police in your neighborhood are doing a good job dealing with residents in a
fair and courteous manner.
(If necessary repeat choices)
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The police in your neighborhood are doing a good job working together with residents to
solve local problems.
(If necessary repeat choices)
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
How familiar are you with the concept of mediation?
(Read choices)
01.........................................................................................................Very Familiar Go to Q17
02..................................................................................................................Familiar Go to Q17
03................................................................................................Somewhat Familiar Go to Q17
04.................................................................................................Not at All Familiar Skip to Q18
05................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q18
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q18
Are you aware that the Pasadena Police Department offers mediation for certain types of complaints filed against
police officers?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
5 - B
Are you aware that there have been several public meetings to discuss police-community
01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q19
02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q21
03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q21
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q21
Have you attended one or more of these events?
01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q20
02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q21
03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q21
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q21
How satisfied were you with the experience?
(Read choices)
01........................................................................................................ Very Satisfied
02................................................................................................Somewhat Satisfied
03...........................................................................................Somewhat Dissatisfied
04....................................................................................................Very Dissatisfied
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Now I'll read some descriptions of how the Pasadena Police Department might behave
toward citizens. For each of the following statements, please tell me whether you think that
in Pasadena it is CURRENTLY a: Major Problem, Minor Problem, or Not A Problem.
(ROTATE Q22 to Q25)
Stopping people in cars or on the street without good reason.
(If necessary repeat choices)
01....................................................................................................A major problem
02....................................................................................................A minor problem
03........................................................................................................ Not a problem
05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
6 - B
Police engaging in racial profiling
(If necessary repeat choices)
01....................................................................................................A major problem
02............................................................................................. A minor problem OR
03........................................................................................................ Not a problem
05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Police using offensive language
(If necessary repeat choices)
01....................................................................................................A major problem
02............................................................................................. A minor problem OR
03........................................................................................................ Not a problem
05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Police using excessive force, for example, being verbally or physically abusive
(If necessary repeat choices)
01....................................................................................................A major problem
02............................................................................................. A minor problem OR
03........................................................................................................ Not a problem
05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
In your personal opinion, are the police Very Responsive, Somewhat Responsive,
Somewhat Unresponsive, or Not Responsive to the concerns of your racial or ethnic group?
01..................................................................................................... Very responsive
02............................................................................................ Somewhat responsive
03.........................................................................................Somewhat unresponsive
04....................................................................................................... Not responsive
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
7 - B
In the last 12 months, have you EVER approached or sought help from the Pasadena
01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q28
02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q44
03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q44
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q44
In the last 12 months, have you: Reported a crime to the Pasadena police?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Reported a non-crime emergency to the Pasadena police, such as a traffic accident or
medical emergency?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Reported a suspicious person or noises to Pasadena police?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Contacted Pasadena police about neighborhood concerns or problems?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Participated in neighborhood watch or other anti-crime programs WITH Pasadena police?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
8 - B
Approached or sought help from the Pasadena police in the last 12 months for something I
didn't mention?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Of your contact with Pasadena police, which of the following describes your most serious
contact in the last 12 months?
Read Choices
01........................................................................................Reported crime to police
02................................................................. Reported other non-crime emergencies
03.................................................................... Reported suspicious person or noises
04.................................................... Contacted police about neighborhood concerns
05....................................................................................Participated in block watch
06.......................................................... (Other: specify______________________)
08.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Regarding THAT contact with the police, were you a victim of a crime?
01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q37
02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q38
03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q38
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q38
Which of the following types of crime was involved?
01.............................................................................................. Assault (non-sexual)
02................................................................................................................. Burglary
03..................................................................................................Domestic violence
05.........................................................................................................Sexual assault
06..................................................................................................... Theft/vandalism
07..................................................................... (Other: specify ________________)
09.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
9 - B
Of the following, who in the Pasadena Police Department was involved in the contact?
(Accept all that apply)
01....................................................................A uniformed Pasadena Police Officer
02..............................A Pasadena detective or other officer not in a Police Uniform
03....................................................................................................... A 911 operator
04................................................... Another Police Department employee in person
05..............................................Another Police Department employee on the phone
06.............................................................................................................Don’t know
Now I'll read some statements about how you were treated during the incident. For each
statement, please tell me whether you: "strongly agree," "agree," "disagree," or "strongly
disagree." For this (most serious) incident, the officer treated you professionally and
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The officer clearly explained where you could get help for problems you might have had as
a result of the incident.
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The police promptly responded to your situation.
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
You were kept informed of the status of your case.
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
07.....................................................................................................(Not Applicable)
10 - B
Overall, how satisfied are you with how the police department handled your situation? Are
(Read choices)
01.........................................................................................................Very satisfied
02................................................................................................ Somewhat satisfied
03.....................................................................................Somewhat dissatisfied OR
04.................................................................................................... Very dissatisfied
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The next set of questions involve any experience you may have had involving a police
officer stopping you while you were driving or walking. Have you EVER been stopped or
approached by the Pasadena police in the last 12 months?
01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q45
02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q76
03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q76
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q76
In the last 12 months, have you: Been stopped by the police while walking?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Been stopped by the police while driving?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Been involved in a traffic accident that was reported to the police?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
11 - B
Been searched or frisked?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Been arrested?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
In total, how many times have you been stopped by the Pasadena Police in the last 12
01...........................................................................................Enter Number of Stops
03.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Which of the following describes your most serious contact with the Pasadena police in the
last 12 months?
01...........................................................................................Stopped while walking
02............................................................................................Stopped while driving
03................................................................................. Involved in a traffic accident
04............................................................................................... Stopped and frisked
06..................................................... (Other: specify ________________________)
08.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Focusing on the most serious stop, were you: Questioned about what you were doing in the
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Given a warning?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
12 - B
Given a traffic ticket?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Searched or frisked?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Did you have property seized?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Next I will read another series of statements about this incident. Please tell me whether you:
"strongly agree," "agree," "disagree," or "strongly disagree" that the statement is true. The
officer/s treated you professionally and respectfully.
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The officer clearly explained the reason you were stopped.
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
13 - B
The officer clearly explained whether you needed to do anything, such as go to court, as a
result of the incident.
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The officer had a valid reason for stopping you.
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The time involved in this encounter was reasonable.
01........................................................................................................Strongly agree
03................................................................................................................. Disagree
04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
During this incident, did any police officer, for ANY reason, use or threaten to use physical
force against you, other than handcuffing you?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
I want to ask you about the amount of force the officer/s used to detain you, if they used
force of any kind at all. Would you say:
(Read choices)
01...............................................................................No force of any kind was used
02............................................................ The amount of force was very appropriate
03................................................... The amount of force was somewhat appropriate
04..........................................The amount of force was somewhat inappropriate OR
05......................................................... The amount of force was very inappropriate
07.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
14 - B
Overall, would you say you are Very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Somewhat
Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied with how the officer/s handled your situation? Are you:
01.........................................................................................................Very satisfied Skip to Q76
02................................................................................................ Somewhat satisfied Skip to Q76
03............................................................................................Somewhat dissatisfied Go to Q66
04.................................................................................................... Very dissatisfied Go to Q66
05................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q76
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q76
Did you report your complaint to any of the following people or agencies: The Officer's
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Another police officer?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The Pasadena Police Department Professional Standards Unit, also known as the PSU?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The Mayor or a City Councilmember?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
An elected County Supervisor or a State Elected Official?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
15 - B
Another city agency?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
A private organization, for example, ACLU, NAACP, or a private lawyer?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
The News media?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Have you ever filed an official complaint against a member of the police department?
