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Question 1 (2.0 points): What are the skills of a good primary school teacher?
(Answer in approx. 15-20 sentences)................................................................1
Question 2 (2.0 points): COVID-19 is a pandemic that has a serious impact on
human life around the world. In about 500 words, describe what you do as a
primary school teacher to help prevent the spread of it......................................2
Question 3 (2.0 points): In most countries, it is compulsory for children to
receive primary education at school, though in many jurisdictions it is
permissible for parents to provide it at home. Discuss both views and give your
opinions (about 500 words). ............................................................................3
Question 4 (2.0 points): Find 100 words about the topic: “Natural science in
primary education”. Translate these words into Vietnamese. .............................5
Question 5 (2.0 points): Lesson plan: The Story of a Mother by Hans Christian
Andersen. .......................................................................................................8
Question 1 (2.0 points): What are the skills of a good primary school
teacher? (Answer in approx. 15-20 sentences).
Teachers have the power to change lives and generate well-educated,
respectable students; they can support learners in not just expanding their
knowledge but also improving their personal life. In order to be a successful
educator, a primary teacher must possess a varied range of professional abilities.
One of the most important skills a good primary teacher possesses is the
ability to connect with the students. Make an effort to get to know each student
by name and to know something about him or her as quickly as possible. Each
student has his or her own strengths and weaknesses and being able to make a
connection with each one will help a teacher be able to educate most effectively.
Having a sense of humor and creativity are wonderful skills. A primary
school teacher is usually responsible for a couple of dozen young children for
many hours every weekday. The only way to manage the stress of dealing with
educating a classroom full of students is to keep a sense of humor. A good
primary school teacher is able to inject humor into the classroom and manage
problems without getting too caught up in negative emotions. Besides that,
students learn best when they’re doing something fun and interesting. It’s up to
the teacher to be creative in the way of approach, finding novel and enjoyable
ways for students to learn.
An effective primary teacher has the ability to lead and guide their
classroom; he or she can manage a number of different personalities, including
misbehaving children, and steer them in the right direction. Besides that,
teachers have to juggle a number of tasks, from lesson planning to activities and
marking. In order to succeed in their role, they are required to have exceptional
organisation skills.
There’s no denying that teaching can be tough at times. Students may learn
at all different rates. Therefore teachers sometimes have to explain something
several times in several different ways before it sticks. When faced with
challenging behaviour, a good primary teacher needs the ability to stay calm,
patient and dedicated.
Question2 (2.0 points): COVID-19 is a pandemic that has a serious impact
on human life around the world. In about 500 words, describe what you do
as a primary school teacher to help prevent the spread of it.
The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been affecting
millions of people and threatening their lives around the world. Governments
around the world are taking the best possible precautions to protect themselves,
their peoples and communities. All efforts of the government are only aimed at
preventing the pandemic and ensuring that basic human needs are not
compromised. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, students’ learning needs are
still met by distance learning. Through this, students gain a certain
understanding of the disease, how to protect themselves and prevent the spread
of the disease. As a primary school teacher, I recognize that I have an important
role to play in helping students access accurate and reliable information to
reduce students' fears and anxieties about the disease and support the student's
ability to cope with any side effects in their lives. Here are some ways that I
consider practical to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19.
First, explain to students about Covid-19, how it spreads, and how we can
protect ourselves and others. Students need to understand what it is so that they
follow the rules. From there we can focus on communicating healthy behaviors
such as how to wear a mask properly, cover coughs and sneezes with your
elbow, and wash your hands immediately afterwards. One of the best ways to
keep students safe from coronavirus and other illnesses is to simply encourage
frequent hand washing with hand sanitizer, for at least 20 seconds. Develop a
method to track and find ways to reward them for washing their hands
frequently and promptly. Instruct students to properly apply the rules of social
distance to keep themselves and others safe for example standing further away
from friends, avoiding large crowds, not touching people if they don’t need to,
etc . Use visual illustrations to demonstrate coronavirus symptoms (sneezing,
cough, fever), what to do if students feel sick (like if their head hurts, their
stomach hurts, or if they feel hot or extra tired)
Second, make sure students stay mentally healthy during this time of crisis.
Consider the specific needs of each student, listen to students' concerns, and
answer their questions in an age- and gender-appropriate manner. Encourage
students to express and communicate their feelings. Empower students who are
unlucky to be infected, teach how to comfort a student who is sick or whose
loved one is in trouble, and prevent discrimination from peers. Discuss the
reactions they may face around discrimination from the community and explain
to students that these are just normal reactions to unusual situations.
The pandemic is still very complicated and shows no signs of stopping.
This makes students and families still face many difficulties in life. Thanks to
the internet, students can still continue their studies and communicate with
friends. Besides family members, teachers are the people students trust the most.
