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The Roadrunner
     Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — July/August 2006

              Sierra Club Global Warming Policy
                                Choices to be considered
   Joe Fontaine expresses his opinion. What do you think? Read on.
TOP PRIORITY. Last year the Sierra Club Board of Directors decided that Energy and Global Warming
should be the top priority for the Sierra Club. At the Sierra Summit that followed in September, Club
leaders reaffirmed that Energy and Global Warming should be the major focus of our work over the next
few years. I believe that all of the grass roots activists in the Sierra Club recognize the threat that global
warming and wasteful use of energy make to the well-being of the planet. Those issues transcend all of
the other issues we work on.
PUBLIC LANDS AND MORE. On the other hand, since its founding by John Muir and others over
100 years ago, the primary priority of the Sierra Club has been to work on National Parks, Wilderness,
and other public lands issues. More recently we have added protection of endangered species, air and
water pollution, urban sprawl, and environmental justice, to mention just a few of our concerns. We
have been instrumental in designating millions of acres of Wilderness and new National Parks here in
California. We have made impressive gains in improving air quality and combating urban sprawl.
CARE IS NEEDED. We Must Not Throw Out The Baby With The Bath Water. Those of us who have
worked in the trenches on our traditional issues for so many years have developed a perception that there
may be a trend of the Club to back away from those issues. I do not believe anyone in the Sierra Club
intends for that to happen. In fact, at its meeting in March the Board adopted a resolution affirming that
as we turn our attention to this new overwhelming threat we are not going to abandon our work on
public lands and other traditional issues.
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. However, in their enthusiasm to attack this emerging threat those
who are leading the charge are creating some concerns. In our rush we must make sure we do not create
unintended consequences. The proposed policy regarding Energy and Global Warming is a case in point.
There has been a push to adopt this new policy quickly. A close examination of the proposal revealed
some flaws in wording, as in the statement on wind energy. All of us support the development of wind
energy where appropriate. However, the proposed wording in the first draft established a presumption
that supporting wind energy outweighs concerns over site-specific adverse impacts. Local groups and
chapters would not have been allowed to oppose development of wind farms unless the adverse impacts
were equivalent to siting them in a protected wilderness area. Since that would be illegal in any case,
that would have removed the option for local activists to oppose the development of wind farms
anywhere. The language has now been modified to take care of that oversight.
FAIR ALLOCATIONS OF $$$. The development of a policy on Energy and Global Warming is the
first step in launching a new high-priority campaign to combat the worldwide impacts of our excessive
energy consumption. We must play our part in reviewing this proposed policy to make sure it will
enable us to be effective while not undermining our work on more traditional issues. When budgets are
adopted by the Board, there must be a fair allocation of resources among our diverse programs.
2                                                                                  THE ROADRUNNER

IN CONCLUSION. The real strength of the Sierra Club is its thousands of grass roots activists. They
don’t set their priorities based on edicts from on high. They work on issues most important to them
personally. You don’t try to tell Sierra Club activists what to work on. We like to pick our own fights.
Those of us who have devoted our lives to protecting Wilderness and public lands will continue that
work. We won’t disappoint John Muir. It is up to our elected leadership to adopt carefully considered
policies and allocate resources in a balanced manner. And it is up to us in the grass roots ranks to make
our voices heard. Be ready to speak up now!
   A year ago, in response to a lawsuit filed by the State Attorney General, a federal judge found the
Plan violated requirements for environmental study and public participation and ordered the Forest
Service to comply with law. The Forest Service issued another Fire Plan without the required
environmental documents, hoping new wording would take them off the hook as to the need to comply
with environmental laws. When it appeared that strategy would fail, the Bush Administration responded
by pulling the Plan with no intent to issue another.
   The Forest Service contends that their Fire Plan made no land management decisions but was only
administrative, pulling together directions already existing in other documents and spelling out the
logistics for the use and response to fire. If this had been the case, there would have been no basis for a
   In actuality, the Fire Plan was far more than a mere fire response planning document; it also prede-
termined where prescribed burning and prescribed natural fire (“let burn” of naturally caused wild fire)
could occur and where mechanical thinning would be the only method allowed for treating fuel build-up.
In the fire-dependent, fire-deprived, and fire-prone Sierra Nevada and sequoia groves, such decisions
should have been accompanied by a full environmental discussion, consideration of scientific research,
and public involvement. But the Fire Plan was signed in the back office with no documentation whatso-
ever for the public to review.
   The Sierra Club, Tule River Conservancy, Sequoia Forest Keeper and other organizations filed a law-
suit against the Management Plan for the Giant Sequoia National Monument in part because the Plan
relied almost totally on logging as a management tool and as a strategy for funding “restoration.” The
Monument Plan disallowed a discussion about where and when fire could be used in the Monument,
saying such decisions were already made in their earlier (but non-public) Fire Plan.
   It was totally inappropriate to predetermine the use of fire and the reliance on logging in the
Monument, particularly since fire and the use of fire is one of the most important aspects of management
and protection of the giant sequoia ecosystem. The Monument Plan had little or no discussion of fire
strategies such as those carried out by the adjacent Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. All
scientific studies indicate that the use of fire, not logging, results in a fire-resistant forest, nutrient
recycling, seed scarification, disease control, with less impacts to species and soils. There was no
discussion of these elements regarding fire’s role in the Sequoia Monument Plan and EIS.
   We are expecting the judge to rule on our Sequoia Monument Plan lawsuit in midsummer.
   The Forest Service and those who are opposed to our concerns with management of the Monument
are likely to portray the withdrawal of the Fire Plan as evidence that our challenges to the Forest Service
somehow jeopardize the forest. The truth is that the portion of the Fire Plan that deals with response to
fire and protection of the public is spelled out in many other Forest Service regulations and policies. The
Forest operated with no Fire Plan at all from 1988 until 2002.
   The 1988 Land Management Plan for Sequoia National Forest directed that a Fire and Fuels Manage-
ment Plan be written as an amendment to the Forest Plan. A decade later, the National Fire Plan called
for every National Forest to have a Fire Plan, but it is unclear whether or not the Forest Service is
violating a law by choosing to not have one. If they have one, it must be prepared in accordance with
environmental law. Clearly the administration would rather have no Fire Plan at all than to allow
scientific and public scrutiny into the process of developing one. - Carla Cloer, Sequoia Task Force
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                            3

     Create an Environmental Legacy
               Include the Sierra Club in your estate plans
     to help ensure long term protection of our treasured wilderness.
    To learn more about planned gifts, call John Calaway, Director of Planned Giving.
              Phone: 415.977.5639 or e-mail