01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q75
02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q76
03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q76
04.........................................................................................................(Don’t Know) Skip to Q76
Overall, how satisfied are you with how the department handled your complaint? Are you:
(Read choices)
01.........................................................................................................Very satisfied
02................................................................................................ Somewhat satisfied
03.....................................................................................Somewhat dissatisfied OR
04.................................................................................................... Very dissatisfied
06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Your responses to the remaining questions will only be used for statistical analysis. They
are also strictly confidential. How many adults are there in your household who are 18
years and older?
01...........................................................................................Enter number of adults
16 - B
What is the highest grade or year of school you have completed?
01....................................................................................Elementary school (or less)
02.............................................................................................. High school or GED
03..........................................................................................................Some college
04....................................................................................................... College degree
05.............................................................................Graduate or professional school
06..........................Non-College vocational or technical degree beyond high school
08.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Were you born in the United States?
01.........................................................................................................................Yes Skip to Q80
02.......................................................................................................................... No Go to Q79
03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q80
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q80
How many years have you lived in the United States?
01............................................................................................Enter number of years
03.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
How many years have you lived in the City of Pasadena?
01.......................................................................................... Enter Number of Years
03.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Do you or your family own the home in which you live?
02.......................................................................................................................... No
04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
Please stop me when I reach your age group:
(Read List)
01.................18 to 24
02.................25 to 34
03.................35 to 44
04.................45 to 54
05.................55 to 64
06.................65 and over
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  • 1. Assessing the Effect of Involuntary Stops by Police on Perceptions of Police Many police agencies throughout the United States and European countries have began to implement community policing initiatives to reduce crime and improve police-community relations by building partnerships, increasing trust, and utilizing research to ensure these policing initiatives are successful. Research corroborates what common sense predicts: The quality of police-community relations is associated with the police department’s ability to engage the community to work together to solve problems and prevent crime. Using citizen satisfaction as a performance indicator demonstrates to individual officers that the quality of the police services they provide is important. Voluntary vs. Involuntary Police Contact A growing body of research has specifically examined the relationship between perceptions and experiences with the police. While Brandl, Frank, Worden, and Bynum (1994) suggest that global attitudes toward the police have a stronger effect on individuals’ assessments in specific encounters than the reverse; most studies have found that both negative and involuntary police contacts result in less favorable attitudes toward the police. According to research, the reported perception of an experience with police can often depend on whether encounters are initiated by police or by citizens. In general, people who call, flag down, or approach the police are more satisfied with what happened—and with policing generally—than those who are pulled off the road or stopped by patrol officers while walking on foot. Decker (1981) dubbed these “voluntary” and “involuntary” contacts; they are also frequently referred to as “police-initiated,” or “proactive,” and “citizen-initiated,” or “reactive” encounters. He concluded that contacts initiated by citizens are more positive in style and substance. He reasoned that the legitimacy of police intervention is ensured in these encounters because they were contacted for assistance and that the police are most likely to play a supportive role in citizen-initiated contacts. Police-initiated contacts, on the other hand, are not entered into voluntarily and are more likely to be of a suspicious, inquisitorial, and potentially adversarial nature. Differences in satisfaction with citizen- and police-initiated contacts have been observed in many studies. Differences in satisfaction with citizen- and police-initiated contacts have been observed in many studies. For example, Southgate and Ekblom (1984) found that, in Britain, being involved in field interrogations and vehicular stops generated three times as much public annoyance (as they measured it) as other kinds of encounters with police. The 1988 British Crime Survey probed for a variety of citizen-initiated encounters and revealed that those who recently had called the police, visited a station, or approached the police on the street to get or give them information (e.g., that a traffic accident had occurred) generally were quite satisfied with the encounter. However, those who contacted police to report a disturbance, nuisance, or suspicious person came away dissatisfied with how they were treated, and those who wanted to report a crime were the least satisfied of all. The latter groups constituted 44% of the adult population of England and Wales, so their unhappiness was significant (Mayhew, Elliott, & Dowds, 1989). Further, a recent survey of London using a satisfaction measure found that a bare majority of respondents were either “very” or “somewhat satisfied” with how they were treated
  • 2. when stopped by the police, compared to two thirds of those who had contacted the police about a crime-related matter (Hough, FitzGerald, Joseph, & Qureshi, 2002). Race as a contributing factor Though a large body of research has examined practices and police/community relations, often minority perspectives on policing are missed. A growing body of research has examined the disproportionate effects of police practices and misconduct. This research documents the wide range of harms to minorities in disadvantaged communities, including disproportionate experiences with surveillance and stops (Fagan & Davies, 2000; Jones-Brown, 2000; Kennedy, 1997; Weitzer, 2000); disrespectful treatment and verbal abuse (Weitzer, 2000); arrests (Smith & Visher, 1981); the use of force, including excessive and deadly force (Jacobs & O’Brien, 1998; Smith & Holmes, 2003; Terrill & Reisig, 2003; Weitzer, 2000); police deviance (Kane, 2002); as well as fewer police protections and slower response times (Klinger, 1997; Smith & Klein, 1984). Moreover, it is specifically minorities that are young and male who bear the largest share of these negative experiences. As a consequence, many scholars suggest that consistent findings of minority distrust and/or dissatisfaction with the police can best be understood by examining the nature of policing in their communities, including their interpretations of their own experiences with the police (Fagan & Davies, 2000; Leitzel, 2001; Tyler & Wakslak, 2004; Weitzer, 2000). Scholars argue that one of the most harmful elements of aggressive policing strategies is their disproportionate targeting of both minority citizens and poor minority communities (Fagan & Davies, 2000). As Hemmens and Levin (2000) summarize: [T]hese more aggressive procedures increase hostility toward the police in inner-city neighborhoods and among those minority groups who are the primary targets of these proactive policing tactics … [S]uch tactics … involve the extensive use of police discretion and provide multiple opportunities for the abuse of authority …. One result of these aggressive police tactics is the stopping and questioning of many innocent persons. Much of the recent research on in this area has specifically examined the issue of racial profiling—involuntary stops based upon race. Weitzer and Tuch (2002), for example, found that “net of other factors, race and personal experience with racial profiling are among the strongest and most consistent predictors of attitudes toward the police.” In fact, they conclude that personal experience with racial discrimination “can have lasting, adverse effects” on individuals’ perceptions of the police. Likewise, Tyler and Waslak (2004) report that individuals who believe they were the victims of racial profiling have more negative attitudes toward the police. In addition, their work highlights the importance of procedural justice. Specifically, they found that when individuals believed that “the police exercised their authority using fair procedures […] and [were] respectful [in their] interpersonal treatment,” they were less likely to perceive such stops as racial profiling. Further, the authors conclude: “To effectively deal with racial distrust of the police in the minority community it is important to regulate not only the selection of the people whom the police stop, but also the manner in which they conduct stops as well.” Essentially, minorities who report that they were treated fairly and respectfully by police in the past are more likely to render positive judgments of police in the past, despite the involuntary nature of the police stop.