Therefore, teachers play an extremely important role in providing accurate
information about the pandemic, how to prevent it and overcome the mental
crisis. Since then, teachers have played a big part in preventing the spread of
Question 3 (2.0 points): In most countries, it is compulsory for children to
receive primary education at school, though in many jurisdictions it is
permissible for parents to provide it at home. Discuss both views and give
your opinions (about 500 words).
Education is an important part of a child's growth. There have been
numerous possibilities in recent years for parents who want their children to
have an outstanding education. As a result, the debate between homeschooling
and enrolling in a primary school arose. Although homeschooling gives children
a lot of freedom to learn at their own pace, enrolling them in a primary school
gives them access to many of the resources that are accessible in a school setting
and give their parents more time for their careers.
When compared to regular schooling methods, the decision to home
educate has a number of advantages. It allows parents more control over the
curriculum and courses covered, allowing them to concentrate on their selected
course of study. If a student has unique abilities, interests, or passions in a
subject, there is significantly more flexibility and freedom to pursue this path
and build a study program to the student's exact needs.
This flexibility extends to the timeline in a similar way. Homeschooling
allows for a far more flexible schedule, as it is not bound by a set of rules or a
set amount of time. Instead, courses can be structured and addressed in a way
that best meets the family's lifestyle, allowing for a more flexible approach that
includes activities, clubs, and even travels.
Homeschooling also helps in the reduction of emotional stress caused by
bullies, peer pressure, and boredom. On the contrary, this necessitates the
parents' undivided attention and the restriction of their work time. As a result, in
order to gain interest and children's attention in each lesson, parents must be
creative in their facilitation of the lesson. Although parents are not required to
pay tuition fees, being a homeschooler is costly since they must purchase some
educational supplies that are readily available in school settings.
Going to primary school, on the other hand, has numerous advantages. For
example, the school provides many current educational resources, and the
facilities are appropriate for education and development. Furthermore,
successful teaching tactics are devised by a well-trained instructor. Although
bullies and peer pressure are constantly present in the school setting, children
are exposed to these elements on a social level. This allows them the opportunity
to deal with problems and keep their self-esteem and confidence at a high level.
When it comes to traditional versus homeschooling, time is another
consideration. Home schooling necessitates a significant level of work and
dedication from one or both parents. While some choose to hire outside tutors,
this can be costly and does not cover the entire curriculum. Primary school is a
learning environment where the teacher's main responsibility is to be there,
allowing parents to pursue other responsibilities such as paid work that may be
necessary for the family.
To summarize, all options have advantages and disadvantages, but I believe
that going to primary school provides children with a wide range of important
information and abilities that will benefit in their development. Even if going to
school is helpful, supplementing schooling at home will assist students achieve a
high level of education. School and home instruction will substantially assist
youngsters in learning more and molding their character and attitudes in ways
that will benefit them in the future.
Question4 (2.0 points): Find 100 words about the topic: “Naturalscience in
primary education”. Translate these words into Vietnamese.
number English Vietnamese
1 locomotorsystem cơ quan vận động
2 respiratory system cơ quan hô hấp
3 digestive system cơ quan tiêu hóa
4 circulatory system cơ quan tuần hoàn
5 excretory system cơ quan bài tiết
6 nervous system cơ quan thần kinh
7 skeleton bộ xương
8 musculoskeletal system hệ cơ
9 respiratory diseases bệnh đường hô hấp
10 heart-related diseases bệnh tim mạch
11 obesity bệnh béo phì
12 circulation vòng tuần hoàn
13 malaria bệnh sốtrét
14 dengue sốtxuất huyết
15 encephalitis bệnh viêm não
16 hepatitis bệnh viêm gan
17 malnutrition suy dinh dưỡng
18 reproduction sự sinh sản
19 gender giới tính
20 fertilization sự thụ tinh
21 puberty tuổi dậy thì
22 adolescence tuổi vị thành niên
23 adulthood tuổi trưởng thành
24 old age tuổi già
25 addictive substance chất gây nghiện
26 antibiotics thuốc khánh sinh
27 bacteria vi khuẩn
28 virus vi rút
29 Infectious diseases bệnh truyền nhiễm
30 test xét nghiệm
31 nutrients chất dinh dưỡng
32 carbohydrate chất bộtđường
33 fat chất béo
34 protein chất đạm
35 fiber chất xơ
36 mineral chất khoáng