                          IN HONOR OF JIM CLARK,
Jim Clark died in the 100th year of his life. Many of us, to our misfortune, knew him only from his
attendances at Sierra Club banquets. His daughter, Pamela, has written a revealing and heartwarming
eulogy, parts of which we can share with you. The full text can be found on our Chapter website.
   Jim and his twin brother were born in the time when “telephones had been invented, but they weren't
common, automobiles had been invented but they weren’t common, and if you needed a word that
meant ‘great big’ it was okay to use ‘titanic’.” The place was Hannibal, Missouri.
   “Travel was a part of Dad’s life from an early age. His father was a railroad engineer for the
Burlington, and his mother loved baseball, so they would get passes on the train and go down to St.
Louis to watch the Cardinals play." Further travel involved four siblings and himself on a trip to
Washington State. “Out west, when the train went across the high trestles, the ground fell away on both
sides of you, and it was like riding on empty air. Later Dad rode the rails as a hobo. A whole bunch of
adventures go with that.”
   “Mom and Dad met in the Methodist Church in Illasco (near Hannibal). It was the depths of the
Great Depression. Dad didn’t have any money to impress a girl . . . but he could quit smoking, so he
did.” He also became a Mason in order to impress the family of his wife-to-be, Nedra Miller. His
association with the Masons was life-long.
   World War II was a changing event in the lives of the Clark family. One result, as for many, was the
establishment of their lives in California. After ten years of marriage, Pam unexpectedly arrived on the
scene, “so they got a big surprise when they found out they were going to contribute to the leading edge
of the Baby Boom.”
   Life in California provided the events that led to Jim’s association with the Sierra Club. Pam wrote
this description of Jim’s getting membership in the Club. ”Membership required two sponsors, and he
knew only one. Upon moving to Porterville, only one sponsor was required. The San Francisco office
sent us a list of local members. I recognized one of the names right away as being a high school
guidance counsellor, so I went to my freshman orientation assembly with Dad’s petition in hand. After
the speeches I went up to Miss Sprott and asked if she would sign it . . . and she did. Later, as she got to
thinking things over, she decided she had better meet this guy she just agreed to sponsor, so she came by
the house and got acquainted. Mom gave Dad his Sierra Club membership for Christmas that year
   Pam’s father was active in the Sierra Club for many years, doing everything from leading a nine-day
backpack every summer to serving as Chapter chairman. This remembrance of Jim Clark has given us
all a fuller appreciation of the life of one Sierra Club member who will be well remembered in the years
to come.
4                                                                                     THE ROADRUNNER

           Details below with information as to how you can help
   The beautiful springtime displays of wildflowers along Gorman Post Road located in the
Gorman/Tejon Pass area, paralleling I-5, are known throughout the state and beyond. What can we do to
save this state treasure? Last fall, a qualified group of graduate students from UCLA prepared a
comprehensive study of this environment covering the geological, botanical, historical, water resources,
seismological, wildlife habitat, land use and various social factors. Their work has been the impetus for
the proposal creating a Gorman Wildflower Preserve which would cover 2800 acres of this irreplaceable
and precious resource. A group is being formed to investigate the possibility of creating this
Wildflower Preserve. We will be looking for willing sellers of parcels, finding funds to purchase the
parcels and creating a plan for preservation and management in perpetuity. We urge all who care and
who appreciate this special heritage to join us in our efforts to protect and preserve these acres. We have
information available if you wish to know more or wish to offer your thoughts or give pertinent
information about this area. You may contact Karen Cotter by e-mail at or call
Mary Ann Lockhart at 661.242.0432. We look forward to hearing from you.

SINCE THE middle 80’s in this country we have increasingly confronted the “super-size” phenomenon.
Borrowing from the hamburger king’s vision of American preferences, we’ve begun calling super-sized
things McThis and McThat: McTrucks and SUV’s, McMeals, McAirliner seats and, worst of all,
McMansions. I have even encountered the phenomenon when trying to replace drinking glasses for the
dinner table. It’s difficult to find anything under what can only be called the Big Gulp size. Environ-
mentalists are appalled by the voracious use of natural resources in our pursuit of the biggest of
everything. However, the national Sierra Magazine, two issues ago, took on the subject for an altogether
different reason, and it is mainly that which I want to bring to your attention now.
  Recently I returned from a visit with friends in Virginia. They have lived for years in a charming home
on a quiet street in the town of Fairfax. There they raised their family, enjoyed their neighbors, and
delighted in the serenity of the community. Arriving at their home I was entirely unprepared for a shock.
The houses on both sides have been torn down and replaced by generic McMansions, not only hideously
ugly, but also occupying all but a tiny bit of the property. They have literally been built from one side of
the property to the other, and from the back to the front, leaving no more than a patch of ground between
the houses and the sidewalk. Apparently the reason for this is the same for all these projects. Developers,
running short of land for the customary sprawl, construct these monsters in existing neighborhoods,
selling them, ostensibly, to single families. Then two or three other families move in claiming to be
relatives. The resulting traffic and noise destroy the quality of life so that people like my friends are
forced to sell their homes as well.
  This appears to be happening all over the country, and I’m sorry to report that it has begun even in my
neighborhood, which I think is the loveliest in Bakersfield. We have been especially blessed here with
distance from any major traffic thoroughfare, and our northern boundary is a bluff that overlooks a large
nature preserve beside the Kern River so that we enjoy unusual quiet in an otherwise noisy world.
However, several years ago one such McMansion was built on a beautiful street west of mine, with a
result somewhat similar to what I saw in Fairfax. Walking by it this morning I counted six cars, not
including those no doubt parked in the McGarage. As it happens the occupants are quiet, and the house
is at the end of the street so that one is not aware of it until he is almost there. Had it been built in mid-
block, the quality of the street would have been ruined. Only those neighborhoods with association rules
are safe from this phenomenon since there is no county ordinance to prevent it. Be assured that no one
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                                             5

living outside such an association in Kern County is protected, regardless of the quality and value of the
homes in his neighborhood.
  According to Sierra Magazine, Arlington County in Virginia has been quick to put a stop to the plague
so apparent in neighboring Fairfax County. They have legalized an ordinance making it impossible for
anyone to build or rebuild a house that takes up more than 25 percent of the property. If we in Kern
County can stop irresponsible building as we seem to be doing now in the Northeast Bakersfield.
Perhaps we can consider such an ordinance for the good of us all. It’s worth talking about.
- Ann Williams
                                          GOOD NEWS CLIPS
STEELWORKERS JOIN SIERRA CLUB to promote economic equity and environmental sustainability.The
850,000-member steelworkers union and the 750,000-member Sierra Club have joined to work together
to further these causes. Carl Pope said, “Our new alliance allows us to address the great challenge of the
global economy in the 21st century—how to provide good jobs, a clean environment and a safer world.”
A step forward!
Tejon Industrial Complex Challenged Again by Center of Biological Diversity (CBD). In 2004
CBD and others successfully challenged Kern County’s environmental report for the Industrial Complex
project, a 1000-acre project proposed for the south end of the Valley. In March 2006, Kern County court
concluded that the County had addressed the original report’s defects. CBD disagrees. One trigger for
this second suit relates to a deal struck between the project’s developer, Tejon Ranch Co., and the San
Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. More news about this later.