  • 3. Differences in Satisfaction with Citizen- and Police-Initiated Contacts Bureau of Justice Statistics – 2008 Retrieved from This nation-wide study is conducted every 3 years since 1999 by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Police-Public Contact Survey (PPCS). The PPCS, a supplement to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), collects data on crime against persons aged 12 years or older from a nationally representative, stratified, multistage cluster sample of United States households. Nearly 60,000 people participated in the most recent PPCS, which was conducted during the last six months of 2008. A large portion of respondents are contacted by telephone (61.5%), while 38.5% of respondents complete the survey in person. Respondents are asked about their police contact for the 12 months prior to conducting the survey: for example, persons interviewed in July 2008 were asked about contacts that occurred between August 2007 and July 2008. For specific questions from the PPCS, please see Appendix A. The PPCS provides detailed information on the nature and characteristics of face-to-face contacts between police and the public, including the reason for and outcome of the contact. • An estimated 40 million U.S. residents age 16 or older, or about 17 percent of the population, had a face-to-face contact with a police officer in 2008. This is a continuing decrease in contact between police and the public, down from 19 percent of residents who had contact with the police in 2005 and 21 percent who had contact in 2002. • The most common situation in which people came into contact with the police was as the involuntary stop of a driver in a traffic stop (44.1% of respondents); the second most common reason for contact with police continued to be reporting a crime or problem. • Among people who had face-to-face contact in 2008, about nine out of 10 residents felt the police were respectful or acted properly during their most recent contact that year. • Most drivers (85%) who were pulled over by police during 2008 believed they were stopped for a legitimate reason. • People who had contact with police during a traffic accident (92.6%; an voluntary stop where police presence was requested) were more like to feel that police behaved properly when compared to those in involuntary stops of adversarial nature: where police suspected the respondent of wrongdoing or were respondents were contacted during a criminal investigation (78.5%). o Among those who were suspected of wrongdoing, Blacks (69.6%) and Hispanics (62.3%) were less likely than Caucasians (82.3%) to believe the police behaved properly. • A small percentage (1.5%) of all contacts—both voluntary and involuntary—with police involved force or the threat of force. Persons suspected of wrongdoing or
  • 4. who had contact through a criminal investigation represented the largest percentage of force incidents. o Caucasians (1.1%) were less likely than Blacks (3.5%) or Hispanics (2.5%) to experience police threat or use of force during a contact. o Force was used against a higher percentage of individuals aged 16-29 (2.5%). o Approximately 75% of these residents described the contact as excessive; 87% felt the police acted improperly; and, less than 20% took formal action. o An estimated 21.9% of respondents also reported that they argued with, cursed at, insulted, or verbally threatened the police. There is much then to suggest that during face-to-face interactions it will be more difficult for police to improve opinions than to damage them. Overall opinions of police conduct seem to reflect positively on police. Outliers within the data appear to fall in the categories outlined by empirical research: satisfaction appeared to be contingent upon the nature of the police presence was requested (voluntary vs. involuntary police presence). Further, the use or threat of force within a stop appeared to greatly alter perceptions of police. Pasadena, CA – 2006 Retrieved from %20Relations%20in%20Pasadena%20California.pdf This study, conducted by the Police Assessment Resource Center and the Vera Institute of Justice, was one of the first to studies to concurrently survey a community’s thoughts and opinions about its police department as well as the views of police officers about themselves and their relationship to the community. It was also one of the first to interrelated and compare the two sets of survey results. Police survey. The survey was a 63-item, self-administered, anonymous survey to all of the 241 sworn officers in the Pasadena Police Department, with a response rate of 71% (171 sworn officers). This survey was modeled after a Chicago Police Department personnel survey conducted by Wesley Skogan and associates in 1992 and a similar survey of police officers in Cincinnati conducted by the RAND Corporation in 2005. The survey instrument asked officers the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with questions measuring their attitudes toward their jobs, police-community relations, and support for community policing. Community survey. This telephone survey was done via stratified sampling across multiple zip codes utilizing random-digit dialing. There were sampling quotas were established by race and ethnicity: 380 interviews in each of the four target ethnic groups: Anglo, African American, Asian, and Latino. A total of 1524 residents of Pasadena were surveyed. Because the sample was stratified by race and ethnicity, it was not representative of the city’s population so the researchers weighted the sample based on Census racial and ethnic proportions when presenting frequencies on attitudes and experiences with the police. For specific questions including the telephone interview script from the Community survey, please see Appendix B (note: Questions 27-65 specifically address involuntary stops).
  • 5. In this study, a total of 253 persons (17% of respondents) reported that they had an involuntary contact with the police over the last year. These respondents were most often contacted by police while driving, presumably for a traffic infraction: • 4% reported that they had an involuntary contact with the police while walking. • 4% were searched and frisked during their contact. • 6% reported having an involuntary contact which involved a traffic accident or an arrest. • Two-thirds had been stopped once, 16 % had been stopped twice, 9 % had been stopped three times, and nearly 8 % reported that they had been stopped five or more times. Further analysis showed that of those who had been stopped by police, African- Americans were stopped on average three times during the previous year, as compared to only once for whites. Latinos averaged around twice in the past year and Asians averaged only one stop by police. Interestingly, it was found that being searched or frisked during the encounter led to more dissatisfaction than an arrest. Further, 76% were Latino and 19% were African-American. In fact, Latinos were significantly more likely than whites to have had multiple enforcement actions taken toward them by the police. Overall, the African-American, Asian, and Latino communities in Pasadena hold more negative views toward both their community and their police department. The minority communities included in this study consistently felt less safe in their neighborhoods at night, thought the police department was less responsive to their concerns, and were generally less satisfied with their neighborhood. The greater dissatisfaction of the minority communities with their neighborhoods and the police department are also, in part, related to the tendency of African-Americans and Latinos to feel less safe in their neighborhoods at night, and the greater likelihood of African-Americans and Latinos to be stopped by the police, searched and frisked, arrested, or have property seized. Interestingly, the opinions of these minorities mirrored those of Pasadena Police Department officers, who reported that the Department is not as effective at gaining the support of the minority community as it is in other areas of policing. Despite the fact that the police department was rated higher in most aspects of satisfaction by its officers and community than police departments in Chicago, Cincinnati, New York City, Kansas City, Seattle, St. Petersburg, and Washington, DC, the Pasadena Police department recognized that there was room for improvement to building trust and establishing better relationships within the community. Programs and events were implemented to educate and further discuss relationships between the police and community, especially in regards to minority residents.