37 constipation táo bón
38 food safety vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm
39 food poisoning ngộ độc thực phẩm
40 plant thực vật
41 photosynthesis sự quang hợp
42 metabolism sự trao đổichất
43 stamens nhị
44 pistil nhụy
45 seed hạt
46 sproutroots rễ mầm
47 pollination sự thụ phấn
48 insect côn trùng
49 larval ấu trùng
50 life cycle vòng đời
51 microscope kính hiển vi
52 microorganism vi sinh vật
53 animal động vật
54 food chain chuỗi thức ăn
55 predator thú ăn thịt
56 herbivore thú ăn cỏ
57 globe địa cầu
58 solar system hệ mặt trời
59 planet hành tinh
60 satellite vệ tinh
61 climate zone đới khí hậu
62 weather thời tiết
63 direction phương hướng
64 meteorite thiên thạch
65 environment môi trường
66 pollution ô nhiễm
67 atmosphere không khí
68 heat source nguồn nhiệt
69 chemical fertilizers phân bón hóa học
70 pesticides thuốc trừ sâu
71 herbicide thuốc diệt cỏ
72 energy năng lượng
73 solar energy năng lượng mặt trời
74 fuel chất đốt
75 oil dầu mỏ
76 wind energy năng lượng gió
77 hydropower plants nhà máy thủy điện
78 electricity điện
79 electrical circuit mạch điện
80 cement xi măng
81 rubber cao su
82 plastic chất dẻo
83 mixture hỗn hợp
84 solution dung dịch
85 natural resources tài nguyên thiên nhiên
86 metal kim loại
87 alloy hợp kim
88 acid axit
89 glass thủy tinh
90 distillation chưng cất
91 chemical chất hóa học
92 solid thể rắn
93 liquid thể lỏng
94 gas thể khí
95 condensation sự ngưng tụ
96 combustion sự cháy
97 temperature nhiệt độ
98 thermometer nhiệt kế
99 heat conductor vật dẫn nhiệt
100 thermal insulation vật cách nhiệt
Question 5 (2.0 points): Lesson plan: The Story of a Mother by Hans
Christian Andersen.
The Story of a Mother by Hans Christian Andersen
The mother rushed out of the house calling for her child. After staying up a
few nights to look after her sick child, she had just fallen asleep for a while, and
Death had taken him away.
Night as an old woman in a long black robe, said to her:
“ Death strides faster than the wind, and never brings back what he has
taken away.”
The mother begged Night to show her the way to chase after Death. Night
showed her the way.
At a fork in the road, the mother did not know which way to go. There was a
thicket of thorn bush covered with snow. Thorn bush says:
- I will show you the way, if you warm me up.
The mother held the thorn bush in her lap to warm it. Thorns pierced her
flesh, and great drops of blood flowed. The thornbush sprouts and blooms in the
middle of a cold winter. The thorn bush showed her the way.
She came at length to a great lake, on which there was neither ship nor boat
to be seen. The lake water was too deep. But she was determined to cross the
lake to find her son. The lake said:
- I will help you, but you must give me your eyes. Cry until your eyes fall!
The mother wept, her tears fell so much that her eyes followed the stream of
tears into the lake, turning into two pearls. So she was taken to the cold abode of
Seeing her, Death was surprised and asked:
- How did you get to this place?
The mother replied:
Because I'm a mother. Give me back my baby!
- A few nights: several nights in a row.
- Rush: to go or do something very quickly
- Fall asleep: Taking a nap due to being too tired.
- Stride: to walk somewhere quickly with long steps
- Beg: trying to get others to agree to your request.
The Story of a Mother
GRADE: 3rd grade
TIME: 40 minutes
ACTIVITY: storytelling
MATERIALS: short stories, pictures…
Students will be able to learn to classify the stories
Students will be able to learn how to convey meaning from a text.
Students will be able to develop their listening abilities and understanding skills.
Students will be able to understand the meaning of the words in the lesson: a
few nights, rush, fall asleep, stride, beg ... and other words chosenby the
Students will be able to understand the sequence of events.
Students will be able to understand the meaning of the story: The story praises
the boundless love of a mother for her child. For her child, a mother can do
1. Warm up: Play a game in 1 minute
2. Introduce a new story
Teaching activities learning activities
Introduction (1 minute)
- Ask 1 or 2 students to tell about the love or care
that their mother gives to them.
- Introduction: we all know that mother is the one
who gives birth, nurtures and takes care of us.
Every mother loves her child and is willing to make
sacrifices for her child. In this reading exercise, the
children will read and learn about a very moving
old story by Andersen. It's about the mother.
- Write the title on the board.
- 1 to 2 students tell in front
of the class.
Activity 1: Practice reading (25 minutes)
- Correctly read mispronounced words mentioned
in the target section. Stop, pause slightly after
punctuation marks and between phrases
- Understand the meaning of words in the lesson.
How to proceed:
a) Sample reading
- The teacher reads the sample of the whole lesson
one at a time, paying attention:
+ Paragraph 1: the voice of the reader should
express the panic when losing a child.
