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Escaping	the	public	health	fantasy	world	to	
confront	the	poli6cs	of	health	inequity	
Jim	Bloyd,	MPH	
Cook	County	Department	of	Public	Health	
Collabora6ve	for	Health	Equity	Cook	County	
September	6,	2016	Board	Mee6ng	
Health	and	Medicine	Policy	Research	Group	
Chicago,	Illinois
My	points…	
•  Neoliberal	context	dominant	in	Chicago,	
Illinois	&	USA	
•  Public	health	has	created	a	fantasy	(“fantasy	
paradigms”)	in	which	it	believes—against	the	
evidence--that	focus	on	behavior	change,	
medical	care,	and	‘downstream’	factors	will	
eliminate	health	inequi6es	
•  Opportuni6es	&	examples	exist	to	escape	the	
fantasy	&	live	up	to	our	charge	&	ethics
ScoZ-Samuel	&	Smith:	
“…while	it	can	be	poli6cally	expedient	for	
governments	to	engage	with	health	inequali6es,	
they	cannot,	within	the	confines	of	neo-liberalism,	
realis6cally	propose	ac6ons	that	evidence	suggests	
will	effec6vely	reduce	them	-	such	as	tackling	
power	inequali6es,	social	status	and	connec6ons	or	
class	inequality.”	
“…some	policy	actors	and	researchers	have	devised	
a	parallel	fantasy	world	in	which	proximal,	
downstream,	easily	tackled	exposures	are	posited	
as	poten6al	solu6ons	to	health	inequali6es.”	
ScoZ-Samuel	&	Smith	2015	p.1
RWJF	Overcoming	Obstacles	to	Health	 	WHO	CSDH	Report	
“Good	health	depends	on	personal	choice	
and	responsibility	.	.	.	.	Each	of	us	must	
make	a	commitment	to:	
“Social	injus6ce	is	killing	people	on	a	
grand	scale”	
Eat	a	healthy	diet	 “health	inequi6es…	are	caused	by	the	
unequal	distribu6on	of	power,	income,	
goods,	and	services,	globally	and	
na6onally,	the	consequent	unfairness	in	
the	immediate,	visible	circumstances	of	
people’s	lives”	
Physical	ac6vity	 “This	unequal	distribu6on	of	health	
damaging	experience	.	.	.	is	the	result	of	a	
toxic	combina6on	of	poor	social	policies	
and	programmes,	unfair	economic	
arrangements	and	bad	poli6cs.”	
Avoid	risky	behaviors	
Avoid	health	and	safety	hazards	at	home	
and	at	work	
Nurture	children”	
Source:	Marmot	&	Bell	(2011)
•  	the	answer	to	our	health	disadvantage	cannot	
be	solved	by	reforming	health	care	alone	or	by	
admonishing	Americans	to	adopt	healthier	
habits.	Rather,	the	social	and	fiscal	issues	that	
dominate	today’s	news	may	maZer	as	much	
or	even	more	to	our	health	than	any	cure	
medicine	can	render.	(Woolf	&	Aron	2016)
Public	health	is	poli6cal	
The	health	of	popula,ons	and	places	is	not	only	
under	the	control	of	individual	ci,zens	or	local	
communi,es,	but	it	is	also	subject	to	the	wider	
poli,cal	rela,ons	of	the	state,	the	economy	and	
society.	Further,	changing	society	is	only	
achievable	through	poli,cs	and	poli,cal	
Bambra	2016
The	policy	views	of	the	1%:	more	
conserva6ve	and	more	influen6al	
•  Page	et	al	(2013)	
Democracy	and	the	policy	
preferences	of	wealthy	
•  McElwee	(2016)	How	
Chicago's	White	Donor	
Class	Distorts	City	Policy.	