  • 6. Seattle, WA – 2004 Retrieved from This study, conducted by the City of Seattle, the Vera Institute of Justice, and the Jackson Organization, was conducted in January 2003. The survey was conducted via telephone and consisted of 1,607 Seattle residents. Similar to the Pasadena survey, the sample was designed to include roughly equal numbers of Black, Caucasian, Asian, and Hispanic residents. The broad scope of the survey was to assess citizens’ level of satisfaction with the police department and to identify possible sources of friction in police-community interactions. Importantly, this survey specifically addressed satisfaction with police handling of involuntary stops with police. For specific questions including the telephone interview script from the survey and frequencies found within the survey, please see Appendix C (note: Questions 93-107 specifically address involuntary stops). • The most common situation of involuntary contact with the police revolved around driving (28%). • During the involuntary contact with police o 4% of respondents were arrested during the involuntary contact o 47% were given a summons. o 12% of the respondents were searched or frisked o 4% had property seized • 26 people reported that the police threatened to use or used physical force against them, including grabbing, striking, pulling a weapon, or threatening to hit. o One respondent reported that the force was appropriate o Four reported that the force used was somewhat inappropriate o 17 stated that the force used was very inappropriate • Approximately 75% of respondents thought the officer acted professionally and clearly explained the reason for the stop and any continuing obligations they had and thought that the time they were detained was reasonable. • Approximately 66% of respondents felt that the officer had a valid reason for stopping them. • The majority of respondents (66%) were very satisfied or satisfied with the encounter. • The proportion of Blacks (36%) who had involuntary contacts with the police was somewhat, but not substantially, higher than Hispanics (33%), Asians (28%), and Caucasians (26%). o Black respondents were significantly less likely to state that police officers treated them professionally, explained the reasons for the stop, had a valid reason for the stop, detained them for a reasonable amount of time, explained any subsequent obligations resulting from the stop, or overall handled the situation satisfactorily. Unlike the other studies mentioned in this briefing, this study also analyzed the data at a multivariate level, assessing deeper relationships that effected perceptions of the police.
  • 7. Consistent with previous research, analysts found that respondents who had a previous police contact (both voluntary and involuntary) that they evaluated as negative were less likely to perceive the police as effective and more likely to believe that police misconduct was a problem. These finding assert that it is not the type of stop, but the quality of the stop that influences future opinions of the police. British Views of the Public on Stops and Searches – 2000 Retrieved from (1) (2) The research, a combination of two research notes, was (1) contracted to the specialist qualitative division of British Market Research Bureau (BMRB) and (2) the Home Office’s Policing and Reducing Crime Unit (Research, Development and Statistics Directorate [PRC]). The fieldwork of study (1) comprised face-to-face depth interviews with 55 individuals stopped or searched by the police during the pilot and discussion groups with 104 members of the local communities on the pilot sites. A total of 159 people were included in this study. This study also used information gained from two stop forms which included information on police search powers and informed people of their rights and the current legal situation while collecting data. Two examples of these forms are found in Appendix D. Study (2) drew on information from a range of sources, including: • statistics collected routinely by the Home Office on searches and crime; • existing literature from Britain and the United States on stops and searches, and policing; and • data collected as part of the broader program of research into stops and searches carried out by PRC. The research shows that the experience of being searched is associated with reduced confidence in the police. It is likely, therefore, that this will contribute directly to lower levels of confidence in the police among those from minority ethnic groups. It also notes that people were less satisfied with stop or search encounters when they were searched, not given convincing explanations or not treated politely or fairly. A lower level of satisfaction with encounters among ethnic minority people appears to occur because they disproportionately experience these problems. • Being stopped was a familiar experience for some respondents across all ethnic groups. Those regularly stopped felt victimized by the police. • People generally recognized the difference between a stop and a search. Searches were seen as more intimidating. • People tended to want to end an encounter quickly due to embarrassment. • Experiences of being stopped tended to be negative. Black respondents were least likely to recall positive experiences.
  • 8. • Positive experiences were based on being given a reason for the stop, treated politely and not being kept for a long time or unfairly targeted. • There were concerns about officers’ attitudes; young officers were seen as patronizing, arrogant, aggressive and intimidating. • Importance was placed on being given a genuine reason for stops and, particularly, searches. This was related to people’s satisfaction with stops and searches. If not provided, people felt uncomfortable and victimized. There was some public support for stops and searches in principle, but only with fundamental changes to their current practice. The aggravation, distrust and resentment currently caused were seen to outweigh any perceived positive outcomes (e.g. finding drugs, weapons or stolen items). Changes were suggested in terms of the way they are used and targeted, officer attitudes, and the reasons given. Conclusion Police often call on the public to assist them in carrying out their duties. It stands to reason that residents are more likely to assist when they view the police favorably and with legitimacy (Decker, 1981). On the other hand, community perceptions of previous stops have the potential to unwittingly thwart effective crime-control efforts and cause irrevocable harm to the police/community relationship. Though studies have found that involuntary police contacts result in less favorable attitudes toward the police, a growing body of research demonstrates that the single most important factor influencing people’s evaluations of police is the quality of their past interactions with police officers. Simply stated, people who report that they were treated fairly by police in the past are more likely to render positive judgments of police in the past even if the stop was involuntary, net of other factors (e.g., demographics, socioeconomic status, type of stop, etc.). Tyler (2004) concludes that the degree to which people view the police as legitimate influences whether they comply with police orders or requests. More generally, people accept the decisions of police when they believe the police have acted fairly and openly with them. Research also shows that the positive effects of procedural fairness remain even when individuals are the recipients of negative outcomes: those who are issued citations by police officers, and even those who are arrested and taken to join, express positive views of the police if they are treated in ways they perceive to be respectful and equitable. Importantly, positive views of the police make the work of the police in a community easier and ultimately more effective.
  • 9. References Brandl, S., Frank, J., Worden, R., & Bynum, T. (1994). Global and specific attitudes towards the police: Disentangling the relationship. Justice Quarterly, 11, 119-134. Decker, S. (1981). Citizen attitudes toward the police: A review of past findings and suggestions for future policy. Journal of Police Science & Administration, 9, 80-87. Fagan, J., and Davies, G. (2000). Street stops and broken windows: Terry, race, and disorder in New York City. Fordham Urban Law Journal, 28, 457-504. Hemmens, C., & Levin, D. (2000). Resistance is futile: The right to resist unlawful arrest in an era of aggressive policing. Crime and Delinquency, 46, 472-496. Hough, M., FitzGerald, M., Joseph, I., & Qureshi, T. (2002). Policing for London. London: Willan. Jacobs, D., & O'Brien, R. M. (1998). The determinants of deadly force: A structural analysis of police violence. American Journal of Sociology, 103(4), 837-862. Jones-Brown, D. D. (2000). Debunking the myth of officer friendly: How African American males experience community policing. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 16, 209-229. Kane, R. J. (2002). The social ecology of police misconduct. Criminology, 40, 867-896. Kennedy, R. (1997). Race, Crime, and the Law. New York: Vintage. Klinger, D. A. (1997). Negotiating order in patrol work: An ecological theory of police response to deviance. Criminology, 35(2), 277-306. Leitzel, J. (2001). Race and policing. Society, 38(3), 38-42. Mayhew, P., Elliott, D., & Dowds, L. (1989). The 1988 British Crime Survey. (Home Office Research Study 111). Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London. Smith, B. W., & Holmes, M. D. (2003). Community accountability, minority threat, and police brutality: An examination of civil rights criminal complaints. Criminology, 41, 1035- 1063. Smith, D. A., & Visher, C. D. (1981). Street-level justice: Situational determinants of police arrest decisions. Social Problems, 29, 167-177. Smith, D., & Klein, J. (1984). Police control of interpersonal disputes. Social Problems, 31(4), 468-481.