+ Paragraphs 2, 3: read with fervent entreaty
expressing the mother's determination to find her
child even at the costof sacrifice.
+ Paragraph 4: the words of the god of death read
in a surprised voice. Mother's words when
answering because I am a mother read with a clear
- listen to the teacher read
the sample.
- Follow each other to read
b) Guide to practice reading combined with word
* Instructions to read each sentence and practice
pronunciation of easy and difficult words.
* Instructions to read each paragraph and explain
difficult words.
- Guide students to read each paragraph in front of
the class.
- Explanation of difficult words:
+ How do you understand the word “rush” in the
sentence that the mother calls her child?
+ What is “fall asleep”?
+ What does “beg” mean? Make sentences with
“beg” words.
- Ask 4 students in successionto read the text in
front of the class, each student along a passage.
* Ask students to practice reading in groups.
* Organize reading competitions between groups.
each sentence according to
the row of desks to study.
Reread the incorrect
readings according to the
teacher's instructions.
- Read each paragraph in
the lesson according to the
teacher's instructions:
- Read each paragraph in
front of the class. Pay
attention to correct voice
breaks at periods, commas
and when reading the
characters' words.
Rush: to go or do
something very quickly
Fall asleep: Taking a nap
due to being too tired.
Beg: trying to get others to
agree to your request.
- 4 students follow each
other to read the article, the
whole class follows the
lesson in the textbook.
- Each group of 4 students,
one by one, read a passage
in the group.
- 2 groups of consecutive
reading competitions
Activity 2: Guide students to learn the lesson (5
Students understand the content of the story
How to proceed:
- Teacher calls on 1 student to read the whole
lesson in front of the class.
- Ask students to read paragraph 1 silently.
- Briefly describe what happened in paragraph 1.
- When she knew that Death had taken her child,
the mother was determined to find her child. Night
showed her the way. What difficulties did she
encounter along the way? Did she overcome those
difficulties? Let's take a look at paragraphs 2 and 3.
- What did the mother do to make the thorn bush
show her the way?
- What did the mother do to make the lake show
her the way?
- After those great sacrifices, the mother was taken
to the cold abodeof Death. How does Death feel
when he sees the mother?
- How did the mother respond to Death?
- 1 student reads, the whole
class watches in the
- Silent reading.
- 2 to 3 students tell, other
students monitor and
- The mother accepts the
request of the thorn bush.
She hugged the thorn bush
to her lap to warm it.
Thorns pierced her flesh,
blood dripped, and thorns
sprouted, sprouted, and
blossomed in the midst of
the cold winter.
- The mother accepts the
request of the lake. She
cried, tears falling down
until her tears fell and
turned into two pearls.
- Death was surprised and
asked the mother: "How did
- In your opinion, what does the mother's answer
"becauseI am a mother" mean?
- Teacher concludes:all ideas are correct. The
mother is a very brave person, because of her
courage, she has fulfilled the difficult requirements
of the thorn bush and the lake. The mother is also
not afraid of death and is ready to go to death to
take back her child. However, point 3 is the most
correct becauseit is the noble sacrifice that gives
the mother the courage to overcome all challenges
and reach the cold abodeof Death to claim her
child. Forher child, a mother can sacrifice
Conclusion: The story praises the boundless love of
a mother for her child. For her child, a mother can
do anything.
you get to this place?"
- The mother replied:
"Because I am a mother"
and demanded Death "give
me back my child!"
- "Because I am a mother"
means that a mother can do
everything for her child.
- students discuss and
Activity 3: Practice reading again (5 minutes)
Fluently read the entire article and initially know
how to change the voice of the reading to suit the
development of the story.
How to proceed:
- Teacher divides students into small groups, each
group has 6 students and asks them to reread the
lesson by role in their group.
- Organize from 2 to 3 groups of reading
competitions in front of the class.
- Commend the group that reads well, can give
- Each student in the group
receives one of the roles:
narrator, mother, Night,
thorn bush, lake, Death.
- Reading competition
groups as a whole class
watch to find the best
reading group
points to students.
Last activity: Consolidation, advice (3 minutes)
- Teacher asked: In your opinion, what does the
detail of the thorn bush sprouting, budding,
blooming in the middle of the cold winter and the
detail of the mother's eyes turning into two pearls
- TEACHER: These details show us the nobility of
the mother's self-sacrifice.
- Summarize the lesson, instruct students to go
home and retell the story to their loved ones and
prepare for the next lesson.
- Students are free to
express their opinions.

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Viết thuê báo cáo thực tập giá rẻ
Bài mẫu Tiểu luận Pháp luật Việt Nam về các loại hình doanh nghiệp
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Viết thuê báo cáo thực tập giá rẻ
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Viết thuê báo cáo thực tập giá rẻ
Tiểu luận Pháp luật hiện hành quy định về quyền tự do thành lập doanh nghiệp ...