•  Gilens	(2012)	Affluence	
and	influence:	Economic	
inequality	and	poli,cal	
power	in	america
Disagreements	about	USA	Fed	Govt	Spending	
Levels	‘expand,’	‘cut	back,’	or	‘keep	the	same’	
-100	 -80	 -60	 -40	 -20	 0	 20	 40	 60	
Improve	infrastructure-
scien6fic	research	
aid	to	educa6on	
Jobs	programs	
Environmental	protec6on	
Homeland	security	
Health	care	
Food	stamps	
Social	Security	
Defense	spending	
Economic	aid	to	other	na6ons	
Farm	subsidies	
Cut	back	 Expand	
Bartels	&	
Collabora6ve	For	Health	Equity	Cook	
Page	et	al	2013	
0	 10	 20	 30	 40	 50	 60	 70	 80	 90	 100	
The	federal	government	should	
provide	jobs	for	everyone	able	
and	willing	to	work	who	cannot	
find	a	job	in	private	
Favor	na6onal	health	
insurance,	which	would	be	
financed	by	tax	money,	paying	
for	most	forms	of	health	care	
The	federal	government	should	
spend	whatever	is	necessary	to	
ensure	that	all	children	have	
really	good	public	schools	they	
can	go	to	
Collabora6ve	For	Health	Equity	Cook	
Affluence	and	Influence:	The	
“preference/policy	link”	(Gilens	2012)	
•  “…under	most	circumstances,	the	preferences	of	
the	vast	majority	of	Americans	appear	to	have	
essen6ally	no	impact	on	which	policies	the	
government	does	or	doesn’t	adopt.”	[loca6on	203]	
•  “When	less-well-off	Americans	hold	preferences	
that	diverge	from	those	of	the	affluent,	policy	
responsiveness	to	the	well-off	remains	strong	but	
responsiveness	to	lower-income	groups	all	but	
disappears.”	[Loca6on	285]	
Collabora6ve	For	Health	Equity	Cook	
When	we	fight,	We	win!	
Jobin-Leeds	&	AgitArte	2016		
The	New	Press.	New	York	
•  Movements	are	sources	of	lessons	
•  Trying	is	the	path	to	victory	
•  Winning	requires	a	“we”	
•  Transforma6ve	change,	in	the	face	of	powerful	
forces,	requires	a	fight	
•  We	win	our	own	personal	transforma6on	
•  Claiming	our	humanity	and	right	to	fight	is	a	win	
When	we	fight	we	win:	voices	of	cusng	edge	
leaders	addressing	root	causes	of	inequi6es	
Collabora6ve	For	Health	Equity	Cook	
Illinois	Tipped	Min	Wage	$4.95		(AllegreZo	&	Cooper	2014)
“The	right	to	search	
for	truth	implies	
also	a	duty;	one	
must	not	conceal	
any	part	of	what	
one	has	recognized	
to	be	true.”		
Albert	Einstein	
Source:	Na6onal	Academies	of	Sciences;	
Tsao	etal	2016;	Komro	etal	2016)
Customers	subsidize	businesses	in	US	two-6ered	
wage	system	AllegreZo	&	Cooper	(2014);	Jayaraman	(2016)		
NRA	Pres	Herman	Cain	1996	
US	Congress	
1996	Deal	Freezes	
Tipped	workers	wages
Chicago	Census	Tract	Income	Distribu6on	
Nolan	(2015)	Voorhees	Center
Nolan	(2015)	Voorhees	Center
Structural	Racism-20-24	year-olds	not	
working/in	school	(Great	Ci6es	Ins6tute	2016)
•	@CHECookCounty	
•  Spearheading	CCDPH	structural	racism-health	
inequi6es	priority	in	WePLAN2020	
•  17-Member	governing	Steering	CommiZee	
•  1	of	19	teams	in	the	US	Na6onal	
Collabora6ves	for	Health	Equity;	community	
of	prac6ce;	Brian	Smedley
CHE	Leadership	Development:	Video	applica6on	to	Robert	Wood	
Johnson	Founda6on	Culture	of	Health	available	at	hZps://
ICE	Measure	
Data & Map Prepared by: Jasmine Smith & Erika Marshall
Projection: NAD 1983 State Plane Illinois East
Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau, ACS 2014 5-Year Estimate;
Chicago Data Portal, Community Area boundaries 2015l;
CMAP, Municipality boundaries 2014
July 15, 2016
For CHE Cook County:
Index of Concentration at the Extremes (ICE)
Income by Census Tract in Cook County 2012
¯0 3.5 7 10.5 141.75
Ai = # Affluent Households
in Census Tract
(>=$100,000 Household Income)
Pi = # Poor Households
in Census Tract
(<$25,000 Household Income)
Ti = Total # Households
in Census Tract
-1 = 100% of Pop. Concentrated Deprivation
0 = Equal Concentration Deprivation/Privilege
1 = 100% of Pop. Concentrated Privilege
ICEi = (Ai - Pi)/Ti
ICE: Income
(in Quintiles)
-1.00 - -0.30
-0.31 - -0.11
-0.12 - 0.03
0.04 - 0.22
0.23 - 0.81
1.  Steeper	gradients	with	health	
inequity	in	NYC	than	typical	%	
poverty	measure	(Krieger	2016)	
2.  Focus	on	concentrated	
privilege	as	well	as	
3.  Can	jointly	measure	income	&	
race-ethnicity	segrea6on	
4.  Unlike	Gini	&	dissimilarity	
index,	has	meaning	at	small	
geographies	(Massey)	
5.  CHE	Cook	County	(Jasmine	
Smith;	Erika	Marshall),	
Thank	You	!				