  • 10. Southgate, E., & Ekblom, P. (1984). Contacts between police and public. (Home Office Research Study 77). Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, London. Terrill, W., & Reisig, M. D. (2003). Neighborhood context and police use of force. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40, 291-321. Tyler, T. (2004). Enhancing police legitimacy. Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Science, 593, 84-99. Tyler, T. R., & Wakslak, C. J. (2004). Profiling and police legitimacy: Procedural justice, attributions of motive, and acceptance of police authority. Criminology, 42, 253-281. Weitzer, R. (2000). Racializing policing: Residents’ perceptions in three neighborhoods. Law and Society Review, 34, 129-155. Weitzer, R., & Tuch, S. A. (2002). Perceptions of racial profiling: Race, class and personal experience. Criminology, 40, 435-457.
  • 12. PPCS-1, Page 1 Black ink Page 1, 100% Pantone 278 Blue FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002) DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Economics and Statistics Administration U.S. CENSUS BUREAU ACTING AS COLLECTING AGENT FOR THE BUREAU OF JUSTICE STATISTICS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE J ___________ Sample Control number PSU Segment CK Serial ASK OF ALL NCVS SELF-INTERVIEWED PERSONS AGE 16+ POLICE PUBLIC CONTACT SURVEY SUPPLEMENT TO THE NATIONAL CRIME VICTIMIZATION SURVEY A proxy interview is unacceptable for the PPCS. D. Reason for PPCS noninterview F. CONTACT SCREEN QUESTIONS 2002 A. Field Representative’s Code B. Respondent’s characteristics Line no. Age Last name M F 001 002 0041 2 Sex 003 White Black 1 2 3 Race 005 Yes No 1 2 Hispanic Origin 006 C. Type of PPCS interview Personal (Self) Telephone (Self) Noninterview – FILL ITEM D 1 2 3 007 1 2 3 008 Asian, Pacific Islander 4 American Indian, Aleut, Eskimo Other5 010 1 Yes No2 009 1 Yes No – SKIP to Check Item D2 SKIP to INTRO 1 First name NOTICE – We are conducting this survey under the authority of Title 13, United States Code, Section 8. Section 9 of this law requires us to keep all information about you and your household strictly confidential. We may use this information only for statistical purposes. Also, Title 42, Section 3732, United States Code, authorizes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Department of Justice, to collect information using this survey. Title 42, Sections 3789g and 3735, United States Code, also requires us to keep all information about you and your household strictly confidential. PRA Burden Statement – We estimate that it will take between 2 to 10 minutes to complete this interview. If you have any comments regarding these estimates or any other aspect of this survey, send them to the Senior Statistician, Research and Public Policy Issues, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Washington, DC 20531. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE – Complete a PPCS-1 form for all NCVS interviewed persons age 16+. Do NOT complete a PPCS-1 form for NCVS Type Z noninterview persons, NCVS proxy interviews, or persons in Type A households. E. DRIVING HABITS QUESTIONS FIELD REPRESENTATIVE – Read introduction. INTRO 1 – Shortly, I will be asking you some additional questions about any contacts you may have had with the police during the last 12 months. However, before I get to these questions, I have some questions about your use of a motor vehicle. How often do you usually drive? Is it ... (Read answer categories.) Almost every day? A few days a week? A few days a month? A few times a year? Never? – ASK item 2 Refused PPCS only Not available for PPCS only Non-English speaking respondent only 1 2 3 4 5 Even though you never drive, do you have a driver’s license? FIELD REPRESENTATIVE – Read introduction. SKIP to INTRO 2 INTRO 2 – The next series of questions is about any contacts you may have had with the police during the last 12 months. Exclude contacts with private security guards, police officers you see socially, or relatives who are police officers. Also, exclude any police contacts that occurred because your employment or volunteer work brought you into regular contact with police officers. Did you have any contact with a police officer during the last 12 months, that is, any time since Were any of these contacts with a police officer in person, that is, face-to-face? Did you have more than one face-to-face contact? How many face-to-face contacts with a police officer did you have during the last 12 months? Number of contacts – Read INTRO 3 ______________________________________ 1, 2001? 011 1 Yes No – SKIP to Check Item D2 012 1 Yes – ASK item 3d No – SKIP to item 42 013 014 1. 2. 3a. 3b. 3c. 3d.
  • 13. Yes – ASK item 5b No Don’t know PPCS-1, Page 2 Black ink Page 2, 100% Pantone 278 Blue 1 2 G. USE OF FORCE DURING CONTACT FIELD REPRESENTATIVE – Read introduction. INTRO 3 – For the rest of the interview, please tell me ONLY about the most recent face-to-face contact you had with the police. Was this contact initiated by the police? During this contact, did the police USE or THREATEN TO USE force against you for any reason? Did the police officer(s)... (Read answer categories.) Mark (X) all that apply. Actually push or grab you? Actually kick or hit you? Actually point a gun at you? Use or threaten to use any other force against you? – Specify Do you feel any of the force used or threatened against you was excessive? What force was excessive? Were you injured as a result of any force used against you? During this contact were you arrested? During this contact were you handcuffed? At any time during this contact, did you argue with, curse at, insult, or verbally threaten the police? Yes No Don’t know 1 2 3 015 016 3 SKIP to item 6 1 2 017 3 4 021 1 2 Yes No – SKIP to item 5e 018 019 020 Describe briefly022 023 1 2 Yes No 024 1 2 3 Yes No Don’t know Yes No Don’t know 025 1 2 3 2 3 Yes No Don’t know 026 1 2 3 2 3 At any time during this contact, did you... (Read answer categories 1–5.) Mark (X) all that apply. Disobey or interfere with the officer(s)? Push, grab, or hit the police officer(s)? Resist being handcuffed, arrested, or searched? Physically do anything else? – Specify None of the above H. REASON FOR CONTACT Did this contact occur during a traffic ACCIDENT? Did this contact occur during a traffic STOP? Were you the driver or passenger of the vehicle that was stopped? Did this contact occur because you reported a crime or some other problem to the police? Did this contact occur because the police were providing some sort of service or assistance to you? Try to get away? 027 1 2 3 4 028 029 030 031 5 6032 033 1 2 Yes – SKIP to Check Item A No 034 1 2 Yes No – SKIP to item 12 035 1 2 Driver – SKIP to item 19 Passenger – SKIP to Check Item A 036 1 2 Yes – SKIP to Check Item A No 037 1 2 Yes – SKIP to Check Item A No Page 2 FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002) 4. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11a. 11b. 12. 13. 038 1 2 Yes – SKIP to Check item A No Did this contact occur because the police were investigating a crime? 14. 039 1 2 Did this contact occur because the police suspected you of something? Yes – SKIP to Check item A No 15.
