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EE	48499:	Emergent	behavior	in	Coupled	Ring-Oscillators	
Jose	M.	Perrone	
Dr.	Gary	Bernstein		
Department	of	Electrical	Engineering	
University	of	Notre	Dame		
South	Bend,	IN	
Abstract:	Similar	to	how	the	development	of	symmetrical	and	complex	patterns	found	in	
nature	exemplify	emergence	in	a	physical	nature,	I	wish	to	study	emergent	behavior	using	
neuromorphic	 circuit	 principles	 to	 examine	 if	 I	 can	 model	 neuron	 communication	 using	
simple	configurations	of	coupled	ring	oscillators	and	having	them	behave	in	unique	ways.		
Keywords:	Emergent	behavior,	neuromorphic	circuits	
a. Monolithic	P-MOS		
b. Monolithic	N-MOS	
c. Voltage	Source		
d. Wires		
2. cmosedu.txt	
Our	neuronal	circuits	are	the	foundations	of	who	we	are.	We	rely	on	them	whether	
we	are	aware	of	them	or	not.	They	need	to	keep	up	with	our	daily	tasks	and	need	to	be	
robust	enough	to	adapt	to	the	abundant	amount	of	varying	stimuli	being	inputted	from	the	
world	 outside.	 In	 my	 research	 I	 attempt	 to	 gain	 more	 insight	 into	 how	 to	 model	
neuromorphic	circuits	by	looking	for	emergent	behavior	in	coupled	ring	oscillators.		
The	 description	 of	 circuits	 relating	 to	 the	 human	 brain	 can	 vary.	 Throughout	 my	
research	I	came	across	three	different	types	of	circuits	used	to	study	the	human	brain.	The
first	type	is	equivalent	to	an	electrical	circuit	built	in	electronics.	A	neuron	is	modeled	to	
describe	 its	 electrical	 properties	 in	 a	 measurable	 way.	 This	 model	 relates	 parts	 of	 the	
neuron	to	parts	of	a	traditional	electrical	circuit,	such	as	batteries	or	capacitors.	This	model	
is	critical	to	learning	how	neurons	use	electrical	signals	to	communicate	with	one	another.	
This	is	the	type	of	model	I	am	referring	to	when	I	bring	up	neuromorphic	circuits.		
The	second	type	of	circuit	can	be	referred	to	as	an	anatomical	circuit.		It	is	widely	
used	in	the	neuroscience	community	to	study	systems,	such	as	the	motor	system	or	the	
visual	system.	This	specific	type	of	circuit	has	no	relation	to	a	circuit	in	electronics.	It	is	
simply	a	convenient	way	to	talk	about	groups	of	interconnected	neurons.	For	instance,	a	
basal	 Ganglio-Thalamocortical	 circuit,	 is	 describing	 a	 group	 of	 neurons	 which	 send	
information	 from	 the	 basal	 ganglia	 to	 the	 thalamus,	 and	 then	 from	 the	 thalamus	 to	 the	
cerebral	cortex	and	not	relating	specific	parts	to	circuit	components.		
Lastly,	 the	 final	 type	 of	 circuit	 I	 came	 across	 is	 known	 as	 a	 functional	 circuit.	
Functional	circuits	may	or	may	not	be	referring	to	the	electrical	properties	of	a	cell.	For	
example,	a	working	memory	circuit	is	a	type	of	functional	circuit.	One	way	of	talking	about	
working	memory	is	by	studying	the	electrical	properties	(threshold	value,	discharge	rate,	
spontaneous	activity,	etc.)	of	the	neurons	that	are	related	to	this	part	of	the	brain	to	try	to	
understand	 how	 information	 in	 the	 memory	 is	 coded	 and	 transmitted.	 This	 circuit	 may	
then	also	be	studied	by	describing	the	anatomical	connections	between	groups	of	neurons	
that	are	thought	to	process	information	about	working	memory.
Results	and	Discussions		
The	starting	point	for	this	research	was	to	read	through	several	papers	to	look	for	
potential	 experiments	 I	 could	 use	 to	 model	 my	 own	 research	 off.	 After	 reading	 a	 large	
amount	of	papers,	I	came	across	three	potential	candidates.	The	first	was	a	paper	that	tried	
to	 link	 information	 theoretic	 (variational)	 and	 thermodynamic	 (Helmholtz)	 free-energy	
formulations	 of	 neuronal	 processing	 and	 show	 how	 they	 are	 fundamentally	 related	 [9].	