@CHECookCounty	 	 	 	@CookCoHealth	
Jim	Bloyd,	MPH,	Regional	Health	Officer	
Cook	County	Department	of	Pubic	Health	
15900	S.	Cicero	Avenue	
Oak	Forest,	Illinois	60452	
Addi6onal	material	to	discuss--	6me	
•  Censorship/	Use	of	language	
•  Lack	of	explicitness	of	framework	
•  Lack	of	explicitness	of	values
Tes6ng	Fundamental	Cause	theory:	implica6ons	
for	ac6on	to	reduce	health	inequali6es	
ScoZ	etal	(2013)
Behavior	is	determined	by	social	factors	(Marmot	2007)
Behavior	is	determined	by	social	factors	
(Marmot	2007)
RWJF,	framing,	social	gradient	(Marmot	Bell	2011)
Life	Expectancy	Gradient	Cook	County
US	Policy	Choice:	Child	Poverty	Outlier	Marmot	(2007)
“We	in	health	care	need	to	do	a	beZer	job	of	
suppor6ng	efforts	for	preven6on	in	other	
sectors	–like	child	care,	educa6on,	housing,	and	
urban	planning—that	are	the	largest	
determinants	of	who	gets	sick	in	the	first	place.	
Doctors	and	other	clinicians	need	to	be	part	of	
that	work	and	be	involved	in	gesng	their	clinics	
to	do	more	to	address	social	determinants	of	
health.	They	need	tools,	examples	and	role	
models.”	Paula	Braveman	Manchanda	(2013)
“For	many	decades,	the	field	has	been	
constrained	by	self-imposed	limita6ons	and,	all	
too	o}en,	has	avoided	engagement	with	those	
who	challenge	complacency	and	exis6ng	power	
Amy	Fairchild	(Fairchild	etal	2010)
Health	Divides:	Where	you	live	can	kill	
you	(Bambra	2016)	
Place	both	creates	and	contains	social,	economic	
and	poli,cal	rela,ons	as	well	as	physical	
resources.	Spa,al	inequali,es	in	health	are	
therefore	a	result	of	a	complex	mix	of	economic,	
social,	environmental	and	poli,cal	processes-
coming	together	in	par,cular	places.
It	is	not	inequali,es	that	kill	people,	[…]it	is	
those	who	are	responsible	for	these	inequali,es	
that	kill	people.	
Vicente	Navarro	2009	(emphasis	in	the	original)
“The	result	[of	the	social	situa6on]	is	the	same	
as	if	twenty	or	thirty	thousand	of	these	people	
were	annually	taken	out	of	their	wretched	
dwelling	and	put	to	death.”		
Edwin	Chadwick,	Commissioner	of	the	Board	of	Health	of	Great	Britain	(1848-1854)	
(Chernomas	&	Hudson	2009)
•  All	socie6es	are	stra6fied	along	lines	of	
ethnicity,	race,	gender,	educa6on,	occupa6on,	
income,	and	class.	Health	inequi6es	result	
from	unequal	distribu6on	of	power,	pres6ge,	
and	resources	among	groups	in	society.	Marmot	2007
Commission	on	the	Social	Determinants	of	
Health	Conceptual	Framework	(WHO	Solar	&	Irwin	2010)
AllegreZo,	S.	A.,	&	Cooper,	D.	(2014).	Twenty-three	years	and	s,ll	wai,ng	for	change:	Why	it's	,me	to	give	,pped	workers	the	regular	minimum	wage	(p.	27).	Washington,	DC:	Economic	Policy	
Ins6tute.	(Original	work	published	July	10,	2014)	Retrieved	from	hZp://,	C.	(2016).	Health	divides:	Where	you	live	can	kill	you.	
Bristol,	UK:	Policy	Press	
Chernomas,	R.,	&	Hudson,	I.	(2009).	Social	murder	and	conserva6ve	economics.	Criminal	Jus,ce	MaVers,	77(1),	2-3.	doi:10.1080/09627250903138852	
Fairchild,	A.	L.,	Rosner,	D.,	Colgrove,	J.,	Bayer,	R.,	&	Fried,	L.	P.	(2010).	The	EXODUS	of	public	health.	What	history	can	tell	us	about	the	future.	American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	100(1),	54-63.	doi:
Fafard,	P.	(2008).	Evidence	and	healthy	public	policy	insights	from	health	and	poli,cal	sciences.	OZawa,	Ont.:	Canadian	Policy	Research	Networks.	Retrieved	from	Na6onal	Collabora6ng	Centre	for	
Healthy	Public	Policy:	hZp://	
Gilens,	M.	(2012).	Affluence	and	influence	:	Economic	inequality	and	poli,cal	power	in	america.	Princeton,	N.J:	Princeton	University	Press	;	New	York	:	Russell	Sage	Founda6on.	