                                KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER
                               GROUP ACTIVITY ROUND-UP
Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities. Requirements: You must be in condition for
type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a Sierra Club release from liability. You must be
willing to follow leader’s directions. Be sure to bring any personal medicines you might need. Customary appropriate
equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglass suntan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants
recommended. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you.Please let the leader know ahead of time that
you are intending to participate. Change of plans may be necessary. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED, BE
The California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee will meet on July 15, 2006 in Los
Angeles, and July 16 in San Francisco.Vice-Chair Ken Smokoska will chair the southern meeting at the
Angeles Chapter office, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., #320. Open to all Sierra Club members. A good way to
learn about the Sierra Club in action. All-state Fall Meeting in San Luis Obispo: Sept 9 and 10, Rancho
El Chorro, SLO.
July 29–Aug 4 (Fri–Sat) Sierra Backpack. Thousand Island Lake Base Camp. Mules will carry packs
to and from Thousand Island Lake. We will day hike to lakes and peaks and enjoy the flowers. Trip
limited to 12 qualified participants. Leaders: Gordon and Eva Nipp, 661.872.2432,
Sept 29–Oct 1 (Fri–Sun) Sequoia Task Force’s Annual Fall Outing in the magnificent Giant Sequoia
National Monument. Highlights: Saturday, Sunday hikes that include a visit to the Slate Mountain
Roadless area, a trip to a secret waterfall and Dome Rock, as well as sites where the Sierra Club stopped
logging inside the Monument. Person to person encounters: seeing old friends and meeting new people
from all over the country; talk with the activists who worked to protect these forests and groves for a
quarter of a century and who continue to fight the Forest Service’s latest plans to log in the groves under
the pretext of restoration. Save the date. Want more information now? e-mail Carla at <>
or call 559.781.8445.
6                                                                                                THE ROADRUNNER

Buena Vista Group More info? call Donnel Lester, 661.831.6784
Tuesday Conditioning Hikes. 7 PM, 4–5 miles. Corners of Highways 178 & 184. Gordon 661.
872.2432 or Larry 661.873.8107
July 1 (Sat) Join us for breakfast gathering at the Hill House (700 Truxtun Ave, across the street from
the Beale Library). Program: “The Corporation,” with Donnel Lester providing commentary. The
presentation is free; the cost of breakfast is about $7. Contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at
Aug 5 (sat) Breakfast gathering at the Hill House (700 Truxtun Ave, across the street from the Beale
Library). Discussion will focus on “Environmental Wars,” as discussed at June Skeptics Society Con-
ference. Presenter will be Isabel Stierle, Buena Vista member. Cost of breakfast is about $7. For more
information, contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195.
Future monthly topics planned: Protecting and growing native plants, organic gardening, and viewing
films “The True Cost of Food” and “The Long View: A Plan to Save Our Ocean Fish.”
- Past and Future. Buena Vista Group members had the opportunity in June to explore and enjoy the
park at River Walk, the site of their summer picnic. A Fall social event is planned to get acquainted with
new and transfer members. Contact Ann Gallon (661.589.7796 or if you would
like to help or attend. Watch the Roadrunner for further details.
BVG List Serve: Like to join the Buena Vista Group online information sharing group? Give Donnel
Lester a call at 661.831.6784 or email
- Have a current first-aid certificate? If you do and can commit to participate in the monthly AdoptA-
Highway cleanup, please contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195.
- Interested in becoming an outings leader for the Buena Vista Group? please consider completing a
“Basic Outings Leader Training” (web-based training through the National Organization). To find out
more, contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195 as soon as possible.

Condor Group MORE INFO? call Mary Ann Lockhart, 661.242.0432. PMC                                                  DATES
AND TIMES FOR ALL Condor Gp HIKES: Fourth Saturday of each month, 8 AM. Persons planning to hike with us need
to call ahead of time to indicate they are coming. Meeting place is the parking lot of Pine Mountain Club’s clubhouse in Pine
Mountain Club. Call Leader, Dale Chitwood, 661.242.1076, More info? Barb Nusbaum, 661.242.1843 or Mary Ann
Lockhart, 661.242.0432.
July 22 (Sat) Our wonderful Peak to Peak Hike. The trail goes between Mt. Pinos and Cerro Noroeste, 8
miles of beautiful views, clean air, altitude over 8000 ft. Strenuous. Starts at 8 AM from PMC. Must call
ahead as some car-pooling may be involved.
August 5 (Sat) Mountain Lions. Presenter from Mountain Lions Association will provide information
on this magnificent animal, which is encountered in this area. Potluck 6 PM, Program 7 PM in the Pine
Mountain Clubhouse. Pine Mountain Club.
August 28th (Sat) Toad Springs Trail. This close-at-hand trail will lead to the area of a big slide that
closed off the further side of the trail. We will discuss the hows and whys of such slides, predictions for
the future. Moderate. Please, no children under 16 years. Meet at 8 AM at PMC tennis courts.

Kaweah Group MORE INFO? CALL PAM, 559.784.4643 OR DIANE, 559.781.8897.
Call early in September for upcoming events.
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                           7

Mineral King Group Visalia. More info? call Kim Loeb, 559.798.1764
Please visit for more info on our events and activities
July 8 (Sat) 9 AM – Outing – Day hike to Mist Falls out of Cedar Grove in Kings Canyon National
Park. Moderate 8-mile round trip hike along the beautiful Kings River. The hike will begin at Roads
End in Cedar Grove at 9 AM. The ride from Visalia takes about 21/2 half hours so we will camp there
Friday evening. Those who wish to camp with us are welcome. Any who plan to camp and/or do the
hike must call Leaders Joanne and David at 559.733-2078 or Allen at 559.739.8087 by Friday, June 29.
July 12 (Wed) 6 PM Dinner Social at Keo Thip Restaurant, 619 Murray Ave. Visalia. Please RSVP
to Bev at 559.732.3785 or
July 24 (Mon) 5:30 PM Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, 3301 S. Mooney
Blvd., Visalia. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or gmachine@
psnw.comJuly 29 (Sat) 8 AM – Outing – A day at Grant Grove. Sequoia National Park. Designed to
be an easy hike or series of short hikes; final choices will be made on the trip to Sequoia. Possibilities:
Spend the day in the Grove, take the Big Stump Trail (easy 2 miles; goes through the Converse Basin
Grove of downed trees), the Hitchcock Meadow Trail (easy 2.6 miles; goes to a waterfall) and/or the
North Grove and Dead Giant Loops (easy 2.5 miles; Grant Grove and logged areas). If we are more
ambitious there are a few moderate 4–6 mile hikes in the area. Meet at 8 AM at Martha’s Vineyard by
the Taco Bell. Leaders Joanne and David at 559.733.2078 or Allen at 559.739.8087. Inform by Friday,
June 29.
August 9 (Wed) 6 PM – Dinner Social at Black Bear Diner, 1161 E Tulare Ave., Tulare. Please RSVP
to Bev at 559.732.3785 or
August 19 (Sat) 8 AM – Outing – The Lakes Trail – a moderate 6–8 mile hike to Heather Lake. On
the way up, we will pass by the Watchtower and look down on Tokopah Falls. We could take the Hump
Trail back, which is a somewhat shorter and steeper (going downhill). Meet at 8 AM at Martha’s
Vineyard by the Taco Bell. More info? Leaders Joanne and David at 559.733.2078 and Allen at
August 28 (Mon) 5:30 PM – Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, 3301 S.
Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or gmachine@
psnw.comSave the date: Oct 2 (Sat) 7 AM – Outing – Day trip to and hikes at Glacier Point in Yo-
semite National Park. We will meet at 7 AM in the parking lot by Taco Bell in Martha’s Vineyard. We
plan to do two short hikes with beautiful and unique views of Yosemite Valley without all the crowds of
Yosemite Valley. Call Leaders Joanne and David at 559.733.2078 or Allen at 559.739.8087 for details.
Owens Peak Group          More general and hike info? call Leaders Dennis Burge,
760.375.7967, Jim Nichols, 760.375.8161. email: Meets in
Ridgecrest, Maturango Museum
July 15 (Sat) ARMY PASS POINT AND LOOP (point is .7 mi ENE of New Army Pass; 12360+ ft
elevation; gain 2640 ft; 14.4 mi RT) This is a reschedule of a hike we were rained out of 2 years ago.
The hike will loop up over Old Army Pass and climb Army Pass Point, which dominates the
Cottonwood Lakes. We will (optionally) descend a fine lost route used by Carl Heller, E of the New
Army Pass trail, that shortens the descent from New Army Pass. This old shortcut E of New Army Pass
trail needs to be rediscovered. Army Pass Point is visible from everywhere in the Cottonwood Basin and
provides great photo opportunities of the Basin. Should be interesting, and a good workout. Call Leaders
Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161 for more info.
Aug 19 (Sat) EAST DRAGON LAKES (11401 ft elevation; 2200 ft gain; 4.8 mi RT) These lakes,
situated .5 mi E of Dragon Peak, are the jumping off places for climbing Dragon peak and crossing the
Sierra Crest at Dragon Pass. Knowledge of this route needs to be a part of every Sierra hiker’s bag of
tricks. The lakes are gorgeous, the flowers should be in full bloom, and the hike is not too strenuous for
8                                                                              THE ROADRUNNER