This	 paper	 also	 explained	 that	 biological	 systems	 will	 behave	 in	 a	 way	 that	 minimizes	
changes	 in	 Helmholtz	 free	 energy	 and	 will	 prefer	 to	 move	 towards	 a	 non-equilibrium	
steady	state	that	has	developed	as	an	evolutionary	result.	I	was	interested	in	this	paper	
because	 I	 felt	 that	 the	 emergent	 behavior	 found	 in	 coupled	 ring	 oscillators	 would	 agree	
with	the	fundamental	behavior	found	in	nature	that	this	paper	emphasizes	on.		
The	second	potential	candidate	was	a	paper	that	studied	the	behavior	of	a	mapped	
clock	oscillator	(MCO)	as	a	ring	device	and	considered	the	potential	of	it	serving	as	neural	
prostheses	for	treating	dynamic	diseases	such	as	epilepsy	[15].	I	felt	this	paper’s	approach	
to	modeling	neuronal	populations	would	correlate	nicely	with	my	own	research.	
The	third	potential	candidate	was	a	paper	that	was	recently	published	in	April	of	
2016.	This	paper	studied	the	behavior	of	migrating	monarch	butterflies	and	was	successful	
in	developing	a	model	of	a	time-compensated	sun	compass	used	by	these	butterflies	[10].	
Through	special	integration	of	neuronal	oscillations	they	successfully	enabled	corrections	
to	 southwest	 and	 northeast	 flight.	 I	 considered	 this	 paper	 to	 be	 a	 potential	 candidate	
because	the	neural	circuit	they	developed	in	a	way	studied	the	emergent	behavior	found	in	
monarch	 butterflies	 that	 allows	 them	 to	 synchronize	 in	 a	 seemingly	 chaotic	 system	 and
reach	their	destination,	4,000	km	away.		
After	much	consideration,	I	decided	to	develop	three	individual	circuits,	which	I	call	
“Cells”,	that	would	have	unrelated	frequencies	and	then	attempt	to	have	them	communicate	
to	produce	a	new	emergent	pattern	that	behaves	differently	from	when	they	are	not	linked	
The	program	that	was	chosen	to	develop	these	circuits	was	LT	SPICE.	This	specific	
program	 was	 chosen	 because	 a	 colleague	 of	 mine,	 Linda	 Gong,	 had	 experience	 working	
with	LT	SPICE	from	a	previous	semester	and	would	be	able	to	provide	me	with	important	
resources	 to	 help	 me	 get	 started	 with	 my	 simulations.	 	 Linda	 provided	 me	 with	 the	
following	symbols:		Single	inverter,	3-gate	ring	oscillator,	5-gate	ring	oscillator,	15-gate	ring	
oscillator,	 31-gate	 ring	 oscillator	 and	 XOR	 gate.	 After	 familiarizing	 myself	 with	 the	
parameters	in	the	symbols	and	verifying	the	symbols	were	working	properly,	I	delved	into	
building	my	first	cell.		
My	 first	 cell	 was	 built	 with	 a	 3-gate	 ring	 oscillator	 coupled	 with	 a	 17-gate	 ring	
oscillator	as	can	be	seen	in	Figure	1.		In	order	to	couple	these	two	oscillators	successfully,	I	
needed	 to	 use	 an	 XOR	 gate	 to	 prevent	 confusion	 between	 the	 different	 outputs	 of	 the	
oscillators.	The	XOR	gate	was	fed	by	the	output	of	the	3-gate	ring	oscillator,	the	output	from	
the	15th	inverter	of	the	17-gate	ring	oscillator	and	then	the	XOR’s	output	was	fed	into	the	
16th	 inverter.	 A	 Pulse	 function	 was	 used	 as	 a	 voltage	 source	 in	 order	 to	 start	 the	
oscillations.		The	Pulse	function	was	set	to	start	with	an	initial	value	of	0	volts,	and	with	an	
ON	state	set	to	1.5	volts.	The	function	was	set	to	have	no	delay,	rise	or	fall	time.	The	ON	
time	of	the	Pulse	was	set	to	0.5	microseconds.	I	specified	a	period	of	10	microseconds	and
500	cycles	to	keep	the	simulation	from	running	forever.		