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BÀI MẪU Tiểu luận luật: Vấn đề Đại diện trong quan hệ pháp luật dân sự
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BÀI MẪU Tiểu luận luật: Vấn đề Đại diện trong quan hệ pháp luật dân sự
Viết thuê báo cáo thực tập giá rẻ
BÀI MẪU tiểu luận Chủ nghĩa hiến pháp và vấn đề bảo vệ quyền con người
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BÀI MẪU tiểu luận Chủ nghĩa hiến pháp và vấn đề bảo vệ quyền con người
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Làm thuê Bài tập lớn môn tiếng Anh chuyên ngành tiểu học - sdt/ ZALO 093 189 2701

  • 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS Question 1 (2.0 points): What are the skills of a good primary school teacher? (Answer in approx. 15-20 sentences)................................................................1 Question 2 (2.0 points): COVID-19 is a pandemic that has a serious impact on human life around the world. In about 500 words, describe what you do as a primary school teacher to help prevent the spread of it......................................2 Question 3 (2.0 points): In most countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary education at school, though in many jurisdictions it is permissible for parents to provide it at home. Discuss both views and give your opinions (about 500 words). ............................................................................3 Question 4 (2.0 points): Find 100 words about the topic: “Natural science in primary education”. Translate these words into Vietnamese. .............................5 Question 5 (2.0 points): Lesson plan: The Story of a Mother by Hans Christian Andersen. .......................................................................................................8
  • 2. 1 Question 1 (2.0 points): What are the skills of a good primary school teacher? (Answer in approx. 15-20 sentences). Teachers have the power to change lives and generate well-educated, respectable students; they can support learners in not just expanding their knowledge but also improving their personal life. In order to be a successful educator, a primary teacher must possess a varied range of professional abilities. One of the most important skills a good primary teacher possesses is the ability to connect with the students. Make an effort to get to know each student by name and to know something about him or her as quickly as possible. Each student has his or her own strengths and weaknesses and being able to make a connection with each one will help a teacher be able to educate most effectively. Having a sense of humor and creativity are wonderful skills. A primary school teacher is usually responsible for a couple of dozen young children for many hours every weekday. The only way to manage the stress of dealing with educating a classroom full of students is to keep a sense of humor. A good primary school teacher is able to inject humor into the classroom and manage problems without getting too caught up in negative emotions. Besides that, students learn best when they’re doing something fun and interesting. It’s up to the teacher to be creative in the way of approach, finding novel and enjoyable ways for students to learn. An effective primary teacher has the ability to lead and guide their classroom; he or she can manage a number of different personalities, including misbehaving children, and steer them in the right direction. Besides that, teachers have to juggle a number of tasks, from lesson planning to activities and marking. In order to succeed in their role, they are required to have exceptional organisation skills. There’s no denying that teaching can be tough at times. Students may learn at all different rates. Therefore teachers sometimes have to explain something several times in several different ways before it sticks. When faced with challenging behaviour, a good primary teacher needs the ability to stay calm, patient and dedicated.
  • 3. 2 Question2 (2.0 points): COVID-19 is a pandemic that has a serious impact on human life around the world. In about 500 words, describe what you do as a primary school teacher to help prevent the spread of it. The outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been affecting millions of people and threatening their lives around the world. Governments around the world are taking the best possible precautions to protect themselves, their peoples and communities. All efforts of the government are only aimed at preventing the pandemic and ensuring that basic human needs are not compromised. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, students’ learning needs are still met by distance learning. Through this, students gain a certain understanding of the disease, how to protect themselves and prevent the spread of the disease. As a primary school teacher, I recognize that I have an important role to play in helping students access accurate and reliable information to reduce students' fears and anxieties about the disease and support the student's ability to cope with any side effects in their lives. Here are some ways that I consider practical to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19. First, explain to students about Covid-19, how it spreads, and how we can protect ourselves and others. Students need to understand what it is so that they follow the rules. From there we can focus on communicating healthy behaviors such as how to wear a mask properly, cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow, and