August, when we are all in good shape. “E Dragon Lakes” are reached N out of Onion Valley. Moderate
hike. Meet Sat, Aug 19 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. Call Leaders Dennis Burge at
760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161 for more info.

               Sierra Club’s California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee
Aug 5–6 (sat–sun) Visit beautiful White Mtns, hike Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. Sat, evening
potluck feast and campfire. On Sun, the only day of the year open to the public, tour of the UC’s
Barcroft Lab at 12,500’, plus easy hike to Mt. Barcroft (13,040’). More info? Call Ldr: Lygeia Gerard,
818.242.7053. or Bill Spreng, 760.951.4520. Aug. 16–20 (Wed–Sun) Backpack southern Sierra:
Pacific Crest Trail starting at Kennedy Meadows to Olancho Peak, Total miles with backpack about 31
miles round trip. Another 7-mile round trip from the high camp to top of Olancho Peak. Contact leader:
David Hardy,, 702.875.4549. Aug 19–21 (Sat–Mon) Inyo Crest Service and
Hike: cool air, great views. Service: re-signing the Ridgecrest BLM administered portion of wilderness
area. Carcamp with potluck, Saturday night. More info? Leader: Craig Deutsche,, 310.477.6670.
Coming up, save the dates: Sept 2–4 (Sat–Mon) Surprise Canyon Tamarisk Eradication,
carcamp, and hike. Leader: Craig Deutsche, (310.477.6670), 14–18
(Thurs–Mon) Toiyabe Crest Backpack: contact John Wilkinson, 408.947.0858 or johnfw1 Limited to 12 people. Loma Prieta Chap/CNCRR Sept 23–24 (Sat–Sun) Santa Rosa
Wilderness Tamarisk Removal Service Trip: Contact Leader: Craig Deutsche, (310.477. 6670), CNRCC Desert Com Sept. 30-Oct. 1 (Sat-Sun) Cottonwood Campground
Tree Planting and Cleanup Work Party: Leader: Larry Klaasen, 619.582.7407,, asst: Pat Klaasen. Oct. 14–16 (Sat–Mon) Service and Celebration on the
Carrizo Plain. contact Leader: Craig Deutsche, (310.477.6670),

July 21–24: 4-day, 4-islands: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa Islands ($750).
August 25–29 & September 14–18: 5-day, 5-islands: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa,
and Santa Barbara Island ($875). All cruises depart from Santa Barbara. Each island is unique and
offers its own special charm. Proceeds benefit Sierra Club political programs in California. For
more information contact Joan Holtz, 626.443.0706. To make a reservation, send $100 check payable to
Sierra Club to leader Joan Jones Holtz, 11826 The Wye St., El Monte, 91732.
                                  ANOTHER GOOD NEWS CLIP
Tejon Pass Area Housing Project to be reconsidered. The Mountain Communities (Lebec, Frazier
Park, Lake of the Woods, up to Pine Mountain Club) had so many questions and concerns re: the 800-
plus homes proposed for the vicinity of Frazier Park Exit and Hungry Valley State Park that Kern
County Planning pulled back the project for reconsideration, a very rare action. Concerns strongly
voiced deal with water supply, fire station location, seismic actions, and more. Of course, the Condor
Group's voice was included in the voiced objections to this project.. SPEAKING UP CAN BRING

Chair: Lorraine Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569; Vice-chair: Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi), 661.822;4371;
Secretary: Harry Love (Bksf), 661.589.6245l; Treasurer: Janet Wood (Min King); Treasurer liaison::
Richard Garcia (Min King), 559.592.9865; Mary Ann Lockhart (PMC), 661.242.0432; Ara Marderosian
(Kernville), 760.378.4206; Steven Montgomery (Bksf), Gordon Nipp (Bksf), 661.872.2432; Arthur
Unger (Bksf), 661. 323.5569
THE ROADRUNNER                                                                                        9

   Meetings: All Sierra Club members welcome to attend. Call Chair to verify meeting times, places.

 Give a Sierra Club membership as a gift!
 I want to join the Sierra Club. Check enclosed.
                                                    The Roadrunner
                                                    Return Service Requested
                                                    Send to P.O. Box 3357
                                                    Bakersfield, CA 93385
City                     State     Zip
Check one: (I = individual, J = joint)
Intro $25      Regular $39      Joint $47
Supporting I $75 J $100
Contributing I $150 J $175
Life I $1,000      J $1,250
Senior, student, limited income I $24     J $32
Send to Sierra Club, PO 52968, Boulder, CO
F94QB 0605

You can help
Sign up for Arthur Unger’s Local Alert list.
Call 661.323.5569 for further details.