  • 14. Properly – SKIP to Check Item D Improperly – ASK item 18a Don’t know – SKIP to Check Item D PPCS-1, Page 3 Black ink Page 3, 100% Pantone 278 Blue 1 2 Civilian Complaint Review Board Law enforcement agency employing the officer(s) Court Some other government agency 042 3 SKIP to Check Item D 1 2 044 3 4 045 047 048 Describe briefly040 Yes No Don’t know 050 1 2 3 2 3 H. REASON FOR CONTACT – Continued What was the reason for this contact? Yes – SKIP to item 35 on page 5 No – ASK item 17 CHECK ITEM A Number of police officers Was force used or threatened against the respondent? Is box 1 marked in item 5a? Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved properly or improperly? Did you take any formal action, such as filing a complaint or lawsuit against the police? With whom did you file a complaint or lawsuit? I. TRAFFIC STOPS Did the traffic stop occur at night? How many officers were present? Record actual number. Yes – ASK item 18b No Don’t know 1 2 043 3 Other – Specify049 SKIP to Check Item DLocal prosecutor046 5 6 051 FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002) Page 3 (Was/Were) the police officer(s) White, Black, or some other race? If only one box is marked in item 21, SKIP to item 23. What race were most of the officers? J. TRAFFIC STOP – VEHICLE/PERSONAL SEARCH Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for PERMISSION, at any time during this traffic stop did you GIVE the police officer(s)... Did the police officer(s)... At any time during this traffic stop, did the police officer(s)... 052 1 White Black Some other race Don’t know race of any/some 2 3 4 053 054 055 Mostly White Mostly Black Mostly some other race Equal number of each race Don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 056 057 111 2 3 Mark (X) all that apply. Mark (X) all that apply. 1 2 041 16. 17. 18a. 18b. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25a. (READ CATEGORIES.) a. ASK PERMISSION to search the vehicle? b. ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down? Yes 058 (READ CATEGORIES.) a. PERMISSION to search the vehicle? b. PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down? 059 060 (READ CATEGORIES.) a. Search the vehicle? b. Search you, frisk you, or pat you down? 061 062 No Don’t know 111 2 3Yes No Don’t know 111 2 3Yes No Don’t know 111 2 3Yes No Don’t know 111 2 3Yes No Don’t know 111 2 3Yes No Don’t know Yes – ASK item 25b No – SKIP to item 27 CHECK ITEM B Did the police officer(s) search the vehicle OR the respondent? Is box 1 marked in item 25a, categories a OR b? 1 2 063
  • 15. PPCS-1, Page 4 Black ink Page 4, 100% Pantone 278 Blue Assaulting a police officer? Resisting arrest? Possession of a firearm or concealed weapon? Disorderly conduct? SKIP to item 33 1 2 085 3 4 086 088 089 Given a warning? Given a traffic ticket? None of the above 081 1 2 3 J. TRAFFIC STOP – VEHICLE/PERSONAL SEARCH – Continued 072 1 2 Yes – SKIP to item 29 No Yes – ASK item 26 No – SKIP to item 27 CHECK ITEM C Was the respondent arrested? Is box 1 marked in item 6? Yes – ASK item 32 No Don’t know 1 2 084 3 Some other offense? – Specify090 A drug offense?087 5 6 FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002)Page 4 Did the police officer(s) find any of the following items during (this search/these searches)? (Read answer categories 1–4.) Illegal weapons? Illegal drugs? Open containers of alcohol, such as beer or liquor? Other evidence of a crime? – Specify Mark (X) all that apply. 064 11 2065 2 3 4 066 067 None of the above5068 Earlier you said that you were arrested and you or your vehicle were searched. Did the search occur before you were arrested? K. REASON FOR TRAFFIC STOP Did the police officer(s) give a reason for stopping the vehicle? Was the reason speeding? A vehicle defect? A record check? A seatbelt violation? A roadside check for drunk drivers? Yes No Don’t know 070 1 2 3 2 3 Yes – ASK item 28a No Don’t know 071 1 2 3 2 3 SKIP to item 30 073 1 2 Yes – SKIP to item 29 No 074 1 2 Yes – SKIP to item 29 No 075 1 2 Yes – SKIP to item 29 No 076 1 2 Yes – SKIP to item 29 No 077 1 2 Yes – SKIP to item 29 No 078 1 2 Yes – SKIP to item 29 No Yes – Specify079 1 Yes No Don’t know 1 2 080 3 2 No An illegal turn or illegal lane change? A stop sign or stop light violation? Was there some other reason? Would you say that the police officer(s) had a legitimate reason for stopping you? L. OUTCOME OF TRAFFIC STOP During this contact were you... (Read answer categories 1–2.) Mark (X) all that apply. 082 083 Were you charged with a non-traffic offense? Were you charged with... (Read answer categories.) Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved properly or improperly? Mark (X) all that apply. Properly – SKIP to Check Item D Improperly – ASK item 34a Don’t know – SKIP to Check Item D 091 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 069 32. 33. 31. 30. 29. 28h. 28g. 28f. 28e. 28d. 28c. 28b. 28a. 27. 26. 25b.
  • 16. Did you take any formal action, such as filing a complaint or lawsuit against the police? PPCS-1, Page 5 Black ink Page 5, 100% Pantone 278 Blue Civilian Complaint Review Board Law enforcement agency employing the officer(s) Court Some other government agency 1 2 093 3 4 094 096 097 Yes – END SUPPLEMENT No – Interview next household member CHECK ITEM D Is this the last household member to be interviewed? Yes No Don’t know 1 2 099 3 Other – Specify098 SKIP to Check Item DLocal prosecutor095 5 6 FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002) Page 5 Yes – ASK item 34b No Don’t know 092 1 2 3 2 3 L. OUTCOME OF TRAFFIC STOP – Continued With whom did you file a complaint or lawsuit? Mark (X) all that apply. M. OTHER CONTACT – PERSONAL SEARCH At any time during this contact, did the police officer(s) ASK PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down? Did the police officer(s) actually search you, frisk you, or pat you down? Whether or not the police officer(s) asked for PERMISSION, at any time during this contact did you GIVE the police officer(s) PERMISSION to search you, frisk you, or pat you down? SKIP to Check Item D Yes No Don’t know 1 2 100 3 Yes – ASK item 37b No Don’t know 1 2 101 3 SKIP to item 38a Did the police officer(s) find any of the following items on or near you? (Read answer categories 1–4.) Mark (X) all that apply. N. OUTCOME OF OTHER CONTACT During this contact, were you charged with any offenses? Were you charged with . . . (Read answer categories.) Looking back on this contact, do you feel the police behaved properly or improperly? Did you take any formal action, such as filing a complaint or lawsuit against the police? With whom did you file a complaint or lawsuit? Mark (X) all that apply. Illegal weapons? Illegal drugs? Open containers of alcohol, such as beer or liquor? Other evidence of a crime? – Specify Assaulting a police officer? Resisting arrest? A drug offense? Possession of a firearm or concealed weapon? Disorderly conduct or public drunkenness? Some other offense – Specify 1 2 102 3 4 5 None of the above Yes – ASK item 38b No Don’t know 1 2 107 3 SKIP to item 39 103 104 105 106 1108 2 3 4 5 6 109 110 111 112 113 Properly – SKIP to Check Item D Improperly – ASK item 40a Don’t know – SKIP to Check Item D 1 2 114 3 Yes – ASK item 40b No Don’t know 1 2 115 3 SKIP to Check Item D 116 117 119 120 121 118 Civilian Complaint Review Board Law enforcement agency employing the officer(s) Court Some other government agency 1 2 3 4 Other – Specify Local prosecutor 5 6 Mark (X) all that apply. 34a. 34b. 35. 36. 37a. 37b. 38a. 38b. 39. 40a. 40b. 1 2 122
  • 17. PPCS-1, Page 6 Black ink Page 6, 100% Pantone 278 Blue Page 6 FORM PPCS-1 (5-16-2002) NOTES
  • 18. 1 - B Appendix B Pasadena Citizen Survey Instrument Hello. My name is ___ and I'm calling to ask Pasadena residents about their views of the Pasadena Police Department. Your identity and answers are completely confidential and will help city officials to make decisions about police services. In answering the questions, please refer only to your thoughts and experiences with the PASADENA Police Department, NOT any other local, county, state or other law enforcement agency. 1: To ensure a statistically accurate survey, we want to make sure we talk to people with different backgrounds. With which racial or ethnic group do you MOST identify? 01 ............................................................................................................White / Anglo Skip to Q5 02 .......................................................................................................Latino / Hispanic Go to Q2 03 ......................................................................................... Black / African American Skip to Q4 04 ........................................................................................... Asian or Pacific Islander Skip to Q3 05 ........................................................................................................American Indian TERMINATE 06 ..........................................................................Other (Specify: _______________) TERMINATE 07 ............................................................................................................... Don't Know TERMINATE 08 ....................................................................................................................... Refuse TERMINATE 2: Which of the following is your ancestry or region of origin? 01 ...................................................................................................................Mexico Skip to Q5 02 ...............................................................................................................Caribbean Skip to Q5 03 ...................................................................................................Central American Skip to Q5 04 .....................................................................................................South American Skip to Q5 05 ......................................................................................................................Spain Skip to Q5 06 ............................................(Other: specify: ____________________________) Skip to Q5 07 ............................................................................................Don't Know / Refused Skip to Q5 3: Which of the following is your ancestry or country of origin? 01 .......................................................................Laotian, Vietnamese or Cambodian Skip to Q5 02 .................................................................................................................. Chinese Skip to Q5 03 .................................................................................................................. Filipino Skip to Q5 04 .................................................................................................................Japanese Skip to Q5 05 ................................................................................................................... Korean Skip to Q5 06 ...................................................................................................... Pacific Islander Skip to Q5 07 .......................................................................................................Middle Eastern Skip to Q5 08 ..........................................................................................................Asian (other) Skip to Q5