Internal	Revenue	Services.	Schedule	H	Form	990.	(n.d.).	Schedule	H	form	990.	[Pamphlet)	
Jayaraman,	S.	(2016).	Forked:	A	new	standard	for	american	dining.	New	York,	NY:	Oxford	
Komro,	K.	A.,	Livingston,	M.	D.,	Markowitz,	S.,	&	Wagenaar,	A.	C.	(2016).	The	effect	of	an	increased	minimum	wage	on	infant	mortality	and	birth	weight.	American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	106(8),	
1514-6.	doi:10.2105/AJPH.2016.30326	
Krieger,	etal.	(2016).	Public	health	monitoring	of	privilege	and	depriva6on	with	the	index	of	concentra6on	at	the	extremes.	American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	106(2),	256-263.	doi:10.2105/AJPH.
Manchanda,	R.	(2013).	The	US	health	disadvantage	and	clinicians:	An	interview	with	paula	braveman.	Health	affairs	blog	[Web	page].	Retrieved	from	
Marmot,	M.	(2007).	Achieving	health	equity:	From	root	causes	to	fair	outcomes.	Lancet,	370(9593),	1153-1163.	doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(07)61385-	
Marmot,	M.,	&	Bell,	R.	(2011).	Improving	health:	Social	determinants	and	personal	choice.	American	Journal	of	Preven,ve	Medicine,	40(1S1),	S73-S77.	doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2010.10.01	
Massey,	D.	(2001).	The	prodigal	paradigm	returns:	Ecology	comes	back	to	sociology.	.	In	Does	it	take	a	village?	Community	effects	on	children,	adolescents,	and	families.Booth	A,	crouter	A,	editors	
(pp.	41-48).	New	Jersey:	Lawrence	Erlbaum	Associates.	
McElwee,	S.	(2016).	How	chicago's	white	donor	class	distorts	city	policy.	Retrieved	from	hZp://	
Na6onal	Academies	of	Sciences	(2016)	hZp://	
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Navarro,	V.	(2009).	What	we	mean	by	social	determinants	of	health.	Interna,onal	Journal	of	Health	Services	:	Planning,	Administra,on,	Evalua,on,	39(3),	423-41	
Nolan,	L.	(2015).	A	deepening	divide:	Income	inequality	grows	spa6ally	in	chicago.	Retrieved	from	
Page,	B.,	Bartels,	L.,	&	Seawright,	J.	(2013).	Democracy	and	the	policy	preferences	of	wealthy	americans.	Perspec,ves	on	Poli,cs,	11(01),	51-73.	doi:10.1017/S153759271200360	
Robert	Wood	Johnson	Founda6on.	Overcoming	Obstacles	to	Health:	report	from	the	Robert	Wood	Johnson	Founda6on	to	the	Commission	to	Build	a	Healthier	America.	Princeton	NJ:	Robert	
Wood	Johnson	Founda6on,	2008.	
Singh,	S.	R.,	Young,	G.	J.,	Daniel	Lee,	S.	-Y.,	Song,	P.	H.,	&	Alexander,	J.	A.	(2015).	Analysis	of	hospital	community	benefit	expenditures’	alignment	with	community	health	needs:	Evidence	from	a	
na6onal	inves6ga6on	of	tax-exempt	hospitals.	American	Journal	of	Public	Health,	105(5),	914-921	
ScoZ,	S.,	Curnock,	E.,	Mitchell,	R.,	Robinson,	M.,	Taulbut,	M.,	Tod,	E.,	&	McCartney,	G.	(2013).	What	would	it	take	to	eradicate	health	inequali,es?	Tes,ng	the	fundamental	causes	theory	of	health	
inequali,es	in	scotland.	NHS	Health	Scotland	
Solar,	O.,	&	Irwin,	A.	(2010).	A	conceptual	framework	for	ac,on	on	the	social	determinants	of	health.	Social	determinants	of	health	discussion	paper	2	(policy	and	prac,ce)	Geneva:	World	Health	
Tsao,	T.	Y.,	Konty,	K.	J.,	Van	Wye,	G.,	Barbot,	O.,	Hadler,	J.	L.,	Linos,	N.,	&	BasseZ,	M.	T.	(2016).	Es6ma6ng	poten6al	reduc6ons	in	premature	mortality	in	new	york	city	from	raising	the	minimum	
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