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July-August 2006 Roadrunner Newsletter, Kern-Kaweah Sierrra Club

  • 1. The Roadrunner Bimonthly Publication of the Kern-Kaweah Chapter of the Sierra Club — July/August 2006 Sierra Club Global Warming Policy Choices to be considered Joe Fontaine expresses his opinion. What do you think? Read on. TOP PRIORITY. Last year the Sierra Club Board of Directors decided that Energy and Global Warming should be the top priority for the Sierra Club. At the Sierra Summit that followed in September, Club leaders reaffirmed that Energy and Global Warming should be the major focus of our work over the next few years. I believe that all of the grass roots activists in the Sierra Club recognize the threat that global warming and wasteful use of energy make to the well-being of the planet. Those issues transcend all of the other issues we work on. PUBLIC LANDS AND MORE. On the other hand, since its founding by John Muir and others over 100 years ago, the primary priority of the Sierra Club has been to work on National Parks, Wilderness, and other public lands issues. More recently we have added protection of endangered species, air and water pollution, urban sprawl, and environmental justice, to mention just a few of our concerns. We have been instrumental in designating millions of acres of Wilderness and new National Parks here in California. We have made impressive gains in improving air quality and combating urban sprawl. CARE IS NEEDED. We Must Not Throw Out The Baby With The Bath Water. Those of us who have worked in the trenches on our traditional issues for so many years have developed a perception that there may be a trend of the Club to back away from those issues. I do not believe anyone in the Sierra Club intends for that to happen. In fact, at its meeting in March the Board adopted a resolution affirming that as we turn our attention to this new overwhelming threat we are not going to abandon our work on public lands and other traditional issues. UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES. However, in their enthusiasm to attack this emerging threat those who are leading the charge are creating some concerns. In our rush we must make sure we do not create unintended consequences. The proposed policy regarding Energy and Global Warming is a case in point. There has been a push to adopt this new policy quickly. A close examination of the proposal revealed some flaws in wording, as in the statement on wind energy. All of us support the development of wind energy where appropriate. However, the proposed wording in the first draft established a presumption that supporting wind energy outweighs concerns over site-specific adverse impacts. Local groups and chapters would not have been allowed to oppose development of wind farms unless the adverse impacts were equivalent to siting them in a protected wilderness area. Since that would be illegal in any case, that would have removed the option for local activists to oppose the development of wind farms anywhere. The language has now been modified to take care of that oversight. FAIR ALLOCATIONS OF $$$. The development of a policy on Energy and Global Warming is the first step in launching a new high-priority campaign to combat the worldwide impacts of our excessive energy consumption. We must play our part in reviewing this proposed policy to make sure it will enable us to be effective while not undermining our work on more traditional issues. When budgets are adopted by the Board, there must be a fair allocation of resources among our diverse programs.
  • 2. 2 THE ROADRUNNER IN CONCLUSION. The real strength of the Sierra Club is its thousands of grass roots activists. They don’t set their priorities based on edicts from on high. They work on issues most important to them personally. You don’t try to tell Sierra Club activists what to work on. We like to pick our own fights. Those of us who have devoted our lives to protecting Wilderness and public lands will continue that work. We won’t disappoint John Muir. It is up to our elected leadership to adopt carefully considered policies and allocate resources in a balanced manner. And it is up to us in the grass roots ranks to make our voices heard. Be ready to speak up now! BUSH ADMINISTRATION YANKS SEQUOIA’S FIRE PLAN A year ago, in response to a lawsuit filed by the State Attorney General, a federal judge found the Plan violated requirements for environmental study and public participation and ordered the Forest Service to comply with law. The Forest Service issued another Fire Plan without the required environmental documents, hoping new wording would take them off the hook as to the need to comply with environmental laws. When it appeared that strategy would fail, the Bush Administration responded by pulling the Plan with no intent to issue another. The Forest Service contends that their Fire Plan made no land management decisions but was only administrative, pulling together directions already existing in other documents and spelling out the logistics for the use and response to fire. If this had been the case, there would have been no basis for a lawsuit. In actuality, the Fire Plan was far more than a mere fire response planning document; it also prede- termined where prescribed burning and prescribed natural fire (“let burn” of naturally caused wild fire) could occur and where mechanical thinning would be the only method allowed for treating fuel build-up. In the fire-dependent, fire-deprived, and fire-prone Sierra Nevada and sequoia groves, such decisions should have been accompanied by a full environmental discussion, consideration of scientific research, and public involvement. But the Fire Plan was signed in the back office with no documentation whatso- ever for the public to review. The Sierra Club, Tule River Conservancy, Sequoia Forest Keeper and other organizations filed a law- suit against the Management Plan for the Giant Sequoia National Monument in part because the Plan relied almost totally on logging as a management tool and as a strategy for funding “restoration.” The Monument Plan disallowed a discussion about where and when fire could be used in the Monument, saying such decisions were already made in their earlier (but non-public) Fire Plan. It was totally inappropriate to predetermine the use of fire and the reliance on logging in the Monument, particularly since fire and the use of fire is one of the most important aspects of management and protection of the giant sequoia ecosystem. The Monument Plan had little or no discussion of fire strategies such as those carried out by the adjacent Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. All scientific studies indicate that the use of fire, not logging, results in a fire-resistant forest, nutrient recycling, seed scarification, disease control, with less impacts to species and soils. There was no discussion of these elements regarding fire’s role in the Sequoia Monument Plan and EIS. We are expecting the judge to rule on our Sequoia Monument Plan lawsuit in midsummer. The Forest Service and those who are opposed to our concerns with management of the Monument are likely to portray the withdrawal of the Fire Plan as evidence that our challenges to the Forest Service somehow jeopardize the forest. The truth is that the portion of the Fire Plan that deals with response to fire and protection of the public is spelled out in many other Forest Service regulations and policies. The Forest operated with no Fire Plan at all from 1988 until 2002. The 1988 Land Management Plan for Sequoia National Forest directed that a Fire and Fuels Manage- ment Plan be written as an amendment to the Forest Plan. A decade later, the National Fire Plan called for every National Forest to have a Fire Plan, but it is unclear whether or not the Forest Service is violating a law by choosing to not have one. If they have one, it must be prepared in accordance with environmental law. Clearly the administration would rather have no Fire Plan at all than to allow scientific and public scrutiny into the process of developing one. - Carla Cloer, Sequoia Task Force