  • 19. 2 - B 4: Which of the following is your region of origin or ancestry? 01.....................................................................................................................Africa 02.......................................................................................Caribbean or West Indies 03.................................................................................................. African American 06............................................ (Other: specify: ____________________________) 07.............................................................................................Don't Know / Refused 5: How safe do you feel when alone outside in your neighborhood at night? Would you say: (Read choices) 01................................................................................................................Very safe 02.......................................................................................................Somewhat safe 03................................................................................................... Somewhat unsafe 04............................................................................................................Very unsafe 05......................................................................(Respondent doesn't go out at night) 06................................................................................................................(Refused) 07.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 6: In your opinion, what are the most serious crime problems in your neighborhood? (ROTATE and read choices) 01...............................................................................................................Auto theft 02Property crime not including auto theft (burglary, theft, shoplifting, property damage, arson, etc. 03..... Violent crime (assault, robbery, domestic violence, sexual assault, homicide) 04................Drug crime (dealing, use of drugs on the street, in parks, schools, etc.) 05Social disorder (public drinking, loitering, panhandling, graffiti, youths congregating, homelessness) 06......................................................................... (Other: specify ______________) 07................................................................................................................(Refused) 08.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 7: In general, in the last two years would you say the overall level of crime in your neighborhood has Gone Up, Gone Down, or Stayed the Same: 01..................................................................................................................Gone up 02...................................................................................................... Gone down OR 03............................................................................................Stayed about the same 04................................................................................................................(Refused) 05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 8: In general, how would you rate your neighborhood as a place to live? Is it: 01................................................................................................................ Excellent 02...................................................................................................................... Good 03.........................................................................................................................Fair 04........................................................................................................................Poor 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 20. 3 - B For each of the following statements about police effectiveness, please tell me whether you: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, or Strongly Disagree. ROTATE Q9 to Q15 9: The police in your neighborhood do a good job of preventing crime. (If necessary repeat choices) 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 10: The police in your neighborhood promptly respond to Non-Emergency calls for assistance. (If necessary repeat choices) 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 11: The police in your neighborhood promptly respond to Emergency calls for assistance. (If necessary repeat choices) 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 12: The police in your neighborhood are helpful to people who have been victims of crime. (If necessary repeat choices) 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 21. 4 - B 13: Overall, the police are effective in dealing with the problems that really concern people in your neighborhood. (If necessary repeat choices) 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 14: Overall, the police in your neighborhood are doing a good job dealing with residents in a fair and courteous manner. (If necessary repeat choices) 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 15: The police in your neighborhood are doing a good job working together with residents to solve local problems. (If necessary repeat choices) 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 16: How familiar are you with the concept of mediation? (Read choices) 01.........................................................................................................Very Familiar Go to Q17 02..................................................................................................................Familiar Go to Q17 03................................................................................................Somewhat Familiar Go to Q17 04.................................................................................................Not at All Familiar Skip to Q18 05................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q18 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q18 17: Are you aware that the Pasadena Police Department offers mediation for certain types of complaints filed against police officers? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 22. 5 - B 18: Are you aware that there have been several public meetings to discuss police-community relations? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q19 02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q21 03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q21 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q21 19: Have you attended one or more of these events? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q20 02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q21 03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q21 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q21 20: How satisfied were you with the experience? (Read choices) 01........................................................................................................ Very Satisfied 02................................................................................................Somewhat Satisfied 03...........................................................................................Somewhat Dissatisfied 04....................................................................................................Very Dissatisfied 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 21: Now I'll read some descriptions of how the Pasadena Police Department might behave toward citizens. For each of the following statements, please tell me whether you think that in Pasadena it is CURRENTLY a: Major Problem, Minor Problem, or Not A Problem. 01..............................................................................................................(Continue) (ROTATE Q22 to Q25) 22: Stopping people in cars or on the street without good reason. (If necessary repeat choices) 01....................................................................................................A major problem 02....................................................................................................A minor problem 03........................................................................................................ Not a problem 04................................................................................................................(Refused) 05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 23. 6 - B 23: Police engaging in racial profiling (If necessary repeat choices) 01....................................................................................................A major problem 02............................................................................................. A minor problem OR 03........................................................................................................ Not a problem 04................................................................................................................(Refused) 05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 24: Police using offensive language (If necessary repeat choices) 01....................................................................................................A major problem 02............................................................................................. A minor problem OR 03........................................................................................................ Not a problem 04................................................................................................................(Refused) 05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 25: Police using excessive force, for example, being verbally or physically abusive (If necessary repeat choices) 01....................................................................................................A major problem 02............................................................................................. A minor problem OR 03........................................................................................................ Not a problem 04................................................................................................................(Refused) 05.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 26: In your personal opinion, are the police Very Responsive, Somewhat Responsive, Somewhat Unresponsive, or Not Responsive to the concerns of your racial or ethnic group? 01..................................................................................................... Very responsive 02............................................................................................ Somewhat responsive 03.........................................................................................Somewhat unresponsive 04....................................................................................................... Not responsive 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 24. 7 - B 27: In the last 12 months, have you EVER approached or sought help from the Pasadena police? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q28 02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q44 03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q44 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q44 28: In the last 12 months, have you: Reported a crime to the Pasadena police? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 29: Reported a non-crime emergency to the Pasadena police, such as a traffic accident or medical emergency? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 30: Reported a suspicious person or noises to Pasadena police? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 31: Contacted Pasadena police about neighborhood concerns or problems? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 32: Participated in neighborhood watch or other anti-crime programs WITH Pasadena police? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 25. 8 - B 33: Approached or sought help from the Pasadena police in the last 12 months for something I didn't mention? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 35: Of your contact with Pasadena police, which of the following describes your most serious contact in the last 12 months? Read Choices 01........................................................................................Reported crime to police 02................................................................. Reported other non-crime emergencies 03.................................................................... Reported suspicious person or noises 04.................................................... Contacted police about neighborhood concerns 05....................................................................................Participated in block watch 06.......................................................... (Other: specify______________________) 07................................................................................................................(Refused) 08.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 36: Regarding THAT contact with the police, were you a victim of a crime? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q37 02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q38 03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q38 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q38 37: Which of the following types of crime was involved? 01.............................................................................................. Assault (non-sexual) 02................................................................................................................. Burglary 03..................................................................................................Domestic violence 04..................................................................................................................Robbery 05.........................................................................................................Sexual assault 06..................................................................................................... Theft/vandalism 07..................................................................... (Other: specify ________________) 08................................................................................................................(Refused) 09.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 26. 9 - B 38: Of the following, who in the Pasadena Police Department was involved in the contact? (Accept all that apply) 01....................................................................A uniformed Pasadena Police Officer 02..............................A Pasadena detective or other officer not in a Police Uniform 03....................................................................................................... A 911 operator 04................................................... Another Police Department employee in person 05..............................................Another Police Department employee on the phone 06.............................................................................................................Don’t know 39: Now I'll read some statements about how you were treated during the incident. For each statement, please tell me whether you: "strongly agree," "agree," "disagree," or "strongly disagree." For this (most serious) incident, the officer treated you professionally and respectfully. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 40: The officer clearly explained where you could get help for problems you might have had as a result of the incident. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 41: The police promptly responded to your situation. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 42: You were kept informed of the status of your case. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 07.....................................................................................................(Not Applicable)