wash your hands immediately afterwards. One of the best ways to keep students safe from coronavirus and other illnesses is to simply encourage frequent hand washing with hand sanitizer, for at least 20 seconds. Develop a method to track and find ways to reward them for washing their hands frequently and promptly. Instruct students to properly apply the rules of social distance to keep themselves and others safe for example standing further away from friends, avoiding large crowds, not touching people if they don’t need to, etc . Use visual illustrations to demonstrate coronavirus symptoms (sneezing, cough, fever), what to do if students feel sick (like if their head hurts, their stomach hurts, or if they feel hot or extra tired) Second, make sure students stay mentally healthy during this time of crisis. Consider the specific needs of each student, listen to students' concerns, and answer their questions in an age- and gender-appropriate manner. Encourage
  • 4. 3 students to express and communicate their feelings. Empower students who are unlucky to be infected, teach how to comfort a student who is sick or whose loved one is in trouble, and prevent discrimination from peers. Discuss the reactions they may face around discrimination from the community and explain to students that these are just normal reactions to unusual situations. The pandemic is still very complicated and shows no signs of stopping. This makes students and families still face many difficulties in life. Thanks to the internet, students can still continue their studies and communicate with friends. Besides family members, teachers are the people students trust the most. Therefore, teachers play an extremely important role in providing accurate information about the pandemic, how to prevent it and overcome the mental crisis. Since then, teachers have played a big part in preventing the spread of Covid. Question 3 (2.0 points): In most countries, it is compulsory for children to receive primary education at school, though in many jurisdictions it is permissible for parents to provide it at home. Discuss both views and give your opinions (about 500 words). Education is an important part of a child's growth. There have been numerous possibilities in recent years for parents who want their children to have an outstanding education. As a result, the debate between homeschooling and enrolling in a primary school arose. Although homeschooling gives children a lot of freedom to learn at their own pace, enrolling them in a primary school gives them access to many of the resources that are accessible in a school setting and give their parents more time for their careers. When compared to regular schooling methods, the decision to home educate has a number of advantages. It allows parents more control over the curriculum and courses covered, allowing them to concentrate on their selected course of study. If a student has unique abilities, interests, or passions in a subject, there is significantly more flexibility and freedom to pursue this path and build a study program to the student's exact needs. This flexibility extends to the timeline in a similar way. Homeschooling allows for a far more flexible schedule, as it is not bound by a set of rules or a
  • 5. 4 set amount of time. Instead, courses can be structured and addressed in a way that best meets the family's lifestyle, allowing for a more flexible approach that includes activities, clubs, and even travels. Homeschooling also helps in the reduction of emotional stress caused by bullies, peer pressure, and boredom. On the contrary, this necessitates the parents' undivided attention and the restriction of their work time. As a result, in order to gain interest and children's attention in each lesson, parents must be creative in their facilitation of the lesson. Although parents are not required to pay tuition fees, being a homeschooler is costly since they must purchase some educational supplies that are readily available in school settings. Going to primary school, on the other hand, has numerous advantages. For example, the school provides many current educational resources, and the facilities are appropriate for education and development. Furthermore, successful teaching tactics are devised by a well-trained instructor. Although bullies and peer pressure are constantly present in the school setting, children are exposed to these elements on a social level. This allows them the opportunity to deal with problems and keep their self-esteem and confidence at a high level. When it comes to traditional versus homeschooling, time is another consideration. Home schooling necessitates a significant level of work and dedication from one or both parents. While some choose to hire outside tutors, this can be costly and does not cover the entire curriculum. Primary school is a learning environment where the teacher's main responsibility is to be there, allowing parents to pursue other responsibilities such as paid work that may be necessary for the family. To summarize, all options have advantages and disadvantages, but I believe that going to primary school provides children with a wide range of important information and abilities that will benefit in their development. Even if going to school is helpful, supplementing schooling at home will assist students achieve a high level of education. School and home instruction will substantially assist youngsters in learning more and molding their character and attitudes in ways that will benefit them in the future.