  • 3. THE ROADRUNNER 3 Create an Environmental Legacy Include the Sierra Club in your estate plans to help ensure long term protection of our treasured wilderness. To learn more about planned gifts, call John Calaway, Director of Planned Giving. Phone: 415.977.5639 or e-mail IN HONOR OF JIM CLARK, A LONG TIME MEMBER OF THE KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER Jim Clark died in the 100th year of his life. Many of us, to our misfortune, knew him only from his attendances at Sierra Club banquets. His daughter, Pamela, has written a revealing and heartwarming eulogy, parts of which we can share with you. The full text can be found on our Chapter website. Jim and his twin brother were born in the time when “telephones had been invented, but they weren't common, automobiles had been invented but they weren’t common, and if you needed a word that meant ‘great big’ it was okay to use ‘titanic’.” The place was Hannibal, Missouri. “Travel was a part of Dad’s life from an early age. His father was a railroad engineer for the Burlington, and his mother loved baseball, so they would get passes on the train and go down to St. Louis to watch the Cardinals play." Further travel involved four siblings and himself on a trip to Washington State. “Out west, when the train went across the high trestles, the ground fell away on both sides of you, and it was like riding on empty air. Later Dad rode the rails as a hobo. A whole bunch of adventures go with that.” “Mom and Dad met in the Methodist Church in Illasco (near Hannibal). It was the depths of the Great Depression. Dad didn’t have any money to impress a girl . . . but he could quit smoking, so he did.” He also became a Mason in order to impress the family of his wife-to-be, Nedra Miller. His association with the Masons was life-long. World War II was a changing event in the lives of the Clark family. One result, as for many, was the establishment of their lives in California. After ten years of marriage, Pam unexpectedly arrived on the scene, “so they got a big surprise when they found out they were going to contribute to the leading edge of the Baby Boom.” Life in California provided the events that led to Jim’s association with the Sierra Club. Pam wrote this description of Jim’s getting membership in the Club. ”Membership required two sponsors, and he knew only one. Upon moving to Porterville, only one sponsor was required. The San Francisco office sent us a list of local members. I recognized one of the names right away as being a high school guidance counsellor, so I went to my freshman orientation assembly with Dad’s petition in hand. After the speeches I went up to Miss Sprott and asked if she would sign it . . . and she did. Later, as she got to thinking things over, she decided she had better meet this guy she just agreed to sponsor, so she came by the house and got acquainted. Mom gave Dad his Sierra Club membership for Christmas that year (1960).” Pam’s father was active in the Sierra Club for many years, doing everything from leading a nine-day backpack every summer to serving as Chapter chairman. This remembrance of Jim Clark has given us all a fuller appreciation of the life of one Sierra Club member who will be well remembered in the years to come.
  • 4. 4 THE ROADRUNNER GORMAN POST ROAD WILDFLOWER PRESERVE. WE HOPE THIS IS A NAME THAT WILL COME TO REPRESENT A DREAM COME TRUE. Details below with information as to how you can help The beautiful springtime displays of wildflowers along Gorman Post Road located in the Gorman/Tejon Pass area, paralleling I-5, are known throughout the state and beyond. What can we do to save this state treasure? Last fall, a qualified group of graduate students from UCLA prepared a comprehensive study of this environment covering the geological, botanical, historical, water resources, seismological, wildlife habitat, land use and various social factors. Their work has been the impetus for the proposal creating a Gorman Wildflower Preserve which would cover 2800 acres of this irreplaceable and precious resource. A group is being formed to investigate the possibility of creating this Wildflower Preserve. We will be looking for willing sellers of parcels, finding funds to purchase the parcels and creating a plan for preservation and management in perpetuity. We urge all who care and who appreciate this special heritage to join us in our efforts to protect and preserve these acres. We have information available if you wish to know more or wish to offer your thoughts or give pertinent information about this area. You may contact Karen Cotter by e-mail at or call Mary Ann Lockhart at 661.242.0432. We look forward to hearing from you. MIDGEBUZZINGS SINCE THE middle 80’s in this country we have increasingly confronted the “super-size” phenomenon. Borrowing from the hamburger king’s vision of American preferences, we’ve begun calling super-sized things McThis and McThat: McTrucks and SUV’s, McMeals, McAirliner seats and, worst of all, McMansions. I have even encountered the phenomenon when trying to replace drinking glasses for the dinner table. It’s difficult to find anything under what can only be called the Big Gulp size. Environ- mentalists are appalled by the voracious use of natural resources in our pursuit of the biggest of everything. However, the national Sierra Magazine, two issues ago, took on the subject for an altogether different reason, and it is mainly that which I want to bring to your attention now. Recently I returned from a visit with friends in Virginia. They have lived for years in a charming home on a quiet street in the town of Fairfax. There they raised their family, enjoyed their neighbors, and delighted in the serenity of the community. Arriving at their home I was entirely unprepared for a shock. The houses on both sides have been torn down and replaced by generic McMansions, not only hideously ugly, but also occupying all but a tiny bit of the property. They have literally been built from one side of the property to the other, and from the back to the front, leaving no more than a patch of ground between the houses and the sidewalk. Apparently the reason for this is the same for all these projects. Developers, running short of land for the customary sprawl, construct these monsters in existing neighborhoods, selling them, ostensibly, to single families. Then two or three other families move in claiming to be relatives. The resulting traffic and noise destroy the quality of life so that people like my friends are forced to sell their homes as well. This appears to be happening all over the country, and I’m sorry to report that it has begun even in my neighborhood, which I think is the loveliest in Bakersfield. We have been especially blessed here with distance from any major traffic thoroughfare, and our northern boundary is a bluff that overlooks a large nature preserve beside the Kern River so that we enjoy unusual quiet in an otherwise noisy world. However, several years ago one such McMansion was built on a beautiful street west of mine, with a result somewhat similar to what I saw in Fairfax. Walking by it this morning I counted six cars, not including those no doubt parked in the McGarage. As it happens the occupants are quiet, and the house is at the end of the street so that one is not aware of it until he is almost there. Had it been built in mid- block, the quality of the street would have been ruined. Only those neighborhoods with association rules are safe from this phenomenon since there is no county ordinance to prevent it. Be assured that no one