	 I	 also	 included	 a,	 cmosedu,	 text	 file	 that	 was	 provided	 by	 Dr.	 Jacob	 Baker,	 a	
professor	 at	 the	 University	 of	 Nevada.	 This	 text	 file	 contains	 parameters	 for	 various	
components	of	the	Monolithic	P-MOS	and	N-MOS	models	(internal	capacitance,	resistance,	
etc).		For	my	simulation	I	performed	a	transient	analysis	to	determine	how	the	circuit	will	
behave	under	non-well-behaved	signals.	By	checking	if	my	circuit	becomes	unstable	under	
certain	conditions,	I	can	determine	it	is	not	a	robust	circuit.	In	addition,	I	bypassed	the	DC	
operating	 point	 analysis	 in	 my	 transient	 analysis	 by	 including	 the	 UIC	 (to	 calculate	 the	
initial	 transient	 conditions	 rather	 than	 solving	 for	 the	 quiescent	 operating	 point)	
Figure	1:	“Cell	1”	3-gate	RO	coupled	with	17-gate	RO
The	 simulation	 begins	 with	 a	 transient	 state	 and	 then	 stabilizes	 at	 around	 0.6	
microseconds.	The	first	interference	pattern	starts	at	1.2	microseconds	and	stops	at	about	
2.0	 microseconds.	 Interference	 patterns	 will	 continue	 to	 appear	 about	 every	 1.2	
microseconds	and	last	for	about	0.7	microseconds.	Figure	3	shows	the	different	waveforms	
found	 in	 Cell	 1	 in	 more	 detail.	 The	 center	 waveform	 seems	 to	 resemble	 the	 I-V	
characteristics	found	in	a	capacitor.	
Figure	2:	Simulation	of	Cell	1	for	5.5	microseconds
Next,	I	built	a	larger	Cell	using	the	same	procedures	as	Cell	1.	Cell	2	was	designed	
with	a	7-gate	ring	oscillator	coupled	with	a	33-gate	ring	oscillator	as	can	be	seen	in	Figure	
4.		The	behavior	of	Cell	2	is	shown	in	Figure	5.	As	can	be	seen	in	the	simulations,	Cell	1	and	
Cell	2	have	different	behaviors.	A	transient	state	is	observed	in	Cell	2,	however	it	has	a	
larger	interference	sequence.	The	interference	lasts	for	about	0.2	microseconds	longer	than	
Cell	1.	Also,	it’s	interference	pattern	has	a	range	of	0	volts	to	1.5	volts,	whereas	Cell	1	has	a	
range	of	roughly	1.05	volts	to	1.5	volts.	Figure	6	shows	the	different	waveforms	found	in	
Cell	2	in	more	detail.		
Figure	3:	Closer	look	of	waveforms	found	in	Cell	1
Figure	4:	“Cell	2”	7-gate	RO	coupled	with	33-gate	RO		
Figure	5:	Simulation	of	Cell	2	for	5.3	microseconds
Finally,	I	built	the	largest	Cell	of	all	three	using	the	same	procedures	as	Cell	1	and	
Cell	 2.	 Cell	 3	 was	 designed	 with	 a	 17-gate	 ring	 oscillator	 coupled	 with	 a	 49-gate	 ring	
oscillator	 as	 can	 be	 seen	 in	 Figure	 7.	 	 The	 behavior	 of	 Cell	 3	 is	 shown	 in	 Figure	 8.	 As	
expected,	Cell	3	behaves	differently	compared	to	Cell	1	and	Cell	2.	A	transient	state	is	still	
observed	in	Cell	3,	however	it	is	far	more	difficult	to	observe	the	interference	pattern.	To	
show	the	interference	pattern	I	provided	a	zoomed	in	cut	out	of	the	first	2.2	microseconds,	
shown	in	Figure	9.	The	interference	lasts	for	about	0.8	microseconds.	Cell	3	has	a	much	
larger	frequency	compared	to	Cell	1	and	Cell	2.		