  • 6. 5 Question4 (2.0 points): Find 100 words about the topic: “Naturalscience in primary education”. Translate these words into Vietnamese. number English Vietnamese 1 locomotorsystem cơ quan vận động 2 respiratory system cơ quan hô hấp 3 digestive system cơ quan tiêu hóa 4 circulatory system cơ quan tuần hoàn 5 excretory system cơ quan bài tiết 6 nervous system cơ quan thần kinh 7 skeleton bộ xương 8 musculoskeletal system hệ cơ 9 respiratory diseases bệnh đường hô hấp 10 heart-related diseases bệnh tim mạch 11 obesity bệnh béo phì 12 circulation vòng tuần hoàn 13 malaria bệnh sốtrét 14 dengue sốtxuất huyết 15 encephalitis bệnh viêm não 16 hepatitis bệnh viêm gan 17 malnutrition suy dinh dưỡng 18 reproduction sự sinh sản 19 gender giới tính 20 fertilization sự thụ tinh 21 puberty tuổi dậy thì 22 adolescence tuổi vị thành niên 23 adulthood tuổi trưởng thành 24 old age tuổi già 25 addictive substance chất gây nghiện 26 antibiotics thuốc khánh sinh 27 bacteria vi khuẩn 28 virus vi rút
  • 7. 6 29 Infectious diseases bệnh truyền nhiễm 30 test xét nghiệm 31 nutrients chất dinh dưỡng 32 carbohydrate chất bộtđường 33 fat chất béo 34 protein chất đạm 35 fiber chất xơ 36 mineral chất khoáng 37 constipation táo bón 38 food safety vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm 39 food poisoning ngộ độc thực phẩm 40 plant thực vật 41 photosynthesis sự quang hợp 42 metabolism sự trao đổichất 43 stamens nhị 44 pistil nhụy 45 seed hạt 46 sproutroots rễ mầm 47 pollination sự thụ phấn 48 insect côn trùng 49 larval ấu trùng 50 life cycle vòng đời 51 microscope kính hiển vi 52 microorganism vi sinh vật 53 animal động vật 54 food chain chuỗi thức ăn 55 predator thú ăn thịt 56 herbivore thú ăn cỏ 57 globe địa cầu 58 solar system hệ mặt trời 59 planet hành tinh
  • 8. 7 60 satellite vệ tinh 61 climate zone đới khí hậu 62 weather thời tiết 63 direction phương hướng 64 meteorite thiên thạch 65 environment môi trường 66 pollution ô nhiễm 67 atmosphere không khí 68 heat source nguồn nhiệt 69 chemical fertilizers phân bón hóa học 70 pesticides thuốc trừ sâu 71 herbicide thuốc diệt cỏ 72 energy năng lượng 73 solar energy năng lượng mặt trời 74 fuel chất đốt 75 oil dầu mỏ 76 wind energy năng lượng gió 77 hydropower plants nhà máy thủy điện 78 electricity điện 79 electrical circuit mạch điện 80 cement xi măng 81 rubber cao su 82 plastic chất dẻo 83 mixture hỗn hợp 84 solution dung dịch 85 natural resources tài nguyên thiên nhiên 86 metal kim loại 87 alloy hợp kim 88 acid axit 89 glass thủy tinh 90 distillation chưng cất
  • 9. 8 91 chemical chất hóa học 92 solid thể rắn 93 liquid thể lỏng 94 gas thể khí 95 condensation sự ngưng tụ 96 combustion sự cháy 97 temperature nhiệt độ 98 thermometer nhiệt kế 99 heat conductor vật dẫn nhiệt 100 thermal insulation vật cách nhiệt Question 5 (2.0 points): Lesson plan: The Story of a Mother by Hans Christian Andersen. The Story of a Mother by Hans Christian Andersen The mother rushed out of the house calling for her child. After staying up a few nights to look after her sick child, she had just fallen asleep for a while, and Death had taken him away. Night as an old woman in a long black robe, said to her: “ Death strides faster than the wind, and never brings back what he has taken away.” The mother begged Night to show her the way to chase after Death. Night showed her the way. At a fork in the road, the mother did not know which way to go. There was a thicket of thorn bush covered with snow. Thorn bush says: - I will show you the way, if you warm me up. The mother held the thorn bush in her lap to warm it. Thorns pierced her flesh, and great drops of blood flowed. The thornbush sprouts and blooms in the middle of a cold winter. The thorn bush showed her the way. She came at length to a great lake, on which there was neither ship nor boat to be seen. The lake water was too deep. But she was determined to cross the lake to find her son. The lake said: - I will help you, but you must give me your eyes. Cry until your eyes fall!
  • 10. 9 The mother wept, her tears fell so much that her eyes followed the stream of tears into the lake, turning into two pearls. So she was taken to the cold abode of Death. Seeing her, Death was surprised and asked: - How did you get to this place? The mother replied: Because I'm a mother. Give me back my baby! - A few nights: several nights in a row. - Rush: to go or do something very quickly - Fall asleep: Taking a nap due to being too tired. - Stride: to walk somewhere quickly with long steps - Beg: trying to get others to agree to your request. Lessonplan The Story of a Mother GRADE: 3rd grade TIME: 40 minutes ACTIVITY: storytelling MATERIALS: short stories, pictures… AIMS & OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to learn to classify the stories Students will be able to learn how to convey meaning from a text. Students will be able to develop their listening abilities and understanding skills. Students will be able to understand the meaning of the words in the lesson: a few nights, rush, fall asleep, stride, beg ... and other words chosenby the teacher. Students will be able to understand the sequence of events. Students will be able to understand the meaning of the story: The story praises the boundless love of a mother for her child. For her child, a mother can do anything. PROCEDURE: 1. Warm up: Play a game in 1 minute 2. Introduce a new story