  • 5. THE ROADRUNNER 5 living outside such an association in Kern County is protected, regardless of the quality and value of the homes in his neighborhood. According to Sierra Magazine, Arlington County in Virginia has been quick to put a stop to the plague so apparent in neighboring Fairfax County. They have legalized an ordinance making it impossible for anyone to build or rebuild a house that takes up more than 25 percent of the property. If we in Kern County can stop irresponsible building as we seem to be doing now in the Northeast Bakersfield. Perhaps we can consider such an ordinance for the good of us all. It’s worth talking about. - Ann Williams GOOD NEWS CLIPS STEELWORKERS JOIN SIERRA CLUB to promote economic equity and environmental sustainability.The 850,000-member steelworkers union and the 750,000-member Sierra Club have joined to work together to further these causes. Carl Pope said, “Our new alliance allows us to address the great challenge of the global economy in the 21st century—how to provide good jobs, a clean environment and a safer world.” A step forward! Tejon Industrial Complex Challenged Again by Center of Biological Diversity (CBD). In 2004 CBD and others successfully challenged Kern County’s environmental report for the Industrial Complex project, a 1000-acre project proposed for the south end of the Valley. In March 2006, Kern County court concluded that the County had addressed the original report’s defects. CBD disagrees. One trigger for this second suit relates to a deal struck between the project’s developer, Tejon Ranch Co., and the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District. More news about this later. KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER GROUP ACTIVITY ROUND-UP PLEASE READ CAREFULLY IF YOU PLAN TO PARTICIPATE IN SIERRA CLUB HIKES: Everyone is welcome, Sierra Club members and non-members, to join in any of the outdoor activities. Requirements: You must be in condition for type of hike, equipped appropriately for the activity, and prepared to sign a Sierra Club release from liability. You must be willing to follow leader’s directions. Be sure to bring any personal medicines you might need. Customary appropriate equipment includes good hiking shoes, plenty of water, snack, sunglass suntan lotion, layered clothing. Long pants recommended. Unprepared for the prospective hike? It will be a no-go for you.Please let the leader know ahead of time that you are intending to participate. Change of plans may be necessary. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE DISAPPOINTED, BE SURE TO MAKE THAT CALL. The California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee will meet on July 15, 2006 in Los Angeles, and July 16 in San Francisco.Vice-Chair Ken Smokoska will chair the southern meeting at the Angeles Chapter office, 3435 Wilshire Blvd., #320. Open to all Sierra Club members. A good way to learn about the Sierra Club in action. All-state Fall Meeting in San Luis Obispo: Sept 9 and 10, Rancho El Chorro, SLO. July 29–Aug 4 (Fri–Sat) Sierra Backpack. Thousand Island Lake Base Camp. Mules will carry packs to and from Thousand Island Lake. We will day hike to lakes and peaks and enjoy the flowers. Trip limited to 12 qualified participants. Leaders: Gordon and Eva Nipp, 661.872.2432, Sept 29–Oct 1 (Fri–Sun) Sequoia Task Force’s Annual Fall Outing in the magnificent Giant Sequoia National Monument. Highlights: Saturday, Sunday hikes that include a visit to the Slate Mountain Roadless area, a trip to a secret waterfall and Dome Rock, as well as sites where the Sierra Club stopped logging inside the Monument. Person to person encounters: seeing old friends and meeting new people from all over the country; talk with the activists who worked to protect these forests and groves for a quarter of a century and who continue to fight the Forest Service’s latest plans to log in the groves under the pretext of restoration. Save the date. Want more information now? e-mail Carla at <> or call 559.781.8445.
  • 6. 6 THE ROADRUNNER Buena Vista Group More info? call Donnel Lester, 661.831.6784 Tuesday Conditioning Hikes. 7 PM, 4–5 miles. Corners of Highways 178 & 184. Gordon 661. 872.2432 or Larry 661.873.8107 July 1 (Sat) Join us for breakfast gathering at the Hill House (700 Truxtun Ave, across the street from the Beale Library). Program: “The Corporation,” with Donnel Lester providing commentary. The presentation is free; the cost of breakfast is about $7. Contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195. Aug 5 (sat) Breakfast gathering at the Hill House (700 Truxtun Ave, across the street from the Beale Library). Discussion will focus on “Environmental Wars,” as discussed at June Skeptics Society Con- ference. Presenter will be Isabel Stierle, Buena Vista member. Cost of breakfast is about $7. For more information, contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195. Future monthly topics planned: Protecting and growing native plants, organic gardening, and viewing films “The True Cost of Food” and “The Long View: A Plan to Save Our Ocean Fish.” - Past and Future. Buena Vista Group members had the opportunity in June to explore and enjoy the park at River Walk, the site of their summer picnic. A Fall social event is planned to get acquainted with new and transfer members. Contact Ann Gallon (661.589.7796 or if you would like to help or attend. Watch the Roadrunner for further details. BVG List Serve: Like to join the Buena Vista Group online information sharing group? Give Donnel Lester a call at 661.831.6784 or email - Have a current first-aid certificate? If you do and can commit to participate in the monthly AdoptA- Highway cleanup, please contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195. - Interested in becoming an outings leader for the Buena Vista Group? please consider completing a “Basic Outings Leader Training” (web-based training through the National Organization). To find out more, contact Donnel at 661.831.6784 or Isabel at 661.246.6195 as soon as possible. Condor Group MORE INFO? call Mary Ann Lockhart, 661.242.0432. PMC DATES AND TIMES FOR ALL Condor Gp HIKES: Fourth Saturday of each month, 8 AM. Persons planning to hike with us need to call ahead of time to indicate they are coming. Meeting place is the parking lot of Pine Mountain Club’s clubhouse in Pine Mountain Club. Call Leader, Dale Chitwood, 661.242.1076, More info? Barb Nusbaum, 661.242.1843 or Mary Ann Lockhart, 661.242.0432. July 22 (Sat) Our wonderful Peak to Peak Hike. The trail goes between Mt. Pinos and Cerro Noroeste, 8 miles of beautiful views, clean air, altitude over 8000 ft. Strenuous. Starts at 8 AM from PMC. Must call ahead as some car-pooling may be involved. August 5 (Sat) Mountain Lions. Presenter from Mountain Lions Association will provide information on this magnificent animal, which is encountered in this area. Potluck 6 PM, Program 7 PM in the Pine Mountain Clubhouse. Pine Mountain Club. August 28th (Sat) Toad Springs Trail. This close-at-hand trail will lead to the area of a big slide that closed off the further side of the trail. We will discuss the hows and whys of such slides, predictions for the future. Moderate. Please, no children under 16 years. Meet at 8 AM at PMC tennis courts. Kaweah Group MORE INFO? CALL PAM, 559.784.4643 OR DIANE, 559.781.8897. Call early in September for upcoming events.