Figure	6:	Closer	look	at	the	waveforms	found	in	Cell	2
Figure	7:	“Cell	3”	17-gate	RO	coupled	with	49-gate	RO		
Figure	8:	Simulation	of	Cell	3	for	5.3	microseconds	for	7.3	microseconds
The	 next	 objective	 was	 to	 have	 all	 three	 Cell’s	 communicate	 with	 each	 other.	 To	
accomplish	this,	I	arranged	a	series	configuration	of	all	three	Cell’s.	Cell	1	was	fed	into	Cell	2	
and	Cell	2	was	fed	into	Cell	3	as	can	be	seen	in	Figure	10.		I	had	some	difficulty	finding	the	
right	parameters	to	use	for	the	Pulse	function.	After	testing	a	few	different	parameters	I	
found	the	simulations	worked	best	if	the	function	was	set	to	have	a	longer	ON	time	than	the	
larger	 ring-oscillators.	 The	 initial	 and	 ON	 state	 were	 still	 set	 to	 0	 volts	 and	 1.5	 volts	
respectively	and	the	function	was	still	set	to	have	no	delay,	rise	or	fall	time.		However,	the	
ON	time	of	the	Pulse	was	set	to	1	microsecond	instead	of	0.5	microseconds.	I	also	specified	
a	 period	 of	 2	 microseconds	 and	 1000	 cycles.	 The	 transient	 analysis	 was	 set	 to	 1000	
Figure	9:	Simulation	of	Cell	3	zoomed	in	to	2.2	microseconds
The	final	circuit	produced	an	interesting	behavior.	As	can	be	seen	in	Figure	11,	the	
circuit	experienced	a	shorter	transient	state	and	began	to	stabilize	below	0	volts.	I	believe	
this	 occurred	 as	 a	 result	 of	 inserting	 signals	 with	 much	 smaller	 frequencies	 into	 signals	
with	 much	 larger	 frequencies.	 The	 circuit	 appears	 to	 rise	 above	 0	 volts	 at	 about	 1.13	
microseconds.	A	clearer	observation	of	this	is	shown	in	Figure	12.		In	addition,	one	can	
clearly	 observe	 to	 different	 waveforms	 throughout	 the	 simulation.	 Figure	 12	 seems	 to	
resemble	modulation	found	in	telecommunications.	The	interference	pattern	of	this	circuit	
appears	to	begin	at	approximately	1.2	microseconds	and	last	for	about	0.8	microseconds.	
Figure	10:	Series	configuration	of	all	three	Cell’s
An	example	of	the	Fourier	transform	for	this	circuit	is	shown	in	Figure	13.	Unfortunately,	
taking	the	Fourier	transform	of	a	square	wave	will	not	help	reveal	much	about	the	circuit’s	
behavior.	However,	looking	at	the	frequency	spectrum	of	this	circuit	I	can	deduce	that,	in	
order	 to	 successfully	 build	 this	 kind	 of	 circuit,	 one	 would	 have	 to	 design	 a	 microwave	
circuit,	due	to	the	very	short	wavelengths	being	produced.			
Figure	11:	Simulation	of	series	configuration	with	all	3	Cell’s
Figure	12:	Closer	look	at	waveforms	found	in	series	configuration	
Figure	13:	Simulation	of	series	configuration	with	all	3	Cell’s
Future	Work	
	 Due	 to	 time	 I	 was	 not	 able	 to	 test	 more	 circuits	 that	 would	 produce	 interesting	
emergent	behavior.	Figure	14,	shows	a	circuit	I	was	working	on	where	I	was	including	a	
pass-gate	that	would	be	switched	on	and	off	using	another	ring	oscillator.	I	would	like	to	
get	this	circuit	working	and	then	build	similar	circuits	and	test	different	configurations	to	
see	 what	 sorts	 of	 behaviors	 I	 may	 find.	 My	 goal	 for	 future	 research	 would	 be	 to	 find	 a	
potential	model	that	can	be	imbedded	onto	an	electronic	circuit	and	can	then	be	used	as	a	
potential	neural	prosthesis	to	help	treat	patients	with	epilepsy	or	to	build	better	computer	
architectures	 that	 resemble	 more	 closely	 to	 how	 our	 own	 brains	 compute	 and	 transfer	
Figure	14:	17-gate	RO	coupled	with	49-gate	RO	with	pass-gate
My	research	was	successful	in	that,	I	was	able	to	observe	emergent	behavior	found	
in	coupled	ring	oscillators	and	I	was	able	to	find	simple	building	blocks	that	can	be	used	to	
produce	more	symmetrical	and	complex	patterns.	In	addition,	I	gained	a	better	scope	of	the	
type	of	work	currently	being	done	in	the	scientific	community	and	what	kinds	challenges	
are	being	faced.	My	goals	for	future	research	are	to	build	more	sophisticated	neuromorphic	
circuits	and	to	find	new	ways	that	I	can	model	neural	communication.
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UG Research Final Report