  • 11. 10 Teaching activities learning activities Introduction (1 minute) - Ask 1 or 2 students to tell about the love or care that their mother gives to them. - Introduction: we all know that mother is the one who gives birth, nurtures and takes care of us. Every mother loves her child and is willing to make sacrifices for her child. In this reading exercise, the children will read and learn about a very moving old story by Andersen. It's about the mother. - Write the title on the board. - 1 to 2 students tell in front of the class. Activity 1: Practice reading (25 minutes) Target: - Correctly read mispronounced words mentioned in the target section. Stop, pause slightly after punctuation marks and between phrases - Understand the meaning of words in the lesson. How to proceed: a) Sample reading - The teacher reads the sample of the whole lesson one at a time, paying attention: + Paragraph 1: the voice of the reader should express the panic when losing a child. + Paragraphs 2, 3: read with fervent entreaty expressing the mother's determination to find her child even at the costof sacrifice. + Paragraph 4: the words of the god of death read in a surprised voice. Mother's words when answering because I am a mother read with a clear voice. - listen to the teacher read the sample. - Follow each other to read
  • 12. 11 b) Guide to practice reading combined with word interpretation * Instructions to read each sentence and practice pronunciation of easy and difficult words. * Instructions to read each paragraph and explain difficult words. - Guide students to read each paragraph in front of the class. - Explanation of difficult words: + How do you understand the word “rush” in the sentence that the mother calls her child? + What is “fall asleep”? + What does “beg” mean? Make sentences with “beg” words. - Ask 4 students in successionto read the text in front of the class, each student along a passage. * Ask students to practice reading in groups. * Organize reading competitions between groups. each sentence according to the row of desks to study. Reread the incorrect readings according to the teacher's instructions. - Read each paragraph in the lesson according to the teacher's instructions: - Read each paragraph in front of the class. Pay attention to correct voice breaks at periods, commas and when reading the characters' words. Rush: to go or do something very quickly Fall asleep: Taking a nap due to being too tired. Beg: trying to get others to agree to your request. - 4 students follow each other to read the article, the whole class follows the lesson in the textbook. - Each group of 4 students, one by one, read a passage in the group. - 2 groups of consecutive reading competitions
  • 13. 12 Activity 2: Guide students to learn the lesson (5 minutes) Target: Students understand the content of the story How to proceed: - Teacher calls on 1 student to read the whole lesson in front of the class. - Ask students to read paragraph 1 silently. - Briefly describe what happened in paragraph 1. - When she knew that Death had taken her child, the mother was determined to find her child. Night showed her the way. What difficulties did she encounter along the way? Did she overcome those difficulties? Let's take a look at paragraphs 2 and 3. - What did the mother do to make the thorn bush show her the way? - What did the mother do to make the lake show her the way? - After those great sacrifices, the mother was taken to the cold abodeof Death. How does Death feel when he sees the mother? - How did the mother respond to Death? - 1 student reads, the whole class watches in the textbook. - Silent reading. - 2 to 3 students tell, other students monitor and comment. - The mother accepts the request of the thorn bush. She hugged the thorn bush to her lap to warm it. Thorns pierced her flesh, blood dripped, and thorns sprouted, sprouted, and blossomed in the midst of the cold winter. - The mother accepts the request of the lake. She cried, tears falling down until her tears fell and turned into two pearls. - Death was surprised and asked the mother: "How did
  • 14. 13 - In your opinion, what does the mother's answer "becauseI am a mother" mean? - Teacher concludes:all ideas are correct. The mother is a very brave person, because of her courage, she has fulfilled the difficult requirements of the thorn bush and the lake. The mother is also not afraid of death and is ready to go to death to take back her child. However, point 3 is the most correct becauseit is the noble sacrifice that gives the mother the courage to overcome all challenges and reach the cold abodeof Death to claim her child. Forher child, a mother can sacrifice everything. Conclusion: The story praises the boundless love of a mother for her child. For her child, a mother can do anything. you get to this place?" - The mother replied: "Because I am a mother" and demanded Death "give me back my child!" - "Because I am a mother" means that a mother can do everything for her child. - students discuss and answer. Activity 3: Practice reading again (5 minutes) Target: Fluently read the entire article and initially know how to change the voice of the reading to suit the development of the story. How to proceed: - Teacher divides students into small groups, each group has 6 students and asks them to reread the lesson by role in their group. - Organize from 2 to 3 groups of reading competitions in front of the class. - Commend the group that reads well, can give - Each student in the group receives one of the roles: narrator, mother, Night, thorn bush, lake, Death. - Reading competition groups as a whole class watch to find the best reading group
  • 15. 14 points to students. Last activity: Consolidation, advice (3 minutes) - Teacher asked: In your opinion, what does the detail of the thorn bush sprouting, budding, blooming in the middle of the cold winter and the detail of the mother's eyes turning into two pearls mean? - TEACHER: These details show us the nobility of the mother's self-sacrifice. - Summarize the lesson, instruct students to go home and retell the story to their loved ones and prepare for the next lesson. - Students are free to express their opinions.