  • 7. THE ROADRUNNER 7 Mineral King Group Visalia. More info? call Kim Loeb, 559.798.1764 Please visit for more info on our events and activities July 8 (Sat) 9 AM – Outing – Day hike to Mist Falls out of Cedar Grove in Kings Canyon National Park. Moderate 8-mile round trip hike along the beautiful Kings River. The hike will begin at Roads End in Cedar Grove at 9 AM. The ride from Visalia takes about 21/2 half hours so we will camp there Friday evening. Those who wish to camp with us are welcome. Any who plan to camp and/or do the hike must call Leaders Joanne and David at 559.733-2078 or Allen at 559.739.8087 by Friday, June 29. July 12 (Wed) 6 PM Dinner Social at Keo Thip Restaurant, 619 Murray Ave. Visalia. Please RSVP to Bev at 559.732.3785 or July 24 (Mon) 5:30 PM Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, 3301 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or gmachine@ psnw.comJuly 29 (Sat) 8 AM – Outing – A day at Grant Grove. Sequoia National Park. Designed to be an easy hike or series of short hikes; final choices will be made on the trip to Sequoia. Possibilities: Spend the day in the Grove, take the Big Stump Trail (easy 2 miles; goes through the Converse Basin Grove of downed trees), the Hitchcock Meadow Trail (easy 2.6 miles; goes to a waterfall) and/or the North Grove and Dead Giant Loops (easy 2.5 miles; Grant Grove and logged areas). If we are more ambitious there are a few moderate 4–6 mile hikes in the area. Meet at 8 AM at Martha’s Vineyard by the Taco Bell. Leaders Joanne and David at 559.733.2078 or Allen at 559.739.8087. Inform by Friday, June 29. August 9 (Wed) 6 PM – Dinner Social at Black Bear Diner, 1161 E Tulare Ave., Tulare. Please RSVP to Bev at 559.732.3785 or August 19 (Sat) 8 AM – Outing – The Lakes Trail – a moderate 6–8 mile hike to Heather Lake. On the way up, we will pass by the Watchtower and look down on Tokopah Falls. We could take the Hump Trail back, which is a somewhat shorter and steeper (going downhill). Meet at 8 AM at Martha’s Vineyard by the Taco Bell. More info? Leaders Joanne and David at 559.733.2078 and Allen at 559.739.8087. August 28 (Mon) 5:30 PM – Executive Committee Meeting at Baker’s Square Restaurant, 3301 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia. All members welcome. To RSVP, contact Bev at 559.732.3785 or gmachine@ psnw.comSave the date: Oct 2 (Sat) 7 AM – Outing – Day trip to and hikes at Glacier Point in Yo- semite National Park. We will meet at 7 AM in the parking lot by Taco Bell in Martha’s Vineyard. We plan to do two short hikes with beautiful and unique views of Yosemite Valley without all the crowds of Yosemite Valley. Call Leaders Joanne and David at 559.733.2078 or Allen at 559.739.8087 for details. Owens Peak Group More general and hike info? call Leaders Dennis Burge, 760.375.7967, Jim Nichols, 760.375.8161. email: Meets in Ridgecrest, Maturango Museum July 15 (Sat) ARMY PASS POINT AND LOOP (point is .7 mi ENE of New Army Pass; 12360+ ft elevation; gain 2640 ft; 14.4 mi RT) This is a reschedule of a hike we were rained out of 2 years ago. The hike will loop up over Old Army Pass and climb Army Pass Point, which dominates the Cottonwood Lakes. We will (optionally) descend a fine lost route used by Carl Heller, E of the New Army Pass trail, that shortens the descent from New Army Pass. This old shortcut E of New Army Pass trail needs to be rediscovered. Army Pass Point is visible from everywhere in the Cottonwood Basin and provides great photo opportunities of the Basin. Should be interesting, and a good workout. Call Leaders Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161 for more info. Aug 19 (Sat) EAST DRAGON LAKES (11401 ft elevation; 2200 ft gain; 4.8 mi RT) These lakes, situated .5 mi E of Dragon Peak, are the jumping off places for climbing Dragon peak and crossing the Sierra Crest at Dragon Pass. Knowledge of this route needs to be a part of every Sierra hiker’s bag of tricks. The lakes are gorgeous, the flowers should be in full bloom, and the hike is not too strenuous for
  • 8. 8 THE ROADRUNNER August, when we are all in good shape. “E Dragon Lakes” are reached N out of Onion Valley. Moderate hike. Meet Sat, Aug 19 at 7:30 AM at the Ridgecrest Cinema parking lot. Call Leaders Dennis Burge at 760.375.7967 or Jim Nichols at 760.375.8161 for more info. Sierra Club’s California/Nevada Regional Conservation Committee Aug 5–6 (sat–sun) Visit beautiful White Mtns, hike Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. Sat, evening potluck feast and campfire. On Sun, the only day of the year open to the public, tour of the UC’s Barcroft Lab at 12,500’, plus easy hike to Mt. Barcroft (13,040’). More info? Call Ldr: Lygeia Gerard, 818.242.7053. or Bill Spreng, 760.951.4520. Aug. 16–20 (Wed–Sun) Backpack southern Sierra: Pacific Crest Trail starting at Kennedy Meadows to Olancho Peak, Total miles with backpack about 31 miles round trip. Another 7-mile round trip from the high camp to top of Olancho Peak. Contact leader: David Hardy,, 702.875.4549. Aug 19–21 (Sat–Mon) Inyo Crest Service and Hike: cool air, great views. Service: re-signing the Ridgecrest BLM administered portion of wilderness area. Carcamp with potluck, Saturday night. More info? Leader: Craig Deutsche,, 310.477.6670. Coming up, save the dates: Sept 2–4 (Sat–Mon) Surprise Canyon Tamarisk Eradication, carcamp, and hike. Leader: Craig Deutsche, (310.477.6670), 14–18 (Thurs–Mon) Toiyabe Crest Backpack: contact John Wilkinson, 408.947.0858 or johnfw1 Limited to 12 people. Loma Prieta Chap/CNCRR Sept 23–24 (Sat–Sun) Santa Rosa Wilderness Tamarisk Removal Service Trip: Contact Leader: Craig Deutsche, (310.477. 6670), CNRCC Desert Com Sept. 30-Oct. 1 (Sat-Sun) Cottonwood Campground Tree Planting and Cleanup Work Party: Leader: Larry Klaasen, 619.582.7407,, asst: Pat Klaasen. Oct. 14–16 (Sat–Mon) Service and Celebration on the Carrizo Plain. contact Leader: Craig Deutsche, (310.477.6670), CHANNEL ISLANDS FUNDRAISING CRUISES July 21–24: 4-day, 4-islands: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa Islands ($750). August 25–29 & September 14–18: 5-day, 5-islands: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Barbara Island ($875). All cruises depart from Santa Barbara. Each island is unique and offers its own special charm. Proceeds benefit Sierra Club political programs in California. For more information contact Joan Holtz, 626.443.0706. To make a reservation, send $100 check payable to Sierra Club to leader Joan Jones Holtz, 11826 The Wye St., El Monte, 91732. ANOTHER GOOD NEWS CLIP Tejon Pass Area Housing Project to be reconsidered. The Mountain Communities (Lebec, Frazier Park, Lake of the Woods, up to Pine Mountain Club) had so many questions and concerns re: the 800- plus homes proposed for the vicinity of Frazier Park Exit and Hungry Valley State Park that Kern County Planning pulled back the project for reconsideration, a very rare action. Concerns strongly voiced deal with water supply, fire station location, seismic actions, and more. Of course, the Condor Group's voice was included in the voiced objections to this project.. SPEAKING UP CAN BRING ACTION. KERN KAWEAH CHAPTER OFFICERS AND MEMBERS for 2006: Chair: Lorraine Unger (Bksf), 661.323.5569; Vice-chair: Georgette Theotig (Tehachapi), 661.822;4371; Secretary: Harry Love (Bksf), 661.589.6245l; Treasurer: Janet Wood (Min King); Treasurer liaison:: Richard Garcia (Min King), 559.592.9865; Mary Ann Lockhart (PMC), 661.242.0432; Ara Marderosian (Kernville), 760.378.4206; Steven Montgomery (Bksf), Gordon Nipp (Bksf), 661.872.2432; Arthur Unger (Bksf), 661. 323.5569
  • 9. THE ROADRUNNER 9 Meetings: All Sierra Club members welcome to attend. Call Chair to verify meeting times, places. Give a Sierra Club membership as a gift! I want to join the Sierra Club. Check enclosed. The Roadrunner Return Service Requested Name Send to P.O. Box 3357 Bakersfield, CA 93385 Address City State Zip Check one: (I = individual, J = joint) Intro $25 Regular $39 Joint $47 Supporting I $75 J $100 Contributing I $150 J $175 Life I $1,000 J $1,250 Senior, student, limited income I $24 J $32 Send to Sierra Club, PO 52968, Boulder, CO 80322-2968 F94QB 0605 You can help Sign up for Arthur Unger’s Local Alert list. Call 661.323.5569 for further details. Read the Roadrunner on line; Go to the Sierra Club home page. Contact the Roadrunner? (Printed on 100% postconsumer recycled paper.) Mary Ann Lockhart