  • 27. 10 - B 43: Overall, how satisfied are you with how the police department handled your situation? Are you: (Read choices) 01.........................................................................................................Very satisfied 02................................................................................................ Somewhat satisfied 03.....................................................................................Somewhat dissatisfied OR 04.................................................................................................... Very dissatisfied 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 44: The next set of questions involve any experience you may have had involving a police officer stopping you while you were driving or walking. Have you EVER been stopped or approached by the Pasadena police in the last 12 months? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q45 02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q76 03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q76 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q76 45: In the last 12 months, have you: Been stopped by the police while walking? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 46: Been stopped by the police while driving? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 47: Been involved in a traffic accident that was reported to the police? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 28. 11 - B 48: Been searched or frisked? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 49: Been arrested? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 50: In total, how many times have you been stopped by the Pasadena Police in the last 12 months? 01...........................................................................................Enter Number of Stops 02................................................................................................................(Refused) 03.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 51: Which of the following describes your most serious contact with the Pasadena police in the last 12 months? 01...........................................................................................Stopped while walking 02............................................................................................Stopped while driving 03................................................................................. Involved in a traffic accident 04............................................................................................... Stopped and frisked 05..................................................................................................................Arrested 06..................................................... (Other: specify ________________________) 07................................................................................................................(Refused) 08.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 52: Focusing on the most serious stop, were you: Questioned about what you were doing in the area? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 53: Given a warning? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 29. 12 - B 54: Given a traffic ticket? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 55: Searched or frisked? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 56: Arrested? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 57: Did you have property seized? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 58: Next I will read another series of statements about this incident. Please tell me whether you: "strongly agree," "agree," "disagree," or "strongly disagree" that the statement is true. The officer/s treated you professionally and respectfully. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 59: The officer clearly explained the reason you were stopped. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 30. 13 - B 60: The officer clearly explained whether you needed to do anything, such as go to court, as a result of the incident. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 61: The officer had a valid reason for stopping you. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 62: The time involved in this encounter was reasonable. 01........................................................................................................Strongly agree 02......................................................................................................................Agree 03................................................................................................................. Disagree 04................................................................................................... Strongly disagree 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 63: During this incident, did any police officer, for ANY reason, use or threaten to use physical force against you, other than handcuffing you? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 64: I want to ask you about the amount of force the officer/s used to detain you, if they used force of any kind at all. Would you say: (Read choices) 01...............................................................................No force of any kind was used 02............................................................ The amount of force was very appropriate 03................................................... The amount of force was somewhat appropriate 04..........................................The amount of force was somewhat inappropriate OR 05......................................................... The amount of force was very inappropriate 06................................................................................................................(Refused) 07.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 31. 14 - B 65: Overall, would you say you are Very Satisfied, Somewhat Satisfied, Somewhat Dissatisfied, or Very Dissatisfied with how the officer/s handled your situation? Are you: 01.........................................................................................................Very satisfied Skip to Q76 02................................................................................................ Somewhat satisfied Skip to Q76 03............................................................................................Somewhat dissatisfied Go to Q66 04.................................................................................................... Very dissatisfied Go to Q66 05................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q76 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q76 66: Did you report your complaint to any of the following people or agencies: The Officer's supervisor? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 67: Another police officer? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 68: The Pasadena Police Department Professional Standards Unit, also known as the PSU? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 69: The Mayor or a City Councilmember? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 70: An elected County Supervisor or a State Elected Official? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know)
  • 32. 15 - B 71: Another city agency? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 72: A private organization, for example, ACLU, NAACP, or a private lawyer? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 73: The News media? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 74: Have you ever filed an official complaint against a member of the police department? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes Go to Q75 02.......................................................................................................................... No Skip to Q76 03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q76 04.........................................................................................................(Don’t Know) Skip to Q76 75: Overall, how satisfied are you with how the department handled your complaint? Are you: (Read choices) 01.........................................................................................................Very satisfied 02................................................................................................ Somewhat satisfied 03.....................................................................................Somewhat dissatisfied OR 04.................................................................................................... Very dissatisfied 05................................................................................................................(Refused) 06.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 76: Your responses to the remaining questions will only be used for statistical analysis. They are also strictly confidential. How many adults are there in your household who are 18 years and older? 01...........................................................................................Enter number of adults 02....................................................................................................................(None) 03................................................................................................................(Refused)
  • 33. 16 - B 77: What is the highest grade or year of school you have completed? 01....................................................................................Elementary school (or less) 02.............................................................................................. High school or GED 03..........................................................................................................Some college 04....................................................................................................... College degree 05.............................................................................Graduate or professional school 06..........................Non-College vocational or technical degree beyond high school 07................................................................................................................(Refused) 08.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 78: Were you born in the United States? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes Skip to Q80 02.......................................................................................................................... No Go to Q79 03................................................................................................................(Refused) Skip to Q80 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) Skip to Q80 79: How many years have you lived in the United States? 01............................................................................................Enter number of years 02................................................................................................................(Refused) 03.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 80: How many years have you lived in the City of Pasadena? 01.......................................................................................... Enter Number of Years 02................................................................................................................(Refused) 03.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 81: Do you or your family own the home in which you live? 01.........................................................................................................................Yes 02.......................................................................................................................... No 03................................................................................................................(Refused) 04.......................................................................................................... (Don't know) 82: Please stop me when I reach your age group: (Read List) 01.................18 to 24 02.................25 to 34 03.................35 to 44 04.................45 to 54 05.................55 to 64 06.................65 and over 07.................refuse